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Environment and Market (EM)

4 Hours

Grade Level Standard:

This is a specialization course which leads to Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
National Certificate Level II (RAC-NCII). It covers two (2) core competencies that a
Grade 10 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess,
namely: 1) communicate effectively using the English language and 2) deliver quality
customer service.

The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following:

1) discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts relative
to the course and; 3) exploration on career opportunities.
Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning NC II in one’s community..
Performance Standard
The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of
potential market in REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING NC II in a town/

Learning Competencies
• Develop a quality and marketable product or services in Refrigeration and
Air-conditioning NC II
• Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set
• Develop a brand for the product
I. Introduction
People who aspire to start a business need to explore the economic, cultural
and social conditions prevailing in an area. Needs and wants of the people in a certain
area that are not met may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the
needs of the community, its resources, available raw materials, skills, and appropriate
technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity.

To be successful in any kind of business venture, potential entrepreneurs

should always look closely at the environment and market. They should always
be watchful on the existing opportunities and constraints. The opportunities in the
business environment are those factors that provide possibilities for a business to
expand and make more profits. Constraints, on the other hand, are those factors
that limit the business to grow, hence reduce the chance of generating profit. One of
the best ways to evaluate the opportunities and constraints is to conduct Strengths,
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.
II. Objectives
With your assistance and the guidance of this module, learners are expected
to understand the underlying principles and concepts of EM more particularly in:

-- identifying what is of “value” to the customer;

-- identifying the customer to sell to;

-- explaining what makes a product unique and competitive;
-- applying creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable product;
-- employing a unique selling proposition (USP) to the product and or service

III. Presentation of Content


• Utilizing appropriate activities lead learners in giving value to environment

and market and its implication to be successful in a business relating to
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning NC II.
• Guide learners in understanding the importance of environment and market;
likewise lead them in appreciating the value of SWOT Analysis.
• Provide relevant, appropriate and meaningful examples of SWOT Analysis
pertaining to Refrigeration and Air-conditioning NC II.
• Help learners in presenting the importance of assessing their immediate
environment and market pertaining to Refrigeration and Air-conditioning NC
• Using your processing and questioning skills, guide learners in coming up
with a generalization about environment and market and its relation to be
successful in the field of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning NC II.


• Utilize the sample pre-assessment test available in the learner’s materials or

craft a comprehensive teacher made-test to assess learner’s prior knowledge
and skills in EM.
• Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a plan of action to
strategically address the learning needs and requirements of the learners.

Guide Questions

• Ask learners to actively perform Task 2 and guide them in presenting their
answers to the class.
• Process learner’s responses and guide them to have an appropriate

Learning Goals and Target

• Help learners in planning their own learning goals and target as reflected on
page 18 of the Learning Material (LM).
• Provide enrichment activities and guide them in analyzing available resources
and technology in the community in accomplishing their learning goals and

IV. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer
Product development

• Discuss product development, concept of developing a product, finding value,

innovation, unique selling proposition and its relationship to environment and
market and business at large.
• Let learners actively participate in the discussion on the aforementioned
topics. Assist or guide learners in presenting their ideas and relevant
• Design varied levels of learning activities for the learners to better understand
the aforementioned topics.
• Guide learners in reflecting on the importance of product development,
concept of developing a product, finding value, innovation, and unique selling
• Design an assessment to evaluate learner’s understanding on the previous
• Utilize the result of the assessment in developing and designing learning
activities that would enrich learner’s understanding.


Guide learners in accomplishing Task 3 on page 24 of LM. Let them
passionately conduct a thorough research by doing an interview with a
successful entrepreneur or practitioner within the town/ municipality.
Have learners present their research to the class and process their
understanding in relation to the objectives of this module.

Reflect and Understand

• Inspire learners to deepen their understanding on environment and market

by carefully watching the videos related to the prescribed topics on task 4 on
page 25 of LM.
• After letting the learners watch the videos, let them prepare a comprehensive
narrative report on the topics they have watched.
• Encourage learners to present their accomplishments to the class.
• Process learner understands in relation to the objectives of this module.


• Guide learners in developing their concept for their own product or service as
reflected on Task 5 on page 25 to 26 of LM.
• Assist learners in analyzing and utilizing available resources in developing
their concept of their own product or service.
• Evaluate learner’s output by referring to teacher-made rubrics which are
aligned to the performance standards.

• Let learners share and present their output to the class.
• Lead learners in reflecting on the importance of product conceptualization.

Generating Ideas for Business


• Let learners read and understand topics relating to generating ideas for
business, key concept of selecting a business idea, and branding.
• Let learners undergo varied levels of learning activities to better appreciate
the importance of generating ideas for business, key concept of selecting a
business idea, and branding.
• Process learner’s understanding relative to the objectives of this module.


• Lead learners in reflecting on their SWOT Analysis and its importance in

generating business ideas by engaging them to learning opportunities for
interaction with others outside the classroom and with the use of technology.
• Instruct learners to enrich their knowledge on SWOT Analysis by conducting
• Provide an appropriate type of assessment to evaluate learner’s

understanding on SWOT Analysis. Utilize the result of the assessment to
craft more appropriate and productive learning activities.
• Assist learners in performing Task 6 (SWOT Analysis).
• Evaluate / Assess learner’s output and check it against the objectives of this

Reflect and Understand

• Let learners work on an independent learning activity or cooperative learning

(ICL) in accomplishing Task 7 (Extra Readings and Video Viewing) on page
• Assist learners in presenting their output. Assess the evidence of learning
and provide useful input to improve their output.


• Have learners prepare task 9 (Making My Own Logo). Assist learners in

accomplishing this task by connecting it with their real life experience.
• Assess learners output using a teacher-made rubrics following the standards
and objectives of this module.

V. Feedback
Pre / Post Assessment

1. D 6. D
2. C 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. B 9. D
5. A 10. D

VI. References
1. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education

2. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/77408#ixzz2twpYG49A

3. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--opportunities-constraints-

4. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--constraints--421.

5. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--constraints-on-

6. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--production-and-resource-

7. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/theory/theory--nature-and-role-of-

Title Page Instructions Sugges-
No. of
PEC’s 1
Environment and 12
Process and Delivery 28
Quarter 1
Introduction A. Prepare notes about the clamp- 1 hour
on ammeter, its parts and
the procedure for measuring
alternating current. The teacher
will discuss the primary aim of air-
conditioning and that is comfort
B. Explain to the learners that the
introduction contains the topics
that they will encounter for the
duration of the quarter. Discuss

with them that the purpose of the
pre-assessment is to activate their
prior knowledge and identify which
topic will require more attention.
The information sheet is the data
bank of the module; the activity
sheet contains the procedures
involved in the hands-on activity
and the self-check is an exercise to
evaluate the level of understanding
and mastery among learners.
Pre-Assessment A. Instruct the learners to prepare a 1 hour
¼ sheet of paper and a pen before
taking the pre/diagnostic test. Tell
them to answer the questions with
an honest response.
29 B. Clarify to the learners that the
purpose of the Pre/Diagnostic Test
is not to grade them but to identify
which contents they are aware of
and which they are not.

C. Answer Key
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B

Information Sheet A. The information sheet contains all 2 hours

1.1 Clamp On the necessary data that you will
Ammeter use during the discussion. You are
allowed to supplement necessary
information and techniques that
will make the discussion more
effective. Prepare the actual
clamp-on ammeter to show where
to attach the instrument in the
30 B. Emphasize the importance
of measuring the amount of
current flowing through the motor
compressor. Draw the schematic

diagram that displays the position
of the ammeter in the circuit. Guide
the learners on reflecting on the
effects of excessive current or a
lesser amount of a current flowing
in the circuit.
Activity Sheet A. Prepare the following: 3 hours
1.1 Procedure • Unit to be measured (e.g.
in Measuring window-type air-conditioning
Alternating Current unit or refrigerator)
• Clamp-on Ammeter
• Notebook
• Pen
• Service Cord
32 B. The activity should be performed
individually. Each learner will be
given five minutes to finish the task.
Before the activity, discuss first the
importance of selecting the proper
range of the clamp-on ammeter
based on the unit to be tested.
The function and and purpose of
each tool and material should be
explained thoroughly. Demonstrate
the correct sequence of measuring

the alternating current by providing
a block diagram of the process and
by giving some pointers to follow
while performing the activity such
as proper handling and use of
clamp-on ammeter and materials,
and safety precautions while
working with circuits to be able to
record the actual measurement.

Self-Check 1.1 Open A. Provide a sample response 1 hour

Ended Statement following the format given in
the module. Emphasize the
importance of an honest response
while answering the activity.
B. Discuss the rules before proceeding
32 to the self-check proper. Explain
the importance of answering the
self-check activity. Discuss with
the learners the correct procedure
for answering the open-ended

statement. Provide guide questions
while the learners are performing
the self-check activity.
Self-Check 1.2 A. Instruct the learners to answer the 2 hours
Identifying the self-check activity on a separate ¼
Parts of Clamp on sheet of paper.
Ammeter B. Discuss the rules before proceeding
to the self-check proper. Explain
the importance of answering the
self-check activity. Discuss with the
learners the importance of correct
spelling of the parts of the clamp-
on ammeter.
C. 1. Current Sensing Clamp
2. Range Selector
3. Range Selection
4. Test Probe
5. Voltage Terminal (Jack)
6. Common Terminal (Jack)
7. Ohm Meter Terminal (Jack)
8. LCD Display

Information Sheet A. Prepare the schematic diagram of 1 hour
1.2 Using AC a voltmeter connected in a circuit.
Voltmeter B. Differentiate the function of a
voltmeter from that of an ammeter.
The parallel connection in the circuit
of a voltmeter must be emphasized
to differentiate it in the context of
reading an electrical circuit. The
34 importance of paying attention
to precautionary measures must
be emphasized. The meaning
of electrical symbols should be
explained thoroughly as well.

Activity 1.2 A. Prepare the following: 3 hours

Measuring Voltage • Voltmeter
• Identified source (e.g.
convenience outlet inside the

• Notebook
• Pen
B. Discuss first the importance of
34 selecting the proper range of the
voltmeter which should be higher
on the known voltage of the
identified source to be tested. The
function and purpose of the testing
instrument and material should be
explained thoroughly. Demonstrate
the correct sequence of measuring
the voltage and give some pointers
while performing the activity such
as proper handling and use of
voltmeter and materials, and safety
precautions while working with
circuits to be able to record the
actual measurement.
Self-Check 1.2 A. Instruct the learners to answer the 1 hour
self-check activity on a separate ¼
sheet of paper.
35 B. Discuss the rules before
proceeding to the self-check
proper. and explain the importance
of answering the self-check activity.

Emphasize the importance of
following directions.

C. 1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F
Information Sheet A. Prepare the questionnaire, and 2 hours
1.3 Air-conditioning make writing materials available on
and the Human Body which the learners can write and
post their responses on the board.
B. Ask the following guide questions:
1. How does the surrounding
air feel during the summer
35 2. How does the surrounding air
feel during the rainy season?
3. How does the surrounding
air feel during the Christmas

4. How does your body react to the
changes in the air movement in
each season?
5. In which season do you feel the
most comfortable?
Heat A. Prepare the questionnaire and 2 hours
writing materials available where
the learners can write and post
their responses on the board.
B. Introduce these motivating
35 1. Is heat present when you do
not feel anything?
2. Are heat and temperature the
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Activity Sheet 1.3 A. Prepare a grouping technique. 3 hours
Grafitti Fact Provide a sample template about
36 the Grafitti Fact and scoring
rubrics. Emphasize to the class the

importance of constructive

B. Divide the learners into five groups

and guide them in preparing their
Grafitti Fact table. Let the members
of each group choose their leader.
Explain the scoring rubrics before
the start of the activity.
C. Suggested online resource in
developing scoring rubrics:

Note: Please do not forget to quote

and acknowledge the author of the
scoring rubric.
Self-Check 1.3 A. Instruct the learners to answer the 1 hour
self-check activity on a separate ½
crosswise sheet of paper.
37 B. Discuss the rules before proceeding

to the self-check proper. Explain
the importance of answering the
self-check activity. Emphasize the
importance of following directions.
Information Sheet A. Prepare the questionnaire and 3 hours
1.4 Temperature make writing materials available on
which the learners can write and
post their responses on the board.
B. Ask the following questions:
1. Can temperature be identified
without the invention of
37 2. To what extent do measuring
instruments cause confusion?
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

Air Temperature A. Prepare the questionnaire and 2 hours
writing materials available where
38 the learners can write and post
their responses on the board.

B. Ask the following questions:
1. Can temperature be identified
without the invention of
2. To what extent do measuring
instruments cause confusion?
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Instruments Used A. Prepare the questionnaire and 2 hours
in Measuring Air make writing materials available on
Velocity which the learners can write and
post their responses on the board.
B. Ask the following questions:
1. How is air movement related to
39 comfort cooling?
2. How does heat, which flows
from human body related to air
C. Suggested online video resource.

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Activity Sheet 1.4 A. Prepare the scoring rubrics for 1 hour
Research and the research paper and oral
Investigate presentation.
40 B. Discuss the format of the research
paper and how the learners will
present their paper. The teacher
should also clarify the scoring
rubrics and the time allotment per
group presentation.
Self-check 1.4 A. Instruct the learners to answer the 1 hour
self-check activity on a separate ¼
crosswise sheet of paper.
B. Discuss the directions before
proceeding to the self-check
43 proper. Explain the importance of
answering the self-check activity.
Emphasize the importance of
following the directions.

C. Answer Key
Suggested A. Prepare the template of the Write 2 hours
Differentiated About activity template.
Activity for Clamp- B. Instruct the learners to draw the
on Ammeter (Write clamp-on ammeter in the box
About) allotted for the illustration in the
template. Let the learners write
the key words about the topic and
the learners will summarize their
learning using the keywords in the
paragraph box.

Summative A. Prepare the questionnaires in the 4 hours
Assessment – module and the answer key.
Quarter I B. Instruct the learners to prepare one
whole sheet of paper and a pen
before taking the summative test.
Explain to the learners that the test
44 is divided into two parts and the
total number of test items is thirty
(30). Discuss with the learners that
part one is a multiple choice type
of test and part two is an essay
type of test. State the instructions
in each part, especially the writing
rubrics to avoid bluff in the answer
of the learners.

C. Answer Key
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. C

Test II. The learner will be scored according
to the scoring rubric in the learning module.
P (10), A (8), and B (5) will be used as the
rating scale
Quarter II
Introduction A. Prepare notes about the noise, 1 hour
its causes and materials that
contribute to its production. Prepare
articles that discuss the effect on
human health of noise produced by
window-type air-conditioning unit
in a controlled environment.
B. Explain to the learners that the
introduction contains the topics that
they will encounter for the duration
of the quarter. Discuss with them
the fact that the purpose of the pre-
assessment is to activate their prior
knowledge and identify which topic
will require more attention. The
information sheet is the data bank
of the module; the activity sheet
contains the procedures involved in
the hands-on activity and the self-
check is an exercise to evaluate

the level of understanding and
mastery among learners.
Pre-Assessment A. Instruct the learners to prepare a 1 hour
¼ sheet of paper and a pen before
taking the pre/diagnostic test. Tell
them to answer the questions with
an honest response.
B. Clarify to the learners that the
purpose of the pre/diagnostic test
is not to grade them but to identify
48 which contents they are aware of
and which they are not.
C. Answer Key
1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. D
Information Sheet A. Prepare the questionnaire and 1 hour

2.1 Noise make writing materials available
on which the learners can write
and then post their responses on
the board.
B. Ask the following questions:
49 1. Do we hear noise whenever
sound is present?
2. Does anything that moves
produce noise?
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Type of Noise A. Prepare the questionnaire and 2 hours
make writing materials available
on which the learners can write
and then post their responses on
the board.
49 B. Ask the following questions:
1. Can we tell the difference
between sound and noise
without measurement?
2. To what extent does interruption
relate to noise?

C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Activity Sheet 2.1 A. Prepare the scoring rubrics for 3 hours
Research and the research paper and oral
Investigate presentation.
B. Discuss the format of the research
paper and explain to the learners
51 how they will present their paper.
Clarify the scoring rubrics and
the time allotment for group
Self-Check 2.1 A. Instruct the learners to answer the 1 hour
self-check activity on a separate ¼
sheet of paper.
B. Discuss the directions before
proceeding to the self-check

proper. Explain the importance of
53 answering the self-check activity.
Emphasize the importance of
following the directions.
C. Answer Key
1. 47-63 Dba
2. Sound Pressure
3. Noise Intrusion
4. Ambient Noise
5. Noise
Information Sheet A. Prepare the questionnaire and 3 hours
2.2 Minimizing Noise make writing materials available
Created by Window on which the learners can write
Air-conditioner and then post their responses on
the board.
B. Ask the following questions:
54 1. Are concentration and window-
type air-conditioning related?
2. To what extent does interruption
relate to noise?
C. Suggested online video resources.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Activity Sheet 2.2.1 A. Prepare the list of offices and 3 hours
Choose the Parts laboratories to be visited. Provide
a sample template showing
the correct way of filling out the
observation form.
B. Emphasize the importance
of alertness while performing
the activity. Present a scoring
55 rubric for scoring the learners’
C. Suggested online resource for
developing scoring rubrics:

Note: Please do not forget to quote

and acknowledge the author of the
scoring rubric.
Activity Sheet 2.2.2 A. Prepare the list of offices and 3 hours

Observation of Air- laboratories to be visited. Provide
Conditioned Offices also a sample template showing
and Laboratories the correct way of filling up the
observation form.
B. Emphasize the importance of
56 alertness while performing the
activity. Remind the learners
that observing the presence
of an annoying sound is their
primary goal. Present a scoring
rubric in scoring the learners’
C. Suggested online resource for
developing scoring rubrics:

Note: Please do not forget to quote

and acknowledge the author of the
scoring rubric.
Self-Check 2.2.1 A. Prepare a sample template.
B. Show learners how to answer the
metacognition template properly.
57 Present a rubric for scoring the
learners’ responses.

C. Suggested online resource for 1 hour
developing scoring rubrics:

Note: Please do not forget to quote

and acknowledge the author of the
scoring rubric.
Self-Check 2.2.2 A. Instruct the learners to answer the 1 hour
Completion Type of self-check activity on a separate ¼
Test sheet of paper.
B. Discuss the directions before
proceeding to the self-check proper.
Explain the importance of writing
the correct term and its spelling
when answering the self-check
58 activity. Emphasize the importance
of following directions. After the
result has been revealed, let the
learners stop and reflect, make
sense of what they have learned
and derive their own meaning

from their learning experiences by
writing a one-minute essay in their
C. Answer Key
1. Duct Grills
2. Sound
3. Noise Carrier
4. Frequency
5. Vibrations
Information Sheet A. Prepare the questionnaire and 1 hours
2.3 Installation, make writing materials available
Testing, and on which the learners can write
Commissioning and then post their responses on
Report (ITC) the board.
58 B. Ask the following questions:
1. Is record procedure necessary
for maintenance?
2. Why record the performance
of installed window air-
conditioning unit?
Installation, Testing, A. Prepare the sample template 2 hours
and Commissioning of the installation, testing, and
Report Form 59 commissioning report form.

B. The teacher will discuss the correct
procedure for filling up the Installing,
Testing, and Commissioning
(ITC) Form and emphasize the
importance of the data written on
the report form.
Activity Sheet 2.3 A. Prepare the rubrics for the research 3 hours
Research and paper and oral presentation.
Investigate B. Discuss the format of the research
60 paper and how the learners will
present their paper. Clarify also
the scoring rubrics and the time
allotment for group presentation.
Self-Check 2.3 A. Prepare the drawing of lots 3 hours
Jigsaw Group containing the names of the teams.
Present scoring rubric for the group
B. The teacher will divide the class
63 into six (6) groups. Each group
will pick their group name for the

drawing lots during the first round
and then regroup until the rotation
is done. Emphasize that the
learners should be able to re-group
six (6) times with different set of
group mates
Suggested A. Prepare a statement about the 4 hours
Differentiated Activity topic and the learners will fill up the
for Minimizing Noise SOS template.
Created by Window-
Type Air-conditioning

Summative A. Prepare the questionnaires in the 4 hours

Assessment – module and the answer key.
Quarter II 64

B. whole sheet of paper and a pen
before taking the summative test.
Explain to the learners that the test
is divided into three parts and the
total number of test items is thirty
(30). Clarify to the learners that
part one is a multiple choice type
of test, and part two is a modified
true or false type of test and part
three is arranging the procedure
for installing a window-type air-
conditioning unit. State clearly the
instructions for each part especially
the writing rubrics to avoid guessing
on the part of the learners.
C. Answer Key
Test I.

1. C
2. A
3. A

4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. C
Test II. Modified True or False
1. F, amount, strength or F,
strength, wave
2. F, strength, amount or F, wave,
3. F, does not, does
4. T
5. F, must not be, must be
Test III.

Quarter III
Introduction A. Prepare his/her notes on the air filter 1 hour
and its types. Prepare articles about
the importance of regular cleaning of
the air filter and how to replace it.
B. Explain to the learners that the
introduction contains the topics that
they will encounter for the duration
of the quarter. Explain further to
the learners that the purpose of the
pre-assessment is to activate their
66 prior knowledge and identify which
topic will require more attention. The
information sheet is the data bank
of the module; the activity sheet
contains the procedures involved in
the hands-on activity and the self-
check is is an exercise to evaluate
the level of understanding and
mastery of learners

Pre-assessment A. Instruct the learners to have a ¼ 1 hour
sheet of paper and a pen ready
before taking the pre/diagnostic
test. Tell them to answer the
questions with an honest response.
B. Clarify to the learners that the
66 purpose of the pre/diagnostic test
is not to grade them but to identify
which topics they are aware of and
which they are not.
C. Answer Key
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. D
Information Sheet A. Prepare the questionnaire and 4 hours
3.1 make writing materials available for
the learners. Post their responses
Filtering the on the board.
Surrounding Air 68
B. During discussion ask the following
1. When is it ok to breathe polluted

2. What makes for a good air
Different Types of A. Prepare the questionnaire and will 5 hours
Air Filters Used make writing materials available to
in Window Air- the learners. Post their responses
Conditioning units on the board.
B. Ask the following questions:
1. To what extent will the modern-
day urban life activities affect
air quality?
69 2. What are the different types of
air filters used in refrigeration
and air-conditioning?
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

Activity Sheet 3.1 A. Prepare samples of air-conditioning 5 hours

Cleaning the Window filters.
Type Air Conditioning

B. Emphasize the importance of
Air Filter alertness while performing the
activity. Remind the learners that
cleaning the air filter of the window
70 air-conditioner will make the unit
work more efficiently with less
power consumption.
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

Self-Check 3.1.1 A. Prepare checklist then provide 10

Cleaning the Air the list of safety procedures do be hours
Filter followed throughout the duration of
the activity.
B. Emphasize the importance of
73 alertness while performing the
activity, and remind the learners
that they will be graded according
to how they disassemble, clean,
and re-assemble the air filter.

C. Scoring Rubrics
CATE- 4 3 2 1

Writing Learn- Learn- Learn- Learn-

process ers ers ers ers
devote devote devote devote
a lot suffi- some little
of time cient time time
and time and and
effort and effort effort
to the effort to the to the
writing to the writing writing
process writing process process
process but the Output
output shows
was not lack of
very interest.

Neat- The The The The

ness final final final final
draft of draft of draft of draft
the self- the self- the self- is not

check is check is check is neat or
read- read- read- attract-
able, able, able, ive. It
clean, clean, and, looks
neat neat some like the
and and of the learners
attract- attract- pages just
ive It is ive. It are wanted
free of may attract- to get
era- have ive. It done
sures one looks and
The or two like the didn’t
student erasure parts of care
took s, but it might what it
great they have looked
time in are not been like.
prepa- distract- done in
ring the ing. It a hurry.
draft. looks
like the
of it.

Focus The Most of Some No
on the self- the con- of the attempt
assign- check is tents of con- was
ed topic related the self- tents of made to
to the check the self- relate
assign- are check the self-
ed topic assig- are check
and ned related to the
allows topic. to the assign-
the The self assign- ed
reader check ed topic.
to wan- topic,
under- ders off but a
stand at one reader
much point, does
more but the not
about reader learn
the can still much
topic. learn about
some- the
thing topic.

Accura- All facts Almost Most There
cy of are all facts facts are
facts present- presen- presen- several
ed in ted in ted in actual
the self- the self- the self- errors
check check check in the
are are ac- are ac- self-
accura- curate. curate check.
te. (atleast

Recom- The The The No

menda- recom- recom- recom- recom-
tion menda- menda- menda- menda-
tion tion tion tion is
of the of the of the attemp-
learner learner learner ted or
is easy is easy is hard impos-
to to to sible to
under- under- under- under-
stand stand stand. stand. It
and is and is way
logical. some- out of
There what the line.
are no logical.

Data All of Almost Most Many
the all (about data
written (about 75%) of require-
data 90%) the data ments
require- the data require- were
ments require- ments not met.
were ments were
met. are met, but
met. several

Self-Check 3.1.2 A. Prepare the list of offices and 6 hours

Air Filter laboratories to be visited. Provide
Maintenance as well a sample template showing
the correct way of filling out the
observation form.
B. Emphasize the importance of
alertness while performing the
activity. Remind the learners that
they need to take note of the
schedule of cleaning the air filter
for them to be able to determine if

it is well maintained or not. Present
a scoring rubric in scoring the
learners recommendation.
C. Suggested online resource for
developing scoring rubrics:

D. Note: Please do not forget to quote

and acknowledge the author of the
scoring rubric.
Suggested A. Let the learners choose from the 4 hours
Differentiated Activity Think Tac Toe board how they will
for Different Types demonstrate their understanding
of Air Filters Used of the different air filters used in a
in Window Air- window air-conditioning.

Summative A. Prepare the questionnaires in the 4 hours
Assessment – module and the answer key.
Quarter III B. Instruct the learners to have one
whole sheet of paper and a pen
ready before taking the summative
test. Explain to the learners that the
test is divided into three parts and
the total number of test items is thirty
(30). Discuss with the learners that
part one is a multiple choice type of
test and part two is arranging the
procedure for cleaning the air filter
and part three is an essay type of
test. State the instructions in each
part especially the writing rubrics,
to avoid confusion in the answer of
the learners.
C. Answer Key
Test I
74 1. B

2. D
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. B

Test II.

Test III

The learner will be scored

according to the scoring rubric in
the learning module. P (10), A (8),
and B (5) will be used as the rating
Quarter IV
Introduction A. Prepare notes on cleaning the 1 hour
evaporator and condenser coils and
articles that discuss the functions
and importance of well- maintained
evaporator and condenser coils.
B. Explain to the learners that the
introduction contains the topics
that they will experience for the
duration of the quarter. Discuss
with them that the purpose of the
77 pre-assessment is to activate their
prior knowledge and identify which
topic will require more attention.

The information sheet is the data
bank of the module; the activity
sheet contains the procedures
involved in the hands-on activity,
and the self-check is an exercise to
evaluate the level of understanding
and mastery among learners.
Pre-assessment A. Instruct the learners to have a ¼
sheet of paper and a pen ready
before taking the pre/diagnostic
test. Tell them to answer the
questions with an honest response.
B. Clarify to the learners that the
purpose of the Pre/Diagnostic Test
is not to grade them but to identify
78 which contents they are aware of
and which they are not.
C. Answer Key
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A

Information Sheet A. Prepare the questionnaire and 1 hour
4.1 Cleaning the make writing materials available to
Evaporator and the learners.
Condenser Coils B. Ask the following questions during
1. When is cleaning the evaporator
and condenser coil not the best
solution to make the window
air-conditioner perform best?
2. What are the consequences
79 of the improper cleaning of
the evaporator and condenser
C. Suggested online video resources.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /


h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Activity 4.1.1 A. Prepare the air-conditioner unit to 3 hours
Cleaning the Finned be cleaned, the pressure washer,
Evaporator using the air compressor and plenty of
Pressure Washing water in a container.
B. Call a volunteer learner to perform
the demonstration while strictly
guiding him. Emphasize the
importance of alertness while
79 performing the activity. Remind
the learners that cleaning the
finned evaporator of the window
air-conditioner will promote proper
circulation of conditioned air in a
controlled environment. Inform
the learners that the self-check
will be used to assess their level
of understanding about the topic.

C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Activity Sheet A. Prepare the air-conditioner unit to 3 hours
4.1.2 Cleaning the be cleaned, the pressure washer,
Condenser the air compressor and plenty of
water in a container.
B. Call a volunteer learner to perform
the demonstration while strictly
guiding him. Emphasize the
importance of alertness while
81 performing the activity. Remind
the learners that cleaning the
condenser of the window air-
conditioner will promote proper
dissipation of heat to the
surrounding air that will result in
less consumption of electricity.
Inform the learner that the self-
check will be used to assess their

level of understanding about the
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
Self-Check 4.1 A. Prepare the air-conditioner unit to 3 hours
Cleaning the be cleaned, the pressure washer,
Evaporator and the air compressor and plenty of
Condenser water in a container.
B. Emphasize the importance of
82 alertness while performing the
activity. Remind the learners that
they will be graded according to the
assessment criteria in the module.
Activity Sheet 4.1.3 A. Prepare the materials: air- 3 hours
Straightening Bent conditioner, and fin comb or wide-
Fins nose pliers.
B. Call a volunteer learner to perform
the demonstration while strictly
82 guiding him. Emphasize the
importance of alertness while
performing the activity. Remind
the learners that straightening the
fins of the condenser will prevent
airflow blockage that will make the

window-type air-conditioner unit
work more efficiently. Inform the
learners that the self-check will
be used to assess their level of
understanding about the topic.

C. Suggested online video resource.

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

Self-Check 4.2 A. Prepare the air-conditioner and fin 3 hours

Straightening Bent comb or wide-nose pliers.
Fins Using the Wide B. Emphasize the importance of
Nose Plier 84 alertness while performing the
activity. Remind the learners that
they will be graded according to the
assessment criteria in the module
Activity Sheet 4.1.4 A. Prepare the air-conditioner to be 3 hours

Servicing Clog flushed, the flare nut and union, the
Condenser and compressed air or refrigerant, and
Evaporator lacquer thinner.
B. Call a volunteer learner to perform
the demonstration while strictly
guiding him. Emphasize the
importance of alertness while
performing the activity. Remind
the learners that flushing can be
84 done both to the condenser and
the evaporator coils. Instruct the
learners to silver braze the cut
condenser coil after the flushing
process for vacuuming, leak
testing and recharging. Inform the
learners that the self-check 4.4 will
be used to assess their level of
understanding of the topic.
Self-Check 4.3 A. Instruct the learners to answer the 1 hour
self-check activity on a separate ¼
sheet of paper.
85 B. Discuss the directions before
proceeding to the self-check
proper. Explain the importance of
following a logical process when

answering the self-check activity.
Emphasize the importance of
following the directions. After the
results have been revealed, let the
learners stop and reflect, make
sense of what they have learned
and derive their personal meaning
from their learning experiences by
writing a one minute essay in their

C. Answer Key
Activity Sheet 4.1.5 A. Prepare the materials: air- 1 hour
Servicing a Leaky conditioner, the service tank and
Evaporator and fitting, a bucket of water, silver

Condenser braze, vacuum pump, and gauge
B. Call a volunteer learner to perform
86 the demonstration while strictly
guiding him. Emphasize the
importance of alertness while
performing the activity. Remind
the learners that a leak must be
spotted promptly without spending
too much. Instruct the learners to
silver braze the cut condenser coil
after the process for vacuuming,
leak testing and recharging.

Self-Check 4.4 A. Prepare the materials: air- 3 hours

Flushing conditioner to be flushed, flare
nut and union, compressed air or
87 refrigerant, and lacquer thinner.
B. Emphasize the importance of
alertness while performing the
activity. Remind the learners that
they will be graded based on the
assessment criteria in the module

Activity Sheet 4.1.6 A. Prepare the materials: air- 3 hours
Applying Lye on conditioner, water, lye, and pail.
Evaporator Fins and B. Call a volunteer learner to perform
Condenser Coils the demonstration while strictly
guiding him. Emphasize the
importance of alertness while
performing the activity. Remind the
learners to avoid direct contact of
their skin with lye and not to inhale
its fumes since the fumes can
damage their respiratory system.
In case of direct contact of the body
with lye, the teacher should instruct
the learners to rinse the body part
with clean water immediately.
87 Inform the learners that the self-
check 4.5 will be used to assess
their level of understanding of the
Note: In modern refrigeration and
air-conditioning maintenance, it is

strongly advised to use liquid soap
instead of lye because of the lye’s
harmful effect on one’s health and
the damage it can cause to the fins
of the condenser and evaporator
if not rinsed properly. The use of
lye in refrigeration will be phased
out in the industry in the advent of
universal flushing substances.
C. Suggested online video resource.
h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

Self-Check 4.5 A. Prepare the air-conditioner, water, 3 hours

Cleaning the lye, and pail.
Condenser/ B. Emphasize the importance of
Evaporator Coil with 88 alertness while performing the
Lye Solution activity. Remind the learners that
they will be graded according to the
assessment criteria in the module.
Suggested Flexible Grouping 4 hours
Differentiated Activity
for Applying lye on Procedure:
evaporator fins and 1. Give class instructions to the.
condenser coils

whole class
2. Divide the class into group of
struggling learners, and highly
capable learners and allow each
group to display their understanding
of the topic.
3. Divide the class into two group, but
this time the struggling and highly
capable will be mixed together and
will be learning buddies.
4. Allow the two groups to debate
about the issues related to the
Note: The grouping should not be
a permanent arrangement and
should be changed from time to
time. Use videos about the topic,
materials like comics, newspaper
articles, online journals and
magazines that discuss the topic in

presenting the lesson.
Summative A. Prepare the questionnaires in the 4 hours
Assessment – module and the answer key.
Quarter IV B. Instruct the learners to have one
whole sheet of paper and a pen
ready before taking the summative
test. Explain to the learners that the
test is divided into three parts and
the total number of test items is thirty
(30). Clarify to the learners that part
one is a multiple choice type of test
and part two is identifying the signs
that the evaporator is icing and part
three is arranging in correct order
the procedures in applying lye
for the evaporator fins. State the
instructions in each part clearly.
C. Answer Key
Test I.

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A

6. A
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. C

Test II.
Clogged or dirty filter
Evaporator fan tripping or defective

Room has low temperature
Outside temperature is low
Lack of refrigerant

Test III
Glossary of Terms 93
References 95

GRADE 10 (Specialization)
Course Description:
This is a specialization course which leads to a RAC Servicing National
Certificate Level I (NC I). It covers two (2)core competencies that the Grade 10
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess: (1) domestic
refrigeration and air-conditioning unit installation, and (2) service and maintainance of
window- type air-conditioning / domestic refrigeration units

The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following: (1)

discussion on the relevance of the course, (2) explanation of key concepts relative to
the course, and (3) exploration of career opportunities.


Introduction The learner The learner 1. Explain
demonstrates independently basic

1. Basic an demonstrates principles
principles of understanding the core of electrical
electricity and of the basic competencies and
mechanical principles of in RAC mechanical
aspects of electricity and servicing as aspects of
refrigeration mechanical prescribed domestic
unit aspects of by TESDA refrigeration
2. Relevance of refrigeration Training unit
the course and air Regulations. 2. Discuss the
3. Career conditioning relevance of
opportunities unit. the course
3. Explore
in RAC
1. Assessment The learner The learner LO 1. Develop TLE_
of Personal demonstrates independently and strengthen PECS10-
Competencies an creates a plan personal Ik-8
and Skills understanding of action that competencies
(PeCS) vis-à- of one’s strengthens/ and skills
vis a practicing Personal further (PeCS) needed
entrepreneur/ Competencies develops one’s RAC
employee in a and Skills PeCS in RAC.

province. (PeCS) in 1.1 Identify
RAC. areas for
1.1 Charac-
teristics improvement,
1.2 Attri- and growth
1.3 Lifestyle 1.2 Align one’s
PeCS according
1.4 Skills to his/her
1.5 Traits business/career
1. Analysis
of PeCS in 1.3 1.3 Create
relation to a a plan of action
practitioner that ensures
success of his/
2. Strengthening her business/
and further career choice

of one’s PeCS
1. P r o d u c t The learner The learner LO 1. Develop TLE_
Development demonstrates independently a product/ EM10-Ik-
2. Key concepts an creates a service in RAC IIk-1
in developing a understanding business
product of the concepts vicinity map 1.1 Identify what
3. Finding Value environment reflective of the is of “Value” to
4. Innovation and market potential RAC the customer
4.1 Unique in RAC, market within 1.2 Identify the
Selling particularly in the locality/ customer
one’s town/ town.
4.2 Proposition municipality. 1.3 Explain what
(USP) makes a product
unique and

1.4 Apply
creative and
to develop a

1.5 Employ
a Unique Selling
(USP) to the
1. Selecting LO 2. Select a TLE_
Business Idea business idea EM10-
2. Key concepts based on the IIIk-2
of Selecting a criteria and
Business Idea techniques set
2.1 Criteria
2.1. Enumerate
2.2 Techniques various criteria
and steps in
selecting a
business idea

2.2. Apply the

in selecting a
viable business

2.3. Determine
a business
idea based on
the criteria/
techniques set
1. Branding LO 3. Develop TLE_
a brand for the EM10-
product IVk-3

3.1 Identify
the benefits of
having a good

3.2 Enumerate
brands in the

3.3 Enumerate
the criteria for
developing a


3.4 Generate a
clear appealing
product brand
(60 hours ) (IR)
1. Measuring air PERFORMAN- R-Ia-IIj-4
circulation and CE TEST
velocity ON THE
1.1 Velometer INSTALLATION
1.2 anemome- OF WINDOW

2. Temperature 4.1 Check

testing voltage

2.1 and current
Thermometer according to
unit power
3. Current requirements.
and voltage
measurement 4.2 Check air
3.1 Clamp temperature
ammeter and velocity
based on unit

4.3 Inspect
sounds and
based on unit

4.4 Prepare
testing and
(ITC) report

CONTENTS: The learner The learner LO1. CLEAN TLE_
demonstrates independently AND REPLACE IARA10S
1. Types and an performs the AIR FILTER R-IIIa-j-1
classification understanding servicing and
of air filter used of the maintainance 1.1 Remove
in WAC principles of window type air filter from the
2. Effects of in the air-conditions unit
restricted air servicing and based on
flow in WAC 1.2 Check
maintainance the service air filter for
3. Cleaning and of window type manual.
replacing air air-conditioning damage or
filters replacement
1.3 Clean air

1.4 Replace
air filter in
accordance with

4. Assembling AND R-IVa-j-2
evaporator/ 2.1
condenser in Select tools in
WAC dismantling the
5. Cleaning evaporator /
procedure condensing unit
using high as per standard
pressure operating
washer procedures
6. Straightening (SOPs)
of fins
7. Types and 2.2 Use high
application of pressure washer
cleaning agent in cleaning
8. Effects of evaporator/
heavily condensing
dented, coil based
corroded coil on standard
fins in unit operating
operation procedure

9. Preventive 2.3 Repair
and corrective defective
maintenance of evaporator/
WAC condenser coil
10. Safety
practices 2.4 Replace
11. Montreal evaporator/
protocol condenser
12. Ozone coil fins in
depletion accordance with
substances (ODS) manufacturer’s

2.5 Apply
cleaning agent
or non-corrosive

chemical in
cleaning and
coil, fins and
other body
accessories as
per standard


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