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DLL - Tle 9 Pecs

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Teaching Dates and Time: September 27-28, 2023 Quarter: 1st
Session 5

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates an understanding of one's Personal Competencies and Skills (PECS) and what it takes to become successful in
the field.
B. Performance Standards: The learner recognizes his/her Personal Competencies and Skills (PECS) and is able to compare these with the PECS of a practicing
entrepreneur/ employee involved in the Agricultural Crop Production.
C. Learning Competencies LO 1. Develop and strengthen Personal Competencies and Skills (PeCS) needed in agricultural crop production
/Objectives: Write the LC 1.1. Identify and assess one's PeCS: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits
Code for each 1.2. Identify successful entrepreneurs/ employees in the town
1.3. Identify and assess a practitioner’s PeCS: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits
1.4. Compare self with a practitioner.
1.5. Identify areas for improvement, development and growth
1.6. Align, strengthen, develop areas based on the results of the PeCS Assessment
Learning across curriculum:
1. Mathematics - Students can calculate the costs and profits of a business.
2. English - Students can create business plans and presentations.
3. Social Studies - Students can study the economic impact of businesses in society.
II. CONTENT Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 7-25
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 7-25
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Video clips, projector, photos, slide presentation, real objects, speaker,
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources www.youtube.com/watch$v=zolKOF
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Routinely activities: Praying, checking of attendance and presenting the lesson objectives
Presenting the New Lesson
Students guess the correct word by analyzing the pictures on the screen. They will also spell out the correct answer on the board.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Show a video clip of successful entrepreneurs sharing their stories and the factors they considered when setting up their businesses.
Lesson (The teacher will give a candy to the learners and give a positive feedback)

C. Presenting Conduct a brainstorming session where students share their business ideas and discuss the factors they think are important in setting up a
Examples/Instances of the business.
Lesson (This strategy will enhance their verbal skills)
D. Discussing New Concepts Share examples of local businesses in the community and discuss the factors that contributed to their success.
and Practicing New Skills #1
Activity 1: Factors in Setting Up a Business
Materials: Whiteboard, markers, handouts with case studies of different businesses
1. Divide the class into groups.
2. Give each group a case study of a business.
3. In their groups, students analyze the case study and identify the different factors that were considered in setting up the business.
4. Each group presents their findings to the class.
- Identification of factors: 5 points
- Explanation of how each factor contributes to the success of the business: 5 points
(The teacher will praise the learners using the YES Clap and give a positive feedback)
E. Discussing New Concepts DISCUSSION
and Practicing New Skills #2 Using a video and slide presentation, let us discuss the different what started business, wat makes a successful entrepreneur,
characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and lifestyle of a successful entrepreneur.

(The teacher will select a student who will install the projector, another student will be in-charge for the speaker, and another student will
operate the laptop and show the slide presentation - ICT INTEGRATION)
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Activity 3: Real-Life Problem Solving
Formative Assessment 3) Materials: Case studies of business challenges, whiteboard, markers
1. Present a case study of a business facing a specific challenge.
2. In groups, students analyze the case study and brainstorm possible solutions.
3. Each group presents their solutions to the class, explaining the factors and competencies they considered.
4. The class discusses and evaluates the proposed solutions.
- Analysis of the case study: 5 points
- Quality of proposed solutions: 5 points
(This strategy will enhance their drawing and verbal skills)
G.Finding Practical Applications Assessment questions:
of Concepts and Skills in Daily 1. How can you apply the factors and competencies discussed to solve real-life business challenges?
Living 2. What are the possible outcomes of implementing the proposed solutions?

H. Making Generalizations and During the activities, students were able to identify and explain the different factors to be considered in setting up a business. They also
Abstractions about the Lesson assessed their own PEC's and discussed strategies for improvement. Additionally, students applied their knowledge to solve real-life
business challenges.

From the activities, students learned that setting up a business requires considering various factors such as market demand, competition,
financial resources, and marketing strategies. They also understood the importance of assessing and developing their own PEC's to become
successful entrepreneurs.
Present the students with a real-life problem related to setting up a business, such as starting a sustainable fashion brand. Ask them to
identify the factors that need to be considered and propose a business plan that aligns with their PEC's and entrepreneurial competencies.
(This strategy will solicit learnings that they have acquired in the whole discussion enabling them to develop HOTS. Allowing learners to
express their ideas and opinions.
I. Evaluating Learning Assessment:
1. Conduct a written test where students have to explain the different factors to be considered in setting up a business.
2. Evaluate students' self-assessment worksheets and provide feedback on their PEC's and areas for improvement.
J. Additional Activities for Students will be assigned to create a business plan for a product or service of their choice. The business plan should include an analysis of
Application or Remediation the factors considered in setting up the business, an assessment of their own PEC's, and a proposed marketing strategy. They will present
their business plans to the class.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who There is no remediation since all learners passed the evaluation
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation 0
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I The ICT approach works well including videos, music , and photo. It captures the learner’s interest and sustain
used/discover which I wish to share with other attention because most of them are visual learners. Discussion also played an important role enabling leraners to
teachers? have a clear understanding of the topic.

Prepared: Checked by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I


Secondary School Principal II

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