Fire Service Pump Operators Handbook (Warren E. Isman)
Fire Service Pump Operators Handbook (Warren E. Isman)
Fire Service Pump Operators Handbook (Warren E. Isman)
Warren E. Isman
Fire Chief, Fairfax County (VA) Fire and Rescue Service
A PennWell Publication
The writing of a textbook takes a great deal of time during which many chores get neglected. This neglect
is hardest on a family. So, for their understanding and help during this hectic period I am dedicating this
book to my wife Marguerite, and my children Emily, Susan, Amy, Kenneth, Matthew, Janet, David, Carla,
and Theodore.
The recommendations, advise, descriptions, and the methods in this book are presented solely for educational
purposes. The author and publisher assume no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage that results from the
use of any of the material in this book. Use of the material in this book is solely at the risk of the user.
Copyright © 1984 by
PennWell Corporation
1421 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112-6600 USA
Director: Mary McGee
Managing Editor: Jerry Naylis
Production/Operations Manager: Traci Huntsman
Isman, Warren E.
Fire Service Pump Operator’s Handbook / By Warren E. Isman
ISBN-13: 978-0-87814-905-6
ISBN-10: 0-87814-905-8
The Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver-Operator Professional Qualifications, Chapter 3, NFPA
1002-1982, copyright 1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy MA 02269, reprinted
with permission. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the
referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
Today's pump grew out of a basic need-the need to get water on fire as
quickly and efficiently as possible.
The advancements made through the centuries dictated the need for a
pump operator, which has become a full-time specialization. With today's
highly sophisticated equipment, a fire apparatus driver/operator must meet
certain performance standards set forth by the National Fire Protection
This book provides the information necessary to efficiently operate a fire
department pumper and to meet the requirements set forth in Chapter 3 of the
NFPA 1002 Standard, Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifica-
tions 1982, "Apparatus Equipped With a Fire Pump."
Starting with the basics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and
working through fractions, ratios and hydraulics, this book discusses the dif-
ferent types of pumps; the equipment carried on or attached to a pumper and
their testing and maintenance; nozzle reactions; pressure control systems;
priming devices; the different operations for drawing water from various
sources; and driver training.
In the interest of providing a step-by-step progression, not all the paragraphs
in NFPA Standard 1002 are dealt with in the order set forth in the standard.
Water movement, flows, and a review of equations and definitions are
covered in the appendices at the back of the book.
Chapter Page
1 Basic Mathematical Operations 1
2 Fractions 9
3 Algebra 24
4 Ratio, Proportion, Percentage, Powers and Roots 33
5 The Metric System and Fire Service Hydraulics 43
6 Fireground Hydraulics 47
7 Introduction to Pump Operations 75
8 Positive Displacement Pumps 80
9 Centrifugal Pumps 90
10 Pump Drives 117
11 Pump, Cab, Body Components 128
12 Nozzle Reaction 141
13 Pressure Control Systems 144
14 Priming Devices 169
15 Drafting Operations 182
16 Hydrant Supply and Operations 189
17 Relay Operations 201
18 Sprinkler and Standpipe Operations 209
19 Tanker and Portable Pump Operations 225
20 Testing and Maintenance 234
21 Driver Training 247
A Understanding Fluids 252
B Water Movement 256
C Quantity of Water Flowing 265
D Equations 271
E Definitions 272
Index 277 v.
Chapter 1
Basic Mathematical
Many firefighters, faced with the opportunity of becoming a pumper/driver,
become concerned because of the calculations that will be necessary to operate
the pump correctly. Firefighters who have been out of school for some time are
afraid that they will not remember some of the basics of mathematics. For
those who are worried, this chapter is presented as a review. Read it carefully,
for it provides the foundation for all of the calculations in this book.
There are two common systems that can be used to express numbers-
Arabic and Roman. The one most commonly used. and the one more familiar
to firefighters is the Arabic system. The Arabic system is based on 10 figures
called digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. By using these digits in various
combinations, any number can be expressed.
The value of the figure is dependent upon the location of the digit within the
number. A mark, called a decimal point, is used to separate whole numbers
from parts of a whole number. Whole numbers are written to the left of the
decimal point, while parts of a whole number are written to the right of the
decimal point.
The place names for the digits are:
L N N 0 N N I N N 0
0 E H A E S E A
N D 0 N D D N
0 N S
Using this system, the number 1296317.845 would be read as one million,
two hundred ninety-six thousand, three hundred seventeen and eight hundred
forty-five thousandths. 1
Addition is c0mbining two or more numbers to yield one answer, the sum.
The steps for addition are:
Step 1. Write the numbers one under each other, with all the unit digits in
the unit column, the tens digits in the tens column, the hundreds in the hun-
dreds column, etc.
Step 2. Add all the digits in the units column. If the total is greater than 9,
write the unit digit of the total in the unit column and carry the other digits to
the tens column.
Step 3. Add all the digits in the tens column, including the digits carried
from the unit column. If the total is greater than 9, write the unit digit in the tens
column and carry the other digits to the hundreds column.
Step 4. Continue to add each column, carrying forward the digits greater
than 9.
The total flow at the fireground is three thousand four hundred and thirty-six
gallons per minute.
Addition should always be checked by adding the digits in reverse order. If
the original was added from top to bottom, check your work by adding from
bottom to top.
Two-rules for performing mathematical operations of addition are:
Rule 1: If a and b are used to represent any two numbers, then it can be said
that a + b = b + a. This is called the commutative rule of addition and means
that the order of addition is reversible.
Rule 2: If a, b, and c are used to represent any three numbers, then it can
be said that a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c. This is called the associative rule of addition
and means that addition can be performed in any sequence. This is the rule
that permits addition to be checked by adding the digits in the rev~rse order.
Multiplication is a simplified process of adding the same number a given
number of times. For example, 15 added together three times will equal 45.
This can be accomplished either by
Addition or Multiplication
15 15
15 x 3
15 45
Step 6. Continue this process until all the digits of the multiplicand have
been multiplied by the tens digit of the multiplier.
Step 7. Continue until all digits of the multiplier have been used.
Step 8. Add the resultant figures in each column.
x 23
Step 2. Use the units digit of the multiplier and multiply the units digit of the
multiplicand (3 x 8 = 24). Write the 4 in the units column and carry the 2 to the
tens column of the multiplicand:
x 23
Step 3. Use the unit digit of the multiplier and multiply the tens digit of the
multiplicand (4 x 3 = 12). Then add the 2 that was carried over from step 1
(12 + 2 = 14). Write the 4 in the tens column and carry the 1 to the hundreds
x 23
Step 4. Use the units digit of the multiplier and multiply the hundreds digit
of the multiplicand with it (3 x 2 = 6). Now add the 1 carried from step 3
(6 + 1 = 7). Write the 7 in the hundreds column.
x 23
Step 5. Use the tens digit of the multiplier and multiply the units digit of the
multiplicand with it (2 x 8 = 16). Write the 6 in the tens column and carry the 1
to the tens column of the multiplicand:
x 23
Step 6. Continue the process until all the digits of the multiplicand have
4 been multiplied by all the digits of the multiplier:
x 23
x 23
5704 gallons
Multiplication can be checked by reversing the multiplier and the multi-
In order to be proficient in the multiplication process, the student must
memorize the multiplication tables from 1 through 12.
Three rules for performing mathematical operations of multiplication are:
Rule 3: If a and b are used to represent any two numbers, then it can be said
that a x b = b x a. This is called the commutative rule of multiplication and
means that the order of multiplication is reversible.
Rule 4: If a, b, and c are used to represent any three numbers, then it can
be said that (a x b) xc = a x (b x c). This is called the associative rule of
multiplication and means that the multiplication can be performed in any
Rule 5: If a, b, and c are used to represent any three numbers, then it can
be said that a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c). This is called the distributive rule of
Subtraction is the opposite process of addition and is used to determine the
difference between two quantities. In performing subtraction, the larger
number (the minuend) is placed on top, while the number to be subtracted (the
subtrahend) is placed on the bottom. The steps for subtraction are:
Step 1. Write the minuend on top and the subtrahend on the bottom, being
sure that the units column, tens column, etc., line up.
Step 2. Start with the units column and subtract the subtrahend from the
Step 3. Continue sutracting in the other columns.
111 gpm
Step 2. Start with the units column and subtract the subtrahend from the
Step 3. Continue the subtraction of the other columns. 5
Sometimes, however, even though the subtrahend is smaller than the min-
uend, individual digits of the subtrahend are larger. When this happens, 10
units must be borrowed from the preceding column. This is possible because a
number like 481 can be written:
400 + 80 + 1
400 + 70 + 11
390 + 90 + 1
In the second_ case, 10 was borrowed from the tens column and added to
the units column. In the third case, 10 was borrowed from the hundreds col-
umn and added to the tens column.
- 87
Step 2. Start with the units column and subtract the subtrahend from the
minuend. Since the 7 is larger than the 2, borrow from the tens column
(12-7 =5):
8 12
1 .9""%
8 7
8 12
8 7
1 0 5
Subtraction can be checked by adding the answer and the subtrahend. This
sum should equal the minuend.
Division is a simplified process of subtracting the same number a given
number of times. For example, if 15 were subtracted from 45, and repeated
three times, there would be no remainder.
45 - 15 = 30
30 - 15 = 15
15 - 15 = 0
Another way of explaining division is how many times one number is con-
tained in another number. The expressions used for division are:
Dividend - the number to be divided
6 Divisor - the number to divide by
Quotient + Remainder
Divisor ) Dividend
14 )8236
Step 2. Determine the largest possible number that, when multiplied by the
divisor, will not be more than the dividend (5 x 14 = 70).
14 )8236
Step 3. Subtract the product of step 2 from the dividend (82 - 70 = 12) .
14 )8236
Step 4. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (3):
14 )8236
Step 5. Determine the largest possible number that, when multiplied by the
divisor, will not be more than the dividend (8 x 14 = 112). 7
14 }8236
Step 6. Subtract the product of step 5 from the dividend (123 - 112 = 11) .
14 }8236
Step 7. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (6):
14 )8236
Step 8. Determine the largest possible number that, when multiplied by the
divisor, will not be more than the dividend (8 x 14 = 112):
14 }8236
Step 9. Subtract the product of step 8 from the dividend (116 - 112 = 4).
This difference of 4 is the remainder. Each pumper will be required to supply
588 gpm.
14 }8236
Chapter 2
In addition to whole numbers, the firefighter must also be able to handle
computations involving parts of a whole number-expressed as a fraction.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall identify and demonstrate the use
of fractions, percentages, and decimal fractions in mathematical calculations as
required to solve fire department pumper hydraulic problems."·
If the line and the circle below are divided into four parts, then one part
would be 1/4 of the total. Two parts would be 2/4, three parts would be 3/4,
and four parts would be 4/4, or the whole amount.
With this explanation then, the fraction line indicates division. The bottom
number, called the denominator, shows the number of equal parts that the
whole is divided into. The numerator is the top number and shows how many
equal parts of the whole have been taken to make a fraction.
Other terms used to define particular types of fractions are:
Common fraction: A fraction that has both the numerator and denominator
expressed as whole numbers.
Proper fraction: A fraction whose numerator is smaller than its denominator.
Improper fraction: A fraction whose numerator is larger than or equal to its
Complex (compound) fraction: A fraction in which numerator or
denominator or both are expressed as a fraction:
Paragraph 304.6. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982. Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Profes-
sional Qualifications. Copyright© 1982. National Fire Protection Association. Quincy. Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted 9
material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject. which is represented only by the
standard in its entirety.
_5_= 3 +~
2 5 5
Step 1. Select the largest number that will divide evenly into both the
numerator and denominator. (Answer-3)
Step 2. Divide the numerator and denominator by this number (9 + 3 = 3;
9+3 3
12+3 4
6 )28
4+2 =~
6+2 3
Step 3. The fraction can now be expressed as the mixed number 4 2/3.
Sometimes it is necessary to change a mixed number to an improper fraction
to perform a mathematical operation.
Step 2. Add the numerator to the product obtained in step 1 (32 + 3 = 35) .
Step 3. Place the result over the denominator. The improper fraction is
8x4+3 = 35
4 4
Adding fractions
The firefighter will come in contact with drawings and specifications that will
contain whole numbers, common fractions and mixed numbers. Here's how
these combinations are handled so that they can be added.
Step 1. To add fractions, all the denominators must be the same. This
means finding the smallest number that can be divided by all the
denominators, which is 8.
Step 2. Divide this denominator, called the lowest common denominator
(LCD), by the denominator of the first fraction 3/4 (8 + 4 = 2) .
Step 3. Multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by the
quotient obtained in step 2 (3 x 2 = 6; 4 x 2 = 8):
7 and 1
8 8
Step 5. Continue putting the other functions in terms of the lowest common
-1 x-=-
4 4
2 4 8
-1 x-=-
2 2
4 2 8 11
= 2 -4= 2 -
8 8 2
2 2
Subtracting fractions -
The need for understanding the subtraction of fractions is also necessary for
pump operations.
23 x 2 46
32 2 64
5 = 5
12 64 64
Subtracting mixed numbers from mixed numbers
52 x 1.. = 510
32 2 64
213 = 213
64 64
510 = 4 + 64 + 10
64 64 64
= 474
Step 4. Subtract the numerators of the fractions (74 -13 = 61) and the
whole numbers (4 - 2 = 2).
4 74
2 13
2 61
Step 5. Place the fraction result over the lowest common denominator:
2 61
64 13
Multiplying fractions
As in the muliplication of whole numbers, multiplication of fractions is a
simplified process of adding the same fractions given amount of times.
2~ = 4x2+3 = 11
4 4 4
s1- = 3x5+1 = 16
3 3 3
11 x 16
4 3
11 x 16= 176.
Step 4. Multiply the denominators:
4x3= 12.
Step 5. Write the new fraction:
Rule 6 states that the numerator and the denominator could both be di-
vided by the same number without changing the value of the fraction. Using
this rule, the multiplication process can be simplified by using the method
called cancellation.
2.~ = 4x2+3 11
4 4 4
s1- =
3 x 5 + 1 = 16
14 333
44+3= 142/3
Dividing fractions
Division of fractions, like division of whole numbers, is the process of deter-
mining how many times one number is contained in another.
8 4
Step 2. Invert the divisor:
8 1 15
fir 1
x1 3
-= -
~= 1.1..
2 2
~ = 8x6+7 = 55
8 8 8
~ = 32x4+7 = 135
32 32 32
- ...... -
8 32
Step 3. Invert the divisor and write the problem as a multiplication problem.
55 x~
8 135
Step 4. Find the number that is common to any numerator and
denominator (8 is common to 8 and 32; 5 is common to 55 and 135) and
divide by these factors:
11 4
Z 135
1 27
11 x ~ 44
16 1 27 27
44 117
27 27
Decimal fractions
A common fraction indicates division. If this division is actually carried out,
the resulting answer is a decimal fraction.
A decimal fraction can be considered as a common fraction with a
denominator that is either 10 or a power of 10 (100, 1000, 10,000, etc.). A
power of 10 means 10 times itself a specific number of times (10 x 10 = 100;
10 x 10 x 10= 1000; lOx 10 x lOx 10= 10,000).
The denominator in a decimal fraction is replaced by a period called a
decimal point. Digits written to the left of the decimal point represent whole
numbers. Each movement of one digit to the left increases the value of the digit
by a power of 10. Digits to the right of the decimal point represent decimal frac-
tions and each movement to the right decreases the value of the digit by a
power of 10. As earlier discussed, the place values to the right of the decimal
point are:
Cl Cl
Z (j) Z
(j) (j)
::c <t:
r- ::> (j)
::> Cl (j) (j)Cl
0 z<t: ::c ::c z 0
r- <t: ::c
::c r- ::c
r- r- Cl ::> r- :c
(j) Cl (j) (j)
(j) Cl ::> z Cl Cl z 0 Ll.lCl r-
Z Ll.l 0 <t: Ll.l (j) Ll.l <t: Z
::c :r:
::> Z
r- ::>
z Z
z 0 Z ::> :J
Ll.l ::c Ll.l
If the number 333,333 were written, all the digits are the same, but does
each digit have the same value? The value of each digit depends on its location
within the number. The number can be expressed as:
300= 3x 100
30= 3x 10
3= 3x1
decimal point •
3 tenths = 3x 1/10
3 hundredths = 3 x 1/100
3 thousandths = 3x 1/1000
The numerator of the decimal fraction is the digits to the right of the decimal
point. The denominator of a decimal fraction is a 1 followed by one zero for
each digit in the decimal fraction: 17
Fraction Numerator No. of Digits Denominator Fraction
.8 8 1 10 8/10
.07 7 2 100 7/100
.063 63 3 1000 63/1000
.0520 52 3 1000 52/1000
Note that in the last example the right-hand zero was dropped. This can always
be done with zeroes at the right-hand edge of a decimal fraction as they have
no value.
The numbers in the preceding table are read as: 8 tenths; 7 hundredths; 63
thousandths; 52 thousandths.
Decimal fractions are added, subtracted, multiplied and divided in the same
way as whole numbers, with some extra steps for handling the decimal point.
Adding decimals
The steps for adding decimals are:
Step 1. Write the number one under each other, lining up the decimal
Step 2. Add the numbers in the vertical columns and carryover values
greater than 9. Since this is a system of 10, carryover across the decimal point
is necessary.
Step 3. Insert the decimal point in the answer in the same place as it ap-
pears in each number.
Step 1. Arrange the numbers vertically and line up the decimal points:
Step 2. Add the numbers and carryover across the decimal point:
Step 3. Insert the decimal point in the answ~r in the same location as it ap-
pears in each number:
Subtracting decimals
The steps for subtraction of decimals are:
Step 1. Write the numbers one under the other, lining up the decimal
points. The subtrahend is on the bottom and the minuend is on the top.
Step 2. Start with the right column and subtract the subtrahend from the
Step 3. If a number in the subtrahend is larger than the number in the same
column of the minuend, borrow 10 from the next column to the left.
Step 4. Insert the decimal point in the same location as it appears in each
Step 1. Arrange the numbers vertically and line up the decimal point:
Step 2. Start with the right-hand column and subtract. If a number in the
subtrahend is larger than the number in the minuend, borrow 10 from the next
column to the left. Since 9 is larger than 6, borrow 10 from the hundredths col-
umn (16-9=7).
2. 4.% if
-1. 029
Step 3. Continue subtracting in the other columns, borrowing where
2. It X .6
-1. 029
1. 3 8 7
Step 4. Insert the decimal point in the ai~t;Wer in the same location as it ap-
pears in each number:
Multiplying decimals
The steps for multiplying decimals are:
Step 1. Place the multiplier below the multiplicand, with the right-hand
digits lined up.
Step 2. Multiply in the same manner as used for whole numbers.
Step 3. Count the number of decimal places {numbers to the right of the 19
Step 1. Place the number with the right-hand digits lined up:
7.2 6
2.9 0 4
2 178
2 9 04
3.15084 pounds
.434 x 100=43.4
Dividing decimals
The steps for dividing decimals are:
Step 1. Write the figures as a division problem, in the same way as for
whole numbers.
Step 2. Move the decimal point of the divisor to the extreme right and
count the number of places moved. This makes the divisor a whole number.
Step 3. Move the decimal point of the dividend the same number of places
determined in step 2. If there are not enough digits in the dividend, add zeros
before placing the decimal point.
Step 4. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the spot determined
in step 3.
Step 5. Divide in the same manner used for whole numbers.
Step 6. Continue the division until the quotient has the number of decimal
places needed for the answer. Add zeroes to the right of the decimal point if
more places are needed in the dividend.
2.304 )16.73
Step 2. Move the decimal point of the divisor to the extreme right three
Step 3. Move the decimal point of the dividend three places to the right:
2304 )16730.
Step 5. Divide in the same manner used for whole numbers. Add three
zeroes to the right of the decimal pOint so that the answer will have three
decimal places:
2304 )16730.000
Step 6. Write the answer:
16.73+2.304= 7.261 21
Rounding off decimals
It is sometimes necessary to delete some of the least significant digits in a
decimal fraction. The number of places in the answer is determined by the ac-
curacy required. The steps for rounding off are:
Step 1. Determine the number of places required.
Step 2. Write the number using one more place than that determined in
step 1.
Step 3. If the right-hand digit is 6 or greater, increase the next digit to the
left by 1.
Step 4. If the right-hand digit is 4 or less, leave the next digit to the left as it
Step 5. If the right-hand digit is 5 and it is preceded by an odd number, in-
crease the digit by 1.
Step 6. If the right-hand digit is 5 and it is preceded by an even number,
leave the next digit to the left as it is.
Step 2. Write the number using one more place than that determined in
step 1:
The decimal equivalent can be read directly from the chart. Conversely, if the
decimal equivalent is known, the chart will provide the nearest fraction
Chapter 3
In addition to the basics of mathematics, "The fire apparatus driver/ operator
shall demonstrate the use of simple algebraic formulas required to solve fire
department pumper hydraulic problems." *
Algebra is an extension of the basic mathematical procedures. However, in-
stead of using numbers, algebra replaces the numbers with letters. These letters
can be used to represent a general number. By using these general numbers,
mathematical definitions can be developed that will apply any time, no matter
what numbers are used. The mathematical rules continue to apply, with cer-
tain additional rules for the handling of algebraic symbols.
In Chapter 1, some mathematical symbols were defined. These symbols [+,
-, x, +, =, 0] represent the same operations in algebra, but additional rules
and procedures are also necessary. These rules deal with the mathematical
designation of groups, subscript notations, and the performance of algebraic
Some additional definitions required for discussing algebraic operations are
given below. The examples are based upon the expression 3ax + 4y - z.
Paragraph 3-4.7. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Profes-
sional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted
material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which Is represented only by the
24 standard in its entirety.
Subtracting symbols
As in addition, subtraction of symbols requires that ali factors except the
numerical coefficient within the term be the same. The steps for subtraction
Step 1. Group the factors that are alike together.
Step 2. Perform the mathematical operations, addition and/or subtraction,
for the numerical coefficients of the like factors.
Step -3. Rewrite the answer.
The rules for handling addition and subtraction can be stated as follows:
Rule 7: When combining factors with the same sign (either plus or minus)
add the numerical coefficients and place the sign in front of the numerical coef-
ficient of the answer.
Rule 8. When combining factors with opposite signs, subtract the numerical
coefficients and place the sign of the larger coefficient in front of the numerical
coefficient of the answer.
Multiplying symbols
Multiplication of symbols can be accomplished whether or not the terms or
factors are the same. The steps for multiplication are:
Step 1. Multiply the numerical coefficients.
26 Step 2. Multiply the symbols of the terms.
Step 4. Combine:
1. a(b) = ab
2. (a)(b) = ab
3. axb=ab
4. a' b =ab
Dividing symbols
Division of terms with symbols is very similar to arithmetical division. The
steps for division are:
Step 1. Write the problem in the form of a fraction.
Step 2. Divide the numerical coefficients of the numerator and de-
Step 3. Cancel the symbols that are common to the terms in both the
numerator and denominator.
Step 4. Determine the sign by using the rules:
+ + +
+ +
Step 5. Write the final answer.
Algebraic grouping
In order to avoid misinterpretation, a series of symbols has been developed
for indicating the sequence of steps necessary to perform the mathematical
operations. These grouping symbols are: 0 parentheses; [] brackets;
t braces. Rules for handling the grouping symbols are:
Rule 10. If a plus sign ( + ) precedes a grouping symbol, perform the opera-
tions within the symbol exactly as indicated.
Rule 11. If a minus sign (-) precedes a grouping symbol, change the sign
within the grouping symbol (a minus to a plus or a plus to a minus) and then
change the sign preceding the grouping symbol to a plus. Perform the opera-
tions within the symbol.
Rule 12. If a coefficient precedes the grouping symbol, each term within the
symbol must be multiplied by the coefficient.
-6(xy - 2z)
Change + xy to - xy
Change - 2z to + 2z
Change -6 to +6
Multiply by the coefficient 6( - xy + 2z) = - 6xy + 12z
Step 3. Rewrite the problem with the work performed in steps 1 and 2:
28 6 t 5 [12xy + 8y - 6xy + 12z] + 7y I- 6z
Step 6. Perform the operation within the brackets, using Rules 10 and 12
for + sign grouping:
5 [6xy + 8y + 12z]
30xy + 40y + 60z
40 y + 7 y = 47y
Step 10. Perform the operation within the braces, using rules 10 and 12 for
+ sign grouping:
360z - 6z = 354z
As explained in the introduction to this unit, formulas are general expres-
sions that state a fact. An equation is a statement that expresses an equality
and indicates that the quantity on one side of the = sign is the same as that on
the other side. Whenever a formula is expressed, an equality is also expressed.
However, not all equations can be considered formulas.
A formula is said to have a left-hand and a right-hand side, separated by an
equal sign. Equations can be solved by applyjng certain basic rules:
Rule 13: The value of an equation is not changed if:
1. The same value is added to both sides of the equation.
2. The same value is subtracted from both sides of the equation. 29
+ 4 +4
+ 4 +4
x + 0 = 15
x = 15
15 - 4 = 11
a + 3a + 6 = -10
4a + 6 = -10
-6 -6
Step 2. Subtract both sides of the equation:
4a +. 6 = -10
-6 -6
4a + 0 = -16
4a = -16
Step 3. In order to isolate a, both sides of the equation must be divided by
4, using rule 13(4).
4a 16
4 4
Step 4. Divide both sides of the equation:
.Ka _~
,K If
a = -4
- 4 + 3( - 4) + 6 = - 10
- 4 - 12 + 6 = - 10
-10 = -10
c 4 =5
+4 +4
Step 3. In order to isolate c, both sides of the equation must be multiplied
by 6, using Rule 13(3):
.£.x 6 =9(6)
c = 54
Step 5. Check the answer by substituting the answer in the original
54 -4=5
~ - 4 = 5
9 - 4 = 5
5 = 5
Example: Solve the equation 6a + 7 -2a = -3a -14.
6a + 7 - 2a = - 3a - 14
4a + 7 = - 3a - 14
+3a "\
4a + 7 = - 3a - 14
'- -7
Step 2. Combine terms:
4a + 3a = - 14 - 7
7a = -21
1 3
/fa = P1
7' ;f
a = -3
Step 4. Check the answer by substituting the answer in the original
Chapter 4
Ratio, Proportion,
Percentage, Powers
and Roots
The last area of mathematics that potential pump operators need to review is
ratio, proportion, percentage, powers and square roots.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall demonstrate the use of propor-
tions in mathematical calculations as required to solve fire department pumper
hydraulics problems.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall identify and demonstrate the
determination and use of square roots at required to solve fire department
pumper hydraulic problems."·
It is often necessary to make a comparison of like quantities. This can be
done by making a ratio, that can be expressed siIVPly as a fraction. For exam-
ple, pumper 1 which is 12 years old can be compared to pumper 2 which is six
years old by expressing the ratio:
This means that pumper 1 is twice as old as pumper 2. Since a ratio can be ex-
pressed as a fraction, it can be reduced to lowest terms without changing in
value. It is important to remember that ratios can be used to compare like
quantities. This leads to rule 14 which states:
Rule 14: In a ratio, both the numerator and denominator must be ex-
pressed in the same units.
In addition to being expressed as a fraction or a division problem, a ratio can
be shown in the form 6 : 12. This form is read as "6 is to 12," with 6 as the
numerator and 12 as the denominator. The steps for determining a ratio are:
Step 1. Determine the quantities that are the same.
Step 2. Write the quantities as a ratio.
Step 3. Reduce the ratio to lowest terms.
Paragraphs 3-4.4 and 3-4.5. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub-
ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety. 33
125 feet
175 feet
125 : 175
A proportion is the equality of two ratios. It means that the ratio of a quantity
is equal to the ratio of another quantity. For example, 5/10 = 10/20 is a pro-
portion showing the equality of the two ratios.
Another way of writing a proportion is:
5 : 10 :: 10 : 20
This can be read as "5 is to 10 as 10 is to 20." The symbol: is read as "is to"
and the symbol :: is read as "as." When written this way, the end or outside
terms are called the extremes, while the middle or inside terms are called the
Rule 15: For proportions, the product of the mean equals the product of
the extremes.
As an example, the general proportion is
a : b :: c : d, or
b d
Using rule 15, a and d are the extremes and band c are the means. There-
fore, ad = bc. This rule is used to solve a proportion when one of the terms is
unknown. \
In ratios, only like quantities can be compared. In proportions, however,
each ratio can contain unlike quantities, provided that when setting up the pro-
portion, the unlike terms are compared in the same order. This results in the
development of two different types of proportions, the direct and indirect.
A direct proportion is a proportion in which the unlike quantities change in
the same order in each ratio. An indirect or inverse proportion is one in which
34 one ratio gets larger while the other ratio gets smaller.
The proportion
is a direct proportion because both ratios increase in the same direction (as the
miles increase so does the time required).
In a proportion dealing with the number of people needed to do a job, the
more individuals involved, the less time that is necessary. If it takes six people
12 minutes to do a job, then it will take 24 people 3 minutes to do the same
job. The proportions can be set up as follows:
10,000 gallons
G = unknown gallons
50 feet
29 feet
10,000 : G :: 50 : 29
10,000 _ 50
G 29
......Mean .....
10,000: G :: 50 : 29
50 G = 29,000
G = 58,000 gallons 35
7 firefighters
F = unknown firefighters
28 minutes
4 minutes
7 : F :: 4 : 28
7 4
F 28
4F = 196
F = 49
28 (7) = 4 (49)
196 = 196
The word percent is another way of saying hundredths and is indicated by a
% sign. The word percentage means dividing something into 100 equal parts.
There are three ways of expressing hundredths:
1 common fraction
.01 decimal fraction
1 % percent
36 17% = .17
214.88 gallons
The particular form of the formula used depends on which of the quantities
are known.
p = rb
r = .11; b = 73
Step 2. Substitute in the formula and perform the mathematical operation:
p = .11 (73)
p = 8.03 firefighters
total department = 73 + 8
= 81 firefighters
r = .78
r = 78% 37
b= ~
p = 270; r = .82
b =
b = 329.27 hp
As previously discussed, an easier way to express the sum 5 + 5 + 5 is to
write 5 x 3. There is also a shorthand notation for repeated multiplication. For
example, 5 x 5 can be written as 52 and 5 x 5 x 5 can be written as 53. The
number 5 is called the base; the numbers 2 and 3 are called the exponents;
and the product of 52 or 53 is called the power of the factors.
The units of measurement are very important when considering powers. A
unit of measure, when multiplied by itself, is a square (inches times inches
equals square inches). At the conclusion of the mathematical operations, the
correct units must be calculated.
The rules for handling exponents are:
Rule 16: The basic rules of exponents are:
Step 2. Determine the correct rule to use and perform the mathematical
Rule 16A Rule 16B Rule 16C Rule 16D Rule 16E
32 + 3 35 - 2 32
32x3 33 x43
35 36 27x64 33
243 729 1728 27
Step 3. Calculate the correct units
v =
TT = 3.14
D = 3.5 inches
D3= (3.5)3 cubic inches
Step 2. Perform the mathematical operations:
A root is the opposite of a power. It says that a number, when multiplied by
itself, will give the original number. For example, the square root of 25 asks
what number, when multiplied by itself, will give 25. Similarly, the cube root of
27 asks what number when multiplied by itself three times will give 27.
The mathematical shorthand method of writing square root is the radical
sign V- . To indicate a cube root, the radical sign is written ~ .
Very few square roots work out to a whole number. The square root of 9 is
exactly 3, but the square root of 10 is not a whole number. The square root of
10 can be rounded off to 3.16. For this reason it is necessary to calculate most
of the square roots. However, it is not the purpose of this text to teach the 39
mathematical method for determining square root. Instead, Table 1 has been
provided to give the square root of numbers from 1 to 100, to two decimal
v'HP x 2.5
c =
HP = 325 hp
N = 8 cylinders
v'325 x 2.5
c =
v'25 x 13 x 2.5
c =
5v'13 x 2.5
c =
c =
5 x 5.7
c =
c =
c = 3.56 inches
V16 x v'IT
V100 v10
4 x v'IT
10 x v10
4 x 3.32
10 x 3.16
13.28 = .42
Step 3. Check the answer:
One of the big advantages of the SI system is that multiples of 10 of the basic
unit are used. Thus, a common prefix is developed for each measurement.
These prefixes are:
nano n 1/1,000,000,000 0.000000001 10- 9
micro J.L 1/1,000,000 0.000001 10- 6
milli m 1/1000 0.001 10- 3
centi c 1/100 0.01 10- 2
deci d 1/10 0.1 10- 1
hecto h 100 100.0 102
kilo k 1000 1000.0 103
mega M 1,000,000 1,000,000.0 106
giga G 1,000,000,000 1,000,000,000.0 10 9
For example, if the meter is the basic unit of length, then 1000 meters would
equal 1 kilometer, while one hundredth of a meter would be equal to a cen- 43
timeter. The same is true of a liquid volume measure. If a pump delivers 1000
liters per minute, then this is the same as 1 kiloliter per minute.
When compared to the British Imperial System that was established on a
very arbitrary basis (an acre equals the amount of land a yoke of oxen can plow
in one day), the SI sytem has logical interrelations.
Term Symbol Measurement
millimeter mm 0.001 meter
c~ntimeter cm 0.01 meter
meter m 1.0 meter
kilometer km 1000 meters
cubic centimeters cc 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm
milligram mg 0.001 gram
centigram cg 0.01 gram
gram g 1.0 gram
kilogram kg 1000 grams
milliliter ml 0.001 liter
centiliter cI 0.01 liter
liter I 1.0 liter
kiloliter kl 1000 liters
newton N
second s
pascal Pa
joule J
1 inch = 25.4 mm 1 mm = 0.0394 in
= 2.54 cm 1cm = 0.394 in
1 foot = 304.80 mm = 0.033 ft
= 30.48 cm 1m = 39.37 in
= 0.305 m = 3.28 ft
1 mile 1609.34 m 1 km = 3280.83 ft
= 1.609 km = .621 mi
= 645.16 mm 2 1 cm 2 = 0.155 in 2
= 6.45 cm 2 = 0.0011 ft2
44 1 ft2 = 929.03 cm 2 1 m2 = 10.764 ft2
= 16.38 cc 1 cc = 0.061 in 3
= 0.016 I 11 = 61.02 m 3
1 fe = 28.321 = 0.035 ft3
1 gallon = 3.791 = 0.264 gallons
= 35.31 ft3
= 264.19 gallons
1 psi = 0.703 g/mm2 1 g/cm 2 = 0.0142 psi
= 70.307 g/cm 2 = 2.048 Ib/ft 2
= 0.0703 kg/cm 2 1 kg/cm 2 = 14.223 psi
= 6.894 kPa = 0.968 atmospheres
1 atmosphere 1.034 metric 1 kPa = .145 psi
1 Ib = 444,800 dynes 19 = 0.00221b
= 453.6 9 1 kg = 2.2051b
= 4.448 N 1N = .2251b
1°C = 5/9(OF - 32)
1 Btu = 1055 J 1J = 0.000948 Btu
1 gpm = 0.06398 lis 1 lis = 15.85 gpm
Pumper Ratings
750 gpm 47.31 lis 50
1000 gpm 63.08 lis 60
1250 gpm 78.85 lis 80
1500 gpm 94.62 lis 95
2000 gpm 126.16 lis 125
Hand Lines
20 gpm 1.26 lis 1
30 gpm 1.89 lis 2
100 gpm 6.31 lis 6
120 gpm 7.57 lis 8
200 gpm 12.62 lis 13
250 gpm 15.77 lis 15
fog 100 psi 689.4 kPa 700 kPa
straighthand 50 psi 344.7 kPa 350 kPa
straight master 80 psi 551.5 kPa 550 kPa
• Amount of pressure at base of a column of water is a gain or loss depending on position of nozzle In relation to the pump.
It will be some time before the fire service adopts the SI system. Standardiza-
tion must be established so that new appliance sizes and hose lengths can be
determined, and certain questions must be answered, such as:
1. Will the standard length of hose become 20 meters?
2. Will the unit of pressure be the kilopascal or the bar?
3. Will 60-mm diameter hose replace standard 2112-inch hose?
4. Will 75-mm diameter hose replace standard 3-inch hose?
5. Will 15 lis be accepted as the standard hand line flow?
Once fire service personnel become familiar with the new numbers,
hydraulic calculations will become much simpler than those presently in use.
Chapter 6
Fireground Hydraulics
Before jumping into the calculations and concerns of hydraulics, an under-
standing of the history of firefighting might be of value. A study of past
firefighting techniques not only provides a proper perspective as to the impor-
tance of present equipment and techniques, but forms a foundation for further
progress and technological advances.
Man, from the beginning of recorded history, has been concerned with fire.
While it provided him with warmth against the cold, heat for cooking, and light
for security, it was also a terrible enemy which destroyed whole cities.
In his battle to keep this force under his control, man soon learned that he
had an ally with water. Early man found water ideal for fire control because
there was an ample supply, it extinguished flames and it did not harm the user.
As civilization progressed, however, man found that a ready supply of water
was not available when and where he needed it. Firefighting could not be ac-
complished in the cities where adequate water supplies did not exist. There-
fore, aqueducts were developed. About 300 B.C., an aqueduct, capable of
supplying over 50 million gallons of water per day, was constructed for Rome.
However, while water for domestic use now could be conveniently carried,
the situation was quite different when water was needed for firefighting. In fire-
fighting, speed was essential, and carrying heavy buckets of water from the
source to the fire scene proved inefficient. From this need, a mechanical
device, a pump, was developed. The pump could move the water to the fire-
ground and enable early firefighters to deliver the water to greater heights than
they could be throwing the buckets of water at the fire.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall identify the following terms that
relate to the basic principles of fire service hydraulics:
"(a) Atmospheric pressure
"(b) Capacity
"(c) Displacement
"(d) Flow (gpm)
"(e) Friction loss
"(f) Head pressure (back pressure)
"(g) Hydrant pressure
"(h) Net engine pressure
"(i) Nozzle reaction
"(j) Pounds per square inch
"(k) Pump discharge pressure
"(I) Vacuum
"(m) Velocity
"(n) Water hammer.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a series of fireground situations
and using the written formulas specified by the authority having jurisdiction,
shall determine:
"(a) Nozzle or pump discharge pressures when the length and size of hose,
and size of nozzle are given.
"(b) Water flow in gallons per minute when the diameter of the orifice and
pressure at the orifice are given.
"(c) The friction loss in the supply and attack lines, used by the authority
having jurisdiction, when the gpm flow is given.
"(d) Friction loss in siamesed lines when size of hose and gpm flow are
"(e) Friction loss in wyed lines when size of hose and gpm flow are given.
"(f) Friction loss in multiple lines when the size of hose and gpm flow are
"(g) An estimated remaining available volume from a hydrant while pump-
ing a given volume.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a series of fireground situations,
shall calculate correct pump discharge pressure, gpm, friction loss, and nozzle
pressure, using mental formulas specified by the authority having jurisdiction.
"The fire apparatus driver/ operator, given a fire department pumper and a
series of fireground situations, shall produce effective hand and master streams
specified by the authority having jurisdiction.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a selection of nozzles and tips,
shall identify the type, deSign, operation, nozzle pressure, and flow in gpm for
proper operation of each."·
The compressive forces used in the fire service, when referenced to a given
area, are known as pressure. Pressure denotes a force per unit area, with the
measurement of force in pounds and the measurement of area in either square
inches or square feet.
It is extremely important to distinguish between a force and a pressure.
A force is a weight, and whether this weight acts on a small area or a large
area determines the amount of pressure.
'Paragraphs 3-4.1, 3-4.2, 3-4.3, 3-4.8, 3-4.9, 3-6.2, and 3-6.10. Reprinted with permission from NFPA
1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/ Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Pro-
tection ASSOCiation, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the
NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety. 49
/ .r~:ZX1~:,~:n:.
7 ,,"0'
The same force, 200 pounds, is present, but by redistributing it over a dif-
ferent size area, the pressure changes. Sometimes, in a sort of slang expres-
sion, pressure is referred to only as pounds. Remember, when this happens,
the square inch area is understood, even if it is not mentioned.
Types of pressure
Within the fire service, there are several types of pressure that are used
Atmospheric pressure is the pressure caused by the weight of the air. This
pressure will vary depending upon the elevation at which it is being measured.
If a 1-square-inch section of the atmosphere were cut out from sea level to
outer space where it ends and then weighed, the air would weigh 14.7 pounds
(figure 2A). In areas below sea level, there is a higher column of air and so the
atmospheric pressure would be greater (figure 28). On a mountain top, at-
mospheric pressure would be less (figure 2C). The pump operator must be
familiar with the characteristics of atmospheric pressure for drafting operations,
which are explained in Chapter 15.
Table 1 shows atmospheric pressures for various altitudes. However, a good
rule of thumb is to use a l/z-pound-per-square-inch decrease in pressure for
each 1000-foot increase in altitude.
Gage pressure is the pressure read on the gage. However, atmospheric
pressure is always around, yet gages on fire apparatus read 0 psi. Gages,
therefore, have been adjustea to read disregarding atmospheric pressure. To
indicate that a reading does not account for atmospheric pressure, the ab-
50 breviation psig (pounds per square inch gage) is used.
- -,,,- ~,- -- -
UPPER LIMIT OF ..............
/ ,
-- --- ---
SPACE..... .,....".... -
1" -..
UPPER LIMIT OF ...................
SPACE ".... UPPER LIMIT OF ....................
At a 500-foot elevation, the absolute pressure when the gage reads 118 psig is:
~~~+<::~"M~~:-+<H-o~~ 14.7 PSIA
-14.7 PSIG
"""-'~........"-'-.....................,......,.~................~ 0 PSIA
Static pressure is the pressure when the water is not moving. It is energy that
is available but not being used. For example, suppose a pumper connects to a
hydrant, opens the hydrant, and supplies water to the pump. The intake gage
on the pumper reads 60 psig. With no water being discharged from the pump,
the 60-psig reading is a static pressure reading.
Residual pressure is the pressure remaining once water has begun flowing.
Using the preceding example, the static pressure reading is 60 psig. Now if
water is discharged, the intake reading will drop. This new reading, which
might be 54 psig, is called residual pressure. The difference between the static
reading and the residual reading is due to losses required to overcome friction
and elevation.
Flow pressure is the pressure available to move water from one point to
Normal operating pressure is the pressure which has been established by a
fire department for specific, commonly encountered fireground situations. The
normal operating pressure for a 11/z-inch, 200-foot hand line with a fog nozzle
is 160 psig.
Pump discharge pressure is the pressure read on the master discharge gage,
read in psi, and indicating the amount of pressure being created by the pump.
Hydrant pressure is the pressure available from a hydrant under flowing
conditions. It is also used to denote a hand line that is connected directly to the
hydrant and operating only from the pressure availble from the hydrant.
Net engine pressure is the pressure that is actually produced by the pump. It
is the difference between the intake pressure and the discharge pressure. For
example, if a hydrant is supplying 60 psi pressure and there is a discharge
pressure of 150 psi, the pump is actually producing only 90 psi, which is the
net engine pressure.
Movement of fluids through a conduit causes a loss of energy. The amount
of energy applied by the pump and recorded as engine pressure will not be the
amount of energy reaching the nozzle. There will be energy losses due to many
factors, but these losses are generally combined together and called friction
52 loss.
7 ~
6 f-.
5 ~
4 f-.
3 ~
2 f.-+.
1 I-
1 -_ _~~\
As pressure increases, the water stops moving in nice, even layers and
begins to swirl around, moving in one general direction. The SWirling action
(figure 4C) starts at the surface of the conduit and then affects the interior
layers. This type of flow is called turbulent flow.
Example: If the flow through a hose line went from 200 to 600
gpm, how much would the friction loss increase?
Since the flow has tripled, friction loss will increase Q2 or 3 2= 9 times over
what it was when only 200 gpm were flowing.
Diameter of hose
The larger the diameter of the hose, the less the friction loss will be with the
same quantity of water flowing. Mathematically, it can be stated that friction
loss varies inversely as the fifth power of the diameter.
So, if the original friction loss had been 243 psi and the hose diameter was
tripled, the new line would have a friction loss of
The length of the hose line directly influences the amount of friction loss.
The longer the hose line, the greater the friction loss. If the length is increased
three times, the friction loss also triples, if the discharge remains constant.
Example: If the friction loss in 400 feet of hose is 60 psi, what will
be the friction loss in 500 feet of the same size hose flowing the same
54 amount of water?
400 = 500
60 X
400X = 500 x 60
X= 500 (60)
X= 300
X= 75 psi
Also with this area, friction loss is affected by the manner in which the hose
lines are laid. The more bends, the greater the friction loss. The fireground
calculations take this fact into consideration, so it is only necessary to use the
length of the lay.
Appliances such as siameses, wyes, and ladder pipes all add to the total fric-
tion loss because they restrict the waterway and disturb the smooth flow. The
amounts of friction losses added by these devices are discussed later in this
chapter. 55
Additives such as Rapid Water, a development of the Union Carbide Cor-
poration, reduce the friction loss in hose. These chemical additives tend to
change the flow characteristics in such a way that friction loss is reduced. Tests
have shown that 1 gallon of Rapid Water injected into 6000 gallons of water
will increase water delivery by 35 to 45 percent. The optimum injection is 1
gallon added to 3000 gallons of water, resulting in an increased delivery of 50
to 65 percent. Naturally, calculations and formulas assume no additives in the
The entire objective of hydraulic calculations is to permit the pump operator
to determine the necessary engine discharge pressure for operating at the
scene. The basic equation for this is:
EP = NP + FL ± E, where
EP engine pressure in psi
NP nozzle pressure in psi
FL = friction loss in psi
+E = elevation in psi necessary to overcome pressure exerted
by height of discharge above the pump
-E = reduction in pSi, where the discharge is below the pump
So, the pump operator only needs to calculate each of these values. The
techniques for accomplishing these calculations are explained in the following
Nozzle pressure
Depending on the type of nozzle and its intended use, there are three main
nozzle pressures that must be considered. All fog nozzles, 1112, 21/2 and master
stream, can be considered to operate at maximum efficiency at 100 psi nozzle
pressure (figure 6). Smooth bore nozzles used as hand lines should be
operated at 50 psi, while smooth bore nozzles used for master streams are
designed to operate at 80 psi (figure 7).
A. Elkhart Brass smooth-bore hand nozzle. B. Elkhart Brass smooth-bore master stream
50 psi nozzle pressure. Nozzle diameter is nozzle. 80 psi nozzle pressure. Nozzle diameter
changed by changing tip. is changed by changing tip. .
FL = 2Q2 + Q, where
FL friction loss in 100 feet of 2 1/2-inch hose
Q flow in gallons per minute divided by 100
Presently, there is some disagreement within the fire service concerning the
accuracy of this formula. Some proponents claim that too high a figure is ob-
tained if this formula is used. However, in tests recently conducted, it has been
my experience that this formula still approximates the friction loss in 2 1/2-inch
hose. New hose did show somewhat less loss, but the same brands that were a
few years old again had a friction loss that approximated this formula. In addi-
tion, some allowance must be made for the manner in which the hose lines are
laid. Friction loss calculations in this book will use this equation.
FL = 2Q2 + Q
Step 2. Determine the formula values:
Q=300 3
Step 3. Solve the equation:
FL = 2(3)2 + 3
FL = 2 (9) + 3
FL = 21 psi/IOO feet
FL = 21 x 4 = 84 psi/400 feet
Q =~=.8
FL = 2Q2 + Q
FL = 2(3)2 + 3
FL = 21 psi
Step 2. Multiply by the conversion factors: Ph-inch - 11; 4-inch - .091:
21 x 11
231 psi/ 100 feet
21 x .091
1.9 psi/lOa feet 59
This yields:
Flow FL/IOO Feet
100gpm 1 psi
200 gpm 4 psi
300 gpm 9 psi
400 gpm 16 psi
500 gpm 25 psi
One of the laws of physics states that the pressures exerted by water at any
point in an open vessel is dependent upon its depth. This pressure can be
calculated by using several formulas and the physical fact that 1 cubic foot of
fresh water weighs 62.5 pounds.
If 1 cubic foot of water were divided into square inches (figure 9), there
would be 144 columns of water (12 by 12), each 1 foot high. Each column
would also have a base area of 1 square inch (1 inch by 1 inch). The pressure
at the base is solely dependent upon the weight of the water.
Since 1 cubic foot of fresh water weighs 62.5 pounds, then one of the col-
umns, 1 square inch at the base and 1 foot high weighs
The significance of this value can best be shown in the following examples:
Example: What is the pressure at the bottom of a 100-foot-deep
&esh water lake, allowing that water is not compressible?
For each foot of depth, water exerts a pressure of .434 pounds. At 100 feet,
the pressures would be 100 times as great, so that
Pressure 100 feet x .434 psi
Pressure = 43.4 psi
Example: The water level of a reservoir Is 200 feet above a fire
62 hydrant. What Is the static reading at the hydrant?
The pressure exerted by water that is elevated is again equal to .434 psi for
every foot of elevation. For 200 feet of elevation the pressure would be:
Note that in neither of these examples was the amount of water nor the area
of the water mentioned. This is because the pressure is only dependent upon
the height, and with everything being referenced to 1 square inch, the area is
not needed.
For fireground operation, the value .434 psi per foot of elevation can be
rounded off to .5. This means that 112 psi per foot can be used. For a ladder
pipe elevated 60 feet in the air, back pressure can be estimated to be 112 x 60
= 30 psi.
This rule of thumb can also be used for standpipe calculation. A value of 5
psi per story above ground level can be used for back pressure in a standpipe
system. A connection four stories above ground level would have a back
pressure of 4 x 5 = 20 psi.
0.434 POUNDS
Reprinted with permission from The Waterous Company, St. Paul, Minn.
The 21/2-inch discharge butt of a fire hydrant will have a c value of from. 7 to
.9, depending upon the construction of the hydrant (figure 10). Smooth bore
nozzles will have a c value ranging from .96 to .99. Since the values .96 and
.99 are about 1. 0, the coefficient is sometimes deleted from the calculations for
smooth bore nozzles.
Q = 29.7 = d2 x vP X c
d = 2.5 inches
P = 8 psi
c = .85
Q = 29.7 x d 2 X v'P X C
d = 1.25 inches
P = 50 psi
c = 1
::. "
.....: .::'
::,..:: .... ...:.:.....::..
C = 0.96 TO 0.99
Since the standard size nozzles available for the fire service are well known,
the flow from these nozzles at various pressures can easily be calculated using
the formula. Table 4 contains these calculations for nozzles from 1/8 to 3-inch
diameters, at pressures from 20 to 150 psi.
As an example in using the table, find the flow from a 11/4-inch nozzle at 50
psi discharge pressure. Read down the 11/4 column and read across the 50
row. At the point where they intersect, read the value 326 gpm. Note that this
value varies slightly from the flow calculated in the previous example. The
discrepancy is due to the use of a coefficient of discharge for the nozzle, which
reduces the value somewhat. The variation is less than .4 percent.
On fog nozzles, flow will also vary with nozzle pressure, but the nozzle
pressure is difficult to measure. In addition, various manufacturers with differ-
ing models will have different flows for the same size nozzle at the same nozzle
pressure. For this reason, when calculating using a fog nozzle certain standards
can be set.
If the.rated flow is known, then table 5 can be used to calculate the flows
from that particular nozzle. For example, suppose a 21fz-inch nozzle is rated at
240 gpm at 100 psi. What will this nozzle flow at a 70 psi nozzle pressure?
Locate the 240 gpm row in the left-hand column of table 5. Read across to
the 70 psi column. At 70 psi, this nozzle will flow 201 gpm.
Q = 30 X (1)2 X V50
Q = 210 gpm
EP =NP + FL ± E, where
EP =engine pressure in psi
NP =nozzle pressure in psi
FL =friction loss in psi
+E =elevation in psi, where the discharge
is above the pump
- E = elevation in psi where the discharge
is below the pump
E.P. = NP + FL + E
Flow of
Nozzle Nozzle Pressure in Pounds per Sq In
at 100 30 40 50 60 ::rr1:grm:: 80 90 100
psi (gpm) U.S. Gallons per Minute
9 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
12 6.5 7.5 8.5 9 10 11 11.5 12
14 7.5 9 10 11 11.5 12 13 14
15 8 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13 14 15
18 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18
20 11 12.5 14 15 17 18 19 20
21 11.5 13 15 16 18 19 20 21
23 12.5 14.5 16 18 19 21 22 23
24 13 15 17 19 20 22 23 24
27 15 17 19 21 23 24 26 27
28 15 18 20 22 24 25 27 28
32 18 20 23 25 27 29 30 32
34 19 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
42 23 27 30 32 35 38 40 42
47 26 30 33 36 39 42 45 47
50 27 31 35 39 42 45 47 50
51 28 32 36 40 43 46 48 51
54 29 34 38 42 45 48 51 54
55 30 35 39 43 46 49 52 55
60 33 38 42 46 50 54 57 60
61 33 39 43 47 51 55 58 61
65 36 41 46 50 54 58 62 65
78 43 49 55 60 65 70 74 78
90 49 57 64 70 75 80 85 90
92 50 58 65 71 77 82 87 92
95 52 60 67 73 79 85 90 95
96 53 61 68 74 80 86 91 96
100 55 63 71 77 84 89 95 100
106 58 67 75 82 88 95 100 106
107 59 68 76 83 89 96 101 107
108 59 68 77 84 90 97 102 108
118 65 75 83 91 99 106 112 118
120 66 76 85 93 100 107 114 120
125 68 79 88 97 105 112 119 125
140 77 89 99 108 117 125 133 140
154 84 97 109 119 129 138 146 154
jjUllFr 131 152 170 186 r:ggi}} 215 228 240
250 137 158 177 194 209 224 237 250
280 153 177 198 217 234 250 266 280
400 219 253 283 310 335 358 379 400
500 274 316 354 387 418 447 474 500
700 383 443 495 542 586 626 664 700
1000 548 632 707 775 837 894 949 1000
1350 739 854 955 1046 1129 1207 1281 1350
68 2000 1095 1265 1414 1549 1673 1789 1897 2000
r ~
fog nozzle
~__p_u_m_p_er____~ 2oo-ff-e-et----------~
EP = 100 + 20 +0
EP = 120 psi
3 inch
300 feet
NP = 100 psi
FL21h = 2Q2 + Q
Q = 3 (each line carries 300 gpm)
FL = 2(3)2 + 3
FL21h = 21 psi/100 ft
FL3 = 21 x .4 = 8.4 psi/100 ft
8.4 x 3 = 25.2 psi/300 ft
FL (deck gun) = 10 psi
FL = 25.2 + 10 = 35.2 psi
+E = 20 x .434 = 8.68 psi
200 feet
2112 inch
10 feet
EP= 80+45-4
EP = 121 psi
1 71
1 inch tip,
200 feet 2 1/2 inch 50 psi NP
Q = 29.7d 2 vP c
After flow is calculated:
EP = NP + FL + E
EP = 50 + 75 + 0 = 125 psi
Chapter 7
Introduction to
Pump Operation
The progress in the dE?velopment of pumps was closely tied to the progress
made in the field of hydraulics. Limitations caused by lack of sufficient, easily
accessible water supplies created the need for a mechanical device that could
move water from one location to another for firefighting use. One of the
earliest mechanical devices, or pumps, was developed about 200 B.C. by
Ctesibius. This pump consisted of two brass cylinders with carefully fitted
pistons that drew water through valves at the base and discharged it through
outlet valves into a chamber.
In other areas of the world, even cruder devices were being used as pumps.
Marco Polo reported that professional firefighters in Cathay used hand-
operated siphons as pumps and crude hose fashioned from oxen intestines
about 1300 A.D.
Leather hose with brass fittings was first made in Holland in 1672. This hose
was made from the finest cowhide, with the seams carefully sewn together.
Sleeves, for drafting water from the source to the pump, were made of heavy
sailcloth with stiff paint, reinforced with metal rings to prevent them from col-
lapsing when subjected to a negative pressure by the pump. A brass strainer
was lowered into the water source. This helped to keep the hose and pump
free from dirt.
Firefighting in this country began with the Dutch in New Amsterdam (New
York). In the early 1600s, they established a night fire watch and required that
each household have a leather bucket for use in fighting a fire. In 1679, Boston
purchased the first fire engine - a small, hand-drawn, hand pumper. In 1731,
New York City received its first two hand pumpers, built in England by Richard
Newsham (figure 1). With 10 men operating. on each side, this pumper could
deliver enough water for a single stream. The pumper had a small built-in re-
servoir called a cistern, that had a capacity of 170 gallons. However, since the
pumper didn't have drafting sleeves, the engine could not lift water into the cis-
tern, and water had to be supplied by buckets carried by hand. To speed up the
process of filling the cistern, a multiple bucket carrier was developed (figure 2).
to this problem was the development of a two-wheel, box-like cart, that carried
50-foot, coiled lengths of hose." When fire companies demanded still more
hose, the two-wheel hose reel known as a jumper, leader cart, or tender was
developed. This device carried 600 feet of hose and could be hand-drawn, or
pulled by attaching it to the tail hook of the engine (figure 3).
was frequently). By 1910, gasoline engines that would both drive the ap-
paratus and operate the pump were developed (figure 7).
The development of the gasoline engine was paralleled by the progress
made with the centrifugal pump. This was a major step because the gasoline
engine could drive the centrifugal pump at high revolutions per minute, thus
permitting greater discharge, at higher pressures, for a more efficient
Pumpers have progressed to the point where they can deliver 2000 gallons
per minute, carry 1000 gallons of water in a booster tank, and have 2000 feet
of 3-inch hose (figure 8). The Super Pump System of the New York City Fire
Department can pump 8800 gpm at a pressure of 350 pounds per square
inch. This means that the pumper could supply 30 hose lines or from 10 to 20
small-bore deck guns with a total of more than 37 tons of water a minute
(figure 9).
The fire service has come a long way since Ctesibius invented the piston
pump. From the hand pumps which required 50 men to operate, pumping 60
to 120 strokes per minute, to the steamer with its rotary pump, the fire service
pumpers have evolved to modern apparatus and centrifugal pumps. Industrial
development, high-rise buildings, suburban sprawl, new materials, and large
crowded cities will continue to force technological advances in the field of
pl,lmps and pumpers. As the future unfolds, many new innovations will be
Figure 8. 1969 Barton American pumper in the Berlin, Md., Fire Department.
Figure 9. Overview of the New York City Fire Department's Super Pumper. 79
Chapter 8
Positive Displacement
With the field of pumps and pumpers expanding, and new innovations and
technologies being developed, "The fire apparatus driver/operator shall dem-
onstrate how to operate the different types of fire department pumpers used by
the authority having jurisdiction."·
One type of pump used by the fire service is positive displacement, which in-
cludes piston and rotary pumps. One of the rules of hydraulics states that
pressure from the outside, when applied to water in a confined area, will be
distributed to all parts of the area without decreasing in value. It is on the basis
of this rule, the fact that water is incompressible, that a positive displacement
pump works.
Positive displacement means that the volume of space within the pump will
be the amount of water that the pump can deliver on one stroke or revolution.
A mechanical method of increasing the volume, causing a pressure drop,
brings the water into the pump. Then, when the volume is decreased, the in-
creasing pressure forces the water out. The two major types of positive dis-
placement pumps are piston and rotary pumps.
As discussed in the previous chapter, water pumps were known thousands
of years ago. These early pumps were positive displacement pumps, more par-
ticularly, piston pumps (figure 1A).
Piston pumps for firefighting today are being used for high-pressure applica-
tions (figure 18) and on apparatus for combatting brush and woods fires.
The quantity of water that can be delivered from a piston pump is deter-
mined by:
1. The size of the piston,
2. The length of the stroke,
3. The number of strokes per minute (rpm), and
4. The number of cylinders.
Lift pump
The most basic type of piston pump is the lift pump. The lift pump will only
discharge water under a small amount of pressure. The major components of
Paragraph 3-6.4. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Profes-
sional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Protection AsSOCiation, Quincy, Massachusetis 02269. This reprinted
material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the
80 standard in its entirety.
Figure lAo Early piston pumper. Figure lB. John Bean high-pressure piston pump.
. . . . ; - - - - UPPER CHAMBER
- ....~-- PISTON
OPENED r""""'++""""""""
Pressure pump
The pressure piston pump is a device that uses the piston to force water out
the discharge. By regulating the amount of force applied by the piston, the
pressure under which the water is discharged can also be regulated (figure 3A) .
This pump operates as follows:
Step 1. As the piston begins its upward movement, the increased volume of
the lower chamber causes reduced pressure (figure 3B). Water is then pushed
upward into the lower chamber. The lower pressure inside the lower chamber
also keeps the discharge valve closed.
Step 2. When the piston moves downward, the increased pressure closes
the inlet valve and opens the discharge valve (figure 3C). Water is then forced
out the discharge under pressure. The amount of pressure at the discharge
82 opening depends on the size of the opening.
Step 3. The procedure is repeated with water being discharged with each
downward movement of the piston.
This pump is also a positive displacement, single-acting and self-priming
Both the lift pump and the pressure pump will deliver water only during one
stroke. This means that the firefighter on one end of the line would experience
a spurt of water and then nothing while the piston was on its return stroke. This
is not acceptable for firefighting.
be discharged out the nozzle is forced into the air chamber. The air within the
chamber is now compressed by the water increasing the air pressure above
Step 3. Now the piston begins its upward movement again, and there
should be no discharge (figure 50). However. with the discharge valve closed,
the air pressure in the air chamber causes the water to flow out the nozzle
under pressure. Thus. on the nonpumping stroke, water continues to flow,
smoothing out the pump discharge.
Step 4. The procedure is repeated. with water being discharged during both
strokes of the piston.
It should be remembered that the flow with this type of pump is still not very
smooth. A comparison of what the discharge might look like is shown in
figure 6A.
The piston pump without the air chamber will have a period without any
water being delivered during the return stroke (figure 6B); with an air chamber,
this gap is filled in with water being supplied. Note, however, that a smooth,
constant amount of water is still not being delivered.
The size of the air chamber is determined by the amount of water to be
pumped. The larger the pump. the larger the air chamber that is needed.
TIME---_~ TIME---_
A. Major Components
B. Step 1 C. Step 2
staggered intervals. This not only smooths out the water delivery curve, but
helps to balance out the pump.
Double-acting pumps, with multiple cylinders, must be arranged in pairs.
Again, the change in direction of travel is staggered so that a smooth discharge
is achieved and balance of the pump is maintained.
In the construction of piston pumpers, it is extremely important that very
close tolerances be used between the wall of the cylinder and the piston. These
86 close tolerances are necessary to prevent water from slipping back to the intake
side of the piston from the discharge side. However, because some space is
necessary, a small amount of water does get back. This backward movement
from discharge to intake is called slippage. As the piston wears, the amount of
slippage increases until the piston head has to be replaced.
Rotary pumps for firefighting were developed long after the piston pump.
Although they reached their peak of use as main fire pumps during the era of
the steamer, they were adapted to the gasoline-powered engine. While their
use as a main fire pump has declined, their self-priming ability makes them
useful on modern-day apparatus as priming pumps. In addition, rotary pumps
make excellent auxiliary pumps.
The quantity of water that can be delivered from rotary pump is determined
1. The amount of space between gear teeth,
2. The number of revolutions per minute.
While the number of pistons used in a piston pump affects the quantity
delivered, increasing the number of teeth of a rotary pump does not produce
more water. Of sole importance on a rotary pump is the amount of space be-
tween the teeth.
Rotary pumps can be divided into three general categories: rotary gear,
clover leaf, and eccentric rotary vane.
the rapidly turning teeth force more water out the discharge. The meshing of
the gear teeth also prevents water from returning to the intake side of the
As in the case of the piston pump, slippage occurs, with one of the biggest
causes being wear. To overcome this deficiency, a clover leaf pump with wear
rods was designed (figure 11). The rod is kept against the housing by a spring
to provide a better seal and to reduce slippage. As the rod wears down, the
spring pushes it out further to continue to seal the housing. When the wear has
exceeded the available limits, just the wear rod must be replaced rather than
88 the whole clover leaf assembly.
Rotary vane
To operate, the rotary vane pump uses only a single rotor, which is off-
center (figure 12). The pump operates as follows:
Step 1. Water or air enters the intake because the increasing space between
the vanes causes a pressure drop. The vanes are kept against the housing by
centrifugal force and sometimes a spring is used to assist in keeping the vanes
in place.
Step 2. As the vanes rotate, the water is moved toward the discharge
Step 3. As the water or air nears the discharge opening, the space narrows
because the rotor is off center. The water or air, having no place to go, is
forced out the discharge, thus building up pressure.
As with the other rotary pumps, slippage occurs due to water being by-
passed around to the intake side of the pump.
Chapter 9
Centrifugal Pumps
While a positive displacement pump discharges a definite volume of water
for each cycle, a non-positive displacement pump discharges a volume of
water based upon its inherent resistance to movement. The force exerted on
the water depends on the speed at which the pump is operating.
One type of non-positive displacement pump operates on the theory of a
rapidly spinning disk to create a force known as centrifugal force. This is the
most common type of pump used in the fire service and is known as a
centrifugal pump.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall identify the operating principles of
single stage and multiple stage centrifugal fire pumps.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given pump models or diagrams, shall
identify the major components and trace the flow of water through single stage
and multiple stage centrifugal pumps.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a fire department pumper with a
multiple stage pump, shall demonstrate the use of the volume/pressure
transfer valve under actual pumping conditions." *
While the principles of operation for all centrifugal pumps are the same,
each major manufacturer varies the method of moving the water. After a
general discussion applicable to all pumps, we will cover the individual dif-
ferences of the major manufacturers.
Centrifugal force
If a small amount of water were placed at the center of a rotating disk, the
water would be thrown outward (figure 1). The rotating effect moves the water
from a standing position by imparting a horizontal velocity. If the speed of rota-
tion were increased, the water would be thrown farther. The force that makes
rotating bodies move away from the center of rotation is known as centrifugal
Another way of demonstrating centrifugal force is to attach a string to a
paper cup half full of water. Begin to swing the string and cup in an ever-
increasing arc until finally completing a full circle. The water remains within the
cup due to centrifugal force. This force applies a pressure on the surface of the
liquid in the cup much greater than the force of gravity and atmospheric
pressure combined.
'Paragraphs 3-1.2, 3-1.3 and 3-6.7. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982. Standard for Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright@1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub-
90 ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
= quantity
Pump components
The major components of a centrifugal pump (shown in figures 3 and 4) are:
Impeller - The impeller is the major component of the centrifugal pump,
because it provides the velocity to the water. The impeller is mounted on a
shaft which is rotated by some type of motor power (figures 3, 4 and 5). (The
various methods of driving the impeller are covered in Chapter 10.)
Water enters the rapidly revolving impeller at the intake or eye (figures 4 and
5), and is confined by the sides, called shrouds, and by the vanes inside the im-
peller. As explained, confining the water forces it toward the outer edge at
increased pressure.
Additional pressure is created because the outer edge of the impeller is
rotating faster than the eye due to the increased diameter at the edge. This
means that water travels a greater distance near the discharge than at the in-
take, and a greater pressure results.
The vanes guide the water from the inlet to the discharge and minimize the
turbulent effect that spinning water produces. The vanes are curved away from
the direction of rotation so that the natural movement of the water will carry it
to the edge.
Figure 6 traces a drop of water from the eye of the impeller to the discharge
outlet. Note that in step 7 of the figure, just as the drop reaches the outer edge, 91
@ @)
{ (
@ @
( (
(j) @
( (
the maximum opening of the vane is at the discharge. The impeller is also posi-
tioned off-center so that the discharging tube is at its widest at the pump outlet.
The gradually increasing discharge allows a gradual shift by reducing velocity
and increasing pressure. The gradually increasing discharge is known as the
Impellers can be either single-suction or double-suction, depending on the
flows and pressures required. On the single-suction type, water enters on the
one side with the eye, while a double-suction impeller has two eyes, with water
entering from both sides.
One of the factors that affects the capacity of the pump is the size of the im-
pellers. However, the pump is rated from a draft condition, which means a
negative pressure at the eye of the impeller. When operating from a pressure
source such as a hydrant, the pump can discharge greater quantities of water
than its rated capacity. One of the major advantages of centrifugal pumps over
the positive displacement pump is that it takes advantage of incoming
pressure. For example, if hydrant pressure to the pump is measured at 50 psi,
and the centrifugal pump is rated at 150 pSi, it is then able to apply the 150
pounds to the incoming supply at 50 pounds and discharge a maximum of 200
psi. A high volume of water under sufficient pressure may allow the pump to
deliver up to 200 percent of its rated capacity.
Wear or clearance rings - As the water leaves the discharge, it is
necessary to prevent it from returning to the eye of the impeller. Centrifugal
pumps use a wear or clearance ring at the eye of each impeller to prevent this
leakage (called slippage in a positive displacement pump). (See figures 3, 4
and 5.)
This ring usually has a clearance of about .006 inch. This small opening will
increase as the pump is operated, and the ring is designed for replacement.
However, if the pump should be run without water or without discharging
water, the pump will overheat, the rings will expand, and damage to the pump
and the drive mechanism can occur.
Bearings - The bearings provide support and alignment for the impeller
shaft so that a smooth rotation under the dynamic stress of water flow can
occur (figures 4 and 5).
Packing - Pump packing is the device that allows the impeller shaft to pass
from the outside of the pump to the inside while maintaining an airtight seal
(figures 3 and 4). At each entrance or exit of the shaft, packing and a packing
gland are installed. The packing material is designed to be lubricated by pump
water. The packing gland should, therefore, not be tightened too tightly for the
packing material will dry out, crumble, and cause pump damage. Another way
of causing the packing material to dry out is to keep the pump dry for long
periods of time during the winter months. If the pump is kept dry to prevent
freezing, then at least once a week the pump should be charged with water to
lubricate the packing.
Flinger ring - Since water is designed to keep the packing material wet, a
method is needed to keep the water from continuing to travel the impeller shaft
to the gears and ball bearings. This is accomplished by a flinger ring, which
throws water off of the impeller shaft.
Stages - The number of impellers mounted on a common shaft determine
the number of stages of a pump. The additional stages allow some versatility in
operating the pump at various pressures and flow, while keeping the drive
motor operating in a manageable range.
Single-stage pumps have been developed that will deliver the same range of
volume and pressures as a two-stage pump. Improvement in engine design
and ease of operation (no transfer valve) make the single-stage pump a
94 popular design.
Figure 4 shows a two-stage pump with two impellers mounted on the same
shaft. Figure 7 is a cut-away view of a four-stage pump.
The two-stage pump can handle large quantities of water at low pressures,
or small quantities of water at high pressures at approximately the same engine
Just as clearance rings are needed at the eye of each impeller, an interstage
seal is necessary to prevent water from the discharge of one impeller entering
the other impeller (figures 3 and 4).
Transfer valve - To make maximum use of the versatility of a multistage
pump, a transfer valve is used. This is a two-position valve that allows the im-
pellers to be operated either in parallel (volume) position, or series (pressure)
When the transfer valve is placed in the parallel (volume) position, each im-
peller receives water independently. In effect, it acts as two separate pumps.
In figure 8, the transfer valve has been set for parallel. There is a 20-psi
pressure at the inlet to the pump, with each impeller delivering 500 gpm. With
the tranfer valve set, the 20-psi pressure forces the flap valve open so that the
eye of each impeller has this pressure. Each impeller now builds up the
pressure by 150 psi, so that the discharge from each impeller is now 170 psi.
The 500 gpm delivered from each impeller reaches the discharge where the
total amount of water being supplied by the pump is 1000 gpm at 170 psi.
Now, if the transfer valve were changed to series (pressure), only the first im-
peller would receive water from the intake (figure 9). The 20-psi intake
~~~__~__~ •.~__3_20_P_SI
{r 500GPM
Figure 8. Two-stage centrifugal pump Figure 9. Two-stage centrifugal pump
set in parallel. set in series. 95
pressure at the eye would be increased by 150 psi at impeller 1, so that 500
gpm at 170 psi would flow into the eye of impeller 2. The pressure differential,
170 psi versus 20 psi, would keep the flap valve closed. The 170-psi, 500-QPm
flow would be increased at impeller 2 by another 150 psi, so that the discharge
would be 320 psi at 500 gpm.
One of the most frequent questions is: When should the transfer be made?
Generally, the pump should be operated so that engine rpm is kept within the
most optimum range. While for gasoline engines this means at the lowest
possible rpm, for diesel engines this might not be the best procedure to follow.
Optimum operating rpm for a diesel engine is usually higher than for an
equivalent gasoline-driven engine. The pump operator should follow the
manufacturer's recommendation whenever possible.
However, as a general guideline, transfer to the parallel position if the pump
has to deliver more than 50 percent of its rated capacity. This would be 500
gpm for a 1000-gpm pumper and 625 gpm for a 1250-gpm pumper.
The details of how each manufacturer achieves the series-parallel operation
American LaFrance
The American LaFrance pump is a series-parallel centrifugal type with a
volute-shaped discharge. The fire pump is mounted midship on the pumper,
behind the engine (figure 10).
The impeller shaft is supported by a floating bearing at the forward end,
which is cooled by pump water passing through the clearance spaces and
returning to the first-stage suction (figure 11). The rear of the shaft is supported
by two ball bearings.
A. Capacity·Parallel 8. Pressure..series
Now water under discharge pressure (figures 13 and 16) will enter chambers
land 2, increasing the force. The valve completes its travel, seating against
seat B.
Figure 17 shows that in series position, there ale three chambers at different
pressures. Chambers 1, 2 and 3 are at first-stage pressure, chamber 4 is at
second-stage pressure, and chamber 5 is at intake pressure. Through dif-
ferences in the area on which they act, these three pressures combine to form
an unbalanced force to hold the transfer valve in the series position.
The American Pump Company is the only major manufacturer producing a
multistage pump which contains two different size impellers, each mounted on
100 a separate shaft (figure 18). The valve is arranged so that the larger impeller
By setting the selector to C, for capacity operation, only the capacity im-
peller turns (figure 20C). Intake pressure enters impeller 1, pressure is in-
creased, and water is discharged into the manifold, forcing open poppet valve
1. The discharge from impeller 1 also is used to keep the flap valve closed.
Poppet valve 2 is kept closed by the pressure differences between discharge
and intake.
The poppet valves (figure 21) are necessary to prevent water under pressure
from the discharge from flowing back into the other impeller. These valves also
allow the priming of the pump with the discharge valves open.
The Darley type S or SH pumps (figure 22) are either two stages or three
stages and are mounted midship. Water flow through the pump (figure 23) is
directed from the pump panel by a rod which controls the transfer valve. When
the rod is out, the valve is in the volume position.
In the parallel position, the transfer valve allows water to flow to both im-
pellers while blocking the crossover (figures 23 and 24). This is actually a brass
valve in a brass sleeve.
When switching to series, the output of the first-stage impeller is blocked
from going to the discharge and instead is routed to the intake of the second
impeller (figure 25). In addition, the increased intake pressure to the second
104 Figure 27. Close up of Darley check valve in the open position ..
A. Schematic diagram
o # PRES.
3000 R.P.M.
transfer. A four-way valve (figures 29A and 29B) has a supply line from the
pump discharge and one from the intake. It also has two lines connected to a
power cylinder, one to each end of the water chamber. Figures 29A and 29B
show the pump operating in the pressure mode, with the discharge pressure
keeping the cylinder in position.
To transfer the pump, the four-way valve is switched to the volume position.
This reverses the position of the pressure lines to the power cylinder (figures
30A and 30B). With the discharge pressure at the bottom and only intake
pressure at the top, the power cylinder moves up and the transfer occurs. The
transfer valve will only operate if water is flowing.
If for any reason this valve will not operate, it can be turned manually, either
by using a wrench on the hexagonal shaft (figure 31) or by inserting a 3/8-inch
rod in the hole provided in the shaft. The shaft can then be turned until the in-
dicator shows the desired position.
Several variations on this power system have been developed by Hale.
Some pumps are supplied with power operations th9t use compressed air from
the apparatus air brake system to accomplish the transfer. In these cases, a
valve similar to the one in the hydraulic transfer is used, but it is supplied with
A. Schematic diagram
0# PRES.
3000 R.P.M.
B. Cutaway drawing
air pressure on one side and atmospheric pressure on the other. This pressure
difference, usually about 90 psi, will cause the piston to move as described
In another variation, some Hale pumps use a vacuum-type transfer (figure
32). This 'system uses the supply of vacuum from the intake manifold of the
truck. The pressure or volume button is depressed, and the engine vacuum
line is interchanged with atmospheric pressure between the ends of the
cylinder, causing the transfer to occur.
Water flow in the series and parallel positions is shown in figures 33 and 34.
The Hale single-stage pump delivers the required water by using a double-
suction, single impeller (figure 35). Because it has only one impeller, no
transfer valve is required. Flow through the single-stage pump is shown in
figure 36.
The single-stage pump also uses the opposed discharge volute cutwaters to
ensure radial hydraulic balance (figure 37).
The Seagrave fire pump is a two-stage, pressure-volume type, with two im-
pellers mounted on the same shaft. By operating a transfer valve, the pump
can be used to supply rated capacity at reduced pressure or to supply reduced
capacity at high pressures (figure 38).
The pump shaft is supported by three water-lubricated bearings and a ball
bearing at the drive end to take any unbalanced end thrust. 107
pressure on the left side and the low intake pressure on the right side (figure
41A). The cylinder moves to the right and now both impellers are connected
to the intake. The valve which accomplishes this is shown in figure 41B.
Water flow from the Seagrave pump is shown in figure 42. For ease of un-
derstanding, the diagram only shows inlet on one side and discharge on the
other. There are actually inlets and discharges on both sides of the pump.
While Waterous manufactures many different kinds of pumps, from single-
stage to four-stage, the most popular one for fire service use is the eM-series.
This series is a two-stage pump with a transfer valve (figures 43 and 44) de- 109
A. Schematic diagram
A. Volume position
B. Pressure position
Figure 42. Seagrave pump water flow.
signed for midship mounting . Figures 3 and 4 show the components of the
Waterous eM pump .
Transfer is accomplished by an electric transfer valve actuator (figure 45) . As
an optional feature, a manual control can be connected for operation in case of
electrical failure . When the switch is held in pressure position, the cylinder rod
extends, rotating the transfer valve (figure 46). This connects the discharge of
impeller 1 to the intake of impeller 2 and also forces the flap valve closed
(figure 47 A) . When the valve has completed the transfer, a pressure lamp
switch is closed , lighting the pressure lamp (figures 45 and 46).
A. Closed
B. Open
Figure 47. Waterous flap valve.
Figure 48. Waterous transfer in volume position. 115
To transfer to volume, the switch is'held down. The cylinder rod retracts,
rotating the transfer valve (figure 48). This connects the discharge of both im-
pellers to the manifold of the pump. The flap valve opens due to reduced
pressure and the eye of each impeller receives water from the intake (figure
478). When the valve has completed the transfer, a volume lamp switch is
closed, lighting the volume lamp (figures 45 and 48).
Water flow for the volume and pressure positions of the transfer valve is
shown in figure 49.
Chapter 10
Pump Drives
Now that we've discussed the two types of pumps (positive displacement
and centrifugal) and how they operate, let's concern ourselves with getting
them the power needed to operate.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall identify three methods of power
transfer from the vehicle engine to the pump. . .
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a fire department pumper used
by the authority having jurisdiction, shall demonstrate the method(s) of power
transfer from vehicle engine to pump."·
Engines used in fire department pumpers are generally those that have been
designed for commercial service; although a few manufacturers utilize com-
mercial developments to produce motors exclUSively for fire service use.
However, no matter what the origin of the motor design, the engine must be
chosen to provide the correct torque to drive the apparatus as well as the
pump. These engines can have from six to 12 cylinders.
The amount of power or work that can be produced by an engine is
measured in terms of the unit horsepower. (While the terms "work" and
"power" are not synonymous in scientific terms, they will be used interchange-
ably in this book.) Horsepower is defined as the amount of work necessary to
move 33,000 pounds a distance of 1 foot in 1 minute. This can be shown with
the equation:
The common rating for the amount of power which an engine can deliver is
brake horsepower (BHP). There are normally two measurements for BHP
given for each motor - gross brake horsepower and net brake horsepower.
The gross brake horsepower rating, while determined by actual tests, does
not accurately reflect the amount of work which the engine can deliver. This is
due to the folloWing test adjustments:
1. Temperature at carburetor is corrected to 60°F.
2. Air pressure is corrected to 29.92 inches of mercury.
'Paragraphs 3-5.1 and 3-6.1. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator ProfeSSional Qualifications, Oopyright©1982, National Fire Protection ASSOCiation, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub- 117
ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
32 0
H.U. FUHRMANN, 2/24/66 ". ~
28 0
/1 o~",,. 2~7 IsJp
". ,..-I-~ "I .....r
260 .,'1' A
22 0 AIR TEMP 85°F. ELEV. 500 FT.
.- _fRr AIR DEN~:I~O~~~I~~j~:
BAR. (DRY) 29.92 HG
180 (SEA LEVElj
16 0 FAN-26" GSl x 3 J{ P.W. 520
"":-' 1.2:1 DRIVE RATIO
~~Ei~A2~5~O~~~NEO - 500
A second method of specifying power developed by the engine is called
torque. This is the ability of the engine to produce rotation at a given speed.
The relationship between torque and horsepower can be expressed as
Torque =
260 BHP x 5252
For 1800 rpm, the torque curve shows approximately 760 pounds/feet, us-
ing the scale on the right side of the curve.
Just as brake horsepower is an indication of the amount of work available
from an engine, water horsepower (WHP) is the amount of work that can be
performed by a pump.
The basic horsepower equation states that
HP = 1 x pounds x feet
Every gallon per minute pumped weighs 8.34 pounds, and each psi of
pressure developed in equivalent to 2.31 feet. The equation can now be
The efficiency of the pump depends on many factors. It is impossible for all
of the horsepower being developed by the engine to produce work by the
pump. Losses can be caused by mechanical action and hydraulic friction loss.
The mechanical points of contact (drive gearing, shaft bearings, pump pack-
ing, and impeller mounting on the shaft) cause a loss of efficiency, while fric-
tion loss at the various internal parts of the pump (impeller eye and intake pip-
ing) cause additional losses.
The usual efficiency for a fire department pump operating at rated capacity is
about 60 to 70 percent. This value is arrived at by calculating the theoretical
value and then measuring the actual value being produced. Efficiency can then
be determined as
BHPIn = WHPout
BHPln = WHPout
BHP = 1713 x efficiency
70 -
15 60
200P~ 7
a: 50 00
/~ ~
w .... 250 PSI
>= 40
W 30
/$' '300 PSI
~ 20
200 400 600 800 1000
The two-stage pump (figure 3) covers a wider range of pressures more effi-
ciently than does a single-stage pump. Two sets of curves are shown because in
reality it is two separate pumps. As shown on the two-stage curves, the
average efficiency over the entire operating range is high. Because the general
overall operating efficiency is higher for the two-stage pump, less horsepower
is needed to cover the range of operation. This becomes especially important
during booster line operation where the high pressure and small flow are need- 121
f- 60
u 50~--~~-+77~r
0.. 40 ~--T!J'T.
~ 30~~~~~~--~--~----~--
o 1L.---~2==00:--~40~0-----::'60~0-----::'80;:;::0--1~0:::00:--
ed. The single-stage pump would need a higher rpm, which means that a
greater loss occurs within the pump, thus resulting in the heating of the internal
parts of the pump. Since the two-stage pump operates more efficiently at the
lower flow and higher pressure, less heating will occur.
Pump speed is determined by holding a counter at the pump speed connec-
tion at the pump panel. However, this is not always the most practical method
of determining pump speed. The speed can be determined mathematically by
multiplying the engine rpm (as read on the tachometer) by the engine-to-pump
gear ratio.
The gear ratio selected enables a particular pump to be matched to a par-
ticular engine and have the pump rotate so that it will deliver the flow required
over the pressure range necessary. Typical gear ratios range from 1.4 to 2.1
750 1000
1690 speed at 1000
Speed at 1000 = 1690 x 1000
122 = 2253 rpm
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Pump can be carried to a water 1. Limited capacity and pressure.
source that is inaccessible to the 2. Additional engine to maintain.
truck. 3. Carry an extra supply of fuel.
2. Pump speed independent of vehi-
cle speed. Can pump and drive at
the same time.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Simple linkage. 1. Pump subject to freezing and
2. Simplified controls. damage because it is out front.
3. All operations in front of truck. 2. Size of pump limited.
4. Independent of drive system to 3. While moving, pump discharge
rear wheels. Can pump while depends on engine speed.
moving. 4. Clutch can slip.
Drive shaft operation - The most common type of pump drive is the
one for midship-mounted pumps. In this type of drive, the pump transmission
is inserted in the drive line between the engine and rear wheels. When
operating on the road, power is supplied to the rear wheels via the drive shaft.
To drive the pump, the power is redirected from the rear wheels and is
switched to the pump.
The shifting can be accomplished manually, electrically, or with a vacuum.
The method used depends on the individual manufacturer. The transmission
must be in direct drive, usually fifth gear, to operate the pump.
One method for transferring the power is through a sliding collar. When the
collar is in the road position (figure 7A), the teeth on the coupling shaft
transmit the full engine power to the rear wheels. When shifted to pump, the
collar moves forward and engages with the pump drive gear, transmitting the
engine power to the impeller shaft (figure 78).
One engine manufacturer uses an oil lubricated chain drive to rotate the
pump (figure 8A). When in the road position, the engine drives the rear
wheels, bypassing the chain drive (figure 88). When shifted to pump (figure
8C), the chain drive is rotated, thus turning the pump drive. The manufacturer
states that there is less loss in the chain arrangement than in the gear drive, so
that more usable hors.epower is transferred to the pump.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Full power of engine is available 1. Power to drive wheels is dis-
for pumping. connected.
2. Can be used for large size pumps. 2. Relatively complex mechanical
3. Manual override is necessary for
electric shift operation.
Another manufacturer has developed a method of powering the rear wheels
as well as the midship pump. Mounted on the chassis drive line, the gear case
is capable of transmitting the engine torque, as multiplied by the transmission,
to the rear axle for road operation. With the transmission in direct drive, the
gear case can transmit engine torque to the impeller shaft for stationary pump- 125
B. Road position
A. Overall view
C. Pump position
Figure 8. Chain-driven drive.
ing. With the transmission in low (first gear), the gear case can transmit torque
to the pump impeller shaft as well as to the rear axle for pump and motor
Power take-off - Another common pump drive for a brush truck is a fly-
wheel power take-off operation. This PTa unit is inserted between the engine
and transmission and runs at a constant speed with the engine. This type of
PTa is usually capable of handling full engine torque so it is also used to drive
full-size pumps. Like the front-mount pump, a clutch is required for engaging
and disengaging the pump. For a brush truck, it is desirable that this clutch be
operable from both inside the cab and from the pump panel while the engine is
running at pumping speeds.
A truck with a midship pump and automatic transmission must be driven by
a power take-off from the transmission. The Allison HT-70 transmission (figure
9) has a PTa aperture available with torque capacity to drive a major pump.
This PTa is a flywheel type and is not affected by shifting of the transmission.
This makes it suitable for pumping while moving.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Can pump in motion. 1. For some engines, a limited
2. Simple linkage. amount of power is available.
3. Can be used to drive large
Chapter 11
Motor gages
Every time an operator drives the pumper, he should carefully observe all
the motor gages in the cab. These gages provide information on the condition
and ability of the engine to get the apparatus to the scene and to power the
pump. In addition, before leaving the cab at the fireground, the operator
should again scan each of the motor gages. Troubles noted at this time can
avoid an emergency shutdown situation when firefighters are inside the
building .
• Paragraphs 3-5.4,3-5.5,3-6.8,3-6.9 and 3-6.12. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982. Standard for Fire
Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright©1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub-
128 ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
Each apparatus builder has a standard method of locating the cab gages
based upon the particular chassis. A typical layout is shown in figure 1. Each
operator must become familiar with the gage location for this particular
Speedometer - The speedometer indicates the speed of the apparatus in
miles per hour. In addition, for pumps that are operated with the shift in gear,
the speedometer will read while pumping. Operators should become familiar
with the reading for their apparatus so that a quick check can be made to deter-
mine if the pump is being operated in the wrong gear.
Contained within the speedometer is the odometer which records the
distance traveled in miles. Again, for pumps operated in gear, the odometer
continues to function while pumping.
Tachometer - The tachometer indicates the speed of the engine
crankshaft in revolutions per minute. The operator should watch the
tachometer while driving because it provides an indication of when to shift
When pumping, the tachometer shows how well the pump is being
1. By indicating when the engine is in the wrong gear;
2. By indicating if the transfer valve is in the wrong position;
3. By indicating when there is water slippage from the discharge back to the
4. By indicating when the engine has reached governed rpm;
5. By indicating if there is impairment in the water supply.
Engine hours meter - The engine hours meter records the total time that
the engine has been operated. This meter provides an accurate estimate of
when preventive maintenance should be performed on the engine.
Fuel gage - The fuel gage records the amount of gas or diesel fuel remain-
ing in the tank. Whenever the gage shows a reading of three-fourths or less,
the tank should be filled to ensure that a sufficient amount of fuel will be
available if a prolonged pumping operation is necessary.
Oil pressure - The oil pressure gage measures the amount of pressure in
the lubricating system. It is important to remember that the gage does not in-
dicate the quantity of oil in the lubricating system. As long as there is oil in the
system, there will be a pressure reading. Operators should be familiar with the
recommended readings for their particular apparatus, so that abnormalities can
be readily recognized. 129
If the engine is running at less than 1000 rpm, the gage will normally read
less than its recommended value. However, if the gage rises and falls intermit-
tently, this is an indication that the quantity of oil is dropping. If this condition
occurs, or if the pressure drops completely, the engine must be stopped im-
mediately (consistent with the hose lines operating in the building) before
damage occurs.
Water temperature - The water temperature gage indicates the
temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit) of the water in the engine cooling system.
This gage is a metallic thermometer element inserted permanently in the cool-
ing space surrounding the engine cylinders. It is important that the engine
operate at the correct temperature (about 160 to 190°F) for maximum
Too low a temperature can be caused by:
l. Too large a cooling system;
2. Thermostat or shutters remaining open;
3. Circulator or auxiliary cooler valve open too wide;
4. Radiator fill valve open.
Too high a temperature can be caused by:
1. Water level in the radiator too low;
2. Leak in the cooling system;
3. Thermostats or shutters not opening;
4. Auxiliary cooling system not functioning.
A description of the auxiliary cooling system and the associated valves is
covered later in this chapter.
Air pressure - Apparatus equipped with air brakes contain a gage that
shows the pressure available in the brake lines. When the pressure falls below a
certain minimum amount, usually 90 psi, the compressor automatically ac-
tivates to refill the tank. Should the pressure continue to drop below 60 psi,
most brakes will automatically lock and an audible warning device will be
sounded, indicating a dangerous situation. Some apparatus have a reserve air
tank, that can be manually activated to increase the pressure and release the
The air horns on apparatus should only be operated by the driver so that he
can watch his air pressure gage and discontinue blowing the horn if the
pressure should drop.
Ammeter - A properly operating ammeter can indicate how the electrical
system is operating and, to some extent, the system's condition. The ammeter
indicates how much current is flowing into (charge) or out of (discharge) the
battery. In most cases, all electrical equipment except the starter, which draws
too much current for the ammeter to handle, is connected through the
After a battery has taken as much charge as it can, the voltage regulator cuts
off the generator/alternator output, turning it on briefly to peak the battery at
frequent intervals. This results in a small pulsation of the ammeter pointer from
zero to charge and back again.
The experienced operator recognizes that charge readings can mean:
1. The generator/alternator is charging the battery and supplying enough
current to run the electrical equipment as well; or
2. The regulator is not operating properly, which can damage the battery,
the generator/alternator, and the electrical equipment in use.
Discharge readings can mean:
l. Insufficient generator/alternator speed due to low motor speed or slip-
ping belt;
2. Generator/alternator inoperative due to burnout, broken drive belt, bad
130 brushes, etc.;
Pump gages
Two gages necessary for proper pump operation are provided with all fire
pumps. One is a compound gage for the intake side of the pump, either
positive or negative (vacuum) pressure, in the pump intake chamber (figure 2).
The second gage is a pressure gage that registers pump discharge pressure. For
a centrifugal pump, the second gage may be compound type, or it may be a
pressure type without the stop at the pressure position (figures 2 and 3), Omis-
sion of the stop pin is necessary when using the pressure gage due to the
negative pressure (vacuum) throughout the pump during the priming opera-
tion. (The centrifugal pump is a continuous waterway.)
Both gages are activated by a hollow curved tube known as a Bourdon tube
(figure 4). When a vacuum is being created in the pump, as during a priming
operation, the curve of the Bourdon tube decreases, and this movement is
transmitted through the linkage to register the vacuum. The vacuum reading is
shown on the gage in inches of mercury from 0 to 30 (figure 2).
When a positive pressure (above atmospheric) exists in the pump, the Bour-
don tube tends to straighten. The movement will then be proportional to the
positive pressure and will be registered by the indicator on the dial, as pounds
per square inch pressure. Remember that a 0 psi reading on the gage is really
14.7 psi absolute pressure at sea level.
This gage is standard for fire service use. It is reasonably rugged, but it can be
thrown out of calibration and damaged by improper control of the fire pump
and by freezing. Fast shutoff of nozzles while the pump is discharging induces
shock loading in the pump, causing water hammer which affects the pressure
gages. This often happens when operatinq from water mains where the
residual or inlet pressure is in the 10 to 20-psi range.
Figure 6. Auto Scan digital flow meter (right) aids operator in obtaining correct
flow for fire stream operations. Also foam system is additionally monitored for
correct flow. 133
placing two tubes with small holes in the flow line. One of the tubes faces into
the direction of the flow and the other faces with the direction of the flow. The
tubes measure the pressure in each tube, calculate the difference between
them, and then convert the differential into a flow reading.
Turbine sensor flow meter - The turJ,ine-type flow meter places a tur-
bine propeller into the middle of the flow. The movement of the turbine is
translated by mechanical means to a flow reading and thus a gage reading. The
problem with this technique is that the turbine inserted in the stream causes a
pressure drop, and damage to the turbine can result if it is struck by debris. In
addition, large flows, as experienced in the fire service, are not accurately
Paddle wheel flow meter - In the paddle wheel flow meter, the wheel is
inserted on the edge of the flow. The rotation of the paddle wheel is converted
into electrical signals that are then transmitted to a gage. Also, instead of the
regular needle-type gage, digital readouts can be provided. Because the pad-
dle wheel is out of the center of the flow, the possibility of clogging is lessened,
and there is less danger of debris in the line striking the paddle wheel.
Intake gage at draft - The intake gage, when operating from draft, will
indicate the amount of vacuum in inches of mercury. The exact reading will
depend on the amount of lift from the static source, with approximately 1.1
inches of mercury equaling 1 foot of lift when no water is being discharged. As
water is discharged, the reading will increase due to friction loss in the hard
When water is flowing, a high vacuum reading usually indicates a blockage
of the intake strainer. A low vacuum reading usually indicates an air leak some-
where in the system.
Intake gage at positive pressure - When operating from a water source
supplied under pressure, and with no water flowing, the intake gage will read
positive static pressure in pounds per square inch. As discharge lines are
opened and water begins flowing, there will be a drop in the reading caused by
the friction loss due to water flow. The resultant pressure, called residual
pressure, provides the pump operator with an indication of how many more
lines can be supplied from the source. As additional lines are supplied. there
will be a further drop in the gage reading. The operator must maintain a
reading of at least 5 psi on the intake gage at all times.
Discharg~ gages - The discharge gage is a positive pressure gage that
records the pressure being pumped to individual hose lines. This type of gage
is sometimes known as a line gage. There should be a gage for every discharge
on the apparatus. The amount of discharge pressure is determined by the
amoul)t of water flowing, the size of the hose, nozzle in use, and the length of
the line. A drop in the reading of the line gage can be caused by:
1. Reduction of water,
2. Opening another nozzle,
3. Burst section of hose, or
4. Changing nozzles.
A sharp increase in readings of this gage can be caused by:
1. A shutdown of a hose line,
2. A reduction in nozzle size, or
3. A change in pattern in certain fog nozzles.
Needle valve - The needle valve for each gage should be closed to a point
where the gage gives a steady reading without vibration (figure 2). If a gage
needle does not move, check that the valve is not closed all the way.
Auxiliary cooling
134 As explained earlier, the operating temperature of the engine is extremely
important. An engine operating too hot will be damaged, while one operating
too cold will cause sludge deposits within the engine.
The normal apparatus cooling system may be inadequate to keep the engine
from overheating, especially while operating hard on the fireground with no
ram air passing through. For this reason, an auxiliary cooling system is added
to the pumper. This system (figure 7) acts as a heat exchanger. Cool water
from the pump circulates through a coil, with the water from the radiator on
the outside of the coil. Heat is transferred from the engine cooling water to the
pump water.
- !
Water from the pump enters the coil by opening the auxiliary cooling valve
(figures 7 and 8). Note that the pump water does not mix with the radiator
water when the auxiliary cooling valve is opened. Open the auxiliary cooling
valve slowly so that the optimum operating temperature can be obtained
without cooling the engine too much.
The radiator fill valve admits pump water directly to the radiator (figure 8).
This is an emergency device only and should be used with care. Since the in-
coming water is from the pump discharge under pressure, opening the valve
wide will allow a large flow of water to enter the radiator (figure 7).
The overflow piping of the radiator may not be sufficient to handle the in-
coming water from the pump. If the pressure in the radiator builds up, bursting
can occur. It is necessary, therefore, to remove the radiator cap before opening
the valve. Exercise extreme caution when removing the cap because the
original problem was the excess temperature, and as the cap is removed,
steam under pressure could be released. Before removing the radiator cap,
open the radiator fill valve a small amount, or open the radiator fill valve until
water comes out of the overflow piping. Then, the valve is shut and the
temperature is checked, eliminating the need for removing the radiator cap.
Each intake and discharge line should be equipped with a drain. Opening
the drain before uncoupling will relieve the pressure in the line and make the
task easier. In addition, where freezing is a problem, water must be drained
from all the piping.
One simple way to facilitate draining is to use a master drain. Figure 11
shows multiple 1/4-inch ports that are opened by pulling on one plunger.
Water tank
Almost all fire department pumpers currently being manufactured have a
water or booster tank. To get water from the tank to the pump, the tank valve
must be opened. To allow water to flow from the discharge piping to the
pump, the tank fill valve must be opened (figure 12). In addition, most
pumpers have an access port directly to the tank for filling pumpers without
having to go through the pump.
When using the tank fill valve to refill the water tank, care must be exercised
to be sure that the overflow piping and vent are sufficient to handle the
discharge flow and pressure from the pump. If it is not, then the water tank can
be deformed and even cracked from the excess water and air pressure.
Pump overheat
The centrifugal pump tends to overheat when turning rapidly and discharg-
ing little or no water. To warn the operator that the pump is beginning to heat
up, red flashing lights are used at the pump panel (figure 13).
One way to reduce this heat is to open the tank valve and the tank fill valve.
This will allow water to pass from the tank through the eye of the impeller, to
the discharge piping, through the tank fill valve, back to the tank. This circula-
tion will permit removal of the excess pump heat._
Pumper equipment
Pumper equipment varies, based upon the particular needs of individual fire
departments. A rural fire department, without a hydrant system, would carry
additional hard sleeves for drafting, strainers, drafting basin, .as well as addi-
tional hose. The fire department in a major city might carry additional precon-
nect hand lines as well as forcible entry tools. So, while it is difficult to predict
exactly what each pumper will carry, much of the equipment is fairly standard-
ized. This section, therefore, covers the common items carried.
Obviously the main objective of the pumper is to move water from the
source to the incident scene. To accomplish this objective, the pumper carries
hose, nozzles, adapters, control devices, special hose tools.
Hose - Hose varies in size, construction and material. The larger the
diameter of the hose. the less friction loss that is created for the same flow.
Booster line hose is available in 3/4 or I-inch diameter and is made of hard
rubber. This allows the hose to be rolled onto a reel and charged with water
without removing the entire length from the reel. However, flow from booster
hose is extremely limited.
Hand lines come in 1112, 1%, 2 and 2 1h-inch diameters. These lines pro-
vide flows that can be handled with either one, two or three firefighters. The
hose is made of fabric such as cott<m or man-made fibers or plastic. The covers
can be either one or two jackets so that potential use and the ability to with-
138 stand abrasions is determined by the type of hose.
208 - 100
108 + 3 = 36
Step 5. Determine flow for 2 1h-inch hose with a friction loss of 36 psi per
100 feet: 400 gpm.
Adapters - Hooking up hose lines may, at times, require adapters. These
include changing the male end of a hose to a female using a double female
adapter. Other adapters may be necessary for mutual aid if the neighboring
department uses different threads.
Control devices - For controlling flow in the hose line, several devices
are carried on a pumper. The siamese devices carried on a pumper take two or
more lines and combine them into a single line. The siamese may have control
gates to shut down flow in the lines without shutting down the pumper.
Another control device is a wye which takes a single line and breaks it down
into two or more lines. The wye can be gated so flow to the divided lines can be
Individual gates can also be carried on the pumper. These can be connected
to the hydrant for flow control as well as to the pumper for intake control. The
gates vary in size from 2112 to 6-inch and operate by quarter turn, gates, or
Special hose tools - There are special hose tools for temporary repairs
to broken hose by jacketing it. The jacket clamps around the hose opening and
makes a seal at both ends, thus allowing the flow to continue.
A rope hose tool can be used to secure the hose to a ladder and to help hold
the hose during times of high flow.
A hose roller can be used to bring the hose over a rough edge without caus-
ing abrasion. It also aids in lifting the hose onto a roof.
Entry, ventilation and salvage equipment - Depending upon the
needs of the local fire department, the pumper may also carry entry, ventila-
tion, and salvage equipment. This would include:
Entry - axe, pry bar, lights
Ventilation - ladders, pike pole
Salvage - smoke ejector, salvage covers, roof coverings
How each of these tools is used is covered in basic firefighting manuals. The
pump operator must be familiar with the portable generator capabilities and en-
sure that the current load from the lights and smoke ejectors does not exceed
the rated amount. In addition, if a separate fllel supply for the generator is
140 necessary, the type and mixture must be known by the pump operator.
Chapter 12
Nozzle Reaction
One of the basic laws of physics, Newton's Third Law, states that for every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For the firefighter, this means
that water flowing out of the nozzle will cause a backward reaction.
Since the reaction force is dependent upon the amount of water flowing
through the hose, it will therefore depend on the size of the nozzle used and
the nozzle pressure.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a series of fireground situations
involving various operating pressures, shall demonstrate the formula for
calculation of nozzle reaction of hand and master streams used by the authority
having jurisdiction." *
NR 1.57 x d 2 x P, where
NR nozzle reaction in pounds
d nozzle diameter in inches
P = nozzle pressure in psi at the tip of the nozzle
NR = 1.57 x d2 x P
d = 1% rnches
P = 50 psi
Actual tests with varous size nozzles show that a 95-pound nozzle reaction is
about the maximum that a three-man crew can handle for any length of time.
Example: For a ladder pipe placed on the top fly, can a 2-inch tip
with SO-psi nozzle pressure be used?
NR = 1.57 x d 2 x P
d =2 inches
P =80 psi
No, this tip should not be used at 80 psi nozzle pressure because the nozzle
reaction exceeds 400 psi.
Fog nozzles
The nozzle reaction for variable-pattern nozzles cannot be based on the stan-
dard formula because the nozzle diameter does not flow a concentrated core of
water. The engineering department of the Elkhart Brass Company has
developed a formula for calculating the nozzle reaction of this type nozzle. This
formula is:
Q = 90 gpm
P = 100 psi
NR = .0505 x 90 x v'100
.0505 x 900
Since many fog nozzles have different flows at 100-psi nozzle pressure,
depending on the fog pattern selected, nozzle reaction will vary as the pattern
is changed. The reaction and flow will be greatest at a 30° fog pattern.
Water hammer
One other pr:oblem with water movement is the danger of sudden stops.
Since there is about 25 gallons of water in 100 feet of 2 1h-inch hose flowing
250 gpm and moving at a velocity of about 14 mph, the sudden stopping of
this volume of water causes severe shock loading in the hose, couplings, and
pump. These shock loadings are known as water hammer.
For this reason, nozzles, gates, and valves should always be closed slowly.
Otherwise, the hose may rupture or the pump may be damaged, causing in-
jury, loss of water, and additional property damage.
Water hammer can also damage the water supply system if a hydrant gate is
closed too rapidly. While the hose line can expand and absorb some of the in-
creased pressure due to water hammer, nonflexible, metal pipe, especially that
6 inches or under, has no such elasticity. Broken water mains are a definite
possibility of shutting the hydrant down too quickly.
Chapter 13
Relief valves are used on fire apparatus to prevent excess pressures caused
by changes in fireground situations. A relief valve bypasses excess water from
the discharge side of the pump back to the intake, thus preventing dangerous
pressure surges by changing the volume of water flowing through the pump.
'Paragraphs 3·5.3 and 3-6.11. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright@1982, National Fire Protection AssOCiation, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub-
144 ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
Some basic properties and facts that apply to all relief valves are:
1. The relief valve should be set whenever more than one hose line is being
supplied by the pump.
2. The relief valve should be set whenever the pump is operating in a relay
3. Before the relief valve can be set, streams that are going to be used
should be in operation.
4. The relief valve cannot compensate for a decrease in pressure. It only
limits the amount of pressure rise that will be experienced.
5. In order for the relief valve to operate reliably, it must be exercised
The spring in the relief valve cylinder only plays a small part in the operation
of the relief valve. The hydraulic force behind the main valve does most of the
work, and this force is controlled by the amount of water dumped.
The methods used by each of the manufacturers to autumate the relief valve
are covered below:
American LaFrance
The main parts of the American LaFrance relief valve are the pilot valve
(13), pilot valve spring (7), adjusting screw (4), hand wheel (2), churn valve
(33) and five water lines (figures 4 and 5). Note: numbers in parentheses refer
to parts location in figure 4. The five water lines (figure 4) perform the follow-
ing functions:
1. The discharge pressure line runs from the pump discharge to the pilot
valve housing. A strainer is included in this line to prevent foreign material
from entering the pilot valve.
2. The restricted pressure line runs from the pump discharge to the relief
valve. A strainer is included in this line to prevent foreign material from enter-
ing the relief valve or from plugging the orifice located in the tubing.
3. The bleed line runs from the pilot valve to the relief valve.
4. The drain liners) removes water from the pilot valve and dumps it on the
5. A line which connects the suction side of the pump and the pilot valve.
In normal operation, during discharge, all of the lines are fill~d with water
and the churn valve and pilot valve are closed (figures 4 and 5). This blocks
water flow from discharge to intake.
When a hose line is shut off, there is an increase in pressure in the discharge
pressure line. This causes the pilot valve (13) to move, compressing the pilot
valve spring (7) until the opening in the pilot valve housing is uncovered.
Water is then able to flow through the bleed line and on through the pilot valve
to the pump intake. This reduces the pressure on the pilot valve side of the
churn valve below the discharge pressure on the other side, allowing the churn
valve to move. When the churn valve opens, water is bypassed from the
discharge back to the intake of the pump. The pilot valve and churn valve then
equalize at the point where enough water can bypass to maintain the set
When a hose line is opened, the momentary drop in pressure causes the
pilot valve to move back to the closed position, shutting the flow from
discharge to intake. The pressure at the churn valve will increase from the
restricted pressure line.
When the pressure in the chamber equals the discharge pressure, the churn
valve will move to the closed position due to the action of the churn valve
spring, thus eliminating the discharge to intake bypass. This will increase water
volume and increase pressure.
The strainers in the lines between the pump discharge and the relief valve
and pilot valve should be flushed periodically by opening the drain valve while
the pump is operating. The valves should be closed tightly after flushing.
John Bean
The John Bean relief valve operates in a standard manner. When more than
one hose line is flowing, the pilot valve spring is adjusted to maintain the de-
sired pressure. Pressure from the discharge side of the pump keeps the churn
valve seated (figure 6). Pump discharge pressure also goes to the pilot valve.
This pressure is equal to the pilot valve spring pressure and the diaphragm,
therefore, does not deflect. The bleed line to the churn valve remains closed.
Now, one of the nozzles is shut down, causing a rise in the discharge
pressure. This increased pressure is transmitted to the pilot valve through the
discharge pressure line, causing the diaphragm to flex as shown in figure 7.
This opens the pilot valve, which allows the increased pressure to move to the
churn valve via the bleed line.
Even though the pressure on both sides of the churn valve is essentially the
same, the valve moves to the left because there is a larger area to the valve face
on the right. When the valve moves to the left, the bypass opening between
the discharge and intake is opened. Pressure is equalized so that just enough
water to maintain the set pressure is bypassed.
When the "nozzle is opened, the pressure causes the diaphragm to
straighten, closes the bleed line, drops the pressure on the right side of the
churn valve, and the combination churn valve spring and the discharge
pressure close the churn valve. The bypass is thus shut off and the pressure
returns to its original valve.
pressure bypasses the pilot control unit and the relief valve will not operate.
Optional lights (figure 9) can indicate the status of the relief valve. (Note: The
lights mentioned are not detectable in figure 9.)
This pilot control unit has a five-mesh strainer which prevents the entry of
solid material. Opening the strainer flush valve periodically should remove
small accumulations (figure 8 and 10). Should the water supply be so con-
taminated that the screen (figures 8 and 10) becomes plugged, the relief valve
could stay open and prevent normal buildup of pump discharge pressure. In
such an emergency, the relief valve piston can be mechanically closed by turn-
ing the relief valve shutoff control clockWise, all the way in (figure 9). Under
normal operations, the relief valve shutoff must be kept fully open to allow for
full travel of the relief valve.
The relief valve itself is a spring-operated valve (figures 11 and 12) which
allows water to bypass from the discharge back into the intake of the pump.
Figure 9. Control panel on Darley relief valve. Optional lights indicate where it is
in the open or closed position.
The Hale relief valve consists of a churn valve, a pilot valve, a pilot light and
switch, and a control hand wheel (figures 13 and 14).
The churn valve is a double-ended piston with the area of the face on the
pump discharge being smaller than the area on the other face.
The pilot valve contains a small rod attached to a diaphragm, a pilot valve
spring, and an adjusting hand wheel. The end of the rod opposite the
diaphragm is beveled and seats against an opening on the pilot valve housing.
When the diaphragm is flexed by the pressure from the pump discharge, the
rod moves away from the opening, allowing water, under pressure, to go the
churn valve via the bleed line.
With the relief valve set and water flowing, the churn valve is closed. At this 151
point, the pilot valve spring pressure against the diaphragm is equal to the
pump discharge pressure (figure 13). When the control rod is in this position,
the beveled end is seated against an opening within the pilot valve housing.
The beveled end seats in such a manner that it stops the water coming through
the pipe from the pump discharge and keeps it from flowing to the churn
valve. The pump discharge pressure is exerted against one side of the
diaphragm, while an equal pressure is exerted by the pilot valve spring on the
other side of the diaphragm. Therefore, the diaphragm remains unflexed.
~ ,
the churn valve, the valve opens toward the discharge side of the pump
because of the greater total force exerted on the larger face. With the churn
valve open, water flows from the discharge to the intake, thereby reducing
When the discharge'pressure is reduced to the point equal to the pilot spring
pressure, the control rod movement stops, and the churn valve remains in a
partially open position to maintain the pressure for which the relief valve is set.
When the nozzles are reopened, the pump discharge pressure acting against
the diaphragm is reduced. This allows the spring pressure against the
diaphragm to move the diaphragm away from the controlling hand wheel, and
as the diaphragm moves, the beveled end of the rod seats against the opening
from the pump" discharge. This stops the flow of water to the large end of the
churn valve.
The pressure retained in the water chamber at the large end of the churn
valve is relieved through a small hole in the face of the piston (figure 13),
allowing the pump discharge pressure and the churn valve spring to close the
churn valve and stop the flow of water from the discharge to the intake. The
pump pressure again equals the pilot valve spring pressure and the diaphragm
is unflexed. The beveled end of the rod is then firmly seated against the open-
ing in the line to the churn valve, thus assuming the normal operating or closed
The relief valve is equipped with a pilot light, activated by the pilot light
switch on the churn valve (figure 13 and 14). With the churn valve in the
closed position, the pilot light button is depressed by part of the churn valve as-
sembly. When the churn valve opens, the button is released, and an electrical
contact lights the lamp.
While the lamp effectively indicates that the churn valve has opened, it does
not indicate the degree of the opening; hence, it cannot be used to determine if
the valve is opening sufficiently to bypass the necessary amount of water. The
lights remain on until the valve is completely closed.
SWITCH Illhr"Jr7TT-,,-;r.....,....--~-..!
The Thibault relief valve consists of an adjusting hand wheel, a pilot valve, a
churn valve, a pilot light and switch, a pilot valve spring, and a churn valve
spring (figure 15).
The churn valve is a double-ended piston with the area on the left side being
larger than the area on the pump intake side.
The hand wheel is adjusted to give the pilot valve spring enough tension to
equal the pump pressure. Water under pressure enters the pilot valve through
the discharge pressure line, and since this pressure equals the pilot valve spring
pressure, the pilot valve remains closed (figure 15).
Discharge pressure is also piped to the pressure chamber of the churn valve
through another discharge pressure line. From this chamber, the pressure
passes through the balancing venturi and builds up discharge pressure in the
piston balancing chamber (figure 15). The piston in the churn valve is now
balanced and remains closed.
When a control nozzle on one of the hose lines being supplied is closed,
pump discharge exceeds the pilot valve spring tension and the pilot valve
opens. As the pilot valve opens, the pressure in the piston balancing chamber
is reduced, because the bleed line is now connected (figure 15).
The balancing venturi is a restricted opening so the pressure goes down in
the piston balancing chamber quicker than in the pressure build-up chamber.
When the pressure in the pressure build-up chamber is greater than the
pressure of the spring, the piston moves to the right and opens the relief valve
outlet. Now, pump water can flow between the discharge and the intake and
relieve the pressure. The churn valve remains in a partially open position to
maintain the pressure for which the relief valve is set (figure 15).
If a nozzle is now open, the pilot valve closes, pressure builds up in both
chambers, and the churn valve spring closes the churn valve, shutting off the
discharge to intake opening.
The relief valve is equipped with a pilot light, activated by a pilot light switch
on the churn valve (figure 15). When the churn valve opens, the switch is re-
8 7 9 6
FROM PUMP r~~~iM, _1..-'------------------=:::::::',
leased, turning on the pilot lamp. When the valve completely closes, the switch
turns off the lamp. The lamp gives no indication of how far the churn valve has
The Waterous relief valve system consists of two units-the relief valve itself
and the pilot valve that controls it (figure 16). The relief valve is spring-loaded,
pressure-activated, and installed between the intake side and the discharge
side of the pump (figure 17).
compression load from the spring (IS), the valve (11) unseats. Water then
escapes to the pump inlet through the tube (1O). The orifice (12), through
which the water must flow from the pump discharge to the relief valve, causes
the pressure in the tube (6) and the chamber (9) to be lowered. The force ex-
erted on the small end of the main valve (7) now exceeds that on the opposite
end and the valve opens.
The water being pumped bypasses from discharge back to the intake side of
the pump, reducing the discharge pressure. The relief valve opens just enough
to reduce the discharge pressure to that set by the pilot valve.
When the discharge pressure drops below the compression settng on the
spring (IS), the .pilot valve (11) then reseats and stops the discharge through
the tube (10). Pressure then builds up in the chamber (9) behind the main
valve (7) and closes it. The main valve remains closed until the discharge
pressure again increases beyond the pilot valve setting, at which time the cycle
is repeated.
Turning off the four-way valve (4) deactivates the pilot valve assembly.
Water at discharge pressure then goes directly from the four-way valve to the
relief valve, bypassing the pilot valve. The relief valve closes immediately and
remains closed regardless of the discharge pressure.
Some Waterous relief valves have indicator lights at the pump panel. The
lights are activated by the movement of the relief valve. A green light indicates
that the relief valve is closed and an amber light shows when the valve is open.
Relief valves are placed in operation by the following procedure:
1. When two or more hand lines supplied by the pump are flowing at the
volume that will be required
2. Set the discharge pressure to the amount necessary for the fireground.
3. Open the relief valve shutoff, if supplied, and set the relief valve control
for the maximum possible setting. Decrease the setting until the discharge
pressure gage indicates a drop or the pilot light indicates the valve has opened.
Increase the setting slowly until the light goes out or the pressure gage returns
to its original value. The relief valve is now set and will operate any time the
pressure exceeds the set value.
4. Flush the line to the relief valve frequently if a flush control is provided.
Otherwise, see that the strainer is kept clean, especially when pumping dirty
5. Exercise the valve frequently to ensure continuous operation.
When operating from draft or from a booster tank, it is necessary only that
the relief valve bypass the same flow that is shut off, so that the torque load on
the engine will be kept the same. This will keep the rpm as well as the net
pump pressure constant; and since the intake pressure will not rise significant-
ly, neither will the discharge pressure.
When operating from a hydrant connected to a high-capacity water distribu-
tion system, the intake pressure may be quite high, but it won't change
significantly when the flow rate changes. Usually the net pump pressure won't
be as high as when operating from draft, so less flow can be bypassed without
causing friction loss through the valve system equal to the net pump pressure.
This means that the system will stabilize when the water flows through the relief
valve and through any open discharge lines. The system also will stabilize
when the net pump pressure (equal to the friction loss through the relief valve
and piping) causes a torque load equal to the torque transmitted to the pump
by the engine. As indicated, there will be some increase in nozzle pressure,
depending on the net pump pressure as well as the number and size of the 157
remaining lines.
A pressure governor installed on a pumper is another way to minimize
changes of pressure when volumes of water flow are changed. A governor ac-
complishes this by changing engine speed to compensate for changes in
The main part of the pressure governor is a cylinder (figure 21). Within the
cylinder is a piston or plunger mechanically connected to the throttle linkage or
carburetor of the pumper engine. The movement of the piston is under the
control of the pressure being developed by the pump at its discharge and its
relationship to a preset reference. This reference pressure can be established by
an adjustable spring (figure 21), a pilot valve (similar to that on a relief valve),
pressure in an air chamber, or hydraulic fluid.
Throttle linkage clutch - engages the balancing cylinder rod with engine
throttle linkage after reference pressure has been set. If pump discharge
pressure falls below 50 psi, the clutch will disengage to prevent running away
and cavitation. The clutch is spring-loaded to disengage completely when not
pressurized to allow free movement of the throttle arm during road operation
(figure 23).
the piston and to maintain a balance of reference and pump pressures. An in-
crease in the engine speed occurs when the volume of air is increased. This
volume of air also allows a decrease to the amount of pump pressure set initial-
ly, with a decrease in discharge volume.
Control valve - controls the operation of the governor system at the pump
panel (figure 22).
The governor systems operates as follows:
160 1. The pump is placed in operation in the normal manner.
2. Open the smallest discharge line that will be used and advance the hand
throttle to obtain a slight pressure. Now, when the clutch is engaged, the balan-
cing piston is at the end of its travel, at the slowest possible setting.
3. Open the governor shutoff valve (figures 24 and 25A). Pump discharge
pressure is now fed to one side of the balancing cylinder.
4. Move the control valve to the set position (figures 24 and 258). This
pressurizes the line through the set circuit (solid area in the illustration) to the
reference pressure reservoir and to the reference pressure side of the piston in
the balancing cylinder.
5. Advance the hand throttle until the desired pressure is obtained on the
reference pressure gage (figures 24 and 258). This raises the pressure in the
entire governor system, with the exception of the clutch line.
6. Move the control valve to run and push the hand throttle closed (figures
24 and 25C). Pump discharge pressure is now connected to the clutch through
the clutch line. This engages the throttle linkage with the balancing cylinder
rod. The hand throttle is closed so that if pump pressure drops below 50 psi,
the engine will drop to idle speed when the clutch disengages.
7. When additional lines are placed in service, pressure will drop in the
pump discharge side of the balancing cylinder. The higher reference pressure
will move the cylinder to the right (figure 25C), increasing engine speed.
8. To shut down the operation, return the control valve to the off position,
open the reference pressure cylinder drain, close the governor shutoff valve,
and open the control valve drain (figure 258).
9. There is a strainer in the line between the pump and the control valve.
This strainer must be checked periodically to ensure that it is not clogged.
The American governor consists of an assembly that fits on the carburetor, a
control rod connected to a piston in a water chamber, and a control valve
(figure 26).
allows the water to either return to the pump intake or dump on the ground
through the overflow pipe. When operating from a pressure source, the valve
should be opened, but it must be closed when operating from draft. If the valve
is left open when drafting, it will be impossible to establish a prime since there
would be air entering the pump through the overflow pipe. On the other hand,
if the valve is left closed when the pump is fed from a pressure source, the
governor will not operate consistently since the change in pressure in the intake
will change the flow resistance from the return line. This, in turn, will change
the rate of escape for the water and thus the operating value of the governor.
4. The control valve now is closed slowly until the pressure on the discharge
gage begins to drop. The valve now should be opened until the pressure
readings return to the desired·value. Now, if a line is shut down, the increased
pressure on the diaphragm of the piston assembly exceeds the force of the
spring, and the control slows down the engine speed (figure 27).
~ @."'~'
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5. If the line is now opened, the intake pressure drops and the spring moves
the control rod to increase engine speed.
6. If the control is kept completely closed, then it will not be possible to
develop more than about 110 psi discharge pressure.
7. There is a strainer in the line between the pump discharge and the piston
assembly (figure 27). This strainer should be cleaned periodically, especially
after pumping dirty water.
8. To prevent freezing, the drain valve should be opened after use of the
governor during cold weather.
The Hale governor consists of an actuator, throttle, dampener needle, the
air tank, and the carburetor linkage (figure 28). The governor operates as
1. Hose lines should be open and the water flowing at the desired pressure
"and quantity. Pressure is increased by backing out the throttle knob to obtain
about 10 psi above the desired operating pressure.
2. Wait approximately three seconds to allow the air tank to fill to operating
162 pressure. Then, pull out the actuator all the way to engage the a-ring seal
(figure 29). This now seals off the pump discharge pressure so that it only
pushes against side "8" of the piston (figure 29). At the same time, the air
pressure is trapped in the tank, resulting in a constant reference pressure
pushing on side "A" of the piston (figures 28 and 29).
3. Turn the throttle knob all the way in. The acorn nut throttle linkage will
remain out (figure 29).
4. If a line is shut down, an increase in pressure will raise the pressure on
face "B" of the piston (figures 28 and 29). This will close the throttle.
5. The check valve and adjustable dampener needle valve (figures 28 and
29) minimize the tendency of the piston to override or go into a surging condi-
tion. The check valve opens on rising pump pressure to permit a fast response
of the piston in closing the throttle. When the pump pressure drops (from the
opening of a line for example), the check valve closes and the water leaving
the cylinder is diverted through and around the needle valve. The needle valve
contains a short length of capillary tubing which slows down the rate of throttle
opening and prevents surging.
6. If the throttle knob is difficult to turn, the dampener needle can be
removed and the capillary tube checked for dirt. Be sure to relieve pressure
completely before removing the dampener needle, or the check valve ball may
be blown out the dampener needle hole.
7. If more than three seconds are required for the air tank to fill to operating
pressure, the strainer may be clogged. Remove the strainer cap and pull out
the strainer screen (figure 29). Flush the. metal screen and polyethylene tubing
filter until clear.
8. During freezing weather, the governor and piping require draining.
Open the drain cock on the bottom of the air tank to drain the tank. With the
main pump drains open, move the throttle to its extreme position to help drain
the governor body. Close all drains when finished.
The Seagrave governor is composed of two major assemblies, the hydraulic
remote ·control and the piston assembly (figures 30 and 31). The governor
operates as follows:
1. Hose lines should be opened and the water flowing at the desired
pressure and quantity. Pressure is increased by opening the throttle at least 10
psi above the desired pressure. The governor control handle should be set at its
highest value (figures 30 and 32).
2. Open the governor valve (figures 30 and 32). This permits water under
discharge pressure to enter the piston assembly and exert a pressure on one
side of the diaphragm.
INTAKE ,;;;;
FROM ll~07m:lf:1ftn
6. If the flow through the needle valve should stop due to clogging, the
obstruction can be flushed out by opening the needle valve a few turns for a
few seconds and reclosing.
7. The water-operated parts of the governor are drained when the pump is
drained. The connection from the remote control to the piston assembly is ac-
complished with hydraulic fluid, so there is no freezing problem.
A mechanical-hydraulic engine governor maintains constant pump pressure
at a desired setting by adjusting the engine throttle (figures 33 and 34). The
system consists of a panel-mounted directional flow valve and an on-off valve
which, together with a bladder-type accumulator, control a hydraulic cylinder
connected to the engine throttle linkage (controls to 500 psig).
Three major units comprise the pressure controller system: the directional
flow valve assembly, the actuating cylinder assembly, and an accumulator.
The panel control (figure 33) is used to adjust the system pressure and to place
the controller into the out-of-service mode.
the reference pressure in the accumulator works through the cylinder to in-
crease or decrease engine speed to compensate for the pressure variation.
4. When the accumulator is installed, it is precharged to 75 psi with air or
nitrogen to provide closer pressure control when the pump pressures change.
A bladder separates the gas from the water in the accumulator to prevent the
system from becoming waterlogged.
Figure 34. Directional control valve assembly mounted on pump control panel
with hand throttle and accumulator.
A new device for automatic governor operation has been recently
developed. This automatic governor consists of a pump panel mounted con-
trol, a fuel feed control, and a remote control (figures 35 and 36). The gover-
nor operates as follows:
1. Hose lines should be open and the water flowing at the desired pressure
and quantity. The governor control switch is set off (figure 35).
2. The governor control switch can now he set to manual and the discharge
pressure can be regulated by pressing the increase or decrease push switch un-
til the new discharge pressure is obtained. The unit will then maintain this new
pressure (figure 35).
3. If the governor control switch is set to auto, the right-hand pressure
switch can be set to the desired discharge pressure and the governor will
automatically maintain the set pressure (figure 35).
4. When the governor control switch is set to remote, the governor can be
operated from a point near the fire rather than from the truck (figure 35).
5. The controls are all solid state devices (no tubes) so that freezing and
heating action due to hydraulic changes are avoided (figure 36).
Chapter 14
Priming Devices
A pump operator often has to use a static water source, such as a pond or
lake, to supply water to the fireground. However, since water cannot be pulled
or lifted, it is necessary to push water into the pump with some kind of
Under static conditions, the atmospheric pressure being exerted on the sur-
face of the open body of water is used to push the water into the pump. This is
done by creating an airtight waterway from the surface of the water into the
pump, and then lowering the pressure within the pump and waterway. In this
way, the atmospheric pressure on the outside of the pump is greater than the
pressure on the inside and the water is pushed into the pump.
When the water has risen to a height within the passageway so that the
pressures are balanced, the water will stop flowing. When the amount of
vacuum created is sufficient to overcome the pounds per inch back pressure
created by the elevation of the water, a flow can be established. The establish-
ment of this vacuum, then, is the object of the priming system.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall identify the theory and principles
of pumper priming systems."·
It is important to remember that only centrifugal pumps must be primed in
order to pump water from a static source. Priming is necessary because a cen-
trifugal pump has a continuous waterway from the intake to discharge and,
therefore, cannot pump air. However, once primed, the movement of water
through the pump will exclude air and maintain the vacuum.
On the other hand, a positive displacement pump needs no external priming
device. The movement of this type of pump is such that it will pump air as well
as water. If an airtight waterway can be established from the intake to the water
surface, air will be discharged. Since no air can enter, a vacuum will be
established and water will enter to replace the discharged air.
The three general methods for priming a centrifugal pump are by use of:
1. Positive displacement pump - rotary gear or rotary vane type
2. Exhaust pump - venturi from the exhaust manifold
3. Vacuum pump - suction from the intake manifold.
trifugal pumps are unable to accomplish alone. In this case, the intake side of
the priming pump is connected through a valve to an opening in the pump cas-
ing and the discharge of the priming pump is usually piped to a drain, discharg-
ing on the ground. In most applications, either a rotary gear or rotary vane
type of pump is used for priming (figure 1).
Figure 1. Rotary vane priming pump .
These primers use an oil supply to seal and lubricate the gears more efficient-
ly and to improve the priming capabilities. The vent in the oil line breaks the
vacuum when priming is complete, so that the oil will not be siphoned out of
the tank.
The primers are usually driven either mechanically from the transfer case or
by an electric motor. If an electric motor is provided, it is common practice to
provide a mechanical arrangement for emergency usage.
Operation of the rotary type primer varies from pump to pump, but the
mechanical type generally operates from an engine speed of 700 to 1500 rpm.
The electric type runs independently of engine speed. With either type, when
the prime is accomplished, water will be discharged from the drain piping.
170 Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the American LQ.France electric priming system.
Although this type of primer does not require much maintenance, it is abso-
lutely essential to keep the oil reservoir filled at all times.
Some basic principles that apply to all rotary type primers are:
1. If the connection from the primer is made to the intake side of the pump
near the impeller, the pump should be turning while it is being primed.
2. If the connection from the primer is made on top of the pump, the im-
pellers should not be turning when it is being primed.
3. The primer should be capable of providing 22 inches of mercury reading
on the compound gage within 30 seconds. Mercury is heavier than water and
a I-inch column of mercury (Hg) is the equivalent of 1.31 feet of water col-
umn. A reading of 22 inches Hg would therefore indicate a negative pressure
in the pump capable of a static lift of 24.86 feet of water (22 x 1.13 = 24.86
feet) .
American LaFrance
The major components of the American LaFrance primer are the lubricator
oil supply tank, the primer control, the primer pump, the water valve, and the
primer switch (figure 2).
The primer operates as follows:
1. The primer control handle is pulled out from the pump panel. The cable
control opens the water valve which opens the passageway between the main
pump and the rotary vane priming pump (figure 2). Pulling the control handle
also activates the priming switch.
2. With the priming switch on, the 12-volt motor turns the rotary vanes of
the primer pump (figure 3).
3. The rotary vane pump creates a vacuum and draws air out through the
water valve from the main pump.
4. When all the air has been removed from the pump, water will flow from
the primer out to the ground.
5. Oil from the reservoir is siphoned to the rotary vane pump (figure 4.)
When priming is stopped, the vacuum in the oil line is broken by the vent hole.
In some models, oil from the reservoir is supplied by manually operating the
primer lubricator control (figure 2).
The Darley electric priming pump uses a rotary vane primer (figure 5). This
pump's main components are the lubricator oil supply tank, the primer control,
the primer pump and the water control valve (figure 5).
The primer operates as follows:
1. The primer control hanc;ile is pulled out. This activates the switch that
turns on the power to the motor and opens the passageway between the main
pump and the rotary vane pump.
2. The motor turns the rotary vane pump which draws air out through the
water valve from the main pump.
3. When all the air has been removed from the pump, water will flow out
onto the ground through the primer exhaust pipe.
4. Oil from the reservoir (figure 5) is siphoned to the rotary vane pump.
When pumping is stopped, the vacuum in the oil line is broken by the vent
hole (figure 5). The oil reservoir uses SAE 30 motor oil and has a capacity of 6
..... -
Hale pumps are equipped with either a vacuum/air system or an electric
172 priming system. The major components of these systems are the priming
pump, the priming valve, the priming clutch (vacuum/air operation only), and
the control source (figures 6 and 7).
The vacuum/air priming system operates as follows:
1. When the priming button (figure 8) is pushed in, the area on the inside of
the priming valve diaphragm and the outside of the priming clutch diaphragm
are subjected to vacuum from the engine intake manifold (figure 6).
2. In the priming valve, atmospheric pressure on the outside of the
diaphragm pushes the valve open, connecting the priming pump suction to the
main pump intake (figures 6 and 7).
3. The priming clutch is engaged by atmospheric pressure pushing on the
inside of the priming clutch diaphragm, thus driving the gears of the rotary
priming pump (figure 6). Levers are provided on the priming valve and prim-
ing pump clutch for emergency manual operation (figures 6, 8 and 9).
4. When the. priming clutch is engaged, the priming pump (figure 10) is
driven by a gear in the pump gear case. The' speed of the priming pump will be
dependent on the speed of the pump motor. Most pumps are designed for the
~ '~
~.l·! ''''~\''~
' . ! SO-C~ID
---:-<! .• 1
motor to be turning approximately 120 rpm during the priming operation. The
priming pump on the Hale pump will not turn unless the main pump is en-
gaged and the road gear is disengaged.
5. The mechanical operation of the priming valve and the priming pump
will be the same for air pressure operation, except that the air will be connected
to the opposite side of the diaphragm (figure 6).
6. The priming pump uses a supply of motor oil to seal the gears and pro-
vide lubrication for the pump.
The electric priming system operates as follows:
1. Pulling the control handle opens the priming valve, which connects the
main pump intake to the rotary gear primer (figure 7) and activates the electric
2. As the rotor turns, it creates a vacuum on the intake side of the main
pump. At the same time, oil is pulled in from the oil tank for lubricating and
sealing the priming pump.
The Seagrave rotary vane priming pump is driven by a clutch arrangement
174 when the control rod is pulled (figure 11).
The major components of the Waterous primer are the priming valve, rotary
gear priming pump, and control rod (figure 14).
The primer operates as follows:
1. Pulling (or pushing, depending on the particular installation) the control
rod opens the priming valve, connecting the rotary gear primer to the first-
stage intake chamber of the main pump (figure 15). At the same time, pulling
the rod activates the electric switch which turns on the priming motor (figure
1~. 175
One of the simplest types of primers, the vacuum primer, makes use of the
fact that any gasoline-powered engine creates a vacuum at its intake manifold 177
I ,
I '
I '
The exhaust primer makes use of the venturi principle. The rapidly moving
exhaust gases from the apparatus engine are diverted through a chamber
which connects to an opening in the pump housing. The rapidly moving gases
tend to draw the air out of the pump, creating a vacuum.
This particular type primer requires a very high engine rpm because the
faster the gases are moving, the more pronounced will be the action of the
primer in exhausting the air. 179
the operation of this system. The primer's chamber also requires cleaning at in-
tervals. Operation of some of the valves that are used in diverting the exhaust
gases depends on frequent lubrication and maintenance.
No. Name of Part
I Primer Float Assembly
2 Primer Cover
J Baffle, lower
4 Primer Body Gasket
5 Baffle, Upper
6 IHO-24xY2" Machine Screw
7 Primer Valve Body
8 Primer Shutoff Gasket
13 9 Valve Seat "0" Ring
10 Ball Float Assembly
II Safety Float Housing
12 Ballast Washer
IJ Primer Cover Gasket
14 Primer Valve Body Plale
15 Primer Valve Stem
16 Primer Pivot Post
17 Primer Body
18 Clevise Pin
19 /110-24" Yz" Machine Screw & Nut
17 20 Body "0" Ring
-;:::::========FROM PUMP
1\ ~H:CK
I V ~~~E ~~~~UST
I1 . - - - _ - - - - - .\teL
Drafting Operations
Drafting water is the process of using water from a static source, such as a
pond, lake or basin. Since the water source is static, or at rest, the pump
operabr's job is to have the water forced into the pump so that it can be
delivered to the fireground.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a fire department pumper, shall
identify the principle of drafting water, and demonstrate a systems check when
the pumper will not draft."·
As explained in Chapter 14, each centrifugal pump is a priming device to
eliminate air from the pump and intake lines. Once the air has been eliminated
and a partial vacuum created, atmospheric pressure pushes water into the
pump (figure 1) through the noncollapsible (hard suction) hose.
Lifting water
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given the necessary information, shall
compute the maximum lift of a fire department pumper."··
For each 1 inch of mercury vacuum created, water will be pushed into the
non collapsible hose (or hard sleeve) a distance of 1.13 feet. Since lift is
measured from the surface of the static source to the center line of the pump, a
perfect vacuum in the pump, at sea level, will allow water to be pushed to a
height of
14.7 psi x 2.304 ft/lb = 33.86 ft, or
29.92 in of mercury x 1.13 ft/in = 33.81 ft
The perfect vacuum necessary for the theoretical lift of 33.9 feet is almost
impossible to achieve even in a laboratory. Additional loss in optimum lift is ac-
counted for due to friction in the suction hoses (a pump may lift 500 gpm
through a 5-inch suction; however, the same pump may lift 500 gpm only
12112 feet when a 3 1h-inch suction is used). Head loss, water temperature, at-
mospheric pressure at the site location and condition of the pump all contribute
to lessening the theoretical height that a pumper may lift water. This limits
practical lifts to 28 feet for an excellent rating; 25 feet for a good rating. Most
pumpers in service lift somewhat less than these figures.
The height of the Iift'is independent of the angle of the hard sleeve. The lift in
both situations of figure 2 is the same. The only distance of importance, as far
'Paragraph 3-6.3. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Pro-
fessional Qualifications. Copyright© 1982. National Fire Protection Association. Quincy. Massachusetis 02269. This
reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject. which Is represented only
b!,! the standard in its entirety.
182 "Paragraph 3-4.11. Ibid.
r TT T
as lift is concerned, is the vertical distance. However, longer hard sleeves re-
quire additional work by the pump to overcome the increased friction loss.
Since the vacuum gage is calibrated in inches of mercury, the atmospheric
pressure is measured in psi, and the lift is calculated in feet (table 1 provides the
conversions between units). Using the table, the 12-foot lift shown in figure 1
requires a vacuum of 10.60 inches of mercury or 5.20 psi. This means that the
Climatic conditions
Performance of a pump also depends on the climate for drafting operations.
Since the ability to lift 'water depends on atmospheric pressure, the specific
pressure will change with the weather. On clear, fair days atmospheric
pressure is higher than on cloudy or stormy days. The pressure change will
therefore influence the maximum lift.
Even more important than the small weather variation of atmospheric
pressure is the variation due to a change in altitude. The pressure drops ap-
proximately 1 inch of mercury (112 psi) for every 1000 feet of altitude above sea
level. Table 2 provides atmospheric pressure for various altitudes.
Normally, the temperature of the water available for drafting is not warm
enough to cause concern. However, if water is being used from a booster tank
or a test pit, the temperature can have a very noticeable effect. Every body of
TABLE 2. Atmospheric Pressure Versus Altitude
Altitude Pressure Loss of Lift Altitude Pressure Loss of Lift
(feet) (psi) Feet of Water (feet) (psi) Feet of Water
-1000 15.2 1.16 4500 12.4 5.3
- 500 15.0 5000 12.2 5.8
0 14.7 5500 12.0 6.2
500 14.4 .7 6000 11.8 6.7
1000 14.2 1.2 6500 11.5 7.4
1500 13.9 1.8 7000 11.3 7.9
2000 13.7 2.31 7500 11.1 8.4
2500 13.4 3.0 8000 10.9 8.8
3000 13.2 3.5 8500 10.7 9.2
3500 12.9 4.2 9000 10.5 9.7
4000 12.7 4.6
Loss in feet = 14.7 - Alt = X psi
2.31 feet
X x = Loss in feet
184 1 psi
water with a temperature in excess of 32°F gives off water vapor. Now, when
the water is confined inside the pump casing, the water vapor given off causes
vapor pressure. As temperature increases, so does the vapor pressure. The
values of vapor pressure at various temperatures are listed in table 3.
Table 3 shows that at 212°F, the vapor pressure equals the atmospheric
pressure and it will be impossible to draft water. Table 4 shows the theoretical
maximum lift for varying temperatures at various altitudes. As an approxima-
tion, for each 1000-foot increase in altitude, deduct 1 foot of lift.
The temperature of the air and the level of humidity affect the performance
of an internal combusion engine. Air is drawn into the cylinder and mixed with
fuel; combustipn, therefore, depends on the amount of oxygen available. Of
prime concern is the weight of the air rather than the volume, because the in-
creased weight means there is more oxygen. The greater the weight for a cer-
tain volume of air, the greater the density. As altitude and temperature in-
crease, air density decreases. In addition, an increase in humidity (water vapor
content) lowers the oxygen content of the air. All of these effects combine to
reduce the efficiency of the engine and its ability to pump water.
The results of climatic conditions can be summarized as follows:
Pumping ability is affected by:
1. Atmospheric pressure;
2. Water temperature;
3. Barometric pressure.
Engine power is affected by:
1. Barometric pressure;
2. Air temperature;
3. Relative humidity.
TABLE 3. Vapor Pressure of Water at Various Temperatures
Temperature Vapor Pressure Vapor Pressure
(oF) (psi) (feet of water)*
70 0.36 0.89
80 0.51 1.2
90 0.70 1.6
100 0.95 2.2
110 1.27 3.0
120 1.69 3.9
130 2.22 5.0
140 2.89 6.8
150 3.72 8.8
170 5.99 14.2
190 9.34 22.3
212 14.70 35.4
*The values of vapor pressure in feet of water are slightly higher than those shown in table 1
for the equivalent pressure in psi. This Is due to the decrease in specific gravity of water as
the temperature increases. The specific gravity at 39.2 of Is 1.000 and at 212°F it Is 0.958. The
decrease in specific gravity means that a given volume of water weighs less, and the same at·
mospheric pressure will push It higher.
Operating procedures
To operate a centrifugal pump from draft:
1. Position the pumper as close as possible to the static source of water.
2. Connect the number of hard sleeves necessary to reach the water source
(figure 3). Make sure that soft, pliable gaskets are used. Tighten the couplings
to ensure an airtight seal.
3. Connect the strainer to the end of the hard sleeve (figure 4). Tighten the
strainer so that an airtight seal is obtained at the coupling.
4. Tie a rope to the strainer. The rope will be used to raise the strainer off
the bottom of the water source and will ease the strain on the coupling to the
truck. If a floating strainer is used (figure 4), the rope is still needed to help
handle the hard sleeves.
5. Tie a clove hitch and binder around the hard sleeve where the strainer
and hose connect. Place the hitch so that it straddles the lugs of the hard
sleeve. Tie the short end of the rope through the strainer eye, using a figure-8
knot. Tie another clove hitch around the female end of the first hard sleeve.
The loose end of the rope can now be tied to the pumper, and the sleeve can
be raised or lowered using the rope. Note: Always try to secure to the pumper
in case operations must be secured and the pumper moved in emergency
186 conditions.
6. Connect the end of the hard sleeve to the large intake of the truck.
Tighten the coupling to ensure an airtight seal.
7. The strainer and hard sleeves are lowered into the water. If possible,
keep the strainer at least 18 inches off the bottom and 18 inches below the sur-
face of the water. If a floating strainer is used, it will automatically adjust to the
correct angle (figure 5).
8. Close all connections and shut all drain valves to make an airtight seal.
9. Set the transfer valve to the volume position for most centrifugal pumps.
10. Engage the pump.
11. Engage and operate the priming device until the pump is primed. The
vacuum reading on the intake gage should be proportional to the lift, approx-
imately 1 inch for each foot.
12. When primed, there will be a pressure reading on the discharge gage
and water will flow from the priming device. Open one discharge gate slowly,
and at the same time advance the throttle until a steady flow is established. As
the discharge is increased, the vacuum reading on the intake gage will increase
to make up for the friction loss in the hard sleeve.
13. Set the transfer valve, the relief valve, or the governor as outlined in
previous chapters.
14. To shut down the operation, lower discharge pressure slowly, close
discharge gates, disengage pump, and open drains. Opening the drains will
cause a loss of vacuum and drop the water from the hard sleeves.
15. Disconnect the hard sleeve from the apparatus and, using the rope,
raise the strainer from the water source.
16. Return all controls and valves to their normal positions.
Drafting problems
Operating a pumper from draft usually is not a frequent occurrence. For this
reason, and because the pump must be in excellent condition, many operators
experience trouble while trying to draft. It is recommended that frequent drills
in drafting procedures, even in municipal departments, be carried out.
However, if trouble should be experienced, the following trouble analysis will
assist in locating the problem.
1. Air leaks - Any faulty connection or fitting can make it difficult to prime
the pump. All intake hose gaskets should be checked for fit and wiped clean of
sand, pebbles, and any other foreign matter before the hose is attached to the
pump. The main pump packing should be adjusted tightly enough to prevent
air leakage (not water leakage). A test for air leakage is outlined in Chapter 20.
2. Dirt in suction screens - Dirt-clogged suction screens may make it
difficult to prime the pump as well as cause the pump to lose its prime.
3. Priming problems - Problems can be experienced when trying to
prime if engine speed is too low, the primer is not operated long enough, there
is no oil in the priming reservoir, there are improper clearances in the rotary 187
Cavitation is a condition that occurs internally within the pump. It is caused
by the pump trying to deliver more water than is being supplied. Cavitation can
occur when trying to dr.aft more water than can be lifted for the particular cir-
cumstances, when the strainer becomes clogged, when the hard sleeve liner
collapses, or when the water supply decreases.
As the flow of water to the intake decreases and the impeller rpm remains
constant, pressure at the impeller eye decreases. The decreased pressure
causes an increase in the amount of vacuum. Now, the increased vacuum
lowers the boiling point of the water. For example, at 14.7 psi water boils at
212°F, but at 10 psi it boils at 193.22°F and at 1 psi it boils at 101.83°F.
Some of the water entering the eye of the impell~r encounters the increased
vacuum conditions and flashes into steam or water vapor. These bubbles of
water vapor flow through the impeller where there is an almost instantaneous
change from vacuum to pressure. The water vapor condenses because the in-
creased pressure raises the .QQiling point. As the water rushes in to fill the void
left by the water vapor, there is a tremendous shock. The shock of the water
filling the empty space at a high velocity causes damage to the metal of the im-
peller, and the pump could be made inoperative.
Cavitation can be recognized as the point where an attempt to increase en-
gine rpm does not produce an increase in discharge pressure. If cavitation does
occur, the operator can decrease engine rpm, increase the size of the hard
sleeve, locate an additional source of water, or reduce the height of the lift.
Chapter 16
Hydrant characteristics
The design of a hydrant varies with the geographical area, the locality within
the state, and even within cities and towns in the same county. Some areas
have two different types of water supply systems - high pressure and regular
distribution - which means that there are two different types of hydrants
within the same area.
"The fire apparatus driver/ operator shall identify the types of hydrants used
within the jurisdiction, including descriptions of:
"(a) Connection size and type of thread of discharge openings
"(b) Construction and operation of drain valve
"(c) Direction of operation of the main valve
"(d) Internal diameter of hydrant barrel
"(e) Maximum friction loss in the hydrant
"(f) Procedures and policies of hydrant locations." *
Most hydrants are equipped with two 21f2-inch discharges and one large
discharge (figure 1). The large discharge is also known as the "steamer
connection. "
For most water systems, the threads used on the hydrant discharges are the
standard 71f2 threads per inch for 2 1/z-inch openings and 4 threads to the inch
for larger openings. The National Standard thread designation is NH.
However, there are still many fire departments that continue to use their own
nonstandard thread designations. This means that neighboring departments
when called for mutual aid must have special adapters to hook up to the
hydrant, which can hinder operations .
• Paragraph 3-2.2. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Profes-
sional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted
material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the 189
standard in its entirety.
Hydrants can be divided into two major categories, wet barrel and dry
Wet barrel hydrant - The wet barrel hydrant is primarily used in those
areas where freezing does not occur, since water is also present in the barrel.
Because freezing is not a problem, the wet barrel type has fewer parts than the
dry barrel. The wet barrel hydrant has an underground section, a top section, a
valve and a valve stem for each discharge, and a cap for each discharge to pro-
tect the threads and shutoff valve (figure 2).
Figure 3A. Dry barrel hydrant Figure 3B. Dry barrel hydrant
(cross section). components.
bed around the foot piece to ensure proper draining. (figure 5). The gravel also
prevents the drain from becoming clogged with dirt and soil. One cautionary
measure when using a dry barrel hydrant is that it must be opened more than a
few turns. If it is left to run while drain valves remain open, the water leaves the
waterway like a jet stream. This stream can erode the coarse rock, causing it to
collapse. The breakup of the rock creates a void which can cause the street to
sink or the water main to break.
In areas with a high water table, drain valves may have to be plugged. This
will prevent the ground water from entering the water barrel and rising until it is
level with the area water table. Water in the barrel will, of course, be subject to
freezing and can also contaminate the domestic water system. When the drain
holes are plugged, the fire department must hand pump the barrel dry after
each use. 191
O! t
-+ f-o
01 'r
-+- f-o
I l-
6 I 6 6
I -+- ~
"" DE AD
r+ ~ ~ 1-0
i r
•• Paragraphs 3-2_3,3-2.4,3-2.5,3-2.6, and 3·2.7. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire
Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub"-
ject. which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
The amount of water that can flow through the system is also limited by the
state of the inside of the pipe. Sediment, corrosion, or rust can inhibit the flow
significantly. Corrosion, which can be caused by the materials and chemicals
carried in the water, is known as tuberculation. The buildup of sediment can
also narrow the area of the pipe available for flow.
As explained above, a dead-end main is not the best source of water from a
hydrant. Based upon the pipe size and capacity of the pumper, the maximum
length of dead-end supplies to hydrants can be calculated. Table 1 gives a
comparison of this information.
TABLE 1. Maximum Length of Dead-End Supply to Hydrants
Pipe Size 750 gpm Pump Feet 1000 gpm Pump Feet
4-inch 90 50
6-inch 650 380
8-inch 2,650 1,550
10-inch 7,750 4,600
12-inch 19,300 11,150
The larger the pipe, the more water that can be carried. The manual pub-
lished by the International Fire Service Training Association (lFSTA 205, Third
Edition), provides a comparison of the discharge capacities of pipes. Table 2
shows this comparison.
To use the chart, find the size of one pipe in the vertical column and the size
of the pipe to be compared in the horizontal column. For example, to find out
how much more water a 12-inch pipe will carry than a 6-inch pipe, find the
number 12 in the left column and the number 6 in the top column. Where the
numbers intersect, 5.7, is the capacity difference. According to the table, the
12-inch pipe will carry 5.7 times as much water as the 6-inch pipe at the same
As another example, compare the carrying capacity of a 12-inch pipe in the
left column to that of an 8-inch pipe listed in the top column. The result, 2.8,
indicates that it would take more than two 8-inch pipes to carry as much as a
12-inch pipe.
Additional friction loss in pipes is created by bends, elbows and gates. Each
of these fittings provides some restriction to water movement and thus in-
creases the friction loss. A complete discussion of this friction loss is covered in
Chapter 18.
High-pressure hydrants - High-pressure hydrants are generally supplied
by a separate water system just for fire protection purposes. This type of system
is equipped with a high-pressure pump to supply large volumes of water to
high-risk areas. These systems are designed to operate from 150 to 300 psi.
High-pressure hydrants usually have four individually gated discharges in addi-
194 tion to a main operating valve.
fences or posts to prevent the hydrant wrench from turning the valve stem.
Also see that large section may be coupled to steamer connection. Construc-
tion may have placed pavement too close to nipple to allow lugs to turn.
Fire flow tests of water systems are conducted to determine how much water
is available to the fire department in particular areas. The test usually involves a
series of hydrants that are flowed simultaneously. Static pressure in the main is 195
Q= 29.83 X d 2 x v'Px c
Q = quantity gpm flow
d = diameter of nipple
P = pressure reading on pitot
c = correction factor
This information will provide the officer with estimates for use on the fire-
ground and will assist him in making tactical decisions. Using the preceding for-
mula, table 3 calculates the flow for a 211z-inch, 4-inch, and 4 11z-inch discharge
at varying pressures.
Exact flow requirements and test procedures for evaluating a water distribu-
tion system have been developed by the American Insurance Association. The
AlA performs these tests when conducting a survey of a community.
Since the location, style, position, and size of each fire hydrant can vary, the
pump operator must evaluate the sitution immediately from the apparatus cab.
Then, he must position the apparatus so that it is in the correct position for op-
timum utilization of the hydrant. While operating, he must also be able to
estimate the water still available from the hydrant and be on the lookout for
cavitation. Each step in the operating sequence is discussed below.
a. hard sleeves
b. large-diameter soft sleeve
c. 21/2-inch or 3-inch soft sleeve
The use of a hard sleeve to connect to the hydrant is the most difficult
method. Even if the pumper is positioned exactly, handling the hard sleeve
makes the procedure very time-consuming. There is a brand of lighter weight
flexible hard sleeve which overcomes some of these objections; however, both
types of hard sleeve create a danger of cavitation.
The large-diameter soft sleeve method provides the most efficient way of
connecting to a hydrant. A front or rear intake simplifies the connection (figure
8). Care must be taken to prevent kinking the soft sleeve and restricting the
flow as well as to prevent the hose from rubbing on the ground due to truck
The 21/2-inch or 3-inch soft sleeve connection eliminates the need for exact
spotting. However, even if both 2lh-inch hydrant discharges are used, they
will not be able to flow the same amount of water that a 41/2-inch outlet will
3. Shift the transmission to the pump position.
4. Take off the discharge caps on the. outlets of the hydrant to be used. If a
large-diameter soft sleeve is used, connect a one or two-way gate valve to one
of the unused 21/2-inch discharges. Some departments used various types of
four-way gates on the steamer connection to allow different pumpers to con-
nect to the same hydrant. If any of the caps are frozen onto the discharge, give
the caps a sharp blow with a hydrant wrench. This will break the cap and leave
the threads undamaged.
5. Tighten all connections. Leaking couplings can cause hazardous condi-
tions and result in injuries or damage to the hose.
6. Check to make sure the pumper discharge gates are closed.
7. Open the pumper intake valve and open the intake drain or pump drain
to bleed off the air trapped in the hose.
8. Open the hydrant fully.
9. Note the hydrant static pressure on the intake gage.
10. Close the drain when the water flows out.
11. Open the required discharge valves.
12. Set the throttle, relief valve, governor, and transfer valve to the posi-
tions required for the particular pumping situation. 197
13. Note the hydrant's residual pressure with the pump flowing water. An
estimate of the water still available from the hydrant can now be made. (See
"Estimating available flow" below for this procedure.)
14. Maintain a watch on the various gages.
15. Shutting down is accomplished in reverse order. When putting the caps
back on the hydrant discharges, tighten them just enough to discourage
What happens when using this procedure is that the large-diameter intakes
of the first pumper are used as a waterway. Some of the water that comes from
the hydrant goes into the pump while the remainder flows out the other intake
into the intake of the second pumper.
The advantages of a dual pumper operation are:
1. The speed with which the second pumper can get lines on the fire.
2. Less hose is needed.
3. Apparatus is grouped close together.
4. Friction loss is reduced.
The procedures for setting up a dual pumper operation are:
1. Locate the second pumper so that it can be connected to the first pumper
2. When the unused intake of the first pumper does not have a gate, the
blind cap can still be removed without the first pumper shutting down. This can
be accomplished by restricting the hydrant discharge or the intake pressure to
about 5 psi residual. The hydrant can be slowly shut down or the intake slowly
closed. When only 5 psi is indicated on the intake gage, it means that almost all
the water coming in is being discharged. Now, the blind cap can be easily
removed and the necessary connection made.
3. Open the hydrant or gate.
4. Follow the procedures outlined for operating a pumper.
Estimating available flow
Available flow from hydrants is estimated by determining the percent drop
198 between static pressure and residual pressure. This information can be used to
Cavitation at hydrants
When pumping from a hydrant, a soft sleeve has an advantage over a hard
sleeve. If a hydrant supply is poor, the pump may attempt to pump more water
than the hydrant can deliver. Under these conditions, the pump will cavitate
and the soft sleeve will collapse under the partial vacuum, even though the in-
take gage might still indicate a positive pressure. If a hard sleeve were used, the
only indicator would be the intake gage, which is very inaccurate close to the
zero reading. Remember, cavitation is quite common when pumping from a
Chapter 17
Relay Operations
Relay is the movement of water from a pumper at the water source to the in-
take of a second pumper, out the discharge of the second pumper to the intake
of a third pumper, and so on until the water reaches the fireground. Relays are
necessary when the water ~ource is too far from the fire to be moved efficiently
by one pumper. The increased distance causes an increase in friction loss
which one pumper by itself is unable to overcome. A high back pressure may
also necessitate a relay to move the water, even if short distances are involved.
Fireground conditions usually dictate that relay operations must simply grow
rather than develop according to advanced planning. This is necessary
because the location, size and type of each fire cannot be planned in advance.
However, with certain standard operating procedures, understanding of the
relay process, and cooperation between pump operators, an involved relay
operation can be successfully completed.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a fire department pumper, shall
demonstrate, by actual use, procedures for pumping:
"(a) At maximum delivery rate from the apparatus water tank (see Chapter
19) .
"(b) From a hydrant, at maximum rated capacity (see Chapter 16).
"(c) From draft, a maximum rated capacity (see Chapter 15).
"(d) In a relay operation.
"(e) In a tandem pumping operation (see Chapter 16).
"1. Two pumpers in parallel
"2. Two pumpers in series.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a fire department pumper and a
simulated fire scene, shall demonstrate proper maneuvering and positioning of
the apparatus to function from the given source of water (see Chapters 15
through 17)." *
A relay offers certain advantage to the fireground tactical situation:
1. The pumper is located at the fireground where hose lines can be easily
monitored and where the proper equipment can be utilized.
2. An initial attack can be made using the water carried on the pumper until
the relay is set up.
'Paragraphs 3-6.5 and 3-6.6. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright©1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub- 201
ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
3. Lower pump pressures can be used so that neither the engine, the
pump, nor the hose lengths will be strained.
However, the time necessary to establish a relay is a vital factor, influenced
by the available manpower, the hose carried, and the available apparatus.
Other factors that affect the relay and thus the time required to set up include:
Water needed for fire extinguishment, distance between water source and fire,
hose size, pumper capability, terrain.
Quantity of water - The quantity of water need~d for fire control will be
determined by the officer in charge. He will determine whether hand lines or
master streams will be used. The pump operator must keep the officer in-
formed about the ability of the r~lay to supply the water needed.
Distance between the water source and fire - Friction loss is depen-
dent upon the distance that water travels through the hose. Once the
necessary quantity of water has been determined, the friction loss must be
calculated. If the friction loss is too great with one pumper supplying the water,
a relay must be set up. If the number of pumpers available is limited or if a large
volume of water is needed, the relay will need two lines between pumpers.
Hose size - Friction loss can be reduced by increasing the hose diameter
or by laying additional lines. The amount of hose available and its size will
determine the number of pumpers necessary for the relay operation. Figure 1
shows a 1200-foot, 3-inch relay with the supply pumper at a hydrant out of
sight. Note that the winding hose lay will cause an increase in friction loss.
The rating of a pumper is based on the amount of water that it can pump. As
the volume increases, the pressure that the pump can develop decreases.
Therefore, the capacity of the pumpers used in a relay reaches a critical value
as the flow requirements increase. Pumpers are rated at
100 percent of maximum capacity at 150 psi
70 percent of maximum capacity at 200 psi
50 percent of maximum capacity at 250 psi
For example, if a flow of 1000 gpm were needed on the fireground, a
1000-gpm pumper would only be able to develop about 150-psi discharge
pressure (depending on whether the source is static or pressure). This means
that large lines between pumpers and close spacing would be necessary. The
smallest pump that can deliver 1000 gpm at 200 psi is a 1500-gpm pump.
For this reason, the largest pumper should be placed at the water source.
The smaller capacity pumpers should be used to supply lines at the fireground.
This will make maximum use of all pumpers.
Using these principles, the officer responsible for establishing the relay can
estimate the number of pumpers needed.
Example: A 500-gpm master stream device is needed 2000 feet
from a water source. How many pumpers would be needed (a) if a
single 2lj2-inch line were used? (b) if two 2lj2-inch lines were used?
(c) if a 4-inch line were used?
Step 1. Using table 1, determine the maximum distance for the hose size
and flow:
(a) one 2 1/z-inch = 500 gpm = 300 feet
(b) two 21/z-inch = 250 gpm = 1200 feet
(c! one 4-inch = 500 gpm = 3000 feet
Step 2. Divide the water to fire distance by the water delivery distance. This
yields the number of water supply pumpers.
Terrain - The rise and fall of the ground between the water source and the
fireground also affects the number of pumpers needed: However, table 1 has
enough of a margin to account for some added pressure needed to move
water uphill. Large, hilly areas may require an additional pumper.
When the hose is laid and the pumpefs are in position, the following pro-
cedure for establishing the relay can be followed:
1. Open two discharge gates on all pumps, except on the pump at the
source, to get rid of air from hose lines and pumps. On each pumper, attach
the hose line to one of the discharges and leave the other discharge uncapped.
Uncapping the second discharge gate is not necessary if a relay valve (figure 3)
is installed. The relay valve is a relief valve connected on the intake side of the
pump. It automatically opens and dumps water on the ground if too high a
pressure is supplied, thus protecting the pump. If no relay valve is present, the
operator can watch his intake gage and if a high pressure is reached, the gate
controlling the uncapped discharge can be opened and the excess water
dumped on the ground.
2. The pump operator at the water source gets water to his pump and then
discharges it so that water starts moving toward the fireground. Just to start the
water moving, discharge pressure should not be over 150 psi.
3. As soon as water reaches the second pump, the operator closes the
uncapped discharge gate. Water is now being discharged to the next pumper.
The throttle should be advanced until the 150-psi discharge pressure is
4. Each pump operator in turn duplicates step 3 until the water is delivered
at the fireground.
5. The pump operator at the fire scene then advises all other pump
operators of the amount of water needed at the fireground.
6. The pump operator at the water source now adjusts the throttle until the
correct operating pressures for the current situation are obtained. Remember,
the discharge pressure should not exceed 200 psi, if possible. Care must be ex-
ercised that this pump does not run away from its source, causing cavitation. If
more water is needed than the relay can supply, advise the officer so that
arrangements for an additional supply can be made.
7. Each subsequent pump operator then adjusts his pressure to meet the
particular situation, without going below 20-psi residual pressure on the intake
gage. The pump operator can check the hose connected to the pump intake
by feel, to determine when maximum delivery is reached.
8. The pump operator at the fire adjusts the discharge pressure to supply
the lines being used.
9. The operation of adjusting the pressure is repeated as often as necessary.
Gages must be observed carefully during a relay. The relief valve or governor
should be set when pumping.
10. Once water is moving, every effort should be made to keep it moving
throughout the relay operation. Nozzles should not be shut off unless absolute-
ly necessary. For a temporary shutdown, the operator of the fireground attack
pumper can let the excess water dump on the ground. If a hose line bursts, the
operator of the last pump should open a discharge gate to waste water while
the hose section is replaced.
11. Shutting down is done by working from the fireground pump to the
source. Pressure on the fireground pump is reduced gradually until the pump
can be disengaged.
12. Each pump operator, in turn, reduces the pressure gradually, dis-
connects the pump, and opens an unused discharge gate until the pump
source is reached.
The hydraulics for relay pumping are the same for any other water move-
ment. The formula for the engine pressure of the relay pumper can be
expressed as
EP = FL + RP ± E, where
EP = engine pressure in psi
FL = friction loss
RP = residual pressure (not less than 20 psi)
± E = elevation (gain or loss) 205
The attack pumper at the fire scene will calculate the engine pressure using
the standard formula
EP = FL = RP ± E
500 gpm
fog nozzle
pc. . . ___. / pV
Hydrant ,...-_-., on deck gun
300 feet
800 feet of 3 inch hose of 2 1/2 inch hose
100 feet of 2 1/2 inch hose
RP = 100
E =0
FL = 10 psi for device
15 psi for 2 1h-inch hose per 100 ft
= 25 psi
RP = 20 psi
E = 0
FL = 55 psi/100 ft x 3 = 165 psi
RP = 20 psi
E =0
FL = 25 psi/ 100 ft x 8 = 200 psi
3 inch hose
3 inch hose
3 inch hose
Step 1.
EP4 = FL + RP ± E
EPl,2,3 = FL + RP ± E
Step 2.
RP 4 = 100 psi
E = +30 psi
FL4 = 10 psi for ladder pipe
30 psi for 3-inch hose
5 psi for siamese
~ psi for dual 3-inch lines
=54 psi
Step 3.
Step 4.
RP 3 = 20 psi
E =0
FL = 30 psi/IOO ft x 5 150 psi
Step 5.
EP 3 = 150 + 20 + 0 = 170 psi
Step 6.
RP 2 = 20 psi
E = + 30 psi for 60-foot upgrade
FL = 30 psi/IOO ft x 5 = 150 psi
Step 1.
E =0
FL = 21 psi/IOOO ft x 5 105 psi 207
Step 9.
Step 1.
EP3 4 = FL + RP ± E
EPl:2 =FL + RP ± E
Step 2.
RP 4 = 100 psi
E =0
FL4 = 10 psi/ 100 ft x 2 = 20 psi
Step 3.
EP4 =20 + 100 + a = 120 psi
Step 4.
RP 3 = 100 psi
E =0
FL3 = 30 psi/lOa ft x 2 = 60 psi
Step 5.
EP 3 = 60 + 100 + a = 160 psi
Step 6.
RP 2 = 20 psi
E =0
FL2 = 4 psi/lOa ft x 16 = 64 psi
Step 7.
EP 2 = 64 + 20 + a = 84 psi
Step 8.
RP 1 = 20 psi
E = - 50 psi for 100 ft downgrade
FLl = 10 psi/ 100 ft x 20 = 200 psi
Step 9.
208 EP 1 =200 + 20 - 50 = 170 psi
Chapter 18
Standpipe systems offer an immediate water source. They usually are in-
stalled in tall buildings (the exact height depends on local building codes),
buildings with a large floor area, and places of public assembly. The standpipe
can be thought of as a water main within the building for fire department
The advantages of a standpipe system are:
1. Water can be qUickly applied to the fire by civilians or fire brigade person-
nel before the arrival of the fire department.
• Paragraphs 3-3.1,3-3.2,3-3.3,3-3.4,3-3.5, and 3-3.6. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for
Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyrlght©1982, National Fire Protection Association,
Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material Is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the refer-
enced subject, which is represented only by the standard In Its entirety. 209
2. Time can be saved because firefighters do not have to stretch lines be-
tween floors of the fire building.
3. The large diameter and straight path of the standpipe reduces friction
Types of standpipes
The type of standpipe installed in a building depends on its intended use.
The National Fire Protection Pamphlet 14, "Standpipes and Hose Systems,"
establishes three classes of standpipe systems which are summarized in table 1.
A typical standpipe installation for a high-rise building with two stairwells is
shown in figure 1. The major components of this system are:
Check valve - The check valve prevents water from flowing in the wrong
direction. The check valve at the siamese is kept closed by back pressure ex-
erted by the elevated water in the system. Pressure from a pump into the
siamese forces this valve open when the incoming pressure exceeds the back
pressure. The check valve at the roof water system is normally open to allow
water into the standpipe system. Pressure from a pump closes this check valve
to prevent overfilling the storage tank and causing damage. A drip valve is also
installed between the check valve and siamese to prevent water from
accumulating in the line if a leak develops.
Riser - The riser' brings the water from the siamese connection to the
various floors of the building (figure 3). The size of the riser pipe is determined
by the class of the system (table 1).
Water supply
The water supply for a standpipe system varies with each installation.
Possibilities include:
Domestic water system - If adequate residual pressure can be main-
tained when the standpipe is flowing the required amount of water, the
domestic water system can be used.
Dry pipe system - The fire department pumper will be the solirce of
water for this system.
Fire pumps - When fire pumps are used to supply the standpipe system,
they are usually located below ground level. The pump must be capable of
delivering the required flow with the required residual pressure at the highest
discharge outlet, depending on the class of the installation., There are three
ways that the fire pump can be supplied with water:
1. Fed by two different mains, with each main being supplied from two
2. Fed by one main and a storage tank with a capacity of 30 minutes for
operating at the rated capacity of the pump. In an emergency, there must be a
method of bypassing the storage tank and connecting the pump directly to the
3. Fed by one main, a storage tank with a capacity of 15 minutes, and a fire
department siamese connection. Again, there must be a method of bypassing
the storage tank and connecting the pump directly to the main in an
Elevated tanks - Located on the roof of a building, the tank provides
pressure due to elevation of the water. This pressure is .434 psi for each foot
above the discharge. Therefore, to get adequate pressure at the uppermost
discharge, the tank must be elevated above the roof. Water is supplied to the
tank from a fill pump. The fill pump usually has a small capacity, so that more
water will be discharged than the fill pump can supply. This means that the
tank will empty and a fire department pumper must connect to the siamese
connection to continue to supply the system. FreeZing is a problem if the tank is
only used for standpipe supply. Since there will be long periods of time without
water flow, the tank must be kept in a heated enclosure or a heated device in-
serted inside the tank.
Pressure tanks - Located on the roof or on the top floor of the building,
these tanks are filled with water and air under pressure. When a discharge is
opened, the compressed air forces the water out of the tank under pressure. In
addition, there is pressure due to the tank elevation. As with the elevated tank,
the pressure tank must be kept from freezing. Water is supplied to the system
by a fill pump and air pressure by a compressor.
Step 1. Select the correction equation and determine the needed pressure
by using table 2.
EP = FL + 150
FL = 10 psi/100 ft x 3
= 30 psi from pumper to siamese
Method 2
EP =FL + NP ± E
NP =100 psi
E =+ 5 psi/floor x 5 floors
= 25 psi
FL21h = 10 psi/ 100 ft x 2
= 20 psi
FLstp = 15 psi
FL21h = 10 psi/ 100 ft x 3
= 30 psi
FLtotai = 20 + 15 + 30 = 65 psi
Friction loss in the standpipe itself can be accurately calculated for flow tests.
Table 3 lists the friction loss for ste~1 pipe, and table 4 shows the equivalent
length of various pipe fittings. To solve the problem, the fittings on the stand-
pipe system are noted and then they are changed to an equivalent length of
pipe. This length is then added to the total pipe length. Once the total pipe
length is known, the friction loss can be determined.
TABLE 3. Friction Loss in Steel Pipe
GPM 2 Inches 2% inches 4 inches 6 inches
(per foot) (per foot) (per foot) (per foot)
50 .047 .019
100 .174 .071 .006
150 .380 .155 .013
200 .663 .267 .023 .003
250 1.03 .413 .030 .004
300 .585 .049 .006
350 .792 .066 .009
400 1.03 .085 .011
450 1.07 .014
500 1.30 .017
550 1.57 .020
600 1.86 .023
700 2.50 .031
800 3.24 .040
900 4.08 .051
1000 5.02 .062
FL = .267/ft x 11 ft (table 3)
FL = 2.937 psi
Step 6. Add the friction losses together for the total loss in the standpipe:
When installed, a sprinkler system is the first line of defense for fire extin-
guishment. The system provides a means for immediately supplying water to
the fire and, as such, it can be likened to having a firefighter on the job with a
charged line 24 hours a day.
handled. These systems are normally kept dry, with water being admitted to
the system by manual control.
Control valve - The control valve regulates flow of water from the water
main to the sprinkler system. The two main types of valves are the outside
stem and yoke valve and the post indicator valve (figures 6 and 7). The 05&Y
valve indicates that it is open when the stem sticks out of the hand wheel. The
PI valve indicates that it is open when the word "open" shows in the window.
- 'C==~~-SUPPLY WATER--~~~~~2i2J• •
celerator or an exhauster in installed on the system to open the dry pipe valve
when very small changes in air pressure occur (figures lOA and lOB). This,
then, allows the water to flow to the heads much qUicker.
The bottom chamber of the accelerator is connected to the sprinkler system.
The air pressure in the bottom, middle, and top chamber is equalized through
openings A and B in figure 1DC). When a sprinkler opens, the air pressure in
the system is reduced, with a corresponding reduction of pressure in the mid-
dle and bottom chambers. The pressure in the top chamber does not reduce as
quickly as in the other chambers because of the restriction (figures lOe and
lOD). This forces down the main valve assembly and opens the auxiliary
valve. The auxiliary valve allows air in the middle chamber to exhaust rapidly
into the outlet chamber, accelerating the downward movement of the main
valve assembly. As the main valve opens, the air in the sprinkler system passes
through the bottom and outlet chambers of the accelerator to the intermediate
chamber of the dry pipe valve and equalizes the air pressure on the bottom and
t<?p of the clapper (figure 9A). This immediately destroys the pressure differen-
tial and reduces the operating time.
Water flow alarm - Both dry and wet systems fed by a variable pressure
water supply contain an audible flow alarm on the exterior of the building to in-
dicate water flow in the sprinkler system (figure 11). If the building is unoc-
cupied, the people in the street can notify the fire department that the system is
activated. Emergency personnel may also use the exterior indication of water
from the drain on the water motor gong to indicate if there is indeed water
movement in the system. One drawback is obvious. Fire department notifica-
tion is dependent upon passers-by. However, most sprinkler installations have 219
A. Exhauster
. . ..:;:~:.:.::=!--.:---- RESTRICTION
C. Schematic view
Figure 10. Rapid air-removal devices.
rated solder melts. The link plates, through the force imposed by the levers
separate (figure 13A).
2. Fixed tension of the frame, acting as a spring, ejects levers and links clear
of the sprinkler (figure 138).
3. Water under pressure forces the disk off the orifice seat (figure 13C).
Water is allowed to flow across the head and strike the diffuser.
A B c
Figure 13. Operation of a sprinkler head.
Fusible link type sprinkler heads are designed to operate either upright if
there is enough clearance, or suspended from the water pipe. The suspended
head is called a pendant type. Figure 12 shows each of these types. Note that
the deflector on each is different, so that when replacing a head, the correct
type must be used. If in doubt, the deflector on the upright will be marked
"SSU" while on the pendant it will be marked "SSP." The water pattern for
each of these sprinkler heads is shown in figure 14.
A. Upright B. Pendant
Another type of sprinkler head is the frangible bulb. This head contains a
liquid that partially fills a glass bulb. Since the space is only partially filled, the
glass bulb also has a trapped air bubble. As the temperature increases, the
liquid expands and the air bubble is compressed. The pressure now rises rapid-
ly and the bulb shatters, opening the cap. The size of the bubble (the amount of
liquid) controls the operating temperature of the head.
The temperature at which the sprinkler head will operate varies with the in-
stallation. A head located over a boiler will need a higher operating
temperature than one in a hotel hallway. The temperature rating of the head is
indicated on the link and also by the color of the frame (table 5). When replac-
ing sprinkler heads that have opened, be sure that a head set for the correct
temperature is installed.
When inspecting sprinkler installations, be sure to check to see that the head
has not been painted or covered in any way. The covering will raise the
222 operating temperature or may even make the head inoperable.
Water supply
The sprinkler water supply systems are the same as the standpipe supply
systems. However, the water supply is only calculated to be able to supply a
few heads. Should a large volume of fire open many heads simultaneously,
the supply system would be overwhelmed. For this reason, it is very important
for a pumper to connect to the sprinkler system and supplement the supply. In
addition, if the sprinkler valve is accidentally left closed, -the use of the fire
department siamese will bypass the closed valve and feed the system.
Engine pressures
One of the most difficult jobs for a pump operator is to supply an operating
sprinkler system. There is almost no way of determining how many heads have
fused, so the flow is unknown. In addition, each particular installation will have
many 90-degree bends and unknown lengths of pipe, so that estimating fric-
tion loss will be impossible.
For this reason, a rule of thumb that should supply most configurations has
been developed. The figure used for supplying the system is 150-psi discharge
at the pumper. If the pumper is unable to maintain the 150 psi, then too many
heads have fused and an additional pumper will have to help supply the
system. 223
Flow from a sprinkler head can be calculated if the pressure at the opening is
known. The formula is Q = 1/2P + 15, where Q is the flow in gpm, P is
pressure at the orifice in psi and 15 is a constant.
Q= 1...p+ 15
Step 2. Determine the formula values:
P= 15 psi
Q = 1...(15) + 15
= 7.5 + 15
= 22.5 gpm
Chapter 19
Tanker construction
The ability of a tanker to load water at the source, carry it safely to the fire-
ground, dump it, and then return for another load depends on the. way it is
built. The factors that influence tanker usability are:
Chassis - The chassis must be sufficient to carry the intended load.
Tank size - The tank must be able to supply a sufficient amount of water
for the usual fires encountered in the district. The amount of water and the
availability of tankers from neighboring fire departments are other factors to
consider when determining the tank's capacity.
Bames - Baffles are installed in the tanks to prevent the surging (sloshing)
of the water as the tanker moves. The baffles must also have a number of
openings between them, so that the entire load of water can be dumped
Vents - As water enters the tank, a large volume of air must be displaced.
Vents eliminate the air and prevent an excessive build-up of pressure during
filling, when the flow rate of air can reach 60 cubic feet per minute.
Intake - Tankers can be filled from either the top or the bottom. If a top fill
is chosen, the line must be held in place. This is difficult if flows are higher than
300 gpm. In addition, turb~lence and venting problems are created when us-
ing a top fill. If the fill is located near the bottom of the tank, turbulence is
reduced and venting at the top of the tank can be accomplished. The only
drawback of this type of fill is the back pressure created as the level of water in
the tank increases. However, if a pump is used at the source, the back pressure
is easily overcome. .
Discharge - The discharge of the tanker should be large enough so that
the entire contents of the tanker can be quickly dumped. This usually means
that at least a 41f2-inch pipe and gate are necessary (figure 2).
Pump - Pumps for tankers range from 1000 gpm to small portable pumps.
Some tankers do not have pumps, but rely on gravity feed. The pump size and
style chosen for the tanker depends on the needs of the individual fire
Water level - A water level indicator is a very important feature on the
tanker. It will prevent overfilling which can cause icing conditions or soft
ground. It will also indicate when the water supply is nearly exhausted, so that
the next tanker can be moved in, or if no additional water is immediately
available, provide the officer with time to make another strategy change.
Hose beds - The use of a tanker by a fire department indicates that water
226 sources are not readily available. If water is not available, then only the hose
needed by the tanker at the fire scene for attack purposes is necessary. This
means that perhaps two 200-foot, 11/2-inch lines and one 250-foot, 21/2-inch
line are needed. Tanker shuttling requirements will add a few hundred feet of
extra hose for filling and discharging. This means that the hose beds on a
tanker can be small. Note that this applies only to tankers, since relay pumpers
will need considerably more hose.
Tanker rating
A tanker cannot be rated simply in gallons per minute as a regular pumper,
because the travel distance from source to fireground will vary, the speed of
dumping will change, and the intake configuration is different for each tanker.
To provide a standard for comparison, tankers can be compared by rating
them in gallons per minute of water delivery per mile. This means that if it takes
five minutes for a 1500-gallon tanker to go 1 mile to the source, fill and return
to the fireground, dump the water, and return to the source, the tanker would
be rated
hard surface roadway to the fireground with a siamese having clapper valves
on the end (figure 3).
A tanker connects to the siamese and pumps to the attack pumpers. The
clapper valve prevents the backward flow of water out the other intake. When
the first tanker runs out of water, the line is disconnected, the clapper valve
closes, and the second tanker begins pumping. While tanker 2 is pumping,
tanker 1 can refill. The length of time required for refilling will determine how
many additional tanki'!rs are needed.
By keeping the tankers away from the fire scene, road time is substantially
reduced. However, this method will work only if the tanker has a pump suffi-
cient to supply the required volume of water to the attack pumper.
A. Collapsible type
B. Folding type
Figure 4. Folding Tanks
1. The portable pump is carried to the static source and used to draft water
(figure 10).
2. Hand lines are connected to the discharge and advanced to the
3. If the distance is too great, additional portable pumps may be used in
4. A firefighter should remain at the water source to ensure that a continued
supply will be available.
Chapter 20
'''Guide for Certification of Fire department Pumpers," Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook,
III. 60062.
"Section 11.2.1 Tests Performed by the Manufacturer. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1901-1979, Standard for
Automotive Fire Apparatus. Copyright © 1979, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This
reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only
234 by the standard in its entirety.
tification stating that full compliance with the pumping standards has been met
(figure 1).
Manufacturers do not automatically run an acceptance test, so that it must
be a requirement of the specifications which the department puts out for bid.
Once the apparatus has been delivered, the department should run its own
test in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Standard
1901~** This is the same standard that UL uses as a basis for the certification
The certification test is summarized in the following paragraphs. The text of
the standard follows the summary.
. .:~~,--O-l-..!"Tr.:~#~~~'f.~
••_j~~'!"~~"'!-:gN~'+-...:F==-+,_""~'"_"·+N~.2W:~ +-·"-'~"'-."_"'-II--'·.+~~O
150 psi-2Hra.
Automatic Pressure Control Teat. Mu. Increase.. . .. psi. Vacuwn Teat: ....... .... ... . m. Hr. drop in 10 Min.
No Load Governor Speed...... ........ rpm; Specified..... . ............... rprn. Pump Location................................... _ _
Visible, Accessible & IUwninated Tank Capacity, 2 hr. min.
Catchea or locks Tank max. liquid level below
Pump position indicated carburetor/injectors
Solenoid in fuel line
Hand throttle positively held
Fuel boost pump at lank
Operating data plate #
Gear Shift position lat.cb INSTRUMINTS AND GAUGH
Pump drive gear indicated at transmisaion
ehiftJever Oil prt!IIIIUe #
En,ine coolant thermometer' #
Tachometer #
Gated 81ICtioD inlet
Sua_ Odometer/Hourmeter
Outlet area minimwna
( ...... englne/pwnp)
Dralna for outlet.l
.........In. Suction pup ......In. H,. to.......... ptf.
......... ""'' ' '
Tank to pump valve .........m. DIac:harp pup
Tank·pump min. water flow
Supply valve to heat ezehanpr # - AT OPERATOR'S POSITION
••• Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus. NFPA 1901. National Fire Protection Association. Batterymarch Park.
Quincy. Mass. 02269. 235
tSection 11-2.2 Certification Tests. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1901-1979, Standard for Automotive Fire Ap-
paratus, Copyright©1979, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is
not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its
entirety. 237
Since the gage pressure at the discharge is the quantity needed for the test,
with the net pump pressure being known, the equation can be transformed to
Now, it can be easily seen that the net pump pressure is less than the gage
pressure for the drafting situation. By using this formula, the discharge
pressure is independent of the lift. This equalizes the test no matter where it is
. = NPP - -lift
pSlg - - suction loss
2.3 2.3
Note that the suction allowance must be reduced by 1 psi for the 70 percent
test and 2 psi for the 50 percent capacity test.
HParagraphs 3-1.4, 3-1.5, and 3-1.6. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Apparatus
Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Protection ASSOCiation, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub- 239
ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
The pump service test consists of drafting with a lift of not more than 10 feet
and pumping at a net pump pressure as follows:
100% rated capacity 150' psi net pump pressure 20 minutes
70% rated capacity 200 psi net pump pressure 10 minutes
50% rated capacity 250 psi net pump pressure 10 minutes
There are three variable factors that are interrelated with this test: pump
speed, pump pressure, and pump discharge. This interrelationship is seen by
increasing the pump rpm which will increase the pump pressure or the pump
discharge or both. Pump speed is controlled by the engine throttle, pump
pressure by the hose layout and position of the discharge gate, and flow by
nozzle size. The only way to reach the test conditions is by adjusting all three
Test layout
The discharge hose layouts consist of 21/2-inch supply lines connected to a
smooth bore nozzle. The hose acts not only as a water carrier, but it also sup-
plies some friction loss that is required to reduce engine discharge pressure to
the required nozzle pressure. Since short lengths of hose are convenient to
handle, the additional friction loss necessary is provided by partially closing a
discharge gage.
For example, to deliver 1000 gpm through a 2-inch tip at 250-psi net pump
pressure requires a nozzle pressure of 71 psi. This means that 79 psi of friction
loss must be introduced. If 100 feet each of two 21/2-inch lines are used, the
friction loss in each line flowing 500 gpm will be 55 psi. The remaining 24-psi
friction loss necessary for the desired nozzle pressure will come from partially
closing the discharge gate.
The test setup for various size pumps is shown in table 2.
Test equipment
To accurately test a pumper for performance, both a pitot gage and a pump
pressure gage that have been carefully tested for accuracy are required. Gage
testing can best be done with a dead weight gage tester. Smooth bore nozzles
of accurate size should be used with the pitot gage. Nozzles should be used on
a siamese deluge gun for greatest accuracy. A stream straightener behind the
nozzle should also be used.
If a deluge gun is not available, a 21/2-inch nozzle can be tied down .for the
test (figure 2).
A comparison of the revolutions per minute of the pump to deliver the same
quantity of water will indicate the condition of the pump and any deterioration.
Use a revolution counter and a stop watch to check the tachometer on the ap-
paratus. The counter connection on the pump panel usually will indicate 1/10
or 1/2. This means that the tachometer reading obtained with the counter
must be multiplied by 10 or 2 to get pump rpm.
Test procedure
1. Record the preliminary information on the pump test form (figure 3).
2. Position the apparatus for drafting.
3. Drain all water from the pump. 241
Tested by
Dry Prime - Initial Vacuum inches
After 10 minutes inches
Oraft - lift feet; feet of hard sleeve
Time to prime seconds
Gpm Tip Nozzle Net Pump Gauge Time Pump
pressure pressure pressure start! rpm
Oil Pressure Water Temperature Vibrations
Leaks _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Remarks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. Run the dry prime test as outlined in this chapter. Record the results on
the form.
5. Connect two hard sleeves and the strainer together and then attach them
to the pump intake. Attach a rope to the strainer.
6. Hammer all couplings together to ensure an airtight seal.
7. Lower the strainer end of the hard sleeve into the drafting source.
8. Connect the hose and appliances as indicated in table 2.
9. Start the priming mechanism and time the length of time necessary to ob-
tain the prime. A prime should be obtainedjn less than 45 seconds. If a prime
is not obtained, check for a malfunction. Record the results on the chart.
10. Run the pump for a few minutes discharging some water, so that both
the pump and engine can warm up.
11. Calculate the necessary gage pressure, taking into account the size of
the hard sleeves, the height of the lift, and the length of the hard sleeve.
12. Keep one or both of the discharge gates partially closed before building
up the pump pressure. Increase engine rpm until the required gage pressure is
13. Check the nozzle pressure with a pitot gage.
14. If the pump pressure is correct but the nozzle pressure is too high, close
the gate a little to introduce more friction loss. This will lower the nozzle
pressure but it will increase pump pressure. Correct the pump pressure by
shutting the throttle a little. Check the pitot reading again at the nozzle.
15. If the pump pressure is correct, but the nozzle pressure is too low, a
242 discharge gate must be opened slightly. This will reduce pump pressure and in-
crease nozzle pressure. The throttle must again be adjusted for correct
discharge pressure.
16. When the pump pressure and discharge quantity are satisfactory, con-
tinue the test for the required length of time. If the time taken to make the initial
adjustments is not too great, the test time can be counted from the first build-up
of pressure. Check the gates to be sure that they do not vibrate open or closed.
Record the results on the chart.
17. Readings should be taken with the pitot gage every five minutes with
the 20-minute test and every two minutes with the 10-minute test.
18. After running the 100 percent capacity test, the two pressure tests
follow immediately. Do not drop the water between these tests. The only time
interval is that which is necessary to change nozzle size and layout.
19. The transfer valve is set to pressure for the 200-psi test.
20. Adjust the discharge as described in steps 11 through 17.
21. After completing the 200-psi test, change the nozzle and hose layout
for the 250-psi test. Keep the transfer valve in the pressure position.
While conducting the annual service test, discharge gates are partially closed
to either create friction loss or to achieve a higher pump pressure. This,
however, decreases the flow. On the fireground, it is not beneficial to increase
pump discharge pressure at the expense of reduced flow through partially clos-
ing a discharge gate.
The only time a discharge gate should be partially closed on the fireground is
during the use of multiple lines of different diameters that require different
flows. Then, the pump pressure is set for the highest pressure required and the
other lines are gated back to reduce flow. The discharge gates are closed until
the proper pressure is indicated on the individual discharge gage.
11. The vacuum reading should not fall below 12 inches in less than 10
12. If the vacuum is lost, it means that there is an air leak in the system.
Check the drains, gates, connections, packing, and relief valve for leaks.
13. Connect the other hard sleeve and repeat steps 1 through 9.
14. At the conclusion of the test, check the priming reservoir for oil if a
rotary gear primer is used.
To operate efficiently, the fire department apparatus must be well main-
tained. If a truck fails to start, breaks down on the way to a call, or fails to
operate on the scene, there can be disastrous results. The driver/operator is
responsible for ensuring that the following areas are in a correct and safe
operating condition. A suggested check list is shown in table 3.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator shall demonstrate the performance of
routine tests, inspections, and servicing functions required to assure the opera-
tional status of fire department pumpers, including:
"(a) Battery check
"(b) Booster tank level (if applicable)
"(c) Braking system
"(d) Coolant system
" (e) Electrical system
"(f) Fueling
"(g) Lubrication
"(h) Oil levels
"(i) Pump
" (j) Tire care
"(k) Toolsttt
Remember, the driver/operator is not the mechanic. So, although these
maintenance suggestions can be easily performed, the more complex
maintenance and repairs should be referred to the fire department mechanic.
Any leaks, vibrations, or unusual operating problems need to be checked
Battery and electrical system
The electrical system of a fuel pumper consists of the battery or batteries, the
lighting system, the alternator, the voltage regulator, and any electrical motors.
'Paragraphs 3-1.1, 3-1.4, 3-1.5, and 3-1.6. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1002-1982, Standard for Fire Ap-
paratus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, Copyright©1982, National Fire Protection ASSociation, Quincy,
Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced sub-
244 ject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety.
Liquid levels
There are many areas of the pumper containing liquid that need to be
checked. The gages should be compared with a visual check of the liquid level
to ensure that the gage is reading correctly. Additions should be made carefully
and with the correct fluid. Those levels that need to be checked are:
Booster tank water level.
Coolant system.
Fuel tank.
Oil level.
Automatic transmission fluid.
Power steering fluid.
Windshield washer fluid.
Braking system
One of the most important safety items to be checked is the apparatus brak-
ing system. If the truck has air brakes, they can be tested by starting the truck
and seeing how long it takes to get sufficient air pressure in the system. Anyex-
tensive delay means there is an air leak which needs immediate repair. In addi-
tion, failure to maintain air pressure needs immediate attention. Water should
be bled from the air tanks. For mechanical brakes, the level of the fluid reser-
voir of the master cylinder should be checked.
One of the best methods for determining brake problems is the driver's sen-
sivity to the changing feel of the truck. Gradual degradation is especially no-
ticeable to a regular driver. This deterioration should be brought to the atten-
tion of the department.
One of the major items of protective maintenance is the lubrication of the 245
pumper. In addition to maintaining the motor oil level, lubrication of all the
metal-to-metal contacts is necessary. However, the proper grade and con-
sistency of lubricant must be used to ensure that the parts remain protected as
well as to reduce wear.
Each of the tires should be checked for the correct air pressure using a truck
tire gage. In addition, each tire should be checked visually for wear, breaks,
foreign matter in the treads, as well as for cracking due to age. Finally, the lugs
must be checked to ensure they are tight.
Equipment maintenance
All removable equipment needs to be checked to ensure that it is ready for
use. Items such as breathing apparatus must have the correct air pressure and
be ready to use. Opening and cutting tools must be free of rust and have their
working surfaces at the prescribed sharpness level. Nozzles must be free of dirt
and have free-moving swivels and good gaskets. Hose must be clean with
clean couplings and good gaskets. Portable tools with their own engines
should have the correct fuel level, proper lubrication, and be ready to operate.
Pump maintenance
A good pump maintenance program will minimize downtime and provide
for more reliable operation at an incident. Correct operation of the pump will
also help to reduce the number of breakdowns. A suggested check list is shown
in table 3.
One of the major problems encountered in pump breakdown is a result of
the pump overheating. This results from the pump turning but no water flows
through it. Indications of an overheated pump are: Pump overheat light goes
on, steamer cap becomes hot, seizing of the clearance ring.
To avoid this condition, sufficient water needs to flow through the pump. To
do this, open the tank-to-pump valve and the tank fill valve to allow the tank
water to circulate. The following preventive maintenance functions should be
performed by the driver/operator to ensure that the pump is ready to operate:
1. Main pump and drive unit - The pump bearings, drive unit bearings
and all gears are supplied with oil from the drive unit housing. Use a good
grade SAE 90 motor oil. Keep oil level between the high and low mark on the
bayonet gage.
2. Priming pump - Keep the primer oil tank filled with SAE 30 motor
3. Transfer valve - Operate the valve under pressure to ensure that the
valve does not freeze in pOSition. In addition check that the valve is greased
and that any 0 rings are flexible.
4. Gaskets and washers - Inspect the gaskets and washers on the hard
sleeves and the intakes to ensure they are in good condition. Poor gaskets can
prevent the pump from getting a prime for drafting.
5. Check valves - The check valves should be free to swing. Ensure that
no foreign matter is caught between the valve and the seat.
6. Suction threads - Cast iron suction threads should be coated lightly
with grease once a month.
7. Packing - Packing is designed to be moist to remain soft and pliable.
The water gets to the packing from the discharge side of the pump. Water
should drip from the packing even when the pump is not engaged. The pack-
ing can be adjusted or replaced in accordance with the manufacturers' recom-
8. Relief valve - Operate the relief valve regularly to ensure that the parts
246 move freely. In addition, ensure that any 0 rings remain flexible.
Chapter 21
Driver Training
Obviously, if a pumper and its personnel do not arrive on the scene, the
safety of the public as well as the other firefighters is in jeopardy. An individual
can be the most knowledgeable pumper operator in the department, but the
operator must get the apparatus to the incident safely if it is to be useful.
In addition to knowing how to handle the pump, an individual. who is
selected to become an apparatus driver should have:
Good eyesight, be free from medical problems which would cause loss of
vehicle control, and be in excellent physical condition.
Knowledge of the routine maintenance of the truck.
The ability to remain calm while responding uAder emergency conditions.
Knowledge of streets, response routes from other stations, and potential
traffic problem areas.
Knowledge of potential water sources, particularly in areas that require the
use of static water sources.
Safe driving
Unfortunately, in many fire departments the selection of the pumper
driver/operator is based upon seniority or popularity. When selections are
made this way, the tremendous responsibility of getting the vehicle to the scene
in one piece may be overlooked.
When an alarm is received, the tendency is to try and get the firefighters and
eqUipment to the scene as qUickly as possible, disregarding traffic, weather,
and road conditions. The truck weaves in and out, crosses over the center line
to pass other vehi~les, and ignores traffic control Signals. This activity results in
accidents, injuries, and jeopardizes the public safety. Yet, in many cases, the
drivers who operate in this manner continue unchallenged by their superiors.
Further, some departments even award these individuals special recognition in
the mistaken belief that this is the correct way to drive emergency apparatus.
Drivers must remember that they are handling large and heavy vehicles.
M~ny times the drivers are only familiar with handling the family car, which has
grown smaller over the years. To suddenly switch to driving a big truck can
create many problems.
Individuals driving a pumper on an emergency call must guard against being
caught up in the excitement of the siren, lights and horns and resist throwing
out caution. Most states only permit disregarding traffic laws when the public
will not be endangered. This means the driver must make certain that an in-
tersection is clear before entering, even if the traffic light gives the apparatus
the right of way. 247
Drivers must remember that some individuals will stop immediately upon
hearing a siren; th'ey may freeze with fright and not pull over. Other traffic may
then have to stop and the apparatus will not have any place to go and an acci-
dent could result. In addition, with total climate control for passenger cars,
windows stay closed in summer and winter, and many drivers play radios and
tapes, so they may not notice emergency apparatus until it is too late. The ap-
paratus driver must continually be aware of the traffic in front, indications of
movement to the left or right, the sudden decision ·-of a car in front to make a
left turn, and oncoming traffic.
The driver/ operator must also keep in mind the response routes of other ap-
paratus responding on the call. In many cases, the warning devices make it im-
possible to hear other emergency apparatus approaching an intersection.
When there is such a potential, a radio announcement by the units ap-
proaching the intersection will help reduce the possibility of an accident.
Safe driving also requires that upon return from a call, the driver/operator
perform routine checks of the truck. Such things as the tires, fuel level, oil
level, radiator, water tank level, and general overall appearance need to be
checked. This is in addition to the requirement that a complete check of the
truck's condition be performed daily.
When driving on snow or ice, special precautions must be undertaken.
These include:
1. Driving slowly and getting the "feel" of the road,
2. Using chains on snow or ice,
3. Ensuring that the windshield is kept clear and that the defroster is work-
ing efficiently,
4. Downshifting or applying the brake carefully to prevent the truck from
going into a skid, and
5. Ensuring that there is sufficient space between the pumper and the
vehicles in front to allow for stopping.
Before beginning driver training, the fire department should administer a
written test covering such items as:
Local and state laws
Area and street locations
Location oJ equipment on the apparatus
Departmental rules and regulations pertaining to driving.
The driver/ operator should receive initial skills level training in a safe, large,
open area that can be used to simulate driving conditions.
"The fire apparatus driver/operator, given a fire department pumper, shall
demonstrate the following driving tests:
"(a) Serpentine
"(b) Alley dock
"(c) Opposite alley pull in
"(d) Diminishing clearance
"(e) Straight line
"(f) Turn around."·
FINISH - - - _
Figure 1. Serpentine
'Paragraph 3-1. 7. Reprinted with permission from NFPA 1901-1982. Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Profes-
sional Qualifications, Copyright© 1982, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02269. This reprinted
material is not the complete and official pOSition of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the 249
standard in its entirety.
the markers and then backs the apparatus through the markers. The entire
course, forward and backward, must be traveled without stopping and without
hitting any of the markers.
This driving procedure simulates the right control necessary for getting
through and around traffic and fixed obstacles.
Alley dock - The alley dock (figure 2) consists of a marked area, just
slightly larger than the truck. The driver has to pull up parallel to the opening
and then back into it. This driving procedure simulates backing into the fire sta-
tion or a narrow alley.
" "
I _10+-
Figure 2. Alley Dock
Opposite alley pull in - In the opposite alley pull in, a IO-foot-wide area
is offset by one apparatus length so that the driver has to move the truck to the
right (figure 3). This driving procedure tests the driver's ability to manuever the
vehicle while maintaining speed and keepil1g the apparatus under control.
- Length of Apparatus
T ~ T ~I~en
U I_
1. ~
~ ~
1 ~
the front window to watch the course, and must stop within 6 inches of the
finish. This driving procedure tests the driver's ability to control the vehicle and
judge the clearance on both sides.
Straight line - In the straight line test, the markers are set to determine if
the driver keeps the vehicle on a straight line (figure 5). In this test, the markers
~ ~ ® ® ~ ®
II ® ®
® ®
® ®
/. 30 Feet
Figure 5. Straight Line
are set up for 30 feet and separated by 2 feet 6 inches. The right wheel of the
truck is placed between the markers and the distance must be traveled without
knocking down any of the markers.
Turn around - In the turn around exercise (figure 6) the driver's ability to
make a three-point turn to reverse direction is tested. Both a left and right turn
around are tested because of the difference in maneuvering required for each.
L ~\,~ 20'
START . .-----+--~~~
Appendix A
Understanding Fluids
Before defining a fluid, an explanation of the characteristics that a fluid
possesses will aid in understanding the scientific principles involved. All matter
can exist in anyone of three states: solid, liquid, or gas, which are composed
of tiny particles called molecules.
In a solid, the molecules are spaced very close together, and by their nature
they try to hold onto each other. Now when a solid is heated, the molecules
vibrate. As more heat is applied, the molecules vibrate more and more rapidly
and try to break away from each other. At some point, the molecules do break
away and the form of the solid changes to either a liquid or gas. The stronger
the attachment of the molecules of a solid, the higher heat that is necessary to
change the form.
Definition of a fluid
A fluid is defined as a substance that yields to the slightest force and recovers
its previous state when the force is removed. The molecules of a fluid are not
closely bound and cannot sustain a sideways force. This is the basic distinguish-
ing factor between a fluid and a solid. Fluids can be divided into two subclasses
- gases and liquids.
An understanding of fluid behavior is necessary because the firefighter must
be able to anticipate actions of fluids. From flammable liquid spills to toxic
gases, an understanding of the properties of fluids will aid the pump operator.
In order to understand what causes fluids to move, a discussion of the
various types of forces is necessary. The three major forces that can act on any
body are shear, tensile, and compressive.
A shear force (figure 1) is a sideways force which will cause the fluid to
move. A tensile force (figure 2) is an attempt to pull apart the fluid and does
not cause much movement. The only motion of a tensile force is caused by the
ability of the particular molecules to stick together~ A compressive force (figure
3) is the attempt to push the fluids together. This will cause the best movement
of the fluid and, of the three forces, permits the best control.
The compressive forces used in the fire service, when referenced to a given
area, are known as pressure. Pressure denotes a force per unit area. In the
American system of measurement, force is measured in pounds and area is
usually measured in square inches or square feet. In the fire service, pressure
in force per unit area is expressed as pounds per square inch and abbreviated
252 as psi.
Both liquids and gases are fluids. The properties of fluids (figure 4) can be
generalized as:
Liquids Gases
Almost incompressible. (For purposes Compressible. (A 40-cubic-foot vol-
of this text, a liquid will be considered ume of air is compressed into a small
incompressible because it takes a cylinder for breathing apparatus.)
pressure of 30,000 psi to cause a 1
percent reduction in a given volume
of water.)
Assumes the shape of the container. Assumes the shape of the container.
(Whether in a glass, lake or pool, a (A gas will expand until it fills the ves-
liquid always conforms to the shape sel holding it, whether it be a jar or a
of the vessel.) room.)
Capable of flowing. (The fact that a Capable of flowing under certain cir-
liquid is not compressible permits it to cumstances. (Air will flow in a venti-
flow easily.) lating system or around the wing of an
airplane. Under these special condi-
tions, the gas acts as if it is incom-
pressible. )
The prime fluid that pump operators are concerned with is water. Water has
some properties that make its use on the fireground beneficial.
Properties of water
There are two different conditions that a firefighter must consider when
operating a pump. The first is when the fluid is at rest or under static condi-
tions. (The study of fluids at rest is called hydrostatics') The second possibility is 253
that the fluid is in motion or flowing (the study of this type of motion is called
hydrokinetics) .
First, consider the physical properties of water. Water is composed of
molecules, with each molecule made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one
atom of oxygen (figure 5). 1:he chemical symbol for this is written as H 20. In
their natural state, hydrogen and oxygen are gases, but when combined to
form a molecule of water, they become a completely new substance. This new
substance is a liquid between 32°F (freezing point) and 212°F (the boiling
point at normal atmospheric pressure). In addition, once hydrogen and
oxygen form water, it is very difficult to separate back to their original
Under static conditions, water follows five basic laws:
1. Fluid pressure is perpendicular to the surface on which it works (figure
This means that when water is confined by a barrier, it causes pressure which
acts at 90 degrees to the barrier. What would happen if this were not true? As
shown in figure 6B, assume that the force acts at some other angle than 90
degrees. Under this condition, the force would cause the water to move and a
static condition would not be present. The only time there will be a static condi-
tion is when the force is perpendicular to the barrier.
2. At any point within the water, the pressure is the same amount in all
directions (figure 6C).
Within the water, at any point the pressure exerted by water molecule "X"
on the surrounding molecules is the same in all directions. It is important to
distinguish that this does not say the pressure at point "X" is equal to the
pressure at point "Y."
3. Pressure from the outside, when applied to water in a confined area will
be distributed to all parts of the area without decreasing in value (figure 6D).
Because water is incompressible, an external force of 100 psi applied to the
water will cause the pressure throughout the vessel to increase by 100 psi.
4. The pressure exerted by water at any point in the open vessel is depen-
dent upon its depth (figure 6E).
5. The pressure exerted by water does not depend upon the shape of the
vessel (figure 6F).
Pressure for the fire service is measured in pounds per square inch. Because
everything is referenced to this particular area, the shape of the vessel will not
change the pressure reading. Only the height of the water above the gage will
change the pressure. Gages Q, Rand S all read in psi, and because the height
is the same, all gages will read equal pressures. Note that the size and capacity
254 of the containers is not mentioned, yet the pressure will be the same.
(NOT AT 90°)
100 PSI
The definition of pressure and the distinction between pressure and force
have been discussed, In addition, the basic laws of pressure as applied to water
under static conditions have been covered,
Appendix B
Water Movement
Flow or movement of water can occur in any of three directions at the same
time. The movement of a fluid in three directions is called three-dimensional
flow. For the applications and uses in the fire service, it is sufficiently accurate
to think in terms of flow or movement only occurring in one direction. This is
called one-dimensional flow (figure 1).
256 minute
However, in the fire service, the common measure for flow is gallons per
minute. So this formula must now be converted so that Q is expressed in gpm:
Q = A (~) x V( i~ )
1 gallon contains 231 cubic inches of water
A (in 2) x V (~)
Q • 3
231 !!l.
Q = gallons
Example: What is the flow in gallons per minute in a 3·inch hose
line, if the water is moving past a point at the rate of 102 feet per
Step 1. Determine the area:
Area of a circle = n r2
r = 11/2 inches
n =3.14
A =3.14 (11/2)2
A = 3.14 (2.25)
A = 7.06 in 2
Step 2. Determine the velocity in correct units:
V = 102 K x 12 in
min .K
V = 102 (12) .-l!L
V = 1224.-l!L
Step 3. Solve the equation:
7.06 in 2 x 1224.-l!L
Q = - - - - - -min - • 3
231 !!l.
Q = 8641 gal
231 min
Q = 37.41 gpm 257
Conservation of matter
Now, just from intuition, it can be said that if 200 gallons per minute were
put in one end of a hose line, the other end would flow 200 gpm when using a
noncompressible fluid. Notice that nothing was said about the size of the hose.
What goes in one end must come out the other end at the same rate. In physics
this rule is stated as: Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
This rule means that at any point in the system the flow rate must be equal.
The flow rates at points 1 and 2 of figure 1 can now be written as
Q2 = A2 V2 and since the flows are equal
QI = Q2 and
Al VI = A2 V2
This means that the larger the area gets the smaller the velocity will be.
Example: using figure 1, the area at point 1 is 4 square inches and
the velocity is 220 feet per second. What is the velocity at point 2 in
feet per second, if the area is 3 square inches?
Step 1. Determine the area:
Al = 4 in 2
A2 = 3 in 2
Step 2. Determine the velocity in correct units:
VI = 220 - x 12 in
sec ft
VI = 2640 in
V 2 = unknown
Step 3. Solve the equation:
Al VI = A2 V 2
4 in 2 (2640) in 3 in 2 (V 2)
4 (2640) in = V 2
3 sec
10560 in = V 2
3 sec
3520 in = V 2
Step 4. Convert to correct units:
3520 in
- - - - = V2
12 in
V 2 = 293.3311.
258 sec
Note that as the area decreased at point 2 to 3 inches the velocity increased to
293.33 ft/sec.
Bernoulli's Equation
In order to continue the discussion of fluids in motion, certain further defini-
tions are necessary. The energy possessed by a fluid can be defined as its
capacity to do work. This ability to do work can be classified into groups such
as electrical, chemical, atomic, thermal, and mechanical. For the field of pump
operation the main group is mechanical energy.
Mechanical energy can be divided into two major areas: potential energy
and kinetic energy. Potential energy of a fluid is that energy which the fluid has
stored, ready for use. One example would be an elevated water tank in which
the water has potential energy to do work because it is elevated above the
ground. The kinetic energy of a fluid is its energy due to motion. For example,
water flowing from a nozzle possesses kinetic energy because the flowing water
is able to do work (turn a wheel or knock down a wall).
Potential energy can be stored in one of two ways. It can receive its energy
due to elevation (head) or due to pressure under static conditions. Since
potential energy can also be a combination of these two, a generalized equa-
tion can be written:
It is important to keep the units of this equation ~onsistent. Each value must
be expressed in terms of equivalent head, which in the fire service is usually
The rule which states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed can now
be extended to include energy. Energy can be changed from one form to
another, but the total available energy must remain constant. Because of this
the total energy possessed by a fluid can be written as:
;.;·;·;.;·;.;···············..··········0 ...................;.;.;.;.;
100 PSI
Within the fire service, velocity head by itself will not be useful to the pump
260 operator. A more beneficial value is the velocity reached by the fluid.
Velocity formula
The velocity attained by a falling object is determined by the height through
which it will fall due to gravity pulling it down. Since gravity is a constant value,
the farther the object must drop the longer it will be able to increase its velocity.
This means that the longer it drops the faster it will be going (higher velocity)
when it reaches the bottom. The elements of time and gravity can be related to
velocity with the formula:
v =gt, where
v = velocity in ftl sec
g = gravity which is 32.2 ft/sec 2
t = time in seconds
So, if it takes 3 seconds for an article to fall, its velocity will be:
Note that the size, shape and weight do not enter into the picture. The
velocity obtained is based solely on the action of gravity.
The velocity of a falling object does not remain in a constant. At the end of
one second the velocity is 32.2 ft/sec and at the end of two seconds it is 64.4
ftl sec. The average velocity of the object can be obtained by taking the final
velocity and dividing by 2. This gives the formula:
average velocity = ~ = gt
2 2
If the average velocity was 100 ftl sec, the height through which the object
fell can be determined by multiplying by the time it took to fall. In this example,
if it took 10 seconds the object fell
Using this as a base, then multiplying the average velocity by time to yield
the height, h, which is equal to velocity head produces the formula
= gt (t)
= gt2
~ 261
Substituting yields
h =...9... (~)2
2 g
2 g' g
Solving for v gives
v2 = 2gh
v =v'2gh
v = '1/2 x 32.2 x h
v = '1/64.4 h
v = 8.02 v'h
The velocity head or height is related to pressure in psi through the formula
h =2.31 P
v = 8.02 'l/2.31P
v = 8.02 x 1.52 Vf5
v = 12.19 Vf5
Now, the velocity can be calculated when either the pressure or the eleva-
tion head are known.
P =80 psi
v = 8.02 v'h
h = 94 ft
v =8.02y'94
v = 8.02 (9.70)
v = 77.8 ft/sec
The form of Bernoulli's Equation for water can now be rewritten to reflect
the formulas just developed.
PH 1 + EH1 + VH 1
P H =P-
EH = z (elevation)
VH = v2
~+z + ~=~+Z2+ ~
.434 1 2g .434 2g
This is usually the way Bernoulli's Equation is expressed in hydraulic text-
books. It is just another way of saying that the sum of the energies within a
hydraulic system are the same.
Measurement devices
There are two major devices for making measurements of flow and velocity:
the venturi meter and the pitot gage. Both of these devices use the formulas
developed in this unit to make measurements.
The venturi meter, figure 4, uses Bernoulli's Equation
~+z +~=~+Z2+~
.434 1 2g .434 2g
~+~=~+ v/
.434 2g .434 2g 263
v =2gh
Appendix C
v = 12.14 vp It
Substituting yields
Since the common measure for flow, Q, in the fire service is gallons per
minute and area of the nozzle is expressed in inches, this formula must be con-
verted for pump operator use.
Area of nozzle discharge A = 1t r2
The radius, r, of a circle is 112 of the diameter, d.
Area of a nozzle A = 1t X A. x A.
2 2
A = 1t d2
'It X d2 ~ 1ft2
A = X
4 144~
V = 12.14v'P .it
V = 12.14v'P .it X 60 sec
sec 1 min
V = 728.4 v'P .it
Both formulas are very close in value, with a variation of less than 1 percent.
Calculations within the text use Freeman's Formula.
One of the problems with both of these formulas is that the value is purely
theoretical because friction loss within the device is riot considered. To correct
the equation, a coefficient of discharge, c, is included in the equation.
Freeman's equation can then be written as
Q = 29.7 X d 2 x VP X C
The value of the coefficient of discharge will vary with the opening through
266 which the water will flow. The 2 1/2-inch discharge opening of the fire hydrant
can have a value of c which varies between 0.7 and 0.9. Smooth-bore nozzles
have a c value ranging from 0.96 to 0.99. Since the values of 0.96 to 0.99 are
all close to 1.0, the coefficient is sometimes deleted from the calculations for
smooth-bore nozzles.
Q = 29.7 x d 2 X yIP X C
d = 1.25 inches
P =50 psi
c = 1
Q = 29.7 x d 2 X yIP X C
d = 2.5 inches
p = 8 psi
c = 0.85
d = nozzle diameter in inches
NP = nozzle pressure in psi
L = number of 50-foot lengths of hose
FL= 1.1 x K x NP x L
Step 2. Determine the formula values:
K=- d4
K= (11/4)4
K = 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25
K= 2.44
K= .244
NP=42 psi
L= 400= 8
Step 3. Solve the equation:
Because the values of K are dependent upon two constants, nozzle diameter
and hose size, they can be calculated in advance. Table 1 lists the values of K.
Step 1. Select the proper equation for unknown flow with a nozzle diameter
less than 1 inch:
268 FL = 1.0 x K x NP x L
K = .455 (table 1)
NP= 56 psi
L= 200 = 4
Step 3. Solve the equation:
FL = 1. 0 x .455 x 56 x 4
FL = 102 psi per 200 ft
TABLE 1. Values of K
Nozzle 11f2-inch 21f2-inch 3-inch Dual 21f2-inch Dual3-inch
diameter line line line lines lines
use small diameter formula
1/4 .0084
3/8 .036
1/2 .104 .0115
5/8 .234 .023
3/4 .455 .042
7/8 .068
1 .105 .038 .025
1 1/8 .167 .062 .043
1 114 .248 .092 .066 .023
1 3/8 .341 .137 .096 .034
1 1/2 .505 .192 .135 .051
15/8 .680 .266 .184 .068
1 3/4 .907 .351 .242 .093
2 1.550 .605 .418 .157
FL= 1.1 x K x NP x L
EP=NP + 1.1 K x NP x L ± E
EP=NP + 1.1K x NP xL
EP = NP [1 + 1.1 K (L)]
With a very slight introduction of error, the expression within the bracket can
be written as
[1.1 + K (L)]
EP = NP [1.1 + K(L)]
This formula is known as the Underwriters formula and is used for
calculating engine pressure when flow is not known. 269
As with the friction loss formula, engine pressure calculation for hose with a
nozzle smaller than 1 inch and 21/2-inch or less hose must use the formula
EP = NP [1 + K(L)]
Step 1. Select the proper equation, with tip size larger than 1 inch.
NP=50 psi
K = .167 (table 1)
L= 300 = 6
Appendix D
Average velocity Y= .91
2 2
Back pressure P = .434 h
Bernoulli's Equation PH1 + EH1 + VH1 = PH2 + EH2 + VH 2
..EL+ Zl + ~ =~+ Z2 + ~
.434 2g .434 2g
Engine pressure EP = NP + FL ± E (hose line)
EP = NP [1.1 + K(L)] (larger than 1 inch)
EP = NP [1 + K(L)] (smaller than 1 inch)
EP = FL + RP ± E (relay)
Flow Q = AV
Q = 29.7 X d 2 x vp X c (Freeman)
Q = 29.83 X d 2 x vp X c (AlA)
Q = 112P + 15 (sprinkler head)
Q1 + Q2 = AN1 = A2V2
Friction loss (100 feet of 2112- FL = 2Q2 + 112Q
inch hose flowing less than FL = 1.0 K x NP x L (smaller tip than 1 ")
100 gpm
Friction loss (100 ft of 2112" FL = 2Q + Q
hose flowing more than 100 FL = 1.1 K x NP x L
Net pump pressure NPP = psig + lift (ft) + suction loss (ft)
2.3 2.3
Nozzle reaction NR = 1.57 x d 2 x P (straight tip)
NR = .0505 x Q x VP (fog nozzle)
Velocity v = gt
v = V2gh
v = 8.02 v'h
v = 12.19 VP
Velocity head h = 2.31P
Appendix E
Absolute pressure: True pressure, which equals the sum of atmospheric
and gage pressures (psia).
Accelerator: Bleeds air from a dry pipe sprinkler system rapidly.
Air pressure gage: Shows the pressure available in the brake lines.
Algebraic expression: A group of symbols which represents a number.
Ammeter: Shows how much current is flowing into or out of the battery.
Associative rule of addition: Addition can be performed in any
Associative rule of multiplication: Multiplication can be performed in
any sequence.
Atmospheric pressure: Pressure caused by the elevation of air above the
Auxiliary cooling valve: Permits water from the pump to cool the
radiator water through a heat exchanger.
Back pressure: Pressure caused by the elevation of water.
Bames: Metal parts added to water tanks to prevent surging.
Barrel: On a hydrant, conducts water from the foot piece to the bonnet.
Bearings: On a pump, provide support and alignment for the impeller
Bonnet: On a hydrant, provides protection to the unit and contains the
mechanism for turning the valve.
Bourdon tube: Hollow curved tube which activates a pressure gage.
Capacity: See parallel.
Cavitation: Caused by the pump attempting to deliver more water than is
being supplied. This causes the formation of water vapor and liquid
water, under pressure, rushes in to fill the empty space. This results in
a tremendous shock.
Centrifugal force: Force which tends to make rotating bodies move away
from the center of rotation.
Centrifugal pump: A pump which uses a rapidly spinning disk to create
the pressure for water movement.
Certification: Pumper test conducted by Underwriters' Laboratories
to determine if the pumper can deliver its rated volume and pressures.
Check valve: Valve which prevents water from flowing in the wrong
Clearance rings: See wear rin!=ts.
Clover leaf pump: A rotary pump using three gear teeth.
Common fraction: A fraction which has both terms expressed.
272 Commutative rule of addition: Order of the addition is reversible.
Index Booster tank, 137-138
Bourdon tube, 132,
Braces, in algebraic operation, 28
Brackets, in algebraic operation, 28
Brake horsepower, 117-119
A calculation of, 118
Absolute pressure, 51
Accelerators, in sprinkler systems, 218, 220 C
Acceptance tests, for pumps, 234 Cab components, 128-131
Addition Cancellation, in multiplying fractions, 14
in algebra, 25 Cavitation, 158
of decimal fractions, 18 and drafting, 188
of fractions, i 1 at hydrants, 200
of numbers, 2 in relay operations, 202
Ahrens-Fox piston pumper, 81 Centrifugal force, principles of, 90-91
Air brakes, 130 Centrifugal pumps
Air chamber American dual-impeller model, 100-102
for piston pumps, 83 American LaFrance model, 96-100
for rotary pumps, 89 Components of, 91-96
Air horns, 130 Hale two-stage model, 103-107
Air pressure gage, 130 history of, 78
Alley dock driving test, 250 operating procedures for, 186-187
Algebra pressure gage, 131-134
addition in, 25 priming of, 177-181
division in, 27 Seagrave model, 107-108, 111-113
and equations, 29 Waterous two-stage model, 109, 113-116
grouping symbols in, 28 Certification tests, 235-237
multiplication in, 26 Chain drive, 125-126
subtraction in, 26 ChaSSiS, of tanker, 226
symbols in, 24 Check valve, in standpipes, 212
Allison HT-70 transmission, 126-127 Clearance rings, of centrifugal pump, 94
Alternator, and ammeter readings, 130 Climatic conditions, and drafting water,
Altitude 184-185
and atmospheric pressure, 51 Clover leaf pumps, 87
and drafting water, 184-185 Clutch arrangements, 123-124
American dual-impeller centrifugal pump, Coefficient of discharge, 64, 65, 66
100-101, 178 Cold weather, a.nd governor maintenance,
American Insurance Association, 196 164, 166
American LaFrance centrifugal pump, Common fractions
96-100 decimal conversion of, 17
American LaFrance governor, 158-160 defined,9
American Lafrance primer, 170-171 reducing of, 10
American LaFrance relief valve, 147-148 Commutative rule
American model governor, 161-162 of addition, 3
Ammeter, 130 of multiplication, 5
Arabic numbers, Compound fraction, 9
Associative rule Compound gage, 131
of addition, 3 Compressive forces, 252 -253
of multiplication, 5 Conservation of matter, and water flow,
Atmospheric pressure, 50 258-259
Atoms, 252 Control valve, for sprinkler systems, 218
Automatic governor, 167-168 Crankshaft, power transmission from, 123-
Auxiliary cooling system, 134-136 124
Average velocity, formula for, 261-263 Ctesibius, 75
Cube root, 39
Back pressure, 51 D
rule of"thumb for, 63 da Vinci, Leonardo, 48
Baffles of tanker, 226 Dead-end mains, 194
Balancing cylinder, in governor, 158 Decimal fraction
Base (mathematical), 38 addition of, 18
Battery, 130 division of, 21
Bearings, of centrifugal pump, 94 multiplication of, 19
Bernoulli's Law, 259-260, 263 percentages, 36
Bleed line, of American LaFrance relief rounding off, 22
valve, 148 subtraction of, 19 277
Deck guns, 60, 70 Flow
Deluge gun, for service testing, 240 and conservation of matter, 258-259
Deluge sprinkler systems, 217 formula for, 64
Denominator, defined, 9 and venturi meter, 263
Diesel engines, optimum rpms for, 96 Flow pressure, 52
Diminishing clearance driving test, 250-251 Fluids
Direct proportion, defined, 34 defined 47-48 252-253
Discharge, of tanker, 226 forces and, 252-153
Discharge calculations properties of, 253-255
formula, 64 Foam sprinkler systems, 217-218
from fog nozzles, 68, 69 Fog nozzle, 68. 69
from smooth bore nozzles, 64, 65 and pressure control, 142-143
Discharge gages, 134 and water flow quantity, 56
Discharge pressure line, of American Force, categories of, 252
LaFrance relief valve, 148 Formula, defined, 25
Discharge valves, 136 Fractions (See also decimals)
Distance, in relay operations, 202 addition of, 11
Distributive rule, of multiplication, 5 divison of, 15
Dividend,6 multiplication of, 14
Division reducing of, 10
in algebra, 27 subtraction of, 13
of fractions, 15 types of, 9
of numbers, 6 Frangible bulb sprinkler head, 222
Divisor, 6 Freeman, John R., 48
Double-acting piston pump, 85 Freeman formula, 266
Drafting water (see water supply) Friction loss
Drain, for dischargelintake lines, 137, and flow.type, 54
148 and hose, 54, 55
Drive shaft, power transmission from, 125, hand method for, 61
127 in devices, 60
Driving, safe, 247-248 in paraIlel lines, 60
Dry barrel hydrant, 190-191 in unequal lengths, 60
Dry-pipe valve, in sprinkler system, 217, other than 21/2-inch hose, 58
218-219 in standpipe operations, 215-217
Dry prime test, 243-244 for 21/2-inch lines, 56
Dynamometer, 119 and water flow,
Dyne, defined, 44 smaIl flows, 57
Frontinaus, 47
E Fuel gage, 129
Efficiency Fusible link sprinkler heads, 222
calculation of, 120-122
single-stage vs. two-stage, 121-122
Electrical system, 130
Elevated storage tank, 192 G
for standpipe systems, 213 Gases, properties of, 253
Elevating platforms, 72 Gasoline engines, history of, 78
Energy, for hyraulic system, 259-260 Gage pressure, 50
Engine gages, 128-130 Gages (see specific gage; engine gages;
Engine hours meter, 129 pump gages)
Engine pressure Generator, and ammeter readings,
calculation of, 67 130-131
friction loss, 67 Gooseneck engine, 76
importance of, Governors
relay operations, 205-208 American LaFrance model, 158-161
sprinkler system, 223-224 American model, 161-162
standpipe operations, 214-217 automatic, 167-168
Equations, basic procedures for, 29 Hale model, 162-163
Exhaust primer, 179-181 principles of, 158
Exhauster, in sprinkler system, 218-220 Seagrave model, 164-166
Exponents, 38 Waterous model, 166-167
Extremes, in proportion, 34 Gram, defined, 44
Eye of impeIler, 91-94 Gravity, and fluid velocity, 260
Grid, 192-193
F Gross brake horsepower, 117-119
Firefighting, history of, 47, 75 Ground waters, as supply source, 192
278 Flinger, ring, 94 Grouping symbols, in algebra, 28
Hale governor, 162-163 Mathematics
Hale priming pump, 172-174 Basic operations in, 1
Hale relief valve, 151-153 and fractions, 9
Hale single-stage pump, 107, 109-110 Means, in proportion, 34
Hale two-stage pump, 103, 105, 106-107, Mechanical energy, defined, 259
108-109 Meter, defined, 44
Hard sleeve Metric system, 43
and hydrant connection, 197 Minuend,5
testing of, 243 Mixed number
Head, defined, 51 defined, 10
Height and pressure, 67 dividing of, 16
High-pressure hydrant, 194 subtracting of, 13
Hosepower of pump drives, 117-119 Molecules, defined, 252
Hose Multiple-bucket carrier, 76
and friction loss, Multiplicand, 3
history of, 76 Multiplication
for relay operations, 203 in algebra, 26
for standpipes, 212-213 of fractions, 14
for tankers, 226-227 of numbers, 3
Hose tenders, history of, 76 Multiplier, 3
Humidity, and drafting water, 185
Hydrant pressure, 52 N
Hydrants National Board of Fire Underwriters, 234
and pumper operation, 196-198 National Fire Protection ASSOciation, 234
and water distribution system, 192-194 Standard 1901 text of, 234-235
characteristics of, 189-191 Needle valve, 134
estimating available flow, 198-200 Negative numbers, subtraction of, 26
inspection/maintenance, 195-196 Negative pressure, 52
testing, 196 Net brake horsepower, 117-119
Hydraulics Net engine pressure, 52
calculations, 56 Net pump pressure, calculation of, 237-239
history of, 47 Newsham engine, 75
for relay operations, 205-208 Newton (dyne), defined, 44
Hydrokinetics, defined, 47 Nonpositive displacement pump (see
Hyrostatics, defined, 47 centrifugal pump)
principles of, 48 Normal operating pressure, 52
I Nozzle
Impeller, in centrifugal pump, 91, 93, 94 and pressure control, 141-143
Improper fraction in service tests, 240
defined,9 and water flow quantity, 64, 65, 68, 69
reducing of, 11 Nozzle pressure, 56
Indirect proportion, 35 Numerator
Intake, of tanker, 226 of decimal fraction, 17
Intake gage, 134 defined,9
Intake valves, 136
International Association of Fire Engineers, o
234 Odometer, 129
Inverse proportion, defined, 34 Oil pressure gage, 129
"On the motion and measurement of
J water," 47- 48
John Bean relief valve, 148-149 One-dimensional flow, 256
measurement of, 256-257
K Opposite alley pull-in test, 250
Kinetic energy, defined, 259 Overheating, of pump, 138
L p
Ladder pipes, 142 Packing, of centrifugal pump, 94
Laminar flow, and friction loss, 53 Parallel lines,
Lift pump, 80 friction loss in
Lifting, of water, 182-184 Parentheses, in algebraic operation, 28
Line gage, 134 Percentages, principles of, 36
LiqUids, properties of, 253 Philadelphia-style hand pumper, 77
Liter, defined, 44 Pi,25
Looped water main, 194 Piano pumper, 77
Lowest common denominator, 11 Pilot valve, with relief valve, 145-147 279
Pipes, for distribution and storage, 192-194 positive displacement type, 80
Piston pumps, 80 relay capabilities of, 202-203
air chamber for, 83 service testing of, 239-240
discharge calculations for, steam, 78
double-acting type, 85 transmitting power to, 123-127
lift type, 80
multiple cylinder type, 85
pressure type, 82 Quotient, 7
slippage, 86
Pitot, Henri, 48
Pitot, gage, 263-264 R
for hydrant testing, 196 Radiator fill valve, 135-136
for service test, 240, 242 Radical sign, 39
Portable pumps, 230-232 Rapid water, 56
and priming, 169 Rate-of-rise sprinkler system, 217
Portable tanks, 229 Rating, of tankers, 227
Positive displacement pumps (see also Ratio
piston pumps; rotary pumps), principles of, 33
Positive pressure, 52 and proportion, 34
Potential energy, defined, 259 RedUcing, of fractions, 10
Power, transmitting of, 123-125 Relay operations
Power takeoff, 127 advantages of, 201-202
Powers (mathematics), principles of, 38 factors in, 201-204
Preaction sprinkler systems, 217 hydraulics of, 205-208
Pressure pumper operation in, 204-205
and height, 63 Relief valves
and water, 64 American LaFrance model, 147-148
definition of, 49 basic principles of, 144-145
types of, 50 Darley model, 149-150
vs. force, 49 Hale model, 151-153
Pressure control, 144 John Bean model, 148-149
C\nd governors, 158-167 operation of, 157
and nozzles, 141-143 simple type, 145
and relief valves, 144-157 Thibault model,. 153, 154-155
Pressure gage Waterous model, 154, 155-157
for pumps, 130 with pilot valve, 145-147
in service tests, 240, 242 Remainder (division), 7
Pressure piston pump, 82 Residual pressure, 52
Pressure reducer, in standpipes, 212 Restricted pressure line, of American
Pressure tanks, for standpipes, 213 Lafrance relief valve, 148
Priming devices (see also rotary priming Retard chamber, in sprinkler system, 221
pumps) Risers
exhaust type, 179-181 in sprinkler system, 221
testing of, 243-244 in standpipes, 212
vacuum type, 177-179 Rome, 47
Prony brake, 129 Roof outlet, for standpipes, 213
Proper fraction Roots (mathematical), principles of, 39
defined,9 Rotary gear pumps, 87
dividing of, 15 Rotary priming pumps, 169-170
subtraction of, 12 American LaFrance model, 170-171
Proportion, principles of, 34 Darley model, 171-172
Pump discharge pressure, 52 Hale model, 172-174
Pump drives Seagrave model, 174-175, 176
and horsepower, 117-119 Waterous model, 175-177
types of, 123-127 Rotary pumps, 87
Pump gages, 131-134 Rotary vane pump, 89
Pump speed, 122-123 Rubber hose lining, and friction loss, 55
Pumper, driving the, 248-249
Pumps and pumpers (see also centrifugal S
pumps; piston pumps; pump drives; Seagrave governor, 164-166
rotary pumps) Seagrave pump, 107-108, 111-113
acceptance testing of, 234 Seagrave rotary vane priming pump, 174-
for tankers, 226 175, 176
gasoline, 78 Separate engine method, of power
hand, 75, 77 transmission, 123
history of, 75 Serpentine driving test, 249-250
280 portable, 230-233 Service test, for pumps, 239-240
Shear force, defined, 252, 253 Thibault model relief valve, 153-154
Shrouds, of impeller, 91 Three-dimensional flow, 256
Siamese connection Throttle linkage clutch, in governor, 159
for sprinkler systems, 218 Time, and fluid velOcity, 261
for standpipes, 211 Torque, 119
Simple (common) fraction, defined, 9 Training, driver, 249-251
Simple relief valve, 145 Transfer valve, of centrifugal pump, 95-96
Single-stage pump, efficiency of, 121- Transposing, in equations, 30
Sliding collar drive, 125 Turbulent flow, 53
Slippage Turn-around driving test, 251
in piston pumps, 86 21fz-inch lines, friction loss in, 56
in rotary pumps, 88 Two-stage pump, efficiency of, 121-122
Smooth nozzles, aDd water flow quantity, 64
Soft sleeve, and hydrant connection, 197 U
Solids, properties of, 252 Underwriters' formula, 269
Specific gravity, and battery, 130-131 Underwriters' Laboratories, 234-235
Speedometer, 129 Unit symbols, for metric system, 43
Sprinkler heads, 221-223
Sprinkler systems V
components of, 218-222 Vacuum primer, 177-178
engine pressure for, 223-224 Vacuum-type transfer, in Hale pumps, 107
operating procedures for, 223 Vanes, of impeller, 91
types of, 217-218 Vapor pressure, and drafting water, 185
Square root, 39 Velocity head, 259
Squirrel-tailed pumper, 77 VelOcity of fluid
Stages, of centrifugal pump, 94-95 formula for, 261-262
Standpipes and pitot gage, 263-264
components of, 211-213 Vents, of tanker, 226
engine pressure for, 214-215 Venturi, G.B., 48
operating procedures for, 213-214 Venturi meter, 263-264
types of, 210 Vitruvius, 47
Static pressure, 52 Voltage regulator, and ammeter readings,
Steam pumpers, history of, 78 130
Stevenius, 48 Volute, from impeller, 94
Straight-line driving test, 251
Straight-tipped ground nozzles, and pressure W
control, 141-142 Water (see also water supply)
Straight-tipped ladder pipe, and pressure one-dimensional flow of, 256
control, 142 pressure and, 50-52, 254-255
Strainer, in governor, 162 properties of, 253-254
Subscript, in algebra, 25 Water discharge, formula for 64
Subtraction Water distribution system and hydrants,
in algebra, 26 192-194
of fractions, 12 Water-flow alarm, 219-220
of numbers, 5 Water hammer, 143
Subtrahend, 5 Water horsepower, 119-121
Super pumper, 79 Water supply
Surface waters, as supply source, 192 drafting of, 182-188
System International (SI) , 43 and cavitation, 188
and climatic conditions, 184-185
and lifting, 182-184
T common problems in, 187-188
Tachometer, 129, 241 operating procedures for, 186-187
Tank fill valve, 137-138 for sprinkler systems, 223
Tanker for standpipe systems, 213
construction factorf~f, 226-227 historyof,
operating from, 228-229 Water tank, 137-138
rating of,227 Water temperature gage, 130
Temperature Waterous primer, 175-177
and drafting water, 184-185 Waterous governor, 166-167
and sprinkler operation, 222-223 Waterous relief valve, 155-157
Tensile force, defined, 252 Waterous two-stage pump, 109, 113, 114-
Terrain, in relay operations, 204 116
Testing Wear rings
acceptance, 234 of centrifugal pump, 94
of pumps, 234-237 Wet barrel hydrant, 190
service, 239-240 281