16 Sixteenth Schedule
16 Sixteenth Schedule
16 Sixteenth Schedule
(a) This Schedule prescribes the requirements for the operational control and flight release of aircraft by
Jamaica AOC holders, both within Jamaica and during international operations outside Jamaica.
(b) This Schedule is applicable to the AOC holder, the person designated by the AOC holder to issue a
flight release and any other person that performs a function regarding the flight that can be construed
to fall under the definition of operational control.
For the purpose of this Schedule , the following definitions shall apply -
(1) "ATC flight plan ". A flight plan filed with ATC that is specific to the flight , which meets the
minimum requirements for an international flight as set out in the A/P Jamaica . A hard copy of an
ATC flight plan shall be made available to the PIC during flight time and be available at the base of
company operations;
(2) " company dispatch". A dispatch facility and system of flight relea se employed by a company
ihat provides for co-authority over the operational flight plan. The system of company dispatch is
described in the Company Operations Manual. Co-authority of operational control over a flight is
exercised by the PIC and a responsible company flight dispatcher;
(3) "direct communication" . The ability of the flight dispatcher and the PIC to communicate w_hile -
(i) airborne, using the air operator's facilities and electronic data link facility or any other facility
at the company-designated base of operations while flight operations are being conducted . A
qualified person is a representative of the Director of Operations.
16.010 A CRONYMS
(a) Every AOC holder or a designated representative shall exercise operational control of the aircraft it
operates in commercial air transport and shall designate such person or persons charged with that
responsibility. Operational control may be exercised by the AOC holder or contracted to a third party.
{b) The primary task of operational control is the decision-making necessary to authorize, divert or
terminate a commercial air transport flight.
(c) Any person who participates in the decision-making for any of the tasks and functions associated with
operational control is considered to be a party to the flight release of the aircraft and subject to the
requirements of this Schedule.
(a) No AOC holder may operate an aircraft certificated for 9 or less passengers or a cargo-only aircraft
with a load capacity of 3,175 kilograms (7 ,000 pounds) or less unless that AOC holder has an
operational control system that -
(1) for VFR operations only, uses pilot self-d ispatch and pilot reports with flight following procedures ;
(2) for domestic IFR, night VFR and international operations, uses a qualified person for fl ight
following and pilot reports .
(b) No AOC holder may operate an aircraft certificated for more than 9 but less than 20 passengers or
cargo-only aircraft with a load capacity of more than 3,175 kilograms (7,000 pounds) unless that AOC
holder has an operational control system that -
(1) for VFR operations only , uses pilot se lf-dispatch and pilot reports with flight following procedures ;
(2) for domestic IFR or night VFR , uses a qualified person for flight following and pilot reports; and
(3) for international operations, uses a flight dispatcher with company dispatch and flight watch
(c) No AOC holder may operate an aircraft certificated for 20 or more passengers , unless -
(1 ) for VFR operations only, uses a flight dispatcher with company dispatch;
(2) for domestic IFR, night VFR and international operations, uses a flight dispatcher with company
dispatch and flis;iht watch procedures; and
(Note: With respect to the use of company dispatch, limited pilot self-dispatch of flights may be
permitted at those enroute stops where a lack of communications facilities prevents the co-
authority dispatch of a flight or where the flight is a charter flight. In such cases, the air operator
shall develop, and submit to the Authority for approval, procedures to ensure adequate
operational information is made available to the PIG to compensate for the lack of Flight
Dispatcher participation in the flight's next operational flight plan.)
(Note: With respect to the use of flight watch, the requirements for flight watch may be satisfied
by a system set out in the Company Operations Manual and approved by the Authority that
ensures timely communications between a PIC and the responsible Flight Dispatcher over those
routes not regularly served by the operator where direct communication is not practical because
of a lack of facilities. Timely communication means the ability to establish communications
between the PIC of a flight and the responsible flight dispatcher within 30 minutes of arrival at a
destination or enroute stops and within one hour while airborne.)
The person(s) exercising responsibility for operational control for an AOC holder shall -
(1) authorize the specific flight operation ;
(2) ensure that an airworthy aircraft properly equipped for the flight is available ;
(3) ensure that qual ified personnel and adequate facilities are available to support and conduct the
(4) ensure that proper flight planning and preparation is made ;
(5) ensure that flight locating and flight following procedures are followed ; and
(6+ for flights with 20 or more passenger seats , ensure the monitoring of the progress of the flight and
the provision of information to the flight crew that may be necessary to safety .
A qualified person or flight dispatcher shall be designated by the AOC holder to exercise the functions and
responsibilities for operational control of the flights indicated in Subsection 16.018 .
An aircraft dispatcher licensed ..under the Eighth Schedule may , when also qualified in accordance with the
Fourteenth Schedule , exercise the privileges of this licence as the on-duty supervisor or in the immed iate
dispatch of aircraft in the flight progress (flight watch) system of a scheduled air carrier.
(a) For all flights , the PIC shares in the responsibility for operationa l control of the aircraft and has the
situational authority to make decis ions regarding operationa l control issues in-fli ght.
(b) Where a decision of the PIC differs from that recommended , the person making the recommendation
shall make a record of the associated facts .
(c) The PIC may be designated as the sole person to exercise operational control when the AOC holder
is using flight-locating as the primary method of flight supervision .
(a) For fli ghts where a qualified person is performing the duties associated with operational control , that
(1) may ass ist the PIC in flight preparation and provide the relevant information required ;
(2) may assist the PIC in preparing the operational and ATC flight plans;
(3) will record departure and arrival information and any other information passed on by the PIC ;
(4) will furnish the PIC any information affecting the flight at enroute stops or via ATC ; and
(5) in the event of an emergency, will initiate the applicable procedures contained in the AOC
holder's Operations Manual.
(b) For flights where a Flight Dispatcher is performing the duties associated with operational control, that
(1) assist the PIC in flight preparation and provide the relevant information required ;
(2) assist the PIC in preparing the operational and ATC flight plans ;
(3) sign the dispatch copy of the flight release;
(4) record departure and arrival information and any other information passed on by the PIC;
(5) will furnish the PIC any information which may be necessary for the safe conduct of the flight by
appropriate means; and
(6) in the event of an emergency , initiate the applicable procedures contained in the AOC holder's
Operations Manua l.
(c) A qualified person or Flight Dispatcher performing the operational control duties shall avoid taking
any action that would conflict with the procedures established by -
(1) air traffic control ;
(2) the meteorological service;
(3) the communications service; or
(4) AOC holder
The AOC holder shall publish in the Operations Manual the procedures for flight release and clearly
specify who is responsible for the preparation of the release .
(a) No person may issue a flight release for a commercial air transport unless the required flight
preparation documents have been reviewed and determined to be complete and accurate.
(b) The decision to authorize the flight release of an aircraft in commercial air transport operations must
be recorded using a method that can be verified at any time within 3 months after the flight.
(c) The signature of the PIC, and any other required person , on a filed OFP will be the primary method of
recording that decision.
(d) This flight release documentation must be retained at the point of departure by a designated
representative of the AOC holder, unless the Authority has approved a different method.
(a) An aircraft shall not be released for service unless there is in force a Certificate of Release to Service
that has been entered in the Technical Log and certified by;
(1 ) an AME whose licence has been endorsed for the aircraft type and who has been authorised to
make such a certification by the AOC holder under a maintenance system which has been
approved by the Authority; or
(2) an AME , employed by an AMO, or the AOC holder, who has been approved to make such a
certification under a maintenance system which has been approved by the Authority .
(b) No person may issue a flight release for a commercial air transport operation using an aircraft with an
inoperative instrument, item of equipment, or system , installed, except under the conditions specified
in the Minimum Equipment List approved by the Authority for the AOC holder and for that type
(c) No person may issue a flight release for a commercial air transport operation unless the aircraft is
airworthy and properly equipped for the intended flight operation.
No person may iss ue a flight release for a commercial air transport operation unless the crew is qualified
in accordance with the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Schedules.
(a) No person may release an aircraft over any route or route segment unless there are adequate
communications and navigational facilities in satisfactory operating condition as necessary to conduct
the flight safely.
(b) The qualified person or flight dispatcher shall ensure that the PIC is provided all ava ilab le current
reports or information on aerodrome conditions and irregularities of navigation facilities that may
affect the safety of the flight.
(Note: For their re view of the OFP, the PIG will be provided with all available NOTA Ms with respect to
the routing, facilities and aerodromes.)
(a) No person may release a flig ht unless he is thoroughly familiar with reported and forecast weather
conditions on the route to be flown .
(b) No person may release a flig ht unless he has communicated all information and reservations they
may have regard ing weather reports and forecasts to the PIC .
No person may release a fli ght under VFR or IFR unless the weather reports and forecasts indicated that
the flight can reasonably be expected to be completed as specified in the re lease.
No person may issue a flight release for a commercial air transport operation unless the fuel supply
specified in the release is equivalent to or greater than the minimum flight planning requirements of the
Tenth and Twelfth Sched ules , including anticipated contingencies.
No person may issue a flight release un less he or she is familiar with the anticipated load ing of the aircraft
and is reasonably certa in that the proposed operation will not exceed the -
(1) centre of gravity lim its;
(2) aircraft operating limitations; and
(a) Every person who amends a flight release while the flight is enroute shall record that amendment.
(b) No person may amend the original flight release to change the destination or alternate aerodrome
while the aircraft is enroute unless the flight preparation requirements for routing , aerodrome
selection and minimum fuel supply are met at the time of amendment or re-release.
(c) No person may allow a flight to continue to an aerodrome to which it has been released if the weather
reports and forecasts indicate changes wh ich would render that aerodrome unsuitable for the original
flight release.
No person may release a large aeroplane carrying passengers under IFR or night VFR conditions when
current weather reports indicate that thunderstorms or other potentially hazardous weather conditions that
can be detected with airborne weather radar, may reasonably be expected along the route to be flown ,
unless the airborne weather radar equipment is in satisfactory operating condition .