The elements
G.R No. 131421 | Ynares-Santiago ,J. | November 18 2002
of this crime are: (1) that the offender discharges a
firearm against or at another person; and (2) that
PETITIONER:GERONIMO DADO the offender has no intention to kill that
person. Though the information charged the
petitioner with murder, he could be validly convicted
of illegal discharge of firearm, an offense which is
SUMMARY necessarily included in the crime of unlawful killing
of a person. Under Rule 120, Section 4, of the
Sultan Kudarat Police Station formed three teams to Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure, when there is
intercept cattle rustlers from Sultan Kudarat. The a variance between the offense charged in the
team, composed of petitioner SPO4 Geromino Dado complaint or information and that proved, and the
and CAFGU members Eraso, Balinas, and Alga, offense as charged is included in or necessarily
waited behind a large dike. Balinas and Alga, who includes the offense proved, the accused shall be
were both armed with M14 armalite rifles, positioned convicted of the offense proved which is included in
themselves between petitioner, who was armed with the offense charged, or the offense charged which is
a caliber .45 pistol, and accused Francisco Eraso, included in the offense proved.
who was carrying an M16 armalite rifle. They were
all facing southwards in a half-kneeling position and
were about 2 arms length away from each other. At
around 11:00 of the same evening, the team saw
somebody approaching at a distance of 50 meters. DOCTRINE:
Though it was a moonless night, they noticed that he Absent an intent to kill in firing the gun towards the
was half-naked. Balinas told Eraso to wait, but victim, petitioner should be held liable for the crime
before Balinas could beam his flash light, Eraso fired of illegal discharge of firearm under Article 254 of
his M16 armalite rifle at the approaching man.The the Revised Penal Code. The elements of this crime
victim turned out to be Silvestre Butsoy Balinas, the are: (1) that the offender discharges a firearm
nephew of Alfredo Balinas and not the cattle rustler against or at another person; and (2) that the
the team were ordered to intercept. With conspiracy offender has no intention to kill that person.
as basis, petitioner was found guilty of homicide by
the RTC and CA
Issue: Whether or not petioner is guilty of
homicide? NO
Ruling: Absent an intent to kill in firing the gun
towards the victim, petitioner should be held liable - On the night of May 25, 1992, the Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat
for the crime of illegal discharge of firearm under Police Station formed three teams to intercept cattle rustlers
from Barangay Laguinding, Sultan Kudarat. The team, caused the fatal wound inasmuch as conspiracy makes
composed of petitioner SPO4 Geromino Dado and CAFGU the act of one conspirator the act of all.
members Francisco Eraso, Alfredo Balinas, and Rufo Alga,
waited behind a large dike at Sitio Paitan, Sultan Kudarat.
ISSUE/s: Whether or not petitioner is guilty of homicide on the basis
of conspiracy and killing the victim? NO, just illegal discharge of
- Alfredo Balinas and Rufo Alga, who were both armed with firearm
M14 armalite rifles, positioned themselves between petitioner, RATIO.
who was armed with a caliber .45 pistol, and accused Francisco
Eraso, who was carrying an M16 armalite rifle. - It appears that there is no evidence tending to prove that
petitioner had animus interficendi or intent to kill the
- 11:00 of the same evening, the team saw somebody victim. Note that the prosecution witnesses did not see
approaching at a distance of 50 meters. Though it was a whether petitioner aimed to kill the victim. Intent to kill
moonless night, they noticed that he was half-naked. When he cannot be automatically drawn from the mere fact that
was about 5 meters away from the team, Alfredo Balinas the use of firearms is dangerous to life. Animus
noticed that Francisco Eraso, who was on his right side, was interficendi must be established with the same degree of
making some movements. Balinas told Eraso to wait, but certainty as is required of the other elements of the
before Balinas could beam his flash light, Eraso fired his M16 crime. The inference of intent to kill should not be
armalite rifle at the approaching man. drawn in the absence of circumstances sufficient to
prove such intent beyond reasonable doubt. Wvirtualibräry
- Immediately thereafter, Petitioner, who was on the left side - Absent an intent to kill in firing the gun towards the
of Rufo Alga, fired a single shot from his .45 caliber pistol. victim, petitioner should be held liable for the crime of
The victim shouted, Tay Dolfo, ako ini, (Tay Dolfo, this is illegal discharge of firearm under Article 254 of the
me) as he fell on the ground. The victim turned out to be Revised Penal Code. The elements of this crime are: (1)
Silvestre Butsoy Balinas, the nephew of Alfredo Balinas and that the offender discharges a firearm against or at
not the cattle rustler the team were ordered to intercept. another person; and (2) that the offender has no
intention to kill that person.
- Silvestre Balinas died as a result of the gunshot wounds he - Though the information charged the petitioner with
sustained. murder, he could be validly convicted of illegal
discharge of firearm, an offense which is necessarily
RTC and CA: Found that conspiracy attended the included in the crime of unlawful killing of a person.
commission of the crime. The Court of Appeals ruled that Pursuant to Article 254 of the Revised Penal Code,
petitioner and accused Eraso conspired in killing the illegal discharge of firearm is punishable with prision
deceased, thus, it is no longer necessary to establish who correccionalin its minimum and medium periods There
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the June 26,
1997 decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No.
16886, affirming the conviction of petitioner for the crime of
homicide is SET ASIDE and petitioner is ACQUITTED of
the crime charged on the ground of reasonable doubt.A new
decision is entered finding petitioner Geronimo Dado guilty of
the crime of illegal discharge of firearm and sentencing him to
suffer the indeterminate penalty of six (6) months of arresto
mayor, as minimum, to two (2) years and eleven (11) months
of prision correccional, as maximum.