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International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 13 Number 2, 2017

© 2017 INASED 18

Comparison of Science-Technology-Society Approach and Textbook Oriented Instruction on

Students’ Abilities to Apply Science Concepts

Hasan Ozgur Kapici i

Yildiz Technical University

Hakan Akcay ii
Yildiz Technical University

Robert E. Yager iii

University of Iowa

It is important for students to learn concepts and using them for solving problems and further learning.
Within this respect, the purpose of this study is to investigate students’ abilities to apply science
concepts that they have learned from Science-Technology-Society based approach or textbook
oriented instruction. Current study is based on quantitative research methodology. The participants of
the study are 609 students. Science classes were designed based on STS approach curriculum for 301
students, which is called as experimental group and textbook oriented instruction was followed with
308 students as a control group. The students were from sixth grade to ninth grade (age 12-15). The
Iowa Assessment Handbook for the Chautauqua Program was used to collect data. The mean
differences, standard divisions and t-values were calculated and used to assess pre- and post-test
results. The results indicate that students, who experienced STS based curriculum through one full
semester, are able to apply basic science concepts to new situations meaningfully better than students
who exposed to textbook oriented instruction.

Keywords: Science-Technology-Society, textbooks oriented instruction, middle school students,

science concepts

Hasan Ozgur Kapici Res. Asst., Faculty of Education, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul,
Correspondence: hokapici@yildiz.edu.tr

Hakan Akcay Assoc. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Education, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul,
Turkey, E-mail: hakcay@yildiz.edu.tr

Robert E. Yager Prof. Dr., College of Education, University of Iowa, USA, E-mail: robert-
International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 13 Number 2, 2017
© 2017 INASED 19


One of the central goals of science education is to enable individuals to be educated as

scientifically literate people with an understanding of the nature of science and technology and their
interconnectedness with the society (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
1993; Ministry of National Education, 2013; National Research Council (NRC), 1996; Yalvac,
Tekkaya, Cakiroglu, & Kahyaoglu, 2007). National Research Council (1996) explains scientific
literacy as enabling people to use scientific principles and processes in making personal decisions and
to participate in discussions of scientific issues that affect society (p. ix). In other words, scientific
literacy improves many skills that people use in daily life such as being able to solve socio-scientific
problems creatively, thinking critically, working cooperatively in teams and using technology
effectively (Mbajiorgu & Ali, 2003).

There is a consensus among science educators that scientific literacy is a beneficial and useful
concept which must be achieved. In the study by Laugksch (2000), it was investigated that why
scientific literacy is so crucial. The benefits of it were categorized into two sections, which are macro
and micro views. Whereas the macro view is introduced as the effects of scientific literacy on
community, science and society, the micro view is defined as impacts of it on individuals. The first
common view of macro effects of scientific literacy is about its impact on the economy of a nation.
The economic productivity of a society is related to the scientific and technological skills of people.
Only nations whose citizens possess an appropriate level of scientific literacy might be able to use
science and technology in order to develop new high-technology products for contributing economic
well-being of their nation. Another claim suggests that people with higher scientific literacy in the
community enable science to be supported by most of people in that society. Public support for
science is important since science, technology and society are interconnected with each other and
developments in each of these depend on support among themselves. The more the public understands
about the objectives, processes and capabilities of science, the less likely the public will be to acquire
unrealistic and unrealizable expectations of science (Laugksch, 2000, p. 85). The other effect of
scientific literate people is on science policymaking process with their qualified decision-making.
Scientific literacy enables individuals to make better decisions than made in the absence of such an
ability, that’s why successful science policies will be developed and supported in such a community.
The last argument is the relation between science and culture. The isolation of science from culture of
a society may cause people to understand science improperly and this process might finish with
individuals’ negative feelings and attitudes toward science. In order to deal with this kind of a
situation, scientific literacy of public can be supported since it might counteract such a perceived bad
image of science among people generally.

However, achieving scientific literacy is not an easy task and requires time. Teaching more
scientific facts or increasing the number of laboratory and hands-on activities in science classes are
not enough to increase students’ scientific literacy (Glynn & Muth, 1994). The NRC (1996) and
AAAS (1993) advocate that teaching and learning of science must be more than a simple transmittal
of scientific facts, figures and processes. Science instruction should be multi dimensional. It should
involve conceptual understanding and their applications in real life contexts, gaining skills like
science process skills and also should emphasize nature science. The importance of being able to
understand, comprehend and explain the fundamental scientific concepts in a meaningful way is the
heart of science literacy (Glynn & Muth, 1994). In this respect, teachers have crucial roles because
they are firstly responsible for developing their students’ such kind of skills. Teachers should be
educated about how they can help their students to have such abilities. For this reason, several
professional development programs were developed, one of them is the Iowa Chautauqua Program.
The Chautauqua Program was supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to the
National Science Teacher Association (NSTA), which was developed in 1983 to study a teacher
education model for stimulating reform in science classrooms. The program began in Iowa with 30
teachers enrolled in the program at one center and up to 230 teachers enrolled in five centers across
the State during 1980s and 1990s. Over 4,000 teachers were enrolled over the past three decades.
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© 2017 INASED 20

The Iowa Chautauqua program identified six important domains for developing instructional
goals and assessing successes in meeting them. The first one is Concept Domain which is related with
content knowledge and conceptual understanding. The second domain is Process Domain which is
mainly related with science process skills. The third domain is Application Domain, in which students
should apply the concepts and process that they gained in new contexts. The next domain is Creativity
Domain that usually focuses on students’ self-explanations and views, students initiated questions and
their qualities. Another domain is Attitude Domain. In this one, it is aimed that developing more
positive attitudes toward science, scientists and science teachers and science related careers. The last
domain is World-View Domain which is related with schools’ roles in order to assist students to
understand the nature of science and practice the basic components such as questioning, explaining,
and testing objects and events in the natural world (Enger & Yager 2001, 2009; Yager & Akcay,

In this study, instructional goals about Application Domain of the program were investigated.
In this domain, it is crucial to determine in which extent students can transfer, use and apply
effectively that they have learned in new contexts, especially in daily life events. Understanding the
concepts or processes superficially is not enough in this domain, so students must show applications
by applying the concepts into concrete and new situations. Problem solving or learning a new material
based on the knowledge gained through previous courses are some examples of application domain at
schools. Indeed, the Application Domain may be assumed as the most important one because it shows
that students may use their knowledge to solve new problems and may apply the concepts in new
contexts. This proves that if a student understands the concepts deeply, then s/he achieves these
applications. Within this respect, some dimensions of the Application Domain can be summarized as
using critical thinking skills, solving problems in daily life or in technological devices or
technological problems through using conceptual understanding and skills, making meaningful
decisions about personal health, nutrition and life style based on scientific concepts rather than on
hearsay or emotions and understanding the relation between science, technology and society. Because
the applications of science have impacts on developments in technology, it seems inappropriate to
separate ‘pure’ or ‘academic’ science from technology. That’s why; science and technology are
interconnected and together has an effect on society.

1. Science -Technology - Society Approach

The National Science Teachers Association defines Science-Technology-Society (STS) as the
teaching and learning of science and technology in the context of human experiences (NSTA, 1991).
Mbajiorgu and Ali (2003) summarize the purposes of STS approach based on the studies in the
literature (e.g. Bingle & Gasket, 1994; Fourez, 1995) as developing decision-making and problem
solving skills of pupils in order to deal with socio-scientific issues, which they encounter. In STS
perspective, teachers try to develop their students’ ability to understand the events around them in a
scientific perspective, its reflections on technological dimensions and the relation of these within
society (Aikenhead, 1997). The central goal of STS education is to promote the development of an
informed and responsible citizenry that is a requirement for human adaptation to the highly
industrialized social life (Yalvac et al., 2007, p. 332). Aikenhead (1986) advocates that STS programs
involve social issues related to scientific community’s itself (e.g. history and nature of science,
epistemology), other social topics which are not directly related to scientific community (e.g. socio-
scientific issues) and science content knowledge (e.g. physics, chemistry and biology). These three
aspects can be integrated with each other in different ways and in different degrees by science
teachers in science classrooms (Mbajiorgu & Ali, 2003). Yager (1993) explains STS teaching as
beginning with real world issues and concerns that are relevant to personal lives of students. Students
focus on to analyze and to solve the problems by exploration of possible solutions. Students may work
in groups or individually through the process in order to make meaningful decisions with the help of
science and technology.

The STS effort is based on the constructivist learning theory (Brooks & Brooks, 1999; Yager,
1991) that emphasizes prior knowledge of students and their own previous interpretations of nature.
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© 2017 INASED 21

Constructivist teaching requires a learner-oriented environment where the teacher acts as a guide and
co-learner. Due to the fact that STS uses the constructivist perspective for learning, students initiate
questions, participate in discussions and research actions and practice decision making through social
interactions (Yager, 1996, 2000). STS is also a major focus in other areas of the curriculum,
especially the social studies, mathematics and the applied fields.

In related literature, there are many studies about STS approach. For example, Mbajiorgu and
Ali (2003) investigated the relations between STS approach, scientific literacy and achievement. In
another study done by Tsai (2000), he designed a research to examine the impacts of STS approach on
high school students’ cognitive outcomes. Similar study was done McClure and Bell (1990) in order
to understand STS approach instruction on cognitive structure of pre-service teachers. Also there are
studies which investigate the correlation between STS approach and constructivism such as Cho
(2002) and Tsai (1999).

2. Aim of Research
There are several studies in literature which investigate the effects of STS teaching approach
on students learning in some domains, change in students’ beliefs about attitudes toward science
(Akcay, Yager, Iskander & Turgut, 2010; Amirshokoohi, 2016; Vazquez-Alonso, Garcia-Carmona,
Manassero-Mas, & Benassar-Roig, 2013), students’ learning outcomes and successes (Akcay &
Akcay, 2015; Akcay & Yager, 2010). The difference between current study and the others is that it is
aimed to investigate students’ abilities to apply science concepts learned through STS based or
textbook oriented instructions in different contexts. The goal is to examine if there is any effect of the
STS approach on using scientific knowledge in different situations. Another goal is to determine if
there are any significant differences between STS and textbook oriented instructions with respect to
students’ genders, grade levels and successes in science classes.


The study is based on quantitative research methodology which is used to explain phenomena,
attitudes, opinions and behaviors or other defined variables by collecting numerical data that are
analyzed using statistically based methods (Aliaga & Gunderson, 2000). Owing to the fact that
questionnaires enable to reach large number of participants, they are one of the fundamental data
collection instruments in this kind of research method.

1. Participants
A total of 609 students were participants of the study. 301 of students were in the
experimental group in which the STS approach was used and the other 308 students were in a
textbook oriented group as a control group. Table 1 shows the descriptive information about the
participants of study. Participants are from six different public schools from Midwest part of the USA.
The classes were assigned as experimental or control groups randomly. The teachers of the groups
were their own teachers.

Table 1. Descriptive information about participants

Grade Experimental Group Control Group Female Male
6 77 25,6% 81 26,3% 80 26% 78 25,8%
7 77 25,6% 76 24,7% 79 25,7% 74 24,5%
8 76 25,2% 75 24,3% 75 24,4% 76 25,1%
9 71 23,6% 76 24,7% 73 23,7% 74 24,5%
Total 301 49,5% 308 50,5% 307 50,4% 302 49,6%

2. Instruments
The part of application domain in assessing student understanding in science was used to
collect data, which was developed by Enger and Yager (2009). The instruments involve student
response sheets and teacher tabulation sheets. Directions about using the instruments were provided
International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 13 Number 2, 2017
© 2017 INASED 22

for teachers as they construct instruments suitable for the Application Domain. The study lasted for 9

A quasi-experimental design was used in the study. Students in the experimental group
followed STS approach and in control group, textbook-oriented approach was used. Table 2 indicates
the differences between STS approach and textbook oriented science teaching program in terms of the
Application Domain. The same student response sheet and teacher evaluation form were used for pre-
and post-tests. While the pre-tests were given at the beginning of study, post-test were given at the
end of the study.

Table 2. Contrast between STS approach and textbook oriented programs in terms of application
STS Approach Textbook Oriented Approach
Students try to solve problems that are Teacher does not try to connect the topic
relevant to their daily lives with daily life
Students become involved in resolving Students feel no responsibility for resolving
social issues and see science as a way of current societal problems
fulfilling their responsibilities as citizens
Students seek out information and use it in Students can recite information/concepts
order to solve the problems
Students are able to follow the Students cannot relate the science they
developments in technology and able to see study to any current technology
the relation between scientific concepts and
technological progression.
Teaching does not only take place at school Learning is contained in a classroom for a
but also supported with informal learning series of periods over the school year
environments like science centers and
science museums.
Students in science class wonder about Science class focuses on what has been
what the future might be like. previously known
Students are prompted to enjoy and gain There is little concern for the use of
experience through learning process. information beyond the classroom and
performance on tests

3. Data Analysis
The data has been analyzed quantitatively by means and standard divisions. SPSS package
program was used to analyze the data. The differences of mean values were tested by using dependent
t-tests. The mean differences, standard divisions and t-values were calculated and used to assess pre-
tests and post-tests results.


Table 3 indicates comparisons of the differences for application of concepts and principles
between students who were in the STS classrooms and those in textbook-oriented classrooms.
According to the findings, there are no significant differences between STS oriented classes and
textbook oriented classes on the pre-test scores except for the six grade students’ pre-test result.
Meaningful differences were found between the two teaching approaches on the post-test scores for
applications of concepts from grade six to grade nine. Students in the STS classes showed
significantly greater growth in terms of application of concepts. The data also indicates that students’
abilities for application of science concepts are better in STS classrooms when compared to textbook-
oriented classrooms.
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© 2017 INASED 23

Table 3. Comparisons between STS and textbook-oriented students on their ability to apply science
STS Oriented
Grade Application n Mean SD n Mean SD t p
Pre-test 77 1.69 .8 81 1.35 .8 6.64 .01*
6 Post-test 77 5.89 2.7 81 2.23 1.0 133.22 .00*
Pre-test 77 2.12 .9 76 1.80 1.2 3.40 .06
7 Post-test 77 6.23 2.3 76 2.56 1.3 148.84 .00*
Pre-test 76 2.03 1.0 75 1.97 1.1 4.21 .07
8 Post-test 76 5.70 2.6 75 2.70 1.5 78.26 .00*
Pre-test 71 1.65 .7 76 1.66 .8 7.09 .08
9 Post-test 71 5.25 2.2 76 2.32 1.0 111.00 .00*

Male students were compared based on before and after instruction involving application
concepts with respect to the STS and textbook-oriented approaches. Table 4 indicates comparisons of
the pre- and post-test average scores. No significant differences were found on the pre-test scores for
the two groups except for six grade students. Male students showed significant differences between
the two teaching approaches on the post-test scores for application of concepts from sixth grade
through ninth grade. Male students at classes in which taught with an STS approach were able to
apply more science concepts and principles when compared to students at classes where a textbook-
oriented approach was used.

Table 4. Comparisons between male STS students and their textbook-oriented counterparts and their
ability to apply science concepts
STS (Males) Textbook-Oriented
Grade Application n Mean SD n Mean SD t p
Pre-test 36 1.64 1.0 42 1.21 .8 4.20 .04*
6 Post-test 36 5.97 2.8 42 2.10 1.0 70.84 .00*
Pre-test 37 2.03 1.0 37 1.68 1.2 1.98 .17
7 Post-test 37 5.97 2.4 37 2.43 1.3 64.21 .00*
Pre-test 39 1.97 1.1 37 1.51 1.1 3.38 .07
8 Post-test 39 5.38 2.6 37 2.46 1.5 35.52 .00*
Pre-test 35 1.60 .8 39 1.28 1.0 2.47 .12
9 Post-test 35 5.03 2.0 39 2.08 1.1 61.63 .00*

Similarly, female students were compared based on before and after instruction of application
concepts with respect to the STS and textbook-oriented approaches. Table 5 indicates comparisons of
the pre- and post-test average scores. No significant differences were found on pre-test scores for the
two groups regarding application concepts. Meaningful differences were found between the two
teaching approaches on the post-test scores for application concepts across six grade through ninth
grade. Female students in classes taught with an STS approach were able to apply scientific concepts
in new situations when compared to students who were taught with a textbook-oriented approach.

Table 5. Comparisons between female STS students and their textbook-oriented counterparts and
their ability to apply science concepts
STS (Female) Textbook-Oriented
Grade Application n Mean SD n Mean SD t p
Pre-test 41 1.73 .7 39 1.49 .8 2.13 .15
6 Post-test 41 5.83 2.6 39 2.39 1.0 60.64 .00*
International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 13 Number 2, 2017
© 2017 INASED 24

Pre-test 40 2.20 .8 39 1.92 1.2 1.47 .23

7 Post-test 40 6.48 2.2 39 2.72 1.3 85.21 .00*
Pre-test 37 2.08 .9 38 1.82 1.2 1.17 .28
8 Post-test 37 6.03 2.5 38 2.90 1.5 44.09 .00*
Pre-test 36 1.69 .7 37 1.43 .7 2.56 .11
9 Post-test 36 5.47 2.3 37 2.57 .9 50.13 .00*

Table 6 indicates comparisons of pre- and post-test average scores for high achieving students
concerning application of concepts in STS oriented classes and textbook oriented classes. High
achieving students were defined as students who earned grades either of A or B in their coursework in
both classes. There were no significant differences on pre-test scores involving all the groups except
six grade. Significant differences were also found between the two teaching approaches on the post-
test scores for application of concepts across six grade through ninth grade. High achieving students
in classes taught with an STS approach could apply more science concepts when compared to students
in classes taught with a textbook-oriented approach.

Table 6. Comparisons between the STS high achieving students and their textbook oriented
counterparts involving their ability to apply science concepts
STS Textbook-Oriented
Grade Application n Mean SD n Mean SD t p
Pre-test 33 2.36 .5 31 1.97 .6 9.35 .00*
6 Post-test 33 8.48 1.8 31 3.07 .7 234.60 .00*
Pre-test 32 2.72 .7 31 2.55 1.1 .56 .46
7 Post-test 32 8.31 1.5 31 3.58 1.1 209.97 .00*
Pre-test 30 2.77 .7 28 2.46 1.0 1.84 .18
8 Post-test 30 8.38 1.8 28 3.79 1.4 112.28 .00*
Pre-test 27 2.19 .8 33 2.02 1.3 6.11 .06
9 Post-test 27 7.56 1.5 33 3.15 .6 242.43 .00*

Average scores for low achieving students were also compared in this study. Table 7 indicates
comparisons of pre- and post-test average scores for low achieving students concerning application of
concepts in STS oriented classes as well as textbook oriented classes. Students who earned a grade of
C or lower in science classes or who were less interested and less motivated in a science classroom
were defined as ‘low ability’.

Table 7. Comparisons between the STS low achieving students and their textbook-oriented
counterparts and their ability to apply science concepts
STS Textbook-Oriented
Grade Application n Mean SD n Mean SD t p
Pre-test 44 1.18 .7 50 .96 .7 2.28 .13
6 Post-test 44 3.96 1.0 50 1.72 .8 145.31 .00*
Pre-test 45 1.69 .8 45 1.29 .9 4.59 .03
7 Post-test 45 4.76 1.4 45 1.89 .9 128.37 .00*
Pre-test 46 1.54 .9 47 1.19 1.0 3.42 .07
8 Post-test 46 3.98 1.1 47 2.02 1.1 76.46 .00*
Pre-test 44 1.32 .6 43 1.24 1.2 4.11 .06
9 Post-test 44 3.84 1.1 43 1.67 .8 118.32 .00*

No significant differences were found on pre-test scores between the two low achieving
groups. However, significant differences were found between the two teaching approaches on the
post-test scores concerning application of concepts across six grade through ninth grade. Low ability
International Journal of Progressive Education, Volume 13 Number 2, 2017
© 2017 INASED 25

students in classes taught with an STS approach were able to apply more science concepts and
principles when compared to students in classes taught with a textbook-oriented approach.


The comparisons of STS approach and textbook-oriented instruction for using scientific
knowledge on solving problems and conceptual understanding were investigated in current study.
Furthermore, in order to understand the effects of the STS approach in detail, analyzes were done with
respect to students’ genders, grade levels and successes.

The results from this study indicate that students, who experienced STS strategies in science
classes from six grade to ninth grade through one full semester, are more successful about applying
basic science concepts to new situations meaningfully better than students who were taught by a
textbook-oriented approach. In another study done by Yager and Akcay (2008), fifty two middle
school students were compared with respect to two different teaching approaches, one of which is
STS and the other one is textbook based instruction. Students who exposed to STS approach learned
basic concepts and applied science concepts in new situations better than the students who studies
science in a more traditional way. Yager, Choi, Yager and Akcay (2009) also designed a study to
investigate the impacts of STS approach in six domains, which are concept, process, application,
creativity, attitude and wordview. According to the findings of study, no difference in results at any
grade level in the concept domain was reached. On the other hand, significant differences were found
in the other five domains. Using scientific knowledge in different contexts is also one of the important
characteristics of a scientifically literate person since it requires an individual to apply scientific
knowledge in life related problems (Bybee & McCrae, 2011). It is an indispensible fact that society
creates needs and scientists seek to identify, prioritize and generate solutions for those needs (Sadler
& Zeidler, 2005, p. 72). Applying science concepts to real-world problems helps students to gain
deeper understanding of content and fosters critical thinking skills needed by them to become
productive members of society (Jones, 2012, p. 69).

STS strategies involve student ideas and include consideration of multiple points of views,
collaborative inquiry and problem solving. All these promote instruction in a constructivist
atmosphere for learning and teaching that of science learning and experiences in the lives of students.
There are many instructional advantages for placing students in situations where they must share
information cooperatively, present their perspective of issues being studied and achieve group
solutions regarding the issues (Eryaman & Genc, 2010). The implications of these processes affect
both science teaching and learning by students. It is also interesting that most of students’ confidence
for solving personal, local and global problems were developed. In related literature, there are also
studies which have similar conclusions. For instance, Chantaranima and Yuenyong (2014) concluded
their study that students’ analytical thinking skills were developed by STS approach. In another study
done with 101 tenth grade students by Tsai (2000), he found that cognitive structure outcomes of STS
oriented students outperformed than the students in traditional group.

This study does not provide comparative data for male and female students. Gender difference
was investigated separately and it was concluded that when both male and female students learn
science by using STS approach, they use much more process and creativity skills and more able to
apply science concepts in new situations.

It was also observed that students even low achieving ones in STS group extended science
beyond the classroom and school; they were more involved with their studies and continued to learn
more. It was reached that STS approach is also beneficial for low achieving students in science classes
as evidenced by this study.
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© 2017 INASED 26

Conclusion and Suggestions

STS is a reform effort that includes student interests, ideas, problem identification and
problem resolutions. This study also supported that when students exposed to be more active and
faced with daily life related issues more through learning process, they become more successful. The
most impressive conclusion of current study is students can use the information and skills on their
own in new situations. This suggests that student involvement with real world problems should be
encouraged much more by different strategies as STS approach.

Based on the results of this study, there are mainly two groups for whom suggestions can be
made, one of which is in-service science teachers. They should use STS strategies in their science
classes, such as, associating a problem with daily life, promoting inquiry science teaching strategies
for students, enabling students to study collaboratively, emphasizing the relations between science
and technology and the effects of these on society. Such efforts will enable them to de-emphasize
such methods which only require following directions and getting results that verify what the book
and teacher reported that would happen. For these reasons, in-service teachers should be prompted to
attend professional development programs like Iowa Chautauqua Program. The other group is teacher
educators and curriculum developers who prepare individuals to be science teachers for future careers.
They should teach students how they can take advantage of the STS approach in their classes. In
teaching practice courses, they should enable their students to use STS based instruction and evaluate
them to become better teachers. Teacher education programs should consist of courses which involve
theoretical and practical foundations of the STS approach.


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