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Drug Study Gabapentin

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Prescribed dosage, Mechanism

frequency, route of Of Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction
administration Action
100mg 1 cap PO Gabapentin is an Adjunctive therapy in Adverse Reactions Instruct patient to
BRAND NAME: anti-epileptic treatment of partial take medication at
Gralise, nuerontin medication, also seizures with or CNS: Agitation, altered
least 2 hr after taking
called an without secondary Hypersensitivity of proprioception,
Generic name: anticonvulsant. It generalization in gabapentin or its amnesia, anxiety,
gabapentin affects chemicals patients above 12 components apathy, aphasia, Explain that missed
and nerves in the years with epilepsy;
asthenia, ataxia, dose should be taken
CLASSIFICATIONS: body that are adjunctive therapy for
Anticonvulsant cerebellar dysfunction, as soon as
involved in theca partial seizures in
use of seizures and children 3 to 12 years; chills, CNS tumors, remembered but
some types of pain. management of post decreased or absent that 2 doses should
Gabapentin is used herpetic neuralgia in reflexes, delusions, not be taken
alone or in adult depersonalization, together.
combination with depression,
other medications Instruct patient to
disappearance of aura,
to treat seizures call health care
dizziness, dream
caused by epilepsy provider if at least 2
in adults and disturbances,
doses are missed.
children who are at dysesthesia, dystonia,
least 12 years old. emotional liability, Instruct patient to
Gabapentin is also euphoria, facial report the following
used with other paralysis, fatigue, fever, symptoms to health
medications to treat care provider:
partial seizures in excessive fatigue or
children who are 3 headache, hemiplegia,
weakness, dizziness,
to12 years old. hostility, hyperkinesia,
Gabapentin is also hyperreflexia, incoordination,
used in adults to hypoesthesia, tremor or other
treat nerve pain hypotonia, intracranial symptoms of CNS
caused by herpes hemorrhage, lack of depression, change
virus or shingles coordination, malaise, in normal behavior,
(herpes zoster), and migraine headache, weight gain, back
to treat restless legs movement disorder, pain, alterations in GI
syndrome. system.
nervousness, occipital
neuralgia, paranoia,
paresis, paresthesia,
positive Babinski's sign,
psychosis, sedation,
seizures, somnolence,
stupor, subdural
hematoma, suicidal
ideation, syncope,
tremor, vertigo

CV: Angina,
hypotension, murmur,
palpitations, peripheral
edema, peripheral
vascular insufficiency,
tachy- cardia,

EENT: Abnormal vision,

cataracts, conjunctivitis,
diplopia, dry eyes and
mouth, earache,
epistaxis, eye
hemorrhage, eye pain,
gingival bleeding,
gingivitis, glossitis,
hearing loss,
hoarseness, increased
salivation, inner ear
infection, loss of taste,
nystagmus, pharyngitis,
photophobia, ptosis
(bilateral or unilateral),
rhinitis, sensation of
fullness in ears,
stomatitis, taste

perversion, tinnitus,
tooth discoloration.
visual field defects

ENDO: Breast
hypertrophy, blood

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