Sem 3 MC
Sem 3 MC
Sem 3 MC
Degree : Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance and International Business) Date : 28/12/2023
Semester : III Month & Year of Examination : NOVEMBER 2023
Name Of Candidate : NATASHA MARIA GONSALVES Register No : 2223950
Father's Name : Mr. Salvador D Gonsalves
Mother's Name : Mrs. Laura S Gonsalves
Core Courses
1 Theory 65 26 57 5 5 30 12 23 100 40 85 4 O
2 Theory 65 26 58 5 5 30 12 23 100 40 86 4 O
3 Theory 65 26 51 5 5 30 12 24 100 40 80 4 O
Total Marks (In Words): Five Hundred and Thirteen 600 - 513
Result:First Class with Distinction Total Credits Awarded:24 Grade Points Average :4
1)CIA-Continuous Internal Assessment 2) ESE-End Semester Exam 3)To pass a minimum of 40% per subject (CIA minimum=40%, ESE
minimum=40%) and an aggregate of 50% is required per semester.
4)Details of Grade - 80-Above (O, 4.0) 70-79.99(A+, 3.6) 60-69.99(A, 3.2) 55-59.99(B+, 2.8) 50-54.99(B, 2.4) 45-49.99(C, 2) 40-44.99(P, 1.6) Less
than 40(F, 0)
5) Details of Result - 75 and above (First Class with Distinction) 60-74 (First Class) 50-59 (Second Class) 49 and below (Fail).
Disclaimer: This is a computer generated marks card for the information of the examinee. Neither the Controller of Examination nor the University is
responsible for any inadvertent error that might have crept in the results published on the University website. This cannot be treated as original marks
card. Consolidated Marks card/Transcript in original will be provided on successful completion of the course. 1/1