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Sexuality Eduin India

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Sexuality Education in India

Article · October 1998


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2 authors:

Vihang Nalinkant Vahia Anand Ramanujapuram

Self employed in Private Practice Healthcare


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Velurne l, Ccfober l9?8

Volume 1 October 1998


Edwin H. Yen

Sexuality Education in Asia - Japan
Yoshiro Hatano
T3 sexuality Education in the united States:Global Implications
Patricia B. Koch
21 Changing Patterns and Problems of Sexual Experience in Taiwan:
An Overview
Jung-kwang Wen & Edwin H. Yen
32 School and Public Sexuality Education in Hong Kong
Man-lun Ng
The Ambivalence of Sexuality Education in Hong Kong
Man-chiu Li
43 A Study of the Divorced Men's Life Adjustment
Helene H. Lin & Yen-Chun Liu
54 Sexuality Education in India
Vihang N. Vahia & R. Anand
Journal ofAsian Sexology, 1998, I, 54-57

Sexuality Education in India

Vihang N. Vahia
Seth G. S. Medical Colleg, Mumbai,Indiae
R. Anando
Seth G. S. Medical Colleg, Mumbai,India

India is a vast country of diverse cultures, beliefs and practices. The Central Government decides
framauork of
health policy for the country. Sexuality education is incorporated in the governmental campaign to generate
ctwareness about population control and AIDS prevention which is a National priority. A national agency
sexuality educqtion is under consideration of the government. Several non-governmental agencies are
currently active in the field of Sexuality Education. The paper describes the role of Indian mythology which
mentions importance of sexuality education. within the conventional Indian Joint
famity system. Over the
yeqrs, emergence of urban nuclear families has led to a state where the adolescents tend to obtain sexuality
education through peer groups or the media including yellow journalism. Myths and misconcepts thus prevail
in the society. The perceived need and qdvantages of structured sexuality educqtion, obstacles to its
implementation, outcome of such programs and recommendations to overcome the obstacles are described.

PREAMBLE They tore themselves apart, And started Sex!

Arthur Gutterman
A senior professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics Ancient Indian mythology mentions sex and
once observed that at any scientific meet, there are sexuality through scriptures, sculptures and
two kinds of papers. They are either too good to be paintings. Folk art forms like dances and folklore
true or too true to be good. This is a presentation of abound in topics related to sexuality. (Bhujang
true perceptions. We hope that it would make a 1997). Over the centuries however, the Indian
good reading. society has turned repressive. Open discussion about
India is a vast country of diverse cultures, beliefs sex and sexuality is discouraged. The youth is a
and practices. Our Central Government makes victim of unresolved differences between the
policy decisions pertaining to, amongst olhers, conventional and contemporary social values,
health and education. The State Governments in between social sanctions which consider discussion
accordance with local needs and beliefs then execute on sexuality as obscene or immoral and easy access
the policies. to exciting information about sexuality from the
A central governmental agency to plan and peers, the media like yellow journalism, TV or
coordinate Sexuality Education is being considered. movies. Occurrence of sexuality related emotional
Non-govemmental bodies with representation from and biological events like erotic attraction for the
all parts the country, like the Indian Association of opposite gender, events like spontaneous
Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists ejaculation, pleasure of masturbation and menstrual
(IASECT), the National Council for Education cycles generate mixed emotions of curiosity, guilt,
Research and Training (NCERT) and the Family shame and anxiety. Myths and misconception about
Planning Association of India (FPAI), have been
recommending sexuality education at school level as
a health enhancement program. (panthaky 1997, Correspondence to: Dr. Vihang N. Vahia, C-8, M.M.
Kothari 1996, Watsa 1996). Chhotani Marg, 541, Mahim, Mumbai-400 016,
EDUCATION The authors thank the Medical Superintendent, Dr.
R.N.Cooper Hospital, Mumbai, for the kind
Amoebas qt the start, Were not complex, permission to submit this presentation.
Sexualitv Education in India 55

sexuality have thus crept into our sociefy. (Kothari PSYCHO-SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE S.
Nakara, Wig and Verma described the " Dhat Sexual behavior is an expression of the status of
(i.e. semen) Syndrome" in 1917 . The s1'ndrome overall biopsychosocial health of an individual.
arises out a prevalent misconception that everv drop Sexuality is a pivotal marker of a person's mood,
ofsemen is formed out of 100 drops of blood. physical health, self-confidence and capacity for
Young misinformed men. u'ho lose semen through intimacy, in the context of biocultural milieu
masturbation or spontaneous ejaculation then, (Seidman & Reider 1995). Conflicting sexual
complain of multiple somatic sr-mptoms and instincts, social values and personal perception
neurasthenia. (Behere and \atra-i 198-1. Chadda and result in emergence of psychiatric syndromes like
Ahuja 1990, Chadda 1995t. Epidemics of Koro are anxiety disorders, depression, somatization
also reported from the ea-\tern parts of our country. disorders and strong beliefs almost resembling
(Verma I992,Yap 1965 t. The need and urgency for somatic delusions; related to sex and sexuality.
initiating formal serualitv education is widely Almost all-major psychiatric centers conduct group
accepted. On the eve of the miilennium, the policy therapy for such cases to resolve their
planners are struegling to innovate a uniformly misconception. Sexuality education is the pivotal
acceptable strateg\. theme at these sessions.
It is interesting to note that the conventional
GO\IERN}TENI.{L ORGA]'iIZATION AND Indian joint family system used to encourage the
PL.{\DiG growing children to imbibe family values and social
noffns. The grandparents were expected to assume
India gained independence from the British the role of a counselor, friend and philosopher for
Colonial Rule il i9-la. Since then, urgent need for the younger members of the family. Sexuality
population control has always been the national education and continuous training to help the youth
priority. Government s schemes for Family Planning to adopt acceptable behavior patterns to deal with
now incorporate Famil1' Welfare, along with AIDS their sexual and aggressive instinct was usually an
and STD prevention programs. Policy planners integral aspect of their role. Several religious rituals
have attempted several strategies to control the also reinforced similar value systems. (Bhujang
national birthrate. They continuously assess the 1997)
effectiveness ot their programs to make them The contemporary urban nuclear family has not
meaningful and socially acceptable, by found an alternative for the significant role formerly
incorporathg the changing social needs. Sexuality assumed by the grand parents. Interpersonal
Education is non- considered to be an important communication within the family is generally poor
aspect of population control, family welfare, and' and usually avoids discussion on sexuality. The
prevention of .\IDS & STDs. contemporary society is unable to establish
Dr. Prakash Kothari (1994), President of the acceptable values or set norms. It is torn between
IASECT. has submitted a draft report on National divergent religious influences and widely displayed
Sexualiry' Education Program. His report attempts permissiveness. Many religious tenets consider sex
to answer the '\\h1'When Who What and Where' of as dirty and sinful. (Masters and Johnson 1986).
Sexualin' Education. The FPAI has been Abstinence is advocated by some of the Oriental
following irs own curriculum to train the trainers religions as a means of achieving Nirvana i.e. the
and counselors. (Watsa 1996) ultimate deliverance. The ever-curious adolescent is
Gynecologists, obstetricians, dermatologists, often exposed to provocative misinformation from
andrologists and mental health professionals impart sources like the television, Internet and uncensored
informal education about sexuality within the yellow journalism. Adverse repercussions of
current health care delivery system. A significant religious and social inhibitions against sexual
portion of sexuality education in this system is attitudes are found to be associated with
devoted to STD and AIDS awareness and their interpersonal sexual and non- sexual conflicts. As
prevention. IASECT, NCERT and the FPAI yet, the concept of standardized systematic formal
recommend continuous training of trainers for sexuality education is not acceptable to many
sexuality education. Several other non-governmental parents, grandparents and social reformers. In this
organizations depute their workers for such training. situation, like elsewhere in the world, whatever
sexuality education may occur, is by default.
56 'fI Vahia & R. Anand

In the last decade, following two major social elsewhere (UNESCO 1988, National Guidelines-
upheavals have occurred. SIECUS 1993), The program was conducted by a
1. The age-old joint family is replaced by qualified clinical psychologist and counselor. Some
double income nuclear family patterns. The adverse outcome like unusual sensitivity about
children return homes much before their personal appearance, embarrassment in interacting
parents. They spend appreciable time with the opposite gender, attempts to experiment,
watching the television and the Internet. sense of discomfort with personal sexuality and
These sources bring in uncensored and reduced interaction between the students, were
unsupervised display of hitherto alien culture, reported by a few teachers. The overall outcome of
right into the family. the three years of structured efforts is being
2. Many tabloids, periodicals, TV and radio talk evaluated.
shows regularly feature discussions and
debates on sexuality education. RECOMMENDATIONS
The suggestible and vulnerable adolescents thus
feel encouraged to rebel rather than accept the The authors suggest inclusion of the following
contemporary values. The recent emergence of Pub concepts in any future program on sexuality
and Discotheque culture in India, coupled with education:
freedom to experiment with the sexual revolution of 1. The Freudian relationship between sexual and
the West, is often blamed for the cuffent increase in aggressive InstinctS should be highlighted.
sexuality-related social predicaments like teenage With appropriate awareness and skillful
pregnancies, unwed motherhood and several sex guidance, the adolescents can be taught to
related street crimes in India. recognize their instinctual urges. They can
then learn to rechannel their curiosity,
OBSTACLES TO SEXUALITY EDUCATION physical needs and impulses in an acceptable
AND ITS PERSPECTIVES and adaptive manner.
2.The major social conflict between the
The major obstacles are protest from the parents, contemporary and the conventional value
grand parents, religious sects and social reformers. system can be resolved through public
They object to the title as well as the contents and debates and consensus.
design of sexuality education programs. They feel 3. Unprejudiced acceptance of the need for
that teaching about sexuality is closely linked to structured education about emotional and
morality and religion. They insist that it should be physical sexuality, by the parents is
done at home or in religious settings. In their mandatory. The children would then be able
opinion, the time is not yet right for sexuality to discuss their emotions freely within the
education in schools. family. Scope and impact of the exposure to
In the past, several well-meaning individuals and street literature and yellow journalism will be
organizations enthusiastically carried out improperly minimized.
planned sexuality education programs. The In psychological terms, modification of
government, in its endeavor to prornote AIDS sexuality related maladaptive behavior could be
awareness, conducted sexuality education programs corrected through application of mature
at the school level. (Shetty 1996, Municipal psychological defenses like sublimation and
Corporation of Mumbai 1996). These programs are displacement. (Mc Gurie and Trisi 1931). The
reported to have perpetrated misconstrued parents and the teachers have to accept that every
information. There are some reports of increased human being is a sexual person. A clear
anxiety and psychological distress resulting from understanding about sexual response and
these programs. This past experience has made responsibility will help the adolescent to grow into a
many professionals and educators wary of huniedly responsible and mature adult. This is a normal,
commenced sexuality education programs (Shetty natural process of development. It takes place in the
re96). following stages: (Calderone 1933),
A premier school in Mumbai has so far _ 1. Sexual Awareness
conducted sexuality education program for their 13- 2. Sexual Role Specifications
year-olds. The program was based on similar 3.Gender Awareness at individual and family
programs of Sexuality Education conducted levels
Sexuality Education in India 57

4. Gender Role Education Chadda, R.K., Ahuja, N., (1990): Dhat Syndrome: A
This process of growth is inevitable. The sex neurosis of the Indian Subcontinent. British
significant adults in a child's life can facilitate the Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 577 -57 8.
process through a non-censoring communication Chadda, R.K., (1995). Dhat Syndrome: Is it a
system. The questions put forth by the growing distinct entity? Acta Psychiatric Scqndinqviq,
family member should elicit true replies rather than 9l,136-139.
embarrassed evasive answers. Any structured Kothari, P (1994). The National Sexual Health
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