018LLI DelaCruz JP PDF
018LLI DelaCruz JP PDF
018LLI DelaCruz JP PDF
Abstract: A 7-week learning module was developed intended mainly for Grade 7 and 8 students who
need a beginning knowledge of scientific writing. This module puts Inquiry as the heart of learning
sciences and aims to support students understanding of sciences by providing them with
opportunities to independently investigate through both research and experimentation. The use of
open, student-led investigations alongside scaffolded teaching of research skills and the integration
of science process skills allowed students to learn what it means to do science, solve problems and
develop thinking skills. This experimental science module emphasized the use of the scientific
method in performing an investigation by experimentation (inquiry-based learning) to develop
critical thinking and science process skills. The students were given the opportunity to design and
execute experiments in a strategic and unified manner. As they go through their investigations they
were expected to master different Integrated Science Process Skills. To culminate their learning in
this module, the students were required to write a full science report. This study utilized a
research-validated paper-and-pencil test for assessing integrated science process skills developed by
Kazeni (2005). The test is consist of 30 multiple choice items that are content independent; and
gender, race, school type and location neutral. Comparing pre-test and post-test scores, 66% of the
students learned positively from the module. Item analysis of the test scores showed improvement
in the different integrated science process skills: 8% in identifying variables, 11% in stating
hypothesis, 16% in operationally defining variables, 8% in graphing and interpreting data, and 14%
in designing experiments. T-test for paired samples further revealed that students scored
significantly improved after going through the module.
Key Words: Inquiry-based Learning; Science Process Skills; Science Investigations
A holistic view of 21st century teaching and
learning focuses on the discrete combination of 21st
century student outcomes (a blending of specific
skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies)
with innovative support systems to help students
master the multi-dimensional abilities required of
them in the 21st century and beyond (Pacific Policy
Research Center, 2010).
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol. 3 2015
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol. 3 2015
Development of the Experimental Science Module
This experimental science module was
developed to help students understand the basic
aspects of scientific inquiry and to provide students
with an opportunity to practice and refine their
critical-thinking skills. Middle school science class
offer an ideal setting for integrating many areas of
student interest. This module enables students to
participate in activities that integrate inquiry
science, physics, chemistry and biology. The context
of the modules classroom lessons is engaging, and
the science process skills gained can be applied
immediately to students courseworks and laboratory
Two experimental science classes consisted
of 41 students were exposed to various science
investigations chosen by the teacher. Each class
followed a 7-week researcher-developed curriculum
and meets 7 periods in week. This experimental
science module emphasizes the use of the scientific
method in performing an investigation by
experimentation (inquiry-based learning) to develop
critical thinking and science process skills of the
student. The students are given the opportunity to
design and execute varied experiments in a strategic
and unified manner. As students go through their
investigations they are expected to master different
Science Process Skills such as Identifying and
Operational Definitions, Graphing and Interpreting
Data, and Experimental Design. Students were
required to submit a comprehensive written report
for each science investigation they performed.
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol. 3 2015
M = %Post - %Pre
(Eq. 1)
M= Percentage of Mastery; Learning occurred
%Post= Percentage of students who are correct in the
%Pre= Percentage of students who are wrong in the
Students proficiency levels were also interpreted
as follows:
developing proficiency,
proficient , and
advanced proficiency.
Positive learning was determined by computing
the percentage of students who improved their
integrated science process test after they underwent
through the module.
The mean of students pre-test and post-test
scores were compared using t-Test for paired two
samples of means to determine if students
significantly improved their integrated science
process skills.
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol. 3 2015
The researcher-developed experimental science
module emphasize on the development of science
process skills and scientific knowledge as its major
objectives to give varied opportunities to young
scientists to acquire knowledge and skills for solving
problems. Students proficiency in their integrated
science process skills is significantly improved after
going through the 7-week module.
Further research is needed to compare results
reported in this study to other inquiry-based
programs. Second, additional studies are needed that
follow students for longer periods of time after they
take the experimental science module. It would be
enlightening to determine the impact of module
designed for middle school students have on
students streaming choices. And nally, while
students showed a high level of proficiency in the
integrated science process skills test, further studies
should examine the correlation of among students
interest in science, their understanding of science
and their science process skills.
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol. 3 2015
Abungu,et.al., H. (2014). The effect of science
process skills teaching approach on secondary
school students achievement in chemistry in
nyondo district, kenya Journal of Educational
and Social Research (4)(6).
Al-Rabaani, A. (2014). The acquisition of science
process skills by omanis pre-,service social
studies teachers European Journal of
Educational Studies.
Center for 21st Century Skills. Six Critical Skills
that Form the Foundation for 21st Century
Success. www.p21skills.org accessed May 15,
Gibson, H. & C. Chase. (2002). Longitudinal Impact
of an Inquiry-Based Science Program on Middle
School Students Attitudes Toward Science.
Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
International Baccalaureate Organization.
Years Programme Sciences guide.
United Kingdom.
Proceedings of the DLSU Research Congress Vol. 3 2015