Mastering Japanese - Harry Guest
Mastering Japanese - Harry Guest
Mastering Japanese - Harry Guest
--- - -- - - - -
Astrono my Ge rma n
Australian History Hairdressing
Background to Business Italian
Bank ing Italian 2
Basic E nglish Law Jap an ese
Basic Ma nage me nt Keyboardin g
Biology Ma rketing
British Politics Mathe mat ics
Business Co mmu nica tio n Mode rn British Histor y
Business Law Mo de rn E uro pea n H istor y
Business Microcomput ing Mod ern World Histo ry
Catering Scien ce Nutrit ion
Che mistry Office Practice
COBOL Pro gramm ing Pascal Programming
Co mme rce Physics
Co mpute r Programm ing Practical Writ ing
Co mp uters Principles of Accounts
D at a Pro cessing Restauran t Servi ce
Eco no mic and Social Histor y Social Welfar e
Eco no mics Socio logy
E lect rical E nginee ring Spani sh
E lectro nics Spa nish 2
E nglish G ra mma r Sta tistics
E nglish Lan guage Statistics with your Microcomputer
E nglish Lite ra ture Study Ski lls
Fina ncia l Accounti ng T ypewriting Skills
Fre nch Wo rd Processing
Frenc h 2
© Harry Guest 1989
Published by
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS
and London
Companies and representatives
throughout the world
Acknowledgements x
Series Editor's Preface xi
Author's Preface: how to use this book xiii
Guide to pronunciation xvi
An introduction to the Japanese language xxi
The author and publi shers wish to acknowledge, with thanks, the
following photographic sources: Jap an Information Centre (Embassy
of Japan) ; Japan National Touri st Organisation. Th e publi shers ha ve
made ever y effort to trace all the copyright-holde rs, but if any have
been inadvertently overlook ed , the y will be pleased to mak e the
nece ssar y arra nge me nts at the first opportunity .
Editorial Consultant
Thi s book is intended for complete beginners who are int er ested in
master ing spo ke n Jap ane se. Fo r anyone planning to go to Japan as a
tourist or on a business trip , an ability to communicate in Jap an ese
will not onl y be useful but will add imm easur abl y to the pleasur e of
the visit. Although English is compulsory in all Jap an ese schools from
th e age of eleve n, a visito r to Jap an mu st be pr ep ar ed to find very few
people who have more than the merest smattering of Engli sh .
Thi s course , which ca n be used without a te acher , sets out to
provide visito rs or temporary residents with an eve ryday 'sur vival-kit'
of language , so that they can cope with the normal situa tions of
tr avel , sho pping, goin g to restaurants, ba nks and the po st-office , as
well as the - we hope - unu sual problem s of sickness and visits to the
do ctor. It also introduces the read er to Japane se society - so ver y
different from an y other - and give s a background of information
about day-to-day life in that endlessly fascinating country.
E ach chapter begin s with a 'real-life ' dialogue . Th er e is a cassette
accompa nying this book. Sections of the book included on th e
cassette a re indicate d by the symbol ~ . A ll the dialogues and man y
of the exerci ses ar e recorded by nati ve spe akers to enable students to
hear the language spoke n first-hand so that , right from the start , they
can imitate the correct sounds . In fact, as they will soon discover,
spea king Japanese presents fewer problems for the native English
spea ker than many other languages .
In the second sect ion of ea ch chapter, th e voca bulary used for the
first tim e is listed. In the third section, the grammar that has been
introduced in the dialogues is explaine d , a nd an y relevant
background information given . Th e final section consists of exe rcises
- more straightforward exercises grouped under A; and somewha t
more complicated ones under B; these should not be tackled until the
student feels entirely confident. It is recommended that each chapter
should be thoroughly mastered before the next is attempted, as every
one builds on what has gone before. After every five chapters, there
is a self-assessment test, which gives useful revision and helps the
student to gauge progress achieved .
Some of these are on the cassette, so that listening and speaking may
be associated with the printed word . Past exercises - even the easy
ones! - should be repeated again and again until the response is
automatic. In one's own language, this tends to be instinctive ; in a
foreign language, the mind must realise that there is a new sound or
set of sounds expressing familiar ideas or objects until, when a
question is asked, 'translation' is unnecessary and the right reply
comes at once .
Instructions about each exercise are usually given in English but,
occasionally, in order the help the reader feel that he or she is
involved in a conversation with a native speaker, the opening
question is given in Japanese .
The translations of each exercise in the Reference Material section
(p. 229) are meant to be equivalents (in so far as that is possible)
rather than exact versions. In the explanations for each chapter,
literal renderings will be given of thorny problems, but the translated
dialogues try to be as believably colloquial as are their Japanese
tho ugh it must be stressed that th e Japanese sounds are much 'purer'
than Englis h ones.
Pron ounce the following word s which are mad e up entirely of
vowels, and ensure th at each separate vowel is clearly pro -
nou nced - and does not 'ru n in' to its neig hbour:
aoi ie ue
ka ki ku ke ko k as in khaki
sa shi su se so 5 as in sow
shi as in sheet
ta chi tsu te to t as in tea
ch i as in cheese
tsu as in the
middle of catsup
na ni nu ne no n as in nice
ha hi fu he ho h as in high
To say fu get your mouth ready to pronounce fool, but do not let your
lower lip actually touch your top teeth .
ma mi mu me mo m as in meet
ya yu yo y as in yes
ra ri ru re ro
The Japanese r is more 'liquid' than the English . If you put your
tongue halfway between where you place it for the English 'r' and the
English '1', you will make the Japanese r sound . There is no 'I' sound
in Japanese, though , as you can now tell , their r has a bit of an 'I' in it.
wa was in watch
ga gi gu ge go 9 as in give
za ji zu ze zo z as in zoo
ji as in jeans
da de do d as in done
ba bi bu be bo b as in big
pa pi pu pe po p as in pot
As you have seen you cannot say see, tea, too, who, ye, yea, wee,
woo, way or whoa. There is no v, I, or f sound (with the exception of
fu above).
These are two sounds said so quickly that they become one: kya is
only ki and ya run together; ju is ji and yu run together, and so on .
When a final -n is involved, a break between the two components of
a word is shown thus :
Yokohama Yo/ko/ha/ma
Nihongo Ni/ho/n/go
sambyaku sa/m/bya/ku
ikitai i/ki/ta/i
mean s is th at the syllab le tak es exac tly twice as long to pronoun ce:
Tokyo To/o/kvo
yObin yu/u/bi/n
oki i o/o/ki/i
eeto e/e/to
iie i/i/e
sh i and su
The so unds shi and su are exce ptio ns. Es pecia lly in verbs, th e vowe l
so und is hardly pronounced at all:
desu de/s(u)
arimasu a/ri/ma/s( u)
mimashita mi/ma/sh(i)/ta
Thi s is why the fam ou s Japan ese mu sician Yam ashit a Ts uto mu prefe rs
to write his nam e in rornaji , or Western script, as Yamash'ta
S 'tomu or (since he puts his nam e E uropean-style with the surna me
last) S'tomu Yamash'ta.
Whe n the syllables -su and -s hi are structura lly importa nt the y are
fu lly pronounced:
suru su/ru
sum imasen su/m i/m a/se/n
suzush ii su/zu/shi/i
sh imasen shi/ma/se/n
Some of this may seem a little complicated at the mome nt. Listen to
your cassette and , after the first few exe rcises, ret urn to this sectio n.
A ll should then (idea lly) beco me clear.
] apa nese wor ds and phrases are pronoun ced very eve nly, and stress is
used only to emphasise m eaning. However , the spoken language
tends to vary in pitch. A norm al sente nce will begin on a 'high' note
and finish on a 'low' one:
Kore wa /
kanai desu
As in any language , the best way to acq uire the correct intonation is
to imitate nat ive speake rs. It is eas ier to theorise after practice than
bef ore!
Every Japanese sentence ends with a verb which , most of the time,
has a sound after it to give emphasis or doubt or agreement, because
the Japanese are not very keen on making a definite statement!
Japanese communication is really a series of hints and shades of
meaning - which may well be why Japanese poetry is so beautifully
enigmatic and why it seems so difficult for Western businessmen in
Japan to reach hard and fast agreements!
There are pronouns in Japanese, but in practice they are very rarely
used . Once it is established who it is one is talking about, pronouns
are dispensed with . The sentence Tokyo e ikimashita means 'I, you,
he , she , we or they went to Tokyo', and we would know who in fact
went to Tokyo because of the preceding sentence or sentences. In the
exercises after the following chapters, the assumption most of the
time is that it is you who are being questioned , so the pronouns are
mostly omitted. Similarly , in your responses , you can usually leave
out the '1'. In other words , use pronouns only to avoid confusion .
Dialogue 1
Mr and Mrs Foster arrive at the airport. They meet Mr Ito . He
asks about their luggage.
Mr Foster: Ito-san desu ka?
Mr It6: So desu. Watakushi wa Ito desu.
Mr Foster: Watakushi wa Foster desu.
Mr It6: So desu ka? Foster-san desu ka? Hajimemashite.
Mr Foster: Hajimemashite. Kore wa kanai desu. Mary desu .
Mr It6: Okusama desu ka? Mary-san desu ka?
Dialogue 2 iaj
Mr and Mrs Foster describe their luggage .
Mrs Foster: Watakushi no keisu wa akai desu.
Mr It6: Okii desu ka? Chiisai desu ka?
Mrs Foster: Okii desu. Shujin no keisu mo 6kii desu.
Mr Foster: Watakushi no keisu wa 6kii desu. Akaku wa arima-
sen. Kuroi desu.
Mr It6: Kore desu ka?
Mr Foster: 56 desu. Sore wa watakushi no keisu desu.
Mrs Foster: Akai keisu wa watakushi no desu. Arigat6 gozai-
Mr Foster: Watakushi no kaban wa doko desu ka?
Mrs Foster: lto-sanl Shujin no kaban wa doko desu ka?
Mr It6: Goshujin no kaban wa 6kii desu ka?
Mrs Foster: lie, 6kiku wa arimasen. Chiisai desu.
Mr It6: Akai desu ka? Kuroi desu ka?
Mrs Foster: Kuroi desu.
Mr It6: Kore wa goshujin no kaban desu ka?
Mrs Foster: 56 desu.
Mr Foster: 56 desu. Sore wa watakushi no kaban desu. Arigat6
(a) desu
desu , the verb used in this exercise , is the entire pre sent te nse of the
verb 'to be ' , equa lling 'am' , 'is' , 'are '.
T he negative for m is ja arimasen :
(d) 0-
Similarly , the honorific prefix 0- means you are addressing som eone
(0 Kore
kore, the pronoun 'this' , refers to an object or to objects near the
sore , the pronoun 'that', refers to an object or to objects near the one
addressed .
(g) Particles
wa is an attention- calling particle:
hen ce :
(h) s6 desu
s6 desu , meaning 'that is so' , 't ha t is correct' , is freq uen tly used
instead of hai , yes. When ka is added , the useful social question ' Is
th at so?' is crea ted .
Section A
Exercise 1
Put in the appropriate particles (wa, ka, [a , mo) :
1. Watakushi - - Foster desu.
2. Anata - - Ito-san desu - - ?
3. Keisu - - arimasen .
4. Kaban - - arimasen.
5. Kore --keisu desu. Sore - - keisu desu - - ?
Exercise 2
Put in the appropriate particles (no, wa, ka, ja) .
1. Watakushi - - keisu desu.
2. Kore - - watakushi - - keisu desu.
3. Anata - - kaban - - okii desu - - ?
4. Sore - - anata - - keisu desu - - ?
5. Shujin - - keisu - - akai desu.
6. Anata - - keisu - - chiisai desu - - ?
7. Goshujin - - kaban - - akaku - - arimasen.
8. Kanai - - keisu - - kuroi desu. Chiisaku - -
arimasen .
9. Watakushi - - kaban - - okii desu. Kuroku - -
Exercise 3
Put into the negative:
1. Kore wa kaban desu.
2. Kore wa keisu desu.
Section B
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Translate into Japanese.
1. How do you do ?
2. Thank you very much.
3. Are you Mr. Ito? Yes, I am .
4. How are you? I'm fine .
5. Is that your suitcase? Yes , it is.
Exercise 6
Play the part of Mr Jones in the following dialogues:
Dialogue 1 i~j
Jones-san desu ka?
(Yes. I'm Jones.)
Watakushi wa Yamamoto
(Is that so? Are you Mr
Yamamoto? How do you
do ?)
Hajimemashite. Ogenki
desu ka?
(Yes, I'm fine. How are
Hai, arigat6 gozaimasu.
Genki desu .
Dialogu e 2 i~j
Anata no keisu wa doko
desu ka?
(It 's here , by me.)
Kore wa anata no keisu
desu ka?
lie, ( th at isn' t my case .)
Ah so desu ka. Ano Kore desu ka?
Hai,...................................... ( .. .. th at is my case . Th ank
Dialogue 3 ~
Okusama no kaban wa
6ki i desu ka?
lie, ( it's not big. It's small.)
Akai desu ka?
Hai, .. .. ... ..... .. .... .... ...... .. .. ( ..... .. it's red . Th ank you .)
Dialogue 1
Mr Ito and the Fosters discuss their cars .
Mr Foster: Anata no kuruma wa doko desu ka?
Mr Ito: Asoko desu. Ano akai kuruma desu.
Mr Foster: Igirisu no kuruma desu ka?
Mr Ito: lie! Igirisu no kuruma ja arimasen. Nihon no kuruma
Dialogue 2 i=i
Mr Ito and the Fosters discuss Jap an ese names.
Mr Ito: Ah! Kore wa Igirisu no kuruma desu ne.
Mr Foster: S6 desu ne. Kono kuruma wa Hillman desu .
Mr Ito: 'Hi-ru-men'! Igirisu no namae wa muzukashii desu nel
Mr Foster: Muzukashii desu ka?
Mr Ito: S6 desu. Taihen muzukashii desu.
Mrs Foster: Nihon no namae mo muzukashii desu . 'Yokoha-
ma'. 'Yamashita'. 'Kaw asaki'. Hatsuon wa
muzukashii desu.
Mr Ito: S6 desu ka? 'It6' wa muzukashiku wa arimasen!
Yasashii desu ne.
Mrs Foster: Yasashii desu keredomo Igirisujin to Amerikajin
niwa muzukashii desu .
Mr Ito: S6 desu ne. Nihon no namae wa Nihonjin niwa
yasashii desu keredomo gaikokujin niwa muzukashii
Mr Foster: Igirisu no namae wa watakushitachi niwa yasashii
Mr Ito: S6 desu ne! Anatagata niwa yasashi i desu. Ano . ..
Koko desu. Kore wa watakushi no kuruma desu.
Chiisai desu ne!
Mrs Foster: lie, chiisaku wa arimasen. Okii desu.
Mr Ito: Okiku wa arimasen.
kuruma car
asoko ove r there
ano that (adjective)
Igirisu England
Igirisu no English (not the langu age)
Nihon Jap an (a lso, occas ionally,
koko here, by me
soko there, near you
asoko over there
(b) Countries
(c) But/However
keredomo (however) is slightly stronger than ga (but) as a word
separating two sente nces:
Note that in each case the 'break' comes after the pivot-word .
Igirisu England
Igirisujin an Englishman or -woman
Amerikajin an American
Furansujin a Frenchman or -wornan
Doitsujin a German
Irariijin or Itariajin an Italian
Section A
Exercise 1
Translate into Japanese:
1. This car is a Honda.
2. That car (near you) is a Mitsubishi.
3. That car over there is a Toyota.
4. Where is my case? It's here.
5. Where is my briefcase? It's there! (By you.)
6. Where is your car? It's over there.
7. The German car is red.
8. My American car is black.
9. Japanese names are difficult.
10. English names are easy.
Exercise 2
Contrast the following, using ga or keredomo (Example: My car is
red. Your car is black - Watakushi no kuruma wa akai desu ga (or
keredomo) anata no kuruma wa kuroi desu):
1. The Italian car is large . The French car is small.
2. My suitcase is black. Your suitcase is red .
3. My wife's car is small. It is not red .
4. My husband's despatch-case is large . It is not black.
Exercise 3
Answer the following questions:
1. Anata wa Igirisujin desu ka?
.................................. (No, I'm French.)
2. Anata wa Nihonjin desu ka?
....... ........................... (No, I'm Italian .)
3. Okusama wa Amerikajin desu ka?
.................................. (No, my wife is Japanese.)
4. Goshujin wa Doitsujin desu ka?
.................................. (No, my husband is English.)
Section B
Exercise 4
Re-read or listen again to the first two dialogues and then say
whether the following statements are, or are not, correct:
1. Foster-san no okusama wa Nihonjin desu.
2. Foster-san no kaban wa chiisai desu.
3. Foster-san no keisu wa akai desu.
4. Ito-san no kuruma wa kuroi desu.
5. Foster-san no okusan no kuruma wa okiku wa
6. 'Ito' wa Furansu no namae desu.
7. Ito-san no kuruma wa Austin desu.
Exercise 5 itSj
Play the part of Mr Sato in the following dialogue:
Mr Kimura: Sate-san desu ka?
MrSat6: (Yes, I'm Sato.)
Mr Kimura: Hajimemashite.
MrSat6: (How do you do? This is my wife.)
Mr Kimura: So desu ka. Okusama wa gaikokujin desu ka?
MrSat6: (Yes, my wife is French.)
Mr Kimura: Ogenki desu ka?
MrSat6: (Yes, I'm fine. How are you?)
Dialogue 1
At Mr and Mrs Ito 's house: Japanese food and drink.
Mrs Foster: Nihonjin wa nani 0 tabemasu ka?
Mrs Ito: Gohan 0 takusan tabemasu. Sakana mo tabemasu .
Igirisujin wa gohan 0 tabemasu ka?
Mr Foster : Hai, tabemasu.
Mrs Foster : Tabemasu yo.
Mr Ito: Gohan 0 tabemasu keredomo sashimi wa tabemasen!
Dialogue 2 ~
Talking about meal s.
Mrs Ito : Sore wa ebi desu .
Mrs Foster: Okii desu ne!
Mr Ito: Nihon no ebi wa 6kii desu ne !
Mr Foster : Oishii desu ka?
Mrs Foster: Mmmmm! Oishii desu yo!
Mrs Ito: Igirisu no ebi wa 6kiku wa arimasen ka?
Mr Foster: HaL Okiku wa arimasen . Chiisai desu.
Mrs Foster: Amerika no ebi mo 6kii desu ne.
Mr Ito: S6 desu ne. Amerika de ebi 0 tabemashita ka?
Mrs Foster: HaL
Dialogue 3 ~
More talking about meals
Mr Ito : Foster-san. Osake 0 nomimasu ka?
Mr Foster : HaL Arigat6.
Mr Ito: Mary-san wa biiru 0 nomimasen ka?
Mrs Foster: HaL Nomimasen.
Mrs Ito: Ocha 0 nomimasu ka?
Mrs Foster: HaL Oishii desu.
Mrs Ito: Kore wa naganegi desu. Igirisu niwa naganegi ga
arimasu ka?
Mr Foster: Arimasu yo.
Mr Ito: Igirisu de naganegi 0 tabemashita.
nani? what?
a particle showing
the object of a
transitive verb
tabemasu present tense of
the verb 'to eat'
gohan cooked rice
takusan a great deal
sakana fish
yo emphatic con-
elusion to a
[olsashirni slices of fish
eaten raw
tabemasen negative of
tabemasu =
do/does not eat
futsO usually
tabemashita ate, past tense
of the verb 'to
de particle showing
where an action
is done
tabemasen did not eat ,
deshita past negative of
the verb 'to eat'
yOhan supper, dinner ,
evening meal
ya and (when
more than a
couple of speci-
fie objects are
naganegi leeks, literally
'long onions'
nomimasu present tense of
the verb nomu
'to drink'
(olsake rice-wine, the
national drink
of Japan
matawa or
biiru beer
nomimasen negative of
nomimasu =
do/does not
(o)mizu water
ga particle showing
the subject of a
arimasu present tense of
the verb 'to be ',
meaning 'there
is/are' (from
ocha Japanese tea
nan nani (what) be-
fore t, d, and n
nomimono drink (noun)
karada body (hence
ii good
ebi prawn
oishii delicious
niwa ni (in) plus the
particle wa
kudamono fruit
ringo apple
momo peach
kudasai please
Gohan 0 tabemasu
They eat rice
Keredomo sashimi wa tabemasen.
However as for raw fish, they don't eat (that) .
(0 De, Ni
Ni is used merely to show a place :
(i) Yo
This puts great emphasis on the sentence it concludes:
(j) And
To links specific nouns or pronouns.
Ya is used when other articles are implied as well as the ones you are
Note that neither to nor ya can link two sentences together:
Section A
Exerci se 1
A nswer the following questions Example: Sate -san wa Igirisujin
desu ka? - lie Nihonj in desu (No , he's Japanese):
1. Anata wa Nihonj in desu ka?
(No, I'm Engli sh.)
2. Okusama wa Nihonj in desu ka?
(No, she's French.)
3. Greene -san wa Igirisujin desu ka?
(N o, he's Am erican.)
4. Ito -san no okusan wa gaikokuj in desu ka?
(No , she's Japanese.)
5. Goshujin wa Igi risujin desu ka?
(No, he's It ali an.)
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Section B E:J
Exercise 6
Invent replies in the following dialogue:
Anata wa nani 0 tabemasu ka?
Exercise 7
Translate the following questions:
1. What is that?
2. Do you eat fruit?
3. Is that green tea?
4. Does Mr Ito drink beer?
Exercise 8
1. Ask if there is water.
2. Ask if there is green tea.
3. Ask if there is sake .
4. Say you drink sake in Japan .
5. Say it is delicious.
Exercise 9
1. American leeks are big but Japanese ones are small.
2. I drink beer but my wife drinks sake .
3. My husband ate rice but Mr. Ito did not.
4. Japanese people drink sake but the English drink beer.
Exercise 10
Read or listen to Dialogues 3.1 again , and say whether or not these
statements are true:
1. Nihonjin wa osake 0 nomimasu.
2. Igirisujin wa gohan 0 tabemasen.
3. Foster-san wa sashimi 0 tabemasen deshita.
4. Foster-san no okusan wa biiru 0 nomimasu.
5. Ocha wa karada ni ii desu.
6. Igirisu no ebi wa chiisai desu.
7. Ebi wa kudamono desu.
8. Osake wa nomimono desu.
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4.1 DIALOGUES i8 j
Dialogue 1
The Japanese way of counting years .
Mr It6 : Foster-san. Itsu Nihon e kimashita ka?
Mr Foster: Sen kyOhyaku nanajOrokunen deshita.
Mrs Ito: Sen kyOhyaku nanajOrokunen .. . sore wa Sh6wa
gojOichinen deshita ne.
Mr Ito: S6 desu ne. Sh6wa ichinen wa sen kyOhyaku
nijOrokunen deshita. Desu kara Sh6wa jOnen wa
sen kyOhyaku sanjOgonen deshita.
Mrs Ito: Muzukashii desu ne!
Mr Ito: Yasashii desu yo! Sh6wa rujunen wa sen
kyOhyakuyonjOgonen deshita.
Mr Foster: Sh6wa sanjOnen wa . ..
Mrs Foster: Sen kyOhyaku gojOgonen deshita!
Mr Ito: Oj6zu desu ne, Mary-san!
Mrs Foster: lie, heta desu yo!
Dialogue 2 ~
Japanese weather.
Mrs Ito: Mary-san mo Sh6wa gojOichinen ni Nihon e kimashita
Mrs Foster: lie, watakushi wa Nihon e kimasen deshita. Shujin
wa hitori de koko e kimashita.
Mr Ito: Foster-san wa aki ni kimashita ka?
Mr Foster: lie, natsu ni kimashita.
Mr Ito: T6ky6 no natsu wa atsui desu nel
Mr Foster: S6 desu nel Atsui desu nel
Mrs Ito: Mushiatsui desu ne,
Mrs Foster: "Mushiatsui"? Nan desu ka? Wakarimasen.
Mrs Ito: Atsui desu. Ame ga furimasu. Kaze ja arimasen.
Mr Ito: Warui otenki desu ne,
Dialogue 3 ~
Japanese drink and food.
Mrs Foster: Ima mushiatsuku wa arimasen! Ii otenki desu.
Mrs Ito: Suzushii desu ne.
Mrs Foster: Suzushii desu ne.
Mrs Ito: Ocha 0 m6 ippai nomimasu ka?
Mrs Foster: lie. Kekk6 desu.
Mr Foster: Gochis6sama deshita!
Mrs Ito: Foster-san wa Nihongo 0 yoku hanashimasu ne!
itsu? when?
e to , towards
kimashita came, past tense of the verb
'to come', kuru
sen one thousand
kyOhyaku nine hundred
nanajOroku seventy-six
-nen suffix meaning 'year'
deshita past tense of 'desu' , meaning
Sh6wa the current
Imperial era
gojOichi fifty-one
Sh6wa ichinen 1926
nijOroku twenty-six
desu kara therefore
Sh6wa jOnen 1935
sanjOgo thi rty-five
Sh6wa nijOnen 1945
yonjOgo forty-five
Sh6wa sanjOnen 1955
gojOgo fifty-five
(0)j6zu skilled, clever, good (at)
heta unskilled ,
clumsy, poor (at)
kimasen deshita did not come, past negative
of the verb 'to come', kuru
hitori one person
(b) Weather
Th e J apanese like talkin g about the weat her - so much so that it
usually carries an honorific: ii otenki desu ne (isn' t it lovely weat her)
or warui otenki desu ne (isn' t it horri ble weather) . The Japanese
yea r has fairly well-defined seaso ns: spri ng is humid and te nds to be
misty; summer (especia lly on the Pacific coast) is hot and heavy with
a ' rainy seaso n' (ts uyu) in May and June ; in ea rly Sept emb er sto rms,
sometimes reaching typhoon stre ngth, sweep away the muggy clouds
and autumn is a bright , dry, clear seaso n (there is a Japanese
pro verb : ten takaku , uma koeru - the sky is high and hor ses are
getti ng fat). Winter is mainly dry and cold. Snow is rare in the Tok yo
area whe re it may stay dr y and fine for weeks on end, though, on the
west coast , the famou s Yukiguni or Snow Country has heavy
snowfalls as the bitter winds sweep down from Siberia.
3. kuru, to come
There are only three irregular verbs in Japanese , and kuru is one
of them (see Grammar Summary l(e».
(e) Counting
1. Here are the numbers from 1 to 10:
ichi 1
ni 2
san 3
shi or yon 4
go 5
roku 6
shichi or nana 7
hachi 8
kyQ 9
jQ 10
11 jQichi 10 and 1
12 jQni 10 and 2
13 jQsan
14 jQyon (or jQshi)
15 jQgo
16 jQroku
17 jQshichi
(or jQnana)
18 jOhachi
19 jOkyO
And 20?
20 nijO 2 and 10
21 nijOichi
22 nijOni ,
and so on
30 sanjO
40 yonjO ,
and so on
50 gojO
60 rokujO
70 shichijO
(or nanajO)
80 hachijO
90 kyOjO
100 hyaku
1000 sen
1985 sen kyOhyaku hachijOgo
A.D . 1985 sen kyOhyaku hachijOgonen (or Sh6wa
3. Counting people
Unfortunately not all Japanese counting is as easy as that.
To count people, this system is used :
Thereafter, the suffix -nin goes on the number. The famous film
Seven Samurai is:
Shichinin no samurai.
10 people jOnin
26 people nijOrokunin
100 people hyakunin, and so on .
(0 Languages
The suffix -go is used after the name of the country to indicate the
language . Thus:
4.4 Exercises
Section A
Exercise 1
Give the negative, and then the opposite , of the following (Example:
Okii desu ka? -lie, okiku wa arimasen. Chiisai desu.) :
1. Yasashii desu ka?
2. Warui desu ka?
3. Suzushii desu ka?
4. Muzukashii desu ka?
5. Ii desu ka?
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Section B i'8j
Exercise 7
Play the part of Mr or Mrs Foster in the following dialogue:
Itsu Nihon e kimashita ka? (I came in the summer of 1983.)
Ii otenki deshita ka? (No . It was hot and sticky.)
Hitori de kimashita ka? (No . M y wife/husband came too .)
Exercise 8
1. I did not come to Japan in the autumn .
2. My husband came to Tokyo alone.
3. English is difficult for the French.
4. Mrs Yamamoto speaks German well.
Exercise 9
Re-read (or listen again to) the Dialogues 4.1 and say whether these
statements are true, or false:
1. Foster-san wa 1960 ni Nihon e kimashita.
2. Shows 41 wa 1966 deshita.
3. 1976 ni Foster-san to okusan wa Nihon e kimashita.
4. Tokyo no natsu wa suzushii desu.
5. Mary-san wa ocha 0 ippai nomimashita.
6. Nihongo wa gaikokujin niwa muzukashii desu.
Exercise 10 i'E~
Dialogue 1
London's weather compared with Tokyo 's.
Mrs Ito : Ohay6 gozaimasu!
Mrs Foster: Ohay6 gozaimasu!
Mrs Ito : Yoku nemurimashita ka?
Dialogue 2 i=j
School and office; telling the time; da ys of the week.
Mr Ito: Kyo wa dovobi desu kara jimusho e ikimasen. Igirisu
demo dovobi wa yasumi desu ka?
Mr Foster : So desu ne. Ima wa yasumi desu keredomo jQnen
mae niwa mainichi jimusho e ikimashita.
Mochiron nichlvobi wa ikimasen deshita.
Mr Ito: Nihon demo so deshita keredomo ima wa getsuyobi
kara kin'vobi made desu.
Mr Foster: Kodomotachi wa qakko e ikimasu ka?
Mr Ito: Ikimasu yo. Dovobi mo qakko e ikimasu. Igirisu dewa?
Mr Foster: JQnen mae niwa ikimashita ga ima wa ikimasen.
Nihon no kodomotachi wa nanji ni qakko e
ikimasu ka?
Mr Ito: Asa hachiji ni ikimasu.
Mr Foster: So desu ka! Igirisu dewa kuji desu. Gogo yoji ni
uchi e kaerimasu.
Mr Ito: Nihon dewa gogo goji desu.
Mr Foster: Nanji ni asagohan a tabemasu ka?
Mr Ito: Asagohan a gozen shichiji ni tabemasu.
Mr Foster: Hirugohan wa?
Mr Ito : FutsQ jQniji jQgofun desu.
Dialogue 3
Plans for Saturday.
Mr Ito: Ky6 nani 0 shimasu ka?
Mr Foster: Ima nanji desu ka?
Mr Ito: Ima jaji desu.
Mr Foster: lie, jajijippun desu ne.
Mr Ito: 56 desu ka? Ano ... kin6 anata wa nanji ni Nihon e
kimashita ka? Rokujihan deshita ne?
Mr Foster: 56 deshita. Rokuji sanjippun deshita yo.
Mrs Ito: Ii otenki desu ne.
Mr Ito: Taihen ii otenki desu ne, Kuruma de inaka e ikimash6.
Mrs Ito: Ichiji ni hirugohan 0 tabemash6. Sono ato sampo 0
shimash6. Ikaga desu ka?
Mr Foster: Ii desu ne! 56 shimash6.
(a) I and r
The transcription of foreign words with 'I' in them presents some
Rondon London
Berurin Berlin
Risuto Liszt
kuji nine /I
jGji ten /I
jGichiji eleven /I
jGniji twelve /I
Th e suffix -ji means o'clock) . The suffix -fun means minute(s) but ,
like hai in Chapter 4, it undergoes some changes:
ichiji gofun
ichiji jippun
ichiji jugofun
ichiji nijippun
ichiji nijugofun
ichiji han (or ichiji sanjippun)
ichiji sanjuqofun
ichiji yonjippun.
ichiji vonjuqofun
ichiji gojippun
ichiji gojugofun
niji gofun, etc.
kaeru to return, is one of the few verbs ending in -eru which are
strong and it, too, goes like aru :
iku is a slightly irregular verb, but fortunately not in any of its basic
tenses where it behaves like other strong verbs :
ikimasu (I) go
ikimasen do not go
ikimashita went
ikimasen deshita did not go
shimasu (I) do
shimasen do not do
shimashita did
shimasen deshita did not
(h) mai-
mai means each or every
(i) let's!
By changing the present tense of a verb from -masu to -rnasho, you
get the 'Let' s' form:
(j) gozaimasu
This verb is a polite version of desu.
(I) Because
We have already come across the expression desu kara, therefore.
Kara coming after the verb means 'because' :
Desu kara really means 'because it is' . Look at some other examples:
Section A
Exercise 1
Ima nanji desu ka (wha t time is it?)
6.15 a .m. 9.30
8.00 in the morn ing 10.55
11.05 5.40
1.20 p.m . a qu art er to four
2.10 4.35
7.25 8.50
Exercise 2
Nani 0 shimash6 ka? (what sha ll we do?)
1. Biiru 0 nomu
2. Sakana 0 taberu
3. Sampo 0 suru
4. Uchi e kaeru
5. Nihongo 0 hanasu
6. Jimusho e iku
Exercise 3
Wh at did you do on eac h day of the wee k?
1. On Sunday I went back to Yo ko hama .
2. O n Monday I went to the office .
3. O n Tu esday I came hom e at 8 o'clock.
4. On Wednesday I ate some sashimi.
5. O n Thursday I spo ke Jap anese.
6. On Frid ay I did not go to the office .
7. On Sat urd ay I went for a walk.
Exercise 4 fSj
Play the part of Mr or Mrs Potts in the following dialogue:
Section B
Exercise 5
Answer the following questions about yourself:
1. Anata wa nanji ni asagohan 0 tabemasu ka?
2. Anata wa nanji ni hirugohan 0 tabemasu ka?
3. Anata wa nanji ni yugohan 0 tabemasu ka?
4. Jimusho e mainichi ikimasu ka?
5. Gakko e ikimasu ka?
6. Futsu nanji ni uchi e kaerimasu ka?
7. Nihon e ikimashita ka?
8. Nihongo 0 hanashimasu ka? (Hai ... !)
Exercise 6
Without looking back , see how many of these conversational expres-
sions you can remember:
1. How do you do?
2. Good morning.
3. Take care!
4. Congratulations.
5. Thank you very much .
6. That is delicious .
7. That's fine. (I don't want any more.)
8. 1 don't understand.
Exercise 7
1. As it's February it's cold.
2. As it's July it's hot.
3. As it's October it's cool.
4. As it's June it's hot and sticky .
5. As it's Saturday let's go to the country.
6. As it's Sund ay Mr Ito does not go the office.
Exercise 8
What do Japanese children do? Use a complete sentence for your
1. Nihon dewa kodomotachi wa nanji ni asagohan 0
tabemasu ka?
2. Nanji ni gakk6 e ikimasu ka?
3. Nanji ni hirugohan 0 tabemasu ka?
4. Nanji ni uchi e kaerirnasu ka?
5. Doy6bi rno gakk6 e ikimasu ka?
Exercise 9
Translate :
1. It rains from time to time .
2. Of course Mr Ito doesn't go to the office at 6.30 a.m .
3. Mr Sato usually comes home at 5.15.
4. He went to Japan last year.
5. He eats rice every day .
6. From Tuesday to Saturday it was fine.
7. From nine a.m . to four p.m. it is hot.
Do the full test and mark it, using the mark scheme suggested. If you
made any mistakes, make sure you go back and revise the relevant
chapter(s) before proceeding with Chapter 6.
Section 1
Put in the appropriate particles:
1. Kore - - watakushi - - kaban - - arimasen.
2. Uchi - - ringo - - momo - - arimasu.
3. Nihon - - kodomotachi - - hachiji - - gakko
4. Watakushi - - Yokohama - - ikimashita.
5. Foster-san - - Kyoto - - sashimi - -
6. Yuki - - takusan furimasu.
7. Getsuvobi - - kin'vobi - - jimusho - - ikimasu.
8. Samuku - - arimasen.
(Score: 20)
Section 2
'Is it easy ?' 'No, it isn't easy. It's difficult.'
1. Yasashii desu ka?
2. Samui desu ka?
3. Chiisai desu ka?
4. Warui desu ka?
5. Ii desu ka?
(Score: 10)
Section 3
Write out the following numbers :
11 55
22 78
33 89
46 94
47 100
(Score: 10)
Section 4
Give the year A .D. for :
Sh6wa 40
Sh6wa 55
(Score: 10)
Section 5
Ima nanji desu ka?
7.15 a .m .
8.45 p.m .
ten to four
(Score: 10)
Section 6
Translate the following:
leeks your husband
fruit September
car Thursday
rain today
your wife of course
(Score: 10)
Section 7
Answer the following questions with complete sentences:
1. Rondon no haru wa mushiatsui desu ka?
2. Igirisu dewa fuyu wa atsui desu ka?
3. Nihonjin wa nani 0 tabemasu ka?
4. Nihongo wa gaikokujin ni muzukashii desu ka?
5. Nihon dewa kodomotachi wa futsO nanji ni uchi e
kaerimasu ka?
(Score: 10)
Section 8 r=j
Read the following conversation or listen to it on your cassette. If you
have the cassette , do not read the text. Then answer the questions
undern eath .
Mr Jones: Watakushi no keisu wa akai desu.
Mr Kimura: Kore desu ka?
Mr Jones: lie. Sore wa chiisai desu .
Mr Kimura: Kana 6kii keisu wa anata no desu ka?
Mr Jones: Hai, s6 desu. Arigat6 gozaimasu.
Mr Kimura: Ana ... Uchi e ikimash6 ka?
Mr Jones : Ima nanji desu ka?
Mr Kimura : Rokuji han desu.
Mr Jones : Anata no kuruma wa akai desu ka kuroi desu ka?
Mr Kimura: Kuroi desu .
Mr Jones : Nihon no kuruma desu ka?
Mr Kimura: lie, Doitsu no kuruma desu.
Mr Jones : Ano ... Nani 0 tabemash6 ka?
Mr Kimura : Sakana ya gohan a tabemash6 ne.
Mr Jones : Nomimono wa?
Mr Kimura : Osake matawa ocha desu. Osake 0 nomi masu ka?
Mr Jones : lie, nom imasen.
Mr Kimura: Okusama wa Nihongo 0 hanash imasu ka?
Mr Jones : lie, hanashimasen.
Mr Kimura : Okusama wa itsu Nihon e kimash ita ka?
Mr Jones: Rokugatsu ni kimashita.
1. Describe Mr Jo nes's suitcase.
2. What time is it?
3. What colour is Mr Kimura's car?
4. Is it a Japanese car?
5. What are they going to eat for supper?
6. What are they going to drink?
7. Does Mr Jones drin k sake?
8. Does Mrs Jones spea k Japanese?
9. When did she come to Japan?
(Score: Total 10 - score 2 for Qu. 1)
Dialogue 1
Making plans.
Mrs Foster: Kaimono 0 shitai desu.
Mrs It6: S6 desu ka? Doko e ikitai desu ka?
Mrs Foster: Hon'va e ikitai desu keredomo. Ii desu ka?
Mrs It6: Ii desu yo . Watakushi rno hon'va de jibiki 0 kaitai desu.
Mrs Foster: Hon'va wa doko desu ka?
Mrs It6: Yubinkvoku no mae ni arimasu.
Dialogue 2 ~
At the bookshop.
Mrs It6: Hon'ya wa kudamonoya no yoko ni arimasu.
Mrs Foster: Kudamono 0 kaitai desu ka?
Mrs It6: lie. Kudamono 0 kaitaku wa arimasen keredomo
kudamono wa totemo utsukushii desu ne.
Mrs Foster: So desu ne. Utsukushii desu ne, Momo ya nashi ya
ringo no iro wa utsukushii desu ne,
Mrs It6: Koko ga hon'ya desu. Hairirnasho.
(T hey go into the shop .)
Gomen kudasai!
Shopkeeper: Irassha imase!
Mrs It6: Watakushi no tomodachi wa Igirisujin desu .
Shopkeeper: Save de gozaimasu ka. Igirisu kara irasshaima-
shita ka?
Mrs Foster: So desu. Watakushitachi wa kino Nihon e kirna-
shita .
Shopkeeper: Ah! Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka? Ojozu desu ne!
Mrs Foster: lie! Totemo heta desu yo!
Dialogue 3 ~
Buying a dictionary.
Mrs It6: Watakushi wa Ei-wa jiten 0 kaitai desu keredomo.
Arimasu ka?
Shopkeeper: Arimasu yo. Kore wa ii jibiki desu.
Mrs It6: Takai desu ka?
Shopkeeper: Sukoshi takai desu keredomo taihen benri na
jibiki desu yo.
Mrs It6: Ikura desu ka?
Shopkeeper: Niman gosen happyaku-en desu.
Mrs Ito: So desu ka. Niman gosen happyaku-en desu ka. Takai
desu ne. Shikashi Eigo no hon 0 yomitai desu
kara jibiki wa hitsuvo desu ne, Eigo no kotoba wa
watakushi niwa taihen muzukashii desu kara.
Samman-en de otsuri 0 itadakemasu ka.
Shopkeeper: Dorno ariqato gozaimasu. Yonsen nihyaku-en no
okaeshi desu.
Mrs Ito : Ariqato gozaimasu.
(a) Shops
Althou gh supe rma rkets are beco ming commo n, and concrete and
plat e-glass are replacing the traditio nal small Japanese wooden shop
ope n o n to the street , the hou sewife still prefers to choose fruit , fish,
vegetables an d rice from the litt le specialist shops. Sho ps selling ocha
(Japanese tea) and tradit ion al cakes and swee ts are frequen t, also
delightfully-smelling cra ftsmen's ate liers where tatami mats are
made , to for m th e floor of th e tr adit ion al Japan ese roo m .
lkitai, yomitai , tabetai and mitai are now true adjectives . Therefore ,
to say you do not want to do something, take off the -i and substitute
-ku wa arimasen :
(c) keredomo
keredomo (however) frequently ends a sentence, trailing away in a
kind of 'you see' meaninglessness. You will have noticed that
Japanese speakers tend to dislike leaving their remarks baldly alone
with the end-verb, preferring ne or yo or an unquestioning ka - or ,
as here , keredomo.
1 2 3 4 5
(Hon'ya wa) yObinkyoku no mae ni arimasu.
5 4 3 2 1
(The bookshop) is in front of the post-office.
hon'ya bookshop
kudamonoya fruit-shop
sakanaya fishmonger's
but note:
sakaya sake shop
aruku and sampo (0) suru
aruku is to perform the act of walking , as opposed to cycling or some
other means of getting from place A to place B .
sampo (0) suru is to enjoy the act of walking for its own sake, like the
French verb se promener
(h) hairu
ha iru , to enter, is a strong verb, even though it ends in -iru:
(i) wakaru
wakaru , to understand, takes the following construction:
(j) Wajin
Wajin is an old word for a Japanese . The Chinese character is
the wa in Sh6wa . In compounds, wa is often used : wahon, a
Japanese book; wagaku, Japanese literature; or, as here , wa-ei,
Japanese-English; ei-wa, English-Japanese .
(m) -hyaku
The complete listing of -hya ku is:
(0) otaku
otaku is the hon or ific for m of uchi:
Section A
Exercise 1
Put in the appropriate particles (wa, ga, 0, ni, de no, ka, e) :
1. YCJbinkyoku - - kitte - - kaimashita.
2. Hon - - kaitaku - - arimasen.
3. Hon'ya - - qakko - - mae - - arimasu.
4. Issho - - Yokohama - - ikirnasho - - ?
5. Ano hito - - Eigo - - wakarimasu - - ?
6. Gaikokujin - - hon - - omoshiroku - -
arimasen .
7. Watakushi - - tomodachi - - Eigo - - hon--
kaitai desu.
Exercise '1.
Add the most logical verb .
1. Hon 0 - - - -
2. Sakana 0 - - - -
3. Osake 0 - - - -
4. Nihongo ga - - - -
5. Nihongo 0 - - - -
6. Ame ga - - - - ,
7. Kino Tokyo e - - - -
8. Nigatsu ni Nihon e - - - -
9. Nichivobi ni sampo 0 - - - -
10. Kino Igirisujin wa Eikoku e - - - -
Exercise 3
Let 's (Example: Let 's read a Japanese book Nihon no hon 0
(yomu) - vornimasho .) :
1. Let's walk . (Aruku) .
2. Let's go on in. (Hairu) .
3. Let's go back to the post-office . (YCJbinkyoku e kaeru).
4. Let's buy some Japanese pears . (Nashi 0 kau) .
Exercise 4
My friend and I have different tastes (Example : Watakushi wa
sampo shitai desu . I want to go for a walk . Tomodachi wa sampo
shitaku wa arimasen . My friend doe s not want to go for a walk .):
Exercise 5
Where are they?
1. VQbinkyoku wa gakko no mae ni arimasu ka?
.. ... ...... .......... ......... ......... .... ..... .. (No , it's beside it .)
2. Kudamonoya wa hon'ya no yoko ni arimasu ka?
... .... .. .. ....... .... ..... .. ... ... .. .. ... ... (No, it's in front of it.)
3. Anata no kuruma wa jimusho no yoko ni arimasu ka?
.. .. .... .. .. ........ .... ..... .. .. (No , it's beside the post-office .)
4. Ringo wa nashi no mae n i arimasu ka?
... ...... .. .... ... .... .. .. .... (No , they're next to the peaches.)
Exercise 6
Ikura desu ka? Nihyaku-en desu .
Ikura desu ka?
1. It is 300 yen .
2. It is 2800 yen.
3. It is 3400 yen.
4. It is 5600 yen .
5. It is 10 000 yen.
6. It is 24 200 yen .
7. It is 38 000 yen .
8. It is 39 500 yen .
Exercise 7
My friend understands English -
Tomodachi wa Eigo ga wakarimasu.
1. That child understands French .
2. Your wife understands German .
3. My husband understands Japanese.
4. That foreigner understands Italian.
5. Does that Japanese person understand English?
Section B
Exercise 8
Translate into Japanese (Example: The post-office is in front of the
fruiterer's - Yubinkvoku wa kudamanoya no mae ni arimasu.):
Exercise 9
Work out the change!
1. Sen-en de otsuri 0 itadakemasu ka?
.. .. ... .. ...... ..... ..... .... .......... .... ......... (It costs 850 yen .)
2. Nisen-en de otsuri 0 itadakemasu ka?
... ...... .................... .................. ... (It costs 1500 yen.)
3. Gosen-en de otsuri 0 itadakemasu ka?
.... ...... ............ .. .. .... ..... ... .. .... .... .. (It costs 3200 yen .)
4. Ichiman-en de otsuri 0 itadakemasu ka?
... ......... ... ..... .......... ............. ..... .. (It costs 7000 yen .)
5. Niman-en de otsuri 0 itadakemasu ka?
........ ..... .......... ... ........... .......... .. (It costs 10400 yen.)
Exercise 10 ISj
Play the part of the purchaser in the following dialogue :
You: (Excuse me!)
Shopkeeper: Irasshaimase!
You: (Are there any dictionaries?)
Shopkeeper: Arimasu yo.
You: ..... (I want to buy a Japanese - English one , you see .)
Shopkeeper: 56 desu ka. Ano, kore wa ii jibiki desu .
You: (Is it expensive?)
Shopkeeper: Sukoshi takai desu keredomo benri na jibiki
desu yo.
You: (How much is it?)
Shopkeeper: Ichiman nanahyaku-en desu.
You: ....... (Is that so? It is dear but I want to read Japanese
books. Here's 20 000 yen . May I have the change,
Shopkeeper: Arigat6 gozaimasu. Sanzen-en no okaeshi
You: (Thank you very much .)
: 0 0
(d) nara
This is a useful word, meaning 'let's take ' , or 'supposing', or 'if it's a
case of':
Igirisu nara sambyaku qoju-en desu. For England it's 350 yen.
(Literally, if we're talking about England then it's 350 yen .)
Section A
Exercise 1
Ask favours using th e -te form (Example : (Kitte 0 kau)-kitte 0 katte
1. (Chotto matsu)
2. (Eigo de hanasu)
3. (Ehagaki 0 kau)
4. (Omoidasu)
Exercise 2
Nani 0 kaitai desu ka? (Example: Nani 0 kaitai desu ka?
Ehagaki 0 nimai kaitai desu - What do you want to bu y? (I want to
bu y two postcards.)
1. Nani 0 kaitai desu ka? (three sta mps)
2. (five postcards)
3. (eight sta mps)
4. (te n postcard s)
5. (eleve n sta mps)
Exercise 3
Igirisu e ikimashita ka? lie, mada ikimasen - H ave you been to
Engl and? No , not yet.
1. Ringo 0 kaimashita ka?
2. Shujin wa kaerimashita ka?
3. Osake 0 nomimashita ka?
4. Yuki ga furimashita ka?
Exercise 4
Put in the appropriate particles (w a, ga, e, made, no, na, ni, de) :
1. Igirisu - - ikitai desu.
2. Furansu - - kono ehagaki - - okuritai desu.
3. Semi --jibiki desu ka?
4. Hyaku-en - - kitte - - kaitai desu.
5. Kanai - - Itariigo - - wakarimasu.
6. Hon'ya - - uchi - - mae - - arimasu.
7. Kudamonoya - - ringo - - kaimashita.
Exercise 5
Add 100 yen each tim e:
1. Kore wa kvuhvaku-en desu. Sore wa?
2. Kore wa nihyaku-en desu. Sore wa?
3. Kore wa kvusen kvuhvaku goju-en desu. Sore wa?
4. Kore wa nisen kvuhvaku nanajuqo-en desu. Sore wa?
5. Kore wa shichihyaku-en desu. Sore wa?
6. Kore wa gohyaku-en desu. Sore wa?
7. Kore wa hachiju-en desu. Sore wa?
Exercise 6
Without looking back , see if you can recognise these word s and say in
Japanese where you can buy the articles mentioned:
1. Doko de kitte 0 kaimasu ka?
2. Doko de ringo 0 kaimasu ka?
3. Doko de jibiki 0 kaimasu ka?
4. Doko de osake 0 kaimasu ka?
5. Doko de nashi 0 kaimasu ka?
6. Doko de sakana 0 kaimasu ka?
7. Doko de mama a kaimasu ka?
8. Daka de jiten 0 kaimasu ka?
Section B
Exercise 7
Cha nge the response , using the English informatio n in bracket s to
mod ify your repl y:
1. Ii otenki deshita ka? (No , it rained )
2. Kitte 0 gamai kaimashita ka? (No , 1 bought six)
3. Hach iji ni kaerimashita ka? (No, at nine)
4. Kin'vobi Tokyo e ikimas hita ka? (No , on Saturday)
5. Anata no kaban wa kurai desu ka? (No , it's red)
6. Kino ringa a tabemashita ka? (No, Japan ese pears)
7. Han'ya e ikitai desu ka? (No, to the Post-Office)
8. Gashujin wa tegam i 0 sammai kakimashita ka? (No, he
wro te two postcards)
Exercise 8
Nani a shimashita ka? What did you do?
1. Yeste rday 1 wrot e three letters.
2. Th is morn ing 1 drank two cups of Japanese tea.
3. On Friday 1 saw two Jap anese.
4. At twenty past three 1 bought five postcards.
5. At seven o'clock I wro te four lett ers.
Exerci se 9 itsj
Play the part of Mr Smith in the following dialogues
Dialogue 1
Mr It6: Nani a sh ita i desu ka?
MrSmith: (Go to the post -office)
Mr It6: Kuruma de ikirnash o ka?
MrSmith: (No , let' s walk)
Mr It6 : Yub inkvoku de nani a shitai desu ka?
M rSmith : (I wrote some postca rds this morning and ther efore
1 want to send them to A merica)
Mr It6: Ehagaki a nammai kakimashita ka?
MrSmith: (I wrote thr ee)
Dialogue 2 its!
MrSmith: (Excuse me. Do you spea k E nglish?)
Post office employee : lie. Wakarimasen.
MrSmith: (We ll 1 want to send three postcard s to
Am erica . How much is that ?)
Employee : Amerika nara hyaku qoju -en desu.
MrSmith: ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .... ... ... .. .. (Three 150 yen sta mps please. )
Employee: Yanhyaku gaju-en desu .
MrSmith: (I've only got a 5000 yen note . Is that all right?)
Employee: Kekko desu yo. Yonsen gohyaku goja-en no
okaeshi desu.
MrSmith: (Thank you very much.)
Employee: Arigato gozaimasu. Otsugi no kata. DOlO.
Dialogue 1
Waiting to see Mr Maeda.
Mr It6: Maeda-san to ohanashi shitai no desu ga ima oiso-
gashii desu ka?
Secretary: Ima denwa de hanashite imasu.
Dialogue 2 ~
Tea while they wait.
Mr It6: Shimbun wa arimasu ka?
Secretary: Arimasu keredomo Yamamoto-san ga yonde ima-
Mr It6: Asahi Shimbun desu ka?
Secretary: So desu.
Mr It6: Ah, kesa yomimashita keredomo. Zasshi wa arimasu
Mr Foster: Hai. Mite kudasai. Kono isu no ushiro ni zasshi ga
arimasu yo.
Secretary: Ocha 0 onomi ni narimasu ka soretomo kocha desu
Mr Foster: Kocha 0 nomitai desu. Ariqato.
Mr It6: Watakushi mo kocha ni shimasu. Ah. Supuun wa
arimasu ka?
Mr Foster: Hail Teeburu no ue ni supuun ga gohon arimasu.
Mr It6: Gohon desu ka? Ariqato l Ippon dake de ii desu yo!
Mr Foster: Nampun gurai machimasu ka?
Secretary: Jippun dake desho. Kocha 0 mo ippai? Ikaga desu
Mr Foster: lie. Kekko desu.
Dialogue 3 i8j
Making an appointment.
Mr Foster: Kyo wa nannichi desu ka?
Mr It6: Jushlchinlchl desu ne.
(a) Hospitality
In offices , common-rooms and waiting-rooms, ocha , kocha or coffee
are always offered to visitors .
The present tense of the verb deals with general statements. In order to
express actions that are being done at the present time, you use the -te
form of the verb with imasu :
All weak verbs make the -te form by changing the -ru to te:
ippon 1
nihon 2
sambon 3
yonhon (or shihon) 4
gohon 5
roppon 6
shichihon (or nanahon) 7
happon (or hachihon) 8
kvuhon 9
jippon 10
juippon , etc. 11, and so on
(h) ni suru
To express the day of the month, you add the suffix -nichi to the
numbers you learnt in 4.3(e) , but only for the following dates:
(j) desha
(k) -chO
-chu is a suffix indicating length of time :
Section A
Exercise 1
What are you doing? (Example : (Ringo 0 taberu) Ringo 0 tabete
imasu .)
1. (Hon 0 kau)
2. (Tegami 0 kaku)
3. (Shimbun 0 yomu)
4. (Denwa de hanasu)
5. (Matsu)
6. (Ocha 0 nomu)
7. (Jimusho de hataraku)
Exercise 2
Kyo wa kavobi desu (Today is Tuesday)
1. Ashita wa? (Tomorrow is?)
2. Asatte wa?
3. Kino wa?
4. Ototoi wa?
Exercise 3
Kyo wa sangatsu nijukunichi desu.
1. Ashita wa?
2. Asatte wa?
3. Kino wa?
4. Otatai wa?
Exercise 4
Kyo wa jugatsu juganichi qetsuvobi desu . Today is Monday
October 15.)
1. Haishu no qetsuvobi wa?
2. Haishu no kavobi wa?
3. Haishu no rnokuvobi wa?
4. Haishu no kin'vobi wa?
Exercise 5
Ask people to do things (Example : (Zasshi a yamu) Zasshi a
vande kudasai.):
1. (Han a miru)
2. (Nihanga de hanasu)
3. (Mama a taberu)
4. (Ehagaki a kau)
5. (Kana kami ni kaku)
6. (Kocha a namu)
Exercise 6
Use ni suru in its appropriate form to express the following:
1. Let's make it Sunday .
2. I'll have beer.
3. Let's make it the thirteenth of June .
4. I'll have ocha .
5. Let 's make it Saturday.
Exercise 7
Nani a kaimashita ka?
1. Two bottle s of beer.
2. Ten prawns.
3. Three leeks.
4. Five spoons .
5. Six pens .
6. One umbrella .
Exercise 8
Nampun gura i machimashita ka?
1. Five minutes.
2. Te n min utes .
3. Fifteen minu tes.
4. Twenty min utes .
5. Thi rty minutes.
Exercise 9
Put in the appropriate particles (0 , de , wa , to , ni, rno , no , ka, ga):
1. Eigo - - hanashimasu.
2. Sate -san - - hanash imashita .
3. Teeburu - - ue - - nan i - - arimasu - - ?
4. - - ippai?
5. Kocha - - shimasu.
6. Ito - - iu tomodach i desu.
7. So no hon - - omosh iroku - - arimasen .
8. Hon 'ya - - jibiki - - kaimashita .
Section B
Exerci se 10
Inven t answers to the following que stions:
1. Nani 0 nom itai desu ka?
2. Nani 0 kakitai desu ka?
3. Nani 0 tabeta i desu ka?
4. Nihon de nan i 0 m itai desu ka?
5. Kudamonoya de nan i 0 kaita i desu ka?
6. Nani 0 yom itai desu ka?
Exerci se 11
What is Mr Ya mada doi ng?
1. Kyo yasunde imasu ka? (No , he's working.)
2. Kocha 0 nonde imasu ka? (No, he's drinki ng ocha .)
3. Sakana 0 tabete imasu ka? (No , prawns.)
4. Zasshi 0 yonde imasu ka? (No , a newspaper. )
5. Ehagaki 0 kaite imasu ka? (No, a letter. )
6. Kitte 0 katte imasu ka? (No, a postcard .)
7. Denwa de hanashite imasu ka? (No, he's readin g a
magazine .)
Exercise 12
T rans late the following :
1. Th ere are th ree pens in fro nt of the teleph on e.
Exercise 13 ~
Play the part of Mr Foster in the following dialogue:
Mr Maeda: Oisogashii desha ka?
Mr Foster: ~ (No , I'm not .)
Mr Maeda: Pen 0 kaimashita ka?
Mr Foster: (I forgot.)
Mr Maeda: Shimbun wa arimasu ka?
Mr Foster: (Yes there is, but Mr Ito is reading it.)
Mr Maeda: Zasshi wa arimasu ka?
Mr Foster: (Yes, on the table .)
Mr Maeda: Kocha 0 onomi ni narimasu ka soretomo ocha
desu ka?
Mr Foster: ...................................... (I'd like kocha . Thank you .)
MrMaeda: DOlO.
Mr Foster: ... (Oh, is there a spoon?)
Dialogue I
Mr Ito and Mr Foster have elevenses.
Mr It6: Okusama wa kyo nani 0 shite imasu ka?
Mr Foster: Kaimono 0 shite imasu. Ima nanji desu ka?
Mr It6: Ima jQichiji jQgofun desu.
Mr Foster: Chodo kanai wa kohil 0 nonde okashi 0 tabete
Mr It6: So desu ka? Mainichi kohii 0 nonde okashi 0 tabete
imasu ka?
Mr Foster: Mainichi kohii 0 nomimasu ga okashi wa tokidoki
shika tabemasen.
Mr It6: Anata wa biiru 0 nomitai desu ka?
Mr Foster: Hail Kyo yasunde imasu kara biiru 0 ippon nomitai
desu yo. Anata mol
Mr It6: lie! Ima hataraite imasen ga niji ni jimusho e ikimasu
kara biiru 0 nom imasen. Zannen desu gao
Mr Foster: Jimusho e itte nani 0 shimasu ka?
Mr It6: Hagaki 0 kaite tegami 0 yonde denwa de hanashimasu
yo. Foster-san wa hirugohan 0 tabete nani 0
shimasu ka?
Mr Foster: Ginza e itte kanai ni aimasu.
Mr It6: Okusama ni atte kaimono 0 shimasu ka?
Mr Foster: So desho ne! Kanai wa mainichi kaimono a shitai
Dialogue 2 iSI
Mr Foster and Mrs Foster and Mrs Ito discuss their morn ing.
Mr Foster: Konnichi wa!
Dialogue 3 iSj
Telephoning and smoking.
Mrs Ito: Chotto matte kudasai. Denwa de shujin to hanashitai no
desu ga ... Denwa wa arimasu ka?
Mr Foster: Hai, asoko ni arimasu . Kusuriya no mae ni futatsu
Mrs Foster: Ah! Omoidashimashita. Hamigaki a kaitai desu.
Mr Foster: Kusuriya no yoko ni tabakoya ga arimasu kara
watakushi ni tabako 0 katte kudasai.
Mrs Foster: Hito hako?
Mr Foster: Futa hako katte kudasai.
Mrs Ito: Mainichi nambon suimasu ka?
Mrs Foster: Takusan suimasu.
Mrs Foster: lie! Gohon ka roppon dake suimasu.
Mrs Ito: Shujin wa sanjippon gurai suimasu . Ima jimusho de
sutte imasu yo!
Mrs Foster: Karada ni warui desu ne.
Mrs Ito : So desu ne.
The san and the varna are the same Chinese character but san is the
on reading and yama is the kun reading:
(c) Kyoto
Kyoto was the capital of Japan from 794 until 1869. There are many
magnificent Buddhist temples in and around the city, Kiyomizudera
being one of the most spectacular, sited as it is on a high platform
over woods to the south-east of the city.
(d) Telephones
The Japanese love telephoning, and there are public telephones
available everywhere - not only in booths but in the open air , on
shelves outside shops, on railway sweet-stalls and newspaper stands.
suru shite
kuru kite
iku itte
Nani 0 shite imasu ka? What are you doing?
Koko e kite kudasai. Please come here .
(0 Meeting someone
The verb au, to meet , takes ni :
(h) hako
hako means a box or packet or case:
(i) suu
The verb suu is used with tabako (nomu is also som etimes
used) :
Section A
Exercise 1
Link these sentences using the -te form (Example: Okashi 0 tabema-
shita . Shimbun 0 yomimashita-Okashi 0 tabete shimbun 0
1. Tokyo e ikimashita . Kaimono 0 shimashita .
2. Kaimono 0 shimashita. Kohli 0 nomimashita.
3. Kohli 0 nomimashita. Okashi 0 tabemashita.
4. Yokohama e kimashita. Tomodachi ni aimashita.
5. Tomodachi ni aimashita. Uchi e kaerimashita.
6. Tegami 0 kakimashita. YObinkyoku e ikimashita.
7. Otera 0 mimashita. Ginza e kimashita.
Exercise 2
Which Japanese expression is appropriate in sentences (a)-(f) below?
Zannen desu gao
Gomen kudasai.
Chotto matte kudasai.
(a) You reject an invitation with regret.
(b) You want to attract attention on entering a shop.
(c) You tell a friend you want to help yourself to a cup of tea .
He says?
(d) You ask someone to wait for a moment.
(e) You hear this welcome from a shopkeeper.
(f) You apologise for not having brought a pen .
Exercise 3
Put the appropriate word in the blanks:
Exercise 4
Revising adjectives. Translate the following:
1. That red temple is beautiful.
2. That black book is interesting.
3. Japanese is easy but English is difficult.
4. That small dictionary is cheap .
5. Today it's hot and sticky. Yesterday it was cool.
Section B
Exercise 5
Tell us abo ut yourse lf:
1. Anata wa mainichi nani 0 shimasu ka?
2. Ima nani 0 shite imasu ka?
3. Tabako 0 nomimasu ka?
4. Ima kohii 0 nonde imasu ka?
5. Doko de hatarakimasu ka?
6. Tokyo e ikitai desu ka?
7. Kyoto e ikimashita ka?
8. Mainichi shimbun 0 yomimasu ka?
9. Kino kaimono 0 shimashita ka?
10. Nanji ni asagohan 0 tabemashita ka?
Exercise 6
Tr anslate the following:
1. He's free all morning.
2. He's speaking on the phone .
3. What day of the week shall we make it?
4. Let's come again the day after tomorrow.
5. I met Mr Kimura the day befo re yeste rday .
Exercise 7 ~
Play the part of Mr or Mrs Smith in the followin g dialogue :
Mr Maeda : Ima nanji desu ka?
Mr/sSmith: ................... ....................... ........ ... (It 's half past ten)
Mr Maeda : Ima Ito-san wa nani 0 shite imasu ka?
Mr/sSmith: ............. (He 's working at the office at this moment)
Mr Maeda : Anata wa nani 0 shitai desu ka?
Mr/sSmith : ...... .......... (Go to the Gin za and do some shopping)
Mr Maeda: Nani 0 kaitai desu ka?
Mr/sSmith : ..... ....... .... .. (Some tooth paste. Is ther e a chemist' s?)
Mr Maeda: Hai, tabakoya no yoko ni arimasu.
Mr/sSmith : ............ . (A h! I' ve rem emb er ed ! I want to buy some
Mr Maeda: Watakushi ni tabako 0 katte kudasaimasen ka?
Mr/sSmith: .......................... ............. ....... ..... ........ (One pack et ?)
Mr Maeda: So desu. Ariqato.
Mr/sSmith: ................... ...... .. (How many do you smoke a day?)
Mr Maeda: Nijippon gurai suimasu . Anata wa?
Mr/sSmith: ....... (Abo ut fifteen. It 's bad for the health , isn't it!)
Mr Maeda : So desu ns!
Dialogue 1
On the pavement.
Mrs Ito: Ame ga futte imasu kara takushii de ikimash6 ka?
Mrs Foster : Densha wa nanji ni demasu ka?
Mrs Ito : Jippun oki ni demasu. Mite kudasai. Ano depaato no
mae ni takushii ga imasu.
Dialogue 2 j'=j
At the station ticket-office .
Mrs It6: Nagahara made nimai kudasai.
Clerk : Gohyaku yonjO-en itadakimasu.
Mrs It6 : Roppyaku-en de otsuri 0 kudasai.
Clerk: Arigat6 gozaimasu. RokujG-en no okaeshi desu.
Mrs It6: Arigat6.
In the train .
Mrs Ito: Gotanda de norikaemasu.
Mrs Foster : Yurakucho kara Gotanda made eki wa ikutsu
arimasu ka?
Mrs Ito: Eeto . .. Shimbashi, Hamamatsuch6, Tamachi,
Shinagawa, Osaki, Gotanda. Muttsu arimasu .
Mrs Foster: Gotanda kara Nagahara made wa?
Mrs Ito: Itsutsu arimasu .
Mrs Foster: Eki no namae 0 mimashita. Eigo deshita!
Mrs Ito: 56 desu ne. Eki no namae 0 yomu koto ga dekimasu
ne. Kiite kudasai! Eki e tsuku mae ni shasho-san
ga eki no namae 0 iimasu. Desu kara gaikokujin
nimo wakarimasu.
Mrs Foster: Semi desu ne.
Mrs Ito: Ah! Hidari 0 mite kudasai. Fune ga imasu . T6ky6-
wan desu. Migi ni chiisana jinja ga arimasu. Akai
torii 0 miru koto ga dekimasu ka? Sono 6kina ki
wa sugi to iimasu.
Mrs Foster: Kirei desu ne. Jinja e ikitai desu .
Mrs Ito: Ano, uchi e kaette tonari no jinja e ikimash6 ka?
Omoshiroi desh6. Ima ame ga yande imasu kara
uchi e kaette kara sampo shimash6 ka?
takushii taxi
futte (-te form of fu ru , to rain)
densha tr ain
demasu leave (present tense of deru)
oki every
depaato department store
massugu straight ahead
6kina colloquial form of okii, large
tatemono building
tokoro place
migi right-hand
magatte (-te form of magaru, to turn)
mittsume third
kado corner
hidari left -hand
nimotsu packages
hitotsu one
m ittsu three
yottsu four
itsutsu five
muttsu six
motte (-te form of motsu, to hold)
motte kitte kudasai please bring
sayonara good-bye
chikatetsu underground railway
motto more
hayai quick
t6i far
amari (with negative) (not) very
chikai close, near
kakarimasu (present tense of kakaru, to
take (time))
untenshu driver (unten suru, to drive)
konde (-te form of komu, to crowd,
be crowded)
yori than
. . . no h6 ga ii is preferable
itadaku take, accept (a polite verb)
norikaemasu (present tense of
norikaeru (a weak verb)) to
change (station)
ikutsu how many
... koto ga dekimasu are able to (from dekiru, a
weak verb)
kiite (-te form of kiku , to hear)
tsuku arrive
shash6 conductor
fune ship
wan bay
chiisana colloquial form of chiisai
jinja Shinto shrine
torii shrine gate
ki tree
sugi Japanese cedar, cryptomeria
kaette (-te form of kaeru, to return)
tonari no neighbouring, nearby
vande (-te form of yamu, to stop)
kara (after -te form) after
(a) Transport
Taxis are plentiful and relatively inexpensive . What is sur prising,
though, is that few drivers know their way around! It is essential for
the passenger to know where he or she is headed and to be able to
express simple directions . You never tip the driver (tipping is very
uncommon in Japan) and at the end of the journey he will open the
door for you automatically .
The underground railway system is highly efficient, though at
peak-hours it becomes tremendously crowded. Th e names of all
stations are written up in rornaj i (Roman script) and you can get a
map of the subway system in roma]i as well .
There is an overhead 'ring-railway' round Tokyo called the
Yamanote-sen . This links all the main termini and all the stations
that send out lines into the suburbs and surrounding dormitory-
towns . Mrs. Ito and Mrs Foster are circling round the eastern side of
the city to take a suburban line out to the south . This happens to be
another privately-owned railway though in different hands from JR
(Japan Railways), but you can buy one ticket at any station whether
you are 'mixing your lines' or not. All stations now have automatic
ticket-dispensers and you must consult the map above them to see
what price you have to pay .
Public tr ansport of all kinds is swift , regular and reliable . Japanese
trains never leave a second after the scheduled time and if they are
held up (which rarely ever happens) an apology is handsomely made .
The conductor announces the name of each station as the tra in
pulls in.
The word for a long-di stance train is kisha (literally, steam-train) .
The word used in this exercise , densha (literally, electric
train - compare denwa , electric speech, i.e . telephone), refers to
local or suburban trains.
(b) Shrines
Shinto (the Way of the Gods) is the age-old religion of Japan .
Technically , the entire land is sacred , but the innumerable shrines
celebrate particularly holy places . Each shrine has an open gate ,
usually painted red, called a torii (a place for birds to perch - tori , a
bird , i, to be or exist - you have met this in the word imasu) and a
courtyard usually planted with trees - the sugi, a tall evergreen of
characteristic shape, especially being regarded as a sacred tree .
(c) -o ki
T he suffix -oki mean s eve ry (ot her) :
(d) Directions
h itotsu 1
futatsu 2
m ittsu 3
yottsu 4
itsutsu 5
muttsu 6
ikutsu how man y
In order to say 'take away' , you use motte with iku (ho ld and go) , so
'Take away th at ba ub le!' would be :
(j ) . . . no h6 ga ii
T his is another useful comparative construct ion. h6 means 'side' or
'direction', hen ce :
(A ltho ugh, of course, 6kii tatemono and ch iisai jinja are per fectly
correc t. )
aru atte
kaeru kaette
hairu haitte
Be caref ul not to confuse this constructio n with kara after the present
or past tense of the verb :
Section A
Exercise 1
Mak e comparative se nte nces (Example: Takushii wa takai desu.
(Chikatetsu) - Takushii wa chikatetsu yori takai desu.):
1. Depaato wa toi desu. (Yubinkvcku)
2. Nihongo wa omoshiroi desu . (Eigo)
3. Furansugo wa yasashii desu. (Doitsugo)
4. Natsu wa atsui desu . (Aki)
5. Shimbun wa yasu i desu. (Zasshil
Exercise 2
Use kara with the -te form (Example: Uchi e (kaeru) sampo 0
shirnasho - Uchi e kaette kara sampo 0 shimasho.):
1. Gohan 0 (taberu) nani 0 shirnasho ka?
2. Tegami 0 (kaku) vubinkvoku e ikimasu.
3. Tomodachi ni (au) Tokyo e ikimashita.
4. Migi e (magaru) jinja 0 mite kudasai.
5. Hon 0 (yomu) ocha 0 nomitai desu.
Exercise 3
Nani 0 suru koto ga dekimasu ka? Wh at can you do ?
(Example: (see Mt Fuji) - Fuji-san 0 miru koto ga dekimasu.)
1. (Read Jap ane se)
2. (Speak German )
3. (D rink sa ke)
4. (Go to Tok yo to-morrow)
5. (Buy an expe nsive diction ar y)
Exercise 4
How many are ther e? (Example: Kippu ga (1) arimasu - Kippu ga
ichimai arimasu.)
1. Kami ga (2) arimasu.
2. Naganegi ga (6) arimasu .
3. Eki ga (5) arimasu.
4. Ebi ga (5) arimasu .
5. Gaikokujin 0 (7) m imashita.
6. Kitte 0 (3) kaimashita.
Exercise 5
Prob abil it y not certainty. (Example: Ano hito wa koko e kimasu ,
T hat fellow will be coming here - Ano hito wa koko e kuru desha ,
H e will probably come.)
1. Ma inichi sampo shimasu .
2. J ippun kakarim asu.
3. Massugu ikim asu.
4. Tomodachi wa ehagaki 0 kakimasu.
5. Ano Nihonjin wa Eigo de hanashimasu.
Exercise 6
Give the opposite. (Example: (To i) - Amari toku wa arimasen.
Chikai desu .)
1. (Chii sai)
2. (Yasash ii)
3. (Takai)
4. (M uzukashii )
5. (Ii)
Exer cise 7
H ow long will it take? (Example: About ten minut es - Jippun gurai
kakarimasu. )
1. A bout five minutes.
2. About fifteen minutes.
3. About twenty minutes.
4. About thirty minutes.
5. About forty minutes.
6. About fifty minu tes.
Section B
Exercise 8
Densha wa nanj i ni demasu ka? Wh at tim e does the tr ain leave?
(Example: A t ten o'clock - Juji ni demasu.)
1. At half past two .
2. At five to three.
3. A t seven fiftee n.
4. Every five minutes.
5. Every thirty-five min utes.
Exercise 9
1. Osake 0 nonde kara sakana 0 tabemashita.
2. Osake wa oishii desu kara nornirnasho.
3. Tokyo e itte kara kaimono 0 shimashita.
4. Tokyo e ikimasu kara Sate-san ni au koto ga dekimasu.
5. Yuki ga futte imasu kara kaerirnasho,
6. Yuki ga yande imasu kara sampo 0 shitai desu.
7. Denwa de hanashite kara hatarakimashita.
8. Kuruma ga konde imasu kara chikatetsu de ikimasho.
Exercise 10
Give directions:
1. Go straight ahead.
2. Turn left.
3. Take the second turning on the right.
4. Turn left at that big post-office.
5. Turn right at the tobacconist's .
Exercise 11
Translate into Japanese:
1. I went to the station by taxi.
2. I came to Japan by boat.
3. I returned to Yurakucho by underground .
4. I want to go to Kyoto by train .
5. I went to the department-store by car.
Do the full test and mark it, using the mark-scheme suggested. [[you
made any mistakes, make sure you go back and revise the relevant
chapter(s) before proce eding with Chapter 11.
Section 1
Put in the appropriate counters:
1. Kitte 0 (10) kaimashita.
2. Teeburu ga (2) arirnasu.
3. Naganegi 0 (10) kaimashita.
40 Ocha 0 (3) nomimashita.
5. Nimotsu 0 (5) motte kimashita.
(Score: 5)
Section 2
What are you doing at this moment?
1. Tegami 0 kaku.
2. Kaimono 0 suru .
3. Ebi 0 kau.
4. Nihongo de hanasu.
50 Tokyo e kuru.
(Score: 5)
Section 3
Link the two sentences together:
1. Jimusho de hatarakimashita. Tegami 0 kakimashita.
2. Tokyo e ikimashita. Kaimono 0 shimashita.
30 Uchi e kaerimashita. Gohan 0 tabemashita.
4. Gohan 0 tabemashita. Shim bun 0 yomimashita.
5. Shimbun 0 yomimashita. Osake 0 nomimashita.
(Score: 5)
Section 4
Put in the appropria te particles:
1. Otera wa Kiyamizudera - - iimasu.
2. Teeburu - - ue - - nani - - arimasu - - ?
3. Watakushi - - Nihanj in - - aimash ita.
4. K6cha - - shimash6.
5. Otera - - mimashita.
6. Yurakucho - - Gatanda - - eki - - muttsu
7. Senr i - - han desh6 .
8. Ana hito - - Nihanga - - yaku wakarimasu.
(Score: 15)
Section 5.
Translate into Jap anese :
1. Go stra ight ahea d . (2)
2. Turn left. (2)
3. Turn right at the th ird corner. (4)
4. T urn left at that big building. (2)
(Score: Total 10)
Section 6 IEj
Read th e following conversation or listen to it on your casse tte . If you
have th e cassette, do not read the text. Then answer th e qu estions
und ern eath.
Section 7
Translate into Japanese :
1. There is a chemist's next to the post office . (5)
2. There is a telephone in front of the fruit shop . (5)
(Score: Total 10)
Section 8
Write out in full:
25000 yen
36000 yen
360 yen
645 yen
3700 yen
(Score: 10)
Section 9
Give the opposite :
1. Hatarakimashita.
2. Yasui desu.
3. Chikai desu.
4. Karada ni warui desu.
5. Nihongo wa rnuzukashii desu.
(Score 5)
Section 10
Translate into English :
1. Ame ga yande imasu kara sampo 0 shirnasho ka?
2. Ikura desu ka? Mada wakarimasen.
3. Raishu no kin'vobi ni mata kirnasho.
4. Sukoshi muzukashii desu ga omoshiroi desu.
5. Tokyo e kite kara jinja 0 mimashita.
(Score: 10)
Dialogue 1
Mr Foster tells Mrs Ito about his wife's health .
Mrs Ito: Ohavo gozaimasu, Foster-san. Ame ga yande otenki
ga yoku narimashita ne.
Dialogue 2 r:Sj
A little later.
Mr Foster: Sumimasen. Kanai wa nodo ga itai node mizu 0
ippai nomitai yo desu .
Mrs It6 : So desu ka. Sore dewa watakushi ga mizu 0 motte
Mr Foster : lie, watakushi ga motte ikimasu yo. Daidokoro e itte
mizu 0 motte kimasu.
Mrs It6: Anata wa soko ni kakete itte kudasai. Watakushi ga
okusama 0 mi ni ikimasu yo.
Mr Foster: Ito-san wa shinsetsu desu ne. Arigato gozaimasu .
Dialogue 3 EJ
In Mrs Foster's bedroom .
Mrs It6 : Ohavo gozaimasu . Goshujin no ohanashi dewa anata
wa guai ga warui so desu ne. Honto desu ka?
Mrs Foster: Honto desu yo . Nodo ga itai node amari hanasu
koto ga dekimasen.
Mrs It6: Atama mo itai desu ka?
Mrs Foster: Sakuban yori ii desu keredomo mada itai desu.
Mrs It6: Oishasan e ikanakereba narimasen ne. Foster-san wa
aruku koto ga dekimasu ka?
Mrs Foster: Dekimasu yo . Oishasan no ie wa toi desu ka?
Mrs It6: li e. aru ite tatta no gofun desu. Asagohan 0 tabete kara
ikim ash6. Ano . . . nani 0 tabetai desu ka?
Tamago? Pan?
Mrs Foster: Nan i mo tabetaku wa arimasen. Nanika nomita i
desu .
Mrs It6: Nani 0 nom itai desu ka? K6h ii? K6cha ?
Mrs Foster: Ocha no h6 ga ii desh6. Arimasu ka?
Mrs It6: Mochiron arimasu . Chotto matte kudasai. Daidokoro e
itt e, gofun go ni ocha 0 motte kimasu.
Mrs Foster : Ar igat6 goza imasu.
Japanese doctors tend not to make house -calls. They very often issue
their own medicines there and then . There is a National Insurance
system in Japan but this is on a repayment basis , so the patient must
be prepared to pay the doctor or dentist after treatment. Doctors
tend to specialise rather - for children, for women , for certain
complaints - and so it is as well to check before making an appoint-
ment or visiting a surgery .
There is a good deal of 'alternative medicine' - acupuncture and its
somewhat more alarming counterpart 'moxa cautery', when the
specialist sets fire to little cones of herbs on the patient's bare skin!
Advertisements for doctors of all varieties are clearly visible in the
street, and so it is advisable yet again to master the written language.
(b) naru
After the adverbial form of a true adjective - remember, you sub-
stitute -ku for the final -i (warui, waruku) except with ii which has
the irregular form yoku - or after ni after any other word, naru
means to become:
As verbs in the -ta i form have become true adjectives, they have their
-te form also in -kute:
tsuitachi 1st
futsuka 2nd
mikka 3rd
yokka 4th
itsuka 5th
muika 6th
nanoka 7th
voka 8th
kokonoka 9th
toka 10th
juvokka 14th
hatsuka 20th
nijuvokka 24th
(0 Negative infinitives
To form the negative infinitive of a weak verb, you substitute -nai for
the final -ru - e.g., taberu, to eat; tabenai, not to eat.
To form the negative infinitive of a strong verb, you alter the final
vowel to -a and add -nai - e .g.
Do not worry too much about this at the moment , but it is very
important because we use this negative to form 'must' ideas.
Section A
Exercise 1
Give the date in Japanese:
1. July 1
2. October 6
3. January 14
4. May 9
5. June 3
6. February 2
7. March 7
8. April 10
9. August 5
10. September 20
Exercise 2
Translate linking the adjectives and using their -te form :
1. The car is big and red .
2. The book is small and black .
3. Japanese is easy and interesting.
4. My throat is painful and inflamed (red) .
Exercise 3
Convert the following statements (Example: Samui desu - Samuku
1. Taihen atsui desu.
2. Nihongo wa muzukashii desu.
3. Kodomo wa 6kii desu.
4. Onaka ga itai desu.
5. Warui desu.
Exercise 4
Translate the following:
1. Mr Ito has a car.
2. I've got some stamps.
3. Mr Yamada's throat hurts .
4. Mrs Sato has a headache.
5. He 's got a large house .
Exercise 5
What must you do? (Example: Kyoto e iku - Kyoto e ikanakereba
1. Osake 0 nomu.
2. Fuji-san 0 miru .
3. Uchi e kaeru .
4. Denwa de hanasu.
5. Ki 0 tsukeru .
6. Yasumu.
7. Genki ni naru .
8. Asahan 0 taberu.
9. Gotanda de norikaeru.
10. Biiru 0 mitsukeru.
Exercise 6
What is wrong with Mr Kawakami ? (Example: Kawakami-san wa te
ga itai desu . - Mr Kawakami 's hand hurts .)
1. Kawakami-san wa onaka ga itai desu.
2. Kawakami-san wa atama mo itai desu.
3. Kawakami-san wa kaze 0 hikimashita.
4. Kawakami-san wa netsu 9a demashita.
5. Kawakami-san wa node ga itai desu.
Section B
Exercise 7
Itsu Nihon e kimashita ka?
1. Yesterday.
2. Four days ago .
3. In 1977.
4. On November 8.
5. Ten days ago .
6. On December 24.
7. At 9.30 a.m .
8. The day before yesterday .
9. Yesterday evening.
10. Thi s morning.
Exercise 8 ~
Play the part of Mr Smith in the following dialogue:
Mr Yamada: Ame ga futte imasu ka?
MrSmith: (No , it's stopped.)
Mr Yamada: Atsui desu ka?
MrSmith: (No, it's turned cold .)
Exercise 9
Tr anslate into Japanese :
1. I want to eat an egg and drink some Indian tea.
2. I want to go to Yokohama and buy a despatch-case .
3. Mrs Ito went into the kitch en and fetched some cakes.
4. My wife wants to go for a walk and do some shopping.
5. We met a Japanese and spoke Japanese .
120 CHAPTER 12
Dialogue 1
Mrs Ito introduces her friend.
Mrs Ito : Kono kata wa Foster-san to iu tomodachi desu. Toka
mae ni Nihon e kite ima uchi ni irasshaim asu.
Doctor: So desu ka? Igirisu no kata desu ka? Anata wa
Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?
Mrs Foster: Sukoshi wakarimasu keredomo anata no hanashi
ga wakaranakereba Ito-san ga yakushite kuda-
Mrs Ito: Watakushi wa Eigo 0 yoku hanasu koto wa dekimasen
ga tonikaku setsumei shimasho.
Mrs Foster: Arigato gozaimasu. Ano . .. yukkuri hanashite
Doctor: Do shimashita ka?
Mrs Foster: Atama ga itai desu. Netsu ga sukoshi dete nodo
mo itaku narimashita.
Doctor: Taion ga sanjQ hachido sambu arimasu. Hidoku wa
arimasen keredomo otaku e kaette yasumanake-
reba narimasen.
Mrs Foster: Asatte shujin to issho ni Kyoto e ikimasu. Daijobu
desu ka?
Doctor: Heinetsu ni naranakereba Kyoto e iku koto wa dekima-
sen keredomo kono aoi kusuri 0 nomeba hayaku
genki ni narimasu yo.
Dialogue 2 r:Sj
They discuss the medicine.
Mrs Foster: Itsu sono aoi kusuri 0 nomanakereba narimasen
Doctor: Shokuzen ni nonde kudasai . Mainichi sando desu.
Asagohan no mae, hirugohan no mae, yQgohan
no mae desu. Wakarimashita ka?
Mrs Foster : Yoku wakarimashita. Nani 0 taberu koto ga
dekimasu ka?
Doctor: Nan demo kekko desu keredomo nodo ga itai yo desu
kara takusan nonde kudasai.
Mrs Ito: Nani ga hoshii desu ka, Foster-san?
Mrs Foster: Mizu ga hoshii desu.
Doctor: Kono kusuri wa oishii desu ka?
Mrs Foster: lie! Dai kirai desu! Totemo mazui desu.
Doctor: Taihen ii kusuri desu ga aji wa honto ni warui desu.
Okinodoku desu ne.
Mrs Foster: Demo , daijobu desu yo.
Dialogue 3 e:i
Mrs Ito : Sa, hayaku kaeranakereba narimasen.
Anata wa hirugohan 0 tabete kara beddo e ikana-
kereba narimasen yo. Beddo de hirugohan 0
tabetai desu ka?
Mrs Foster : lie, Ito-san. Hirugohan 0 tabete kara yasumimasu
keredomo ima wa beddo e ikitaku wa
Mrs Ito: Terebi 0 mitai desu ka?
Mrs Foster: Hai. Terebi ga suki desu.
Mrs Ito : Koshikakete ocha 0 nominagara terebi 0 mite kudasai.
Nihongo desu kara anata no tame ni narimasu yo.
Mrs Foster: Ma Ito-san! Watakushi wa bvoki desu yo. Benkvo
shitaku wa arimasen!
Mrs Ito : Mainichi benkvo shite kudasai! Benkvo sureba ojozu
ni narimasu!
We have met kudasai, which means 'please' , after the -te form of a
verb: kono kusuri 0 nonde kudasai, please drink this medicine , or
pleas e take this medicine (because you always use the verb nomu,
even if the medicine is in tablet form) . Kudasaimasu is used when
you are asking someone to do you a favour:
The situation with radio is similar. NHK is the one station that has
nationwide coverage. Western music of all kinds is well known and
well liked but traditional Japanese singing is hugely popular and the
singers, male and female , have star status.
(d) wa and ga
In each chapter so far you have seen many examples of the use of
these rather tricky particles. It must be confessed that foreigners find
their correct use extremely difficult - so often when one says wa , a
Japanese friend will courteously suggest that ga is better, and vice
However .. . basically, wa is an attention-calling particle (and as
such is frequently tacked on to ni or de as in Nihon dewa or uchi
niwa) whereas ga seems to be slightly stronger and controls the verb
as its subject:
But if you look back over the preceding chapters, you will find
exceptions to these rules . So the best course to follow is to learn how
to use wa and ga in context as they happen - and not to worry too
(e) If
In Chapter 11 we met the -nakereba form:
To say 'if' without the negative, you merely take off the last -u of any
verb and put -eba instead :
(f) aoi
aoi is a curious word . It means the green of foliage , the blue of the
sky , the colour GO at traffic-lights, the colour of unripe fruit , a sickly
complexion - and is also used to mean 'raw' or inexperienced.
(h) -nagara
This is a useful verb-ending which is really an emphatic way of linking
two sentences together to describe simultaneous actions :
You take off the -masu ending of the present tense, and replace it
with -nagara.
(i) -mash6
The ending -mash6 can often be used where the English would
require a future tense :
The implication is that something will probably take place . If you use
the -masu form, you are being much more definite . Hence, as in the
first example, if you are doing something for another person, you use
a less certain verb-form to imply deference.
U) To be useful/beneficial
... no tame ni means 'for the sake of' . With the verb naru, to
become, we get the construction 'to be useful ' or 'beneficial' to
(k) Reactions
As in any other language there are many 'noises' which people make
to signify their reactions. These are not really 'words' but mutually
agreed sounds - in English, 'Oh?', 'A ha !' , 'H mmm!' for example. As
Japanese is more rigorously organised than English, these sounds can
perhaps be more easily put into categories. You will have noticed that
'set phrases' are far more common in Japanese than in English :
Section A
Exercise 1
Put in the appropriate particles , wa or ga :
1. Watakushi - biiru - suki desu.
2. Anata - mizu - hoshii desu ka?
3. 5hujin - ocha - dai kirai desu.
4. Kodomo - atama - itai desu.
5. Ito-san - okane - arimasu yo.
Exercise 2
Link the following sentences together using the -nagara form :
1. Biiru 0 nomimashita. Terebi 0 mimashita.
2. Terebi 0 mimashita. Okashi 0 tabemashita.
3. Okashi 0 tabemashita. Hon 0 yomimashita.
4. Tokyo e ikimashita. Tomodachi to hanashimashita.
5. Sampo shimashita. Nihongo de hanashimashita.
Exercise 3
Put the verb in brackets into the 'if' form, and translate the sentence
(Example: Tokyo e (iku) kaimono suru koto ga dekimasu - Tokyo
e ikeba kaimono suru koto ga dekimasu , If you go to Tokyo you
can go shopping.) :
1. Kusuri 0 (nomu) genki ni narimasu.
2. Kyoto e (iku) subarashiii otera 0 miru koto ga
3. Nihongo 0 (hanasu) [ozu ni narimasu.
4. Gohan 0 (taberu) okiku narimasu.
5. Koko e (kuru) Fuji-san 0 miru koto ga dekimasu.
Exercise 4
Put in the appropriate 'noises', ano , ana ne, eeto , sa, rna:
1. - oisha-san e ikitaku wa arimasen.
2. - ... Hon'ya wa doko desu ka?
3. - anata wa Kyoto e ikitai desu ka?
4. - okusama wa bvoki desu kara Kyoto e iku koto
wa dekimasen.
5. - hayaku kaerirnasho.
Exercise 5
Say the opposite (Example: Shiroi desu ka? - Kuroi desu.):
1. Yukkuri hanashimashita ka?
2. Oishii desu ka?
3. Suki desu ka?
4. Igirisu e ikitai desu ka?
5. Muzukashii desu ka?
Exercise 6
Play the part of Mr Smith in the following dialogue:
Mr Ito: Kyoto e ikimashita ka?
MrSmith: (No, I haven't)
Mr Ito: Ototoi Nihon e kimashita ka?
MrSmith : (No , yesterday)
Section B
Exercise 7
Translate the following sentences:
1. If you get better you can go to Nikko .
2. If you do not get better you cannot go to Kyoto.
3. If you go to Yokohama you can buy a German dictionary.
4. If you do not go to Japan you cannot see Mt Fuji
(Fuji-san) .
5. If you take this medicine you will get better.
6. If you do not study you will not improve (oj6zu ni naru) .
7. If you go to the department store you can buy some chairs.
Exercise 8
Answer the following questions about yourself:
1. Nani 0 tabetai desu ka?
2. Nani ga hoshii desu ka?
3. Nani 0 nomitai desu ka?
4. Nani ga suki desu ka?
5. Nani ga kirai desu ka?
Exercise 9
Ask someone to help you: (Example: Yakusu - Yakush ite
1. Setsumei suru.
2. Depaato e iku.
3. Ehagaki 0 kaku .
4. Koko e kuru .
5. Jibiki 0 kau.
Exercise 10 rSj
Play the part of Mr Smith in the following dialogue :
Doctor: 06 shimashita ka?
MrSmith: (I have a headache and a sore throat)
Doctor: Netsu ga demashita ka?
MrSmith: (Slightly. My temperature is 37.9)
Doctor: S6 desu ka. Onaka ga itai desu ka?
MrSmith: ........ (No. It began to hurt yesterday but it is all right
Doctor: Kin6 nani 0 tabemashita ka?
MrSmith: (Some prawns, some rice)
Doctor: Takusan nomitai desu ka?
MrSmith .... (Yes. As I have a sore throat I drink a lot of water)
Doctor: Nodo ga taihen itai desu ka?
MrSmith: (It's better than last night but it still hurts)
Doctor: Kaze desu. Ki 0 tsukete kudasai.
MrSmith: (Is it serious?)
Doctor: Hidoku wa arimasen keredomo otaku e kaette yasu-
manakereba narimasen.
MrSmith: (I'm going to Matsushima on the tenth . Is that
all right?)
Doctor: Heinetsu ni naranakereba Matsushima e iku koto ga
dekimasen keredomo kono kusuri 0 nomeba genki ni
narimasu yo.
MrSmith: (When should I take that medicine?)
Doctor: Shokuzen ni nonde kudasai.
MrSmith: (Thank you very much . Goodbye)
Exercise 11
Without looking back , see if you can remember what these words
1. Tonikaku
2. Shinsetsu
3. Tamago
4. Daidokoro
5. Okinodoku
6. Kokonoka
7. Mitsukeru
8. Aji
9. Totemo
10. Setsumei
Exercise 12
Translate the following phrases:
1. Sore wa ikemasen ne.
2. Nan demo kekko desu.
3. Aruite tatta no jippun desu.
4. Gomen kudasai.
5. Oisogashii desha.
6. Hidari e magatte kudasai.
7. Benkvo shinakereba narimasen.
8. Kakete kudasai.
9. Ohavo gozaimasu.
10. oe shimashita ka?
132 CHAPTER 13
Dialogue 1
Mrs Ito and Mrs Foster discuss some shopping.
Mrs It6: Sono kusuri 0 nomeba genki ni narimasu yo.
Mrs Foster: Me naorimashita yo! Ima totemo genki desu .
mo already
naorimashita (from naoru, to get well,
dekakenakereba if you do not go out (from
dekakeru, to go out)
tsumori desu intend to
ee oh yes
ume plum
moshi if
to ten
yoi rather formal for ii
tome certainly
isoganaide kudasai please do not hurry (from
nakereba if there is not/are not
sore hodo that much, to that extent
jOyo importance, matter of con-
yattsu eight
futorimasu I'll get fat (from futoru, to
get fat)
rainen next year
hikoki aeroplane
kaisha firm, company
tazuneru visit (weak verb)
itsu demo any time
tanoshimi pleasure, enjoyment , delight
haru spring (the season)
seihin product(s)
uru sell
ikutsu how many
arutoki sometimes
tokiniwa at times
nanatsu seven
zenzen never (with negative)
atarashii new
(a) M6 naorimashita
Me naorimashita means 'By now I have completely recovered' ,
and is the normal response to an enquiry after one has suffered from
an illness
(b) To intend to
If you put tsumori desu after the infinitive of a verb (what we can
call the 'dictionary form'), it means 'to intend to':
(d) Moshi
Moshi emphasises the if-clause :
(e) -tomo
-tomo is used at the end of a sentence to express polite
willingness :
isogu to hurry
isoganai not to hurry
isoganaide kudasai please don't hurry
taberu to eat
tabenai not to eat
tabenaide kudasai please don't eat
Please now look back at the 'availa ble Japanese syllables' given in the
Guide to Pronunciation. This pattern will help you to see the logic in
the way strong verbs form their 'if' forms and their negatives.
As you learnt in Chapter 12.3 (e), to form the 'if' form you alter the
final -u to -eba:
hanasu hanaseba
yomu yomeba
au aeba
kaku kakeba
ta chi tsu te to
motsu moteba
matsu mateba
Verbs ending in -au are slightly irregular in that they take a w for the
But motsu and matsu are perfectly regular if once again you consult
the syllabic scheme - -tsu becomes -ta:
(g) nai
nai is the negative infinitive of aru :
nanatsu 7
yattsu 8
kokonotsu 9
to 10
Section A
Exercise 1
Ask someone to get you things (Example : Watakushi ni (plums) 0
katte kite kudasaimasen ka? - Watakushi ni ume 0 katte kuda-
saimasen ka?):
1. Watakushi ni (leeks) 0 katte kite kudasaimasen ka?
2. (a dictionary)
3. (apples)
4. (eggs)
5. (stamps)
Exercise 2
What do you intend to do? (Example: (go out) Dekakeru tsumori
desu .)
1. (study)
2. (go to the station)
3. (go shopping)
4. (read a magazine)
5. (visit Mr Ito 's firm)
Exercise 3
Tell someone not to do something . (Example : Terebi 0 mite
kudasai - Terebi 0 minaide kudasai.)
1. Gohan 0 tabete kudasai.
2. Tegami 0 kaite kudasai.
3. Osake 0 nonde kudasai.
4. Eigo de hanashite kudasai.
5. Momo 0 katte kudasai.
6. Matte kudasai.
7. Yokohama e itte kudasai.
8. Tomodachi 0 tazunete kudasai.
Exercise 4
T his year is Sh6wa 50. Next year?
1. Kotosh i wa Sh6wa goj Q-nen desu . Rainen wa?
2. Kotoshi wa Sh6wa gojQ-nen desu. Sarainen wa?
3. Ototoshi wa Sh6wa roku jQsan-nen deshita. Kyonen
4. Kyonen wa sen kyQhyaku hach ijQroku -nen deshita.
Ototoshi wa ?
Exercise 5
Nan i 0 kaimashita ka? What have you bought? (Example: 2
chai rs - Isu 0 futatsu kaimashita. )
1. 10 apples.
2. 7 cakes .
3. 5 eggs.
4. 9 peac hes .
5. 8 tab les.
6. 11 tele pho nes .
Exercise 6
Put into the negati ve (Example: Ume 0 kaeba motte kaer i-
masu. - Ume 0 kawanakereba motte kaerimasen. ):
1. Yokohama e ikeba tomodachi ni aimasu.
2. Kusuri 0 nomeba genki ni nar imasu.
3. Okashi 0 tabereba futorimasu.
4. Shimbun 0 yomeba yoku wakarimasu.
5. Ehagak i 0 kakeba yQbinkyoku e ikim asu.
6. Isogeba jQniji ni tsukimasu .
Exercise 7
Nani 0 shitai desu ka? What do you want to do? (Example: Ea t
some fish - Sakana 0 tabetai desu .)
1. Go to the bank.
2. Go out.
3. Go for a walk.
4. Return home .
5. Write a letter.
6. Mee t a friend .
Section B
Exercise 8
What can you buy where ? (Example: Moshi kudamonoya e iku
nara ume 0 kau koto ga dekimasu.)
1. Hon'ya?
2. Eki?
3. Sakanaya?
4. VObinkyoku?
5. Sakaya?
Exercise 9 i'iSj
Play the part of Mr Smith in the following dialogue:
Mr It6: Sono kusuri 0 nomeba genki ni narimasu yo.
MrSmith: ......... (I'm fine now, honestly. I'm completely cured.)
Mr It6: Ky6 dekakemasu ka?
MrSmith: (Yes, I'm going out at half past ten .)
Mr It6: Doko e iku tsumori desu ka?
MrSmith: (I intend going to the bank.)
Mr It6: So no ato wa?
MrSmith: (After going to the bank 1 shall go to the post-
office .)
Mr It6: Watakushi ni kitte 0 katte kite kudasaimasen ka?
MrSmith: (Of course . How many stamps will it be ?)
Mr It6: Hyaku gojO-en no kitte 0 jOmai katte kudasai.
MrSmith: (Do you intend going to Tokyo to-day")
Mr It6: S6 desu .
Mr Smith : (As 1 am rather busy would you be so kind as to visit
my firm ?)
Mr It6: Mochiron tazunemasu yo.
MrSmith: (If you go to my firm could you possibly bring my
letters back with you ?)
Mr It6: Hai.
MrSmith: (If there aren't any letters that's all right - as it's not
all that important.)
Exercise 10
Translate the following .
1. That will be a pleasure .
2. You never know .
3. July would probably be preferable.
4. If 1 go out at two will that be all right ?
5. I'll have to go to Germany again .
6. Take your time!
CHAPTER 14 141
Dialogue I Ej
Simon and Nobuo discuss likes and dislikes.
Nobuo : Ongaku ga suki desu ka?
Simon: 56 desu ne. Rek6do a kiku koto ga suki desu yo.
Nobuo: Rek6do ga takusan arimasu ka?
Simon: Hyakuma i gura i arimasu keredomo konogoro wa
teepu dake a kaimasu .
Nobuo: Rek6do yori yasui desu ka?
Simon : lie, onaji desu .
Nobuo: Eiga ga suki desu ka?
Simon: Ane wa eiga ga suki desu keredomo baku wa eigakan
e tama ni shika ikimasen. Kimi wa?
Nobuo: 5uki desu yo . Moshi samurai no eiga ga areba tonde
ikimasu yo!
Simon: Kimi wa terebi ga suki desu ka?
Nobuo : Boku wa terebi ga kirai desu. Chiisasug imasu ne. Baku
wa 6kina sukuri in no h6 ga suki desu .
Simon: Hon a yomu koto ga suki desu ka?
Nobuo: Amari suki ja arimasen . Gakk6 de takusan yomanake-
reba narimasen kara uchi dewa tama ni shika
Dialogue 2 ~
Jenny and Yoshiko have eleve nses .
Yoshiko: K6hii to jusu to dochira ga ii desu ka?
Jenny: K6hii no h6 ga ii desu. Arigat6.
Yoshiko: Osato ya miruku ga irimasu ka?
Jenny: Osat6 mo miruku mo irimasu. Anata wa?
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Dialogue 3 fBi
G ents and Ladi es.
Jenny: Sumimasen. Otearai e ikitai no desu ga doko desh6 ka?
Yoshiko : Asoko desu. Kanji 0 yomu koto ga dekimasu ka?
Jenny: lie, yomu koto ga dekimasen.
Yoshiko: Mite kudasai. Sono kanji no yomikata wa danshi
'f-~ =r- desu. Otoko to iu imi desu . Ano kanji wa
joshi tc -f- to yomimasu . Onna no
hito no koto desu. Wasurenaide
Jenny: Ima naraimashita kara oboemasu yo .
Yoshiko: Kanji 0 naraeba Nihongo wa dandan yasashiku nari -
masu ne. Mainichi atarashii kanji 0 oboereba
Nihongo ga yoku wakaru desh6.
Jenny: S6 desu ne. Kanji 0 wasurenakereba ashita mo otearai
o mitsukeru koto ga dekimasu. Bemi desu ne.
Yoshiko: Benky6 shinakereba narimasen!
ongaku mu sic
rek6do a record
kiku listen
dandan gradually
oboeru remember (a weak verb),
the opposite of wasureru
benky6 shinakereba you must study (from
narimasen suru)
(a) Names
Japanese names consist of a surname or family name like Ito or
Yamada or Kawaguchi, which comes first, and then a given name. Mr
and Mrs Ito's son is Ito Nobuo and their daughter is Ito Yoshiko.
Common male names are Ichiro (first son) , Jiro (second son),
Hideo , Takashi . Common female names often end in -ko like
Sachiko, Yukiko, Keiko or Hideko.
The surnames often derive from place : yama, a mountain ; kawa, a
river ; ta, a rice-field; hayashi , a wood ; mori, a forest ; shima, an
island . So Yamashita is Underhill; Kobayashi is Littlewood ; Yamada
is Hillfield.
Great care is taken over the choosing of a given name . Priests are
consulted and the 'look' of the name (i.e., which kanji are chosen to
represent the sound) is of prime importance . You often see a
Japanese being introduced to a stranger and writing his name on his
palm because the kanji his parents chose are so unusual. When
simplified kanji were introduced after the war many Japanese
objected because their names were 'rnisspelt' in the telephone
directory .
anta. There are different endings for sentences depending on the sex
of the speaker, different verb-forms, different 'social noises' . In this
book up till now the 'neutral' form has been used, a polite impersonal
form of language suitable for either sex and especially for foreigners
who are 'outside' the nuances of class and age and gender.
suru to do
shinai not to do
shinaide kudasai please don't
shinakereba narimasen you must do
kuru to come
konai not to come
konaide kudasai please don't come
konakereba narimasen you must come
tobu to fly
tonde imasu is flying
tonde ikimasu rush (literally, go flying)
(n) Probability
desha can be used after the dictionary form to imply probability :
Section A
Exercise 1
Revision of verbs: nani 0 shite imasu ka? (Example: Benkvo
suru - Benkvo shite imasu .)
1. Yasumu .
2. Terebi 0 miru.
3. Matsu.
4. Tomodachi 0 tazuneru.
5. Naoru .
6. Ongaku 0 kiku.
7. Nihongo 0 narau .
8. Eigo 0 hanasu.
9. Eki e iku.
10. Yokohama kara kuru .
Exercise 2
Nani 0 shinakereba narimasen ka? (Example: Benkvo
suru - Benkvo shinakereba narimasen.)
1. Oboeru.
2. Matsu.
3. Yokohama e iku.
4. Gakko kara kuru.
5. Te 0 arau.
6. Hidari e magaru .
7. Mizu 0 nomu.
8. Denwa de hanasu.
Exercise 3
Nan i 0 shitai desu ka? (Example: Benkvo suru. Benkvo shitai
desu - Benkvo shitaku wa arimasen! )
1. Aruku .
2. Gohan 0 taberu.
3. Hon 0 yomu .
4. Takushii de kuru.
Exercise 4
Use tama ni shika to convert th e following sentences (Example:
Tegami 0 kaku - Tegami 0 tama ni shika kakimasen. ):
1. Tokyo e iku .
2. Koko e kuru .
3. Nihongo de hanasu.
4. Kocha 0 nomu.
5. Ebi 0 taberu.
6. Eiga 0 miru.
Exercise 5
'Probably rather than definitely' (Example: Yoku hanashimasu!
- Yoku hanasu desh6 .):
1. Ocha 0 nomimasu.
2. Kanji 0 oboemasu .
3. Ongaku 0 kikimasu .
4. Benky6 shimasu.
5. Uchi e kaerimasu.
6. Furansugo ga wakarimasu .
7. Kaisha kara kimasu.
8. Kuruma ga konde imasu.
Section B
Exercise 6
An swer the questions as instructed
1. Nani 0 suru koto ga suki desu ka? (I like walking.)
2. By6ki ni nareba nani 0 shimasu ka? (I go the doctor's.)
3. Eki made aruku koto ga dekimasu ka? (No , you must
take a taxi .)
4. Biiru to osake to dochira 9a ii desu ka? (I'd prefer beer.)
Exercise 7
Translate the following :
1. Those leeks are too expensive .
2. Those kanji are too difficult .
3. 1 ate too many cake s.
4. 1 arrived fifteen minutes too early .
Exercise 8
Translate the following:
1. Ano kanji 0 yomu koto ga dekimasu ka?
2. Ano kanji no yomikata wa hon'ya desu.
3. Ano kanji 0 oboemasu.
4. Ano kanji wa isha to yomimasu.
Exercise 9
Put the appropriate word into the blank: (dandan ; zenzen ; rainen;
kyonen ; otoko; onna)
1. Eiga e ikimasen .
2. Otenki wa yoku natte imasu ne.
3. Yoshiko wa no namae desu .
4. Igirisu e iku desha.
5. no fuyu wa samusugimashita ne,
6. wa boku to iimasu .
Exercise 10
Give directions :
1. Otearai e ikitai desu ga doko desha ka? (Behind the
2. Kusuriya e ikitai desu ga doko desu ka? (In front of the
department store)
3. Denwa de hanashitai desu ga denwa ga arimasu ka?
(Over there , beside the bank)
4. Okane mo arimasen kara ginka e ikitai desu ga doko
desha ka? (Go straight ahead, take the first turning on the right. It's
a big building. It is beside the station)
Exercise 11
Translate the following:
1. I learned some new kanji today.
2. I went to the cinema and saw a Japanese film .
3. This small red book is too easy .
4. My friend called Mr Sat6 had to rush to the station .
Exercise 12 ~
Play the part of the guest in the following dialogue :
Host: Ocha to kocha to dochira ga ii desu ka?
Guest: (I'd prefer Indian tea)
Host: Osato ya miruku ga irimasu ka?
Guest: (I take milk but I don't take sugar.)
Host: Okashi 0 doze.
Guest : (No! If I eat too many cakes I'll be ill!)
Host: Hitotsu dake?
Guest: (I'll take one. Thank you.)
Host: Kya nani 0 shitai desu ka?
Guest: (I have a headache so I won 't go out)
Dialogue 1
Planning the trip .
Mr It6: Kodomotachi wa eiga 0 mi ni ikitaso desu.
Mrs It6: Nobuo wa ureshiso desu ne. Igirisu no tomodachi to
hanashitai yo desu ne. Gakko ni tomodachi ga
hitori ka futari iru desho ga tokidoki sabishiso
desu ne.
Mr It6 : Kanai no hanashi dewa Nobuo wa sabishii yo desu ga
boku niwa Nobuo wa itsumo ureshiso desu.
Mochiran gakko de benkvo shinakereba narimasen
ga maishu nichivobi ni tomodachi to issho ni
Tokyo e eiga 0 mi ni ikimasu.
Dialogue 2 i'Sj
Zoo? Museum? Theatre?
Mr It6: Simon 0 tsurete itte kudasai. Futari tome Tokyo e itte
kudasai. Eigakan e iku mae ni jikan ga arimasu kara
Simon wa iroiro na omoshiroi mono 0 mitai desho.
Simon : So desu ne.
Nobuo: Dobutsuen ka hakubutsukan ka gekijo ka doko ga ii
desu ka?
Simon: Dobutsuen ga ichiban ornoshiroso desu ne. Baku wa
dobutsu ga dai suki desu. Igirisu no uchi niwa
shiroi neko ga ippiki, inu ga nihiki imasu.
Nobuo: So desu ka. Demo inu wa neko ga kirai desho.
Simon : lie, sonna koto wa arimasen yo. Sambiki tome naka ga
ii desu yo.
Dialogue 3 i'Sj
Learning to speak Japanese .
Simon: Nihonga de hanashitai desu keredamo hazukashii
Nobuo: Hazukashigaranaide Nihongo de hanaseba baku ga
kimi no Nihongo 0 naoshimasu. Ii desu ka?
Simon: Ii desu yo . Shikashi motto yukkuri hanashite kudasai.
Tokidoki boku wa kimi no Nihongo ga yoku waka-
rimasu ga mata toki niwa chittomo wakarima-
Nobuo: Mado 0 akete kudasai!
Simon: Mo ichido itte kudasai! Wakarimasen deshita!
Nobuo: Jodan deshol Boku wa hakkiri iimashita yo!
hakkiri clearly
oshiete kudasai please teach (-te form of
oshieru, to teach)
machigaeba 'if' form of machigau , to
make a mistake
shimenakereba negative 'if'-form of shi-
meru, to close , shut
shimenakereba I must close
(a) Entertainment
Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world and the entertainments
offered are immensely varied . There are countless cinemas, some
very small, and as well as the latest films from around the world ,
classic films are constantly shown to crammed houses . The National
Theatre shows major Japanese plays, there are music-halls , theatres
specialising in avant-garde performances, theatre-groups that put on
foreign plays in translation as well as the Kabuki and Noh theatres .
Several times a year the wonderful Bunraku or Puppet Theatre from
Osaka comes - the puppets are half life-size , their handlers are in full
view on the stage but such is their art that in minutes you are
completely involved in their dramatic problems. The narration is
sung to an accompaniment of samisen or Japanese guitar and is
marvellously exciting.
Tokyo Museum has a fine collection of Oriental art. It is situated in
Ueno Park to the north of the big business district. Literally tens of
thousands of people visit this park in spring to see the brief season of
cherry-blossom . From this park on a hill Tokyoites used to be able to
see Mt Fuji but now, alas, since twentieth-century pollution has come
to thicken the air , you can see Mt Fuji (about seventy miles to the
south-west) for only three days at the New Year when the factories
close down, or sometimes in the late autumn when fierce winds sweep
away the smog. It is worth seeing - an almost perfect cone reddish in
colour, capped in winter with snow.
Baseball is immensely popular and so is sumo, or ritual Japanese
wrestling when oversized athletes try to shove each other out of a
ring . Sumo wrestlers eat vast quantities of rice and chicken - but no
four-legged animal as they have to stay on two legs. All major
sporting events are televised. Golf is popular but enormously expen-
sive - Japan is short of courses - so there are many rooftop or indoor
(d) mai-
mai- means 'every' :
(e) tsureru
Tsureru is to 'take' or 'bring' a person : used with kuru it means to
bring', with iku to take:
(I) jikan
jikan means 'length of time':
ipp iki 1
nihiki 2
sambiki 3
yonhiki 4
gohiki 5
roppiki 6
shichihiki (o r nanahiki ) 7
happiki 8
kyGhik i 9
jippiki 10
Igi ris u no uchi n iwa neko ga ippiki im a s u. In our house in England
there is one cat.
(j) -garu
T he suffix -g a ru rep lacing the final -i of the true adjective mea ns 'to
feel' , or ' be inclined to ' :
(k) naoru
naoru (re me mbe r Cha pte r 13.2) is to be cur ed, to get better. naosu
is to cure , to correct:
(I) ashieru
ashieru, ta teach, a weak verb
(m) machigau
We met chigau in Chapter 14.2. Machigau is to make a
Section A
Exercise 1
Change 'is' to 'seems' Example: Ito-san wa ureshii desu - Ito-san
wa ureshiso desu:
1. Ana han wa ornoshiroi desu.
2. Nobuo wa Eiga a hanashitai desu.
3. Yoshiko wa mizu ga hashii desu.
4. Ane wa sabishii desu.
5. Tamadachi wa hazukashii desu.
Exercise 2
Put in the missing particles (a, ni, to, ka, ga, de, wa, no):
1. Ane - - issho - - eiga - - mi - - ikirnasho.
2. Mama - - ringa - - dachira - - suki desu ka?
3. Gakko - - tamadachi - - futari imasu .
4. Kusuri - - nande kara kanai - - naarimashita.
5. Gakko - - Eiga - - naraimasu.
6. Kusuri - - watakushi - - tamadachi - -
7. Kanai - - genki - - narimashita.
Exercise 3
Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka? Do you understand Japanese?
1. I don 't understand it at all.
2. I'm not very good at it.
3. I understand a little .
4. I understand it well.
5. I can speak it but I cannot write it.
Exercise 4
You have learnt quite a number of words by now. See how many
appropriate word s you can remember in filling in the following
blanks. For example , you could have eaten prawn s, fish, apples,
peaches ; you could have gone to the bank , the statio n, the post
office , etc .
1. - - - - 0 tabemashita.
2. 0 nomimashita.
3. 0 kikimashita.
4. 0 kakimashita.
5. 0 yomimashita.
6. e ikimashita.
7. de hatarakimashita.
Exercise 5
Translate the following :
1. Please bring your wife.
2. Please speak more slowly.
3. Please shut the window.
4. Please drink this medicine .
5. Please don't forget.
6. Please don 't open that letter.
7. Please say that again .
Exercise 6
Answer the following questions:
1. Itsu Nihon e kimashita ka? (Last month)
2. Nannichi deshita ka? (June 24th)
3. Doko kara kimashita ka? (From England)
4. Fune de kimashita ka? (No , by plane)
5. Itsu kaeru tsumori desu ka? (October 10th)
Section B
Exercise 7
Translate the following :
1. Ito-san wa rnaishu Tokyo e ikanakereba narimasen.
Exercise 8 t'GaJ
Play the part of Mr Jones in the following dialogue:
Mr Sat6: Okusama wa ureshis6 desu ne.
MrJones : (My wife likes Japan very much)
Mr Sat6: Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?
MrJones: (She doesn't speak it yet but she wants to learn)
Mr Sat6: Anata wa oj6zu desu ne.
MrJones: (No, I'm not good at it but I do want to speak it)
Mr Sat6: Watakushi ga anata no Nihongo 0 naoshimasu. Ii
desu ka?
Mr Jones: (Indeed it would . I am rather embarrassed, howev er)
Mr Sat6: Hazukashigaranaide Nihongo 0 mainichi hanashite
MrJones: (It's difficult but it is gradually getting easier)
Mr Sat6: Kanji 0 yomu koto ga dekimasu ka?
Mr Jones : (Not yet but I have learned those Chinese characters)
Mr Sat6: Ano kanji 0 yonde kudasai .
MrJones: (Those characters are read as 'Nihon')
Mr Sat6: 56 desu ne! Ojozu desu ne l Kono kanji no yomikata
wa nan desh6 ka?
MrJones: (I do not understand those characters)
Exercise 9
Translate the following:
Exercise 10
Translate the following :
1. If you open that window the room will get cold .
2. If you do not open that window the house will get warm.
3. If you make a mistake I will correct your Japanese.
4. If I do not study I will not become skilled .
5. If you study hard you will be able to read Japanese .
Do the full test and mark it, using the mark scheme suggested . If you
made any mistakes , make sure you go back and revise the relevant
chapter(s) before proceeding with Chapter 16.
Section 1
Translate the following :
1. My friend fell ill.
2. The weather got cold.
3. I have a headache.
4. My wife has a fever .
5. I have caught a cold .
(Score: 15)
Section 2
What are these dates?
January 9
March 15
May 6
September 14
July 20
(Score: 10)
Section 3
Translate the following:
1. I loathe sake.
2. I want some water.
3. I like Tokyo .
4. I have a French car.
5. I like watching television.
(Score: 10)
Section 4
Nani 0 shinakereba narimasen ka?
1. Hataraku.
2. Mado 0 akeru.
3. Uchi e kuru.
4. Tomodachi ni au.
5. Matsu.
(Score: 10)
Section 5
Translate the following :
1. Please don 't eat that apple .
2. Please don't drink that water.
3. Please don't wait.
4. Please don't speak English .
5. Please don't come to-morrow.
(Score: 10)
Section 6
What do you say in the following circumstances?
1. When you are taking your first mouthful.
2. When you greet someone first thing in the morning.
3. When you have just finished a meal prepared for you.
4. When you want to know what is wrong with someone .
5. When someone has told you he is ill.
(Score : 5)
Section 7
Put in the numbers:
1. Neko ga (2) imasu.
2. Nihonjin ga (2) imasu.
3. Tegami 0 (2) kakimashita.
4. Tabako 0 (2) nomimash ita.
5. Isu ga (2) arimasu.
(Score: 5)
Section 8
Translate the following :
1. If you study you will get skilled .
2. If you go to Japan you will be able to see Mt Fuji.
3. If you take this medicine you will get better.
4. If you wait ten minutes that will be all right.
Section 9
Translate the following :
1. Terebi 0 minagara okashi 0 mittsu tabemashita.
2. Nodo ga itai node tabetaku wa arimasen.
3. Ebi 0 tama ni shika tabemasen.
4. Atarashii hon wa takasugimasu kara kaimasen.
5. Oishasan no hanashi dewa kanai wa sampo suru koto
ga dekimasu.
(Score: 15)
Section 10 ~
Read the following conversation or listen to it on your cassette . If you
have the cassette, do not read the text. Then answer the questions
underneath .
Self-assessment grades:
Maximum total score = 105.
Over 85: Excellent
50-85: Satisfactory
Under 50: More revision needed
CHAPTER 16 167
Dialogue 2 i=j
The photographs of Mr Ito 's parents.
Mr Ito: Kono shashin 0 mite kudasai. Chichi desu.
Mr Foster: Otosan desu ka? Tokyo ni sunde imasu ka?
Mr Ito: Mo imasen keredomo. JOnen mae ni nakunarimashita.
Mr Foster: Osabishii desho .
Mr Ito: Haha wa itsumo Matsumoto ni sunde imasu. Ima
hachijOnisai desu. Kore wa haha no shashin desu.
Kyonen no Shoqatsu ni torimashita .
Mr Foster : Okaasama no kimono wa subarashii desu ne. Hige
no aru kata wa donata desu ka?
Mr Ito: Ani desu.
Mr Foster : Oniisan mo Matsumoto ni sunde imasu ka?
Mr Ito: So desu. Furusato desu. Boku wa soko de
Mr Foster : Okusan mo Matsumoto desu ka?
Mr Ito: lie, chigaimasu. Kanai wa Edokko desu!
Dialogue 3 i=j
Mr Ito 's brothers and sisters .
Mr Foster: Ito-san wa oniisan ga hitori imasu ka?
Mr Ito: So desu. lchiro to iu ani wa sOgaku no sensei desu.
Ototo ga futari imasu . Mite kudasai. Kore wa
kvodai no shashin desu. Megane a kakete iru ototo
wa ima Amerika ni sunde imasu ga rainen kikoku
suru desho.
Mr Foster: Sana anna no kata wa ototosan no okusama desu
Mr Ito: lie, irnoto desu.
Dialogue 4 i~j
Visiting grandparents.
Mr Foster: Mainen Matsumoto e kaerimasu ka?
Mr Ito : FutsQ O-Bon no toki ni kaerimasu . Kodomotachi wa
obaasan 0 tazuneru koto ga dai suki desu yo.
Mr Foster: Ryoshin wa Rondon ni sunde imasu kara Simon to
Jenny wa ojiisan to obaasan ni shibashiba
aimasu. Mite kudasai. Kore wa ane no shashin
Mr Ito: Oneesan mo Rondon ni sunde imasu ka?
Mr Foster: So desu. Boku wa ane ga hitori imasu.
Mr Ito: Oneesan wa goshujin ga imasu ka?
Mr Foster: Hai. Gonen mae ni kekkon shimashita.
Mr Ito: Kodomosantachi ga imasu ka?
Mr Foster: Ee, imasu yo . Boku to kanai wa oji to oba ni
Mr Ito: Ornedeto gozaimasu!
January 1 shoqatsu
January 15 Coming of Age Day
February 11 National Foundation Day
March 20 Spring Equinox
April 29 Birthday of the Emperor
May 3 Constitution Day
May 5 Boys' Day
September 15 Respect for the Aged Day
September 23 Autumn Equinox
October 10 Sports Day
November 3 Culture Day
November 23 Thanksgiving for Labour
The three early summer holidays coming close together are called
Golden Week .
There ar e three yearly festivals associated with children. On March
3 Hina matsuri (the Dolls' Festival) , girls arrange court-effigies in
splendid costumes . On May 5, households with boy-children fly flags
with carp on them to signify energy and long life . On November 15
those families with children of three, five and seven years old go to
the shrines - the so-called shichi-go-san festival. Women wear a
bright kimono and men one of a sombre blue . You still see people
going out for the evening in traditional costume and most people
change from Western clothes at home into a comfortable flowing
issai 1
nisai 2
sansai 3
yonsai 4
gosai 5
rokusai 6
shichisai or nanasai 7
hassai 8
kyusai 9
jissai or jussai 10
hatachi 20
sanjissai or sanjussai 30
(0 nakuna ru
nakunaru mea ns to die when referring to a loved one. Ot herwise,
used impersonally, the verb is shinu :
Section A
Exercise 1
An swer the following questions, converting the honorific titles to
members of your own imaginary family:
1. Otosan wa nansa i desu ka? He's 61.
2. Okaasan wa? She's 58.
3. Botchan wa? He's 13.
4. Ojosan wa? She's 11.
5. Okusan wa/Goshu jin wa? She's/He 's 38.
6. On iisan ga imasu ka? I have two .
7. lmotosan ga imasu ka? I have one .
Exercise 2
Te ll us abo ut yourse lf:
1. Anata no tanjobi wa its u desu ka?
2. Doko de umaremashita ka?
3. Ima doko ni sunde imasu ka?
4. Anata no furusato wa doko desu ka?
5. Ima nansai desu ka?
6. Showa jGnen ni umaremashita ka?
7. Honto desu ka?
8. Kekkon shimashita ka? (Itsu?)
9. Goshujin wa/Okusama wa nansai desu ka?
Exercise 3
Ma ke re lative clauses : (Example: Ano hito wa megane 0 ka kete
imasu . Ani desu . - Megane 0 kakete iru h ito wa ani desu .):
1. Ano hito wa hon 0 yonde imasu. Ototo desu.
Exercise 4
Answer changing to the honorific form (Example: Kore wa chichi no
shashin desu. - Ot6san desu ka?):
1. Kore wa haha no shashin desu.
2. Kore wa musume no shashin desu.
3. Kore wa oba no shashin desu.
4. Kore wa kanai no shashin desu.
5. Kore wa ani no shashin desu.
6. Kore wa kodomotachi no shashin desu.
7. Kore wa im6to no shashin desu.
8. Kore wa musuko no shashin desu.
Exercise 5
Put in the correct counters (Example: Amerikajin ga (2)
imasu - Futari) :
1. Neko ga (2) imasu.
2. Ot6to ga (1) imasu.
3. Nihonjin ga (3) imasu.
4. Inu ga (3) imasu.
5. Shashin ga (5) arimasu.
6. Okurimono 0 (2) moraimashita.
7. Naganegi 0 (6) kaimashita.
8. Kasa 0 (1) kaimashita.
Section B
Exercise 6
Translate :
I. My son is five years old.
2. Does your mother live in Yokohama?
3. My grandfather died in 1973.
4. My elder brother has a black beard .
5. Did your son get many presents on his birthday?
6. When did your daughter get married?
7. When is your father coming back to this country?
Exercise 7
1. Nihongo 0 hanashite iru hito wa Eigo no sensei desu.
2. Kanji 0 kaku koto ga dekiru gaikokujin wa oj6zu desu
3. Tabako 0 takusan nomu hito wa oishasan e ikanake-
reba narimasen.
4. Mainichi kaisha de hataraku hito wa doy6bi ni inaka e
ikitai desu.
Exercise 8
Answer the following questions:
1. Eigakan de nani 0 suru koto ga dekimasu ka?
2. D6butsuen de nani 0 miru koto ga dekimasu ka?
3. VQbinkyoku de nani 0 kau koto ga dekimasu ka?
4. Jinja no mae de nani 0 miru koto ga dekimasu ka?
Exercise 9
1. People who live in Hakone can see Mt Fuji every day .
2. The man who teaches maths in this university is my
younger brother.
3. Those who take a walk every day are healthy .
4. The man who is driving that red Japanese car is my father.
Exercise 10 ,'gj
Play the part of the foreign visitor in the following dialogue :
Mr Jones: Anata no tanj6bi wa itsu desu ka?
Mr Seto : (March 9th.)
Mr Jones: Okurimono 0 takusan moraimashita ka?
Mr Seto: ... (Yes, I got a Japanese dictionary, a beautiful kimono
and a new pen.)
Mr Jones: Subarashii desu nel
Mr Seti): (Yes but now I must write lots of letters!)
Mr Jones: Ot6san wa Amerika kara kaerimashita ka?
Mr Set»: (Not yet. He'll be returning home next month
probably .)
Mr Jones: Amerika de nani 0 shite imasu ka?
Mr Seto: (He's working in an office.)
Dialogue 1
The Sushi Bar. -t L- h~
Dialogue 2 i~i
The Tempura Restaurant. l: Iv ~~ G If.
Mr It6: Kore wa yOmei na tempuraya desu. HairimashO ka?
Mr Foster: Ee, demo takaso desu kara sukoshi hairinikui desu
Mr It6: Watakushi wa koko e kita koto ga arimasu. Sonna ni
takaku wa arimasen yo.
Mr Foster: Sore dewa hairirnasho, Okane wa tappuri arimasu!
Mr ItO: Mado no soba no teeburu e ikirnasho ka?
Mr Foster: Menyu wa rornaji de kaite arimasu kara kondo wa
yomiyasui desu ne! Demo, matsu, take, ume to
wa nan desu ka?
Mr It6: Teishoku desu. Matsu ga ichiban takai desu. Matsu
niwa ebi to ika to nasu to shiitake ga haitte imasu.
Dialogue 3 ~
The Sukiyaki Restaurant. -t ~ ~ ~ f.t~
Mr It6: Anata wa gaikoku no kata desu kara mochiron niku ga
suki desho.
Mr Foster: Watakushi wa Nippon no tabemono ga dai suki
desu keredomo kyo wa hisashiburi ni gyOniku
o tabetai desu ne.
Mr It6: Sukiyaki 0 tabeta koto ga arimasu ka?
Mr Foster: Arimasu yo . Ah . . . Saifu 0 wasurete shimaima-
shita! Uchi e kaeranakereba narimasen.
(a) Restaurants
In the large cities in Japan there are French , Italian, American,
Chinese , German and Korean restaurants - but, when in
Rome . . . The visitor should experiment with the variety of Ja-
(b) Street-sellers
In the winter sweet-potato sellers ply their hot wares in the street
calling out yaki-imo (baked potatoes) as the fragrant smoke rises
from their stalls . And all the year round, men on bicycles blowing
plaintive horns tow trailers filled with water in which cubes of fresh
bean-curd are kept.
The past plain form is really a simpler form of the past tense - and,
indeed (as we shall see in Chapter 18) especially men use it instead of
the -mashita form . Its main use, however, is in the construction -ta
koto ga arimasu , meaning 'have already done such a thing':
Its other use, as we shall see later, is in relative clauses (see Grammar
summary 13(b.) .
One hears these forms all the time , and there are certainly occasions
when it would strike the Japanese ear as odd to hear anything else ;
but basically for a foreigner the straightforward verb-form is always
The set-phrase onegai shimasu, however, should be learnt by
heart, as this is the standard way of attracting attention.
(j) -mono
The suffix -mono makes a noun (mono means thing):
nomimono drink(s)
tabemono food
kaimono purchase(s)
(k) -niku
The suffix -niku means 'meat':
gyuniku beef
butaniku pork
Section A
Exercise 1
Show definitely complete actions (Example: Saifu 0 wasurema-
shita. - Saifu 0 wasurete shimaimashita.):
1. Anata no hon 0 yomimashita.
2. Tomodachi wa ikimashita.
3. Amerika kara kaerimashita.
4. Tempuraya e hairimashita.
5. Benkvo shimashita.
Exercise 2
Have you ever ... ? Alter the question (Example: Rondon e
ikimashita ka? - Rondon e itta koto ga arimasu ka?):
1. Kono hon 0 yomimashita ka?
2. Kanji 0 kakimashita ka?
3. Kimono 0 kaimashita ka?
4. Shashin 0 torimashita ka?
5. Yamada-san 0 tazunemashita ka?
6. Unten shimashita ka?
Exercise 3
Just for practice, change the verb-form to a politer style (Example:
Shimbun 0 yomimasu. - (Watakushi gal shimbun 0 oyomi shi-
1. Ito-san ni aimashita.
2. Ito-san to hanashimashita.
(Example: shimbun 0 yomimasu ka? - (Anata gal shimbun 0
oyomi ni narimasu ka?):
3. Eigo de hanashimasu ka?
4. Atarashii pen de kakimasu ka?
Exercise 4
Suggest a friend should have a go (Example: Tako 0 tabete mite
kudasai.) :
1. Try and write this kanji.
2. Try this sake .
3. Try going in to this tempura restaurant.
4. Have a go at speaking Japanese .
5. Try opening this window .
Exercise 5
Vocabulary-test. What do words in italics mean?
1. Ototo wa osake 0 nonde imasu.
2. Subarashii desu nel
3. Ongaku ga suki desu.
4. Nasu 0 tabemashita.
5. Otosen wa Yokohama ni sunde imasu.
6. Tokidoki sabishii desu.
7. Daigaku e ikimashita.
8. Natsu wa mushiatsui desu.
Exercise 6
Use the -ni iku/kuru/kaeru form:
1. Let's go and see a film.
2. He came back to hear the music.
3. I'll come and learn some Japanese .
4. He went to write a postcard.
Exercise 7
1. Anata wa Nihonjin desu kara mochiron sakana ga suki
2. Doitsu no shimbun 0 katta koto ga arimasu ka?
3. Tsugi wa maguro ni shimasu.
4. Ame ga futte shimaimashita.
5. Ane wa Sh6wa yonjOgonen ni umaremashita.
Exercise 8
Translate :
1. This letter is hard to read.
2. Japanese is hard to write!
3. That music is easy to hear (listen to) .
4. Those kanji are easy to forget!
5. That t6fu is easy to eat.
6. Those words are hard to remember.
Exercise 9
Revision of adjectives: Takai desu.
Takaku wa arimasen.
Takas6 desu.
Takakute mezurashii desu.
Exercise 10 i~j
Play the part of the foreigner in the following dialogue :
Mr Seto: Kyo wa tempura 0 tabe ni ikirnasho ka?
MrJones: (That'd be delightful. I've never eaten tempura
before .)
Mr Seto : Oishii desu yo. Kore wa vurnei na tempuraya desu.
Hairimash6 ka?
MrJones: ... ..... ..... ... ..... ... ... ... .... ...... .... (It looks exp ensive .)
Mr Seto : Sonna ni takaku wa arimasen yo .
MrJones: .............. ............... ...... .......... ...... ...... .. (Is it crowded?)
Mr Seto: So desu keredomo mado no soba ni teeburu ga
arimasu .
MrJones: .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . (Shall we sit over there then?)
Mr Seto: Menyu 0 yomu koto ga dekimasu ka?
MrJones: .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . (No! It 's written in Japanese!)
Mr Seto: Kono menyu wa rornaji de kaite arimasu kara yom-
iyasui desho.
MrJones: .... (It's ea sy to read but please teach me some kanji.)
Mr Seti) : Ano . . kono kanji no yomikata wa matsu desu.
MrJones: ................................................. (I do not understand .)
Mr SaM: Matsu wa pine-tree desu ga koko dewa ichiban takai
teishoku to iu imi desu.
MrJones: (What is included?)
Mr Sata: Ebi to ika to nasu to shiitake ga haitte imasu .
MrJones: (How many prawns are put in? )
Mr SaM: Futsu sambon.
MrJones : (It sounds delicious.)
Mr Seto: Ikaga desu ka?
Mr Jones : (Th ese mushrooms ar e delicious.)
Mr Seti): Nasu wa suki desu ka?
MrJones: (Not a lot.)
Mr Sett) : Ebi 0 rno sukoshi ikaga desu ka?
MrJones: (I'm full to bursting!)
Mr SaM : Ah saifu 0 wasurete shimaimashita .
MrJones: (I am treating you. Bill , ple ase!)
188 CHAPTER 18
Dialogue 1
Mr Ito and his brother arrange a visit to a baseball match .
Mr It6: Kondo no nichivo vakvu 0 mi ni iko ka?
Toshio: Chotto matte kure. Techo 0 miru kara. Dame da yo.
Dovo nara ii yo. Goji ni kyuj6 no mae de a6.
Mr It6: Wakatta.
Toshio: Dotchi ga katsu ka na?
Mr It6: Mochiron Kyojin da ze.
Toshio: Baka yar6! Hanshin ni kimattera.
Mr It6: Chikatetsu de kuru kai?
Toshio: Ore wa kuruma da kara tochu de hirotte yaru yo.
Dialogue 2 i':Sj
Mrs Ito and Mrs Yamada discuss flower arranging.
Mrs It6: Haishu no nichiy6 ni tomodachi no kekkonshiki ga aru
no. Atashi wa hana 0 ikenakereba naranai kara
hana 0 erabu no 0 tetsudatte kurenai?
Mrs Yamada: Mochiron ii wa. Donna hana 9a ii kashira?
Mrs It6: S6 ne. Akarui hana ga ii wa ne.
Mrs Yamada: Sore ja bara wa do?
Mrs It6: Ii wa ne. Sore ni kiku to yuri mo iremasho yo. S6
sureba aka, kiiro, momoiro de totemo utsuku-
shiku naru wa.
Mrs Yamada: So ne, Utsukushii wa ne.
Mrs It6: Demo umaku dekiru kashira.
Mrs Yamada: lrnotosan no kekkon no toki ni anata ga iketa
hana wa subarashikatta ja nai?
Mrs It6: Ah ... kino katta osaifu 0 mo miseta kashira?
Mrs Yamada: Totemo kirei da wa.
(b) Ikebana
Flower-arranging is very much an art in Japan . There must never be
an even number of flowers in any ikebana composition , and
especially not 4 as the sound shi (4) is the same as shi (death) . This is
why you never give four of anything to a Japanese . In stores,
sake-cups or tea-cups are always sold in sets of five .
Section A
Exercise 1
You prefer something else (Example: Shirai hana? (Red ones) - lie,
akai hana no h6 ga ii desu.) :
1. Takushii? (Underground)
2. Kiku? (Lilies)
3. Naganegi? (Aubergine)
4. Futsuka? (The third)
5. Ashita? (The day after to-morrow)
6. Pan? (Rice)
7. JQsu? (Water)
8. Morna? (Japanese pear)
9. Gogo? (a.m .)
10. Ocha? (Indian tea)
11. Keisu? (Despatch-case)
12. Shimbun? (Magazine)
Exercise 2
Doka de aimashO ka? Where shall we meet?
1. In front of the museum .
2. Behind the bank.
3. Next to Mr Sate's house .
4. At the station .
5. In front of the baseball-park .
Exercise 3
Nani a erabimashita ka? What did you choose ?
1. 5 red roses.
2. 7 big chrysanthemums.
3. 3 white lilies.
4. 6 small eggs.
5. 20 cigarettes.
6. 3 100 yen stamps .
Exercise 4
Change the plain form (Example: Wakatta . - Wakarimashital:
1. Han a yanda.
2. Ringo a katta.
3. Ongaku a kiita.
4. Gaikakujin ni atta.
5. Ehagaki 0 kaita.
6. Sushi 0 tabeta.
Exercise 5
Change the verb in brackets to the past plain form (Example: Kino
(kau) osaifu 0 mimashita ka? - Kino katta osaifu 0 mimashita
1. Kino (yomu) hon wa omoshirokatta no desu.
2. Tokyo e (kuru) sensei ni aimashita ka?
3. Motte (iku) tamago 0 tabernash ita ka?
4. Kyonen (torul shashin 0 rna misemashita ka?
5. (Wasureru) tegami 0 motte kimashita ka?
6. (Narau) kanji 0 oboete imasu ka?
7. (Morau) ehagaki 0 mitsukemasu.
8. (Ikeru) hana wa kirei desu ne.
Section B
Exercise 6
Make verb-nouns (Example: I hate reading books. - Hon 0 yomu
koto ga kirai desu.):
1. I like eating sushi .
2. I hate studying.
3. I like walking .
4. I hate drinking sake .
5. I like going to the cinema .
6. I hate listening to music.
Exercise 7
I. I think I shall go to Yokohama tomorrow.
2. I think he went to Kobe yesterday .
3. Do you think he will come to the office today?
4. Do you think he bought a dictionary at the bookshop?
Exercise 8
1. Momoiro no kiku 0 nambon kau tsumori desu ka?
2. Mainichi Nihongo 0 kiku no wa benri desu.
3. Tomodachi no kuru no 0 matsu koto wa omoshiroku
wa arimasen.
4. Takai yama no soba ni matsu ga takusan arimasu.
Exercise 9
Translate :
1. The dictionary 1 bought yesterday is not good .
2. The medicine 1 took last Friday was not very nice.
3. The flowers your mother arranged are lovely .
4. Where are the photographs you took in America?
5. The book 1 chose this morning is uninteresting.
Exercise 10 r~j
Play the part of Mr SaW in the following dialogue:
Mr Ito: Kondo no suivobi ni Yokohama e ikimasho ka?
Mr Seto: (Hold on a minute . I'll look in my diary . Sorry, that's
no good. Thursday would be all right. How about
Mr Ito: Kekko desu. Doko de airnasho ka?
MrSato: (Shall we meet in front of your house?)
Mr Ito: 56 shimash6. Nanji nil
MrSato: (At eight-thirty.)
Mr Ito: Densha de iklrnasho ka?
MrSato: ... (No , I'll have the car so I'll pick you up on the way.)
Mr Ito: Arigat6.
MrSato: ... (Oh . .. have you seen the flowers my sister brought
from the country?)
Mr Ito: Totemo kirei desu ne.
MrSato: (I love chrysanthemums.)
Mr Ito: Sara no h6 ga utsukushii to omoimasu.
MrSato: (I like red roses but 1 don 't like white ones.)
Mr Ito: Oneesan no kekkonshiki wa itsu desu ka?
MrSato: (On the 24th. Here's a photo of her new house .
Mr Ito: Subarashii desu ne,
MrSato: (Now she 's living in Matsumoto but she intends
coming to Tokyo on the 15th.)
Mr Ito: So desu ka. Tokyo de hatarakitai desu ka?
MrSato: ........ (Yes. As she 's an English teacher she'll teach in a
middle school.)
Mr Ito: Oneesan wa Igirisu e itta koto ga arimasu ka?
MrSato: (Yes , she went to London last July and two years ago
she went to America .)
CHAPTER 19 197
Dialogue 1
Mr Foster asks where the bank is.
Mr Foster: Nanji ni ginko wa akimasu ka?
Mr Ito: Kuji han desu.
Mr Foster: Nanji ni shimarimasu ka?
Mr ItO: Yoji han desu.
Mr Foster: Ichiban chikai ginko wa doko ni arimasu ka?
Mr Ito: Koban wa shitte imasu ka?
Mr Foster: Shitte imasu yo .
Mr Ito: Koban no soba ni supaa ga arimasu ne.
Mr Foster: Ee. Kino supaa e itte sekken 0 kaimashita.
Mr Ito: Ano . .. Sono supaa no ushiro ni okina tatemono ga
Mr Foster: Sore ga ginko desho,
Mr Ito: Chigaimasu . Sore wa apaato desu ga sono tatemono
no yoko ni ginko ga arimasu.
Dialogue 2 (8j
Mr Foster opens an account.
Mr Foster: Sumimasen ga ... Ano ... koza 0 hirakitai no
desu ga do sureba ii no desho ka?
Clerk: Kantan desu yo . Kochira ni onamae 0 kaite itadakereba
sugu ni koza 0 hiraku koto ga dekimasu.
Mr Foster: Pondo 0 en ni kaete kudasaimasu ka?
Clerk: Hai.
Mr Foster: Kyo wa ichipondo wa nan-en desu ka?
Clerk: Chotto matte kudasai. Ima shirabete kimasu kara ....
Kyo wa nihyakuhachijOnana-en desu .
Mr Foster: Kino yori yasui desu ne.
Clerk: So desu ne. Mainichi kawarimasu kara.
Mr Foster: En wa kawariyasui desu ne!
Clerk: lie! Pondo desu yo!
Mr Foster: Hyakupondo 0 en ni kaete itadakemasen ka?
Clerk: Kashikomarimashita. Tesurvo 0 itadakimasu ga yoroshii
desu ka?
Mr Foster: Sore wa shirimasen deshita. Nampaasento desho
Clerk: Gopaasento desu. Sumimasen.
Mr Foster: lie, kamaimasen.
Dialogue 3 ~
At a filling-station.
Mr Foster: Gasorin 0 irenakereba narimasen. Asoko ni gaso-
rinsutando ga arimasu kara tornarirnasho.
Mantan ni shite kudasai.
Attendant: Hai.
Okyakusan! Enjinoiru wa daijobu desu ka?
Mr Foster: Chotto shirabete kudasai.
Attendant: Ah . . . kore wa daibu furui desu ne. Makkuro desu
yo . Hora!
Mr Foster: Kore wa rentakaa desu ga ...
Attendant: Hidoi kaisha da nfl! Oiru 0 sukoshi irernasho ka?
Mr Foster: Irete kudasai.
Attendant: Ichirittoru irernasho.
Mr Foster: Taiya mo chiekku shite kudasai.
Attendant: Wakarimashita . Sore dewa kuruma 0 chotto achira
e ugokashite kudasai . Furonto garasu 0
arairnasho ka?
Mr Foster: lie, arawanakute mo ii desu. Kirei desu kara. Mada
ate hyakkiro mo unten shinakereba nar imasen.
Attendant: Kosokudoro wa konde imasu kara ki 0 tsukete
kudasai. Mata dozo l
(b) Buildings
Because of the frequent earthquakes, Japanese buildings used to be
low and chiefly made of wood . Modern techniques have encouraged
the construction of many high concrete buildings which are all
supposed to be earthquake-proof.
(d) shiru
shiru, to know, is usually used in the continuous form because it is
assumed if you knew it once, you still do! :
Especially as you can only use the koto ga dekimasu form with weak
verbs , it is probably safer to stick with the form we have learnt - but
the potential form is a very useful 'short cut' , and is very common in
colloquial Japanese . It is as well to be able to recogni se it, at least.
Japanese roads tend to use one kanji from each of the cities they are
linking , thus altering the reading . For instance, the roads linking
Tokyo ("* Ji() and Yokohama (~Y! i!~ ) are called the dai-ichi or
dai-ni Kei-hin (Jir i~ ) (no . 1 or no . 2 with the on or Chinese
reading of kyo (J;f) and hama ( iJ~ )). In Chapter 18 we met
Han-shin (~N ,pI!) - han is the on reading of saka ( ~N) and shin
the on reading of K6 (-PIt), hence Osaka (A ~N) and Kobe
(fJll r-i) . Once more, you can see how important it is to start reading
place-n ames!
Note that when driving on the motorway, you must not exceed the
105 kph speed limit - each car must have a bell or 'bleeper' that tells
you when you have touched 106 kph .
Nihongo de hanasanai.
hanasanakute mo ii desu. You don't need to
speak Japanese .
Osashimi 0 tabenakute rna ii desu.
You don 't have to eat that raw fish.
Section A
Exercise 1
Which verb should we use? aku/akeru ; shimaru/shimeru; tomaru/
1. Kuruma 0 (tomarimashita? tomemashita?)
2. Kuruma wa (tomarimashita? tomemashita?)
3. Hako 0 (akimashita? akemashita?)
4. Hon'ya wa rokuji ni (shimarimasu? shimemasu?)
Exercise 2
Change the reply (Example :
Nihongo de hanasanakereba narimasen ka? - lie, Nihongo de
hanasanakute mo ii desu.):
1. Tabako 0 nomanakereba narimasen ka?
2. Mado 0 akenakereba narimasen ka?
3. Shashin 0 toranakereba narimasen ka?
4. Tegami 0 kakanakereba narimasen ka?
5. Momo 0 kawanakereba narimasen ka?
6. Ashita konakereba narimasen ka?
Exercise 3
Give instructions - and be as polite as you like!
1. Mado 0 arau.
2. En 0 pondo ni kaeru.
3. Onamae 0 kaku.
4. Kuruma 0 ugokasu.
5. Shiraberu .
6. Mantan ni suru.
Exercise 4
Link the following sentences putting the first verb in brackets into the
-te form and the second verb into the past tense:
1. Ginko ni (hairu) koza 0 (hiraku).
2. Koza 0 (hiraku) pondo 0 en ni (kaeru).
3. Pondo 0 (kaerul ginko kara (kaeru).
4. Ginko kara (kaeru) denwa 0 (kakeru) .
5. Denwa 0 (kakeru) tomodachi 0 kuruma de (hirou).
6. Tomodachi 0 kuruma de (hirou) tempura 0 (taberu) .
7. Tempura 0 (taberu) yObinkyoku e (lku).
8. YObinkyoku e (iku) kitte 0 (kau).
9. Kitte 0 (kaul ehagaki 0 (kaku).
10. Ehagaki 0 (kaku) shimbun 0 (vomul.
Exercise 5
Translate the following:
1. Gasorin wa irimasu.
2. Gasorin 0 irete kudasai.
3. Osato wa irimasu ka?
4. Osato 0 iremashita.
Section B
Exercise 6
1. Do you know Mr. Sat6?
2. I didn't know that.
3. Do you know the police-box by the sake shop?
4. You must know that word!
Exercise 7
What do the following expressions mean?
1. Okyakusan!
2. Kashikomarimashita.
3. Kamaimasen.
4. Sumimasen.
5. Ki 0 tsukete kudasai.
6. Onegai shimasu .
7. Gomen kudasai.
8. Gochiso shimasu.
Exercise 8
T ranslate :
1. Sh all I move the car ove r there a bit ?
2. T he re's a lot of traffic on the mo torway.
3. Please check the tyres.
4. I've got another eig hty kilom etres to do .
Exercise 9
Transpose the following into th e -koto ga dekimasu fo rm (Exa mple:
Asahi Shim bun ga yomemasu - Asah i Shimbun 0 yomu koto ga
1. Furansugo ga hanasemasen.
2. Nemuremashita.
3. Hatarakemasen.
4. Itadakemasu ka?
Exerci se 10 ~
Play th e part of Mr Smith in th e followi ng dialogues:
Dialogue 1
Mr Sata: Nanj i ni j imusho wa akimasu ka?
M rSmith: ... .. .. ... ...... .. .. .... ......... ... ....... ... .. ................ (8:15)
Mr Seti):Nanj i ni otaku e kaerimasu ka?
MrSmith: ... ....... ....... .... ....... ... .......... ... ................ (About 7 p .m .)
Mr Sata: Ichiban chikai tabakoya wa doko ni arimasu ka?
MrSmith: ... ....... .. (How man y cigarettes do you smoke a day ?)
M r Seto:Nij ippon gu rai.
MrSmith : ........ ....... . (Really! Anyway . . . you know th e bank?)
Mr Sata :Hai.
MrSmith : .... ........ (T he re 's a filling-sta tion next to the ba nk isn't
the re .)
Mr SaM: S6 desu .
MrSmith: (We ll, beh ind th e filling-sta tion the re 's a
tobacconi st's)
Dialogue 2
MrSmith: ... (E xcuse me . I' d like to ope n an acco unt. How do I
do it?)
Clerk: Kantan desu yo . Kochira ni onamae 0 kaite kudasai.
MrSmith: (I under stand. )
Clerk: Amerika no kata de gozaimasu ka?
MrSmith: (No, I' m E nglish .)
Clerk: Nihongo ga ojozu desu nel
Dialogue 1 ~
Mr Fost er books a room by telephone .
Mr Foster: Moshi moshi.
Clerk: Hakutsuru ryokan de gozaimasu.
Mr Foster: Chotto okiki shitai no desu ga jOgatsu muika no ban
heya wa aite imasu ka?
Clerk: Shosho 0 machi kudasai ... Nanninsama de irasshai-
masu ka?
Mr Foster: Futari desu.
Clerk: Nannichi otomari desu ka?
Mr Foster: Mikkakan desu.
Clerk: Chodo keshiki no yoi heya ga aite imasu ga ikaga desu
Mr Foster: Oikura desha ka?
Clerk : Hitoban de nishoku tsuki ichiman-en ni narimasu.
Mr Foster: Igirisu yori yasui desu ne! Ima yoyaku dekimasu
Clerk : Mochiron kekko de gozaimasu. Nanji ni otsuki desha ka?
Mr Foster: Tokyo kara kisha de ikimasu kara tabun rokuji gurai
ni tsuku to omoimasu .
Clerk: Hai. Wakarimashita. Okoshi 0 omachi shite orimasu .
Mr Foster: Gomen kudasai.
Dialogue 2 rgj
Mr Foster writes to Mr Ito from Kyoto .
'l "
Okusama ni yoroshiku
Jim Foster
higash i eas t
yama mountain
(o)furo bath
tonikaku anyway
yukata Japan ese dressi ng-gow n
kite -te form of kiru , pu t on
(kimono , a thing you pu t
on) , (a wea k ve rb)
kite mimashita tried on
j6chO(san) maid
bikkuri suru be surprise d
hoka ni apa rt from , othe rwise
nomanai negat ive of nomu
awanakatta past negative of au
yononaka the world
semai nar row
mon(o) th ing
denki electricity
denkigaisha electric compan y
sora sky
kurai dark
kamo shiremasen may, might
zannen pity, sha me
todoku reach , get to
to if (after infinitive)
to ii it wo uld be nice if - i.e ., I
hop e that
ni yoroshiku bes t wishes to
clean , sluice all the soap off and when you are spick and span fro m
top to toe you ente r the big bath and wallow luxuriously.
Yukata , cotton gown s are provided by the hotel and people wea r
them inside the hot el.
(c) Addresses
Japan is divided administratively into prefectures, ken - Aomori-
ken , Chiba-ken . Citi es carry the suffix -shi - Yokohama-shi, Kobe-
shi. Tokyo , the metropolis, alon e carries the suffix -to and is
subdivide d into -ku - Ota-ku Shinjuku-ku , Chiyoda-ku, etc. Small
towns or subur bs ar e divided into chorne. Mr Ito (who, being the
second son, is called Jiro) lives in the second house built in the
th irt y-ninth plot of no . 2 chorne. It is by no means likely that his
neighbours on ea ch side are numbered consecutive ly, as num bering
depends on when the hou se was bu ilt, not where . He could live in
39-2 and be flank ed by 39-11 on o ne side and 39--4 on the othe r.
Japanese proverbs, as you will recall fro m Chapte r 4.3 , dispense with
(0 aku
Th e verb aku is used to express the idea of somethi ng being free ,
vacant or unoccup ied :
The suffix -kan can also be used after other expressions of time:
but note:
isshOkan 1 week
hasshOkan 8 weeks
jisshOkan 10 weeks
nikagetsu 2 months
but note:
ikkagetsu 1 month
rokkagetsu 6 months
jikkagetsu 10 months
This construction is often used with ii desu , and this is the best way of
expressing the ideas of 'hoping to' :
Section A
Exercise 1
Put in the appropriate particles (ga, ka, ni, 0, to, wa) :
1. Ashita kuru - - kimatte imasu .
2. Sensei - - kaita hon - - yomimashita - - 7
3. Sukiyaki - - tabe - - ikimasho - - 7
4. Maguro - - shimasu.
5. Sore - - shirimasen deshita.
6. Biiru - - nihon kudasai.
7. Mado - - akemashita .
8. Dochira - - katsu - - omoimasu - - 7
9. Nanji - - jimusho - - akimasu - - 7
10. En - - pondo - - kaemashita.
Exercise 2
Say it may occur (Example: Ame ga furimasu . - Ame ga furu
kamo shiremasen.) :
1. Tokyo ikimasu .
2. Bikkuri shimasu .
3. Kanji 0 naraimasu.
4. Hairimasu.
Exercise 3
Convert to the past negative plain form (Example: aimasen de-
shita - awanakatta) :
1. Yomimasen deshita.
2. Todokimasen deshita.
3. Akemasen deshita.
4. Koko e kimasen deshita .
5. Yukata 0 kimasen deshita.
6. Shirimasen deshita.
7. Purinto shimasen deshita.
8. Tomarimasen deshita.
9. Kuruma 0 ugokashimasen deshita.
10. Ikimasen deshita.
Exercise 4
Say what you want and wanted to do (Example: Sampo
suru. - Sampo shitai no desu . Sampo shitakatta no desu.) :
1. Shimbun 0 yomu.
2. Eiga 0 miru .
3. YQbinkyoku e iku.
4. Asoko ni tomaru.
5. Nihongo de hanasu.
Exercise 5
You are telephoning a ryokan. Ask if there is a room free on :
1. January 25.
2. March 4.
3. July 8.
4. August 13.
5. September 2.
6. Next Wednesday.
7. Next Saturday.
8. On Friday the week after next.
Exercise 6
The clerk asks you how many people are involved :
Nanninsama de irasshaimasu ka?
You reply:
1. One.
2. Two.
3. Three .
4. Four.
Exercise 7
The clerk asks you how long you are intending to stay : Nannichi
otomari desu ka? you reply:
1. One night.
2. Two nights.
3. Four nights .
4. Five nights.
5. Six nights.
6. One week.
7. Two weeks.
8. One month .
9. Six months.
10. Seven months.
Exercise 8
The clerk tells you how much . You turn to your friend and say how
much it comes to per night with two meals included:
1. 9500 yen .
2. 11 000 yen.
3. 14 000 yen .
4. 20 000 yen.
Section B
Exercise 9
1. The book I didn't read.
2. The man who didn't write that letter.
3. The man who didn't come to the office yesterday .
4. The purse you didn't buy.
Exercise 10
What sort of a person is it? (Example: A woman who doesn't drink
sake. - Osake 0 nomanai onna no kata desu.)
1. A man who does not speak Japanese.
2. A child who does not study.
3. A man who does not smoke .
4. A Japanese who does not eat raw fish .
5. A friend who does not return to his home-town.
Exercise 11
1. When we got back to Tokyo we used the phone.
2. When we reached Kyoto we met your friend.
3. If we stop the car over there we'll be able to see Mt Fuji.
4. I hope we arrive at the inn before 6.
5. I hope he'll come before dinner.
Do this test and mark it, using the mark-scheme suggested . If you
made any mistakes make sure you go back and revise the relevant
chapter(s) .
Section 1
1. Ask where the toilet is.
2. Ask where the police -station is.
3. Ask where the doctor's house is.
4. Ask where the Japanese inn is.
5. Ask where the nearest police -box is.
(Score: 5)
Section 2
Put in the appropriate particles (de, ga, na, ni, no, 0, to, wa)
1. Eigo - - wakarirnasu,
2. VOmei - - tokoro' desu.
3. Tokyo - - umaremashita.
4. Oji - - kaita tegami - - yomimashita.
5. Jiro - - iu tomodachi - - shitte imasu ka?
6. Biiru - - shimasu.
7. Itsu tsuku - - omoimasu ka?
8. Supaa - - soba - - ginko - - arimasu.
9. Takushii - - kimashita.
10. RaishO kaeru - - kimatte imasu.
11. Kauntaa - - suwarimasho.
(Score: 15)
Section 3
Reply converting the name (Example: Okusan wa itsu Nihon e
kimashita ka? (Yesterday) - Kanai wa kino Nihon e kimashita.):
1. Ojosan no tanjobi wa itsu desu ka? (April 1st)
2. Botchan wa nansai desu ka? (8)
3. Okaasan wa itsu kaerimasu ka? (July 10th)
4. Oniisan wa nani 0 shite imasu ka? (He's working in an
5. lrnotosan wa nannen ni umaremashita ka? (1956)
(Score: 10).
Section 4
What is the Japanese for these words ?
1. To open (something).
2. To close (something).
3. Light-coloured .
4. Dark .
5. Last year.
6. This year.
7. The day before yesterday.
8. The day after tomorrow.
9. Happy.
10. Lonely.
(Score: 10)
Section 5
What do the following set-phrases mean?
1. Sore wa ikemasen ne.
2. Zannen desu gao
3. Go yukkuri.
4. Ki 0 tsukete kudasai.
5. Okanjo 0 onegai shimasu .
6. Dame desu.
7. Ornedeto gozaimasu.
8. Kashikomarimashita.
(Score: 8)
Section 6
Translate the following :
1. I like eating.
2. I dislike going to the cinema.
3. I like driving.
4. I dislike arranging flowers .
(Score: 4)
Section 7
Answer the following questions:
1. By6ki ni naru to nani 0 shinakereba narimasen ka?
2. Kitte 0 kaitai hito wa doko e ikimasu ka?
3. Tempuraya e iku to nani 0 taberu koto ga dekimasu ka?
4. Hamigaki 0 kaitakereba doko e ikanakereba narimasen
(Score: 12)
Section 8
Section 9
Who are these people and what are they doing ?
1. Shashin 0 totte iru hito wa asoko ni sunde imasu.
2. Megane 0 kakete iru kata wa suqaku no sensei desu.
3. Aruite kaette iru hito wa ane desu.
4. Tabako 0 sutte iru otoko wa gaikokujin desu .
(Score: 8)
Section 10
Translate :
1. Ongaku 0 kikinagara zasshi 0 yomimashita.
2. Kono jibiki wa ii desu kara otomodachi no tame ni
3. Gekij6 e itta koto ga arimasu ka?
4. Hazukashigaranaide yugohan 0 taberu mae ni ofuro e
itte kudasai.
5. Kanai ga kawanakatta saifu wa chiisakute akakatta n
(Score: 15)
Section 11
Express the following in Japanese:
1. It may snow.
2. He may arrive before lunch .
3. You don't have to wash my car.
4. You don't have to change your pounds into yen .
(Score: 8)
Section 12
Translate :
1. Sate-san no okusan ga tsukutta nasu to shiitake wa
oishii desu.
2. Senshu hairanakatta hon'ya e itte kimi ga kaita hon 0
3. Otomodachi ga eranda heya wa totemo subarashikatta
n desu.
4. Watakushi ga shiranakatta kanji 0 oshiete kudasaima-
sen ka?
(Score: 12)
Section 13
What shall we do?
1. Let's take a seat.
2. Let's open an account.
3. Let's pick up Nobuo on the way.
4. Let's go in.
(Score: 4)
Section 14 ~
Read the following conversation or listen to it on your cassette . If you
have the cassette, do not read the text. Then answer the questions
A. Eiga 0 mi ni ikirnasho ka?
B. So shirnasho. Sore wa tanoshimi desu ne. Itsu desho
A. Kondo no kin'vobi wa ikaga desu ka?
B. Chotto matte kudasai. Techo 0 mimasu kara.
Ah ... dame desu yo. lrnoto ga Yokohama kara kuru
so desu kara. Haishu no qetsuvobi nara ii desu
A. Haishu no getsuyobi desu ka? Doko de aimasho ka?
B. Watakushi wa kuruma ga arimasu kara tochu de
anata 0 hirolrnasho.
No -one is saying it is easy . . . but it is fascina ting and the pro per way
to 'see' the written lan guage. Th ere is very little rornaji around in
Japan , and th e foreigner need s to be ab le to recognise th e Jap anese
way of indicating Gents, Ladies , Entrance , Exit, etc. Some exam ples
of th e writte n language have been intro duced in the late r chapters of
this book -- which, we hope, will have whe tted the reader's appetite
for mor e . Hiragana and katakana are listed on pp. 330- 7, togeth er
with those kanj i one is most likely to need at first.
Gambatte kudasa i! (Keep at it!)
Chapter 1: Greetings and introductions
Dialogue 1
Mr Foster: Mr It6?
Mr It6: Yes, I'm It6.
Mr Foster: I'm Foster.
Mr It6: Is that right ? Are you Mr Foster ? How do you do?
Mr Foster: How do you do . Thi s is my wife , Mary.
Mr It6: Th is is your wife? 'Mary' ? Is th at right?
Mrs Foster: Th at's right. I'm Mar y. How do you do?
Mr It6: How are you? Well?
Mrs Foster: Yes, th ank you. Very well. And you too I hop e?
Mr It6: Yes, thank you. I' m fine. Now .. . Wh er e are your case s?
Mr Foster: Her e . Th ese are our cases. Those by you are no t our
cases .
Dialogue 2
Mrs Foster: My case is a red one .
Mr It6: Is it big or small?
Mrs Foster: It 's a big one . My husband 's case also.
Mr Foster: Mine's a big case but it isn't red. It 's black .
Mr It6: Is this it?
Mr Foster: That's it. Th at's my case .
Mrs Foster : The red case is mine . Thank you .
Mr Foster: Wher e's my bri efcase?
Mrs Foster : Mr It6 ! Wher e's my husband's briefcase?
Mr It6: Is your husband's briefcase big?
Mrs Foster: No , not big. It's small.
Mr It6: Is it red? Black ?
Mrs Foster: Black.
Dialogue 2
Mr It6: Ah! This is an English car, isn't it.
Mr Foster: It is indeed. This car is a Hillman .
Mr It6: 'Hi-ru-man'! English names are difficult aren't they!
Mr Foster: Difficult?
Mr It6: Yes . Very difficult.
Mrs Foster: Japanese names are difficult too . 'Yokohama.' 'Yama-
shita.' 'Kawasaki .' The pronunciation is hard.
Mr It6: Really? 'Ito' isn't hard! It's easy!
Mrs Foster: It's easy but difficult for English people and
Mr It6: That's true . Japanese names are easy for Japanese but they
are difficult for foreigners .
Mr Foster: English names are easy for us.
Mr It6: That's right! They are easy for you.
Well . .. Here it is. This is my car. Small isn't it!
Mrs Foster: No, it's not small. It's a big one .
Mr It6: It isn't big.
Dialogue 2:
Mrs Ito: Those are shrimps.
Mrs Foster: Aren't they huge!
Mr Ito: Japanese shrimps are big .
Mr Foster: How do you like them?
Mrs Foster: Mmmm! They're delicious.
Mrs Ito: Aren't English shrimps large?
Mr Foster: No . They aren't big. They're small.
Mrs Foster: American shrimps are big too.
Mr Ito: Yes, they are , aren't they? Did you eat shrimps in
Mrs Foster: Yes .
Dialogue 3
Mr Ito: Mr Foster, will you have some sake?
Mr Foster: Thank you.
Mr Ito: Mrs Foster doesn't drink beer?
Mrs Foster: No. I don't.
Mrs Ito: Will you have some ocha?
Mrs Foster: Thank you . It 's delicious.
Mrs Ito: These are leeks. Do you have leeks in England?
Mr Foster: Yes indeed.
Mr Ito: I've eaten leeks in England .
Mr Foster: Japanese leeks are small but English ones are large.
Mr Ito: That's right. They're large, aren 't they.
Mrs Ito: Now . . . there's some fruit. What will you have? An
apple? A peach?
Mrs Foster: A peach, please.
Dialogue 2
Mrs It6: Did you come to Japan too in Showa 51, Mary-san?
Mrs Foster: No. I didn't come . My husband came here alone .
Mr It6: Did you come in the autumn?
Mr Foster: No . In the summer.
Mr It6: Tokyo summers are hot aren 't they!
Mr Foster: They certainly are! They're hot.
Mrs It6 : They're hot and humid.
Mrs Foster: That word mushiatsui? What is it? I don 't
Mrs It6: It is hot. It rains . There is no wind .
Mr It6: It's bad weather.
Dialogue 3
Mrs Foster: Now it isn't mushiatsui! It's lovely weather.
Mrs It6: Cool, isn't it?
Mrs Foster: It certainly is.
Mrs It6: Another cup of tea?
Mrs Foster: No . Thank you very much . That's fine .
Mr Foster: That was an excellent meal!
Mrs It6: Mr Foster speaks Japanese very well, doesn't he?
Mr Foster: No , I don't.
Mrs It6: You both speak well. Is Japanese difficult for foreigners?
Mr Foster: Yes! Very difficult!
Mrs Foster: Mr Ito . Is English easy or difficult?
Mr It6: Very difficult!
Dialogue 2:
Mr Ito : Tod ay is Saturday so I'm no t going to th e office . In En gland
as well is Saturda y a holid ay?
Mr Foster: Yes. Now it is but ten yea rs ago I went to th e office
eve ry day - of course not on Sund ay!
Mr Ito: The same in Japan but now it' s fro m Monday to Fr iday.
Mr Foster : Do the childre n go to schoo l?
Mr Ito : Yes . Th ey go on Saturdays as well. How abo ut En gland ?
Mr Foster: Ten yea rs ago they did but not now. Wh at time do
Japan ese childre n go to schoo l?
Mr Ito : 8 in the morning.
Mr Foster : Really! In England it's 9. Th ey come back hom e at 4.
Mr Ito : In Jap an it's 5.
Dialogue 3
Mr Ito: What shall we do today?
Mr Foster: What's the time?
Mr Ito: 10.
Mr Foster: No! ten past!
Mr Ito: Is it? Well . .. when did you come yesterday? Half past six,
wasn't it?
Mr Foster: That's right. At 6.30.
Mrs Ito: It's a lovely day .
Mr Ito: Beautiful. Shall we drive out into the country?
Mrs Ito: Let's lunch at 1. Then go for a walk . How about that?
Mr Foster: A lovely idea! Let's do that!
Dialogue 2
Mrs Ito The bookshop is next to the fruit shop.
Mrs Foster: Do you want to buy some fruit?
Mrs Ito: No . I don't want to get any fruit but the fruit do look
beautiful don't they?
Mrs Foster: Indeed they do . They are beautiful. The colours of the
peaches and the Japanese pears and the apples
are really beautiful.
Mrs Ito: Here's the bookshop. Let's go on in.
Anyone there?
Shopkeeper: Come on in!
Mrs Ito: My friend is English.
Shopkeeper: Is she really? Has she come over from England?
Mrs Foster: Yes. I arrived in Japan yesterday.
Shopkeeper: Ah! You understand Japanese? You speak it well!
Mrs Foster: No, I'm not at all good at it.
Dialogue 3
Mrs Ito: I want to buy an English-Japanese dictionary. Have you
got one?
Shopkeeper: I have indeed . This is a good dictionary
Mrs Ito: Is it expensive?
Shopkeeper: It's a little expensive but it is a very useful dictionary.
Mrs Ito: How much is it?
Shopkeeper: 25 800 yen.
Mrs Ito: Is it? 25 800 yen! It is dear. However as I want to read
English books a dictionary is necessary. English
words are very hard for me . Here's 30 000 yen.
Shopkeeper: Many thanks. And here's 4200 yen change .
Mrs Ito: Thank you .
Dialogue 2
Mr It6: Have you got a newspaper?
Secretary: We have, yes, but Mr Yamamoto is reading it at the
Mr It6: Is it the Asahi Shimbun?
Secretary: Yes.
Mr It6: Ah well, I read that this morning. Have you got a
Mr Foster: Yes! Look here! There are some magazines behind this
Secretary: Would you like some ocha or would you prefer some
Indian tea?
Mr Foster: I'd like a cup of Indian . Thank you .
Mr It6: Me too. Ah . Have you got a spoon?
Mr Foster: Yes! There are five spoons on the table.
Mr It6: Five? Thanks! One will do!
Mr Foster: About how long will we have to wait?
Secretary: Probably only about ten minutes . Another cup of tea?
How about that?
Mr Foster: No , that's fine, thank you.
Dialogue 3
Mr Foster: What's the date to-day?
Mr It6: The 17th .
Mr Foster: So the day after to-morrow will be the 19th . Shall we
come back then? Mr Maeda is probably busy now .
He is working whereas I'm not.
Mr It6: I'm free today all morning but the day after tomorrow I'll
be working.
Mr Foster: I see . Well, how about next Tuesday? That'll be the
Mr It6: Wednesday's the 26th so I won 't be busy.
Mr Foster: Let's do that then . Let's come back next Wednesday.
Dialogue 2
Mr Foster: Good day!
Mr Ito: Good day!
Mr Foster: What did you do this morning?
Mrs Foster: After coming into town Mrs Ito and I sawall sorts of
interesting things.
Mrs Ito: We really did. We went to Asakusa and saw the temple.
It's splendid. Japanese temples are truly beautiful.
Mr Foster: They certainly are. Two years ago I went to Kyoto and
saw a temple called Kiyomizu Temple .
Mrs Ito: Ah that's a beautiful one, isn't it.?
Mrs Foster: I'd like to go to Kyoto.
Mr Foster: Let's go there the week after next.
Mrs Foster: Yes, let's. You will be working next week but the
week after you're free, aren't you ?
Mr Foster: Well, are you off to Yurakucho now? Have you an
Mrs Foster: Yes, I have.
Dialogue 3
Mrs It6: Just a minute . I want to phone my husband. Is there a
Mr Foster: Yes, over there. There are two in front of the chem ist's .
Mrs Foster: Oh I've remembered. I want to get some toothpaste.
Mr Foster: There's a tobacconist's next to the chemist's so could
you buy me some cigarettes?
Mrs Foster: One packet?
Mr Foster: Two , please.
Mrs It6: How many do you smoke a day?
Mrs Foster: He smokes a lot.
Mr Foster: No , I don 't ! Only five or six.
Mrs It6: My husband smokes about thirty. He's certainly smoking
now at the office.
Mrs Foster: It 's bad for the health, isn't it?
Mrs Ito: Indeed it is.
Dialogue 2
Mrs Ito: Two to Nagahara please .
Clerk: 540 yen .
Mrs Ito: Here's 600.
Clerk: Thank you . Here's sixty change .
Mrs Ito: Thank you .
Mrs Ito: We change at Gotanda .
Mrs Foster: How many stops between Yurakucho and Gotanda?
Mrs Ito : Let 's see . . . Shimbashi , Hamamatsucho, Tamachi, Shi-
nagawa, Osaki, Gotanda. Six.
Mrs Foster: And from Gotanda to Nagahara?
Mrs Ito: Five.
Mrs Foster: I saw the name of the station! It was in English!
Mrs Ito: That's right. You can read the names of the stations. And
listen! Before we arrive at a station the conductor
calls out the name. So even foreigners can under-
Mrs Foster: That's useful, isn't it?
Mrs Ito: Ah , look to your left. There are boats . That's Tokyo Bay.
And on the right there's a small shrine . Can you see
the red gateway? And those huge trees are called
Mrs Foster: It is pretty. I'd like to go to a shrine .
Mrs Ito: Well, when we get home shall we go to our neighbouring
shrine? It'll be interesting for you. Now the rain is
stopping so after we get home let's go for a stroll ,
shall we?
Dialogue 2
Mr Foster: I'm sorry. My wife's throat hurts and she wants to drink
a glass of water.
Mrs Ito : Does she ? Well , I'll take it to her.
Mr Foster: No, I'll do it. I'll go to the kitchen and fetch some
Mrs Ito: You go and sit over there . I'll go and see your wife.
Mr Foster: You are kind. Thank you very much .
Dialogue 3
Mrs Ito: Good morning . According to your husband you don't feel
too good . Is th at the case ?
Mrs Foster: Yes it really is. My throat hurts and I can't speak very
Mrs Ito: Have you got a headache?
Mrs Foster: It's better than last night but still hurts.
Mrs Ito: You must go and see the doctor. Can you walk ?
Mrs Foster: Oh yes. Is it far to the doctor's?
Mrs Ito: No, only five minutes walk . After you 've had breakfast
we'll go . Now . . . what do you want to eat? An egg?
Mrs Foster: Nothing thank you . Just something to drink.
Mrs Ito: What would you like to drink? Coffee? Tea?
Mrs Foster: I'd prefer some ocha. Is there any?
Mrs Ito: Indeed there is. Ju st wait a moment. I'll go to the kitchen
and be back with the ocha in five minutes.
Mrs Foster: Thank you so much .
Dialogue 2
Mrs Foster: When should I take that green medicine?
Doctor: Take it before meals . Three times a day. Before breakfast,
before lunch , before dinner. Do you understand?
Mrs Foster: Yes . What can I eat ?
Doctor: Anything is all right but as it seems you have a sore throat,
drink a lot.
Mrs ItO: What do you want, Mrs Foster?
Mrs Foster: Water.
Doctor: Do you like this medicine?
Mrs Foster: No ! I do not like it at all! It's very unpleasant.
Doctor: It's a very good medicine but the taste is nasty . Sorry!
Mrs Foster: That's all right.
Dialogue 3
Mrs Ito: Come on! We must go back quickly . After you've eaten
lunch you must go to bed . Would you like your lunch
in bed?
Mrs Foster: No. I'll rest after lunch but I don 't want to go to bed
Mrs Ito: Would you like to watch television ?
Mrs Foster: Yes, I would .
Mrs It6: Sit down and while you're drinking your ocha watch
television. As it' s in Japanese it'll be good for you .
Mrs Foster: Come off it , Mrs Ito! I'm ill. I don 't want to study!
Mrs It6: Please study every day. If you study you'll soon be good at
Dialogue 2
Mr It6: If I go to England next year by plane could I visit your firm ?
Mr Foster: Any time you like . That would be a real pleasure . If you
come to England we could see all sorts of interest-
ing things together. When do you intend coming?
Summer? Autumn?
Mr It6: I'll be getting very busy in the spring so summer is probably
preferable. How about July?
Mr Foster: Fine . I have to go to France in June but if I can 't sell our
products I'll be back in England pretty quickly. But
if I can sell a lot I'll have to go to France again.
Mr It6: Probably so. Do you usually manage to sell a lot?
Mr Foster: Sometimes seven , sometimes seventeen , at another
time seven hundred. You never know . If the
Dialogue 2
Yoshiko: Wo uld you like coffee or juice?
Jenny: Coffee please. Tha nk you.
Yoshiko: Do you need suga r and milk?
Jenny: I tak e both sugar and milk. How abo ut you?
Yoshiko : I like coffee but I do n' t tak e suga r.
Jenny: How about milk?
Yoshiko: I tak e milk . I hate black coffee . Now . . . Th e milk . ..
Ah , I' ve rem emb er ed . It 's in the kitchen . Wait a
minute .
Jenny: I'll come too.
Yoshiko : No , please don 't. It 's O K. I'll fetch the milk .
Yoshiko: Have ano the r ca ke.
Jenny: Th ank you, I will. I love Jap an ese ca kes .
Yoshiko: Do you like E nglish cakes as well?
Jenny: Yes, but they are a litt le differ en t.
Dialogue 3
Jenny: Sorry . I'd like to go to the Ladies. Where would it be?
Yoshiko: Over there . Can you read the Chinese characters?
Jenny: No, I can't.
Yoshiko: Look. Those characters are danshi. That means Men.
Those characters are read as joshi. That's for
Women. Please don't forget!
Jenny: I'll certainly remember because now I've learnt them .
Yoshiko: If you learn the Chinese characters Japanese gradually
gets easier and easier. If you learn new characters
every day you'll soon get good at understanding
Japanese .
Jenny: I'm sure I will. If I do not forget the characters I can find a
Ladies to-morrow as well. It'll be useful.
Yoshiko: You must study!
Dialogue 2
Mr Ito: Take Simon with you . Go to Tokyo together. Before you go
to the cinema you've got some time, so Simon would
probably like to see all sorts of interesting things .
Simon: Yes, I would.
Nobuo: Where would you like to go - the zoo? a museum? a
Simon: The zoo would be most interesting. I love animals. At
home in England we have one white cat and two dogs .
Nobuo: Really? But the dogs probably don't like the cat.
Simon: No , that's not the case. The three get on very well.
Dialogue 3
Simon: I want to speak Japanese but I am embarrassed.
Nobuo: Don't be shy! If you speak Japanese I'll correct your
Japanese. Would that be OK?
Simon: Certainly. But do speak more slowly. Sometimes I under-
stand your Japanese well but at other times I can't
understand it at all!
Nobuo: Open the window!
Simon: Once more please. I didn 't get that.
Nobuo: You're joking! I spoke clearly.
Simon: Please teach me. I do want to speak Japanese. If I make a
mistake please correct me .
Nobuo: Well . . . what have you got to do?
Simon: Shut the window!
Dialogue 2
Mr It6: Look at this photo. It 's of my father.
Mr Foster: Is that your father? Does he live in Tokyo?
Mr It6: No, he is dead. He died ten years ago .
Mr Foster: I'm sorry. You must miss him.
Mr It6: My mother still lives in Matsumoto. She's 82. This is a
photo of her. I took it last year at New Year.
Mr Foster: She has a splendid kimono on . Who is the man with the
Mr It6: That's my elder brother.
Mr Foster: Does he also live in Matsumoto?
Mr It6: Yes, he does. That's our home town. I was born there.
Mr Foster: Is Mrs Ito also from Matsumoto?
Mr It6: Oh no! She's a real Tokyoite born and bred!
Dialogue 3
Mr Foster: Have you only the one older brother?
Mr Ito: Yes. He's called Ichiro and he teaches maths. I've got two
younger brothers . Look . Here's a photo of all the
family. The man wearing spectacles is now living in
America - he's my younger brother - but he's sup-
posed to be coming back to Japan next year.
Mr Foster: Is that woman his wife?
Mr Ito: No, she's a younger sister of mine .
Mr Foster: What a large family!
Mr Ito ,: It is, isn't it! My older brother is 50, my elder sister 48, the
next sister down is 45, I'm 41, the first younger brother
is 39, my younger sister is 36 and the other brother is
Dialogue 4
Mr Foster: Do you go back to Matsumoto every year?
Mr Ito: Usually at O-Bon. The children love visiting their grand-
Mr Foster: Both my parents live in London so Simon and Jenny see
them frequently . Look . This is a photo of my elder
Mr Ito: Does she too live in London?
Mr Foster: Yes . I've just got the one sister.
Mr Ito: Has she got a husband?
Mr Foster: Yes . She got married five years ago .
Mr Ito : Have they children?
Mr Foster: Yes! My wife and I have become aunt and uncle!
Mr Ito: Congratulations!
Dialogue 2
Mr Ito: This is a famou s tempura restaurant. Shall we go in here ?
Mr Foster: Mmm yes, but it looks expensive . Perhaps we oughtn't
Mr Ito: I've been here before. It's not all that expensive .
Mr Foster: All right , let's go in. I'm flush today!
Mr Ito: Shall we go to that table near the window?
Mr Foster: As the menu 's in Roman letters it's easy for me to read
it! Now, 'pinetree' , 'bamboo', 'plum-tree' - what's
that mean ?
Mr Ito: They are the set meals. 'Pine' is the dearest. With that you
get prawn, cuttlefish , aubergine and mushrooms.
Dialogue 3
Mr Ito: You 're a foreigner, so naturally you like meat.
Mr Foster: I do like Japanese food but today , as I haven 't had it for
a long time, I'd like to eat some beef.
Mr Ito: Have you ever had sukiyaki ?
Mr Foster: Yes. Ah I've forgotten my wallet. I must go back to the
house .
Mr Ito: No, I'll treat you.
Mr Foster: Thank you, but next time I'll take you and Mrs Ito out
to a meal.
Mr Foster: This bean-curd is delicious .
Mr Ito: How do you like the bamboo-sprouts?
Mr Foster: Not a lot.
Mr Ito: How about a little more beef?
Mr Foster: No thank you! I'm full!
Mr Ito: Could we have the bill please .
Dialogue 2
Mrs It6: Next Sunday is the wedding of a friend of mine . I have to
arrange the flowers so I wonder if you'd give me a
hand in choosing them ?
Mrs Yamada: Of course . I'd be delighted . What sort of flowers I
Mrs It6: That's the question. Light-coloured ones would be good.
Mrs Yamada: In that case how about roses?
Mrs It6: Yes . Good . Let 's add chrysanthemums and lilies. If we do
that, then with red , yellow and pink it'll become
really beautiful.
Mrs Yamada: It will. It'll be a beautiful arrangement.
Mrs It6: I just wonder if I'm up to it.
Mrs Yamada: The flowers you arranged at your sister's wedding
were really lovely though , weren't they ?
Mrs It6: Oh by the way . . . have I already shown you the purse I
bought yesterday?
Mrs Yamada: It's really lovely .
Dialogue 2
Mr Foster: Excuse me . I want to open an account so what do I do?
Clerk: It's simple . I'll ask you to write your name here and then
straightaway you can open an account.
Mr Foster: Would you please change these pounds into yen?
Clerk: Certainly.
Mr Foster: How many yen to the pound today?
Clerk: Just a moment, please. I'll go and check . It's 287.
Mr Foster: Lower than yesterday.
Clerk: Yes . It changes every day .
Mr Foster: The yen is changeable!
Clerk: No! It's the pound!
Mr Foster: Would you change a hundred pounds please?
Clerk: Certainly, sir. Is it all right if I deduct the commission?
Mr Foster: I didn't know anything about that. What percentage?
Clerk: I'm afraid it's five per cent.
Mr Foster: Oh well, it can't be helped.
Dialogue 3
Mr Foster: We need some petrol. There's a filling-station . Let's
stop. Fill her up please.
Attendant: Right you are . Sir! Are you all right for oil?
Mr Foster: Would you check it please?
Attendant: It's very old-looking. Pitch black . Just take a look!
Mr Foster: This is a hired car actually ...
Attendant: What an awful firm it must be! Shall I put some oil in?
Mr Foster: Yes .
Attendant: I'll put a litre in.
Mr Foster: Would you check the tyres too please .
Attendant: Certainly. But could you move the car over there
please. Shall I clean the windscreen?
Mr Foster: No need, thank you. It's clean. We've got another
hundred kilometres to do .
Attendant: The motorway is crowded so do take care. Hope to see
you again!
Dialogue 2
We arr ived safely yesterday evening at 6.30. Our room is abso-
lutely delightful. We can see the Ea stern Mountains from our
window. We went to the bath before dinner but as it was our first
time we were a little embarrassed . However all went well! When wc
returned from the bath we tried on our yukata .
The maid who brought us our dinner was amazed to see us! We are
the only foreigners in the ryokan . Mary , who doesn't drink sake,
dr ank ocha .
Has your sister whom we didn't meet gone back to Matsumoto?
A German we met on the train knows your firm. It's a small world!
As we are getting back to Tokyo on Monday you don 't have to write
that letter to the electric company . I'll do it when I return .
The sky has got dark and it may rain. We wanted to go out for a stroll
so that's a shame .
We got your card this morning. I hope this letter will arrive before we
get back to Tokyo .
Pleas e give my best wishes to Mrs Ito .
Section B
Answers to Exercise 4
1. Anata no keisu wa (a) okii desu ka?
(b) kuroi desu ka?
(c) akai desu ka?
2. Goshujin no kaban wa (a) chiisai desu ka?
(b) akai desu ka?
(c) kuroi desu ka?
3. Kore wa anata no keisu desu ka?
4. Kore wa anata no kaban desu ka?
5. Kore wa goshujin no keisu desu ka?
6. Kore wa okusan no kaban desu ka?
7. Sore wa anata no keisu desu ka?
8. Sore wa anata no kaban desu ka?
9. Sore wa goshujin no kaban desu ka?
10. Sore wa okusan no keisu desu ka?
Answers to Exercise 5
1. Hajimemashite.
2. Arigato gozaimasu .
3. Anata wa Ito-san desu ka? Hai, so desu.
4. Ogenki desu ka? Hai, genki desu.
5. Sore wa anata no keisu desu ka? Hai, so desu.
Answers to Exercise 6
Dialogue 1
(HaL Watakushi wa Jones desu.)
(So desu ka? Anata wa Yamamoto-san desu ka? Haji-
(Genki desu. Anata mo?)
Dialogue 2
(Koko desu.)
(lie, sore wa watakushi no keisu ja arimasen.)
(Hai, sore wa watakushi no keisu desu. Ariqato .)
Dialogue 3
(lie, okiku wa arimasen. Chiisai desu.)
(Hai, akai desu. Ariqato.)
Chapter 2: The family car
Section A
Answers to Exercise 1
1. Kono kuruma wa Honda desu.
2. Sono kuruma wa Mitsubishi desu.
3. Ano kuruma wa Toyota desu.
4. Watakushi no keisu wa doko desu ka? Koko desu.
5. Watakushi no kaban wa doko desu ka? Soko desu!
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Sore wa nan desu ka?
2. Kudamono 0 tabemasu ka?
3. Sore wa ocha desu ka?
4. Ito-san wa biiru 0 nomimasu ka?
5. Ito-san no okusan wa osake 0 nomimasen ka?
6. Igirisu no ringo wa akai desu ka?
Answers to Exercise 8
1. Mizu ga arimasu ka?
2. Ocha ga arimasu ka?
3. Osake ga arimasu ka?
4. Nihon de osake 0 nomimasu.
5. Oishii desu .
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Amerika no naganegi wa okii desu ga Nihon no wa
chiisai desu.
2. Watakushi wa biiru 0 nomimasu ga kanai wa osake 0
3. Shujin wa gohan 0 tabemashita keredomo Ito-san wa
tabemasen desh ita.
4. Nihonjin wa osake 0 nomimasu keredomo Igirisujin wa
biiru 0 nomimasu.
Answers to Exercise 10
1. True .
2. Untrue .
3. Untrue.
4. Untrue .
5. True .
6. True.
7. Untrue.
8. True.
2. Doitsugo 0 hanashimasu.
3. Itariigo 0 hanashimasu.
4. Eigo 0 hanashimasu.
Answers to Exercise 3
Senkvukvaku nijunen , Senkvuhvaku hach ijuqonen .
Senkvuhvaku sanjush ichinen. Sh6wa jukv unen.
Senkvuhvaku qojusannen. Sh6wa vonjurokunen.
Answer s to Exercise 4
Goju , qojuichl. qojuni, qojusan, qojuvon, qojuqo, qojuroku,
qojushichi (or -nana). qojuhach i, qojukvu, roku ju,
rokujuichi ... shichiju, shichijuichi (or nanaju , nanajuichi).
Answers to Exercise 5
1. Sate -san wa Eigo 0 hanashimasen .
2. Okusama wa biiru 0 nomimasen .
3. Watakushi wa sashimi 0 tabemasen.
4. Kore wa watakushi no keisu ja arimasen .
5. Yamada-san wa Bonn de Doitsugo 0 hanash imasen
6. Anata wa osake 0 takusan nomimasen deshita.
7. Ano Nihonjin wa naganegi 0 tabemasen deshita.
8. Kuruma wa akaku wa arimasen.
Answer s to Exercise 6
1. Sh6wa sannen desh ita.
2. Sh6wa juqonen deshita.
3. Sh6wa sanjushich inen deshita.
4. Sh6wa qojuvonen desh ita.
Section B
Answers to Exercise 7
(Senkvuhvaku hach ijusannen no natsu ni kimashita.)
(lie, mush iatsui otenki deshita.)
(lie, kanai/shuj in mo kimashita.)
(lie, heta desu yo!)
Answer s to Exercise 8
1. Aki ni Nihon e kimasen deshita.
2. Shujin wa hitori de T6ky6 e kimashita.
3. Eigo wa Furansujin ni rnuzukashii desu.
4. Yamamoto-san no okusan wa Doitsugo 0 yoku
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Untrue.
2. True.
3. Untrue .
4. Untrue .
5. True.
6. True(?) .
Answers to Exercise 10
(Hai, arigat6. Genki desu. Anata mo?)
(Warui otenki desu ne.)
(Suzushii desu ne.)
(Ame ga takusan furimasu ne.)
(Biiru 0 nomimasu ka?)
(Ocha 0 nomimasu ka?)
(Oishii desu ka?)
(M6 ippai nomimasu ka?)
Chapter 5: The next morning
Section A
Answers to Exercise 1
gozen rokuji jOgofun. kujihan.
asa hachiji jOichiji gofun mae.
jOichiji gofun. goji yonjippun
gogo ichiji nijippun. yoji jOgofun mae
niji jippun. yoji sanjOgofun
shichiji (or nanaji) nijOgofun. kuji jippun mae.
Answers to Exercise 2
1. Biiru 0 nomimash6.
2. Sakana 0 tabemash6.
3. Sampo 0 shimash6.
4. Uchi e kaerimash6.
5. Nihongo 0 hanashimash6.
6. Jimusho e ikimash6.
Answers to Exercise 3
1. Nichiy6bi ni Yokohama e kaerimashita.
2. Getsuy6bi ni jimusho e ikimashita.
3. Kay6bi ni hachiji ni uchi e kaerimashita.
4. Suiy6bi ni (o)sashimi 0 tabemashita.
5. Mokuy6bi ni Nihongo 0 hanashimashita.
6. Kin'y6bi ni jimusho e ikimasen deshita.
7. Doy6bi ni sampo shimashita.
Answers to Exercise 4
(Ohay6 gozaimasu. Yoku nemurimashita ka?)
(Arigat6. Yoku nemurimashita. Warui otenki desu ne.)
(Kin6 suzushii otenki deshita ne.)
(Ima nanji desu ka?)
(Doy6bi desu kara jimusho e ikimasen.)
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Ano kodomo wa Furansugo ga wakarimasu.
2. Okusama wa Doitsugo ga wakarimasu.
3. Shujin wa Nihongo ga wakarimasu.
4. Ano gaikokujin wa Itariigo ga wakarimasu.
5. Ano Nihonjin wa Eigo ga wakarimasu ka?
Section B
Answers to Exercise 8
1. Kudamonoya wa hon'ya no yoko ni arimasu.
2. Watakushi no kuruma wa uchi no mae ni arimasu .
3. Watakushi no keisu wa anata no kaban no yoko ni
4. Momo wa ringo no yoko ni arimasu.
5. Gakko wa watakushi no jimusho ':10 mae ni arimasu .
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Arigato gozaimasu. (Hyaku goja-en no okaeshi desu .)
2. (Gohyaku-en no okaeshi desu .)
3. (Sen happyaku-en no okaeshi
desu .)
4. (Sanzen-en no okaeshi desu.)
5. (Kvusen roppyaku-en no okaeshi
Answers to Exercise 10
(Gomen kudasai!)
(Jib iki ga arimasu ka?)
(Ei-wa jiten 0 kaitai desu keredomo.)
(Takai desu ka?)
Okura desu ka?)
(So desu ka? Takai desu ga Nihon no hon 0 yomitai
desu. Niman-en de otsuri 0 itadakemasu ka?)
(Dorno ariqato gozaimasu .)
Chapter 7: Shopping - 2 At the post office
Section A
Answers to Exercise 1
1. Chotto matte kudasai.
2. Eigo de hanashite kudasai.
3. Ehagaki 0 katte kudasai.
4. Omoidashite kudasai.
Answers to Exercise 2
1. Kitte 0 sammai kaitai desu.
2. Ehagaki 0 gomai kaitai desu.
3. Kitte 0 hachimai kaitai desu.
Answers to Exercise 8
1. Kino tegami 0 sammai kakimashita.
2. Kesa ocha 0 nihai nomimashita.
3. Kin'vobi Nihonjin 0 futari mimashita.
4. Sanji nijippun ni ehagaki 0 gomai kaimashita .
5. Shichiji ni tegami 0 yommai kakimashita .
Answers to Exercise 9
(VQbinkyoku e ikitai desu.)
(lie, arukimashO.)
(Kesa ehagaki 0 kakimashita kara Amerika e okuritai
(Sammai kakimashita.)
(Sumimasen. Eigo 0 hanashimasu ka? or Eigo ga
wakarimasu ka?)
(Ano . .. Amerika e ehagaki 0 sammai okuritai desu.
Ikura desu ka?)
(Hyaku gojQ-en no kitte 0 sammai kudasai.)
(Gosen-en satsu shika arimasen ga ii desu ka?)
(Arigato gozaimasu .)
Chapter 8: At Mr Maeda 's office
Section A
Answers to Exercise 1
1. Katte imasu .
2. Kaite imasu.
3. Vonde imasu .
4. Hanashite imasu.
5. Matte imasu.
6. Nonde imasu.
7. Hataraite imasu .
Answers to Exercise 2
1. Suivobi desu.
2. Mokuvobi desu.
3. Getsuvobi deshita.
4. Nichivobi deshita .
Answers to Exercise 3
1. Sangatsu sanjQnichi desu.
2. Sangatsu sanjQichinichi desu .
3. Sangatsu nijQhachinichi deshita.
4. Sangatsu nijushichinichi deshita.
Answers to Exercise 4
1. Jugatsu nijuninichi desu.
2. Juqatsu nljusannichi desu.
9. mata .
10. shika.
11. ikaga.
12. ikura.
Answers to Exercise 4
1. Ano akai otera wa utsukushii desu.
2. Ano kuroi hon wa omoshiroi desu.
3. Nihongo wa yasashii desu ga Eigo wa muzukashii
4. Ano chiisai jibiki wa yasui desu.
5. Kyo mushiatsui desu. Kino suzushii otenki deshita.
Section B
Answers to Exercise 6
1. GozenchCl yasunde imasu.
2. Denwa de hanashite imasu.
3. Nannichi ni shimasho ka?
4. Asatte mata kimasho.
5. Ototoi Kimura-san ni aimashita.
Answers to Exercise 7
(Ima jCljihan desu.)
(Jimusho de hataraite imasu.)
(Ginza e itte kaimono 0 shitai desu.)
(Hamigaki 0 kaitai desu. Kusuriya ga arimasu ka?)
(Ah! omoidashimashita! Tabako 0 kaitai desu.)
(Hito hako?)
(Mainichi nambon suimasu ka?)
(JClgohon gurai. Karada ni warui desu ne!)
Chapter 10: By taxi and train
Section A
Answers to Exercise 1
1. Depaato wa yClbinkyoku yori toi desu.
2. Nihongo wa Eigo yori omoshiroi desu.
3. Furansugo wa Doitsugo yori yasashii desu.
4. Natsu wa aki yori atsui desu.
5. Shim bun wa zasshi yori yasui desu.
Answers to Exercise 2
1. tabete.
2. kaite.
3. atte.
4. magatte.
5. yonde.
Answers to Exercise 3
1. Nihongo 0 yomu koto ga dekimasu.
4. Itaku narimashita.
5. Waruku nar imashita.
Answers to Exercise 4
1. Ito -san wa kuruma 9a arimasu.
2. Watakushi wa kitte qa arimasu.
3. Yamada-san wa node qa itai desu.
4. Sate-san no okusan wa atama ga itai desu.
5. Ano kata wa okina ie ga arimasu .
Answers to Exercise 5
1. Nomanakereba narimasen.
2. Minakereba narimasen.
3. Kaeranakereba narimasen .
4. Hanasanakereba narimasen.
5. Tsukenakereba narimasen.
6. Yasumanakereba narimasen.
7. Naranakereba narimasen.
8. Tabenakereba narimasen.
9. Norikaenakereba narimasen.
10. Mitsukenakereba narimasen.
Answers to Exercise 6
1. Stomach-ache .
2. Headache as well.
3. Caught a cold .
4. Got a fever.
5. Sore throat.
Section B
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Kino .
2. Yokka mae ni.
3. SenkyQhyaku nanajQnananen ( or Showa gojQninen)
4. JQichigatsu voka ni.
5. Toka mae ni.
6. JQnigatsu nijQyokka ni .
7. Gozen kujihan ni.
8. Ototoi.
9. Sakuban.
10. Kesa.
Answers to Exercise 8
(lie, yamimashita.)
(lie , samuku narimashita.)
(Kaze 0 hikimashita.)
(Netsu ga demashita.)
(Mada ikimasen.)
(lie, toku wa arimasen. Chikai desu.)
(Watakushi wa atama ga itai desu.)
(Honto desu.)
(Sumimasen. Hai, uchi e kaeranakereba narimasen.)
(Arigato gozaimasu.)
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Tamago 0 tabete kocha 0 nomitai desu.
2. Yokohama e itte kaban 0 kaitai desu.
3. Ito-san no okusan wa daidokoro e itte okashi 0 motte
4. Kanai wa sampo shite kaimono 0 shitai desu.
5. Nihonjin ni atte Nihongo 0 hanashimashita.
Chapter 12: At the doctor's
Section A
Answers to Exercise 1
1. Watakushi wa biiru ga suki desu.
2. Anata wa mizu ga hoshii desu ka?
3. Shujin wa ocha ga dai kirai desu.
4. Kodama wa atama ga itai desu.
5. Ito-san wa okane ga arimasu yo.
Answers to Exercise 2
1. Nominagara.
2. Minagara.
3. Tabenagara.
4. Ikinagara.
5. Shinagara.
Answers to Exercise 3
1. (nomeba) If you drink this medicine you will get better.
2. (ikeba) If you go to Kyoto you can see some splendid
3. (hanaseba) If one speaks Japanese one will get good at it.
4. (tabereba) If you eat rice you'll grow tall.
5. (kureba) If you come here you can see Mt Fuji.
Answers to Exercise 4
1. Ma.
2. Ano.
3. Ano ne,
4. Eeto.
5. Sa.
Answers to Exercise 5
1. Hayaku hanashimashita.
2. Mazui desu.
3. Kirai desu.
4. Igirisu e ikitaku wa arimasen.
5. Yasashii desu.
Answers to Exercise 6
(lie, mada ikimasen.)
(lie, kino deshita.)
(Mikka desu.)
(lie, kin'vobi desu.)
(lie , hitori de ikimasu.)
(Hatsuka ni kaerimasu.)
(Nan demo kekko desu.)
(Ocha no ho ga ii desu.)
Section B
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Genki ni nareba Nikko e iku koto ga dekimasu.
2. Genki ni naranakereba Kyoto e iku koto ga dekimasen.
3. Yokohama e ikeba Doitsu no jibiki 0 kau koto ga
4. Nihon e ikanakereba Fuji-san 0 miru koto ga dekima-
5. Kono kusuri 0 nomeba genki ni narimasu.
6. Benky6 shinakereba oj6zu ni narimasen. .
7. Depaato e ikeba isu 0 kau koto ga dekimasu.
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Setsumei shite kudasaimasu.
2. Depaato e itte kudasaimasu.
3. Ehagaki 0 kaite kudasaimasu.
4. Koko e kite kudasaimasu .
5. Jibiki 0 katte kudasaimasu.
Answers to Exercise 10
(Atama ga itakute node mo itai desu.)
(Sukoshi demashita. Taion ga sanjO shichido kyObu
(lie. Kino wa itaku narimashita ga kyo wa daijcbu
(Ebi to gohan 0 tabemashita.)
(HaL Nodo ga itai desu kara mizu 0 takusan nomi-
(Sakuban yori ii desu keredomo itai desu.)
(Hidoi desu ka?)
4. hanasanaide kudasai.
5. kawanaide kudasai.
6. matanaide kudasai.
7. ikanaide kudasai.
8. tazunenaide kudasai.
Answers to Exercise 4
1. Sh6wa qojuichi-nen desu.
2. Sh6wa qojuninen desu.
3. Sh6wa rokujuvonen deshita.
4. Senkvuhvaku hachijuqonen deshita.
Answers to Exercise 5
1. ringo 0 to.
2. okashi 0 nanatsu.
3. tamago 0 itsutsu.
4. momo 0 kokonotsu.
5. teeburu 0 yattsu.
6. denwa 0 juichi.
Answers to Exercise 6
1. ikanakereba ... aimasen.
2. nomanakereba narimasen.
3. tabenakereba futorimasen .
4. yomanakereba . . wakarimasen.
5. kakanakereba ikimasen.
6. isoganakereba tsukimasen.
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Gink6 e ikitai desu .
2. Dekaketai desu.
3. Sampo shitai desu.
4. Uchi e kaeritai desu.
5. Tegami 0 kakitai desu.
6. Tomodachi ni aitai desu.
Section B
Answers to Exercise 8
1. hon/jibiki/Ei-wa jiten
2. kippu
3. sakana/ebi
4. hagaki/kitte
5. osake
Answers to Exercise 9
(M6 naorimashita yo. Ima totemo genki desu.)
(Hai, [ujihan ni dekakemasu.)
(Gink6 e iku tsumori desu.)
(Gink6 e itte kara vubinkvoku e ikimasu.)
Answers to Exercise 4
1. Tama ni shika ikimasen.
2. Tama ni shika kimasen .
3. Tama ni shika hanashimasen.
4':" Tama ni shika nomimasen.
5. Tama ni shika tabemasen.
6. Tama ni shika mimasen.
Answers to Exercise 5
1. Nomu desha.
2. Oboeru desha.
3. Kiku desha.
4. Suru desha .
5. Kaeru desha .
6. Wakaru desha.
7. Kuru desha.
8. Konde iru desha.
Section B
Answers to Exercise 6
1. Aruku koto ga suki desu.
2. Oishasan e ikimasu.
3. lie, takushii de ikanakereba narimasen.
4. Biiru no ha ga ii desu. Ariqato.
5. Nani 0 suru koto ga kirai desu ka?
6. Ha ga itaku nareba nani 0 shimasu ka?
7. Rondon made kisha de iku koto ga dekimasu ka?
s,: Kocha to kohii to dochira ga ii desy ka?
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Sono naganegi wa takasugimasu.
2. Ano kanji wa muzukashisugimasu.
3. Okashi 0 tabesugimashita.
4. JQgofun hayaku kisugimashita.
Answers to Exercise 8
1. Can you read those kanji ?
2. The reading of those kanji is hon'ya.
3. I can remember thos e kanji.
4. Those kanji are read as isha.
Answers to Exercise 9
1. zenzen.
2. dandan.
3. onna.
4. rainen.
5. kyonen.
6. otoko.
Answers to Exercise 10
1. Eki no ushiro ni arimasu.
2. Depaato no mae ni arimasu.
3. Asoko desu. Gink6 no yoko ni arimasu.
4. Massugu itte, hitotsume no kado 0 migi e magatte
kudasai. Okina tatemono desu . Eki no yoko ni arimasu.
Answers to Exercise II
1. Ky6 atarashii kanji 0 naraimashita.
2. Eigakan e itte Nihon no eiga 0 mimashita.
3. Kono chiisakute akai hon wa yasashisugimasu.
4. Sat6 to iu tomodachi wa eki e tonde ikanakereba
Answers to Exercise 12
(K6cha no h6 ga ii desu. Arigat6.)
(Miruku wa irimasu ga osato wa irimasen.)
(lie! Okashi 0 tabesugireba by6ki ni narimasu yo!)
(Arigat6, itadakimasu.)
(Atama ga itai desu kara dekakemasen.)
(Kaze 0 hikimashita.)
(Kekk6 desu. Arigat6.)
Chapter 15: Planning a trip
Section A
Answers to Exercise I
1. omoshiros6 desu.
2. hanashitas6 desu.
3. hoshis6 desu.
4. sabishis6 desu.
5. hazukashis6 desu.
Answers to Exercise 2
1. Ane to issho ni eiga 0 mi ni ikimash6.
2. Momo to (or ka) ringo to (or ka) dochira ga suki desu
3. Gakk6 ni tomodachi ga futari imasu.
4. Kusuri 0 nonde kara kanai wa naorimashita.
5. Gakk6 de Eigo 0 naraimasu.
6. Kusuri wa watakushi no tomodachi 0 naoshimashita.
7. Okusama wa genki ni narimashita.
Answers to Exercise 3
1. Chittomo wakarimasen.
2. Heta desu.
3. Sukoshi wakarimasu.
4. Yoku wakarimasu.
5. Hanasu koto ga dekimasu ga kaku koto wa dekimasen.
Answers to Exercise 5
1. Okusama 0 tsurete kudasai.
2. Yukkuri hanashite kudasai.
3. Mado 0 shimete kudasai.
4. Kono kusuri 0 non de kudasai.
5. Wasurenaide kudasai.
6. Sono tegami 0 akenaide kudasai.
7. Ma ichido itte kudasai.
Answers to Exercise 6
1. Sengetsu.
2. Rokugatsu nijuvokka.
3. Igirisu/Eikoku kara.
4. Hikoki de.
5. Jugatsu taka .
Section B
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Mr Ito has to go to Tokyo every week .
2. Peaches are dearer than Japanese pears but apples are the
3. My friend taught me Japanese.
4. Have you got the time to do it?
5. Which do you like, dogs or cats?
Answers to Exercise 8
(Kanai wa Nihon ga dai suki desu.)
(Mada hanashimasen keredomo naraitai desu.)
(lie, heta desu ga hanashitai desu yo.)
(Ii desu yo. Shikashi sukoshi hazukashii desu.)
(Muzukashii desu ga dandan yasashiku natte imasu.)
(Mada yomimasen ga ana kanji 0 naraimashita.)
(Ano kanji wa Nihon to yomimasu.)
(Sono kanji wa wakarimasen.)
Answers to Exercise 9
I went to the zoo and sawall sorts of interesting animals. I
love animals.
In our home in Kyoto we have three cats. The biggest is
small and black.
I like dogs too but as our cats hate dogs we don't have any
dogs in the house .
Answers to Exercise 10
1. Moshi sono mado a akereba heya wa samuku nari-
2. Sono made a akenakereba uchi wa atsuku narimasu.
7. moratta.
8. iketa .
Section B
Answers to Exercise 6
1. Sushi 0 taberu koto ga suki desu.
2. Benkvo suru koto ga kirai desu.
3. Aruku koto ga suki desu .
4. Osake 0 nomu koto ga dai kirai desu.
5. Eigakan e iku koto ga suki desu .
6. Ongaku 0 kiku koto ga kirai desu.
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Ashita Yokohama e iku to omoimasu.
2. Ano hito wa kino Kobe e itta to omoimasu .
3. Ano hito wa kyo jimusho e kuru to omoimasu ka?
4. Hon'ya de jibiki 0 katta to omoimasu ka?
Answers to Exercise 8
1. How many pink chrysanthemums do you intend to bu y?
2. It 's useful to hear Jap anese every da y.
3. It 's not much fun waiting for a friend to come.
4. Th ere are many pine-trees near a high mountain.
5. As I want to remember Engli sh I intend to study hard .
6. Aft er we've see n the film sha ll we go and ea t some sushi?
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Kino katta jibiki wa warui desu/yoku wa arimasen.
2. SenshG no kin'vobi ni nonda kusuri wa mazukatta no
desu .
3. Okaasan ga iketa hana wa utsukushii desu .
4. Amerika de totta shashin wa doko desu ka?
5. Kesa eranda hon wa omoshiroku wa arimasen.
Answers to Exercise 10
(Chotto matte kudasai. Techo 0 mimasu. Dame desu
yo. Mokuvobi nara ii desu keredomo. Anata wa?)
(Otaku no mae de airnasho ka?)
(lie, watakushi wa kuruma ga arimasu kara tochu de
anata 0 hiroimasho.)
(Ah ... ane ga inaka kara motte kita hana 0
mimashita ka?)
(Watakashi wa kiku ga dai suki desu.)
(Akai bara ga suki desu ga shiroi no wa kirai desu.)
(NijGyokka ni. Ane no atarashii uchi no shashin desu.
Mite kudasai.)
Section B
Answers to Exercise 6
1. Sate-san wa shitte imasu ka?
2. Sore wa shirimasen deshita.
3. Sakaya no soba ni aru koban wa shitte imasu ka?
4. Ano kotoba wa shiranakereba narimasen.
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Sir!/Madam!
2. Certainly , sir/madam.
3. It makes no odds.
4. I'm sorry .
5. Do take care .
6. Please!
7. Excuse me .
8. I'm treating. (It 's on me.)
Answers to Exercise 8
1. Kuruma a chotto achira e uqokashirnasho ka?
2. Kosokudoro wa konde im asu.
3. Taiya a shirabete kudasai. (or chiekki shite kudasai.)
4. Mada ate hachijCJkiro mo unten shinakereba
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Furansugo a hanasu koto ga dekimasen.
2. Nemuru koto ga dekimashita.
3. Hataraku koto ga dekimasen.
4. Itadaku koto ga dekimasu ka?
Answers to Exercise 10
(Hachiji jCJgofun desu.)
(Gogo shichiji gurai.)
(Mainichi nambon nomimasu/suimasu ka?)
(Honto desu ka! Ana ... ginko wa shitte imasu ka?)
(Ginko no saba ni gasorinsutando ga arimasu ne.)
(Ano ... gasorinsutando no ushiro ni tabakoya ga
(Sumimasen ga . .. Koza 0 hirakitai n desu ga do
sureba ii no desho ka?)
(Chigaimasu. Watakushi wa Igirisujin desu.)
(Kyo wa ichipondo wa nan-en desu ka?)
(So desu ka? Kino yori takai desu ne. Gojupondo 0 en
ni kaete itadakemasen ka?)
3. Shichigatsu voka.
4. Hachigatsu [Osannichi,
5. Kugatsu futsuka.
6. Haishu no suivobi .
7. Haishu no dovobi.
8. Saraishu no kin'vobi
Answers to Exercise 6
1. Hitori desu .
2. Futari desu.
3. Sannin desu.
4. Vonin desu.
5. Watakushi to musuko desu.
6. Kanai to musume desu.
Answers to Exercise 7
1. Hitoban desu.
2. Futaban desu .
3. Yoban desu.
4. Goban desu.
5. Rokuban desu.
6. lsshukan desu .
7. Nlshukan desu .
8. Ikkagetsu desu.
9. Rokkagetsu desu.
10. Shichikagetsu desu.
Answers to Exercise 8
1. Hitoban de nishoku tsuki de kvusen gohyaku-en ni
narimasu .
2. ichiman issen-en
3. ichiman yonsen-en
4. niman-en
Section B
Answers to Exercise 9
1. Watakushi ga yomanakatta han.
2. Tegami a kakanakatta atoka no hito.
3. Kino jimusho e konakatta atoka no hito.
4. Anata ga kawanakatta saifu.
Answers to Exercise 10
1. Nihongo a hanasanai atoka no hito desu .
2. Benkvo shinai kodomo desu.
3. Tabaka a nomanai/suwanai atoka no kata desu.
4. Sashimi a tabenai Nihonjin desu.
5. Furusato e kaeranai tornodachl desu.
Answers to Exercise 11
1. Tokyo e kaette kara denwa 0 kakemashita.
2. Kyoto e tsuite kara otomodachi ni aimashita .
3. Asoko ni kuruma 0 tomeba Fuji-san 0 miru koto ga
dekiru desho.
4. Ryokan ni rokuji mae ni todoku to ii desu .
5. VQgohan no mae ni kuru to ii desu .
Section 1
1. Kore wa watakushi no kaban ja arimasen.
2. Uchi ni ringo to (or va) momo ga arimasu.
3. Nihon dewa kodomotach i wa hachiji ni qakko e iki-
4. Watak ishi wa Yokohama e ikimash ita.
5. Foster-san wa Kyoto de sashim i 0 tabemashita.
6. Yuki ga takusan furimasu.
7. Getsuvobi kara kin'vobi made jimusho e ikimasu.
8. Samuku wa arimasen .
Section 2
1. Yasashiku wa arimasen. Muzukashii desu .
2. Samuku wa arimasen. Atsui desu.
3. Chiisaku wa arimasen. Okii desu.
4. Waruku wa arimasen . Ii desu.
5. Yoku wa arimasen. Warui desu .
Section 3
yonjQshichi (or -nana)
gojQgo .
shichi- (or nana-) jQhachi
Section 4
sen kyOhyaku rokujOgonen
sen kyOhyaku hachijOnen
Section 5
gozen (or asa) shichi- (or nana-) ji jOgofun.
gogo hachiji yonjOgofun (or kuji jOgofun mae).
yoji jippun mae.
jOichiji sanjOgofun.
kuji nijippun.
Section 6
naganegi. goshujin
kudamono. kugatsu
kuruma. rnokuvobi
ame. kyo
okusama. mochiron.
Section 7
1. lie, Rondon no haru wa mushiatsuku wa arimasen.
2. Igirisu dewa fuyu wa atsuku wa arimasen .
3. Nihonjin wa sakana ya go han 0 tabemasu.
4. Nihongo wa gaikokujin ni muzukashii desu yo!
5. Nihon dewa kodomotachi wa futsO goji ni uchi e
Section 8
1. It is large and red .
2. It is 6.30.
3. Black .
4. No, German.
5. Fish and rice (and other things!).
6. Sake or green tea.
7. No.
8. No.
9. In June.
Section 1
1. jOmai
2. futatsu
3. jippon
4. sambai
5. itsutsu
Section 2
1. Tegami 0 kaite imasu.
2. Kaimono 0 shite imasu.
3. Ebi 0 katte imasu.
4. Nihongo de hanashite imasu.
5. Tokyo e kite imasu.
Section 3
1. Jimusho de hataraite tegami 0 kakimashita.
2. Tokyo e itte kaimono 0 shimashita.
3. Uch i e kaette gohan 0 tabemashita.
4. Gohan 0 tabete shimbun 0 yomimashita.
5. Shimbun 0 yonde osake 0 nomimashita.
Section 4
1. Otera wa Kiyomizudera to iimasu.
2. Teeburu no ue ni nani ga arimasu ka?
3. Watakushi wa Nihonjin ni aimashita.
4. Kocha ni shimasho.
5. Otera 0 mimashita.
6. Yurakucho kara Gotanda made eki ga muttsu arimasu .
7. Senri na hon desho,
8. Ano hito wa Nihongo ga yoku wakarimasu.
Section 5
1. Massugu itte kudasai.
2. Hidari e magatte kudasai.
3. Mittsume no kado 0 migi e magatte kudasai.
4. Ano okina (or okii) tatemono no tokoro 0 hidari e
magatte kudasai.
Section 6
1. Three .
2. 750 yen.
3. Germany.
4. 2500 yen .
5. A 10 000 note.
6. 7500 yen.
7. On the table over there; two.
8. October 13.
9. 2.25.
Section 7
1. VObinkyoku no yoko ni kusuriya ga arimasu .
2. Kudamonoya no mae ni denwa ga arimasu.
Section 8
Niman gosen-en.
samman rokusen-en.
sambyaku rokujO-en.
roppyaku yonjOgo-en.
sanzen nanahyaku-en.
Section 9
1. Yasumimashita. or Hatarakimasen deshita.
2. Takai desu. or Yasuku wa arimasen.
3. re: desu. or Chikaku wa arimasen.
4. Karada ni ii desu. or Karada ni waruku wa ari-
5. Nihongo wa yasashii desu.or Nihongo wa muzuka-
shiku wa arimasen.
Section 10
1. As the rain is stopping how about a stroll ?
2. How much is it? I don 't know yet.
3. Let 's come back again next Friday .
4. It 's a little difficult but it is interesting.
5. After I came to Tokyo I saw a Shinto shrine.
Section 1
1. Tomodachi wa bvoki ni narimashita.
2. Otenki wa samuku narimashita.
3. Watakushi wa atama ga itai desu.
4. Kanai wa netsu ga demashita.
5. Watakushi wa kaze a hikimashita.
Section 2
Ichigatsu kokonoka.
sangatsu jOgonichi.
gogatsu muika.
kugatsu jOyokka
shichigatsu hatsuka.
Section 3
1. Watakushi wa osake ga dai kirai desu.
2. Watakushi wa mizu ga hoshii desu.
3. Watakushi wa Tokyo ga suki desu.
4. Watakushi wa Furansu no kuruma ga arimasu.
5. Watakushi wa terebi 0 miru koto ga suki desu.
Section 4
1. Hatarakanakereba narimasen.
2. Mado 0 akenakereba narimasen.
3. Uchi e konakereba narimasen.
Section 1
1. Sumimasen ga otearai wa doko ni arimasu ka?
2. Keisatsusho wa doko ni arimasu ka?
3. Oisha san no ie .. .
4. Ryokan .. .
5. Ichiban chikai koban .. .
Section 2
1. Eigo ga wakarimasu.
2. YOmei na tokoro desu.
3. Tokyo de umaremashita.
4. Oji ga kaita tegami 0 yomimashita.
5. Jiro to iu tomodachi wa shitte imasu ka?
6. Biiru ni shimasu.
7. Itsu tsuku to omoimasu ka?
8. Supaa no soba ni ginko ga arimasu.
9. Takushii de kimashita.
10. RaishU kaeru ni kimatte imasu.
11. Kauntaa ni suwarirnasho.
Section 3
1. Musume no tanjobi wa shigatsu tsuitachi desu.
2. Musuko wa hassai desu.
3. Haha wa shichigatsu toka ni kaerirnasu,
4. Ani wa jimusho de hataraite imasu.
5. lrnoto wa sen kyOhyaku gojOroku nen [Showa
sanjOichinenl ni umaremashita.
Section 4
1. Akeru.
2. Shimeru.
3. Akarui.
4. Kurai.
5. Kyonen.
6. Kotoshi.
7. Ototoi.
8. Asatte.
9. Ureshii.
10. Sabishii.
Section 5
1. That 's too bad.
2. It's a pity but there we are .
3. Take your time.
4. Take care.
ichi hitotsu 1
ni futatsu 2
san mittsu 3
shi or yon yottsu 4
go itsutsu 5
roku muttsu 6
shichi or nana nanatsu 7
hachi yattsu 8
kyO kokonotsu 9
jO to 10
[uichi 11
nijO 20
nijOichi 21
sanjO 30
yonjO 40
gojO 50
rokujO 60
shichijO or nanajO 70
hachijO 80
kyOjO 90
hyaku 100
nihyaku 200
sambyaku 300
yonhyaku 400
gohyaku 500
roppyaku 600
shichikyaku or nanahyaku 700
happyaku 800
kyOhyaku 900
sen 1000
ichiji 1.00
ichiji ippun 1.01
ichiji nifun 1.02
ichiji sampun 1.03
ichiji yompun 1.04
ichiji gofun 1.05
ichiji roppun 1.06
ichiji shichifun or nanafun 1.07
ichiji hachifun or happun 1.08
ichiji kvufun 1.09
ichiji jippun 1.10
ichiji jGippun 1.11
ichiji jugofun 1.15
ichiji nijippun 1.20
ichiji nijuqofun 1.25
ichiji sanjippun or han 1.30
ichiji sanjuqofun 1.35
ichiji yonjippun 1.40
niji juqofun mae or ichiji vonjuqofun 1.45
niji jippun mae or ichiji gojippun 1.50
niji gofun mae or ichiji qojuqofun 1.55
niji 2.00
sanji 3.00
yoji 4.00
goji 5.00
rokuji 6.00
shichiji or nanaji 7.00
hachiji 8.00
kuji 9.00
juji 10.00
jOichiji 11.00
jOniji 12.00
gogo sanji or jOgoji 3.00 p.m.
gozen sanji or asa sanji 3.00 a.m .
reiji midnight
getsuy6bi Monday
kay6bi Tuesday
suiy6bi Wednesday
mokuy6bi Thursday
kin'y6bi Friday
doy6bi Saturday
nichiy6bi Sunday
tsuitachi 1st
futsuka 2nd
mikka 3rd
yokka 4th
itsuka 5th
muika 6th
nanoka 7th
y6ka 8th
kokonoka 9th
t6ka 10th
juichinichl 11th
juninichi 12th
jusannichi 13th
juvokka 14th
jugonichi 15th
jurokunichi 16th
[Oshichinichi 17th
juhachinichi 18th
jukunichi 19th
hatsuka 20th
nijuichinichi 21st
nijunichi 22nd
Flat objects
ichimai 1 stamp , piece of paper, etc .
nimai 2
sammai 3
yommai or yomai 4
gomai 5
rokumai 6
shichimai or nanamai 7
hachimai 8
kyCJmai 9
jCJmai 10
hitori 1 person
futari 2 people
sannin 3
yonin 4
gonin 5
rokunin 6
shichinin or nananin 7
hachinin 8
kyCJnin 9
jOnin 10
jOichinin 11
jOninin 12
Cylindrical objects
ippon 1 pen , umbrella , etc.
nihon 2
sambon 3
yonhon 4
gohon 5
roppon 6
shich ihon or nanahon 7
happon 8
kvuhon 9
jippon 10
ippi ki 1
nihiki 2
sambiki 3
yon hik i 4
goh iki 5
ropp iki 6
shichihiki or nanah iki 7
happiki 8
kvuh iki 9
j ipp iki 10
ippai 1
nihai 2
samba i 3
yonha i 4
goha i 5
roppa i 6
Weak verbs
taberu to eat infinitive
tabenai negative infinitive
tabemasu present
tabemasen present negative
tabete -te form
tabemashita past
tabemasen deshita past negative
tabeta past plain form
tabenakatta past negative plain form
tabetai 'want to'
tabereba 'if' form
tabenakereba negative 'if' form
Strong verbs
yomu to read infinitive
yomanai negative infinitive
yomimasu present
yomimasen present negative
yonde -te form
yomimashita past
yomimasen deshita past negative
yonda past plain form
yomanakatta past negative plain form
yomitai 'want to'
yomeba 'if' form
yomanakereba negative 'if' form
Irregular verbs
suru to do kuru to come iku, to go
shinai konai ikanai
shimasu kimasu ikimasu
shite kite itte
heavy omoi
light karui
long nagai
short mijikai
old (of people) toshiyori no
old (not people) furui
warm attakai (or atataka i)
young wakai
brown chairo no (literally, tea-colour)
dark blue kon no
green midori no
grey nezumiiro no (literally rat-colour)
purple murasaki no
ear mimi
face kao
finger yubi
hair kami
leg, foot ashi
mouth kuchi
nose hana
ring yubiwa
glove tebukuro
hat , cap b6shi
shoe kutsu
sock kutsushita
trousers zubon
bridge hash i
crossro ad s kosaten
garden niwa
park koen
so uth minami
insid e no naka ni
un de rneath no shita ni
as htray ha iza ra
desk ts u kue
drin king-glass koppu
mirror kagam i
plate sa ra
roo m heya
scisso rs hasami
1. Types of verbs
(a) desu
(b) imasu/arimasu
(c) Weak verbs
(d) Strong verbs
(e) Irregular verbs
2. Nouns
3. Counters and Numbers
4. Tenses
(a) Present and pres ent negative
(b) Past and past negative
5 Pronouns
6. Adjectives
(a) True adjectives
(b) Negative of true adjectives
(c) Other adjectives and their negatives
(d) Comparatives
(e) Superlatives
(f) Preference (. . . no h6 ga ii)
(g) demonstratives (kana, sana, ana)
7. Adverbs
8. Particles
(a) ka, ne , ne, ya
(b) wa
(c) a
(d) ga
(e) ni
(f) de
(g) no
(h) e
(i) kara
(j) to, ya, ka, matawa
(k) mo
9. Expressing position
10. Time
(a) Hours and minutes
(b) Days
(c) Months
(d) Years
(e) Dates
(f) Ages
11. Weather
12. Honorifics
13. Verbs in Use
(a) -te form
1. Giving instructions
2. Continuous actions
3. Joining two sentences
4. Linked verbs
5. With kara
6. With arimasu
7. With shimau
8. With mite kudasai
(b) Plain form
(c) Relative clauses
(d) Negative instructions
(e) -tai desu
(f) tsumori desu
(g) Probable form
(h) Must
(i) Need not
(j) If
(k) kama shiremasen
(I) naru
1. Types of verbs
(a) desu, the verb 'to be': the present tense - ' am' , 'is', 'are' .
This verb joins two words together :
(b) imasu/arimasu
These verbs are also equivalents of the verb 'to be ', but are used to
express position . imasu is used with people, animals, birds and means
of transport , whereas arimasu is used with inanimate objects:
2. Nouns
Hito is one of the very few nouns that has a plural, hitotachi or
hitobito . Kodoma is another (plural Kodornotachi) . Other
Japanese nouns are either singular or plural according to context.
In the first case the speaker would be holding out one book, in the
second more than one (but see also section 3 below):
4. Tenses
(a) Weak verbs form their present tense by cutting off the - ru and
putting -rnasu . The negative ending is -rnasen:
taberu to eat
miru to see
tabemasu I eat
tabemasen I do not eat
mimasu I see
mimasen I do not see
(b) The past ending is -mash ita and the past negative ending is
-masen deshita:
The endings are exactly the same both for strong verbs and for
irregular verbs , but they form their ten ses in a different way :
yomu to read
yomimasu I read (now)
yomimasen I do not read
yomimashita I read (yesterday)
yomimasen deshita I did not read
5. Pronouns
These are mainly used to avoid ambiguity. Once it is clear who is
doing the action , they can be omitted.
The personal pronouns are:
watakushi I
anata (singular) you
watakushitachi we
anatagata (plural) you
Ano hito or ana kata , meaning that person', can be used for ' he' or
'she ', but if it is necessary to indicate the gender of the individual , you
can use:
6. Adjectives
(a) True adjectives end in -i, like chiisai , small , shiroi, white:
(c) Adjectives that are not true adjectives form their negatives like
(d) Comparatives
(e) Superlatives
(1) Preference
The construction no ho qa ii literally means 'This side is the good
one - i.e ., this course or system is preferable :
7. Adverbs
To form adverbs from true adjectives, you replace the -i with -ku:
The old form of ii was yoi, and today its adverbial form is still yoku :
8. Particles
(a) ka, ne, ne and yo
ka is a verbal question mark:
yo lends emphasis:
(b) wa
wa is an attention-calling particle :
(c) 0
o shows the object of a transitive verb :
(d) ga
ga usually stresses the subject of a verb:
3. With wakaru :
(e) ni
1. Indicates position or time:
Keisu wa kuruma ni The case is in the car.
Shoqatsu ni Nihon e I came to Japan in
kimashita. January.
2. Indicates the dative:
Nobuo ni aimashita
I met Nobuo
With kimaru:
With suru :
ocha ni shimasu
I'll have green tea
(1) de
Unlike ni, de indicates where an action is taking place :
(g) no
Best thought of as the equivalent of's :
(h) e
Means towards:
Means from:
Is used when other objects not mentioned are implied :
means 'or' between two nouns or pronouns:
(k) rna
Means 'too' or 'also' :
9. Expressing position
mae in front
ushiro behind
shita beneath
ue on top
naka inside
yoko beside
saba near
10 Time
(a) hours and minutes
The suffix -ji is used for hours and -fun for minutes (see p. 299):
When the 24-hour clock is used, reiji (literally, zero hour!) can be
used to express midnight.
The suffix -jikan expresses extent of time:
(b) Days
ashita tomorrow
ototoi the day before yesterday
asatte the day after tomorrow
(c) Months
(see p . 303)
(d) Years
Although the A .D . system is official , the traditional way of reckoning
years since the start of the current Emperor's reign is more common
(d) Dates
(see p. 301)
The Japanese order is always year, month, day:
(0 Ages
The suffix -sal is used (see Chapter 16.3 (cj).
11. Weather
The verb furu is used with ame (rain) and yuki (snow):
12. Honorifics
The prefix 0- is used traditionally with certain words :
otenki weather
oisha doctor
osake, osushi and osashimi
ocha green tea
o furo bath
It is also used to distinguish the speaker from the person addressed :
gohan rice
goshujin your husband
go men nasai pardon me
okane money
otsuri change
okanj6 bill
1. Giving instructions
Use kudasai (please) after the -te form :
2. Continuous actions
Use imasu after the -te form :
The tense of the final verb does not matter. The first verb is always in
the -te form :
4. Linked verbs
Sometimes one idea in English is expressed by two verbs in Japanese,
the first being in the -te form :
5. With kara
Be very careful not to confuse kara after the -te form, meaning
'after' , with kara after other forms of the verb meaning 'because' :
6. With arimasu
This is used to express a state:
7. With shimau
This adds a note of finality or completion:
mimasu miru
mimasen minai
mimashita mita
mimasen deshita minakatta
ikimasu I go
ikitai desu I want to go
benky6 shimasu I study
benky6 shitai desu I want to study
2. -rnasho
Using the ending -masho instead of -masu implies probability:
(h) Must
Take the negative infinitive (shinai; ikanai; konai ; tabenai) , cut off
the final -i and substitute -kereba narimasen :
(j) If
1. Ta ke off the -u of the infinitive (m iru, hanasu ), and subst itute
16 Conjunctions
(a) ga and keredomo :
iYJ a t) -) u ;t e to 0
7P ka ~ ki < skuu (t ke
<- ko
~ sa G s hi T -tt se of so
t::. ta
Id: na ,:
-t:> chi
-:J ts u
~ nu
.s, fu
-C te
tl ne
C: to
(J) no
tt ha V- hi A.. he ';f ho
~ rna 77- rm ts mu (/) me t mo
~ ya ~ yu J: yo
G ra 'J rJ G ru ;fL r e is ro
b wa i- 0*
Iv final n or ill
"Used only for object particle.
j} ka q=.
ki 7 ku 'r ke :J ko
+j- s a ~ shi :;7,. s u ~ se '.J so
'7 ta T chi 'Y tsu T te r to
-T na m ;I. nu t- ne / no
J\ ha I::: hi 7 fu ./'\". he ;t- ho
y rna ..... rni L>. rnu ;J. me .:crno
~ ya .:L yu '3 yo
7 ra 1) n Jl.-- r u V re t1 r o
'J \Va /' final n or m
-if' za :; ji :;7,." z u
~' ze -r zo
'7" da T de r' do
J\ ba 1:::' bi 7 " bu « be , , bo
J '\ pa \:::0 pi 7 ° pu « pe ;f po
ic hi 1
m 2
san 3
1m s hi 4
Ji go 5
r ok u 6
-t s hic hi 7
}~ ha ch i 8
JL kyG 9
-J- jG 10
-8 hyak u 100
-=f se n 1,000
n man 10,000
fIl ye n
B nich i S unda y
f-} ge tsu Mond ay
*- ka T ues da y
mok u T hursday
kin Frida y
do S aturda y
Ni ho n J a pan
~ ginko ba n k
m ~i5 denwa te lephon e
~ :m: ko ba n po lice-box
~ 11 kai s ha office
j\) f!I!~ yGbi nkyok u post office
!mr}~ c hikatets u Unde rgro und
~ ~ft byoin hos pit al
~ iIi is ha doctor
~, ~
kusu ri ya chemist's
ffi ~~ kik en Danger
rm a (ke r u) open
1:11 s hi (me r u) s hut
A 0 iriguc h i ent rance
Cb 0 d eguc hi ex it
.~ eki station
~ ~ dans hi GENTLEMEN
fx. ~ joshi LADIES
J" A ba su bu s
e:"-}(...- bii ru beer
7 "J ) - r depa ato depa rtment s tore
7 -1 }(...- £.. fi rumu film (f o r came r a )
if'J I) / gaso n n pet r ol
1 ;f 1) A Igirisu E ng la nd
1;7-7 kam e r a came ra
4=-0 ki r o kil og r amm e
:::J-e:- koohii co ffee
7 t> ~ ''j r 1; - F kure j itt o-k a ad o c red it-ca r d
J ) / pa n b read
7~::t r a j io r adi o
vAr7/ r e su to r an r estauran t
I) ''j r}(...- ri t to r u lit r e
1j- / r' sando sand wic h
A-J )- s u u paa s u pe r ma r ke t
!J7~ ta kushi i taxi
7-7 t e epu
t ap e
7 V e:" t ereb i t el e visi on
~Gli s a s h im i
s u k iy a ki
T G sus hi
-cIv SG t empura