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MKT509 - Online Branding & Reputation Management

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1. Course information

Course Code and title Online Brand Reputation (MKT509 )

Credits 3
Term and Year V (2019-20)
Course Pre-requisite(s) Understanding of Digital Marketing
Course Requirement(s) e.g. Smartphones with Nougat or later Version
Course Schedule (day and time of class) 3 sessions per week
Classroom # (Location) 205 / Lab 2
Course Instructor Prof. Joy Patra
Course Instructor Email joy.patra@jaipuria.ac.in ;
Course Instructor Phone (Office) 836 874 1530
Student Consultation Hours with prior appointment. TBA subject to
Office location Second floor

2. Course Overview
The digital landscape is fast-paced and continually changing, yet is an equally challenging and
exciting environment in which to work. This course is relevant to anyone wanting to work in
marketing, communications, public relations, social media and advertising. You'll learn how to:
Manage an organization’s online reputation, apply reputational management principles to
manage online issues and crises, and build a strong participatory culture to engage your
3. Course Learning Outcomes

CL01. Understanding the basics of digital branding and reputation management CL02.
Managing a crisis and responding appropriately across multiple platforms


Demons Demonstra Apply Develop Demonstr Appreci Leverage Demonstr
trate te relevant innovative ate ate technolog ate
persuasi leadership conceptu thinking for domain sustaina y for capability
ve and al effective competen ble, marketin as an
commu teamwork framewo manageme cy in ethical, g Independ
nication towards rks nt. and managem ent
skills. achieveme legal learner.
chosen ent.
nt of for issues in
organizatio effective a given
nal goals. marketin marketi
g decision ng
making. context.

4. Mapping of CLOs with GAs

GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8
SelfInitiative Deep Critical Humility, Open Global Ethical Entrepren
discipline thinking Team- and outlook competen eurial and
knowledge and Building Clear cy and innovative
Problem and Commun sustainabl
solving Leadershi ication e mindset
p Skills


*Highlighted cell indicates the vital GAs

5. Reference Text and Internet Resources:


1. Ref Text 1: Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand
Equity - by Kevin Lane Keller, Ambi M. G. Parameswaran, Isaac Jacob
2. Ref Text 2: Complete Branding: A Guide to Branding ON the Internet and THROUGH
Social Media - Cassandra Fenyk
3. Ref Text 3: The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding - by Al Ries (Author), Laura Ries
Internet Resources
1. Mudambi, S. M., Doyle, P., & Wong, V. (1997). An exploration of branding in
industrial markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 26(5), 433 – 446.
2. Henry Boateng, Abednego Feehi Okoe, (2015) "Consumers’ attitude towards social
media advertising and their behavioural response: The moderating role of corporate
reputation", Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 9 Issue: 4
3. www. Clickz.com: helps in creating successful Internet marketing campaigns

6. Assessment Tasks

Assessment Item Description Weightage CLO

Quiz There will be two quizzes of 20 (twenty) 20 1,2

MCQ(s)/Objective type questions. The
quizzes would be based on concepts, cases
and readings. Better of the two scores
shall be considered.

Assignments Assignments on Topics of covered 20 1,2

throughout the course shall be assessed as
best 2 of 3

Group Project Group project is a major assignment in this 10+5+5 2

Presentation course as it evaluates conceptual
End-term This assessment will consist of a case study 40 1,2
examination or caselets, and questions will be a mix of
application based and conceptual
questions from the entire syllabus (case,
application, situational, conceptual)
7. Assessment Task Description

Weightage: 20% (refer Rubric of evaluation at the end).
Description: all students are appear for Quiz
Expectation from students: Students should be able to recall and apply concepts discussed
in class
Suggested time to devote to this task: 15-20 minutes
Submission details: automated on Moodle
Feedback and return of work: Immediately after Quiz

Weightage: 20% (refer Rubric of evaluation at the end).
Description: all students are to submit on time
Expectation from students: Students must apply concepts discussed in class
Suggested time to devote to this task: 1 hours
Submission details: Plag report on Moodle, Assignment in Hardcopy / Moodle
Feedback and return of work: Script cannot be returned, but feedback will be given after

Group Project : Presentation, Hard Copy Report, and Viva Weightage:

20% (refer Rubric of evaluation at the end).
Description: all students are to participate in groups and make a presentations of the
deployment of various Online Branding and Reputation Concepts
Expectation from students: Students must be well versed with the advantages and
disadvantages of Online Branding and be able to justify the use of one over the other in
the context of the Brand Identified
Suggested time to devote to this task: 4-6 Weeks
Submission details: Soft copy upload on Moodle by decided date
Feedback and return of work: Feedback shall not be provided
Pre/In/beyond class: Pre+In class

End Term Exam

Weightage: 40% (refer Rubric of evaluation at the end).
Description: Each Students shall appear for written exam
Expectation from students: Student shall be able to assess analyze situations and apply
concepts learnt to propose a solution or share their opinion
Suggested time to devote to this task: 2 hours
Submission details: at the end of Exam time / Online
Feedback and return of work: Feedback shall not be provided Pre/In/beyond
class: in class / Lab

8. Session Plan

Session Topic Pedagogy/ Session Learning CLO

readings / cases Outcomes

Module 1: Online Branding

1. • Discussion of Course Outline To outline the 1

• Discussion on Course role and
Expectations importance of
Class discussion
Introduction to Brands Online Branding
and reputation

2. Understand what is a Brand, and 3 Class Students should 1

types of involvement of customers in Presentation, able to
selecting brands discussion understand roles
played by Brands

3. Define major branding concepts. Class Students should 1

Presentation, able to
Appreciate Branding Strategies and discussion understand
mark of a successful brand strategies
deployed by
4. Online vs Offline Branding Class Students should 1
Presentation, able to
Understand the key advantages of discussion differentiate
online branding between the
online and offline

5. Discuss the elements of video Class Students should 1

marketing in Branding strategy Presentation, able to
discussion understand role
of Videos in

Session Topic Pedagogy/ Session Learning CLO

readings / cases Outcomes

6. How to Build a Brand Online Class Students should 1

Presentation, able to
discussion understand steps
in online Brand

7. Key Strategies to Build Online Brands Class Students should 1

Presentation, be able to
discussion understand

8. Understand online empowerment Class Students should 1

and engagement by Brands Presentation, be able to
discussion understand

9. Benefits of Online Branding Class Students should 1

Presentation, be able to
discussion understand
online branding
10. Online Branding Challenges Class Students should 1
Presentation, be able to
discussion understand
online branding

Module 2: Reputation Management

11 Class Students should 1

What is online Reputation
Presentation, be able to
discussion understand
Identify what a Corporate
reputation is and why it is important

Session Topic Pedagogy/ Session Learning CLO

readings / cases Outcomes

12. Identify the types of reputational Class Students should 1

risk that exist online and the Presentation, be able to
difference between an issue and a discussion distinguish
crisis between Issue
an a Crisis
13. Examine how the digital age has Examine how Students should 1
affected reputation management the digital age be able to
has affected appreciate the
reputation impact of
management digitalization on
14. Explain how online reputation Class Students should 1
affects offline reputation and Presentation, learn from the
whether an organization can Text 1 experience
separate the two sharing
15. Explain what participatory culture is Class Students should 1
and why it is important Presentation, be able to apply
Text 1 the learning of
the class in
Utilize the audience as co-creator of
Brand Building
the story and brand through
Recommend ways in which to build Story
a strong participatory culture
16. Positives of building a strong Case Study and Students should 2
participatory culture Online – Case discussion learn from the
Study experience

Module 3: Reputation on New Media

17. Examine how to build a reputation Class Students should 2

– conversation and coverage Presentation, be able to apply
Demonstrate how to protect a the learning of
reputation in times of adversity the class in
Monitor your reputation and act on Reputation
issues Management
Session Topic Pedagogy/ Session Learning CLO
readings / cases Outcomes

18. How to develop, manage and Class Students should 2

protect a company’s online Presentation be able to apply
reputation through social media the learning of
the class in
19. Identify ways to embrace online Class Students should 2
Presentation and exhibit the
Case Studies understanding of
Explain how to respond to a crisis
Online Negativity
online and how to deal
Debrief after a crisis and evaluate with it online
your response
20. Guest Lecture : Trends and Practices Class Students should 2
in Online Branding Presentation exhibit the
understanding of
Brand reputation
Trends and
21. Guest Lecture : Managing Online Class Students should 2
Reputation Risk Presentation exhibit the
understanding of
Brand reputation
risks and how to
mitigate these
22. Project – Recommend an online Students’ Students should 2
Branding Plan for a given Brand Presentations be able to apply
all the learning
23. Project Students’ Students should 2
Presentations be able to apply
all the learning
24. Closure and Review Class Discussion Students should 1,2
exhibit the
understanding of
all concepts of
online brand

9. RUBRICS for Evaluation

CL01. Understanding the basics of digital branding and reputation management

Assessment task : Quiz, Assignment, End Term Exam

Quiz - 1
Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Clarity and Most of the Many concepts Most of the
understanding of concepts are are clear and concepts are clear
the concepts not clear and understood by and understood
(Weight: 100%) student is the student by the student
unable to
understand the
Assignment 1
Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Understanding Limited Few concepts of Most concepts of
of correct understanding Branding actions Branding Actions
Branding actions of Branding clear demonstrated
(Weight: 30%) actions
Few examples Several Examples
No Examples given given

End-term question-1 (ET-1)

Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-6 points) (7-10 points)
Online Branding Students are Students are Students are able
Actions not able to able to partly to recommend a
recommend recommend comprehensive
Online Online Branding Online Branding
Branding Actions Actions

End-term question-2 (ET-2)

Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-6 points) (7-10 points)
Online Branding Students are Students are Students are able
Strategy not able to able to partly to formulate a
formulate formulate comprehensive
Online Online Branding Online Branding
Branding Strategy Strategy
CL02. Managing a crisis and responding appropriately across multiple platforms
Assessment task : Quiz, Assignment, Group Project, End Term Exam

Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Clarity of the Most of the Many concepts Most of the
concepts and concepts are are clear and concepts are
correct not clear and appropriate clear and correct
recommendations student is actions actions identified
(Weight: 100%) unable to identified

Assignment 2
Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Understanding of Limited Few concepts of Most concepts of
corrective actions understanding Corrective actions Corrective Actions
during Crises of Corrective clear demonstrated

Group Project
Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-7 points) (8-10 points)
Presentation Inappropriate Few appropriate Mostly all
(weight 50%) suggestions suggestions suggestions
Online Branding presented presented presented are
Suggestions appropriate
Hard Copy Report Details of Some details of Detailed
(weight 25%) online Branding online Branding representation of
actions missing Actions provided online Branding
in report. actions provided

Viva Unable to Limited ability to Sufficient ability to

(weight 25%) justify online justify online explain online
branding branding actions branding actions

End-term question-3 (ET-3)

Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-6 points) (7-10 points)
Corrective actions Students are Students are Students are able
recommended to able to able to to recommend 4-
resolve an Issue recommend 1 recommend 2-3 5 corrective
or none corrective actions
corrective actions

End-term question-4 (ET-4)

Criterion Performance level

Poor Average Good

(0-3 points) (4-6 points) (7-10 points)
Corrective actions Students are Students are Students are able
recommended to able to able to to recommend 4-
salvage a Crisis recommend 1 recommend 2-3 5 corrective
or none corrective actions
corrective actions
10. Institute’s Policy Statements

It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the requirements for this course, and
understand the specific details included in this document. It is emphasized that this course
requires a significant commitment outside of formal class contact. The learning tasks in this
course may include classes (lectures or seminars), required reading, the preparation of answers
to set questions, exercises and problems, and self-study. In addition, students may be required
to complete an assignment, test or examination.

LMS-Moodle/Impartus is used to host course resources for all courses. Students can download
lecture, additional reading materials, and tutorial notes to support class participation.

Late Submission
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be
not be accepted. Requests for extension of time must be made with the faculty member
concerned and based on Special Consideration guidelines.

Plagiarism is looked at as the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person
as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person.

Cases of plagiarism will be dealt with according to Plagiarism Policy of the institute. It is
advisable that students should read student handbook for detailed guidelines. It is also
advisable that students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to
safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be
penalized equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own
and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.

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