BillInvoice 2
BillInvoice 2
BillInvoice 2
Invoice Summary
Fax No:7032157157
For Updation of your contact details in our records,please call Hyundai Call Center
S.No. Parts/OP code Part Labor Description HSN/SAC Tax% Qty Rate/Unit Disc Amt Amount
8 NPNBSVIEOSHELPE Engine Oil ( Qty 3.6.Ltrs ) 27101980 18% 3.8 351.7 0 1336.46
Special Comment: The below mentioned Non-genuine Fitment may hamper your safety and /or Result in Poor Performance of your vehicle .
HMIL is not Responsible for any untoward incident due to the same . Kindly return the vehicle to its Original Condition as per HMIL
(Authorized Signatory)