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In partnership with the University of Suffolk

MBA Assignment
Student Number:

Module title: International Marketing Management

Assignment Weighting: 100%

Hand out date: 17th September 2021

Hand in date: 28th October 2021

Component Form of Assessment Weighting (%) Learning Core or non-

Number Assessment Size Outcome core
1 Individual 2500 words 100% LO1, LO2, LO3 Non-Core
Assignment - and LO4 (elective
Report module)

Referencing: In the main body of your submission you must give credit to authors on whose research your
work is based. Append to your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles,
etc. that you have read or quoted in order to complete this assignment (e.g. for books:
surname of author and initials, year of publication, title of book, edition, publisher: place of

Disclosure: Please include the following statement on the title page of the submitted assignment,
followed by your name:
I declare that this assignment is all my own work and that I have acknowledged all
materials used from the published or unpublished works of other people. All
references have been duly cited.

All assignments must be submitted to Turnitin unless otherwise instructed by the
Note: the Turnitin version is the primary submission and acts as a receipt for the student.
Late submission of the electronic version of the assignment, without an authorised extension, may
result in a Fail.
Only the LSC Extenuating Circumstances Panel may grant an extension.

All the Learning outcome(s) are assessed by this assignment.

At postgraduate level you are expected to:

 Have a high standard of presentation, structure, layout and design

 Demonstrate appropriate coverage, critical appreciation and evaluation
of relevant literature
 Demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts and the
application of theory to practical solutions
 Show evidence of originality of thought and approach, and of creative
problem- solving ability

The grade awarded for this piece of work remains provisional until ratified by LSC Exam Board.

Your Tasks
Format: Report

Word limit: 2500 in total

Assessment criteria: see grading criteria in the tables below.

Learning Outcomes tested Assessment Criteria to achieve the module
(from module syllabus) learning outcomes.
In addition to LSC Common Assessment and
Academic Marking Criteria, students are
expected to meet the following threshold
descriptors for a pass grade.
LO1:Develop an advanced understanding on Task 1
the definition of International marketing and
key dynamic environmental factors and Covers the planning and implementing of
forces that may influence and impact upon Marketing Communications in the context of
the marketing activities of organisations in
International markets.
national, regional, international and global
Students should demonstrate an understanding of
and conduct a critical examination of `why` and
`how` the planning of Marketing Communications
campaigns differs in an International Market - with
reference to relevant International Marketing
Communications concepts and models.

Students are asked to relate the key Marketing

Communications concepts to the chosen
organisation and its product, in an International
Market (chosen by the student and approved by the
tutor) – conducting a critical examination of these
concepts illustrating and justifying their conceptual

LO2: Understand the business practice and Task 4

application of international marketing
management theories and framework in the Covers the importance of business practices and
global context and the requirements of international marketing theories in relation to
operating in a marketing led context in an developing global context.
international, regional, national or global
business environment.
Students are asked to explore and discuss the
recent positive developments that have affected
your business as a result of propelling

Students should demonstrate the understanding

about how to lead the international marketing
aspects to survive in the marketplace.

LO4: Define and evaluate market research Task 2

methodologies and discuss their strategic
value and effectiveness in relation to specific Students should demonstrate an understanding of
marketing objectives including in and a critical evaluation of the key `why` and `how`
International marketing contexts.
principles of effective and efficient management of
international Market Research decisions, referring

to relevant concepts and International Market
Research planning models

Students are asked to critically evaluate and justify

the approach to planning and conducting Market
Research in the context of the chosen organisation
entering the selected International Market.

LO3: Critically assess and evaluate the Task 3

critical success factors (CSF) which impact
upon Students are asked to develop the most suitable
success and failure in international market product using the value net while creating
entry and international market development,
enhanced value.
and formulate different international market
entry strategies which may be implemented
or evaluated against extant models including Students should demonstrate an understanding of
the ability to design and develop an formulating most applicable product to the market
international marketing plan.
place by considering the critical success factors
impact upon success and failures.

TASK DESCRIPTION: Assignment (Individual Report) 100%


As an International Marketing Consultant write a report for a prospective client:

N.B: You must base your report on a client organisation and international market of your own choice as
agreed with your Lecturer:-

The management of this client organisation have the ambition to extend their market reach.
You have met with this client and briefly discussed some of the key Marketing tasks that need to be managed
at this initial market entry stage.
Following this brief meeting, the client has asked you to prepare a report detailing and illustrating the
approaches you recommend that they should undertake in their chosen international market, in the
following areas of International Marketing Management:

Task One:
Critically examine why and how the organisation should standardise or adapt its Marketing Communications
in the chosen international market.

Task Two:
Critically evaluate why and how conducting Market Research is a key marketing requirement in the context
of your client organisation entering the selected International Market.

Task Three:
By applying the “value net” discuss how the selected product or the service will be creating value to the
target audience in the international market space.

Task Four
Explore and discuss the recent positive developments that affected your business as a result of propelling

2500 words maximum.


Please note the following when completing your written assignment:

1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
3. Length: 2500 words

4. Formatting: Typed on A4 paper in Times New Roman or Arial font 12 with at least 2.5 centimetre
space at each edge, double spaced and pages numbered.
5. Document format: Report (Please do not write in the first or second person)Ensure a clear title,
course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using Harvard referencing
throughout is also provided.
6. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and
journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
7. All citation and referencing should be in Harvard style.

This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your mark.
The marks available for each criterion are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment on the achievement
of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit
from development/improvement.


Common Assessment Criteria (applied to all parts of the project)

1. Research-informed Literature: Extent of research and/or own
reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate
referencing conventions.
Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, 15
application of appropriate referencing conventions
2. Knowledge and Understanding of Subject: Extent of knowledge
and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated
with the discipline.
Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying 15
principles associated with the discipline.
3. Analysis: Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and
judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence
Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; 15
analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence in line with the
set questions.

4. Practical Application and Deployment: Deployment of methods,

materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation
of innovative and creative solutions to solve problems.

Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application

of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solve
 Problems, limitations and assumptions of the analysis
 Issues identified and recommendations for management.
5. Skills for Professional Practice: Attributes in professional practice:
individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate
media; presentation and organisation.
Attributes in professional practice: individual skills demonstrated 20
and deployment of appropriate media; presentation and
Overall presentation and flow of the report.

Assignment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at the Exam

Board. These comments and marks are to give feedback on module work and are for 72 Hours Late Submission Penalties (tick if %
guidance only until they are confirmed. ) appropriate)

Level 7

In accordance with the FHEQ, at the end of Level 7 students should havea systematic understanding of knowledge, and a
critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of their
academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice. They will be able to demonstrate originality in the
application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry
are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline. They should have a conceptual understanding that enables
them toevaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline and to evaluate methodologies and
develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses. They will also be able to deal with
complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and
communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences. In addition, they will be able to
demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and
implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level.

Assessment category
Coherent and Cognitive and Application of Reading and Presentation,
detailed intellectual skills theory to practice referencing style and
knowledge and (for courses with a structure
understanding professional
of the subject practice element) Work that
area, at least significantly
some of which exceeds the
is informed by specified word
the latest limit may be
research and/or penalized
within the

Exemplary Exceptional critical Sophisticated, A very high level Exemplary

systematic, evaluation and systematic and of critical presentation of
theoretical and awareness of current innovative application engagement across work that is fluent
Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes

a systematic and and flawless

conceptual problems, and of knowledge and
fully appropriate throughout.
understanding of contemporary issues theory to professional range of relevant
knowledge at or and debates that practice within the and current
informed by the draws on new insights discipline. Flawless academic, research,

forefront of the or perspectives within use of systematically policy- and

field of study, the field. Work selected literature to practice-related
demonstrating demonstrates justify and express literature
demonstrating deep
highly exemplary ability to reasoned judgements
and selective
sophisticated synthesise current and decisions in reading and
grasp of the research and advanced relation to complex initiative along
subject matter scholarship in an issues and problems at with highly
original, creative and a professional level consistent accurate
innovative manner. referencing

Excellent Sophisticated critical An excellent level of A very high level Outstanding

systematic, evaluation and originality and of critical presentation of
theoretical and awareness of current innovation in the engagement across work that is
application of an extensive range
conceptual problems, and logically and
knowledge and theory of relevant and
understanding of contemporary issues to professional current academic, coherently
knowledge at or and debates that practice within the research, policy- structured with a
informed by the draws on new insights discipline. and practice-related strong or original

forefront of the or perspectives within Demonstration of literature central

field of study the field. Work excellent critical demonstrating deep argument(s),
and showing demonstrates a very awareness and and appropriate conveyed with a
evaluation and the reading and
sophisticated high level of high level of
ability to effectively initiative along
depth, breadth, originality and critique and employ with highly fluency and
detail and clarity creativity in the current academic consistent accurate eloquently
student’s approaches literature in making referencing communicates
to synthesising current reasoned judgements compelling,
research and advanced and decisions in coherent

LSC UoS MBA AssessmentIMM 2019 Page 8

scholarship within the relation to complex conclusions to
subject area issues and problems at specialist and
a professional level non-specialist

Coherent and Cognitive and Application of theory Reading and Presentation, style
detailed intellectual skills to practice referencing and structure
Level 7 knowledge and

A high level of A high level of A high level of A high level of Excellent

systematic, critical evaluation originality and critical engagement presentation of work
theoretical and and awareness of innovation in the across an extensive that is logically and
application of range of relevant coherently structured
conceptual current problems,
knowledge and theory and current with a strong or
understanding of and contemporary to professional practice literature original central
knowledge at or issues and debates within the discipline. demonstrating wide argument(s),
informed by the that draws on new Demonstration of and appropriate conveyed with a high
forefront of the insights or excellent critical reading and level of clarity of
70% – 79%

field of study perspectives within awareness and initiative along with expression and
and showing the field. Work evaluation and the highly consistent which clearly
ability to select and use accurate communicates valid,
considerable demonstrates a
academic literature in referencing coherent conclusions
depth, breadth, significant level of
Pass mark, demonstrating achievement of all associated learning outcomes

making reasoned to specialist and non-

detail and clarity originality and judgements and specialist audiences
creativity in decisions in relation to
synthesising current complex issues and
research and problems at a
advanced professional level
scholarship within
the subject area

An effective, An effective level of A good level of A good level of High quality

systematic, critical evaluation originality and critical engagement presentation of work
theoretical and and awareness of innovation in the across a good range that is largely
logically and
conceptual current problems application of of relevant and
coherently structured
understanding of and contemporary knowledge and theory current academic, with a generally
knowledge issues and debates to professional practice. research, policy- strong central
mostly at or that draws on new Demonstration of and practice-related argument conveyed
informed by the insights or consistently good literature with a clarity of
60% – 69%

forefront of the perspectives within critical awareness and demonstrating expression and
field of study the field. Work evaluation and appropriate reading which communicates
clear conclusions to
and showing demonstrates some reasonable ability to use and some initiative
specialist and non-
good depth, effective originality the academic literature along with specialist audiences
breadth, detail and creativity in in making reasoned consistent accurate
and clarity synthesising current judgements and referencing
research and decisions in relation to
scholarship within complex issues and
the subject area problems at a
professional level

A sufficient but A sufficient but A reasonable but Sufficient critical Generally good
limited level of limited level of limited level of engagement with a presentation of work
systematic, critical evaluation originality and reasonable range of that is sufficiently
innovation in the
theoretical and and awareness of relevant and current logical and coherent
application of
conceptual current problems knowledge and theory academic, research, in structure with a
understanding of and contemporary to professional practice policy- and discernible central
40% – 59%

knowledge at issues and debates, within the discipline. practice-related argument. May
times at or with some reference Demonstration of some literature present limited
informed by the to new insights or good critical awareness demonstrating originality and lack
forefront of the perspectives within and evaluation and mainly appropriate some clarity of
some ability to use the
field of study but the field. Limited reading but limited expression, but an
academic literature in
showing evidence of developing judgements initiative and/or identifiable
adequate depth, originality and and decisions in relation some minor conclusion
creativity in to complex issues and inconsistencies and reasonably
synthesising current communicated to

LSC UoS MBA AssessmentIMM 2019 Page 9

breadth, detail research and problems at a inaccuracies in specialist and non-
and clarity scholarship within professional level referencing specialist audiences
the subject area

Coherent and Cognitive and Application of theory Reading and Presentation, style
detailed intellectual skills to practice referencing and structure
Level 7 knowledge and

Knowledge and Critical evaluation is Insufficient degree of Insufficient Presentation of

understanding of limited or lacks originality or critical work shows
the subject matter awareness of current innovation in the engagement insufficient
is incomplete, problems and application of with relevant organisation or
central argument,
uninformed or contemporary issues knowledge and theory and current and is lacking in
limited in its and debates. to professional academic, logical and
scholarship Insufficient reference practice within the research, coherent structure.
within the field made to new insights discipline. policy- and Poor clarity of
expression weakly
Marginal fail

of study, or or perspectives within Demonstration of practice-

35% – 39%

lacking sufficient the field, or poor critical related communicating to

specialist or non-
depth, breadth, insufficient evidence awareness and literature.
specialist audiences
detail or clarity of originality and evaluation or a lack of Lack of
creativity in ability to use the evidence of
synthesising current academic literature in wider reading
research and developing or a lack of
scholarship within the judgements and initiative or
subject area decisions in relation inconsistent
to complex issues and and inaccurate
problems at a referencing
professional level

Limited Insufficient evidence Little evidence of Little Often poorly

knowledge and of critical evaluation originality and evidence of presented work that
understanding of and awareness of innovation and a critical is disorganised, has
the subject matter current problems and significant lack of engagement an ill-formed
shown. Work is contemporary issues application of with relevant central argument,
not sufficiently and debates. knowledge and theory and current and lacks a logical
informed by Insufficient reference to professional literature. and coherent
scholarship to new insights or practice Poor use of structure. A lack of
30% –34%

within the field perspectives within demonstrating little appropriate clarity of

of study and is the field and lacking critical awareness and sources and/or expression or fails
insufficient in in originality and evaluation and a lack inconsistent to communicate
depth, breadth, creativity in of ability to use the and inaccurate effective
detail or clarity synthesising current academic literature to referencing conclusions to
research and make judgements and specialist or non-

scholarship within the decisions in relation specialist audiences

subject area to complex issues and
problems at a
professional level

Inadequate and Descriptive work with No evidence of No evidence Poorly presented

limited little or no evidence originality, of critical and disorganised
knowledge and of critical evaluation innovation, and little engagement work that lacks a
understanding of and awareness of to no application of with relevant logical and
< 30%

the subject matter current problems and knowledge and theory and current coherent structure,
shown. Work is contemporary issues to professional literature. lacks a well-formed
not informed by and debates. No practice. Lack of use of central argument
scholarship evidence of awareness Demonstrates no appropriate and shows a
within the field of new insights or critical awareness and sources and significant lack of

LSC UoS MBA AssessmentIMM 2019 Page 10

of study and perspectives within evaluation and a inconsistent clarity of
significantly the field. Little or no distinct lack of ability and inaccurate expression with
lacks depth, synthesis of current to use the academic referencing very weak or
breadth, detail or research and literature in an irrelevant
clarity scholarship within the effective manner conclusions, that
subject area may be incoherent
to specialist or non-
specialist audiences

LSC UoS MBA AssessmentIMM 2019 Page 11

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