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January 2024

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ISSUE 100!!!

100 I S SUES! ! !



CHINA in Cyprus hang on their

doors olive branches. In Scots organize a huge festi-
For Chinese people the first
the valley of Marathasas, val , in which people parade
day of the year is the most
women at midnight try in the main roads of the
important of all. The date is
to collect as much gold town , whereas they shake
not defined, it changes by
jewels as they can. The fire balls above their heads.
the year. The festivities last
woman who will fill the This is a very dangerous tra-
15 days and it is a family
whole basket will win. In dition ,however, the locals
celebration. People let off
the villages of Cy- believe that the fire balls
thousands of fireworks in
prus ,the night before will bring them luck and all
the sky because they think
New Year, villagers place the negative spirits will dis-
that the noise send saway
an olive branch ,the appear. This is an ancient
the bad spirits. Their tradi-
host’s purse and wine in custom, from the Viking’s
tional meal is chicken with
a table , in front of the period.
rice ,fish and for dessert
tangerine. fireplace for Santa Claus. Lydia
SCOTLAND Perdikouri
CYPRUS 2nd Grade
In New Year’s Day, people On New Year’s Eve, the
100 ISSUES!!! Page 2


Aerial Yoga is one of It is also a lot of fun should wear long pants and a t-shirt during
the several types of to practise. For ex- practice because you might get injured by
yoga. When practic- ample, one of the the hammock. Aerial yoga is challenging but
ing aerial yoga you inversions is called rewarding.
are on a hammock starfish. With aerial
and you do inver- yoga you get to
sions. Aerial yoga strengthen your
combines yoga, body, increase your
dance, and some ac- flexibility, help your
robatics. It is very spine, and have fun,
good for your body all at the same time.
and especially for However, aerial yoga
your back. It in- is not easy. It takes a
creases your flexibil- lot of practice and
ity and your strength. determination. You



Aliki (Stamatina) Vougiouklakis was an extremely popular Greek ac-

tress. She was born on July 20, 1934 in Marousi, Attica and comes
from the village of Laia in Mani. Aliki was a Greek film and theater ac-
tress and singer to. She starred in 42 motion pictures. During the Ger-
man occupation her father was murdered in 1943. Her father's death
cost her dearly, but despite the difficulties in 1952 she took exams
secretly from her family at the Dramatic School of the National Thea-
ter, from which she graduated three years later. In 1960 she
won the Best Actress award at the 1st Thessaloniki Film Festi-
val for her performance in the film Maddalena. Aliki Vougiouk-
lakis died after two months of hospitalization on July 23 1996,
at the age of 62 at the Athens Medical Center from cancer.
She is a fantastic actress and I admire her a lot.


The NBA is the organizing authority of the USA basketball league of

the same name. It consists of 30 franchise teams and is a member of
the USA Basketball Federation which is recognized by the Interna-
tional Basketball Federation as the governing body for the sport in the
United States. The NBA is one of the four major professional sports
leagues in North America. NBA players are the highest paid athletes
in the world, based on the average annual salary for each player.
JANUARY 2024 Page 3

Healthy Brownies by Aliki Karnavou 2nd Grade

If you have a sweet • A pinch of salt chips into a large bowl.

tooth but you still • Some chocolate Whisk until there are
want to be healthy chips( optional) no more lumps.
and eat less sugar, INSTRUCTIONS 3. Then, add the egg, the nut
then, I believe that 1. Preheat the butter, the maple syrup
you’re going to find oven to 180C, and the almond milk and
this recipe really then spray mix everything together
interesting some coconut until combined. Add in
and hopefully help- oil so the melted coconut oil and mix
ful as well. These brownie won’t one more time. Your bat-
are the BEST stick. ter should be fudgy
brownies you will thicker than normal
make. brownie batter.
Ingredients: 4. Lastly, put your bat-
• ½ cup of almond ter in the cooking pan,
flour bake for 15-20 min-
• 2 tablespoons of utes. Make sure you
coconut flour don’t overbake. You
• ¼ cup of cocoa can place some more
powder chocolate chips on the
• ½ teaspoon baking top if you want.
powder 5. After they are
• 1 large egg baked, sprinkle some
• 1/3 cup almond salt to make the
butter or any nut 2. Place almond brownies more sweet!
butter flour, coconut
• ¼ cup maple syrup flour, cocoa That’s it,
• ¼ cup almond milk powder, bak-
• 1 tablespoon ing powder enjoy your brownies!
melted coconut oil and chocolate

HORSEBACK RIDING by Anna-Maria Nirou 2nd Grade

animals and of course races. If you don’t

all sports. want to go to races
training even once a
In horse riding, as week is enough.
well as in all sports,
you must train for Horse riding is gener-
Personally, I don’t do
sure, 3-4 times per ally a great activity, because you get closer
horse riding, but I like
week in order to par- to animals and specifically to horses. Also,
this sport a lot. I love
ticipate in horse riding you generally come closer to nature.
IT because I lOVE

The sadness of Christmas and the amazing surprise by Vasiliki Dofi 2nd Grade

It was a boring Christmas Eve of 1997 and Jake was just sitting in his living room alone with no
one to spend this family holiday. For Jake the happy times were not that happy. You see he
lost his mom on a Christmas Eve just like that 20 years ago and especially for a kid that is trau-
matizing . So from that day on he didn’t do anything special . He kept going to work and eat-
ing the same food as always never saying happy Christmas or happy holidays to anybody. The
only holiday he spent was his birthday and the New Year because of his best friend Paris.
Paris had been his best friend since they were kids he was always by his side whenever he
needed him.
But this year he couldn’t go to work. He had broken his leg. “These holidays are cursed” He
said and took a sip of his coffee. Suddenly the bell rang but he was not expecting anyone.
He took his crutches and went to the door. At first he thought it was a prank but then he saw
at red big box in front of his door. He grabbed the present as fast as he could and he placed it
on the kitchen table . Bad thoughts came to his mind and he immediately called Paris
-Hey Paris, sorry to disturb you but I need your help
-Don’t say another word I am on my way.
Paris got into his car and drove to Jake’s house
When he arrived he saw Jake watching a box wondering what there could be inside.
-I am here, what’s up?
-I found this box in front of my door
-Did you open it?
-I was scared that’s why I told you to come over
-Okay now I’m here, open it!
The two friends opened the present and they couldn’t believe their eyes. A beautiful pair of
shoes were in the box. Their color was brown and they seemed very familiar.
-It even has a card
-Ah really I didn’t even notice.
The card said:
Hey I know that the holidays are hard for you because of me. If I could I would go back in time
and change everything. I love you. Take care. Mom
-This can’t be!
-Why? What does it say?
Immediately Paris grabbed the card from Jake’s hand. He was shocked.
-Hey aren’t these your mom’s letters?
-Yeah and it smells like her.
-What can I say… it must be a Christmas miracle!

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