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PRASAR BHARATI (INDIA’S PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTER) DIRECTORATE GENERAL: DOORDARSHAN MANDI HOUSE, NEW DELHI-110001 (Establishment/HRIS Section) No. A-11018/06/2018-Estt. Dated :16,04.2019 Subject: Furnishing of legacy data pertaining to New Pension Scheme. _ Please find enclosed Prasar Bharati Sectt, O/0 ADG (B&A), NPS Section letter No. PB-10(14)/2018-NPS/873-888 dated 05.04.2019 on the subject mentioned in continuation of their earlier letter dated 08.03.2019 regarding “Important Amendments for streamlining the implementation of National Pension System (NPS)” which was forwarded to all DDO’s vide this Directorate letter dated 15.03.2019. 2. All concemed DDO’s are directed to go through the aforesaid Prasar Bhaati letter and provide the pending NPS legacy data (if any) for the employees mentioned in sheet enclosed to Prasar Bharati NPS Section latest by 15.05.2019. Before that, a certificate in the enclosed Proforma (Annexure-II) need to be submitted to Prasar Bharati latest by 30.04.2019. The above requested information need to be provided within the stipulated dates with a copy to this Directorate Estt. section’s mail ddnsohris@gmail.com. 3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority. (inv oan Dy. Director Admin (Estt./HRIS) Encl: As above To: (i) All concerned DDOs of Doordarshan (DG:DD, DTH Todapur, DDK jaipur, DDK Jalandhar, DDK Delhi, DD-News, DDK Itanagar, DDK Shillong, DDK Aizawl, DDK Imphal, DDK Kolkata, DDK Patna,, DDK Agartala, DDK Bhubaneshwar, DDK Dehradun, DDK Lucknow). (ii) All Zonal Head ADGs & All PAOs via mail (iii), SO (Cash Section), DG:DD j DDG(IT) to upload the letter on DD website. Copy to: DDG (Finance), Prasar Bharati Seeretariat, Prasar Bharati House, Tower-C , Copernicus Marg, Mandi House, New Delhi-1 10001 + Wwuterlle 4 00 (lem plan) om wie MY IT OL (aesme hive) Phebe a E_ °°» | Lc) wee? oe pai prasabAitin (India’s Public Service Broadcaster} ove New Pension System Section, ee. Olo Addl. Director General (B&A) / op “Room No. 605, Tower C, Prasar Bharati House, ad Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001 Tel, No. 011-23118462, E-mail : Pbnps123@gmail.com MOST IMPORTANT No. PB-10(14)/2018-NPS/ 873-888 Dated 05.04.2019 pe All India Radio, Akashwani Bhawan, New Delhi- 04 ae, The ‘Additional Director General a | Ae aaditional Director General Doordarshan, Goordarshan Bhawan, New Delhi - 01 wv Bub: Furnishing of legacy data pertaining to New Pension Scheme. BX kindly refer to this office letter of even number dated 08 3.2019 vide which Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, Notification dated 31% January, 9019 regarding measures for streamlining the implementation of NPS was forwarded ‘to your office for further necessary action. Zz As per the said Notification, it was instructed that “in all cases where the Govt. Contributions were not remitted to CRA system or were remitted late” (irrespective ‘ahether the employee contributions were deducted or_nol). the amount of Govt. Contributions may be credited to the NPS ‘account of the employees along with intorest for the period from the date on which the Govt. contnbutions were due til the date the amount is actually credited to the NPS account (PRAN) of the employees, as per the rates applicable to GPF from time to time, within a period of three months. 3, While reconciling the data of total registered NPS employees and pending legacy transfer, it seems that stil there are a huge number of cases pending for NPS legacy transfer. The DDO wise lists of the pending NPS legacy cases are enclosed as ‘Annexure - | it ing a huge 4, The delay in settlement of all pending NPS legacy cases 'S causi 9 st : yn Prasat Bharati which is increasing day by day This increr fan Ooi nding NPS legacy cases Joss can be avoided by ensuring the early settiement of all pel tn amove to close the matter of NPS legacy ~ a requested to submit @ certificate 19 the oe regards the due diligence from the DDO is exPe er, the respective DDOS may Forma (Annexure ~ I): In this Contd. et wo ES =A: 6. As the delay is causing extra financial burden on Prasar Bharati, it has been decided that the certificate as mentioned in para 5 above may be submitted to this office latest by 30.04.2019. However, pending legacy data (if any) may be submitted to this office latest by 31.05.2019. The responsibility of the officers at default may be fixed in cases where the desired information is not Provided within the stipulated dates. Encl: As above . mil Jai (C.K. Jain) Deputy Director General (Finance) ()) Director General, All India Radio, Akashwani Bhawan, Nerw Delhi. (i) Director General, Doordarshan, Doordarshan Bhawan, New Delhi. (iii) DDG (Ty/Director (1), Prasar Bharati Sectt., with the request to upload this letter on PB's website ° (iv) PAO- AIR , New Delhi/Chennai/Mumbai/Kolkata/Lucknow, PAO — DD, New Delhi/Guwahati /Chennai/ Nagpur , PAO, FD, Mumbai. (v) Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO, IRLA — For necessary action w.r-t. the concerned employees (list enclosed). Pho 00 Beth Dc 00 DON Tadapur DOK Jaipur DK jlanahor Ox Deh DD-News PA0 00 Guwahti 24 DOK tanagar 13 DOK hilong a 23 a a 00s Employees PAO AIR/DD Kolkata PAO.AIR/DD Lucknow 19 0D Aizawl 12 00K Dehradun a 42 00K mphal€) ——12-DDK Luckrow 6 DDK Kothata “ DOK Patna 8 DOK Agartala u DOK shubanestwar 13 6 394 1 PAO DD Deihi 7 [ieee fair nna AT aS TAT [RETA KANWATRCRATLCORE 2 [uses [Rl _ ANAT RANT TART SRO sagem 3 twos 5k SHAR PRATAFAT faraisaon IWARIORSCMAILCOMT | tours | RACES EAST mors ranNEistimmsecwai- com | Times sie GajeNDa KUMAR vADIAT sma [GAIENORAYADAViSstcwATCCOM ‘6 [esitsmion ronal PeexSHa SINGH TOMES JrrecsraawmcuL cos [matress Fp AN) KUMAR ais ORE IMawo] sanigReDaian. com 30_[ nonsense [Smt MINTO KUMAR. feistnenee IuavruMEPeyastoo.con | ona? [sR SORA ESR ao [ReSsipecvesi-coM | UMrSnWst [KUMARI PRAGYA BHASCAR (er kadar oe 1 inrsonr owns BAL aN sien SINGIERECSGNATL COM 15 [union fas DEVENDAR sini [DeVCHARAL peCNAs-CoM | "uonersao Na GAUTAN KUMAR VERON [noni roaat PeancRAasacMatncout | os0e_ FE VINAYKUBAR TART Jurist [varikarmeiaiccont 1 owaiett [SI LORESH STARA [onsirar Lore recAl cow 15 [sas sak ~SANDEEP SHUKL STE [Sows boxes amcconr 23 ness [ROMA Nba RuTUN rs [MKLTUREBeGaAT- coat [aun Bm siAGeAR OAR pssrasme soar [SitacaKosrocan. con 2 [oss RAIEST EEN [=nvrmie eave incOME 2 [vixens pin ARISE ODER fours [ADaDHcrsoGNAI.cOnt 2a erase fii sana ASA SRT [rarer [SHEEScHAT. CoM 3 uerencis RANI. KUMAR [rersones0 [ANIL HASTSISREDIFARATCCOM 25 [ inesase_ feu VOT psec |SARCADHALASYAATL COM 72 | iensor25" [eas KANIEA-BIRCETANDART RI [kANIKABLe¥AHOOCOM eso |S HARMOHAN SARNIA loneastioxcooar aes BMT SHARD Devi aL [BRGRCCSEARCON 3 arnzars fol caA IT [cAUTANALICTeGHATLCOM 3} sens favo Runa [ose an sunUKuLe noo CORT Ce DDN Todapur 7 a peo [eaSam ia [ADITYACANANERRSTAROSEENT So SRN feavisiieancsecnai.cow. Sonam SH ASHE SA. fusing ma SNA STATON 3 Taser sear aE Taras Fema ar [-2- [se face RT Ere [isonvat vas a ee Epa eves cor ites mus onc ACR See sce ‘5 arenie frat —earar p a far frsarinecwan cor ‘4 isena Brat —eniai Capea inane onsen —— fpr Sa 2 ese fos APO [pawns fsckTson OW ie sees or acne isa oreaaas ———_fnoenrscn sa | or isn Fat wanes Pa [enact DOK Ta TT Foor S-[arere ia a Se AT Tae [st mene fat ae a praise [rpawanecrar co 2 Timer RRR nine ORES ypc 3 Linwisrn urwanes AT no SWEDE RANTS ET S1_[iream_fsane praia [maser fon ABA ieee ATS RoR RTE [fam fr ar an ero Pass 3s race So Pts lnmeprcomeraTo 37 [ins arose a Evra RNa COM Simson Sara sc AO haar [sere arene Pose = Sting Soa OTE a 4 [ise ate a en [NSCS [sere sce eS rast | sient sais a Prism [ire fo caea janes [wore fae SEDER so [ocr faa Ee porns RETR RTRRRMT -[haerarae_ Bae Ee Sa Emaar ar + cw Face J fren Frown 2 [ers fa Snes RARE poe Pinatas cress iecnacom 2 [esas [eran ar oR aber AREAL CEA 2: ara mea Sa SIVAN TOT Sf af Pama ee Poa 2 [ines frm oar Ps Ramon 2 nrsmos fre Src aca RE —— es anc Lt - senate — pera ———_, | ar ear an se ae 5 =a Se = a : =e ee == a fe ie se = - ote eae — res | Hee Ree a = ae Eas | TOF == Eas = : === er a bese pe eos a epi Pe rea ae ues fee aoe =e ae fe ba eae a ————— = Heer a no 5 =f aoe eae oe ae Imran | Sos a ee : he ea = a 4 ee pe aaa ae =a —————— Shee Peta 2 a epee pe esa aa Poona Spee — oe Spe prea ea es even = oases et a S| =e oe ae as ecenaeon Snes = Spee eee — + ee ae —— = 2 pas fe cea = a — Soo a i aa 42 [ase eo — ———— ae ie sos — aa ee ame 1 pavee ccmae =a Lea Shae eer ae ae ST = ae wae =e =e a = 2 ae a —_—— as | Honma fast EARTOSICN 52 [apemikegmotco re Se ore Icvanvor tear cow 12 | asi fl ANARS HALLAGH PARD = ANDEYABSCMATL CCA 1a | nos Prowl Fongn COTTA IReaecsint roar 1 [one Sie VST KONA STRSTR [visi soscaL CO $92 [icra ae oaNA Se ee 11 [ nesram [Sia MOHAMAD FRE 1 [nv ERR ANUBIS RASTA ‘ae [sain (SIVA SONAR MEN Inne Cour Tiaras fea SHUNT SHOT [WoriSreASsscNATCEO by | iors Ea INARI EAT [sca i_NEBIY SG froraajssnsocnaToa MARR Ba [oss TS IBABLIOSYAIOOCOW MARL APARNA ERT fesse pPan THAKUR ACuAT-CORT IL eHUPNDER Sit SRO sara [suisawiesavastav ST SCLC bsiisaeey Kor sD SAAR NATH VERE isso [aastaneruecwar con [Suu GHARANIEE ewes = [cstuarilnecwat-conr [sauUN Baw [-srzaner Josnianrer 3 pmal [us ba can Se ARDS RAL EST Isi_AaNaT SH = 6s lantrioasacsa cour lecioa MAN SE [ara ANAL SAREVASOC HAILED Sou sana puENDenvenawecMAlL cow [ar cHRANTANA CSTR [naa JuaiucerexecuaTce TARA CAR feist UANAECHANDT GMAT CORT SS DEVENEA OWA omen fr MEARS OR frre ora Isai DIWA ane pansy RISA. COM ‘ceraoera_ er RESTO cUvTa [ase te eererer FRE ASHOTOSN ROWA rear amram ta aroma ean enna Ramo a ULAR SAC MAT-CONT ee [nese brit ]avS ART [canine jan ANirescaTLCOaT 16 tise SUDAN APA ss france zyecna cou Tee [urs [EOWAR TON PNAS jusreneoncemas io Hosa THEE prizes oR pceoreaeaaa ou ro [sir won aa Ire PazanassecMag. nr — [wes ft AR SHAN romoneb fesxmatansr eat cour 12 ie el SOUR CHANDE Pasar = 1 [nena fasion APN faorrsae TERS ~~ se area RT AN ay q 1 horas Fe UY Fa maa pare I ie | noir RRA PRASAD [sierra [snpasient i Sr - 17 msi Stel ARENSER RATT fava | 1s sao fetuanrshrra va core eT AHR CORT 5 an Ss ASK KUMAF SET [nacre - | sara Ft RASHAN FLA presracct = Tat ev SR HAN) RUA DRT i — ef owes IRR RA Pram aL SearDOCOR as | Teen fea RA TART | | stares [SiS oHARTH KONA (rs SORA RAO SI ios fou HARA [ren SEEACAAT SO News New Dan a aa TOT area TT 4 Te | romnons BiausANAy SON Limes Pansies. 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Fea worna scr rab Fiseec aco 2 [ hots fora sacra fsomr [nleToiogimscwan co = Fer _fiavesn aah er fracas Jraceteocat cow ae fer er ar [acreopmee a LRA Ga basa fesanceptenon ea fruecuo eas 30 | ostomy fr ee are [seams CRESS Sat ies sur cane Por ri | [fas [imaesea fsmsoon mone Pree OLS | [us [naar stn eros sane jatar [HTN NorrAnOO CET | Gaetan isusmenar sr fecaras AASHTO ‘DDK shaiong | ee oT Tsien Ea pees “froacmor —— 4 120 | nono eT Sines [nario — ( (2 Paesear Bar cies ra soto MSE =I = \ Fe ieee ener ea omc ATA RATRAT ON =| 36 emininne ROAR PAAR TET RT RRR —— ee leatananinonconsguacor—————] 2 | nomerasis Fem aiawna Sa [eos = 26 | tones LANTRANG OMEN [suo J 27 | horses fia AUN FoNARSR Sa ce [arom 255 | oats ur sans IATA prrmasrsr JourARcArsaRAneMN CON +} PAO AIRIDD Kolkata DDK Abawi = iio a RR Ts Pima a_i 30, huweasbar an LaTRANOnEN Ta jaeatoniacka Sar ay 1 | noire NSAI Fea [vein = 32 [arene fs ALA Sait ae! 25 | hasooime aba LORCA [aeeinsaR = S| uarivas FaTERPS nel SSRae — 25_[ Hoosen at crac [pains [preter — 26 nara SSAC KONA sent [SACHINKLNATOAL ALERTS ——— 2 [aris fant LacNTNSANET pases. ~ | aera fn GA RAcROEACHRTANE [eas |aateaaealnigataas 2 | ayers SARUNEANECALAELA ACSA [sea IracHUAAta ACORN 2 | monies Sra RAC TATIRUATLUARC pas WWALATLAUSCMATE SoH DOK Taphal 2 aa sae TTS 22 [eros [sr LN BOOMER sar iN COM | 22 | eo. KHURAIDY ORC AORN AEA OO ae. 2 | coors fa AT ASA [romana ameATTTOM 25 | Lowanas Hae NORANGIEN NERCCEETENGT [ras [spinoqar gras =| 22s [mera RU EANCHAN asta ST 2 ST a 25 | one ats TORN me PANES ioxToNGsabcoAL. CRT 2 [meister Buccar cova ra PAE DAOOAAONC AE EO 280 | ioe er TAMPA fps 31 [ners fies NORTE RRGTSNT [aaa (RarOTROR ERAT — DOK Kona 2 ori RT ate aT 28 Coors [eR EARN ROM [is 2s | Ha d95 [SMT SONALT CLASS [essa arcamcmccon 25 | umvene [sma SNe SS Janson 35 Tinea fon anton a_i oases ———remericoece——J [ae times fom son sown esse «arama Fu eaMi CHAR HT BEE = 2 rea feta ea iar 32 | Tonsiene a ANTA fey [maa SOR Dyes EECA COM 2 [omen BRANDS aT reasoner 28) [Me HS _MANE SAT lense [StANIANSHeMoCMAIL CORT 250_| rosea aH ean nose ra 2 | no eh WRSTT Te corn ai eCRaRAT OO 2 hoarse SAYAN CHATOPTAY is ANC ATTOPADHYA VINCI EDT 2 [ours Rl BWAGAT RASA frsasowr Soo iss SRT PARTTA PEA TIN ANE ise | numer faite HOT Soa CT [aa | ees fore —cive ca ame parser 204 rows fast ODES TAT sis SRD ARRRETRTUCCOM ‘on hisses Epa Ea frssoer — 30 [aero AE VAT BAT [sis 31 [cess LENDUPNGREAY TE [nsese (asta 312 erin Feat noawANT SI isan | [ [innessso faSaLL A PAGE pen be inasiors RA Ta? BOT SRT 4] | | is erste Bat saxon — Jasiarin 36 | nurses fi _gADYAR TH WORT fairs ORT 37 [umanisie fmnLeRabraaTT NT feanconr $s hoasaoss our ciaar oe aR 39 massa [RTAT ess ane [are Sop | inwssan Far aavaT Nasa [isan | Pat iiteissom: fanaa sa reas Janome aa a2 hao oan WRN A sims wanna beeen OAT | [Fis [teasasns fin cata coar Faunaerane | [fae tines oar anmrtarsa moms a ‘es Domenie [Siar ensnthou BORAT freon EEmDCRTTESTOR f DOK Pame | (ieee eee Tos Ra 1 oT rns si SaNner Ron Ino [BaNnesnctuanracvAit Con so [owas sin —aKaN™ ap Peis [avaNoRAn tA CORT es ae ara TTL Tia ano PRT lazanvexwcwa Sor nwt FRANCO ST ea [Peawouz scan. cear ‘uowmri_BRlSUy RENAE [oi Pew racs 007s NZAL GUE GORE ese [GuACRDGRF ANCES ners FAG NOINBIAD SALCUEABD frsoorenes ‘ouava fal SAA FAR Prosar OOOO Rien FRISCO POTRRAT wa FSNENAN. oYACOGO 1 Toes RT ANARAT PRASAD sis [uanaresasnorar CHAT Coa oat [FRIEND RA KUMAR PAD rma TenoeAcressabectarc Ow ‘oss fon ROMA prerst IPSC cow? Soon RT ERBBUTAL ANT a Tawra SARI ELA OT RSTRNT hore SANER KUMAR PRO [-arE aMIaWAnDe, amReORA CoN ———] DDK Agarata Ti Soa rasa SCECICTCSN TGS ‘iar REMAR SAND ST ANotreecat A.C unsafe SCT proms Leone: Bani —FANGNAN OER Pome TRA AEASOCOR hana) ANA OMAR CUT prusa [accurrascacna “ow S sions Bet TAR RAMA Pros aovines itt TANGBIREE PANDEY on) ‘ein Ss —ASHESSA ROMA OBAL ra [SEARO nolL HR REA a A So ATR Pscboxaecunn coe nase HR a Soe prs howe RISO a [Seam oR ] DDK Bhabaneawar Sia ST Poa Stones a ASO KONA OOO RET ROOT RCRA OOF ie RANALLAD RATES Be DOT UR _TANARI TREAD HOTTAPATRR rT owwznvaa_fHat—vigas GUPre aOR currRRATE el wml NEGA RT SOME MORAN cari SboRTOCRA SST oho |e “RA De [orrsn REPAIR Tapers WAG GREAT Prana IMADHASaOrSTETI CORT isi SORA EON psc =| ‘news aRTSUMTROMARTER fv RANA ENA ES TaN rel BATR TERA [rsa Se [oper am EER [rors OR ARCHATORT arr PAO AIRIDD Lucknow DDK Dehradun = a Psa TSAO ‘3 [ srr feel UNASHAWERE DMNA fasta DEWANGANSCHAI-COA “| rier RTA ALVA ieee IKALVARAVISCMATLCOM | irae FRR ROMY HAT [isons fam | i071 AVADHEST KUNA se VAL esac WATCOM 33_| leas REID AT [asa tecwAacow Sr [irae sun FLATAT [ssi Ponetcsunarsawarnt cou 325 [ost Bik FEATAD SNGTEATAT hive. 226 | icant IRAE KAR rae S27 nn Rd RADE SCH YADAT Fess pane RAT 76 [nike SK RAST SRG NT Pc aT [aegis eal DDK Tacknow = ae a rr Suo_[ neni RAEEV KUNA YADA ae [ivaremeuvEco Sa [ nica [RI SHADAR Tea prs ASU @GHAT-COW Sia [ iene fase APAT [rsa Pres ei yAecNATET [5 nena Sav Kiar aS Pras june —AVOHEST wan SAUTE faces Lavon ES | [as oprussae eUMAa WEES GH RIS prsevat tocivecxAlL ir errs TEND MARYS fons TE ENDWAR Cou? 37 [uomeraen HRI AMAT WIEN asco [ANISH ‘at [ borane Rl Way Ge IonaveurranoKecsea [ot riessas Bk RAM E “72_[ ass: BHR AIT RUN ART festa male Snee eonane TL Declaration {is hereby certified that out of the total no. of employees mentioned in the e-mail, 1. No NPS legacy data is pending in r/o the following employees. PRAN | Name of the Employee 2. The NPS legacy data in r/o the following employees are still pending, s PRAN [Name of the Period of NPS legacy] Name of the DDO No. Employee Data a) 1 2 3 q DDO/HOO Signature Place: Note: J. The information only in r/o pending NPS legacy period shall be provided in the table 2 above. ra It is emphasised that the DDO may obtain the requisite information regarding the period of pending NPS legacy data from the concerned employee(s). In case, the period of pending NPS legacy in r/o cases mentioned in table 2 above pertains to other DDO(s) (if any), the name of such DDO(s) has to be mentioned in column (A) along with the details of pending period shall also be submitted to this office.

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