A Study On Digital Marketing and It's Impacts: Abstract-The World Is Shifting From Analog To Digital and
A Study On Digital Marketing and It's Impacts: Abstract-The World Is Shifting From Analog To Digital and
A Study On Digital Marketing and It's Impacts: Abstract-The World Is Shifting From Analog To Digital and
Kishan Prajapati
Abstract—The world is shifting from analog to digital and percentage [8]. And there is a direct connection between
marketing is no exception. As technology development is digital marketing and the internet. Countries like India and
increasing, the use of digital marketing, social media China have the highest number of internet users so they have
marketing, search engine marketing is also increasing. Internet a great opportunity.
users are increasing rapidly and digital marketing has profited
the most because it mainly depends on the internet. The main objectives of this review paper are the
Consumer’s buying behavior is changing and they are more following:
inclined towards digital marketing rather than traditional
marketing. The purpose of this review paper is to study the Understand the various channels of digital
impact of digital marketing and how important it is for both marketing
consumers and marketers. This paper begins with an Comparison of traditional marketing and digital
introduction of digital marketing and then it highlights the
mediums of digital marketing, the difference between
traditional and digital marketing, and the pros, cons, and Importance of digital marketing
importance of digital marketing in today’s era.
Advantages and disadvantages of digital
Keywords—digital marketing, internet, online advertising, marketing
internet marketing
Challenges digital marketer face
Marketing refers to the steps that the company takes to
promote the buying of any products or services. The Digital marketing consists of various channels which are
company seeks customers or consumers for their products or medium used by the marketer to promote their products or
services via the help of marketing. Digital Marketing refers services. As an advertiser one, the main aim is to select the
to the marketing of any product or service in digital form. channel which is best for communication and give
For example, marketing using smartphones, computers, maximum return on investment (ROI) [15]. The list of
laptops, tablets, or any other digital devices. Digital important digital marketing channels are given below:
marketing is a form of direct marketing that links consumers
with sellers electronically using interactive technologies like A. Social Media
emails, websites, online forums and newsgroups, interactive
In the current era, social media marketing is one of the
television, mobile communications etcetera [12].
most important media in digital marketing. It is the fastest-
‘Digital marketing’ term was first coined in the 1990s. growing digital channel. Social media marketing is the
Digital marketing is also known as ‘online marketing’, process of gaining traffic or sites through social media sites.
‘internet marketing’, or ‘web marketing’. It is known as
According to Neil Patel, "Social media marketing is the
‘internet marketing’ because with the rise of the internet
there is also high growth of digital marketing. The major process of creating content that you have tailored to the
advantage of digital marketing is that marketers can sell their context of each social media platform to drive user
products or services 24 hours and 365 days, lower cost, engagement and sharing" [7]. The number of internet users
efficiency gain, to motivate the customer for more purchase by population has increased from 16.6 to 62 percent in 15
and improve customer services [13]. It helps many-to-many years and social media marketing has benefited the most in
communications because of its excessive degree of that [8].
connectivity and is generally completed to sell services or
products in a timely, relevant, non-public, and cost-powerful
In 2005, there were around 1.1 billion internet users
which consist of 16.6 percent of the population at that time
[8]. In 2020, the number of internet users is around 4.8
billion and the percentage population has increased to 62
C. Affiliate Marketing
In affiliate marketing, the company rewards subsidiaries
for every customer or visitor they bring to the company's
website by their marketing efforts or strategy on behalf of
the company. According to Pat Flynn's Smart Passive
Income, "Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a
commission by promoting other people's (or company's)
products. You find a product you like, promote it to others,
and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make"
[8]. There are 4 different parties involved in affiliate