Accorroni Et Al
Accorroni Et Al
Accorroni Et Al
Journal Name, Year, Volume 1
Institute of Life Sciences, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, 56127 Pisa, Italy; bInstitute of Neuroscience, CNR, 56124 Pisa,
Italy, 1Department of Pathology, University of Pisa, 56126 Pisa, Italy.
Background: Classical thyroid hormones have an established necessary role in the normal development of the central nervous
system and recently, they have also been considered as decisive factors influencing cognitive functions in adult brain and involved
in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. The picture summarizing thyroid hormone effects on adult brain, however, does not
only include classical thyroid hormones but also the products of their peripheral metabolism. These latter have been considered as
inactive breakdown products for long but recently were proved to produce significant biological effects.
Objective: In this review article we present recent evidence supporting the hypothesis that thyroid hormones exert a
neuroprotective effect in brain areas involved in learning and memory. Moreover, we summarized the evidence that suggests that
non-classical thyroid hormones produce significant neurological effects in the adult brain. Also, we discuss the possible role of
thyroid hormones in the cognitive impairment typical of Alzheimer’s disease.
Methods: A comprehensive review of the literature on the current knowledge on the effects of classical and non-classical thyroid
hormones in adult brain and their role in Alzheimer’s disease was performed.
Results: The available literature suggests that both classical and non-classical thyroid hormone act as neuroprotective agents in
brain areas related to learning and memory. Their role in these areas support the idea that they may be involved in the
development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Conclusion: Thyroid hormones produce significant neurological effects, act as neuroprotective agents and might be considered as
future diagnostic and therapeutic tools for Alzheimer’s disease.
Keywords: thyroid hormone, 3-iodothyronamine, neuroprotection, memory, hippocampus, dementia.
two DITs, mediated by the thyroid peroxidase, leads to the the plasma membrane to reach their intracellular targets
formation of T3 and T4 respectively. TH are still part of Tg [6,7]. The first two groups that addressed the possibility of a
molecule (stored in the thyroid colloid) and, they are plasma membrane transport for TH were the group of Rao
released once Tg undergoes cleavage. This process occurs in and Breuer in Germany [9] and the group of Hennemann in
the fagolysosome formed after the pinocytosis of the colloid the Netherlands [10]. Afterwards, several groups have
in thyroidal cells[2]. demonstrated that TH passage in the intracellular space
The efficient synthesis of thyroid hormones in the thyroid requires a saturable and stereospecific uptake [11–13]. Even
gland requires the combined expression of a number of though, during the last decades, several studies on the
thyroid cell-specific proteins and the transduction of the kinetics of TH passage through cell membrane suggested the
effects induced by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), presence of specific transporters, only recently, such
synthesized by the pituitary gland. This process leads to the transporters have been identified at the molecular level. In
daily appropriate synthesis of 110 nmol/l (85 µg) of T4 and addition, their importance has been highlighted by the
of very small amount of T3 by the thyroid gland. The T4 is identification of a neurological syndrome associated with
synthesized entirely within the thyroid gland; on the genetic mutation of one of them, Allan-Herndon-Dudley
contrary, only 20% of T3 present in the circulation is secreted syndrome. This disease is characterized by severe
directly by the thyroid gland itself. The remaining T3 derives neurological involvement and reduced cerebro-spinal fluid
from the peripheral 5’-monodeiodination of T4. Given T3 (CSF) T4 concentration[14–16] in children.
higher affinity for TH, T3 was thought to be the active form TH transporters all belong to the solute-carrier gene (SLC)
of T4[3–5]. The deiodinase activity and thyroid gland TH gene family and include Na+/taurocholate-cotransporting
synthesis act with the hypothalamic-pituitary axis in a tight- polypeptide (NTCP), several members of the Na+-
regulated fashion so that TH levels appropriately meet the independent organic anion-transporting polypeptide (OATP)
requirements of peripheral tissues. family, two members of the monocarboxylate transporters
Due to their chemical structure, classical iodothyronines are (MCT) and large neutral amino acid transporters (LAT) [17–
poorly soluble in water and, therefore, have to bind 21]. Apart from MCT8, all transporters are also involved in
reversibly to plasma proteins to be transported to peripheral the translocation of other substance, mainly steroids and
tissues. Indeed, only 0,03% of total T4 and 0,3% of total T3 amino acids whose concentrations in the tissue exceed by far
in serum is circulating in their free form. TH concentrations.
Three are the main proteins that bind TH in the serum;
thyroid binding protein (TBG), transthyretin (TTR or 1.2 Thyroid hormone peripheral metabolism
thyroxine-binding pre-albumin) and human serum albumin Once inside the cell, TH undergo to tissue-specific
(HAS). A small amount (between 3 to 6%) of plasma TH are metabolism[22]. This includes deiodination, a process that
bound to lipoproteins; however, their physiological leads to the formation of T3 and other deiodinated
significance in TH binding is still under evaluation. thyronines. Conjugation with sulphate or glucuronic acid,
TH binding proteins can be seen as a reservoir and a that increases iodothyroinine solubility in bile and urine and,
buffering system that guarantees a constant supply of TH to therefore also increases their clearance. Deamination and
tissue. This, in turn, protects the organism against the abrupt decarboxylation lead to the formation of acetic acid-TH
changes of plasma TH levels that can occur as a result of analogs and thyronamines. Among these processes,
altered production, degradation or increased urinary loss. In deiodination is the one that is mainly involved in the
addition, they also may play a role in targeting TH delivery regulation of TH tissue availability[5,23]. Indeed, they
to specific tissues. However, it has to be underscored that the modulate T3 concentration and TH receptor (TR) saturation
portion of TH that is available to the tissues and that removing specific iodine molecule from plasma T4 and T3. If
undergoes deiodination and degradation is the one that is the removal concerns the phenolic ring (5’-deiodination
present in the unbound form. or outer ring deiodination) the net effect is the activation of
In order to produce their effect on nuclear and cytoplasmatic T4 into T3, whereas, if the deiodination occurs at the level of
receptors, TH have to cross cell plasma membrane. Since the tyrosil ring (5-deiodination or inner ring deiodination),
1950s [6,7] and for twenty years, it was believed that the then, it produces 3,3’,5’-triiodothyronine (rT3)[24].
passage of TH through the cell membrane occurred through Deiodinase type I (DI) ,II (DII) and III (DIII) have in
passive diffusion. This misbelieve was based on the fact that common the presence of a selenocysteine residue which is
TH have a lipophilic skeleton and should, therefore be able present at the catalityc domain of the enzyme structure but
to cross the cell membrane without the need of transporters. those enzymes have different roles in TH metabolism.
The first report that suggested the presence of an energy- Indeed, DI can function as either an outer or inner ring
dependent mechanisms for the entry of TH in the iodothyronine deiodinase; DII only acts as an outer ring
intracellular space was that of Christensen et al in 1954 [8]. deiodinase; whereas, DIII catalyses inner ring
However, this work escaped attention and several later deiodination[24,25]. In addition, as it can be seen in Table 1
reports strongly advocated that TH diffuse passively through their affinity to TH is significantly different, with DII and
Thyroid hormones metabolites Journal Name, 2014, Vol. 0, No. 0 3
DIII Km (that inversely correlates with affinity) in the of rT3 to 3,5-diiodo-thyronine (T2)[25]. rT3 also represent an
nanomolar range and DI one in the micromolar range. excellent substrate for DII, although it is less affine than
DI was the first selenocysteine deiodinase to be discovered T4[39]. Contrary to DI, DII intracellular location has been
(by biochemical assays and cloning). It performs in an demonstrated to be in the endothelial reticulum where it is an
equally effective manner, inner and outer ring integral membrane protein with its catalytic component in
deiodination[25], and TH sulfatation facilitates the the cytosol[28]. With regard to its tissue distribution and
inactivation of T3 and T4 operated by this enzyme[26,27]. local activity, it has to be highlighted that DII is known to be
particularly important in the brain since it is involved in the
Table 1. Characteristics of deiodinases I, II and III. production of more than 75% of nuclear T3 in rodent cerebral
DEIODINASES cortex[40]. In the cortex DII mRNA is predominantly
Characteristics: D1 D2 D3 expressed in the glial cells, in addition, its activity is increase
Molecular weight in tanycytes, a subclass of ependymal cell that are believed
29,000 30,500 31,500 to be involved in the transfer of molecules from the CSF to
(monomer, Da)
Preferred substrates rT3 the CNS[41–43] Moreover, DII mRNA or DII activity were
(deiodination (5’), T4, rT3 T3, T4 found in human thyroid, heart, skeletal muscles, placenta,
location) T3S(5) kidney and pancreas[39,44,45].
10-7, DIII is involved in inner ring deiodination and converts
Km (M) 10-9 10-9 thyroid hormones into their biologically inactive
CNS, counterparts[46]. It metabolizes T4, T3 and T2 and does not
pituitary, recognizes as substrates the sulfated iodothyronines [47]. It
Placenta, seems likely that DIII contributes to TH homeostasis
Tissues where there Liver, brown
CNS, protecting tissues from the excess of TH. The most striking
is high activity kidney adipose
hemangiomas evidence of this role in TH homeostasis was identified
placenta during embryogenesis; indeed, as it was demonstrated in
several foetal and neonatal animal models, its expression is
Even though DI has been demonstrated to be a strictly regulated in a tissue-specific pattern. This suggests
transmembrane protein, its specific location is still that DIII is critical to coordinate thyroid hormone effects
controversial. Some reports suggested that it is present at the during a period (embryogenesis) when excess or reduced
plasma membrane and, potentially, this could represent a levels of TH may be detrimental. DIII has been identified in
good location with regard to accessibility to circulating TH foetal liver but its expression appears to decrease during
[28]. In addition, the plasma membrane location may explain gestation and to disappear at the end of it [48]. In addition,
why, apparently, DI has a very limited contribution in the with in situ hybridization in rats, it has been discovered that
intranuclear levels of T3 when compared to DII[29,30]. On DIII mRNA is highly expressed in neurons located in areas
the other hand, other body of evidence may indicate that, as of the brain that have been implicated in the processes of
it happens for DII, DI is expressed in the endothelial learning and memory (e.g. pyramidal and granule cells in the
reticulum with the catalytic subunit in the cytosolic hippocampus); moreover, these areas represent locations
space[31,32]. The limited contribution of DI to nuclear T3 with the highest concentration of TH receptors in the
may then be explained by the fact that DII has a 1000-fold CNS[49–51]. Also, in Xaenopus laevis DIII has a pivotal
lower Km for T4 than DI in the context of normal free T4 role in retina differentiation[52].
concentrations in humans and thus could have a major role in As already mentioned TH can also undergo
extrathyroidal intracellular T3 production[33]. decarboxylation and oxidative deamination at the level of
With regard to its enzymatic properties, DI-mediated their alanine side chain. These processes occur in the liver
deiodination follows a ping-pong kinetics with two and in peripheral tissues[53–55]. Their role in the generation
substrates: iodothyronines and an endogenous intracellular of specific TH metabolites will be considered in the next
cofactor that has not been identified yet and with which sections.
propylthiouracil (a drug used to manage hyperthyroidism) Collectively, the data that has been presented suggest that
competes, thus, inhibiting irreversibly DI[34–36]. Northern TH transport and peripheral metabolism are complex
and Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT- processes that influences TH levels at which tissues are
PCR) analysis demonstrated that DI is present in human exposed and may, in turn, play a role in regulating TH
liver, kidney, thyroid, in pituitary gland and in circulating peripheral activity.
mononuclear cells but is notably absent from the
1.3 Transport of thyroid hormones to the CNS
DII is the most recent cloned of the three deiodinase, it is an TH can reach the brain through two main pathways (Fig 1).
obligate outer ring selenodeiodinase that is, therefore, They can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and reach cells
involved in the activation of T4 to T3 and in the conversion close to brain capillaries or they can be translocated through
4 Journal Name, 2014, Vol. 0, No. 0 Accorroni et al.
the choroid plexus (CP) into the CSF in the cerebral adults, suggesting that CSF is replaced three or four time
ventricles[56]. each day. The composition of the CSF is tightly regulated
The BBB is a highly selective permeability barrier that and it is different from that of plasma. It contains 0.3%
separates the circulating blood from the brain extracellular plasma proteins (15-40 mg/dL)[60], 60-80% of plasma
fluid. It is made up by capillary endothelial cells and glucose and has an osmolarity of 295 mOsm/L [61]. CSF
astrocyte processes named astrocytic feet (or “glia limitans”) flows through the ventricles, exits the ventricular system to
and it owes its permeability to the presence of tight junctions reach the subarachnoid space where it is absorbed at the
between endothelial cells in CNS vessels that selectively level of the arachnoid villi by a valve-like process that leads
permit solute passage from blood to brain[57,58]. to the one-way flow to the venous sinuses. These latter are
connected to the systemic circulation[59].
Several studies in the 1970s and 1980s demonstrated that
both T4 and T3 can cross the blood brain barrier and the
choroid plexus in a saturable manner[62,63] suggesting the
presence of specific transporters. Namely OATP1A2,
OATP2B1 [64,65], OATP-F [66]and LAT1 [67,68] are
expressed in blood vessels and MCT8 [16]and OATP3A1
[69] in the choroid plexus.
Similarly to serum, in the CSF TH are bound to proteins, in
this case TTR is the only protein implied in TH binding. CP
is the tissue that has the highest concentration of TTR
mRNA per gram tissue weight[70,71]. It has also to be
mentioned that the amino acid sequence of TTR across all
vertebrates is highly conserved[72], and this may suggest
that the transport of TH in the brain has started to become
pivotal after the formation of the part of the cortex involved
in higher functions. Soprano et al in 1985[73] discovered
that TTR synthesis in the CP was fundamental for the
movement of T4 into the CSF while it was not necessary for
Figure 1 Iodothyroinine transport between blood and
brain. the passage of T3. Moreover, in 1992 Kohrle’s group
demonstrated that TTR-T4 complexes present in the blood
With regard to the CP, it is a structure that is part of the are not transported across the CPs, suggesting that the TH
blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier alongside with the transport requires TTR to be synthesized in the CP[74,75].
arachnoid membrane that is located at the cerebral blood- Another interesting point that has to be raised comes from
CSF boundary[59]. comparative studies on TTR among mammalian and non-
The CP is a complex structure composed by several mammalian animals. In mammals TTR has a higher affinity
capillaries which are in strict contact with a layer of for T4 than for T3 and this is in contrast with all the
ependymal epithelium that is differentiated in a secretory evidences coming from studies in fish, reptile and birds that
fashion. The capillaries of the CP functional units are express a TTR with a higher affinity for T3[76]. We do not
fenestrated and have no tight junction as their counterpart in know yet what could have been the selection process for the
the BBB; indeed, the barrier in this structure is represented change of TTR affinity. TTR preferential affinity for T4 may
by ependymal cells that regulate the passage of solutes. represent, in mammalian brain, an additional level of
These modified cells have microvilli at the CSF-facing regulation of TH brain levels. Indeed, it would be necessary
surface that may facilitate the secretion process, ultimately that deiodinases expressed in specific region in the brain
leading to the formation of the CSF. CPs are part of the brain activate the pro-hormone T4 into its active form, therefore,
ventricular system that is composed by four cavities lined by regulating locally the production of T3.
ependymal cells and containing CSF: two lateral ventricles Once TH reach brain tissue, they have to be internalized by
connected to a third ventricle though the Monro foramina cells in order to reach their intranuclear receptors. With
and a fourth ventricle in connection to the third one through regard to cell transporters necessary for TH translocation in
the cerebral acqueduct and to the subarachnoidal space via the intracellular space, LAT1, LAT2 and MCT8 are
the Magendie and the Luschka apertures. CPs in human expressed in neuronal and glial cells and are necessary for T3
brain are present in all the parts of the ventricular system and T4 uptake [77,78]. On the whole, as already mentioned,
apart from the cerebral acqueduct, the frontal and the it is estimated that about 80% of cerebral T3 is produced
occipital horn of the lateral ventricles. CSF is secret by CPs locally [79]. The cellular distribution of deiodinases is
at a rate of 0.3 to 0.4 ml/min and its total volume is peculiar and may indicate the presence of an additional level
estimated to be approximately 100 to 150 ml in normal of control on TH brain levels. Indeed, under physiological
Thyroid hormones metabolites Journal Name, 2014, Vol. 0, No. 0 5
conditions DII is only expressed in glial cells and is not after blocking transcription and the involvement of plasma
present in neurons, on the contrary, DIII is expressed in membrane signaling pathways. However, it has to be
neurons. DII mRNA has not only been found in glial cell underlined that the variety of non-nuclear receptors that can
bodies but also in cell processes which are closely connected be activated by TH and the molecular mechanisms that
to neurons and the synapses they form. In addition, mediate their action have still to be defined thoroughly.
astrocytes can also have access to the portion of TH that One of the putative non-genomic TH receptors is the integrin
reaches the brain via the BBB. These evidences may indicate αVβ3 which is expressed at the plasma membrane[90,91]. Its
that glial cells regulate T3 levels in the brain and their interaction with TH induces the binding to laminin and the
availability for neurons. On the contrary, neurons are mainly subsequent activation of intracellular signaling pathways that
involved in the inactivation of T3, adding another level of mediate actin cytoskeleton remodeling. The TH have also
regulation of TH brain availability. Furthermore, deiodinase been demonstrated to stimulate the activity of Na+/H+
activity is temporally and spatially regulated to guarantee the exchanger type 1 (NHE-1), a phosphor-glycoprotein that has
correct modulation of critical brain processes either during a housekeeping role in the control of intracellular pH and
development or adult life. cell volume and is involved in regulatory events triggered by
As a consequence of the complexity of TH metabolism and several growth-stimulating signals[92].
distribution, the interstitial concentrations of TH in the Furthermore, TH can stimulate phosphatidyl-inositol 3-
central nervous system may significantly differ from the kinase and Rac activity that in turn where involved in the
serum ones [80], and are related more closely to those in the stimulation of voltage-activated potassium channels[88].
CSF. Other TR have been found in the cytoplasm; among these
proteins there is the reduced nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate-dependent cytosolic T3-binding
1.4 General mechanisms of action of thyroid hormones
protein that is also known as µ-cristallin (CRYM), that seem
TH are involved in the regulation of cell functions through to be involved in the regulation of TH concentrations at the
two mechanisms: genomic, that implicate the interaction level of the extranuclear space[93]. From a clinical point of
with nuclear receptors and non-genomic ones, that, on the view it has to be underscored that mutations of CRYM have
contrary, depend on the binding of plasma membrane and been associated with pathological alterations of the inner ear
intracellular receptors. development[94].
Nuclear TR have been cloned for the first time in Moreover, a truncated form of TRα that lacks the DNA-
1986[81,82] and, in the following years, were found to binding domain has been shown to be imported into the
belong to a larger superfamily of receptors that included also mitochondrial inner membrane in a T3-dependent mode and
receptors for retinoic acid, vitamin D, steroid hormones, to stimulate oxidative phosphorylation[88].
peroxisomal proliferator receptors. The TR A and TR B are Overall, the new evidences support the presence of non-
the genes that encode α and β TR isoforms respectively. nuclear receptors that may mediate rapid TH effects and
Through alternative splicing they give rise to a variety of suggest the need to better characterize the non-genomic
proteins. Only four of these are functional receptors, namely signaling pathways.
TRα1, β1, β2, and β3; whereas, the others do not bind
TH[83]. Functional TH receptors produce their effects, once
bound to TH, through the interaction with specific DNA The previous subsections provided the reader with the
sequences that are known as TH response elements located necessary background to evaluate the effects of TH and their
in the regulatory regions of a wide variety of target metabolites on brain function and the possibility that they act
genes[84–86]. as neuroprotective agents. Evidences supporting a
TRα1 and TRβ1 are expressed in almost all tissues with few neuroprotective role for TH and their metabolites will be
significant differences in their abundances. TR α1 is highly presented in the next sections.
expressed in the brain, with nearly all neurons expressing
this isoform[87]. TRα2 expression is limited to the anterior
2.Thyroid hormone and TH metabolite effect on the
pituitary, the hypothalamus and cochlea. Moreover,
adult brain and implications in neurological disorders
differences have also been detected in the timing of
expression of these isoforms during development[84,88]. 2.1 Classical thyroid hormone effects on adult brain
With regard to TH non-nuclear receptors, their existence has
The acknowledgment of TH importance during brain
been postulated by the 1960s and 1970s[89], however, after
development, comes from an extensive literature that
the identification of nuclear TR most work focused on
demonstrated that limited TH availability throughout foetal
genomic pathways of action of TH. More recently, the extra-
and neonatal periods results clinically in irreversible and
nuclear mode of action has been acknowledged on the basis
severe neurological consequences, including mental
of a variety of evidences including the rapid onset of some of
retardation, deafness-mutism and motor dysfunction[95].
some of TH responses, the maintenance of those effects even
Experimental models supported this finding, suggesting that
6 Journal Name, 2014, Vol. 0, No. 0 Accorroni et al.
even mild TH insufficiency during brain development results hippocampal adult neurogenesis. With adult neurogenesis,
in significant and irreversible neurological impairment. we refer to the generation of neuronal progenitors and their
Subsequent evaluations shed light on the effects that TH may anatomical and functional integration in the adult specific
produce during neurodevelopment and that could underlie brain network. The subgranular zone (SGZ) in the dentate
their importance during this specific stage. In particular, TH gyrus of the hippocampus is one of the very few areas in the
increase post-mitotic survival of neuronal progenitors[96], brain that exhibits neurogenesis into adulthood. Adult
regulate neuronal migration, arborisation and neurogenesis in rat hippocampus was firstly described by
myelination[97–100] and affect neurogenic precursor Altmand and Das[114] in the 1965 and was subsequently
proliferation[101]. TH also act on olygodendrocytes and demonstrated also in humans in 1998[115]. However, its
astrocytes, regulating the proliferation of the precursors of functional role in hippocampal circuitry has been questioned
the first ones[102] and the morphology and maturation of for long. Evidences coming from rodent models suggest that
developing astrocytes[103,104]. adult hippocampal neurogenesis is important for cognitive
TH effects on the brain, however, are not restricted to the function. New neurons have been demonstrated to play a
foetal and neonatal period. The concept that adult brain is fundamental role in memory pattern separation (a process
able to buffer TH alterations without significant side-effects involved in memory formation). Moreover, they integrate in
has been challenged by the evidence, coming from both the circuitry of old granule cells that mediate memory pattern
clinical studies and animal models, that thyroidal completion (a mechanism involved in memory storage and
dysfunction has also an impact on adult brain functioning. retrieval)[116–118]. It could be speculated that the effects
Adult-onset hypothyroidism has been associated with produced by TH on cognition may imply their ability to also
clinical alterations involving several cognitive areas; indeed modulate neurogenesis at the level of the SGZ in the
hypothyroid patients show psychotic behavior, hippocampus.
hallucinations, confusion and significant learning and TH modulate several aspects of neurogenesis in the
memory impairment[105,106]. hippocampus, acting on post-mitotic progenitors[119,120].
Many groups have recently devoted a great effort in order to In rodents, hypothyroidism is associated with decreased rate
dissect the putative mechanisms involved in the alterations of production of neuroblasts[121], decreased survival of
seen in memory domain in hypothyroidism. Several adult granule cell progenitors and increased apoptotic rate in
behavioral studies reported that adult-onset hypothyroidism the internal compartment of the SGZ[122,123]. These effect
in rodents induces learning and memory impairment. In are completely reverted by TH administration and restoration
particular the identified alterations did not involve only of euthyroid status. In addition, TRalpha 1 knock-out does
short-term and long-term forms of memory but also the not affect progenitor proliferation, indeed TRalpha 1, the
acquisition phase of the different behavioral tests receptor that mediated most of brain effects of TH[87,124]
used[107,108]. This data is further corroborated by the on adult neurons, is not expressed in neuronal progenitors
evidence that thyroid hormone deficiency is able to produce but is highly expressed in immature neurons[119].
electrophysiological and biochemical alterations in the Moreover, TH have been proven to affect cholinergic
hippocampus, an area that plays a key role in memory function in the brain. One of the first theories of
processes. Alzoubi et al.[109] demonstrated that physiopathology of AD suggests that cholinergic function is
hypothyroidism in adult rats dampened the expression of disrupted early in the course of the disease and that it
long-term potentiation after high frequency stimulation contributes to cognitive dysfunction[125].
(HFS) in the CA1 of the hippocampus. This finding is Either chronic or subchronic T4 administration was proven
associated with a significant reduction of CAMKII activity to enhance the ability to learn a spatial task; this effect was
that is normally seen after HFS and that is thought to be significantly associated with increased cholinergic activity in
involved in long-term potentiation (LTP), one of the frontal cortex an hippocampus in rats[126].
electrophysiological correlates of memory, at the molecular Moreover, on intact synaptosomes isolated from adult rat
level[110]. Also, hypothyroid rats showed reduced RNA and cerebral cortex, T3 stimulates Ca2+-dependent cholinergic
protein levels of neurogranin, another key factor in LTP transmission [127]. In a recent study, Fu et al. [128]
expression. Gerges et al.[111] and Dong et al[110,112] demonstrated that T4 administration in aged mice (24 month
showed that the levels of calcineurin are reduced in old) restored impaired spatial memory evaluated through the
hypothyroidism. In a subsequent study, Alzoubi et al[113] Morris water maze and, in parallel, increased hippocampal
demonstrated that also PCREB, pMAKp42/p44, BDNF and levels of acetylcholine. Moreover, TH were also proven to be
CAMKIV levels were reduced in the hippocampus of neuroprotective in the setting of ischemia. During brain
hypothyroid rats. Interestingly both the electrophysiological hypoperfusion several processes are involved in the
and the biochemical alterations identified were completely induction of neuronal injury, in particular glutamate
reverted by the restoration of euthyroid status. excessive release from neurons and glial cells and the
Another process that has been investigated and that might be subsequent increased intraneuronal calcium levels play a
involved in TH effects on learning and memory is fundamental role[129]. In vitro studies proved that TH
Thyroid hormones metabolites Journal Name, 2014, Vol. 0, No. 0 7
induce an increase in glutamate uptake by astrocytes by the observed association between TH and an increase risk to
genomic and non-genomic mechanisms. Namely they develop AD. As already mentioned, TH have been
increased glutamate transporter 1 (GLT1) and glutamate demonstrated to influence cholinergic signaling in both
aspartate transporter (GLAST) mRNA and protein levels in developing and adult animals. These effects may play a role
astrocytes genomically[130] and the modulation of N- in AD development; indeed, biochemically, AD is associated
methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-evoked currents in neurons, with a decrease in the cerebral cortical levels of several
preventing glutamate-induced death[131]. In rodent models, proteins and neurotransmitters, especially acetylcholine.
repeated daily T4 administration increased postischemia Finally, evidence coming from both in vivo and in vitro
neuronal survival[132]. studies has shown that TH regulate the expression of the
We presented recent data suggesting a possible amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene. The APP plays a
neuroprotective role of classical TH in areas of the brain and pivotal role in AD pathology. Indeed neuritic plaques, that
neurotransmitter systems that functionally mediate cognitive represent the pathological hallmark of AD pathology,
function and specifically learning and memory. The data also contain Aβ amyloid that derives from APP proteolytic
support the hypothesis that TH produce significant cleavage operated by β and γ secretases. It has been
behavioral, electrophysiological and molecular modifications demonstrated that T3 repress APP promoter and regulate also
in the hippocampus, an area that is crucially involved in APP protein processing and subsequent secretion[146,147],
memory. reducing the amount of neurotoxic Aβ species in AD brains.
Moreover, in an in vivo study it has been demonstrated that
2.2Classical TH role in Alzheimer’s disease hypothyroidism is associated with an enhanced production of
APP protein in mouse brains[148]. Fu et al demonstrated in a
The body of evidence that was discussed in the previous
beta amyloid induced AD model that T4 administration
section supports the hypothesis that TH may be involved in
prevented cognitive impairment typical of the model,
the biochemical and electrophysiological alterations
improving significantly memory function[149].
identified in the hippocampus that may underlie cognitive
To clarify the association existing between TH and AD risk,
dysfunction seen in hypothyroid conditions. Moreover, the
serum hormonal levels may not be reliable. Indeed, due to
possibility to revert those alterations with TH treatment may
TH transport to the brain and local metabolism,
suggest a possible neuroprotective role of TH in areas
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) TH concentrations may represent
involved in learning and memory.
more accurately brain TH levels.
Given the role of TH deficiency in memory dysfunction, it is
Reduced T3 and increased rT3 were described in AD patients
not surprising that TH have been considered also as decisive
[136], while increased T4 with unchanged T3 was reported in
factors involved in the development of dementia [133–141].
another investigation performed both in AD and in other
Dementia is a syndrome that is defined as an acquired
forms of dementia [137]. More recently, a significant
deterioration in cognitive abilities that impairs the successful
positive association has been identified between rT3/T3 ratio
performance of activities of daily living. Dementia clinical
and clinical deterioration in AD patients, suggesting that the
manifestations vary depending on the specific location of
reduction of active metabolites of T4 acts in AD
brain pathology. In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most
common form of dementia, pathological modifications begin
The evidence presented above may suggest that in AD brains
in the entorhinal cortex, spread to the hippocampus, and then
a significant alteration of classical TH metabolism occurs
diffuse to posterior temporal and parietal neocortex,
and might play a role in the development and the progression
eventually causing a relatively diffuse degeneration
of cognitive impairment. This might open the possibility to
throughout the cerebral cortex[142]. As a result, AD
find another therapeutic approach to AD that contemplate the
primarily presents as memory loss and is associated only
restoration of correct TH local metabolism.
later in the course of the disease with aphasia or other
disturbances of language[143].
TH abnormalities have been demonstrated to occur in 36% 2.3. TH metabolites and their role in the brain
of patients with dementia. It has also been suggested that
subtle abnormalities in thyroid function may play a role in
AD. Indeed, euthyroid patients with AD showed a significant 2.3.1 3,3’,5’-Triiodothyronine (rT3)
reduction in plasma T3 levels vs control patients [144] and
rT3 is a product of 5-deiodination operated by either DI or
increased TSH was a risk factor for dementia in the elderly
DIII. rT3 can act as an actin polymerization inducer in
[135]. Biochemical analysis performed in AD patients
astrocytes and has been demonstrated to revert the alterations
reported reduced T3 in the frontal cortex [140] and reduced
in neuronal and astrocytic cytoskeleton seen in rodent
TRH in the hippocampus [141,145]; however, the
models of hypothyroidism[150,151]. The presence of an
interpretation of these findings may be complicated by
appropriate organization of the cytoskeleton is also
chemical reactions occurring post-mortem. There are a
fundamental during brain development. In particular, it plays
number of mechanisms that have been proposed to explain
8 Journal Name, 2014, Vol. 0, No. 0 Accorroni et al.
a pivotal role in migration of granule cells in the cerebellum. human sera, thyroid, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue and
Granule cells are sensible to TH action and rT3 was prostate (reviewed by Hoefig et al. in 2016[157]).
demonstrated to directly regulate F-actin polymerization in The exact metabolic pathway leading to thyronamine
cerebellar neuronal cells and to regulate their migration to production in every tissue has not been disclosed completely
their specific destination[152]. These effects do not occur via yet. In a recently published paper, it was demonstrated that
a genomic pathway; indeed, they were demonstrated to be in the everted gut sac model, T1AM may derive from T4 after
mediated by TR∆α1, a native TR isoform that lacks the three deiodinating passages and a decarboxylation mediated
nuclear signal and is located in the extranuclear compartment by deiodinases and ornithine carboxylase respectively[158].
of neurons and astrocytes[153]. T1AM was firstly identified by Scanlan et al.[159] in rodent
brain, and, later studies demonstrated that this thyronamine
2.3.2 3,5-diiodo-thyronine (T2)
produces relevant neurological effects closely mirroring
3,5-diiodo-thyronine (T2) derives from the deiodination of those produced by classical TH [160]. In particular, T1AM,
classic TH and has been extensively studied for the has been proposed as a novel memory enhancer; indeed,
metabolic effects that in part seem to mimic those produced when administered i.c.v., it improved learning and memory
by T3[154]. in mice in the passive avoidance test [161]. Although some
With regard to its effect on brain function, T2 is effective in of the effects of TH can be mediated by T1AM, this
inducing short-term modification of intracellular calcium derivative was shown to interact mainly with the trace amine
concentrations and nitric oxide release in pituitary GH3 associated receptor 1 (TAAR1) without any action on nuclear
cells. In particular, it increases intracellular Ca2+ by TH receptors[159]. This could explain the fact that when
facilitating its efflux from mitochondria via mt-NCX[155]. administered in vivo at concentrations that have shown
In addition, a recent study[156] demonstrated in a mouse neurological effects, T1AM had scarce effects on
model of stroke that T2 is able to reduce infarct size as well cardiovascular function and energy expenditure (two main
as edema formation. This new finding might open the way to areas where TH produce significant activity).
new neuroprotective approaches to reduce the fatal Moreover, it has to be underscored that T1AM produces
consequences of ischemic brain stroke. protective effects on acute stroke [162], in particular,
preconditioning with T1AM reduced brain infarct size in a
2.3.3 Thyronamines and synthetic analogues
mouse model of focal ischemia.
Thyronamines (Fig.2) are a class of endogenous signaling In addition, a recent study[163] suggested that not only
compounds that differ from thyronines only for the absence T1AM but also its metabolite 3-iodothyroacetic acid (TA1)
of the carboxylate group in the alanine side chain. may be involved in learning and memory. With regard to
T0AM R = H
TA1 production, in vivo administration of exogenous T1AM
T1AM R = I
showed that oxidative deamination, followed by aldehyde
oxidation by the ubiquitous enzyme aldehyde
dehydrogenase, represents a major and rapid pathway of TA1
SG-8 SG-7
production. The measurement of endogenous brain levels of
T1AM and TA1 indicated that TA1 represents 1.7% of amine
levels. After pharmacological administration of T1AM, a
concomitant increase in T1AM and TA1 brain levels is
Design of new
Thyronamine-like analogues observed, such that their ratio is kept at the same
(physiological) value (1.7). This result confirms that T1AM
can be converted into TA1 in vivo and that, at condition of
thyroid homeostasis, the two metabolites maintain a constant
reciprocal relationship of concentration.
The pretreatment of mice with clorgyline, a MAO inhibitor,
that prevents the oxidative deamination of T1AM, reducing
the formation of TA1, dampens T1AM effects on memory.
Figure 2. Structures of endogenous thyronamines ad new This suggests that TA1 might, directly or indirectly, be part
synthetic thyronamine-like analogues. of the T1AM pharmacological effects. Indeed, injection in
mice of equimolar doses of TA1 reproduced the pro-learning
So far, only the mono (3-iodothyronamine, T1AM) and effects induced by T1AM. Notably, recent studies showed
deiodinated (thyronamine, T0AM) forms have been detected that TA1 as well as T1AM pro-learning effects were
in vivo using a liquid chromatography tandem mass modulated by histaminergic antagonists [164,165]. These
spectrometry method in virtually every tissue in mice findings corroborate the hypothesis that T1AM, through
(C57Bl/6), in brain of several other rodent species and in biotransformation into TA1, might be part of the same
signaling network linking the thyroid with histamine, and
Thyroid hormones metabolites Journal Name, 2014, Vol. 0, No. 0 9
that TA1 might be considered the active metabolite of T1AM fundamental during brain development but are also involved
responsible for memory-enhancing effects. in adult brain functioning.
Numerous evidences suggest that dysregulation of the Thyroid hormones act as neuroprotective agents in
neuronal histaminergic system is present in physiological (adult neurogenesis) and pathological settings
neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson [166,167] (acute brain ischemia). They were demonstrated to modulate
and Alzheimer diseases[168]. In particular, histamine levels behavioral responses in the cognitive domain of learning of
were found increased in various brain regions of Parkinson memory and to induce electrophysiological and molecular
disease patients, whereas they were reduced in Alzheimer effects in the hippocampus, an area that plays a central role
disease patients[169]. Therefore, the maintenance of a in memory. Also, TH metabolites may represent a means to
correct link between thyroid and histaminergic neurons, explore the protective effects produced by TH in AD and to
through the mediation of T1AM, might constitute a warrant evaluate their potential role as a therapeutic agents in this
of preservation of behavioral circuits, including those disease and, potentially, also in other neurodegenerative
involved in memory and learning. In addition, the evaluation disorders.
of TA1/T1AM could potentially represent a novel marker for In conclusion, from the evaluation of the body of evidence
neurodegenerative disease diagnosis, to be used as an index we presented, it appears clear that the macroscopic effect
of its severity as well as a target for drugs sustaining that thyroid hormones induce in the adult brain results from a
cognitive functions. complex network of metabolites. The research on the
Recently, a small panel of synthetic halogen-free neurological effects of TH metabolite promises to open an
diphenylmethane analogs of T1AM have been described (see exciting field of discoveries that may also be applied to
Fig.2 and 3) [170]. diagnosis and treatment of severe neurodegenerative
We have no conflict of interest to declare.
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