UOB Batch 69 - IB Assignment - 30th August 2019
UOB Batch 69 - IB Assignment - 30th August 2019
UOB Batch 69 - IB Assignment - 30th August 2019
Programme: PG Dip leading to MBA Module Level: 7
Hand Out Date: 30th August 2019 Submission deadline: 03rd October 2019
Feedback deadline:
Referencing: In the main body of your submission you must give credit to authors on whose research
your work is based. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books,
articles, etc. that you have read or referred in order to complete this assignment (e.g. for
books: surname of author and initials, year of publication, title of book, edition,
publisher: place of publication).
All assignments must reflect the theories, models and frameworks associated with the
subject matter. It is critical that the student reflects this in the submission and
accordingly students must give credit to the authors of the theories, models and
frameworks. The Harvard system of referencing is required throughout and needs to be
adhered to rigidly.
Disclosure: Please include the following statement on the title page of the submitted assignment,
followed by your name and date:
I declare that this assignment is all my own work and that I have acknowledged all
materials used from the published or unpublished works of other people. All references
have been duly cited.
Turnitin: All assignments must be submitted to Turnitin unless otherwise instructed by the Lecturer. YES X
Note: the Turnitin version is the primary submission and acts as a receipt for the student.
Late submission of the electronic version of the assignment, without an authorised extension, may NO
result in a Fail.
Only the LSC Extenuating Circumstances Panel may grant an extension.
This assessment component has a weighting of 100% of the total marks for this module.
A successful local organisation is seeking to expand its business internationally. You have been hired as a
consultant to help to prepare for international expansion. You must advise upon the development of an
internationalisation strategy to cover the following:-
1. Provide a brief overview of the chosen organisation and critically discuss the drivers compelling the organisation
to expand internationally.
3. Analyse the macro environment, national competitiveness and the culture of the selected host country and
evaluate the impacts of these to the proposed business idea.
4. Propose the most appropriate entry strategy and the internationalisation strategy for the scenario under
5. Based on your analysis and the proposed strategies, provide a timeline (Gantt chart) which illustrates the
implementation of the internationalization process.
2000 words (+ or- 10%). Any deviation from this will be penalised.
The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed journal articles,
professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable statistics, company annual reports
and other company information. All citations and referencing should be in Harvard style.
Use of relevant and credible sources of literature and evidence sources; the concepts and frameworks of
international business related to foreign market analysis; choice of mode of entry and related
management interventions from a range of academic sources.
The level of demonstration of knowledge; the grasp of these concepts/theories or models and their use in
relation to the scenario under discussion and the foreign market selected.
NOTE: The guidance offered below is linked to the five common assessment criteria overleaf and specifically
aligned to the “exceptional” outcome category to which we anticipate students aspire.
1. Research-informed Literature
Your work must embed and be informed and supported by relevant and credible scholarly material that is accessible in
the learned journals listed on the module schedule. You should refer to at least 25 such sources. Additionally, you
should refer to text books, current news items and benchmark your organisation against other organisations to ensure
your assignment is current and up-to-date. High-level referencing skills using the Harvard Method must be
demonstrated throughout your work and all sources listed alphabetically within your bibliography.
3. Analysis
To be considered masters worthy, your work must contain evidence of analysis, evaluation and synthesis. This means
not just describing “What!” but also justifying: Why? How? When? Who? Where? And at what cost! At all times, you
must provide justification of your arguments and judgements. Evidence that you have reflected upon the ideas of
others on matters occurring in the real world of business is crucial to you providing a reasoned and informed debate
within your work. Your choice of methodologies to gather data and information must be rigorously defended.
Furthermore, you should provide evidence that you are able to make sound judgements and convincing arguments in
the absence of complete data, since within the real world of work, we rarely have access to, or know all the
information! Persuasive conclusions are especially necessary and must be derived from the content of your work –
there should be no new information presented within your conclusion. Your work should aspire to resemble work
which is of journal publishable quality.
Assessment Criteria
0-29% 30-39%* 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80-100%
1. Research- Little or no Poor evidence of References to a Inclusion of Inclusion of a wide A comprehensive Outstanding
evidence of reading. reading and/or of limited range of research-informed range of research- range of research knowledge of
informed Literature reliance on mostly relevant literature, including informed literature, informed literature research-informed
Views and findings inappropriate sources. sources retrieved including sources embedded in the literature embedded
Extent of research and/or unsupported and sources, and/or Referencing independently. retrieved work. Excellent in the work.
own reading, selection non-authoritative. indiscriminate use conventions not Some omissions and independently. selection of relevant Outstanding
of sources. always applied minor errors. and credible selection of relevant
of credible sources,
consistently. Selection of relevant sources. High-level and credible
application of appropriate Referencing
referencing skills, sources. High-level
conventions largely Referencing Referencing and credible
referencing conventions consistently applied. referencing skills
ignored. conventions used conventions mostly sources. Very good
inconsistently. consistently applied. use of referencing consistently and
conventions, professionally
consistently applied. applied
2. Knowledge and Major gaps in Gaps in knowledge, Some evidence of Knowledge is Knowledge is Excellent mastery of Exceptional mastery
knowledge and with only superficial knowledge and generally accurate extensive. Exhibits a complex and of a complex and
Understanding of understanding of understanding. understanding of with a satisfactory understanding of the specialised area of specialised area of
Subject material at this Some significant current and relevant understanding of the breadth and depth of knowledge and knowledge and
level. Substantial inaccuracies. concepts and field of study. established and skills, with an skills, with an
inaccuracies. underlying contemporary excellent critical exceptional critical
Extent of systematic
principles but with views. awareness of current awareness of current
knowledge, gaps or errors. problems and/or problems and/or
understanding and new insights at the new insights at the
critical awareness of forefront of the forefront of the
concepts and underlying field. Clear field. A critical
principles associated with awareness of awareness of the
challenges to ambiguities and
the discipline.
established views limitations of
and the limitations knowledge.
of the knowledge
3. Analysis Unsubstantiated Some evidence of Evidence of some Evidence of some Evaluates Excellent critical Exceptional critical
generalisations, analytical logical, critical logical, analytical, methodologies, evaluation of evaluation of
made without use of intellectual skills, thinking and some critical thinking and current research and methodologies, methodologies,
Analysis, evaluation and any credible but for the most part attempts to synthesis. Can ideas critically and, current research and current research and
synthesis; logic, evidence. Lack of descriptive. synthesise, albeit analyse new and/or where appropriate, ideas and, where ideas and, where
argument and judgement; logic, leading to Ideas/findings with weaknesses. complex data and proposes new appropriate, appropriate,
analytical reflection; unsupportable/ sometimes illogical situations without hypotheses/ideas. proposes new proposes new
missing and contradictory. Some evidence to guidance. Evaluates and hypotheses/ ideas. hypotheses/ ideas.
organisation of ideas and
conclusions. Lack Generalised support findings/ synthesises complex Evaluates and Evaluates and
evidence of any attempt to statements made issues both synthesises complex synthesises complex
views, but evidence An emerging
analyse, synthesise with scant evidence. not consistently awareness of systematically and issues issues at a high level
or evaluate. Conclusions lack interpreted. different stances and creatively. Makes systematically and of mastery. Makes
relevance. ability to use sound judgements creatively. Makes outstanding
evidence to support and proposes excellent judgements and
Some relevant
the argument. convincing judgements and proposes highly
conclusions and
arguments in the proposes convincing convincing
absence of complete arguments in the arguments in the
But not always well Some conclusions
data. Sound, absence of complete absence of complete
linked to other and
convincing data. Strong, data. Highly
material. recommendations,
conclusions / persuasive, persuasive
where relevant
recommendations. conclusions, conclusions. Work
justifiable is of journal
recommendations. publishable quality.
Work is of
publishable quality.
5. Skills for Communication Media is poorly Communication is Can communicate Can communicate Can communicate Can communicate
media is designed and/or not not clear. effectively in a well, confidently professionally and, with an
Professional Practice inappropriate or suitable for the suitable format, but and consistently in a confidently in a exceptionally high
misapplied. audience. Limited may have minor suitable format. suitable format. level of
Demonstrates attributes independent work errors. professionalism.
expected in professional Little or no Poor independent or and limited Can work very well Can work
practice including: evidence of collaborative involvement in Can work autonomously and professionally Can work
individual initiative and autonomy in the initiative. group activities. effectively as part of a team, autonomously and exceptionally well
completion of tasks. autonomously and with very good within a team, and professionally
collaborative working;
Work lacks Work lacks as part of a team, contribution to showing leadership autonomously and
deployment of with some group activities. skills as appropriate, within a team,
Work is poorly structure, coherence in places
appropriate media to involvement in managing conflict showing advanced
structured and/or organisation, and/or and is in need of
communicate (including largely incoherent. coherence amendments to the group activities. Work is coherent and meeting leadership skills.
written and oral); clarity structure. and fluent and is obligations.
and effectiveness in Mostly coherent well structured and Work is
presentation and work and is in a organised. Work is coherent, exceptionally
suitable structure. very fluent and is coherent, very fluent
presented and is presented
professionally. professionally.