File 62932
File 62932
File 62932
By @jphacker
Shared for premium section forum users
Tested and works with Mexican docs and CC, verification without live selfies, simple upload!
Reason 1. All ID cards come with Address Proof Inside, that’s why you won’t require any additional stuff, like utility
Reason 2. Due to local privacy protection laws, Mexican banks do not share personal data with payment processors,
that’s why you can use another person CC. This method won’t work for cars from US, UK or EU, because in this case
you will require ID card and CC from the same person (which is far more expensive).
Reason 3. Lots of banks still have non-VBV cards, that will work even for high-risk operations, like buying crypto.
Tools Required for successful cash out:
1. Mexican ID Card with CUPR & Address Proof (available on card)
2. Mexican IP Address (socks5 or VPN)
3. Clean BTC Wallet (to protect privacy)
4. Mexican Non-VBV CC (they do not require 2FA codes during checkout)
We need to use small local exchanges, that allow documents upload via browser.
Both have similar verification process, where user needs to fill out verification form, by entering valid ID card number
and later upload it.
Some of exchanges that I advise to start with:
Once you enter CURP code and expiry date, if you do it correctly, in case if ID Card is valid, you will see that home
address from it is filled automatically in verification form from governmental database.
2. Get ID Mexican ID Card. You can use one from with my promocode DOC5X
Or write me in TG for docs: @jphacker
3. Create accounts on and exchanges
4. Fill out verification form using data from ID Card (CUPR code and expiry date)
5. Upload ID card
6. Add funds from Mexican Non-VBV CC
Several shops that have good quality Mexican CC and have search box to find BINs from the list above:
These shops are listed at exploit and wwh-club forums in trusted shops section, invalid cards can be replaced
by support. Also, bins from the list can be searched for BINs in any other shops.
7. Exchange funds to BTC and withdraw to main your wallet.
How to do it:
On Chrome/Firefox browser install User-Agent Switcher and Manager extension (can be found in extension store or
google). Change User Agent to Android and resize window to mobile resolution (Ctrl+Shift+M or right click – inspect
– mobile design button).
Mobile phone + VPN works well. Don’t forget to clean cookies and reconnect VPN for different accounts.
Option 2:
One of the best software for carding is LinkenSphere or it’s free version:
Sphere Browser
Can be used with SOCKS5 directly or in combination with VPN. Work only one PC.
Settings: time zone and language
In case you need any help with setups or this method contact me in telegram: @jphacker