The Pragmatic and The Dogmatic Spirit in Physics
The Pragmatic and The Dogmatic Spirit in Physics
The Pragmatic and The Dogmatic Spirit in Physics
continuously to new discoveries and new know- fashioned theories may perhaps prove to be
ledge ; the dogmatic spirit leads to the crippling of inadequate or erroneous when examined in the
experimental research, and to a literature which light of experience. On the contrary, almost before
is as effusive as it is unfruitful and tedious, they have been published, a flood of propaganda
intrinsically akin to the theological dogmatism of for them is started by articles in journals and
the Middle Ages, which was opposed to the intro- newspapers, by text-books and by lecture tours,
duction of pragmatic natural science. if possible right round the world. So far as I am
The researches of Lenard and of Rutherford aware, Rutherford never undertook lecture tours
present us with obvious recent examples of the to make known the results of his researches. Of
manner in which the pragmatic spirit works in Lenard I know that he detested speaking about
physics. By his experimental investigations on his researches before a wide public, and that he
cathode rays, Lenard paved the way for the only twice took part in the German Congress of
greatest discovery of the last fifty years, that of Natural Science (Naturforscherversammlung). On
the electron, and furthermore, in the photo-electric the other hand, older physicists will probably still
effect, he revealed careful measurements the remember with what pertinacity propaganda was
connexion between the electron and light. From carried on all over the world and before the widest
his intuitive sense of reality and by convincing public for Einstein's theories of relativity. Matters
experiments and measurements, Rutherford de- have not been quite so bad with the newer dog-
rived our knowledge of the radioactive transforma- matic theories which have been advertised under
tion of chemical atoms and of their nuclear such terms as quantum theories, quantum me-
structure, knowledge which could never have been chanics, and so on ; nevertheless, for the purpose
derived by dogmatic methods. The relativistic of propaganda on their behalf, innumerable
theories of Einstein, which are based on an lectures have been held throughout the world, and
arbitrary definition of space and time co-ordinates very many text-books have been written about
or their differentials, constitute an equally obvious them.
example of a product of the dogmatic spirit. In so far as the task of physics is the investiga-
Another example of this kind is the wave-mechan- tion of bodies and of laws concerning the reality
ical theory of Schrodinger. By an amazing feat of of Nature, only the pragmatic attitude of men of
physico-mathematical acrobatics he obtains as a science is qualified to solve them, and hence also
final result first a differential equation. He then alone entitled to do so. When the dogmatic spirit
asks what sort of physical significance the function does not confine itself to theology and sociology,
that occurs in his equation may have, and for this but also chooses physics as an arena for its intel-
he makes a suggestion, according to which the lectual gymnastics, one might tolerate this, but
electron is arbitrarily smeared in a large spatial only under the condition that physical research of
region round about the atom. In characteristic the pragmatic school of thought does not suffer in
fashion, however, other dogmatic physicists (Born, consequence. But for about three decades this
Jordan, Heisenberg, Sommerfeld) give to the condition has not been satisfied, at any rate not
Schrooinger function another dogmatic signifi- in Germany, where during this time the repre-
cance, contrary to fundamental laws of experience. sentatives of the dogmatic spirit have gained a
They make the electron dance round the atom in dominating influence. By their collective action
an irregular manner, and allow it to act externally and their connexion with earlier Ministries they
a.s though it were simultaneously present at every were able to acquire numerous chairs in physics,
point round about the atom with a charge corre- and above all in theoretical physics. In conse-
sponding to the statistical duration of its sojourn quence of this, and because of the lively propaganda
at each point. for modern dogmatic theories, academic youth was
There is still another important difference predominantly educated in the scientific ideal of
between the pragmatist and the dogmatist in the dogmatic spirit. Not men like Lenard and
physics, which has to do more with the characters Rutherford, but Einstein and his dogmatic
of these two types. The physicist of the pragmatic imitators were held up to them as models for
spirit does not conduct propaganda for the results scientific thought and work. I have taken the
of his research in order to gain authority and field against the dogmatic spirit in Germany
influence ; he finds his satisfaction in obtaining because I have been able to observe repeatedly
new knowledge and trusts that it will receive its crippling and damaging effect on the develop-
recognition from the expert as a representation of ment of physical research in this country. In this
reality, and that it will serve as a step towards conflict I have also directed my efforts against the
new advances. How different are the protagonists damaging influence of Jews in German science,
of the dogmatic spirit ! They do not first wait for because I regard them as the chief exponents and
at least five years to see whether their revolutionary propagandists of the dogmatic spirit.
This reference brings me to the national aspects maintain that there are no Aryan men of science
of the mental outlook of men of science in research. who are actively engaged in the dogmatic spirit in
It can be adduced from the history of physics that the realm of science; nor do I maintain that Jews
the founders of research in pnysics, and the great cannot produce valuable experimental work carried
discoverers from Galileo and Newton to the out in the pragmatic spirit. I wish solely to make
physical pioneers of our own time, were almost a statement on the frequency of occurrence of the
exclusively Aryans, predominantly of the Nordic natural tendency to pragmatic or to dogmatic
race. From this we may conclude that the pre- ways of thinking. It must also be taken into con-
disposition towards pragmatic thinking occurs sideration that, by training and practice, Aryans
most frequently in men of the Nordic race. If we can become accustomed to the dogmatic and Jews
examine the originators, representatives and pro- to the pragmatic habits of thought. I acknowledge
pagandists of modern dogmatic theories, we find scientific achievement in new discoveries irre-
amongst them a preponderance of men of Jewish spective of the nationality of the discoverer, and
descent. If we remember, in addition, that Jews I combat the harmful influence of the dogmatic
played a decisive part in the foundation of theo- spirit in physics whenever I encounter it in my
logical dogmatism, and that the authors and scientific work, and regardless of whether the
propagandists of Marxian and communistic dogmas culprit is a Jew or not. Moreover, I have been
are for the most part Jews, we must establish and engaged in this fight not only since 1933, for as
recognize the fact that the natural inclination to long ago as the year 1922 I denounced in the
dogmatic thought appears with especial frequency strongest terms the formalism and oogmatism in
in people of Jewish origin. German physics in one of my publications entitled :
In establishing these facts, of course, I do not "The Present Crisis in German Physics".