PID Control System Analysis and Design
PID Control System Analysis and Design
PID Control System Analysis and Design
Control System
Analysis and Design
ith its three-term functionality offering treatment of both transient and steady-state responses,
proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control provides a generic and efficient solution to real-
world control problems [1]–[4]. The wide application of PID control has stimulated and sus-
tained research and development to “get the best out of PID’’ [5], and “the search is on to find
the next key technology or methodology for PID tuning” [6].
This article presents remedies for problems involving the integral and derivative terms. PID design objec-
tives, methods, and future directions are discussed. Subsequently, a computerized, simulation-based approach
is presented, together with illustrative design results for first-order, higher order, and nonlinear plants. Finally,
we discuss differences between academic research and industrial practice, so as to motivate new research
directions in PID control.
where U(s) is the control signal acting on the error signal E(s), 1± 1 − 4TD /TI
α= > 0.
KP is the proportional gain, TI is the integral time constant, TD 2
is the derivative time constant, and s is the argument of the
Laplace transform. The control signal can also be expressed in THE INTEGRAL TERM
three terms as
Destabilizing Effect of the Integral Term
1 Referring to (1) for TI = 0 and TD = 0, it can be seen that
U(s) = KP E(s) + KI E(s) + KD sE(s)
s adding an integral term to a pure proportional term increases
= UP (s) + UI (s) + UD (s), (2)
the gain by a factor of
PIDeasy: TD = 0.0303
−3.5 −3.0 −2.5 −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0
Phase (deg.)
Set 1: TD = 0 ×102
FIGURE 2 Destabilizing effect of the derivative term, measured in the frequency domain by GM and PM. Adding a derivative term increases
both the GM and PM, although raising the derivative gain further tends to reverse the GM and destabilize the closed-loop system. For
example, if the derivative gain is increased to 20% of the proportional gain (TD = 0.2 s), the overall open-loop gain becomes greater than
2.2 dB for all ω. At ω = 30 rad/s, the phase decreases to −π while the gain remains above 2.2 dB. Hence, by the Nyquist criterion, the
closed-loop system is unstable. It is interesting to note that MATLAB does not compute the frequency response as shown here, since MAT-
LAB handles the transport delay factor e−jωL in state space through a Padé approximation.
Set 2:
0.6 Kp: 0.6439
Set 2: TD = 0.1 Ti: 1.0278
0.4 Td: 0.1
ITAE: 247.69
0.2 Set 3:
Kp: 0.6439
0.0 Ti: 1.0278
Td: 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 ITAE: 52,547.83
Time (Sec.) Set 3: TD = 0.2
PIDeasy: TD = 0.0303
FIGURE 3 Destabilizing effect of the derivative term, confirmed in the time domain by the closed-loop step response. Although increasing the
derivative gain initially decreases the oscillation, this trend soon reverses and the oscillation grows into instability.
TABLE 3 Multioptimal PID settings for normalized typical high-order plants. Since PIDeasy’s search priorities are time-domain
tracking and regulation, the corresponding gain and phase margins are given to assess frequency-domain properties.
First-Order Delayed Plants
An example of PIDeasy for a first-order delayed plant is 0.9
shown in Figures 2 and 3. To assess the robustness of design 0.8 0.74 3
using PIDeasy, GMs and PMs resulting from designs for 0.7
Output (mol/l )
plants with various L/T ratios are shown in Figure 5 [19]. 0.6
While requirements of fast transient response, no overshoot, 0.49 2
and zero steady-state error are accommodated by time- ∆dmax
domain criteria, PIDeasy’s multiobjective goals provide fre- 0.31
quency-domain margins in the range of 9–11 dB and 65–66◦ .
Higher Order Plants 0.1
For higher order plants, we obtain multioptimal designs for 0
the 20 benchmark plants [24] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Input (l/h)
G1 (s) = , α = 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, (19) FIGURE 6 Operating trajectory (bold curve) of the nonlinear chemical
(s + 1)α process (23) for setpoints ranging from 0 to 1 mol/, as given by
1 (24). A PID controller is first placed at y = 0.49 (node 2) by using
G2 (s) = ,
(s + 1)(1 + αs)(1 + α 2 s)(1 + α 3 s) the maximum distance from the nonlinear trajectory to the linear
α = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, (20) projection (thin dotted line) linking the starting and ending points of
1 − αs the operating envelope. Similarly, two more controllers can be
G3 (s) = , α = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, (21) added at nodes 1 and 3, forming a pseudo-linear controller network
(s + 1)3
comprised of three PIDs. Without the need for linearization, these
G4 (s) = e−s, α = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 2, 5, 10. (22) PID controllers can be obtained individually by PIDeasy or other PID
(1 + sα)2 software directly through step-response data, or obtained jointly by
using an evolutionary algorithm [22].
dy(t) 1 0.8
= −Ky2 (t) + d − y(t) u(t), (23)
dt V
y(t) = concentration in the outlet stream (mol/), 0.4
u(t) = flow rate of the feed stream (/h),
K = rate of reaction (/mol-h), 0.2
V = reactor volume ( ),
d = concentration in the inlet stream (mol/ ). 0.31 0.49 0.74
The setpoint, equilibrium, or steady-state operating trajectory
of the plant is governed by 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Scheduling Variable y (mol/l)
1 d
Ky2 + u y − u = 0. (24)
V V FIGURE 7 Fuzzy logic membership-like scheduling functions S1 (y),
S2 (y), and S3 (y) for individual PID controllers contributing to the
For setpoints ranging from 0 to 1 mol/, an initial PID
PID network at nodes 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Due to nonlinearity,
controller can be placed effectively at y = 0.49 by using the these functions are often asymmetric. Similar to gain scheduling, lin-
maximum distance from the nonlinear trajectory to the lin- ear interpolation suffices for setpoint scheduling.
0.8 9.82 1.22 0.0376 1
Output (mol l−1)
where p denotes the derivative operator.
0 To validate tracking performance using a setpoint that is
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
not originally used in the design process, the setpoint r = 0.53
Time (h)
6 mol/ is used to test the control system. The response is
Control Signal (l h−1)