Sci Ws
Sci Ws
Sci Ws
Science involves a distinctive way of looking at and thinking about the world. Science has many methods of
investigation, but central to all scientific inquiry is the notion that evidence forms the basis of defensible conclusions.
Through the processes of scientific inquiry, scientists develop answers to questions and improve explanations for
phenomena in the natural world. A scientific idea must be framed in a way that is testable and can be either refuted
or confirmed by observation or experiment (empirical evidence). Scientific knowledge is refined and extended as
new evidence arises or existing evidence is re-conceptualised.
This support material has been designed to assist teachers to understand key aspects of the Working
Scientifically skills strand of the Science K–10 (incorporating Science and Technology K–6) Syllabus and to
incorporate these aspects into their learning program. The introduction provides an overview of the resource,
with links to the sections containing more details.
The Working Scientifically processes in the Science K–10 (incorporating Science and Technology K–6)
Syllabus are:
questioning and predicting
planning investigations
conducting investigations
processing and analysing data and information
These processes are at the centre of learning and teaching in Science.
Through investigations that engage them in scientific inquiry, students develop their knowledge of ideas and
concepts and gain understanding of the importance of evidence in formulating and evaluating explanations in the
development of scientific ideas. At each stage of the teaching program, learning experiences should be provided
in which students identify questions or problems to be scientifically investigated. They should use the processes
of Working Scientifically to test ideas, gather data/information, and seek evidence to support their explanations,
arguments, answers to questions and solutions to problems.
The learning/teaching program should challenge students to be questioning, reflective, critical thinkers and creative
problem-solvers. It will do this when the learning experiences in each unit actively engage students in hands-on
practical experiences in which they use the skills and apply the processes of Working Scientifically to:
identify interesting, authentic questions and problems relevant to their lives
plan and conduct their own investigation
collect, process and present data and information
review and evaluate their procedures, findings and ideas
challenge their ideas and understanding based on the evidence
communicate their conclusions
pose more questions.
In each year the learning/teaching program should include Scientific investigations with a range of types of
practical experiences that provide opportunities to:
target different syllabus outcomes
balance the different types of first-hand experiences such as demonstrations, research activities, fieldwork,
closed practical exercises and open-ended investigations
actively engage students in practising and applying a variety of equipment and techniques, including digital
technologies, to gather, process and present first-hand data/information and that from secondary sources
involve students in team, group and class activities to share their ideas and findings and to develop their
understanding of science as a collaborative enterprise.
In each year students must actively participate in a range of hands-on practical experiences in which they apply the
skills and processes of Working Scientifically if they are to extend their understanding of the nature of science and
how scientific ideas, explanations and concepts develop through the processes of scientific inquiry. They need to not
only master the skills described in the Working Scientifically strand of the syllabus for each stage, but also develop
an understanding about what these skills are for, how they relate and when and how to use them in their own
Recipe-style, worksheet-based classroom and laboratory exercises may be helpful in developing a specific skill, or
illustrating a technique or concept. When these types of activities dominate the learning, however, there is limited
scope for students to engage in the range of hands-on experiences needed in each stage to develop the full set of
skills or to gain an understanding of the processes of Working Scientifically.
The stage statements and K–10 continuum of learning in the syllabus provide an overview of the development in
the skills of the Working Scientifically strand across Early Stage 1 to Stage 5. Students entering each year bring
with them understanding and skills from their prior learning experiences. The emphasis in learning would progress
towards students practising and applying their skills in Working Scientifically in new and increasingly complex
situations as independent learners. Teacher guidance and support will vary, depending on each student’s level
of skills, knowledge and understanding.
Teachers could use the Science K–10 syllabus outcomes and content mapping grids as a tool in planning
and reviewing the skill development within and across stages. The skills learning experiences can be broadly
classified into one of three developmental levels. In the learning phase the teacher establishes the student’s
skill level and uses this as the basis for developing student understanding through explicit teaching of the
relevant skills component. In the practising phase the student uses the skills in tasks to achieve specific goals.
The application phase is when the student independently uses the skills in the course of regular work and as
a foundation for the development of learning. Based on an analysis of the learning experiences in all units of
work, the teaching program can be evaluated and modified to ensure that, in addressing the skills content of
the syllabus, there is a continuum in the development within a stage and across stages.
When developing the units of work for the Stage 4 and Stage 5 learning program, keep in mind that the hands-on
practical experiences:
must occupy a minimum of 50 percent of allocated course time
must include in each stage, at least one substantial Student research project (SRP), one of which involves
a hands-on practical investigation
in Stage 5 must include at least one SRP which is an individual task
should be carefully integrated within relevant science ideas/concepts so that students are able to make
meaningful links between what they are doing and how this learning relates to developing their knowledge
of and understanding about science
should provide opportunities for students to continually develop their understanding of and expertise in using
the skills and applying the processes of Working Scientifically.
In planning and conducting practical experiences, all students need to have a sound understanding of their
responsibilities for implementing appropriate procedures in relation to the policies involving:
Safety in science
Use of animals in teaching and research.
Scientific investigations
A review of current literature identifies a range of reasons for the inclusion of practical experiences in the learning
program. Depending on students’ understanding and skills, practical experiences provide opportunities for:
motivation and enjoyment of science
stimulating curiosity and creativity
conceptual development
developing investigation and problem-solving skills
developing techniques and manipulative skills associated with using scientific equipment
providing concrete experiences of natural phenomena
experiencing and developing an understanding of the nature and practice of science
learning to work cooperatively
language development
developing positive attitudes towards, and values about, themselves, others, learning as a lifelong process,
and science and technology.
The reason for including the practical experience in a learning sequence will determine the type of practical
investigation that is selected. In the research literature, science investigations have been classified in different
ways. One classification is based on the methods of data collection or the design of the investigation. These
methods include:
comparative or descriptive studies typical of field biology and the earth sciences
researching, analysing and explaining data collected and reported by other scientists
testing types of materials, eg strength of steel, durability of paint etc
chemical analyses
survey research where populations are sampled to investigate relationships between variables
investigating a relationship between two variables where repeat trials can be used
investigating a relationship between two variables where replication can be used
investigating the effect of several independent variables on one dependent variable (often associated with
a design problem).
Open-ended investigations
Not all investigations can be defined as open-ended investigations. One approach (Hackling 2005) to determining
the degree of openness is to classify the practical experience into three levels according to five criteria depending
on the choice allowed to students. These criteria are the:
problem that is to be solved
equipment/resources needed to undertake an investigation
procedure planned or proposed for the investigation
possible answers to the posed problem
most common answer given to the posed problem.
Using this classification, open-ended investigations would be those in which the student decides the problem
to be investigated and the problem has many facets, can be investigated in a number of ways using different
equipment and/or resources and does not have an expected or set answer that needs to be verified.
The planning component and the problem-solving nature of open-ended investigations distinguish them from
other types of hands-on practical experiences. For open-ended investigations to be meaningful learning
experiences, and for students to successfully participate, they need to have developed an appropriate level
of skills and understanding of using and applying the processes of Working Scientifically.
Through their experiences in performing different types of hands-on practical experiences, students should
develop a range of skills and gain an understanding of the purposes of, and processes involved in, investigations
in science. To effectively undertake open-ended investigations, they need to have skills and experience in
analysing problems, formulating a testable question, and planning and conducting their own experiments.
Those students who are passive followers of instructions in practical experiences will find it difficult to become
autonomous decision-makers when attempting open-ended investigation tasks.
Students need opportunities to engage in a variety of open-ended investigations if they are to develop the skills
of Working Scientifically, including the critical thinking and problem-solving skills that lead to a more scientific
understanding of their world and the way science works. The amount of teacher guidance needed for the
open-ended investigation will depend on students’ prior experience and skills in performing first-hand
investigations. The use of scaffolds is an important strategy to guide students in planning and conducting
their open-ended investigation.
Across Stage 4 and Stage 5 students are expected to develop and extend their skills in undertaking open-ended
investigations. During Stage 4 and Stage 5 all students are required to undertake at least one substantial student
research project that involves a hands-on practical investigation. Student research projects provide opportunities
for students to apply their skills and understanding of the processes of Working Scientifically in hands-on,
open-ended investigations. By Stage 5 students should need less teacher guidance and demonstrate greater
independence in their learning when undertaking their individual student research project.
If students understand the meanings of the key words in the Board of Studies Glossary of Key Words and the
relationships between them (Attachment 1), they will have an effective tool for activities involving interpreting,
processing and presenting ideas, information and evidence in oral and written text. It is important that key words
are not used in an overly prescriptive way, but they are useful in developing students’ understanding of and skills
to address the requirements of the activity and/or task.
In presenting questions, problems, observations, results and findings from their hands-on practical experiences,
the mode and media selected should be appropriate to the type of practical experience and the purpose for which
it has been included in the unit of work. The students’ records of their practical activities should be stage-appropriate
and enable them to make meaningful links between the question/problem raised, what they did in seeking evidence,
further questions that they identified and how their learning relates to their knowledge of and understanding
about science.
In recording their practical experiences students should write in their own words using clear, correct, concise plain
English. It is not a syllabus requirement that students should write reports of their practical experiences in the past
tense, using the third person, passive voice. Presenting all practical experiences using the headings of Question,
Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion is also not a syllabus requirement and is not appropriate in simple
experiments to develop skills in using scientific equipment or those involving the verification of concepts. Their
records should be appropriate for the type of hands-on practical experience. Students should clearly communicate
why and how they undertook the practical experience and their results and findings.
From Stage 3 to Stage 5 students should also be able to construct and use a variety of specified types of
graphs. At each stage of the Working Scientifically strand in Science the understanding of, and the level of skills
required in, graphing are consistent with that for the same stage in the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus.
Data may be represented in tables or graphs. A table emphasises the absolute value of the component data
while a graph emphasises the relative value of the data and is a visual representation of comparative data.
Information is presented in tabular form to facilitate organising and accessing the information and to identify
any distinguishing patterns. Tables give information in a matrix, that is columns and rows, organised for easy
comparison. The deciding factor in the organisation of information in tabular form should be whether it assists
the reader or viewer to access or interpret the information.
When presenting information in a table, the following features would be considered good practice:
the table should have a title
every column and row should have a label
the units of measurement should be identified in the column headings
figures in each column or row should be aligned
a zero should only be used when a measurement of zero is obtained (a dash is used when no reading
is recorded)
identical results should be written again, not shown with ‘ditto marks’
the same item should not appear in more than one category
show totals, subtotals, and/or percentages where relevant.
Graphs are a convenient method of organising and displaying data/information and can be used to:
present and interpret data and/or information
present the results of an experiment
monitor the progress of an experiment
make a comparison with theory
investigate whether data fits the mathematical model
indicate the degree of reliability of the data
determine the value of some quantity
identify an empirical relationship between two quantities or help in the derivation of empirical equations
express relationships visually to communicate data and/or information clearly and succinctly.
The skills related to graphing enable students to select and construct types of graphs and use graphs to extract and
interpret information. By Stage 4 and Stage 5 students should be able to select and construct appropriately a range
of graph types to represent particular data, including histograms and column, sector and line graphs. The type of
graph chosen should be appropriate for the type of data and the one that best allows the data and/or information
represented to be interpreted and explained.
This graph type may be used to display frequency distributions. In this graph type the horizontal axis is marked
in equal intervals and columns are drawn for the relevant frequency. Adjacent columns in a histogram have a
common edge.
Column graphs
This graph type may be used to display discrete data (data which consist of separate or distinct parts). In this graph
type the horizontal axis is marked in equal intervals and vertical columns of equal width are drawn to the appropriate
height of the vertical scale.
Sector graphs
This graph type may be used to display the component parts of a total. In a sector graph (pie chart) a circle is
divided into sectors where the angles at the centre are in the same proportion as the component parts. A simplified
way of displaying this type of data is by the division of a rectangle (divided bar) into the proportions of the
component parts.
Line graphs
This graph type may be used to display the relationship between two variables for which the obtained data are
samples of a continuum (continuous data). Drawing a line of best fit is NOT required of students in Stages 4 or 5.
It is a skill addressed in the Stage 6 Mathematics and Science syllabuses.
When presenting information graphically the following features are considered good practice:
the graph should have a title
the x-axis should display the independent variable; the y-axis should display the dependent variable
axes should be clearly labelled to indicate the relevant variable, including units (where applicable)
there should be a linear or logarithmic scale, clearly marked with at least three or more points on each scale
scales should be selected which allow the range of data displayed to extend over most of the available grid
the axes need not be continuous if a discontinuity marker is shown
the axes need not start from zero
there should be accurately plotted data points
extrapolations, if used, should not be joined to the origin or axes unless this is given in the data or can be
reasonably assumed
a key should be given if there is more than one line shown on a graph or if symbols are used, so that each line
or symbol is easily identified.
Composite graphs
Students in Stage 4 and Stage 5 are NOT required to be able to draw composite graphs; however, they should be
able to extract information from and interpret these types of graphs. Composite graphs (eg a composite column/bar
graph in which each column is itself a bar graph) may be used to display complex data, make comparisons of large
quantities of data or enhance clarity.
Flow charts
A flow chart is a diagrammatic representation that shows the steps as boxes and/or circles and their order by
connecting them with arrows. The flow chart is used frequently in Science to provide a more visual record that
summarises the processes in quite complex cycles.
By Stage 4 students are required to extract, construct and use flow charts in processing and communicating data
and/or information. Construction of flow charts is a useful summarising tool that will allow students to verify their
understandings. Students should be helped to distinguish between nouns and verbs describing processes in the
construction of a flow chart. To ensure understanding of both the processes and the words used to describe and
explain the process, a useful learning strategy is to ask students to write the information provided in the flow
chart into text. Students might not find this easy and teachers may then need to model and scaffold the activity.
For example, in the rock cycle, an arrow labelled ‘solidification’ connects the words ‘magma’ and ‘igneous rocks’.
Each student could rewrite a description of this section of the cycle in text such as ‘Magma forms igneous rocks
by the process of solidification’ or ‘Magma solidifies into igneous rock’. To assist students to clarify the concept
it may be better to modify the language to ‘Magma cools to form igneous rocks’. Using this strategy readily
identifies student misunderstandings of the purpose of flow charts and the information that they provide.
Communicating in Science
The Science K–10 (incorporating Science and Technology K–6) Syllabus provides opportunities for students
to engage in the ongoing development of broad literacy skills as well as more science-specific literacy. Literacy
is the ability to apply a repertoire of knowledge and skills to comprehend and communicate using a variety of
modes and media. Literacy incorporates not only the fundamental skills of listening, reading, speaking and
writing, but also using visual and digital forms of expression and communication for a range of purposes
and audiences.
Science has its own specific literacy demands that need to be met by students if they are to understand, interpret
and effectively communicate scientific ideas, concepts and explanations. Words and phrases in science have
meanings that are often quite different both from ‘everyday’ meanings for words and from the meanings produced
in other disciplines, such as English, mathematics and history. For students to develop a sound understanding
of the stage-appropriate scientific language relevant to the syllabus content teachers must be explicit in the
introduction, explanation and use of scientific terminology. The context of the language influences the
meaning and structure of texts. Teachers should model the use of new texts and give students opportunities
to use new vocabulary and text structures in their appropriate contexts.
The syllabus requires students to select and appropriately use written and oral factual texts to communicate
ideas, explanations and processes, including multimodal texts. In Stages 4 and 5 these texts types are specified
and include discussion, explanation, exposition, procedure, recount and reports. An essential skill for students in
Stage 4 and Stage 5 is the construction and presentation of scientific arguments – logical descriptions of a
scientific idea and the evidence for and against it. The learning program should provide opportunities for students
to develop the values, attitudes, skills and understanding to use evidence-based arguments to debate, discuss
and evaluate the nature, development, use and influence of science in a range of contexts relevant to their lives.
The 5Es model provides a framework for structuring a sequence of lessons consistent with a constructivist
The Engage lesson sets the context, raises questions and elicits students’ existing beliefs.
The Explore lesson(s) involve investigation work in which students gain first-hand, and where possible
concrete, experience of the relevant phenomenon.
The Explain phase draws on students’ beliefs from the Engage lesson. Concepts introduced by the teacher
or from text reading are used to construct explanations for the experiences of the Explore phase.
In the Elaborate phase students have more experiences of the phenomenon through practical work
in different context(s) and apply explanations developed in the Explain lesson(s) to the new context(s).
In this way, they extend and integrate their learning.
The Evaluate lesson provides an opportunity for students and teachers to assess developed explanations
and conceptions, and compare them to original beliefs.
The language of the Example A planning and recording proforma in Attachment 2 is simple. It would be suitable
for students who have little experience of planning and conducting open-ended investigations in Stage 3 and
early Stage 4. After practice and familiarisation with this table in class, this type of planning and recording
proforma could be further used to guide students in designing and conducting their Stage 4 student
research project.
The Example B planning and recording proforma in Attachment 3 uses more formal language and incorporates
more demanding questions. For students with some experience in planning and conducting open-ended
investigations, proforma 1 shown in Example B could be used. Example B proforma 2 would be more suitable for
students in Stage 5 who have experience in independently planning and conducting open-ended investigations.
Students often need additional guidance and support to help them write a question for investigation or with
planning the design of the investigation by controlling variables. It is important for teachers to model the use
of these strategies so that students understand how they are used to make tests fair.
Cows moo softly is a useful mnemonic to remind students how to plan a fair test.
Change something Measure something and Keep everything else the Same
In the general structure of the testable question below, the gaps correspond to the dependent variable (DV)
and the independent variable (IV). This strategy, without naming the types of variables, can be used to help the
student write their own questions for an investigation.
What happens to _____________________ when we change __________________?
(DV) (IV)
eg What happens to the growth of wheat when we change the salinity of the water?
In Stage 5 students are required to formulate questions or hypotheses. From testable questions students can
learn to write hypotheses. Hypotheses are statements of tentative ideas to be tested, expressed in the form of a
relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. The general structure of a hypothesis is:
This change in the independent variable will cause this to happen to the dependent variable.
Using the example relating to the growth of wheat, the following hypothesis can be developed:
Increasing the salinity of water (IV) will reduce (relationship) the growth of wheat plants (DV).
To write a hypothesis the students must have sufficient observations, experience and knowledge of the
phenomenon to state the expected relationship between the variables.
3. Variables tables
Variables tables are a useful planning tool to help students plan controlled experiments and develop an
understanding of the three types of variables that need to be considered in the planning phase. The following
is a completed variables table for an experiment to investigate the question:
What will I keep the same? What will I change? What will I measure?
Type of seedlings The amount of light: The height of the seedlings
Type of soil dark
Amount of water partial shade
Amount of fertiliser full sun
Size of container
Planting depth of seedlings
Controlled variables Independent variable Dependent variable
Adapted from: Hackling, MW 2005, Working Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science,
Department of Education and Training, Western Australia.
Write a short statement that makes clear what the problem is that you have to solve. Also write a research
question or hypothesis, and then a prediction. Give a reason for your prediction.
Write a plan which says what you intend doing. Say what you will do to make any tests fair. Explain what
measurements are to be made and how they will be made. Draw a diagram to show how the equipment will
be used to conduct your tests.
Carry out your investigation and record all your observations and measurements. If you found that you needed
to change your plan, write down what changes were made and why they were necessary. Present your data in
a way that helps show the patterns or trends in your results.
Write a couple of paragraphs in response to these questions: What patterns or trends were present in the
results? How do you explain the patterns? What did your results show you about the question or hypothesis
that you were investigating?
Write a paragraph that evaluates your investigation. Were your findings what you expected? To what extent did
you reduce the errors associated with measurements, controlling variables and sampling?
Source: Hackling, MW 2005, Working Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science.
Reproduced with the permission of the Department of Education and Training, Western Australia.
Hackling, MW 2005, Working Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science,
Department of Education and Training, Western Australia. A resource book for primary and secondary teachers
of Science, prepared for the Department of Education and Training, Western Australia.
Harlen, W & Qualter, A 2004, The Teaching of Science in Primary Schools, David Fulton Publishers, London.
Martin, R, Sexton, C & Franklin, T 2008, Teaching Science for All Children: An Inquiry Approach, 5th edn,
Pearson Higher Education, Needham Heights MA.
Other resources
Board of Studies NSW 2010, Dictionary of Classroom Strategies K–6 2010, Board of Studies NSW, Sydney
National Research Council 2000, Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A Guide for Teaching
and Learning, National Academy Press, Washington, DC
Student research project
In each of Stage 4 and Stage 5 the Science K–10 (incorporating Science and Technology K–6) Syllabus requires
the completion of at least one substantial student research project (SRP). At least one student research project
will involve a hands-on practical investigation and at least one in Stage 5 will be an individual SRP. The SRP
should be set within a timeline within the scope and sequence of work units in each stage.
The SRP involves students in an open-ended investigation, providing them with opportunities to engage in
scientific inquiry as they use and apply the processes of Working Scientifically over an extended period of time. In
undertaking open-ended investigations students should be involved in questioning and predicting, planning and
conducting, gathering, processing and analysing data and information, problem-solving, communicating their
ideas and findings, and seeking constructive evaluation by their peers.
The SRP requires students to actively engage in inquiry-based learning and includes:
hands-on laboratory and fieldwork investigations involving controlled experiments
gathering and processing first-hand data requiring only limited background research
researching an issue with a major scientific component relating to the applications and implications of
science for society and the environment or current research developments in science. This involves the
gathering and processing of data from secondary sources and includes a discussion of viewpoints.
Students should choose investigations related to an area of interest or one of the topics they have studied.
They should identify problems and develop questions for their investigation that are relevant to their own lives,
the immediate environment and the wider community. In conducting their investigations and research, students
should use readily available materials and be encouraged to collaborate with people who use science in their
work life. Apart from the mandatory Stage 5 individual student research project, SRPs may involve collaboration
with peers, and teamwork.
While students will have undertaken investigations in Stages 1 to 3, they may need considerable support in
Stage 4 as they are apprenticed into independent time management and planning, and performing first-hand
investigations in laboratory and fieldwork situations. Students will be at various levels of skill development in
using laboratory equipment and will therefore need teacher assistance at times. Careful guidelines and
monitoring to assist students may need to be provided on the questions/problems to be investigated, the
procedures and materials used, and appropriate risk assessment and hazard minimisation.
Additional support for students can be provided by linking the SRP directly to the unit of work being covered
in class. Class time can be allocated to assist students in clarifying their question, developing the hypothesis,
planning their investigation, identifying and accessing sources of data and/or information, selecting methods of
collecting, displaying and organising data, and analysing and communicating their findings. The balance between
teacher-guided and independent work would be expected to shift towards more independent work as students
move into Stage 5.
The opportunity exists for students to complete at least one SRP as part of a team. Each student should keep
a journal recording the processes used, their roles and responsibilities and those of other team members in
planning, conducting and completing the SRP. The ‘Working in a team’ feedback table (Attachment 4) is an
example of one way that students could be provided with feedback on their progress in achieving outcomes
related to teamwork.
Students need to recognise self-assessment and peer assessment methods as part of everyday learning. Peer
review is also a valuable learning experience for students as it models the collegial nature of scientific work.
If students have little experience with the processes of self-assessment and/or peer assessment, they will need
time and teacher guidance to develop the necessary skills. While self-assessment and/or peer assessment are
excellent ways to empower and extend student learning, teachers should make the final judgement about the
level of achievement of the outcomes demonstrated by the student.
Where mixed-ability classes are involved, it may be useful to organise the work so that each team/group can
have instruction on the SRP commensurate with their level of ability, or to encourage some students with a higher
level of knowledge and/or skills to mentor others.
An SRP feedback template (Attachment 5), which is to be submitted with the completed SRP, not only provides
a guide to the processes involved and skills to be developed during the SRP, but also identifies what will
be assessed.
Samples of SRPs from previous years should be kept and displayed so that students can see examples of
the range and types of SRPs completed and the variety of presentation methods appropriate for Stage 4 and
Stage 5. As part of the introduction to the SRP the students and/or the teacher could suggest some criteria that
could be used to assess the displayed SRPs. Students could move around individually or in pairs and record
their comments about the samples using the agreed criteria. This could be used in class discussion to assist
students to understand the task requirements and the outcomes they are to achieve.
Students should keep a journal about their research project to record their planning, their background research,
how their ideas develop, strategies and possible solutions to identified problems, resources accessed, and
findings from and evaluation of their investigation. Journal records help students to think about what they do
and why, and give teachers specific discussion areas with their students. In addition, journals are a tangible
record of the SRP’s history, the regularity with which students work on the SRP and evidence of their ability
to work regularly at a task over a period of time.
When the assessment criteria that will be used to provide feedback to students are included in the SRP
information, opportunities for assessment for learning can be scheduled to take place following the regular
journal monitoring.
Safety in science
Teachers need to ensure that they comply with the legal obligations of schools in relation to health and safety as
well as with any specific system requirements.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (NSW) (the WHS
Regulation) contain provisions that require employers to consult with employees on health and safety matters.
The WHS Regulation sets out requirements for workplaces related to putting into place systems to identify,
assess, control and/or eliminate health and safety risks.
The WHS Regulation provides broad coverage to managing risks to health and safety for all workplaces, together
with specified measures relating to:
identification of all workplace hazards
assessment of risks arising from those hazards
implementation of measures to control those risks
provision of training, instruction and supervision
workplace consultation between employers and employees
control of specific high risk hazards related to particular equipment, machinery, substances and processes
the supply, transport and storage of chemicals, whether as single chemicals or constituents in mixtures. This
includes the operation of dangerous goods stores in addition to labelling and packaging requirements
the storage, use and disposal of dangerous goods in the workplace. This includes substances used in a
range of specialist subjects in schools, together with substances used for cleaning, weed control and other
similar purposes.
It is a legislative requirement that a register of all hazardous substances stored on site be kept and is readily
accessible to all staff. Schools should be familiar with the requirements and responsibilities under this Act and
School policies and procedures should be developed, implemented and monitored to ensure compliance with the
Act and the Regulation. There are various offences and penalties associated with the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011 and the Regulations made under this Act. These include penalties for organisations found guilty of
breaches of the Act or the Regulation. There are also penalties for staff and other people, including students
and visitors, found guilty of breaches of occupational health and safety law.
The package addresses the Occupational Health and Safety (Hazardous Substances) Regulation 1996, which
training for staff in the management of risks associated with the use of chemicals
ready access to risk and safety information on hazardous substances
a register to be kept of hazardous substances used or stored on site
the labelling of chemical containers with risk and safety information
the assessment of risks to health from exposure to hazardous substances
the implementation of control measures to protect health and safety
the maintenance of records of training and risk assessment
the appropriate labelling and storage of dangerous goods
licensing by WorkCover NSW, where stocks of dangerous goods exceed storage limits.
Dangerous goods licences
WorkCover Authority of NSW, Codes of practice, eg ‘How to manage work health and safety risks’,
‘Labelling of workplace hazardous chemicals’, ‘Preparation of safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals’, => Law and policy => Codes of practice
Use of animals in teaching and research
Teachers of science are aware of the importance of animals to teaching and learning in the school curriculum. Studying animals
provides opportunities for students to gain knowledge, acquire skills and develop appropriate, positive attitudes towards the
welfare of animals.
The use of animals in research and teaching in NSW is regulated by the Animal Research Act 1985 (NSW), which places
the responsibility for the care and welfare of animals in schools on the staff involved with their use. Under the Act, ‘an animal’
means a vertebrate animal, and includes a mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and fish, but does not include a human being.
This legislation requires researchers and teachers to consider and apply three general principles (the 3Rs). They are:
the replacement of animals with other methods
the reduction of the number of animals used
the refinement of techniques used to reduce the impact on animals.
Teaching and research activities involving animals may only be performed when a decision has been made that the activity is
justified. The decision-making must consider:
the educational value weighed against the potential negative effects on the welfare of the animal
non-animal or less sentient animal alternatives.
The Animal Research Act requires all schools to have access to an Animal Ethics Committee (AEC). The Schools Animal Care
and Ethics Committee (SACEC) was established by joint agreement between the Association of Independent Schools of NSW
(AIS), the Catholic Education Commission (CEC) and the Department of Education and Communities (DEC). Its role is to
ensure that the use of animals by schools in all sectors complies with the Act. The responsibilities of the SACEC are described
on the Animals in Schools website at:
If the staff decide that animal use for teaching or research is justified, they should check that the activity is included in the list
of approved activities on the Animals in Schools website. If the activity is not on the approved list or is a category 4 or 5 activity,
a written application must be made to the SACEC. Application forms are available on the Animals in Schools website.
Every school using animals for research or teaching purposes must hold a current, completed Animal Research Authority.
The SACEC issues an Animal Research Authority each year on behalf of the respective school sector, to schools in NSW.
This authorises those staff who sign the authority to use animals for the purposes of teaching and research, provided that the
activities are in accordance with the provisions described on the Animals in Schools website. Compliance with the SACEC
advice is mandatory for all schools.
The school principal is responsible for identifying, and listing on the Animal Research Authority, all appropriately qualified staff
who have the principal’s approval to use animals for teaching or research. The authority must be kept in the principal’s office
and be available for inspection by appropriate officers from the Animal Welfare Unit or members of the SACEC.
Each school in which animals are used must have an Animal Welfare Liaison Officer (AWLO). In a primary school the AWLO is
to be the principal of the school. The AWLO in a secondary school is to be appointed for the school by the principal. The duties
of the AWLO are provided on the Animals in Schools website.
All staff involved in using animals in schools need to keep informed of the ongoing ethical debate and community expectations
about the use of animals in research and teaching, and the consequent changes that occur from time to time in the relevant
Teachers who wish to keep native animals for educational purposes must obtain a scientific licence. An application form for
SACEC approval for this licence is available on the Animals in Schools website. Inquiries relating to collecting aquatic
organisms may be made to the NSW Department of Primary Industries.
All inquiries relating to the use of animals in teaching and research may be made to the Schools Animal Welfare Officer at the
NSW Department of Education and Communities.
Attachment 1: Pathways of key words
Attachment 2: Example A – Planning and Recording Proforma
Questions Answers
What happened?
Adapted from: Hackling, MW 2005, Working Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science,
Department of Education and Training, Western Australia.
Attachment 3: Example B – Proforma 1 Planning and Recording
Questions Answers
• change?
• measure?
What happened?
Adapted from: Hackling, MW 2005, Working Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science,
Department of Education and Training, Western Australia.
Example B – Proforma 2 Planning and Recording
Questions Answers
Questions Answers
Adapted from: Hackling, MW 2005, Working Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science,
Department of Education and Training, Western Australia.
Attachment 4: ‘Working in a team’ feedback table
Teamwork criteria Low Satisfactory High
Defines team With teacher guidance outlines Defines team responsibilities Demonstrates confidence
responsibilities team responsibilities and goals and goals in describing team
responsibilities and goals
Identifies and allocates With teacher guidance Identifies specific individual Matches team members to
specific roles identifies specific individual roles within the team and makes roles according to the specific
roles within the team suggestions as to how they requirements of the task
should be allocated based on the skills of the
Sets goals and With teacher guidance Identifies goals and sets Demonstrates high-level skills
timelines identifies goals and sets timelines in setting realistic goals and
timelines for the task timelines
Communicates With teacher guidance Clearly expresses opinions and Communicates opinions and
opinions/ideas expresses opinions and ideas ideas ideas succinctly and logically
Uses listening and With teacher guidance uses Demonstrates some skills in Demonstrates high-level
negotiation skills active listening and negotiation active listening and negotiation active listening and
skills negotiation skills
Engages in and With teacher guidance takes Takes responsibility for roles Demonstrates responsibility in
monitors teamwork responsibility in a negotiated within the team and works with a number of roles and in
role to follow a plan to meet others to meet goals and decision-making so that goals
goals and timelines timelines, and monitor progress and timelines are met and the
of the task progress of the task is
Accepts responsibility With teacher guidance takes Takes responsibility for Demonstrates a high level of
for maintenance of responsibility for maintaining a maintaining a safe working responsibility for maintaining
a safe working safe working environment environment a safe working environment
Determines the With teacher guidance Describes the effectiveness of Evaluates the effectiveness of
effectiveness of the identifies some processes that some parts of the plan and the plan and processes used
team in completing assisted the team to complete some processes used by the by the team in completing the
the task the task team to complete the task task
Attachment 5: Student research project feedback template
This template could be used for self-assessment, peer assessment and/or teacher feedback.
OUTCOMES AND CONTENT Needs to Satisfactory Well developed
(a) Identifying problem and data sources
develops a question or hypothesis for
describes the problem under investigation
describes different strategies and evaluates
their appropriateness for solving the
problem/testing the question
identifies the type and sources of
data/information that need to be collected
identifies information relevant to the problem,
including background information
identifies how the data and information will be
collected and recorded
OUTCOMES AND CONTENT Needs to Satisfactory Well developed
(e) Processing information
organises data using a variety of methods
checks the reliability of gathered data by
comparing with data from other sources
applies mathematical concepts to assist
analysis of data
identifies trends, patterns, relationships and
contradictions in data
Student comments:
Teacher comments:
Attachment 6: Student reflection sheet
Parent’s comment:
Attachment 7: Student research project timeline scaffold
This table could be subdivided into smaller progressions with a more explicit scaffold depending on the skills of
the student involved.
Attachment 8: Student research project journal information sheet
Instructions to students
Part of the assessment of your SRP is for the final report and part for your planning and the work you complete
along the way. To help your planning and work during the research project you will need to keep a journal. This
is a record of what you do each time you work on your SRP.