Grade 9 - Q3 - Module 6
Grade 9 - Q3 - Module 6
Grade 9 - Q3 - Module 6
T. L. E. 9
Quarter 3 Module 6: Tightening, repairing, and adjusting tools using correct
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T. L. E. 9
Quarter 3
Tightening, Module and
Repairing, 6
Adjusting Tools Using Correct
Introductory Message
This learning material hopes to engage the learners in guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills especially the 5 Cs, namely: Communication,
Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Character while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an active
Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write your answer on the space provided.
__________ 1. These are the ones that are used to tighten or loosen screws that are
a. Crimpers c. Philips-Head Screwdrivers
b. Flat-Tip Screwdrivers d. Wire Cutters
__________ 2. It is used where there is space to position the wrench around the
a. Adjustable c. Combination
b. Box-end d. Open end
___________ 3. These are used to tighten or lose any nuts or screw using hammer
according to size.
a. Hammer wooden shaft c. Pipe wrenches
b. Open end slogging wrenches d. Wrenches, open and offset ring
___________ 4. It is also referred to as a flat, slotted, or straight screwdriver.
a. Phillips head c. Torx head
b. Standard head d. Wrench
___________ 5. This type of pliers has jaws that come to the point of firmly grasping
small parts or wires, particularly in tight locations.
a. Groove-joint c. Needle-nose
b. Locking d. Slip-joint
Do you still remember our previous lesson about Proper Maintenance of Hand
Directions. Identify the following questions. Write your answer on the space
The following are the tightening, repairing, and adjusting tools with their
description and proper usage.
Tools Description Usage
Sledge hammer
Used to for Tightening and
installation and loosing tasks for
dismantle of especial parts as
delicate parts as bearings and
bearing mechanical seal to
perform light force on
Wrench, open and offset ring ends
Used to tighten or Tightening and
lose any nuts or loosing tasks of bolts
screw using hands & nuts with different
according to size. sizes.
There are a number of different types of drills and fasteners on the market.
Sifting through all options can be overwhelming, so in this section we'll give you the
specifics you need to choose the right drill or fastener tool.
Three sizes of drill bit holder are available for
- - -inch
The two primary styles of hand drills are the push drill and the hand brace. Push
drills are useful for making the pilot holes and setting the hinges. A hand brace is
especially useful when operating in restricted areas due to its ratchet function.
Fastener tools are always the first tools picked for a handyman's toolbox. They're
simply instruments that help you add fasteners, such as nails, bolts, and adhesives.
Fastener methods include hammers, screwdrivers, screws, and clamps. Here's a
general overview:
The most common hammer is a carpenter's curved nail hammer; 16 ounces is a
reasonable size for men and 14 ounces for women. It is steel-coated, wood-coated or
steel-coated and used to drive nails and other fasteners. The claw at one end of the
head is a two-legged arch used to dig nails out of wood. The other parts of the head
are the face and the eye. A flat-faced or flat-faced hammer is ideal for beginners to
use, but it is more difficult to push a nail flush to the work surface.
A rubber mallet comes in handy when you're trying to break down painted windows
or have to do light hammering on surfaces that can be harmed. Other specialty
hammers include a ball-peen hammer for metal working and a mason hammer for
brick and mortar projects.
Each toolbox should have one set of high-quality screwdrivers that are only used for
tightening and loosening screws. There are several types of screwdrivers, which differ
depending on the screw head, each of which is made to match. Here are the most
common screw heads:
The purpose of the wrench is to turn the head or nut of the bolt. Choosing the right
wrench depends on the nature and size of the fastener. It can also depend on how
difficult the fastener is to hit. Wrench styles include the open end, the mix, the
flexible one and Allen. Here's a tip: when you're using a wrench, bring it towards you
instead of pulling it backward. This gives you more leverage and reduces the risk of
injury when the wrench falls.
Box end - The box or closed end wrench is used where there is space to
position the wrench around the fastener. Box end keys are available in 6-and
12-point models to match the number of sides on the fastener. Hexagon
fasteners have six sides, or points, and are the most common.
Open end - This form of wrench is used for turning fasteners in places where
the end-of-box wrench ca
Combination - A combination wrench has ends that carry out unique tasks.
One end may be open and the other closed, one may be offset and the other
straight, or the two ends may be fractionally different in dimension.
Adjustable - The adjustable wrench can be used in a number of fastener sizes.
The downside is that it is less stable than a fixed-size wrench and can easily
hurt you or damage the fastener. Adjustable wrench can only be used if the
correct size wrench is not available.
Socket - The socket wrenches fit over the fastener, making removal simpler
and safer than most wrenches. Sockets come in regular and extended depth;
extensions are available to make it easier to remove fasteners. They are mostly
bought in sets by the size of the drive.
Allen called by the brand name Allen, they are used on fasteners with a
hexagonal hole in the head. Allen wrenches are available with an L-or T-
shaped handle.
Think of pliers as the extension of your fingers, just bigger. They're used to grab and
hold a part of it. Pliers should not be used as fasteners to tighten or loosen fasteners.
Popular types of pliers include slip-joint, groove-joint, needle-nose and locking.
Slip-joint This type of pliers has two settings in the handle that allow for two
widths. Once the correct width is chosen, the handles are closed together to
force the jaw around the part and hold it securely.
Groove-joint - Groove-joint pliers are similar to slip-joint except that they use
an elongated hole in the handle with grooves that allow for several widths.
Needle-nose - This type has jaws that come to the point of firmly grasping
small parts or wires, particularly in tight locations.
Locking - Sometimes called Vise Grip brand name, the locking pliers are
adjustable and can be locked to hold the part in place.
Repair Tools
Hand tools help you to perform manual tasks quickly and efficiently. Choosing the
right set of hand tools for your computer repair kit is key to getting you through a
large range of hardware malfunctions quite easily and rapidly.
These are some of the most common and popular hand tools you can use to
repair your computer hardware and make it run without any errors.
Tools Functions
are flat-headed and used to turn slotted
Flat-Tip Screwdrivers
Philips-Head Screwdrivers
Wire Strippers Wire strippers are pliers that help strip the wire
off its insulation. In general, the wire is covered
with an insulating material cover. If the
situation requires, the wire must be stripped of
all its insulation cover to be used, e.g. as a
connector or cable. A wire stripper consists of
a pair of blades that act like a pair of scissors.
Crimping tools or Crimpers The crimpers are used to link wires in such a
way that they are capable of transmitting data.
By deforming either one or both of the wires,
two wires are connected together with the aid
of a crimping tool. - of the wires to be attached
is first put in the connector jack and then
compressed and held together to form a
uniformly conductive wire.
A. Directions. Read and answer the following questions. Write your answer on the
space provided.
1. What are the tools needed for computer repairing?
2. What are the different kinds of pliers and how they differ from each other?
3. Why is it important to have necessary tools in our computer laboratory and home?
B. Directions. Identify and give the functions of the following tools. Write your
answer on the space provided.
1. Name Functions
_______________ _____________________________
_______________ _____________________________
3. _______________ _____________________________
______________ _____________________________
_______________ _____________________________
Directions. In the graphic organizer below, write down your learnings in this module.
Tightening, repairing,
and adjusting tools
using correct procedures
below. Write down your insights on the spaces provided.
Directions: Match column A with that of column B. Write only the letter of the
correct answer on the line provided before each number.
________ 4.