part opener provides a concise summary of of how the biomechanical principles can be
the importance and content of that section qualitatively applied to improve human
of text. The text builds from familiar ana- movement in a variety of professions. No
tomical knowledge, to new biomechanical other text provides as many or as thorough
principles and their application. guided examples of applying biomechani-
This book has several features that are cal principles in actual human movement
designed to help students link personal ex- situations. These application chapters also
perience to biomechanical concepts and provide discussion questions so that students
that illustrate the application of biome- and instructors can extend the discussion
chanics principles. First, nine general prin- and debate on professional practice using
ciples of biomechanics are proposed and specific examples.
developed throughout the text. These prin- There are also features that make it easy
ciples are the application link for the bio- for students to follow the material and
mechanical concepts used to improve study for examinations. Extensive use of
movement or reduce injury risk. Some texts graphs, photographs, and illustrations are
have application chapters at the end of the incorporated throughout. Aside from visual
book, but an application approach and ex- appeal, these figures illustrate important
amples are built in throughout Funda- points and relationships between biome-
mentals of Biomechanics. Second, there are chanical variables and performance. The
activity boxes that provide opportunities for book provides an extensive glossary of key
students to see and feel the biomechanical terms and biomechanics research terminolo-
variables discussed. Third, there are practi- gy so that students can read original biome-
cal application boxes that highlight the appli- chanical research. Each chapter provides a
cations of biomechanics in improving summary, extensive citations of important
movement and in treating and preventing biomechanical research, and suggested read-
injury. Fourth, the interdisciplinary issues ings. The chapters in Parts I, II, and III con-
boxes show how biomechanics is integrated clude with review questions for student study
with other sport sciences in addressing hu- and review. The lists of web links offer stu-
man movement problems. Fifth, all chap- dents the internet addresses of significant
ters have associated lab activities (located at websites and professional organizations.
the end of the book, after the index) that use I hope that you master the fundamen-
simple movements and measurements to tals of biomechanics, integrate biomechan-
explore concepts and principles. These lab ics into your professional practice, and are
activities do not require expensive lab challenged to continuously update your
equipment, large blocks of time, or dedicat- biomechanical toolbox. Some of you will
ed lab space. Finally, Part IV (chapters 9 find advanced study and a career in biome-
through 12) provides real-life case studies chanics exciting opportunities.