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Module No. 1 Introduction To Bar Management

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Module No.

1 -Pick up station
2. Back bar
Is an area where bottles of liquors and rows of
1.1 Origin
sparkling glassware are displayed. It is good
The source of beverage service dates back t o
place to display all brands as a subtle form of
12,000 years, and it started with the first evidence
merchandising and display some equipment
of wine making. It has been traced to the year
 For storage
2,000 BC in the Mesopotamia and Nile Valley.
 For display
Egyptians show the main stages of wine making in
3.The Under bar
wall paintings. A list of wine stored in cellars of
It is the heart of entire bar operation and
Assyria (present day Iran) around 800 BC
deserves the most careful attention. In its
spaces are the equipment, supplies and other
Is one avenue for this purpose as it provides a
products for sale.
cozy place for relaxation where customers can
 Pouring station - Hand sink
chat with friends, enjoy a service of their favorite
 Speed rail .-Drain Board
drinks, listen to music or watch live entertainment.
 Ice bin -Glass sink
Refers to a place where drinks are prepared and
 Bottle wells Waste dump
mixed and serve to the customers.
1.2 Fermented Beverages
Fermented Beverages
TYPES OF BARS Fermented alcoholic beverages have been known
1.An Entertainment or Cocktail Bar since pre-historical times. Beer was certainly known in
Bar designed to provide special like a live Mesopotamia before 4,000 BC.
Wine was consumed in Classical Greece at breakfast
band, a‘sing along ‘videoke, or live entertainment or at symposia. In the 1st Century BC it was part of the diet
done by known singers, dancers and comedians. of most Roman Citizens. The transformation of water into
It serves high quality alcoholic and non alcoholic wine at a wedding feast is one of the miracles attributed to
drinks including cocktails or mixed drinks Jesus in the New Testament, and his symbolic use of wine
in the Last Supper led it to becoming an essential part of
2.Coffee Bar the Catholic Eucharist rite.
Has become a phenomenon nowadays as the In Europe during the Middle Ages, beer was
place not only serves high quality of coffee but is consumed by the whole family , thanks to a triple
also designed to be an ideal venue for chat with fermentation process, thanks to a triple fermentation
process – the men had the strongest, then women, then
friends or for holding small meetings. children. A document of the times mentions nuns having
3.Stand-Up Bar an allowance of six pints of ale a day. Cider and pomace
Is simply a bar counter inside a food outlet where wine were also widely available, while grape wine was the
drink orders are prepared. prerogative of the higher classes.
Drink orders are endorsed to the bar and then The medicinal use of alcohol beverages was mentioned in
they are picked up by servers to be served to Sumerian and Egyptian texts dated from 2100 BC or
customer’s table. earlier. The Hebrew bible recommends giving alcoholic
4.Mobile or Portable Bar drinks to those who are dying or depressed, so that they
can forget their misery.
Refers to the bar that is movable and can be
transferred from one place to another. 1.3 Distilled Beverages
It is usually used for parties and for special Beer and wine are typically limited to a maximum of 15
function such as in banquet and catering. percent alcohol, although brewers have reached 25%
alcohol. Beyond this limit adversely affected and cannot
Parts of bar ferment. Since the fourth millennium BC in Babylonia,
1.Front bar higher levels of alcohol have been obtained in a number
is the customer area, it is the meeting point for the of ways. Alcohol appeared first in Europe in the mid 12 th
customers and the bartenders where the customer's century and by the early 14th century it had spread
order for their drinks and are served by the throughout Europe. It also spread eastward, mainly by
bartenders. The front bar should be functional and the Mongols, and was practiced in China by the 14th
century. Paracelus gave alcohol alcohol its modern
have adequate space for pouring the drinks and name, taking it from the Arabic word which means
serving them. “finely divided”, a reference to distillation.
Parts of a Front Bar
-Bar table -Glass rack
-Rail - Arm rest
-Bar die - Foot rest
1.4 Duties and Responsibilities in the Bar united states there are still communities with a
Department ban of alcohol sales.
Bar outlet is supervised by a bar captain or bar
supervisor who reports directly to the bar Most countries have laws against drunk
manager. His service crew includes a bartender driving, driving with a certain concentration
and a barboy, bar waiters or food attendants, if ethanol in the blood. The legal threshold of
receptionist and a cashier. blood alcohol content ranges from 0.0% to
0.05% or 0.08% according to local law. Most
countries also specify a legal drinking age ,
Bar Manager/Supervisor below which the consumption of alcohol is
Basic Function : prohibited.
Plans, directs, monitors the set-up and 1.6 Overview of Bar and Beverage Department
delivery of service in the bar, insuring
that the service standards are consistently Bar service is the art of mixing wines and distilled
complied with. spirits (liquors and liqueur), cocktail drinks, non-
Bartender alcoholic beverages (mocktails), modifiers, special
Basic Function : agents, preparations, beverage service,
Prepares/mixes alcoholic and non alcoholic merchandising and quality service.
beverages according to prescribed standards. A skilled barman is one who understands the
Barboy activities of sustaining the bar (par) stocks in their
Basic Functions : best qualities, setting up the bar efficiently and
Acts as runner and helper in the bar. effectively, preparations of mis-en-scene before the
Bar Waiter and Bar Attendants start of the function or operation, excellent cost
Basic Function: analysis and control and good product knowledge.
Take and serve beverage and other orders
according to prescribed standards of service.
Bar Receptionist
Basic Function:
Welcomes and greets customers at the
entrance and escorts them to the tables.
1.5 Constraints of a Bar Manager
Constraint is define as the limiting factor or
something that limits the freedom to act

Legal Considerations
Most centuries have rules forbidding the sale of
alcoholic beverages to children, For example in
Netherlands and Germany, one has to be 16 to
buy beer or wine and 18 to buy distilled
alcoholic beverages.

In law, sometimes the term “intoxicating agent”

is used for a category of substance which
includes alcoholic beverages and some drugs. Module No. 2
Giving any of these substance to a person to
create an abnormal condition of the mind (such
as drunkenness), in order to facilitate IN THE BAR
committing a crime, may be an additional 2.1 Management Function
crime. Planning
This means organizational objectives by deciding
Some countries may forbid the commerce, who is to do what, where, when and how.
Planning is pre-thinking to implement the
consumption or advertising alcoholic
organizational policies and to achieve objectives.
beverages, or restrict them in various ways.
Planning may get expert advice, depending on
Countries such as Saudi Arabia, continues to
the project, or get the whole team involved.
prohibit alcohol for religious reasons. In the
all separate elements of an operation, with
Managers should consider the a view to tracing the reasons for success or
following: failure.

 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Reviewing – This consists of a periodical

and Threats (SWOT Analysis)
review of an operation, normally with
 Policy, Economic, Social and Technological
the aim of improving future
(PEST) factors affecting macro environment.
 Long Term, Short Term goals and
objectives 2.2 Managing the six ‘ M ‘
According to Kotas and Jayawardena,
Scheduling Management means using the available
This necessitates a detailed plan with resources to achieve organizational objectives.
timetables, programmers of activities, The main resources involved are:
tasks, and persons and responsible 1. Men
Organizing 2. Money
Communicating - These are objectives 3. Machinery
and tasks translated into words to inform 4. Materials
5. Methods
those concerned through memoranda,
6. Minutes
meeting, minutes, manuals through
horizontal and vertical channels.
Using the six M’s effectives to
Delegating - This means guiding
increase the productivity of the
individuals different duties and to specific
organization is the main
departments, teams or individuals and responsibility of the management.
giving authority to take appropriate
decisions within the relevant framework. 2.3 Staffing Levels
Directing - This means guiding individuals
towards achieving tasks and secondary Bar staffing - hiring and retaining quality
objectives. employees is not as easy as it used ... in the
Motivating - This means creating a devise same direction using the
amongst the employees to achieve the same standards and operating knowledge.
goals set by understanding individual
Bar staff – also referred to as bartenders –
needs, appropriating good performances
are mainly employed to serve drinks at pubs,
and encouraging effort. restaurants and other establishments which
Coordinating – this means synchronizing are licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. The
the activities that have been delegated main duties of a bar worker is to attend the
for better results. His involves checking customer's needs, by either serving them
progress and harmonizing the work drinks at the bar or with table service.
different individuals by avoiding conflicts,
Working Time Regulations stipulate that the
duplication, overlapping, delays and maximum hours of work per week for your
waste. staff should not exceed 48 hours. In some
Controlling instances you may have to employ a
Reporting – this means ensuring a system member of staff for more than 48 hours per
of timely reports sent up thorough vertical week (a full time manager for instance).
channels of communication. Staffing
Bar Manager: 1
Evaluating – this involves checking the
Asst. Bar Manager: 1
actual performance against the plan. Bar Supervisor: 2
Controlling – this means developing Bartendress: 3
standards and establishing the rules. The six Bartender: 2
M’s should be controlled according to the Bar Helper: 3
policy of the organization. Also, it means Working Schedule
taking any action of disciplinary nature. Bar Manager: 9AM – 5PM
Analyzing – this involves the examination of Asst. Bar Manager: 4PM – 12MN
Bar Supervisor: 6AM – 2PM
Bartendress: 6PM – 2AM 1.The Right Attitude
Bartender: 6PM – 2 AM 2. Build Relationships
Bar Helper: 9AM – 5PM 3. Know Your Products
Uniform 4. Learn How to Sell
Bar Supervisor: Black Coat 5. Keep the Bar Clean & Organised
Black Pants
White Shirt/Long Sleeves
6.Be Fair
Neck tie 7. Forget About ‘The Tips’
Black shoes 8. Learn how to Handle Complaints
Black socks 9. Cut Drunks Off
Bartender / Dress:Vest 10) Prioritise
Bar Helper: White Shirt/Long Sleeves
Black pants (For boys)
Black skirt (for girls)
Black shoes
Black socks (for boys)

Main Function of a Bar

From a design standpoint, the bar is the central

focus of the front of the house. The structure
dominates the overall interior design and,
therefore, falls within the operational staff's
purview. They are, after all, responsible for
creating ambience and visually delivering on the
promise of the concept.
Standard Operating Procedures
for Bars (Bar SOP)

 Opening and Closing Procedures. ...

 Daily, Weekly, and Deep Cleaning
Tasks. ...
 Par Levels. ...
 Order of Service. ...
 Inventory Schedule and Method. ...
 Staff Training Resources. ...
 Uniform Standards. ...
 Emergency Protocol.

2.4 Serving Policy in the Bar

The bartender also must be avoid under-pouring
and over-pouring. ... Upon serving the
drinks the bartender shall put the charge in
front of the guest at the bar (rocks glass can
be used for this). Every guest who is at the bar
shall have either a ticket or cash in front of them
at all times.

10 Rules in the Bar Operation

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