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Lecture07 Full and Parallel

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Full and Parallel Case

CMPE 415 Programmable Logic Devices

Prof. Ryan Robucci



(Cummings 1999) Some examples and
discussion are cited from Clifford E.
Cummings' "full_case parallel_case", the
Evil Twins of Verilog Synthesis
Hardware Synthesis vs. Simulation

Simulators don't interpret HDL code the same as synthesis tools

Simulated behavior of unsynthesized, behavioral code is sometimes
grossly mismatched to the hardware synthesized

Many such mismatches can be avoided by following the prescribed
coding guidelines

Sometimes simulating post-synthesis HDL code is good idea. post-
synthesis HDL code is the code output from the process of mapping
all HDL code to structural code using the modules representing the
building blocks of the target hardware technology (e.g. FPGA,
standard-cell ASIC). The modules for those building blocks have
modules provided which have already been coded specifically to
stimulate closely the behavior of the final physical hardware

Lets take a quick look at a couple examples where simulation and
hardware synthesis lead to a different interpretation of HDL code
Ambiguous Parallel Blocks
// next two are not guaranteed an order
always @(posedge clk) begin
y1 = a;

always @(posedge clk) begin

y1 = b;

// next two are not guaranteed an order

always @(posedge clk) begin
y2 = b;

always @(posedge clk) begin

y2 = a;
Synthesis Report
Register <y2> equivalent to <y1> has been removed
Register <y2> equivalent to <y1> has been removed
Found 1-bit register for signal <y1>.
inferred 2 D-type flip-flop(s). Essentially, identifies four registers,
two of them are the same, and the
Unit <ambigous_parallel> synthesized.

remaining two drive the same output

HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Registers : 2
1-bit register : 2

Advanced HDL Synthesis Report

Macro Statistics
# Registers : 2
Flip-Flops : 2

* Low Level Synthesis *

ERROR:Xst:528 - Multi-source in Unit <ambigous_parallel> on signal <y2>;

this signal is connected to multiple drivers.
Drivers are:
Output signal of FD instance <y1>
Output signal of FD instance <y1_ren>
Non-conflicting parallel blocks
next two may be OK for simulation, but why?
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (a == 1) y3= 1;

always @(posedge clk) begin

if (a == 0) y3= 0;
Though this may simulate, the compiler will likely not be able
to synthesize it, though again this is synthesizer dependent
Why not? Because a common approach is initially synthesize
each procedural block independently and then infer connections.
Remember the rule: Avoid assigning to a variable from more
than one always block
The Verilog Case Statement
case (case_select)

The structure of a case case_item1 : case_item_statement1;
statements might case_item2 : case_item_statement2;
suggest a parallel and case_item3 : case_item_statement3;
case_item4 : case_item_statement4;
independent evaluation default : case_item_statement5;
of cases endcase

if (case_select === case_item1)

However, case statements case_item_statement1;
are equivalent to else if (case_select === case_item2)
if-else decision trees case_item_statement2;
else if (case_select === case_item3)

Logic is implied by a case_item_statement3;
priority that is expressed else if (case_select === case_item4)
by the order or the else
statements case_item_statement5;

(Cummings 1999)
Notes on Case Statements
Order of case_items sets priority (first match wins), therefore
the order encodes meaning/logic

Be very attentive to the order of the cases in a case statement.
Example: Assume you are standing outside your door
considering an afternoon in the park or a return inside
Decision Algorithm: If see lightning go inside
Else if see rain walk to park with umbrella
Else run to park
Taking in isolation the latter part of the second line, we could
conclude an intent to
“walk to the park if we see rain”
The algorithm does not intend this. It does tells us to
“walk to the park if we see rain AND we do not see lighting”

Conditions presented as case items in case statements must be
interpreted in the same manor, with attention to the order and
Critical Design Considerations for always blocks

Consider every output individually for every traversal path of a
the decision tree.
Stated otherwise: Consider every output for every input-
and-state combination.

Note if the signal is being used externally to the block it is
assigned. This can determine how the signal is interpreted.

Our coding rule is that if we are coding an clocked always
block, then any signal assigned using a blocking assign should
not be used outside the block so that the registered version of
the signal is trimmed and only the combinatorial version
remains. We enforce this by using named blocks and local
variables for the output of combinatorial circuits

What happens when there are conditions within states in which
outputs or variables are not assigned?...
Complete Assignment for
Combinatorial Functions
The definition of a combinatorial function must have an assignment to
every variable for all possible cases. Does your code cover all the cases?
This must be assessed for each and every output variable.
z = 1; Draw a decision tree, label conditions for
if (a > b) begin branching carefully including branches for
x = 1; default decisions.
Decision Tree entry
z = 4; Mark where
end else begin variables are z
x=0; assigned. If a
if (a < (b-100)) begin Inferred
tree can be by priority
x = 2; y=1; traversed to a x,z x
else if (a>=(b-3)) begin leaf without
case(a-b) assigning
1: begin x = 3; y=1; end every output x,y
2: begin x = 3; y=2; end variable then
3: begin x = 3; y=3; end it is not
endcase complete.
end x,y x,y x,y
end Tip: flattening your decision hierarchy can avoid mistakes
Unintentional and Intentional Latches

In a combinatorial block any input condition in which any
output is not assigned may result in an inferred latch.

Latches Combinatorial
always @(x,en) always @(x,en)
if (en==1) y = x; if (en==1) y = x;
else y = 0;
always @(a) always @(a)
if (a>1) y=a; if (a>1) y=a;
else y=0;

Avoid the use of latches without consulting the user good for
recommended practices, coding style, and precautions

Assess any report of an inferred latch and investigate if it was
truly intentional
Register Enables

Inside a sequential-trigger block, not specifying an output may
generate an enable on that output register unless the finite
state machine extractor and synthesizer figures out how to
avoid it by repeating logic for you in certain states.
Functionally, not specifying an output in a condition in a state
means the previous value should be held.
Examples which potentially
generate a register w/ Enable No Enable
always @(posedge clk)
if (en==1) always @(posedge clk)
y<=x; if (a<10)
always @(posedge clk) else if (a>20)
if (a<10) y<=20;
y<=a; else
else if (a>20) y<=10;
Don't Care using 'x'
Potentially Generates

What if output not No Enable
a Register with Enable
provided for every
always always
input condition? @(posedge clk) @(posedge clk)

If Edge Triggered, an if (a<10) if (a<10)
enable may be y<=a; y<=a;
added to registers else if (a>20) else if (a>20)

If Combinatorially y<=20; y<=20;
triggered, Latches else
created y<=8'bx;

Assign outputs to be
'x' to avoid extra Latches Combinatorial Blocks
enables or latches always @(x,en) always @(x,en)
respectively, this if (en==1) y = x; if (en==1) y = x;
encodes a don't care else y = 8'bx;
condition for an always @(a) always @(a)
output. if (a>1) y=a; if (a>1) y=a;
else y=8'bx;
Registered Logic

Implementing combinatorial logic signals in a edge triggered block
may create “registered logic” if the signal is used outside the block (if
not used outside the block, Xilinx will report “trimming” of the register)
•Combining combinatorial logic in an edge-triggered block limits you to
only implement registered logic outputs. You can't have a combinatorial
output from an edge-triggered block, though you can have internal
combinatorial logic
•In the example below, if c is used outside the block a register will be
created for it, though it's combinatorial version survives internally to
immediately propagated through the remaining calculations. If c is not
used elsewhere, the register is trimmed. Some do not recommend this
•We'll discuss this more later, but for now our
always @(posedge clk)
coding guidelines dictate that we not create
registers using blocking statements. If it is
d=c+3; trimmed, we are still following this rule.
q<=d; So, signals assigned in sequentially triggered
block using a blocking statement should not be
used outside the block they are assigned
Simple case statement
wire lighting; //see lightning
wire rain; // feel rain
wire sun; // sun shining
reg go; // flag decision goto park
reg run; //flag decision run
reg umbrella; //flag decision to use umbrella
case ({lighting,rain,sun})
{3'b110} : go =0; run = 0; umbrella=0;
{3'b010} : go =1; run = 0; umbrella=1;
{3'b001} : go =1; run = 1; umbrella=0;

As we will see, this is oversimplified

Inferred Latch
case ({lighting,rain,sun})
{3'b110} : go =0; run = 0; umbrella=0;
{3'b010} : go =1; run = 0; umbrella=1;
{3'b001} : go =1; run = 1; umbrella=0;

Many “physical” cases of {lighting,rain,sun} are not covered
above and thus a physical latch may be inferred for synthesis.

Even if all physical cases are covered, in simulation lighting,
rain and sun can take on values x and z
Meaning a latch is inferred for simulation
i.e. if lighting, rain, or sun is equal to x or z
do nothing (hold the previous value)
Adding Default Don't Care Case
Setting values to x is treated as Don't Care for synthesis

module mux3c (y, a, b, c, sel);

output y;
input [1:0] sel;
input a, b, c;
reg y;
always @(a, b, c, sel)
case (sel)
2'b00: y = a; covers sel==”11”
2'b01: y = b; allowing logic optimization in
2'b10: y = c; synthesis
default: y = 1'bx; For sim, it also covers any condition
where sel has x or z
in it and says output should be
set to 'x'
case ({lighting,rain,sun})
{3'b110} : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b0;
{3'b010} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b1;
{3'b001} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; umbrella=1'b0;
default : go = 1'bx; run = 1'bx; umbrella = 1'bx;

default case item covers intentionally

and accidentally omitted cases
What if I see the sun and there is lighting?
Use default cases with caution.
case ({lighting,rain,sun})
{3'b110} : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b0;
{3'b010} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b1;
{3'b001} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; umbrella=1'b0;
default : go = 1'b0; run = 1'bx; umbrella = 1'bx;

Maybe better to default to 0 when you miss a case?

Sometimes a coding style include a safe catchall is

Note, if you do this, you'll miss out on having go=x in simulation
when the input is a neglected case or x or z.

An x result allows you to clearly identify neglected cases.

One option is to add a print statement to the case,
(which is of course not synthesized)
case ({lighting,rain,sun})
{3'b110} : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b0;
{3'b010} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b1;
{3'b001} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; umbrella=1'b0;
default : go = 1'b0; run = 1'bx; umbrella = 1'bx;

Alternate to using default, not preferred:

go = 1'b0; run = 1'bx; umbrella = 1'bx;
case ({lighting,rain,sun})
{3'b110} : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b0;
{3'b010} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; umbrella=1'b1;
{3'b001} : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; umbrella=1'b0;
Implementing Don't care inputs
casex treats x and z as dc
casez treats z as dc
Note: in Verilog, ? is an alias for z in numerical literals
So, when coding a case statement with "don't cares," use a casez
statement and use "?" characters instead of "z" characters in the
case items to indicate "don't care" bits.

casez (sel)
3'b1??: int2 = 1'b1;
3'b?1?: int1 = 1'b1;
3'b??1: int0 = 1'b1;
Casex shouldn't be used for synth. only sim.
Full Case and Parallel Case
Full case: Does your logic cover all the cases for each and
variable achieving complete assignment.
Avoids inferred latches.
Parallel Case: Are all the cases mutually exclusive?
Overlapping cases can mean complex logic is involved
to determine correct action.

Control logic for Full, Parallel case statements can clearly

be implemented as sum of products and easily optimized.

Concepts applies to if-else constructs as well.

Non-parallel case
module intctl1b (int2, int1, int0, irq);
output int2, int1, int0;
input [2:0] irq;
reg int2, int1, int0;
always @(irq) begin
{int2, int1, int0} = 3'b0;
casez (irq)
3'b1??: int2 = 1'b1;
3'b?1?: int1 = 1'b1;
3'b??1: int0 = 1'b1;
endmodule (Cummings 1999)

This is a non-parallel case, ●
Based on order, this
order matters here implements a priority encoder

Priority is given to the first case and so on ●
Encoding logic in “the order”

First match blocks others is not best style
Non-parallel case

casez ({lighting,rain,sun})
3'b1?? : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b?1? : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b1;
3'b??1 : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
default : go = 1'b0; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella = 1'bx;

Note the second case is only run if rain==1

And lighting != 1
This logic happens to be intended
Note: This default covers clear night “000” and any 'x'
inputs in simulation
Allows synthesizer to optimize logic for run and
Non-parallel case
casez ({lighting,rain,sun})
3'b1?? : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b?1? : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b1;
3'b??1 : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b000 : go =1'b0; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella=1'bx;
default : go = 1'bx; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella = 1'bx;

Now default only covers 'x' inputs in simulation

And should have no relevance to syntheses
Non-parallel case
module decoder (sel, a, b, c);
input [2:0] sel;
output a, b, c;
reg a, b, c;
always @(sel) begin
{a, b, c} = 3'b0;
casez (sel)
3'b1??: a = 1'b1;
3'b?1?: b = 1'b1;
3'b??1: c = 1'b1; •Did designer wish for
end b=1 whenever sel[1]==1 ?
endmodule •Hopefully not because
that is not what this does.
•b=1 whenever sel[1]==1 AN
sel[2]! = 1
Parallel Case
module intctl2a (int2, int1, int0, irq); parallel case
output int2, int1, int0;
input [2:0] irq; This code
reg int2, int1, int0; Implements
always @(irq) begin a priority
{int2, int1, int0} = 3'b0;
casez (irq)
3'b1??: int2 = 1'b1; regardless
3'b01?: int1 = 1'b1; of case
3'b001: int0 = 1'b1; order
(Cummings 1999)

Statement preceding casez provides default case,

so this block is also “full-case”.
Parallel Case
casez ({lighting,rain,sun})
3'b1?? : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b01? : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b1;
3'b001 : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b000 : go =1'b0; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella=1'bx;
default: go =1'bx; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella = 1'bx;

the zero in the leftmost position makes it clear that this case
does not apply when there is lighting
It also creates a case_item with matches that are mutually
exclusive to the first.
•When all case_items and any included default have
mutually exclusive match sets, we have a parallel cases
•If any input to the case_expression can match more than
one case_item or a case_item and default, the we do not
have a parallel cases
Parallel and Non-Parallel Examples
As an academic exercise, consider effect of moving first case.
Non-Parallel Case, order does matter
casez ({lighting,rain,sun})
3'b?1? : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b1;
3'b??1 : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b1?? : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b000 : go =1'b0; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella=1'bx;
default: go =1'bx; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella = 1'bx;
endcase Note: Walking in park with umbrella during a lighting
Storm can be unhealthy
Parallel Case, order doesn't matter
casez ({lighting,rain,sun})
3'b01? : go =1'b1; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b1;
3'b001 : go =1'b1; run = 1'b1; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b1?? : go =1'b0; run = 1'b0; bring_umbrella=1'b0;
3'b000 : go =1'b0; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella=1'bx;
default: go =1'bx; run = 1'bx; bring_umbrella = 1'bx;
In literal numbers ? is an alternative for z
It is not a shorthand for 0,1,x,z as with UDPs
(user defined primitives)
casez (case_expression)
case_item1 : case_item_statement1;
case_item2 : case_item_statement2;
case_item3 : case_item_statement3;
case_item4 : case_item_statement4;
default : case_item_statement5;
(Cummings 1999)
Implementing Don't care inputs
casex treats x and z as don't care
casez treats z as don't care

When coding a case statement with "don't cares," use a casez

statement and use "?" characters instead of "z" characters in the
case items to indicate "don't care" bits.

(Cummings 1999)
casez (sel)
3'b1??: int2 = 1'b1;
3'b?1?: int1 = 1'b1;
3'b??1: int0 = 1'b1;
casex shouldn't be used for synthesis,
only simulation if needed
Which Case?
sel = 2'bx1
case (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b10 : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casez (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b10 : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
casex (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b10 : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
sel = 2'bz1
case (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b10 : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casez (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b10 : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casex (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b10 : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
sel = 2'b11
case (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casez (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casex (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
sel = 2'b1x
case (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casez (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
Not useful for synth
casex (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
sel = 2'b1z
case (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casez (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casex (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1x : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
sel = 2'b1x
case (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1z : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casez (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1z : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;

casex (sel)
2'b00 : case_item_statement1;
2'b1z : case_item_statement2;
2'b01 : case_item_statement3;
default : case_item_statement4;
Adding Default Don't Care Case
module mux3c (y, a, b, c, sel);
output y;
input [1:0] sel;
input a, b, c;
reg y;
always @(a , b , c , sel)
case (sel) •Two options
2'b00: y = a; •The second one
2'b01: y = b; is preferred
2'b10: y = c; for readability
default: y = 1'bx;
endmodule (Cummings 1999)
Allowed Use of x,z,? for Synthesis
casex/casez (case_expression)
case_item1 : case_item_statement1;
case_item2 : case_item_statement2;
case_item3 : case_item_statement3;
case_item4 : case_item_statement4;
default : case_item_statement5;
endcase (Cummings 1999)
•casex allows x in the
literal case_expression While this may be
and in case-item literal expression dependent on the
•Synthesis only considers x and z/? in synthesis tool,
case-item expression a reasonable practice is
•casez allows z in the to not use x or z/? in the
case _expression case_expression
and in the literal case-item expression for code intended for
•synthesis only considers z/? in synthesis
case-item expression
module my_parallel_case (sel, a, b, c);
input [2:0] sel;
output a, b, c;
reg a, b, c;
always @(sel) begin
{a, b, c} = 3'b0;
casez (sel)
3'b1??: a = 1'b1;
3'b?1?: b = 1'b1;
3'b??1: c = 1'b1;
Same as
3'b1??: a = 1'b1;
3'b01?: b = 1'b1;
3'b001: c = 1'b1;
module my_parallel_case (sel, a, b, c);
input [2:0] sel;
output a, b, c;
reg a, b, c;
always @(sel) begin
{a, b, c} = 3'b0;
case (sel)
3'b1??: a = 1'b1;
3'b?1?: b = 1'b1;
3'b??1: c = 1'b1;

Remember,? Is same as z in literal expressions

module mux3c (output reg y,input [1:0] sel,
input a, b, c);
always @*
case (sel)
2'b00: y = a;

In simulation see x output
2'b01: y = b;

In synthesis, x is treated as don't
2'b10: y = c; care and nothing extra is created
default: y = 1'bx;
(Cummings 1999)

module mux3a (output reg y, input [1:0] sel, input a,

b, c);
always @*
case (sel)
2'b00: y = a; Not full case
2'b01: y = b; 'b11 produces latch behavior in
2'b10: y = c;
endcase synthesis and simulation
endmodule (Cummings 1999)
Use of Compiler Directives

Some synthesis tools have special directives that can be
provided in comments
One such directive is to provide full-case not codded explicitly in
the standard HDL

Full Case Directive Example:
module mux3b (y, a, b, c, sel);

Full case directive is redundant if output reg y;
default case is given
input [1:0] sel;

Without the directive, all unmatched
cases become latches for SYNTHESIS, input a, b, c);
and cause holding of values in SIM. always @*

With the directive, the output defaults to case (sel) // synthesis full_case
don't care when not covered by the coded 2'b00: y = a;
cases for the purpose of synthesis 2'b01: y = b;
avoiding latches. 2'b10: y = c;

This causes a discrepancy between endcase
simulation and synthesis unless endmodule
post-synthesis code is used for (Cummings 1999)

Using full_case directive out of habit when missing a case accidentally in design is poor practice

Parallel Case Directive Example:
module intctl1b
(output reg int2, int1, int0,
input [2:0] irq );
always @* begin
{int2, int1, int0} = 3'b0;
casez (irq) // synthesis parallel_case
3'b1??: int2 = 1'b1;
3'b?1?: int1 = 1'b1;
3'b??1: int0 = 1'b1;
endcase Synthesis result
endmodule (Cummings 1999)

This is basically a priority encoder

i.e. case_items 1??,01?,001 for sim

But in synthesis case 2 is handled

irrespective of case1 and generates the following
Coding with a constant select
It is possible to use a constant select and use variable case

reg [2:0] encode ;

case (1)
encode[2] : $display(“Select Line 2”) ;
encode[1] : $display(“Select Line 1”) ;
encode[0] : $display(“Select Line 0”) ;
default $display(“Error: One of the bits expected ON”);

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