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Research Methods in Criminal Justice and

Research Methods in Criminal Justice and
Callie Marie Rennison
University of Colorado Denver
Timothy C. Hart
Griffith University
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Rennison, Callie Marie, author. | Hart, Timothy C., author.
Title: Research methods in criminal justice and criminology / Callie M.
Rennison, University of Colorado, Denver, Timothy C. Hart, Griffith
Description: First Edition. | Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, [2018] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017042992 | ISBN 9781506347813 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Criminal justice, Administration of—Research—
Methodology. | Criminology—Research—Methodology.
Classification: LCC HV7419.5 .R46 2018 | DDC 364.072/1—dc23 LC record
available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017042992
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Brief Contents
About the Authors
Part 1 Getting Started
Chapter 1 Why Study Research Methods?
Part 2 Setting the Stage of Your Research
Chapter 2 Identifying a Topic, a Purpose, and a Research Question
Chapter 3 Conducting a Literature Review
Part 3 Designing Your Research
Chapter 4 Concepts, Conceptualizations, Operationalizations,
Measurements, Variables, and Data
Chapter 5 Sampling
Part 4 Collecting Your Data
Chapter 6 Research Using Qualitative Data
Chapter 7 Survey Research
Chapter 8 Experimental Research
Chapter 9 Research Using Secondary Data
Chapter 10 GIS and Crime Mapping
Chapter 11 Evaluation Research
Part 5 Analysis, Findings, and Where to Go From There
Chapter 12 Analysis and Findings
Chapter 13 Making Your Research Relevant
Chapter 14 Research Methods as a Career
Detailed Contents
About the Authors
Part 1 Getting Started
Chapter 1 Why Study Research Methods?
Learning Objectives
Why Are Research Methods Important?
Knowledge and Ways of Knowing
Information From Everyday Life
College Student Victimization
Violent Crime in the United States
Other Sources of Knowledge
Typical Stages of Research
Developing a Research Question
▶ Research in Action: Postrelease Behavior: Does
Supermax Confinement Work?
Conducting a Literature Review
Designing the Research
Collecting Data
Selecting an Analytic Approach
Generating Findings, Conclusions, and Policy
Essential Role of Ethics in Research
Unethical Research Examples
Nazi Research on Concentration Camp Prisoners
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Milgram’s Obedience to Authority
Stanford Prison Experiment
Foundational Ethical Research Principles and
Role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
Researcher Case Studies and a Road Map
Featured Researchers
Rachel Boba Santos, PhD
Rod Brunson, PhD
Carlos Cuevas, PhD
Mary Dodge, PhD
Chris Melde, PhD
Heather Zaykowski, PhD
Road Map to the Book
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Part 2 Setting the Stage FOR Your Research
Chapter 2 Identifying a Topic, a Purpose, and a Research Question
Learning Objectives
Wheel of Science
Why Identify a Topic, a Purpose, and a Research Question?
How to Identify a Research Topic
Published Research
Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
Personal Experiences
▶ Research in Action: Mental Illness and
Revictimization: A Comparison of Black and White Men
Working on Research Projects With Professors
How to Identify the Purpose/Goal of Research
Exploratory Research
Descriptive Research
Explanatory Research
Evaluation Research
Gathering More Information and Refining the Topic
How to Construct the Research Question
Why Have a Research Question?
Evaluating the Research Question to Avoid Common
Research Questions From Our Case Studies
Common Pitfalls When Developing Topics, Purposes, and
Research Questions
Ethical Considerations When Developing Your Topic,
Purpose, and Research Question
The Contemporary Role of IRB
Vulnerable Populations
Pregnant Women, Human Fetuses, and Neonates
Potentially Vulnerable Populations
Exempt, Expedited, or Full Panel Review at the IRB
Training in Protecting Human Subjects
IRB Expert—Sharon Devine, JD, PhD
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 3 Conducting a Literature Review
Learning Objectives
Why Conduct a Literature Review?
A Road Map: How to Conduct a Literature Review
About Sources
What Are the Best Sources?
Empirical Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Theoretical Journal Articles
Literature Review Journal Articles
Government Research and Reports and Policy Briefs
Avoiding Predatory Publishers and Predatory Journals
Inappropriate Sources
▶ Research in Action: Police Impersonation in the United
Finding Primary or Original Sources
Develop Search Terms
Search Using Boolean Operators and Filters
Identify Initial Primary Sources
Read Abstracts to Narrow the List of Sources
The Anatomy of an Empirical Research Article
Writing the Literature Review
Summarize Each Original Source
Someone Has Already Focused on My Topic!
Create a Summary Table
Preparing for the First Rough Draft
Organizational Approaches
A Writing Strategy: MEAL
Write the First Draft
Edit, Proof, and Polish
Common Pitfalls of Literature Reviews
Not Allowing Enough Time
Failing to Focus on Themes
Lack of Organization and Structure
Quoting Problems
Miscellaneous Common Errors
Failure to Justify the Need for the Proposed Research
Ethics Role and the Literature Review
Accurate Portrayal of Existing Research
Literature Review Expert—Sean McCandless, PhD
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Part 3 Designing Your Research
Chapter 4 Concepts, Conceptualizations, Operationalizations,
Measurements, Variables, and Data
Learning Objectives
Two Primary Types of Data: Quantitative and Qualitative
Why Focus on Concepts, Conceptualizations,
Operationalizations, Measurements, Variables, and Data?
What Are Concepts?
Examples of Concepts
What Is Conceptualization?
Example: Conceptualizing College Student
What Is Operationalization?
▶ Research in Action: Victim Impact Statements, Victim
Worth, and Juror Decision Making
What Are Variables?
Revisiting Research Questions With a Focus on Variation
Type of Variables: Dependent, Independent, and Control
Dependent Variables
Independent Variables
Control Variables
Memorizing IVs, DVs, or CVs—It Doesn’t Work
What Are Measures?
Example: Measuring College Student
How Many Measures?
What Are Data?
Mutual Exclusiveness and Exhaustiveness
Levels of Measurement
Collect Data at the Highest Level of Measurement
Discrete and Continuous Variables
The Role of Validity
Face Validity
Content Validity
Criterion Validity
The Role of Reliability
Reliability and Validity—Don’t Necessarily Exist
Overview of the Road From Concepts to Variables
Common Pitfalls in Concepts, Conceptualizations,
Operationalizations, Measurements, Variables, and Data in
Research Design
Ethics Role Associated With Concepts, Conceptualizations,
Operationalizations, Measurements, Variables, and Data
Concepts, Conceptualizations, Operationalizations,
Measurements, Variables, and Data Expert—Brenidy Rice
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 5 Sampling
Learning Objectives
Why Is Sampling Important?
What Is Sampling?
Populations and Samples
Census or a Sample?
Census Advantages and Disadvantages
Sample Advantages and Disadvantages
Sampling Error
Unit of Analysis
▶ Research in Action: Low Self-Control and Desire for
Control: Motivations for Offending?
Groups or Organizations
Geographic Regions
Social Artifacts and Interactions
Unit of Analysis Versus Unit of Observation
Ecological Fallacy
Individualist Fallacy
Choosing a Sampling Approach
Probability Sampling
Simple Random Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Cluster Sampling
Multistage Sampling
Nonprobability Sampling
Convenience, Accidental, Availability, or
Haphazard Sampling
Quota Sampling
Purposive or Judgmental Sampling
Snowball Sampling
How Large Should My Sample Be?
Purpose of the Research
Type of Research
Nature of the Population
Resources Available
Common Pitfalls Related to Sampling
Ecological and Individualist Fallacies
Generalizing Findings That Are Not Generalizable
Ethics Role Associated With Sampling
Sampling Expert—Sam Gallaher, PhD
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Part 4 Collecting Your Data
Chapter 6 Research Using Qualitative Data
Learning Objectives
Why Conduct Research Using Qualitative Data?
What Is Research Using Qualitative Data?
Stages of Research Using Qualitative Data
Benefits and Limitations of Research Using Qualitative
Considerations: Research Using Qualitative Data
Inductive Reasoning
Sampling Considerations
Sample Size
Approaches Used to Gather Qualitative Data
Individual Interviewing
Focus Groups
Observation and Fieldwork
▶ Research in Action: Public Health Problem or Moral
Failing? That Might Depend on the Offender
Complete Participant
Participant as Observer
Observer as Participant
Complete Observer
Content Analysis
Recording Qualitative Data
Organizing and Analyzing Qualitative Data
Examples of Qualitatively Derived Themes: Brunson and
Weitzer’s (2009) Research
Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis
Advantages and Disadvantages of CAQDAS
Common Pitfalls in Research Using Qualitative Data
Loss of Objectivity—Going Native
Ethics Role Associated With Research Using Qualitative Data
Qualitative Data Research Expert—Carol Peeples
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 7 Survey Research
Learning Objectives
Why Conduct Survey Research?
What Are Surveys?
General Steps in Survey Research
Surveys Across Research Purposes
Surveys and Exploratory Research
Surveys and Descriptive Research
Surveys and Explanatory Research
Surveys and Evaluation Research
How Are Surveys Distributed?
Mail/Written Surveys (Postal Surveys)
Online and Mobile Surveys
Telephone Surveys
Face-to-Face (In-Person) Interviews
Designing Your Own Survey
Survey Questions
Design and Layout
▶ Research in Action: Understanding Confidence in the
Pretesting of Survey Instruments
Survey Administration
Notification Letters
Fielding the Survey
Follow-Up to Nonresponders
Survey Processing and Data Entry
Easy-to-Use Survey Software
Common Pitfalls in Survey Research
Ethical Considerations in Survey Research
Surveying Expert—Bridget Kelly, MA
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 8 Experimental Research
Learning Objectives
Why Conduct Experimental Research?
What Is Causation?
Association Is Not Causation
What Is Experimental Research?
True Experiments
Experimental and Control Group
Random Assignment
Matching in True Experiments
Researcher Manipulation of Treatment
True Experimental Designs
Two-Group Posttest-Only Design
Two-Group Pretest–Treatment–Posttest Design
Solomon Four Group Design
Internal Validity Threats
Experimental Mortality
Selection Bias
Statistical Regression
External Validity Threats
Interaction of Selection Biases and Experimental
Interaction of Experimental Arrangements and
Experimental Variables
▶ Research in Action: Acupuncture and Drug Treatment:
An Experiment of Effectiveness
Interaction of Testing and Experimental Variables
Reactivity Threats
Beyond True Experiments
Pre-Experimental Research
One-Shot Case Design
One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design
Static-Group Comparisons
Quasi-Experimental Research
Nonequivalent Groups Design
Before-and-After Design
Natural Experiments
Common Pitfalls in Experimental Research
Ethics Role and Experimental Research
Experimental Research Expert—Chris Keating, PhD
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 9 Research Using Secondary Data
Learning Objectives
Why Conduct Research Using Secondary Data?
What Are Secondary Data?
Frequently Used Secondary Data
Federal Statistical System (FedStats)
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
▶ Research in Action: Do Offenders “Forage” for Targets
to Victimize?
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
U.S. Department of Commerce
Census Bureau
Geospatial Data
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
State Statistical Agencies
Local Statistical Agencies
Disadvantages of Using Secondary Data
Reporting Findings From Secondary Data Analysis
Common Pitfalls in Secondary Data Analysis
Ethics Role Associated With Secondary Data Analysis
Secondary Data Expert—Jenna Truman, PhD
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 10 GIS and Crime Mapping
Learning Objectives
Why Conduct Research Using GIS and Crime Mapping
What Is GIS?
What Is Crime Mapping and Analysis?
Administrative Crime Analysis
Tactical Crime Analysis
Strategic Crime Analysis
Crime Analysis in Academic Research
Crime Hot Spot Mapping
Predictive Policing
Risk Terrain Modeling
Aoristic Analysis
Repeat Victimization and Near Repeats
▶ Research in Action: Using Risk Terrain Modeling to
Predict Child Maltreatment
Geographic Profiling
Reporting Findings From GIS and Crime Mapping Studies
Common Pitfalls in GIS and Crime Mapping Analysis
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)
Ethical Considerations in GIS and Crime Mapping Research
GIS and Crime Mapping Expert—Henri Buccine-Schraeder,
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 11 Evaluation Research
Learning Objectives
Why Use Evaluation Research?
What Is Evaluation Research?
Guiding Principles of Evaluation Research
Seven Steps of Evaluation Research
The Policy Process and Evaluation Research
Types of Evaluation Research
Formative Evaluation
Needs Assessment
Process Evaluation
Summative Evaluation
Outcome Evaluation
Impact Evaluation
Distinctive Purposes of Evaluation and Basic Research
Knowledge for Decision Making
Origination of Research Questions
Comparative and Judgmental Nature
Working With Stakeholders
Challenging Environment
Findings and Dissemination
Characteristics of Effective Evaluations
▶ Research in Action: Evaluating Faculty Teaching
Common Pitfalls in Evaluation Research
Evaluations as an Afterthought
Political Context
Overselling Your Skills as an Evaluator
Ethics Role Associated With Evaluation Research
Failure to Be Nimble
Losing Objectivity and Failure to Pull the Plug
Evaluation Research Expert—Michael Shively, PhD
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Part 5 Analysis, Findings, and Where to go From There
Chapter 12 Analysis and Findings
Learning Objectives
Why Analysis?
How Should Data Be Analyzed?
Analysis of Quantitative Data
Describing Your Data
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Dispersion
Interquartile Range
Standard Deviation
Beyond Descriptives
Qualitative Data Analysis
Data Analysis Software
Software Applications Used in Quantitative Research
Other Commercial Packages
Software Applications Used in Qualitative Research
QDA Miner
▶ Research in Action: Reducing Bullying in Schools
Alternative Analytic Approaches
Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations (CACC)
Geostatistical Approaches
Introduction to Spatial Statistics
Spatial Description
Mean Center
Standard Distance
Convex Hull
Spatial Dependency and Autocorrelation
Spatial Interpolation and Regression
Reporting Findings From Your Research
Common Pitfalls in Data Analysis and Developing Findings
Ethics Role Associated With Analyzing Your Data and
Developing Your Findings
Analysis and Findings Expert—Sue Burton
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 13 Making Your Research Relevant
Learning Objectives
Why Conduct Policy-Relevant Research?
What Is Policy-Relevant Research?
What Is Policy?
Who Are Policy Makers?
The Policy Process
Problem Identification/Agenda Setting
Policy Formulation
Policy Adoption
Policy Implementation
Policy Evaluation
Challenges of Getting Research to Policy Makers
Relationship and Communication Barriers
Nonaccessible Presentation of Research
Competing Sources of Influence
Advocacy and Interest Groups
Budget Constraints
▶ Research in Action: Type of Attorney and Bail
Maximizing Chances of Producing Policy-Relevant Research
Plan to Be Policy Relevant From the Start
Translating Your Research
Common Pitfalls in Producing Policy-Relevant Research
Producing Research That Is Not Policy Relevant
Failing to Recognize How Your Research Is Relevant
Failure to Know Relevant Policy Makers
Going Beyond Your Data and Findings
Ethics Role and Conducting Policy Relevant Research
Policy Expert—Katie TePas
Chapter Wrap-Up
Making a Policy Brief
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Chapter 14 Research Methods as a Career
Learning Objectives
Why Research Methods as a Career?
Where Do I Get Started?
Career Search Documents
Cover Letters
▶ What Makes a Great Résumé?
▶ Research in Action: Unexpected Career Choices for
Criminal Justice Graduates
Sample Résumé
Letters of Recommendation
Public- Versus Private-Sector Jobs
Working in the Public Sector
Applying to State and Local Positions
Working in the Private Sector
Where to Look for a Career
Online Job Searches
Social Media
Top Twitter Job Search Hashtags
Tips on Turning an Internship Into a Full-time Job
Interviewing Well
Before the Interview
Preparing Questions by (and for) the Interviewer
During the Interview
Asking the Right Questions
Your Professional Portfolio
After the Interview
Professional Interviewing Tips
Pitfalls and Career Searches
Ethics Role and Career Searches
Research Methods as a Career Expert—Nora Scanlon, MA
Chapter Wrap-Up
▶ Applied Assignments
Key Words and Concepts
Key Points
Review Questions
Critical Thinking Questions
Our Approach
The most widely used research methods texts tend to use an approach that
convinces students that research methods are irrelevant to their lives and
future careers (unless they are going into academia), and the course they are
sitting in is one through which they must suffer and complete to graduate.
Current texts tend to introduce research as an abstract set of concepts that are
used according to a rigid set of rules that leave students questioning the
relevance of the material for them. These books fail to ignite imagination,
motivate, and engage students. They fail to share the creative and exciting
process of generating knowledge—a process that students can engage in.
Existing texts are too often like a recipe that results in dry, crumbly,
flavorless cookies. In reality, all cookie recipes should result in irresistible,
tasty, buttery, and delicious cookies! Our text shows students how they can
create equally amazing research.
We also believe that current textbooks miss the opportunity to illustrate to
students the very real importance of understanding research methods. This is
true for all students, including those seeking a wide range of careers.
Research methods matter for those whose careers will generate research,
those whose jobs may be affected by research findings, and those who will be
consuming research to create policy. Simply, current texts focus too much on
the nuts and bolts of “how” and fail to bring to life the exciting and vivid
“why” of research methods.
After years of teaching research methods, we have developed interactive,
informative, and intellectually stimulating ways to engage and excite students
about research methods. We have homed in on ways that demonstrate the
challenges, creativity, enjoyment, and overall value of conducting research on
relevant and current criminal justice topics. One way we do this is by
illustrating and providing a narrative focused repeatedly on the “why” of
research, which is a theme carried throughout the text. We emphasize
strategies for students to generate exciting questions, ways to go about
gathering data to address their questions, challenges inherent in conducting
studies that will answer those questions, and how to deal with research when
things inevitably go wrong. We emphasize to students how their research can
influence policy (in positive and negative ways) and how they absolutely can
conduct research that can address important issues.
We find that our approach resonates with the learning styles of today’s
students who flourish in team environments, value applied research, and want
to understand how these research methods skills will enable them to make a
positive difference in society. With this text, students will leave class excited
about what they have learned. In many cases, their motivation and passion
fuel them to continue with additional methodological and statistical courses
as well as to consider career paths that use these valuable skills.
In short, this text provides an appealing and competitive alternative to the
existing texts by using a narrative approach to first introduce students to
exciting research and then get them engaged with the topic. They can learn
how researchers from a variety of backgrounds tackled real-life issues
associated with research. Students hear about successes and failures. They
also see the connection between current issues in the news and research (in
terms of both being critical consumers of existing work as well as engaging
in that research themselves in their future careers). By using this book,
students are able to see themselves in the role of a researcher and the
relevance of research for them.
The text provides broad, comprehensive, and contemporary material about
research methods, especially as they pertain to criminology and the criminal
justice system. This includes introductory materials as well as practical
strategies for how to develop a research question, write a literature review,
identify the framework for designing a research study, gather data (via a
variety of strategies, including survey research, qualitative data, and the use
of secondary data), and present findings. In addition, we go beyond
traditional approaches and include a chapter on making research relevant, and
how to use these skills to begin a career. A way we diverge from existing
texts is that the topic of ethics is not confined to a single chapter. We feel
strongly that in the context of studying criminology and the criminal justice
system, ethics are extremely important and should be a discussion that begins
in Chapter 1 and ends only when the book ends.
Perhaps the greatest limitation of current research methods texts is their
failure to convey the relevance of research methods, especially for students
whose career paths may not be clearly associated with research presented in a
more academic-centered format. As noted, extant books are heavy on the
“how” element of research methods while almost neglecting the “why”
element. Presented as many texts currently do, students see research methods
as limited to publishing scholarly articles rather than as a process of posing
questions and systematically answering them to create a body of knowledge
that can be disseminated to a variety of audiences. Recognizing they are
answering an important and relevant question helps students to understand
why the research endeavor is important. Furthermore, it illustrates why the
approaches used in methods are important. This helps students understand the
need to be knowledgeable consumers of research. A wide variety of careers
are affected by research directly (as analysts or policy makers) or indirectly
(via policy initiatives that influence those working in the criminal justice
system as well as related fields). A text that identifies the variety of ways
research can be used and that enforces the need to discern quality research
from problematic studies will engage a range of students. This approach
makes clearer the “why” of research methods.
Our text is not akin to an encyclopedia full of information. Rather, our text is
speaking directly to the students about research and how it is conducted. By
talking directly to students, we can show them why parts and approaches
associated with research methods matter. By talking directly to them, we can
tell them that they too can do this. We can encourage them to try and show
them many examples of people just like them that are using these skills every
day. We tell students directly that this material can be used to put themselves
in a fulfilling career and life. Research methods skills are not magic. They are
something that all students can master. Our text and our directly speaking to
students are designed to show them this.
Distinctive Characteristics of This Text
Case Studies

One way our text engages students is by telling the story of the research
process as it unfolds. This is done by following six researchers who describe
actual research they have conducted. The text reveals elements of each piece
of research slowly as the student moves throughout the chapters. This
approach demonstrates how the material in the chapters is interconnected as a
system versus being discrete unrelated elements. We find in the classroom
that the slow revelation of research case studies holds students’ attention and
facilitates learning more readily. The information we share about each of
these six pieces of research is based on hours of interviews that cover the full
research process from the initial steps of identifying a research question to the
completion of the research project and how it has influenced policy, society,
or both. The research covered in these case studies covers issues of interest to
students such as the relationship between gang members, violence and fear,
police interaction with young males in the St. Louis area, Latino adolescent
victimization, high-intensity policing strategies, help seeking behavior among
violent crime victims, and policewomen posing as prostitutes. We recognize
that contemporary students are public-service minded, and applied research
resonates with them. We show them how six researchers feel the same, and
how they can join the ranks of researchers making a difference.
Equal Treatment of Qualitative and Quantitative
Most research methods books are simply books focused on gathering
quantitative data with a chapter devoted to qualitative data. Our book differs.
We discuss the elements of research such as sampling, research questions,
ethics, and pitfalls for both quantitative and qualitative data throughout. We
do devote a specific chapter to qualitative research and data gathering—just
like we do to gathering other approaches. But make no mistake, qualitative
research and data are not an afterthought in our text.
A theme in this text is that research methods skills can lead to a variety of
rewarding careers. To highlight this, we have included career sections
highlighting an expert using these skills in each chapter. Not only do these
sections show clearly how these skills are used in a variety of rewarding ways
(that pay good salaries), they show that those in these careers lead interesting
and fun lives. The goal of this feature is for these professionals to
demonstrate why research methods are vital to the work they do, as well as to
describe exactly how they use these skills. To this end, the book will educate
students on the myriad of careers these skills can help them obtain. Plus, we
devote the final chapter in the text to finding a career with these skills. This
includes material on how to effectively find work and conduct interviews
with those working in these types of jobs. This approach will better allow
students to visualize themselves in these careers.

As mentioned, a repeating theme in each chapter is the vital importance of

ethics. One limitation with current texts is that ethics as a topic is treated in a
single chapter. It is then rarely spoken of again. Ethics should not only be a
consideration at the beginning of research, but they should also be a
consideration every single day from the beginning to the end of a project.
Typically, ethics as a topic in existing texts is focused on the classic
examples including the Stanford Prison Experiment, Laud Humphreys, and
Milgram. These examples are important and are included in our text;
nevertheless, we greatly expand on these discussions throughout our text. We
also include specific examples from our six case studies and research in the
media to emphasize the important role of ethics and ethical behavior in
research. By making ethics a thread woven throughout the text, its ubiquitous
importance is better shown throughout the process of research versus as a
consideration that occurs only at the beginning of the endeavor. Those
engaged in work in the criminal justice and criminology fields need to have a
deep and appreciative understanding of ethics.
Failure and Pitfalls

Failures, errors, or unanticipated bumps in the road are a normal part of

research that is not discussed in existing texts. In contrast, our text repeatedly
discusses what can go (and has gone) wrong to show that glitches are normal
and that researchers must be nimble and ready to adjust plans if needed. By
understanding the many ways errors in methods can lead to failure, students
can better understand why some methods are preferable to others. For
example, incidents when a researcher fails to word a survey question
carefully and ends up with useless data will be included. Certain failures can
be prevented, but others cannot. The best laid research plans sometimes just
do not work out. We find it is important to demonstrate to students that
errors, changes in plans, and sometime failures can happen and are not
necessarily the end of the research project.
Research in Action Boxes
Each chapter includes a “Research in Action” box. These features have
several purposes. First, they emphasize the ability of research to influence
policy (in positive and negative ways) and convey to students that they too
can conduct or consume research that addresses important issues. Too often,
there is a failure to link research with the “real world” and real policy. These
features help to avoid that pitfall. Second, our research in action boxes offer
another opportunity to help students understand that they will find themselves
in positions to create, review, or be affected by policy. It is imperative then
for them to understand the connection between research and policy. Third,
these boxes allow a discussion as to why research has too often failed to
inform policy. Examples of existing research will be used to illustrate this.
These boxes keep the policy discussion alive throughout the text and serve to
lead students to Chapter 13, which focuses on making our research relevant.
Digital Resources
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of tools and resources for review, study, and further exploration, keeping
both instructors and students on the cutting edge of teaching and learning.
SAGE edge content is open access and available on demand. Learning and
teaching has never been easier!
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Test banks provide a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the
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Editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides offer complete flexibility
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Lecture notes summarize key concepts by chapter to ease preparation
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EXCLUSIVE! Access to full-text SAGE journal articles that have been
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Carefully selected chapter-by-chapter video links and multimedia
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End-of-Chapter Features
In addition to the features discussed, the text includes several “End of the
Chapter Features.” These include:
Key Points. Students are provided with summary statements that
emphasize major concepts discussed in each chapter. These summary
statements and key points will provide the student with a review of the
most important things to grasp after reading the chapter.
Key Terms. Terms and concepts that the student may not be familiar
with are highlighted and introduced in each chapter. They are listed in
this section, and their corresponding definitions may be found in the
glossary at the end of the book.
Review Questions. Review questions designed to assist the student in
reviewing the most important material in each chapter are included. This
material helps students identify whether they fully understand important
topics covered in the chapter.
Critical Thinking Questions. These questions are offered to spur
independent thought about topics and can be used by the
professor/instructor to promote class discussion. These questions are
designed to show students that many (most?) issues are not black and
white but far more complex in nature and outcome.
For Whom Is the Book Suited?
The primary market for this book is undergraduates and beginner masters
students in criminology and criminal justice. The audience also might include
related social science undergraduate and graduate programs such as
sociology, public affairs/policy, and political science. In addition, the text
could be used in high school courses designed to prepare students for the
university experience.
In the electronic edition of the book you have purchased, there are
several icons that reference links (videos, journal articles) to additional
content. Though the electronic edition links are not live, all content
referenced may be accessed at edge.sagepub.com/rennisonrm . This
URL is referenced at several points throughout your electronic edition.
Acknowledgments Thank You
Writing a text requires a lot of work and time. As an author, I know that very
well. I also know that writing a text is not possible without the efforts and
sacrifices of many others who contribute their time, comments, and critiques.
Those contributions lead to a text that is greatly enhanced. A genuine thanks
go to the researchers featured throughout the text: Drs. Rod Brunson, Carlos
Cuevas, Mary Dodge, Chris Melde, Rachel Boba Santos, and Heather
Zaykowski. I’ve been lucky enough to be their colleagues and can speak
firsthand of their dedication, rigor, and passion to make our world a better
place through research. Each freely offered a lot of time over the course of a
year in interviews where they shared their thoughts and experiences. I greatly
appreciated our discussions as they offered opportunities to take time to
reflect on my own research. I hope the readers of our book can see their
dedication, as well as that each is a fun and interesting person.
Sincere thanks go to the experts highlighted in each chapter: Sharon Devine,
Sean McCandless, Brenidy Rice, Sam Gallaher, Carol Peeples, Bridget Kelly,
Chris Keating, Jenna Truman, Henri Buccine-Schraeder, Michael Shively,
Sue Burton, Katie TePas, and Nora Scanlon. Each of these individuals freely
shared his or her thoughts and passion about how they use research methods
in a variety of roles. Our intention is to show students how research methods
skills are useful and can lead to careers that make a difference. We think each
of our experts demonstrated this well.
Other colleagues not explicitly identified in the text were instrumental in
completing this text. Clearly, Tim Hart PhD, my co-author, is greatly
deserving of many thanks. After almost 20 years of working together, I still
think he is a great collaborator, as well as a terrific person in general. I’m
happy he’s my colleague and so thrilled to have embarked on the journey of
writing this text with him. It simply could not have been completed without
Heartfelt thanks also go to Kathryn DuBois, PhD, who listened to my
brainstorming (often involving talking to myself), and provided ideas and
critical feedback on my work. Thanks go also to Lucy Dwight, PhD, who
read some of the earliest chapters and provided feedback although she had a
very full plate at the time. In addition, my TA Jessica Rosenthal provided
fresh eyes to many of the chapters during the writing process. Although it
was a valuable experience for her as a student, it was equally valuable to me
to get her feedback.
Last, but definitely not least, thanks go to my family, in particular my
husband, Dave Vaughan. Even though he may not fully understand what
compels someone to write a text, he supported me nonetheless. He always
was there with the best margaritas available at the end of long days. I also
offer great love and thanks to others in my family, especially Dayle B.
Rennison, who sat by me as I wrote much of this text. His calming presence
made a huge difference to me during the entire process.
This text would simply not have happened without the support of Sage
Publications. Thanks to Jerry Westby who worked with us at the beginning
stages. In addition, deep thanks go to Jessica Miller who took the helm after
Jerry retired to manage the text flawlessly. Other amazing Sage team
members were also key including Laura Kirkhuff, Jennifer Rubio, Rebecca
Lee, Jillian Oelson, Veronica Stapleton Hooper, and Sheree Van Vreede.
Unseen by readers of the text are the many reviewers lined up by Sage who
offered excellent and meaningful critiques of the text. I am deeply
appreciative of the important feedback each reviewer provided that positively
influenced this text.
Callie Marie Rennison
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
SAGE wishes to acknowledge the valuable contributions of the following
Eileen M. Ahlin, Penn State Harrisburg
Christine Arazan, Northern Arizona University
Megan Bears Augustyn, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Kevin M. Beaver, Florida State University
Ashley G. Blackburn, University of Houston—Downtown
Sriram Chintakrindi, CSU Stanislaus
Douglas Devaney, PhD, MA, MSCJ
Tina L. Freiburger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Brooke Gialopsos, Mount St. Joseph University
William K. Marek, PhD, CSU-East Bay, Central Michigan University
Fawn T. Ngo, University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
Peter T. Paluch, SUNY Delhi
Jamie A. Snyder, University of West Florida
Rebecca Stone, Suffolk University
Lindsey Vigesaa, PhD, St. Cloud State University
Jennifer Wareham, PhD, Wayne State University
Jessica J. Warner, Miami University Regionals
Qiang Xu, Indiana University South Bend
About the Authors

Callie Marie Rennison

is a professor in the School of Public Affairs (SPA) and the former
associate dean of faculty affairs in SPA. Currently, she serves as the
director of equity and is Title IX coordinator for the University of
Colorado Denver and Anschutz Medical Campuses. Callie earned her
PhD in 1997 in political science from the University of Houston,
University Park, where she also received a BS in psychology, MA in
sociology, and MA in political science. In 2016, she was awarded the
Bonnie S. Fisher Victimology Career Award from the Division of
Victimology, American Society of Criminology. She has also served on
a National Academies Committee examining domestic sex trafficking of
minors in the United States and was a senior researcher at the
Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. Her areas of
research include the nature, extent, and consequences of violent
victimization with an emphasis on research methodology, quantitative
analysis, measurement, and crime data. Her research examines violence
against several groups including women, African Americans, American
Indians, Hispanics, and those in rural locales. In addition, much of her
research focuses on victim interaction with the criminal justice system
and college student victimization. Callie’s research has appeared in
many venues including journals such as the Journal of Quantitative
Criminology, Justice Quarterly, Violence and Victims, and Violence
Against Women. She has authored multiple books including two editions
of the Introduction to Criminal Justice: Systems, Diversity and Change
(with Dr. Mary Dodge; Sage Publications). Along with Dr. Carlos
Cuevas, Callie published the Wiley Handbook on the Psychology of
Violence. Dr. Rennison has taught a variety of undergraduate and
graduate courses including Research Methods, Statistics, Murder in
America, Crime and the Media, and Introduction to Criminal Justice.
Timothy C. Hart
is a senior lecturer in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at
Griffith University. Tim earned his PhD in criminology and criminal
justice from the University of South Florida. In 1997, he was awarded a
Presidential Management Fellowship with the Bureau of Justice
Statistics at the US Department of Justice. He has also served as a
program analyst for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and as
a research analyst for the Hillsborough County (Florida) Sheriff’s
Office. Tim is also the former Statistical Analysis Centre (SAC) director
for the state of Nevada. His areas of interest include survey research,
applied statistics, geographic information systems (GIS), and
victimization. His scholarship appears in various academic journals,
including the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, the Journal of
Research in Crime and Delinquency, Criminal Justice and Behavior,
and the British Journal of Criminology. He has also been awarded
numerous research grants, including studies funded by the Queensland
Police Service, Australian Institute of Criminology, the National
Institute of Justice, and the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Part 1 Getting Started
Welcome to research methods! Before getting into the meat of the material, it
is important to make clear why research methods are important, what
research methods are, and the role of ethics in conducting research. Whether
you recognize it or not, you use research findings every day, so
understanding what goes into that research so you use it well is imperative.
We want you to learn how to conduct research well for the same reasons.
This begins by making clear why research methods are important, not only
for the purposes of the class but also in your everyday life. Once you learn
why, you will better grasp the material presented in the rest of the text. If you
do not understand why research methods matter, then the learning the rest of
this material is going to be more difficult (and less fun) than it should be. So
let’s get started with a basic question: What are research methods?
Chapter 1 Why Study Research Methods?
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
1.1 Define knowledge, social science, research, and research
1.2 Summarize why understanding research methods is important.
1.3 Evaluate and describe each of the major steps taken to conduct
research, as well as the importance of each step.
1.4 Develop research questions that would describe, associate, and
predict variables. Compare the different types of research
1.5 Assess what makes ethics an important consideration during
research by summarizing examples from the classic cases of
unethical research.
1.6 Describe the impetus and purpose of the Nuremberg Code and
the Belmont Report. Evaluate the guidelines and requirements of
ethical research according to these foundational documents.
You are enrolled in a class on research methods (probably because you are
required to) and you likely have no idea what research methods are. Don’t
worry, you are not alone. We will get into it more deeply, but for now know
that research methods help you become a better consumer and creator of
information and knowledge. In addition, understanding and using research
methods can help you get a job and be successful in a career.
To understand what research methods are about, it is useful to place them
into a larger context of knowledge. What is knowledge? There is no
universally agreed definition of knowledge, but for the purposes of this text,
knowledge is defined as information believed to be true and reliable.
Knowledge can be gained in many ways, one of which is via science. Science
(another challenging and much debated definition) is a branch of knowledge
that uses research to develop that knowledge. Research is conducted in many
fields, and in this text, we focus specifically on social science research.
Social science research is focused on society and human relationships in
society. Criminal justice, criminology, and sociology are some disciplines
within the social sciences.
Research in criminal justice and criminology is guided by the goal of
answering a specific research question. Once you have a research question,
you would then systematically gather observable, and falsifiable, evidence or
data that are used to answer this research question. Answering this research
question requires a specific method—a set of procedures, frameworks,
processes, or steps. Research methods outline the systematic processes,
frameworks, steps, or procedures a person uses to conduct social science
research. It is useful, therefore, to view research methods as a how-to guide
or as a basic recipe for conducting research.
Knowledge: In this context, it is defined as information believed
to be true and reliable. Knowledge can come from a variety of
sources both scientific and nonscientific. This text is focused on
assessing and creating scientific knowledge.
Science: Challenging and much debated definition that is defined
here as a branch of knowledge derived from observable and
falsifiable information, data, or evidence gathered in a systematic
Research: According to the Common Rule refers to a systematic
investigation or examination that will contribute to generalizable
Social science research: Area of science focused on society and
human relationships in society. Criminal justice, criminology, and
sociology are a few disciplines within the social sciences.
Research methods identify the systematic steps used by scholars to gather
data, analyze it, and reach findings and a conclusion used to answer a
research question. Just like there are many recipes for making enchiladas,
margaritas, or pies, there are many research methodologies that can be used
when conducting scientific research in criminology and criminal justice.
Research methods offer the tools needed to solve the puzzle of how to best
conduct the research of interest given many acceptable options. Learning
about the suitable options available in research methods, the logic behind
each, and the advantages and disadvantages of each is the purpose of this
With an understanding of what research methods are, you can get the most
out of the material offered in this book. Understanding that research methods
are simply the process used to conduct social science research places the
material that follows in that larger context. In doing this, research methods
should make greater sense. Not only that, with an understanding of what
research methods are, you might find that you enjoy the material in this
course. Even better, you will learn that you can apply this material to parts of
your everyday life as you become not only an intelligent and critical creator
of knowledge but also an intelligent and critical consumer of knowledge.
Importantly, these skills are easy to translate in the “real world” to find a job
and build a career.
This chapter begins your journey into research methods by first introducing
why methods are important. We then move to a brief description about the
typical stages of research including developing a research question, gathering
data, and selecting an analytic approach. The chapter then turns to an
important discussion of the role of ethics in life and in research. From this
point, we discuss principles of ethical research. We conclude the chapter by
introducing you to six researchers and a piece of research each conducted.
We will discuss their research throughout the text to provide real-world
examples of how they conducted their research from the beginning to the end.
Data: Information that takes a variety of forms, such as words,
observations, measurements, descriptions, and numbers. The
individual pieces of information or evidence gathered, analyzed,
and used to answer the research question. Data can be numeric
and non-numeric in nature.
Research methods: Methods, processes, or steps used to conduct
social science research.
Ethics: Norms for behavior that distinguish between what is and
is not acceptable. Ethics are not necessarily what our feelings or
laws direct us to do but what the common norms of moral
behavior in society dictate.
Why Are Research Methods Important?
In addition to understanding what research methods are, it is equally
important to understand why research methods are important. More bluntly,
why should you use your valuable time learning about research methods? The
answer is that understanding research methods influences what you know by
offering you a systematic way to assess and gain knowledge. Understanding
research methods provides you with practical skills that allows you to
produce, and to consume, findings, facts and information with the assurance
that it was arrived at systematically. These skills are not only useful in
college but also in private businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and
other places you can get a job.
Knowledge and Ways of Knowing
How do you know what you know? Throughout your life, you have been
exposed to knowledge in a variety of forms such as information available on
the Internet, research findings, documentaries, writings, opinions, and your
own observations and experiences. You have taken some of that knowledge,
and it has become a part of what you know. Some of the information you
were exposed to was scientifically generated, and some of it was not.
Available knowledge based on well-executed scientific processes (i.e.,
systematic gathering of observable and falsifiable data that are carefully
analyzed to reach a conclusion) comes from sources such as legitimate peer-
reviewed research journals, academic books, and information from
substantive experts (to name a few). Available knowledge generated in
nonscientific ways includes information you have been told by people you
trust, things you have personally observed, intuition, or information gleaned
from social and mass media (to name a few). Thinking about all the types of
available information you have been exposed to, what has guided you to
accept or reject any piece of information? How did you assess that
information before accepting or rejecting it? Is what you know based on
knowledge that was carefully assessed and created? Or was it accepted for
other reasons?
One approach to deciding whether to accept knowledge is to carefully assess
or evaluate it. A means of assessing it is to examine the methods used to
generate that knowledge. When exposed to knowledge, you might ask, “What
evidence was used to generate this knowledge?” “How was this evidence
gathered?” and “Do the conclusions and findings follow from the evidence
presented?” By using this approach, you can make an informed choice about
that knowledge and then offer evidence to support your choice to accept it or
reject it. Learning research methods provides you with the tools needed to ask
and answer these questions and, in turn, to assess and create meaningful
Another commonly used (and not recommended) approach in accepting
knowledge is to assess it based on characteristics unrelated to the actual
knowledge. This type of noncritical assessment means that knowledge was
accepted without considering how the knowledge was created. Perhaps the
decision to accept the knowledge was based on where it was obtained (e.g.,
local news or blogs), from whom it came (e.g., celebrity, priest, person
wearing a white coat, family member, or guy in a bar), or just a general gut
feeling about that information (e.g., instinct, it just sounds good, or it agrees
with what I already believe). Obtaining knowledge in this way is fast and
easy, but this approach can come at the price of accepting erroneous and, at
times, dangerous knowledge.
The focus of this book is to understand how to create and assess knowledge
that is scientifically sound using social science research methods. Some
examples of the usefulness of thinking critically about research methods
Information From Everyday Life
Each day we are bombarded with a lot of new information—some of it
seemingly contradictory—and yet most people are confident they “know”
about these topics. For example, most people, especially those who watch
local nightly news, “know” that crime is at an all-time high and out of
control. How did they reach that conclusion? What evidence do they have to
support that conclusion? (Crime is not at an all time high. Rather, crime rates
continue to be relatively low.) It is the responsibility of a savvy consumer
never to merely accept what you are told, read, or observe but instead to
critically assess the evidence and steps used to reach that conclusion. The
next sections offer actual examples in the popular media that have gained a
lot of traction. When reading about them, ask whether you believe this
information or not, and why that is.
College Student Victimization
Krebs, Lindquist, Warner, Fisher, and Martin (2007) published conclusions
from their research titled “The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study.” The
goal of this investigation was to estimate how much sexual assault was
experienced by university students to develop targeted intervention strategies.
This research sat in relative obscurity from the public until recently. In fact,
findings from the CSA research are the source for what is perhaps the most
widely cited contemporary statistic regarding sexual violence against college
women: the “1 in 5” statistic. Headlines and other modes of popular media
frequently report that 1 in 5 women are raped on campus (or some similarly
stated variant). In fact, you may have seen this type of information posted
around your campus. What is your assessment about the 1 in 5 statistic? Do
you find it to be accurate? Why? Why not?
The appropriate way to assess this and any information is to access the
original research and learn about the research methodology used to conduct
the research. By doing so, you might be surprised to learn that Krebs and his
collaborators never concluded that 1 in 5 college women were raped on
campus or anywhere. Reading their clearly articulated methodology, you
would learn about the actual research, rather than relying on poor and
incomplete descriptions of it found in the media and elsewhere. You would
learn that this research was based on a sample or a subset of 18- to 25-year-
old college students attending two large public universities in the United
States. Students who were eligible to participate in the research had to be
enrolled at least ¾ time. Data from the survey were gathered from 5,466
women and 1,375 men. An examination of the methodology would make
clear the particular definitions and measurement used to estimate rape and
sexual assault perpetrated against those college students in any location. You
would also see that behaviorally specific questions were used to identify
who had been victimized. These questions are more graphic in nature and
leave little doubt in the mind of the respondent about what rape and sexual
assault means in this specific research.
Sample: Subset of a population of interest from which
information or data is gathered. Samples are often composed of
people, but they can also be other things including geographic
areas (e.g., cities or organizations) or documents (e.g., newspaper
Definition: Clarifying the precise meaning of a particular concept
when used in research. For example, in one piece of research,
injury may be defined as physical harms perpetrated to another
person against his or her will. In some other piece of research,
injury may be defined as physical, emotional, psychological, and
financial harms perpetrated against another person against his or
her will.
Measurement: Process of quantifying a concept. Measurement
can be conducted in a variety of ways such as through survey
questions (e.g., on a scale from 1 to 10, how happy are you today?
How many cigarettes have you smoked this week? and What is
your current GPA?), counting behaviors during observation,
taking blood pressure measurements, or recording one’s age.
Behaviorally specific question: In research, a question that tends
to be more graphic in nature, which leaves little doubt in the mind
of the respondent about the type of information the research is
One of the many conclusions from the Krebs and colleagues research was
that 19% of female college seniors had experienced an attempted or
completed rape or sexual assault (which includes forced kissing or unwanted
groping of sexual body parts) since entering college. Furthermore, you would
learn by examining the research methodology that in contrast to the name of
the study, only one question was asked about whether the event happened on
campus. The 19% statistic represents rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated
against these college women in any location. Another very important piece of
information available in the published research study is that these findings
apply only to the two universities that participated in the study, and that
findings do not reflect any other university or any other student outside of
those two universities. This research has been so frequently misstated that
Krebs and Linquist (2014) wrote a second piece titled “Setting the Record
Straight on ’1 in 5,’” where they stressed that
[f]irst and foremost, the 1-in-5 statistic is not a nationally representative
estimate of the prevalence of sexual assault, and we have never
presented it as being representative of anything other than the population
of senior undergraduate women at the two universities where data were
collected—two large public universities, one in the South and one in the
Midwest. (para. 3)
How does understanding a bit about the research methodology of the CSA
study alter your view of the “1 in 5” statistic? How might you view newer
headlines with similar claims? Hopefully this example encourages you to find
the original research and consult the methodology before making an
assessment. With the information you’ll learn in this text, you will be a
savvier consumer of material and hold informed views on topics that are
based on scientific research.
About eight years after Krebs and his collaborators finished their work on the
CSA, the New York Times (Perez-Pena, 2015) ran a headline proclaiming that
“1 in 4 Women Experience Sexual Assault on Campus.” What is your
assessment about this headline? Is it your experience that 25% of the women
you know were sexually assaulted on campus? Do you believe it to be
accurate? Why? Why not? How might you investigate this claim to ascertain
whether you find it credible?
To assess this information, you should examine the specific research methods
from the Association of American Universities (AAU) study by Cantor and
colleagues that led to that conclusion (Cantor et al., 2015). If you accessed
the original research by Cantor and his colleagues, you would learn more. A
lot more. In the case of the New York Times headline, you would learn that
this study came from a nonrepresentative sample or subset of students
attending 27 institutes of higher learning (IHEs) in the United States. You
would learn that males and females enrolled at these IHEs who were at least
18 years of age or older were surveyed. In total, about 150,000 students
participated. Furthermore, you would learn about the particular definitions
and measurement used in this study, specifically that they are not the same as
those used in the Krebs et al.’s (2007) research. In addition, contrary to the
headline, there were no estimates or statistics provided regarding how many
students, or women, were sexually assaulted on campus in Cantor and
colleagues’ research. There is no question in the survey asking where a
victimization took place. There is one question in the survey asking about
perceptions of risk of sexual assault on versus off campus (students perceived
no difference in risk: 5.0% on campus and 5.3% off campus).
Perhaps the most important information about this study available in the
methodology is that the researchers state that the estimates of sexual
victimization differ greatly across campuses, and that the findings from this
research are not generalizable to any other university in the nation. The
findings from this research cannot and do not tell anyone about risk of sexual
assault against women on (or off) campus for any place other than the 27
IHEs included in this research. In fact, Cantor and his colleagues stated this
clearly on page v:
The wide variation across IHEs puts in stark perspective prior
discussions of single-IHE rates as representing a “standard” against
which to compare results. For example, many news stories are focused
on figures like “1 in 5” in reporting victimization. As the researchers
who generated this number have repeatedly said, the 1 in 5 number is for
a few IHEs and is not representative of anything outside of this frame.
The wide variation of rates across IHEs in the present study emphasizes
the significance of this caveat.
The descriptions of Krebs and colleagues’ CSA research and Cantor and
colleagues’ AAU research show that each of these studies used different
samples, definitions, measurements, and other means to gather the data.
Neither used a sample that allows them to generalize the findings to other
universities or university students. Still, now that you are aware of the
research methods used in both studies, you can see that findings from both
are frequently misreported as providing estimates of sexual violence on
campus. Given what you know now about the methodologies used in these
two studies, what is your assessment about the “1 in 4” and the “1 in 5”
statistics that are so widely reported? Are people being unnecessarily
frightened about college campuses given this widely reported information?
Or are they using these misreported findings to feel safe in situations when it
is not warranted? The material in this text offers information that will make
clearer the importance of research methodology for consuming knowledge
(or rejecting it), proposing and conducting studies, and creating knowledge.
Violent Crime in the United States
Let’s consider another example. Every year, the Department of Justice (DOJ)
releases annual crime statistics for the United States. One set of crime rates is
disseminated by the DOJ’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A second
set of crime statistics is disseminated by the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice
Statistics (BJS). In 2014, the FBI estimated that the national violent crime
rate was 3.66 offenses per 1,000 people (FBI, 2014).1 In contrast, for the
same year, BJS estimated that the national violent crime rate was 20.1 violent
victimizations per 1,000 people (Truman & Langton, 2015). Note that the
BJS estimate is six to seven times greater than the FBI estimate. There was
also a lack of agreement between the two sources regarding violent crime
rates over time: BJS found that the violent crime rate was stable from 2013 to
2014, whereas the FBI found that violent crime had declined over that same
1. FBI estimates are provided in a “per 100,000” rate. This has been adjusted
to make the comparison with the National Crime Victimization Survey
(NCVS) rates equivalent.
Generally, FBI and BJS crime estimates are released and reported in the
media at about the same time, leading to a series of predictable questions and
comments such as “statistics lie,” “government researchers are biased, idiots,
or lying,” “an idiot must have made those numbers up because crime is bad
where I live,” and “my cousin was robbed so these numbers are not right.”
What are your thoughts about comments such as these? Do you agree with
any of them? How can you account for the fact that BJS violent crime
estimates are so much greater than the FBI crime rates? How might you
explain that BJS finds that violent crime was stable over the year, yet the FBI
concluded it was declining?
The FBI considers arson a violent crime, but the NCVS does not. How might
this affect violent crime rates published by each organization?

© whiterabbit83/iStockphoto.com
Hopefully, this chapter prompts you to recognize that research differences in
the research methodology used by each federal agency to generate these
crime rates account for these differences in estimates. This is exactly the case.
BJS violent crime estimates are based on data from the National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS) on nonfatal violent criminal victimization.
This survey defines violent crime as including rape, sexual assault, robbery,
aggravated assault, and simple assault. It does not include murder because
NCVS data are gathered directly from the victims of violence (victims of
murder cannot be interviewed). The NCVS gathers data from a sample of
people (not every person in the United States is interviewed), and the
published NCVS violent crime rate tells us how many violent victimizations
(not how many victims or how many incidents or offenses) occurred per
1,000 people age 12 or older.2 That the NCVS crime rate focuses on
victimizations (and not on victims or incidents) is an important piece of
methodological information in understanding these figures because there can
be multiple victims in each incident, and each victim could experience
multiple victimizations in each incident or offense.
2. The NCVS data do allow for the calculation of incident and prevalence
rates; nevertheless, most BJS reports are focused on victimizations.
The FBI produces violent crime estimates using a completely different
approach or methodology. First, FBI crime data are gathered from police
agencies who submit crime information to the FBI on a voluntary basis. This
means if a victim of a crime does not report the incident to the police, or if
the police do not record an incident, or report crime data to the FBI, it will
not be reflected in the FBI numbers or estimates. The FBI defines violent
crime as including murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and arson. Note
that sexual assault along with simple assault (the most common form of
violence in the United States according to the NCVS) are not included in FBI
violent crime estimates. Also, as noted, murder, the least common form of
violence in the United States according to the FBI, is included in FBI violent
crime estimates. Moreover, the FBI includes arson, which is not recorded in
the NCVS. FBI crime estimates describe crime committed against all people
in the United States, regardless of their age (the NCVS focuses only on
victims age 12 or older), regardless of where they live (recall that the NCVS
focuses only on persons in a housing unit—no people living in institutional
housing or the homeless are included), and includes commercial crimes (the
NCVS does not count crimes against a business). Also, FBI crime rates refer
to offenses, and offenses are counted differently depending on the specific
violent crime considered. According to the FBI, when considering assault and
rape, an offense is equal to the number of victims. For robbery, an offense
equals the number of incidents. This means that a single robbery counted by
the FBI could include numerous victims. These are only some of the
differences in the methodologies used to generate violent crime estimates by
the NCVS and the FBI. See Table 1.1 for some UCR and NCVS
methodological differences.
The NCVS and FBI estimates are based on different approaches, definitions,
measurements, and ways to count violent crime. Now with a better
understanding of differences in methodologies used by BJS and the FBI, do
you have a more informed understanding about the extent of violent crime in
the United States? Can you now articulate some reasons why the NCVS
suggests stability in crime rates over the year, whereas the FBI measures a
decline? Can you offer evidence for why you know this? Can you better
understand why NCVS estimates might be higher than FBI estimates? Can
you see why stating that statistics and researchers are biased or that “statistics
lie” is not only intellectually lazy but also incorrect? Given all of these
differences, is it at all surprising to you that the two pieces of research reach
different conclusions? It should not be.
Adapted from http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=5112;
and Rand, Michael R. and Callie Marie Rennison. (2002). True crime
stories? Accounting for differences in our national crime indicators.
Chance, 15(1), 47–51.
Other Sources of Knowledge
Chances are that each of us has knowledge we hold dear that is not based on
a scientific approach. In fact, having only knowledge from scientific inquiry
would make day-to-day living impossible. Imagine requiring scientific
evidence to determine how to best cook, eat, bathe, drive, read, study, interact
with others, converse, or any number of other daily activities. This section
identifies common sources of nonscientific knowledge and notes some
limitations of these sources.
Tradition, customs, and norms. Tradition, customs, and norms are
used to pass on knowledge or beliefs from person to person over time.
This knowledge is thought to be true and valuable because people have
always believed them to be true and valuable. Examples include how
strangers are to be greeted, treatment of the U.S. flag, manners used
while eating, and what is viewed as appropriate food sources (e.g., no
horse or dog for dinner [or breakfast either]). A limitation of this type of
knowledge is that it is subjective, nonresearch based, and not concluded
from systematically collected data. Also, this information is often not
falsifiable or reproducible. The knowledge is simply accepted as fact.
Personal experience. Personal experience is a powerful source of
nonscientific and nonresearch-based knowledge. This knowledge is
believed to be valuable and true because you have personally
experienced it. For example, you may have the personal experience that
babies in restaurants are loud and messy (based on seeing one or two
loud and messy babies; you probably didn’t notice the clean and quiet
babies, although they were there too). Or you may hold particular
stereotypes of others based on a few personal experiences. This may be
your experience; your experience is subjective, however, and does not
necessarily accurately reflect the larger truth. This knowledge also
suffers from not being concluded from systematically collected data. It
is not falsifiable, and it is not reproducible.
Some find babies to be poor restaurant patrons based on personal
experience. Does this meant that all babies are unruly at restaurants, or
might that knowledge be based on personal experience only?
© kali9/iStockphoto.com
Authoritative sources. Knowledge also can include information taken
from authoritative sources including parents, clergy, news sources,
bloggers, social media, professors, or others. For some, if a source is
trusted, the information they share is trusted. Examples can include
knowledge such as that prayer is useful, the president is a jerk, crime is
out of control, and research methods are useful. Although knowledge
gathered in these ways can be valuable (and even be based on scientific
research), you should research that information to assess its value
because it too can be imperfect or incorrect.
Intuition. Knowledge based on intuition is believed and valued because
you have a feeling, sense, or gut instinct it is “good” information.
Examples include initial perceptions about others or feelings about
particular places or situations. Imagine meeting an individual at a party
where your intuition immediately suggests he or she is a shyster and not
to be trusted. This is your intuition talking, and what it is saying may or
may not be true. It is also the case that this information is not research
based or scientific (even if you have been correct in other initial
assessments). Like the other categories described here, this knowledge is
not falsifiable, not reproducible, and not scientifically based.
Tradition, customs, and norms: knowledge or beliefs passed on
from person to person over time. This knowledge is thought to be
true and valuable because people have always believed it to be
true and valuable.
Personal experience: Knowledge accepted based on one’s own
observations and experiences.
Authoritative sources: Knowledge based on information
accepted from people or sources that are trusted such as parents,
clergy, news sources, bloggers, social media, or professors.
Intuition: Knowledge developed based on a feeling or gut
Typical Stages of Research
Subsequent chapters provide greater detail about the foundational elements
and stages important for conducting scientific research. For now, this section
briefly outlines these major steps and things used in research, including
developing a research question, conducting a literature review, selecting
appropriate research methods (such as samples and ways of gathering data
such as surveys and observations), selecting analytic techniques, and
developing and disseminating findings and conclusions.
Developing a Research Question
Research begins with, and is guided by, a research question. The research
question when answered increases our understanding and knowledge about a
topic. Research is never guided by a statement of fact. As basic as this
distinction between question and statement seems, students new to research
methodology frequently offer a statement rather than a question when asked
to pose possible research questions. Every step that is taken to accomplish
research is informed by that research question. There is an endless number of
possible research questions. Some examples include
Research question: Question that guides research designed to
generate knowledge. This question guides the research endeavor.
What is the effect of gang membership on self-reported violent
victimization among adolescents?
Is violence against college students more likely to occur on or off
What are the differences between the perceptions and experiences of
Black and White youth with police officers?
How do female police officers serving as prostitution decoys view this
Will an offender-focused, high-intensity policing strategy in a hot spot
lead to a reduction in crime?
What role does reporting violence to the police play on a victim’s
likelihood to access victim services?
What are the rates of dating violence by Latino victim gender?
Do you have a research question in mind that you would like to explore? If
not, you are not alone. Many students are anxious and feel that they cannot
possibly think of a research question. Happily, all students can pose research
questions once they recognize that they can be developed in many ways,
including listening to others speak, reading a text and research literature,
learning about theories, reading and watching the media, going to
professional meetings, and so on. Sometimes it takes practice to see that
one’s innate curiosity or a desire to develop information can lead to research
questions. Imagine you are in class listening to a police officer identifying the
ways you can distinguish a police impersonator from a legitimate police
officer. This officer discusses subtle characteristics in an officer’s uniform or
personal appearance (e.g., facial hair) that can be used to identify an
impersonator. The officer’s presentation gets you wondering more broadly
about police impersonators, which leads to several questions:
Research in Action: Postrelease Behavior: Does Supermax
Confinement Work?
From 1970 to the early 2000s, the incarceration rates in the United
States exploded, as did the amount of research focused on
incarceration. That research overwhelmingly shows that
incarceration does not effectively reduce a person’s odds of
recidivating compared with other approaches that include
probation or shorter prison sentences. What has not received
much attention, however, is how the type of incarceration affects
recidivism and other postrelease behaviors. Specifically, it is
unclear how supermax confinement influences odds of recidivism
and other postrelease behaviors. Supermax facilities are costly to
operate, and confinement typically involves confinement to a cell
for 23 hours a day with few or no opportunities for socialization
with staff or other inmates. Butler, Steiner, Makarious, and Travis
(2017) found two studies that examined the influence of supermax
confinement on recidivism. Neither study found that supermax
confinement had an effect on offenders’ odds of recidivism. To
build on that research, the current examination by Butler et al.
compares recidivism rates of offenders exposed to supermax
confinement in Ohio with those derived from a matched sample of
offenders not exposed to supermax confinement. In addition, this
research considers both short- (1 year) and long-term (7 years)
effects of exposure to supermax confinement. Finally, Butler et al.
consider the influence of supermax confinement on other
postrelease behaviors such as employment and treatment
To address these research purposes, the researchers used a
randomly selected sample of 1,569 men taken from a list of all
men released under postrelease supervision in Ohio from about
2003 to 2005. Data about each offender were collected from
several official sources such as case files, and offenders were
followed for a full year after release. Measures of whether each
offender was reincarcerated for any reason or reincarcerated for a
new crime within 7 years of his release were also obtained and
used in the analysis. The analysis consisted of finding a similar
sample of incarcerated men who differed from the supermax
sample only in terms of having not spent time in a supermax
facility. By comparing their outcomes with the supermax sample,
the researchers can now point to the effects of supermax
Findings from Butler et al. show that exposure to supermax
confinement had no effect on recidivism in the short term. Similar
to the findings from the analysis of recidivism in the short term,
the odds of recidivism over the long term were nonsignificant.
Thus, supermax confinement did not affect offenders’ odds of
recidivism over the long term either. When considering other
postrelease behaviors, findings show that exposure to supermax
confinement does not affect other postrelease outcomes for
offenders released under postrelease supervision. In sum,
supermax exposure leads to equivalent outcomes when compared
with offenders not exposed to supermax.
The policy implications of this work by Butler et al. point to the
costs versus the benefits of supermax. The cost of operating a
supermax facility is far greater than the cost of operating a typical
maximum security prison. If outcomes are equivalent, this
suggests the need to consider the feasibility of running expensive
supermax operations. It appears cheaper and equally effective
alternatives exist.
Butler, H. D., Steiner, B., Makarious, M. D., & Travis, L. F.
(2017). Assessing the effects of exposure to supermax
confinement on offender postrelease behaviors. The Prison
Journal, 97(3), 275–295.
What is the gender, race, and age of most police impersonators?
What types of victims do most police impersonators target?
What are the main motivations of police impersonators?
Are police impersonators more likely than other types of criminals to
brandish or use a weapon? To injure the victim?
These are all interesting questions, and all are suitable research questions.
Imagine now that you taking a university-required training about college
student sexual violence. You find that the material in the training is focused
on sexual violence against female students only. This raises several questions
in your mind:
Are college women victims of nonsexual violence such as robbery? If
so, to what extent?
What is the extent to which male college students are sexually and
nonsexually victimized?
Does violence against college students differ from violence against
noncollege students in terms of rates and characteristics?
Are bystanders more likely to be present during a college versus a
noncollege student victimization? Is this the same for male versus
female college students?
These are all suitable research questions. With the skills learned in this book,
each of these research questions can be answered by you. Once a research
question (or questions) has been identified, the next step is to learn what is
already known about that topic. That is accomplished via a literature review.
Conducting a Literature Review
A research question is the foundation of proposed research. Once you have
identified a research question (or questions), the next step is to conduct a
review of scientific literature on that research topic. A literature review
serves many purposes. It
summarizes and synthesizes existing understanding on the topic of
identifies limitations and gaps in existing research,
offers justification for the proposed study, and
places the new study in context of the existing literature.
Literature review: Review, summary, and synthesis of extant
knowledge on a topic. Literature review sections in journal
articles review, present, organize, and synthesize existing
understanding on a topic at the time the research was conducted.
They are used to place the published research into context and to
demonstrate how it adds to our understanding of a topic.
Although you may develop a creative and fascinating research question, it
might be that others have already addressed it. That is okay! Reading about
existing studies focused on the same question will assist in refining your
research question. Understanding details about the methodology used in prior
research offers the opportunity to identify possible improvements on that
methodology in your project. Perhaps the existing studies are very old. This
means a new look at this old question using newer or improved data can
increase our understanding of the topic. Or perhaps the older study used very
basic analytic approaches because computer power was not available at the
time that research was conducted. It may be that the research question can be
reexamined with more powerful analytic approaches and technology
available today. This means the new study can provide an enhanced
understanding of the issue.
Designing the Research
Designing the research study is the next major step in conducting research.
Designing the research is where you identify the precise steps that will be
used to answer the research question. Some of those steps may be identifying
concepts of interest, making them measurable (operationalization), measuring
those concepts, and selecting a sample. It is imperative that the precise steps
taken to conduct research be thoroughly considered and documented.
Documentation of your methodology is needed for consumers of your work
to critically assess it, and so future researchers who want to replicate your
study can do so exactly.
Crime mapping is the source of much criminology and criminal justice
knowledge. How do you think it added to our understanding about where
crime occurs?
© Mikael Karlsson/Alamy Stock Photo
Collecting Data
Once the research methodology has been identified, the next step is to gather
the data or information that will be analyzed to answer the research question.
Researchers gather data that are most effective, efficient, and affordable to
answer the research question. Data may be gathered in any number of ways,
including survey research, in-person interviews, focus groups, observations,
experiments, quasi-experiments, document analysis, and so on. At the
conclusion of data gathering, a researcher has the data needed to answer his
or her research question. The next step is to analyze those data.
Selecting an Analytic Approach
To answer the research question posed, a researcher takes the systematically
gathered data and analyzes it. How the data are analyzed depends on the
nature of the research question and the data gathered. If a researcher wishes
to explore or describe a topic using numeric data, he or she might use
percentages or rates. If a researcher is working with non-numeric data in the
form of text, interviews, or observations, he or she might use an approach
that identifies themes, concepts, or core meanings. If a researchers wishes to
identify associations among variables, then correlations might be an
appropriate approach. If the researcher is interested in investigating causal
relationships using numeric data, a statistical technique such as regression
might be the most suitable approach. Many considerations including whether
the data sought are numeric or non-numeric in nature go into selecting the
appropriate analytic technique, but all ultimately are selected based on the
best way to answer the research question.
Generating Findings, Conclusions, and Policy
Answering the research question to create knowledge is the goal of the
research. Nevertheless, answering the question is not enough. You as a
researcher must also make sense of the findings. This can be accomplished by
placing the findings in the context of the existing literature (again, the
literature review is useful during this step). Do your findings support what
was found in other literature? Do findings in the current research deviate
from the findings in the literature? What are possible reasons for this support
of, or deviation from, existing literature? How might this new knowledge be
used to affect policy and improve everyday life? This step requires thinking
about the research and what it means in the larger context of the issue.
Essential Role of Ethics in Research

In everyday life, and especially in the fields of criminal justice and

criminology, ethical behavior is imperative. This includes the practice of
criminal justice and criminology research. Attention to ethics must occur
throughout the research process, not only in the planning stages. Ethics are
norms for behavior that distinguish what is and is not acceptable. Ethics are
not necessarily what feelings or laws direct us to do but what the common
norms of moral behavior in society dictate. The next section offers
information on some classic unethical studies conducted in the name of
research. Understanding them places into context why ethical considerations
must be constant and why oversight in research is imperative.
Unethical Research Examples
You might believe that an intentional and constant attention to ethics is
unnecessary because researchers would not act unethically. If you believe
this, you are incorrect (and there is a lot of evidence demonstrating that). It is
shocking the sheer number and nature of unethical research that has been
undertaken, all in the name of science. Even more surprising is that many
researchers engaged in these studies did not view their research as unethical
while it was ongoing. Clearly, humans require additional oversight than that
provided by self-reflection alone.
Nazi Research on Concentration Camp Prisoners
During World War II, German doctors conducted research experiments on
prisoners held in concentration camps. These grisly experiments included
altitude experiments in which prisoners were put in low-pressure chambers to
determine the effects of altitude on the body, as well as experiments in which
prisoners were submerged in freezing water to test the effects of, and
effective treatment for, hypothermia. Other concentration camp prisoners
were exposed to diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever,
and hepatitis allowing doctors to conduct experiments on possible vaccines.
Some prisoners were subjected to bone-grafting experiments, others were
shot to learn about blood clotting, and still others were exposed to mustard
gas that provided data used to identify possible antidotes to poisons. Millions
of concentration camp prisoners were subjected to forced sterilization
experiments as German doctors tried to discern inexpensive and efficient
ways to sterilize those deemed inferior. It hardly needs to be stated, but this
type of research is absolutely unethical, yet it was conducted by many
researchers, in the name of science, and it continued for years.
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
If you are thinking that researchers in the United States would not engage in
such savage, unethical research, think again. Consider the U.S. Public Health
Service’s Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, which took place in Macon County,
Alabama. The purpose of this study was to identify the natural course of
syphilis in Black men. Syphilis is a severe disease that leads to damage to
body parts including the brain, heart, eyes, liver, bones, joints, and nerves. It
can also lead to paralysis, blindness, mental illness, and death. Six hundred
impoverished Black men volunteered for the study, but they were not told
they had just volunteered for research on syphilis. Rather, they were told they
would be treated for “bad blood.” Bad blood was understood to mean an
assortment of medical issues including anemia and fatigue. In return for
volunteering for this study, the men were offered free medical examinations,
transportation to and from the clinic, meals while at the clinic, treatment for
minor problems, and burial stipends paid to their families after their death.
These were highly valuable incentives for such impoverished individuals.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment is an example of highly unethical research
that cost many unsuspecting Black men their health and their lives. What
benefit was gained from conducting this research?

© Everett Collection/Newscom
At the beginning of the experiment, 399 of the 600 participants were known
to be infected with syphilis (the remaining 201 were considered the
comparison group). None of the infected men were told they had syphilis,
however. When the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment began in 1932, there was
no cure for syphilis. In an astoundingly unethical turn of events, when
penicillin was identified as a cure to treat syphilis in 1947, penicillin was
withheld from the infected participants in the study. In fact, efforts were
made to obstruct study participants from receiving penicillin anywhere so as
not to jeopardize the study. In contrast, although these men were denied
available treatment for syphilis, the study’s sponsor was establishing “Rapid
Treatment Centers” to treat syphilis in the general population.
This ghastly experiment was finally halted in 1972, more than 20 years after
the discovery of penicillin. Many had called for the study’s termination
earlier given its unethical nature, but those demands were ignored. Only
when a whistle-blower, Peter Buxtun, leaked information regarding the
experiment to journalists was the research halted. At the time the experiment
was stopped, only 74 of the original 399 infected men were still living.
Twenty eight had died from syphilis, 100 had died from related
complications, and 40 spouses and 19 children had been infected. In 1997,
President Bill Clinton formally apologized for this government-sponsored
study. In attendance at this formal presidential apology were five of the eight
surviving experimental research subjects.
Milgram’s Obedience to Authority
Unethical research in the United States has not been confined to federal
government sponsors either. Consider the infamous work of Stanley Milgram
(1963). The purpose of his 1961 research was to identify the willingness of
people to obey authority figures even when that requested behavior conflicts
with a person’s conscience. The impetus for the study was the death of
millions of people killed in gas chambers in concentration camps during the
Holocaust. Milgram (1975, p. 1) noted that “[t]hese inhumane policies may
have originated in the mind of a single person, but they could only have been
carried out on a massive scale if a very large number of people obeyed
orders.” To conduct the study, Milgram advertised for volunteers to
participate in an experiment about learning. Forty male volunteers were
selected to participate. The experiment began as two men showed up as
volunteers. The first order of business was to determine who would be the
teacher and who would be the learner in the research on “learning.” These
roles were determined by drawing slips of paper out of a hat. Both men drew
a slip of paper, and each announced his role. Both slips of paper in the hat
had “teacher” written on them. In reality, one volunteer was a confederate
working with the research team. Although the confederate drew a slip that
stated “teacher,” he stated he was the learner. The true volunteer would serve
as the teacher, and his behavior was the focus on the actual experiment.
In one iteration of the Milgram experiments, the teacher and learner sat next
to one another. In this case, the learner had to place his own hand on the
shock plate. When he refused to do so at 150 volts, the teacher was ordered to
physically force the learner’s hand on the shock plate. Thirty percent of
teachers forced the learner’s hand onto the plate all the way up to the
maximum 450 volts. Would you have done so? Why or why not?

© BB Film Production/FJ Productions/Collection Christophel/Alamy Stock

After identifying roles, the teacher watched the fake learner get strapped into
a chair where the learning would take place. The teacher was then seated in
front of a board with 30 switches, each of which would deliver a shock to the
learner. Shock intensities began at 15 volts and increased at 15-volt
increments to a maximum of 450 volts across the 30 switches. In addition to
identifying the voltage of each switch, each switch was labeled using a phrase
such as “Slight shock” to “Danger: Severe Shock.” At that time, the teacher
was administered a small shock to demonstrate what the learner would feel in
the beginning. In reality, the learners were not shocked during the
After the subjects were situated, the teacher was instructed to read a series of
word pairs. The learner was required to recall one of these word pairs. If the
learner failed to identify the correct word, the teacher was required to
announce the voltage level he was administering and then administer the
shock (although a shock was not administered). With each incorrect answer,
the level of shock was increased. As the severity of shocks increased, the
learner increased his vocalization of distress from pleas, cries, begs, and
moans, ultimately culminating with silence. If the teacher hesitated or refused
to administer the required shock, the researcher (wearing a white laboratory
coat) urged the teacher to continue using four demands delivered in sequence
(Milgram, 1963, p. 374):
1. Please continue, or please go on.
2. The experiment requires that you continue.
3. It is absolutely essential that you continue.
4. You have no other choice, you must go on.
If the teacher asked the researcher about his own liability for harm to the
learner, the researcher stated, “Although the shocks may be painful, there is
no permanent tissue damage, so please go on.” If the teacher told the
researcher that the learner did not want to continue, the researcher responded,
“Whether the learner likes it or not, you must go on until he has learned all
the word pairs correctly. So please go on.” If at any time during the
experiment the teacher refused to continue after hearing four demands from
the researcher, the experiment was halted. Milgram found that the earliest a
teacher stopped the experiment was at 300 volts (five teachers). Sadly, 26
teachers (65% of the teachers) administered the maximum 450-volt severe
shock even when they were visibly shaken while doing so. Milgram offered
two important conclusions from this research. First, the strength of obedient
tendencies demonstrated by teachers in the experiment was unexpectedly and
surprisingly high. The second conclusion was that although the experiment
generated extraordinary tension in the teachers, it was not enough for them to
disengage from the experiment.
Many erroneously believe Milgram conducted this famous experiment only
once. In fact, he conducted 19 experiments in which characteristics of the
experiment varied. Variations in the subsequent experiments included the
physical location of the experiment, the physical closeness of the learner to
the teacher, the ability of teacher to see the learner, the gender of the learner,
whether the teacher had to physically place the learner’s hand on a shock
plate to receive the shock, and so on. All iterations of the experiment
concluded the same: A large percentage of people obeyed authority even
when it was stressful and conflicted with their personal beliefs.
Milgram’s work prompted others to conduct similar experiments, including
some that did not involve human subjects. Thinking that perhaps teachers in
Milgram’s research did not really believe the learner was being shocked,
Sheridan and King (1972) designed an experiment in which a “cute, fluffy,
puppy” was shocked. In this research named “Shock the Puppy,”
undergraduate psychology students volunteered to act as teacher to the
puppy. The students were told that the puppy was learning to stand to the left
or the right of his cage depending on whether he saw a steady or a flickering
light. When the puppy failed to respond correctly to the light stimulus, the
student was directed to shock the dog. For each incorrect action by the dog,
the level of the shock was increased by 15 volts. When shocked, the puppy
initially barked, then jumped, and finally howled in pain. This demonstrable
show of pain deterred few students from administering the painful shocks.
Although the 13 female and 13 male student volunteers were visibly upset
during the experiment, each continued administering and increasing the
shock level when instructed by an authority figure. In fact, all 13 of the
women and 7 of the men shocked the puppy using the maximum 450 voltage.
Most believe they would not administer shocks and suffering to humans, but
Milgram’s results suggest differently. How about administering painful
voltage to a puppy? Would you do this? What sort of information would
make doing this worthwhile in your opinion? Why?
© Astakhova/iStockphoto.com
Stanford Prison Experiment
In part, in response to Milgram’s work, Haney, Banks, and Zimbardo (1973)
designed the Stanford Prison Experiment, which investigated identification
conformity and the role of social situations on behavior. An additional
purpose of this work, sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, was to
better understand conflict between military guards and prisoners. After
placing an advertisement for college student volunteers in 1971, 24 males
judged to be psychologically stable and healthy were selected to participate.
The study was designed to last for two weeks and took place on the Stanford
University campus in a basement make-shift prison complete with a solitary
confinement cell. Volunteers acting as guards were instructed not to
physically harm or withhold sustenance from the prisoners. Still, guards were
reminded that they had all the power while the prisoners had none. Guards
were issued mirrored sunglasses, khaki uniforms, and wood batons.
Those volunteers serving as prisoners were not told when the experiment
would begin. They left the university and resumed their normal lives. To their
surprise (and humiliation), they were unexpectedly taken into custody in front
of friends and loved ones in public places. Prisoners were placed in a police
car and taken to the “jail” where they were fingerprinted, strip-searched,
deloused, photographed (mug shots), issued poorly fitted smocks and
stocking caps, and had a chain placed around their right ankle. Each prisoner
was then given a new prisoner number and not referred to by name again.
Almost immediately, guards and prisoners internalized their roles. Prisoners
responded in a variety of ways. Some began resisting guard demands,
whereas some passively accepted the psychological abuse heaped on them.
Some acted insane. Five prisoners exited the experiment before its conclusion
as a result of the trauma they experienced. Guards exhibited dehumanizing
authoritarian behaviors and attitudes and forced prisoners to engage in
degrading tasks, subjecting prisoners to psychological torture. Findings
indicated that one third of the guards exhibited sadistic tendencies; guards
even began controlling prisoner access to the toilet.
Even Zimbardo, the principal investigator of the study, failed to recognize the
unethical nature of this experiment until it was pointed out to him by a
graduate student. Only then did he see the escalating brutality of the situation,
as well as his own contribution it. Zimbardo recognized that he had begun
acting as the executive leader of the prison, rather than as an objective
researcher conducting an experiment. It was then, six days after beginning the
experiment, that it was ended. Zimbardo concluded that a brutal environment
leads to brutal behavior.
Guards actively humiliating several Stanford prisoners in sadistic and
authoritarian means. Do you believe you would have been a sadistic guard?
Zimbardo concluded anyone in that position would. Do you agree? Why or
why not?

Courtesy of Philip G. Zimbardo, Inc.

Foundational Ethical Research Principles and
These few examples of unethical research point to the need for research
oversight to prevent abuses of human subjects. Two historical and important
documents provided the initial moral framework that continues to guide
researchers today. After the research atrocities perpetrated in Nazi Germany,
the Nuremberg Code (Ivy, 1948) outlining ethical principles to guide
research, was created in 1947. It identifies ten points of guidance:
1. Required is the voluntary, well-informed, understanding consent of the
human subject in a full legal capacity.
2. The experiment should be aimed at positive results for society that
cannot be procured in some other way.
3. It should be based on previous knowledge (like an expectation derived
from animal experiments) that justifies the experiment.
4. The experiment should be set up in a way that avoids unnecessary
physical and mental suffering and injuries.
5. It should not be conducted when there is any reason to believe that it
implies a risk of death or disabling injury.
6. The risks of the experiment should be in proportion to (that is, not
exceed) the expected humanitarian benefits.
7. Preparations and facilities must be provided that adequately protect the
subjects against the experiment’s risks.
8. The staff members who conduct or take part in the experiment must be
fully trained and scientifically qualified.
9. The human subjects must be free to immediately quit the experiment at
any point when they feel physically or mentally unable to go on.
10. Likewise, the medical staff must stop the experiment at any point when
they observe that continuation would be dangerous.
A limitation of the Nuremberg Code (Office of History, National Institutes of
Health, n.d.) is that it offered no mechanism for compliance or enforcement.
The code relied on the researchers themselves to govern themselves, which as
the past shows is not effective:
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent
rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the
experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be
delegated to another with impunity. (item 1)
Sadly, the Nuremberg Code did not end unethical research. Note that the
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment described earlier began before the Nuremberg
Code was established, yet that experiment continued for almost 30 years after
the introducing the Code. Given the Nazi experiments, the Tuskegee Syphilis
Experiment, and many more examples of unethical research than this book
can cover, the National Research Act of 1974 was passed by Congress. This
law created the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects
of Biomedical and Behavioral Research (referred to as The Commission),
which was charged with developing human subject research guidelines. A
document from the 1974 Commission was the Belmont Report: Ethical
Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects and
Research (National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of
Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979), which was published in the U.S.
Federal Register in 1979. The Belmont Report identifies three core ethical
principles and three requirements that all researchers must adhere to when
conducting research on human subjects (unfortunately, the cute, fluffy
puppies were not protected by the Belmont Report, which focuses on
humans).3 The following are three fundamental principles outlined in the
Belmont Report:
3. Some documents now available do focus on ethics when it comes to
animal research. One such example was written by Bernard Rollin and can be
found at http://animalresearch.thehastingscenter.org/report/the-moral-status-
of-invasive-animal-research/#footnote-1, and at
1. Respect for persons. Individuals should be treated as autonomous
agents, and that autonomy must be acknowledged. Persons with
diminished autonomy are entitled to protection, and protection is
required of those with diminished autonomy.
2. Beneficence. Researchers are obligated to do no harm, to maximize
possible benefits, and to minimize possible harms to all participants in a
study. Study participants include respondents, researchers, and
3. Justice. Research subjects must be treated reasonably and fairly.
Selection of participants should not be conducted in which some due to
their easy availability, their compromised position, or their
manipulability are taken advantage of, or shoulder the bulk of the costs
of the research. Selection of subjects in research should be related
directly to the problem being studied. Costs and benefits of the research
should be shouldered fairly.
Respect for persons: First principle of ethical research outlined
in the Belmont Report. It states that individuals should be treated
as autonomous agents and that autonomy must be acknowledged.
Persons with diminished autonomy are entitled to protection, and
protection is required of those with diminished autonomy.
Beneficence: Second principle of ethical research outlined in the
Belmont Report. It states that researchers are obligated to do no
harm, to maximize possible benefits, and to minimize possible
harms to all participants in a study.
Justice: Third principle of ethical research outlined in the
Belmont Report. This principle indicates that research subjects
must be treated reasonably, justly, and fairly.
The following three requirements for human subjects research are indicated
by the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice in the
Belmont Report:
1. Informed consent. Participants in research can choose what shall or
shall not be done to them. To provide informed consent, voluntary
participation requires that participants choose to engage in the study
after having been given sufficient information about the study. In
addition, information about the research must be provided in a way that
is comprehensible to the participant.
2. Assessment of risk and benefits. It is required that all parties engaged
in research examine whether the benefits outweigh the risks. It is the
researcher’s responsibility to properly design a study, and to ensure the
selection of subjects is fair and just. It is a review committee’s
responsibility to identify if risks, if any, to the participants are justified.
Participants must assess whether they will or will not participate.
3. Selection of subjects. This requirement calls for the fair selection of,
and fair distribution of, outcomes associated with the selection of
research subjects for research conducted.
Informed consent: First requirement of ethical research stated in
the Belmont Report. Informed consent indicates participants can
choose what shall or shall not be done to them.
Voluntary participation: Required in ethical research. A
participant’s engagement in a study must be grounded in having
received comprehensible information about the study.
Information: Required by the Belmont Report for ethical
research. Those considering participating in research must be
provided information about the study they are considering.
Comprehensible: Requirement from the Belmont Report of the
information given possible study participants. That the
information be comprehensible is required before the participant
can offer informed consent.
Assessment of risk and benefits: Second requirement of ethical
research stated in the Belmont Report. It is required that all parties
engaged in research examine whether the benefits of the study
outweigh the risks.
Selection of subjects: Third requirement in the Belmont Report
that requires that subjects in research should be fairly selected and
that the benefits and risks of the research should be fairly
Today, institutional review board (IRB) committees frequently serve as the
review committees identified in the second requirement for human subjects
Institutional review boards (IRBs): Committee convened and
tasked with reviewing, approving, and monitoring health and
social science research involving humans in the United States.
With few exceptions, all research that is supported in any fashion
by the U.S. federal government requires IRB oversight; other
funding sources may also require IRB approval for human
subjects research.
Role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
IRBs that review behavioral human subjects research today resulted from two
primary sources. First, in 1966. the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS)
issued a memorandum requiring all proposed research using Public Health
Service grant funds be reviewed by a board of institutional associates:
No new, renewal, or continuation research or research training grant in
support of clinical research and investigation involving human beings
shall be awarded by the Public Health Service unless the grantee has
indicated in the application the manner in which the grantee institution
will provide prior review of the judgement of the principal investigator
or program director by a committee of his institutional associates. This
review should assure an independent determination: (1) of the rights and
welfare of the individual or individuals involved, (2) of the
appropriateness of the methods used to secure informed consent, and (3)
of the risks and potential medical benefits of the investigation. A
description of the committee associates who will provide the review
shall be included in the application. (p. 351)
Great improvements in terms of research oversight stemmed from this
memorandum as independent reviewers were required and enforcement was
tied to funding.
The second cornerstone document leading to IRB committees was that the
ideas in the 1966 USPHS memorandum were expanded to include a broader
group of federal agencies and departments with the work of the National
Research Act of 1974. This law prompted the establishment of IRB
committees to review almost all federally funded behavioral human subject
research at the local level (generally in universities). IRBs are tasked with
reviewing, approving, and monitoring health and social science research
involving humans in the United States. With few exceptions, all research that
is supported by the U.S. federal government requires IRB oversight.
Exceptions include research in which the only involvement of human
subjects include research (National Research Act of 1974, 2009)
conducted on normal educational practices in established or traditional
educational settings.
involving cognitive, diagnostic, aptitude, or achievement educational
tests (exceptions to this exemption are provided in the original source).
involving the collection or investigation of existing data, documents,
records, pathological specimens, or diagnostic specimens, if these
sources are publicly available, or if the information does not contain
means to identify the subjects.
including demonstration projects that are conducted by or subject to the
approval of department or agency heads, which are designed to study,
evaluate, or examine public benefit or service programs, or the
procedures used in these programs.
including taste and food quality evaluation and consumer acceptance.
For the full text of the exceptions, see http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-
IRB committees are required to ensure that the requirements and obligations
outlined in the Belmont Report are followed and that the rights of humans
participating in research are honored. Nevertheless, IRB committees are not
without controversy, especially when social science research is considered.
Finding a frustrated social scientist who has tangled with an IRB committee
is not very difficult. These frustrations often stem from the burdens placed on
social science researchers trying to satisfy IRB regulations that grew out of
medical and health research. Furthermore, frustration stems from changing
requirements based on changes in the committee membership. Attempts to
ameliorate this friction are ongoing. Although IRB committees can be
challenging to work with at times, review of research procedures and an
independent body to ensure human subject treatment is ethical have proven
necessary given past research shenanigans. As Dr. Carlos Cuevas of
Northeastern University, one of our featured researchers who will be
introduced in more detail later in this chapter, noted, “IRB is like the IRS, no
one likes them; but they are very much needed.”
Researcher Case Studies and a Road Map
One limitation of existing research methods books is that they often present
research as static, dry, boring, and a linear process where a researcher
completes step one, then step two, then step three, without every circling
back to improve or refine parts of the process. In addition, too often, research
methods books do not demonstrate how much fun research is! They do not
share the anticipation of what the results show or when the results show
something completely unexpected. This is fun! It is unfortunate that the fun is
often neglected because research is an investigation, an exploration, and the
answer that the researcher ultimately uncovers can come as a great surprise. It
is similar to opening a wrapped gift while excitedly anticipating what is

To illustrate the dynamic and fun nature of research and research methods,
several engaging researchers will be sharing stories about their own research
experiences in this text. These accomplished researchers have studied a range
of criminal justice and criminology topics, gathering a variety of types of
data, using a variety of research methodologies. Throughout the remainder of
the book, they share, often in their own words, stories about successes and
hurdles they have encountered as they have attempted to answer important
and interesting research questions. This information was gathered in a series
of personal interviews conducted via videoconference, many of which were
The next section introduces each researcher we follow throughout the
research process in the text. This section also introduces one piece of research
each researcher published in an academic journal. We will discuss the process
each engaged in throughout the text to illustrate research methods in action.
Table 1.2 follows and offers the full citation for each researcher’s work. For
additional information about each researcher, consult the corresponding
academic webpages that are available in the “Web Resources” section at the
end of this chapter.
Featured Researchers
Rachel Boba Santos, PhD
Courtesy of Rachel Boba Santos
Rachel Boba Santos, PhD, is a professor in the Criminal Justice Department
at Radford University. Her research interests include conducting practice-
based research, which is implementing and evaluating evidence-based
practices in the “real world” of criminal justice. In particular, her research
seeks to improve crime prevention and crime reduction efforts by police in
areas such as crime analysis, problem solving, accountability, as well as
leadership and organizational change. Her research has used a variety of
methods, including experimental research and program evaluation. In
addition, she has recently completed the fourth edition of her book, Crime
Analysis With Crime Mapping (2016), the only sole-authored textbook for
crime analysis.
Santos was first exposed to research when she was an undergraduate in
college. She was enrolled in a research methods class where she designed her
own survey. Her professor asked her what her future plans were and
encouraged her to pursue a PhD. As she progressed through her education,
she recognized that she has a talent for identifying and conducting pragmatic
and relevant research that mattered to police agencies and the community
they serve. Throughout the text, we learn more about Santos’s research and
the very practical application of it. Her work offers a useful blend of
experimental and evaluation research that can be quickly translated to the
field to assist police officers on the street. The particular piece of research we
focus on is an examination of the influence of offender-focused, high-
intensity police intervention to identify whether this approach reduces
property crime in known hot spots in a suburban environment. This article
was conducted with her colleague Roberto Santos, PhD (Santos & Santos,
2016). Although we are focusing on Rachel Santos in this text, it is important
to recognize Richard Santos’s collaborative role in this work.
Rod Brunson, PhD
Rod Brunson, PhD, is a professor and dean at the Rutgers University School
of Criminal Justice. His research examines youth experiences in
neighborhood contexts, with a specific focus on the interactions of race,
class, and gender, and their relationship to criminal justice practices. He has
authored or co-authored more than 50 articles, book chapters, and essays
using a variety of research methods, including gathering and analysis of
qualitative data and evaluation research.
Brunson was first exposed to research when he was in graduate school and
got invited to participate on a professor’s research project. In this capacity, he
went into a juvenile detention center and spoke to juveniles involved with
gangs. Brunson was surprised and intrigued by the willingness of people to
share intimate details of their lives. The purpose of that project was gangs,
but Brunson learned so much about the living conditions that these young
people faced every day that it made him more curious. From this experience,
a researcher emerged. Since then, Brunson has studied myriad topics in the
field (and behind the computer) that demonstrate the practical benefits of his
Courtsey of Rod Brunson
To learn more about Brunson’s research, we consider a piece of research he
was once told by a senior faculty member had no relevance: police relations
with urban disadvantaged males. It turns out that critic was wrong and that
understanding how disadvantaged male adolescents view and interact with
police is timely and relevant. In particular, Brunson examines whether there
are differences between those experiences and perceptions between Black
and White youth living in similarly disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. Like
others, Brunson collaborated on this research. His collaborator was Ronald
Weitzer, PhD, a sociologist at George Washington University (Brunson &
Weitzer, 2009). Although Weitzer’s contribution is important (in this piece
and in his body of research more generally), we focus on Brunson throughout
this text.
Carlos Cuevas, PhD
Carlos Cuevas, PhD, is an associate professor in the Criminology and
Criminal Justice Department at Northeastern University. His research
interests are in the area of victimization and trauma, sexual violence and
sexual offending, family violence, and psychological assessment. He focuses
on victimization among Latino women, youth, and understudied populations,
and how it relates to psychological distress and service utilization, as well as
the role cultural factors play on victimization. In addition, he is studying the
impact of psychological factors on the revictimization of children and how it
helps explain the connection between victimization and delinquency. He uses
a variety of methodologies to conduct his research, including secondary data
analysis and original data collection.

Courtesy of Carlos Cuevas

Cuevas never intended to be a researcher but instead started his program in
clinical psychology to become a clinician. From very early on in his graduate
program, Cuevas recognized that he was good at research, and he found
himself admiring the creative research conducted by his mentor. He
graduated and began doing the opposite of what he originally intended.
Today he spends about 90% of his time conducting research and publishing,
and the remainder working as a clinician. We will learn more about the
research Cuevas conducts by considering his research using data from a large
national survey focused on adolescent Latino victimization. Surprisingly,
research on victimization of Latinos in this nation has lagged, although the
work of Cuevas and several others is changing that. In the research we’ll
consider throughout the text, Cuevas and his colleagues examined the rates of
victimization, and the risk factors and cultural influences on dating violence
experienced by Latino teens. Collaboration among researchers is common.
This research is no exception as Cuevas worked with an excellent team,
including Chiara Sabina, PhD, and Heather M. Cotignola-Pickens (Sabina,
Cuevas, & Cotignola-Pickens, 2016). Sabina is an associate professor of
social sciences at Penn State Harrisburg and the lead author on this featured
research. The third author, Heather Cotignola-Pickens, was a student at the
time this research was conducted. Heather is beginning her doctoral studies at
Loyola University Maryland in clinical psychology.
Mary Dodge, PhD
Mary Dodge, PhD, is a professor in the School of Public Affairs at the
University of Colorado Denver. Her research focuses on women in the
criminal justice system, white-collar crime, policing, prostitution, and courts.
Most of her work focuses on qualitative data to gain a deep understanding of
the topics she examines. Dodge uses a variety of approaches, including
gathering original data and evaluation research.

Courtesy of Mary Dodge

She was first exposed to research as an undergraduate when she began
working as an assistant to a professor where she gathered data in a geriatric
unit in a hospital. As a doctoral student, Dodge recognized how interesting
research was when researching a project involving a university, alleged
illegal acts by doctors, cover-ups, and whistle-blowers. Anyone who thinks
research cannot be fun should give a good look at the research Dodge has
conducted. For our purposes, we focus on research she conducted with two of
her former students: Donna Starr-Gimeno and Thomas Williams (Dodge,
Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005). Donna Starr-Gimeno is a member of the
Denver Police Department, and Thomas Williams is a member of the Aurora
(Colorado) Police Department. This particular piece of research explores the
perspectives of female police officers who serve as decoys in prostitution
stings. Her work offers insight into how these women feel about themselves
and others involved in the stings. Prior to this research, researchers had only
speculated about how women view this type of work. In general, that
speculation viewed these roles as further evidence of the subjection and
degradation of women in law enforcement.
Chris Melde, PhD
Chris Melde, PhD, is the associate director of the School of Criminal Justice,
director of graduate studies, and an associate professor at Michigan State
University. His primary research interests include juvenile justice, street
gangs, youth violence, adolescent development, individual and community
reactions to crime and victimization risk, and program evaluation. His
research uses methodologies including survey research, original data
collection, evaluation research, experimental research, and secondary data

Courtesy of Chris Melde

Melde was first exposed to research when he was a sophomore in college.
With the encouragement he received from a professor, he pursued a PhD. It
was not until late in his PhD course work that he got excited about criminal
justice research—about asking his own interesting questions and finding a
way to answer them. He realized too that he was good at it. Initially, he did
not think being a student could be a profession, but in reality, researchers are
perpetual students. That part of research—the opportunity to continually
learn and solve puzzles—motivates much of Melde’s work. We will learn
more about Melde’s research by focusing a piece of research that examines
an apparent contradiction in the literature: Gang members talk about how
being in the gang protects them from victimization, but at the same time,
research shows that being a gang member is associated with greater
experiences of being violently victimized. With his collaborators, Melde’s
research offered insight into this apparent inconsistency. Melde’s
collaborators include two close colleagues: Finn-Aage Esbensen, PhD, and
Terrance J. Taylor, PhD (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009). Both are on
faculty in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the
University of Missouri–St. Louis.
Heather Zaykowski, PhD
Heather Zaykowski, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of
Sociology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her research interests
include victimization, youth violence, the intersection of victimization and
offending, police–community relationships, and help-seeking among victims.
Her research uses both qualitative and quantitative data, as well as a variety
of approaches, including analysis of secondary data, evaluation research, and
collection of original data.

Courtesy of Heather Zaykowski

Although Zaykowski was always interested in learning new things, she did
not fully understand what research was or that she could do it as a job until
the end of her undergraduate education. She had a senior thesis project that
required the collection of original data. In completing this work, she realized
how much she appreciated the opportunity to move beyond a research
methods/statistics class to try to answer a question of her own. The ability to
address her own curiosity by conducting research is a consistent thread in
Zaykowski’s work. We see this when we review her research addressing the
puzzling question about what it takes for victims of violence to access and
use victim services (Zaykowski, 2014). Zaykowski’s work examines the
factors associated with accessing victim services for male and female victims
(most research only considers female victims), including characteristics such
as whether the violence was reported to the police and victim demographics.
Unlike our other case studies, this research was conducted by Zaykowski
alone, without collaboration.
Road Map to the Book
This text is presented in six parts. Part I, the current chapter, offered
information on what is meant by research methods and why research methods
are important. It showed that understanding methods offers information
needed to be a better consumer, producer, and proposer of knowledge. Being
an informed consumer, proposer, and producer of research and knowledge is
a vitally important skill regardless of the path in life you or anyone takes.
Plus it provides a new path in that you can become a researcher yourself. Part
II presents information on the beginning stages of conducting research. This
includes developing a research topic or research question and conducting a
literature review. In addition, it demonstrates that preparing for research is
not a linear process, but each part informs the other. It requires constant
looping back to refine your approach. Part III of the book moves into the
introduction and description of important foundational elements used in
designing, proposing, and conducting a study. This includes concepts,
conceptualizations, operationalizations, variables, measurements, and
samplings. Part IV focuses on the ways a researcher can collect different
types of data that will be used to answer the research question. It covers
approaches used to gather qualitative data, the use of secondary data,
experimental research, crime mapping, and several others. Part V focuses on
basic analytic approaches you can use to generate findings to answer a
research question. In addition, this section discusses approaches to make your
research broadly relevant especially in terms of policy. In this chapter, we
offer the policy implications of our highlighted articles. Part VI, the final part
of the book, synthesizes all of the information presented in the text to
demonstrate how these skills can be used practically in careers in criminal
justice and criminology (and beyond). In addition, this section presents
valuable information about things you can do to turn these skills into a
rewarding and influential career. This includes discussing where to search for
jobs, documents needed in these searches, interviewing skills, and other
important basics.
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter presents foundational material regarding what research methods
are and why they are important. Research methods were placed in the larger
context of knowledge and social science research. This chapter offered a first
glimpse at the steps used in conducting research, and how this knowledge can
be used to assess existing information and create new knowledge. A brief
introduction to the steps in research was provided, including generating a
research question; engaging in a literature review; identifying data, samples,
definitions, analytic techniques; and finally, making and disseminating
conclusions. An important topic introduced and emphasized was ethics in
research. Classic research examples in which ethics were absent were
discussed as well as contemporary guiding principles and requirements of
conducting ethical research to avoid problems from the past. Finally, this
chapter introduced you to several prominent criminology and criminal justice
researchers who will share stories about their own research throughout the
text. Better understanding what each did and why they did it, when
conducting their own research, will illustrate the reality of research that
includes both successes as well as hurdles, and problems to be solved.
Decisions, hurdles, and roadblocks are a normal part of research, and
understanding how they were dealt with in reality by a variety of researchers
will make you a stronger researcher. Next, we move to Part II of the book
that provides insight into the foundational steps of conducting research. We
first focus our attention on developing a research question, and then we turn
to conducting a literature review.
Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Unethical Research
Students should find an example of unethical research. The
example does not have to be from the social sciences and can
include research from the military, medicine, or elsewhere. Do not
use an article that has been widely discussed, including those
discussed in this chapter, such as Zimbardo, Milgrim, or the
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. In your thought paper, present the
following: a summary of the research—purpose, methodology,
and findings. Describe specifically why you believe the work is
unethical. Which principles of ethical research were violated?
Discuss whether the research question may have been researched
in another more ethical way? Do you believe that what was
learned outweighs the ethical problems with this research? Turn
in a summary of the unethical research along with your discussion
of it as your thought paper. Be prepared to discuss what you
found in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Unethical Research
As a group, discuss one of the pieces of unethical research
described in this chapter. As a group, be able to offer a synopsis
of this research, including a summary of the research—purpose,
methodology, and findings. Describe specifically why you believe
the work is unethical, if you do. If you do not believe it was
unethical, be able to defend your position using information from
this chapter (e.g., principles of ethical research). Discuss whether
the research question may have been researched in another more
ethical way. How might it have been done more ethically? Do you
believe that what was learned outweighs the ethical problems with
this research? How is what we learned from this research relevant
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Using
These Skills to Get a Career
Do a search of the many career positions available for those with
research methods skills in the criminology, or criminal justice
fields. Some helpful search terms include “analyst” or “research”
or “data.” Also look to some specific agency websites such as
Rand, Abt, Weststat, and RTI (Research Triangle Institute). Be
sure to consider looking at businesses that hire those with
methods skills. Search for roles using these skills in the local and
federal government. Write a paper that focuses on the many jobs
that one can get using these skills. Reflect on how mastering these
skills will be useful in the “real world.” Identify those skills you
want to especially focus on to make yourself marketable.
Key Words and Concepts
Assessment of risk and benefits 19
Authoritative sources 9
Behaviorally specific questions 5
Beneficence 19
Comprehensible 19
Data 2
Definition 5
Ethics 19
Information 19
Informed consent 19
Institutional review board (IRB) 20
Intuition 10
Justice 19
Knowledge 2
Literature review 12
Measurement 5
Personal experience 9
Research 2
Research methods 2
Research question 10
Respect for persons 19
Sample 5
Science 2
Selection of subjects 19
Social science research 2
Tradition, customs, and norms 9
Voluntary participation 19
Key Points
Research methods identify the process and approaches available when
conducting research.
Research methods are important because they offer information on the
options available when conducting research that ensures quality creation
of knowledge as well as a critical means for assessing existing
In different research studies, there may be differences in definitions,
measurements, and samples used (as well as in other methodological
elements) that explain the differences in findings. Just because two
studies result in different findings does not mean one or both are bad
There is no universally agreed-upon definition for many concepts
studied in criminology and criminal justice.
One gains knowledge from scientific and nonscientific sources.
Nonscientific sources are easy to use, but they come with the limitation
that they may be incorrect.
Research is guided by a research question. The purpose of the research
is to answer the research question and enhance knowledge on the topic.
Literature reviews summarize and synthesize existing understanding
about a topic.
Designing research means planning the precise steps used to answer the
research question.
Every step of research must involve ethical considerations.
The Belmont Report provides three fundamental principles of ethical
research, including respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. The
requirements of these principles include informed consent stemming
from comprehensible information used to volunteer for the study,
assessment of risks and benefits by all involved, fairness in selecting
subjects, and ensuring risks and benefits are justly distributed among
subjects in the research.
IRB committees are charged with reviewing, approving, and monitoring
health and social science research conducted involving humans in the
United States (with few exceptions).
Review Questions
1. What do we mean by “research methods”?
2. Why is understanding research methods an important skill?
3. Why is developing a research question valuable?
4. What can a literature review offer in regard to research methods?
5. Why is scientific knowledge especially useful?
6. What is offered by understanding the research methods used in a
particular piece of research?
7. Concepts used across pieces of research may be defined and
measured differently. Why is that important to understand when
assessing and designing research?
8. What was the impetus for the Nuremberg Code and the Belmont
9. What was the importance of the Nuremberg Code and the
Belmont Report?
10. Why are IRB committees important, and what caused them to
come into existence?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. The FBI and NCVS use different crimes in their definitions of
violence. Which do you feel is better (if either), and why? Would
you add any crimes that are missing from either? Which crimes?
How would you measure them?
2. The FBI and NCVS count crimes differently. Do you believe
counting victimizations, victims, or offense/incidents is more
appropriate? Why? How would changing NCVS estimates from
victimizations to victims change crime statistics?
3. Defenders of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment argue that by
preventing participants from accessing penicillin, much was
learned about syphilis. Do you believe that the benefits gained
from this research outweighed the costs to those men and their
families? Why or why not? Is there another way this same
information could have been accessed?
4. Many argue that IRB committees should be disbanded when it
comes to social science. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of disbanding IRB committees? Would you be in
favor of this? Do you believe social science researchers would be
able to police themselves? Why or why not?
5. In Damned Lies and Statistics (2012), Joel Best notes that no
research is perfect but some is less perfect than others. Given this
introduction to research methods, what are some ways some
research can be made closer to perfect in your opinion?

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Part 2 Setting the Stage for Your Research
The first chapter in the text addressed the important questions of why
research methods are important, what research methods are, and the role of
ethics in research. The first chapter is intended to make clear why the
material in the rest of the book is important. Research matters, and how you
conduct research matters. If you do not understand why research methods
matter, then the learning the rest of this material is going to be more difficult
(and less fun) than it should be.
In this second section of the text, we begin by describing tasks you need to
accomplish to properly design your research. In this section, we cover two
important topics—topics that are often neglected in methods texts. First, we
provide information on how to select a research topic and develop a suitable
research question. For many new researchers, this can be an intimidating
task. We think, however, that given the material presented here, you will find
choosing a topic you care about, and using it to develop a research question,
to be manageable (Chapter 2). The next major task covered in this foundation
section is the literature review (Chapter 3). This topic is also generally never
discussed in a methods text to the detriment of students. The literature review
is frequently dreaded by students, but we strongly believe that terror stems
from the fact that few students are taught how to write a literature review.
The literature review material presented here offers step-by-step directions on
what literature you should search for, how to search for it, and how to craft
that information into an excellent literature review. We find with the clear
directions provided that student anxiety about literature reviews is greatly
reduced and that writing them may even be enjoyable. With these
foundational steps completed, you as researcher can move onto designing
your research, which is the topic of the third section of this text.
Chapter 2 Identifying a Topic, a Purpose,
and a Research Question
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
2.1 Describe why a research topic is necessary, and identify
several sources for developing a research topic.
2.2 Compare and contrast the four primary purposes of research.
2.3 Identify the purpose of a research question, and demonstrate
your ability to evaluate a research question.
2.4 Evaluate the importance of the Federal Policy for Protection of
Human Subjects, its subparts, and the role of the Common Rule.
2.5 Summarize a “vulnerable population,” and identify the ways
in which a group may be vulnerable.
2.6 Define “human subjects” and “research” according to the
Common Rule.
In building on the information presented in Chapter 1, this chapter addresses
initial steps in conducting research: identifying a research topic and
developing it into a research question. All research is guided by interest in a
topic. For example, perhaps you, like Heather Zaykowski, one of our featured
researchers introduced in Chapter 1, are interested in what makes a victim of
violence more or less likely to access victim services (Zaykowski, 2014). Or
perhaps your interest lies in wondering about differences in young Black and
White males perceptions and experiences regarding contact with the police.
Research begins with an interest in a topic like this. Although having a topic
of interest is the key, research is based on a narrower focus—a question that
you as a researcher want to answer—a research question. You as a researcher
conduct research to answer that research question. How then does a
researcher decide on a topic of interest? And how does a researcher form a
research question about that topic? Where do hypotheses fit into this? Before
moving onto the remainder of this chapter, it is informative to take a look at
the wheel of science.
Wheel of Science
Science is a recursive process, meaning it is never ending and works as a
continuous loop. Knowledge created from scientific discovery leads to new
ideas, these ideas lead to new testable questions, and these questions can be
answered by more empirically based research. Nearly 50 years ago, Walter
Wallace created a visual depiction of this scientific process, which has
become known as Wallace’s wheel of science (Figure 2.1). Although the
scientific process can begin anywhere on the wheel, the easiest way to
explain it is to start at the top with “Theory” and work our way around the
wheel clockwise. Please note that although we introduce the steps of the
wheel of science here, the remainder of the book goes into greater detail
about each stage.
Wheel of science: Diagram developed by Walter Wallace (1971)
that illustrates the recursive nature of the scientific process of
developing empirical knowledge.
Figure 2.1 Scientific Process as a Recursive Process

Source: Adapted from Walter, 1971, The Logic of Science in Sociology.

Criminological theory provides a set of inter-related propositions (i.e., cause-
and-effect statements that link unobservable concepts), assumptions, and
definitions about how the world is expected to work or about how the people
living in it are supposed to behave. For example, Cohen and Felson’s (1979)
routine activity theory suggests that when a motivated offender and a suitable
target converge in space and time, and a guardian who is willing and able to
prevent an incident from occurring is absent, a crime can occur. This is a
popular theory for explaining why and when crime happens, and it forms the
basis of many research questions. Research questions are the overarching
question being addressed in a piece of research.
In some research, researchers develop hypotheses that they will also be
testing in a piece of research. Hypotheses are statements (not questions)
about expected relationships between variables. For instance, one may
hypothesize that the more motivated offenders in an area, the higher the
crime rates in that area. Although research questions are broad questions,
hypotheses are the predictions that specific relationships or associations will
be observed.
Theory: Explanation about how things work. A set of interrelated
propositions, assumptions, and definitions about how the world is
expected to work living in it are supposed to behave.
Hypothesis: Testable statement about the relationship between
The next steps depicted in Wallace’s wheel of science after establishing a
research question and possibly hypotheses include (a) choosing an approach
research methodology (i.e., Research Design) to answer the research question
and test the researcher’s hypotheses, and (b) collecting data (i.e.,
Observation) that will be analyzed as part of this process. With data in hand,
the researcher then analyzes the data, develops findings to answer the
research question and find support, or fails to find support for any
hypotheses. Findings tend to raise more questions and influence our
understanding of theory, which begins the cycle again.
This text is focused on this process. In this chapter, though, we begin with the
first steps including research questions. We present information about why
you need a research topic, and then we offer several sources for research
topic ideas. Afterward, we discuss four primary purposes or goals of
research. By using the topic and the purpose of research selected, a
discussion about the development of a research question follows. The chapter
concludes with a discussion of common pitfalls associated with developing a
topic, purpose, and research question, as well as ethical considerations to be
aware of when engaging in these preliminary research steps.
Why Identify a Topic, a Purpose, and a Research
This text presents the steps taken to conduct research in criminal justice and
criminology to create new knowledge. The first step in conducting research
includes selecting a research topic, identifying the purpose of the proposed
research, and refining that information into a research question that will guide
the research. In each of these steps, it is important that you as a researcher
keep the broader purpose of what you are doing and why you are doing it—
you are conducting research to create new knowledge. This requires a better
understanding about what does and does not constitute research.
Counterintuitively, this is most easily demonstrated by identifying and
making clear what research is not. Research is not an unstructured, unguided,
gathering or presentation of information or facts on some topic of interest.
Research is not summarizing or synthesizing existing information or facts on
some topic found by “Googling.” An individual who is rearranging or
compiling current knowledge on a topic is not engaging in research.
Although some professors or teachers in your past may have referred to such
activities as “research,” these activities are not research; it may be a part of
conducting research, but simply compiling information is not research. Why
are none of those activities research? Because none of those activities are
guided by a research question, require the collection and analysis of data, and
ultimately lead to the creation of new knowledge. The steps outlined in this
chapter show you how to take a topic and develop a research question that
will guide the remainder of the research that ultimately leads to new
knowledge. A research question is developed from a topic, and being guided
by a research question is one distinction between research and nonresearch
activities. This is why identifying a research topic is an important first step.
How to Identify a Research Topic
What is a research topic? A research topic is a subject about which you are
intellectually curious, as well as a subject you are eager to investigate to
develop greater knowledge. Being genuinely interested in a research topic is
essential. Conducting research takes time and energy, and without a genuine
interest in, and curiosity about that topic, it will be drudgery and a chore. In
contrast, selecting a research topic of great interest makes research gratifying
and enjoyable. To select a research topic, you should ask questions such as
“What do I care about?” “What intrigues me?” “What would I like to learn
more about?” and “What puzzles me?” With some curiosity, imagination, and
a desire to learn, you will find fascinating and fun research topics.
Research topic: Subject about which one is intellectually curious
and wishes to investigate to develop additional knowledge.
If these questions do not result in the discovery of a research topic, the next
section offers additional sources where ideas about research topics are
plentiful. Keep in mind that these ideas or approaches are not mutually
exclusive but rather several approaches can be used simultaneously to
develop a research topic. We begin by considering published research.
Published Research
Published criminal justice and criminology research is a valuable resource for
identifying topics of interest. A productive approach using extant research is
to examine the titles of recently published articles. Consider, for example,
some titles found in volume 33, issue number 2, of Justice Quarterly,
published in 2016:
1. Wooldredge, J., & Steiner, B. Police Enforcement of Domestic Violence
Laws: Supervisory Control or Officer Prerogatives?
2. Fox, K., Nobles, M., & Fisher, B. A Multi-Theoretical Framework to
Assess Gendered Stalking Victimization: The Utility of Self-Control,
Social Learning, and Control Balance Theories.
3. Stupi, E., Chiricos, T., & Gertz, M. Perceived criminal threat from
undocumented immigrants: Antecedents and consequences for policy
An examination of these titles provides several potential research topics,
including police enforcement, domestic violence, and gendered stalking.
From reading these titles, you may realize you have an interest in police
enforcement, the characteristics of domestic violence, or the prevalence of
gendered stalking.
Another excellent place to search in journal articles is in the concluding
sections of published articles. It is standard practice for a journal article to
identify suggested topics for future research. Reading what published authors
note is needed for future research is another way to identify a topic of
In addition to examining titles and the recommended future research in
published articles, you can read journal articles in their entirety. It is simply
the case, and this cannot be stated enough, that the more you know about
existing research on a topic, the more you will recognize what is not known
about that topic. It may seem that there remains no stone unturned in the
world of criminal justice and criminology research, but that is far from the
truth. There is much that remains unknown, and much knowledge that can be
enhanced. When consulting journal articles in the literature, pay special
attention to the literature review where gaps in knowledge on a topic are
generally explicitly identified. It may be that some identified gap is
something of interest to you. This is exactly how the idea for the research on
disadvantaged male youth and police relations conducted by Rod Brunson,
another one of our featured researchers, was developed. In reading the
literature, Brunson identified a lack of comparisons of youth and police
relations between Black and White disadvantaged males. This made it
challenging to know whether police youth interactions were a result of the
disadvantaged neighborhoods or the race of the youth. It turns out that
finding a high-crime, disadvantaged, predominantly White neighborhood was
challenging, and as a result, the existing work focused primarily on Black
neighborhoods (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). Brunson and his colleague
recognized that without the comparison between Blacks and Whites living in
similarly disadvantaged neighborhoods, it was not possible to isolate whether
poor police relations were a result of the high crime in an area (disadvantaged
neighborhoods) or the race of the youth living in the neighborhoods. Seeing
this gap in criminologists’ understanding allowed Brunson and his
collaborator, Ronald Weitzer, to compare experiences and perceptions across
neighborhoods. In doing so, they found evidence that the key characteristic
associated with quality of police relations was race, and not the crime rates of
the disadvantaged neighborhoods. A result of recognizing this gap in the
literature led to this timely and interesting finding that enhances the body of
police-relations research.

Another featured researcher, Chris Melde, along with his collaborators,

conducted research on gang members and fear that also stemmed from
Melde’s familiarity of the gang research literature (Melde, Taylor, &
Esbensen, 2009). Melde recognized the ample evidence that indicates that
gang members are far more likely to be violently victimized than nongang
members. Yet, the literature also offers evidence that gang members join
gangs because they allegedly provide safety and security. In gang members’
words, as a member of a gang, others “got your back.” Melde wondered, how
can both of these contradictory phenomena be so? Exploiting this apparent
inconsistency in our understanding of gangs led Melde and his collaborators,
Finn-Aage Esbensen and Terrance Taylor, to this research topic.
Obvious gaps in the literature also led to Zaykowski’s (2014) research of
victim reporting of violence to the police. Zaykowski had long been
interested in better understanding crime-reporting behavior and other forms
of help-seeking among victims. She recognized that in this literature, the
research focus was mainly on female victims, specifically on sexual and
relationship violence. She felt it important to expand knowledge regarding
victim reporting to include male victims as well as other types of crime
experienced by females (beyond sexual and relationship violence). In these
ways, Zaykowski was able to add knowledge to a criminologist’s
understanding about help seeking for male and female victims and for a
broader range of crimes.
Featured researcher Rachel Boba Santos’s knowledge of the literature, and
her understanding about practical issues faced by police agencies given her
background as a crime analyst, gave rise to her research topic on the effect of
offender-focused, high-intensity policing on burglary and property theft in
known suburban hot spots. Santos and her collaborator, Roberto Santos,
surmised that because offenders tend to offend near their homes (but not too
near their homes), the implementation of an offender-focused intervention
(i.e., high-intensity surveillance and patrol) focused on multiple known
offenders living in hot spots, should lead to a reduction of that crime type in
that hot spot (Santos & Santos, 2016). This research contributes to our
knowledge about both offender-focused intervention and place-based
research. In addition, it demonstrates the usefulness of this approach in a
suburban setting (most research focuses on urban crime) and for property
crimes (most research focuses on violent crime). By understanding the
research literature, and the practical needs of law enforcement, Santos and
her collaborator developed a research topic that brought together multiple,
and related, lines of inquiry. These are just a few ways in which existing
research can offer a gold mine of ideas for identifying a research topic.
Available data are an excellent resource for identifying research topics. What
are data? Data are1 pieces of information or evidence that can take a variety
of forms such as numbers, words, observations, measurements, illustrations,
recordings, and descriptions. Some data sets have a data codebook that
identifies every characteristic or variable available in the data, and how it is
measured. For example, a codebook may have a variable or characteristics
named “School_Year” that is measured using six categories: freshman,
sophomore, junior, senior, other, and unknown. Codebooks often have
hundreds or thousands of variables found in the data set. For example, in the
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), a major source of crime
victimization data in the U.S. data codebook, you can find an enormous
assortment of characteristics related to criminal property and personal
victimizations including data about the victim, offender, and incident. In the
NCVS codebook, you can learn that data on weapons used, injuries sustained,
police reporting, offender drug/alcohol use, and hundreds of other topics are
available. You might find multiple codebooks for the same data for different
years that reflect changes in data collected. In the case of the NCVS, new
topics of interest have been added over time. In 2003, a variable designed to
gather data about the victim’s perception of whether his or her victimization
was a result of a hate crime were added. In June 2005, a variable used to
gather data was added about whether the victim of a crime was pregnant at
the time of the incident. In June 2008, new variables designed to gather data
on whether victims felt distress, worry, anger, violation, and so on were
added. Any of these variables may prompt the recognition of a topic of
1. The word data is typically considered to be plural in scientific writing;
thus, the phrase “data are . . .” is correct.
Data codebook: Collection of all data gathered by a particular
data set. Many criminal justice and criminology data codebooks
are available online at no charge.
In some cases, examining a codebook prompts research ideas because of
what is not found. Zaykowski noted that as a graduate student reading
through the NCVS codebook, she was frustrated by the lack of variables
available about victim behavior. In particular, she was interested in victim
drinking or drug use at the time of the victimization. Although data on this
topic are asked with regard to the offender in the NCVS, they are not asked
with regard to the victim. This prompted Zaykowski to seek other data sets,
as well as to consider gathering her own data on this research topic.

Many fail to recognize that they are surrounded by data. Data take on many
forms, including words, actions, interactions, speech, text, and numbers. That
was the case for the youth and police relations research conducted by
Brunson. Brunson recognized he had access to young African American
males in a high-crime, disadvantaged neighborhood, as well as to young
Whites in a similarly disadvantaged place. Being able to interview these
individuals to collect data on their experiences offered a key opportunity to
conduct research that adds to our collective knowledge. The access and the
trust Brunson established with the neighborhood youth in multiple
neighborhoods over time allowed him to undertake this important study.
Criminal justice and criminological theories are sources of potential research
topics. A theory comprises statements that explain a phenomenon. Theory is
an explanation about how things work. Many argue that theory and research
go hand in hand, and one is not of value without the other. For example, Cao
(2004, p. 9) states that “[o]bservation without theory is chaotic and wasteful,
while a theory without the support of observation is speculative.” To some,
theory is the starting point of the traditional research model, and that theory
guides the entire research process. Conducting research using this model is
respected, but there are practical reasons that nontheory testing research is
conducted. For instance, some theories are so vague as to be difficult to
confirm or disconfirm using research. In some cases, theories include
elements for which there are simply no data available (or gathering those data
is not feasible). In addition, the purpose of some research is to build theory
versus to be guided by established theory.
Many people falsely believe that data comes in the form of numbers only.
The truth is that data are everywhere you look. For Rod Brunson, gathering
information from individuals in an African American Barber Shop in St.
Louis—a type of data—formed the basis for multiple research publications.
Yes, interviewing people in their natural settings doing fun things can be
research and provide valuable data. Where around you do you see data?

© EyeJoy/iStockphoto.com
Valuable research has been conducted outside of the pure theory testing
approach. In fact, none of our case study researchers engage primarily in
theory testing. Their understanding of criminal justice and criminology is
informed by theoretical perspectives, but each researcher describes him- or
herself as a more applied and practical researcher. As Brunson notes, “it is
important that scholars be well-versed in theory. However, I don’t think that
theory–or lack thereof–should restrict intellectual pursuits. Theory should be
used as a framework and guide and not discourage further exploration of
ideas.” Theory and research are never fully divorced, however. Research that
is not focused on theory testing is used to develop or enhance extant theory.
Similarly, theory testing has yielded understanding that guides additional
Whether you are interested in traditional theory testing or other types of
research, understanding theory leads to ideas about research topics. For
example, routine activity theory identifies three necessary, but not sufficient,
components for crime to occur: a capable guardian, a motivated offender, and
a suitable target (see Figure 2.2). Although you may not test this theory
directly, understanding the theory may lead you to ask, “What makes a
guardian capable?” This may lead to a fruitful line of inquiry on this topic
that intrigues you.
Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
In some cases, an organization will advertise the need for research on a
specified topic. These types of requests frequently come in the form of a
request for proposals (RFP). Requests for proposals are formal statements
asking for research proposals on a particular topic. Qualified researchers, or
teams of researchers, submit an in-depth proposal for conducting research on
that topic. The proposals are reviewed by experts, and none, one, or several
of the proposals are funded. The federal government as well as state and local
governments regularly publish requests for proposals. Carlos Cuevas, another
one of our featured researchers, and his colleagues (Sabina, Cuevas, &
Cotignola-Pickens, 2016) were able to secure a grant to fund the data
collection that led to their study on Latino teen dating violence in this way.
Although the RFP that had been posted requested research about teen dating
violence only, Cuevas’s team wanted to examine it, other types of violence,
and the role that cultural influences play on victimization. Even though the
topic of teen dating violence among Latinos was an area of interest to Cuevas
prior to the government’s RFP, the RFP offered Cuevas and his colleagues an
opportunity to collect data that enabled them to conduct research that simply
could not have happened without the grant funding. Together, an interest in
the topic, familiarity with the fact that the literature had little information
about experiences of Latinos, and the presence of an RFP led to a research
topic and an opportunity to conduct research on this topic by Cuevas and his

Request for proposals (RFP): Formal statement asking for

research proposals on a particular topic.
Peruse RFPs posted online to see whether they prompt research topics of
interest for you. It may be surprising to see the variety of topics across RFPs.
To see all current RFPs originating from the federal government, go to
www.grants.gov. On this page, you can select RFPs from specific
departments such as the Department of Justice. You can also go directly to a
page of current RFPs posted by the Department of Justice at
www.grants.gov/search-grants.html?agencyCode%3DUSDOJ. Aside from
the federal government, private entities, local governments, nonprofits, and
smaller organizations also post RFPs. For example, imagine yourself in your
new role as an analyst at a research organization focused on criminal justice
and criminology research. In this role, you would be constantly watching for
RFPs to submit a proposal, and hopefully, you would be awarded grant funds
to do research. In these cases, your research question is guided by the
parameters of the RFP.
Figure 2.2 Routine Activity Theory
Personal Experiences
Personal experiences are another way to identify a research topic. Each of us
has experienced or witnessed events that make us wonder about something.
Perhaps you and a friend engaged in the same behavior, but your friend went
to prison and you did not. This may lead to your interest in understanding
variation in arrest or sentencing in the criminal justice system. Perhaps you
have noticed that some people you know are given tickets for traffic
violations when they are pulled over, yet others who engage in the same
behavior get off with a warning. This experience may stimulate an interest in
investigating variation in receiving traffic citations. An all too common
experience is that a family member has experienced violence committed by
an intimate partner. Given this, you might develop an interest in the ways that
people cope with or respond to intimate partner violence or what leads some
to become a perpetrator of intimate partners.
A personal experience led to featured researcher Mary Dodge’s idea to
conduct research on prostitution stings where women law enforcement agents
act as decoys (Dodge, Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005). Dodge spends a fair
amount of time in the field as a researcher with members of police agencies.
Prior to starting this research, Dodge was engaged in a ride-along with
officers and detectives while they focused on cracking down on prostitution.
Part of Dodge’s time was spent in the hotel room where police would arrest
“johns” entering with prostitutes they quickly learned were law enforcement
officers acting as decoys. Although Dodge wanted to interview the men being
arrested for that research, it became apparent that men in handcuffs who are
arrested for soliciting prostitution are not very talkative. Imagine you are the
minister that was arrested in this situation. Would you want to talk about it?
He certainly did not. It occurred to Dodge during this particular incident that
no one had interviewed female police officers acting as crack-addicted
prostitutes about their experiences as decoys. Dodge knew they would be
willing to talk, and she did not think there was any research on this topic.
This personal experience lead to the development of the highlighted research
we follow in this book.

Personal experience was partially responsible for the hot spots research topic
focused on by Santos (Santos & Santos, 2016). Santos’s colleague, Roberto is
a former law enforcement officer who is now an assistant professor at the
same university. As an officer, he developed a new policing approach. As a
team, they knew that some research takes into account certain crime patterns
and places but that the research frequently fails to consider the role of
offenders. Santos and her colleague recognized (from literature gaps) that
there was a need to focus on offenders. Given these personal experiences,
knowledge of the literature, and a well-timed RFP, Santos and her
collaborator were able to develop a research topic on hot spots that was
practical and applicable to law enforcement agencies.
Reading is an excellent source for finding interesting research topics.
Consider Coming Out from Behind the Badge, which chronicles Greg
Miraglia’s (2007) experiences as a gay police officer. Given the
hypermasculine culture of law enforcement, Miraglia recognized that coming
out as a gay law enforcement officer would be ill advised while he was an
officer. Reading about Miraglia’s experiences may lead to a curiosity about
the presence of LGBTQ officers in law enforcement or about changes in
acceptance of LGBTQ officers over time.
Greg Miraglia served as a law enforcement officer before taking a role in
higher education. Reading his book titled Coming Out from Behind the
Badge offers many possible research topics.
Courtesy of Greg Miraglia
Or consider reading about the colorful Art Winstanley. Art was a burglar
specializing in safe cracking in the 1960s. What makes his story unusual is
that he was also a Denver police officer, and he operated with a ring of
burglars, most of whom were also Denver police officers. As told in Burglars
in Blue, Winstanley (2009) began burglarizing Denver area businesses as a
rookie. He and the other burglars would case a business during the day,
chatting up store owners who freely shared information such as where the
safe was located. By taking advantage of trusting business owners and the
lack of technology available at the time, Winstanley would return later to
burglarize the business. His partner would wait in the patrol car to monitor
the radio (portable radios did not exist). If a call came over the radio about a
burglar alarm going off where Winstanley was safe cracking, his partner
would radio that he and Winstanley would investigate. By doing this, no one
else showed up who could apprehend these crafty burglars. Winstanley was
eventually caught and sentenced to prison after a safe fell out of the trunk of
his vehicle as he fled a scene. Reading about Winstanley and his co-
conspirators may prompt you to learn more about police officers who commit
crimes, officers who serve time in prison, or changes and improvements in
technology in law enforcement and the criminal justice system.
Research in Action: Mental Illness and Revictimization: A
Comparison of Black and White Men
Although research has focused primarily on the violent offending
of individuals with mental illness, recently attention has been
given to the violent victimization of this group. In addition to
examining victimization of the persons with mental illness,
attention is being given to the revictimization of these individuals.
Research shows that persons with mental illness have a high risk
of being victimized and that this increased risk may extend to
revictimization as well. The researchers point to a single study
that has investigated the revictimizaiton of persons with mental
illness that concluded that revictimization trajectories vary by
diagnosis, symptomology, and alcohol abuse. What remains
unknown is how other individual characteristics influence the
chances of revictimization. Policastro, Teasdale, and Daigle
(2015) fill these gaps in our understanding by exploring
differences, if any, in the trajectories of recurring victimization by
victim’s race. To do this, the research addresses the following
research questions:
1. What types of within-person characteristics influence
recurring victimization over time for each racial group?
2. Do the trajectories of recurring victimization of Black
persons diagnosed with serious mental illness differ from the
trajectories of White persons diagnosed with serious mental
The sample used in this research by Policastro et al. (2015) was
gathered via a stratified random sample of eligible patients
discharged from in-patient psychiatric facilities at sites in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Worcester, Massachusetts; and Kansas
City, Missouri. Those eligible for being drawn in sample were
between the ages of 18 and 40, English-speaking, and White or
African American. Participants had to be civil (not criminal)
admissions to each facility and have a medical diagnosis of at
least one of the following disorders: schizophrenia, depression,
mania, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder,
dysthymia, brief reactive psychosis, delusional disorder,
substance abuse/dependence, or personality disorder. The
outcome variable of interest is whether the individual had been
threatened, or had been victimized physically, with or without a
weapon. The independent variables in this research includes drug
use, alcohol use, social network, symptomology, use of violence,
level of daily functioning, stress, homelessness, marital status,
employment, socioeconomic status, and diagnosis.
After describing the sample, the researchers identified two major
findings. First that the effect of alcohol abuse differed by victim’s
race. Alcohol abuse is associated with increased risk of
revictimization for White persons with serious mental illness but
not for Black persons with serious mental illness. The second
major finding is that the trajectories of revictimization differed
between Whites and Blacks. Specifically, the trajectory of
revictimization declines for Whites but remains flat for Blacks.
This research indicates that the lived experiences of mental illness
are different among the Black population compared with among
the White population.
The policy implications of this work points to the need for mental
health care services for diverse populations and cultural
sensitivity in their delivery. The results also suggest the need to
ensure the accessibility of mental health treatment exists for
underserved populations. With more mental health care providers
in Black communities, the trajectory of revictimization may be
Policastro, C., Teasdale, B., & Daigle L. E. (2015). The recurring
victimization of individuals with mental illness: A comparison of
trajectories for two racial groups. Journal of Quantitative
Criminology, 32, 675–693.
Viewing the evening news, documentaries, or movies, combined with
curiosity, can lead to excellent research topics. In the previous chapter, there
was a discussion about media depictions of violence against college students.
These media portrayals focus primarily on sexual and relational violence, as
well as primarily on female victims. This may lead you to wonder about other
types of violence and other types of college student victims. Alternatively, it
would not be unusual to be viewing a channel on the evening news that
reports that each year more Whites are killed by police than are Blacks. Yet
on another channel, you may see reports that Blacks are more likely to be
killed by police than are Whites. These seemingly contradictory statements
may lead to an interest in police killings, changes of police killings over time,
or the role of race in the criminal justice system. Each of these, and countless
others, would make an interesting research topic.
Lectures and events where others speak offer a goldmine of research topics.
Thinking back to the last lecture you attended, what topics come to mind?

© monkeybusinessimages/iStockphoto.com
Listening to presentations, speakers, and even general conversation can lead
to interesting research topics. You may be in a lecture where the speaker is
presenting information on general topic such as policing. What is conveyed
in the lecture may prompt a specific interest in that topic. This is precisely
how the idea to explore police impersonation was developed by Rennison and
Dodge (2012). Rennison was teaching an Introduction to Criminal Justice
class and had invited a police officer in to talk about his job. The officer
shared traditional policing information but also informed students how they
could distinguish a police impersonator from a legitimate officer. After
hearing this, Rennison began wondering what the literature had to say about
police impersonation. Ultimately, this curiosity lead to a publication by
Rennison and Dodge on this topic.
Casual conversations are also excellent sources of ideas. One of the best
things about annual professional conferences of criminologists and criminal
justice professionals are the research projects that originate from casual
conversations. Zaykowski, in a video interview conducted for this book,
related how she was discussing victimization research with a colleague who
studies capital punishment. This exchange led to a discussion about any
potential overlap that may exist between the two areas. What came of this
was the topic of how the changing role of victim rights (i.e., variation in
victim impact statements in court) may lead to disparity in capital punishment
sentencing across trials. A new research topic was born.
Working on Research Projects With Professors

There are often formal and informal opportunities to work with professors
engaged in research. Recall our introduction of our featured researchers in
Chapter 1. Cuevas and Dodge both included students to assist on the research
we are following in this text. Both of Dodge’s collaborators were students
(Starr-Gimeno and Williams), and Cuevas’ collaborator Cotignola-Pickens
was a student. This is a valuable opportunity, and one you should jump at
given the chance. At times there may be a posted request for student research
assistants. Or it may be that a student contacts a professor and asks whether
he or she can assist on a research project. Although these assistant positions
may or may not be paid, and they may or may not allow you to earn course
credits, the greater value of them is the research experience. In volunteering
to assist with research, the student gains a deeper understanding of the
process of research, and from that experience, he or she may discover several
research topics. This is part of the way that Zaykowski (2014) developed a
topic that focused on victim consciousness. As an undergraduate student, she
was intrigued by a call for research assistants for a study of youth perceptions
of the police. She had recently completed a service learning class where she
and others tutored inner-city youth about the police and their communities.
Eventually she reached out to a professor to discuss some research, and they
began studying how youth interpret potentially violent encounters in the inner

The Internet offers endless opportunities to discover a research topic of
interest. If perusing the Internet does not lead to a research topic of interest,
you could simply search on the phrase “research paper topics in criminal
justice” or “research paper topics in criminology,” and thousands of
possibilities will be returned. If you opt for this approach, remember to
choose a topic you both care about and are curious about.
How to Identify the Purpose/Goal of Research
Once a research topic is identified, you the researcher must work toward
taking a very broad and general topic and narrowing it. The goal is to shape it
into a feasible research question. Topics such as recidivism, sentencing,
victimization, reentry, and policing are very broad, and to construct a
practical research question, narrowing is required. One step toward narrowing
a broad research topic is to identify the purpose of the research you
propose. The purpose of research can be thought of as the “goal” of the
research. It is common to find in a research articles, “the purpose of this
research is to . . .” or “the goal of this research is to . . .” or “the aim of this
research is to . . .” This section identifies four major purposes or goals of
research. Do you wish to explore something about a topic? Describe
something about the topic? Explain something about the topic? Evaluate
something about a topic? Or are several of these aims of interest?
Purpose of the research: Overarching goal of the research.
Broadly, there are four categories of purposes of research:
exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluation.
Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is appropriate when little or nothing is known about a

topic. The purpose or goal of exploratory research is to answer “What,”
“How,” or “Where” questions: “What is it?,” “How is it done?,” or “Where is
it?” Exploring or investigating a topic generates a deep understanding about
that topic that was previously unknown. In addition to highlighting important
features of the topic, exploratory research can identify characteristics that are
unimportant and not worthy of future consideration. The prostitution research
conducted by Dodge (Dodge et al., 2005) in which female undercover police
officers acted as decoys was exploratory in nature. Why? Because at the time
of this research, almost nothing was known about how female police officers
serving as prostitution decoys viewed their work. There was only a bit of
speculation in the literature that this type of role was not positive for the
women. Dodge’s research would later demonstrate this speculation to be
Exploratory research: Research that addresses questions such as
“What is it?” “How is it?” and “Where is it?” This approach is
used when little or nothing is known about a topic.
Brunson’s work on youth and police relations was also exploratory in nature
(Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). These researchers found that much of the
existing knowledge on police relations was based on research that focused on
adults and not on youth. Because youth are more likely to have involuntary
and adversarial contact with police, Brunson, in a phone interview conducted
for this book, told us that he felt at the time it was important to examine these
interactions in particular. In addition, he said that a goal of this explanatory
research was to understand if police and youth interactions and perceptions
differed among Black and White youth living in similarly disadvantaged
neighborhoods. This exploration into youth and police relations offered
knowledge on how race and neighborhood context influences youthful males’
orientations toward the police.
Descriptive Research
Descriptive research describes a topic. A researcher may want to describe
something such as the extent of victimization or offending among a particular
population. Like exploratory research, descriptive research seeks to answer
questions such as “What is it?” “What are the characteristics of it?” or “What
does it look like?” Unlike exploratory research, descriptive research is more
narrowly focused. This narrower focus on the topic is often possible because
of knowledge gained from earlier exploratory research.
Descriptive research: Focused description of a topic that answers
questions such as “What is it?” “What are the characteristics of
it?” and “What does it look like?” It is similar to exploratory
research, but it is narrower given knowledge gained by
exploratory research.
By using descriptive research, you can provide an even more detailed
understanding about a topic of interest. This information is useful standing
alone and can be informative for future explanatory research.
Explanatory Research
Explanatory research provides explanations about a topic and builds off of
knowledge gained from exploratory and descriptive research to answer
questions such as “Why is it?” “How is it?” “What is the effect of it?” “What
causes it?” or “What predicts it?” Explanatory research is used to identify
what characteristics are related to a topic, as well as what impacts, causes, or
influences a particular outcome of a topic of interest. In addition, through
explanatory research, you may try to understand how to predict outcomes of
topics of interest.
Explanatory research: Research that provides explanations
about a topic by addressing question such as “Why is it?” “How is
it?” “What is the effect of it?” “What causes it?” and “What
predicts it?”

Zaykowski’s (2014) highlighted research about accessing victim services is

explanatory in nature. In this research, she wanted to understand the role that
police reporting plays in influencing victim services. Better understanding
this relationship will provide better understanding of ways to assist those who
have been victimized. Similarly, Melde and colleagues wished to understand
and explain the associations (or lack of associations) between gang
membership, fear of victimization, perceptions of risk of victimization, and
self-reported victimization (Melde et al., 2009). Cuevas’s research on Latino
teen dating violence is also explanatory (as well as descriptive) in nature
(Sabina et al., 2016).
Specifically, Cuevas’s research team wanted to gain an understanding of rates
of violence, risk of violence, and what characteristics are associated with
violence against Latino teens.
Evaluation Research
Evaluation research is used to generate knowledge; nevertheless, it has a
different focus. Evaluation research is the systematic assessment of the need
for, implementation of, or output of a program based on objective criteria. By
using the data gathered in evaluation research, a researcher like you can make
recommendations about whether a program is needed, and offer evidence
showing how one can improve, enhance, expand, or terminate a program. The
assessment of a program can be conducted using any and all of the purpose
described as well as research approaches and types of data described in later
chapters in this text.
Evaluation research: Applied systematic assessment of the need
for, implementation of, or output of a program based on objective

Santos’ highlighted research is evaluative (and experimental) in nature

(Santos & Santos, 2016). In her hot spots research, she and her colleague
evaluated, using an experimental approach, an offender-focused, high-
intensity intervention for nonviolent property crime offenders living in
property crime hot spots. An additional element of this research is that it
takes places in a suburban (vs. urban) community. The findings from this
research are useful in informing prevention and deterrence strategies
associated with property crime in suburban settings. Table 2.1 illustrates the
type of research, purposes of research, and questions answered in one place.

Gathering More Information and Refining the

At this point, you should have an idea or topic about which you wish to
explore, describe, explain, or evaluate. What is needed now is additional
narrowing or focusing of the topic. For example, perhaps you are interested
in studying the topic of sentencing. Specifically, you wish to describe
sentencing. Describing sentencing is still a broad goal since subsumed under
the heading of “describing sentencing” could be research that describes the
history of it, important people who have changed the way sentencing is done,
changes in sentencing over time, trends in sentencing, cross-national
difference in sentences, race and gender in sentencing, and so on. Clearly,
there is a need to continue to narrow the focus of this proposed research.
Narrowing or focusing the topic requires you to gather more information
about the topic and purpose selected. This can be done in many ways
including the methods described earlier to identify the topic initially. You can
search on the broad topic and purpose “What is sentencing?” to focus your
future research. You can discuss the broad topic and purpose with others.
You can read more about this general topic and purpose. You can simply sit
and ponder what it is about the topic and purpose that is of greatest interest to
you. Is it to describe how gender influences sentencing? Maybe it is to
describe how gender of the judge and the offender influences sentencing? Or
perhaps you find you are interested in the role that race plays or income or in
describing how the nature of the crime or the history of the offender is related
to sentencing. Or perhaps policies such as “three strikes” may be of interest.
Whichever approach is used, the goal is to narrow the focus of the research so
it can be stated in a clear, concise, and feasible manner.
Figure 2.3 Example Research Statement and Question
How to Construct the Research Question
You now have the information needed to state the purpose of your research,
as well to develop the focused research question that will guide your
research. Now you need to construct a formal research statement or research
question that identifies the purpose, and the narrowed topic. For example,
consider the sequence illustrated in Figure 2.3 regarding the sentencing
The purpose of this research is to describe sentencing. In particular, this aim
of the research is to describe sentencing with an emphasis on the
demographics of the offender. To accomplish this, the following research
question serves as a guide: “How does sentencing vary in terms of the
demographics of the offender?”
These sentences offer the purpose of the research (description), the primary
topic of interest (sentencing), and the more focused topic of interest
(demographics and sentencing). You should be able to see how these
statements, culminating in the research question, offer boundaries, are clear,
and will guide the remainder of the research endeavor.
It is important to recognize that the language used in describing the purpose
of research is not highly rigid. For example, in consulting journal articles,
you may not find sentences such as “The purpose of this research is to
describe, or explore or explain . . .” Rather, researchers will identify their
purpose using synonyms such as determine, investigate, effect, influence,
examine, ascertain, identify, and so on. When reviewing the literature, you
must understand the greater context of the purpose by reading more than a
single statement.
Why Have a Research Question?
By now, the reason for having a research question should be evident. A
research question is the impetus behind research, and it guides every step in
the research endeavor. Based on what you have read in this book so far, it
should be clear to you that the research question will drive all decisions about
the design of the research, the way the data will be collected, and how those
data will be analyzed as well. The research question establishes boundaries
for, and focuses, the proposed research.
Evaluating the Research Question to Avoid
Common Pitfalls
Once you have identified a research question (or questions), it is important to
evaluate the research question to ensure it is practical and useful. It is not
unusual to have to adjust or modify a research question early on in the
research process, especially when you conduct your literature review
(explored in Chapter 3). This section offers some ways to begin to evaluate
the practicality and usefulness of a research question. Do not be alarmed if
you find you must circle back and refine your purposes and research question
given newly learned information. That is the norm. The following section
identifies ways to evaluate your research question.
Is it a question, or does it imply a question? It may seem trite, but it is
important that a research question be a question, or at least be a statement that
implies a question. By implying a question, a statement must contain a verb
such as examine, explain, investigate, or describe. A statement that does not
imply a question cannot drive research. In research, the researchers pose a
question and answer it. Consider the differences between these sentences:
Does a victim’s gender influence reporting violence to the police?
Men report violence more than women.
The question, “Does a victim’s gender influence reporting violence to the
police?” asks something that allows a researcher to gather data, analyze it,
and answer a question. The statement “Men report violence more than
women” does not imply a question that can be investigated. It is a statement
and a conclusion. There is nothing to study about this. This statement could
be changed to the question “is the likelihood of reporting to the police
different for male and female victims of violence?” That is a question that
can be explored. Be certain that your research question is a question or, at a
minimum, that it is a statement that clearly implies a question.
Is it feasible? Answering a research question must be feasible. That is, as a
researcher you must have the time, money, and other resources needed to
conduct the research and answer the research question posed. Consider this
example: What policies and programs are most valuable to assist homeless
ex-convicts across the United States? Is answering this question feasible?
Probably not. Why? Because it would be exceedingly difficult to identify the
location of all homeless ex-convicts in the United States. It would also be
extremely resource intensive to gather data from them (or even a subset or
sample of them). A researcher would need an army of assistants, the money
to pay the assistants (and their expenses), and an enormous amount of time to
gather the data needed to answer this question. If you do not have the
resources, time, or information needed to undertake that research, the
research question should be adjusted.
Is it interesting? Is the research question posed interesting? Will others be
interested in the research, conclusions, and knowledge gained by answering
it? Although there is no way to measure definitively whether a topic is
“interesting,” and not everyone will find every research question or topic
interesting (think back to the criticism regarding Brunson’s interest in youth
and police relations), you should take the time to ponder this question. At a
minimum, the researcher should believe the research question posed is
interesting. If the researcher does not believe it is an interesting research
question, it is going to be a long and painful research endeavor. Also, if you
do not find the research question interesting, what makes you think anyone
else will? Consider the following research question as an example. Is it

What fabric is used for patrol officer uniforms?

At least on face value, this research question and the suggested descriptive
research is not interesting, and answering it would not increase meaningful
knowledge about policing or about uniforms. It might be better to consider
other topics and purposes and then proceed.
Does it increase knowledge? The entire purpose of conducting research is to
increase empirical knowledge and understanding about a topic. If a research
question does not increase knowledge, then why conduct it? Why waste the
resources needed to engage in research if it adds nothing to our existing
understanding and knowledge about a topic? Consider the following research
Are females or males more likely to be victims of rape in the United
Although understanding the role of sex in sexual victimization risk is
valuable, there already exist volumes of research that have addressed this
question and clearly established that females, compared to males, have a
greater risk of being raped in the United States. Conducting research based on
this research question today would likely lead to no new knowledge. As such,
it is not advisable.
Is it too broad? It is important to craft a research question that is not overly
broad. An excessively broad research question will be challenging, time-
consuming, and possibly impossible to answer. Consider the following
research question:
What are the differences in economic, demographic, psychological, and
social predictors of becoming a patrol officer, detective, sergeant,
sheriff, federal agent, or judge compared to those entering noncriminal
justice professions?
This research question is far too broad. In fact, you could take this single
question and parse it into dozens of possibly useful and interesting questions.
Such an overly broad question lacks feasibility and is ill-advised to pursue.
Is it too narrow? It is also important to craft a research question that is not
too narrow. Research questions that are too narrow tend to be uninteresting,
and generally, they fail to add knowledge on a topic of interest. Consider the
following research questions:
What are the motivations for working for a small prisoner reentry
nonprofit in the metro Denver area during 2016?
How many people graduated in Texas in 2014 with a PhD in
With regard to the first question, it is difficult to imagine how answering this
question would be of interest or add to any particular knowledge base. A
researcher could broaden the question by removing the size of the nonprofit
and the locale to get “What are the motivations for working for prisoner
reentry programs?”
The second question is astonishingly narrow (and boring). Answering this
would take little more than a Google search or a peek in the Statistical
Abstracts. There are no data to be gathered and no methodology to be
considered. This sort of question is not suitable for research. Research
questions that are too narrow must be broadened.
Research Questions From Our Case Studies

Let’s consider some purposes and research questions found in the literature
from our featured researchers. In Melde and colleagues’ research (Melde et
al., 2009), they sought to explain something about gangs. In particular, they
wished to explain how gang membership is related to (a) self-reported
victimization, (b) perceptions of victimization risk, and (c) fear of
victimization. Melde and colleagues’ stated purposes and three guiding
research questions are therefore very clear:
1. What is the effect of gang membership on self-reported victimization?
2. What is the effect of gang membership on perceptions of victimization
3. What is the effect of gang membership on the fear of victimization?
These three research questions address an interesting and contradictory set of
findings in the literature. By investigating these questions, Melde and his
collaborators moved our understanding of gangs and fear forward.
Brunson and his colleague (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009) published descriptive
research focused on accounts of police relations with young White and Black
males in St. Louis, Missouri, from the young males’ perspectives. The
purpose of this research is clearly indicated by the authors’ statements that
[t]his article examines the accounts of young Black and White males
who reside in one of three disadvantaged St. Louis, Missouri,
neighborhoods—one predominantly Black, one predominantly White,
and the other racially mixed.
Although there is no explicitly stated research question, the implied question
is, “How do young Black and White males describe police relations across
disadvantaged neighborhoods?” Brunson has long studied the topic of police
relations with young males in disadvantaged communities. Given recent
events in the United States, the public is more aware of the importance of this
research topic and research questions.
Zaykowski’s (2014) research is based on the knowledge that victims’ access
to and use of services is poor. Her research seeks to understand why that is.
This explanatory work is clearly outlined in her purpose statement:
Brunson’s research frequently focuses on the experiences and views of young
African Americans regarding police relations. What are some interesting
research questions on this topic you can pose?

© Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The present study examined factors associated with victim service use
including reporting to the police, the victim’s demographic
characteristics . . . the victim’s relationship to the offender, and the
victim’s mental and physical distress. (p. 365)
Like many, Zaykowski opted to use a statement versus a research question to
note her intentions. Although a research question was not presented, the
question that guided her research, “What factors are related to victim service
use?” is implied given the verb examined. This research is interesting,
feasible, and of great importance as it offers knowledge about what facilitates
or hinders victim access the services they require.
Santos’ research (Santos & Santos, 2016) is designed to evaluate the
effectiveness of offender-focused strategies in long-term hot spots. Stated as
a research question, her goal is to answer:
Will an offender-focused intervention implemented for multiple
offenders, or a particular type of crime, in a long-term hot spot lead to a
reduction of that crime?
This question guides the rest of their research endeavor and adds to the
literature in that it evaluates a new approach to crime prevention, does so in a
suburban environment, and focuses on property crime.
The work by Cuevas and colleagues (Sabina et al., 2016) focused on Latino
teen dating violence was guided by four stated goals, which can be phrased as
these questions:

1. What are the rates of dating violence by victim gender?

2. What is the risk of experiencing dating violence over time?
3. Is dating violence victimization associated with other forms of
4. What cultural factors (e.g., immigrant status and familial support) are
associated with dating violence over time?
Although the goals of their research were not posed in the form of questions
in the original text, the implied research questions are clear and serve to guide
the researchers as they engage in this important work. The strength of these
research questions, and the care put into crafting excellent research questions,
pays off in the rest of the research endeavor. Having a solid foundation to
work from and be guided by matters. Your research is only as strong as the
weakest part of it. For that reason, you want to ensure you have developed a
strong and excellent research question.
Common Pitfalls When Developing Topics,
Purposes, and Research Questions

Each step of research is plagued with potential pitfalls to be avoided.

Developing a topic, purpose, and research question is not different. Many of
the pitfalls are identified in the chapter, but it is useful to offer these
reminders. First, develop a research question that is feasible. Many beginning
researchers develop research questions that would take years and years to
conduct (not even taking into account the funds that would be needed to
accomplish it). Critically assess your research question in terms of whether it
is doable in the time you have available. Consulting with more experienced
researchers is useful for this. Also, know that no matter how carefully you
plan, the research will always take at least 1.5 times longer as a result of
unexpected things such as your institutional review board (IRB) being backed
up, your proposed respondents being challenging to find, and other assorted
surprises. None of these are project killers, but there is always something to
slow a researcher down.
Also, a common pitfall seen in newer researchers is forgetting their research
question. It is very easy to end up down an interesting rabbit hole thinking
about all kinds of fascinating and related things. You must stop and ask
yourself daily, “Is this helping to answer my research question?” If it is not,
stop what you are doing and get back to the task at hand—answering the
research question. Your research question provides the guardrails of your
research. Some researchers even type out their research question and tape it
to their computer monitor for a constant reminder of what their goal is.
Ethical Considerations When Developing Your
Topic, Purpose, and Research Question

Ethical considerations must remain at the forefront during the research

process, including the selection of a research topic and development of a
research question. As noted in Chapter 1, the Nuremberg Code from 1947
(Office of History, National Institutes of Health, n.d.) and Belmont Report
(National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical
and Behavioral Research, 1979) established the moral foundation that
influences social science research conducted today. A research question, and
the research that will be conducted to answer that question, must consider the
three core principles coming from these historical documents. Individuals
should be respected and treated as autonomous agents, researchers must focus
on doing no harm (or at least minimizing it), and the possible benefits and
harms must be distributed fairly among respondents.
Even with this guidance in place, unethical research has continued. Consider
the core principle of beneficence, which is to do no harm (or to minimize to
the extent possible) to study participants. Harm can take on a variety of forms
including physical, psychological, legal, financial/economic, or social. One
reason Milgram’s teacher/learner study (conducted long after the Nuremberg
Code was released) is considered unethical is that it inflicted psychological
and emotional distress among the teachers participating in the experiment. In
the journal article published on this study, Milgram (1963, p. 375) noted,
Subjects were observed to sweat, tremble, stutter, bite their lips, groan,
and dig their fingernails into their flesh. These were characteristic rather
than exceptional responses to the experiment. One sign of tension was
the regular occurrence of nervous laughing fits. Fourteen of the 40
subjects showed definite signs of nervous laughter and smiling. The
laughter seemed entirely out of place, even bizarre. Full-blown,
uncontrollable seizures were observed for 3 subjects. On one occasion,
we observed a seizure so violently convulsive that it was necessary to
call a halt to the experiment.
Figure 2.4 Balancing Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice

The initial Milgram experiments were conducted with observers hidden

behind a one-way mirror. Observers remarked about the clear distress
experienced by the teachers. One observer noted (Milgram, 1963, p. 377),
I observed a mature and initially poised businessman enter the
laboratory smiling and confident. Within 20 minutes he was reduced to a
twitching, stuttering wreck, who was rapidly approaching a point of
nervous collapse. He constantly pulled on his earlobe, and twisted his
hands. At one point he pushed his fist into his forehead and muttered:
“Oh God. let’s stop it.” And yet he continued to respond to every word
of the experimenter, and obeyed to the end.
For years after the Milgram study, it was rumored that one of the “teachers”
in the experiment committed suicide as a result of his participation in the
study. It was believed that although this person had been told that no one had
been hurt during a post-experiment debriefing, he was still distraught
believing that he would cause pain to others, even when the learner begged
him to stop. The urban legend suggests that because he was unable to forgive
himself, he committed suicide. Although no evidence that this suicide
occurred can be located, it does not take much imagination to believe it could
occur. This type of harm must be considered when a researcher is developing
a research question.
Today, the primary sources of guidance regarding behavioral science human
subjects research originated in the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS). By building on the knowledge from earlier ethical
regulations and rules, the HHS developed the Federal Policy for the
Protections of Human Subjects in 1991. HHS regulations (Health and Human
Services, 2009) include five subparts: A, B, C, D, and E. Subpart A,
colloquially referred to as the Common Rule, outlines the fundamental
procedures for conducting human subject research including the framework
for IRBs and informed consent. Subpart B outlines requirements to ensure
additional protections for pregnant women, neonates, and fetuses. Subpart C
outlines additional protections for prisoners, and subpart D focuses on
additional protections for children. Subpart E was added in 2009 and focuses
on the registration requirements of IRB committees.
The Contemporary Role of IRB
The Common Rule, or subpart A, outlines the basic policy of protection of
human subjects (see Table 2.2). Much of this document is devoted to
identifying the membership and responsibilities of IRB committees. IRB
committees are required to be diverse across a variety of dimensions. First,
committees must have diversity in terms of member demographics, areas of
expertise, and affiliation with the institutions. No committee can consist
solely of men, women, or individuals of the same profession. Scientists and
nonscientists must be IRB members, and at least one IRB member cannot be
affiliated with the institution. The unaffiliated party is the “community
The Common Rule also identifies research that must be reviewed by an IRB.
First, it defines a human subject as “a living individual.” This indicates that
work on cadavers does not have to be reviewed under the Common Rule. In
addition, it defines research as a systematic investigation or examination that
will contribute to generalizable knowledge. An example of an activity that
does not seek to contribute to generalizable knowledge is an interview with a
victim’s advocate about the types of programs available to victims of
violence. This type of activity does not contribute to generalizable knowledge
and does not have to be reviewed by IRB.
Human subject: According to the Common Rule refers to a
living individual.
Research: According to the Common Rule refers to a systematic
investigation or examination that will contribute to generalizable
The IRB committee must review many elements of proposed research and
has the authority to approve, require modifications, or disapprove any
proposed research. The committee ensures that risks to subjects are
minimized, risks are reasonable in relation to benefits, and the selection of
research subjects is equitable. The committee also reviews to ensure the
informed and voluntary consent of subjects is gained and documented. In
addition, IRBs should make certain that consent is treated as an ongoing
action. A person can withdraw consent at any time, and IRB committees
ensure this is made clear. Consideration is given that data are maintained
such that the privacy of subjects and confidentiality of data are ensured. All
research protocols operating under the Common Rule are reviewed for these
basic elements. Depending on the protocol, additional scrutiny may be given
by the IRB.

Denotes compliance with ALL subparts of 45 CFR part 46 but has not
issued the Common Rule in regulations.
To date, almost two dozen agencies and departments of the federal
government, including the Department of Justice, have codified subpart A—
the Common Rule—of the HHS regulations to protect against human subject
abuses in research. The Department of Justice, a source of research funding
for criminal justice and criminology research, is one of those adopting the
Common Rule. Like many other federal agencies, however, the Department
of Justice did not adopt subparts B, C, or D, which provides additional
protections for three groups of vulnerable populations. Nonetheless, in
choosing a research topic and developing a research question, it is important
that a researcher take into account the use of vulnerable populations, whether
codified or not.
Vulnerable Populations
Subparts B, C, and D of the HHS regulations identify three vulnerable
populations that receive an additional layer of review when proposed to
participate in research. Vulnerable populations outlined in the HHS
regulations are pregnant women, human fetuses and neonates, prisoners, and
children. These populations are considered vulnerable in that they may be
more susceptible to coercion or undue influence.
Vulnerable populations: Those that receive an additional layer
of review when proposed to participate in research. According to
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations,
pregnant women, human fetuses and neonates, prisoners, and
children are vulnerable populations. These populations are
considered vulnerable in that they may be more vulnerable to
coercion or undue influence.
Pregnant Women, Human Fetuses, and Neonates
In general, review of research using pregnant women, fetuses, and neonates is
designed to provide extra scrutiny to ensure no harm comes from the
research. For example, for research involving pregnant women and neonates
(i.e., newborns; a nonviable neonate refers to a newborn who while living
after delivery is not viable) (Health and Human Services, 2009), the oversight
outlined in the Common Rule is required; in addition, all ten requirements
must be met to allow for their participation in research. A few of the
requirements that must be met are “(a) [w]here scientifically appropriate,
preclinical studies, including studies on pregnant animals, and clinical
studies, including studies on nonpregnant women, have been conducted and
provide data for assessing potential risks to pregnant women and fetuses” and
“(c) [a]ny risk is the least possible for achieving the results of the research”
(Health and Human Services, 2009). “(h) No inducements, monetary or
otherwise, will be offered to terminate a pregnancy”; “(i) [i]ndividuals
engaged in the research will have no part in any decisions as to the timing,
method, or procedures used to terminate a pregnancy”; and “(j) [i]ndividuals
engaged in the research will have no part in determining the viability of a
neonate.” Research involving neonates is required to prevent the termination
of the heartbeat and respiration and must ensure that there is no added risk to
the neonate participating in the research (among other requirements).
Neonate: Newborn.
This image from the Holmesberg Prison skin experiments illustrates the
unethical nature of this work. Prisoners were unable to provide informed
voluntary consent given the way the study was conducted. One finding out of
this research led to Retin A which is widely used today to treat acne among
other things. How might you have developed this same product without
taking advantage of impoverished and imprisoned men?

Prisoners are specifically identified as a vulnerable population in HHS’s
regulations given their confinement and inability to express free choice. A
prisoner is defined by these regulation as the following (Health and Human
Services, 2009, §46.303 Definitions, para. 3):
[A]ny individual involuntarily confined or detained in a penal
institution. The term is intended to encompass individuals sentenced to
such an institution under a criminal or civil statute, individuals detained
in other facilities by virtue of statutes or commitment procedures which
provide alternatives to criminal prosecution or incarceration in a penal
institution, and individuals detained pending arraignment, trial, or
Ex-prisoners are not considered a vulnerable population under subpart B. The
additional scrutiny given research proposing to use prisoners results from a
concern that because of incarceration, their ability to make a truly voluntary
decision without coercion to participate as subjects in research is
compromised. Additional requirements stipulate that the IRB committee
include at least one prisoner or prisoner representative, and that advantages
gained by participating in the research are not of such a magnitude as to make
difficult the weighing of risks to the advantages. In addition, the research
proposed must provide assurances that parole boards will not take into
account research participation when making decisions about parole. Prisoners
must be informed prior to consent that their participation will not have any
effect on the probability of parole.
To protect prisoners even more, contemporary research can only involve one
of four categories of research related to prisoners. The first category requires
that a study examine the possible causes, effects, and processes of
incarceration, as well as of criminal behavior. The second category of
research involves investigations of prisons as institutions. Third, research
focusing on conditions that particularly affect prisoners (e.g., diseases,
victimization, and drug/alcohol abuse) is possible. And finally, research on
policies or programs that would improve the health or well-being of prisoners
is authorized.
Unfortunately, the additional layers of review have proven necessary given
that prisoners have been used in unethical studies in the past. In Chapter 1,
some of the experiments conducted on prisoners in concentration camps were
described. In the United States, there have been a shameful number of
unethical experiments on prisoners as well. “All I saw before me were acres
of skin. It was like a farmer seeing a field for the first time.” These are the
words of Dr. Albert Kligman who performed skin experiments on prisoners
—primarily poorly educated people of color—confined at the Holmesburg
Prison in Pennsylvania from 1951 to 1974. The prisoners referred to
experimentation as perfume tests, but Kligman was conducting experiments
using toothpaste, shampoos, eye drops, hair dye, detergents, mind-altering
drugs, radioactive isotopes, dioxin (an exceedingly toxic compound), herpes,
staphylococcus, and athlete’s foot. Some prisoners had objects placed in
incisions in their skins over time to determine the effects of these foreign
bodies. This experimentation, lasting more than two decades, included
injections and frequent painful biopsies. Kligman paid his subjects from $10
to $300 a day. Most prisoners at that time earned about 15 cents a day.
Offering compensation of this magnitude made it questionable if prisoners’
ability to voluntarily consent was honored. Given the poor information about
the experiments the prisoners were given, and their circumstances as
prisoners, it is clear no voluntary consent was given, or even possible.
Children, by definition, can only assent to participate in research. Why can’t
they consent? What characteristics are taken into account to ascertain if
assent is necessary? Would you handle children in research differently?

© baona/iStockphoto.com
Subpart D of the HHS regulations identifies children as a vulnerable
population. Children are defined as persons younger than 18 years of age
(local laws may vary and may take precedence over the HHS definition of
children. For definitions related to this vulnerable population, see 45 CFR
46.402[a-e]; HHS, 2009). Reviews of research proposing to include children
must meet all requirements in the Common Rule as well as others. For
example, in general, research using children must offer no more than a
minimal risk. If the risk is greater, it must be demonstrated that the research
will lead to generalizable knowledge about a disorder or condition. Because
they are younger than 18, children are not able to consent to participation in
any research. Rather, children are frequently asked to assent or agree to
participate in research that will likely benefit them, with the assurance that
the child can comprehend and understand what it means to be a participant in
research. Assent requirements can be waived as per 45 CFR 46.408(a) by
IRB committees if a consideration of the child’s age, maturity, and
psychological state indicate assent is not possible, and if the research offers
direct benefit of health and well-being to the child. In addition to considering
the need for a child’s assent, an IRB committee will determine whether
parental permission for participation is required. In most cases where
parental consent is needed, permission from one parent or guardian is
sufficient. In some situations, consent from both parents is required unless
one parent has died, is incompetent, is not available, or there is not a second
parent who has custody of the child.
Assent: Agreement by a child to participate in research that will
likely benefit him or her. To gain assent, the child must be able to
comprehend and understand what it means to be a participant in
Permission: Frequently, but not always, required by at least one
parent when a child participates in research.
A repeated theme is that these additional requirements have proven necessary
given unethical research using children in the past. Consider the research of
Farfel and Chisolm, researchers at Johns Hopkins University, with the
approval of the university’s IRB committee (Farfel & Chisolm, 1991). This
research, sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services,
compared the effectiveness of traditional lead abatement procedures
compared with modified abatement procedures during the 1990s. Interior
lead paint was outlawed in 1978 by Congress, yet years later, many dwellings
still had this paint including older inner-city rental housing in Baltimore
where low-income tenants lived, and where this research took place. Lead
paint is easily absorbed through the skin, and lead dust is especially
problematic around doors and windows. Exposure to even a small amount
results in permanent damage, especially to children less than six years of age.
Lead toxicity has been associated with speech delays, aggressiveness,
ADHD, learning disabilities, and criminal offending.
The five groups of housing units used in the study by Farfel and Chisolm
(1991) were identified by the Baltimore City Health Department, which had
records of dwellings in which children suffering from lead toxicity resided.
One group of dwellings had never had lead paint. A second group included
dwellings in which all lead paint hazards had been removed. The three other
groups of housing units were contaminated with lead paint but differed in
terms of the approach taken to remove the lead. The first group was treated
with traditional abatement techniques including the scraping and repainting
of peeling areas, as well as the addition of a doormat at the main entrance.
The second group of homes was treated in the traditional way in addition to
placing doormats at all entrances, installing easy-to-clean floor coverings,
and covering collapsing walls with plasterboard. The third in the group of
dwellings in abatement groups received the treatment the other groups
received, plus replacement of all windows.
Researchers encouraged owners of these housing units to rent to parents with
children between the ages of six months and four years old since brain
development is very sensitive to lead exposure during this time. Parents
living in these housing units were offered a financial incentive to participate
in the study, which was portrayed as a study about how well different
methods of renovation protected children from lead poisoning. Efforts were
made to dissuade renters from leaving the units during the experiment.
During the two-year experiment, testing of the presence of lead in the
housing units and testing of blood lead levels in the children were taken
periodically. Some children who moved into these units were exposed to
dangerous levels of lead, and their blood tests showed enormous increase in
their blood level. In others, lead toxicity was reduced but remained at
unhealthy levels. Yet the experiment continued, and children continued being
exposed to lead.
When the details of this experiment finally came to light, lawsuits were filed,
and judgment was harsh. One judge compared this study to the Tuskegee
Syphilis Experiment, as well as to the Nazi medical experiments. Others
continue to maintain that there were no ethical lapses with this research and
that some children in the study experienced decreases in their lead toxicity
over the course of the study.
Potentially Vulnerable Populations
Although subparts B, C, and D of the HHS regulations specifically identify
pregnant women, prisoners, and children as vulnerable populations, it is
incumbent on the researcher to consider what other groups may be potentially
vulnerable. Vulnerable populations include any population that requires
additional consideration and augmented protections in research. Consider the
gathering of data for the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Like
many social surveys, its methodology considers potentially vulnerable
populations given the nature of data gathered. The NCVS identifies
vulnerable populations as pregnant women, prisoners, and children, as well as
“the elderly, minorities, economically or educationally disadvantaged
persons, and other ‘institutionalized’ groups such as students recruited as
research subjects by their teachers and employees recruited as research
subjects by their employer/supervisor” (Winstanley, 2009, p. 40). For these
groups, it is important to contemplate ethical considerations such as whether
consent is informed and autonomous, research participation is free of
coercion, and the language and presentation fit the needs of the particular
population. What is considered a vulnerable population may differ depending
on the topic and purpose of the research.
One potentially vulnerable population not identified in the NCVS
documentation or HHS regulations are veterans. Although veterans are not a
vulnerable population according to the HHS, the Veteran’s Administration
considers veterans as potentially vulnerable populations. The reasons stated
for this are veterans’ rigorous training to obey orders, willingness to sacrifice,
as well as the potential for veterans to be suffering from post-traumatic stress
and other disorders related to their status.
Potentially vulnerable populations: Any population that may be
more vulnerable to coercion or undue influence.
HHS regulations do not identify veterans as a vulnerable population, but the
Veteran’s Administration views them as potentially vulnerable. What make
them potentially vulnerable? What other populations might be vulnerable in
research settings? Why?
U.S. Army photo by Sgt Scott Lamberson, 4IBCT PAO
Given this, would it be ethical to conduct an investigation of suicide ideation
among active military who are currently receiving help after an attempted
suicide? This research was proposed by a graduate student who noted that
this research could offer important information related to this topic including
the role that demographics (e.g., age, income, race, ethnicity, and arm of the
services) played in suicide ideation and attempted suicides. Would this type
of research be wise? Ethical? Would asking these particular individuals to
share their experiences offer information that was greater than the potential
trauma it might invoke? In this real-world example, professors overseeing
this student’s work did not think it was an ethical line of inquiry for this
population, and the student was encouraged to find another topic.
Exempt, Expedited, or Full Panel Review at the IRB
There are three types of research categories when submitting to IRB: exempt,
expedited review, and full board review. Exempt research occurs when
human participants conform to one of the categories from section 46.101(b)
of 45 CFR 46 (HHS, 2009). This includes research using existing data,
documents, or records in which the data offer no means to identify subjects.
Work with the NCVS, like that conducted by Zaykowski (2014) in her victim
services research is an example of exempt research. Expedited review of
research does not mean that an IRB review will be conducted quickly.
Rather, it means that the review of the research protocol will be done by the
IRB chair and possible other committee members. Expedited review can only
be used when the research involves no more than minimal risk, does not
include vulnerable populations, and is not using deception. Full board
review is required in all other types of research. In this instance, the research
protocol is reviewed and discussed by the full IRB committee. Important
elements considered such as informed consent is voted on by the full
Exempt research: That which does not have information about
respondents, is publicly available, and has no more than minimal
Expedited review: Review by the institutional review board
(IRB) committee chair (and perhaps one or two other members).
This is not necessarily a fast review but one that does not require
the full board.
Full board review: All research that is not exempt or expedited
and requires the review of the full institutional review board
Much of the research featured in this text went to full board review, and some
required the additional scrutiny required given Subpart D regulations.
Brunson, Melde, and Cuevas and their colleagues gathered data from youth
that required additional scrutiny. The researchers report generally good
experiences with IRB committees and approval. Many also note that others
are frequently negative about IRB but that in general, a negative interaction
involves a lack of preparation, organization, clarity, or thoroughness on the
part of the researcher. The challenges described generally focused on
individual IRB committees (which can vary institution to institution). An
often repeated challenge was the lack of consistency across IRB protocol
consideration, as well as a lack of institutional memory. A researcher can
submit nearly identical protocols at two points in time resulting in two very
different experiences. This may be a result of changing committee members
or of a lack of expertise on a committee (e.g., lack of a researcher with
expertise in gathering and using qualitative data, lack of familiarity of a
particular methodology, and lack familiarity with the area of interest). With
regard to working with juveniles, some researchers note that some
committees make it easier to access delinquent or at-risk juveniles but make
accessing so-called good kids very challenging.
Training in Protecting Human Subjects
If you are conducting research that will be reviewed by an IRB committee,
your institution will likely require you to take training on the topic of human
subjects research. Please note that you do not have to wait until you are
submitting proposed research to the IRB to get trained. Most universities
offer free training to faculty, staff, and students. In addition, anyone can
access free human subjects online training through the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), a federal collection of 27 institutes and centers engaged in
biomedical research. Although the NIH training focuses primarily on medical
and health research, this training is applicable to research in the social
sciences given the similarities of research in the areas. For example,
victimization, injury, and other topics of interest to criminologists and
criminal justice professionals are also of great interest to health scientists.
This overlap is further demonstrated as this training is based on the HHS
regulations described earlier (HHS, 2009). To access the English version of
this free training, go here: https://phrp.nihtraining.com/users/login.php. The
Spanish version can be accessed here:
https://pphi.nihtraining.com/users/login.php. To take this free course, a brief
registration is required. The entire course is estimated to take three hours to
complete and will cover some of the topics presented in this text. You can
save work and return later so it is not necessary to carve out a three-hour
block of time. Once the course is completed, a certificate is made available
online to demonstrate your successful training in protecting human research
IRB Expert—Sharon Devine, JD, PhD
Sharon Devine, PhD, is a research assistant professor and chair of the
Exempt/Expedited Panel and chair of the Social and Behavioral Panel for the
Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board (COMIRB) at the University
of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus. Her research focuses on
research ethics and evaluation of public health projects. She is currently
examining the evaluations of various public health projects, specifically,
training professionals engaged in clinical and behavioral interventions around
HIV and STDs (funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention),
facilitating integration of family planning into STD clinics (funded by the
Office of Population Affairs), and reducing teen pregnancy (funded by the
Office of Adolescent Health).
Devine was a successful practicing attorney for years when she made the
decision to pursue a master’s degree in anthropology. During her master’s
course work, a professor identified her research skills and encouraged her to
continue for a PhD, noting she would want to conduct her own research.
Recognizing this opportunity, Devine closed her law practice and returned to
school full time to pursue a PhD. Her fondness for research grew when she
recognized that she could create new knowledge and make actionable
recommendation that would have a positive impact on society. In the course
of seeking her PhD, a professor was looking for a student volunteer to sit on
the university IRB, so she volunteered. Since then, she earned her PhD and
continued her work on the university IRB committee. Eventually, she was
asked to sit on the newly devised Social and Behavioral Panel. Prior
protocols had to go through the medical school IRB, which created great
difficulties for social science researchers. Although she never thought, “Hey I
want to be on an IRB committee,” the opportunity presented itself and has
taken her on a great path. Today she oversees all protocols coming through
the system. This offers her a unique perspective on research and ethics.

Courtesy of Sharon Devine

Devine notes that IRB is important for several reasons. First, it offers an
independent review of research design and procedures to ensure everything is
ethical for human subjects. It is important that all be treated with dignity and
respect, and having an independent body consider proposed research
enhances the changes to treat research subjects appropriately. Second, it
forces a researcher to plan his or her research and to be able to articulate that
research plan, carefully. She comments on how she as a young researcher did
not appreciate the need to really think out the methodology in advance. The
IRB review helps ensure this and, in doing so, is respectful of human subjects
kind enough to participate in our research. Third, seeing how researchers
have handled themselves in the past indicates the need for some type of
Yet, Devine recognizes several challenges researchers face when they engage
with the IRB. First, she recognizes that that IRB can come across as nit-
picky. All researchers must understand that not only is it the university’s
responsibility to protect human subjects, but it is its responsibility to
document that the reviews were conducted thoroughly. This care and
consideration can come across to researchers as the IRB being difficult.
Devine recognizes that some of the existing regulations are heavy handed for
a fair amount of social science. She also would like to see the regulations
simplified, while still focusing on the risk to subjects. A second challenge she
sees is that a committee can at times lose focus. It is not the committee’s
responsibility to say, “I’d do this research differently,” but to identify
whether the methods, design, and protections as proposed are adequate to
protect subjects. And a final challenge she identifies is working with students
and junior faculty who have not been properly mentored about how to submit
an IRB protocol. Devine offers examples of problems frequently seen in
submitted research protocols:

Failure to include appropriate level of detail in the submitted materials.

It is not enough to say that you will conduct survey research. You must
also submit the survey so that the IRB can review it, and the
documentation is obtained.
Protocols that are tone-deaf or cavalier about the proposed research. The
subjects are human and deserve respect. Do not infantilize respondents
or treat them with a lack of dignity.
Application documents are internally inconsistent. If you note that you
will interview 50 people in one area of the application, and 80 people in
another area of the application, IRB approval will be delayed.
Failure to complete the forms in full. You must fill in all blanks. Dr.
Devine understands some questions asked on the applications are not
clear, but the university is required to ask them. If a researcher does not
understand the question, do not leave it blank. Rather, contact the IRB
and ask what is needed.
Failure to respond to prior comments. At times, a researcher is instructed
to make particular changes, or to provide additional information, but
they do not do so. Detailed records are kept in IRB, and this oversight
will be noted.
Devine notes that building knowledge via research demands a lot of thought
and that makes it different from general opinion polls, marketing surveys, and
so on. Building knowledge frequently requires the help of others (i.e.,
research participants) and we owe it to them to treat them properly and to
conduct research that will be rigorous and valuable. IRB is one part of that
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter presents the steps you should take to identify a research topic
and research purpose. By using these elements, the chapter discusses ways to
focus this information into a clear, concise, and feasible research question. As
demonstrated, many sources are available from which you can develop an
area of interest. Easy methods to evaluate the research question were
discussed. Examples from our case studies were used to illustrate the
variation in how researchers used their intellectual curiosity to develop a
research question. As was shown, ideas came from a variety of sources. Table
2.3 in this chapter offers a quick review of the featured researchers and
research focusing on the topics in this chapter. You should become familiar
with these journal articles as we will discuss them in detail throughout the

Although we have discussed our cases studies throughout this chapter, it is

useful to consider each case study article with regard to the topics presented
in this chapter. As Table 2.3 demonstrates, each case study focused on a
different topic that was developed in a variety of ways. Purposes varied, and
the research questions each researcher used reflect this. Note that in some
cases, researchers used more than one research question to guide the research.
This is acceptable and fairly common. This table also shows that each
approach required varying scrutiny from the IRB committee. The varying
scrutiny not only was based on the topic and research conducted but also on
variation in university requirements.
In addition, this chapter focused on common pitfalls associated with setting
the stage for your research. A major one is losing sight of the role of the
research question. Answering it is why you are conducting research. Ethical
considerations when moving through these initial steps in the research
process were also highlighted. Information provided highlighted the influence
of historical human subject ethical documents—the Nuremberg Code and the
Belmont Report—on contemporary rules based on HHS regulations.
Information on the subparts of the HHS regulations was also provided,
bringing attention to vulnerable populations and the additional reviews such
groups entail. Students were shown a place to take a free online human
subjects research class, which will further hone their understanding of ethics
in the research process. Dr. Devine, the Chair of the Social and Behavioral
Panel IRB committee at the University of Colorado Denver Social and
Behavior Panel IRB, also discussed her role on this committee. As she
indicated, IRB is a serious undertaking, and many people work very hard to
protect human subjects. In the next chapter, we review how research
questions are used to guide and conduct a literature review. As will be seen,
the literature review allows a researcher to polish and focus the research
question even more. Once the literature review is completed, the planning of
the nuts and bolts of the actual research begins.
Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Identifying a Purpose and Research
Find two peer-reviewed journal articles from major journals that
interest you. Using these two articles, please write a paper
providing the following information for each article: Clear
statement of the purpose of this research (Descriptive?
Explanatory? etc.), clear statement of the research question, and
basic summary of the research including the methodology used
and research findings. What is your assessment of these findings?
In addition, provide your assessment about any ethical issues this
research may have encountered and the ways the researchers dealt
with them. Be prepared to discuss what you found in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Developing and Assessing
Research Questions
As a group, come up with three research questions. The first
should be used to study something related to adolescent offenders.
The second should be used to study something related to victims
of sexual violence. And the final research question should be used
to study something about incarcerated women. Be able to describe
how you developed those research questions. What motivated you
to narrow your topics to the ultimate research questions you
developed? Evaluate each research question to ensure it is not too
broad, too narrow, is interesting, and so on using the information
in this text. Be able to identify the purpose of each research
question (Descriptive? Explanatory? etc.). Given these research
questions, do you see any ethical issues you may have to address
before conducting this research? What are they? Why are they
important? What type of IRB approval would you need to conduct
this research? Prepare a table like Table 2.3 with your three
proposed pieces of research indicated by the research questions to
share with the class. Be prepared to discuss what you found in
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Training in
Human Subjects
Access the free online human subjects training offered by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH;
https://phrp.nihtraining.com/users/login.php). Once you have
successfully completed your training, you will be awarded an
online completion certificate. Please print out and provide that
certificate to your professor/instructor.
Key Words and Concepts
Assent 52
Data codebook 34
Descriptive research 41
Evaluation research 41
Exempt research 54
Expedited review 54
Explanatory research 41
Exploratory research 40
Full board review 54
Human subject 49
Hypotheses 31
Neonates 51
Permission 52
Potentially vulnerable population 53
Purpose of the research 40
Request for proposals (RFP) 36
Research 49
Research topic 32
Theory 31
Vulnerable populations 50
Wheel of science 31
Key Points
A research topic is the general subject matter in which someone has an
interest. Topics can come from a variety of places including the extant
literature, data, theory, RFPs, Internet, and personal experiences.
Purposes for research generally fall into four primary categories:
exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative. Any piece of
research may have one, two, or more purposes.
A research question guides the rest of the research process. Answering
the research question is the goal of your research.
Research questions should be interesting, seek to increase knowledge,
feasible, not too broad, and not too narrow.
Although important and influential, the Nuremberg Code and Belmont
Report are considered historical documents in regard to human subjects
research. Yet the intentions of these documents continue to influence
today’s research.
The Federal Policy for the Protections of Human Subjects, developed by
HHS in 1991, is an improvement on earlier attempts at stopping
unethical research. Unlike earlier efforts, this policy ties compliance
with funding.
The Federal Policy for the Protections of Human Subjects contains five
subparts: A (aka Common Rule), B, C, and D. Subpart E was added in
Subpart A of the Federal Policy for the Protections of Human Subjects
outlines the fundamental procedures for conducting human subject
research including the framework for IRBs and informed consent. It is
more commonly known as the Common Rule.
Subpart B of the HHS regulations outlines additional protections for
pregnant women, neonates, and fetuses; subpart C outlines additional
protections for prisoners; and subpart D outlines additional protections
for children proposed to participate in research. Subpart E focuses on
registration requirements of IRB committees.
Vulnerable populations are those that receive an additional layer of
review when proposed to participate in research. Populations are
considered vulnerable if they may be more susceptible to coercion or
undue influence given their circumstances. According to HHS
regulations, pregnant women, human fetuses and neonates, prisoners,
and children are vulnerable populations. Researchers must be sensitive
to other groups who are potentially vulnerable, such as veterans.
Review Questions
1. Where are some good sources to find a good research topic?
2. What purpose does exploratory research serve? When is the best
time to use it?
3. What is the purpose of descriptive research, and how does it differ
from exploratory research?
4. Explanatory research answers many questions. What are some of
them, and how are they different from other research purposes?
5. How does evaluative research differ from the other purposes?
When is it best used?
6. Why is having a research question important?
7. What makes a research question a good research question?
8. What advantages do the HHS regulations have over early
documents such as the Nuremberg Code and the Belmont Report?
9. What were some of the impetuses of subparts B through D of the
HHS regulations?
10. Who are considered vulnerable according to HHS? Why is
considering vulnerable populations important?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. A student proposes the following research question for a class
project: “What are the criminal backgrounds of older males
entering the police academy in Cincinnati, OH?” If you were
asked to provide feedback and evaluate this research question,
what would you say?
2. A student proposes the following research question for a research
project she wishes to conduct: “What influences explain whether
children reveal they have been neglected, abused, or maltreated by
their parent?” If you were asked to evaluate this proposed
research, what feedback would you provide? What challenges do
you foresee should this student go forward?
3. Research by Farfel and Chisolm in the 1990s investigated the
effectiveness of a variety of lead abatement protocols. Some
consider this research to be as unethical as the Tuskegee Syphilis
Experiment. Yet others argue that some of the children in the
experiments experienced a decrease in lead toxicity. In your
opinion, was this or was this not ethical research? Use the
principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice to
justify your stance.
4. Subparts B through D of the HHS regulations identify several
vulnerable populations. Do you believe other groups should be
identified as vulnerable in additional subparts of the regulations?
If so which groups would you specify and why? Do you believe
that researchers will self-police and take into account potentially
vulnerable populations? What evidence do you have of that?
5. Dodge hopes to conduct research on incarcerated female
embezzlers. In particular, she would like to understand their
motivations and compare them with motivations identified
decades ago. What additional considerations will Dr. Dodge have
to consider should she engage in this research? How might she
demonstrate to the IRB that she has considered issues related to
human subjects?
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Chapter 3 Conducting a Literature Review
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
3.1 Summarize what a literature review is, what it tells the reader,
and why it is necessary.
3.2 Evaluate the nine basic steps taken to write a well-constructed
literature review.
3.3 Conduct an electronic search using terms, phrases, Boolean
operators, and filters.
3.4 Evaluate and identify the parts of an empirical research journal
article, and use that knowledge to summarize a piece of research.
3.5 Identify and summarize the organizational approaches and
writing strategy elements of MEAL that are useful when
conducting a literature review.
3.6 Demonstrate an understanding of the ethics involved and the
common pitfalls associated with writing a literature review.
With a research question in hand, you are ready to conduct a literature
review. This chapter provides the information needed to write a quality
academic literature review. Although it is widely recognized that many
students fear statistics, less acknowledged is that the fear, loathing, and dread
of writing a literature review is equally if not more common. This
apprehension should not be surprising. As Rachel Boba Santos, one of our
featured researchers, notes, “[w]riting a literature review is easy with the
right skills. In general, students have not learned how to write them, but when
taught skills, they can do it well.” This chapter offers those skills.
Before learning the skills needed to write a literature review, we want to
acknowledge some realities about literature reviews. First, people frequently
are not taught the skills needed to write a literature review. Writing a
literature review is not instinctive, so without these skills, students are
confused and stressed, and professors frequently are disappointed with the
resulting work. Second, why you or other researchers need a literature review
is rarely discussed, or when it is, it is quickly glossed over. With a full
understanding about the purpose of a literature review, people are better able
to accomplish them. Third, what a literature entails is rarely explicated. Too
frequently, someone is expected to write a literature review when what is
involved in constructing a literature review has not been explained to them.
Fourth, clearly outlining the steps taken to construct a literature review is
frequently incomplete or not provided at all. In short, why a literature review
is needed, what a literature review is, and how to write one too frequently
receive little, if any, attention in research methods texts. That is not the case
in this book where we devote a full chapter to this important topic.
This chapter begins by identifying why a literature review is important, and it
clearly describes what a literature is. The chapter then offers concrete steps
taken to construct a literature review including identifying what sources are
needed, how to find the sources, a systematic method to summarize and
synthesize the sources, and organizational and writing strategies to produce
an excellent literature review. Finally, pitfalls commonly found in literature
reviews, as well as ethical considerations in the construction of a literature
review, are discussed. The chapter closes with a discussion with Sean
McCandless, PhD, an expert literature review writer, about best practices,
common errors, and what makes literature reviews great.
Literature reviews provide an opportunity to learn what research has to say
about a selected research question and topic.

© MaskaRad/iStockphoto.com
Why Conduct a Literature Review?

A literature review is an important part of research that serves many

purposes. Consider how our featured researchers responded to “Why is a
literature review important?” Santos notes that “[t]he purpose of literature
review is to tell the story of what is known about the topic and identify the
strengths and weaknesses of that knowledge, including gaps our
understanding. Gaps can be as simple as ‘while there is a good study done, it
is the only study done on this topic.’” Carlos Cuevas stresses that “[a]
literature review lets the world know you have a clue on what you are talking
about. It also provides the means to ‘sell’ the research proposed. It offers an
opportunity to make the argument as to why the research I want to do is
important.” Rod Brunson contends, “A literature review situates the current
study into the broader body of scholarship. It provides an understanding of
related research that has been done, the populations research has focused on,
and the context of prior studies. This highlights the contribution of the
proposed study.” Given these valuable reasons to conduct a literature review,
it is not surprising that Brunson states that, “while you can technically
conduct research without conducting a literature review, you really shouldn’t.
It makes no sense to do so–you may be planning on conducting a study that
has been done, and this is something you could discover easily with a
literature review.”
A literature review presents an understanding, or a snapshot, of the overall
state of the literature by surveying, summarizing, and synthesizing existing
literature about the topic of interest. A well-constructed literature review
identifies major themes associated with a topic, and it demonstrates where
there is agreement, and disagreement, about that topic. The review identifies
limitations of prior research, and it exposes gaps in our understanding about a
topic, which indicate possible directions of future inquiry on the topic. A
well-constructed literature review should situate the proposed research in the
context of extant literature, and it should clearly identify how the proposed
research will create new knowledge that enhances the existing knowledge
about the topic. If a research question is the guardrails of our research, the
literature review is the pavement on which we are traveling. Understanding
what we know about a topic is critical to ensuring the research—whether
done as a student at the university or during your career—increases our
A Road Map: How to Conduct a Literature Review
This chapter describes the steps taken to conduct a literature review.
Although the following sections provide detail on these steps, this initial
section presents an overview, or a road map, of this process. As shown in
Figure 3.1, the first step in conducting a literature review is to develop
appropriate search terms using electronic search tools available in most
libraries. The next two steps involve using these search terms, in conjunction
with Boolean operators and filters, in an iterative process to identify the
initial list of primary source journal articles for use in writing the literature
review. Step 4 begins the process of selecting the final set of primary sources,
and steps 5 and 6 describe how to summarize and synthesize the material.
Figure 3.1 Road Map for a Literature Review

The seventh step requires identifying the preferred organizational approach

and writing strategy to construct the initial rough draft. The final step
includes iterative editing, proofing, and polishing until the literature review is
It is not uncommon to feel intimidated when embarking on writing a
literature review. Rather than viewing it as one giant, daunting task, it is
easier and more accurate to view it as a series of smaller, attainable steps as
illustrated in Figure 3.1. Writing an excellent literature review does take
some time and requires the writer to think about (not just compile) the source
material. Before thinking about the material, however, you must find sources
that you will use to construct the review. The next section focuses on sources
and where to find them.
About Sources
A literature review is constructed using information from existing legitimate
sources of knowledge. Identifying which sources are appropriate when
writing a literature review can be puzzling. Furthermore, knowing where the
sources can be found is sometimes challenging. What to do with the sources
once they are gathered is a common source of trepidation by students. What
to do if the research question has already been studied is a common question
as well. The next sections clarify these concerns and questions.
What Are the Best Sources?
The best sources of information for constructing an academic literature
review are original sources or primary sources. These primarily come in
the form of peer-reviewed journal articles. A peer-reviewed journal article
means the research went through a rigorous review process by multiple
experts in the field prior to being published in an academic journal. The
editor of that journal managed the peer-review process by sending the
manuscript (generally with no author-identifying information) to at least three
research experts for a review. Each of the three experts scrutinizes the
manuscript, and each submits a detailed review of the research making
suggestions for improvements. They also provide their assessment of whether
the manuscript should be rejected (common), be revised (i.e., the revise and
resubmit, aka R&R), or accepted as is for publication (rare). The editor
makes the final decision about the manuscript and then informs the original
researcher of the decision. If the original author receives an R&R, he or she
may revise the manuscript for additional peer review using the same process.
Reviews can take months or years, so it is not unusual for a research
contribution to take years from beginning to being rejected or, in some cases,
published. The peer-review process, while imperfect, seeks to ensure that
only the highest quality research contributions are published. In the
criminology and criminal justice world, there are many peer-reviewed
journals in which you can find valuable empirical research. Some are
Original sources: Also known as “primary sources.” They are
primarily peer-reviewed journal articles. There are three basic
forms of original source journal articles: peer-reviewed empirical
journal articles, theoretical journal articles, and literature review
journal articles.
Primary sources: Also known as “original sources.” They are
primarily peer-reviewed journal articles. There are three basic
forms of primary source journal articles: peer-reviewed empirical
journal articles, theoretical journal articles, and literature review
journal articles.
Peer-reviewed journal articles: Published articles that were
rigorously peer-reviewed before being published in an academic
journal. These are an excellent source of information used in a
literature review.
American Journal of Criminal Justice
Crime & Delinquency
Criminal Justice and Behavior
Criminal Justice Review
Criminology & Public Policy
Feminist Criminology
Homicide Studies
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
Journal of Crime and Justice
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Justice Quarterly
Psychology of Violence
Punishment & Society
Sexual Abuse
Violence Against Women
Violence and Victims
A more extensive, but still partial, list of criminal justice and criminology
journals can be found on the American Society of Criminology website:
https://www.asc41.com/links/journals.html. Although some links on this
webpage are chronically broken, it is easy to search on the name of journals
of interest to gain access.
There are three common types of primary source journal articles: peer-
reviewed empirical research journal articles, theoretical journal articles, and
literature review journal articles. In addition, local and federal governmental
reports, conference papers, and information from conference presentations
are useful sources. The following sections describe several of these sources.
Empirical Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Empirical peer-reviewed journal articles are the most commonly used type
of primary source used in the construction of literature reviews. Empirical
indicates that the research was based on systematic observations,
experimentation, or experiences. Empirical journal articles are written using a
predictable structure (which we describe later in this chapter) in which the
author (a) identifies a research question, (b) reviews the relevant literature,
(c) describes in detail the methodology used and how the data were collected
and analyzed, and (d) presents findings and conclusions.
Empirical peer-reviewed journal articles: Type of original or
primary source that is useful in constructing a literature review.
This research is based on systematic observation and has
undergone rigorous peer review prior to publication.
Empirical: Type of research based on systematic observations,
experimentations, or experiences.
Theoretical Journal Articles
Also valuable are peer-reviewed theoretical journal articles. A theoretical
journal article does not present research (i.e., does not pose a research
question, gather evidence, analyze it, and offer conclusions), but instead, it
evaluates an existing theory, proposes revisions to an existing theory, or
forwards a new theory. A theory comprises, most simply, ideas that explain
something such as offending behavior, recidivism, or victimization. Theories
tie together elements or characteristics to suggest how they work together.
Depending on the research topic and research question, theoretical sources
are important to include in a literature review. If the proposed research seeks
to test social bond theory, for example, then the literature review needs to
include information about what social bond theory is and how it has been, or
how it could be, used to explain the research question posed. Theoretical
journal articles can be found in any peer-reviewed journal. In addition,
theoretical pieces are published in specialized theoretical journals such as
Feminist Theory (http://fty.sagepub.com/), which is an international peer-
reviewed journal focused on academic analysis and debate within feminism.
Like empirical research sources, theoretical journal articles are peer
reviewed, meaning they receive the same level of scrutiny during review that
an empirical research article does.
Theoretical journal articles: Type of primary or original source
that is of great value in constructing an academic literature review.
A theoretical journal article evaluates an existing theory, proposes
revisions to an existing theory, or proposes a new theory.
Literature Review Journal Articles
Peer-reviewed literature review articles are also excellent primary sources to
use when constructing a literature review. A literature review journal
article presents, organizes, and synthesizes existing understanding about a
topic. This is exactly the purpose of the literature review section in a research
manuscript. Although literature review articles may appear in any journal,
they are more likely to be found in specialized journals such as Trauma,
Violence, & Abuse (http://tva.sagepub.com/) and Aggression and Violent
Behavior (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/aggression-and-violent-
behavior/). Trauma, Violence, & Abuse is a peer-reviewed published
quarterly and is devoted to organizing, synthesizing, and expanding
knowledge on all forms of trauma, abuse, and violence.
Literature review journal articles: Type of original or primary
source valuable for constructing a literature review. A published
literature reviews, presents, organizes, and synthesizes existing
understanding on a topic.
Finding a literature review journal article, especially a contemporary one, on
the topic of proposed research offers an invaluable resource for constructing
one’s own literature review and for understanding the state of the field. Like
the other types of primary sources, literature review pieces undergo rigorous
peer review and assessment by experts in the field prior to publication.
Government Research and Reports and Policy
Additional valuable sources to use when writing an academic literature
review are government reports and publications and policy briefs. In the
world of criminology and criminal justice, this includes reports and
documents from the Department of Justice and its many offices (Bureau of
Justice Statistics, the FBI, National Institute of Justice, etc.), or private
organizations such as RTI, Westat, and policy centers in universities. Many
of these documents can be searched for and found at the National Criminal
Justice Reference Service (NCJRS; https://www.ncjrs.gov/). Searching using
key terms or phrases will identify research that does not appear in journals
but is published by governmental statistical agencies. You may also go to a
particular agency’s website to access additional information. For example,
the FBI website offers a section on reports on crime statistics at
https://ucr.fbi.gov/. The Bureau of Justice Statistics offers statistics and
reports on a broad selection of criminal justice related topics at
http://www.bjs.gov/. Additional information about searching on websites is
provided in the next section. You should also find out about local criminal
justice agencies to ascertain whether their research would be of value to a
proposed research project.
Avoiding Predatory Publishers and Predatory
Once upon a time, a researcher could find a peer-reviewed journal article and
be assured the research was quality. Unfortunately, the proliferation of
predatory publishers and predatory journals muddied that. Predatory
publishers are illegitimate publishers that take fees from unsuspecting
authors. Some characteristics of predatory publishers are that they publish
multiple journals, yet the publisher’s owner is identified as the editor of every
one of these so-called journals. These predatory publishers tend to not have
an editorial board, and no academic credentials about the editor are made
available. The predatory publishers also report fabricated impact factors
(which are an indication of the journal’s quality). Generally, the mission of
the journal is not in alignment with the title of the journal. Jeffrey Beall of the
University of Colorado Denver, who has compiled a list of these predatory
publishers, estimates that from 2011 to 2017, the number of predatory
publishers grew from 11 to 1,155.1
1. During the writing of the book, Beall suspended publication of his lists.
This information has been pulled and published elsewhere, however. For
instance, a copy can be found at http://beallslist.weebly.com/.
Predatory publishers: Illegitimate publishers of predatory
journals. In general, elements of the publisher are fabricated (e.g.,
impact factor scores, editorial boards, journal holdings, peer-
review, location of offices and office holders). Predatory
publishers are not a source of quality academic information.
Impact factors: Scores assigned to journals theoretically
indicating the journal’s quality. The higher the score, the higher
the quality.
Peer-reviewed and published quarterly, journals such as Trauma, Violence, &
Abuse, and Aggression and Violent Behavior are devoted to organizing,
synthesizing, and expanding knowledge on all forms of trauma, abuse, and
© andresr/iStockphoto.com
In addition to the predatory journals published by predatory publishers,
standalone predatory journals are increasingly problematic. Predatory
standalone journals engage in several nontraditional journal behaviors. For
example, they charge authors a significant publication fee. Commonly this
fee is not disclosed until the end of the process. Predatory journals frequently
list real academics as members of editorial board, unbeknownst to those
academics. In addition to including real academics without their permission
on editorial boards, these predatory journals also include fictitious academics
on the board. Like their predatory publishing counterparts, standalone
predatory journals report fabricated impact factors and fabricated physical
Predatory journals: Illegitimate journals that are in business to
take fees from unsuspecting authors. In general, elements of the
journal are fabricated (e.g., impact factor scores, editorial boards,
peer-review, location of offices and office holders). Information
taken from predatory journals should not be used in academic
literature reviews.
A troubling aspect of these predatory journals is that they describe
themselves as peer reviewed when, in fact, they are not. As a result, articles
of questionable value are published under these titles. Consider this peer-
reviewed research piece, which had been submitted to the International
Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT) in 2005. The peer
reviewer’s report was included along with the letter of acceptance for this
work. In the peer-review report, the reviewer noted that the manuscript was
“excellent.” Authors Mazierès and Kohler (2005) of Stanford University
must have been surprised at the acceptance of their “research” given the title
and complete manuscript was one sentence repeated thousands of times: “Get
me off your #ucking mailing list.” The authors were asked to submit $150 to
the editor after its acceptance for publication. Beall estimates that between
2013 and 2017, predatory standalone journals increased from 126 to 1,294
(see Footnote 1 for source).
When searching for legitimate primary sources of information, you must
ensure you are not using information from a predatory source. As noted in
Footnote 1, until early 2017, one way to ascertain this is to consult a list of
predatory publishers and journals created and maintained by Beall. Beall
advocates the careful consideration of journals. You must first determine
whether this is a trustworthy journal (versus assuming it is). The criteria
described earlier offers ways to assess journals. These include asking yourself
the following: Can you tell which professional organization is associated with
the journal? Can you contact this organization easily if needed? Are the
editorial policies and editors legitimate? Do you know any of the editors? Is
actual peer review conducted (journals that publish within days of receiving a
manuscript do not). Are there surprise publication fees? Is it clear how much
publication fees are, if they exist? What is the timeline for publication? If a
journal promises publication within days, avoid it. If after checking you find
satisfactory answers to these questions, by all means use the article.
Only recently did the U.S. government take action against predatory
publishers and journals. In 2016, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed
a complaint against the OMICS Groups, Inc., iMedPub, LLC, Conference
Series, LLC, and Srinubabu Gedela (U.S. District Court, District of Nevada,
2016). The charges state that these organizations, under the control of their
president and director Srinubabu Gedela, have deceived researchers about the
predatory nature of the publisher by hiding publication fees ranging from
hundreds to thousands of dollars. In addition, the charges allege that Gedela
and his organizations falsely claimed the journals used rigorous peer review,
had editorial boards of scholars, and advertised false impact factor scores.
Researchers were pursued to submit articles, which were accepted days later.
At the same time, pay was demanded. Many researchers attempted to
withdraw their manuscript from consideration, realizing these publishers and
journals were illegitimate. The organizations refused to allow the researchers
to withdraw their work and, at times, published them. This is problematic as
it is unethical for researchers to submit research to more than one journal at a
time. In addition, it is unethical to publish the same research in multiple
journal outlets. A researcher can’t ethically walk away from predators and
submit his or her research to a legitimate publisher once ensnared in their
trap. Time will tell the outcome of the FTC complaint, but perhaps it will
serve as a warning to predators.
Avoiding predatory sources means you are using quality literature to
construct your literature review. Using these sources leads to a weak
literature. If your research starts with a weak, wrong, or incomplete literature
review, your entire research endeavor is compromised. Your research is only
as strong as your weakest part, and you want to avoid the literature review
being that weak link.
Inappropriate Sources
Predatory publishers and predatory journals are not the only inappropriate
sources for use when constructing a literature review. Another inappropriate
source for an academic literature review is Wikipedia. Wikipedia began in
2001 as an online encyclopedia that differed from traditional encyclopedia in
that entries are written by a multitude of people. Entries can be updated or
altered indefinitely (only some pages in Wikipedia are locked from editing).
The open access nature of editing in Wikipedia suggests that the information
found there may or may not be correct and that the information is subject to
sabotage, and manipulation. In addition, Wikipedia does not report the
elements of original research that is needed when writing an academic
literature review such as the method, findings, and research questions.
Although Wikipedia has several useful purposes, use of the information
published there to write an academic research literature review is not one of
them. This is not to say that Wikipedia is of no value. At times, a Wikipedia
page lists primary source citations for a topic of interest. By using those
citations, you can find original sources that are useful in writing a literature
review. Taking what a Wikipedia page states about original sources,
however, is risky as there is no guarantee that the information is accurate or
For the same reasons, various information or summaries presented in
textbooks, magazines, blogs, newspapers, other media, and nonacademic
sources are not appropriate original primary sources for a literature review.
These sources, at best, generally describe or summarize limited information
from primary sources. These types of sources do not provide important
details such as the methodology, the state of the literature, and the limitations
of the research—information required in the construction of a literature
review. Furthermore, it is not uncommon that these sources fail to accurately
describe research and information from primary sources. Still, like a
Wikipedia page, these sources may lead you to a primary source of
information that would be useful in constructing a literature review.
Research in Action: Police Impersonation in the United States
Later in this chapter, we use police impersonation as an example
of searching for literature while developing a research topic. Why
focus on the topic of police impersonation? Media articles,
although anecdotal, demonstrate that police impersonation places
community members at risk for easy victimization. Police
impersonation can affect the public’s confidence in law
enforcement, particularly if victims believe that an impersonation
was a “legitimate” police action undertaken by a corrupt cop. In
addition to damaging the public’s trust in authority and
undermining the reputation of legitimate police officers,
impersonators may threaten officers’ ability to do their work
To conduct this exploratory research, Rennison and Dodge (2012)
were guided by three purposes:
1. Exploring police impersonation incident characteristics
2. Comparing police impersonation incident characteristics
with national violent crime statistics
3. Identifying common themes found among impersonation
To address these research questions, the researchers gathered 56
police case files originating from three metropolitan areas in the
United States. To gather the data, the researchers relied on
personal connections within agencies that expressed a willingness
to provide data. Participating agencies were assured that
identifying information about the departments and incidents
would remain confidential. The impersonation events occurred
from May 2002 to February 2010. The 56 incident files provide
information on 63 offenders and 71 victims. A total of 45 case
files were used in the qualitative analysis and include the initial
police report complete with details about the incident, suspect(s),
and victim(s).
To analyze the data, multiple approaches were used. First, the
incident, offender, and victim characteristics were described using
descriptive statistics. Second, these impersonation statistics are
compared with statistics based on overall violent crimes (i.e.,
attempted and completed rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated
assault, and simple assault) from 2002 to 2009 NCVS data
restricted to crimes reported to the police only. Third, the 45 case
narratives are aggregated and analyzed for major themes and
content phrases. These qualitative data were first analyzed for
general statements among categories of analogous events and then
grouped into conceptual domains. Selected quotes representative
of the major themes are presented as examples. The objective of
the qualitative analysis is to provide a descriptive, in-depth
narrative that assists in establishing a framework for future
inductive, grounded theory development.
With regard to the first research purpose, the findings showed
police impersonation incidents most often involve one victim, one
offender, no witnesses, no weapon, and no injury to the victim.
Although impersonation incidents occur most commonly on a
highway/roadway/alley, about one fifth take place in/near the
residence/home of the victim. Most of the 63 police impersonators
in the sample were male, White non-Hispanic, and 31 years of
age. Of the 71 victims of police impersonation, the findings show
that victims are about equally split between males and females,
about equally split between Hispanics and non-Hispanics,
primarily White, strangers to the offenders, and about 31 years of
To address the second research question, comparisons were made
with overall reported violence in the United States. The findings
show that police impersonation incidents are more likely to
involve one offender, be committed with no witnesses, and be less
likely to involve an injured victim than overall violence.
Impersonation events were equally likely to involve an armed
offender as overall violent victimizations. Police impersonators
are far more likely to be White and older than are general violent
offenders from incidents reported to the police. Although overall
violence and impersonation victims are similar in many ways, a
major difference was found when comparing the Hispanic origin
of impersonation victims with overall violent crime victims.
About half of all impersonation victims are Hispanic, compared
with only about one in ten of overall reported violent crime
The qualitative content analysis focused on the third research
question that police impersonators are engaging in three primary
activities: vehicle pull-overs, knock and talks, and harassment.
The most typical impersonator incident involves an offender
driving an unmarked car who uses a spotlight or red and blue
flashing lights for a pull-over. A total of 13% of the cases
involved knock and talk impersonations. The cases generally are
motivated by attempts to gain entrance into a home for a variety
of reasons. In about three in ten cases, the impersonators are
seeking information or engaging in harassment. In these cases, the
impersonators call the victim, identify themselves as an officer or
a detective, and give a fake badge number to gain information.
One collection agent, for example, claimed to be a detective and
threatened to arrest the victim, who was behind on her car
What sort of policy implications come from this work? First, the
findings indicate that police impersonators may be easily deterred.
In vehicle pull-over cases, most impersonators fled when the
targeted victim was on the phone with 911 verifying the
legitimacy of the stop. Additionally, potential victims who
questioned the legitimacy of the stop and challenged the fake
officer tended to avoid further victimization. Second, the findings
indicated the need to better educate the public (as well as officers)
that the practice of confirming that they are being pulled over by a
legitimate officer is a reasonable action. Third, the role of fear of
terrorism and out-groups or vulnerable populations in the public
plays into the hands of impersonators. Particularly interesting are
the disproportionate number of Hispanics victims in the sample.
These findings are similar to existing historical research on
impersonation against a vulnerable population. Previous research
shows that in general Hispanics are less likely to contact the
police compared with non-Hispanic Whites. The findings indicate
that, in some areas at least, Hispanics are being targeted.
Rennison, C. M., & Dodge, M. J. (2012). Police impersonation:
Pretenses and predators. American Journal of Criminal Justice,
37, 505–522.
Finding Primary or Original Sources
With an understanding about what is and is not an appropriate source of
information, the next step in writing a literature review is to find the original
sources. The best way to go about finding primary or original sources is using
electronic search tools available at most libraries. With advances in
technology, most anyone can access a library with excellent search
capabilities whether in person or online. Given variability in tools available in
libraries, it is not possible to describe the steps in accessing sources for every
library. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you get a tour of your
library, including how to access and operate electronic search tools. In
general, librarians are happy to demonstrate how to use their electronic search
tools to conduct research. What follows are general steps taken to find these
Develop Search Terms
The first step in searching for primary sources is to identify some search
terms. After spending considerable time in the previous chapter developing a
research topic and research question, deciding on search terms should be
easy: They are the topic of research. By way of example, let’s consider a real
example encountered when conducting research on police impersonation. The
topic of the research is “police impersonation,” which suggests that a
reasonable starting point is to use two search terms in the initial search:
police and impersonation. Conducting this search requires accessing the
library’s online search tool. The library’s home page offers a place to input
terms for a search. Typing in the two terms police and impersonation results
in 58,427 sources. Reading or even skimming this many sources is
unreasonable; therefore, you need a more refined or limited search. This
initial search highlights an important strategy when searching for sources:
Start with the narrowest search possible. Clearly a narrower search is needed
in this example. Aside from using different terms, there are tools available
that can assist.
1. Develop Search Terms
Search Using Boolean Operators and Filters
There are two useful tools available to narrow (or broaden if needed) a
search. The first tool involves Boolean operators, and the second involves
filters. Boolean operators are used to connect or to exclude particular search
terms or phrases. A term refers to a single word, whereas a phrase refers to a
series of terms. For example, police and impersonation are terms, whereas
“police impersonation” is a phrase. To identify a phrase, use quotation marks
around the terms.
2. Search using terms, Boolean operators, and filters; iterative
Boolean operators: Connect or exclude particular search terms or
phrases used in an electronic search. Use of Boolean operators
enables the searcher to narrow or broaden a search for material.
Term: Single word used in an electronic search.
Phrase: Particular series of terms or words. Phrases used in
electronic searches are identified using quotation marks.
There are three frequently used Boolean operators: “and,” “or,” and “not.”
Using “and” to separate terms in a search will produce results for sources in
which all of the search terms (police, impersonation) are present. In many
search engines, the word “and” is implied when you enter terms. In other
words, searching on “police and impersonation” is the same as searching on
“police impersonation.” Use the Boolean operator “or” to generate results
containing at least one of the search terms or phrases. You would use the
Boolean operator “not” when you do not want the results to contain the
specified term.
Table 3.1 presents an assortment of searches for police impersonation sources
using a variety of terms, phrases, Boolean operators, and quotation marks.
Results shown in Table 3.1 make clear the importance of wisely choosing the
Boolean operators and quotation marks. The results also demonstrate the
iterative nature of searching for sources.
In the examples shown in Table 3.1, the searches did not deviate from using
the terms police and impersonation. What did vary was the use of Boolean
operators. It is important to keep an open mind about search terms. This
raises a second important strategy, which is to use other related phrases or
terms to generate additional potential sources. For example, and as shown in
Table 3.2, when searching using the phrase “impersonation of police,” 118
results for sources are identified. Not surprisingly, removing the quotations
and searching on the three terms impersonation of police results in 58,426
results—an unwieldly and unworkable number.
Another tip in conducting a search is to consider literature in other fields. Just
because an existing piece of research is not found in a criminal justice or
criminology journal does not mean it is not useful. As Brunson notes,
“searching for studies across disciplines can lead to useful research results.
Do not be overly rigid in a search.” In addition, if you are interested in a
theoretical article or a review on a topic, include the term “theory” or
“review” in the search. Searching is an iterative process so do not expect to
search once and be finished. The goal is to find a workable number of
relevant sources that represents the topic of interest. This takes some time and
multiple attempts.
The second useful tool used to narrow an electronic search are filters. Filters
place restrictions on the search. A search engine may not use the term filter,
so look for a filtering process identified as “refine your search” or similar
language. In general, there are many filters or refinements that can be made
to a search. You can restrict the search in terms of type of media (journals,
books, etc.), publication date, discipline (e.g., film, history, literature, etc.),
language, and others. Most useful are filters for the type of source and dates
of publication. Recall that an academic literature review should include
primary sources, including empirical peer-reviewed journal articles,
theoretical pieces, and literature reviews published as journal articles.
Electronic search engines in most libraries allow you to filter the search based
on the type of source and journal article. Table 3.3 shows how the search
results change when the police impersonation search is restricted only to
journal article sources.
Filters: Used in electronic searches to place restrictions on or
refine a search. Common filters used are on the type of source
needed (e.g., journal articles) and date range of publication (e.g.,
last five years).
A rule of thumb when gathering sources for a literature review is to focus on
contemporary sources. Contemporary sources are considered to be sources
published in the previous five to seven years. Most library search engines
allow a person to filter using publication dates. What if the police
impersonation search was restricted to journal articles no more than seven
years of age? Table 3.3 presents these search results. Filtering using dates can
be a valuable approach in many instances, but you must consider the purpose
of their literature review when using them. In some cases, a literature review
may cover the topic of interest in a chronological or historical fashion. This
type of literature review would suffer from using a filter based on publication
date because foundational or classic research, which is older, will be missed.
In addition, if you wish to review the theoretical underpinnings of a particular
topic, it would not be wise to restrict the search to contemporary work only
because the classic theoretical work probably occurred decades before.
The final search of police impersonation shown in Table 3.3 identified seven
sources. Are these too few sources? To make that decision, you must read the
titles of the identified sources to determine whether the sources are useful for
examining, describing, and understanding police impersonation. Only two of
the seven titles appear to focus on police impersonation research. Does this
indicate there is little research on police impersonation, or does this indicate
that a broader search is needed? To be sure, it is prudent to broaden the

One way to broaden this search is to focus on “impersonation,” namely, by

removing the focus on “police” to ascertain if additional results appear. A
search of journal article sources that focused on impersonation and that were
published in the last seven years results in 3,609 results. A quick examination
of these titles indicates that many of the sources focus on biometric
impersonation, female impersonation, online impersonation, and visual
impersonation, not on police impersonation. You can even find information
about Elvis impersonators! Given this information, you may conclude that
there is little research available on police impersonation, and you may
proceed with relevant sources already identified. In fact, this is exactly what
happened when Callie Rennison and Mary Dodge (2012) conducted a
literature review on police impersonation (although at that time, the only
relevant source was a somewhat related master’s thesis). It was also Dodge’s
experience when she conducted a literature review for her women decoy
prostitution research (Dodge, Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005). There was
no existing literature examining it. All Dodge could find in the literature were
related pieces that provided only speculation about women’s views in these
roles. As Dodge, who is also one of our featured researchers, notes that, if
after searching thoroughly, you find little or no existing literature, “move
forward with your research and the satisfaction that you were the first to think
about the topic. This means you have a research imagination that allows you
to come up with something different.” Dodge’s research was path-breaking in
that way.

Identify Initial Primary Sources

Using the search strategies described earlier should result in a list of initial
primary sources on the topic of interest. At this point, you need to go through
that list to determine which sources are irrelevant and should be discarded,
and which will be used to write the literature review. The initial way to do
this is to examine the title and abstract of each source.
3. Identify initial primary sources on the topic

A common question is as follows: “When do I know when to stop looking for

sources?” Recall that the purpose of the review is to give a complete
overview of the topic. Saturation is a term that has many related meanings,
one of which is used by several of our highlighted researchers to indicate the
search for sources is complete. Dodge states that it is time to stop searching
for literature review sources when she “sees the same citations repeatedly.
There is a point where it seems clear you’ve found it all–given ease of
electronic data bases–you reach some type of information saturation.”
Brunson also noted, “When a person comes across the same authors, and
same studies cited in numerous journal articles, saturation is reached and the
search can be concluded.” A frequent question is as follows: “How many
sources does it take to accomplish that?” Santos notes, depending on the
purpose of the review, “12 to 15 sources are minimum, but that it is more
about the quality of the sources, not the quantity. In general, more recent
research is better (last 5 years), but be aware that the first things that come up
in a search is not necessarily the best research.” What kinds of sources does it
take to reach saturation? Heather Zaykowski finds that a literature review is
complete when she reaches a “saturation in that the search is not revealing
anything drastically new. She finds this occurs often when she has a mix of
the ‘classic’ studies, and those that seem to have the biggest impact on the
field (oftentimes understood by the number of citations, but not necessarily
so), and current research (past five years).” Zaykowski’s (2014) literature
review provided a lot of relevant research but little on male victims who seek
services, and little on female victims of nonsexual and nonrelational violence.

Saturation: Has several related meanings, one of which involves

searching for sources for a literature review. In particular, it
indicates the search for sources is complete because one finds no
new information on a topic and the same studies and authors
repeatedly are discussed.
Cuevas knows it is time to stop searching for sources when he feels he has
the material needed and can “make the argument for conducting the research
nicely. Once there, I stop. I also ask, given the information in these sources,
can I make an argument that the average person on the street can read and
understand where I am going and why? If so, I have the sources needed.”
This was the case for his work on Latino teen dating. Although no one had
been able to do the research Cuevas and his team did (Sabina, Cuevas, &
Cotignola-Pickens, 2016), there was a rich literature focused on teen dating
violence to inform his work. Being able to work with a manageable amount
of literature requires the strategy used by Cuevas.
Read Abstracts to Narrow the List of Sources
What do you do if you have refined a search to be as narrow as possible, yet
you are still presented with a large number of potential sources (e.g., 692
sources)? This requires the use of an additional strategy to narrow the list of
sources: Read the abstracts of each potential source. An abstract provides, in
one concise paragraph (e.g., 150–250 words), the purpose, method, findings,
and conclusions of the research. Abstracts should be visible online using the
library search software. If after consulting the abstract it is clear the article is
not one that should be used, remove it from the list of those saved for the
literature review. If you cannot ascertain the article’s relevance from the
abstract, then consulting other parts of the complete journal article should
make its value clear. The next section discusses the anatomy of an empirical
journal article, which should allow for an efficient search of the article to aid
in the selection of the final list of articles for the literature review.
4. Read abstracts (and possibly additional sections of the article)
to narrow sources if needed
Abstract: First section of a journal article that provides, in a
concise paragraph of approximately 150 to 250 words, the
purpose, method, findings, and conclusions of the research.
The Anatomy of an Empirical Research Article
Those new to research frequently find it impossible to read and comprehend
all of the primary sources gathered from a search. Fortunately, reading every
word of every primary source is not necessary. As Dodge notes, a key to a
successful literature review is “not to get caught up in the minutiae of each
piece of research, especially the more sophisticated studies. You do not need
to read every word of the journal article, rather, you need to see the big
picture of what was done and how it relates to the proposed research.”
Zaykowski offers similar advice: “It is not always important to include
minute details of each study. Instead think about the broader general
takeaways, and provide one or two examples to support those takeaways.”
With an understanding of the anatomy of an empirical research journal
article, you can skillfully find key information about the research that will be
used to (a) decide to keep or remove an article from consideration and (b)
pull key information needed to write the literature review (described in a later
step). Empirical research journal articles have a predictable structure.
Understanding what type of information is found in each section assists in a
more efficient consideration of each piece.
Journal articles begin with an abstract, which is commonly block justified so
that it stands apart from the text in the journal article. The abstract provides a
concise description of the research. In terms of being useful in constructing a
literature review, the abstract should help you decide whether that primary
source is relevant for the proposed literature review. Note the information
conveyed in Dodge and colleagues’ 164-word abstract describing the female
police decoy research (Dodge et al., 2005). Reading Dodge’s abstract is
quick, easy, and gives a good idea about the topic and purpose of the

Abstract—Dodge et al. (2005)

Reverse police prostitution stings, which target men by using
female police officers as decoy prostitutes, are becoming a
common method in some United States cities for controlling the
problem of solicitation for prostitution. The role of policewomen
as decoys has received scant attention by scholars, though critics
and traditional feminists view the practice as further evidence of
the subjection and degradation of women in law enforcement.
This article presents participant field observations of how reverse
prostitution operations are conducted in Aurora, Colorado
Springs, and Denver, Colorado, and qualitative interview data
from 25 female police officers who discuss their experiences as
prostitution decoys. The findings indicate that female officers
view the decoy role as an exciting opportunity for undercover
work, despite the negative connotations of acting like a whore.
According to the officers who work as decoys, it adds excitement
and variety and offers potential for other opportunities for
advancement within the police department in contrast to the
mundane duties often associated with patrol. (p. 71)
A second example of an abstract is found in Cuevas and colleagues’ research
on Latino teen dating (Sabina et al., 2016). Note the tremendous amount of
information packed into the 155-word abstract.
Abstract—Cuevas and Colleagues (Sabina et al., 2016)
This study uses data from two waves of the Dating Violence
Among Latino Adolescents (DAVILA) study and focuses on the
1) rates of dating violence victimization by gender, 2) risk of
experiencing dating violence victimization over time, 3)
association of dating violence victimization with other forms of
victimization, and 4) association of immigrant status,
acculturation, and familial support with dating violence
victimization over time. A total of 547 Latino adolescents, from
across the USA, aged 12-18 at Wave 1 participated in both waves
of the study. Rates of dating violence were around 19% across
waves. Dating violence at Wave 1 and non-dating violence
victimization were associated with an elevated risk of dating
violence during Wave 2. Cultural factors did not distinguish
between dating violence trajectories, except for immigrant status
and familial support being associated with no dating violence
victimization. Overall, dating violence affects a large number of
Latino teens and tends to continue over time. (p. 5)
Brunson’s abstract is also clear, easy to read (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009).
Abstract—Brunson and Weitzer (2009)
Much of the research on police–citizen relations has focused on
adults, not youth. Given that adolescents and particularly young
males are more likely than adults to have involuntary and
adversarial contacts with police officers, it is especially important
to investigate their experiences with and perceptions of the police.
This article examines the accounts of young Black and White
males who reside in one of three disadvantaged St. Louis,
Missouri, neighborhoods—one predominantly Black, one
predominantly White, and the other racially mixed. In-depth
interviews were conducted with the youths, and the authors’
analysis centers on the ways in which both race and neighborhood
context influence young males’ orientations toward the police. (p.
In some cases, an abstract does not offer enough information to allow a
decision to keep or discard the source. In those situations, you should consult
other parts of, or sections of, the journal article. One place to consider is the
list of key words. Key words are generally found on the first page of the
journal article, frequently following the abstract. These are words designated
by the author(s) that identify the main concepts of greatest significance in the
publication. Reviewing them may offer information about whether the article
will be useful in the writing of a literature review. Other more formal sections
of journal articles are described next.
Key words: Major concepts of greatest importance found in a
journal article. They are generally found on the first page of the
The introduction section of a journal article is the first “normal” body of
text (i.e., not block justified). The introduction is generally not labeled as the
“introduction,” but instead usually the title of the paper appears at the top of
that page. In terms of being useful in constructing a literature review, an
examination of the introduction section provides information about the
purpose or goal of the research, why it is important to study, and how it adds
to the literature. This information should be useful in ascertaining whether the
article will be useful in writing your literature review. In some cases, such as
in Brunson’s research (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009), a separate introduction
section was not provided. Rather, the introduction blends with the review of
the literature (see the next section).
Introduction section of a journal article: First section of the text
(after the abstract) that identifies the purpose of the research and
why it is important.
Consider this text taken from the introduction section of the Santos’ research
on offender- focused police intervention (Santos & Santos, 2016). Reading
just the first three paragraphs of the six paragraph introduction offers enough
information about the research that you should be able to identify if this
would be useful as a primary source in your proposed literature review.
Santos and Santos (2016) Introduction—Offender-Focused Police
Classical criminological research shows that a small number of
offenders account for a disproportionate amount of crime
(Blumstein et al., 1986). In recent years, police agencies and
researchers have sought to develop data-driven methods to
identify chronic offenders so that police can implement offender-
focused strategies as one of the effective ways to reduce crime
(Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2012; Jennings, 2006; Ratcliffe,
2008; Schaible & Sheffield, 2012; Telep & Weisburd, 2012).
Simultaneously, criminologists have concluded that crime
reduction strategies that focus on “place” are more effective than
those that focus on people (Telep & Weisburd, 2012; Weisburd,
Nonetheless, criminology of place research consistently shows
that offending is “tightly coupled” to place (Weisburd et al.,
2012). Offenders commit crimes relatively close to where they
live, and the farther offenders travel from where they live, the less
likely they will commit crime (Bernasco & Block, 2009; Bernasco
& Nieuwbeerta, 2005; Hesseling, 1992; Rossmo, 2000). Yet,
there are currently few studies that rigorously examine the
effectiveness of offender-focused strategies implemented by
police in crime hot spots (Groff et al., 2015).
Consequently, this study is an effort to contribute to both
offender-focused and place-based research by testing a
prevention-oriented, offender-focused intervention while also
accounting for place. The premise tested here is that if the
offender-focused intervention is implemented for multiple
offenders of a particular crime type living in a long-term hot spot
of that crime type, there will be a reduction of that crime in the
hot spot since the offenders are likely committing some of their
crimes near where they live. (pp. 373–374)
The third section in an empirical research journal article is the literature
review. The purpose of the literature review is to outline the state of the
knowledge related to a topic at the time the piece was published. This section
of the paper, although very important, does not offer much in terms of
deciding whether it should or should not be used in constructing your
literature review. Should a source be selected, however, the literature review
is vital in that it describes valuable research that may inform your literature
The next section in an empirical research paper is the method section. This
section outlines in detail the approach and strategies taken to answer the
research question. This includes information on the source of the gathered
data (e.g., sample), the approach taken to gather the data (e.g., survey,
observations, and interviews), and the organizational and analytic techniques
used to analyze these data. This section is of limited value for ascertaining
whether the journal article is valuable for the construction of the proposed
literature review unless the methodology used in the study is specifically
related to your particular research question.
Method: Sections in journal articles that outline in detail the
approach taken to answer the research question.
A findings section follows the method section and presents results from the
data analysis. In this section, the findings and only the findings are offered.
These results are used to answer the research question or questions. This
section is of limited value for determining whether the source should be used
to write your literature review. This section is of great value, however, if this
piece is selected for your literature review.
Findings: Section that reports the findings of a piece of research.
In this section, the research questions are answered.
A discussion section follows the findings section and places the findings into
the context of the existing literature. In this section, the author discusses
whether his or her results support the literature or deviate from it. The
discussion generally avoids presenting statistics or findings such as themes or
core meanings. Instead, it focuses on interpreting the findings presented. It
points out limitations of the research, gaps that remain, and offers directions
for future research. The findings section may be useful in determining
whether this source is one that should be used to inform the proposed
literature review. The discussion section definitely has important information
should the source be used.
Discussion: Section found near the end of a journal article that
follows the findings section. Discussion sections are used to
discuss the findings and to place them into the context of the
existing literature.
Sometimes there is a standalone conclusions section in a journal article. In
others, it is combined with the discussion section. Conclusions sections are
generally short and briefly summarize the overall conclusions of the research,
including why the findings are important. In general, and to help readers
better understand the key points of the article, it presents information found
elsewhere in the article.
Conclusions: Found at the end of journal articles and are
generally short sections that briefly summarize the overall
conclusions of the research, and why the findings are important.
In many cases, the discussion and conclusion sections are
All peer-reviewed journal articles conclude with a list of references. In the
reference section, every source cited in the body of the paper is listed with
information needed to find and access that source. The references section is
not useful in terms of deciding to keep or reject a primary source for use in a
proposed literature review. In contrast, should you decide to use the article in
constructing your literature review, the references offer valuable information
about potential additional sources.
Reference: Section in journal article offers the full citation
information for every source cited in the body of a journal article.
Throughout a journal article, including the reference section, the authors will
adhere to a specific writing-style guideline. A commonly used style guideline
in the criminal justice and criminology literature is APA. APA, an acronym
for the American Psychological Association style, was created almost a
century ago to standardize scientific writing in an effort to facilitate reading
comprehension. APA presents guidelines and rules that dictate every element
of a paper. With respect to the referencing, it includes how citations are
handled both in text and in the references section, the required sections in a
paper, heading formats, and punctuation. Without APA and other styles (e.g.,
MLA and Chicago Manual of Style), finding key information in scientific
journal articles would be far more challenging. The sections described earlier
are based on APA style. Please note that articles using a different style may
deviate from this in some ways. You can buy a book on APA (2010), or you
may access that information online at websites such as Purdue University’s
Online Writing Lab (OWL):
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/. Style guidelines change
on occasion, so you must ensure you are using the required edition, or at least
the most current version. Once you have reviewed the abstracts (and possibly
additional sections) of a journal article, what remains is a list of sources that
will be used to construct the literature review. The next sections address how
to take the sources, glean relevant information, summarize that information,
and construct the literature review.
Writing the Literature Review
Using your final list of primary sources and your understanding of the
anatomy of an empirical journal article makes you ready to summarize each
primary source. The next sections describe strategies for doing so.
Summarize Each Original Source
A key step in constructing a literature review is to summarize each primary
source in paragraph form using complete sentences. The summary should
include several pieces of information. Many of those elements are listed here
along with the likely location of this information in the original source:
5. Summarize in paragraph form important information from each
source; include citations
What is the article’s full citation? This is found on the first page. The
full citation should include author names, the year the piece was
published, the title of the article, journal name and volume, and the page
numbers where it appears.
What is the purpose of the article? What is the research question? This
information should be located in several places in the paper including
the abstract, the introduction, and the conclusion sections.
Why is the research important? What gaps are being addressed with this
research? This information is commonly located in multiple locations
such as the abstract, the introduction, and the conclusion sections.
What is the theory used/tested (if any)? Not all research tests theory or is
guided by theory. If the research in the source is guided by theory, then
information about it should be mentioned in the abstract and
introduction. In addition, some articles will have a standalone theory
What sample was used? How was the sample obtained? How large is the
sample? What are characteristics of the sample? Some of this
information may be mentioned in the abstract, but a full accounting of
the sample should be in the method section. In some cases, this
information will be located in a subsection called “Sample” in the
method section.
How were data gathered? What years do the data cover? This
information should be available in the method section.
What are key definitions used? Although some key definitions may be
offered in the introduction, all definitions should be described in the
method section. In many cases, you will find a subsection labeled
“Measures” in the method section that identifies definitions and
measurement of key concepts. Identifying definitions in each piece is
important because standardized definitions are not common across
What type of analytic technique was used? The analytic technique used
to analyze the data may be mentioned briefly in the abstract. A full
accounting of it will be found in the method section. In some cases, the
Method section will have a subsection called “Analytic Technique”
where this information is described.
What are the findings? What was concluded from the data analysis?
Findings and results are located in the Findings (also called “Results”)
section. The overall outcome may also be mentioned in the abstract as
well as the discussion and possibly conclusion section.
What additional key themes emerged? Did findings support extant
literature? Did findings fail to support extant literature? Are particular
characteristics important to consider (e.g., race or gender)? Answers to
these questions should be located in the discussion section. In addition,
you may identify themes that are not described in the article.
APA, an acronym for the American Psychological Association style, was
created almost a century ago to standardize scientific writing in an effort to
facilitate reading comprehension.
©B Christopher/Alamy Stock Photo
By using these questions as a guide, you can write a summary paragraph for
each source. It is strongly recommended that the summary be written using
complete sentences in paragraph form and that each sentence conclude with
an in-text citation. (Consult APA or the style guide required to see how to
construct in-text citations, or check out Purdue’s OWL at
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/ or
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/03/). It is important to
include the citation at the end of each sentence because later the sentences in
the paragraphs will be disaggregated. Having the citation attached to each
sentence means you will not have to try to figure out which article a
statement came from later. Also, if you are pulling verbatim text from a
primary source, it is required that quotation marks be placed around the
copied text to indicate the statement is a direct quote. A direct quote will also
require the page number(s) with the in-text citation or the paragraph number
if it is an unpaginated source, such as a government brief. Failure to include
page/paragraph numbers at this point would require revisiting the journal
article or report to find where the quote is found. This is really time-
consuming and tedious. In fact, there is strong reason to include
page/paragraph numbers for each sentence in the paragraph. Although these
page/paragraph numbers may be removed in the final version of the literature
review, having them present will make referring back to the original piece for
additional information or clarification easier if needed.

By using this strategy, summaries of two of our featured researchers’ studies

are presented: Heather Zaykowski’s (2014) research on mobilizing victim
services and Chris Melde and colleagues’ (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009)
study on teen gang members. You should be able to identify the location in
the original sources of each piece of information in the summaries. As a
novice researcher, you may find some of the summarized elements such as
sample type and analytic techniques unfamiliar. That is to be expected at this
stage, but students are encouraged to summarize these elements as best as
possible. Later portions of the text, additional courses, and greater familiarity
with original sources will better familiarize students with these elements.
With these examples, how to summarize a primary source peer-reviewed
journal article should be clearer. With some practice, and greater familiarity
with the anatomy of journal articles, summarizing becomes faster and easier.
Although summarizing may become faster and easier, it is important to focus
on the material. Having a deeper understanding of the sources—versus
simply copying and pasting sentences from the articles to a word processing
program—will pay dividends later when you need to identify themes and
synthesize all of the material.
Example Summary of Zaykowski (2014)
While the number of victim services have increased over time,
victim use of these services remain poor (Zaykowski, 2014, p.
365). The purpose of this research is to examine variation in use
of victim services by violent crime victims and to ascertain the
effect of victim and incident characteristics, particularly the role
of reporting on the police to seeking victim assistance
(Zaykowski, 2014, p. 365). This research adds to the literature in
two ways. First, unlike existing literature that has used small
nongeneralizable samples, this research uses a national
generalizable sample. Second, although extant research focuses
on female victims, the present research will consider male victims
and victim service access (Zaykowski, 2014, p. 365). This
research does not test theory (no citation, just observation). The
research used 2008–2011 NCVS data and was restricted to violent
victimizations (as property crime victims were not asked about
victim services; Zaykowski, 2014, p. 366). The final sample size
was 4,746 violent victimizations (Zaykowski, 2014, p. 366).
Help-seeking was ascertained based on respondent self-
identification when asked, “Did you receive any help or advice
from any office or agency–other than the police–that deals with
victims of crime?” (Zaykowski, 2014, p. 367). Results include
descriptives (means, standard deviations, and percentages) to
describe the sample, as well as output from multivariate logistic
regression (Zaykowski, 2014, p. 367). The findings show that
victim services utilization differ across a broad variety of victim
and incident characteristics including sex, race/Hispanic origin,
marital status, bystander presence, and whether the violence was
reported to the police (Zaykowski, 2014, p. 366). The results also
indicate that victim service usage was more likely among sexual
assault victims, females, and violence reported to the police
(among others; Zaykowski, 2014, p. 367). In conclusion,
Zaykowski (2014, pp. 367–368) finds that victims of intimate
partner violence and family violence benefited the most from
victim services.
Example Summary of Melde, Taylor, and Esbensen (2009)
“I got your back”: An examination of the protective function of
gang membership in adolescence. Criminology, 47(2) 565–594.
The purpose of this research is to better understand a
contradiction in the literature (Melde et al., 2009, p. 566). On the
one hand, research shows that youth gang membership and violent
victimization are related (Melde et al., 2009, p. 566). On the other
hand, gang members report joining gangs because they report that
being a gang member reduces risk of violent victimization by
others (including other gang members; Melde et al., 2009, p. 566).
The research is guided by three research questions: “1) What is
the effect of gang membership on self-reported victimization? 2)
What is the effect of gang membership on perceptions of
victimization risk? and 3) What is the effect of gang membership
on fear of victimization?” (Melde et al., 2009 p. 566). This
research increases our understanding of the “gang membership-
victimization literature by incorporating subjective concepts of
fear and perceived risk of victimization with traditional self-report
measures of actual victimization” (Melde et al., 2009, p. 573).
The authors are not testing a theory in this research (no cite—
observation not discussed in the article). To investigate these
research questions, Melde and colleagues (2009) used data from
surveys administered to a nonrepresentative sample of 1,450
students in 15 schools in 2004–2005 (Melde et al., 2009, pp. 573–
575). Gang membership was determined based on self-report of
the student to the question: “Do you consider your group of friend
to be a gang?” (Melde et al., 2009, p. 575). Students responding
“yes” were coded as gang members (Melde et al., 2009, p. 575).
The authors analyzed the data using basic descriptives to describe
the sample (e.g., percentages, means, and standard deviations),
and binomial and ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression
analyses to address the three research questions (Melde et al.,
2009, pp. 579–582). The findings indicate that when controlling
for other factors, the effect of gang membership on victimization
during the last three months was significantly increased for males,
compared with for females (Melde et al., 2009, pp. 582–583).
Nevertheless, the findings also show that gang-involved males do
not perceive that they have a higher risk of victimization
compared with females (Melde et al., 2009, p. 583). Furthermore,
the results indicate that gang-involved males have a greater
decline in fear of victimization than do females over time (Melde
et al., 2009, p. 584). These results are consistent with prior
literature, although prior literature relied on cross-sectional data
versus the panel data used here (Melde et al., 2009, p. 584). Even
though the findings are not generalizable, Melde and colleagues
conclude that gang members provide youth with peace of mind
and reducing their fear of violence, even if the reality is that
victimization risk increases (Melde et al., 2009, p. 588).
Someone Has Already Focused on My Topic!
At times, while summarizing primary sources, you will discover that others
have already addressed your topic and research question. Maybe even
multiple parties have done so. Do not despair. As Zaykowski notes, a
“literature review shapes the research question. If you have a research
question in mind, then reading through the literature may indicate the need to
revise the question.” This is just part of the continuous circling back that
research entails. It is also an example of a bump in the road that must be dealt
with. Research is not purely linear, and bumps in the road are common.

How can reviewing the literature aid in refining a research question? First,
reading about existing studies focused on the same research question should
reveal gaps in our understanding that require additional attention. Perhaps the
research question has been considered broadly but not for women, juveniles,
Latinos, the poor, or single individuals. Second, understanding the details
about the methodology used in prior work may indicate an opportunity to
revisit the topic using improved or an alternative methodology. For example,
someone may have studied a topic using a small, local sample, which means
the findings may not accurately describe a larger population. It may be that
the same research question can be addressed using a large national survey
that has recently become available. Third, a review of the literature on a
particular topic may reveal that our existing understanding about the topic is
dated. This may indicate that a new examination of this old question can
increase our current understanding of the topic. A new study focused on the
same question may be possible using newer or improved data. Or the new
study may take place in a different context than the extant work (e.g.,
following a major policy change such as the legalization of marijuana in
several states). In addition, existing work may have used simplistic analytic
approaches because greater computing power was not available at the time of
the original research. It may be that reexamining this research question using
more powerful analytic software available today will lead to an enhanced
understanding of the issue. In short, if your topic has been studied, look for
gaps in our understanding or ways that the work can be improved.
Create a Summary Table
At this point, all primary sources have been summarized individually. Many
new researchers make the terrible mistake of stringing their summary
paragraphs together and calling it a literature review. Simply stringing the
summaries together does not make an appropriate literature review. Aside
from this style of literature review being absolutely brutal to read, others
cannot easily identify the major themes, gaps in the literature, agreement and
disagreement in the literature, and other important information. This type of
literature review doesn’t provide any of the critical information. Identifying
this information requires a thematically focused synthesis of the material, not
an individual-source/author focus. It is worth repeating that stringing together
summaries is not a literature review. Don’t do it!
6. Create a thematically focused table of summarized information

The need for a thematically constructed literature review cannot be

overstated. Cuevas makes the point elegantly with his advice about how to
write an excellent literature review: “Try to paint a picture, try to tell the
story, and make an argument, for why you are conducting the research. Think
about the literature review as putting forth the idea. Get less hung up on who
wrote what, and talk about the ideas and concepts. The point is more about
the ideas and less about who did what.” Keeping this in mind during the next
steps will assist in constructing an excellent review. The next step toward that
is creating a thematically focused table.
Thematically constructed literature review: Review focused on
the ideas found in the literature, not on the particular articles or

Making a summary table requires a researcher to move the sentences in each

summary into a thematically focused structure. This is easily accomplished
using a table with thematically labeled columns. The columns should
correspond to the questions used in creating the individual summaries. For
instance, the first column should focus on the purpose of the research. The
second column should focus on the research question. The rows should also
be labeled. The first row should be titled “main point” or “main statement.”
Each row after that should be labeled using the full citation for each original
source used.
Next, you should copy and paste each sentence from each summary into the
appropriate box. In other words, the column labeled “purpose” should include
the copy-and-pasted (from the summaries written) purpose of each original
source in that column. The column labeled “research question” should
include the copy-and-pasted research question from each source in that
column. An example of the structure of a summary is shown in Table 3.4.
The next task is to fill in the row of Table 3.4 labeled “main point/statement.”
To identify what the main point for each column/theme is, you must study
and think about the information presented in that column. If you have to
summarize in one or two sentences the nature of research about that theme,
what would it be? These main point/statements are your own words. They
can’t be found in any other source.
For example, does the research question focus on the total population in each
study neglecting a relevant subpopulation? A main point might be “Extant
research has identified much about the relationship between X and Y,
however, without exception, this research has focused on the total population.
What is needed is an examination of females only.” Or, “Research has
identified several key predictors of dating violence among teens. Missing
from the literature however is a focus on Latino teen dating violence.” Is
theory never used to study this issue? If so, a main point might be “A review
of the literature indicates that all research conducted has been atheoretical in
nature.” Does the material in the sample column suggest that most research
on the topic is based on small samples? If so, a main point might be “Existing
examinations are focused only on small, local samples limiting our ability to
generalize to larger populations.” Is there disagreement or a lack of
consistency about key definitions? If that is the case, then a main point might
be, “A review of the empirical literature demonstrates tremendous variation
in the definition of ‘sexual violence’ used across studies.” Are there four
major findings apparent in the literature? If so, a main point might be,
“Evidence indicates four major findings including . . .” Table 3.5 offers
nouns and verbs frequently used when constructing main points. Remember,
the purpose of the main point statement is to identify an overall summary
based on a synthesis of material found for each theme in the table. With the
table completed, and the information synthesized, you have the elements
needed to write the first draft of the literature review.

Preparing for the First Rough Draft

With the summary in Table 3.4 completed, you have the raw materials
needed to write a first draft. Before doing so, it is important to have decided
on an organizational approach and a writing strategy. Establishing the
organization of the literature review and using a writing strategy will
facilitate a strong first draft of the review.
7. Prepare for the first draft by identifying an organizational
approach and writing strategically
Organizational Approaches
Recall that the purpose of a literature review is to give an overall view of the
literature as it pertains to the proposed research. In addition, the literature
review needs to make clear what addition to the literature the proposed
research will make. Doing that is accomplished using one of two primary
organizational structures: descriptive organization or chronological
A descriptive literature review organization identifies and describes the
major elements of a particular topic. It shares with the reader what is known
about the topic currently. This type of review typically does not present how
understanding about a topic has changed over time. For example, a
descriptive literature review focused on victimization risk may discuss what
is known today about risk including the important role of gender, race, and
age of the victim. This literature review may be organized in the following
Descriptive literature review: Organization format for a
literature review that identifies the major elements of
contemporary understanding about a particular topic.
Introduction: Victimization Risk and Personal Characteristics
Subsection 1: Gender and Victimization Risk
Subsection 2: Race and Victimization Risk
Subsection 3: Age and Victimization Risk
Subsection 4: The Proposed Study and Why It Is Important
The organization of this literature review describes the currently identified
main themes presented in subsections, followed by what the proposed
research will add to our understanding and why it is important to conduct it.
Subsections (with headings) are very useful in that they allow you to
“organize the information and helps the reader,” according by Zaykowski.
After reading this descriptive format literature review, the reader will have a
good understanding of what is known, as well as information on why the
proposed research is important.
Another useful organizational approach is chronological. A chronologically
organized literature review describes changes and growth in understanding
of a topic over time. As the name suggests, you would describe earlier studies
first, then more contemporary ones, and then a section identifying the
proposed research and why it’s important to conduct. For example, a
chronologically organized literature review focused on violence against
college women may discuss how our understanding of this topic has changed
over time. This literature review may be organized in the following way:
Chronologically organized literature reviews: Organized to
describe changes and growth in our understanding of a topic over
time. The changes described may be based on relevant substantive
themes, focused on change in methodology, change in theory, or
any other relevant theme.
Introduction: Understanding of Violence Against College Women Over
Subsection 1: Era 1—Foundational Studies: Mary Koss and Colleagues
Subsection 2: Era 2—Use of Nationally Representative Studies
1. Mary Koss and Colleagues
2. National Crime Victimization Survey findings
3. Bonnie Fisher and Colleagues
Subsection 3: Era 3—Use of Large Nonrepresentative Samples
1. Krebs and Colleagues—Campus Sexual Assault Survey
2. Cantor and Colleagues—AAU Survey
Subsection 5: Era 3—Use of Individual Campus Climate Studies
Subsection 6: The Proposed Study and Why It Is Important
Using a chronological organization should identify changes in understanding
of a subject over time. The change over time can be focused on the
substantive changes in understanding, changes in methodological advances,
or changes resulting from theoretical development. Which type of change
over time is focused on is dependent on the purpose of the proposed research.
Should you decide to organize your literature review using a chronological
methodological approach, you might offer a section discussing foundational
methodology tools, followed by a section devoted to advanced methodologies
that became available, and finally a section focused on current understanding
using the most up-to-date tools. Presented in this fashion, a reader can see
how understanding in the field has grown over time. Furthermore, it makes
clear how the proposed research will build on what is currently known.
A word of caution—a chronological organization or any kind does not mean
that a researcher should simply offer summaries of each author’s research in
the order in which they were published. Rather, the researchers must write the
review based on major periods of understanding in the field. The periods are
the topic, and the individual pieces of research are synthesized to provide
support for what occurred in each time period. For instance, you may note
that the initial research in the field pointed to the importance of considering
gender. A later burst of research attention built on this knowledge by
demonstrating the need to focus on race as well. And the most recent period
of research makes clear the need to consider gender, race, and age
simultaneously. The final section of the review may cover the proposed
research, which seeks to examine age by noting it has been neglected in
earlier work.
A Writing Strategy: MEAL
You should also be guided by a writing strategy. An easy to use and effective
writing strategy that is often widely used by researchers is summed up by the
acronym MEAL.2 MEAL describes the strategy used not only for the entire
literature review but also for each section in the literature review.
2. The MEAL writing strategy proposed here was adapted for use in writing
literature reviews by Sean McCandless.
MEAL: Writing strategy in which one begins with a main point,
offers evidence, analyzes the evidence, and then links that
material to the main point.
M signifies the main point, which should describe the current state of or
quality of the literature overall. In addition, the first sentence (or sentences)
of each subsection should identify the main point of that section. Note that
the main points placed in the first row for each column in the summary table
in Table 3.2 can be used for this purpose.
E indicates evidence. Evidence for the main point follows the main point
statement. Evidence in an academic literature review comes in the form of
information gleaned from primary source material. Note that the statements
(with citations) in the cells of the summary table in Table 3.2 are used as
evidence in the literature review.
A denotes analysis. After the presentation of evidence, you need to identify
the take-away message from the section. That message may center on
important examinations that are missing in the literature or on agreement or
disagreement that needs to be highlighted. The analysis should tell the reader
in a sentence or two the most important information he or she should have
gained from reading this section.
L represents linking. Linking occurs in two ways. First, it refers to the need to
include a statement that connects the subsection back to the overall main
point of the literature review. Second, linking refers to including segues
between sections. For instance, you may comment, “There is agreement
among researchers on the role of X on Y. In contrast, there is little agreement
when considering the role of W on Y as the following section shows.”
Linking in a literature review ensures that there is flow from one section to
section and that the review is cohesive.
MEAL is a very useful tool, but it need not be used in an overly rigid way.
You can use a MEAL-like structure and vary the parts. For example, an M-E,
M-E, M-E, A, L is a common strategy. Note the elements of MEAL in this
paragraph from Zaykowski’s (2014) victim services research.
The following are several paragraphs from a “cultural factors” subsection in
Cuevas and his colleagues’ literature review focused on Latino dating
violence (Sabina et al., 2016). Note the use of MEAL and the clearly stated
main point, evidence, analysis, and linkage in this example.

This example highlights the very important use of main point statements
leading off each section. This example also demonstrates the synthesized use
of evidence that is presented based on the topic of interest (versus author
focused). Although the text at the beginning of this section on cultural factors
is not shown here, the concluding sentence in this section ties back to the
earlier stated purpose of that section.
As noted, a well-constructed literature review uses MEAL in two ways. It
structures the full literature review, and it is used to structure each subsection.
When we return to an earlier example of a descriptively organized literature
review, we see that a reader would expect to see MEAL in the following

Write the First Draft

At this stage, you have all the skills, strategies, and information needed to
construct the first draft of your literature review. You have a table that has
clearly identified main points and evidence (with citations) for each theme.
You have selected the organization of the literature review as either
descriptive or chronological. You have the understanding of using MEAL to
organize this material using a main point + evidence + analysis + linkage
approach. What remains is to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to
aggregate these pieces in an orderly fashion. When writing the first draft, do
not go for perfection in terms of every word used or every sentence typed.
Focus instead on getting the overall structure and organization in place. You
will devote time to editing, proofreading, and polishing the draft next.
8. Write the first draft
Edit, Proof, and Polish
You should not expect to have a completed literature review with the
construction of the first draft. Rather, a well-written literature review requires
repeated edits, proofing, and polishing. When you feel you have completed
the literature review, you should check it carefully to ensure you have
included important elements that may have been lost (or never been included)
such as main points, evidence, analysis, linkages, citations, quotations, and
stylistic considerations. Another helpful strategy for proofing is to read your
own paper aloud to see whether it flows. Reading your paper aloud forces
you to focus on what is written, not on what you think was written. It is
always good practice to ask someone who has not been working on the
literature review to read it to ensure it is clear, flows well, and is free from
9. Edit, proof, and polish (repeatedly)
Common Pitfalls of Literature Reviews

Writing literature reviews takes time, focus, and patience. A part of the
process is to verify that you have avoided some common errors. This section
identifies several pitfalls that are found in literature reviews. These include
not allowing enough time, constructing the review around authors and not
themes, and a lack of organization and writing strategies.
Not Allowing Enough Time
A common pitfall encountered is not allowing enough time to write your
literature review. You can see from this chapter that no step in writing a
literature review is difficult. What is apparent, though, is that each step and
the whole process take time. Writing a literature review cannot be done in a
night or even two. You must set aside a good amount of time to search for
and through potential primary sources. Time is needed to summarize each
article. Additional time and effort are required to create a summary table and
to consider the material so that main points can be identified. Finally, writing
the review takes time. Writing literature reviews is not a task that can be done
well when rushed. To avoid this pitfall, allow adequate time to do a thorough
and excellent job.
Failing to Focus on Themes
Although we warned against it earlier, and although professors warn students
in classes, it is exceedingly common for students to construct a literature
review focused on authors instead of on themes. A literature review that
describes the work of one author after another, after another, is not a
literature review. When each paragraph focuses on one piece of research and
its author instead of on the substance of the topic, not only is it inhumane to
ask someone to read it, but it is also extremely difficult to identify the overall
state of the literature. A literature review that fails to synthesize the materials
and present main points is not a literature review. To avoid this pitfall, ensure
the review is thematically based, not author or individual research article
Lack of Organization and Structure
A third pitfall of writing literature reviews is to fail to organize and structure
the material in a meaningful way. This chapter presented two useful formats
for the review: descriptive and chronological. A well-constructed literature
review will use one of these approaches. This chapter also presented
information on the importance of MEAL as a writing strategy. MEAL is
useful for the overall review, and it is useful for subsections in the review. If
a review fails to identify main points, offer evidence, analyze the material,
and link it to other sections of the review, the review is incomplete and
poorly executed.
Quoting Problems
Common pitfalls in writing a literature review involve the use of quotes. As
noted in this chapter, a literature review should focus on the ideas in the
literature, not on what any specific author has written. For that reason, the
excessive use of direct quotations should be minimized. Zaykowski shares,
“Avoid using direct quotations–unless there is one or two that really are
important in their original form. Too many quotations make it difficult to
read and also isn’t convincing to the reader that you have an original
argument.” Taken to an extreme, some writers over-quote by quoting
multiple paragraphs and multiple pages of text. Zaykowski notes, “It is not
okay to do this. Even though technically the writer is giving the author credit
(assuming that the author is recognized), it is not enough of the writer’s own
thoughts. The writer didn’t actually write anything, put into their own words,
or in many cases interpret the quote’s significance.” When writing, the writer
needs to include his or her own thoughts, and offering pages of quoted
material fails in that regard.

Miscellaneous Common Errors

Beginning researchers make a few additional mistakes that are easily
remedied. First, never type the title of an original source in the literature
review. Similarly, never use the author or researcher’s full name in the
literature review. Many learning to write literature reviews construct
needlessly bulky sentences similar to
In an article titled “‘I Got Your Back’: An Examination of the Protective
Function of Gang Membership in Adolescence,” authors Chris Melde,
Terrance J. Taylor and Finn-Aage Esbensen studied the “gang
membership-victimization literature by incorporating subjective
concepts of fear and the perceived risk of victimization with traditional
self-report measures of actual victimization” (2009, p. 573).
The problem with this sentence is the presentation of the title, the full names
of all the authors, and a direct quote. Rather, the title of the work should only
be presented in the references. The authors’ full names belong in the
references as well. Only authors’ last names belong in the text. Finally, the
writer of the faux sentence used a quote when the writer’s words would do.
This sentence could be improved as
Melde and colleagues (2009) investigated the gang membership-
victimization literature with an emphasis on the concepts of fear and
perceived risk of victimization (p. 573).
Academic literature reviews should rarely if ever use the word I. I is not
appropriate because the literature review is focused on what the literature
offers, not on how the literature review writer accessed and worked with it.
As an example, sentences such as “I found two articles focused on race and
victimization. I summarized them and learned that . . .” should never be
included. Rather, the point should be conveyed as “A review of the literature
makes clear the importance of considering race when identifying
victimization risk.” The literature review is about the knowledge, not about
the person reading the knowledge.
Similarly, academic literature reviews should not use the word prove. In
social science research, you never prove anything. Rather, researchers
conduct research and in doing so find evidence to support, or fail to find
evidence to support, relationships, theories, and notions about how the world
works. For this reason, never use the word prove and instead note that there
is, or is not, evidence for whatever topic is at hand.
Failure to Justify the Need for the Proposed
Finally, a common error in literature reviews is the failure to conclude with a
strong case for why the proposed research is important and needed. The
proposed research may be filling a gap in the literature, focus on an ignored
population or concept, use improved data or measures, use improved or more
appropriate methodology, or myriad other reasons. Do not assume the reader
understands or knows the justification. It is the researcher’s responsibility to
state clearly the justification for the proposed research.
Ethics and the Literature Review

Ethics are an important consideration during the construction and writing of a

literature review. There are two major ethical considerations to consider
when conducting a literature review: plagiarism and accurate portrayal of
other’s research.
Although most people have a notion about what plagiarism is, most people
are unaware of the fact that plagiarism is fraud and theft, and that it can be
committed in many ways. Most simply, plagiarism is fraud and theft of
another person’s words, thoughts, ideas, or other creations (e.g., songs or
artwork) and the presentation of that material as one’s own. It is a highly
unethical and immoral act that is no different than going to another person’s
home and stealing his or her money or items of value. Copying and pasting
others’ words verbatim—a practice also known as cloning—without citing
the original author is the most widely recognized form of plagiarism. It is
easily avoidable by using quotation marks around the verbatim text and
properly citing the original author and source.
Plagiarism: Fraud and theft of another person’s words, thoughts,
ideas, or other creations (e.g., songs, artwork), and the
presentation of that material as one’s own.
Cloning: Type of plagiarism involving the direct copying and
pasting of others’ words without citing the original author.
Less recognized is that plagiarism also includes summarizing or paraphrasing
another’s work without properly crediting them. Even if every word used in
the summary or the paraphrase differs from the original text, failure to
include proper citation is fraud and theft as the ideas of the original author are
being passed off as someone else’s.
Mosaic plagiarism is a form of plagiarism that occurs in multiple ways. One
presentation of mosaic plagiarism is when a writer takes another person’s text
and replaces some words in the statement with synonyms. Failure to cite the
original author in cases like this is mosaic plagiarism and is unethical. Even
if a writer uses many synonyms, the ideas presented are still those of the
original author, and the resulting text is theft. Another form of mosaic
plagiarism occurs when a writer strings together verbatim fragments from
multiple authors or sources without citing the original authors. Again, the
issue is the theft of the ideas, not the words. Plagiarism is an unethical act
that can (and should) result in negative consequences for the offender. One
way to avoid this pitfall is to always cite and credit the original author. If ever
in doubt, cite and credit the original author.
Mosaic plagiarism: Form of plagiarism in which one takes
another person’s text and replaces some words with synonyms
without citing the originator of the idea. In addition, mosaic
plagiarism also occurs when one strings together verbatim
fragments from multiple authors or sources without citing the
original authors.

Why do people plagiarize? It could be because of a conscious decision to

engage in unethical behavior that someone feels he or she can get away with.
In contrast, many recognize that plagiarism comes from other motivations.
Zaykowski believes the reasons some plagiarize are complex, although a
common theme is because a student is overwhelmed by school, work, and
family obligations. In some cases, plagiarism occurs because of sloppiness or
disorganization on the part of the writer during the writing process. A person
may type a sentence verbatim with the intention of citing the original author
later. If the citation is forgotten, the result is plagiarism. The process outlined
in this chapter offers an organized and systematic approach to writing a
literature review that should minimize the possibility that a citation becomes
lost or separated from the original idea. It is the writer’s responsibility to
remain organized to avoid plagiarism regardless of the causes.
Accurate Portrayal of Existing Research
An issue to be sensitive to in constructing a literature review is the
misrepresentation of existing research. One way an original source is
misrepresented is to rely on some other source material that offers a summary
of an original source. There is no guarantee that any summary of an original
source is correct. In fact, often it is incorrect. You can never be sure that an
original source is accurately described in anything other than the original
source. Failure to access the original source may save time but often at the
cost of accuracy. Even though accessing the original source may take a little
more time, the result is the security of knowing the description written about
the original source is accurate.
At times, extant research is criticized unfairly and inaccurately. Although it is
true that no research is perfect, and all research has limitations, ensure any
criticism leveled is fair. First, remember that the writer is reviewing the
research, not the author. Comments about an author or researcher being
careless, or malicious, stupid, or clueless are always inappropriate. It seems
this sort of advice is not needed, but experience demonstrates it is (this
includes criticizing individuals on social media; it gets seen and shared).
Second, should someone criticize existing research for failing to use a
particular analytic technique, they must be certain that the technique (and
computing power needed for that technique) was available at the time the
research was conducted. Remember, it was not until 1981 that the first widely
used personal computer (PC) was developed (with a maximum of 10 KB of
memory on the hard drive), and not until the late 1980s that the cost of PCs
declined such that they could be found in many homes and offices. The
widespread use of SPSS* became available on a personal computer using
DOS from 1984 to 1992. But it was not until 1992 to 1996 that SPSS was
made available in a Microsoft® WindowsTM-based environment (SPSS Inc.,
2009). Earlier analyses relied on mainframes and other time-intensive
approaches. Prior to 1970, it could take up to 24 hours to get the results from
one regression, assuming the researcher even had access to the required
technology (Ramcharan, 2006). When finally obtaining those results, which
were generally printed and made available in some other location, it was not
uncommon to discover that an error was made, and the process had to begin
again. Today, getting results from one regression is instantaneous on a laptop
in a coffee shop, plane, or beach destination. Therefore, be cautious when
criticizing earlier researchers for using basic analyses when it may reflect the
most advanced technology available at that time.
* IBM® SPSS® Statistics / SPSS is a registered trademark of International
Business Machines Corporation.
A similar unfair criticism focuses on data. The advent of technology has
enabled nationally representative surveys that simply were not possible in the
not-so-distant past. Previously, researchers had to rely on easier to obtain,
smaller, and local samples to conduct research. Similarly, you must be
knowledgeable about the data by someone else before leveling unfair
criticism. For instance, some criticize research using National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS) data for failing to consider the immigration
status of the victim. The fact is that the NCVS data do not, and never have,
gathered information on respondents’ immigration status. In addition, be
cognizant that data change over time. Some also criticize the NCVS for
failing to gather data on sexual assault. The NCVS underwent a massive
redesign in 1992 (approximately 25 years ago), and one change made was
that it started gathering data on sexual assault (and continues to do so). Yet,
even today, some criticize the NCVS for not gathering data on sexual assault.
It seems that those offering this critique are repeating it from old sources (and
not accessing original sources) or that they simply lack knowledge about the
In sum, when describing existing literature and research, be accurate, access
original sources, and be sensitive to changes in the field over time. In
addition, be diplomatic. A person never benefits by implying (or stating
clearly) that early research is poorly conducted or that earlier researchers
were less than dedicated scientists working hard to understand something
about our world.
Literature Review Expert—Sean McCandless, PhD
Sean McCandless, PhD, is an academic resources coordinator and instructor
in the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver. Prior to
coming to the university, Sean worked as an editor, where literature writing
skills were mandatory. Since his arrival at the university, Sean has taught a
variety of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels including English
writing, public administration, and political science. He worked in academic
writing centers for more than a decade and continues to guest lecture in
numerous undergraduate and graduate classes on the topic of literature
writing skills and APA style.

Courtesy of Sean McCandless

Sean credits his becoming a writing expert to being a huge Star Trek fan. As
an 11-year-old, he developed and wrote three scripts that he submitted to Star
Trek for consideration. At the time, the show allowed fans to submit
speculative scripts. Of the three submitted, two were politely declined, but the
third caught the eye of a producer who responded. The producer, not
apparently recognizing he was corresponding with an 11-year-old, noted how
much potential he saw in Sean’s ideas and writing skills. This prompted Sean
to write as much as possible, which eventually landed him a position in a
university writing center. It was in this role that Sean honed his writing skills
and developed the ability to teach others how to write literature reviews.
Learning to teach writing literature reviews came not only from more writing
but also from dissecting published literature reviews to understand their
structure. After a short period of time, he became the go-to guy at the
university for advice on writing literature reviews.
When asked about whether some people are naturally good writers and others
are not, Sean comments that it doesn’t matter. Sean strongly believes that
anyone can be a good writer with the correct skills and environment.
Regardless of one’s background of natural skills, he argues that if a person
learns the correct skills, and practices those skills, they will become a better
writer or rewriter. In this, Sean agrees completely with author Robert
Graves’s statement, “There is no such thing as good writing. Only good
rewriting.” Being a natural writer is not relevant. Developing skills and
practicing writing is relevant.

Sean has seen some common errors when working with students writing
literature reviews. A major error is that students often do not know what the
purpose of their writing is or what the purpose of a literature review is. Not
surprisingly, Sean notes that without clarity in purpose, a writer will never
have clarity in writing. A second common error is that students frequently
cannot identify a main point at the level of the whole paper or at the level of a
paragraph. It is not enough to offer a series of uncoordinated details in a
paper; the writer must identify the main point. Sean notes this skill in
summarizing complex information is one engaged in daily in other contexts.
Think for example of someone asking, “How was your day?” Most people
respond with a summary of the main points of their day: “Had a wonderful
meeting with a new client and celebrated my anniversary out at a nice
restaurant.” This summary offers the main points of the day versus a litany of
each activity, no matter how small, of the day.
To become a better writer, Sean recommends reading other literature reviews
and dissecting them. Can the reader find the main points? The evidence?
Linkages? Furthermore, Sean encourages new writers to practice
summarizing complex material in a few sentences (i.e., practicing developing
main points). This practice can be done by looking at other literature reviews
or any type of writing such as movie reviews and newspaper stories. Identify
how MEAL approaches work and how a failure to offer a framework does
Chapter Wrap-Up
By building on the material presented in the first two chapters, this chapter
presents the steps and skills needed to write a literature review.
Understanding these skills removes or minimizes the anxiety out of writing
and constructing a literature review. As Cuevas notes, writing a good
literature gets easier over time as the skills become more engrained and the
literature becomes more familiar. The steps covered in this chapter include
identifying what appropriate sources for a review are, where to find them, and
how to avoid predatory journal pieces. Steps summarizing the original
sources were offered, culminating in a table (Table 3.4) that has all of the
information needed to write the review. In addition, two organizational
approaches—descriptive and chronological—were presented. A very useful
writing strategy—MEAL—was introduced and described to assist writers
with writing the review. The chapter also provides information on common
pitfalls to avoid when writing a literature review. In addition, the ethics
associated with writing a literature review were highlighted, including
plagiarism in its many forms and misrepresenting existing research. Finally,
the chapter concludes with an interview with Sean McCandless, an expert
literature review writer and academic resources coach. In this interview, Sean
discussed his experience as a writing coach. In his experience, he learned that
everyone has the potential to be a great writer (because of rewriting) when
exposed to the appropriate skills and environment. Although we have
presented a fair amount of text from our case studies in regard to literature
reviews, Table 3.6 offers each study’s abstract. Notice the information that
each abstract offers and how useful it is in identifying whether the article
would be useful in a literature review you are writing.
In the next chapter, we shift gears and begin discussing the information
necessary to design a study. This includes a discussion on concepts,
definitions, measurements, and variables. The chapter discusses measurement
as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to
measurement. Like the previous chapters, a section is devoted to common
pitfalls in the hopes that they can be avoided. And, of course, ethical
consideration during the nuts and bolts planning of research is emphasized.
Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Conducting a Literature Search
Using the same two peer-reviewed journal articles you used for
your homework in Chapter 2, conduct a search for literature
related to those articles. Be sure to use Boolean operators and
filters. Present your findings in a series of tables (e.g., Table 2.2)
shown in this chapter. Given searching is an iterative process, be
sure to show all tables and results for each iteration. Be prepared
to justify why you stopped your search when you did. Be prepared
to discuss your findings in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Summarizing Research
As a group, select two articles from the following case studies:
Dodge, Cuevas, Brunson, and Santos. Once your group has
selected the article, summarize each article following the
approach described in step 5 (see p. 78).Remember to use the
bulleted tips provided in step 5, and write in complete sentences.
Be able to speak to why this approach would be useful in
constructing a literature review. Next, create a thematically based
table using the two selected articles based on the thematically
based table presented in step 6 in the chapter. Be prepared to
discuss and share your summaries in class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: The Results
of Plagiarism
Search the Internet to find three examples of people who lost their
job, or were denied a high-profile position, because they
plagiarized. Provide a summary of who they are, the jobs they had
(or were seeking), and any reason they gave for the plagiarism.
Provide details on the type of plagiarism they engaged in and why
it was wrong. Describe the outcome of their unethical act and how
you think it may affect them in the future. Please provide a paper
addressing these topics to your professor/instructor.
Key Words and Concepts
Abstract 74
Boolean operators 71
Chronologically organized literature review 84
Cloning 90
Conclusions 77
Descriptive literature review 83
Discussion 77
Empirical 65
Empirical peer-reviewed journal articles 65
Filters 71
Findings 77
Impact factors 68
Introduction section of a journal article 76
Key words 76
Literature review journal articles 66
Method 77
Mosaic plagiarism 90
Original sources 64
Peer-reviewed journal articles 64
Phrase 71
Plagiarism 89
Predatory journals 67
Predatory publishers 67
Primary sources 64
References 77
Saturation 73
Term 71
Thematically constructed literature review 81
Theoretical journal articles 66
Key Points
A literature review presents an understanding of the overall state of the
literature by surveying, summarizing, and synthesizing existing
literature. Reviews identify major themes, demonstrate where there is
agreement and disagreement, identify limitations of prior research, and
expose gaps in our understanding about a topic. A well-constructed
literature review places the proposed research in the context of extant
literature, and it identifies how the proposed research will create and
enhance existing knowledge.
Writing a literature review can be intimidating, but with the appropriate
skills, and a clear set of steps toward that end, anyone can write an
excellent literature review.
Sources used to construct a literature review, known as original sources
or as primary sources, primarily come in the form of peer-reviewed
journal articles, including empirical pieces, theoretical pieces, and
review pieces. In addition, local and federal governmental reports,
conference papers, and information from conference presentations are
useful sources.
Recent years have seen a proliferation of predatory publishers and
predatory journals that are inappropriate sources for writing an academic
literature review. Predatory publishers and journals are illegitimate
entities that extort fees from unsuspecting authors.
Searching for original or primary sources is easily accomplished using
search tools, terms, phrases, Boolean operators, and filters. Searching is
an iterative process that should begin with the narrowest search. In
addition, searches commonly should be restricted to journal articles
published in the last five to seven years.
Empirical journal articles are published using predictable sections
making finding important information easy. Those sections include an
abstract, introduction, literature review, the method, findings,
discussion, and conclusion. All academic journal articles include
references with full citation information.
Summarizing each primary source and then disaggregating statements
from the summaries into a summary table where main themes are
identified and stated are important steps toward creating a thematically
based literature review.
Prior to writing the first rough draft, it is important that the writer
identify which organizational approach taken (descriptive or
chronological) and be familiar with the writing strategy identified as
MEAL. By using MEAL, one offers a main point, evidence, analysis,
and linkage across the literature review, as well as within each
Two primary ethical concerns while writing a literature review are
plagiarism and misrepresentation/unfair criticism of others’ work.
Plagiarism comes in many forms, but all have in common that a writer
has passed off another person’s work as his or her own without crediting
the originator of that material. In a literature review, the work is being
critiqued, not the researcher. Should a person level criticism about
extant research, it is his or her duty to ensure it is fair criticism given the
context and available tools at the time the work was conducted.
Review Questions
1. What are the purposes of a literature review?
2. What are the nine basic steps in writing a literature review? Why
are they important?
3. What are appropriate and inappropriate sources for use in writing
a literature review?
4. What are predatory publishers and journals, and how can you
know they are not using one?
5. What are Boolean operators and filters, and why are they useful?
6. What questions should you address when summarizing an original
7. What is a main point, and how is one developed? What role does a
main point play in the construction of a literature review?
8. What is the anatomy of an empirical research journal article, and
what information does each section offer?
9. What types of organizational approaches are useful in writing a
literature review? What is MEAL, and why is it important?
10. What are the two types of plagiarism discussed in this chapter,
and why are they unethical?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Another student in your class is working on a literature review on
sexual violence. He finds some literature in a journal but feels it
does not cover the topic well. He decides to include information
found in an article published in Playboy magazine because he
argues it is a better source for this topic. How would you advise
him to proceed? Why would you suggest that? (This is based on
an actual incident.)
2. A student in your class notes she has completed her literature
review on police use of force. She asks you to proofread her paper
prior to turning it in because it is worth 75% of her course grade.
She wants to do well. When you read it, you notice that the
literature review offers a series of paragraphs summarizing
individual pieces of research. What would you advise her to do,
and why?
3. You are working on a literature review and realize that you could
use much of a paper you turned in to another professor in a
different class last semester. Would it be ethical to copy and paste
those sections out of the old paper and place them into the new
paper? Why or why not? Would plagiarism software find this?
What is the best way to handle a situation like this?
4. You are writing a literature review, and it turns out one of the
articles you are reviewing was written by a professor you had at
your previous college. Since you worked closely with him, you
know he often cuts corners and holds some dated views of
particular groups. In the review, you write, “It is no surprise Dr.
Lazyguy failed to consider the role of race in the analysis given
his personal beliefs about particular groups.” Is this an appropriate
or wise approach? Why or why not? What would be a better way
to handle this?
5. You go home to discover someone has broken in and stolen
artwork you created. Although your artwork may not be worth
millions, it is yours and you worked very hard creating it. In
addition, it represents a lifetime of your labor with art. A few
weeks later, you are walking downtown and in a window is your
artwork for sale. On the accompanying information sheet, it notes
the art was created by someone else. How would this make you
feel? Do you believe that plagiarism is the same type of theft and
fraud? Why or why not? What punishment should be given the art
thief? How would you punish a plagiarizer if you had that power?

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Part 3 Designing Your Research
Part 2 provided guidance on developing research questions and on
constructing a quality literature review. With that foundational material in
place, Part 3 begins zeroing in on necessary considerations related to
gathering your data. These considerations include learning about identifying
concepts of interest and how you will draw a sample from which your data
will come. For some research, you must clearly identify the concepts of
interest given your research question. You must then identify how those
concepts will be conceptualized and operationalized into variables. These
considerations involve contemplating levels of measurement, validity, and
reliability. These steps are important in research design because, as noted, a
piece of research is only as good as its weakest part. Care must be taken to
avoid weaknesses at every step of your research. Once these decisions are
made, you must address sampling—deciding from whom or what your data
will be gathered. Many considerations are taken into account when
contemplating sampling, including the nature of the sample, the size of
sample, and the source of the sample. Drawing a quality sample is one step
toward maximizing the quality of the data you will ultimately use to answer
your research question. Once you have developed your research and sampling
plan, it will be time to gather your data. Part 4 discusses many types of data
that researchers gather.
Chapter 4 Concepts, Conceptualizations,
Operationalizations, Measurements,
Variables, and Data
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
4.1 Summarize what a concept is, compare how it is related to a
variable, describe how it is related to different types of research,
and identify why it is important.
4.2 Define and describe conceptualization, including its
importance in conducting different types of research.
4.3 Identify the role of operationalization and how it differs from
conceptualization. Describe how operationalization and
conceptualization differ when using quantitative and qualitative
4.4 Summarize what variables are, how they are related to
concepts, and the role they play in research. Be able to describe
the characteristics and types of variables used in research.
4.5 Define measures, and provide examples of measures you see
in research. Identify how measures and data are related to one
4.6 Be able to list, compare, and contrast the four levels of
measurement and how each is distinguished from the other.
Evaluate why it is important to make these distinctions when
conducting research.
You now have a research question and a quality literature review; now you
are ready to begin planning the details associated with your research. To do
so, you must begin thinking about concepts, conceptualizations,
operationalizations, measurements, variables, and data, and the role of each in
your research. Regardless of the purpose of your research, you must consider
these things. Nevertheless, how you think about these elements depends, in
part, on the type of data you will ultimately need to collect.
Two Primary Types of Data: Quantitative and
Two primary types of data are used in criminology and criminal justice
research: quantitative and qualitative. Research using quantitative data uses
numerical data to quantify something about a topic. With quantitative data, a
person can understand how many offenders recidivated, the rate of offending
in the past year, the number of female police officers that are employed full
time, or opinions measured on a scale from one (dislike) to ten (like). In
using these numeric data, a researcher then calculates statistics, and findings
and conclusions are offered. Research based on quantitative data is generally
conducted by using deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning means that
the researcher begins more generally and works to more specificity. Many of
our featured case studies used deductive reasoning and quantitative data. One
specific research question posed by Chris Melde and colleagues (Melde,
Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009) was, “What is the effect of gang membership on
self-reported victimization among adolescents?” To answer this, Melde et al.,
gathered numerical data on whether an adolescent was in a gang and whether
he or she had been victimized. With those data, Melde and colleagues
calculated statistics and offered conclusions. Melde and his collaborators
went into this research with clear boundaries regarding the data they needed
to answer their research question. Similarly, Carlos Cuevas and colleagues
(Sabina, Cuevas, & Cotignola-Pickens, 2016) posed four research questions
that identified the specific things they would gather data about, analyze, and
offer a conclusion. Recall their four research questions:
Quantitative data: Numerical data. Research using quantitative
data generally uses deductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning: Approach in which the researcher begins
with broad or general statements that are used to derive more
specific statements. Used in research that begins more generally
and works to more specificity. Commonly used in research using
quantitative data.
1. What are the rates of dating violence by victim gender?
2. What is the risk of experiencing dating violence over time?
3. Is dating violence victimization associated with other forms of
4. What cultural factors (e.g., immigrant status, familial support) are
associated with dating violence over time?
These questions show that Cuevas and his team needed to gather data on
dating violence, gender, risk associated with dating violence, other types of
victimization, and cultural factors. They were not interested in understanding
whether some other unrelated thing such as vacation locations was important
to consider. Rather, Cuevas and his colleagues worked within specific
conceptual boundaries to answer their research questions.
Other scientific research uses qualitative data. Research relying on
qualitative data is conducted using non-numerical data such as text from
transcribed interviews, narratives, published documents, videos, music,
photos, observations, body language, and voice intonation, to name a few. In
thinking back to Mary Dodge’s exploratory research on policewomen decoys
(Dodge, Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005), the literature provided no
guidance except for speculation about how women view this work. Because
of that, Dodge, another of our featured researchers, and her colleagues found
the best approach would be to gather qualitative data via interview. By
gathering qualitative data, they were able to learn a great deal about officers’
views of being a decoy, fears associated with this role, and how to walk,
dress, and behave to be convincing. Therefore, they would not be constrained
to preconceived notions about the work. Rather, those engaged in the work
could tell Dodge and her colleagues what was and was not important and
meaningful. Qualitative data are generally conducted using inductive
reasoning. Inductive reasoning means that a researcher begins more specific
and works to greater generality. The researcher begins with specific
observations, interviews, or other data collection and uses the data gathered
to make general statements about the topic of interest. Research using
qualitative data is frequently, but not always, used in an exploratory manner.
Research relying on qualitative data does not have the goal of counting or
quantifying a topic; instead, it’s goal is to deeply and richly understand the
topic and nuances about the topic.

Qualitative data: Non-numerical data. Researchers using

qualitative data generally use inductive reasoning. Qualitative data
are available in numerous formats, including texts, narratives,
published documents, videos, music, photos, recordings,
observations, participating, body language, and so on.
Inductive reasoning: Used in research that begins more specific
and works to greater generality. Commonly used in research using
qualitative data.
Often, the decision to use a quantitative or qualitative data (or both) is guided
by the research purpose and question (see Figure 4.1). If you know nothing or
little about a specific topic, gathering qualitative data may be the best
approach. The undercover officer sting research conducted by Mary Dodge et
al. (2005) and the research by featured researcher Rod Brunson (Brunson &
Weitzer, 2009) on adolescent youth perceptions and experiences with police
both used this approach. In fact, Brunson and his colleague begin their
literature review by noting that “most of the literature is quantitative, and it is
important to complement these studies with qualitative research to document
complex and nuanced citizen understandings of police practices. Only a
handful of qualitative studies of either adults or youth exist” (Brunson &
Weitzer, 2009, p. 861). Both Dodge and Brunson, along with their
colleagues, gathered qualitative data to answer their exploratory research
questions to gain a broad yet nuanced understanding of a topic. If, on the
other hand, a fair amount of knowledge has accumulated about a topic and
the goal is to explain something about it, then using quantitative data might
be the best approach. Our featured researchers Heather Zaykowski, Carlos
Cuevas, Chris Melde, and Rachel Boba Santos each used or gathered
quantitative data to answer their research questions. Evaluation research
frequently uses both quantitative and qualitative data. An evaluation may
involve gathering numerical data to answer a research question. But it may
also include gathering of non-numerical data in the form of interviews, focus
groups, observing interactions, or studying documents to answer some other
research question.

Figure 4.1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Illustrated

The decision about whether a researcher will use qualitative or quantitative
data, or both, is important to make early in a research project. This is because
the data required will influence how a researcher thinks about concepts,
conceptualizations, operationalizations, and variables—the topics of this
chapter—prior to gathering the data. For example, the qualitative data
gathered are often used to identify the important concepts related to the topic
of interest, gather an understanding about what their subjects (often people)
identify as relevant concepts, as well as how the subjects define them (i.e.,
moving from the more specific to the more general). This approach entails
being open to learning their subjects’ views on important definitions,
conceptualizations, and variables. In contrast, researchers intending to use
quantitative data must identify the abstract unobservable concepts relevant to
their research and describe how they will measure them using variables
before gathering data.
Figure 4.2 Stages to Go From Concept to Variables
The remainder of the chapter discusses these important elements. We begin
by first identifying why careful consideration of these concepts,
measurements, and variables are important. Then we describe each of these
using examples. The chapter concludes with a discussion of ethics and
common pitfalls, as well as with an interview with Brenidy Rice, who makes
a living focusing on these elements of research while conducting and
overseeing research for the state of Colorado.
Why Focus on Concepts, Conceptualizations,
Operationalizations, Measurements, Variables, and
Understanding concepts, definitions, measurements, and variables is
important because without them a researcher simply could not conduct
research. For the researcher gathering and using quantitative data, it would be
difficult to systematically move from an unobservable abstract concept to
measureable and observable variables. For the researcher gathering and using
qualitative data, important information about a research topic may be
overlooked and missed. Without an understanding of these elements of
research, a researcher could not conduct research well.
To conduct research using quantitative data, a researcher has identified from
the literature (and noted in the literature review) important concepts about
which he or she needs to gather data. A critical step in this type of approach
is to make those abstract concepts into measureable variables. To do so,
researchers engage in several basic stages, moving from the abstract to the
concrete. Figure 4.2 depicts these stages of identification of a concept, the
creation of a conceptual definition, and a detailed plan for indirectly
measuring that concept that results in a variable. After these stages, you can
develop variables to gather data that serve as proxies for the concepts.
What Are Concepts?

One of Zaykowski’s (2014) research questions is as follows: What factors are

associated with use of victim services? In particular, Zaykowski examines
how things like reporting to the police, victim’s demographics, the victim’s
relationship to the offender, and the victim’s mental and physical distress are
associated with the use of victim services. To answer her research question,
she ultimately has to gather empirical data on each of these things. These
things are concepts that are abstract, mental pictures that exist in our minds.
They are not empirical (i.e., observable), tangible, and cannot be touched.
Zaykowski noted in a video interview conducted for this book that “[w]hen
we study victimization, victimization is a concept but one can’t just say this
is victimization, or that is victimization, a researcher must address what
exactly they mean by victimization.” We think about and communicate about
our world and our research using concepts. Our ability to communicate using
concepts is possible because individuals have a general agreement regarding
the meaning of particular concept.
Concept: Abstract, mental pictures of things that exist only in our
minds. Examples include gender, victim, injury, recidivism, and
The focus on concepts differs slightly given the purpose of one’s research. In
exploratory research, a researcher is generally motivated to use the data to
identify the concepts of importance. In descriptive research, a researcher
frequently is already aware of the concepts of interest. Their ultimate goal is
to describe what is known about concepts and how they are related or
associated with one another. In explanatory and some evaluation research, a
researcher is focused on identifying how some concepts affect, influence, or
predict other concepts. Understanding that concepts are abstract mental
images, and that research is focused on identifying, describing, or explaining
how concepts are related, should make clear why these are the most basic
building blocks of conducting research.
Examples of Concepts
Our case studies focus on several concepts in their research. Consider the
work of Melde who focuses on concepts such as gang members,
victimization, perceptions of victimization, victimization risk, adolescence,
and perceived fear (Melde et al., 2009). Zaykowski’s (2014) work points to
several concepts of interest including police reporting, victim demographics,
use of victim services, victim’s distress, and so on. Consider Cuevas’s
research, which is focused on concepts such as cultural factors, dating
violence, gender, Latinos, and other types of victimization (Sabina et al.,
2016). The work of Santos focuses on concepts including hot spots,
residential burglary, and offender-focused police intervention (Santos &
Santos, 2016). Some of these abstract concepts are illustrated in Figure 4.3.

In contrast, Dodge’s work needed to identify what the women who worked as
prostitution decoys identified as important concepts (Dodge et al., 2005).
Similarly, Brunson started his exploratory research on youths’ views and
experiences with police with little notion as to what these youths thought
were important concepts (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). Beyond knowing that
they wanted to compare experiences and perceptions of the youths in three
neighborhoods, the researchers allowed many important concepts to be
identified by the respondents during the interviews.
Figure 4.3 Several Case Study Concepts
There is an endless number of concepts in criminal justice and criminology.
Consider the examples of criminology and criminal justice concepts shown in
Table 4.3. What characteristics do all concepts have in common? First, all
concepts are abstract. Second, people in society have a general agreement
regarding what concepts refer to. This general agreement about meaning
allows individuals to communicate with one another about ideas and
thoughts. Third, because they are abstract, concepts are not directly
Having generally agreed ideas about what abstract concepts refer to may be
adequate to get along successfully in everyday life. It is not adequate when
conducting research. Why? First, because concepts are not directly
measureable, it is impossible to conduct research using concepts. Researchers
who want to measure the concepts must use something measureable to
represent the concepts. Second, although individuals may have a general
agreement about what is meant by a concept, people do not share specific,
detailed agreement about what is meant by each concept. You and those you
know do not share the same specific notion about what constitutes an injury,
intelligence, violence, an elder, kindness, happiness, a victim, or recidivism.
Therefore, when conducting research using quantitative data, it is critical that
the researcher clearly define and identify the specific measureable elements of
each concept prior to gathering the data. When conducting research using
qualitative data, it is critical to allow subjects to define the concepts they
identify as important. The researchers’ ideas about definitions may not match
or even be close to how subjects view them. A great example of learning
about definitions while gathering data (versus clarifying definitions prior to
gathering data) is found in Dodge’s research (Dodge et al., 2005). During
Dodge’s interviews, it was revealed how decoy officers’ defined being a
successful decoy. A successful decoy is one who went barefooted, had
messy/dirty hair, and a particular way of standing and walking. Other
concepts and definitions were also revealed in Dodge’s data gathering
including sexual concepts such as “half-an-half” and “around the world” (see
Dodge et al., 2005, for more information). For more understanding of
research using quantitative and qualitative data, see Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4 Understanding Research Using Quantitative and Qualitative Data

What Is Conceptualization?
As noted, a researcher cannot directly measure concepts because they are
abstract. Yet, researchers are interested in understanding, exploring,
examining, or investigating concepts and how they are associated or related
to one another. To do so, definitions of the concepts must be identified. For
the researcher using qualitative data, this means gathering data that provide
insight into their subjects’ definitions of important concepts. For example, in
Brunson’s research, the definition of “crooked cops” was revealed (and
supported in other literature) and defined:
Most Barksdale and Hazelcrest youth said that their communities were
plagued by some “crooked cops”—a term frequently used (see also Carr,
Napolitano, and Keating 2007). Martez observed, “They’ll sell you
crack, weed, X [ecstasy], and then will turn around and have you locked
up.” And David explained, “If somebody got pulled over and they had
drugs and money on them, a lot of times the cops will search ’em and
take the drugs and money and then lock ’em up. . . . They don’t turn it in
for evidence; they keep it for they self.” “The undercover ones is
crooked,” Kyle observed. “The undercover ones get away with it
because we can call the station up and report the [officers] in uniform,
but we can’t report the undercover ones” because their identities are
often masked. (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009, p. 873)

In contrast, the researcher using quantitative data must develop specific

detailed definitions of each concept of interest prior to gathering the data. In
the parlance of research methods, the researcher using quantitative data
develops a conceptual definition via conceptualization.
Conceptualization is a process of defining what is meant by a particular
concept. The resulting definition is a conceptual definition. The definition
must be comprehensive and clear and accurately reflect the underlying
concept that it describes. For those who will be gathering and using
qualitative data, developing a conceptual definition prior to the research is
less common. Rather, the data collected dictates respondents’ conceptual
definitions. In Santos’ research, she and her colleague had to take the concept
“hot spot” and turn it into something observable and measurable (Santos &
Santos, 2016). This research ultimately defined “hot spots” as a combination
of residential census blocks that are similar in size (0.60 square miles) and
had at least 15 reported crimes in the last year.
Conceptualization: Process of precisely, accurately,
comprehensively, and clearly defining what is meant by a
particular concept. The resulting definition from this process is a
conceptual definition.
Conceptual definition: Precise, accurate, comprehensive, and
clear definitions resulting from conceptualization.
Example: Conceptualizing College Student

Consider the concept of “college student.” How might you conceptualize this
concept? In general, people have broad agreement as to who a college student
is. Nevertheless, as should now be clear, there is no universally specific and
shared definition about who a college student is. For that reason, as a
researcher, you must conceptualize or define this concept to conduct research
on it.

How would you conceptualize “college student?” Here are a few examples:
Someone living on a university campus at a four-year university.
People currently enrolled in any number of college courses whether
online or in person.
Individuals, 18 to 24 years of age, who have attended a university either
online or in person, public or private, within the last six months.
People who have graduated from high school and are obtaining
additional education at a vocational school, community college, junior
college, or four-year university.
As these few examples indicate, there are many ways to conceptualize
“college student.” Each of these ways has ramifications about from whom
data will be gathered. These four examples demonstrate that a researcher
must think about several elements that make a college student. First, you
must consider what is meant by a college or university. Does it refer to only a
traditional brick-and-mortar four-year university? Or does it include
community colleges and vocational schools? Must it be a public university?
Or can it be private? Do religious universities count? Second, you must
consider what is meant by student. Is there an age limit of who is a college
student? Must someone be currently enrolled in courses, or can he or she
have been enrolled in the last six months (or a year)? Must a person be
enrolled at least part time, or must he or she be enrolled full time only? What
if the student takes only online courses—is he or she a college student? Can a
senior citizen taking an online course in ornithology from a university in state
different from their residence be considered a college student? Is where a
person lives related to one’s status as a college student? Must a person live on
a college campus in a dormitory to count as a student? What if someone lives
at home with his or her parents? Which conceptual definition would you use
to accurately define the concept of college student? Given this discussion, are
you wondering how “college student” has been conceptualized in the
research on college student sexual misconduct that is so prominent in the
news these days? You should be because it might surprise you.
Much research focused on college students defines them as persons age 18 to
24. Is this the best approach? Why or why not?

© Sportstock/iStockphoto.com
Keep in mind that there may be frequently used conceptual definitions of
concepts identified in the literature. If appropriate, it is acceptable to build off
this existing work and use that conceptualization. Nevertheless, the
researcher must be careful to ensure that a selected existing conceptualization
is appropriate for the research at hand. Just because a conceptual definition
has been used does not make it the best conceptualization for every research
application. Figure 4.5 offers an illustration of the conceptualization step.
Must college students live on campus to be considered a college student? Do
online students count? What of those taking a class at a nearby community

© monkeybusinessimages/iStockphoto.com
Providing conceptual definitions is challenging. Yet, conceptualization is an
important process, and a researcher must take the time to do it well. In the
end, your research is only as good as its weakest element, and using poor
conceptual definitions weakens the whole product. It also makes following
steps in the research endeavor, including the next step of operationalization,
more challenging. Having engaged in conceptualization, a researcher is one
step closer to the next step: operationalization.
What Is Operationalization?
For most planning on using quantitative data, the next step in the process is to
specify exactly how you will measure the concept based on the conceptual
definition. Identifying how you will measure each concept, being guided by
the conceptual definition, is a process known as operationalization.
Conceptualization focuses on developing specific definitions,
operationalization focuses primarily on how a researcher will indirectly
measure the concept. Although operationalization is engaged in primarily by
researchers who will use quantitative data, researchers using qualitative data
are interested operationalization in terms of how their respondents view the
appropriate measurement of concepts. For instance, a respondent may note
that they identify a bad police officer based on the way she drives or the
language used. How respondents “measure” underlying concepts is of interest
to researchers gathering qualitative data.
Operationalization: Process in which a researcher identifies how
each concept will be measured based on the conceptual definition.
Figure 4.5 Conceptualization
For researchers who will be using quantitative data, operationalization details
the precise way in which they will measure the underlying concept. Will they
use a survey question? Will they weigh something? Will they count
something? Each of these are ways in which a researcher can operationalize a
concept (or part of it). There are many ways to operationalize concepts, and
the researcher must identify exactly how he or she will accomplish it.
Cuevas offers an excellent example regarding concepts and
operationalization: someone says they are going to “travel to work.” The
concept of “travel to work” has shared meaning among people. Yet Cuevas
notes that “traveling to work” can be accomplished in many ways, by taking
different modes of transportation, by using different pathways, and so on.
Operationalization refers to the specific way that person will “travel to work”
by identifying the streets and roads she takes, every turn she makes, and the
type of vehicle used, the speed traveled, and so on. Santos offers an excellent
example in terms of the concept of security. One way a researcher may
conceptualize security is by lighting in an area. Operationalizing it means
addressing the question, “What does this conceptualization mean in terms of
gathering data?” For example, would you gather data on how bright lights
are? Or would you measure where the lights are located? Perhaps you would
measure how many lights there are? Or maybe simply whether there are any
lights? These practical questions must be clarified during operationalization,
so the researcher knows exactly what type of data to gather.

Research in Action: Victim Impact Statements, Victim Worth,

and Juror Decision Making
The role of victims in crime has remained unchanged, but what
has changed is the way victims have been included in the criminal
justice system. One way victims have been included in the system
is the use of a victim impact statement at trial. Although many
view victim impact statements as a win for victims (and their
families), others have expressed fear that victim impact
statements will lead jurors to make decisions in part based on
judgments about the worth of victims. In this way, some believe
victim impact statements will introduce an element of unfairness
in trials. Regardless, victim impact statement are now a part of
trials, but the question remains: Does the victim’s socioeconomic
status influence juror decisions? Existing research offers mixed
findings. Schweitzer and Nunez’s (2017) research addresses this
question using multiple facets of socioeconomic status.
The specific purpose of Schweitzer and Nunez’s research was
1. To examine whether victim impact statements affect
sentencing decisions
2. To examine whether victim socioeconomic status
information conveyed through a victim impact statement
might influence jurors’ sentencing decisions in capital
murder cases
To conduct this research, 249 people were gathered in a sample
using an online survey tool that offers a low-cost sample of
subjects (Amazon’s® MTurkTM). Each subject completed a death
qualification questionnaire that included three items that assessed
whether participants were willing to give the death penalty and
whether they would give the death penalty no matter what the
circumstances. Only subjects who noted that they would give the
death penalty if the circumstances warranted it were eligible to
participate in the study. All participates listened to 35 minutes of
audio of the sentencing phase of a capital murder trial. The
evidence against the defendant was extremely strong. Subjects
were told that the defendant had been found guilty of first-degree
murder and that it was their role to sentence him. The subjects
also learned that the defendant had been on parole when he
committed the murder and that he murder had occurred with
additional felonies. The next part of the study involved the victim
impact statements being given by the daughter of the murder
victim. The daughter was varied in two primary ways:
socioeconomic status and language. In terms of socioeconomic
status, the daughter giving the victim impact statement was varied
in terms of occupation (saleswoman at, or manager of, a furniture
store), housing (mobile home versus house), type of vacation
taken (camping or cruise), daughter’s education (not mentioned or
PhD), and occupation (flight attendant or college professor).
Verbally, the daughter used language in terms of using eh or you
know, and dropping the g at the end of words (e.g., I’m goin to the
store) or using phrases such as I think or I suppose and more
To analyze the data, a logistic regression was used to isolate the
influence of socioeconomic status on a juror’s sentence. With
regard to the first purpose, the findings showed that victim impact
statements do not bias jurors. In addition, the examination of the
second research purpose suggests that victim information,
specifically socioeconomic status conveyed through the reading
of a victim impact statement, did bias jurors’ sentencing
decisions. Specifically, when the daughter was of lower
socioeconomic status, the defendant was less likely to be
sentenced to death. Defendants killing a middle socioeconomic
victim were more likely to be sentenced to death.
The policy implications of this research suggest that the
socioeconomic status of those giving the victim impact statement
influence jurors’ sentencing decisions. Judges must be made
aware of this when deciding which portions of the impact
statement should be allowed. In addition, an obvious policy
consequence is that the use of victim impact statements may be
called into question if additional research shows they have a
biasing effect on sentencing especially in capital murder cases.
Schweitzer, K., & Nunez, N. (2017). Victim impact statements:
How victim social class affects juror decision making. Violence
and Victims, 327(3), 521–532.
Concepts can be operationalized in myriad ways, and it is up to the researcher
to identify precisely the way they are operationalizing each concept. First,
you must identify the nature of each measure used to represent the underlying
concept of interest. Is it a survey question? A count? Observation of
behavior? Second, you must determine how many measures are needed to
best measure the underlying concept. Often a variable is based on a single
measure, yet other times, multiple measures are used. Zaykowski notes that
in general, it is better to use multiple operationalizations because they can
better capture the richness of underlying concepts. In the case of Zaykowski’s
(2014) featured research using the National Crime Victimization Survey
(NCVS), she is constrained by the operationalizations available in these
existing data (aka secondary data). Cuevas’s work offers a great example of
the use of multiple operationalizations for each concept to better capture
concepts such as culture or victimization (Sabina et al., 2016). For instance,
in Cuevas’ study, the concept of victimization was operationalized by the use
of the modified juvenile victimization questionnaire (JVC). The JVC gathers
data on conventional crime, peer and sibling victimization, child
maltreatment, and sexual victimization within the past year. There are 17
questions asked of respondents to see whether they had been victimized in
the last year. If so, additional data are gathered on each attack such as
whether the relationship to the perpetrator. Using 17 questions to get at a
single concept offers a robustness to that operationalization. A third
consideration is that you must identify the nature of how the data for each
operationalization will be recorded. Will you note the presence or absence of
the concept of interest? Or count how many times someone is victimized?
Exactly what type of data will be recorded is an important consideration in
operationalization. Once operationalization is concluded, the researcher will
be working with variables. Therefore, the chapter now turns to variables,
what they are, and how they are constructed.

What Are Variables?

Variables are the labels for the observable and measureable counterparts of
concepts. Variables act as proxies of the abstract concepts they represent. A
researcher studies variables to understand the concepts, and a researcher
investigates the relationship among variables to understand the relationship
among concepts. This is possible because variables represent the observable
measures used to gather data.
Variable: Labels applied to measures used to represent the
concepts of interest. Variables act as proxies for the abstract
concepts they represent.
Variables are categorized based on the nature of the data collected. Before
discussing the many types of variables, it is instructive to return to the
research questions to better understand variables.
Revisiting Research Questions With a Focus on
Recall that research questions guide the entire research enterprise. They are
the question a researcher seeks to answer. Consider these research
questions/objectives from some of our case studies:
Melde and collaborators (Melde et al., 2009): (a) What is the effect of
gang membership on self-reported victimization? (b) What is the effect
of gang membership on perceptions of victimization risk? (c) What is
the effect of gang membership on the fear of victimization?
Brunson and colleague (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009): What are
differences in views of police relations of Black and White youth based
on where they reside: a Black disadvantaged neighborhood, a White
disadvantaged neighborhood, or a racially mixed disadvantaged

For Melde, the concepts in his research questions indicate what he will gather
data about. In contrast, Brunson’s exploration, identifying and comparing
concepts of interest within these three neighborhoods, is the goal of the
research. Research seeks to identify or understand the importance of
concepts, including relationships among concepts. Yet, the interest goes
much deeper than that. Researchers are fundamentally interested in the
variation in these concepts and in how the variation in one concept
influences or is associated with the variation in another concept. For
example, researchers are not interested in victimization per se; researchers are
interested in variation in victimization experiences among those in the public.
Why are some people victimized and others are not? Researchers are not
interested in perceptions of the police per se; they are interested in variation
in perceptions of police among Black and White youth.
Why place emphasis on variation? Variation is a fundamental element of
research. The presence of variation can be used to establish a relationship
among concepts. If concepts vary together, a researcher has evidence that the
concepts may be related. If the concepts do not vary together, a researcher
does not have evidence of a relationship among them. Because all people
reside on planet Earth (to our best knowledge), it would not make sense to
propose research asking whether the planet of one’s residence is related to
attitudes about police. Why? Because everyone lives on Earth, planet of
residence is a constant and therefore cannot possibly account for any
variation in attitudes toward police. If everyone has the same level of
education, it would not make sense to study whether educational level is
related to income. Why? Because educational level is a constant, meaning it
cannot influence the variation in people’s income. Given this newly identified
emphasis on variation in and among concepts, it is useful to consider some
research questions and what they really are asking.
Research question: Zaykowski (2014) asks: How does reporting to the
police, the victim’s demographic characteristics, the victim’s injury,
offender’s use of a weapon, the victim’s relationship to the offender, and
the victim’s mental and physical distress influence victim service use?
What is really being asked: How does variation in whether victims
report to the police, variation in victims’ demographic characteristics,
variation in whether victims were injured, variation in whether offenders
used a weapon, variation in victim–offender relationships, and variation
in victims’ mental and physical distress influence variation in seeking
victim services?
Research question: Cuevas and colleagues (Sabina et al., 2016) ask: (a)
What are the rates of dating violence by victim gender? (b) What is the
risk of experiencing dating violence over time? (c) Is dating violence
victimization associated with other forms of victimization? (d) What
cultural factors (e.g., immigrant status, familial support) are associated
with dating violence over time?
What is really being asked: (a) How do the rates of dating violence
vary by whether a victim is male or female? (b) Does the risk of
experiencing dating violence vary over time? (c) Is variation in dating
violence victimization associated with variation in other forms of
victimization? (d) Is variation in peoples’ cultural factors (e.g.,
immigrant status, familial support) associated with variation in the
amount of dating violence experienced over time?
Research question: Melde and collaborators (Melde et al., 2009) ask:
(a) What is the effect of gang membership on self-reported
victimization? (b) What is the effect of gang membership on perceptions
of victimization risk? (c) What is the effect of gang membership on the
fear of victimization?
What is really being asked: (a) How does variation in whether one is a
gang member or not affect variation in amount of self-reported
victimization? (b) How does variation in whether one is a gang member
or not affect variation in perceptions of victimization risk reported? (c)
How does variation in whether one is a gang member or not influence
variation in level fear of victimization expressed?
Research question: Brunson and his collaborator (Brunson & Weitzer,
2009) ask: What are differences in views of police relations of Black
and White youth based on where they reside: a Black disadvantaged
neighborhood, a White disadvantaged neighborhood, or a racially mixed
disadvantaged neighborhood?
What is really being asked: How do the views of police relations
among Black and White youths vary based on variation in neighborhood
where they reside (a Black disadvantaged neighborhood, a White
disadvantaged neighborhood, or a racially mixed disadvantaged

Type of Variables: Dependent, Independent, and

Control Variables
In general, three specific categories of variables are used in research:
dependent variables, independent variables, and control variables.
Dependent Variables
Dependent variables are variables that are the focus of the research.
Dependent variables represent the outcome of interest. It is variation in the
dependent variable that many researchers using quantitative data are most
interested in understanding. The basic question, “What causes the variation
observed in the dependent variable?” drives a great deal of research using
quantitative data. Because understanding the variation in a dependent variable
(also referred to as DV) is an ultimate focus of this type research, it is also the
primary focus in the literature review (refer back to Chapter 2). Let’s
consider the following hypothetical research questions.
Dependent variable: Type of variable that is the outcome of
interest and focus of the research.
Research question: Is educational attainment associated with
In this example, the researcher seeks to understand what leads to or causes
variation in recidivism (shown in the circle in Figure 4.6). In particular, the
researcher asks what role variation in education level has on the variation in
recidivism. This is illustrated in Figure 4.6.
In this depiction, the arrow indicates the direction of influence, and it always
points to the outcome or the dependent variable. Notice how the researcher is
not interested in what leads to variation in education level? Educational level
is not the focus of this research.
This next example comes from the work of Zaykowski (2014). What is the
dependent variable in this research?
Research question: How does reporting to the police, the victim’s
demographic characteristics, the victim’s injury, offender’s use of a
weapon, the victim’s relationship to the offender, and the victim’s
mental and physical distress influence the use of victim services?

Figure 4.6 Effect Education Level Has on Recidivism

Figure 4.7 Zaykowski’s (2014) Research Question Illustrated

The dependent variable, or outcome of interest, in Zaykowski’s (2014) work

is variation in seeking victim services (shown in the circle in Figure 4.7).
That is, as the arrows indicate, she wishes to understand what influences
whether victims seek services. In particular, she focuses on how variation in
reporting to police, demographics, victim–offender relationship, and victim
distress influence whether a victim seeks out victim services. Zaykowski is
not interested in understanding why reporting to police, demographics,
victim–offender relationship, and victim distress vary, only in why seeking
services varies. Zaykowski’s research question is illustrated in Figure 4.7.

Note that the arrows in Figure 4.7 point to the outcome or the dependent
variable. You might be wondering, what are these other variables such as
victim distress or demographics if they are not dependent variables? What
role do they play? Variables in this role are independent variables.
Independent Variables
Independent variables are variables thought to influence, be associated
with, or cause the variation in an outcome or a dependent variable. The
purpose of research is not to understand what causes variation in independent
variables (also referred to as IVs). Rather, the purpose of research is to
understand whether and how an independent variable is related to or causes
the variation in the dependent variable.
Independent variable: Type of variable that is believed or
hypothesized to influence, be associated with, or cause the
variation in an outcome or dependent variable.
What are the independent variables in the two examples? In the first example,
focused on education level and recidivism, the independent variable is
education level (shown as a square in Figure 4.8). This illustration indicates
that the research seeks to understand or identify how variation in educational
level (IV) influences, or is associated with, variation in recidivism (DV).
Figure 4.8 Effect Education Level Has on Recidivism

In the second example focused on victim services, Zaykowski identifies

multiple independent variables including reporting to police, demographics,
victim–offender relationship, and victim distress. These are shown in the
squares in Figure 4.9.

Some researchers do not distinguish variables beyond independent and

dependent variables. To those individuals, anything but the dependent
variable is an independent variable. Nevertheless, it is common among
criminal justice and criminology researchers to refer to a third category of
variable: a control variable.
Control Variables
Control variables are a type of independent variable included in research to
better highlight the role of an independent variable of interest. Control
variables are also referred to as CVs. A research goal is often to understand
the influence of the IV on the DV. For example, does (variation in) gender
influence (variation in) income? In the example shown in Figure 4.10, the
dependent variable is income, and the independent variable is gender.
Control variable: Type of independent variable included in
research to better isolate the role of an independent variable of
interest (frequently referred to as CVs).
Assume that based on this question, you gathered data of gender and income
among a group of people, analyzed those data, and found that gender is
related to income, and specifically that being male is associated with higher
incomes. The work is published, but shortly after, the findings are criticized
in this way: “This finding is meaningless because the researcher failed to
consider, or take into account, educational attainment and years of experience
in careers when conducting this analysis. Earlier research finds evidence that
educational attainment and years of experience are related to gender and
income. Without controlling for the influence of education or years of
experience on income, this work cannot conclude the role that gender has on
Figure 4.9 Focus on Zaykowski’s (2014) Independent Variables

Figure 4.10 Illustration of Income as Dependent Variable and Gender as

Independent Variable
This criticism indicates that to truly understand whether and how gender
influences income, you must take into account—or control for—educational
attainment and years of experience. By controlling for educational attainment
and years of experience, you can better isolate the effect of gender on income
(which is the purpose of the initial research). Consider the revised research
question illustration in Figure 4.11.
The two control variables are shown as triangles. Analytically, independent
and control variables are treated the same. The only difference in these
variables is how the researcher labels and discusses them. Given the updated
research question based on the illustration in Figure 4.11, you might still find
that gender is related to income, and specifically that being male is associated
with a higher income. Given the inclusion of control variables, however, the
conclusion would be stated as “Gender is associated with income, even after
taking into account—or controlling for—educational levels and experience in
the field.”
Figure 4.11 Focus on Control Variables
Memorizing IVs, DVs, or CVs—It Doesn’t Work
Students frequently struggle with identifying variables as IVs, DVs, or CVs.
A commonly attempted (but ill-fated) strategy is to try to memorize all
independent, dependent, and control variables. Although seemingly a clever
idea, this approach does not work. Why? Because a variable’s role is
dependent on the specific research in which it is found. For example, a
variable such as income may serve as a dependent variable in one piece of
research, may be an independent variable in some other research, and be a
control variable in yet other research. Consider the three research examples in
Figure 4.12.

In the first example, the researcher is focused on understanding the role of

gender (IV) on income (DV), controlling for education and years of
experience (CVs). In the second example, the researcher is focused on
understanding the role of income (IV) on education (DV), controlling for
gender and years of experience (CVs). Finally, the third researcher considers
the role of education (IV) on years of experience (DV), controlling for
income and gender (CVs). The role each variable plays is contingent on the
research question of interest.
What Are Measures?
During operationalization, the researcher identifies the specific measure or
measures used to measure the underlying concept. A measure is a tool used
to gather data to represent an abstract underlying concept. Measures used in
research are tools used in the same way some tools in a garage are used. You
may use a measuring tape to gather data (i.e., how long something is) to
represent an abstract concept (i.e., length). Alternatively, you might use a
scale as a tool to measure the underlying concept of heaviness. Measures in
research operate the same in that they are used to gather data to represent the
underlying concept.
Measure: Tools used to gather data that represent an abstract
underlying concept. Data are gathered in the same way some tools
in a garage are used.
Measures can take many forms that must be identified during
operationalization. For example, you might construct a survey with ten
measures—or ten questions—on it. Or you might measure how often children
act violently toward one another using observations as a measure. Or you
might use questions during an interview as a tool to measure some underlying
concept. You may use existing measures used by others found in the
literature, or you may create your own. The following sections offer some
examples of possible measures you can use during the operationalization of
Example: Measuring College Student
There are numerous ways to operationalize a college student based on the
following conceptual definition: an individual who is 18 to 24 years of age,
who has attended a university either online or in person, public or private,
within the last six months. One option for operationalization is to gather data
from all universities in the United States (i.e., online, in person, public,
private, community college, four-year, etc.). In particular, by using those
university records, you could identify current students or those who had
attended in the previous six months from registrar records. With those
records, you could identify individuals who were 18 to 24 years of age when
they were enrolled in college. This would result in a plan to use a single
measure, which would ultimately be used to gather data on this concept. A
limitation of this approach is that universities could not reveal these data,
given federal restrictions, unless every student provided permission to do so.
Figure 4.12 Considering Different Research Questions Using the Same
A second possible operationalization of college student (based on the
conceptual definition) would be to conduct a survey of people in the United
States. In that survey, you would include survey questions about the
respondent’s age, if he or she is currently enrolled in a college or university,
or if the respondent was enrolled in a college or university in the last six
months. Like all operationalization, this approach has some limitations. First,
it can be expensive to conduct a national survey with enough respondents
needed for an adequate amount of data. Second, it is especially challenging
because those aged 18 to 24 make up a small proportion of the population,
meaning you would need to make many calls before finding someone in the
required age range.
A third operationalization option of college student is to use data that have
already been gathered and available. For example, you could operationalize
college student using data collected and available in the NCVS. The NCVS
gathers data from individuals, 18 to 24 years of age, who have attended a
college or a university in the prior six months. This operationalization and
available measures align well with the conceptual definition.

How Many Measures?

You could use a single measure or multiple measures to gather data that
capture the meaning of an underlying concept. All else being equal, the use of
multiple measures is advantageous. Why? Because in most cases, the full
meaning of an underlying concept cannot be captured using one measure.
Some concepts are complex enough that you must use multiple measures to
as comprehensively as possible measure all dimensions of that concept. Take
for example the idea of culture used in Cuevas’s work (Sabina et al., 2016).
One survey question would not comprehensively capture the meaning of
culture. As a result, Cuevas and his team used multiple measures. Some
researchers, especially those using existing data, may be constrained because
of the availability of only one measure. For Zaykowski (2014), this meant
that measuring the concept of victim services was limited to using a single
question or measure to reflect that concept.

As an example, how might you measure the concept of a gang member? The
conceptual definition of gang member for the purposes of this example is a
person who is actively involved in a street gang, and is recognized by
members of the gang as a member. How might you operationalize this? One
option is to ask individuals whether they are gang members. This is simple
and elegant, and is the approach used by Melde and colleagues (2009).
Nevertheless, research shows that this approach may lead to false positives as
many wannabe gang members claim membership when they actually are not
gang members.

A second option is to ask known gang members who other gang members
are. This is also simple and elegant, but it can be problematic if that gang
member does not know all other members. A third approach could be to ask
law enforcement who the known gang members are. This too is imperfect as
law enforcement may only know of gang members who have tangled with the
law. And a fourth way might be to identify gang members via observation of
tattoos or articles of clothing depicting their membership. Again, this is not a
perfect approach, but it should identify those showing this signs. This
example demonstrates that any one of these approaches measures some, but
misses other, elements of, the underlying concept of gang membership.
A fifth approach of measuring gang membership is to use multiple measures.
Why not plan to use all four of these questions to measure the underlying
concept of gang membership? You could operationalize gang membership
such that an individual must be identified as a gang member for at least two
of the four approaches to be considered a gang member. This offers an
improved measurement of the concept. Figure 4.13 illustrates how
operationalization may lead to the plan to use multiple measures to best
measure a single concept.
Figure 4.13 Operationalization Using Multiple Measures
What Are Data?
Throughout the chapter, we have relied on a general understanding about the
meaning of data. Let’s now offer a more specific definition of data. Data are
the individual pieces of information—numeric or non-numeric—gathered and
later analyzed to answer a research question. The word data is plural; datum
is singular, therefore a researcher states that “data are” or “data were” rather
than “data is” or “data was.” As previously noted, data should vary to be
useful in research. Consider the concept “Trust in Law Enforcement.” To
measure this, 16 people were asked whether they had contacted the police
after a property or a violent crime in their lifetime. The data gathered are
recorded in Table 4.1. The variable name used to reflect that measure is
“Reporting to Police.”
Notice how these data (yes/no responses) vary. Among the 16 individuals
interviewed, 10 stated they had reported the victimization to the police.
Notice also that in this case, the variable and the concept it represents do not
share the same name. The concept is “trust in law enforcement,” and the
variable name is “reporting to police.” In other cases, concepts and variables
share the same name.

A part of operationalization when one is gathering quantitative data is to
identify the categories of data that will be gathered. The chapter has made
clear that data must vary. The nature of the variation is determined by the
attributes of the measures. Attributes are the categories of the data collected.
These are also known as response categories. Examples of attributes make
this concept clearer.
Attributes: Categories or grouping of the data collected for a
particular measure.
Response categories: List of options available from which a
respondent selects an answer.
Imagine that a researcher has decided to conduct research on parolees. As a
part of that research, the researcher is interested in the age of the parolee.
During the operationalization stage of the research, the researcher identifies a
variable named “age” and is trying to figure out what attributes or response
categories he will use. One option is to use two attributes for the variable age:
“juvenile” and “adult.” Let’s assume the researcher is using a survey
administered to a group of parolees. On that survey, the age measure used to
gather data on age may look like this:

In this example, there are two response categories: juvenile and adult. A
second option is to collect the data for parolee’s age in this way:
In this second example, there are ten attributes or response categories from
which the parolee can chose. A third option is to gather data on parolee age in
this way:

Another example involves a researcher operationalizing “weapon presence”

during a violent crime. By using a variable called “weapon,” the researcher
has countless options in terms of attributes to represent weapon presence.
One approach is

Or a greater number of attributes or response categories for collecting data on

weapon presence is an option:
How do you know what the best attributes or response categories to use are?
First, you must use enough options to allow every possible option for the
question asked. Second, a variable’s response categories or attributes must be
different from one another so as to make clear which attribute is best for
respondents to check. And third, you should gather the most data possible
and practical. In other words, you need to pay attention to exhaustiveness,
mutual exclusiveness, and levels of measurement. Each of these is discussed
Mutual Exclusiveness and Exhaustiveness
Certain considerations should be taken into account when selecting or
identifying response categories. In situations in which only one attribute is to
be selected by respondents, attributes should be mutually exclusive.
Mutually exclusive means that the attributes offered do not overlap in
meaning. A respondent should not struggle to understand which option fits.
For example, consider these response categories for identifying marital status:

Mutually exclusive: Measurement requirement that the attributes

offered must not overlap in meaning.
These attributes are not mutually exclusive. Why? Because a person can be
single and divorced. In addition, a person can be married and separated.
Without clear attributes to guide data collection, the resulting data will be
fouled up. Consider these small changes to make these attributes mutually
Given this change in attributes, a researcher can better gather data that
accurately measure the variable (and underlying concept) of interest.
Another important characteristic for attributes is exhaustiveness.
Exhaustiveness is the requirement that there be an attribute or response
category for every possible response. This is illustrated with marital status

Exhaustiveness: Measurement requirement that there be an

attribute available for every possible response.
In this example, a person who is married has no box to check. This list is not
exhaustive. One way to ensure attributes are always exhaustive is to include
an option such as the “other, please specify: _________” option. In this way,
a full accounting of attributes can be gathered and good measurement is
Exhaustive: Desirable characteristic in response categories
meaning every possible response option is offered.
Levels of Measurement
When using a research approach requiring quantitative data, a third important
consideration in selecting attributes during operationalization is level of
measurement. Level of measurement refers to the nature of the data gathered
for a particular variable. Although multiple levels of measurement schemes
are available, Stevens (1946) proposed a scheme that is widely used. This
approach identifies four levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval,
and ratio. These levels are listed in an order of less information (nominal) to
more information (ratio). You should strive to gather data offering the most
information possible when you have a choice.
Level of measurement: Nature of the data gathered for a
particular variable.
An easy way to remember the four levels of measurement is to remember the
word “NOIR” (which translates to “black” in French). NOIR is an acronym
comprising the first letter of each level of measurement (see Table 4.2). Each
level of measurement is distinguished based on the presence or absence of
these characteristics: ability to order attributes, equal distance between the
ordered attributes, and, finally, presence or absence of a meaningful zero.
Nominal measurement refers to attributes or response categories that differ in
name only. Measurement of attributes at the nominal level has no inherent
ordering between named categories or attributes, and the categories cannot be
placed on a continuum with a meaningful zero. Because this measurement is
only based on different categories, it is also referred to as a categorical
variable. For example, consider the variable “type of violence” and these
attributes: violent crime, and property crime. Two categories of type of crime
have no inherent ordering and no meaningful zero. Another example is sex
with the following attributes: female, male, other. Again, there is no ordering
of these categories, and there is no meaningful zero. Many variables can only
be measured at the nominal level including party identification, type of
advocate, religious affiliation, types of rocks, and gender identity. If a
variable can use attributes that can be measured at a higher level of
measurement than nominal, it is recommended that you do so.
Nominal: Level of measurement that indicates attributes or
categories differ in name only. Nominal levels of measurement
have inherent ordering between named categories or attributes,
and the categories cannot be placed on a continuum with a
meaningful zero. Variables with nominal levels of measurement
are frequently called “categorical variables.”
Categorical variable: Variables characterized by a nominal level
of measurement.
Ordinal measurement refers to named attributes of a variable that have an
inherent order to them. In other words, ordinal refers to a level of
measurement in which attributes can be rank-ordered. Variables measured
using ordinal measurement indicate that the size between the categories is
unknown and not equal. In addition, ordinal measurement is not associated
with a meaningful zero. An example of ordinal measurement is class level at
a university: freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior. These four categories
represent four attributes that can be ordered from less to more university
education. Nevertheless, you cannot state that the difference between a
freshman and a sophomore is known or the same as the difference between a
sophomore and a junior, or between a junior and a senior. In other words, the
distance between these ordered categories is neither clear nor equal. A widely
used ordinal level of measurement are Likert-type scales. A Likert-type
scale offers an ordered response format including attributes such as “very
unsatisfied,” “unsatisfied,” “satisfied,” and “very satisfied” to gather data on
a variable. These attributes are ordered from least-to-most satisfied, yet you
cannot know the difference between “very unsatisfied” and “satisfied” and
whether this difference is equal to the difference between “unsatisfied” and
“satisfied.” There has been a long-standing controversy in the literature about
the level of measurement of Likert-type scales as many use them as though
they generate interval-level data. If you find that the difference or distance
between each ordered category is known and equal, then they are working
with interval-level measurement.
Ordinal: Level of measurement that indicates that attributes of a
measure have an inherent order to them. A level of measurement
in which attributes can be rank-ordered.
Likert-type scale: Commonly used measurement approach in
which the response format includes ordered attributes such as
“very unsatisfied,” “unsatisfied,” “satisfied,” and “very satisfied.”
Interval level of measurement represents measurement of categories that can
be rank-ordered and have known and equal differences between categories.
These attributes, however, are not associated with a meaningful zero. A
widely used example is the Celsius temperature scale. The distance between
each degree on the scale is the same regardless of whether you are
considering difference between 10 and 11 degrees or the difference between
45 and 46 degrees. Although this example has a zero value, it is an arbitrary
point (i.e., zero degrees Celsius does not mean the “absence” of temperature
measured on the Celsius scale), and you can use attributes below the zero
mark in meaningful ways. For example, the difference between –3 and –4
degrees and between 18 and 19 degrees is equal. If you are using a scale with
all the characteristics of an interval scale, but it also has a meaningful zero
(i.e., the values lower than zero are not plausible), you are working with a
ratio level of measurement.
Interval: Level of measurement that indicates that attributes of a
measure can be rank-ordered and have known and equal
differences between categories. Interval-level measures do not
have a meaningful zero.
Ratio level of measurement has all the characteristics of levels of
measurement described; plus, it has a nonarbitrary and meaningful zero.
Many variables use ratio level of measurement in criminology and criminal
justice research. In fact, any variable that is based on count data is ratio in
nature. For example, asking how many victimizations a person experienced,
how many children someone has, how many years were served in prison, and
how many dollars’ worth of goods were taken in a burglary all represent ratio
levels of measurement. Zero is meaningful and nonarbitrary in that a person
cannot have –4 victimization, –2 children, –13 years in prison, and –$3,499
worth of property taken during a burglary.
Ratio: Level of measurement that indicates that attributes of a
measure can be rank-ordered, have known and equal differences
between categories, and be nonarbitrary and meaningful zero. Any
measure gathering count data is ratio in nature.
Collect Data at the Highest Level of Measurement
A researcher should always strive to gather data at the highest level of
measurement possible and practical. The level of measurement of variables
determines the types of statistical techniques a researcher can use to analyze
the data. Certain levels of measurement for a dependent variable determine
which type of analysis you can use. Certain levels of measurement allow you
to calculate a mean (e.g., average age; mean number of years of education),
whereas other levels of measurement disallow it. You can always take data
gathered at a higher level of measurement and collapse it to a lower level of
measurement. On the other hand, you can never take a lower level of
measurement and convert it to a higher level of measurement. Santos notes,
“If you have a ratio level variable, you can do anything with it. You can
always aggregate it to lower levels of measurement such as nominal or
ordinal. However, you can never take nominal level data and convert it to
ratio level. A researcher should develop their variables such that the get the
maximal information and that is done by using ratio level data when
Discrete and Continuous Variables
Another way a researcher might characterize a variable is as discrete or
continuous. Discrete variables are measured using whole numbers only.
Examples include number of offenders or bystanders. A person may have
been assaulted by 1, 2, 3, 99, or 1,349 offenders in the presence of 1, 2, 3, or
199 bystanders. People cannot be assaulted by 1.37 offenders when 13.2
bystanders were present. Discrete variables differ from categorical in that it is
a numerical measurement (e.g., number of times to prison), whereas
categorical offers named measurement (e.g., offender). Continuous
variables also use numerical measurement; nevertheless, the numerical
measurement is not restricted to whole numbers. For example, weight in
pounds may lead to responses such as 102.7 lbs, or 115.27 lbs, or 198.4582
lbs. A person could continue measuring this continuous variable if he or she
had tools precise enough to add additional decimal points. These
characteristics are important during data analysis because they indicate the
analytic techniques a researcher can and cannot use.

Discrete variable: Additional way to describe interval- and ratio-

level variables. These variables use numeric measurement and are
restricted to only whole numbers.
Continuous variable: Additional way to describe a ratio or
interval level of measurement. Continuous variables use
numerical measurement and are not restricted to whole numbers.
That is, they can be expressed using decimals (e.g., 1.3, 27.85,
The Role of Validity
This chapter has focused on the steps taken to move from abstract concepts to
variables. A goal of these steps is for the measures and variables to
correspond as accurately as possible to the underlying concepts they
represent. An accurate measurement of the concept by the measures is
associated with validity. Stated simply, in the general context of research, if a
measure measures what it claims to measure, it is a valid measure.
Measurement isn’t precise. As Bollen (1989) indicated, validity can never be
fully established, but researchers can provide evidence of the validity of any
measure. That evidence can be gathered in several ways, as discussed next.
Validity: Sought-after characteristics in research that indicate that
one’s measures and variables correspond as accurately as possible
to the underlying concepts they represent.
Face Validity
There are many specific types of validity researchers consider (more than will
be covered here). The easiest to understand is face validity. Face validity
indicates that a measure appears to measure the concept it is designed to
measure. For example, if you are interested in measuring the concept of
“age,” you might ask individuals what their current age in years is. On its
face, most would agree that this measure appears to be a valid measure. What
if, instead, that same researcher asked individuals their horoscope sign to
measure age? Most would agree this measure lacks face validity. Face
validity is the crudest, simplest, easiest, and most subjective validity to
establish. In reality, the measure may or may not accurately measure the
concept of interest, but as long as it appears to do so, the measure has face
Face validity: Type of validity that indicates a measure appears to
measure the concept it is designed to measure.
Content Validity
A second type of validity is content validity. Content validity refers to
whether the measures of a variable capture the meaning of the abstract
concept given the conceptual definition. Suppose the concept of interest is
“cybercrime” and a researcher defined it as “[a] crime in which a computer is
the object of the crime (hacking, phishing, spamming) or is used as a tool to
commit an offense (child pornography, hate crimes)” (Techopedia, 2017). To
measure cybercrime offenses, a researcher develops a single measure used on
a survey of individuals that asks, “Have you ever hacked someone else?”
Given the conceptual definition offered, you can argue convincingly that this
measure lacks content validity. Why? Because that particular measure only
captures a small part of the conceptual definition. If someone answered “no”
to that single measure, it only means he or she had not hacked someone else.
The person may have phished, spammed, committed online hate crimes, or
viewed, created, or distributed child pornography. To properly measure the
full domain of cybercrime as defined, you would need multiple measures to
do so. Bollen (1989) contended that the two primary ways to assess the
presence of content validity are by using multiple measures and by consulting
Content validity: Type of validity established when a measure
captures the meaning of the abstract concept based on the
conceptual definition.
Criterion Validity
A third type of validity is criterion validity. Criterion validity is established
when a measure corresponds to existing measures (aka criteria). For instance,
imagine a researcher has a measure to ascertain whether someone
experienced violent victimization that was reported to the police. Now
imagine that the researcher has access to all police records to see whether
those individuals actually did report the violence to the police. If there is a
large degree of correspondence, the measure can be said to have criterion
Criterion validity: Type of validity established when one’s
measures correspond to existing measures (aka criteria).
The Role of Reliability
Another attractive measurement quality is reliability. Reliability refers to
whether the measure provides consistent measurement over repeated
administrations (assuming no real change has occurred in the thing being
measured). Reliability does not reflect the quality of a measure (it may be
terrible); rather, it refers to the repeatability of the measure. Reliability should
not be used to describe the value of a measure based on measurement of a
single individual (or unit observed or measured). Rather, reliability is used to
describe the quality of measurement taken across a group of individuals (or
units observed or described).
Reliability: Identifies the quality of measurement taken across a
group of subjects in terms of whether a measure provides
consistent measurement over repeated administrations (assuming
no real change has occurred).
A simple example of reliability involves a weight scale. Assume you needed
to calculate the average or mean weight of all students in a classroom. The
measurement tool you select is a weight scale. The average weight is
calculated to be 130 lbs. Then that scale was used to calculate the average
weight again. If the scale was reliable, you should expect that the average
weight of the students is about 130 lbs. What if it is 178 lbs instead? And
then 210 lbs? Then 120 lbs? That would be an unreliable measure.
Like validity, it is not possible to establish reliability with certainty; you can
estimate it, however. Although the precise ways to estimate reliability are
beyond the material presented here, the following discussion provides ways
to think about it. Inter-rater reliability is the degree to which different raters
or observers offer consistent assessments of the same phenomenon. Stated
differently, inter-rater reliability is the degree of agreement between two
raters examining the same phenomenon. The degree of agreement is the
degree of reliability. A second type of reliability suitable for some types of
measures is test–retest reliability. Evidence of test–retest reliability is found
when the same measure, administered repeatedly, offers similar results
(assuming no real change has occurred that would lead to different values
from the second test). The weight example described earlier uses test–retest
Inter-rater reliability: Way to establish the presence or absence
of reliability by measuring the degree to which different raters or
observers offer consistent assessments of the same phenomenon.
Test–retest reliability: Way to establish the presence or absence
of reliability by using the same measure repeatedly over time.
Reliability and Validity—Don’t Necessarily Exist
Reliability and validity both focus on the quality and accuracy of
measurement. Validity focuses on the measurement from abstract in-your-
mind concept to the real-world, observable measure, whereas reliability
focuses on the measurement that considers measurement quality of the same
tool over time (see Table 4.3). Just because a measurement tool is valid does
not mean it is reliable. Similarly, a measure that is reliable is not necessarily

Overview of the Road From Concepts to Variables

This section presents the full process from concept to variables as presented
in Figure 4.14. This figure illustrates how you can take a research question
about a possible relationship of concepts at the conceptual level and study
that relationship using variables. In this example, there are two concepts
being studied: IQ and embezzler. In particular, the researcher seeks to
understand whether there is an association between variation in IQ and
variation in embezzling. Both IQ and embezzling are abstract concepts and
not directly measureable. The researcher conceptualized these concepts
resulting in two clear conceptual definitions. IQ is conceptualized as the
relative intelligence of a person. Embezzler is conceptualized as whether
someone had taken money or resources from a corporation illegally.
Based on the conceptual definitions, the researcher operationalized the
definitions by describing how he or she would measure the abstract concepts.
The researcher used standardized IQ tests to measure the underlying concept
of IQ. The researcher opted to use a single measure or question in which a
person self-identifies to capture the concept of embezzler, “Have you ever
been convicted of embezzling from your corporation?” Are these measures
perfect? No measures are perfect. IQ tests have been widely criticized as
failing to account for things such as cultural difference, creativity, character,
and morality. A person may lie about his or her embezzler status, or a person
may have simply forgotten. It may be that for both concepts, multiple
measures would be a better approach. For purposes of this example, only one
measure for each concept is shown.
Having established these two variables (like the concepts, also labeled “IQ”
and “embezzler”), the researcher selected eight people and obtained their IQ
scores, and interviewed them to ascertain whether they had ever embezzled.
As the table in Figure 4.14 shows, each of the eight people has an IQ and an
embezzler score. The scores for both variables vary among the eight
respondents. With these data, the researcher would use statistical techniques
(covered in Chapter 12) to find evidence, or fail to find evidence, that
variation in IQ scores is related to variation in embezzling.
Figure 4.14 From Concepts to Variables
Common Pitfalls in Concepts, Conceptualizations,
Operationalizations, Measurements, Variables, and
Data in Research Design
The most common pitfall when moving from concepts to variables is a
general failure to understand the process, and why it is happening. It has been
repeatedly stated (for this reason) that concepts and their relationships are the
basis of interest in research. Yet, concepts of interest are abstract, meaning
researchers must identify and use observable measures to indirectly study
concepts. Those measures are used in research and described as variables.
There may be one, two, or many measures used to create a variable.

A second common pitfall is to operationalize using a low level of

measurement when higher level of measurement options exist. A frequent
pitfall is for someone to use a nominal level of measurement when ratio-level
data are easier to gather and offer more information. Santos notes that
beginning researchers and students make this error often. When needing to
gather data on lighting in an area, they will gather data at the nominal level—
lighting is present yes/no. These nominal-level data tell the researcher little
about lighting. Later when these developing researchers wish to present more
information about lighting, they cannot. They learn that with the same
amount of effort, they could have gathered more useful ratio-level data.
Similar poor choices can found when seeking count data. A new researcher
may identify only if something is present or not, versus counting it. When
counting, a researcher can later offer means and conduct a broader range of
analysis. With nominal-level data, the researcher has needlessly restricted his
or her research. In general, it is good practice to gather data offering
maximum information that presents the least respondent burden.

Labels can be a source of confusion resulting in pitfalls as well. Researchers

give concepts and variable names. They may use the same names for
concepts and variables, or they may use completely different labels. A
researcher must be clear what he or she is speaking of when both the
concepts and variables share names. It is useful to draw figures like those
shown in this chapter—to have a clear understanding of the proposed
relationship between concepts, between variables, as well as the relationships
between the concepts and the variables in each research project.
Finally, a common pitfall found especially among new researchers is
attempting to use concepts (or variables) that do not vary. An example is
posing a question such as “Why don’t old people commit crimes?” First, this
is not a well-constructed research question (see Chapter 2). Second, “old
people” does not vary. In addition, “not commit crimes” does not vary. Both
are constants. A more appropriate approach is to construct a research
question such as “How is age related to likelihood of committing crime?”
With this new construction, a researcher has two concepts (age and crime
commission) that each vary. Be certain to ask, “Does this concept vary?” and
“Does this variable vary?” If they do not vary, then all the conceptualization
and operationalization in the world cannot create a variable. Research focuses
on variation (i.e., variables), not on constants.
Ethics Associated With Concepts,
Conceptualizations, Operationalizations,
Measurements, Variables, and Data
Ethics remain an important consideration at every stage of research. During
this stage, a researcher must focus on engaging in this process ethically. It
would be unethical to knowingly conceptualize and operationalize in such a
way as to create variables and measures that poorly (or fail to) reflect the
underlying concepts. A researcher must put in the time and intellectual effort
to create measures and variables that are rigorous and accurate. Although no
variable or measure is 100% valid, it is ethical to strive to produce as valid of
variables and measures as is possible.

Attention must be paid to attributes. A researcher must offer the appropriate

attributes for the research under consideration. Offering attributes that will
lead to a desired outcome is unethical. Consider research examining intimate
partner violence rates by marital category. Given a review of the literature,
the researcher should provide multiple response categories or attributes
including married, never married, divorced, widowed, and separated. Why is
that? Because existing research shows that these categories are each
characterized by very different rates of intimate partner violence. It would be
unethical and misleading to opt to provide fewer categories that combine
higher and lower rate groups such as never married, married (aggregation of
currently married, separated and widowed), and divorced. Why is this
misleading and unethical if done knowingly? Because married, separated, and
widowed groups have wildly different rates (separated rates are very high,
widowed rates are very low, and married rates are low but in between the
two). By combining these three, the resulting rate is quite low because
married individuals dominate the group and mask the very high rates found
among separated people. Some with social agendas have done exactly that to
encourage marriage, all the while failing to note the dangerously high rates
among separated individuals (a period when risk of murder is greatest).
Providing attributes to reach a desired outcome is unethical.
Similarly, using attributes to produce a wanted finding can occur with Likert-
type scales. Likert-type scales should be balanced, and when they are not,
findings are influenced. Consider this example:
In this example, by chance alone, the outcome is going to be that individuals
agree with whatever they are being asked about. The better and more ethical
approach is to offer balanced agree and disagree categories. Consider this
superior option:

In moving from concepts to variables and associated measures, a researcher

must strive for the best measurement. Recall a researcher is answering a
research question. Setting up research to provide a desired answer is not
ethical. Ensure the steps taken do not lead to a desired outcome, but rather, let
the research offer evidence of what the truth is.
Concepts, Conceptualizations, Operationalizations,
Measurements, Variables, and Data Expert—
Brenidy Rice
Brenidy Rice is a problem-solving court coordinator with the state of
Colorado’s Judicial Department. In this important multidisciplinary role,
Brenidy is involved in planning, conducting, evaluating, and implementing
research on a daily basis, and she is working with a variety of other public
service organizations such as probation, state public defendant’s offices, state
district attorneys’ councils, and the office of behavioral health to do so. She is
currently overseeing a large third-party evaluation of the state’s problem-
solving courts. The overarching goal of this evaluation is to determine the
influence of these courts on recidivism, as well as the cost benefits of
problem-solving courts. Her day-to-day work with such a variety of entities
would not be possible without her understanding of the importance of
concepts, conceptualizations, operationalizations, variables, and
measurements. Brenidy notes, “I deal with research all the time. In this
capacity I must be able to identify and evaluate if the research I am reading or
studying is good research.” She also notes that a part of that assessment is
based on if the research had conceptualized and operationalized the concepts
well. Another way Brenidy works with research is that she must be able to
take research findings and convert them into the real world. This is
complicated and requires an understanding of the materials discussed in this
Brenidy’s undergraduate degree is in Spanish, and her master’s is in public
administration and policy. She started her career a dozen years ago working
in social work with a nonprofit agency with court-involved families dealing
with dependency, abuse, and neglect. In this role, she worked in her clients’
homes. Although she recognized her work made a real positive difference in
the lives or her clients, she wanted to help others on a larger scale so she
changed jobs and was involved with the implementation of several problem-
solving courts around the state of Colorado. This ultimately led her to where
she is now. While in school, Brenidy did not realize the degree to which
she’d use research methods and use them to be successful. There is no doubt
her grasp of the skills described in this chapter built a structure for critical
thinking and analysis that continues to be a key to her success.

Courtesy of Brenidy Rice

Brenidy recognizes that research is especially important when it comes to
problem-solving courts as their success is supported by a robust body of
literature that is responsible for bipartisan support of the courts. This body of
research, and Brenidy’s ability to assess and convey that research to many
types of parties, is responsible for gaining and maintaining resources needed
to keep these courts going. She notes that individuals working in her field
must understand existing research, emerging research, and how new findings
may change or enhance what she and others are doing.
Understanding the role of concepts and how they are used in day-to-day
research is critical in her success. For example, her office is currently
working on a large federal grant focused on dependency and neglect of
children. The overall purpose of this grant is to demonstrate the state’s
success in dealing with dependency and neglect cases. To do so, they first
had to wrestle with the concept of success in this context. What is success?
How should they define or conceptualize success? How will their office
operationalize or measure this success (or lack thereof)? Currently, the office
is using ten performance measures including quicker screening times for
substance abuse and mental health assessments, whether a child remained in
a home, and whether a child who was removed was returned or placed in a
permanent home in a shorter period. These and other measures capture the
underlying concept of success.
Another concept frequently encountered in Brenidy’s work is recidivism.
When challenged to reduce recidivism, they must first decide what recidivism
means. What is the definition of recidivism? Is it based on a charge by a
prosecutor? An arrest? A conviction? How much time goes by before a
researcher should measure whether the subject has recidivated? Two years?
Five years? Even a seemingly simple concept like recidivism can be
challenging to conceptualize, operationalize, and use in research in a
professional setting.
As someone who hires people out of college, Brenidy points to three critical
skills beyond good research methods that applicants must have. First, she
looks for excellent verbal skills. Employees must be able to communicate
important information in a concise manner to different audiences. One
audience may need details, and another audience may need a brief overview.
Common pitfalls she sees in new applicants is the tendency to provide far too
much information to the wrong audience (or vice versa). Also, she notes that
in a professional setting, the presenter must understand the material being
presented. She notes that a researcher cannot bulls**t professional audiences
and that attempts to do so will destroy trust needed to be successful.

A second critical skill a researcher must have is strong written skills. She
notes that too many college students with very poor writing skills apply for
work and are turned away for that reason only. Brenidy commonly sees
grammar and editing errors in applications, and these immediately makes
those in the position to hire suspect of the candidate’s entire body of work
and skills in general. Like verbal skills, written skills must reflect an
understanding of the audience the work is intended for. A researcher must
know whether the audience will read one page, the first sentence of each
paragraph, or require the finer details in a longer piece.

A third critical skill that applicants must have is the ability to engage in group
projects. Brenidy notes that everything done in her office is a group project.
Every member must pull his or her own weight, know his or her role, respect
deadlines, and work with a diverse group of individuals who may use
different styles. Those who cannot do this are not useful employees and will
likely not be considered for hire.
Brenidy concludes by noting that understanding research, and translating
research into programs and policies, is challenging. She recognizes that being
able to do so are unique skills but they are extremely valuable. In fact, to be
hired in her office, these skills are required. During interviews, candidates are
given data and asked what recommendations can be made based on the data.
This exercise looks to ascertain whether candidates understand basic research
methods including an understanding of conceptualization, operationalization,
and other topics described in this chapter.
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter presents the stages and skills needed to move from abstract
concepts to measurable variables. These steps are crucial, and great attention
must be given them to conduct strong and valuable research. Failure to
address any of these foundational elements will result in weak research of
questionable value. Variables are used to conduct analysis and answer
research questions. The stages covered in this chapter include identifying
concepts and how they vary. Next, the chapter presented what
conceptualization is and why it is performed and important. By using the
conceptual definitions resulting from conceptualization, operationalization
was described and several examples were provided. These examples included
identifying precisely how a researcher can indirectly measure—using one or
multiple measures—each concept. Additionally, the chapter covered the
variables including types of variables such as independent, dependent, and
control variables. Attributes/response categories were also introduced, and
the importance of multiple exclusiveness and exhaustiveness in relation to
attributes were described. Relatedly, levels of measurement including
nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio were described as well as why these are
important. In addition, validity and reliability, including types of each, were
introduced and described. Each stage, and each element found in each stage,
requires dedicated attention to maximize the value of the research conducted.
How did our case studies deal with the road from concepts to variables?
Table 4.4 presents those items for each featured article. As shown, each piece
of research dealt with different concepts, variables, and even the way they
were handled during research. Finally, the chapter concludes with an
interview with Brenidy Rice, a problem-solving court coordinator, who
identifies the importance of these steps in her daily work. In the courts,
understanding research and thinking deeply about concepts such as success
and recidivism, and how to best operationalize them, is critical. In Chapter 5,
the different types of samples and a variety of approaches for gathering
samples are introduced and described. This chapter takes you one step closer
to gathering data for your research.
Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Conceptualization and Operationalization
Select three concepts used by either Cuevas, Santos, Melde, or
Zaykowski in their research. After identifying those concepts,
describe how each researcher conceptualized, and then
operationalized, those concepts. What variables did they
ultimately end up with? What measures were used to measure
each concept? What are other ways that the researcher could have
done this for each concept? Do you think that each measure used
is valid? Why or why not? Be prepared to justify why you stopped
when you did in your search. Be prepared to discuss your findings
in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Concepts to Variables in a
As a group, you need five concepts to work with for this
assignment. The first two are maturity and happiness. As a group,
select three additional criminal justice or criminological concepts
that interest you. As a group, describe in detail how you will
conceptualize and operationalize each of those five concepts for
use in a survey that will be printed and distributed. How will you
ultimately measure each concept? What will your survey question
look like exactly? What will the response categories for each
survey question include? Be sure to focus on mutual
exclusiveness and exhaustiveness if applicable. What are the
strengths of your measures? What are the limitations? Be
prepared to discuss and share your summaries in class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Poor
Survey Questions
Select a peer-reviewed academic journal article available online
that includes independent and dependent variables. In your
thought paper, you need to summarize the research conducted.
Identify the dependent variable(s) (DVs) and how it is
operationalized/measured. Specify all independent variables (IVs)
used in this research and why they are important. Describe the
way in which the researcher believes the IVs and DVs are related.
Use an illustration to show the purported relationship among the
variables. Discuss whether you think other independent variables
should be included in their model and why. Identify any missing
IVs and why you believe they were not included. What future
research questions would these missing variables suggest to you?
What were the conclusions of the research? Turn in the journal
article with your thought paper.
Key Words and Concepts
Attributes 118
Categorical variable 121
Concept 103
Conceptual definition 106
Conceptualization 106
Content validity 124
Continuous variable 123
Control variable 113
Criterion validity 124
Deductive reasoning 100
Dependent variable 111
Discrete variable 123
Exhaustive 121
Exhaustiveness 120
Face validity 123
Independent variable 112
Inductive reasoning 101
Inter-rater reliability 124
Interval 122
Level of measurement 121
Likert-type scale 122
Measure 115
Mutually exclusive 120
Nominal 121
Operationalization 106
Ordinal 121
Qualitative data 101
Quantitative data 100
Ratio 122
Reliability 124
Response categories 118
Test–retest reliability 125
Validity 123
Variable 109
Key Points
Concepts are abstract notions residing in our minds about which society
has general agreement. A researcher poses a research question using
concepts. Ultimately, the researcher must be able to measure those
abstract concepts, but he or she must go through several steps to do so
indirectly. Those stages include conceptualization and operationalization
that ultimately lead to variables. A researcher uses variables to conduct
the research as proxies for the concepts.
Conceptualization is the process of precisely and comprehensively
defining each concept. Conceptualization focuses on definitions. The
resulting conceptual definitions are used as guides for
Operationalization is the process of identifying how a researcher
indirectly measures the underlying concepts. This includes identifying
the nature of the measures that will be constructed, the number of
measures used for each concept, and the nature of data the measures will
gather. In addition, operationalization identifies the variables that
ultimately represent the concepts.
Variables can be identified in many ways. One way is the role they play
in a piece of research: dependent variables, independent variables, or
control variables. Another way is based on the nature of the data
gathered including categorical variables, discrete variables, and
continuous variables.
Variables and the data they gather must vary. Research cannot be
conducted on constants.
Levels of measurement identify something about variables as well.
Specifically, they identify the nature of the data collected in terms of the
degree of information gathered. These include nominal-, ordinal-,
interval-, and ratio-level measures. In general, a researcher should opt to
gather the highest level of measurement plausible.
Attributes or response categories must be mutually exclusive and
exhaustive for best measurement.
As a researcher, you must strive to provide attributes that do not mask
important characteristics or that lead to a desired outcome. As a
researcher, you are interested in what the research demonstrates, not in
guiding the research to a desired outcome.
Review Questions
1. What are concepts, and how are they related to research?
2. What is the goal of conceptualization? Why is it important?
3. What is the goal of operationalization? Why is it important? What
is the difference between conceptualization and
4. What are measures, and why are they important? Why would you
want to use multiple measures?
5. What are variables? What characteristics should they have? Why?
6. What are attributes? What are they also called? How are they
related to research?
7. What are the four levels of measurement? All else being equal,
which level of measurement should you strive for? Why?
8. What are categorical, discrete, and continuous variables? How do
they differ? Why does it matter?
9. What makes response categories or attributes mutually exclusive
and exhaustive? Why is this important?
10. How are concepts related to variables? How is validity related to
this? What does reliability refer to? Why are validity and
reliability important?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. A student wishes to examine the influence of personal
characteristics of a judge on the outcomes of cases they hear in the
courtroom. After a literature review, the student learns that race of
the judge is found to be related to case outcome. How might the
student conceptualize the race of the judge? How might you
operationalize the race of the judge? Are multiple measures useful
in this instance? What sorts of question(s) might the student ask,
and what attributes would be best in this case? Why?
2. A professor shares some ongoing research with you. In it, she is
examining the role of education on risk of violent offending.
Which of these are the independent variable and the dependent
variable? What might be some control variables you suspect
would be important in this project? Why?
3. A student and you are working on a research project in class. The
research question you’ve selected is, “How do personal
characteristics influence the level of support for the LGBTQ
community on campus?” One of the relevant concepts in this
research taken from the literature is whether the individual is
LGBTQ or not. Your colleague is proposing the operationalization
of whether the respondent is LGBTQ to include an observation
(by you) based on how respondents dress. If you believe someone
is LGBTQ given his or her attire, you are to mark that the person
is. If you don’t think so, given the person’s physical appearance,
then you are to mark that he or she is not. It is up to you to address
the validity of this measure. What would you write? Is this a valid
measure? What might be a better way to go about this?
4. Your roommate is working on a research project using a Likert-
type scale. She is uses four response items for it, including
Disapprove, Slightly Approve, Somewhat Approve, and Strongly
Approve. You ask her why she selected those categories, and she
responds that she knows that most people approve so she’s
making it easy for them to respond. She also mentions to you that
because this is an interval-level measure, it is not a problem. What
suggestions might you offer her in terms of this plan and her
thoughts about her measure? Why is what she is proposing
problematic? What is a better way to accomplish this?
5. You are studying with your study group for the upcoming
midterm in research methods. One student has prepared a sheet
that makes it easy for each of you to memorize all the independent
variables and dependent variables used in criminology and
criminal justice research. You don’t find this useful. Why is that?
Can you offer several examples of why this approach would not
be optimal for doing well on the exam?
6. It was noted in this chapter that although the public has general
agreement about definition of concepts, they do not have
agreement about the specific definitions. What are some examples
that you have noticed? For example, what about religiosity?
Patriotism? Elite? Educated? Poor? How might people disagree
about these specific definitions, and why is acknowledging this
disagreement important?

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Chapter 5 Sampling
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
5.1 Describe what sampling is, and evaluate why it is an important
part of conducting research.
5.2 Compare populations, samples, and censuses. Summarize how
they are related, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
5.3 Identify and describe the different types of units of analysis,
and provide examples of each. Contrast units of analyses with
units of observation.
5.4 Evaluate the differences between probability and
nonprobability sampling. Be able to describe the advantages and
disadvantages of each. Also, evaluate the different types of
probability and nonprobability sampling approaches available to
5.5 Summarize the considerations that go into deciding how large
a sample is needed when conducting research. Identify what
problems arise when a researcher uses a sample that is too large or
too small?
5.6 Summarize the ecological fallacy, and provide examples. Be
able to provide examples of the problems associated with
committing the ecological fallacy.
Chapters 1 through 4 focused on identifying why research is important,
developing a research question, writing a literature review, and identifying
the needed building blocks for conducting research. The next step in the
research process is to identify and gather a sample from which data will be
gathered and used to answer the research question. Sampling is a key stage
that can make or break a perfectly designed research project. Understanding
the types of samples one can gather, the advantages and disadvantages of
each, issues that arise while sampling, and how to gather them are critical for
you to be the best researcher you can be.
To present this important information, this chapter is structured as follows.
First we describe why sampling is important. Next we define and provide
examples of what exactly sampling is. We then compare and contrast it with
censuses that are frequently misrepresented as samples (they are not
samples). We discuss important concepts such as units of analyses and
fallacies associated with these units. Next we turn to the specific approaches
to sampling and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Finally, we
address how large samples should be, ethical considerations, and pitfalls
commonly seen in sampling. Finally, we hear from sampling expert Sam
Gallaher, PhD, who uses sampling in his fascinating career. We think you’ll
find that sampling is a really fun part of conducting research. It takes you that
much closer to your data. With your data, you can finally answer your
research question!
Why Is Sampling Important?
Sampling is important because it allows us to conduct research. If you had to
rely on gathering data from the complete population for every research
question addressed, research would rarely happen. Sampling allows
researchers to understand something about the larger population. In other
words, using a sample allows a researcher to make inferences about the
population from which the sample was taken. Inferences are conclusions
about a population based on evidence and reasoning produced from a sample
drawn from it. Sampling is critical. Our featured researchers reiterate this
sentiment. For example, Rachel Boba Santos, in a video interview conducted
for this book, states that “bad sampling negates the representation and
confidence in the research itself. This is why it is very important to give
sampling your full attention.” Meanwhile, Carlos Cuevas finds that some are
more thoughtful about it than others. He says that some researchers just look
for the easy way to gather subjects, but that would be a mistake in many
instances. As we have repeatedly noted, your research is only as good as the
weakest part. If you are unsure about how to do this, take Heather
Zaykowski’s advice and ask an expert to help you. Don’t let the weak link in
your research be from poor sampling.
Inferences: Conclusions about the population based on evidence
and reasoning about sample data.
A goal of research is to understand something about a population. For
example, Cuevas and colleagues wished to understand the rate of dating
violence among Latinos in the population (Sabina, Cuevas, & Cotignola-
Pickens, 2016). That rate in the population exists but is unknown. As shown
in Figure 5.1, a population parameter is a numeric summary of something
in a population such as the victimization rate. A population parameter may be
the average age of all people in the population, the mean years someone
spends in prison, the average number of children per household, or many
other things. Because we generally do not know what the value of the
population parameter is, we must do something to estimate that population
parameter. We estimate a population parameter by drawing a sample and by
calculating sample statistics from that sample. Sample statistics are
summaries of data describing a sample. For example, you may gather a
sample of high school students and calculate the average age of respondents.
That average age is a sample statistic that summarizes the age of the students
in the sample in one tidy numeric descriptor. That sample statistic is used as a
best estimate of the population parameter. Other examples are that a
researcher can calculate an estimate of the victimization rate among young
Latinos, rates in which victims of violence access victim services, offending
rates among women, or recidivism rates among juveniles, from a sample to
learn about the population. In Zaykowski’s (2014) research, she provided
numerous population estimates, including that 76.1% of victimizations in
which the victim accessed victim services were reported to the police
compared with 48.0% of victimizations that were not reported to the police.
Each of these statistics describes the sample, and those sample statistics are
used to infer back to the larger population from which they came. In sum, a
researcher gathers a sample from a population, calculates statistics using data
from the sample, and then uses those statistics as an estimate of the unknown,
but sought after, population parameter.

Population parameter: Summary of something in the greater

Sample statistics: Summaries of data gathered from a sample.
In other types of research using non-numeric data, a researcher does not focus
on generating statistics. Still, this research uses a sample in much the same
way: to learn something about the population from which the sample was
taken. For example, featured researcher Rod Brunson and his colleague
needed to compare perceptions and experiences of youth in three equally
disadvantaged neighborhoods (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). To do so, they
interviewed 15 teen males in each of three disadvantaged urban
neighborhoods to gather data about their experiences and perceptions of
police relations. In using those data, Brunson and his colleague offered an
understanding by comparing and contrasting experiences and perceptions of
teens and police relations.

Sampling makes quality research and understanding about a population

possible. Furthermore, sampling makes quality research affordable. If
researchers could not gather data from a subset of the population, then most
research would not happen given limitations on time, money, and other
research-related resources. If samples did not make research feasible,
knowledge about so many topics would be severely curtailed or nonexistent.
Sampling, and sampling well, is important because any piece of research is
only as good as its weakest part. After thoughtful and rigorous development
of a research question, and planning about what data will be gathered, it
would be disastrous to opt for a poor sampling approach that would call into
question your research in its entirety. Conducting excellent research that adds
to knowledge, aids in the generation of policy, improves the life of others,
and assists in building and enhancing theory are all important reasons a
researcher should strive to draw the best and most appropriate sample
Figure 5.1 Relationships Among Populations, Parameters, Samples, and
What Is Sampling?
Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of elements from the larger
population. Data are gathered from the sampling units to understanding
something about the population from which the sample came. Because the
data are gathered from a subset of a population, sampling is also referred to
as a partial enumeration. Let’s consider sampling as it applies to some of
our case studies. Consider the work of featured researcher Chris Melde and
his colleagues and their three research questions (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen,
1. What is the effect of gang membership on self-reported victimization
among adolescents?
2. What is the effect of gang membership on perceptions of victimization
risk among adolescents?
3. What is the effect of gang membership on the fear of victimization
among adolescents?

Sampling: Selecting a subset of elements from the larger

Partial enumeration: Another term used for “sample”: not all
members of the population are included.
Each of the three research questions is focused on the experiences and
perceptions of adolescents. Given that, the population for this research
includes all adolescents (operationalized by the researchers as people ages 10
to 16 years old). Given their goal of understanding these adolescents, Melde
and his team could gather data from every adolescent in the United States or
the world to answer the research questions. But it would be time-consuming,
expensive, and likely impossible to gather data from every 10- to 16-year-old
person needed to conduct this study. In lieu of that approach, Melde et al.
used an existing data set (that Esbensen originally collected; Melde was a
team member of the original evaluation) that included a sample of
adolescents—a subset of the population elements—from which to gather
data. The ultimate sample of adolescents provided data, allowing Melde and
his collaborators to analyze those data, generate findings, and make
conclusions about a larger population of adolescents from which the sample
was taken.
Some researchers focus on understanding something about groups or
organizations such as gangs.

© monkeybusinessimages/iStockphoto.com
Populations and Samples
Researchers are interested in understanding something about a population.
Depending on the research question of interest, a population can include
elements such as people, organizations, geographic areas, or other things.
Although the term has been used repeatedly already, a definition of
population has not been offered. A population is the collection of all
elements that, when aggregated, make up that complete collective. Figure 5.2
offers one example of a population. In this example shown, there is a
population of pterodactyls. In total, this population is composed of eight
elements or of eight individual pterodactyls. Elements are the individual
parts that when aggregated form a population. Researchers are ultimately
interested in understanding something about the population they study.
Population: Collection of all elements that, when aggregated,
make up that collective.
Elements: Individual parts that when aggregated form a
Zaykowski (2014) was interested in understanding what influences victims to
seek out victim services in a population of criminal victimizations. Cuevas
and his collaborators were interested in understanding something about
dating violence among the population of Latino teens (Sabina et al., 2016).
Brunson and his colleague wished to examine the views of police among a
population of male teens in disadvantaged neighborhoods (Sabina et al.,
2016). And Santos and her colleague sought to understand something about
how police intervention influences crime in a geographic region (Santos &
Santos, 2016). Although hot spots were not sampled (they were constructed
across the full geographic region of interest and divided into experimental
and control groups), Santos and her colleague did sample offenders to target
in these areas. Sampled offenders included those who were convicted and on
active felony probation with a prior burglary arrest, and nonviolent convicted
offenders on felony probation for drug offenses. Zaykowsi, Brunson, Santos,
and Cuevas—like most researchers—do not have the time, money, and other
necessary resources to gather data from every element of a population when
conducting research. The population may be too large. The population
elements may be dispersed across an enormous geographic region. Or it
could be that a full accounting of each element in the population is unknown
or unavailable. As Santos notes, “[t]here is frequently no way you can look at
everything in a population. It is not realistic. This is the reality of research.”
When gathering data from each element of the population is not feasible,
which is most of the time, researchers use a sample. The research is then
conducted on the units that compose that sample. The findings from the
sample are then frequently used to infer back to the population from which
the sample was drawn.

Census or a Sample?
Researchers use data from a sample of units to understand the population. At
times, however, a researcher is working with a population that is small
enough, or easy enough to access, that they can gather data about every
element in the population. When the researcher is gathering data from every
element in the population, a census (rather than a sample) is being conducted.
A census is the gathering of data from a collective that includes every
element in the population. Because data are taken from every element in the
population, a census is also referred to as a full enumeration of the
population. Using the data gathered from the census, a researcher can address
a research question. Whether you are using a sample of population elements,
or a census, the purpose of each is the same: gathering data to answer a
research question and better understand the population.
Census: Gathering of data from a collective that includes every
element of the population.
Full enumeration: Another term used for a census because all
members of the population were used to gather data.
Figure 5.2 Population of Pterodactyls in this Chapter

Census Advantages and Disadvantages

Censuses offer a major advantage in that they provide complete data about
the population. Although this is a major advantage, they are also
characterized by disadvantages, making their use less common. The biggest
disadvantage of a census is that it is resource intensive, often to the point of
being impossible. First, gathering data from a census generally requires an
incredible amount of time. Imagine gathering data from a census of all people
in North America. How long would this take? Given that, would using a
census be feasible? Second, and relatedly, gathering data from a census
generally requires using a large staff, which is expensive. Third, and related
to the first two, gathering data from a census is costly. Gathering for a census
data costs money, and researchers generally do not have the financial backing
required to gather data from a census. Finally, a major disadvantage of
gathering data from a census is that identifying every element in a population
may not be possible. For example, if you needed to gather data about every
homeless person in the nation, can this be done? Are all homeless identified?
Are many of them hiding? Is there a list of every homeless person available?
How about a list of all teens living in an urban disadvantaged neighborhood?
Does this list even exist? If you have access to a census and are not limited
by resource constraints, conducting a census is ideal. Too often, however,
resources are constrained, and a list of all elements in the population is
unavailable, meaning you must opt for a sample instead. Happily, using
samples can be as informative as a census under certain conditions.
Sample Advantages and Disadvantages
Samples are advantageous in that they are generally less expensive to work
with and generally require less time to gather data needed. Some types of
samples can closely represent the population from which it was drawn. A
representative sample is one that accurately represents or reflects the
population from which it came. When this is the case, a researcher can
generalize the findings from the research based on the sample to the
population from which the sample was taken. To be clear, a researcher rarely
has a perfectly representative sample, although that is the goal.
Generalizability means that the findings from research using a sample can
be used to understand something about the population from which the sample
was taken. Stated differently, generalizability means a researcher can use
findings from a sample to make statements about the population. Both
representativeness and generalizability are highly sought-after characteristics
in many research projects.
Representative: Desirable characteristic of a sample that
indicates it accurately represents or reflects the population from
which it came.
Generalizability: Desirable characteristic of findings from
research indicating that the results from a sample can be applied to
the larger population from which the sample was taken.
The greatest disadvantage of a sample is that, except in rare circumstances,
samples do not reflect the underlying population 100% accurately. Although
you can gather a sample in such a way that it is highly representative of the
population it is intended to represent, a perfectly representative sample is
usually impossible. Santos shares that even when researchers thinks they
have a perfectly representative sample, they likely do not. That is the reality
of research; it is never perfect. There are several ways that a sample may not
reflect the underlying population. Some are described in the following
Sampling Error
As noted, samples rarely perfectly represent the population from which they
were drawn. The difference between the sample and the population is known
as sampling error. All samples have some degree of sampling error. For
samples using numeric data, sampling error is the difference or the error
between sample statistics and population parameters. Given that a sample
does not contain all data from every member of the population, then statistics
from any sample are not going to be exactly equivalent to the corresponding
population parameters. Sampling error is inversely related to sample size.
This makes sense since as a sample size increases, it has more information
about the population (hence, the smaller sampling error). On the other hand,
as sample size decreases, the sample has less data and sampling error
increases. Figure 5.3 illustrates how sampling error relates to sample size.
Sampling error: Error between sample statistics and population
In scenario A, a researcher wishes to estimate the average age of people in
the population of 80 people. A sample of 79 people was drawn, and the
average age (the sample statistic) is 47 years. How reasonable do you think it
is to suspect that this sample statistic based on the sample size of 79 (out of a
population of 80) would accurately reflect the population parameter age?
Given that the sample almost perfectly reflects the population from which it
was drawn, it is reasonable to believe that there is little sampling error
present. The little error that exists stems from the fact that one population
member is not represented in the sample.
In scenario B, the scenario is the same except that the researcher selected a
sample of one (out of a population of 80) to understand the average age of the
population. In this example, we see the sample statistic for age is 14 years.
Given that the sample is so small, there is a great deal of sampling error
present. This sample statistic is much different from the age in the
population, which we know is 45 years. A small sample will do a poor job
informing about the population from which it was taken.
As this example demonstrates, sample size is related to sampling error. All
else being equal, the larger the sample size, the smaller the sampling error.
More data from a larger sample is equivalent to less error or deviation
between a sample statistic and a population parameter—less sampling error.
There is one way to eradicate sampling error (although other types of error
may be present), and that is to use a census. This is generally not a realistic
option, as described earlier. More realistically, a researcher can use
approaches to minimize sampling error. First, as a researcher, you can gather
a larger sample. A way to minimize sampling error is by selecting a sample
that accurately reflects or represents the diversity of the population. Failure to
use a representative sample will lead to greater sampling error. A third way
sampling error is minimized is by conducting research on a homogenous
population. Generally, researchers do not have the ability to choose the
characteristics of their population, but it is important to recognize that a more
homogenous population is associated with less sampling error. Identifying
the precise amount of sampling error associated with any sample is beyond
the scope of this book, but it is important to recognize what sampling error is
and how it affects research.
Figure 5.3 Illustration of Sampling Error and Its Relationship to Sampling

Another way a sample can be imperfect is through bias. Bias, or a biased
sample, indicates that the sample fails to include a particular type of
individual or some groups found in the population. Figure 5.4 illustrates this
problem. In this example, there is a population of 21 kids in which 14 kids
have crew cuts and 7 have ponytails. A sample of 7 kids was drawn into a
sample—all of whom have crew cuts. This sample is biased because none of
the kids with ponytails is included in the sample. The findings from research
using this biased sample would not generalize well to the population and
would be characterized by more sampling error than expected. In reality, very
few samples are completely unbiased. A more realistic goal for researchers is
to select a sample in which any bias is so small that the sample closely
approximates the population.
Bias: Describes a sample that fails to include a particular type of
individual or particular groups found in the population.
Biased sample: Indicates that the sample fails to include a
particular type of individual or some groups found in the
Figure 5.4 Population of 21: 14 Kids With Crew Cuts and 7 With Ponytails

Unit of Analysis
An important concept to consider when sampling is the unit of analysis. A
unit of analysis is the what, or who, that is being studied and analyzed for a
particular piece of research. It is the unit being studied, and the level of social
life the research question is focused. For example, in featured researcher
Mary Dodge and colleagues’ exploration of undercover women working john
stings, her unit of analysis—the who or what being studied—was an
individual (i.e., policewomen; Dodge, Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005). In
Zaykowski’s (2014) research on accessing victim services, the who or what
being studied was victimizations. For Cuevas and colleagues, an individual
was the who or what being studied (i.e., Latino youth; Sabina et al., 2016).
Santos’s unit of analysis comprised the offenders being targeted for
intervention (Santos & Santos, 2016). As these examples suggest, several
categories of units of analysis are used in criminology and criminal justice
research. In the broadest sense, they are individuals, groups and
organizations, geographic areas, and social artifacts and interactions.

Unit of analysis: What or who that is being studied and analyzed

in a particular piece of research. It is the unit being studied and the
level of social life that the research question is focused on. These
sometimes differ from the unit of observation.
The most common unit of analysis used in criminology and criminal justice
research is the individual. A large proportion of research in criminal justice
and criminology is interested in analyzing and understanding something
about people. Likewise, many of our featured researchers fall into this
category. Chris Melde and colleagues focused on understanding adolescent
individuals (Melde et al., 2009). And Rod Brunson and colleague focused on
individuals who are male teens (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009), whereas Dodge
and colleagues focused on understanding female undercover police officers
(Dodge et al., 2005). In each case, and in a great deal of criminal justice and
criminology research, the unit of analysis is the individual. Individual units of
analyses can take on many forms, depending on the research: victims, college
students, offenders, judges, parole officers, parolees, police officers,
prisoners, university administrators, children, teens, and so on. Using
individual units of analysis means that the findings from the research apply to
individuals, not to groups, organization, areas, or other social products.

Individual: Most common unit of analysis used in criminology

and criminal justice research that indicates that the who or what
being studied is an individual. This could be any person in the
population or specific individuals such as students, offender, or
law enforcement officers.
Research in Action: Low Self-Control and Desire for Control:
Motivations for Offending?
When people think of crime, they generally think of street crimes
such as robbery, assault, or homicide. Yet, another common type
of equally damaging crime, although much more challenging to
define, is white collar crime. Craig and Piquero (2016) use the
National White-Collar Crime Center’s definition of white collar
crime to compare the similarities and differences between street-
level and white- collar offending. That definition is “Illegal or
unethical acts that violate fiduciary responsibility or public trust,
committed by an individual or an organization, usually during the
course of legitimate occupational activity, by persons of high or
respectable social status for personal or organizational gain.” In
particular, the researchers used two personality traits—low self-
control and desire-for-control—to predict intentions to commit
embezzlement, credit card fraud, and shoplifting.
Craig and Piquero offer two hypotheses they test in this research:
1. Low self-control will predict intentions to engage in
embezzlement, credit card fraud, and shoplifting.
2. High desire for control will predict intentions to engage in
embezzlement and credit card fraud among those with low
self-control but will not predict shoplifting.
To explore this topic, the researchers used vignettes on a
convenience sample of criminology courses at a university. Ten
undergraduate courses were surveyed, and from them, 298
surveys were completed. The response rate equated to 54%. The
vignettes used included three hypothetical scenarios of different
offenses: two white-collar crimes and one minor property crime.
One involved a scenario in which an individual embezzled $250
from the organization where he worked. A second vignette
described an individual engaged in $30 credit card fraud. In
addition, the third vignette involved a person committing minor
shoplifting. After the subjects in the sample read these vignettes,
they offered their likelihood of engaging in each act. In addition,
the subject answered questions from two personality scales. The
first scale gathered data on desirability of control, and the second
gathered data on low self-control.
The researchers used regression to isolate the effects of both
desirability of control and low self-control on the likelihood of
committing each of the three acts. The findings indicated that
those with low self-control would be more likely to embezzle,
commit credit card fraud, and shoplift. These findings support
Hypothesis 1. Furthermore, this finding offers support for the
notion that both street-level criminals and white-collar criminals
are guided in part by low self-control.
The findings failed to support the second hypothesis. Specifically,
the findings found exactly the opposite of the hypothesis: that
high desire for control would predict intentions to engage in
embezzlement and credit card fraud among those with low self-
control but would not predict shoplifting. Instead, respondents
with higher self-control and a desire to have control over their life
circumstances were less likely to report offending intentions than
were those with lower desire-for-control.
White-collar crime costs the public greatly, and understanding
what motivates offenders is important. This study, along with the
research that came before it, offers some understanding of the role
of low self-control and the desire for control on three types of
offenses. The findings did not uniformly support the hypotheses
and indicate the need for additional research on this topic. With
greater understanding about white-collar crime motivation, the
public can be saved from the ill effects of this behavior.
Craig, J. M., & Piquero, N. L. (2016). The effects of low self-
control and desire-for-control on white-collar offending: A
replication. Deviant Behavior, 37, 1308–1324.
Groups or Organizations
A second category of unit analysis used in criminology and criminal justice
research is the group or organization. Although less common, some
researchers focus on understanding something about groups or organizations
such as police departments, fraternities, Girl Scout troops, gangs, extreme
athlete organizations, Facebook® groups, married couples, and so on. For
example, a researcher may be interested in learning whether bystander
intervention programs affect fraternity attitudes toward stopping violence. In
this example, fraternities are the units of analysis. Another researcher is
interested in understanding how police departments differ in terms of
adherence to rape myths, making the police departments the unit of analysis.
Research based on groups or organizations explains something about groups
or organization. This research does not inform about the people in those
groups, the locations of the groups, or anything else except the groups and
Group: Unit of analysis used to indicate that the who or what
being studied is a group. For example, a Boy Scout troop is a
group that may be the who or what being studied. Treated the
same as organizations.
Organization: Unit of analysis used to indicate that the who or
what being studied is an organization. For example, fraternities
and sororities are organizations that may be the who or what being
studied. Treated the same as groups.
Geographic Regions
A third major category of unit of analysis is geographic region. Geographic
regions as units of analyses may include city blocks, census tracks, cities,
counties, states, or countries. An example of research using the geographic
unit as a unit of analysis would be research on three-strikes policies among
the states. In this example, the unit of analysis is states. Researchers may
decide to gather data from a census—a full enumeration—of the states, or
they may decide to draw a sample of states—a partial enumeration. To
complete the research, the researchers could gather legislative data from each
state, newspaper articles about the policies, or interview the attorneys general
in each state. Santos and colleague conducted research focused on geographic
regions (Santos & Santos, 2016). The hot spots were then placed in an
experimental and a control group (see Chapter 11 for more information);
nevertheless, offenders (i.e., individuals) living in the hot spots were the
actual unit of analysis. In their work, the geographic region of interest was
hot spots. By using census tracks, the researchers constructed hot spots,
which became a subject of the research. Research based on geographic
regions explains something about geographic regions. This research does not
inform about the people living in those geographic regions, groups or
organizations in those regions, or anything else except the geographic
Geographic regions: Units of analyses and the who or what being
studied. These may include city blocks, census tracks, cities,
counties, states, or countries.
Social Artifacts and Interactions
The final category of units of analysis is social artifacts, including social
interactions. Social artifacts include tangible social products such as opinion
pieces in newspapers, books, movies, commercials, social media posts, songs,
vehicles, mug shots, and other such items. Social interactions refer to
intangible social products such as crimes, victimizations, offenses, divorces,
legislative meetings, and court cases. For example, Zaykowski’s (2014)
research attempts to understand the variation found in seeking services
among a sample of victimizations.

Social artifacts: Units of analyses and the who or what being

studied. These include social products such as opinion pieces in
newspapers, books, movies, commercials, social media posts,
songs, vehicles, mug shots, and other such items.
Social interactions: Type of unit of analysis—or the who or what
being studied—that includes interactions such as victimization,
marriages, and aggression.
A piece of research may include multiple research questions, each of which
focuses on a different unit of analysis. For example, a piece of research may
include a research question focused on individual units of analysis, but it may
also include a research question focused on households as the unit of analysis
(a group). Each research question has a unit of analysis associated with it.
One unit of analysis is not better than another. Which unit is best to use is
dependent on the research question being asked. It is important to understand
what the unit of analysis is, as that it is what is being studied. In addition, that
same unit of analysis is what the findings apply to. To apply findings for one
unit of analysis to some other unit of analysis leads to invalid conclusions.
Unit of Analysis Versus Unit of Observation
Units of analysis were carefully defined as those units—the who or what—
about which the research is focused. A related concept is the unit of
observation. A unit of observation is the unit from which data are collected
to answer a research question focused on the unit of analysis. In some
research, the unit of analysis is the same as the unit of observation. For
instance, recall that in Dodge’s research on undercover policewomen acting
as decoys (Dodge et al., 2005), the units of analysis is individuals,
specifically undercover policewomen. The data about undercover
policewomen come from individuals: the policewomen. In Dodge’s research,
the unit of analysis (undercover policewomen) and the unit of observation
were the same—undercover policewomen. Similarly, Cuevas and colleagues’
unit of analysis and unit of observation were the same: Latino youth (Sabina
et al., 2016).

Unit of observation: Unit from which data are collected to

answer a research question focused on the unit of analysis. Units
of observation can be, but are not always, the same as the units of
In other cases, the unit of analysis and unit of observation are not the same.
For example, Zaykowski’s (2014) unit of analysis was victimization, but the
unit of observation was individuals. That is, she was interested in what
happens in regard to a victimization (unit of analysis), but the information
about what happens was gathered from individuals (i.e., victims; unit of
observation). People were interviewed about the different victimizations they
experienced. Santos and colleague’s research had a different unit of analysis
and unit of observation (Santos & Santos, 2016). The unit of analysis as
described comprises offenders residing in hot spots. Santos and colleague’s
data about these offenders were taken from existing crime data, which are
social artifacts. Another common example found in criminal justice research
focuses on police departments. In this scenario, the unit of analysis—the unit
about which the research is focused—is police agencies (a group or
organization). Nevertheless, you cannot interview a police agency or have a
police agency fill out a survey. Rather, the researcher uses a unit of
observation to gather data about the police agencies. The unit of observation
may be crime reports available online, newspaper articles, interviews of the
police chiefs, or surveys completed by an administrative official in each
agency. These examples highlight that the unit of analysis is not necessarily
the same thing as the unit of observation.
Ecological Fallacy
Understanding about units of analysis is important for many reasons,
including avoiding making logical errors. Not only is the unit analysis the
who or what that the research is about, it is the who or what the results of the
research apply to. Applying findings from research focused on one unit of
analysis to a different unit of analysis leads to reasoning errors and invalid
conclusions. An error in reasoning related to the unit of analysis is the
ecological fallacy. The ecological fallacy (Robinson, 1950) is an error in
reasoning that occurs when a researcher applies conclusions related to a
group or organization to an individual.

Ecological fallacy: Error in logic where a researcher applies

conclusions based on a group or an organization to an individual.
This fallacy assumes all individuals in a collective are
characterized by the larger collective’s average characteristic.
Assume a researcher conducted research and discovered that the average IQ
at all-women schools is higher than the average IQs at all-male schools. Does
this mean that all women have higher IQs than men? No. Suggesting that
based on research on schools would be committing the ecological fallacy.
The error is concluding that every individual woman has the average
characteristic of the group of women. Recall that the research used schools as
the unit of analysis and generated an average IQ for the school. The
erroneous statement that women—all women—have higher IQs than all
males is not supported by this research. Even in light of the findings about
average school IQs, there will be some variation among the people in the
schools. A researcher will be able to find women with lower IQs than men
and vice versa.
Another example is that a researcher finds that offending rates in census
blocks on the east side of a river are much greater than the offending rates on
the west side of the river. In this example, census blocks are the units of
analysis. The researcher discovers that someone reporting on her work states
the conclusions as “People living on the east side of the river offend more
than those on the west side of the river.” This conclusion is an example of the
ecological fallacy, and this statement is not supported by the analysis. The
analysis offered findings on census blocks, and the fallacy assumes that all
individuals living on the east side of the river are characterized by the
average offending rate of the area. The incorrect conclusion takes findings
from a large geographic region and applies it to individuals, which is
There are many reasons that the findings at a nonindividual unit of analysis
do not translate to the individual unit of analysis. It may be that the census
blocks on the east side of the river are populated and that those on the west
side are unpopulated (leading to differences in offending rates). It could be
that one family on the east side of the river commits thousands of offenses—
enough to lead to a high offending rate in those census blocks—while all
other people in those areas live crime-free lifestyles. The point is that it is a
fallacy, and just plain wrong, to attribute findings to individuals based on
conclusions about a nonindividual unit of analysis.
Individualist Fallacy
Another error in reasoning related to unit of analysis is the individualist
fallacy, also known as reductionism or the reductionist fallacy. The
individualist fallacy occurs when a researcher applies conclusions based on
research using an individual unit of analysis to a group or organization. This
fallacy, identified by Alker (1969, p. 78), involves ascribing to the group the
characteristics of an individual. In Alker’s words, the individualist fallacy
occurs when a person tries “to generalize from individual behavior to
collective relationships.” An example of the individualist fallacy would be to
believe that all women who attend an all-women’s school are brilliant
because the five women attending an all-women’s school you surveyed for
some research had IQs in the top 1 percentile. Concluding that all in a
woman’s school are brilliant because of results from an individual or
individuals is the individualist fallacy.

Individualist fallacy: Also known as “reductionism” or as

“reductionist fallacy.” It is a reasoning error that occurs when a
researcher applies conclusions based on research using an
individual unit of analysis to a group or an organization.
Choosing a Sampling Approach
What is the best sample? How do you choose the best sampling approach?
The best sample and approach is the one that best allows you to answer the
research question. Exactly how that is accomplished depends on the research
project of interest. When we look back at the work of Melde and colleagues
who focused on adolescents (Melde et al., 2009), imagine if Melde and his
team opted for a sample of four adolescents from a holiday party at his house.
From these four adolescents, they gathered data, and from those data, they
produced findings. Are there better ways to develop a sample to gather data
to from? Yes. Why? Because at least in this hypothetical scenario, the
method in which faux-Melde and team gathered their sample of adolescents
—easy-to-access people in Melde’s family sharing a holiday meal with him
—made them unlikely to reflect the larger population of adolescents. There
are better ways for faux-Melde and team to approach these particular research
questions, especially given the development of this topic in the literature.

Yet choosing easy-to-access adolescents is exactly the approach used by

Brunson and colleague because in that case, it was the most appropriate
approach available (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). They had a small population
(young males in those three neighborhoods) and no master list of young
males from which to work. This meant using community organizers in local
recreation centers to point to likely subjects was their best option. In some
cases, using multiple approaches is desirable. Dodge et al. (2005) needed to
interview a sample of women law enforcement agents who had worked
undercover in prostitutions stings. To find these 25 women, they used both
convenience sampling and snowball sampling. Cuevas and colleagues’
sample was gathered using probability approaches (Sabina et al., 2016). First,
subjects were drawn into the sample by using national random digit dialing
(RDD) in high-density Latino neighborhoods. Second, telephone numbers
were selected at random from a sampling frame of Latino surnames.
Random digit dialing (RDD) is an approach used to gather subjects for a
sample (when data gathering occurs over the phone) by generating telephone
numbers at random. In using this approach, Cuevas and colleagues produced
a sample that is representative of adolescent Latinos in the nation.
Furthermore, their findings will be generalizable to the larger population of
adolescent Latinos. Therefore, the best sample and approach depends on
many elements of the research as the remainder of the chapter demonstrates.
Using a well-constructed sample for research means the difference between
having findings that are useful and having findings that are not useful at all.
Random digit dialing (RDD): Method for selecting people for
involvement in telephone surveys by generating telephone
numbers at random, which has the potential for including unlisted
Figure 5.5 Probability and Nonprobability Approaches

A researcher can use many sampling methods to obtain a sample, and which
method is best is contingent on a variety of factors, including the research
question, and on knowledge about the population. Resource availability is
also a consideration because different approaches require more or less time,
money, staff, and other considerations. In general, there are two major
approaches of sampling: probability and nonprobability. Also, a variety of
specific types of probability and nonprobability sampling approaches are
used. Figure 5.5 illustrates the variety of probability and nonprobability
sampling approaches used in criminology and criminal justice.
Probability Sampling
Probability sampling refers to the process of selecting a sample from a
population in which every population element has a known, nonzero chance
of being selected. Probability sampling requires the presence of a sampling
frame, which is a comprehensive list that includes all elements of the
population. The elements listed in the sampling frame are sampling
elements. Depending on the research question, a sampling frame could be a
list of all students in a school, all governors in the nation, all prisons in the
state of Texas, all prisoners in a prison, and so on. From this sampling frame,
a researcher draws the desired number of sampling elements to construct the
sample. Access to a 100% complete and accurate sampling frame may not
always be possible, but getting a sampling frame as close to perfect is the
goal. Researchers have to at times be creative about finding sampling frames.
Unfortunately there is no “sampling frames r us” online warehouse. Cuevas
and colleagues’ research needed a sample of Latino youth (Sabina et al.,
2016). To gather their sample, they used two probability approaches. First,
through RDD, telephone numbers were generated in what were known to be
high-density Latino neighborhoods. In addition, additional subjects were
drawn into the sample by using a sampling frame of Latino surnames.
Probability sampling: Process of selecting a subset of elements
from a comprehensive list of the population. This approach
requires that every population element have a known, nonzero
chance of being selected.
Sampling frame: Comprehensive list that includes all elements of
the population. It is from the sampling frame that probability
sampling selects the sampling elements.
Sampling elements: Individual items found on sampling frames.
Specific sampling elements are selected for samples.
Drawing names out of a hat is one simple random sampling approach.

© ClassicStock/Alamy
A researcher can use several types of probability sampling approaches,
including simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling,
and cluster sampling. These approaches are not mutually exclusive and may
be used in combination. In all cases, the probability sampling described as
follows is done without replacement. Sampling without replacement
indicates that any sampling element can appear only once in a sample.
Should, during the selection of elements in a sample, an element be selected a
second (or third, or fourth, etc.) time, a researcher should not add that
element to the sample a second time, but the researcher should simply ignore
that selection and move on with the sample selection. Each of the commonly
used approaches to probability sampling is described next.
Sampling without replacement: Any sampling element can
appear in a sample only once. Should, during the selection of a
sample, an element be selected a second (or more) time, a
researcher should simply move on with the sample selection.
Simple Random Sampling
Simple random sampling is a type of probability sampling in which each
element in the population has a known and equal probability of being drawn
or selected into the sample. This is the only type of probability sampling with
that characteristic, as the sampling elements in others approaches do not have
equal probability of selection. To gather a sample using simple random
sampling, you first need to identify the desired sample size. Then, you need
to select sampling elements at random until the desired sample size is
Simple random sampling: Type of probability sampling in which
each element in the population has a known, and equal,
probability of being drawn or selected into the sample.
The classic example of simple random sampling is putting the name of every
sampling element in a population on a slip of paper and then drawing the
slips of paper out of a hat one at a time until the sample size needed is
reached. Names drawn from the hat are those selected for the sample.
Another simple random sampling approach would be assign a unique
identification number to every sampling element on the sampling frame and
then using a random number generator (e.g.,
http://stattrek.com/statistics/random-number-generator.aspx) available on the
Internet, or a table of random numbers, selecting elements into the sample.
For example, a random digit generator may first randomly generate the
number “37,” which means the 37th element listed on the sampling frame
would be in the sample. The random digit generator may next generate the
number “173,” meaning the 173rd element on the frame would be included in
the sample. Disregard any number randomly generated multiple times and
proceed. This process continues until the desired sample size is reached.
Simple random sampling produces samples with several desirable qualities.
First, this approach is simple to use given a sampling frame. Second, simple
random sampling works with large and small samples. Third, simple random
sampling results in samples that nearly perfectly represent the population
from which it was drawn. Simple random sampling is also limited in some
ways. One disadvantage of simple random sampling is that complete
sampling frames are frequently not available. For many research questions, it
is difficult or impossible to identify every element of a population. Second,
simple random sampling is often expensive and not feasible in practice. For
example, imagine you have a complete sampling frame from which to draw a
sample but the population elements are dispersed over a huge geographic area
such as the United States. If you need to access each element in the sample
for an in-person interview, using simple random sampling would not only be
time-consuming, but it would also be costly (travel expenses) and resource
intensive in other ways. As a result, although simple random sampling has
desirable qualities, it may not be the best choice for large populations,
especially when they are dispersed widely.
Systematic Sampling
Another probability sampling approach is systematic sampling, which some
argue is the most used type of probability sampling. Systematic sampling
constructs a sample by systematically selecting sampling elements from a
sampling frame based on a sampling interval. A sampling interval is a
number or the distance between each sampling element selected. Stated
differently, a researcher picks every nth element from a sampling frame for
inclusion in the sample. Although several types of systematic sampling
approaches are available, this text focuses on the most commonly used
approach referred to as the 1-in-k method. The 1-in-k method is based on the
following basic formula:
Systematic sampling: Probability sampling approach in which
the sample is constructed by selecting sampling elements from a
sampling frame using a sampling interval.
Sampling interval: Number, or the distance between, each
sampling elements selected to be in a systematically drawn
sample. Stated differently, a researcher picks every nth element
from a sampling frame for inclusion in the sample.
1-in-k method: Most commonly used systematic sampling
approach that is based on the formula k = N / n.
k = sampling interval
N = population size; total sampling elements on the sampling frame
n = total sample size desired; number of sampling units required
Imagine a researcher who has a population size (N) of 144. He or she requires
a sample size (n) of 12. To determine the sampling interval, the researcher
uses the formula to find:
k = 144 / 12
k = 12
This basic calculation indicates a sampling interval of 12 is required. Next,
the researcher must identify a starting point in the sampling frame. This is
selected by randomly selecting a starting point from 1 to k or in this example
from 1 to 12. Assume the researcher randomly selected the number 4 as the
starting point. To draw the sample, the researcher selects the 4th element into
the sample. They next select the 16th element (the 12th element from the
starting point, which is 4 + 12 = 16), and then the 28th element (16 + 12 =
28), the 40th element (28 + 12 = 40), and so on. This continues until the
researcher has the desired sample size of 12.
Systematic sampling offers the advantage of being easy to use. A
disadvantage of this approach is that there may be a pattern hidden—or
periodicity—in the sampling frame. Any hidden pattern in the frame might
lead to a biased sample. An example of periodicity is if a researcher were
selecting a sample of apartments in a high rise for use in a study. The
researcher is given a complete list of all apartment numbers that serves as a
sampling frame. The numbering of apartments on the frame indicates both
the floor on which the apartment is found and the location (and type) of the
unit. For example, apartments 410, 420, 430, and 440 are located on the
fourth floor as designated by the first number (410, 420, 430, and 440).
Because the apartment number ends in a zero, a researcher knows these are
corner (i.e., more expensive and much larger) units in the building. If the
researcher worked with a sampling interval such that only these larger, and
more expensive, corner units were drawn into the sample, bias would be an
issue. Similarly, if the sampling interval selected was such that a unit number
ending with zero was never drawn into the sample, the sample would be
similarly biased. One approach to dealing with this issue would be to ensure
the sampling frame list itself is in random order.
Periodicity: Potential issue when using systematic sampling
approaches that refers to a pattern hidden in the sampling frame.
Periodicity occurs when a characteristic relevant to the study
being conducted is found in the sampling frame and when that
characteristic appears on a cyclical basis that matches the interval
used in systematic sampling.
Stratified Sampling
Another approach to probability sampling is the use of stratified sampling.
Stratified sampling is an approach in which the sampling frame is first
divided into mutually exclusive and exhaustive subgroups meaningful to the
research being conducted. From each strata or subgroup, random sampling is
then conducted. This approach ensures groups/characteristics on which the
strata are based are accurately represented in the population. Note that the
word stratum is singular and that the word strata is plural—the stratum is; the
strata are. Figure 5.6 offers an illustration of stratified sampling.
Stratified sampling: Probability sampling approach that requires
the sampling frame to be first divided into mutually exclusive and
exhaustive subgroups meaningful to the research. The second step
is to independently and randomly sample from each stratum.
Strata: Subdivisions or subgroups of the sampling frame created
in stratified sampling.
A classic example of stratified sampling involves drawing a sample from a
population of high school students. Imagine a researcher wishes to interview
a sample of 100 students from a local high school, and it is vitally important
for that particular piece of research that she has a sample that accurately
represents the four classes (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior). Her
first step would be to construct strata of the four classes. The strata indicate
that 30% of the population of students are freshman, 25% are sophomores,
25% are juniors, and 20% are seniors. The researcher next randomly selects
30 students from the freshman stratum (which corresponds to 30% of the
population of students), 25 students from the sophomore stratum (which
corresponds to 25% of the population of students, 25 students from the junior
stratum, and 20 students from the senior stratum. After using this approach,
the researcher has a sample of 100 students in which the class level of
students perfectly reflects the population on that characteristic.
Stratified sampling produces samples with a desirable characteristic: a sample
that offers representation of the population on key characteristics. In fact,
stratified sampling produces samples that are more representative than
samples generated using simple random sampling. In this way, the use of
stratified sampling minimizes sample bias on key characteristics as those
subgroups in the population are neither over- nor underrepresented. Like all
things, however, stratified sampling has some disadvantages. It is not an
approach that can be used for all research projects. First, a researcher must
have a sampling frame in order to use it. Second, stratified sampling requires
the sampling frame to have enough information that allows each sampling
element be placed in only one stratum. Third each element must be placed in
only one stratum. Although some population characteristics make placing
each element in one stratum easy (e.g., class in high school), others
characteristics are not as easily subdivided.
Cluster Sampling
In many cases, researchers do not have a sampling frame of the sampling
elements required. Even though they may not have the needed sampling
frame, they may have access to a sampling frame where groups or clusters of
these elements are located. For instance, researchers may wish to gather data
from people in a city. They may have a sampling frame of all housing unit
addresses in a city but not a list of all people. When using cluster sampling,
they first draw a probability sample (i.e., simple random, systematic, etc.) of
all housing units in the city. Second, the researchers might interview one
person in each sampled housing unit to gather data. Cluster sampling is a
probability sampling approach where groups or clusters (where researchers
will find the actual sources of data needed for the research) are first sampled,
and then each unit within each cluster is used to gather data. Cluster, in this
context, refers to a sampling element where one or more of the desired
sources of data are found or associated. Clusters take on many forms such as
states, cities, universities, schools, housing units, census blocks, counties, and
so on.
Cluster sampling: Probability sampling approach where groups
or clusters (where a researcher will find the units of observation
needed for the research) are first sampled, and then each unit
within each cluster is used to gather data.
Cluster: Part of cluster sampling that refers to a sampling element
where a researcher or more of the desired units of observation are
found or associated.
Figure 5.6 Stratified Sampling Produces a Sample That Represents the
Population on Key Variables

Cluster sampling can also be used in cases where a researcher may have the
sampling frame, but gathering data from each unit drawn into sample is too
costly or impossible for other reasons such as geographic dispersion. By
using cluster sampling, the units from which the data are taken are clustered,
meaning the time and money used to access these units is diminished. It
would be faster, cheaper and easier to draw a sample of cities (clusters of
people) and then to interview individuals in person in a restricted number of
cities than it would be to interview people randomly dispersed throughout the
Cluster sampling has wide applicability, and many benefits, and for that
reason is widely used. One benefit is that it saves time, money, travel, and
other research-related expenses. Second, it can be used in situations where
you do not have a sampling frame of the units from which the data will be
gathered. This scenario is not uncommon, especially when you need data
from individuals. A third benefit is that it easily used for large populations,
especially those dispersed over a broad geographic region. Like all
approaches, cluster sampling has some drawbacks. Each unit from which data
will be taken does not have an equal chance of being drawn in the sample
(although their chance of selection is greater than zero, and known). This
may lead to issues of representativeness of the population. For this reason, a
larger sample is advisable (and cost effective) when using cluster sampling.
Figure 5.7 provides an illustration of cluster sampling.
Figure 5.7 Example of Cluster Sampling of Housing Units to Gather Data
From Individuals

Multistage Sampling
At the beginning of the section on probability sampling, it was noted that a
researcher can use probability sampling techniques separately or in
conjunction with one another. Multistage sampling is not really a probability
sampling approach but instead refers to the use of multiple probability
sampling techniques to draw a sample. For example, a researcher may first
randomly sample housing units (first stage; sampling a cluster of housing
units) and then randomly sample those living in each selected housing unit
(second stage). Another example of a multistage approach would be to collect
a random sample of clusters (schools; stage 1), then stratify the students in
selected schools based on a class-level example (stage 2), and then randomly
select students to interview in each class level (stage 3).
Multistage sampling: Not really a probability sampling approach,
but instead it is the use of multiple probability sampling
techniques to draw a sample. For example, a researcher may first
randomly sample housing units (first stage; sampling a cluster of
housing) and then randomly select people to interview in each of
the selected clusters.
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) data, the data used by
Zaykowski (2014) in her research article, are gathered using a stratified,
multistage cluster sampling approach. In the first stage, geographic regions in
the United States are stratified to ensure those living in rural and urban areas
are represented in the data. Failure to engage in this stratification may lead to
an overrepresentation of urban areas. In the second stage, strata are further
subdivided into four frames that designate the areas: housing units, housing
permits, group quarters, and other areas. In the third stage of sampling,
clusters of approximately four housing units (or their equivalents) are
selected from each stratum. And finally, all people 12 years of age or older
are interviewed in each selected household about their experiences with crime
victimization. Use of a stratified, multistage cluster sampling approach leads
to a sample that is representative, findings that are generalizable (after
postsampling adjustments), and makes the NCVS data collection feasible and
much more affordable than other approaches available.

Use of a multistage approach is advantageous especially when a researcher

seeks data from geographically dispersed units when face-to-face contact is
required. It is cost effective and requires fewer research resources.
Furthermore, the use of sampling in stages offers the researcher a great deal
of flexibility in drawing a probability sample. There are countless ways you
could construct a multistage approach making it useful in many contexts. Use
of a multi stage approach is limited in that it means the resulting sample is
not perfectly representative of the population from which it came because of
the unequal probability of selection inherent in its nature. You can use
postsampling procedures such as weighting to correct for this; in its
unadjusted form, however, the data are not representative of the underlying
population from which it originated.
Nonprobability Sampling
Nonprobability sampling refers to selecting a sample from a population in
which some members of the population have a zero chance of being drawn
into the sample. In addition, the probability of being selected into a
nonprobability sample is unknown. A nonprobability sample is constructed
using respondents or other elements that have a particular characteristic of
interest. That characteristic may be simply that the case is accessible, is a sex
offender, or was a police officer who was imprisoned for burglary. For these
reasons, research based on a nonprobability sample cannot be generalized to
any larger population. Furthermore, research using nonprobability samples
cannot be used to answer research questions estimating population
Nonprobability sampling: Process of selecting a subset of
elements in the population without the presence of a
comprehensive list of population members. By using
nonprobability sampling, some members of the population have a
zero chance of being selected into the sample, and the probability
of being selected into a nonprobability sample is frequently
Although nonprobability samples are limited in some ways, they are very
useful for conducting research. First, much research simply cannot be
conducted using a probability sample because sampling frames are not
available. For example, without nonprobability samples, the field’s
understanding of topics such as police impersonators, prostitutes, drug
dealers, armed robbers, pedophiles, shoplifters, active robbers, and sex
traffickers would be zero as no sampling frame is available for these groups.
Second, using nonprobability samples allows you to conduct a pilot study
before engaging in costly probability sampling approaches. A pilot study is a
small-scale study conducted to ensure study procedures work as designed.
Nonprobability sample based research also offers the opportunity to pretest a
newly constructed survey instrument before fielding it to a large and costly
probability sample. This is exactly the approach taken by Koss and her
colleagues (1982) when studying rape measures. Initially, she used a
nonprobability sample in her ground-breaking research focused on the
measurement of rape. Koss gathered data from students at the institution
where she was part of the faculty to better understand this phenomenon.
Later, Koss and others gathered a probability sample and administered the
survey to extend our understanding of this topic.
Pilot study: Used to identify problems with a survey
questionnaire before it is fielded to the sample of respondents. To
conduct a pretest, the researcher asks a small group of people to
complete the survey instrument so errors and issues can be
rectified. Also called a “pretest.”
Several types of nonprobability sampling approaches are frequently used in
criminal justice and criminology research including convenience sampling
(aka accidental or haphazard sampling), quota sampling, purposive or
judgmental sampling, and snowball sampling. Researchers frequently use
multiple approaches to gather a sample for a single research question.
Convenience, Accidental, Availability, or
Haphazard Sampling
Convenience sampling is a nonprobability sampling approach in which a
sample is gathered simply based on convenience and ease of finding the
elements from which the data will be gathered. Although primarily referred to
as “convenience sampling,” some researchers also use the phrases
availability sampling, accidental sampling, and haphazard sampling to refer
to this approach. For example, some research is conducted on a sample of
students enrolled in Introductory Sociology courses. Or a convenience
sample may be selected by stopping people who are shopping in the mall.
Convenience sampling: Nonprobability sampling approach
where a sample is gathered simply based on convenience and ease
of finding. Also known as “accidental sampling” and as
“haphazard sampling.”
Availability sampling: Nonprobability sampling approach where
a sample is gathered simply based on convenience and ease of
finding sampling elements. It is also known as “convenience
sampling,” “accidental sampling,” and “haphazard sampling.”
Convenience sampling was one of the sampling approaches used by Dodge
and her collaborators to gather a sample of 25 women officers who had
served as decoys during john stings (Dodge et al., 2005). (Dodge and
colleagues also supplemented their sample of women with some snowball
sampling, which is described later in the chapter.) These particular subjects
were selected because Dodge knew them, knew they were undercover
policewomen who had worked as decoys during john stings, and knew she
could easily access them. Gathering a sample of women in general,
policewomen in general, or even undercover policewomen would not be
useful for Dodge’s purposes. Why? Because Dodge needed a sample of
undercover policewomen who had participated in john stings because only
they could provide the data needed to address Dodge et al.’s exploratory
research questions.

Convenience sampling has multiple advantages. First, it is (obviously)

convenient and easy. Second, convenience sampling takes little time. Third,
convenience sampling tends to be inexpensive. For these reasons, they are
excellent ways to conduct preliminary research to test hypotheses, generate
hypotheses, pretest new measures or survey instruments, or pilot other
activities. Disadvantages include that the sample is biased and
nonrepresentative of the population from which it is taken (unless you are
extremely fortunate and just so happened to select a sample that is
representative and unbiased). In addition, as mentioned, the findings based on
convenience sampling are not generalizable to any larger population,
meaning findings must be interpreted with great caution. For these reasons,
some argue that research using convenience samples lacks credibility. Figure
5.8 offers an illustration of convenience sampling.
Quota Sampling
Quota sampling is a nonprobability sampling approach in which a researcher
gathers cases for the sample based on specific characteristics they possess.
For example, a researcher may want a sample that reflects the racial
proportions in the nation. They know that the population in the United States
is currently 64% White, 12% Black, 16% Latino, 5% Asian, and 3% other
racial categories. Knowing this, and wanting a sample of 100 individuals, the
researcher enters a large Introduction to Psychology class and asks the first
64 White students, 12 Black students, 16 Latino students, 5 Asian students,
and 3 students who appear to be biracial, American Indian, or some other
race they encounter to complete a survey. Although the sample is still based
on nonprobability sampling, the racial characteristics in the sample were
selected using quotas. In some ways, quota sampling can be thought of as the
nonprobability sampling equivalent to stratified sampling.
Quota sampling: Nonprobability sampling approach in which a
researcher gathers cases for the sample that have specific
characteristics such as urban, suburban, and rural households. This
is roughly the nonprobability sampling equivalent to stratified
Figure 5.8 Example of Convenience Sampling

The benefits of this approach are that the sampling elements are selected
based on desirable characteristics. Second, there is diversity in the sample on
the identified characteristics. In this way, quota sampling is better than
convenience or haphazard sampling. Another advantage are those found in
convenience sampling: Quota sampling is cheap, fast, and easy. The
disadvantages are also the same as those characterizing convenience
sampling. Even with the added diversity in the sample on the selected
characteristics, the sample remains biased and nonrepresentative of the
population from which it was selected. Just because the sample has racial
diversity (in this example), you cannot know with certainty that the subjects
used in the quota sample are representative of all people with the same race in
the population. The findings of research based on a quota sample lack
generalizability to any larger population.
Purposive or Judgmental Sampling
Purposive sampling is a nonprobability sampling approach in which the
sample is selected based solely on a particular characteristic of the case.
Samples gathered using this approach are selected because the respondents
have particular data needed to conduct the research. In other words,
respondents or subjects are selected because they have a particular
characteristic relevant to the research such as occupation or where they live.
Certain steps are required to conduct purposive sampling. First, a researcher
must identify the characteristic that makes a researcher eligible to be in the
sample. Second, the researcher must attempt to identify all possible subjects
with that characteristic. Third, the researcher must strive to contact all
individuals with that characteristic. Finally, the researcher should gather the
needed data from those individuals. If a researcher merely reaches out to
convenient cases of respondents with the named criteria, a researcher is
engaging in convenience sampling.
Purposive sampling: Nonprobability sampling approach in which
the sample is selected based solely on a particular characteristic of
the case. Samples gathered using this approach are selected
because the respondents have particular information needed to
conduct the research.
This was the sampling approach taken by Brunson and colleague in their
study on adolescent males living in three study neighborhood sites (Brunson
& Weitzer, 2009). They approached counselors working in community
organizations and asked that they identify young males for participation in
interviews for the study. It was not enough for the researchers to find any
young male; they required young males who lived in one of three
disadvantaged neighborhoods who were at risk of delinquent activities. These
characteristics made these young men more likely to have contact with
police. Using this strategy, they were introduced to 45 youth for the study.

One advantage of purposive sampling is that it allows an in-depth

examination of a topic. This makes this approach suitable for difficult-to-
reach special populations. Although this approach is not as fast and easy as
other nonprobability approaches, it is still relatively fast and easy to use a
purposive sampling approach. It saves money as well as other research
resources and allows the researcher to gather pertinent data with little delay.
A researcher does not waste time with a probability sample where many or
most of those sampled will not have the characteristics of interest. It is
surgical-strike sampling in that a researcher homes in on those subjects with
the most to offer.
The disadvantages of purposive sampling are the same as those described for
the other nonprobability sampling approaches. Although efforts are made to
identify all subjects with the desired characteristic, without a sampling frame,
a researcher cannot state with certainty that the sample used for the research
is representative of the greater population. Like the other nonprobability
approaches, research based on a sample using purposive sampling is not
generalizable, so the results obtained should not be treated as generalizable.
An additional concern with purposive sampling is the potential for researcher
bias. A researcher may unknowingly turn away potential respondents for a
variety of reasons and, in doing so, bias the findings. Even with these
limitations, purposive sampling enables a lot of research on topics that may
not be accessible to research using other approaches.
Snowball Sampling
A specific type of purposive sampling approach is snowball sampling.
Snowball sampling is a nonprobability sampling technique that gathers the
sample based on referrals. Subjects are selected given a particular
characteristic of interest. Once one or a few subjects are identified, they are
asked whether they know others with the characteristics of interest that the
researchers can contact. Then those referrals are asked for additional
referrals. This approach is also called network sampling, chain referral
sampling, or reputational sampling. In theory, a researcher stops when no
new referral names are provided. Dodge and her colleagues used convenience
sampling to gather their sample of undercover female officers. Yet, Dodge
and colleagues also supplemented their convenience sampling strategy with
snowball sampling. So not only did Dodge identify subjects she knew could
provide needed data; she and her collaborators also relied on referrals from
those subjects to find additional study subjects. By using two sampling
strategies, Dodge gained access to more subjects than either single approach
would have provided separately.

Snowball sampling: Nonprobability sampling approach in which

current respondents are asked for contact information of others
having the needed characteristics to participate in the study. Also
called “networks,” “chain referral sampling,” or “reputational
Snowball sampling has the same advantages and disadvantages noted for
purposive sampling. An additional concern when using snowball sampling is
that in addition to any researcher bias that may be present, subjects are
located via referral, and bias among those referring might also be present.
Again, although imperfect, excellent research has resulted from snowball
sampling including the research described here.
Table 5.1 presents a summary of the different approaches to sampling, the
advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as any issues related to the
relative cost of each approach.
How Large Should My Sample Be?
Perhaps the most common question about sampling focuses on how large a
sample should be. When does a researcher stop gathering subjects? When is a
sample too big or too little? The answer is not very satisfying, unfortunately,
as a researcher needs as big a sample as possible to conduct rigorous
research. Yet, getting too large a sample is costly, time-consuming, and will
bring no additional advantage to the research. These are not simple questions
to answer because the size of a sample is contingent on many things
including the type of research being conducted, the nature of the population,
and the resources a researcher has available.
Purpose of the Research
If a researcher is conducting research on a topic in which all members of the
population have a desired element (e.g., an opinion), then a smaller sample
size is required. For example, if a researcher seeks to gather opinion data on a
topic such as politics, the environment, or the six types of baby seals in the
artic, from the population of Denver, Colorado, or even the United States, a
smaller sample is needed. Why? Because everyone has an opinion, meaning
everyone interviewed will provide data. In an instance like this, by using a
random sampling approach, a researcher needs a smaller sample size to
achieve a smaller margin of error. Margin of error is the greatest expected
difference between a sample statistic and a population parameter. A
reasonable margin of error for research on opinions or things in which all
members of the population offer data is from ±2.5% to ±3%. A researcher
can calculate the needed sample size given the desired margin of error desired
using this formula (Niles, n.d.):
Margin of error = 1 / square root of the sample size
Margin of error: Maximum expected deviation expected between
a sample statistic and a population parameter.
Table 5.2 offers sample sizes calculated with this formula to arrive at
associated with margins of error. This table demonstrates that when dealing
with opinions or similar things, a researcher needs a smaller sample size to
achieve a smaller margin of error.

Second, this formula and Table 5.2 demonstrate that the sample size needed
for a particular margin of error is not dependent on the population size. Look
again at the formula: The population size is not a part of it. That means that a
sample size of 1,100 individuals, based on random sampling (and no
refusals), will provide statistics within ±3% points from the true population
value. Similarly, a randomly drawn sample of 1,600 is enough for findings
with minimal error (±2.5%). A researcher would need a randomly drawn
sample of 1,600 people in Denver to provide a statistic within ±2.5% of the
true population parameter. Alternatively, a researcher would need a randomly
drawn sample of 1,600 people in the state of Colorado to provide a statistic
within ±2.5% of the true population parameter for Colorado. Likewise, a
researcher would need a randomly drawn sample of 1,600 people in the
United States to provide a statistic within ±2.5% of the true population
parameter for the United States.
In contrast, the sample size needed to conduct research examining rarer
events is much larger. This type of research is more common in the criminal
justice and criminology disciplines. For example, if one’s purpose is to
estimate the amount of violent victimization occurring in the nation in one
year, as is done with the NCVS, a far larger sample than 1,600 is required.
Why? Because violent victimization is rare, meaning not everyone drawn in a
random sample will have been a victim of violence. The sample size need
must take into account the majority of those who have not been victimized.
Therefore, a researcher would need to gather an enormous sample in order to
have enough victimization cases to offer reasonable estimates of
victimization that would be generalizable to the larger population. Consider
that in 2015, NCVS data were based on data from 95,760 households and
163,880 people. Even with such large sample sizes, there were 1,023 violent
victimizations revealed by the survey during the year, most of which were
simple assaults (635). If a researcher wanted to investigate only female
victims, young victims, or inner city males, the needed sample size of
victimizations would need to be far larger. Although this text cannot go into
the intricacies of sample size, it is important to recognize that the topic of the
research is highly related to the sample size needed.
Type of Research
Related to the purpose of the research is the type of research conducted. The
use of a probability versus a nonprobability sample will affect the needed
sample size. Gathering a sample using probability methods tends to require
larger sample sizes compared with gathering a sample using nonprobability
methods. If a researcher seeks to generate findings that are generalizable back
to the population, a larger sample is need compared with when
generalizability is not a goal. Consider the work of Dodge and collaborators
(Dodge et al., 2005). Their research used a sample size of 25 subjects for
their work on women decoys. How did Dodge et al. know to stop their
sample with 25 subjects? According to Dodge, she stopped pursuing
additional subjects because of saturation. Saturation in this context refers to
the point at which there is no new data gathered from new subjects.
Saturation also indicates that replication of the research should not reveal
additional information. Replication refers to the repeating of a piece of
research. Research findings should remain the same when the study is
Saturation: Has several related meanings, one of which involves
searching for sources for a literature review. In particular, it
indicates the search for sources is complete because one finds no
new information on a topic and the same studies and authors
repeatedly are discussed.
Replication: Repeating of a piece of research.
Brunson and his collaborator gathered a sample of 45 adolescents for the
study on youth perceptions and interactions with police in disadvantaged
neighborhoods (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). Their sample of 45 is a bit larger
than the one used by Dodge and colleagues (sample size = 25; Dodge et al.,
2005), but given their need to have an adequate number of subjects (15) from
each of the three neighborhoods, a larger sample was required. The
researchers capped the number of participants for each neighborhood at 15
because they found they had reached saturation and no new information was
being uncovered in the later interviews. Had Brunson and his colleague only
been interested in what was happening in one neighborhood, a sample of 15
would have been sufficient.

Nature of the Population

Another consideration when thinking about needed sample size is the nature
of the population. Is the population varied or heterogeneous in ways related
to the research topic? Or is the underlying population homogeneous? If the
research seeks to add to our understanding of a heterogeneous population, a
larger sample size will be needed to accurately capture the diversity found in
that population. In contrast, a homogenous population will require a smaller
sample size since there is little diversity that must be captured by the sample.
Resources Available
Sample sizes are also contingent on resources available. It is a fact that
researchers have limited resources available. Although a researcher may
desire a sample size of 2,000, he or she may not have the time or finances to
work with a sample of that size. The realities of research are a part of the
research endeavor. Robert Groves, a methodology expert, and colleagues
(2004) provided excellent advice when it was noted that when it comes to
selecting a sample size, it is easier to determine what not to do versus what to
do. Groves and his colleagues implored people not to use a sample size just
because some other research used that sample size. As the information
presented in this section should make clear, other research may involve
differences not readily apparent. Just because the Gallup® polls interview
1,000 people does not make that the appropriate sample size for anyone else.
Thinking about your research purposes, your population, your approach, and
the other elements of your project should help you settle on the best sample
size for your needs.
Finally, just because a sample is large does not always make it a good or even
representative sample. The most important quality of a sample is not its size
but how the data are collected. If the purpose is generalizability, then samples
drawn using probability sampling approaches are better. A small
representative sample is better than a large nonrepresentative sample if
generalizability is the goal. Keep in mind that a huge nonrepresentative
sample is still nonrepresentative. If generalizability is not an important issue
for a particular research project, but a deeper and richer understanding of a
particular topic is, then a smaller sample drawn using nonprobability methods
may be the best option.
Common Pitfalls Related to Sampling
Sampling well is critical to conducting excellent research. Even though it
may seem easy in some ways, there are several pitfalls one must be aware of
when sampling. Some were introduced in the chapter but are worth repeating

Ecological and Individualist Fallacies

Although not pitfalls of sampling specifically, both the ecological and
individualist fallacies point to the requirement that a researcher know which
unit of analysis he or she is using and apply the findings to that unit only.
Applying findings from one unit of analysis to another leads to errors in
reasoning. The ecological fallacy occurs when a researcher applies
conclusions based on a group or an organization to an individual. The
individualist fallacy occurs when a researcher applies findings from an
individual unit of analysis to a group or organization. Being clear about the
unit one is working with will go a long way to prevent making either of these
Generalizing Findings That Are Not Generalizable
Whether findings of research are generalizable depends on the sample used.
A common error made by those who consume, propose, and produce research
is to interpret all findings as being generalizable to the greater population. In
Chapter 1, we discussed the many reports about statistics purporting to
indicate that large proportions of female students are raped on college
campuses. By returning to those examples, a review of the methodology of
Krebs, Lindquist, Warner, Fisher, and Martin’s (2007) Campus Sexual
Assault survey and Cantor and colleagues’ (2015) AAU survey of 27
institutions of higher education demonstrates that the statistics in question are
based on nonprobability samples of all universities. The selection of the two
universities in Krebs et al.’s and the 27 IHEs in Cantor et al.’s work came
from a nonprobability sampling approach. For that reason, the findings from
both pieces of research (as clearly noted by the authors) are not generalizable
to any population beyond the universities participating. Although some
continue to report this incorrectly, it is up to you as a perceptive and informed
researcher to recognize this limitation. It does not mean the research is
without merit—in fact, it has a lot of merit.
Ethics Associated With Sampling
When sampling, a researcher should use the sampling approach that is
required given the particular research project of interest. Knowingly selecting
a sampling approach that is not appropriate for purposes of a research project
is not acceptable and should not be done. Gathering the appropriate type of
sample for the research purposes and goals is an ethical obligation of all

Although this chapter has demonstrated that identifying the perfect sample
size is not always possible, a researcher must make every effort to take into
account the issues described in this chapter. Consider that using too large a
sample is unethical because it wastes resources (and often people’s time) with
no gain in data. A researcher should engage in research that burdens
respondents and participants as minimally as possible. This falls under the
“do not harm” umbrella of human subjects. It is also incorrect to stop
gathering subjects for a sample prior to reaching saturation if that is the goal
of the research. A researcher must commit to gathering as many subjects as is
required to reach that point.
Other, more obvious ethical considerations are to use the sampling
approached approved by the institutional review board (IRB). If a researcher
gains IRB approval to sample individuals 18 years of age and older in a
setting but does not ensure that juveniles are kept out of the sample, that
researcher is engaging in unethical research. As noted in an earlier chapter,
certain groups have additional human subjects review, and yet other groups
should be approached carefully, even if additional IRB scrutiny is not
Sampling Expert—Sam Gallaher, PhD
Sam Gallaher, PhD, is the data analytics and methodology specialist at the
Auditor’s Office of the city and county of Denver, Colorado. His work at the
Auditor’s Office includes three primary responsibilities. First, through audits,
he adds assurance that taxpayer money is being spent wisely. Second,
Gallaher also uses these audits to search for risks to the city (risks include the
potential for being sued) as well as to assess whether those groups being
audited are meeting their stated objectives (generally defined by the City
Charter or outlined in strategic plans). Finally, his role includes searching for
and setting up processes to minimize the risk of fraud or abuse. Each of these
responsibilities requires an understanding of sampling.

Courtesy of Samuel Gallaher

Prior to the Auditor’s Office, Gallaher worked as an industrial and
manufacturing engineer who conducted research on systems that made
fiberglass. The goal of this work was to increase understanding in how
changes in a system affected production. Even though Gallaher enjoyed this
work, he decided to return to the university to learn additional research skills
so he could apply his systems knowledge to social issues. He felt that the
combination of social research and systems knowledge could help guard
against unintended negative consequences of social policy.
Gallaher’s entre into the Auditor’s Office was both out of necessity and
because he was ready for a change. He was completing his dissertation,
working as a research assistant and lecturer, but he needed to earn more
money to deal with accumulating student debt. He found the Auditor’s
website and recognized that what auditors do is the same as researchers. They
use quantitative and qualitative analyses and are methodical in their
approach. Their work requires they identify a purpose, conceptualize and
operationalize measures, collect data, conduct analyses, and report their
findings. He was attracted to government auditing so that he could conduct
research in the real world and have more a direct impact on society than he
could have through traditional research.
A vital part of the work Gallaher does involves sampling. He offers two
major reasons sampling is important. First, according to Gallaher, it is rare
that a researcher is in a position to gather data from a population. Either a
researcher cannot identify the population or they do not have the time or
financial resources to gather data from the population. As a result, sampling
makes Sam’s auditing work possible. A second major reason that sampling is
important, according to Gallaher, is that using particular techniques
minimizes biases, which means better outcomes. He frequently uses
stratification and then random selection from within each group in his
sampling to reduce the chance of biases in his findings. Stratification forces
Gallaher to identify meaningful differences within a population and then to
collect data from within each group, which then creates a sample that more
accurately reflects the variation in the population from which the sample was
drawn. This technique is particularly helpful when the true variation or error
rate of a population is unknown. Audit work may include examination of
contracts for compliance, checking revenues and expenditures, measuring
departmental performance, or evaluating information system access and data
entry rules. Each of these approaches can use sampling given that Gallaher
and the other auditors have limited resources to examine processes that could
include hundreds or thousands of transactions, decisions, or rules.
Sam encourages students to take the time to understand sampling given its
broad use in public and private entities. He finds that sometimes new
researchers struggle with clearly defining their population. This step is
critical for obtaining the best sample from it. In addition, he finds that new
researchers frequently fail to fully understand that population, especially in
terms of important variation in it. Understanding that variation enables a
researcher to more strategically use stratification. Even with a full
understanding of a population and important variation in it, Gallaher
encourages students to be prepared for times when a researcher cannot
conduct a textbook sample. When asked how often that occurs, he notes the
reality of research is that a textbook sample never occurs! This means a
researcher must be flexible in dealing with issues that inevitably arise in
research, being clear of important variation a researcher can use to strengthen
samples, and understanding the importance role of sampling and how it
affects research.
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter presents information about sampling—what it is and why it is
important. Sampling is the process of selecting a subgroup of elements from a
population. Research is conducted using data gathered from a sample, and
findings from this work are used to infer back to the population from which
the sample came. As noted, all sampling approaches are not the same, and
which sampling approach is best is contingent on many characteristics of the
research as well as on the availability of resources. Two types of sampling
approaches were described: probability and nonprobability sampling.
Probability sampling includes approaches in which sampling elements have a
known, nonzero chance of being selected in the sample. This is an important
characteristic as it means the sample is representative of the population from
which it came, and the findings that come from the sample are generalizable
to the greater population. Although probability sampling approaches have
many desirable qualities, not all research is suited for probability sampling. In
this case, many methods of nonprobability sampling were discussed.
Nonprobability refers to the process of selecting a sample from a population
in which some members of the population have a zero chance at being
selected in the sample. In addition, the probability of any element being
selected into a nonprobability sample is unknown. Nonprobability sampling
is useful in many ways, including for pretesting research procedures, and for
gaining a very in-depth understanding of a particular topic. In addition, it
allows research on a population for which there is no sampling frame or
comprehensive list of all elements in the population. This chapter also
discussed many important elements associated with sampling such as units of
analysis, units of observation, censuses, and considerations about needed
sample sizes. Common pitfalls such as the ecological fallacy and the
individualist fallacy were discussed.
Table 5.3 offers some information about each of our case studies in regard to
sampling. This matrix presents each featured researchers’ population of
interest, sampling elements, type of sampling engaged in, and units of
analysis and observation. The table shows how varied sampling can be, and
why it is important for you to carefully think through your sampling plan.
Drawing a good sample for your purposes is critical in producing the best
piece of research you can. In addition, as Sam Gallaher, PhD, noted, in
careers using sampling, understanding how it works and when one approach
is preferred over another is the difference in being successful or not in your
role. As an analyst in an auditing agency, Gallaher showed how he uses
sampling skills every day. He notes that sampling well is one step required
for generating useful, accurate findings that have real practical implications
both in and out of the academic sector. By using rigorous sampling, he and
his colleagues guard against waste of taxpayer dollars.
After this chapter, the text switches gears to the different types of data that
researchers collect and use to answer research questions. We begin by
discussing qualitative data collection. This includes a presentation of what
qualitative data are, why qualitative data collection is important, and the
benefits and limitation of this approach.
Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Sampling Without a Budget
Select either Dodge or Brunson’s research for this assignment. In
your paper, outline exactly the sampling plan they used. Indicate
the advantages and disadvantages of their respective approaches.
Now, pretend you have an unlimited budget. Describe how you
would replicate their research using a different sampling
approach. Why is your approach better? What does it gain that the
approach used by the researcher does not? Be sure to discuss the
population, sampling elements, sampling approach used, units of
observation and analysis, and other important elements in your
plan. Be prepared to discuss your findings in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Developing a Sampling Plan
for a Survey of Students at Your University
Your group has been hired by your university to survey students
about their satisfaction with the university. At this stage, you need
to develop a detailed sampling plan. With your group, identify the
population of interest, population, sampling elements, sampling
approach used, units of observation and analysis, and other
important elements in your plan. Be sure to consider how you will
deal with a variety of students, including those who are part-time,
full-time, online only, on-campus only, night students only, and
those taking both online and in-person courses. How will you deal
with students who are taking one semester off, as well as with
those who just started at the university this semester? Will you
include people who both work at the university and take classes?
What are the advantages of your approach? Who is left out, and
how might their absence affect the findings of your research? Be
prepared to discuss and share your summaries in class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Poor
Survey Questions
You have been hired to conduct a study comparing the advantages
of a larger versus a smaller sample. To make this comparison, you
gather two samples. The first sample should consist of 15 people.
The second sample should consist of 1 person (you). Once
identified, gather data from all subjects regarding the number of
friends they have on Facebook. Once you have the data for your
16 subjects, calculate the average number of friends in each
sample. The average, or mean, is calculated by adding all the
scores in a sample and dividing by the number of subjects in that
sample. The mean number of friends in the sample of one person
(you) is simply your number of friends you have on Facebook. If
someone does not use Facebook, record a 0 for his or her average
number of friends. Once you have your data and average number
of friends on Facebook, write a paper. In that paper, describe your
sample. What type of samples did you use? How did you gather
the subjects for your samples? How large were your samples?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of your samples? Will
your results be representative of any population? Will your results
be generalizable to larger populations? Next, present a table
showing the data for each subject in your samples (you do not
need to use their names; you can simply identify them as subject
1, subject 2, etc.). In looking at the two values (i.e., statistics) for
the samples, what do you conclude? Would you be more willing
to believe your sample of 1, or the sample of 15? Why or why
not? If you had more time, how might you alter your sampling
strategy to draw a sample representative of those attending your
college, and to draw a sample of a rival university to compare the
number of friends? Turn in your paper and be prepared to share
your findings and thoughts with the class.
Key Words and Concepts
1-in-k method 150
Availability sampling, 154
Bias 142
Biased sample 142
Census 140
Cluster 152
Cluster sampling 151
Convenience sampling 154
Ecological fallacy 146
Elements 139
Full enumeration 140
Generalizability 141
Geographic regions 145
Group 145
Individual 143
Individualist fallacy 147
Inferences 136
Margin of error 157
Multistage sampling 153
Nonprobability sampling 154
Organization 145
Partial enumeration 138
Periodicity 150
Pilot study 154
Population 139
Population parameter 137
Probability sampling 148
Purposive sampling 156
Quota sampling 155
Random digit dialing (rdd) 148
Replication 162
Representative 141
Sample statistics 137
Sampling 138
Sampling elements 149
Sampling error 141
Sampling frame 149
Sampling interval 150
Sampling without replacement 149
Saturation 162
Simple random sampling 149
Snowball sampling 156
Social artifacts 145
Social interactions 145
Strata 151
Stratified sampling 151
Systematic sampling 150
Unit of analysis 143
Unit of observation 146
Key Points
Sampling is selecting a subset of elements from the larger population.
Sampling is important because it allows researchers to understand the
Researchers calculate statistics based on the sample to infer about the
value of population parameters. Sample statistics are summaries of data
gathered from the sample. A population parameter is a summary value
of the same thing in the population. An example is the mean or average
age of individuals in a sample to understand what the average age in the
population is.
All samples are imperfect. One way that samples are imperfect is they
have some degree of sampling error. Given that a sample does not
contain all data from every member of the population, then statistics
from the sample are not going to be exactly equivalent to the population
Probability sampling refers to the process of selecting a sample from a
population in which every population element has a known, nonzero
chance of being selected. Examples include simple random samples,
systematic sampling, cluster sampling, stratified sampling, and
multistage sampling. Nonprobability sampling refers to the process of
selecting a sample from a population in which some members of the
population have a zero chance at being selected in the sample. In
addition, the probability of being selected into a nonprobability sample
is unknown. Nonprobability sampling includes approaches such as
convenience sampling, quota sampling, purposive sampling, and
snowball sampling.
A unit of analysis is the what, or the who, that is being studied and
analyzed in a particular piece of research. It is the unit being studied,
and the level of social life the research question is focused. Several
broad categories of units of analysis are used in criminology and
criminal justice research. They are individual, groups and organizations,
geographic areas, and social artifacts and social interactions.
Ecological fallacy is an error in logic where a researcher applies
conclusions based on a group or an organization unit of analysis to an
individual. This fallacy assumes all individuals in a collective are
characterized by the larger collective’s average characteristic.
Review Questions
1. What is sampling, and why is it important?
2. What are the two major categories of sampling? Why would a
researcher use a probability sample versus a nonprobability
sample or vice versa?
3. What are some common types of probability sampling approaches
used in criminal justice and criminology research? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each?
4. What are some common types of nonprobability sampling
approaches used in criminal justice and criminology research?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
5. What is a census compared with a sample? When is it best to use
one versus the other?
6. What is sampling error, and how can a researcher minimize it?
How can a researcher totally eliminate sampling error?
7. What are sample statistics? Why are they calculated? What are
population parameters? How statistics and parameters related?
8. What are units of analysis? What types of units of analysis are
there? Why is it important to identify the unit of analysis for
research questions?
9. What is a unit of observation? How does it differ from a unit of
analysis? What error or fallacy arises when a researcher fails to
pay attention to the unit of analysis?
10. What should a researcher consider when deciding on a sample
size? What are the issues associated with too large a sample?
What are the problems with too small a sample?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. You have just completed some research with your professor. In
this research, you and your professor concluded that the
neighboring county—Adams County—has a DUI rate three times
greater than the other surrounding counties. The school newspaper
picks up this finding and reports the people living in Adams
Country are more likely to be alcoholic and drive while drunk.
Your professor has asked you to draft a letter to the paper
outlining why what they reported is not correct. What will you
include in that letter as evidence that their reporting inaccurately
portrays your research findings?
2. Your classmate is conducting research for a research methods
class project. She has interviewed every police officer in the local
police department about their perceptions of offenders and what
they believe is needed to minimize recidivism. She keeps referring
to the group she interviewed as a sample. You argue it is not a
sample but a census. Who is correct, and why?
3. You wish to conduct a study on the emotional toll of being a
parole officer. To do so, you want to gather a representative
sample of parole officers in the nation whom you will interview.
To so this, you begin by randomly select 15 states to be in sample.
Then you create a list of all counties (or parishes) in those 15
states, and from that list, you randomly select 15 counties (or
parishes) in each state. Next, you compile a list of all parole
officers in those selected 15 counties (or parishes). Finally, you
randomly select 15 parole officers in each of those areas to
interview. Which type of sample design is this an example of?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? How
might a researcher generate a sample of parole officers in other
4. You want to interview police officers who shot and killed
someone in the line of duty for a research project. What type of
sampling approach would be best for this type of project? What
are the advantages of going with the approach you selected? Are
there other approaches that would work as well?
5. A classmate is working on his senior project. After a long period,
he obtained IRB approval to interview 15 individuals with severe
cognitive disabilities about victimization experiences they have.
The subjects all reside in a local assisted-living facility given their
extreme vulnerability. Through casual conversation, you discover
that your classmate actually interviewed 25 people and asked
several questions beyond what his IRB protocol listed. Why
would this be a problem? What would you do with this
information? What would you recommend to your classmate?

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Part 4 Collecting Your Data
At this point, you are ready to gather data to answer your research question.
As this section of the text will demonstrate, there are many types of data a
researcher can gather. Which types of data are best depends on the research
question posed as well as on considerations such as available time and
resources. Chapter 6 covers how to gather qualitative data using approaches
such as interviews, focus groups, observations, and content analysis.
Gathering and using qualitative data appropriately is a skill that serves
researchers well. Chances are you have taken many surveys, and possibly
have even created some. Chapter 7 identifies best practices for creating
surveys to gather data. Being able to construct well-designed surveys is a
useful skill used in many careers today. When new researchers think of
research, they often envision experiments. You may even be familiar with
placebos and control groups. Chapter 8 covers gathering data via
experimental research as well related approaches such as pre-experiments,
quasi-experiments, and natural experiments. Many researchers rely on the use
of secondary data to conduct research. Secondary data are data that have been
collected by others but are available for use and are described in Chapter 9.
Chapter 10 presents information about a newer (although not as new as many
suppose) type of data based on location. How to gather and use mapping data
is covered in that chapter. The final chapter in this section, Chapter 11, differs
a bit from the others. Rather than focusing on a type of data, it describes
research with a different purpose: evaluation research. Evaluation research
uses all types of data to answer specific questions about a program or policy.
Evaluation research is widely used in the “real world,” meaning that an
understanding of it opens up many career opportunities for you. If you go on
to conduct your own research, work on a project with others, or only become
a lifelong consumer of findings from research, understanding the different
types of data and associated approaches used to answer research questions
will benefit you. Recall the whole purpose of research is to answer a research
question. Once you have collected your data, you have everything you need
to analyze the data and answer your question.
Chapter 6 Research Using Qualitative Data
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
6.1 Identify what makes qualitative data different than other types
of data. Compare qualitative data to quantitative data, including
the advantages and disadvantages of each.
6.2 Evaluate when the use of qualitative data is most appropriate.
6.3 Compare and contrast different approaches to gathering
qualitative data including interviews, observation and field
research, and document analysis, and the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
6.4 Describe the basic steps to organizing and analyzing
qualitative data, and what tasks are accomplished during each
6.5 Identify what makes ethics important when gathering
qualitative data using examples from the classic cases of unethical
6.6 Summarize the common pitfalls associated with gathering and
using qualitative data.
This chapter focuses on collecting qualitative data to conduct research.
Research using qualitative data, often called qualitative research, was
briefly introduced in Chapter 4 as research that uses non-numeric data to
answer what are frequently exploratory and descriptive research questions
designed to provide detailed and nuanced understanding of a topic. Research
using qualitative data is often not constrained by fixed notions of any element
of the topic, and it is much like embarking on an adventure with no
preconceived notions about what will be learned, what will be shown to be
important, what will be shown to be irrelevant, and so on. Patton notes that
qualitative research is useful in generating new concepts, explanations,
findings, hypotheses and theories from the gathered data. Patton (2015, p.
311) describes the nature of qualitative research well as “[q]ualitative inquiry
is rife with ambiguities. There are purposeful strategies instead of
methodological rules. There are inquiry approaches instead of statistical
formulas. Qualitative inquiry seems to work best for people with a high
tolerance for ambiguity.”
Qualitative research: Uses non-numeric data to answer what are
frequently exploratory research questions designed to provide
detailed and nuanced understanding of a topic. Qualitative
research is not focused on counting, quantifying, or measuring
anything about a topic.
Contrast the goals of research using qualitative data with those of research
using quantitative data that were also introduced in Chapter 4. Research using
qualitative data is concerned with comprehensively understanding the topic
—something that all the counting of something in the world cannot do. In
contrast to research using qualitative data, research using quantitative data
uses numeric data to answer what are often more narrowly defined research
questions. The stark differences in qualitative and quantitative data have led
to qualitative based-research often being described as “not research using
quantitative data.” Defining qualitative data in terms of how they are not
quantitative data oversimplifies and disregards the distinct and valuable
nature of qualitative data. Both types of data are valuable.
Qualitative and quantitative are adjectives used to describe data,
methods specific to gathering data, and research that uses non-
numeric data. For this reason, you will hear others speaking about
qualitative data (non-numeric data) and quantitative data (numeric
data). Yet, you will also hear these adjectives used to describe
researchers. You may have a professor who self-describes as a
“qualitative researcher” that simply means that individual
primarily or exclusively conducts research using qualitative data.
Similarly, someone else may self-describe as a “quantitative
researcher” or a “quantoid” that indicates their research uses
primarily or exclusively quantitative data. In this text, we use all
of these terms.
To better understand qualitative data and ways to collect it, this chapter is
structured as follows. First, we discuss why you as a researcher would
conduct research using qualitative data. In addition, we provide insight into
the basics associated with collecting qualitative data. We describe clearly
what are qualitative data as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these
data. Next, we provide the major stages of conducting research using
qualitative data including sampling considerations, recording the data, and
analyzing the data. A discussion about the pitfalls common with using
qualitative data, and ethical considerations associated with them, is also
presented. Finally, we hear from Carol Peeples, a self-described qualitative
researcher who founded and runs a consulting business specializing in
collecting and analyzing qualitative data.
Research using qualitative data is concerned with comprehensively
understanding the topic—something that all the counting of something in the
world cannot do.

© vaeenma/Canstockphoto
Why Conduct Research Using Qualitative Data?
Why would a researcher use qualitative data to conduct research? In short,
because qualitative data are ideal for answering many research questions that
seek to reveal a comprehensive understanding about a topic. By using
qualitative data, you can glean an understanding about what is important and
the meaning of symbols, body language, and rituals related to a particular
topic. By using qualitative data, you can identify important patterns, themes,
feelings, and core meanings associated with a topic. This type of rich,
nuanced understanding cannot be garnered with all the quantitative data in
the world. Much of what a researcher may be interested cannot be understood
in quantifiable terms. If you are seeking knowledge about more than the
quantifiable elements of a topic, research using qualitative data is ideal (see
Figure 6.1).
One of our featured researchers, Carlos Cuevas, revealed to us during a video
interview conducted for this book that he finds that many students believe
that conducting qualitative research is faster and easier to do. Cuevas wants
to dissuade everyone from this notion. Qualitative inquiry is not faster, and it
is not easier. As Cuevas notes, it is “differently” time- consuming and
“differently” challenging. The biggest reason why someone should conduct
research using qualitative data is because it is the best way to answer their
research question. Although Cuevas and colleagues’ highlighted research did
not include gathering qualitative data (Sabina, Cuevas, & Cotignola-Pickens,
2016), he recognizes the value of this approach, and the challenges associated
with it.

Figure 6.1 Abstract Topic and What Can Be Learned About It

Patton (2015, p. 13, Exhibit 1.2) identified seven specific purposes of

qualitative inquiry (see Table 6.1). First, research using qualitative data
illuminates meaning by investigating, analyzing, and interpreting how people
construct and attach significance to their experiences, as well as by
identifying implications of those experiences. Mary Dodge, another featured
researcher, and her colleagues’ research on female officers working as decoys
in police prostitution stings does exactly this (Dodge, Starr-Gimeno, &
Williams, 2005). Dodge found that some literature had speculated that a
policewoman posing as a decoy would feel degraded and humiliated. Other
speculation suggested that policewomen acting as decoy prostitutes are
objectified and marginalized by their colleagues. The fact remained that until
Dodge and colleagues conducted their study using qualitative data, no one
knew for sure because no one had bothered to ask policewomen engaged in
this activity how they felt and the meaning that was attached to their
experiences. Findings from Dodge et al.’s data gathered using interviews
demonstrated that women officers shared dichotomous views about this
work. On one hand, they expressed feelings of disgust with the role-playing
and with the clientele. On the other hand, they expressed feelings of
excitement about the opportunity to work undercover, to have a break from
patrol, and to advance their career. Importantly, this undercover work
represented one of the few opportunities female officers had to gain the
undercover experience needed to move up to more coveted roles in law
enforcement ranks.

Second, research using qualitative data allows you to study how things work.
By using qualitative data, a researcher can gain an understanding about how
human phenomenon occurs, as well as about the effect on those participating
in it. Dodge et al.’s (2005) interviews of female decoy officers provided
insight into how decoys needed to look, what they needed to wear (or not
wear), and how they needed to posture themselves. Some officers noted they
had to change their stances because they could not stand like an officer.
Decoys had to change the way they made eye contact, chewed gum, and other
seeming mundane things. In addition, decoy officers learned they were more
effective decoys if they did not bathe and instead showed up dirty with ratty
clothes on. In some cases, decoys found great success at attracting johns
when they wore no shoes. Johns were not trusting of prostitutes who were
neat, clean, and pretty.

Source: John W. Creswell. 2013. 3rd edition. Qualitative Inquiry and

Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches. Sage
Third, research using qualitative data captures stories about people’s
perspectives and experiences. In some qualitative research, you can offer an
in-depth case study of a person, group, organization, or community. This is
precisely the purpose of featured researcher Rod Brunson and colleague’s
study on police relations with adolescents (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009).
Gathering qualitative data from the sample of 45 youths—15 in each
neighborhood—Brunson illuminated the ways that race affects police
interactions and perceptions. The findings indicated that although the
neighborhoods were similar, the experiences and perceptions of the youths
were not. White youth had less troubled relationships and more positive
views of officers than Black youth. This is not surprisingly since the in-depth
interviews indicated that police treatment of residents were less problematic
in the White neighborhood, worse in the Black neighborhood, and
somewhere in between in the mixed-race neighborhood. Black youths
reported more personal experiences with police abuse in terms of
unwarranted stops, verbal abuse, physical abuse, racial bias, and corruption
(e.g., particular officers who sell drugs or take bribes). In addition, they
reported more vicarious reports of the same.

Fourth, Patton (2015) stated that research using qualitative data can provide
insight into how systems function and into the consequences of those systems
on people. Indeed, this was at the core of Brunson and colleague’s research
(Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). Through interviews with youth in these
neighborhoods, the researchers learned how the system worked differently
for Blacks and Whites. The system differs for Blacks compared with Whites
in terms of interactions and perceptions. Blacks overwhelmingly received
negative police attention (detained, searched, arrested) when engaging in law-
abiding behavior.
Fifth, research using qualitative data can provide rich understanding of
context, including how and why the context matters. In addition, context
provides deeper meaning about actions or beliefs. In Brunson and Weitzer’s
(2009) work, an attempt at holding the environmental context constant was
made since the three neighborhoods used in the study were equally
disadvantaged. By doing this, the research held constant the role that a
disadvantaged neighborhood has on the outcome. In that way, the influence
of race could be better identified. The researchers found evidence that as the
context of the neighborhoods changed, so did the way police engaged
members of the community. Respondents noted that as a neighborhood
gained a larger percentage of Black residents, policing became more
aggressive and abusive.
Sixth, research using qualitative data offers an understanding of unanticipated
consequences. The open-ended nature of qualitative investigations provides
an understanding of both the planned and unplanned consequences of an
event or phenomenon. Brunson and Weitzer’s (2009) examination of youth
and police relations identified important consequences. Because of negative
interactions with officers, those in Black communities expressed a desire that
police stay out of their neighborhoods unless they were specifically called.
Black youth, given their experiences and perceptions, were cynical regarding
police and had no confidence in law enforcement.
Based on research on female decoys provided, one may hypothesize that
policewomen acting as decoys have higher job satisfaction than policewomen
not engaged in this activity.

© Michael Owen Baker/ZUMApress/Newscom

Finally, a seventh specific contribution of research using qualitative data is
that it enables a researcher to identify similarities and differences, as well as
to identify patterns and themes across cases. In short, if one’s purpose is to
gather information on topics about which very little is known, then an
approach using qualitative data is ideal. If one’s purpose is to understand very
deeply the nuances of a topic, including characteristics of thoughts, feelings,
opinions, symbols, motivations, descriptions of, and purposes related to
topics, then an approach using qualitative data is ideal.
In addition, and not identified by Patton (2015) in that list, conducting
research using qualitative data provides valuable information and
understanding that allows researchers to develop hypotheses and propose
theory that can guide additional qualitative as well as quantitative inquiry.
Based on what Dodge and colleagues’ (2005) research on female decoys
provided, she may now hypothesize that policewomen acting as decoys have
higher job satisfaction than policewomen not engaged in this activity. In later
research, Dodge could test that hypothesis by constructing a survey with
measures of the concept of “job satisfaction.” She could then distribute those
surveys to a probability sample of policewomen in the nation. By using
responses to the survey, Dodge could then use those survey data to determine
whether she has support for her hypothesis or not—are those working as
decoys characterized by higher job satisfaction compared with those who do
not? With enough qualitative data gathered, Dodge could propose a theory
that could then be tested and enhanced using both quantitative and qualitative
data. By using what is learned from qualitative inquiry, researchers develop
relevant questions, response categories, hypotheses, and so on that can be
addressed through qualitative, quantitative, or both types of data

And finally, our featured researchers such as Carlos Cuevas, Rachel Boba
Santos, and Heather Zaykowski point to the complementary nature of
qualitative and quantitative inquiry. All agree that studies using both
qualitative and quantitative approaches at the same time are ideal. Use of
both types of inquiry—a mixed-methods approach—provides statistics, as
well as information that provides both context and meaning to those statistics.
They are not competing approaches but complementary approaches.
What Is Research Using Qualitative Data?
Broadly, qualitative data are data that are non-numeric in nature. This
includes text from transcribed interviews with people, narratives, published
documents, videos, music, photos, observations, body language, and voice
intonation to name a few. These types of data convey the qualities of the
topic of interest. Qualitative data are gathered with an open mind. During
interviews, it means using open-ended questions. An open-ended question is
one in which the respondent is not asked to pick from a predetermined set of
response categories but can instead answer using his or her own words. In
contrast, a closed-ended question is one in which the response categories are
provided and the respondent must choose among the option given only. In
closed-ended questions, respondents are often asked to “check a box.” An
analogy that helps clarify open- and closed-ended questions is found on
exams. Imagine an exam composed of 10 essay-type questions. Students are
asked to use their own words to answer each question in a paragraph or more.
This is an open-ended exam question. In contrast, a closed-ended question is
similar to a multiple-choice question on an exam. In this case, students must
pick from the options provided. A student cannot provide additional detail
but must check a box or fill in a bubble (see Figure 6.2).
Open-ended questions: Designed to give the respondent the
opportunity to answer in his or her own words. These are similar
to essay questions on exams. Open-ended questions are ideal for
gathering qualitative data.
Closed-ended question: Type of survey question that requires
respondents to select an answer from a list of response categories.
Figure 6.2 Examples of Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions

Source: http://housemadisonedm310.blogspot.com/2015/06/blog-
Stages of Research Using Qualitative Data
The remaining part of the chapter discusses methods used to gather
qualitative data in greater detail. Before moving on, it is instructive to think
of the big picture when it comes to gathering qualitative data. Like all
research, this begins with a research question. Consider both Dodge et al.’s
(2005) and Brunson and Weitzer’s (2009) work. After developing a research
question, both groups turned to the literature to gather an understanding of
what was currently known regarding their topics. Dodge and colleagues
learned there was virtually nothing in the literature about the topic of
policewomen serving as decoys beyond conjectures about how they might
feel. Brunson and colleague found a richer existing literature that suffered
from an important gap: no detailed comparisons of Black and White youths
living in similarly disadvantaged neighborhoods. This knowledge helped
guide them to pursue interviews to fill this gap and enrich our knowledge of
the topic.

Their next need was to identify a sampling strategy to gather the qualitative
data required to answer their research questions. The most feasible sampling
strategy depended on several things. Will the data be gathered directly from a
person? From observations? From participation in the topic? From existing
documents? Answering these questions provided direction regarding the next
steps in their research. In both examples, the researchers opted to interview
individuals. Knowing this allowed them to move forward with their sampling
strategy. The remaining steps used to conduct qualitative research included
specifying their sampling strategy, gathering their data, organizing the data,
analyzing the data, and making conclusions that are shared (see Table 6.2).
The postsampling steps are described in the remainder of this chapter.

Benefits and Limitations of Research Using

Qualitative Data
Like all approaches and elements of research, qualitative data have both
benefits and limitations. In general, a major benefit of qualitative data is that
they allow the researcher to gather in-depth, detailed, and nuanced data that
result in a comprehensive understanding of a topic of interest. Access to
details and deeper understanding of a topic may be the greatest benefit of
qualitative research. A second benefit of qualitative data is that they enable a
researcher to study a difficult-to-reach group. For instance, by using
qualitative data, developing detailed knowledge about gang members,
shoplifters, active robbers, and prostitutes is possible. Third, the nimbleness
of approaches used to gather qualitative data represents a major advantage in
that a researcher can immediately incorporate new information during data
collection. For example, a researcher can prompt respondents for more detail
during an interview. A fourth advantage of qualitative data is the focus on
context. Without a focus on context, meaning is lost. Qualitative data can be
used to identify, value, and give meaning by focusing on context. Fifth,
qualitative data are frequently less expensive (in terms of money but not
necessarily time) than other approaches to gather. For instance, surveying a
probability sample in the nation over the phone requires time and people that
costs money. Although gathering qualitative data also requires time and
people, the data are often gathered at lower financial costs.
Qualitative data have some limitations that must be acknowledged. First, the
quality of research based on qualitative data is highly contingent on the skills
of the researcher (this can be a criticism of all research approaches). Second,
even though being as objective as possible is desirable, it is impossible for a
researcher to be 100% objective whether they are using qualitative or
quantitative data. Nevertheless, some approaches used to gather qualitative
data make objectivity extra challenging. Becoming a part of the topic of
interest is inevitable to some degree, meaning a qualitative researcher must
constantly guard against the loss of objectivity, and the presence of bias.
Fourth, gathering qualitative data is more time-consuming than many other
approaches given the sheer quantity of data gathered. Gathering in-depth
information through interviewing, observing, participating in the topic, and
examining documents to gather data takes time. Once a researcher has those
data, organizing and analyzing it is frequently slow-paced. Transcribing
interviews takes time. Coding the data—the process in which data are
ordered and arranged into categories based on manageable and important
themes or concepts—takes time. Ensuring reliability of coding takes time.
Synthesizing the data takes time. Working with qualitative data may be less
expensive in terms of money, but it is more expensive in terms of time.
Coding: Coding can refer to converting a respondent’s answers
into a numerical value that can be entered into a database. In
qualitative data analysis, it is the process of attaching labels to
lines of text so that the researcher can group and compare similar
or related pieces of information.
The presence of an interviewer, and knowing one is being watched, can
change a respondent’s behavior.
© Image Source/Getty Images
Fifth, research findings based on qualitative data are not generalizable to a
larger population if the data were gathered from a nonprobability sample (and
they frequently are). When this is the case, the findings of that research
should not be used to make inferences about the larger population. Although
the lack of generalizability is a commonly leveled critique against research
findings based on qualitative data, it is also the case that the purpose behind
much inquiry using qualitative is not to provide generalizable findings.
Research does not have to be generalizable to be valuable. The more apt
criticism may be that some individuals mistakenly treat research findings
from qualitative data gathered from a nonprobability sample as generalizable.
A sixth commonly cited criticism of research using qualitative data is that the
data tend to be gathered from small samples. This may be the case, and in
some instances, it may be a weakness in a particular piece of research.
Nevertheless, in other cases, given the purpose of the work, gathering
qualitative data from a very large sample is not needed. Doing so may be
inefficient and wasteful, and it does not generate additional information.
Saturation, or reaching the point where additional cases do not lead to
additional information, is far more important. Saturation may be reached with
very few cases, or it may be reached with ten times the number of cases. The
size of the sample is not as important as the quality of the sample. Finally, in
some approaches used to gather qualitative data, the presence of the
researcher can influence the topic being studied. It is not uncommon for
people to change their behaviors when they are aware they are being watched
or observed during the course of research.
Figure 6.3 Inductive Reasoning Moves From the Specific to the Broad,
Whereas Deductive Reasoning Does the Opposite
Note: Generally, but not always, qualitative research involves inductive
Considerations: Research Using Qualitative Data
Inquiry designed to gather qualitative data frequently has some characteristics
that differ from other types of inquiry. First, as noted, qualitative inquiry is
conducted by analyzing non-numerical data that are generally collected in
natural settings to answer what are frequently an exploratory or descriptive
research question. Second, gathering qualitative data involves approaches
that are flexible and immediately responsive to information learned. After
learning of a new piece of information, a researcher can immediately probe
for greater understanding while collecting these data. Probing can take on
many forms, but it always includes questions such as “Say what you mean by
[term],” or “Why was that important to you?” or “It sounds like you are
saying “. . .” Is that a fair summary or what you mean?” or “Tell me more
about that,” or “What was your motivation for doing that?” or “Have your
feelings about it changed over time?” to gain insight. Dodge and her
collaborators (2005) interviewed undercover policewomen to understand
what major concepts are, how the women engaged in this work defined
elements of the work, what their feelings were about the work, how body
language was important, and many other aspects of the role. As they learned
new things about being a decoy, they could immediately follow up on those
topics, including questions in interviews that had not taken place yet. Such
flexibility and responsiveness during qualitative data collection represents a
major strength of research using this approach. Third, qualitative inquiry is
generally characterized by broad, open-ended research questions that
generally focus on “why” or “how” things occur. They do not concern
themselves with questions focused on “how many” or “how often.” Fourth,
qualitative inquiry is unconcerned with clearly identifying variables,
attributes, conceptual definitions, or operationalization prior to data
collection. Rather, qualitative inquiry—especially exploratory projects—is
used to reveal, identify, or deeply understand what the participants view as
important variables, concepts, attributes, definitions, and operationalizations.
Finally, qualitative inquiry frequently uses inductive reasoning. In fact,
another one of our featured researchers, Chris Melde, believes that the use of
inductive reasoning is a major distinction between much qualitative and
quantitative inquiry (see Figure 6.3).

Probing: Subtle phrase or follow-up question that interviewers

use to encourage survey participants to elaborate on previous
Inductive Reasoning
In Chapter 4, we briefly introduced inductive and deductive reasoning.
Inductive reasoning is an approach in which a researcher gathers a lot of
specific data from interviews, observations, or examination of documents,
and after analysis, the researcher develops a broad understanding, meaning,
generalizations, themes, hypotheses, or even theories. In Brunson and
colleague’s (2009) work on youth relations with law enforcement, qualitative
data from interviews were used to develop broad themes surrounding
physical abuse, corruption, and unwarranted stops that led to broad,
meaningful generalizations. Use of inductive reasoning means use of minimal
assumptions when engaging in the research. Instead, inductive reasoning
involves allowing the specific data gathered to tell a broad and general story.
It is an approach that is open ended, a sort of journey in which the researchers
are uncertain where the data gathering will lead them.

Although research using qualitative data is predominantly conducted using

inductive reasoning; it is not universally so. For some, qualitative inquiry
uses both inductive and deductive reasoning. Consider a scenario in which a
researcher used inductive reasoning to uncover important themes such
motivations of police impersonators. Once these motivational themes were
established, that same researcher may use a deductive reasoning approach—
one in which the researcher begins with broad or general statements to move
to the more specific to develop additional research questions. This approach
means the researchers constantly check the themes and core meanings they
develop against the data gathered. They could use deductive reasoning to
confirm the authenticity of these themes by testing and affirming the presence
of them using additional qualitative data. Figure 6.4, which was also
presented in Chapter 4, offers an illustration of the differences in inductive
and deductive reasoning.
Sampling Considerations
Sampling was introduced in Chapter 5 by noting that there are two primary
approaches to sampling: probability and nonprobability sampling. There we
described probability sampling as the process of selecting a subset of
elements from a population in which every population element has a known,
nonzero chance of being selected. This sampling approach requires the
presence of a comprehensive list of all members or elements of the
population of interest. The second approach to sampling described is
nonprobability sampling, which gathers a subset of the population without the
presence of a comprehensive list of population members. By using
nonprobability sampling, some members of the population have a zero
chance of being selected into the sample, and the probability of being
selected into a nonprobability sample is frequently unknown. A
nonprobability sample is constructed using respondents or members that have
a particular characteristic of interest relevant to the research problem or
possibly because they are conveniently located.
Figure 6.4 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Illustrated

Research using qualitative data frequently, but not always, uses

nonprobability sampling approaches, especially when the research focuses on
interviewing or gathering information from people. This should make sense
given that much of qualitative inquiry explores a topic that has never been
studied or has received little research attention. This usually means there are
no comprehensive sampling frames or population lists from which sampling
elements can be gathered. Several approaches to gathering qualitative data
such as snowball sampling (see Figure 6.5, next page) were introduced in
Chapter 5. More are discussed here.
A useful sampling approach when gathering qualitative data not discussed in
Chapter 5 is maximum variation sampling. Maximum variation sampling
refers to a purposeful sampling approach in that subjects are selected to
maximize or increase the variation or heterogeneity of relevant characteristics
in the sample. Rather than seeking some sort of representativeness in the
sample, the goal is to seek maximum variation in the sample. This allows
insight into how a topic is viewed and processed by subjects in a variety of
settings under a variety of conditions.
Maximum variation sampling: Purposeful sampling approach in
that subjects are selected to maximize or increase the variation or
heterogeneity of relevant characteristics in the sample.
Another useful approach when gathering qualitative data not discussed in
Chapter 5 is theoretical sampling. Theoretical sampling is useful for
gathering data with the purpose of developing grounded theory. Theoretical
sampling is accomplished using an iterative approach where the researcher
simultaneously “collects, codes and analyses his data and decides what data
to collect next and where to find them, in order to develop his theory as it
emerges” (Glaser & Strauss, 1967, p. 45). By using this approach, researchers
can gather new information on emerging theoretical concepts from their
sample that informs who the next needed sample subjects are based on the
insight they can provide on the topics of interest. Throughout the process of
theoretical sampling, the researcher asks, “What groups should I next gather
data from, and why?”
Theoretical sampling: Theoretical sampling is accomplished
using an iterative approach where the researcher simultaneously
collects, codes, and analyzes data and then by using that
information decides what data to collect next.
As with any sampling, the researcher must identify the unit of analysis. A
unit of analysis is the what, or who, that is being studied and analyzed in a
particular piece of research. In both Dodge et al.’s (2005) exploration of
undercover policewomen working john stings, and in Brunson and Weitzer’s
(2009) examination of youth relations with law enforcement, the units of
analysis (and units of observation) were individuals. Although both of these
case studies included individuals as the unit of analysis, other research
gathering qualitative data may use different units such as police agencies,
states, or counties, which present additional considerations.

For instance, qualitative inquiry based on document examinations use social

artifacts such as books, movies, commercials, videos, meeting minutes, social
media posts, newspaper articles, or songs as the unit of analysis. Consider a
researcher who is interested in understanding how newspapers portray
victims and offenders based on their race or age. To do that, the investigator
might gather a comprehensive list of all newspapers in the nation. From that,
they may draw a random sample from that list. This would result in a
probability sample. A similar approach may be taken for gathering a sample
of all nightly newscasts or episodes of a particular television series. A better
sampling strategy depends on the purpose of the research and on the
resources available to the researcher.
Sample Size
How large of a sample is needed to conduct research based on qualitative
data? It should come as no surprise that the answer is “it depends.” It depends
on the topic and the resources. It depends on the nature of the groups of
interest. Are those in the groups homogeneous? Then a smaller sample will
do. Are those in the group wildly different from one another? Then a larger
sample is needed. If a researcher’s purpose is to understand something
deeply, it may be that a smaller sample is needed. It is the case that there is an
inherent trade-off between breadth and depth of a topic. If someone is
interested in gathering information needed for a deep understanding, then a
smaller sample size is required. If you are focused on a broader
understanding (with less depth), then a larger sample size may be warranted.
One thing is certain, a researcher should be seeking a sample that as
reasonably as possible represents the population of interest and is large
enough to result in saturation. In the words of both Brunson and Dodge, when
interviewing more people, or examining more documents, or making
additional observations fails to expose additional information or meaning,
you have an adequate sample size. Depending on the topic, saturation may be
obtained with a sample of 10. In other cases, it may be a sample size of 50 or
100. It simply depends.
Figure 6.5 Illustration of Snowball Sampling—Using Current Respondents
to Identify Others Who Could Be Interviewed

Note: Recall from Chapter 5 that snowball sampling is one type of

nonprobability sampling approach in which current respondents are
asked for the contact information of others having the needed
characteristics to participate in the study.
Approaches Used to Gather Qualitative Data
Many approaches are available for gathering qualitative data, many of which
are shown in Table 6.3 (Creswell, 2013, pp. 8–10, Table 1.1). As this table
indicates, providing an exhaustive accounting and description of each
approach goes far beyond this chapter and text. Those who are interested in
conducting research using qualitative data should consult the recommended
readings found at the end of this chapter, seek out research methods courses
devoted specifically to qualitative data at your university, and read existing
research based on qualitative data for additional information. Nonetheless,
this chapter provides basic information that enables you to begin gathering
qualitative data.
The main approaches used to gather qualitative data can be categorized into
three major categories: interviews, observations and fieldwork, and document
examinations (see Figure 6.6). Interviews are used to gather qualitative data
from a single individual, a small group, or a larger group such as a focus
group. Observations and fieldwork involve the researcher going into the field
to observe the topic of interest, as well as to participate or engage with the
topic to some degree. Data are collected based on experiences in the field.
Finally, document examination is used to gather qualitative data from
existing written or electronic documents.
Although some research using qualitative data is conducted using only one of
these strategies, it is beneficial for a researcher to use multiple approaches to
address a single research question. This technique, known as triangulation,
is the use of multiple methods, researchers, theory, or data to conduct a study
(Denzin, 1978). In the words of Denzin, triangulation is a researcher using
different lines of action. By using multiple approaches, data, or research
approaches, a researcher can strengthen the conclusions in her study. For
example, by using triangulation, you can use qualitative data from interviews,
observations, and document analysis to answer a research question.
Alternatively, as a researcher, you may opt to use multiple researchers to
collect, organize and analyze the data. This goal is not just to use multiple
lines of action but also to use the multiple lines of action together to remove
threats to validity associated with any single line of action. By using
triangulation, then, you can strengthen evidence used to support your
Triangulation: Use of multiple methods, researchers, theory, or
data—different “lines of action” to conduct a study.
Interviewing people has resulted in a rich body of research findings in the
criminology and criminal justice literature. Interviews are conversations
between the researcher and the subject or a group of subjects. Interviews can
be conducted with a single person, in pairs, with small groups, or in slightly
larger groups such as a focus group. Interviews allow the collection of
detailed information about a topic based on the experiences of the
respondents. They provide depth and nuance unavailable through other
approaches, and they are extremely nimble as they allow researchers to tailor
the interview to the specific respondent’s opinions, experiences, and
comments. Interviews allow the researcher to follow up immediately on
information by probing more deeply about topics based on what is learned
from the respondent. Remember that the goal of the interview is to gather
data that will be used to answer the research question. The more in-depth and
clear information you can gain from the respondent, the better the research.
Interviews: Conversations between the researcher and an
individual or a group of individuals. Interviews can be conducted
with a single individual, in pairs, in small groups, or in slightly
larger groups such as a focus group. Interviews also represent a
type of survey mode that involves the researcher (i.e., the
interviewer) directly engaging with the survey participant during
the data collection process.
Figure 6.6 Use of Triangulation When Conducting a Study Using Qualitative

Note: Triangulation means using multiple methods, researchers,

theories, or data to accomplish the research. For example, one might use
interviews, document review, and observation/fieldwork.
Interviews can be unstructured and exploratory in nature. Unstructured
interviews, also called ethnographic interviewing, are conducted
conversationally and are based on very few, broad, guiding questions that
provide a basic framework to the interview. An unstructured interviewing
approach allows the researcher to gather data about the topic based on the
respondent’s experiences and perceptions. Respondents can share with the
researcher what is important, versus the researcher asking the respondent
about what the researcher believes is important. By using broad questions to
guide the interview, the respondent is free to reply at length, in detail, about
his or her experiences or thoughts.
Unstructured interviews: Also called “ethnographic interviews.”
They are conducted conversationally and are based on very few
broad, guiding questions that provide a basic framework to the
Interviews allow the collection of detailed information about a topic based on
the experiences of the respondents.

© RuslanDashinsky/iStockphoto.com
Alternatively, an interview can be semistructured, which better enables the
researcher to compare responses across individuals or groups, as well as to
address specific hypotheses since every respondent is asked some of the same
questions. Semistructured interviews are ones in which all respondents are
asked the same set of questions. By asking the same questions across
respondents, the researcher can compare responses. Although questions are
posed to every respondent, a semistructured interview still allows for and
requires follow-up questions, as well as probing on interesting responses
given. How did Dodge and her colleagues gather their data? Dodge and her
collaborators used semistructured interviews to gather data from
policewomen decoys. Although a complete list of questions used during these
interviews is not provided in their published article, it is likely Dodge and
colleagues (2005) asked the undercover officers things such as “Can you tell
me about the most recent time you acted as a decoy prostitute in a sting?” and
“How did acting as a decoy make you feel?” and “How did others view you
when you were acting in this role?” Additional probing follow-up questions
or requests to expand on respondent comments are the norm in unstructured

Semistructured interviews: Interviews in which all respondents

are asked the same set of questions. Still allows and requires
follow-up questions and probing on interesting responses given.
Brunson and Weitzer’s (2009) interviews were also semistructured given that
the research focused on police relations (experienced and perceived) between
the young men across three neighborhoods. Each adolescent male
interviewed was asked the same questions, which allowed for comparisons of
data across neighborhoods. Some questions included asking broadly about
how police officers spoke to them, about police stops, any physical
interactions, and corruption by officers. Although all respondents were asked
the same questions, each were also asked questions specific to their
responses. This flexibility in interviewing to gather qualitative data is a major
Whether you use unstructured, or more structured, interviewing depends on
the purposes of the research being conducted. Is the goal of the research
exploratory given little to nothing is known about the topic? If so, an
unstructured exploratory interview is useful. On the other hand, is there a
body of knowledge available on the topic that lacks depth and nuance that
can only be gathered using interviews? If so, you may opt for a
semistructured interviewing approach. This was the case for both Brunson
and Weitzer’s (2009) and Dodge et al.’s (2005) work. Some literature related
to each topic was available, but it did not answer some basic and important
questions about the topics. Answering their research questions benefited
greatly by using semistructured interviews to gather their data.
Individual Interviewing
Qualitative research frequently includes interviews with an individual.
Individual interviews are generally in-depth conversations about the topic of
interest, and they may last from 30 minutes to several hours. Interviews can
be conducted in person, over the phone, or using a videoconferencing
software such as Skype® or Zoom®. In general, in-person interviews are ideal
because they allow establishing rapport and trust between the respondent and
the researcher. In addition, in-person interviewing allows the interviewer to
see and record important body language and other nonverbal responses of the
respondent. Although at times unavoidable, telephone interviews are less
desirable. Interviewing over the phone inhibits the development of trust and
rapport, and the researcher is not able to observe and record important
nonverbal cues of the respondent.
Interviews conducted in person should be conducted in a place of comfort for
the respondent and can include a research facility or office, a home, or a
public location like a park. It is good practice to record an interview. In fact,
unless prevented, a researcher should always record the interview. Not only
does this allow the researcher to be “present” during the interview (versus
furiously writing notes); it also allows the interview to be transcribed later
ensuring accurate gathering of the data. Having these transcribed notes are
invaluable, and many researchers combing through transcripts find patterns
or important elements that escaped them during the interview. Recording an
interview should only be done with the respondent’s permission. In some
cases, the institutional review board (IRB) may disallow recordings if the
topic is too sensitive. Some locations disallow recording, such as interviews
conducted in jails or prisons. Special care must be taken to ensure that any
recording is protected to honor any promised confidentiality.
In any research interview, it is important to phrase questions in such a way
that the respondent cannot offer only a “yes” or “no” answer. Given that the
purpose of an interview is to gather deep meaningful information, any
question leading to one-word responses is inefficient. In addition, it is critical
that the researcher never pose biased or emotionally laden questions that lead
only to socially desirable responses. For example, it would be inappropriate
to ask a female decoy officer, “How can you live with yourself acting like a
prostitute and getting decent, family men arrested?” A researcher’s personal
views about a topic have no place in an interview. Remember, the goal is to
learn about the topic, not to inadvertently share what a researcher thinks
about a topic.
Focus Groups
Although single-person interviews are a common approach used in
criminology and criminal justice research, there are instances in which it is
desirable to interview a group of individuals simultaneously. Known as a
focus group, these collections of people involve the discussion of a
predetermined set of short, clear, and nonbiased questions. Even though
sources vary in terms of details, it is commonly believed that focus groups
should include up to ten individuals who are strangers, yet similar
demographically (to facilitate safe sharing of ideas and opinions). The key to
a successful focus group is not as much the absolute number of participants
but to have a group that is large enough to facilitate group discussion but not
so large as to drown out some voices. Ideally, about eight questions are asked
during a focus group to allow for detailed discussion. Focus groups generally
last from 45 minutes to 2 hours and are conducted by a moderator who not
only guides and nurtures the discussion but also ensures the environment is
open and accepting. Moderators are also expected to encourage opinions,
ideas, and thoughts from all participants. Although hearing from each
participant is important, it is the group discussion that is really wanted. This
group interaction can offer additional depth to a topic that individual
interviews cannot. An advantage of a focus group is that respondents who
hear others’ thoughts can be cued about their own views. It is also the
moderator’s responsibility to use follow-up questions to probe when needed.
As with individual interviews, focus groups are traditionally, and ideally,
held in person, in a private and comfortable location. Nevertheless, given
increased technology, focus groups can also be held by videoconferencing or
by using other technologies. In-person focus groups offer the same
advantages as in-person interviews. In addition, like individual interviews,
recording (with the permission of the focus group members) is desirable to
ensure accurate gathering of data, as well as for in-depth later analysis.
Focus group: Collections of people involved in the discussion of
a predetermined set of short, clear, and nonbiased questions.
Observation and Fieldwork
A second commonly used approach to gathering qualitative data is
observation and field research. Observation and fieldwork entails the
researcher going into the field to observe and, possibly, participating in the
topic of interest. This approach allows the researcher to be engaged in the
natural setting and processes of the topic of interest. Observation is a useful
approach to gathering qualitative data because systematic observation of
behaviors or activities as they actually occur enables a more accurate and
nuanced description of reality in contrast to asking individuals or surveying
people about their behaviors and activities. When asked about behaviors and
activities, respondents can distort reality with socially desirable responses, or
they can forget important things. Observation generally occurs in a natural
setting, versus in a laboratory, an office, or other controlled environments. In
the natural setting, the researcher can observe the environment, context, and
full behaviors and actions. Observation is especially useful when the objects
of interest cannot express themselves (e.g., toddlers) or may not wish to share
their actions (e.g., deviants).
Observation and fieldwork: One of three primary forms of
qualitative research that involved the researcher going into the
field to observe, and possibly participate in, the topic of interest.
Purely observational studies are useful, yet unusual. More commonly,
observation is used in conjunction with some interaction or participation with
the topic subjects. Participant observation refers to the combination of
observation with some degree of participation by the researcher. Four
frequently described types of participant observation are illustrated in Figure
6.7 using a continuum of role conceptions developed by Junker (1952) and
later expanded upon by Gold (1958).
Participant observation: Combination of observation with some
degree of participation by the researcher.
Four role conceptions identify the exact nature of the field researcher’s
engagement with the topic of interest. They are (1) complete observer, (2)
observer as participant, (3) participant as observer, and (4) complete
participant. Participant observational studies are often (but not always)
associated with ethnography. Ethnography, which originated in
anthropology, is a systematic research approach used to gather qualitative
data in which the researcher’s goal is to gather a comprehensive and holistic
understanding of the culture, environment, and social phenomenon associated
with a group or individuals in a group. Ethnography involves a researcher
immersing herself into a culture for a prolonged period. In ethnography, the
perspective of the researcher is that of subject(s) of the study and not the
perspective of how the larger society views the subject(s).
Role conceptions: Four roles a researcher can take while
engaging in field research and observation. They include (1)
complete observer, (2) observer as participant, (3) participant as
observer, and (4) complete participant.
Ethnography: A type of systematic qualitative research in which
the researcher’s goal is to gather a comprehensive and holistic
understanding of the culture, environment, and social
phenomenon associated with a group or with individuals in a
group. Ethnography involves a researcher immersing herself into a
culture for a prolonged period.
Regardless of the role conception you use to conduct your research, there are
hazards you must be aware. First, a researcher must guard against
compromising his or her objectivity. It is a researcher’s responsibility to
maintain, to the best of his or her ability, objectivity regarding the topic of
study. Researchers must work not to become overly invested in, or overly
repelled by, the individuals or groups being investigated. A researcher’s goal
is to observe without making value judgments and to report simply on the
environment, behaviors, activities, and beliefs of the individual or groups
observed objectively. Should you as a researcher become overly invested in
or enamored by a group or individual being observed, you will have “gone
native.” Going native, a phrase devised by Gold (1958), occurs when the
researcher actually becomes the role he or she is playing and is no longer able
to observe the situation with objectivity.
Going native: Phrase devised by Gold (1958), occurs when the
field researcher actually becomes the role he or she is playing and
is no longer able to observe the situation with any objectivity.
Figure 6.7 Junker’s Role Conceptions of a Field Research Continuum

Research in Action: Public Health Problem or Moral Failing?

That Might Depend on the Offender
During the 1800s and 1900s, racial/ethnic minority groups have
been tied to illicit drug use. The Chinese were depicted to be the
primary opiate users, African Americans were considered
“cocaine fiends.” More recently, poor urban African Americans
and Hispanics were identified as crack users during the mid-
1980s, and poor rural Whites were portrayed as the primary meth
users. Not only were connections made between race/ethnicity
and drug use, but these relationships were portrayed as moral
panics that occur when the majority perceives one social group or
type of activity as threatening the stability of society. Moral
panics include five elements that serve as indicators a moral panic
has taken hold of a society: concern, hostility, consensus,
disproportionality, and volatility. Cobbina (2008) noted that until
her research, few studies encompassed the five conceptual
components of moral panic to examine how such panic is created
over drug abuse. Furthermore, Cobbina found that little attention
had been given to the role of race and class to the development of
moral panic over drug scares.
To address these gaps in the literature, Cobbina is guided by two
research questions in this exploratory research:
1. Does the race and class of crack cocaine and
methamphetamine users shape the print media’s
representation of these drugs?
2. Do media depictions affect the official response?
To address these research questions, Cobbina conducted a content
analysis of four major newspapers from 1985 to 1987 (focuses on
crack) and 2001 to 2003 (focuses on meth). The four newspapers
used were the The New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, The
Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. Cobbina searched
the archives of each print media source between 1985 and 1987
using the keyword “crack cocaine” within the title and text and
again between 2001 and 2003 using the keyword
“methamphetamine” within the title and text. This search resulted
in a total of 124 newspaper articles in the sample. In each sampled
article, Cobbina searched for explicit mentions as well as for
implicit proxies for race and socioeconomic status.
For example, for coding purposes, Cobbina constructed categories
of race and class based on terms such as African American,
White, working/lower class, and middle/upper middle class.
“Urban” and “inner city” were used as euphemisms for African
American; “rural” was used to signify White. Common
neighborhood descriptors used by reporters were “poor,”
“impoverished,” “ghetto,” “less affluent,” “crime ridden,” and
“drug infested” to signify working or lower class; and “affluent”
and “elite” were typically offered as neighborhood descriptions
signifying middle and upper class.
The research shows that race and class play a role in shaping the
media’s depictions of crack cocaine and methamphetamine. Crack
is described as a problem primarily afflicting impoverished
African American communities, and when White middle-class or
affluent users purchase crack, they are profiled as victims of the
drug instead of as criminals. Methamphetamine use is depicted as
a problem among poor rural Whites. When middle- or upper-
middle-class individuals are referenced as methamphetamine
users, they are depicted as hardworking mothers attempting to
fulfill multiple errands—victims of the drug.
With regard to the second research question, Cobbina found that
the print media representation of crack cocaine does affect official
response. In general, articles on crack were two times more likely
than meth articles to express the need for harsher crime control
policies and resulted in calls for more “get tough” policies, an
increased war on drugs, more mandatory prison terms, and
increased use of three strike laws. In contrast, print media
representation of meth uses focuses on the public health issues
and ways to help these victims.
Cobbina offers no policy implications of this work given its
exploratory nature and limited sample. She calls for additional
research on the topic, including the inclusion of immigrant status
in further examinations.
Cobbina, J. (2008). Race and class differences in print media
portrayals of crack cocaine and methamphetamine. Journal of
Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 15(2), 145–167.
A second issue related to fieldwork relates to ethics. Even with IRB approval,
researchers must consider if they believe the study they wish to engage in is
ethical. Can someone voluntarily consent to participate in a study if they are
not even aware they are being observed? Although the IRB does not require
informed consent when observational studies are conducted in public areas
where people have no expectation of privacy, and where harm to the subject
will be minimal, is it always the right thing to do? What if you wish to
observe and report on sacred religious ceremonies taking place in a large,
public park? Alternatively, what if the topic of interest includes potentially
disturbing activities? Or what if the behaviors that are observed and later
reported about lead to psychological or emotional harm to people or other
beings who were observed? It is the researchers’ responsibility to answer
these questions for themselves, and not to rely solely on the IRB’s green

Complete Participant
Research using a complete participant role means that the researcher hides
his or her true identity and purpose from those being observed. The
researchers’ goal is to interact in this natural setting as naturally as possible to
best gather information and meaning. A researcher may dance as a topless
dancer in a club to learn about dancers, customers, and the environment in
which they interact. Or a researcher may join a gang. Alternatively, another
researcher may obtain a job as a probation officer. In these cases, the
researcher would not reveal the real purpose of his or her being in the club,
the gang, or the probation office. This approach is unmatched in providing
access to the information desired, and the people of interest, in their natural
environment of interest. Although excellent at providing rich, in-depth
information, acting as a complete participant has limitations. First, the risk of
going native is greatest when the researchers actually become members of,
and identify with, the individuals and group being observed. If going native
occurs, the researchers’ objectivity is compromised, and the research findings
become questionable. Protecting oneself from going native is challenging.
Gold (1958, p. 220) stated it well when he noted that “[w]hile the complete
participant role offers possibilities of learning about aspects of behavior that
might otherwise escape a field observer, it places him in pretended roles
which call for delicate balances between demands of role and self.” The
second concern with this approach is that of ethics. As noted, you as the
researcher must consider the ethical considerations with this approach beyond
what the IRB allows or disallows. Those being observed are being duped. Is
this ethical? Discussions with experienced mentors who have confronted
these issues are recommended.
Complete participant: Role conception in which the researcher
keeps hidden his or her true identity and purpose from those being
observed. The researchers’ goal is to interact in this natural setting
as naturally as possible to gather data and meaning.
Participant as Observer
Research in which the researcher is a participant as observer occurs when
the researcher and the primary contact(s) in the field are the only ones aware
of the researcher’s actual role and purpose for the observation. The researcher
then engages with the groups as a member or as a colleague. Acting as
participant as observer, the researcher must first make contact with and
develop a good relationship with an informant. This informant assists the
researcher in terms of gaining access to the group, individuals of interest, and
group’s environment. Given this approach, most of the individuals
encountered are unaware of the researchers’ purposes and real identity.
Participant as observer: One of four role conceptions in which
the researcher and his or her primary contact(s) in the field are the
only ones aware of the researcher’s actual role and purpose for the
observation. While the researcher’s role is known to a select few,
the researcher engages with the group as a member or a colleague.
This approach is effective in gaining access to information, people, and
environment of interest, yet it has challenges. First, it requires lying,
misleading, and betraying the trust of those being observed. This raises the
question of participants freely and voluntarily consenting to participating in
the research (they cannot). Still, should the researcher be open and honest
about his or her role and purpose, the behaviors of those being observed will
likely change. The Hawthorne Effect, identified in 1953, refers to possible
impact on the behavior of those who are aware they are being observed and
studied. The Hawthorne Effect suggests that people will react by hiding or
exaggerating behaviors when they are aware they are being observed.
Researchers continue to study and debate all aspects of the Hawthorne Effect
(McCambridge, Witton, & Elbourne, 2014). Some consider the Hawthorne
Effect as nothing more than a well-known and glorified anecdote. Others
argue there is no single Hawthorne Effect but multiple effects. Others debate
the degree to which the Hawthorne Effect influences behavior. Although the
scientific examination of this effect rages on, it is prudent for a researcher to
at least be cognizant of the possibility that observing behavior will lead to a
subject’s reaction.

Hawthorne Effect: Identified in 1953, refers to possible impact

on behavior of those who are aware they are being observed and
studied. It is a type of reactivity meaning that individual will hide
or exaggerate behaviors when he or she is aware of being
Observer as Participant
In some cases, the researcher acts as observer as participant, meaning the
researcher’s presence and purpose is known by those being observed. Even
though all know the purpose of the researcher, the duration of the observation
is brief, and any interaction between the observer and the topic is minimal.
The overall goal of the researcher is to play a neutral role, while observing a
topic in its natural environment. Given the very limited interaction between
observer and topic of interest, going native is not a major threat.
Nevertheless, given that individuals know they will be observed, there is a
risk that their behavior may not be as it would be if they were unaware they
were being observed. In addition, given the minimal contact between
researcher and the topic of interest, there is an increased risk that the
researcher will misunderstand the topic, people, or behaviors or that she or
she will miss important information needed to understand the topic of interest
Observer as participant: One of four role conceptions available
for field research. The researcher’s presence and purpose is
known by those being observed. While all know the purpose of
the researcher, the duration of the observation is brief, and any
interaction between the observer and the topic is minimal.
Complete Observer
In this role of a complete observer, the researcher only observes, and does
not participate, or conduct interviews at all. The role of the observer is to
observe and to take meaning from what is seen. Those being watched are
unaware they are being watched. By using this approach, the researcher does
not have to worry about the potential of the Hawthorne Effect; nevertheless,
the possibility of misinterpreting behaviors, actions, and the environment is
great. In addition, observing others without their knowledge, while ethical
from an IRB standpoint when the individuals are in locations where privacy
could not be expected (e.g., a park), is still troubling to many. It is clear those
being watched cannot consent to participate. Yet, for some research topics,
acting as a complete observer may be the only way to gain access to the
people and group of interest. In addition, covert participation and observation
may represent the only way to gather the information sought. Before
engaging in research involving a lack of openness, you should discuss this
with experienced mentors.

Complete observer: Role conception in which the researcher

only observes, and does not participate, or conduct interviews at
all. The role of the observer is to observe and to take meaning
from what is seen. Those being watched are unaware of the
presence of the researcher.
Qualitative data are not only gathered by interviewing and observing people.
Qualitative data are also gathered by examining and analyzing documents.
Document analysis refers to a systematic collection, review, evaluation,
synthesizing, and interpretation of documents to gain meaning and
understanding, regardless of whether the document is printed or available in
electronic form. Documents include numerous sources of text, and images
including cartoons, advertisements, books, letters, maps, public records,
scripts, meeting minutes, and so on.
Document analysis: Systematic collection, review, evaluation,
synthesizing, and interpretation of documents to gain meaning and
understanding, regardless of whether the document is printed or
available in electronic form.
Bowen (2009) provided five specific functions of document analysis. First,
the examination of documents provides data and information on the context
in the form of text and images in which research participants operate. Second,
document analysis offers insight into topics that need additional
investigation, situations that require observation, and questions that need to
be asked. A third valuable function of document analysis is that it offers
research data that are not available using other approaches. Document
analysis may be the best way to gather data when details have been forgotten
or events or behaviors cannot be observed. Fourth, documents offer insight
into changes and development of an organization, its environment, and those
in it. Finally, document analysis can be used to verify findings or corroborate
evidence obtained from other approaches or sources.
Document analysis involves three major iterative steps according to Patton
(2015). First, the researcher skims, or superficially examines, the documents.
Second, the researcher thoroughly reads the documents identifying data in the
form of excerpts, quotes, paragraphs. Finally, the researcher organizes the
data into themes, categories, and case examples, allowing interpretation.
Interpretation leads to the identification of broad patterns, themes and
meanings. By following this process, the researcher gains empirical
knowledge and a deeper and richer understanding about the topic.
Document analysis, like all approaches, offers advantages and disadvantages.
One advantage is that document analysis is less time-consuming than
approaches such as interviews and observations. A second advantage is the
increasing availability of documents, especially online. Today, you can
access a rich selection of documents online without having to gain the favor
of gatekeepers. If you have Internet access, one can access a multitude of
documents. Associated with less time-consuming and ease of availability is
that document analysis is cost-effective. You can use existing documents
versus engaging in an expensive data collection effort of some other type.
Another advantage of this approach is that the documents are exact and do
not change over time, making them useful for repeated reviews without
changes to the content within them.
Document analysis is also limited. First, the documents available may not
have the detailed information needed for the research purposes. Second, the
documents available may not represent the full accounting of the topic. Some
documents may have been made available, whereas others were not. Third,
available documents may not be accurate, and knowing if they are accurate or
not may be challenging. Finally, in some cases, there may be no available
documents making this approach to gathering qualitative data unfeasible.
Although these challenges are significant, document analysis still offers
insight into an organization, group, or entity that other approaches cannot.
While disagreement exists regarding the specifics about the meaning of
content analysis, all definitions used indicate that content analysis is a
process of organizing data which can be words, sentences, paragraphs, and
illustrations into meaningful groupings.
© artisteer/iStockphoto.com
Content Analysis
A fair amount of qualitative data comes from content analysis. What exactly
is content analysis? It turns out there is no widely agreed-upon definition of
content analysis. Many argue that content analysis refers to searching text to
count recurring words or themes. This view may be the most pervasive and is
best described by Neuendorf (2002, p. 10) as a summarizing, quantitative
analysis of messages that relies on the scientific method, including attention
to objectivity/intersubjectivity, a priori design, reliability, validity,
generalizability, replicability, and hypothesis testing. The approach
championed by Neuendorf and others is based on a complementary approach
in which both qualitative and quantitative data are gathered. This type of
content analysis leads to quantitative data in that it codes and counts the
words, sentences, paragraphs, meanings, or illustrations in the content. Yet
this type of content analysis can also be used to gather qualitative data in that
it also examines and analyzes the context and narrative.
Content analysis: Type of document analysis that does not have a
widely agreed upon definition. Most do agree that it is both
quantitative and qualitative in nature. The most widely
acknowledged definition is posited by Neuendorf as “a
summarizing, quantitative analysis of messages that relies on the
scientific method, including attention to
objectivity/intersubjectivity, a priori design, reliability, validity,
generalizability, replicability, and hypothesis testing” (2002, p.
Some argue that content analysis is a descriptive study of human
communications resulting in both quantitative and qualitative data. Others
indicate that content analysis refers to activities involving the analyzing of
text versus observations. According to this view, content analysis includes
those activities outside of observation. Yet others argue that content analysis
is qualitative data reduction in which one makes sense out of a volume of text
by identifying patterns to develop major themes, which ultimately leads to
the identification of core meanings. Although disagreement exists regarding
the specifics about the meaning of content analysis, all definitions used
indicate that content analysis is a process of organizing data that can be
words, sentences, paragraphs, and illustrations into meaningful groupings.
From those groupings, there does appear agreement that content analysis is at
least the collection and analyzing of non-numeric information that leads to
the development of inferences pertinent to the research question.
Recording Qualitative Data
Like all data, qualitative data need to be recorded. Given qualitative data are
non-numeric in form, recording them can be done using multiple techniques.
The most basic, and extremely useful, data recording technique used in
qualitative inquiry is field notes. Regardless of the type of approach used
during qualitative inquiry, field notes are necessary and valuable. What goes
into field notes? Everything. A researcher should use his or her words to
describe the environment, the time, the weather the sounds, the smells, and
the sights. Notes must include as much detail as possible. Data reduction, or
condensing those notes, occurs after the field notes are taken. At the stage of
writing field notes, no detail is too small, and no occurrence is too
unimportant to be included. Notes are not restricted to words. Notes can and
should include drawings, maps, and sketches to gather as much detail as
Field notes: Field notes should include everything a researcher
observes. The researcher uses words to describe the environment,
time, weather, sounds, smells, and sights in as much detail as
Taking field notes is invaluable, but doing so can also be challenging for
multiple reasons. First, it is unlikely that a researcher can take notes during
some approaches. For example, if you the researcher are looking down and
writing while in the field, you are missing behaviors, body language,
speaking, actions, and observations. For this reason, many researchers opt to
write their notes after an interview, observation, or fieldwork (document
analysis is different in that the researcher can jot down these other details
such as environment, sights, and smells, while examining the documents). It
is important to write the notes as soon as possible to avoid forgetting details
in order to maximize your ability to get all details committed to paper (or
computer document). For instance, after an interview or a focus group, the
researcher should immediately spend time writing extensive and detailed
field notes. After an interaction with a person or group in the field, you
should immediately create pages of field notes about the interaction. When
writing field notes, take care to keep the identities of any subjects safe. This
may mean never using a real name or using a code name. Should your field
notes get lost or fall into the hands of a nonresearcher, you must ensure your
respondent’s confidentiality (if promised) is kept.
At the stage of writing field notes, no detail is too small, and no occurrence is
too unimportant to be included. Notes are not restricted to words. Notes can
and should include drawings, maps, and sketches to gather as much detail as

© doomu/Shutterstock
Although field notes are a necessary way to record qualitative data, they can
and should be augmented with other means of recording data. For instance, a
researcher benefits greatly by also using a video or an audio recorder.
Recorders are useful for capturing details a researcher may miss in writing
field notes. Having recordings (audio or video) is really useful. Going over
these recorded data can often reveal patterns or important elements or themes
that escaped the researcher’s attention initially. Nevertheless, like all things,
audio and video recordings have some disadvantages, including being
distracting to the people being studied, having the potential to break down, or
otherwise requiring the researcher’s attention (e.g., changing a battery or
tape) when their attention should be squarely on the research topic. Even with
this potential technical difficulty, audio or video recordings are necessary
especially if one is conducting long, complex interviews when the
participants’ words are important.
Organizing and Analyzing Qualitative Data
Once you have gathered your data in the form of field notes, audio tapes,
video tapes, documents, or some combination thereof, what do you do next?
Organize those data. This means different things depending on the different
types of data. With field notes, organization means ensuring your field notes
are legible, edited, and corrected. Recorded data should be transcribed,
corrected, and edited. All data must be organized such that the researcher can
move through the voluminous data swiftly and efficiently to glean meaning.
Once data are organized, analysis becomes the primary goal of the research.
To be clear, analyzing qualitative data begins as soon as the first data are
collected because the researcher is watching for patterns or relationships even
then. It is at this point where no additional qualitative data are being
collected, that the major task of organizing the data and analysis is the focus.
Analyzing requires the researcher to reduce, condense, or code the large
volume of data into broader categories or themes. In other words, you as a
researcher must take a lot of specific information and from it develop broad
categories and themes. This is an iterative process where coding leads to
themes that are then reviewed for additional refinement of codes. Ideally,
multiple researchers should engage in the coding process of qualitative data
independently to look for regularities and patterns in the data. A specific
description of how to analyze qualitative data is not easily described given
the many types of qualitative data available. Even a review of published
qualitative research tends to offer little more than a very brief description of
how the researcher analyzed his or her data. This is the case for both Dodge
et al.’s (2005) and Brunson and Weitzer’s (2009) research. They described
their data analysis approaches, in part as follows:
Dodge and colleagues: “Each interview was taped with the subject’s
consent and then transcribed verbatim for qualitative data analysis.
Major themes were extracted and grouped into conceptual domains
based on generalised statement content (Glaser & Strauss, 1967;
Schatzman & Strauss, 1973).” (p. 76) . . .
Brunson and colleague: Youth were interviewed and recorded. The tapes
of the interviews were transcribed and analyzed by the authors. The
analysis included selecting statements that illustrated themes
consistently found throughout the data. The quotes used were not
atypical. Each author independently coded the data and subsequently
categorized it into themes and subthemes (see methods section).
A specific way to analyze qualitative data is using grounded theory.
Grounded theory is a systematic methodology that leads to the construction
of theory through the coding and analysis of qualitative data. In addition to
using qualitative data to develop themes, you can use these data to develop
theory via grounded theory. This is the approach taken by Brunson and
Weitzer (2009) in their exploration of adolescent and police relations in urban
neighborhoods as noted in their text:
The data analysis was conducted with great care to make certain that the
themes we discovered accurately represented young men’s descriptions.
This was accomplished using grounded theory methods, by which
recurrent topics were identified along with less common but important
issues (Strauss, 1987). Each author independently coded the data and
subsequently categorized it into themes and subthemes. (p. 864)
Grounded theory: Systematic methodology that leads to the
construction of theory through the coding and analysis of
qualitative data.
Grounded theory analysis involves three coding steps according to Strauss
(1987): (1) open coding, (2) axial coding, and (3) selective coding. Open
coding refers to a researcher reading the complete set of raw data multiple
times to organize and summarize the data (whether they are words, sentences,
paragraphs, illustrations, etc.) into preliminary groupings of analytic
categories. The goal of open coding is to focus on the specific data and assign
labels or codes identifying major themes. For example, for Brunson, it is
plausible that some preliminary analytic categories identified centered on
verbal interactions, and physical interactions between law enforcement and
youth given these are the focus of subsections in their findings.
Open coding: Refers to a researcher reading the complete set of
raw data multiple times to organize and summarize the data into
preliminary groupings of analytic categories.
The second stage of coding using grounded theory is axial coding. During
axial coding, the researcher focuses on the preliminary analytic categories or
labels developed during open coding to identify relationships between the
categories. The attention during this stage is not on the raw data but is
focused on the summarized labels of the raw data.
Axial coding: In this step, the researcher focuses on these
preliminary analytic categories or labels to identify relationships
between the categories. The attention during this stage is not on
the raw data but on the summarized labels of the data.
Finally, the third stage of coding in grounded theory is selective coding.
During selective coding, the researcher reviews all raw data and the previous
codes or labels with few purposes in mind. First, the researcher makes
comparisons and contrasts among themes or labels developed. Returning to
Brunson and Weitzer’s (2009) research, it is probable that during the
selective coding stage, the researchers selected typical quotes illustrating
differences in experiences and perceptions between the White and Black
youth interviewed. A second purpose of selective coding is to identify
overarching and broad variables that describe connections and relationships
among some of the labels or themes. An illustration of these coding steps
used in grounded theory is provided in Figure 6.8.

Selective coding: In this coding step, the research reviews all raw
data and the previous codes or labels for several purposes. First,
the researcher makes contrasts and comparisons among themes or
labels. Second, during this secondary stage, the researcher
identifies overarching and broad variables that describe
connections and relationships among some of the labels or
Once the data are condensed or reduced into broader themes, interpretation is
required. Many options of interpretation are available, and which option is
used is dependent on the specific research goals of the work. Interpreting
qualitative data is a process that “involves abstracting out beyond the codes
and themes to the larger meaning of the data” (Creswell, 2013, p. 187). It can
be accomplished by asking, “What do these data mean?” “What is the big
picture here?” and “What does this tell me about the topic being studied?”
Figure 6.8 Simplified Example of the Three Stages to Coding Qualitative
Data When Using Grounded Theory
One way of interpreting the data is to identify relationships and patterns
among the codes and themes. This also includes the researcher offering
explanations and drawing conclusions. In other cases, a researcher will count
the frequency of codes found in the data analyzed. This is frequently the
approach taken when a researcher is engaged in content analysis. For others,
the goal is more focused on the meaning versus on the quantity of any code
found. A researcher can also contextualize the themes and relationships
identified given the existing literature. A researcher may ask him- or herself,
“Are these codes and themes found in the literature?” and “Do these codes
and themes offer greater understanding to what is in the literature?” A
researcher can also interpret the data by making contrasts and comparisons by
asking, “How do the codes and themes compare to one another?” and “Are
there meaningful contrasts?” In addition, the researcher could suggest some
hypotheses that come from the data such as suggesting one particular group is
more (or less) likely to support police than another group. Finally,
interpretation is accomplished by visualizing the data using tables, figures,
and illustrations. Graphics are excellent ways to understand and convey
information. These additional steps in analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing
qualitative data make clear that coding data and identifying themes are not
necessarily the only, or the last, steps of research based on qualitative data.
Examples of Qualitatively Derived Themes:
Brunson and Weitzer’s (2009) Research
Brunson and his colleague used grounded theory to identify themes in their
research on male youth experiences and perceptions of police relations. Six
themes emerged from their research that indicate that when “holding
neighborhood socioeconomic context constant, race makes a difference in
how youth are treated by police and in their perceptions of officers.” (p. 879).
The six themes that led the researchers to offer this conclusion were
1. Unwarranted stops. Several respondents noted they had been stopped
without cause. Black teens noted this happened regardless of their
behavior (suspicious or not) and felt that they were stopped without
reason frequently. White youth respondents noted they were stopped
less and were stopped only under three specific conditions: (1) while in
the company of young Black males, (2) when in racially mixed or
majority-Black neighborhoods, or (3) while dressed in hip-hop apparel.
White teens recognized that Black teens were treated differently and
more harshly.
2. Verbal abuse. All teens noted that officers frequently were discourteous
to them, used inflammatory language or racial slurs, and name-called
those they stopped. Both Black and White teens were well aware that
Black teens bore the brunt of this poor police behavior. All teens
recognized that Black teens endured verbal abuse more often and in
harsher ways.
3. Physical abuse. Although most police interactions did not result in any
serious physical harm, the teens reported that excessive force was used
on numerous occasions. This physical abuse included shoving,
punching, kicking, and the use of mace. In addition, some teens were
taken to other neighborhoods and released—behavior by the police that
can place the teens in very dangerous or lethal circumstances.
4. Corruption. All the teens knew of some corrupt cops engaging in
bribery, stealing from the teens, planting drugs on teens, and other
reprehensible activities. No teen portrayed the entire police department
as corrupt, however. The teens recognized that only a few individual
officers conducted themselves in this way.
5. Biased policing. That idea that policing was biased (based on race) was
held by all of the teens. Moreover, most teens believed that residents of
White communities fared much better as a result of this bias.
6. Police accountability. The teens uniformly believed that there was little
accountability among poorly behaving officers in the department. The
young men noted that supervisors and other officers know of police
misconduct, but they consistently fail to address it.

Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis

Software for analyzing qualitative data has been available for almost 40
years. These programs, known as computer-assisted qualitative data
analysis (CAQDAS), are useful in many ways; nevertheless, they are not a
panacea. Some individuals mistakenly believe that CAQDAS programs can
do the analysis and interpretation of qualitative data, but that is simply not the
case. As Saldaña (2011) noted, the researcher, not the software or even the
actual data, develops the research findings. Although CAQDAS does not
produce findings, it does do many useful things. First, CAQDAS provides a
means to store, transcribe, code, and interpret data. In addition, CAQDAS
enables the researcher to quickly search and find wanted text, data, and
codes. In this way, qualitative software is an organizational tool, not a
thinking tool. Regardless of whether you use any of these available software
programs, it is still incumbent on the researcher to code the data, make sense,
and interpret both the information provided by the software as well as the
information not provided by the software. CAQDAS, although a useful tool,
is a long way from replacing the researcher using qualitative data.
Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS): Tool
available to qualitative researchers for assistance in analyzing
qualitative data. It cannot replace the role of the researcher.
Advantages and Disadvantages of CAQDAS
Even though CAQDAS cannot do everything for the researcher, it offers
several benefits. First, CAQDAS offers time savings. The storage and search
features of these programs offer a great deal of time savings for the
researcher, especially when dealing with a huge amount of qualitative data.
Qualitative software includes coding and linking tools that provide additional
time savings to the researcher. Given the time-intensive nature of organizing
and analyzing qualitative data, this is a real plus. Second, these software
programs offer a way to efficiently organize and store data. In addition,
CAQDAS programs have useful search functions making finding text, data,
and codes fast and easy. Searches frequently offer the ability to find similar
words (to the one searched), similar spellings of a word being searched (to
deal with typographic errors), and similar meanings. In addition, some
CAQDAS products offer the ability to conduct a Boolean search. An
additional advantage of qualitative software is their visualization capabilities.
For example, the researcher can visualize the data using tables, maps,
network diagrams, and illustration relationships among codes and themes.
Visual depictions of data and their meaning are useful for revealing
additional insights to the researcher. Finally, an advantage of some computer-
assisted qualitative software analysis programs is that many are available
online for free.
Like all things, qualitative data software has some disadvantages that are
important to consider. First, many of these programs are not easy to learn.
Second, many researchers are uncomfortable with the notion that the machine
develops codes, and how it does this is unclear. Many researchers prefer to
develop their own codes. Although a researcher can change codes, doing so
takes time and effort. Given the difficulties associated with most CAQDAS
programs, several researchers using qualitative data opt to conduct their
analysis the old-fashioned way—using their brains only.
Common Pitfalls in Research Using Qualitative
Loss of Objectivity—Going Native
A researcher using qualitative data (or quantitative data) must always be on
guard against a loss of objectivity. All researchers seek to remain objective,
as well as to observe, analyze, describe, report, present findings, and make
conclusions without the use of value judgments or personal biases. This is
more challenging when conducting research using qualitative data as the
researcher is closer, at times physically closer, to the topic of interest. When a
researcher actually becomes the role he or she is playing (or observing), and
is no longer able to observe the situation with objectivity, trust and
confidence in the researcher is lost.

Consider Dodge et al.’s (2005) work on women serving as undercover

prostitutes during stings. What if Dodge and her colleagues answered their
research question in a completely different way? What if Dodge and her
colleagues had themselves dressed as prostitutes and brought clients back to
the hotel room to be arrested? What if after having done so, they developed
deep empathy for the female officers who do this work and deep resentment
about the men picking them up? What if that experience altered Dodge and
colleagues description of those engaging in this activity? How might having
been a participant in the research, versus interviewing those who had,
affected Dodge’s research findings? If being a participant leads to a loss in
objectivity and alterations in views of the research topic, then the researcher
would be described as going native. Going native means a loss of the
objectivity needed to observe and describe these situations.

Ethics Associated With Research Using Qualitative

A qualitative researcher has a tremendous responsibility in that in doing their
research, he or she is developing a relationship with respondents or
participants. It is imperative that a researcher take the care needed to protect
the well-being of respondents and participants and treat them with the respect
they deserve. As noted by Sanjari, Bahramnezhad, Fomani, Shoghi, and
Cheraghi (2014, “Abstract,” para. 3), researchers using qualitative data “face
ethical challenges in all stages of the study, from designing to reporting.
These include anonymity, confidentiality, informed consent, researchers’
potential impact on the participants and vice versa.” In addition, researchers
must fiercely protect respondents’ privacy and avoiding misrepresentations in
their findings.

Researchers must decide, even beyond what the IRB allows, if the parameters
of the relationship established with the participant are ethical. Should a
researcher take a fully covert role in their research, he or she must consider
the ethics associated with the deception inherent in this approach. The
researcher must consider that engaging in a 100% covert role means that
respondents cannot voluntarily participate. This is also a consideration when
a researcher has opted to be less than fully honest and open with participants
who may not know that this person they are dealing with is a researcher who
is conducting research.
Researchers must also keep the well-being of their subjects at the forefront of
their research. As ethical rules stipulate, a researcher must minimize any
harm done to subjects. Respondents are freely giving of themselves for the
benefit or research, and they deserve a researcher’s full respect, zero
judgment, complete care, and consideration. Judgments cannot be made
regarding behavior or thoughts shared by respondents, no matter how
personally challenging they may be to the researcher. Participants must be
made comfortable and not traumatized as a result of the researcher’s
activities. This includes questioning of subjects. For instance, a researcher
may ask about sexual violence, intimate partner violence, homicide,
commission of child abuse, or any myriad of very sensitive topics. Should the
researcher’s questioning become harmful to the respondent, it is the
researcher’s obligation to stop the process and do what is needed to assist the
respondent. For many research topics, it is advisable that an advocate be
made available (or be present). No research is worth damaging another
person (or being).
In addition, as a researcher, you must make every effort to protect
respondents’ privacy and confidentiality. This means stopping an interview to
erase identifying data from tape recordings (as Brunson and colleague, 2009,
had to do during their research) if needed. It means destroying or protecting
records that could lead to respondent identification. It is the researcher’s
responsibility and ethical obligation to take great care with records so that the
data gathered and respondents’ identities are always protected.
The call to do no harm also extends to researchers. Researchers must not only
consider the well-being of the respondents but of those engaging in any
portion of the research. Honoring this was evident in Santos and Santos’s
(2016) research, although it was not based on qualitative inquiry. Given
potential danger in making repeated contacted with known felons in Santos
and Santos’s research, only certain members of the research team interviewed
these targeted offenders. It was deemed a potential safety issue for some
members of the research team to make these contacts.
Finally, it is the researcher’s responsibility to present findings that are
accurate. It may be tempting to fail to share unflattering information about a
topic or respondents. It may be tempting to emphasize only positive findings.
Nevertheless, failure to offer a complete description is unethical. The findings
presented must be complete and accurate.
Qualitative Data Research Expert—Carol Peeples
Carol Peeples is the founder and CEO of Remerg, a social cause company
that produces remerg.com, a website for people coming out of jail and prison
in Colorado. The organization’s goal is to reduce recidivism by connecting
people to the resources and information they need to succeed. Peeples
developed Remerg with the vision of using the Internet to fill the
informational gaps around systemic reentry efforts and the community brick
and mortar organizations.
Before founding Remerg, Peeples was a K–12 teacher, mostly in private
international schools. After moving to Colorado in 1999, she took a part-time
job as a GED teacher in a prison for a community college program. Later, she
began teaching college English composition classes in the same facility. She
notes that “getting to know prisoners as their teacher was transformative as
I’d really never thought about the issue of incarceration before this time. The
greatest impact was the feeling that our prisons were full of a wasted resource
—human beings—and I wanted to do something about it.” Given that, she
founded a voting project designed to educate people with a criminal record
about their voting rights, researched and wrote a statewide guide for people
coming out of prison for a criminal justice advocacy organization, worked as
an advocate, and returned to the university and earned her MPA in public
policy. When she began her MPA, she had no idea about the important role
that research using qualitative data would play in the success of her career
and organization.

Courtesy of Carol Peeples

Peeples finds that research using qualitative data is an approach that allows
individuals to learn more about an issue. In her work, focus groups and
personal interviews are extremely valuable because people share things
society would never learn about otherwise. At Remerg, she conducts many
one-on-one interviews to identify what people need when they are released
from prison. Her favorite locations for these interviews are coffee shops. In
addition, she moderates focus groups to learn about what information is
useful and needed on the Remerge website. She wants to ensure the website
is not only useful but easy to navigate.
Although research focused on gathering and using qualitative data is
invaluable in her day-to-day work, there are challenges associated with it as
well. Peeples recognizes that “in the criminal justice world, people want
something that’s ‘evidence based,’ which is a good thing since I’d like to see
government dollars used more wisely.” Nevertheless, gathering evidence-
based data can be challenging when using only qualitative data. In general,
providing evidence based on both qualitative and quantitative data is
Peeples points to several crucial skills needed when gathering and using
qualitative data. First, the researcher must be a good listener. The interviewer
must give people time to respond and share their thoughts. If the researcher
talks too much, participants in focus groups and interviews lose their interest
in helping. Being perceptive is another critical skill when gathering and
working with qualitative data. Researchers must notice if the interviewee is
comfortable with the rest of the group members. They must ask if the
interviewee is distracted. Does the person feel threatened? A perceptive
interviewer may need to come back to an interview question or two if a
conversation goes off-track. Finally, although it cannot be taught in a book,
Peeples stresses the importance of actually caring about the topic and the
person interviewed. Why should anyone share his or her story with a
researcher? Respondents must know that the researcher genuinely cares about
them and the topic of interest.
Peeples argues that it is important that a researcher respect their subjects and
anticipate how to make them comfortable. A researcher must “realize if the
respondent is tired after a long day, or maybe they are hungry. Bring snacks
and drinks to a focus group and make participants as comfortable as you
would company in your own home. If you are meeting them for an interview
in a coffee shop, pick up the tab. Finally, thank them! They gave of
themselves to help you.” Peeples believes that incarceration and reentry is
one of the most important public policy issues facing society today given its
impact on people, families, communities, and public dollars. By using
qualitative data, she strongly feels like she and her organization are making a
difference in people’s lives as well as in society.
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter offered information about qualitative research. Qualitative data
are concerned with comprehensively understanding a topic. Qualitative
inquiry is fundamentally exploratory in nature in that the researcher engages
in a project with no preconceived notions about what will be learned, what
will be shown to be important, what will be shown to be irrelevant, and so on.
It is generally not conducted with predetermined definitions, measures,
operationalization, and so on. Rather, collecting and using qualitative data is
a means to understand widely held definitions, meaningful measures, and
appropriate operationalization. According to Patton (2015), qualitative
inquiry seems to work best for people with “a high tolerance for ambiguity.”
The chapter noted that although many approaches are used to gather
qualitative data, the three most frequently used approaches are interviews,
observations and fieldwork, and document examinations. Interviews are used
to gather qualitative data from a single individual, a small group, or a larger
group such as a focus group. Observations and fieldwork gather data by
going into the field to observe the topic of interest. It may also entail
participating in or engaging directly with the topic. Finally, document
examination is an approach used to collect qualitative data from written or
electronic documents.
Methods of gathering qualitative data frequently, but not always, are based on
nonprobability sampling approaches, especially when the research focuses on
interviewing or gathering data from people. This is because qualitative
inquiry often does not have the benefit of a comprehensive population list of
sampling elements available. Although this results in findings that are not
generalizable, it is important to remember that generalizability is not
necessarily the goal of qualitative research. Not having widely generalizable
findings does not make the research less useful or valuable.
Two of our featured researchers gathered qualitative data for their research—
Dodge and Brunson. Table 6.4 offers details about their research as it relates
to the qualitative data they gathered and analyzed to address their research
questions. This table shows important differences between the two pieces of
research although they both used qualitative data. For example, their research
questions, methodology used to gather the data, and samples differed. As is
custom, we emphasized the common pitfalls and ethical considerations of
conducting qualitative research. Finally, we heard from Carol Peeples and the
use of qualitative data in her private organization focused on assisting those
recently released from prison. In this capacity, Peeples uses many qualitative
data gathering approaches such as interviews, and focus groups.

The next chapter, Chapter 7, focuses on data gathered using surveys. Survey
research is a widely used approach in academia, public, and private entities.
Although it may seem easy to construct and field a survey, Chapter 7 will
offer best practices to assist you in developing and fielding an excellent
survey that will result in quality data.
Applied Assignments
The materials presented in this chapter can be used in applied
ways. This box presents several assignments to help in
demonstrating the value of this material by engaging in
assignments related to it.
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Assessing Research Using Qualitative Data
Select two peer-reviewed journal articles that describe research
using qualitative data. Using Table 6.4 describing our case studies
as a guide, create a table for your two articles. Be sure to clearly
articulate the purpose and research question in each piece.
Identify the type of sampling used, the sample size, and other
qualities of the sample. And in the table, identify the methodology
used to collect the data and the type of data analysis used. After
completing your table of the two articles, write a paper that
describes each as well the advantages and disadvantages of this
approach. What other approaches can you envision to answer the
research question? What future research does each article suggest
to you? Be prepared to discuss your findings in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Field Observation as a Group
Your group needs to enter the field as “complete observers.” As a
group, and with the permission of your professor, you need to go
to an open area (park), coffee shop, diner, shopping mall, bus
station, or somewhere you can observe people interact. Ideally,
the site you choose will be somewhere your group is interested in
and easily accessible. Your goal is to observe anything and
everything at your location, assuming you know nothing.
Data you can gather can include (it is useful to delegate
responsibilities among the group members):
Describing the interactions occurring in the setting, including
who talks to whom, whose opinions are respected, how
decisions are made
Noting where participants stand or sit
Examining interactions from a perspective of comparing
those with and without power, men versus women, young
versus old, majority versus majority, and so on
Counting persons or incidents of observed activity that
would be useful in helping one recollect the situation,
especially when viewing complex events or events in which
there are many participants
Listening carefully to conversations, trying to remember as
many verbatim conversations, nonverbal expressions, and
gestures as possible
Noting how things at your location are organized and
prioritized, as well as how people interrelate and what the
cultural parameters are
Providing a description of what the cultural members
deemed to be important in manners, leadership, politics,
social interaction, and taboos
Describing what is happening and why
Drawing a map of the place
Sorting out the regular from the irregular activities
Looking for variation to view the event in its entirety from a
variety of viewpoints
These data should be gathered using field notes. As a group,
summarize your field notes. What do the data mean? What
surprised you when doing this assignment? Does your observation
suggest any research questions for later analysis? Be able to report
your findings to the class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Gathering
and Analyzing Online Qualitative Data
You have been hired as a researcher to explore university mission
statements from 10 universities. Find at least 5 public and 5
private universities for inclusion your sample. In a paper, you
need to identify your purpose and research question. You must
identify how you will select your ten universities for study. Next,
after using and analyzing these qualitative data, identify themes.
What findings emerge? Are there differences in public and private
universities? Any other patterns you can discern? What future
research does your analysis suggest? Write a qualitative research
paper that describes what you did, your methodology, your
findings, and your conclusion. Be prepared to share your findings
with the class.
Key Words and Concepts
Axial coding 197
Closed-ended question 179
Coding 180
Complete observer 193
Complete participant 192
Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (caqdas) 199
Content analysis 194
Document analysis 193
Ethnography 190
Field notes 195
Focus group 189
Going native 190
Grounded theory 196
Hawthorne Effect 192
Interviews 187
Maximum variation sampling 183
Observation and fieldwork 190
Observer as participant 193
Open coding 197
Open-ended question 178
Participant as observer 192
Participant observation 190
Probing 181
Qualitative research 174
Role conceptions 190
Selective coding 197
Semistructured interviews 188
Theoretical sampling 183
Triangulation 184
Unstructured interviews 188
Key Points
Qualitative research uses non-numeric data to answer what are
frequently exploratory research questions using inductive reasoning to
provide detailed and nuanced understanding of a topic.
Research using qualitative data is especially good at providing a deep,
nuanced understanding of a topic with an emphasis on the context. In
general, it provides information on everything nonquantifiable about a
Qualitative data come from interviews, observations and field research,
and document analysis. In each of these categories, there are additional
variants of qualitative research.
Qualitative data are non-numerical in nature and includes things such as
narratives, published documents, videos, music, photos, recordings,
observations, body language, voice intonation, and other aspects of a
Triangulation is the use of multiple methods, researchers, theory, or data
to conduct a study. In the words of Denzin, research that has been
triangulated offers “different lines of action.” By using triangulation, a
researcher can offer strengthened evidence supporting the conclusions.
Interviews can be face to face or over video or audio technology. They
can be conducted one on one, in small groups, or with focus groups.
Regardless of the style, a researcher should pose broad questions to the
subjects and be prepared to use follow-up probes to gather more data.
As per Gold (1958), role conceptions represent the four roles a
researcher can take on during field research that indicates the degree of
participation and observation taken on by the researcher. They include
complete observer, participant observer, observer as participant, and
complete participant. As a researcher, you must pay attention to the
possibility of the Hawthorne Effect, as well to the ethical considerations
that come along with participant observation.
Document analysis refers to a systematic collection, review, evaluation,
synthesizing, and interpretation of documents to gain meaning and
understanding, regardless of whether the document is printed or
available in electronic form. Content analysis is one type of document
analysis that focuses on the analysis of non-numeric data to develop
inferences pertinent to the research question. There is no agreement on
the precise definition of content analysis, but most agree it has
characteristics of both qualitative and quantitative research (i.e., counts
or quantifies non-numerical data).
Sampling for qualitative research generally uses nonprobability
approaches such as convenience, purposive, or snowball sampling. The
sample should be large enough to reasonably represent the population of
interest and result in saturation. The size of the sample is less important
than the quality of the sample.
After gathering qualitative data, the research must spend time organizing
the data. After that, analysis can take place. Although analysis is widely
varied (and frequently not detailed), it generally consists of coding that
involves three stages according to Glaser and Strauss (2012): open
coding, axial coding, and secondary coding.
Even though qualitative data analysis software is available, it is only a
tool. Whether software is used or not, the research must still make sense
of, organize, synthesize, and condense the data to meaningful
Review Questions
1. What is qualitative research, and how does it differ from
quantitative research?
2. What are qualitative data, and how do they differ from
quantitative data?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research
approaches? What research questions are most appropriate for
qualitative research?
4. What are the three primary types of qualitative research? What are
the advantages and disadvantages of each?
5. When would a researcher use unstructured versus structured
interviews? When would a researcher opt for one-on-one
interviews versus focus groups?
6. What are the responsibilities of a moderator?
7. What are the four types of role conceptions? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each? What ethical
considerations and research issues are associated with each?
8. What is content analysis? Is it quantitative or qualitative in
nature? Why? What sorts of documents can be analyzed in
document examination?
9. What are ways a researcher can record qualitative data? What is
the most important? Why? Is it best to use only one recording
method? Why or why not?
10. What are the three general steps involved in qualitative data
analysis? What occurs at each of these stages?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. A student proposes a research project with the following research
question: “What are the important symbols and rituals in the
Aetherius Society?” To address this research question, the
students propose using data from the U.S. Census to calculate
statistics about this society. How might you counsel this student?
Is this the best way to answer that question? Is it even possible to
answer the research question using Census data? What are some
other options that a student should consider?
2. You wish to study parents who routinely use corporal punishment
when disciplining their children. Although your research is
exploratory in nature and you are open to learning about this
approach in general, you specifically hope to gain an
understanding as to how they justify this form of punishment,
when they use it, and how they maintain trust with their child after
this punishment. Given what you have learned in this chapter,
how might you conduct this research? Would you reveal the
purpose of your research to the participants you select. Would any
type of Hawthorne Effect be a concern? Would the respondents
have informed consent? Would their participation in the research
be fully voluntary? What are the advantages and limitations of the
methodology you propose?
3. You have been hired as a moderator to conduct an extremely
important focus group to gather data on the rights of students
accused of misconduct on college campuses. What specifically are
your responsibilities during the focus group as the moderator? In
the middle of the focus group, one individual repeatedly raises his
voice in anger and tells the other group members they are losers
and pansies. You notice that a few other focus group members
have not offered any information. How, as a moderator, should
you handle this? What is your goal in dealing with one unruly
focus group member? What are your concerns about the quiet
focus group members? What prompts might you use for each of
these focus group members to ensure success?
4. You have designed qualitative research that explores the
motivations, environment, and culture surrounding the Masons. A
part of this research involves interviewing 15 Masons from the
local Lodge. Your respondents will be obtained via convenience
and snowball sampling beginning with your neighbor who is a
Mason. A friend sees your design and tells you that the proposed
research is no good because the sample size is small,
nonrepresentative, and the findings will not be generalizable to the
larger population of Masons in the nation. Is your friend correct?
Why or why not? How might you defend your research design
against his criticisms?
5. A student in your research methods class is conducting
quantitative research using a bit of data available online for her
class project. You are gathering your own data using face-to-face
interviews to learn about the nuances associated with the same
topic that your classmate is examining. Your classmate begins
taunting you for conducting “easy” qualitative research since, as
she says, you are “just talking to a bunch of people.” Is qualitative
research easier than quantitative research? Why do you say that?
Is quantitative research better than qualitative research? Why or
why not? What are some suggestions you might make to your
classmate regarding both of your lines of inquiry?

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Chapter 7 Survey Research
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
7.1 Describe how surveys are used in contemporary criminal
justice research, the ways in which they are commonly
administered, and the strengths and weaknesses associated with
each delivery method.
7.2 Provide examples of some “principles” for developing good
survey questions.
7.3 Compare different tactics for constructing good survey
questionnaires, and highlight common pitfalls that should be
7.4 Evaluate why online surveys have grown in popularity in
recent years, and articulate some of the challenges associated with
using them.
7.5 Compare and contrast “confidentiality” and “anonymity” as it
pertains to survey research.
7.6 Evaluate the ethical challenges researchers face when
conducting surveys.
Surveys are everywhere. You can hardly go to a restaurant, shop, or class
without being asked to fill in a survey. The ubiquity of surveys means it is
likely you have participated in many surveys over your lifetime. You may
have even tried your hand at creating and fielding a survey or two in the past.
Be warned, however. Just because you can create and administer a survey
does not mean you should! As with most things that are worth doing right,
creating and administering surveys that produce accurate and reliable data—
data that can be used to advance our empirical knowledge on crime and
justice issues or to inform criminal justice–related programs and policies—
requires a particular skill set that can only be achieved through training and
practice. A theme in this text is that one’s research is only as good as its
weakest part. Destroying well-designed and important research using poor
surveys would be a shame, especially when you can use the material in this
chapter to begin learning how to create good surveys.
The aim of this chapter, therefore, is not to make you an overnight expert in
survey research. Instead, the goal of this chapter is to equip you with the
basic knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to become a good survey
researcher. To that end, the chapter begins by explaining what surveys are
and how they are commonly used in criminology and criminal justice
research. Next, we provide details on the specific types of surveys used to
answer research questions, providing information about the strengths and
weaknesses associated with each survey mode. This information is followed
by tips on how to construct good questionnaires, with particular emphasis on
how to avoid common mistakes when creating survey questions. We also
discuss certain ethical considerations associated with survey research. We
conclude the chapter with an interview with survey research expert Bridget
Kelly, who is the project coordinator at the University of Nevada Las Vegas’s
Cannon Survey Center.
Why Conduct Survey Research?
When it comes to collecting original data, the most common approach used in
the social sciences, including criminology and criminal justice, is survey
research. Why? There are several good reasons to conduct surveys. Given the
fact that surveys are everywhere, it should be clear that having survey
methodology skills are valuable in the workforce. One of our featured
researchers, Rachel Boba Santos, during her video interview conducted for
this book, commented that when she teaches about surveys and survey
construction, students repeatedly tell her that those skills are the most
valuable they learned in school. Not only do her students find them valuable
for honor’s theses, master’s theses, and capstones, but also these students find
that these skills lead to jobs.
This chapter provides tips on how to construct good questionnaires, with
particular emphasis on how to avoid common mistakes when creating survey
© PeopleImages/iStockphoto.com
Nevertheless, there are many other reasons to conduct surveys. First, surveys
when created properly can be an incredibly efficient method for collecting
vast amounts of data from large groups of individuals. For example, a
researcher can use an online survey tool such as Qualtrics® or
SurveyMonkey® to distribute surveys to thousands of e-mail addresses. A
second reason why surveys are so popular and widely used is that they can be
administered through a variety techniques or modes, each with specific
strengths and weaknesses. This flexibility is one reason that surveys are used
for all research purposes. Third, surveys are also easy to use for repeated
measurement. By using the same survey, or instrument, a researcher can
gather data on a topic to measure how it has changed over time. A fourth
reason why one should consider using survey research is that it is cost
effective. Distributing surveys tends to be far less time intensive and more
cost effective than other methods of gathering data, such as face-to-face
interviews. Fifth, for some sensitive topics, a survey offers the respondent a
way to share data without having to tell it directly to a person. The level of
anonymity makes it feasible to ask about many topics that may not be easily
learned through the use of other data collection methods. Simply put,
researchers use survey research because it is often the most appropriate
methodology to efficiently, effectively, and inexpensively answer research
What Are Surveys?
Surveys are tools or instruments used to gather data on a variety of topics.
Surveys are composed of several questions or items. Items are the questions
asked in a survey. Survey research is a research methodology that involves
gathering qualitative and quantitative data from a sample of individual survey
participants, known as respondents, using a survey instrument. Most
broadly, surveys come in two forms: questionnaires and interviews.
Survey: Instrument, or tool, used to gather data. The survey
includes questions that are either open-ended or closed-ended and
can be administered in multiple ways.
Items: Questions contained on a survey instrument.
Survey research: Research methodology that involves gathering
qualitative and quantitative data from a sample of survey
participants, known as “respondents”, using a survey instrument.
Respondents: Individuals participating in a survey.
Questionnaires refer to written, printed, or electronic survey instruments that
respondents fill out themselves. The respondent may receive the
questionnaire in the mail, it may be distributed in person, or it may come to
the respondent via the Internet. Alternatively, maybe you received a link in an
e-mail that directed you to an online survey that you filled out yourself. Some
individuals have taken surveys on laptops given to them by researchers even.
This type of survey is useful for gathering data using both open- and closed-
ended questions. As a college student, you have probably received a paper or
online survey questionnaire used to evaluate a professor or class that you
were enrolled in. Regardless of the form the survey takes, if you fill out a
survey yourself, you are engaged in a questionnaire-type survey.
Questionnaires: Written, printed, or electronic survey
instruments that a respondent fills out on his or her own.
Unlike questionnaires, interviews represent a type of survey that involves the
researcher (i.e., the interviewer) directly interacting with the survey
participant during the data collection process. Most often, it is the field
representative that guides the participant through a structured questionnaire
comprising mostly close-ended questions. The field representative fills in the
survey based on the respondent’s answers. Interviews are a bit more flexible
than questionnaires, given they can be semistructured or unstructured. During
semistructured and unstructured interviews, survey participants are free to
express themselves in a more personal (and often more private) manner
versus only responding to a set number of questions with fixed response
categories. These types of surveys are often useful in situations when the
researcher is collecting sensitive data. Interviews can be conducted over the
telephone, in person, or via video conferencing. Regardless of the type of
survey a researcher uses, both are valuable ways to gather quantitative and
qualitative data of interest from respondents. Surveys can be used to answer
research questions related to every type of empirical research study:
exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluation. Given the flexibility
and usefulness of survey research, it is not a surprise that in our featured case
studies, almost all of them used survey methodology to gather quantitative
and qualitative data.
Interviews: Conversations between the researcher and an
individual or a group of individuals. Interviews also represent a
type of survey mode that involves the researcher (i.e., the
interviewer) directly engaging with the survey participant during
the data collection process.
Unlike questionnaires, interviews represent a type of survey that involves the
researcher (i.e., the interviewer) directly interacting with the survey
participant, during the data collection process.

© Camrocker/iStockphoto.com
General Steps in Survey Research
Before we move on to more detailed information related to survey research, it
is useful to consider the survey research process. An examination of this
process shows how in each step there is information that informs one’s
decision about how to gather data. Will it be a questionnaire or a survey?
Will it be administered in person, via e-mail, or by handing out surveys. The
first step in all research, including survey research, is to develop a research
purpose and research question. This step is important because the purpose
and question helps to inform whether one will use a questionnaire or an
interview. If research is purely exploratory, an unstructured or a
semistructured interview may be the way to go. This allows the flexibility to
follow up with respondents immediately when new information is learned. If
the purpose is explanatory, it may be appropriate to use a questionnaire with
a fixed number of items. In the following sections, we will provide greater
information about how survey research can be used in the four purposes we
consider in this text: exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative.
The purpose and research question also informs how one will handle
concepts, conceptualizations, and operationalization. For example, if one is
seeking to gather data on a topic that is associated with a rich literature, then
using a questionnaire may be best. This is because the research can identify
the concepts of interest, conceptualize them, and operationalize them into
survey items on a questionnaire. The questions or items on the questionnaire
should correspond to concepts of interest. On the other hand, if the research is
fully exploratory on a topic in which little is known, then an unstructured or
semistructured interview may be best. In this way, the researcher can learn
from his or her respondents about key concepts, how respondent define these
concepts, and the best ways they might be measured in the future.
Developing a sampling plan is the next major step. Depending on resources,
and on the nature of the sample (is there a sampling frame available?), one
may adjust the way the way the survey is distributed. For example, if there is
a sampling frame of e-mail addresses available, then using an online survey
might be the best approach. If the sample desired is hard to find and no
sampling frame is available, however, the approaches available may be more
limited. Interviews may be best in these situations. Alternatively, if this
population gathers in a single place, a researcher may be able to distribute
surveys. There are many ways a survey can be distributed that will be
discussed in this chapter. After distribution of the survey, the data must be
gathered and analyzed, and the research question must be answered.
Throughout the development of the research methodology, the research uses
information to decide on the best approach. Let’s now turn to the many
purposes of research and how survey research can be used for each.
Surveys Across Research Purposes
As indicated, surveys are useful across all research purposes. This is in part
why they are the most popular form of gathering data in the social sciences.
In this section, we consider how surveys are used across purposes with an
emphasis on your case studies to demonstrate this flexibility.
Surveys and Exploratory Research
Recall from Chapter 2 that exploratory studies are useful when researchers
know little or nothing about a topic. Exploratory research is especially useful
when the researchers seek to answer “what,” “how,” or “where” questions.
Throughout the text, we have described how featured researcher Rod
Brunson and his colleague’s study of young Black and White males residing
in disadvantaged St. Louis, Missouri, neighborhoods was an example of an
exploratory study (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). What we have not yet shared
is that this research also benefited from survey research as one means to
collect their data. Brunson explained that the use of face-to-face interviewing
allowed the researchers to build confidence and trust with the respondents.
After this trust was established, the researchers used self-administered survey
questionnaires to obtain general information from participants. Then during
the face-to-face conversations, researchers were able to delve deeper into
important issues and topics, allowing for more detailed and qualitatively rich
data to be collected.

The law enforcement prostitution decoy research conducted by featured

researcher Mary Dodge and colleagues is also exploratory research (Dodge,
Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005). Like Brunson and colleague (Brunson &
Weitzer, 2009), Dodge et al. used multiple methods to gather their data,
including a survey. Dodge et al.’s approach differed from that of Brunson and
colleague in that they administered the survey to their respondents during
face-to-face interviews conducted at participants’ homes, their offices, and
coffee shops. Dodge et al. asked respondents questions from the survey that
consisted of preplanned open-ended survey questions designed to examine
experiences as a decoy, difficulties associated with the role and assignment,
personal views on prostitution, and the dynamics surrounding the interactions
with Johns on the street. Dodge et al.’s study participants never saw her data
collection instrument; and by administering their survey this way, they were
able to gather the same data from all respondents. They were also free to
deviate from the survey to ask other questions based on responses. Dodge et
al. chose to use this less structured, or semistructured, interview format for
their surveys to allow the female officers to elaborate on their responses and
to reflect more deeply on the events they experienced.
Surveys and Descriptive Research
Recall that descriptive research allows researchers to describe phenomenon
so they have a more detailed understanding of it. Brunson and Weitzer’s
(2009) research highlighted that White youth were aware that police treated
Black youth more poorly. Given this knowledge, they might decide to
embark on a new piece of descriptive research that focuses on understanding
the specific ways White youth respond or intervene when they witness Black
youth being treated poorly by officers. This proposed research could be
accomplished via observations in the field, or White youth could be surveyed
about this topic. A large-scale example of a survey that is widely used for
descriptive (and other types of research) research is the National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS). The NCVS was introduced in Chapter 2 and
has been discussed throughout this text. It provides an excellent example of
how a survey can be used to gather a wide range of data for descriptive
research. Recall that the U.S. government uses NCVS survey data to provide
national estimates of the nature and extent of nonfatal criminal victimization
in the United States each year. NCVS field representatives use multiple
NCVS survey instruments to guide their interviews that are administered both
in person and over the telephone. The data gathered by the NCVS
instruments are used frequently to answer many “what,” “where,” “when,”
“how,” and “who” questions related to criminal victimization experienced by
the public each year in the United States.

The LEMAS survey is used to gather data from state and local law
enforcement agencies that employ 100 or more sworn officers (i.e., large law
enforcement agencies).
U.S. Department of Justice
The Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics
(LEMAS) survey is another national survey that is widely used for
descriptpve research. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) sponsors the
LEMAS survey, which is conducted, or fielded, every 3 to 4 years. Fielded
means that the survey has been distributed or launched and data are being
collected. The LEMAS survey is used to gather data from state and local law
enforcement agencies that employ 100 or more sworn officers (i.e., large law
enforcement agencies). Self-administered survey questionnaires are mailed to
a representative from each law enforcement agency who provides
organizational and administration data on the LEMAS surveys. Data
collected during the survey administration includes agency responsibilities,
operating expenditures, job functions of sworn and civilian employees,
officer salaries and special pay, demographic characteristics of officers,
weapons and armor policies, education and training requirements, computers
and information systems, vehicles, special units, and community policing
Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics
(LEMAS): National survey sponsored by the Bureau of Justice
Statistics (BJS) that gathers data from state and local law
enforcement agencies that employ 100 or more sworn officers
(i.e., “large” law enforcement agencies).
Fielded: Term used to mean that a survey has been distributed or
administered and data are being collected.
Surveys and Explanatory Research
Explanatory research, also introduced in Chapter 2, is an approach that
provides explanations about a topic and builds off knowledge gained from
exploratory and descriptive research. Explanatory research is used to identify
what characteristics are related to a topic, as well as to identify what impacts,
causes, or influences a particular outcome or topic of interest. In addition,
through explanatory research, a researcher may try to understand how to
predict outcomes or topics of interest. Surveys are a valuable tool for
gathering data for explanatory purposes.
Although the NCVS is widely used to describe topics related to criminal
victimization in the United States, NCVS data are also used widely for
explanatory research. For example, featured researcher Heather Zaykowski’s
(2014) research analyzed NCVS data to estimate the likelihood that crime
victims would access victim services. Specifically, she focused on better
understanding the role that police reporting plays in influencing victims
accessing services. These NCVS data, gathered via surveys administered on
the phone and during face-to-face interviews, allowed her to do so. Featured
researcher Chris Melde and colleagues’ study is also explanatory, given their
goal to explain associations (or lack thereof) between gang membership, fear
of victimization, perceptions of risk of victimization, and self-reported
victimization (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009). Data used to answer Melde
et al.’s research questions were collected from self-report surveys that
involved students at sampled schools answering questions as they were read
aloud by a researcher. Consent forms were sent to the students’ parents, and
only those students whose parents gave consent were allowed to complete the
questionnaires. The ethical protocol was in place to protect the children,
especially their privacy, and all students’ data collected during the study
remained confidential. Overall, 72% of students sampled participated in the
surveys, which took about 40 to 45 minutes to finish.

Finally, featured researcher Carlos Cuevas and colleagues’ research on Latino

teen dating violence is another example of explanatory (and descriptive)
research made possible by survey research (Sabina, Cuevas, & Cotignola-
Pickens, 2016). Along with most of the other case studies used throughout
this textbook, Cuevas and colleagues used survey research as their primary
data collection method. Specifically, Cuevas and his team used data gathered
from the Dating Violence among Latino Adolescents (DAVILA) survey to
answer their research questions. In fact, Cuevas and his colleague Sabina
were the ones who originally collected the DAVILA data. DAVILA data
were collected during telephone interviews. Because the focus of the
DAVILA study was on Latino students, interviews were conducted in
English and Spanish. The DAVILA was a longitudinal data study. That
means the survey was fielded twice to measure changes over time.
Approximately 40% of participants who completed a survey at Wave 1 (i.e.,
time 1) completed surveys at Wave 2 (i.e., time 2).

Longitudinal data: Data collected from the same sample at

different points in time.
Surveys and Evaluation Research
Surveys are also widely used in evaluation research. The purpose of
evaluation research is to assess many facets of policies or programs. In this
context, surveys are used to generate empirically based evidence in support
of (or against) some element of a policy or program. For example, two online
surveys were used recently by researchers in Queensland, Australia, who
evaluated the effectiveness of two rapid action policing (RAP) hubs—a new
policing strategy introduced in some Queensland communities (Ransley,
Hart, & Bartlett, 2017). During the RAP evaluation study, two surveys were
created and administered through an online survey solution called Qualtrics.
The researchers carefully constructed the questionnaires using open-ended
and closed-ended questions, attitudinal scales, and other types of questions
made possible using online and Web-based surveys. One of the two surveys
was sent to Queensland Police Service (QPS) stakeholders (e.g.,
representatives from the local city council, fire department, and ambulance
service) who had regular contact with RAP officers and officials. A separate
online questionnaire was administered to a sample of community business
leaders. The results from both online surveys were used to determine whether
the RAP hubs worked and to guide policy and procedures related to the wider
adoption of RAP throughout Queensland.
Surveys are the most popular way to collect original data in criminology and
criminal justice research, in part, because they can be used for any research
purpose (i.e., exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluation research).
In addition, they are desirable because they are useful when the unit of
analysis is the individual or individuals representing groups, agencies, or
organizations. By understanding the broad value of survey research, you can
now focus on the best way to distribute the survey.

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How Are Surveys Distributed?
We opened this chapter by noting that surveys are a popular research
methodology used in criminology and criminal justice research in part
because they are versatile. Part of that versatility relates to the variety of ways
a researcher can distribute surveys. Stated differently, surveys are versatile
given the variety of survey modes. Four primary survey modes or means of
distribution are available for surveys: mail or written, phone, face-to-face,
and online or mobile surveys. The choice of which type of survey mode is
best to use in any research project is influenced by many factors. Influential
factors include the research purpose and goal, the amount of time a researcher
has to field the survey, the amount of money the researcher can spend, and
other resources (such as availability of Internet or laptops used). In addition,
each survey mode has particular strengths and weaknesses that must be
considered. Each is discussed next.
Survey modes: Ways in which surveys can be administered.
There are four primary types of survey modes or means of
distribution: mail/written, phone, face-to-face, and the Internet.
Mail/Written Surveys (Postal Surveys)
When you think of a survey, you probably think of answering a series of
questions on a form or document and returning the completed form back to
the person or organization that distributed it. Mail and written surveys are a
mode of surveying that involves providing a written survey to an individual.
This survey can be sent via the mail or handed out in person. Since the
respondent is the person responsible for completing the survey (i.e., no one
else is with the respondent to assist in completing it), the survey is considered
a self-administered questionnaire. A self-administered questionnaire is a
survey administered either in paper or in electronic form that a survey
participant completes on his or her own.
Mail and written surveys: Mode of surveying that involves
providing a written survey to an individual. This survey can be
sent via the mail or handed out in person.
Self-administered questionnaire: Type of survey, administered
either in paper or in electronic form, which a survey participant
completes on his or her own.
There are many advantages of a mail/written survey. First, because an
interviewer is not present during a self-administered survey, there is no
chance of interviewer bias. Interviewer bias can occur if the survey
participant is influenced by the presence or actions of an interviewer or field
representative. Imagine you are filling out a survey in the presence of an
interviewer, and you check a box noting you had taken a drug. As a response
to that, the (unprofessional and poorly trained) field representative shakes his
or her head in disgust. This may cause you to go back and change your
answer or to answer later questions differently to avoid the representative’s
judgment. Alternatively, imagine you are filling out a survey focused on
whether you had hired a prostitute. Imagine the field representative or
interviewer looking at you during this survey is a woman who looks like your
mother. Might that affect your answer if you had hired a prostitute? If
something about the field representative, whether appearance or behavior,
affects your responses on the survey, interview bias is present. Interview bias
distorts the outcome of the interview, affects the data gathered, and ultimately
affects the results of the study.
Interviewer bias: When the survey participant is influenced by
the presence or actions of an interviewer.
Another advantage of a mail/written survey is that they can be distributed
across a massive geographic study area at a relatively low (to moderate) cost.
© MarkHatfield/iStockphoto.com
Another advantage of a mail/written survey is that they can be distributed
across a massive geographic study area at a low (to moderate) cost. The cost
of a mail survey can increase, however, based on the length of the
questionnaire (i.e., the number of survey pages), whether return postage is
prepaid and return envelopes are provided, and whether other strategies
designed to reduce survey nonresponse are implemented.
Mail or written surveys are imperfect and characterized by disadvantages as
well. A disadvantage of a mail or written survey is that it requires the
researcher or someone on the research team to take the completed surveys,
code the responses, and enter the codes for every completed survey into a
database. Coding, as introduced in Chapter 6, refers to converting a
respondent’s answers into a numerical value that can be entered into a
database. In addition, when a mail or written survey includes open-ended
questions with short answers provided by respondents, their answers must be
typed into a database for later analysis. These steps are not only time-
consuming, but they also represent a point in the research process where error
can be introduced through inaccurate coding and text entry. A second
disadvantage associated with mail or written surveys is that it is vulnerable to
survey nonresponse. Survey nonresponse occurs when sample respondents
who choose to complete and return surveys differ in meaningful ways from
those who are selected in the sample, but do not complete and return the
survey. When this occurs, the data may be biased, and ultimately the finding
of the study may be compromised. Survey nonresponse is measured using
response rates. Response rates are the proportion of surveys returned relative
to the total number of surveys fielded. The response rate is generally
described as a percentage and is calculated using this basic formula:
Survey nonresponse: When sample respondents who choose to
complete and return surveys differ in meaningful ways from those
who are chosen but do not participate in the survey.
Response rate: Way to measure the success of a survey and,
subsequently, how well the participants represent the larger
population they are intended to reflect. Rates are typically
reported as the percentage of all eligible subjects asked to
complete a survey and are computed by dividing the number of
participants by the total number of eligible participants and by
multiplying that proportion by 100.
For example, if you mail out 100 surveys, but only 10 are completed and
returned, your response rate is 10%. Historically, mail or written survey
response rates are low (e.g., 10% to 15%). This is markedly less than the
response rates associated with other survey modes. As a researcher, you need
to keep this in mind if you plan to mail out surveys to your sample. You need
to draw a large enough sample to ensure you have enough data taking into
account the likely survey nonresponse.
Low response rates for mail surveys are not a foregone conclusion.
Researchers have spent decades studying ways to increase mail survey
response rates (i.e., decreasing nonresponse). No other researcher is more
closely associated with survey research—and the strategies used to maximize
response rates—than Don A. Dillman. As an expert in survey methodology at
Washington State University, Professor Dillman has written extensively on
ways to minimize survey nonresponse. His book The Tailored Design
Method is considered the “go-to book” for those interested in conducting
high-quality self-administered questionnaires. By following his advice, you
may be able to get response rates as high as 80% (Dillman, Smyth, &
Christian, 2009).
Besides survey nonresponse, other sources of nonresponse biases exist. Some
of those sources of nonresponse bias researchers have control over, but other
sources they do not. By using many of the ideas developed by Dillman and
colleagues, Daly, Jones, Gereau, and Levy (2011) identified several of the
most common reasons why survey nonresponse occurs. One major reason is
that the intended respondent never received the survey sent to him or her.
Alternatively, it may be the respondent received the survey, but for a variety
of reasons, he or she did not complete or return the instrument. An
accounting for these nonresponse influences is presented in Table 7.1.
When using self-administered mail surveys, researchers must try to avoid
other threats to data quality.

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In addition to the threat of nonresponse bias caused by low participation
rates, other important shortcomings are associated with self-administered
questionnaires. In the case of mail surveys, the researcher never truly knows
who completes the questionnaire. Although the mail survey might have been
addressed to a particular household respondent, nothing can guarantee that
the addressee is the person who completed it. Similarly, even though the
absence of an interviewer eliminates the chances of interviewer bias, not
having an interviewer present while the respondent completes a survey means
that the respondent cannot get help if he or she is confused by a question,
needs aid in understanding or interpreting instructions, or seems to lose
interest in completing or returning the questionnaire. All of these
circumstances can affect data quality and ultimately the results of the study.
When using self-administered mail surveys, researchers must try to avoid
other threats to data quality. Recall bias and recency effects are two examples
of problems that can occur when researchers gather data using mail surveys.
Both of these forms of error threaten the validity and reliability of data, which
were discussed in earlier chapters. Recall bias occurs when the survey
participant’s responses to questions lack accuracy or completeness because
they are unwilling or unable to recall events or information from the past.
Recall bias is not uncommon. Think back to something that has occurred to
you such as having a car stolen, your house broken into, a marriage
dissolved, or a heart broken. Have you ever found yourself describing this as
having happened more recently than it did? Maybe you told someone that
your car was stolen two months ago. When you stop and think about it, you
may realize that it was stolen six months ago (time flies). Recency effects, on
the other hand, stem from question or item ordering on a survey. This
question-order effect occurs when the ordering of questions on a survey
influences responses given to later questions. Perhaps you are taking a survey
that asks about a time you felt discriminated against. You answer and
describe such an event. The next question on the survey is as follows: “Do
you believe discrimination is a problem?” Chances are this question ordering
affects responses to the second question. Researchers must pay attention to
the ordering of their questions to avoid recency effects.
Recall bias: When the survey participant’s responses to questions
lack accuracy or completeness because they are unwilling or
unable to “recall” events or information from the past.
Recency effects: Stems from question ordering on a survey. This
question-order effect occurs when the ordering of questions on a
survey influences responses given to later questions.
Question-order effect: When the ordering of questions on a
survey influences responses given to later questions.
Online and Mobile Surveys
Increasingly, researchers are disseminating self-administered questionnaires
online, as well as through mobile applications (i.e., apps). Cuevas goes as far
as suggesting that the days of traditional phone surveys are numbered and
that methods such as online and mobile surveys do a better job of maximizing
the success of survey research. Online surveys and mobile surveys are
offered to respondents online via a desktop computer, laptop, Apple® iPadTM,
smartphone, or other mobile device. Many researchers design their surveys to
ensure their surveys can be taken using any of these devices.
Online survey: Mode of survey research whereby a questionnaire
is delivered to an eligible participant via the Internet and
completed on a personal computer, usually through a Web
Mobile survey: Mode of survey research whereby a questionnaire
is delivered to an eligible participant via the Internet and
completed on a smartphone or tablet, usually through a Web
browser or a mobile application (i.e., app).
Web and smartphone technologies offer a faster (and often less expensive)
alternative to collecting survey data than do traditional mail surveys. As with
self-administered mail or written surveys, the absence of an interviewer
eliminates the threat of interviewer bias.
In addition, constructing questionnaires for online/mobile surveys is much
faster, cheaper, and easier than is creating a physical questionnaire. With an
online or mobile survey, there is no need to print forms, stuff envelopes, pay
for postage, or sit around waiting for questionnaires to be returned. In
addition, online and mobile surveys do not require anyone to code or enter
data from the actual survey into a database. This means data-entry errors are
eliminated because survey participants’ responses are recorded directly into a
data file once the participant submits his or her survey. In addition, the data
file can easily be exported from the survey software company’s website, or
directly onto the researcher’s computer, at any time during the study. Online
and mobile surveys are also convenient survey modes as they allow
respondents to answer questions according to their own pace, chosen time,
and preferences. And in some cases, finding respondents is made easier
because many companies provide access to samples, or survey panels of
respondents, at an additional cost.
Survey panels: Existing samples that a researcher can pay to get
access to.
An additional advantage of online and mobile surveys is that they can easily
be tailored for specific subgroups of respondents using skip-and-fill patterns
or conditional logic statements. A skip-and-fill question is a type of survey
question in which questions asked are contingent on answers to previous
questions. Imagine you program your online or mobile survey to begin by
asking the participant whether he or she has any siblings (i.e., Question 1). If
the answer to Question 1 is “No,” then you do not need that respondent to be
asked Question 2 (how many siblings do you have?). Given that, the
researcher creates a skip-and-fill routine in survey software to “skip”
Question 2 if the answer to Question 1 is “No.” The software will then
automatically record (i.e., “fill”) a “Not Applicable” answer for Question 2
for people who noted in Question 1 that they have no siblings.
Skip-and-fill patterns: Also known as “conditional logic
statements.” A type of survey in which the questions asked are
contingent on answers to previous questions.
Example of Skip-and-Fill Pattern in a Survey
Question 1: Do you have any siblings that are currently alive?
Question 2: How many?
More than 4
Question 3: What is your current zip code? (Enter your 5-digit zip
Question 2 is asked only if the answer to Question 1 is “Yes”;
otherwise, Question 2 is skipped, and “Not applicable” is
automatically recorded as the answer, based on a “skip-and-fill”
routine set up in the online/mobile survey software by the
In addition to all of the advantages of online and mobile surveys described
earlier, there are certain characteristics specific to mobile surveys that set
them apart from online surveys. Perhaps the most notable difference is that
surveys administered on mobile devices can be used in Ecological
Momentary Assessment (EMA) studies. An Ecological Momentary
Assessment (EMA) is a unique type of survey methodology designed to
collect data that have greater ecological validity. In this context, ecological
validity refers to data that more accurately reflect the real world. For
example, historically, studies on fear of crime use self-administered mail
questionnaires to gauge individuals’ perceptions of crime, especially violent
crime like assault or robbery. Ironically, however, participants are often
asked to complete these types of surveys in the comfort, safety, and security
of their own homes. Surveys on fear of crime can collect data with greater
ecological validity if they are administered to participants during their
everyday routine activities, in other words, while they are out and about in
the “real world.”
Ecological momentary assessments (EMA): Research that
comprises a unique type of methodology, designed for real
time/real place data collection.
Ecological validity: Extent to which data reflect the “real world.”
EMA and other EMA-like techniques are used in research that focuses on the
daily processes of individuals, and they share four common characteristics.
First, EMAs are used to collect data from individuals in real-world
environments. Second, they focus on the individual’s actions, behaviors, or
attitudes that are temporally proximate (i.e., feeling the research participant
has “in the moment”). Third, they typically are triggered by predetermined
events, at predetermined times, or at random times during the day, using
complex triggers available in many mobile survey software solutions. Finally,
EMAs are administered to subjects repeatedly over an extended period.
Compared with online surveys, EMAs delivered as brief mobile surveys
gather data from individuals while in their natural settings. Therefore, they
can produce information with greater ecological validity than data collected
from survey modes.
For all that is good about online and mobile surveys, many disadvantages are
associated with these survey modes. As with self-administered mail surveys,
the absence of an interviewer means that no one is able to assist the
participant if he or she needs help or encouragement to complete the survey.
Another disadvantage of online and mobile surveys is that they are not suited
to study certain samples of the population. For example, it would be
inappropriate to choose an online survey mode if you were interested in
collecting data from senior citizens regarding elder abuse or victimization. A
mobile or online survey may be a questionable mode if the population of
interest includes those in rural communities who may not have access to
Internet services. Problems with access to the Internet, familiarity with using
web browsers, and issues related to text size might adversely influence
response rates.
Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) is unique type of survey
methodology designed to collect data that have greater ecological validity.

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Finally, survey fraud is something that researchers must consider before
conducting an online or mobile self-administered survey. Survey fraud
occurs during online and mobile surveys when participants sign up to be part
of a survey panel just for the incentives offered. Those committing this fraud
have no interest in a study and may not even meet the criteria set forth by the
research to be eligible for the study. These fakes (and losers) complete
questionnaires with little to no interest in topic. As a result, their responses
can bias results. Despite these limitations, online and mobile surveys
represent powerful survey modes that are growing in popularity and use.
Survey fraud: When participants, during online and mobile
surveys, sign up to be part of a survey panel just for the incentives
Telephone Surveys
Telephone surveys are a common interview modality used to collect original
survey data. Telephone surveys are less expensive to administer and offer
quick data collection. Telephone surveys are also inexpensive and efficient
when you need to gather data from a large number of people or from a
sample of individuals living across a large geographic area. In addition,
telephone surveys are characterized by higher response rates.
Telephone surveys: Common interview modality used to collect
original survey data over the telephone.
Random digit dialing (RDD), as discussed in Chapter 5, is a commonly used
method of accessing potential respondents in a telephone survey. Prior to
RDD, a researcher had to access a sampling frame of phone numbers in the
area of interest. This sampling frame had limitations in that unlisted numbers
and cell phone numbers were not listed on the frame. Plus, some homes had
multiple phone lines making their chances of participating in the survey
higher than others. In addition, some numbers may have been disconnected
since the construction of the sampling frame. With random digit dialing.
researchers no longer had to rely on tangible sampling frames like phone
books. Rather, RDD generates telephone numbers at random that are called to
find respondents to take the survey. RDD is increasingly important as more
and more households have stopped using landlines and use only cell numbers
for communication (see Figure 7.1). According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention’s National Health Interview Survey, about half of
U.S. households no longer have a landline in their home (Blumberg & Luke,
2015). Despite this rising figure, and especially with the use of RDD,
telephone surveys still offer researchers a powerful way to collect survey
data. This is especially the case when a researcher needs data from groups of
the population that may not have access to the Internet or who live in remote
Regardless of the way the participant was reached on the phone, historically,
telephone surveys were conducted by a field representative who would ask
questions and record responses on their paper-and-pencil survey instruments.
Increasingly, however, telephone surveys are conducted using computer-
assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) systems. CATI operates such that
the interviewer on the phone is guided through the survey by prompts on a
computer. Responses are entered directly into the computer. CATI systems
allow survey data to be collected even more quickly and easily from a sample
population than do traditional telephone survey techniques, especially when
they involve random digit dialing. In addition, the step of coding and entering
data later, and the associated errors, is removed from the process.
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI):
Computerized system that guides the interviewer through the
survey on a computer. The system prompts the interviewer about
exactly what to ask.
Figure 7.1 Graphs of Cell Phone Usage by U.S. Adults and Corresponding
Increase in Surveys Conducted via Cell Phone by the Pew Research Center

Source: As more Americans go mobile, Pew Research Center will

conduct more survey interviews via cell phone. Pew Research Center,
December 10, 2015.
CATI systems that are used in contemporary telephone surveys are
straightforward. First, an administrator working directly on a research project
or with a research team sets up the system. This process usually involves
creating an electronic version of the survey instrument that is uploaded to the
CATI system. This uploaded survey will be displayed on trained
interviewers’ computer monitors to guide them during the telephone
interview. Like online and mobile surveys, CATI software allows the
researcher to customize questionnaires based on the answers provided during
each telephone interview. The second step when using a CATI system is for
the sample population’s telephone numbers to be fed into the CATI system.
Several companies now sell “phone lists” that have been verified for the
purpose of survey research. CATI can also be used with RDD. Third, data
collection begins when the CATI system is activated. This means that the
CATI system automatically dials potential participants’ phone numbers and
prompts interviewers (displays exactly what they should say to the person on
the phone) to begin a survey when a call is answered. Data gathered from
respondents is recorded into a CATI database by the interviewer, in real time.
Finally, once a survey is finished and the call ends, the interviewer waits for
the CATI system to connect them to the next eligible participant. This
process repeats itself each day, during designated times of the day/days of the
week, until the data collection period is over.
An advantage of telephone surveys is that they are quick and easy. It takes
little effort to dial a number (or to allow a computer to dial that number) and
to speak to someone who answers. If no one answers, it takes little effort to
dial the next number (or to have a system dial for the interviewer). A second
advantage is that telephone interviews are cheaper. There is no postage, or
envelopes, or return envelopes to pay for. Telephone surveys are
advantageous in that people are more likely to respond to a live human being
on the other end of the phone compared with a mail survey. Because trained
interviewers oversee the data collection process, the number of response
errors or incomplete surveys is less than self-administered surveys. Having
that human interaction is important and pays off in terms of response rates
and data collected. Finally, a telephone survey allows the respondent to ask
for clarification about questions. Interviewers should be trained to deal with
the most common questions raised. Answering respondents’ questions means
potentially gathering more data or reducing nonresponse. Telephone surveys
also offer participants the opportunity to be involved with a data collection
project and remain anonymous. This may facilitate more honest answers to
survey questions.
Like all approaches and every element of research, nothing is perfect. One
disadvantage of telephone surveys is that they are intrusive. Often, the best
time to reach someone at home (i.e., the time of day when someone is most
likely to answer the phone) is also the time of day when people least want to
participate in a survey (i.e., dinnertime). For this reason, telephone surveys
must often be short, which means they can be constrained by the amount of
data they can collect. Similarly, telephone surveys require short and clear
questions. The respondent does not have the advantage of being able to read
and re-read a question. This may limit what can be asked of respondents.
Many people also screen their calls. In other words, they will not answer a
call unless they know who is calling them. Since most CATI systems have
“blocked” outbound numbers, many calls made from them simply go
unanswered because the person receiving the call does not want to answer a
call from a blocked number. An increasing issue is that those answering the
phone may mistake a survey call as a sales call. Individuals are unlikely to
engage a salesperson and may mistakenly terminate a call with a researcher.
Like any approach involving an interviewer, interviewer bias may be an
Face-to-Face (In-Person) Interviews
Face-to-face interviews, also referred to as in-person interviews, represent
another popular survey modality. A face-to-face interview is similar to a
telephone survey in that the interviewer engages the participant while the
survey is being completed. Unlike telephone surveys, face-to-face interviews
are conducted with the interviewer present. As a result, several things must
be considered before choosing face-to-face interviews as a survey
methodology, if they are to be used successfully.
Face-to-face interviews: Also referred to as “in-person
interviews.” They represent another popular survey modality in
which the interviewer asks the respondent questions and records
the respondent’s answers.
The interviewer is critically important to the success of face-to-face
interviews. A good interviewer can help assure a successful survey by
assisting participants with challenging questions, confusing instructions, or
when the participant becomes tired or disinterested in completing the survey.
Well-trained interviewers can also probe respondents to get more in-depth
and complete answers to questions. Probing, as we saw in Chapter 6, refers to
a subtle phrase or follow-up question that interviewers use to encourage
survey participants to elaborate on previous responses. On the other hand,
interviewers have the potential to negatively affect face-to-face surveys. For
example, if survey participants do not identify with an interviewer because
they are over- or underdressed, respondents can be put off, refuse to
participate, and increase nonresponse rates. Similarly, if a survey interviewer
does not understand the project or design and layout of the questionnaire,
stumbles over questions, or appears to lack basic interviewer training or
practice, then data quality and the overall success of the project will suffer. In
short, an interviewer can make or break face-to-face interviews.
There are several advantages to conducting face-to-face interviews.
Compared with other survey modes, in-person interviews can produce more
accurate and reliable information. For example, no one might ever know if a
woman participating in a self-administered mail survey answers “male” for a
questions that asks about her sex, but providing similar (inaccurate) data
during an interview can be more difficult with someone present. The presence
of an interviewer can also help reduce survey fraud because interviewers can
better screen those who want to participant but do not obviously meet
eligibility requirements. Other survey modes are not as well suited as face-to-
face interviews to pick up on participant’s verbal and nonverbal cues.
Similarly, participants’ emotions and behaviors can easily be identified and
recorded during an in-person interview. Finally, compared with other survey
modes, face-to-face interviews tend to produce higher response rates even
though the surveys are often longer.
Another problem associated with face-to-face interviews is that unless you
have a gigantic budget, they can only be administered if a study involves
collecting data from a relatively small sample.

© Maica/iStockphoto
The biggest downside of in-person surveying is cost. Training interviewers
requires a considerable amount of money. Once interviewers are trained, they
will be spending a considerable amount of time in the field collecting data.
Time is money, which means the costs of completing a single face-to-face
interview are more than in any other survey mode. In addition, data quality
might be an issue, although this is highly dependent on the quality of the
interviewer. Some people have a natural ability to conduct face-to-face
interviews, whereas others do not. It is unlikely that an entire interviewing
staff will all have great survey-taking skills. If some are poor, then data
quality may suffer (not to mention a good bit of the research budget will have
been wasted on that interviewer’s training).
Another problem associated with face-to-face interviews is that unless you
have a gigantic budget, they can only be administered if a study involves
collecting data from a smaller sample. It would simply take too much time
(and money) to conduct interviews otherwise. Related to this limitation is
data entry. Unlike some other survey modes, data collected during face-to-
face interviews must either be manually entered into a data file or transcribed
from tapes or other recoding mediums. Transcription services and paying
someone to enter data is an additional cost related to face-to-face interviews.
If a research project requires collecting high-quality and detailed data from a
smaller group of people and the research team has the time and money to
train an effective interview team, then conducting face-to-face interviews
might be the best survey mode option.
With this foundational information, we next present information on designing
your own survey.
Designing Your Own Survey
Perhaps you have decided that survey research is the best way to gather
original data to answer your research question. A key component of creating
a survey includes the survey questions and the survey layout.
Survey Questions
Survey questions must be clear, relevant, and unbiased. Using clear and
concise survey questions can mean the difference between success and
failure. Survey questions are used to gather the specific data needed to
answer your research question. Zaykowski (2014) wanted to understand the
role that police reporting had on accessing victim services. Had she designed
her own survey, she would have needed to include a question asking whether
the respondent had reported the victimization to the police, questions
identifying whether someone had been a victim, as well as a question asking
whether the respondent had accessed victim services (among others). Every
survey question on a survey should correspond with specific concepts for
which you need data. Asking about more than is necessary increases the
respondent burden. Respondent burden refers to the effort needed in terms
of time and energy required by a respondent to complete a survey. As a
researcher, you must minimize respondent burden in all ways possible.

Respondent burden: Effort needed in terms of time and energy

required by a respondent to complete a survey.
A way to ensure you have excellent survey questions is to use language that
is understandable. A rule of thumb is when surveying adults, to use language
an eighth grader could understand. If you are surveying younger people, like
much of Melde et al.’s (2009) research, you must ensure the language used is
understandable for the sample. Something that researchers can do is use
existing research questions or use focus group feedback to ascertain whether
your language is appropriate for the sample. You do not always have to start
from scratch as Zaykowski notes. Look around at existing surveys for
question wording that you can use. Aside from these general
recommendations, there are other more technical things to be focused on
when writing survey questions. When Zaykowski teaches about research
methods, her students are tasked with writing good survey questions that are
understandable, not double-barreled, lacking loaded language, and reflecting
attention to levels of measurement. These and other types of survey questions
are described in more detail next. Open- and closed-ended questions are two
general types of questions that are useful in survey research. Although these
were introduced in Chapter 6, recall that an open-ended question is designed
to give the survey participant the opportunity to provide an answer in his or
her own words. Conversely, a close-ended question is a type of survey
question that requires respondents to select an answer from a predetermined
list of response categories. Response categories are a list of options available
from which a respondent selects an answer. In creating your survey, you must
also focus on the need for your response categories to be mutually exclusive
and exhaustive. These concepts were introduced in Chapter 4. Exhaustive
response categories mean every possible response option is offered. Mutually
exclusive response categories mean that the responses do not overlap in any
way. Something else introduced in Chapter 4 was the idea of levels of
measurement. Be sure to use the highest level of measurement possible to
gain as much information as possible when writing survey questions.
Surveys should also avoid including double-barreled questions. A double-
barreled question asks about more than one issue in a single question so that
it is unclear what part of the question the respondent is responding to. Let us
say, for example, a questionnaire contained the following question:
Double-barreled questions: Questions that ask about more than
one issue in a single question. This makes it unclear which part of
the question the response refers to.
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
The police in my neighborhood protect and serve the community:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
The problem with this double-barreled question is that it is asking about both
police protection and police serving. If a respondent checks the “Agree”
response, do they agree that police both protect and serve? What if a
respondent feels the police protect but don’t serve or vice versa? How are
they to answer this question? A far better approach is to break this question
into two questions on the survey: one question asking about protection, and
one question asking about serving. The researcher must construct questions
that are not loaded or leading. A loaded question or leading question is one
that contains a controversial or unjustified assumption that leads a respondent
to answering in a particular way that may not reflect their true feelings. For
example, it is unlikely that the following question would produce valid
responses or useful data because it is a leading question:
Do you agree with most bleeding-heart liberals that minor drug offenses
should not result in jail time for those who are convicted, despite the fact
that police are on the streets working hard every day to keep you safe
from these criminals?
Loaded questions: Questions that contain a controversial or
unjustified assumption that leads a respondent to answer in a
particular way that may not reflect his or her true feelings. Also
known as a “leading question.”
There is nothing wrong with including a question on a survey that is designed
to ascertain respondents’ attitudes about how to respond to drug offenses. To
produce meaningful results, however, the question should not contain loaded
phrases such as “bleeding-heart liberals” or evoking the image of police
fighting to make you safe from these criminals. A better way to ask this
question is simply, “Do you believe that minor drug offenses should result in
jail time?” A real example of a problematic way to ask an important concept
is included in Cuevas and colleagues’ study (Sabina et al., 2016). In
particular, they needed to learn whether respondents were documented.
Although this may seem a direct way to get that information, this is a
threatening approach especially given the study was funded by the U.S.
Department of Justice. Asking directly would have resulted in respondents
stopping the survey or the gathering of inaccurate information. Instead,
Cuevas and his team used a more creative (and less intimidating) approach
involving other questions. Specifically, they asked whether someone had a
green card, if they had a visa, if they were a refugee, and similar questions. If
the respondent responded no to all of those questions, they were coded as

A matrix is an efficient and useful means of gathering data in a survey. A

matrix question includes multiple closed-ended questions sharing the same
response categories. Note that six questions are asked, and each is answered
using the same response categories in Table 7.2.
Matrix question: Question that includes multiple closed-ended
questions sharing the same response categories.
Dillman, Smyth, and Christian’s (2008) comprehensive list of principles for
writing good survey research questions is in Table 7.3.
A great approach to writing survey questions is shared by Cuevas who
stresses the importance of understanding the type of data that particular
questions will produce. He says that it is not uncommon for a researcher to
develop survey questions that they think are “good” but then go to enter the
data collected from those questions into a data file only to realize that the
questions did not produce the kind of data they envisioned or needed. Cuevas
says being able to think about how the data that particular questions will
produce is the key. In addition, Cuevas is a fan of holding focus groups to
consider survey questions. Using the thoughts of people similar to those in
the sample can provide additional insight into what is a good or a poor
performing question.

Source: Miethe et al. (2014).

Source: Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., & Christian, L. M. (2008). The
Tailored Design Method (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Design and Layout
Survey instruments need to be attractive, uncluttered, easy to follow, and
have instructions that are clear and concise. This is especially the case for
self-administered instruments. The instrument must make the respondent
want to fill it out, and it must be easy to complete. Having a physically
appealing survey is important. This means not cramming in too many
questions and directions, making an instrument cluttered. White space is
needed so the survey is attractive to the eye. The survey must include clear
and concise directions, and the placement and ordering of questions must be
The flow of a survey should be easy to follow and make sense. Is it easy to
move from one question to the next? Or is it easy to get confused as to what
questions you are supposed to be answering. Good survey flow is easy to
accomplish using automated telephone surveys using CATI systems or with
online/mobile survey given the ease of incorporating skip patterns. This is a
bit more of a challenging goal to accomplish with self-administered mail
surveys. If you find your self-administered mail survey is very complex, you
need to reassess if it would be better administered using interviews. This is
precisely what the NCVS does. The instruments and their flow are far too
complex for respondents to follow on their own.
For example, consider the 2010 U.S. Census, which used a self-administered
questionnaire aimed at enumerating the entire U.S. population. The phrase
“Start here” was written in bold and italic font in the upper left corner of the
first page, using a font point much larger than the rest of questionnaire. This
makes it easy for the respondent to know where to start. The Census
questionnaire was also uncluttered, with easy-to-follow instructions, and
introduced each section or block of questions with a brief explanation of what
sort of data were being collected. These are good practices and are strategies
that will also help maximize the likelihood that all questions will be
answered, that they will be answered correctly, and that the participant will
complete and return his or her completed census.
All sections in a survey should include breaks that inform the respondent
about the topic covered in the next section. For example, if a researcher wants
to obtain demographic data from self-administered survey participants,
questions to gather these data should (a) be offset by a block of text
introducing the demographic questions section, and (b) limit the questions
only to those that are meaningful to the study:
We conclude our survey with a few demographic questions. These
questions will help us understand how closely our sample resembles the
population it is intended to represent and will also allow us to control for
some of the individual characteristics related to criminal victimization.
Please provide us with an answer to every question.
If you do not need to know about someone’s race, age, or income, then do not
ask for that information. Ask only the questions needed to gather data to
answer the research question to reduce respondent burden.
The ordering of questions on the instrument is important. If a survey is being
administered by an interviewer, it is best to start with demographic questions
because they are easy to ask, nonthreatening, and allow the parties to build
rapport. Demographic questions ask about basic characteristics of the
person such as gender, age, race, ethnicity, income, and so on. Once rapport
is established, the survey can move into the substantive questions. In contrast,
demographic questions should be asked last in self-administered surveys.
Why? Because it is important to immediately “hook” the respondent by
asking an interesting question—one he or she wants to read and answer.
Demographic questions are never great hooks on self-administered surveys.
Demographic questions: Questions that ask about basic
characteristics of the person such as gender, age, race, ethnicity,
income, and so on.
Layout is especially important when it comes to mail/written surveys to
maximize response rates. Self-administered mail/written surveys often consist
of multiple pages. Best practices suggest that when a questionnaire spans
more than one page, the instrument should be printed on a single 11” × 17”
piece of paper and folded into a booklet, making a total of four pages, rather
than on multiple four pages stapled together. Be aware that respondents often
miss what is printed on the back of pages, so alerting them to the fact that
questions are on the back of pages is a good practice. Other recommended
strategies associated with design and layout best practices include the
Research in Action: Understanding Confidence in the Police
All law enforcement agencies desire to have a good relationship
with the community and public they serve. The current study by
Bradford, Stanko, and Jackson (2009) conducts secondary data
analysis of data collected from the British Crime Survey (BCS)
and a community survey conducted by the Metropolitan Police
Service (MPS; London). The aim of the study was threefold. First,
the researchers aimed to document historical trends in public
confidence in police, especially among those who had personal
contact with law enforcement. Second, the researchers tried to
identify factors correlated with positive public opinions of the
police. Third, the investigators argued how MPS could use survey
data to help improve the way in which police handled interactions
with the public so that public attitudes could be improved.
The researchers answered their first research question by
producing simple descriptive statistics and visually displaying
information about public contact with police, using a series of line
graphs. The data they described were secondary data produced
from the BCS conducted from 1988 to 2006. In particular, the
researchers examined historical trends of people’s contact with
police. Data collected during a similar period were also described,
and presented as a series of bar charts, that described the levels of
dissatisfaction with police and the type of contact with police that
participants had with law enforcement (i.e., self-initiated, police
car stop, or other police-initiated contact). Comparing historical
trends in contact with and attitudes of police allowed the
researchers to answer their first research question.
Conducting secondary data analysis from the Metropolitan
Police’s Public Attitude Survey (PAS) allowed the researchers to
answer their second research question. Specifically, they
examined data produced from the PAS to identify correlates to
attitudes supportive of police.
The results of the researchers’ analyses of the BCS data revealed
that during a 20-year period (i.e., 1988 to 2006), public contact
with police in England and Wales steadily declined, especially
since 2000. Declines in police–public contact were consistent
across all types of contact, including self-initiated, contact as a
result of victimization, and police-initiated contact.
The results of analyses of BCS data also revealed differences in
the levels of dissatisfaction with the police among survey
participants. For example, since 2000, those who self-initiated
contact with the police were the most dissatisfied, and the levels
of dissatisfaction had steadily increased. Based on these data, the
researchers concluded that during face-to-face interactions, it will
be more difficult for police to improve opinions than to
undermine them, but they used data from the MPS PAS to
develop ideas about how the police could do just that.
The results of analysis of the MPS PAS showed that it matters
how police treat people, especially those who come to them for
help and assistance, and if these individuals are treated well, the
levels of public satisfaction are likely to increase. The researchers
place particular importance on the way with which officers
communicate with people.
The researchers concluded their study by answering their third,
and final, research question. They did this by synthesizing their
first two findings and offering the police recommendations for
developing policies around incidents involving contact with the
public. Specifically, they suggested that people could be classified
as one of four types of Londoner: the supporters, the contents, the
needy, and the demanding. Furthermore, the authors suggested
that the police incorporate this information in policies and
procedures related to dealing with the public. In doing so, they
could likely see an increased level of public satisfaction with
police, especially among those with whom they have contact.
They conclude their paper by explaining, “The provision of such
information may reassure that the police are taking the matter
seriously, or justify what might otherwise be seen as arbitrary and
unjust behaviour.”
Bradford, B., Stanko, E. A., & Jackson, J. (2009). Using research
to inform policy: The role of public attitude surveys in
understanding public confidence and police contact. Policing,
39(2), 139–148.
Ask one question at a time.
Minimize the use of question matrices (see the next section).
Use large/bright symbols to identify the starting point on each page.
Consistently identify the beginning of each subsequent question.
Number questions consecutively and simply, from beginning to end.
List answer categories vertically instead of horizontally.
Place answer spaces consistently to the left or right of the category
Use simple answer boxes for recording of answers (see the next section).
Vertically align question subcomponents across questions.
Place instructions for determining eligibility for responding to a section
or other major efforts to redirect respondents inside navigational guides
rather than in a freestanding format to increase the likelihood they will
be read.
Ensure the font is large enough to easily read Place more blank spaces
between the questions than between subcomponents of the questions.
Use dark print for questions and light print for answer choices.
If special instructions are essential, write them as a part of the question
statement (see the next section).
Use of lightly shaded background colors as fields on which to write all
questions provides an effective guide.
When lightly shaded background fields are used, identification of all
answer spaces in white helps to reduce item nonresponse.
Use shorter lines to prevent words from being skipped.
Words and phrases that introduce important but easy-to-miss changes in
respondent expectations should be visually emphasized consistently but
Pretesting of Survey Instruments
Once the survey is completed, but before the actual fielding of a survey, it is
imperative that researchers pretest or pilot their instrument. A survey pretest
or pilot, as introduced in Chapter 5, is used to identify problems with a
survey before it is fielded to the sample of respondents. Santos emphasizes
the value of survey pilots. In her work with police departments, she and her
collaborator, created and piloted surveys to ensure the instrument was
working as intended (Santos & Santos, 2016). To conduct a pretest, the
researcher asks a small group of people to complete the survey instrument.
These survey guinea pigs can help to reveal errors or issues with instructions,
wording, formatting, or skip-and-fill logic (or display logic for electronic
questionnaires that can be corrected before the actual fielding of the survey).
Imagine learning of a major problem with the instrument during the actual
fielding. This avoidable error may mean the loss of critical information, poor
response rates, and just bad data. Given your research is only as strong as the
weakest part, failure to pretest your instrument means the difference between
an expensive disaster resulting in useless data and good data.

Survey Administration
The instrument is designed and tested; now it is time to administer the
survey. Administering your survey requires three major steps. First, you need
to contact potential survey participants and alert them that a survey is
coming. Next, you need to field the survey. And finally, you need to follow
up with those who have not completed and returned it. The next sections
focus on these three steps.
Notification Letters
In general, once the survey is ready to be fielded, you must engage the
potential participants with a notification letter. Their first contact for a
written/mail survey should come in the form of a notification letter.
Notification letters are simply letters mailed to those in the sample to alert
them that they will be receiving a survey. Notification letters are effective
tools for increasing response rates. In the 2010 U.S. Census example, a
notification letter explaining why the survey was being conducted, why it
needed to be completed, and how to complete and return it was sent to all
residential households a few days prior to the questionnaire arriving. Dillman
(2000) recommends that mail/written survey notification letters be sent a few
days to a week before the survey is fielded.
Notification letters: Letters mailed to those in the sample to alert
them that they will be receiving a survey.
Notification letters should include several pieces of information, including
the following:
1. Title of and purpose of the research project
2. Name and contact information of the primary researcher or chief
3. Name of the agency or organization sponsoring the project
4. Whether incentives (i.e., rewards or inducements for participating) are
being offered for participation
5. Information about how the data will be used, how the results of the
study can be accessed or obtained once the project is over, and the
safeguards in place to protect participants’ information
Incentives: Used in survey research when eligible participants are
given something of value in return for their participation.
Notification letters should disclose whether participants’ identities and data
would be kept confidential or anonymous. Recall that confidentiality refers
to when the researcher knows and can identify individual respondents but
promises to keep that data private. In contrast, anonymity refers to situations
where the researcher cannot link the data gathered to the respondent or does
not gather identifying data about the respondent. Survey data cannot be both
confidential and anonymous. In some cases, different people on the research
team have access to confidential, whereas others have access to anonymous
data. For example, Zaykowski worked on a project focused on gathering data
from young people. Individuals at the organization administered the surveys
and could tie respondents to the data (i.e., confidential). Then the
organization stripped all identifying information out of the data so that when
Zaykowski received it to work with, it was anonymous.

Confidentiality: When the researcher knows and can identify

individual respondents but promises to keep that information
Anonymity: Refers to situations where the researcher cannot link
the data gathered to the respondent or does not gather identifying
information about the respondent.
For a recent survey administered to law enforcement personnel, Santos
explains that she told potential survey participants that their responses could
not be linked back to them to assure officers that they could be open and
honest about answering questions. This means that the data Santos gathered
were anonymous. No one, not even Santos, could tie responses back to
individual respondents. To further ensure that the data provided could not be
tied back to a particular individual, Santos did not ask about the responding
officer’s race, sex, or number of years at the agency. This further guaranteed
A critical part of the notification letter is to explain why it is important for
participants to complete the survey, and how to return a survey. As a
researcher, you are asking respondents for their valuable time and views. You
must convince them that sharing their thoughts and information is important.
Making the survey easy to return is critical. Providing preaddressed, postage-
paid envelopes assists in this aim. The notification letter (and any
correspondence) with potential survey participants should also include
personalized salutation (e.g., “Dear Mrs. Jackson”) and a signature block that
contains a real-looking signature (i.e., not a signature that looks
photocopied). Research shows that when surveys (both mail and Internet/web
surveys) use presurvey notification letters like these, response rates increase.
Fielding the Survey
Once potential participants have been notified, Dillman (2000) recommends
the survey be disseminated a few days (up to a week) after the notification
correspondence has been sent.
Follow-Up to Nonresponders
Finally, the administration of most surveys will require follow-up and
reminders for those who fail to complete and return their surveys. Research
shows that follow-up reminders increase response rates. A follow-up letter
should include a plea to complete the survey with a replacement survey (or
link to the survey). The timing of correspondence differs slightly for
mail/written and online surveys. As shown in Table 7.3 for written/mail
surveys, Dillman (2000) recommends that the first of three reminders to those
who have not completed and returned the instruments be sent out two weeks
from the fielding of the survey. A second reminder should be sent two weeks
after that. In addition, the final reminder should be sent eight weeks after the
survey was fielded. For Web surveys, the timing is compressed in that what
takes a week via mail, takes a day via the Web. Thus, the first reminder
should be sent via e-mail two days after the survey was fielded. The second
and third should be sent four and eight days after fielding, respectively. At
the same time reminders are sent, thank-you notices should be sent to those
who participated. Thank-you notes are extremely important. Respondents
took time to assist in your research, and they are deserving of your gratitude.
Survey Processing and Data Entry
Processing survey data is an often overlooked, albeit important, part of
conducting survey research. Survey processing refers to taking the survey
responses and converting them into useful data via coding. The different
survey modes require different levels of time and energy to process collected
data. Thinking about this step during the design phase is necessary to
minimize the burden of survey processing and data entry in the survey
research process.
Survey processing: Process of converting survey responses into
useful data via coding so they can be analyzed.
A strength of online and mobile surveys is that the data collected using these
modes are captured in real time. This means that there is no need for survey
processing or data entry, which translates into savings in time, money, and
reduction of errors. If you are using a system that captures data, however, you
may still need to extract or transfer that data to the analysis program you will
use. It may be that the analysis techniques provided by the data gathering
software you are using are sufficient for their needs. Depending on the
software used, this could be easy or challenging. Be prepared for it either

Source: Crawford, Scott D., Mick P. Couper, & Lamias, M. J. (2001).

Web surveys: Perceptions of burden. Social Science Computer Review,
19(2):146–162; Dillman, D. A. (2000). Mail and internet surveys: The
tailored design method. John Wiley & Sons, Inc: NY.
When it comes to self-administered questionnaires, other types of technology
and simple design features integrated into the instrument can help ease the
burden of data processing and entry. Some software companies offer optical
readers and scanning systems that can be used to read responses directly from
self-administered questionnaire forms that are created with their proprietary
software. When completed surveys are returned, a member of the research
team simply feeds the instrument into the scanner, and since the forms were
created with the scanner vendor’s own software, data are captured from the
form and populated into a database. This assumes, of course, that the
participant followed the instructions for properly completing the survey (i.e.,
filled in bubbles instead of circling answers, used the correct writing
implement, did not damage the form, etc.). Other data such as the
questionnaire number, a participant’s home address, and other confidential
data can also be “embedded” on a survey using a QR code or bar code so that
surveys can remain confidential while appearing to be anonymous, thereby
instilling greater confidence in participating.
Some interviews can have very high data processing and entry costs
associated with them, whereas others can have lower costs. For example, if a
research study uses telephone interviews and those interviews are
administered via a CATI system, the data processing and entry will be on par
with online and mobile surveys. Nevertheless, if telephone interviews are
conducted where the interviewer is required to record responses on a survey
form, then the data processing and entry costs will be more in line with that
of a regular self-administered mail survey. Face-to-face interviews, however,
are nearly always more costly than other survey modes in terms of the costs
associated with data processing and entry. This is because face-to-face
interviews, especially those that are unstructured, are often recorded. Under
these circumstances, the recordings must be transcribed. This is often done
professionally and at an added cost.
Easy-to-Use Survey Software
At the beginning of this chapter, we warned our readers that just because they
could create and administer surveys did not mean they should! Moreover,
even though we have provided guidance and strategies for choosing an
appropriate survey mode, developing clear and concise survey questions, and
constructing high-quality questionnaires, you may feel overwhelmed or
intimidated at the thought of creating your first survey. Fear not! There is an
abundance of survey software available to those who want to try their hand at
survey research. Many of these software programs are very good, following
most of the guidelines (or enabling you to follow them) we have presented in
this chapter. Obviously, these programs are primarily available online. We
discuss the three most common platforms available: SurveyMonkey,
Qualtrics, and LimeSurvey. Because these three solutions are among the most
common, there is a good chance that you will, assuming you haven’t already,
use one to help develop or administer a survey one day. Developing these
survey research skills has real-world applicability!
SurveyMonkey is a popular online survey platform that was introduced in
1999. SurveyMonkey is an easy-to-use online software development and
administration platform that also allows some basic statistical analysis and
report generation-based data collected from completed questionnaires. For
basic purposes, SurveyMonkey requires little training. Free licenses are
available, but they have limited functionality. If a researcher needs greater
functionality, basic plans start at around $30 per month. It may be that your
university has a contract with SurveyMonkey, so before you pay any money
to access it, check with your university to see whether you can use it free.
SurveyMonkey allows people to construct an instrument by using more than
a dozen different types of survey questions (i.e., open-ended, close-ended,
matrix, etc.). Survey instruments are also customizable so that they can
include a logo to make it appear like it was sent from your organization.
SurveyMonkey’s surveys can be administered online, on iOS, or on Android
mobile devices; printed and used during interviews; or presented as a self-
administered questionnaire. For online and mobile surveys, you can program
SurveyMonkey to contact participants at certain times of the day or days of
the week, issue reminders to participants who have not completed and
returned their questionnaire (when the survey is not anonymous), and view
data in real time as surveys are returned. With online/mobile SurveyMonkey
surveys, there is no need for data entry, as data are entered into an exportable
data file automatically as questionnaires are returned. The online
SurveyMonkey interface can also be used to run basic data analysis.
Alternatively, data can be downloaded directly from the SurveyMonkey
website for use in more advanced analysis software. Finally, SurveyMonkey
offers researchers ways to target their audiences by making available for
purchase survey panels. Many say that SurveyMonkey is easy to use,
especially for those with limited technical expertise. Nevertheless,
SurveyMonkey’s primary goal is to make money, and the more “bells and
whistles” that you want to incorporate into a survey, the more you will have
to pay to do so.
Qualtrics is another popular research software company based in Provo,
Utah, and founded in 2002. Qualtrics is a paid software solution, although
your university may allow you free access to it. The Qualtrics platform is
easy to use, offering a “drag-and-drop” interface that lets researchers quickly
add advanced online survey options and analysis features to questionnaires.
Similar to SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics allows researcher to build surveys that
can be used online or on mobile devices, printed and used as self-
administered questionnaires, or administered during telephone or face-to-face
interviews. Online and mobile surveys can be administered to survey
participants via their e-mail address by providing them with a direct link to
the survey.
Figure 7.2 Examples of Different Types of Survey Questions Available From

Source: Miethe et al. (2014).

A wide variety of survey questions can be used in a Qualtrics survey. Figure
7.2 shows some types of questions that are available, including open-ended
(i.e., text entry—useful for gathering qualitative data), close-ended (i.e.,
multiple choice), and matrix questions (i.e., matrix table) options. More
sophisticated questions like Heat Map questions or questions that allow users
to identify locations on an “on-the-fly” map can also be incorporated into a
Qualtrics survey. The characteristics of each question can be tailored,
including being able to quickly and easily change the number of response
categories on close-ended questions and modify preformatted response labels
to response options. In Qualtrics, the researcher can “pipe” in text from one
question directly into another to streamline the data collection instrument,
while appearing to personalize the questionnaire to individual respondents.
For example, if a question on a Qualtrics survey was used to identify whether
a participant had previous contact with a law enforcement officer, the
participant’s answer could be used in subsequent questions or response sets
so that the survey would appear as though it were tailor-made for the
particular respondent. It might look something like this:
Question 1: Last month, did you have direct contact with any officers
from the Gold Coast or Townsville rapid action police (RAP) team?
Yes, the Gold Coast RAP
Yes, the Townsville RAP
Question 2: On average, during the past 12 months, how often have you
personally had contact with the police from the ${q://QUESTION1/
ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} RAP?
The part of Question 2 that reads,
${q://QUESTION1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}, is code used by
Qualtrics to automatically identify the response given in Question 1 and to
insert it seamlessly into the question text, assuming that one of the two “Yes”
responses was provided. A logical skip statement could also be added to
Question 2 that would only make it visible to participants who did not answer
“No” to Question 1. Strategies such as these are common in online survey
software solutions, like Qualtrics. They allow researchers to create dynamic,
streamlined survey instruments that adapt survey participants’ responses.
LimeSurvey is another popular online survey software solution, but it is very
different from SurveyMonkey and Qualtrics. The main difference is that
LimeSurvey (formerly PHPSurveyor) is that it is a free and open-source
online survey application. LimeSurvey is written in a scripting language
called PHP, which is especially suited for Web development and can be
embedded into a website via HTML. It also uses the popular MySQL
database (or sqlite, PostgreSQL, or MSSQL databases). As a Web server-
based software application, LimeSurvey allows users using a Web interface
to develop and publish online questionnaires, collect responses, create
statistics, and export the resulting data to other applications.
The saying “You get what you pay for” holds true when it comes to
LimeSurvey. Although it is open-source software (i.e., it is free), there are
very few “bells and whistles” integrated into the base software. Furthermore,
the administrator’s interface is somewhat clunky and sometimes difficult to
navigate (Figure 7.3). Different question types are available, but if the
researcher wants to customize a survey instrument, it may require a good bit
of programming knowledge and other technical skills. It is possible to
incorporate new source code into LimeSurvey to meet the specific needs of a
research project, but a researcher will (a) require some level of programming
knowledge to do this or (b) be able to access, download, customize, and
install existing code from GitHub
(https://github.com/LimeSurvey/LimeSurvey) or a similar source code
repository. Although LimeSurvey is more difficult to use, it is important to
know about it.
Figure 7.3 LimeSurvey Administrator Interface

Common Pitfalls in Survey Research

Many common pitfalls are associated with survey research. Generally, most
of these problems can be avoided if you use the information provided in this
chapter. The main piece of advice is to pretest your instrument. Many
research projects have failed when researchers skipped this step only to learn
they had a skip pattern in their survey that skipped all respondents to the end
of the survey without gathering any data. We have also seen surveys fail
when the researchers forgot to include a question that would provide key data
for the research project (e.g., data on the dependent variable). You do not get
a second chance to survey your respondents, so make sure your survey works
properly by pretesting.
Aside from pretesting, it is imperative that you review all your survey
questions with a critical eye. Ensure your questions are clear and easily
understandable. It is recommended that you use language that an eighth
grader can read and understand. Avoid jargon and acronyms. Ensure you do
not have any loaded, leading, or double-barreled questions. Ensure your
response categories are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Also, please make
sure you use a readable font size. This means it is at least 12-point font. In
addition, fonts should be plain and easy to read. If a respondent struggles to
read the type, he or she will throw out the survey.
Another consideration for online surveys is programming them to require a
response before moving to the next question. Respondents will get frustrated
if you force them to answer all questions. A frustrated respondent is a
respondent who will not complete your survey. Although a forced response
might be necessary at times, generally it is not and should be avoided.
Ethical Considerations in Survey Research
Ethical considerations are omnipresent when research is conducted, including
research that involves the use of surveys. Like all types of research, eligible
participants must be informed about the research project before consenting to
participate. Steps need to be taken to assure proper care and control over data
collected from respondents, including identifiable data, if a survey is not
anonymous. Moreover, the benefits of conducting a survey must be greater
than the burden caused by administering it. For in-person interviewers,
researchers have an ethical responsibility to ensure the safety and security of
members of the interviewer team.

One issue that is especially relevant for survey research is the decision to
incentivize participants. There is nothing that prohibits the use of incentives
in survey research. When incentives are incorporated into the research
protocol, however, their value must not be so great as to be “the deciding
factor” for the participant. In other words, the incentive cannot be so valuable
that the participant would essentially suffer a financial harm or undue burden
if he or she decided not to participate. For example, during the first phase of
the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program (ADAM; 1998–2003), free
candy bars were offered to jail inmates for participating in a survey about
their past drug and alcohol use. The candy bars were allowed to be used to
reward volunteers for their participation in the ADAM project because they
were considered not to be so valuable that the inmates would “suffer” if they
did not participate in the survey. Instead, they were valuable enough to
increase the number of volunteers likely to participate without creating a
harm or burden for the participants/nonparticipants.
Proper care and control over data collected from respondents is another
aspect of survey research that requires careful consideration. For example, if
a survey is confidential and individual identifiable data are obtained from
participants, then those data must be protected so that the respondent’s
information is never disclosed to unauthorized persons. Procedures in place
for the care and custody of participants’ data must be described in detail in
the researcher’s institutional review board application. In addition, the
researcher must describe how all survey data will be stored securely after it
has been collected, the length of time it will be stored, and how it will be
destroyed once the study has ended. It is very easy today with the widespread
use of laptops to carry around survey data. This is inappropriate and unethical
considering the risk of losing the data this presents. Data must be stored in a
safe and secure place. On a researcher’s laptop is not a safe place unless one
uses encryption. Encryption is a process in which data and information are
encoded making unauthorized access impossible.

Encryption: Process in which data and information are encoded

making unauthorized access impossible.
In certain situations, ethical consideration must address more than the
protection of survey participants and the data collected from them. For
example, researchers that hire interviewers to conduct face-to-face
interviewers must have ethical protocols in place to ensure their safety and
security. Risk to interviewer safety can range from minor threats such as
verbal harassment or threating looks or gestures to more dangerous situations
that can include physical violence. Therefore, survey researchers carefully
consider where and when face-to-face interviews will be conducted as a way
of keeping interviewers (and interviewees) safe. Depending on the situation,
conducting a face-to-face interview in the middle of the afternoon and at a
local coffee shop or library may be chosen instead of an alternative time and
place in an effort to keep interviewers safe. Without such protocols in place,
there is a good chance that an institutional review board will not approve a
research application when the study involves face-to-face interviews.
Surveying Expert—Bridget Kelly, MA
Bridget Kelly is the Cannon Survey Center’s project coordinator at the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Kelly studied criminal justice for
her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, and is currently studying for her
Doctorate in criminology and criminal justice at UNLV. She began pursuing
research-oriented work as a graduate student by assisting her professors with
a variety of criminal justice research projects and was first exposed to the
work carried out by the Center while studying survey research in her research
methods course. Kelly and her classmates visited the Cannon Center to learn
more about surveys. At that time, she couldn’t have imagined that someday
she would be the Center’s project coordinator—the primary person
responsible for a variety of tasks in all phases of survey projects managed by
the Center.

© R. Marsh Starks/UNLV Photo Services

On behalf of the Center, Kelly serves as the point of contact for clients
through all phases of a research project. Center clients typically include
University faculty, local government agencies, and local businesses. To assist
clients with research projects that involve surveys, the center provides survey
design consultation, project management, data collection, data entry (for
surveys collected on paper), data analysis, and report preparation. The most
common projects held by the center are telephone surveys, Internet surveys,
and data entry from previously collected paper forms. Occasionally, the
center collects data by mail or in person as an intercept survey, particularly in
clinic settings. The Center employs a team of part-time interviewers, many of
them undergraduate students, shift leads, a supervisor that oversees the call
center, and a project coordinator.
By using the principles outlined in this chapter, Kelly collaborates with
clients in the initial preparation phase to determine the ideal administration
mode and sampling design, balancing best practices in research methods with
feasibility constraints. She assesses the goals and resources of the client, and
together, they decide who will be surveyed and how they can best be reached
(e.g., in person, by phone, by e-mail, or by postal mail). Sometimes the client
comes prepared with a contact list consisting of phone numbers or e-mail
addresses of the target population to be surveyed. Other times, Kelly will
assist the client by obtaining a sample of telephone numbers or access to an
online panel of prerecruited research participants. For telephone surveys,
Kelly helps the client to determine whether an RDD sample of mobile and
landline phone numbers or directory-listed sample of only landline phone
numbers is better for the needs of the study.
Once the survey mode and sample are determined, Kelly works with clients
to design the survey instrument with the appropriate question format,
response options, and skip logic, again using the principles outlined in this
chapter to avoid common pitfalls. Once the survey instrument is prepared as a
document, Kelly programs the survey into a CATI system for phone surveys
or into an online platform such as Qualtrics for Internet surveys. This
involves entering the question-and-response option text, as well as setting up
behind-the-scenes logic to determine the order in which questions and
responses are presented, or whether they are presented at all (e.g., when a
question does not apply based on an earlier response). For phone surveys, this
provides the interviewers with a script to read, as well as with any
supplementary interviewer instructions.
Before data collection begins, the surveys are pretested. During data
collection, Kelly monitors the progress of the study and uses CATI functions
to ensure an optimal flow of sample records through the system so that
potential respondents are attempted at varying times and days of the week in
order to reach them at a time when they are able to answer and willing to
participate. For Web surveys, she strategically articulates and times a series
of reminders to be sent via e-mail to nonrespondents to boost participation.
To ensure data quality for phone and Internet surveys, she monitors the data
and any feedback from respondents or interviewing staff to ensure that study
protocols are followed and easy to follow, and to ensure that any concerns are
addressed as needed. She provides updates to clients regularly regarding
progress and any issues that arise in the field, and she communicates any
additional feedback or clarification from the client back to the staff.
Once the survey data are collected, Kelly exports the database into
Microsoft® ExcelTM or a similar format to be analyzed. For many clients,
Kelly prepares a report of results that demonstrates the number and
percentage of responses to each question with tables and graphs. She also
provides a brief explanation of each result to highlight the most common
responses or unexpected results. Seeing the results of a survey is a rewarding
conclusion to survey work because this reveals the much-needed insight that
prompted the project in the first place.
In her role, Kelly has worked with many students and has studied survey
research as both an undergraduate and a graduate student. From the
combination of these perspectives, she offers three “words of wisdom” to
students interested in conducting surveys: be patient, be attentive, and be
Chapter Wrap-Up
In this chapter, we introduced readers to survey research. We described how
surveys are used in contemporary criminal justice research, including how
they have been used in exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluation
research using the case studies we have used throughout this text. We offered
insight into the self-administered questionnaires and interviews, discussing
the strengths and weaknesses of mail, online, mobile, telephone, and face-to-
face surveys. We explained the importance of constructing an effective
survey instrument and provided guidelines for doing so. We also discussed
different types of survey questions that can be incorporated into survey
instruments and offered some best practices for creating survey questions that
are likely to produce valid and reliable survey data. In addition, the chapter
described information on some of the common survey software used today to
construct and administer questionnaires. We concluded the chapter with a
discussion of several of the common pitfalls associated with survey research
—most of which can be avoided with survey pretesting. In addition, ethical
considerations associated with survey research, including the ethical issues
associated with incentivizing eligible participants, the care and custody of
survey data, and protecting interviewers that are part of the survey research
team were discussed. Finally, we heard from survey research expert Bridget
Kelly who uses these skills every day in her job. As her example shows,
surveys skills are useful and can lead to a rewarding career with a bit of
patience, attentiveness, and persistence.

Table 7.5 shows how widely used survey research was for our case studies.
As the table demonstrates, only Santos did not use survey research for her
study (Santos & Santos, 2016). Among those who did use survey research, a
variety of approaches were taken. Brunson used both interviews (face-to-
face) and questionnaires (self-administered) to gather data for his study on
youth experiences and perceptions of police relations (Brunson & Weitzer,
2009). Cuevas and his colleagues used data gathered via telephone interviews
in the Dating Violence Among Latino Adolescents survey (DAVILA; Sabina
et al., 2016). Dodge relied solely on face-to-face interviews to gather data
from her subjects (Dodge et al., 2005). Melde and his collaborators gathered
data from their adolescent sample using self-administered questionnaires
(Melde et al., 2009). Finally, Zaykowski’s (2014) research used data gathered
for the National Crime Victimization Survey, which is administered using
two modes of interviewing: in person and over the phone. As our case studies
show, survey research is versatile and allows many approaches for gathering
data. This means you can personalize your approach to best suit the needs of
your research as well as your sample.

In the next chapter, we shift gears and discuss experimental research. This is
the type of research that students enter the class feeling they know most
about. Much of that understanding is from so-called experiments they have
conducted over time or have seen in the movies. In that chapter, we discuss
what makes an experiment an experiment and how they can inform our
understanding of the world.

Applied Assignments
The materials presented in this chapter can be used in applied
ways. This box presents several assignments to help in
demonstrating the value of this material by engaging in
assignments related to it.
1. Homework Applied Assignment: Bad
Survey Questions
Find a survey used in a peer-reviewed, published academic
journal article in criminal justice or criminology. In your thought
paper, describe the purpose of this survey. What is your overall
assessment of the instrument? Identify two poorly asked
questions, and identify why you believe they are poorly
constructed, given the material presented in this chapter. Describe
how you would improve these questions. What value would you
place on data gathered using these two questions? Given what you
have learned in this chapter, how would you improve the
instrument? Why would your way be better? Turn in the
instrument, the article that used it, and your thought paper. Be
prepared to discuss your findings in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Constructing Excellent Survey
As a group, select three of our case study articles. Pretend your
group has been hired to write a short survey to gather data that
would be useful for these articles. As a group, write 10 survey
questions including response categories that you believe would
gather additional data that our case study researchers could use to
answer their research question(s). Be sure to use the best practices
described in this chapter to write questions that will likely
produce valid and reliable data. Make sure you also include
appropriate response categories for your questions. Be able to
point to the concepts that each survey question is measuring. Be
able to describe what type of data each survey question would
gather (quantitative or qualitative) and the levels of measurement
that each question would produce (e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval,
or ratio). Discuss the strengths of your measures, as well as their
limitations. Be prepared to discuss and share your work with the
3. Internet Applied Assignment:
Constructing a Survey
Use the survey questions that your groups developed in the
second assignment to build a questionnaire on SurveyMonkey. Be
sure to provide the informational boxes described in this chapter,
and make the survey attractive. After you have created your
survey, pretest it on a friend to work out any bugs. Once your
survey is complete, print it out to turn in. Include with your
printed survey a paper describing your 10 questions and the
concepts they are measuring. In addition, describe the type of data
each question gathers in terms of qualitative and quantitative, as
well as the levels of measurement of the data you would gather
with the questions. Describe any issues you faced and how you
overcame them. Include any changes you made to your questions
and response categories after the survey was pretested.
Key Words and Concepts
Anonymity 230
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) 219
Confidentiality 230
Demographic questions 227
Double-barreled questions 223
Ecological momentary assessments (EMA) 218
Ecological validity 218
Encryption 237
Face-to-face interviews 221
Fielded 213
Incentives 230
Interviewer bias 214
Interviews 210
Items 209
Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS)
Loaded questions 223
Longitudinal data 213
Mail and written surveys 214
Matrix question 224
Mobile survey 217
Notification letters 230
Online survey 217
Questionnaires 209
Question-order effect 216
Recall bias 216
Recency effects 216
Respondent burden 222
Respondents 209
Response rate 215
Self-administered questionnaire 214
Skip-and-fill patterns 217
Survey 209
Survey fraud 218
Survey modes 214
Survey nonresponse 215
Survey panels 217
Survey processing 231
Survey research 209
Telephone surveys 219
Key Points
Surveys research is the most common approach used in criminology and
criminal justice to collect original data because it can be an incredibly
effective and efficient method for collecting vast amounts of data from
large groups of individuals, and because surveys can be administered
using a variety techniques.
In survey research, data are collected either from self-administered
questionnaires or during interviews. Mail, online, and mobile surveys
are types of self-administered surveys, whereas interviews are conducted
over the telephone or face to face. These different survey modes can be
used to collect data for exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, or
evaluation research projects.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to designing an effective survey
instrument. Nevertheless, all questionnaires should be designed and
administered in such a way as to increase response rates and minimize
inaccurate answers to questions that result from poor question wording
or interviewing. This means that survey researchers must be mindful of
how the design and layout of a questionnaire, its administration, and the
processing and entry of the instrument once it is returned must be
Surveys should have good “flow,” which can come from asking one
question at a time, minimizing the use of matrix questions, listing
answer categories vertically instead of horizontally, using dark print for
questions and light print for answer choices, and vertically aligning
question subcomponents across questions.
In general, presurvey notification letters should contain the title of the
research project, the name and contact information of the chief
investigator, the name of the agency or organization sponsoring the
project, whether incentives are being offered to participants, information
about how the data will be used, how the results of the study can be
accessed at the end of the project, and the safeguards in place to protect
participants’ information.
Survey research questions also must be clear, relevant, and unbiased
questions, and much free and paid software is available to help those
interested in conducting survey research, including LimeSurvey,
SurveyMonkey, and Qualtrics.
Ethical considerations need to be given when conducting survey
research. Of special interest is the use of incentives as well as the
protection of the survey data. Finally, for in-person interviewers,
researchers have an ethical responsibility to ensure the safety and
security of members of the interviewer team.
Review Questions
1. Why is survey research a popular research method in the field of
criminology and criminal justice?
2. What are the different modes in which surveys are conducted?
Describe the strengths and weaknesses of each.
3. How can survey research be used in an exploratory research
project? Explain.
4. How can survey research be used in a descriptive research
project? Explain.
5. How can survey research be used in an explanatory research
project? Explain.
6. How can survey research be used in an evaluation research
project? Explain.
7. What are some ways an interviewer can help improve interview
response rates? What are some ways an interviewer can cause
increases in interview nonresponse?
8. What are some ways a questionnaire can be designed to help
increase completion/response rates?
9. Why are incentives used in survey research? When should they be
avoided, and why?
10. In survey research, what is the difference between anonymity and
confidentiality? What are some other ethical considerations of
survey research that must be considered before administering
surveys or conducting interviews?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. As part of a research team, you have been asked to give your
thoughts on which survey mode should be used on an upcoming
data collection project. Before offering your advice, ask the lead
researchers a few questions about the project. What kind of
questions do you think you should ask her before making your
recommendation? Why?
2. Suppose you want to conduct a survey or jail inmates and are
worried about low participation rates. You decide you want to
encourage eligible participants to complete a survey by offering
an incentive. What type of incentive do you think would be
inappropriate to offer inmates? Why? What type of incentive do
you think would be appropriate to offer inmates? Why?
3. Create three questions that could be included on a survey of
college students, aimed at helping answer research questions
related to better understanding the associations between
lifestyle/risk behavior and personal victimization. Create the three
questions as open-ended questions, and then create the same three
questions as close-ended questions? Is one approach better than
the other? Explain.
4. You are leading a research project that involves face-to-face
interviews. The interviews will be used to collect data from self-
identified “head of household” (i.e., a person living in a sampled
household who can answer questions about everyone currently
living in the residence) that is living in one of 500 randomly
sampled residences. The aim of the study is to understand the
nature and extent of criminal victimization experienced by the
population of residents that the sampled household members
represent. What are some strategies you could use to increase the
likelihood that the interviews will be completed? What are some
things you will want to avoid?
5. What are some strengths and weaknesses of online surveys or
mobile surveys? Give an example of a research study where an
online or mobile survey could be a better choice of survey mode
than other potions. Given an example of a research study where an
online or mobile survey could be a worse choice.
6. Go online and do a quick search for a free online survey website
that will allow you to create and print a brief questionnaire
consisting of five to ten questions (on any topic). Pretest your
survey instrument by giving a printed copy of it to another student
in your class. Ask for feedback. Did your classmate identify any
problems with your survey? If so, what were they? How might the
problems that your classmate identified have adversely affected
your survey had it not been piloted? If your questionnaire was
going to be administered as a self-administered mail survey, what
other aspects of the research project should you consider but that
your classmate could not provide feedback on?

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Chapter 8 Experimental Research
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
8.1 Describe and evaluate the characteristics of true experimental
research designs. Indicate why true experiments are described as
the “gold standard” of experimental research designs.
8.2 Assess the criteria for establishing a causal relationship among
variables. Identify how these criteria are related to true
8.3 Describe internal validity and external validity, and compare
the two. Identify why internal and external validity are important
considerations in experimental research.
8.4 Compare the true experimental, pre-experimental, quasi-
experimental, and natural experimental designs. Identify
important ways they differ and what that means about claims of
8.5 Explain and compare the advantages and disadvantages of
each type of experimental design and internal and external validity
threats of each.
8.6 Explicate the role that ethics play in conducting experimental
research. What elements of ethics are most important to consider
in conducting experimental research.
For many researchers, a goal of research is to identify causal relationships
between variables. That is, many researchers seek to find evidence that the
variation in one variable is caused by (at least in part) the variation in another
variable. Identifying a causal relationship between variables is the purpose of
experimental research because it can provide evidence of if and how one
variable affects, causes, influences, or predicts another variable. Conducting
experiments is useful for many research projects, and it is useful in
conjunction with other approaches. This is how one of our featured
researchers, Heather Zaykowski, uses experimental research: in combination
with other approaches such as interviews and survey research.
Causal relationship: Purpose of experimental research because it
can provide evidence of if and how one variable affects, causes,
influences, or predicts another variable.
This chapter provides information about conducting experimental research.
Many students feel they know what experimental research is—after all, you
may have grown up on a diet of experiments in the media. What you will
learn in this chapter is that what you have been told is an “experiment”
probably is not. This chapter begins with a discussion of why a researcher
would engage in experimental research. Then we discuss the many types of
experiments used in criminology and criminal justice research, including true
experiments, pre-experiments, quasi-experiments, and natural experiments.
We describe validity and reliability as they are concerns of experimental
research. The chapter also provides information about the pitfalls and ethics
associated with experimental research. Before moving to the next chapter, we
also hear from experimental research expert Chris Keating, PhD. Keating is a
great example of how research methods skills including experimental
research skills are desired and valuable in a variety of careers.
Why Conduct Experimental Research?
A common goal of criminology and criminal justice research is to identify the
causal relationships between variables. That is, an objective in some research
is to find evidence that the variation in one variable is caused by (at least in
part) the variation in another variable. Identifying a causal relationship
between variables is precisely the purpose of experimental research that seeks
to identify or explain how one variable affects, causes, influences, or predicts
another variable. Recall that featured researcher Rachel Boba Santos and
colleague’s research (Santos & Santos, 2016), investigated whether an
offender-focused, high-intensity intervention in hot spots focused on felon
offenders led to a reduction of crime in those areas. In part, to conduct their
analysis, Santos and colleague used experimental research. Demonstrating
causation is also a goal in a great deal of evaluation research that attempts to
identify whether a program or policy is causing the desired changes in an
outcome of interest. Given the overlap between experimental research and
much of evaluation research, it is not surprising to find Santos and
colleague’s research uses both approaches. Experimental research—
frequently referred to as the gold standard for establishing causality and the
topic of this chapter—is one way a researcher can identify causation, or how
an independent variable affects, influences, predicts, or causes the variation
in a dependent variable.1
1. A second way is using statistical techniques to control for the influence of
variables aside from the one of interest.
What Is Causation?
Experimental research is a research approach that is useful for identifying a
causal relationship between variables. Featured researcher Carlos Cuevas, as
a psychologist, cut his teeth on experimental research. As time has gone on,
Cuevas’s work has taken him in different directions, however. Still, Cuevas
noted, in his video interview conducted for this book, that although
experimental research may not be appropriate for all types of criminal justice
research, it is his hope that more social scientists take advantage of it as a
way to conduct research. Cuevas’s wish is becoming a reality. Before
describing how a researcher can identify causation, it is important to define
causation. Causation exists when variation in one variable causes, or results
in, variation in another variable. Three criteria must be met before a
researcher has evidence of a causal relationship: temporal ordering,
association, and a lack of spurious relationships. Without all three criteria,
causation is not present.

Causation: Exists when the variation in one variable causes

variation in another variable. Three criteria must be present to
establish a causal relationship: temporal ordering, association, and
no spurious relationships.
A cause-and-effect relationship being investigated by criminologists and
criminal justice practitioners is the influence of high school drop outs on
being sentenced to prison. This cause-and-effect relationship has major
ramifications on our society.

From the Sacramento Bee, 2010-03-19 ©2018 McClatchy.

The first requirement for establishing a causal relationship between variables
is temporal ordering. Temporal ordering requires that the variation in the
independent variable occurs prior to the variation in the dependent variable.
If a causal relationship between years incarcerated and risk of recidivism
exists, then the number of years incarcerated (the independent variable)
should occur before the opportunity to recidivate does (the dependent
variable). The temporal requirement should make sense in that something that
happens today cannot have possibly caused something that happened
yesterday. Something that happened today may be related to, or associated
with, something that occurred yesterday, but it cannot have caused it. The
number of years served in prison cannot be caused by one’s future
educational attainment. A decision to rob a store today cannot have been
caused by the loss of income next week. Without establishing the temporal
ordering requirement, you cannot claim that the variation in an independent
variable causes the variation in a dependent variable. The temporal ordering
requirement may be the easiest of the three criteria to establish, and it is easy
to do in experimental research given the control of the researcher. Although a
necessary element of causality, the presence of temporal ordering is not
sufficient to claim causality between two variables. A researcher must also
offer evidence of an association between variables, as well as a lack of
spurious relationships.
Temporal ordering: One of three requirements of causation that
refers to the requirement that the variation in the independent
variable occur prior to the variation in the dependent variable.
Understanding cause and effect means that we can better control
phenomenon. For example, if we better understood what leads to an increase
in crime rates, we could better control crime rates.

© Mark Stivers
Association between variables is another criteria needed to demonstrate
causation. Association means that the values in the independent variable and
the values in the dependent variable move together in a pattern, or they are
correlated. The association between variables may be linear, curvilinear, or
some other pattern. A linear association between variables is found when
increases in the values of the independent variable occur with increases in the
values of the dependent variable. Another linear association between
variables is found when the values in the independent variable are associated
with decreases in the value of the dependent variable. A nonlinear association
is another type of relationship found between variables. Age is frequently
associated with outcomes in a curvilinear fashion. For example, as age
increases, values in a dependent variable initially increase until some point
when values begin decreasing. Patterns of association or correlation come in
many forms, and a comprehensive discussion of all of them is beyond the
scope of this text. The important point is that two variables must move
together in a pattern for there to be an association between them. Some
examples of associated variables are shown in Figure 8.1.
Association: One of three criteria needed to establish causation,
which is found when the values in the independent variable and
the values in the dependent variable move together in a pattern.
Like the temporal ordering requirement, establishing an association between
variables alone is not sufficient to demonstrate causality between variables.
In addition to the temporal ordering requirement and association, a researcher
must also rule out the influence of a third variable. In other words, a
researcher must rule out the influence of a spurious relationship.
The third requirement for establishing causality is ruling out the presence of a
spurious relationship between the independent and the dependent variable. A
spurious relationship is an apparent relationship between independent and
dependent variables when in fact they are not related. Spurious relationships
can occur via confounding factor or intervening variable. A confounding
factor is a third variable that causes the independent and dependent variables
to vary. Although initially one may think that the independent variable is
making the dependent variable vary, what is happening with a confounding
variable is that it is making the independent and dependent variables vary. In
reality, the independent and dependent variables are unrelated. Failure to
consider the presence of a confounding factor may lead a researcher to
conclude erroneously a causal relationship between the independent and
dependent variables. A spurious relationship may also result when an
intervening variable is at work. An intervening variable is a variable that is
situated in time between the independent and dependent variables. When an
intervening variable is operating, the independent variable does not cause the
dependent variable, but instead the independent variable causes the
intervening variable to vary, and the intervening variable causes the
dependent variable. Figure 8.2 illustrates spurious relationships resulting
from a confounding factor, and spurious relationships resulting from
intervening variables.
Spurious relationship: Relationship among variables in which it
appears that two variables are related to one another, but instead a
third variable is the causal factor.
Confounding factor: Third variable at work in a spurious
relationship that is causing what appears to be a relationship
between two other variables.
Intervening variable: Variable that is situated between the two
other variables in time, creating a type of a spurious relationship.
Association Is Not Causation
Association, or correlation, is not the same as causation. As described earlier,
association means that variables vary together. For example, you likely notice
that bird singing is associated with flowers blooming. You might also
recognize that drinking a lot of coffee is associated with earning higher
grades. Although each of these pairs of variables is associated, additional
work is needed to suggest that these pairs of variables are causally related. To
establish causality, a researcher needs to offer evidence of appropriate
temporal ordering of the variables, a lack of spurious relationships, and
association between the variables. Only with this evidence can you state with
certainty that the variables are causally related.
Figure 8.1 Examples of Associated or Correlated Variables
Source: Used with permission. Copyright © 2017 Esri, ArcGIS Online,
and the GIS User Community. All rights reserved.
Note from the authors: This figure is found here:
Figure 8.2 Examples of Spurious Relationships

Causation is vital to understanding our world. Given its importance,

understanding experimental research designs is crucial to understanding our
world as well. If through experimental research you can find evidence of a
causal relationship between two variables, then you have information that
may allow you to influence the outcome variable. For example, if we have
knowledge about what causes an increase in offending risk, then through
manipulation of the causal factor, we can reduce offending risk.
Understanding causal relationships offers the possibility of knowing how to
influence myriad things including recidivism, crime rates, risk of
victimization, police misconduct, diversity in the criminal justice system, bias
in sentencing, restorative justice outcomes, effectiveness of education, and so
on. In short, using experimental research to establish causality between
variables offers the opportunity to improve our world and the lives of people
in it.

Establishing causality is important. Without it, we are left to make

assumptions about the role of something on some other. We are often left to
using anecdotal evidence. As featured researcher Chris Melde notes, “people
often think they see an effect, but we know that how people think, or what
they think they see is not always accurate. Someone might attribute an
outcome to a treatment when it actually does not exist.” Furthermore, Melde
states that, “our gut instinct and interpretation of processes is not as robust as
we like to think it is.” Although Melde’s highlighted research does not
include experimental research (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009), he has
engaged in a great deal of experimental work. Melde knows that experimental
designs help to guard against this human error. Finally, Zaykowski warns
students that many people use the terms causation and association
imprecisely. They are different, and those differences are important.
Just because some things are associated doesn’t imply any sort of causal

© Adam Sandiford/asandiford.com
What Is Experimental Research?
Most students enroll in a research methods class with some notion of what
experiments are given unforgettable exposure to them in the media. Consider
the classic 1931 movie Frankenstein where scientist Henry Frankenstein
experiments with the reanimation of lifeless bodies. After success
reanimating animals, Henry decides to reanimate a human body. To do this,
he stitches together various body parts gathered from numerous corpses to
conduct his biggest experiment ever. He is successful in reanimating the body
—Frankenstein’s monster—but almost immediately, things go terribly
wrong. The monster accidently kills a little girl (among other things), and
eventually, Frankenstein is killed in a burning building.
Alternatively, consider the experiments highlighted in the classic movie The
Fly (versions available in 1958 and 1986) in which scientist Seth Brundle
developed telepods that can transport a person (or other beings) through
space from one telepod to the another. When Seth feels he has finally worked
out all the kinks to teleportation, he hops in to transport himself across the
room. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Seth, a fly is buzzing around in the
telepod with him. Bad news! The transportation is successful in that Seth
arrives in the other telepod, yet because he was transported with a fly, their
molecular makeup is jumbled and Seth begins to transform into a (nasty
looking) fly!
More recently, the movie Supersize Me highlights an experiment. In the
documentary, Morgan Spurlock experimented with his own body to
determine the influence that eating three McDonalds meals every day for a
month would have on his body. A part of his experiment required him to
supersize the meal if the McDonalds clerk asked him if he wanted to do so. In
addition, Spurlock foregoes exercise during that month. Prior to beginning
the 30-day experiment, multiple doctors (a general practitioner, a
cardiologist, and a gastroenterologist) run tests demonstrating that Morgan is
outstandingly healthy. A dietician/nutritionist and an exercise physiologist
also assess Morgan and conclude he is exceedingly fit. After the 30-day
experiment, Morgan is again tested by the physicians and finds that his health
declined dramatically during the period.
Although the experiments depicted in the movies generally end badly with
the creation of monsters, death, carnage, and high blood pressure, luckily,
experiments conducted in criminology and criminal justice tend have tamer
outcomes. What accounts for these radical differences? A part of the
difference may be because what we see in movies are not true experiments.
Why is that? That is because true experiments have particular characteristics
that allow a researcher to establish causality among variables. You might be
asking yourself, “What about the Stanford Prison Experiment? That didn’t
turn out so well.” You are correct—it did not turn out so well! How did all
these normal people very quickly turn on the prisoners? How did this so-
called experiment end so badly? How can it be that this experiment resulted
in monsters wearing Ray Bans® and khaki shirts? Consider a question posed
by Cuevas as you read this chapter—was the Stanford Prison Experiment an
experiment at all? An argument can be made that although this work is called
an experiment, it has none of the important characteristics of experiments.
Something to keep in mind, as emphasized by Zaykowski, is that
experimental research is not always conducted in a laboratory setting. The
numerous types of experimental approaches show that they can occur
anywhere. We next turn to defining true experiments and describing those
very important characteristics.
True Experiments
A true experiment is an approach to research that has three defining
characteristics: (1) at least one experimental and one control group, (2)
random assignment to the experimental and control group, and (3)
manipulation of an independent or a predictor variable (i.e., treatment) by a
researcher. Research that includes these three criteria is a true experiment.
Santos and Santos’s (2016) research is an excellent example of a true
experiment. In this research, Santos and her collaborator used 24 treatment
(or experimental) and 24 control geographic areas, a type of randomization
(recommended for low sample sizes), and researcher control of the treatment
administration. The purpose of this research was to identify whether the
treatment—intensive policing—led to a reduction of crime in hot spots in the
experimental group. The next section discusses each element that makes up a
true experiment.

True experiment: Research design that has three defining

characteristics: (1) at least one experimental and one control
group, (2) assignment to the experimental and control groups via
randomization, and (3) treatment administered to the experimental
group via manipulation of an independent variable (aka the
predictor variable) by the researcher.
Predictor variables: Also known as “independent variables” in
experimental research.
Experimental and Control Group
True experiments have at least one experimental and one control group. The
experimental group is the group of subjects or other units of analysis that
receives the treatment during the experiment. In contrast, those subjects or
units of analysis in the control group do not receive any treatment. Why do
this? We use control and experimental groups to compare what happens when
a treatment is applied. The control group shows what happens with no
treatment, and the experimental group shows what happens with treatment.
After administration of the treatment, posttests are administered to allow the
researcher to measure whether any differences between the two groups were
found. Santos and Santos’s (2016) research made use of control and
treatment groups in the form of hot spots. Once the hot spots were identified,
they were placed into either the control group or the experimental group. This
work on a policing intervention treatment in hot spots offered a perfect
opportunity to ascertain whether this increased police intervention would
influence crime rates in the treatment hot spots. Figure 8.3 shows the
treatment and control groups used in Santos and colleague’s research.
Experimental group: Group of subjects or other units of interest
that receives the treatment in experimental research.
Control group: Group of subjects or other units of interest that
does not receive any treatment during experimental research.
Figure 8.3 Crime Map Taken From Santos and Santos’s (2016) Featured
Research Shows Areas in the Geography of Interest

Source: Santos, R. B. & Santos, R. G. (2016). Offender-focused police

intervention in residential burglary and theft from vehicle hot spots: A
partially blocked randomized control trial. Journal of Experimental
Criminology, 12, 373–402. With permission of Springer.
Random Assignment
How did Santos and her colleague (2016) choose which geographic areas
would be in the control or treatment group? Santos randomly assigned each
hot spot into either the treatment or the control group. The random
assignment or randomization of subjects or units of analysis to the
experimental and control groups is a defining characteristic of a true
experiment. Random assignment of subjects is critical because it generates
theoretically equivalent groups. Groups are considered equivalent because
possible confounders are also randomly assigned. Confounders are variables
that can affect the outcome of research. For example, gender, income,
population density, and percentage of single-headed households could be
confounders in research. By using random assignment of subjects, these
characteristics are randomly distributed into the control and experimental
groups. As McCall noted with regard to experiments in 1923, “[j]ust as
representativeness can be secured by the method of chance . . . so
equivalence may be secured by chance provided the number of subjects to be
used is sufficiently numerous” (as quoted by Campbell & Stanley, 1963, p.
2). McCall referred to this as the groups being “equated by chance.” Because
the experimental and control groups are equivalent, and potential
confounders are randomly assigned, a researcher can theoretically conclude
that any difference between the two groups is the treatment. Random
assignment allows the researcher to better isolate the effect (if any) of the

Random assignment: Characteristic of a true experiment in

which subjects or units of interest are randomly placed in an
experimental or a control group. The random nature of the
assignment maximizes the chances that the experimental and
control groups are equivalent.
Confounders: Variables that the researcher seeks to control or
eliminate in experimental research.
Matching in True Experiments
A useful approach to randomization in true experiments is the use of
matching. Matching is a randomization technique that eliminates the
possibility that differences between subjects based on the matching variables
can affect results. Next we describe two commonly used types of matching:
paired-matching and block matching.
Matching: Randomization technique that eliminates the
possibility that differences between subjects based on the
matching variables can affect results.
Paired-matching or a matched pairs design is a matching approach used in
true experiments that requires that the researcher create pairs of subjects
based on relevant characteristics that are identified prior to the experiment.
For example, pairs of individuals may be matched based on sex, age, years in
prison, or income. Geographic areas may be matched on characteristics such
as percentage of female-headed households, crime rates, or other
characteristics. Once pairs are established, one unit in the pair is randomly
assigned to the experimental treatment, and the other unit is assigned to the
control group. The experiment is then conducted. The researcher has certainty
that the experimental and control groups were equivalent on those matching
Paired-matching: Also called “matched pairs design.” It is a
matching approach used in true experiments in which the
researcher creates pairs of subjects or units of interest based on
relevant characteristics that are identified prior to the experiment.
Once pairs are established, one unit in the pair is randomly
assigned to the experimental group, and the unit other is assigned
to the control group.
You may be interested in conducting research on a treatment designed to
reduce the risk of offending. Nevertheless, research indicates that offending
risk is associated with several demographic characteristics. To conduct true
experimental research on this topic and to control for those demographic
characteristics, you as the researcher would select subjects and create pairs
based on the demographics. Then one person in each pair would be randomly
assigned to an experimental or a control group. By using this approach, the
only remaining characteristics associated with the outcome (risk of
offending) that should differ between each of the two people in the matched
pair should be exposure to the treatment. The use of matched pairs controls
for relevant characteristics (e.g., sex, age, income, and marital status) in
better ways than does random assignment.
Figure 8.4 Example of Matched Pairs for Use in True-Experimental

Block matching is another useful matching technique that includes the

creation of subgroups of subjects based on block variables. Block variables
are variables the researcher believes will affect response to the treatment. For
example, a researcher may be aware that subjects’ sex influences the way
subjects respond to the treatment. Given that, the research blocks the subjects
based on sex. The experiment is then conducted independently on each block
(in this example, sex). Thus, for the female block, subjects are randomly
assigned to either the experimental or the control group. Similarly, for the
male block, subjects either are randomly assigned to either the experimental
or the control group. The experiment is then conducted separately for each
block. By conducting the experiment on two groups or blocks, the researcher
has controlled for the effect of the characteristic making up the block.
Block matching: Type of matching used in some true
experiments that includes the creation of subgroups of the subjects
or units of interest based on a block variable. The experiment is
then conducted separately on each block. By conducting the
experiment on two groups or blocks, the researcher has controlled
for the effect of the characteristic making up the block.
Block variables: Those variables the researcher believes will
affect response to the treatment. Block variables are used to create
blocks used in block matching.
For example, imagine a researcher is conducting research on the effect of a
policy used to reduce recidivism. Research indicates that college students and
noncollege attenders respond to this policy (the treatment) differently. The
researcher gathers a sample of 400 individuals—200 of whom are attending
college and 200 of whom are not. The researcher creates two blocks based on
the college-attending status of the individuals. The block of 200 college
students is then randomly assigned to a control and an experimental group.
Similarly, the block of 200 noncollege attenders is randomly assigned to a
control and an experimental group. The experiment is then conducted
separately for each group. When conducted this way, the researcher can
investigate whether the treatment causes an outcome with certainty that one’s
college attending status is not affected by the outcome.
Thinking about Santos and Santos’s (2016) research, exactly what type of
randomization was used to assign randomly each hot spot into either the
treatment or the control group? First, they had to identify the hot spots. Hot
spots refer to geographic areas that are characterized by high crime rates. But
how did they define hot spot? In that research, hot spots were identified as
clusters of census blocks totally about .6 square miles. Each hot spot was
consistent in terms of numbers of reported crimes and geographic and social
environment. Next, Santos and Santos identified three blocks: low crime per
offender, medium crime per offender, and high crime per offender. Next, by
using the block matching discussed earlier, half of each block was assigned to
either the control or the treatment group. Then, with this approach, and some
additional statistical tests to ensure similarity between the control and the
treatment group, they began the experiment confident that the randomization
process was successful.

Figure 8.5 Example of Using Block Matching When Conducting Research

Taking great care in defining and measuring hot spots and the randomization
of the hot spots into experimental and control groups was imperative to
maximize the rigor of this work by Santos and her colleague (2016). A theme
of this text is that one’s research is only as strong as its weakest part. By
taking their time to clearly define, and carefully randomize, the researchers
were able to maintain the integrity of their work. This is an important
consideration because as Cuevas notes, too often, experimental researchers
fail to account for, or think about, the specific nuts and bolts of conducting
research. Santos and her colleague used a carefully thought-out design, and
they followed this plan. This means they are able to have the confidence in
the strength of their design.
Researcher Manipulation of Treatment
A third characteristic of true experimental research is that it includes the
researcher’s control or manipulation of an independent variable. The
manipulation of the independent variable is also referred to as the treatment.
By controlling the treatment, a researcher can better isolate any effect of the
treatment on the outcome. For instance, the researchers implemented a
treatment—in this case of Santos and Santos (2016), intensive policing—in
the experimental hot spots. The control group of hot spots did not receive the
treatment but continued to be policed in the traditional ways. The
experimental group received the treatment, which was offender-focused
intervention carried out by law enforcement officers. Santos and colleague
managed the application of the treatment by managing two officers engaging
in high-intensity policing. What did the intensive policing entail? First, each
of the two detectives repeatedly contacted each sampled offender or family
member in the treatment groups in a friendly way. The detectives would ask
whether the offender had any information about crimes that had recently been
committed in the area. In addition, the detectives conducted curfew checks
and encouraged the offenders about the importance of following their
probation rules. The detectives visited the offenders and their families on
random days. In addition, contact by the detectives was made by phone. The
message of these intensive interactions was to influence the offender’s
perceptions of their risk of being caught should they commit additional
crimes. Activity in the control group hot spots remained unchanged from
normal policing protocols. Given the use of this protocol, Santos and Santos
could later measure to see whether intensive policing influenced crime rates
(one of four dependent variables) in the geographies of interest.

Manipulation of an independent variable: One of three

characteristics of true experimental research. The control or
manipulation of the independent variable must be done by the
Treatment: Researcher’s manipulation of the independent
True Experimental Designs
True experiments are frequently described as the gold standard in
experimental research because they help to establish causality. Although
experiments offer many advantages that will be identified in this chapter,
experiments are not the panacea that some claim. Given the practical
challenges of true experimental research, it may be that its claims of
superiority is overstated. Why is that? For one, the notion of the role of
randomization for solving the causal inference problem is a myth according
to Sampson (2010). One of our other featured researchers, Rod Brunson,
reiterates this point when he notes that in theory, conducting a true
experiment is easy (and can appear to be the gold standard), but in reality it is
much more difficult to actually accomplish it. A researcher can plan all day,
but it all may go sideways the minute the experiment begins. This means that
conducting true experiments requires vigilance by the researcher, great care
in planning, and attention to detail. Cuevas agrees when he states that true
experiments may be the gold standard in theory, but in reality, they are silver
or nickel-standards because experimental research is hard to do. Cuevas
continues that although being able to pull off gold-standard experimental
research is challenging, it must be our goal. Another featured researcher,
Mary Dodge, believes that this challenge of executing a perfect experimental
design into practice may be a reason that more experimental research is not
conducted. Although her featured research in this text did not include
experimental research (Dodge, Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005), she has
conducted many experimental projects especially earlier in her career. Dodge
understands the challenges with it. Even though experiments are easy to
design, experimental research is far more difficult to execute. Brunson agrees
in that researchers should not drop their guard when it comes to experiments.
Experiments require the same critical eye that other approaches do. Although
we should all aim for perfection, no research is perfect. We strive for
perfection, but it is difficult or impossible to obtain. Despite this
imperfection, though, Sampson argues that experiments are “an essential part
of the methodological tool kit of criminologists, and I would hope to see
more, not fewer, field experiments—especially at the group level” (Sampson,
2010, p. 490) The following sections describe some more commonly used
true experimental designs that researchers should be familiar with. All are
characterized by at least one control and one experimental group,
randomization into those groups, and a researcher’s control over the
Gold standard: Phrase used to describe true experimental
research designs given their ability to establish causality.
Two-Group Posttest-Only Design
One commonly used true experimental design is the two-group posttest-only
design. The two-group posttest-only design incorporates a randomly
assigned experimental group (RE) and a randomly assigned control group
(RC). The researcher manipulates the independent variable (i.e., administers
the treatment) and administers it to the experimental group. Finally, there is a
comparison of measures of the dependent variable (i.e., posttests) after the
treatment to assess any differences. If there are any differences between the
posttest measures, it is presumed that they are a result of the treatment. In
other words, this comparison of posttests can help to identify whether the
treatment caused any change in the outcome. Illustrated, the two-group
posttest-only design looks like Figure 8.6.
Two-group posttest-only design: True experimental design
including randomly assigned experimental and control groups and
manipulation of the independent variable by the researcher.
Posttests are used to compare groups after the treatment.
Although a strong design, a two-group posttest-only approach has a slight
limitation. In particular, although random assignment to a control and an
experimental group theoretically results in equivalent groups prior to the
treatment, in reality, there may be some differences between the experimental
and control groups that could influence the outcome. Because of that, you
cannot know with full certainty what portion of any differences found
between the posttest measurements are a result of the treatment or of
preexisting differences between the groups.
Consider this experimental research conducted by Melde and colleagues
(Melde et al., 2009) that highlights the limitation of two-group posttest-only.
This research focused on a school-based violence project designed to reduce
victimization. The project introduced a program (i.e., treatment) designed to
reduce victimization. Melde and colleagues did this and found that when
comparing the pre- and posttreatment victimization rates among the
experimental groups, the treatment seemed to reduce victimization!
Victimization rates in the treatment group did decrease. You may at first
think that this offers evidence of a treatment effect. Yet, the important role of
the control group must be taken into account. What Melde and others
discovered was that the rates of victimization went down in the control group
as well. What they found was that as students age, victimization decreased,
and this happened in the both the experimental and control groups. The use of
control groups guarded against what would have been an erroneous finding.
One way to guard against this possibility is to use both pretest and posttest
measurement of the dependent variable as Melde and colleagues did. That is
the approach is described next.

Figure 8.6 Illustration of a Two-Group Posttest Design

Two-Group Pretest–Treatment–Posttest Design

The two-group pretest–treatment–posttest design improves on the two-group
posttest design by including a pretest. Not surprisingly, given it is a true
experiment, the two-group pretest–treatment–posttest design uses
randomly assigned control and experimental groups, and manipulation of the
independent variable (i.e., treatment) by the researcher. This test enables
multiple comparisons. Because the researcher can compare pretest
measurements, they can assess whether the experimental and control groups
are equivalent prior to any treatment. If the groups are not equivalent, then
adjustments to the groups can be made to ensure this equivalence, or this
difference, can be accounted for after the treatment. When comparisons of
posttest values are made and differences are identified, the researcher can
offer evidence of a causal relationship between the independent variable (the
treatment) and the dependent variable. In addition, this design offers the
researcher an idea about how both the control and the experimental group
changed from pre- to posttest. If he or she finds the control group changed
over time, the research can identify why that is. If it had to do with subjects
getting hungry, then he or she should expect the same change to occur in the
experimental group. The question then becomes how much change did the
experimental group experience beyond the control group. Illustrated, the two-
group pretest–treatment–posttest design is shown in Figure 8.7.
Two-group pretest–treatment–posttest design: True
experimental design including randomly assigned experimental
and control groups, and manipulation of the independent variable
by the researcher. Pretests and posttests are used to compare
groups after the treatment enabling a more precise assessment of
the treatment.
Because the two-group pretest–treatment–posttest design is a true
experiment, and incorporates both a pre- and a posttest, the design is regarded
as the most rigorous experimental design available. This is the design used by
Santos and her colleague (2016). Rather than conducting one true
experiment, however, they conducted four experiments because they used
four outcome measures. Why use multiple measures? Because as the
researchers noted, each measure had its strengths and limitations. These
measures are the following:
1. The count of residential burglary and theft from vehicle reported crimes
in each hot spot
2. The count of all arrests for each targeted offender
3. The count of burglary, theft, and drug offense arrests in each hot spot of
individuals who live in the hot spot
4. The ratio of burglary, theft, and drug offense arrests per individuals
arrested who live in the hot spot.

Figure 8.7 Example of a Two-Group Pretest Treatment Posttest Design Used

in Research

The value of each of these measures was calculated prior to the treatment
(i.e., the pretest measures) using data available at the local law enforcement
agency. Then posttest measures were taken after the treatment period. The
findings from this research offered mixed findings. First, in turning to the
first outcome, the results of the experiment did not indicate that the intensive
policing program led to lower counts of residential burglary and theft from a
vehicle. Santos and Santos (2016) do note that the tests were suggestive of
the beneficial impact of the intensive policing, but it just did result in a large
enough difference to conclude an effect. More research with a larger sample
of hot spots is recommended. The findings from the other three experiments
also failed to indicate causality. Each experiment had limitations (all research
has limitations), however, and Santos and her colleague discuss them in their
journal article.
It is important to note that although this design is rigorous, it is not without
potential issues. A potential issue of the two-group pretest–treatment–posttest
design is precisely because of the presence of the pretest. In particular, that
subjects are given the pretest may affect their response to the treatment, and
that could affect the findings and jeopardize the generalizability of the
findings. Even though this was not an issue with the work of Santos and
colleague’s (2016) research (given the subjects were not aware of either the
pre- or posttests), it is of concern in other types of research. We discuss the
generalizability of experimental findings later in this chapter.
Solomon Four Group Design
One answer to whether treatment is affected by the presence of a pretest, and
to minimize the effect of any confounding variables, is to use the Solomon
Four Group design. In using this approach, a researcher randomly assigns
members of the sample to one of four groups:
1. A pretest, treatment, posttest group
2. A pretest, no-treatment, posttest group
3. A treatment, posttest group
4. A no-treatment, posttest group
Solomon Four Group: True experimental design that includes
four randomly generated groups of subjects. It has all the benefits
of a two-group pretest–treatment–posttest design; plus it offers
information about whether the results were affected by the
presence of a pretest.
The first two groups (1 and 2) are identical to those found in the two-group
pretest–treatment–posttest. The next two groups (3 and 4) are included to
better identify whether the presence of a pretest influenced the outcome
In using these four groups, several assessments or comparisons are made. The
four comparisons in the two-group pretest–treatment–posttest are made for
the same reasons as described earlier. The Solomon Four Group test includes
four additional comparisons. First, by measuring for any differences between
the posttests in groups 1 and 2, the effectiveness of the treatment given the
presence of a pretest can be identified. If the researcher finds a difference in
this comparison, they can conclude the presence of the pretest had an effect.
Next, by measuring for any differences between the posttests in groups 3 and
4, the effectiveness of the treatment without a pretest can be identified. The
Solomon Four Group design is illustrated in Figure 8.8.
Given this approach is characterized by the strengths of a true experiment,
that it includes a pretest and a posttest, and that it can identify any influence
of the presence of a pretest on the treatment, it is considered one of the most
rigorous designs available for a true experiment. This approach guards
against threats to both internal and external validity. It guards against threats
to internal validity in that it offers all the necessary components to identify
causality. It also guards against threats to external validity in that it allows an
assessment of the treatment as it would occur in the real world where pretests
are not the norm. Although it is the gold standard, true experiments must still
be assessed for threats to both the internal and the external validity. In
addition, a researcher must focus on reliability. The next sections introduce
important issues related to validity and reliability.
Figure 8.8 Solomon Four Group Design

A rigorous researcher is always on the lookout for threats to internal and

external validity.

© Arctic Circle used with the permission of Alex Hallatt, King Features
Syndicate and the Cartoonist Group
Regardless of the design or approach taken when conducting research,
researchers must be sensitive to threats to their work. As noted in earlier
chapters, your research is only as strong as its weakest component. For this
reason, when conducting any experimental research, one matter of concern is
the validity of the research. In Chapter 4, we introduced the concept of
validity in terms of variables accurately capturing the essence of an abstract
concept it is designed to represent. In this section, we introduce you to some
other important types of validity. There are two primary types of validity of
concern: internal validity and external validity. Internal validity refers to the
degree to which a researcher can conclude a treatment effect. In other words,
can the researcher be reasonably sure that any change in the experimental
group is a result of the treatment? In general, true experiments are
characterized by high internal validity given the researcher’s control. The
presence of randomness in constructing the control and experimental groups,
and the manipulation of the independent variable (i.e., treatment) by the
researcher, makes for a highly controlled experiment. This in turn leads to
high internal validity for true experiments.
Internal validity: Related to the degree to which a researcher can
conclude a causal relationship among variables in an experiment.
Internal validity is often at odds with external validity.
A researcher must also be attentive to external validity. External validity is
related to the generalizability of the experimental findings to other people in
others situations and other environments. A researcher must ask, “Do the
findings apply to the larger population of interest in the ‘real world,’ outside
of a highly controlled experimental world?” Internal and external validities
are frequently at odds with one another. Brunson notes it is one challenge
associated with experimental research. The researcher must keep an eye on
both. Another issue that Brunson emphasizes is that given the controlled
nature of experiments, it is questionable how the findings translate into the
real world. The real world is not characterized by rigorous controls found in
experiments, but it is far messier.
External validity: Related to the generalizability of experimental
findings to other people in other situations. External validity is
often at odds with internal validity.
Internal Validity Threats
Internal validity allows a researcher to claim a causal relationship. In their
iconic book, Campbell and Stanley (1963) identified several types of threats
to internal validity of experimental research. This section introduces some of
these threats, although it does not offer a comprehensive list of them. It is
important to recognize that one or many internal validity threats may be
present. Understanding what threatens internal validity of experiments is the
first important step in guarding against them.
Experimental Mortality
Experimental mortality is a potential threat to the internal validity of
experimental research and occurs when subjects from either the control or the
experimental group drop out of the research at differential rates for reasons
related to features of the study. If experimental attrition is related to key
elements of the study, it becomes unclear how much of the experimental
outcome is a result of the treatment or of the differential attrition. A
researcher must spend time contemplating whether there were differences in
those who dropped out of the experiment and those who remained in the
experiment that are relevant to the study. For example, assume a researcher is
conducting a study on a new treatment designed to reduce recidivism. If the
treatment group experiences attrition as a result of the challenges of engaging
in the treatment, then those remaining in the experimental group are those
who find the treatment easier to accomplish. Given that, any difference in
posttests may be a result of the treatment, but some is because of the
treatment and others is because the treatment group consisted only of those
finding the treatment easy to engage in. This experimental mortality threatens
the internal validity of the experiment, making it difficult to assign a causal
effect between the treatment and the outcome.
Experimental mortality: Threat to internal validity of
experimental research that occurs when subjects from either the
control or the experimental group drop out of the research at
differential rates for reasons related to features of the study.
Experimental mortality is a threat to the internal validity of an experiment.
When experimental mortality is present, it is difficult to know if the outcome
of the experiment is due to the treatment or due to the loss of subjects.
© Konstantin Zavrazhin/Getty Images
History is a threat to the internal validity of experimental research and refers
to the occurrence of a specific event during the course of an experiment that
affects the posttest comparisons between the experimental and control
groups. A researcher must ask whether some event occurring during the
course of an experiment may cause a change in subjects that would affect the
experimental outcome. If so, history is a problem. For example, imagine an
experiment with the purpose of testing if increased police presence leads to
higher perceptions of safety among residents. The researcher randomly
assigns police districts in a jurisdiction to experimental and control groups.
The experimental group districts receive a treatment of doubled the normal
police presence, and the control group districts continue receiving the same
level of police presence. Now imagine that in the middle of the experiment,
there is a protest in the jurisdiction. During the course of the protest, the
police clash with the public, and several members of the public are injured
and arrested. In addition, substantial property damage results. How might this
event affect the posttest measures of perceived safety among subjects? It
stands to reason that having this historical police–public clash occur in the
midst of the experiment will influence the internal validity of the experiment,
but it will be unclear how much of any posttest differences found will be a
result of the increased police presence (i.e., the treatment) versus the effects
of clash.
History: Threat to the internal validity of an experiment that
refers to the occurrence of an external event during the course of
an experiment that affects subjects’ response to the treatment and
as a result the findings of the research.
Melde is currently involved in research focused on schools in Michigan. This
includes areas in Flint, Michigan, which have been terribly affected by
drinking water with dangerously high levels of lead (recall our earlier
discussion about the very real dangers of lead exposure). During the course of
this experiment, some schools started getting safe drinking water through the
tap (versus only bottled water). How might Melde and his colleagues account
for this in their study? Might the introduction of safe water and some of the
schools affect test scores? Will this influence the attitudes of children in the
study? Will this history event present a threat to the validity of his research?
You can bet that Melde and colleagues will be keeping data about the water
issue to control for its effects in this experiment as best as possible.

Instrumentation is a threat to internal validity that refers to the possibility
that instruments used in an experiment may affect measurement and the
ultimate posttest comparison between control and experimental groups.
Instruments take on many forms. Instruments may be a mechanical
instrument such as a weight scale, survey instruments (and questions on
them), or human observers who gather data or score subjects in an
experiment. The researcher must ask whether the precision of the
instrumentation used has changed in the course of the experiment. If so,
instrumentation may be at play. For example, imagine an experiment uses a
breathalyzer to measure blood-alcohol content. What if during the course of
the experiment, the breathalyzer’s calibration changes. This would affect
measurements and the conclusions of the experiment. You may erroneously
conclude a causal effect between an independent and a dependent variable
when, in reality, the only thing that may have changed was the instrument’s
calibration. A researcher must strive to conclude that any differences seen in
posttest comparisons are a result of the treatment, not of the instrumentation.
Instrumentation: Threat to the internal validity of an experiment
that refers to how instruments used in an experiment may be
unreliable and affect the findings of an experiment.
Maturation is a potential threat to the internal validity of experimental
research that refers to the natural changes that happen to subjects
participating in experimental research. A researcher must ask whether during
the course of the experiment, something occurred to the subjects with the
passage of time that would affect the outcome. Subjects in an experiment
may get tired, hungry, or impatient. In addition, for longer term experiments,
a researcher must be aware of changes in subjects such as aging. For
example, imagine an experiment designed to understand whether a new
approach to teaching improves math ability. The experiment is designed to
last eight hours. Let us assume the researcher failed to consider the subjects
would get hungry during the course of the day. As a result, subjects rushed
through posttests because they were hungry (and crabby). This suggests that
posttest measurements reflect not only any change resulting from the
treatment but also changes resulting from hunger. Researchers must guard
against the effects of maturation.
Maturation: Threat to the internal validity of an experiment that
refers to the natural changes that happen to subjects participating
in experimental research, including hunger, boredom, or aging.
Selection Bias
Yet another potential threat to the internal validity of experimental research is
selection bias. Selection bias refers to important differences between the
control and the experimental group that exists when they are randomly
assigned to control and experimental groups. Even though the random
assignment of subjects to experimental and control groups minimizes the
threat of selection bias, the threat must be considered especially when
working with small samples. If either the control or the experimental group
disproportionately includes subjects characterized by a confounding factor,
then any treatment effect found may be in whole or part a result of this
confounding factor instead of the treatment. A researcher must spend time
contemplating whether there are differences between the control and the
experimental group such as a willingness to participate, attitudes, or
personality characteristics that may affect the outcome of the research.
Selection bias: Potential threat to the internal validity of
experimental research that refers to differences that may exist
between the control and experimental group unbeknownst to the
Statistical Regression
Statistical regression is a threat to the internal validity of experimental
research using subjects selected for participation based on extreme scores.
Statistical regression refers to the tendency for extreme scores to move
toward the mean over repeated measures. This threat requires a researcher to
consider whether a change in a score during the course of an experiment is a
result of the treatment or whether it is a result of the natural tendency of
extreme scores to move toward the mean. Imagine an experiment in which
subjects with scores in the bottom 2 percentile of the SAT are selected for a
study. The purpose of this experimental study is to ascertain whether a new
technique designed to improve study habits can improve students’ SAT
scores. Now imagine the experimental findings demonstrate that the new
studying technique improved students’ SAT scores dramatically. The posttest
comparisons show dramatic increases. Nevertheless, the researcher must
consider that an alternative explanation for the improved SAT score is
regression to the mean. It may be that the new studying approach did improve
performance on the SAT. A plausible alternative explanation—a threat to the
internal validity of the research—is that of statistical regression. (Note that
another plausible explanation may be a testing effect that is described next).
Researchers must recognize that these SAT scores may have improved in part
or wholly as a result of the tendency for extreme scores to move, or regress,
toward the mean.
Statistical regression: Threat to internal validity of some
experimental research where groups have been selected for
participation in an experiment based on extreme scores that refers
to tendency for extreme scores to move toward the mean over
repeated measures.
When an experiment involves repeated testing, statistical regression is a
threat to the internal validity of the experiment.

© skynesher/iStockphoto.com
Testing is a threat to internal validity that refers to the effect of taking one
test on the results of taking the same test later. In terms of experimental
research, this means the researcher must be aware that the act of taking the
pretest may affect a subject’s performance on the posttest. Some students are
aware of the testing affect because they have experienced it. Consider the
SAT or GRE. Have you been told to take the SAT or GRE multiple times
because you did poorly your first attempt? Why? Because it is widely
recognized you are likely to earn an improved score on the second (or third)
exam by simply retaking it. The change in your score is not totally a result of
additional studying, but it is also the effect of testing. If there is a change
during the experiment, the researcher must ask whether that change is a result
of the treatment or of testing (or some combination of both).
External validity refers to the ability to general findings from experimental
research into the real world versus the controlled environment of a lab or
other artificial setting.

©Andrew Toos/Cartoonstock.com
Testing: Threat to the internal validity of an experiment that refers
to the effect that taking one test can have on another; the results of
a later test. In terms of experimental research, this means the
researcher must be aware that the act of taking the pretest may
affect one’s performance on the posttest.
External Validity Threats
External validity is the ability to generalize experimental research findings to
the population of interest in the “real world.” Campbell and Stanley (1963)
identified multiple external validity threats that researchers must consider.
The generalizability of findings from experimental research is threatened
when the treatment or the independent or experimental variable is contingent
or dependent on other factors. For this reason, the types of external validity
threats are generally described as interactions between the experimental or
the treatment variable and some other feature. Like the section on internal
validity, this section is not comprehensive in terms of the many potential
threats to external validity. Readers seeking additional information on threats
to external (and internal) validity are encouraged to access the resources
listed at the back of this chapter.
Interaction of Selection Biases and Experimental
The interaction of selection biases and experimental variables is an
external validity testing threat that results from the interaction between some
features of the sample and the treatment resulting in nongeneralizable
findings. A researcher considering the possibility of this threat must consider
whether there is something about those in the experiment such as willingness
to volunteer for an experiment that makes them unlike those in the general
population. For example, consider research focused on a treatment designed
to reduce the negative psychological effects of witnessing violence. The
researcher gathers a sample of volunteers to engage in this research. All
volunteers are given a pretest to measure the negative psychological trauma
resulting from witnessed violence. Half of the volunteers randomly are placed
in an experimental group, and the other half are placed in a control group.
The treatment designed to reduce psychological trauma is administered to the
experimental group. A posttest is then administered to both groups to
ascertain whether there is a difference in trauma experienced between the two
groups. Imagine the findings show those in the treatment group now register
significantly lower levels of trauma. The researcher may conclude that the
treatment was effective in reducing trauma. This may be true for those
selected for the experiment, but do those findings apply to the larger
population of interest? Is it that those who are likely to volunteer for
experimental research on trauma differ in important ways from those who do
not volunteer? If there are selection biases, then the external validity of the
experimental findings is jeopardized.
Interaction of selection biases and experimental variables:
Threats to the external validity of experimental research resulting
from the sample used in experimental research.
Testing threat: Threats to the external validity of experimental
research due to the use of pre- or posttests that may lead subjects
to respond differently or to be sensitized in unnatural ways to the
treatment during the course of the experiment.
Interaction of Experimental Arrangements and
Experimental Variables
The interaction of experimental arrangements and experimental
variables refers to how the artificially controlled situations in which
experiments are conducted may jeopardize the ability to generalize findings
to a nonexperimental setting. As noted, a feature of experimental research is
the control of the experimental situation that assists in a researcher’s ability to
isolate the effect of the treatment on the outcome. Although important for
isolating the effect of the treatment, these same controls on the situation
affect the external validity of the findings. A researcher must question
whether the artificial environment of an experiment is affecting the findings
such that the same outcome would not be found in the “real world.” For
example, in an experiment, the researcher takes great care to ensure the
control and experimental groups are exposed to identical situations. The
degree of lighting, temperatures, locations, noise, and other parts of the
situation are identical during the experiment. A limitation of this is that in the
real world, people are exposed to a variety of situational characteristics. This
researcher must ask whether variation in lighting, noise, temperature, or
myriad other situational characteristics would affect the experimental
outcome. If so, the external validity of the research is questionable.
Interaction of experimental arrangements and experimental
variables: Threats to the external validity of experimental
research that refers to how the artificially controlled situations in
which experiments are conducted may jeopardize one’s ability to
generalize findings to a nonexperimental setting.
Research in Action: Acupuncture and Drug Treatment: An
Experiment of Effectiveness
The first drug court in the nation was established in Miami,
Florida, where innovative approaches to treating those in criminal
court includes using a more informal, supportive, nonadversarial
approach. One approach used included the use of acupuncture as a
part of the drug treatment regimen (White, Goldkamp, and
Robinson, 2006). Over time, this “Miami Model,” including
acupuncture, has been implemented elsewhere in the United
States. Although there has been research focused on the
effectiveness of drug courts more broadly, no research had been
conducted on the effectiveness of acupuncture in these drug
courts. The purpose of this research is to examine the
effectiveness of acupuncture in a drug court setting.
To conduct this research, White et al. focused on a drug court in
Clark County, Nevada, more commonly referred to as Las Vegas,
Nevada. The Clark County drug court was an early adoption of
the Miami Model, and it normally requires it participants to
receive auricular acupuncture at a specific clinic five days a week.
Drug court participants typically remain in this initial state of
treatment for 30 days or until they produce five clean urine
specimens. After that, acupuncture is recommended but not
required. Struggling participants can be ordered to resume
acupuncture by the judge later in the program.
The research by White et al. included an experimental and a
quasi-experimental element. The experimental approach included
336 newly admitted drug court patients who were randomly
assign into one of two groups: a nonacupuncture control group
and a treatment or an experimental group that receives
acupuncture. Those assigned to the control group received
relaxation therapy as the treatment alternative. The experiment
lasted six months. In addition, a quasi-experimental element
included the researchers using existing records to examine the
influence of acupuncture on outcomes. This study found that the
more acupuncture participants received, the more likely they were
to be rearrested or terminated from the program. This finding is
not surprising given the use of additional acupuncture to
participants who are struggling. This did demonstrate the need for
an experimental design, where participants would be randomly
assigned to acupuncture and nonacupuncture groups.
The findings from the experiment showed few differences in the
outcomes between the acupuncture and the control groups. As is
the nature of research, however, especially true experiments, a
few issues were encountered. The first major issue concerned the
ethical problem of denying a presumably beneficial treatment to
half of the drug court participant population. Given this concern,
the drug court officials required that participants who requested
acupuncture receive the treatment, regardless of random
assignment. In addition, when couples entered drug court
together, court officials required they be in the same group. Third,
court officials also required those in the control group to receive
relaxation therapy (versus nothing). These changes affected the
true experimental nature of the design. First, random assignment
was not used. Second, the experiment compared the effect of two
interventions with no control group. As noted by the authors,
“unless an experimental design is implemented perfectly, it is
difficult to disentangle the effects of acupuncture from all of the
other influences on treatment outcomes” (p. 59). Furthermore,
they noted that “the problems with treatment integrity in this
study are by no means unique, and in fact they are fairly common
in criminal justice field experiments” (p. 59).
The policy implications of this work include that acupuncture
participants did as well and certainly performed no worse than
those receiving relaxation therapy. This opens up other
possibilities for treatment among drug court participants. In
addition, this research points to the need to conduct additional
research in which a true experimental design is used.
White, M., Goldkamp, J., & Robinson, J. (2006). Acupuncture in
drug treatment: Exploring its role and impact on participant
behavior in the drug court setting. Journal of Experimental
Criminology, 2(10), 45–65.
Interaction of Testing and Experimental Variables
The interaction of testing and experimental variables, also known as the
reactive effects of testing, and the interaction effect of testing, is another
way in which the external validity of experimental research can be
threatened. In experimental research, the use of pre- or posttests is common.
In the real world, however, people are not normally tested during the course
of the day. It is plausible then that the use of tests during an experiment may
lead to subjects responding differently to the treatment or to being sensitized
to the treatment in unnatural ways affecting the findings. It may be that the
causal relationship found in an experiment exists only when pretests are used.
Alternatively, it may be that the causal effect found in an experiment is found
only when posttests are used. On the other hand, it may be true that the causal
effect is measured only when both are used. The result is the same—if the
presence of tests during the experiment affects the outcome of the
experiment, the claim of causality may not be generalizable to the larger
population of individuals of interest.
Interaction of testing and experimental variables: Also known
as the reactive effects of testing, it is a threat to the external
validity of an experiment that results from subjects responding
differentially to the treatment or being sensitized to the treatment
in ways that affect the findings.
Reactive effect of testing: Also known as the “interaction effect
of testing.” It is a threat to the external validity of experiments that
result from subjects responding differentially to the treatment, or
being sensitized to the treatment, in unnatural ways affecting the
Reactivity Threats
Another threat to the external validity of experimental research is known as
reactivity threats, which refer to instances in which the novelty of
participating in research, and being aware of being observed during the
experiment, influences the subject’s behaviors and views. In normal life,
individuals are not reacting to observation or a part of an experiment. The
Hawthorne Effect, introduced in Chapter 6, is one kind of reactivity that may
affect the external validity of an experiment. Should subjects alter their
behaviors or views because of the novelty of participation in an experiment,
then the generalizability of the findings can be called into question.
Reactivity threats: Threats to external validity that refer to how
the novelty of participating in research, and being aware that one
is being observed during the experiment, influences one’s
behaviors and views.
In Chapter 4, we introduced the idea of reliability as consistency of
measurement. Reliability in the context of experimental research is the same:
the notion that repeated experiments by others under the same conditions
should result in consistent findings. Zaykowski notes that it is important to
recognize that in an experimental setting, reliability is not an indicator of a
perfectly designed experiment, but it demonstrates an experiment that
produces consistent findings when repeated under the same conditions. In
addition, according to Zaykowski, it means getting the same findings with
different populations. Offering evidence of reliability bolsters a researcher’s
claim of validity of an experiment. In others words, with evidence of
reliability of experimental findings, a researcher has evidence of valid

Reliability: Refers to consistency of measurement. This includes

the quality of measurement taken across a group of subjects over
repeated administrations (assuming no real change has occurred),
as well as consistency of findings from an experiment conducted
repeatedly under the same conditions. In this case, reliability helps
establish validity.
Beyond True Experiments
Although true experimental designs are considered the gold standard of
research design, it is often challenging, or impossible, to meet the criteria
needed for true experiments. For example, a researcher may not be able to
control perfectly the administration of the treatment for logistical or ethical
reasons. One challenge is that in much research, the researcher relies on
someone in a participating organization to administer the treatment. Imagine
a community organization that should be randomly choosing youth to
administer a particular treatment designed to minimize the risk of joining a
gang. Alternatively, imagine an experiment in which police officers are asked
to administer treatment of warning versus arrest to every third person
disturbing the peace they contact. The community organization worker may
choose to provide the treatment to the youth he or she feels would most
benefit from it (versus those randomly selected in the experimental group).
Or some police officers may feel they know who needs to be arrested versus
warned without regard to the whether the person contacted was the third.
Melde has been involved in experimental research in which those charged
with administering the treatment failed to follow protocol. Melde finds that
often administration of treatment based on randomization “is a shock to the
system and takes a lot of trust in the researchers. Many organizations do not
seem to want that commitment.” When the treatment protocol is not followed
precisely, the findings of the experiment are jeopardized.

Alternatively, it may be that a researcher cannot randomly assign subjects or

units of interest to a control or experimental group. Melde notes that this is a
trust issue as well. As researchers, Melde notes, we are always dependent on
people and organizations to participate. Although there are always many
people and organizations that are willing to participate, it takes only a few
who refuse to collapse the entire experiment. Melde has found through his
career that people frequently do not like, trust, or understand the purpose of
randomization. They find it threatening. Getting buy-in from all engaged in
an experiment is important. Even though books like this one offer the
seemingly easy ingredients to meet the gold standard in research, it is clear
that because universal buy-in is challenging, it is difficult to conduct these
studies in reality.
Whenever any of the three characteristics of true experiments—
randomization, an experimental and control group, and researcher control of
administration of treatment—is missing, a person cannot conduct a true
experiment. When this is the case, what is a researcher to do? In these all-to-
common situations, researchers have less rigorous options. The following
sections describe some research designs that are available when one or more
of the three true experiment criteria are not feasible. We begin with the
weakest of options by describing pre-experimental research designs.
Pre-Experimental Research
Similar to experiments highlighted in movies like The Fly, pre-experiments
are not true experiments because they are not characterized by the three
defining characteristics of true experiments. Frequently, pre-experiments lack
control and experimental groups, lack random assignment to control and
experimental groups, and lack researcher control of the treatment. Because
most pre-experimental designs include only one group, they are also
sometimes referred to as single-group experiments. Because pre-experiments
frequently involve only one group, pre-experiments do not allow the
comparison of tests between the control and the experimental group, which is
something that Stanley and Campbell (1963, p. 6) view as a basic
requirement of conducting science. Pre-experiments also frequently lack
manipulation of an independent variable by a researcher. It is important to
recognize that pre-experimental designs are plagued with major issues. It is
not possible to discern whether any alleged causal relationships found based
on these designs are a result of the treatment, or of a host of other
confounding factors. Although pre-experiments have little scientific value,
they may be useful for exploratory purposes prior to committing resources to
a more rigorous experiment. In this way, pre-experiments offer a cost-
effective and timely method to ascertain whether future experimental
research is warranted.
Pre-experiments: Experiments that fail to include most elements
of a true experiment. In general, pre-experiments lack both control
and experimental groups, lack random assignment, and frequently
lack researcher control of the treatment.
Even though pre-experimental designs are discussed in this chapter on
experiments, it is a stretch to refer to them as experiments given they
frequently have more in common with movie “experiments” than with true
experiments. We review pre-experiments next with the strong warning for
new researchers to avoid designing experiments like these. Similarly, as
critical consumers of information, you should avoid accepting evidence from
pre-experimental research.
One-Shot Case Design
A one-shot case design is a pre-experimental design including one group that
experienced some type of treatment (not administered by the researcher)
believed to have been related to some outcome. The researcher compares the
findings of the posttest with the personal expectations of the measurement
had the treatment not been administered. This design is illustrated as

One-shot case design: Pre-experimental design in which one

investigates only one group that experienced some type of
treatment (not administered by the researcher) believed to have
been related to some outcome. The researcher compares the
findings of the posttest to personal expectations of the
measurement had the treatment not been administered.
Given what has been described earlier in true experimental designs, the
problems associated with the one-shot case design should be obvious. This
design is problematic in that it does not include random assignment to a
control or experimental group. In addition, it only includes one group. This
means that the ability of the researcher to isolate the effect of a treatment via
a comparison of measurement of the experimental and control group is
missing. This design is also lacking in that it does not include the
manipulation of the independent variable by the researcher. The control of the
situation by the researcher is a key feature that gives rigor to experimental
work. In sum, a one-shot case design lacks all three criteria of true
experiments, making it difficult to dismiss alternative influences on the
outcome. This calls into question any causal claims based on this research
design. As a result, it is not surprising that the one-shot case study has weak
internal validity.
One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design
The one-group pretest–posttest design is a pre-experimental design that offers
slightly more rigor than the one-shot case study. In the one-group pretest–
posttest design, the researcher uses only one group (no comparison group)
and no randomization. Any changes indicated by the pre- and posttest are
assumed to have resulted from the treatment. This design is illustrated as

One-group pretest–posttest design: Pre-experimental design that

includes only one group (no comparison group), no
randomization, and no researcher control of the treatment.
Because of the pretest and posttest in this design, you may believe they can
attribute any change measured to the treatment. In reality, any claim of
causality based on this design would be suspicious because this design offers
no control over confounding factors that can and do influence outcome
measures. For that reason, the internal validity of the one-group pretest–
posttest design is poor. In addition, external validity is also problematic.
Static-Group Comparisons
Unlike the other pre-experimental designs described, a static-group
comparison design includes a control group and an experimental group. Still
this pre-experimental design lacks random assignment of subjects to the
experimental and control groups. This design also lacks researcher control of
treatment administration. In addition, this approach is weakened by the lack
of pretesting.

Static-group comparison design: Pre-experimental design that

includes a nonrandomly assigned control and experimental group,
no researcher control of the treatment, and a posttest.
Given the limitations of this design, internal validity is weak because without
random assignment to the experimental and control group, any changes
measured cannot be stated confidently to be in whole or part a result of the
treatment. Rather, confounding factors may be at play. Like all pre-
experimental designs, the internal and external validity of the static-group
comparison design is poor.
Quasi-Experimental Research
As described earlier in this chapter, there are instances when random
assignment to a control or an experimental group is not possible. Fortunately,
in these cases, quasi-experimental research designs are an option. Quasi-
experimental research designs, also called nonrandomized designs, are used
when random assignment to a control or experimental group is not possible,
impractical, or unethical. Without the benefit of random assignment, valuable
attributes found in true experiments are unavailable in quasi-experimental
work. The lack of randomization and the loss of associated properties is why
Don Campbell referred to quasi-experiments as queasy experiments.
Quasi-experimental research: Also known as “nonrandomized
designs.” They are used when random assignment to a control or
an experimental group is not possible, impractical, or unethical.
For some important experimental research, random assignment to a control
and an experimental group is not possible. For example, we cannot randomly
assign children to an experimental group (receives abuse) and control group
(no abuse) to better understand the results of child abuse.
© BrianAJackson/iStockphoto.com
In criminology and criminal justice research, random assignment to control
and experimental groups is frequently impossible, impractical, or unethical.
Consider research examining how experiencing child abuse influences future
victimization risk. It would be unethical to randomly assign children to a
control group and an experimental group (who would then be abused—the
treatment). It would be unethical to use a true experimental design to study
the influence of heroin addiction on future criminality given that would entail
randomly assigning some people to an experimental group where they would
be forced to become addicted to heroin.
Because random assignment is not often possible or practical does not mean
research that cannot use randomization are not valuable. Happily, research
designs are available that accommodate this issue.
Nonequivalent Groups Design
The most commonly used quasi-experimental design is the nonequivalent
control groups design, which uses two nonrandomly generated groups that
are thought to be similar. The researcher controls the treatment in this design
and includes a control and an experimental group. A way to minimize the
lack of randomization is to assign similar subjects to a control and an
experimental group. Then the experiment is conducted. For example, a
researcher may choose census tracts that are similar in nature, or classrooms
that are similar in nature, and implement a nonequivalent groups design. This
type of design can be illustrated as follows:

Nonequivalent control groups design: Most commonly used

quasi-experimental design that uses nonrandomly generated
control and experimental groups.
An advantage of this design is that it allows experimental research to be done
when random assignment to an experimental and control group is not
possible. Nonetheless, this approach has some limitations. Internal validity is
jeopardized as a result of selection bias. The researcher may not be able to
completely control for selection biases. Internal validity is threatened because
the researcher is not able to control for potentially confounding variables that
could affect the outcome. External validity can be acceptable because this
design occurs in a more natural and less controlled setting. Nevertheless,
threats to the external validity such as testing still pose a threat.
Before-and-After Design
Less widely used is the before-and-after design. The before-and-after design
is a quasi-experimental design that has no random assignment and no
comparison group. It does include a pretest and a posttest. This design is
illustrated as follows:

Before-and-after design: Quasi-experimental design that has no

random assignment and no comparison group. It does, however,
include a pretest and a posttest. This design has marginal internal
validity given the inability to control for confounding factors
making claims of causality challenging. In addition, external
validity is also poor.
This design has marginal internal validity given the inability to control for
confounding factors making claims of causality challenging. In addition,
external validity is also poor.
Natural Experiments
Natural experiments represent an additional approach that has been used
increasingly in recent years as researchers take advantage of opportunities
arising in the real world. Natural experiments occur outside of laboratories
or other artificial locations in the natural world (hence, their name), and they
have several attractive qualities. First, natural experiments include both a
control and an experimental group. Nevertheless, natural experiments do not
allow a researcher to assign subjects to the experimental and control groups.
Rather, the assignment to the experimental and control groups occurs
naturally. In fact, researchers may not be aware of the mechanism that places
a subject in a treatment or a control group or if it was random. Researchers
tend to treat the sorting into the two groups as if it occurred randomly.
Although natural experiments include a treatment, it does not allow the
researcher to control the administration of the treatment. It too occurs
naturally. Although a natural experiment shares several characteristics of
quasi-experiments, they differ in the researcher’s assignment to the control
and experimental groups. In quasi-experiments, the researcher has control of
this assignment. In natural experiments, assignment to control and
experimental groups occurs naturally without the input of the researcher.
Natural experiments: Occur outside of laboratories or other
artificial locations and in the natural world. Natural experiments
have a control and an experimental group, but they do not include
randomization or researcher control of the treatment.
Exposure to lead paint offers an opportunity to investigate its influence on

© gwflash/iStockphoto.com
Natural experiments are a useful approach when controlled experimentation
is difficult or impossible to implement. For instance, through the use of a
natural experiment, a researcher could assess the causal influence of lead
paint exposure on offending risk as an adult. Clearly, a researcher should not
randomly assign children to experimental groups where they would be
exposed to lead paint. Yet, a researcher could find subjects who had lived in
lead-painted households as a child and compare their adult offending risk
with others who had not been exposed to lead paint.
Common Pitfalls in Experimental Research
Like all research, experimental research must be undertaken with great care
and attention to detail. As Dodge has stated, experimental research is
challenging to execute. This section addresses some pitfalls that are
associated with experimental research. When conducting experimental
research, a researcher must select the most rigorous design available. Ideally,
you can engage in a true experiment using both pre- and posttests or, even
better, a Solomon Four Group design. Using a less rigorous design when
better options are available is something to be avoided.

A common pitfall in experimental research is claims of causality when the

criteria for them are not present. Merely pointing to the proper temporal
ordering, association between variables, and a lack of spurious relationships
is not enough. This potential pitfall is related to failure to consider threats to
internal validity. Has the researcher considered in addition to the causal
criteria whether there was experimental mortality that may have affected
one’s ability to claim causality? Did the researcher address history?
Instrumentation? Potential selection biases and other threats? Claiming
causality requires more than the presence of three criteria of causality.
Attention to the sample and sample sizes is important in experimental
research. Like any research, care must be taken to gather a sample that is
representative of the population of interest if possible. In addition, the
researcher must gather a sample that is large enough to work with. Too small
a sample decreases a researcher’s ability to find a significant difference when
one exists in the population. Concluding no difference presents problems if
this finding is only a result of a small sample size. This clearly has
repercussions for generalizing nonfindings to the larger population. In
addition, Santos notes that not having a large enough sample size could mean
the difference between a successfully completed experiment and one that fails
before completion. Santos recommends that researchers and students
familiarize themselves with G-Power Software. This is a free, open-source
software available on the Web. Although a discussion about how to use G-
Power is beyond the scope of this text, you should be familiar with this
resource should you find you have a sample size problem.

Treatment of experimental and control groups deserves special attention and

is an area of great challenge for experimental researchers. Inadvertently
treating the two groups differently (aside from the administration of the
treatment) is easy to do, but it will influence and bias findings. A researcher
must take great care to ensure both groups are treated equivalently with the
exception of the treatment. One way that this can be done is to leave the
randomization task to a third party who will not share the outcome with the
subjects or the researcher. This blind approach helps to ensure that the
random assignment really is that and that the researcher does not accidentally
treat one group differently from the other.
Another way that random assignment in experimental research offers special
challenges is getting buy-in from potential subjects. Melde recognizes that in
some of his research, including that conducted in schools, those in charge of
agreeing to participate frequently want assurances that they will (or will not
be) in the experimental group. Given what you have learned in this chapter
about the importance of random assignment, the problems with that should be
clear. As Melde knows, and conveyed to use during a video interview,
“Randomization is key. It is through randomization that we can conclude that
all the other unobservable factors are mute.”
Another potential error stems from matching. Should a researcher choose to
employ matching as a technique, he or she must be certain the matching is
based on relevant confounding factors. Failure to do so means that relevant
factors may be overlooked, potentially biasing the findings. In addition, the
researcher must pay attention to how matching affects the sample. In some
cases, the use of matching means the loss of much of the sample that cannot
be matched. Attention must be given to how the sample loss may affect the
Melde finds that a problem that many students studying experimental
research has is confusing randomization with the random person on the street.
As noted, placing subjects in control and experimental groups randomly
means that every subject has an equal chance of being placed in one or the
other group. This is not the same as conducting research on the random
person found on the street. Administering treatment to random people
encountered is not a technique used in experimental research. Random
selection also does not mean “without a plan.” Randomization means the
allocation of subjects into control or experimental groups based on a
rigorously designed plan.
Cuevas, Dodge, and Santos all point to a major pitfall of experimental
research. Specifically, they find that even experienced researchers at times
fail to focus on the nuts and bolts of experimental research. First, the
researcher must offer a detailed plan about each step. Second, the researcher
must follow these carefully devised plans. Third, the research must be
prepared for challenges to pop up. Dodge points specifically to difficulties in
getting subjects to participate. Too often beginner researchers, and even
experienced researchers, fail to appreciate the seemingly mundane elements
of the research design. This lackadaisical approach is guaranteed to lead to a
poor outcome. And a poor outcome weakens the entire research enterprise.
Ethics and Experimental Research
When conducting experimental research, the researcher must keep ethical
considerations at the forefront of every step of the experiment. As in all
research, care must be taken that subjects engaged in any experiment do so
voluntarily. This means that subjects can withdraw their consent at any time.
Attrition from subject loss has ramifications for the experimental design
including potential issues with too low of sample sizes affecting the ability to
find differences, and mortality issues affecting the internal validity of the
work. Although attrition presents challenges to experimental research, it is
imperative that subjects not feel pressured to remain in a study they want to
disengage from.

Experimental research should be designed to minimize any harm to the

subjects, third parties, or researchers. In some types of experimental research
where the withholding of treatment may be construed as harmful, this is
known as a subject’s right to service. If the experiment means that some
subjects (control group) do not receive treatment that may have beneficial
effects, it can be argued that harm ensures. Recall that harm can be physical
or psychological. Would recognizing that you are not receiving potentially
beneficial treatment cause you psychological distress? Researchers must
consider things like this to ensure harm is minimized. Relatedly, Melde
cautions against being stuck in the idea that a control group subject gets
nothing at all. Being in a control groups does not mean that subjects are kept
in some sort of isolation with no interaction or exposure to programs at all. It
may be that that those in the control group continue getting treatments that
they normally received before the experiment began. Alternatively, it may be
that those in the control group get some other type of attention that helps
them. As Melde stated to us, “[t]oo often control groups are talked about as
the absence of everything. That is not the case. Those in this group may still
get some services especially if they are particularly vulnerable.” Santos has
seen the same in her research. Namely, in an experiment, the treatment group
is receiving a treatment, but the control group does not get anything new.
This is different from the control group being deprived of anything. This
design can be used to gain buy-in from decision makers. A researcher can
say, “The treatment group gets this treatment, and once we are able to
establish it offers benefits, then the control group will receive it too.” It is not
about depriving the control group.

Right to service: Instances in which a subject is denied

potentially beneficial treatment in an experiment.
Figure 8.9 Use of an Experimental and a Control Group in Experimental

Perhaps the trickiest ethical element of much of experiment research is

associated with fully informed consent. Why is that? Because experimental
research often requires deception. Subjects may be deceived in terms of the
full purpose of the research when knowing that purpose may affect findings.
In addition, subjects are deceived in terms of knowing the complete
procedures used in the experiment. For example, it cannot be revealed if the
subject is in the control group or the experimental group. It also cannot be
shared if the subject is receiving the treatment or a placebo. This lack of
disclosure may be necessary to protect the rigor of the experiment, but it may
raise questions about fully informed consent.
Finally, the researcher must be honest about whether the experiment should
continue. For instance, if it appears the treatment is not providing benefits
and in any way harming the subjects, then the experiment must be stopped.
Think back to the Stanford Prison Experiment outlined in Chapter 1, which
was shut down early given the harm experienced by those in the experiment.
In addition, if it becomes clear the treatment is offering great benefits and
continuing the experiment will not add valuable data, it should also be halted
and the treatment should be given to the control group. The researchers must
ask themselves, “Is it ethical to continue this? Can I ethically finish the
Experimental Research Expert—Chris Keating,
Chris Keating, PhD, is the president and founder of Keating Research, Inc.
based in Telluride Colorado. Prior to founding Keating Research, Keating
earned an undergraduate degree in political science at Northwestern
University and a PhD in economics from the University of Illinois. Although
he initially thought he would become a professor, Keating moved to
Colorado and put his research skills to use at private firms focused on
marketing, customer satisfaction, effective messaging, and political
campaigns. To date, Keating has accumulated 21 years of experience based
on hundreds of successful polling research, survey research, experimental
research, and focus group research projects for candidate, initiative, and issue
campaigns. Today his portfolio primarily consists of campaign and issue-
based research.

Courtesy of Chris Keating

Experimental research is used to assist Keating Research clients who want to
understand whether a particular mode of advertising or messaging influences
voters’ positions on issues or candidates. This is an important area of study
because candidates generally do not have many financial resources, and
assisting candidates in spending their scarce resources effectively is vital to
successful campaigns. Recently, Keating assisted a client to investigate
whether regular mail is an effective way to communicate about a ballot
measure among likely voters.
To address that research question, Keating gathered a voter universe to serve
as a sampling frame of households with likely voters from the geographic
region of interest. From this sampling frame, households were randomly
selected for participation in the study. Next, the households were randomly
placed in the experimental or the control group to maximize the probability
that the two groups were equivalent. Next, Keating Research mailed pieces of
literature to the households in the treatment group, while households in the
control group did not receive any mail pieces. After administration of the
mail treatment, Keating Research completed telephone interviews among
1,000 households in the treatment group and 1,000 in the control group, and
by using a survey instrument, staff members assessed whether those receiving
the mail pieces had different opinions compared with the households in the
control group. In particular, subjects were asked on a scale of 0 to 100 how
favorable they were toward public officials in their district. A comparison of
survey results between the control and experimental groups indicated
statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups.
The results of the experiment suggest that the use of mail pieces remains an
effective means of communicating with likely voters.
Keating has an important piece of advice for students studying research
methods in general and experimental research specifically: Focus on
developing and honing attention to detail. Keating finds that many fail to pay
attention to detail resulting in flawed work products and damaged
reputations. Keating notes that paying attention to detail is a learned skill that
a researcher must focus on. For example, when conducting research, the
researcher must ensure he or she has the proper sampling frame. Researchers
must ensure that assignment to control and experimental groups is random.
As a researcher, you must then verify that the control and experimental
groups are equivalent (to maximize internal validity of the research).
Attention to detail at every step of research design is imperative, and without
it, the resulting research is worth little. Students should recognize that it is far
more important to design and conduct research precisely with attention to
detail than it is to design and conduct research quickly. Keating notes that
even though no research is perfect, as a researcher, you must strive for
perfection. Keating’s life offers evidence that the research methods skills
presented in this text are useful in and out of academia. In using these
researcher methodology skills, you too can contribute to society in general,
and you can do so while living, hiking, and cross-country skiing in a beautiful
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter presents foundational information on experimental research.
This included what experimental research is, and why it is important. The
relationship between causality and experimental research was introduced as
well as the criteria for establishing causality. This chapter also presented
information describing multiple types of experimental research, including
true experiments, pre-experiments, quasi-experiments, and natural
experiments. For each type of experimental research, several specific designs,
including the advantages and disadvantages of each, were presented. These
experimental research designs are shown in Table 8.1 in reference to the
criteria for causality.
The chapter also focused on an important consideration for experimental
research: internal and external validity. Both internal and external validity
were defined, and the relationship between the two were described. In
addition, several specific types of internal validity and external validity
threats were presented. Understanding these threats enables readers to be alert
for these problems.

Some overarching themes of this chapter are that true experimental research
is considered by many the gold-standard design in part because it can provide
evidence of causality. Also, true experiments are not impervious to problems.
Those problems come in the form of poor designs, threats to internal and
external validity, failure to execute a well-designed experiment, and a lack of
attention to detail. An experimental research expert, Chris Keating, PhD,
offered ways in which experimental research is used outside of academia.
Some of his work focuses on political campaigns and policy issues using
experimental research. Keating’s work demonstrates that research
methodology skills are useful beyond academia. In addition, Keating’s work
shows that research methodology can be used in a wide variety of substantive
areas beyond criminal justice and criminology. Not only that, Keating’s life
indicates that someone like you can use these skills to help others and live an
enviable lifestyle.
Two of our case studies used experimental design in their featured research:
Santos (Santos & Santos, 2016) and Melde (Melde et al., 2009). Table 8.2
summarizes some experimental elements of their research. As this table
shows, experimental research comes in many variations making it an
excellent choice for many research projects. In the next chapter, the text
addresses the topic of secondary data analysis. In this chapter, what
secondary data analysis is and the types of data available for this work are
Applied Assignments
The materials presented in this chapter can be used in applied
ways. This box presents several assignments to help in
demonstrating the value of this material by engaging in
assignments related to it.
1. Homework Applied Assignment: Movie
Select one of the following movies that feature an experiment
(some of these are violent so choose carefully):
The Belko Experiment (2016)
The Fly (1986)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
To Search for a Higher Being, the Island of Dr. Moreau
My Little Eye (2002)
Reanimator (1985)
After watching the movie you selected, write a paper with the
following information. First, offer a summary (in your own
words) of the movie. In that summary, describe the experiment
featured in that movie. Include the type of experiment the movie
portrays (e.g., true experiment, quasi-experiment, etc.) Next, write
a section that analyzes the experiment shown in the movie based
on the information in this chapter. For example, describe the
control groups used, when measurements are taken, etc. Next,
outline what would need to happen for the movie to portray a true
experiment. Be sure to include information regarding ethics (e.g.,
voluntary participation, etc.). Be prepared to discuss your findings
in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Designing a True Experiment
As a group, pretend that you have been hired by your university to
conduct a true experiment designed to answer the following
research question: Does mandatory training of all students on an
annual basis about the university’s antiviolence policy reduce
violence against students at the university? In your plan, you need
to identify your population, how you will select subjects for your
true experiment, and how many subjects you need. Include
additional information on sampling given what you have learned
in this class. Next, identify the type of experimental design you
will use. Include what exactly you will measure and how often
you will measure it. What are advantages of your research design?
What problems might your research design encounter? How will
you overcome those issues? Be prepared to discuss and share your
summaries in class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Describing
a Real Experiment
Access the webpage for the Journal of Experimental Criminology
(https://link.springer.com/journal/11292). Find an article that you
are interested in. Next, write a paper about this article. Begin the
paper with a statement of the purpose of the research and why it is
important research. Provide some information about the literature,
and how this research will add to the literature. Next, provide
details on this experiment. What type of experiment is it? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of that type of experiment?
Describe the control and experimental groups, the treatment and
how it was administered, and the findings. Did they answer their
research question? What issues of validity and reliability are
present? What would you do differently if you could work with
the authors on a replication of this work? Turn in a copy of the
journal article with your thought paper.
Key Words and Concepts
Association 245
Before-and-after design 266
Block matching 251
Block variables 252
Causal relationships 243
Causation 244
Confounders 250
Confounding factor 245
Control group 249
Experimental group 249
Experimental mortality 257
External validity 257
Gold standard 252
History 258
Instrumentation 258
Interaction of experimental arrangements and experimental variables
Interaction of selection biases and experimental variables 260
Interaction of testing and experimental variables 262
Internal validity 257
Intervening variable 245
Manipulation of an independent variable 252
Matching 250
Maturation 258
Natural experiments 267
Nonequivalent control groups design 266
One-group pretest–posttest design 264
One-shot case design 264
Paired-matching 251
Predictor variables 248
Pre-experiments 263
Quasi-experimental research 265
Random assignment 250
Reactive effect of testing 262
Reactivity threats 262
Reliability 262
Right to service 268
Selection bias 259
Solomon Four Group 255
Spurious relationship 245
Static-group comparison design 264
Statistical regression 259
Temporal ordering 244
Testing 259
Testing threat 260
Treatment 252
True experiment 248
Two-group posttest-only design 253
Two-group pretest–treatment–posttest design 254
Key Points
Experimental research is one way a researcher can identify causation, or
how an independent variable affects, influences, predicts, or causes the
variation in a dependent variable.
Causation exists when variation in one variable causes, or results in,
variation in another variable and is demonstrated with temporal
ordering, association, and a lack of spurious relationships.
A true experiment is an approach to research that has three defining
characteristics: at least one experimental and one control group, random
assignment to the experimental and control group, and manipulation of
an independent or a predictor variable (i.e., treatment) by a researcher.
Internal validity refers to the degree to which one can conclude causal
relationships based on experimental research. Threats to internal validity
include things like experimental mortality, history, instrumentation,
selection bias, testing, and statistical regression.
External validity is related to the generalizability of the experimental
findings to other people in other situations and environments. This
includes interactions of elements of the research with the independent
variable. Internal and external validity are frequently at odds with one
Pre-experiments are not true experiments because they are not
characterized by the three defining characteristics of true experiments. In
general, they do not include control and experimental groups, they lack
randomization, and they lack researcher control over the administration
of the treatment. In general, pre-experiments should be avoided.
Quasi-experimental research designs, also called nonrandomized
designs, are used when random assignment to a control or experimental
group is not possible, impractical, or unethical. The lack of
randomization and the loss of associated properties is why Don
Campbell referred to quasi-experiments as queasy experiments.
Natural experiments occur in the natural world and include a control and
an experimental group. Nevertheless, natural experiments sort subjects
into the control and experimental groups naturally with no control by the
Review Questions
1. What characteristics do true experiments have that make them
2. What are the criteria required to establish causality?
3. How are causation and association related? How are they
different? Why does it matter?
4. What are pre-experiments, and what are their limitations? When
would one use a pre-experiment?
5. What characterizes quasi-experiments, and how do they differ
from true experiments?
6. What is internal validity? What are some threats to internal
validity, and why?
7. What is external validity? What are some threats to external
validity, and why?
8. What is a natural experiment, and how does it differ from other
experimental designs?
9. Under what circumstances would one use a quasi-experimental
design versus a natural experiment?
10. What types of pitfalls and ethical considerations are associated
with experimental research? How might a researcher avoid them?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. You wish to demonstrate a program you have established to
ensure bystander intervention is effective at increasing bystander
intervention on a college campus. How might you go about
demonstrating a causal relationship between the intervention and
the bystander intervention? What design would you use, and why?
2. You have an interest in understanding how exposure to violence
as a child is related to victimization risk as an adult. How might
you go about investigating this? What design would you use, and
why? What might be threats to internal and external validity of
your design?
3. Your boss is considering how to implement a new program to
improve employee morale after reading about it online. Your boss
asks your opinion about the proposed program. You go to the
study used to support this new program and find it was based on a
one-shot case study. What does this suggest to you? What do you
recommend to your boss about adopting it? Do you recommend
the new program be adopted? Why or why not?
4. You have spent the last year planning a new study for your
capstone project. Finally it all comes together and you have
subjects in the control and experimental groups. The subjects in
the control group learn that they are not getting any treatment and
object. They feel they are being denied the benefits offered by the
treatment. What do you do? How might this event jeopardize your
experiment? What will you do?
5. Your classmate is completing her dissertation. She has gathered a
sample of 100 individuals, 50 of whom were in the experimental
group and 50 of whom were in the control group. At the time she
contacts her subjects for posttests, she learns that 35 subjects in
her experimental group and 4 in the control refuse to continue.
What issues does this raise in her study? What does this mean for
her findings? What should she do? Why?
6. Cuevas asks whether the Stanford Prison Experiment was really
an experiment at all. Thinking back to the Stanford Prison
Experiment, introduced in Chapter 1, which of these
characteristics of a true experiment is present in this work? Are
there control and experimental groups? Was randomization into a
control and experimental group used? What about the researcher’s
control of a treatment? What research design in this chapter best
describes this work? Should it be called an experiment? Why or
why not? Do you see elements of other research approaches? If
so, what are they? Why do we call this an experiment?

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Chapter 9 Research Using Secondary Data
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
9.1 Define research using secondary data and compare it with
research using primary or original data. Identify when one
approach is preferable to the other. Articulate the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
9.2 Describe what criminal justice and criminology data are
available at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and
Social Research (ICPSR) and how to access those data.
9.3 Identify some of the federal, state, and local sources of
secondary data available to you as well as how to access them.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of these
sources of secondary data.
9.4 Compare strategies for reporting findings produced from
secondary data compared with that produced from original data.
9.5 Explain some of the common pitfalls associated with using
secondary data and reporting findings from secondary data
9.6 Evaluate the ethical considerations associated with using
secondary data in particular.
Up to this point in our textbook, you have learned about stages of conducting
research, including literature reviews, research design, sampling, and so on.
We then moved to descriptions of different ways to gather data that can be
used to answer your research question. The last two chapters focused on
collecting original data to answer specific research questions and to
accomplish specific research goals. Chapter 7 discussed gathering original
qualitative data, or non-numeric data, which are useful in answering many
research questions. Chapter 8 described experimental and related research
that is useful for gathering original data. When researchers use these methods
to collect original data, they are engaged in primary data collection, also
known as original data collection.
Primary data collection: Also known as “original data
collection.” When research methodologies are used in the
collection of original data.
In this chapter, we shift gears. When conducting research, it is common for
some to use primary data collected by some other person or group, to test
new hypotheses, or to answer new research questions. When you use and
analyze data collected by someone else, you are engaged in secondary data
analysis. One of our featured researchers, Rod Brunson, in his video
interview conducted for this book, highlights the fact that even researchers
like him who primarily conduct research with qualitative data still use and
benefit from secondary data. He notes they can be used in a mixed-methods
approach (using multiple approaches). And Brunson uses existing data to
triangulate findings he has arrived at through qualitative data. As has been
stated throughout the text, the use of multiple approaches is an ideal one.
Secondary data use is no different. Mary Dodge, another featured researcher,
who, like Brunson, focuses primarily on research in which she collects her
own qualitative data, agrees—secondary data are useful for adding to
findings reached using other approaches.
Secondary data analysis: Research methodology that involves
the reanalysis of data collected by someone else, for some other
purpose, to answer a new research question or to test a new
research hypothesis.
This chapter offers information about using existing data, secondary data, to
answer your research question. To do this, the chapter begins by clarifying
why researchers use existing data. After answering the why question, we
move toward a more in-depth presentation about what secondary data are,
including many commonly used examples of secondary data. We also
identify where these data can be accessed and downloaded online. Afterward,
we provide a brief description of how to present findings from second data
analysis, and some of the common hazards that should be avoided when
conducting secondary data analysis. In particular, we discuss specific ethical
considerations and common pitfalls associated with using secondary data to
answer your research question. The chapter wraps up with an interview about
secondary data analysis with Jenna Truman, PhD. Truman works as a
statistician with the Department of Justice, at the Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS), in the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Unit. As noted,
we begin our discussion of secondary data in the next section by answering
the simple but important question, “Why conduct research using secondary
Why Conduct Research Using Secondary Data?
Secondary data represent a critically important information resource for
researchers. Without secondary data, huge bodies of literature and our
subsequent understanding about many criminal justice topics would not exist.
As many chapters in this book demonstrate, gathering original data can be
time-consuming, very expensive, and require huge resources in terms of
people, computing equipment, transcription services, and so on. Given these
costs, secondary data analysis is an attractive alternative to primary data
collection methodologies. In short, secondary data analysis saves time,
money, and other valuable resources; it provides an option to investigate very
large data sets that a single researcher may not be able to collect on his or her
own; and it provides the opportunity to investigate myriad criminal justice
For example, the availability of secondary data, like data from the National
Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), allows researchers like Heather
Zaykowski to analyze nearly five decades worth of criminal victimization
data so she can conduct her research with no data collection costs. She simply
downloads NCVS data from the Internet. Access to secondary data, like those
found in the Dating Violence among Latino Adolescents (DAVILA) data,
also enables researchers to study important victimization topics focused on
Latino adolescents; again, at with no data collections costs. Featured
researcher Carlos Cuevas and his colleague Chiara Sabina, collected
DAVILA originally, and it exists now online so that others may use it for
their own research purposes

So much secondary data exist that are readily available right now that if you
knew where to look, you could go online, download data collected by other
researchers, and run statistical analysis on these data in less time than it
would take to finish reading this chapter. Accessing existing data for
secondary data analysis is just that easy. Given the volume of data that is
being collected in contemporary society, and how accessible these data are,
coupled with the speed (instantaneously) at which it can be disseminated, you
should be able to see why it makes sense for researchers to consider research
using secondary data as an option for answering research questions. In fact,
with these benefits, featured researcher Rachel Boba Santos encourages
students and junior faculty she knows to consider strongly focusing solely on
research using secondary data early in their careers. In addition, being adept
at using secondary data makes one marketable outside of academia. This is
exactly how Santos first used secondary data. She worked as a crime analyst
using existing data in a law enforcement agency before earning her PhD and
becoming a professor.
Aside from the saving resources, researchers opt to engage in secondary data
analysis because available data often include very large samples and are
collected using sound (and often complex) methodological techniques.
Again, data collected for the NCVS provide an excellent example. Recall that
in Chapter 1 we explained that the NCVS is an ongoing survey of a
nationally representative sample of about 169,000 people, age 12 or older,
living in U.S. households. The NCVS is a federally funded data collection
program, which is designed to gather data on hundreds of variables related to
victims, offenders, and incidents of nonfatal crimes against persons and
property. No other source of victimization data is available with this level of
detail, so researchers interested in conducting victimization research are able
to study myriad victimization topics quickly, easily, and inexpensively by
using existing NCVS data. Great attention has been given to the design and
administration of the NCVS since its inception in the early 1970s. Time and
time again, it has been shown that the NCVS produces accurate and reliable
data about nonfatal violent victimization in America. Given the high quality
of NCVS data, it is unlikely that a researcher could conduct his or her own
study that produced “better” victimization data than what is currently
available. Therefore, researchers like Zaykowski (and the authors of this text)
interested in doing victimization research often conduct secondary data
analysis of NCVS data. This is done because the data set is large, of high-
quality, nationally representative, and easily accessible online.
Finally, the breadth of data that can be found in existing secondary data
sources may be unmatched by what researchers can collect on their own. This
is often the case because the federal government has funded many of the
studies that have produced data that can be used in secondary data analysis;
and when it comes to funding research, few can match the funding power of
the federal government. This means that more data can be collected during
these primary data collection efforts than what could have been collected if a
researcher conducted a study on his or her own, without funding from the
government. In other words, the adage “You get what you pay for” holds true
when it comes to many of the available data sets that researchers use for
secondary data analysis—those data may be free to you, but a lot of money
went into their creation. Again, the NCVS provides an excellent example.
What Are Secondary Data?
Answering research questions does not always require collecting original data
directly from or about research subjects. Instead, answering research
questions can be accomplished using existing data collected in a previous
study. These existing data are known as secondary data. Use of secondary
data is a popular approach because it can produce new empirical knowledge
without the time and money associated with collecting original data. Two of
our case studies provide examples of the value of using secondary data to
answer new research questions.
Santos and colleague’s research on hot spots and high-intensity policing on
known felons was conducted using secondary data collected by the Port St.
Lucie Florida Police Department (Santos & Santos, 2016). The pretests and
posttests of the experimental and evaluation research were based on police
data. Four impact measures using police data were used:
1. The count of residential burglary and theft from vehicle reported crime
in each hot spot
2. The count of all arrests for each targeted offender
3. The count of burglary, theft, and dug offense arrests in each hot spot of
individuals who live in the hot spot
4. The ratio of burglary, theft, and drug offense arrests per individual
arrested who live in the hot spot

The purpose of the intervention of high-intensity policing was to put the

felons in the experimental groups on notice they were being watched. It
stands to reason then that over time, the counts of each of these measures
should decrease compared with those of the control hot spots where policing
was unchanged. This research would not be possible without the use of the
secondary data at the police department. Although the availability of these
data in other jurisdictions varies, it points to the need to be creative when
thinking about where secondary data are and when building relationships so
that you can access data should you learn they exist.
Zaykowski’s (2014) research used completely different secondary data to
examine what increases the odds that crime victims will use victim services.
She answered these questions by analyzing a subset of the NCVS data
collected between 2008 and 2011. Those data included variables she needed
to answer her research questions including whether victimizations were
reported to the police, victim’s demographics, the victim’s relationship to an
offender, the victim’s mental and physical state, and whether the victim
accessed services.

Zaykowski (2014) followed a series of steps to begin her study that were
consistent with the typical stages of research presented in Chapter 1. For
example, she began by developing her research questions and reviewing the
existing literature. Instead of designing a study that required her to collect
original data, however, she knew her study could be successfully completed
using existing NCVS data. In other words, her research design did not require
her to collect new data from crime victims across the nation. She knew that
data existed already in the form of the NCVS. Zaykowski also knew those
NCVS data were available at no cost to her through the Inter-university
Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), located at the
University of Michigan. To gain access to these data, all she needed to do
was create a free account and agree to ICPSR’s terms of use. You can go
there now to see the vast amount of secondary data they house
(https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/). She was also aware that her
university’s institutional review board (IRB) would support her using NCVS
data for her research because the data are de-identified, and she knew she
would be able to apply for an expedited IRB review.1
1. At the time of her study, Zaykowski’s university’s policy required all
research of any kind to be reviewed, including secondary data. If the same
study was conducted today, according to Zaykowski, it would not be
reviewed at all because it would not fall within the regulatory definition of
research involving human subjects (see the section titled “Ethics Associated
with Secondary Data Analysis” for more details).
Zaykowski was convinced that using secondary data was the best way to go
about answering her research questions. Knowing certain characteristics of
the NCVS program and about the data collected during NCVS interviews
supported her decision. She knew, for example, that the NCVS program
produces high-quality data because, in part, trained interviewers are used
to conduct each survey;
draws a nationally representative sample of people 12 years if age or
older, living in U.S. households, which meant her findings could be
generalized to the broader population;
produces very high response rates, which meant problems associated
with survey nonresponse would not likely be an issue;
could provide her with more robust data about crime victims than other
existing data could, like official police data, because incidents that are
both reported and not reported to police are identified;
includes multiple variables associated with victims, offenders, and
nonfatal criminal incidents, thereby making it possible for her to answer
all of her research questions; and
have been used in previous studies to generate knew empirical
knowledge; in other words, she knew that using NCVS data for
secondary data analysis was an established and acceptable approach to
conducting research.
After Zaykowski received confirmation from her university’s IRB committee
that her research was exempt from full review, she proceeded to visit the
ICPSR website, registered, agreed to the terms of use, found the NCVS data
she needed, downloaded it, and began answering her research question using
these secondary data. Her (2014) analysis of the existing NCVS data
involved examining nearly 5,000 records to predict the likelihood a person
would seek help from victim services after personally experiencing criminal

By using secondary data, Zaykowski’s (2014) research identified several

significant predictors of victim service usage, including victimizations
involving female victims and sexual assaults. That is, when a victimization
involved a female victim, victim service use was more likely. Furthermore,
when a victimization involved a sexual assault, victim service access was
more likely. Zaykowski also discovered that victim services are more likely
to be used when a crime is reported to the police, and when more than one
offender is involved in an incident. In addition, she discovered using
secondary data that victims who had job problems and physical distress are
more likely to contact victim services than those that do not. Some of the
findings produced by Zaykowski’s study reaffirmed results found in other
studies, but some of her findings represented new knowledge. Collectively,
her investigation into victim service usage made an important contribution to
our field. In addition, it did not require her to collect original data, meaning
her research was accomplished more cheaply, quickly, and robustly.
Frequently Used Secondary Data
In relating Zaykowski’s story, we described how the NCVS data were
obtained from the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social
Research or ICPSR. The ICPSR data archive is just one of many places
researchers can go to get access to existing data that can be used in projects
involving secondary data. We discuss how to access data files located at
ICPSR in the following section, along with some of the kinds of data
available and commonly downloaded. We also identify other resources that
are less well known and used in criminal justice and criminology research.
You can access any of these sources of secondary data for use in answering
many of your research questions.
ICPSR is located on the campus of the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor.
ICPSR was established in the early 1960s; and at that time, it had no
permanent staff, 25 member institutions, total revenues of less than $70,000,
and only one data archive. Over the next 15 years, the consortium grew to
more than 200 member institutions, with a budget of more than $1.3 million.
ICPSR also employed more than 60 staff members. In 1978, the National
Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) was established at ICPSR.

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data

The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) is a specialized data
archive sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), National Institute
of Justice (NIJ), and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention (OJJDP). The purpose of the archive is to preserve and distribute
crime and justice data for secondary data analysis. These data come from
federal agencies, state agencies, and investigator-initiated research projects.
Currently, 12 subject areas make up the NACJD archive:
Attitude surveys
Community studies
Court case processing
Criminal justice system
Crime and delinquency
Official statistics
Drugs, alcohol, and crime
Computer programs and instructional packages
In addition to this accessible criminal justice secondary data, ICPSR provides
online resource guides that offer detailed information about some of the more
complex and frequently accessed data collections that help facilitate the use
of data housed at the archive for secondary data analysis. More recently, the
website incorporated a useful online data analysis system that allows users to
conduct analyses on selected data sets without having to download the data
onto their own computer or without having access to statistical analysis
software. Figure 9.1 shows the online data analysis interface, analyzing crime
data from the Uniform Crime Reporting program that are archived at ICPSR.
Figure 9.1 Online Data Analysis Interface, Analyzing Crime Data From the
Uniform Crime Reporting Program That Are Archived at ICPSR

Today, ICPSR has more than 750 member organizations, more than 100 staff
members, and operates on revenues of greater than $17 million. During the
past several decades, the number of special topic archives housed at ICRSR
has also increased. These archives now include the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA), Data Sharing for Demographic
Research (DSDR), Project on Human Development in Chicago
Neighborhoods (PHDCN), the National Addiction & HIV/AIDS Digital
Archive Program (NAHDAP), NCAA Student-Athlete Experiences Data
Archive, and the National Archive of Data on Arts & Culture (NADAC).
Not only does ICPSR offer secondary data, and information about those data;
it also helps to develop quantitative and qualitative analytic skills among
students and social scientists through various workshops and seminars. The
ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research is one
of the more popular programs offering many workshops. For example, in
2015, 81 courses, taught by 101 instructors from across North America and
Europe, were offered through ICPSR’s Summer Program. Participants
included students, faculty, and researchers from more than 40 countries, 300
institutions, and 30 disciplines. Although ICPSR does not offer as many
qualitative workshops and seminars, it does offer some. For example, you can
take a class in Process Tracing in Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
in the same summer program. To learn more about ICPSR and to become
registered so that you can access data housed in its archives, visit
The main role of ICPSR, however, is to archive political and social research
data. Accessing these secondary data is simple and straightforward. First,
your university, government organization, or other institution must be an
ICPSR member institution by paying a subscription fee. The fee is based on
the size of an organization, and it can cost more than $17,000 each year for
large universities and colleges. Once your university or organization is a
member, however, you will have free access to ICPSR data archives. You can
find out whether your university or college is a member institution by
checking to see whether it is listed at
If you are affiliated with a member institution, three basic steps can be
followed to conduct secondary data analysis using ICPSR data: (1) accessing
the ICPSR archive, (2) finding the data you need to answer your research
question, and (3) downloading these data onto your local hard drive.
Accessing ICPSR data archives requires a new user to create a MyData
account. The MyData account will permit you to download data available
only to ICPSR members. Once an account is created, you can log in to the
archive. All users of the archive must also agree to terms of use outlined by
ICPSR. On subsequent visits, users may log in to ICPSR using their
Facebook® or Google® account that is affiliated with their university or
organization via third-party authentication.
Step 2 of the process for conducting secondary data at ICPSR involves
finding the specific data you need to answer your research question. ICPSR
offers several different ways for finding data once a registered user has
logged on. You can browse for data by topic, data collection themes,
geography, or series name (e.g., NCVS). Data can also be queried based on
when it was released (i.e., searching for data released in the last week, month,
or year). Alternatively, data can be searched for by how often they are
downloaded or by which countries are using ICPSR data. In other words,
researchers can limit their search for data to the most frequently downloaded
data found in ICPSR archives. When searching for data on the archive, do not
forget some of the strategies presented in Chapter 3 that relate to using
Boolean operators and filters. These strategies can help you find just what
you are looking for more quickly and easily even at ICPSR.
The third and final step in obtaining data housed at ICPSR for use in research
using secondary data involves downloading data files from the archive to
your local hard drive. Figure 9.2 is a screenshot from the ICPSR archive. It
shows some of the options available to users who want to download the FBI’s
UCR data from 1980. Notice that different subsets of the data can be
downloaded in different formats for use on a variety of statistical software
programs (including SPSSTM, SAS®, STATATM, R, ExcelTM, and ASCII).
Import files for SPSS, SAS, and STATA are also available. These software
programs are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 12. Finally, codebooks
that provide documentation on how the data files are structured, the variables
contained in the data set, and the coding of specific variables is available for
download for each of the data sets. These data and their supporting
documents and files can be downloaded individually or as a compressed file
onto a user’s local hard drive. Once they are, the user can then begin his or
her secondary data analysis—that is, the analysis of these secondary data.
Codebook: Documentation for a data set that explains how the
data files are structured, how the variables are contained in the
data set, and the type of coding of specific variables is also
available for each data set.
Figure 9.2 Different Data File Types That Can Be Downloaded From ICPSR
That Contain Information From the FBI’s UCR Program

Federal Statistical System (FedStats)

Secondary data files can also be found on sites other than ICPSR. The
Federal Statistical System website called FedStats is a useful example.
FedStats was launched in 1997 and offers open access to a wide range of
statistical data generated from the federal government. What makes FedStats
attractive to many researchers is that they do not need to know in advance
which federal agency is responsible for collecting or producing the data.
More than 100 federal agencies feed data into FedStats, and users of the site
can easily search it using basic search terms like “crime,” “population,” and
“health” to find data that they can use to conduct secondary data analysis.
If a federal agency is a recognized U.S. Statistical Program and reports
annual expenditures of at least $500,000 in one or more of the following
categories, their data are available through FedStats:
Planning of statistical surveys and studies, including project design,
sample design and selection, and design of questionnaires, forms, or
other techniques of observation and data collection
Training of statisticians, interviewers, or processing personnel
collection, processing, or tabulation of statistical data for publication,
dissemination, research, analysis, or program management and
Publication or dissemination of statistical data and studies
Methodological testing or statistical research
Data analysis
Forecasts or projections that are published or otherwise made available
for government-wide or public use
Statistical tabulation, dissemination, or publication of data collected by
Construction of secondary data series or development of models that are
an integral part of generating statistical series or forecasts
Management or coordination of statistical operations
Statistical consulting or training
That these data are available to you should make sense because your tax
dollars are used to collect these data. They belong to you the taxpayer. The
easiest way to access nearly 200,000 data sets provided through FedStats is to
visit www.data.gov.
U.S. Department of Justice
One primary contributor to FedStats is the U.S. Department of Justice
(USDOJ), whose mission is to “enforce the law and defend the interests of
the United States according to the law, to ensure public safety against threats
foreign and domestic, to provide federal leadership in preventing and
controlling crime, to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful
behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all
Americans” (USDOJ, n.d., “Our Mission Statement”). In executing its
mission, the USDOJ produces data that are often overlooked by academics
and other researchers studying important topics related to criminal justice and
criminology. Nevertheless, the USDOJ provides a comprehensive list of open
data it provides free to the public. For example, you can access data on these
Longitudinal Perspective on Physical and Sexual Intimate Partner
Violence Against Women
List of the civil rights matters recently addressed by the Federal
Coordination and Compliance Section of the Department of Justice’s
Civil Rights Division
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Regulations
Annual Parole Survey, 2000
To obtain any of these data, requests must be made to the agency’s contact
overseeing a program or project’s data. Contact names and e-mails are listed
with each data set. A full list of the USDOJ’s open data sets as well as
contact name and contact information can be viewed at
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
When researchers look for criminal justice and criminology data to conduct
secondary data analysis, the two agencies they most often turn to are the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS). Researchers go to the FBI for data because they manage one of the
most well-known data collection programs in our field: the Uniform Crime
Reporting (UCR) Program.

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reporting

The UCR Program is a local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement
program that provides one of the two national measures of crime in the
United States. UCR data are voluntarily submitted to the FBI from law
enforcement agencies throughout the country. Data are submitted to the FBI
either through a state’s UCR Program, or they are submitted directly to the
FBI from a law enforcement agency. Today, the UCR program gathers crime
reports from approximately 17,000 (of the more than 18,000) law
enforcement agencies from all states, the District of Columbia, and some U.S.
territories. Furthermore, the UCR Program describes crime occurring in
almost the entire nation. The purpose of the UCR Program has always been
to serve the needs of law enforcement agencies. Over the past several
decades, data from the UCR Program have become one of the country’s
leading social indicators and offer researchers a rich source of information
about crime reported to the police. Thousands of researchers (including
students) have seized on this opportunity throughout the years. For example,
the Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: 1975–1997 is
one of the most frequently downloaded data sets from ICPSR. According to
the ICPSR website, in 2016, more than 14,000 files in this data series were
downloaded from the archive. This may not be surprising given the amount
of data collected under the umbrella of the UCR Program. Many of those data
collection efforts are described in the next section.
Summary Reporting System (SRS aka UCR).
When the UCR Program began, it collected crime data. Over time, as the
program began gathering other types of data, what was originally called the
UCR data was renamed the Summary Reporting System to distinguish it from
the umbrella program sharing the same name. The Summary Reporting
System (SRS) primarily offers counts of each type of in-scope crime. These
include murder and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated
assault, burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The SRS was
not designed to gather data on characteristics of the crimes, crime victims, or
offenders, although some exceptions existed. SRS data, for example, includes
these details: whether a rape was completed or attempted, whether a burglary
involved forcible entry, type of motor vehicle stolen, and whether a robbery
involved a weapon. Even though these data are valuable, the lack of
additional details for all SRS crimes is a limitation of these data. More recent
data made available under the UCR Program offer more detail.
Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR).
If your research focuses on murder or non-negligent manslaughter in the
United States, then the Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR) are a good
source of secondary data. Although the FBI has long collected data on
murder, it was only in 1976 that detailed data from this program were
gathered and archived. The SHR provides detailed data on murder (both
justifiable and not), including the victim’s age, sex, and race; the offender’s
age, sex, and race; weapon type (if any); victim–offender relationship; and
the circumstances that led to the murder. The patterns uncovered by these
data have been used to identify trends in murder, and in the development of
policy recommendations focused on murder, like the pattern shown in Figure
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
The important data gained by gathering details of homicide in the SHR made
clear the need to gather details for nonfatal crimes as well. Those details are
now available in the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
This data collection effort was introduced in the mid-1980s and gathers
detailed incident data about crimes in the SRS. These additional data gathered
include the nature and types of crimes committed during each incident,
victim(s) and offender(s) characteristics, type and value of stolen and
recovered property, and characteristics of arrested individuals. The NIBRS
also offers data on new offense categories of crime, including “crimes against
society.” Crimes against society consist of drug/narcotic offenses,
pornography/obscene material, prostitution, and gambling offenses. NIBRS
presents quantitative and qualitative data that describes each incident and
Figure 9.3 Trend in Murders and Non-Negligent Homicides per 100,000

Source: Data are based on annual estimates of homicide from previously

published versions of Crime in the United States. Data for 1989 to 2008
reflect updated homicide estimates from Crime in the United States,
2008. Data for 2009 and 2010 reflect updated homicide estimates from
Crime in the United States, 2010.
The modernization, enhancements, and improvements found in NIBRS over
the SRS have resulted in data that better serve the needs of its primary
constituency—law enforcement. Even though law enforcement officers are
the primary focus on these data, NIBRS data have been valuable to policy
makers and other researchers regarding victimization risk.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted.
Yet another excellent FBI source of data is found in the Law Enforcement
Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) data set. The purpose of this UCR
Program collection is to provide law enforcement managers, trainers, and
personnel data needed to improve officer training to prevent death and
serious injury of law enforcement officers. These data include information on
incidents resulting in the assault and killing of on-duty officers. Details
gathered as part of LEOKA data include the circumstances of the incident,
such as the type of call answered, type of weapon used, and details about the
type of patrol the officer was on at the time of the incident.
Hate Crime Statistics.
By using data gathered in the UCR Program, the FBI publishes an annual
hate crime statistics report. This congressionally mandated publication
originated from the Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990. Since then, additional
congressional acts have extended the data collection and have expanded
protected groups. In 1996, this became a permanent annual data collection
effort. Today, by using data from the hate crime file that can be downloaded
at ICPSR, you can answer research questions focused on hate crimes. Given
that these data are collected in the UCR Program, it should come as no
surprise that the hate crime data on murder and non-negligent manslaughter,
rape, aggravated assault, simple assault, intimidation, arson, and destruction,
damage, or vandalism of property, are voluntarily submitted to the FBI by
state and local law enforcement agencies. Hate crime data available as part of
the UCR program include the number of incidents, offenses, victims, and
offenders in reported crimes that were motivated in whole or in part by a bias
against the victim’s perceived race, religion, sexual orientation,
ethnicity/national origin, or disability.
Research in Action: Do Offenders “Forage” for Targets to
The process by which offenders choose their victimization targets,
whether they are persons or property, is an area of interest for
many researchers. Johnson, Summers, and Pease (2009) tested a
popular explanation for residential burglaries: the boost
hypothesis. Specifically, they tested whether the boost hypothesis
explains both residential burglary and theft from motor vehicle
(TFMV) in the “short run” (i.e., when typical circumstances of the
locales are evident). They referred to this type of boost account of
burglaries as “offender foraging.” Six research hypotheses were
H1: Burglary will cluster in space and time.
H2: Sharing similar motivations to burglary, theft from
motor vehicle offenses (TFMV), will cluster in space and
H3 and H4: Burglaries (or TFMV) offenses detected by the
police occurring close in space and time are more likely to be
cleared to the same offender(s) than other pairs of crimes of
the same type.
H5: If there is evidence of offender versatility across the two
offense types of interest, incidents of burglary and TFMV
will cluster in space and time.
H6: If H5 is supported, pairs of detected burglaries and
TFMV offenses occurring close to each other in space and
time will be those most likely to be cleared to the same
offender(s). If H5 is unsupported but this hypothesized
pattern is evident, this would suggest that the patterns are the
result of a detection bias rather than of offender foraging
To answer these questions, the researchers conducted secondary
data analysis of recorded victim and crimes incident data recorded
by the police. Space–time clustering was identified using
sophisticated analytic tests developed in the field of
epidemiology, designed specifically to determine space–time
patterns in the spread of disease. To determine whether patterns of
offending supported Johnson et al.’s foraging hypotheses, they
developed a contingency table for both crime types that showed
the likelihood the same offender was involved in both incidents
that were identified in the cotangent models. This information was
presented by specific day/time intervals (i.e., the percentage of
near repeat burglaries that occurred within 14 days and within 100
meters of each other).
The results of Johnson et al.’s analyses of the BCS data revealed
that during a 20-year period (i.e., 1988 to 2006), public contact
with police in England and Wales steadily declined, especially
since 2000. Declines in police–public contact were consistent
across all types of contact, including self-initiated contact as a
result of victimization and police-initiated contact.
In line with previous research, there was clear evidence of space–
time clustering for both residential burglaries and for thefts from
motor vehicles (i.e., more crimes occurred near to each other in
space and time than would be expected). Furthermore, their
results suggested that there were no associations between the
timing and locations of incidents examined (i.e., for either
burglaries or TFMV) other than that which could be explained by
their general distribution in space or time. Finally, repeat burglary
victimizations detected by police were almost always cleared to
the same offender, and a similar pattern was observed for TFMV.
In summary, the results of the researchers’ investigation
supported their hypotheses, collectively, providing support for
theories of offender foraging.
The authors suggest that their findings have clear implications for
the forecasting of crime locations and detection strategies, which
could be supportive of law enforcement agencies’ efforts to fight
crime. They argue that their findings extend the knowledge about
crime forecasting by earlier work, showing that the generation of
crime forecasts that consider when and where crimes occurred in
the past improves predictive accuracy relative to standard
methods of crime hot spot analysis (for both residential burglaries
as well as for theft from motor vehicles).
Johnson, S. D., Summers, L., & Pease, K. (2009). Offender as
forager? A direct test of the boost account of victimization.
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25(2), 181–200.
Cargo Theft Statistics.
A part of the UCR Program entails gathering detailed data on cargo theft.
According to the FBI (2015), cargo theft is
the criminal taking of any cargo including, but not limited to, goods,
chattels, money, or baggage that constitutes, in whole or in part, a
commercial shipment of freight moving in commerce, from any pipeline
system, railroad car, motor truck, or other vehicle, or from any tank or
storage facility, station house, platform, or depot, or from any vessel or
wharf, or from any aircraft, air terminal, airport, aircraft terminal or air
navigation facility, or from any intermodal container, intermodal
chassis, trailer, container freight station, warehouse, freight distribution
facility, or freight consolidation facility. For purposes of this definition,
cargo shall be deemed as moving in commerce at all points between the
point of origin and the final destination, regardless of any temporary
stop while awaiting transshipment or otherwise. (“What is cargo theft?”
para. 1)
Cargo theft data, and reports focused on it, are recent. They became a topic of
interest because of the economic nature and the risk of terrorism associated
with these crimes. Cargo theft data collection was mandated by the USA
Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005. These data are
collected using NIBRS, and the first FBI report on the topic was published in
These secondary data sets are only some of what the FBI offers. Because data
needs change over time, you should expect to see data collection efforts
change as well. Returning to the FBI.gov website, as well as other sources of
data described in this chapter, will help you stay up to date on available
secondary data that you can use in your research.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is another valuable resource for
secondary data that you can access easily. In 1965, it was recognized that the
nation needed additional data on crime, data that were not limited only to that
which was reported to the police. Commissions considering the need for
additional data recommended the establishment of a national criminal justice
statistics center in 1968. In response, the Law Enforcement Assistance
Administration (LEAA) was established. The LEAA, which later was
renamed the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), housed the National Criminal
Justice Information and Statistics Service (NCJISS). The NCJISS became the
Bureau of Justice Statistics in 1979, with the passage of the Justice System
Improvement Act. The mission of NCJISS—and later BJS—is to gather and
analyze crime data, publish crime reports, and make available this
information to the public, policy makers, media, government officials, and

Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics

BJS publishes data regarding statistics gathered from the 50,000 agencies that
comprise the U.S. justice system. Much of these data are made available,
usually through ICPSR’s NACJD, for secondary data analysis. BJS also
maintains more than 30 major data collection series. Periodically, the Bureau
receives authorization to conduct special data collections in response to
programmatic, policy, and legislatives needs for the department, the
administration, Congress, and the criminal justice community. Statistics from
these data are published annually on criminal victimization from data
collected through the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) program.
Other annual publications produced from data that BJS collects (and are
available publicly) include populations under correctional supervision from
data collected through its National Corrections Reporting program, and
federal criminal offenders and case processing statistics from its Federal
Justices Statistics program. A list of all the Bureau’s data collection series
can be found at www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=dca and include, but are not
limited to the following (BJS, 2017):
Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey
Collects data from probation and parole agencies in the United
States on an annual basis
Arrest-Related Deaths
A component of the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program
(DCRP); it is a national census of all manners of arrest-related
deaths and includes all civilian deaths that occurred during, or
shortly after, state or local law enforcement personnel engaged in
an arrest or restraint process
Capital Punishment
Provides an annual summary of inmates admitted to and removed
from under sentence of death (including executions) and of statutes
pertaining to capital punishment and annual changes to those
Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers
Collects data from all federal law enforcement agencies with arrest
and firearms authority
Census of Jail Inmates
Conducted approximately every five to seven years, it provides
information and data on supervised populations, inmate counts and
movements, and persons supervised in the community
Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Provides data on all state and local law enforcement agencies
operating nationwide
Emergency Room Statistics on Intentional Violence
Collects data on intentional injuries, such as domestic violence,
rape, and child abuse, from a national sample of hospital
emergency rooms
Human Trafficking Reporting System
Developed in 2007 to collect data on alleged human trafficking
incidents from state and local law enforcement agencies
Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics
Conducted periodically since 1987, the program collects data from
more than 3,000 general-purpose state and local law enforcement
agencies, including all those that employ 100 or more sworn
officers and a nationally representative sample of smaller agencies
National Corrections Reporting Program
Collects offender-level administrative data annually on prison
admissions and releases, year-end custody populations, and parole
entries and discharges in participating jurisdictions
National Crime Victimization Survey
Serves as the nation’s primary source of data and information on
nonfatal property and personal criminal victimization in the United
National Judicial Reporting Program
Provides detailed information and data on felony sentencing from a
nationally representative stratified sample of state courts in 300
National Prisoner Statistics Program
Produces annual national- and state-level data on the number of
prisoners in state and federal prison facilities
National Survey of DNA Crime Laboratories
Provides national data on publicly operated forensic crime
laboratories that perform DNA analyses
Police-Public Contact Survey
Provides detailed data on the characteristics of persons who had
some type of contact with police during the year, including those
who contacted the police to report a crime or were pulled over in a
traffic stop
Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Provides data describing campus law enforcement agencies serving
U.S. 4-year universities or colleges with 2,500 or more students
Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems
Collects data used as the basis for estimating the percentage of total
state records that are immediately available through the FBI’s
Interstate Identification Index (III) and the percentage that include
Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearm Sales
Collects data about the state laws, regulations, procedures, and
information systems related to sales and other transfers of firearms
that were in effect as of June 30 of the collection year
The U.S. Bureau of the Census, which is part of the U.S. Department of
Commerce, collects data for most of the statistical series that BJS sponsors.
U.S. Department of Commerce
The U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC) was established in 1903 as the
U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor. Today, its primary task is to create
jobs, promote economic growth, encourage sustainable development, and
improve standards of living for all Americans. The department’s mission is
“to promote job creation, economic growth, sustainable development, and
improved standards of living for Americans” (USDOC, n.d., para. 2). In
achieving this goal, the USDOC generates a substantial amount of data
related to economic conditions and demographic characteristics of the labor
force. These data are used for business and government for decision making
and for helping to set industrial standards. Researchers in criminal justice and
criminology can also use these data for conducting secondary data analysis.
Of particular interest to them are data produced from the U.S. Census Bureau.

US Department of Commerce
Census Bureau
You have probably heard of the U.S. Bureau of the Census, which is more
commonly referred to as the Census Bureau. You have likely heard of the
Census Bureau because it is the federal agency responsible for producing data
about the American people and its economy. In particular, the U.S. Census
Bureau is the federal agency in the United States responsible for
administering the decennial census, which is used to allocate seats in the U.S.
House of Representatives based on states’ populations. In addition to the
decennial census, the Census Bureau conducts several surveys, including the
American Community Survey and the Current Population Survey.
Researchers often look to these comprehensive data sets about individuals
and the communities in which they live when conducting secondary data
analysis. For example, Cuevas says he often uses census data in writing grant
applications to help make arguments about where the people he wants to
study are located and that there is a sufficient number of potential research
participants in those locations to study.
The American Community Survey (ACS).
The American Community Survey (ACS) is the largest survey (only the U.S.
Census, which is not a survey, is larger; the NCVS is the second largest
survey conducted by the Census Bureau) that the Census Bureau manages.
The survey is administered to more than 3 million people living in America
every year, collecting data on income and education levels as well as on
employment status and housing characteristics. After the data are collected,
the Census Bureau aggregates responses with previously collected data one,
three, or five years prior to produce several sets of estimates. First, it
produces one-year estimates for areas of the country with a population of at
least 65,000. Second, it produces three-year estimates for areas with at least
20,000. Finally, it produces five-year estimates for all census administrative
areas called block groups, respectively.
Block groups are a geographic area used by the Census Bureau for
aggregating population data; a population of 600 to 3,000 people typically
defines a single block group. ACS are available online through at American
Fact Finder (https://factfinder.census.gov/) and include data on both people
(e.g., age, sex, education, and marital status) and housing units (e.g., financial
and occupancy characteristics). This website can be queried to find
population figures about specific geographic areas, based on data collected by
the Census Bureau, including data collected from the ACS. In addition, data
can be downloaded from the site onto a researcher’s local drive so he or she
can use it for secondary data analysis.
Block groups: Geographic area used by the Census Bureau for
aggregating population data that is typically defined by a
population of 600 to 3,000 people.
The Current Population Survey (CPS).
The Current Population Survey (CPS) is another survey administered by the
Census Bureau. The CPS is smaller than the ACS. It is a monthly survey of
approximately 60,000 U.S. households sponsored by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics. Its primary aim is to gauge the monthly unemployment rate in the
United States, providing one of many indicators of the economic health of the
nation. Information related to individuals’ work, earnings, and education are
available in the CPS data. Survey supplements are also commonly used as
part of the CPS to measure other topics of interest to the nation, such as data
on child support, volunteerism, health insurance coverage, and school
enrollment. Researchers conducting secondary data analysis can access data
produced from the CPS at the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series
(PUSM), the world’s largest individual-level population database. The
IPUMS website is located at https://www.ipums.org.
Geospatial Data
The data available for the secondary data analysis already discussed thus far
in this chapter represent the tip of the iceberg with respect to what is out
there. There are thousands of data sets that researchers can access and
download quickly and easily through the Internet. The challenge for those
wanting to use existing data to conduct secondary data analysis is finding
data files that contain the variables you need to answer your specific research
question(s). Increasingly, research in criminal justice and criminology is
focusing on the spatial and temporal characteristics of crime, and many of
those who are interested in this topic turn to existing geospatial data to help
support their research projects.
Geospatial data: Data containing spatially referenced information
(e.g., the latitude and longitude coordinates) included as part of all
the data contained in a data set.
Geospatial data have spatially referenced information (e.g., the latitude and
longitude coordinates of a particular point or an administrative area such as a
census block, block group, or tract) included as part of all the data contained
in a data set. Geospatial data are particularly useful in that it allows
researchers to consider the importance of time and place as they relate to their
research question. A more detailed look at the use of geospatial data is
considered in the next chapter.
In addition to the decennial census, the ACS, and the CPS, the Census
Bureau produces geographic data files that can be used in secondary data
analysis. They have provided these data for more than 25 years through their
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER)
program. TIGER products are extracted from the Census Bureau’s TIGER
database, which contains geographic features like roads, railroads, rivers, and
legal and statistical geographic areas (e.g., census block groups). The Census
Bureau offers several file types and an online mapping application to support
analysis of TIGER data. For example, Figure 9.4 shows income data mapped
by county for 2015. Some of the different types of data that can be
downloaded from https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger.html
include the following:
TIGER/Line Shapefiles
Can be used in most mapping projects and are the Census Bureau’s
most comprehensive data set. They are designed for use with
geographic information systems and can be useful in various crime-
mapping projects. Chapter 10 covers Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) in greater detail, but it can be defined as a branch of
information technology that involves collecting, storing,
manipulating, analyzing, managing, and presenting geospatially
referenced data.
TIGER Geodatabases
Useful for users needing national data sets on all major boundaries
by state.
TIGER/Line with Selected Demographic and Economic Data
Compiles data from selected attributes from the 2010 Census,
2006–2010 through 2010–2014 ACS five-year estimates and
County Business Patterns (CBP) for selected geographies. CBP
data contain annual economic information by industry and can be
used to support studies that consider economic activity of small
areas as part of their research question.
Cartographic Boundary Shapefiles
Provide small-scale (limited detail) mapping projects clipped to
shoreline. Designed for thematic mapping using GIS.
Can be used for viewing spatial data online or streaming to your
mapping application.
Geographic information systems (GIS): Branch of information
technology that involves collecting, storing, manipulating,
analyzing, managing, and presenting geospatially referenced data.
County Business Patterns (CBP): Data that contain annual
economic information by industry and that can be used to support
studies that consider economic activity of small areas as part of
their research question.
Although data available from the TIGER program are generally not primary
data that have been used to answer a particular research question, like NCVS
or UCR data, they do represent existing data that can be used by researchers
conducting studies that use secondary data analysis. It is especially true for
studies interested in some aspect of criminal justice and criminology that are
focused on identifying or explaining spatio-temporal patterns in data.
Figure 9.4 Median Household Income of Total U.S. Population, by County

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates
(SAIPE) Program, Dec. 2016.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
A useful, but often overlooked, source of secondary data is the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Violence is a public health issue, and
for this reason, the CDC gathers data valuable to criminal justice researchers.
The CDC is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services and is
located just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Of particular interest is the National
Center for Injury Prevention and Control found in its Office of
Noncommunicable Disease, Injury and Environmental health. The CDC has
come a long way since its participation in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
that ended in 1972 (see Chapter 1 for details). Today, the CDC gathers data
on violence, although the 1996 Dickey Amendment stated that “none of the
funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun
control.” Even though this avenue is not one that is examined at the CDC, it
does provide useful information and data on other types of violence,
including elder abuse, sexual violence prevention, global violence, suicide
prevention, and child abuse and neglect (to name some). The CDC’s violence
prevention webpage can be accessed here:
A particularly useful CDC data source is the National Vital Statistics System
(NVSS) program, which provides data on vital events including deaths (but
also births, marriage, divorces, and fetal deaths). Mortality data, including
that on homicide, from the NVSS are a widely used source of cause-of-death
information. It offers the advantages of being available for small geographic
places over decades, allowing comparisons with other countries. For
example, Table 9.1 provides the numbers taken from death certificates of
assaults leading to death for all people, for males, and for females. These
secondary data show that in 2014, 15,872 people in the United States died
from an assault: 12,546 were male, and 3,326 were female. Homicide by
assault was the 17th leading cause of death in the country in 2014. Although
these represent just a few of the data available, all data can be accessed and
downloaded at https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/vitalstatsonline.htm.

Source: Kochanek et al. (2016).

Also available is an online tool that allows you to gather data instantly. This
tool named CDC WONDER is found here
https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D76. Using it, you can gather
data from the DCD about the underlying cause of death from 1999 to 2015.
You can restrict those data by geographic regions, demographics, days and
months. Until 2013 the FBI did not gather data on the Hispanic or Latino
origin of homicide victims nationally. Before then, this was the only location
one could find homicide numbers for Hispanics.
State Statistical Agencies
Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) are state agencies created by legislation
or Executive Order that gather state-level data to better understand criminal
justice topics in that state. SACs are like BJS but at the state level. In other
words, state SACs collect, analyze, and disseminate criminal justice data, but
they do it at the state level, not at the national level like BJS. State SACs can
be located in universities, within other state agencies, within not-for-profit
organizations operating at a state level, or within a State Administering
Agency (SAA). An SAA is a state agency responsible for distributing
formula grant funds or grants that are noncompetitive and based on an
existing formula for allocation, from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office
of Justice Programs (OJP) to agencies within the SAA’s state.
Currently, 48 of the 50 states have a SAC. It’s up to each state government to
decide whether it wants to establish a SAC, and not all states have done so.
The two exceptions are Texas and North Carolina (see Figure 9.5). SACs are
important agencies to keep in mind given they frequently are looking for
people with research methodology skills. They can be an excellent place to
begin your career. A comprehensive list of state SACs, which includes
contact information for each state SAC director, can be found at
If you as a researcher are interested in analyzing data collected at the state
level or produced from a state project, then you may find the information you
are looking for at your state SAC. For example, the Arizona SAC is run out
of the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (www.azcjc.gov). The Arizona
SAC facilitates the sharing of information and data about Arizona’s criminal
and juvenile justice systems. It shares data with policy makers, practitioners,
researchers, students, and the public through their Community Data Project.
These data can be used in studies involving secondary data analysis that are
specifically focused on issues in Arizona or projects that have been
administered through Arizona’s SAC. Other state SACs operate similarly.
SACs are actually great places to work as well, so keep them in mind when
you are looking to begin a career with your methodological skills.
Figure 9.5 Locations of Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) Across the
United States

Note: Texas and North Carolina are the only states in the United States
without a SAC.
Local Statistical Agencies
Finally, secondary data analysis can be based on data obtained from local
governments or local government agencies. The amount and type of data
available locally varies by place. Links to local governments, by every state
in the country, can be found on the USA.gov website
(https://www.usa.gov/local-governments). For example, following the link on
this site to Colorado’s local government can lead users to demographic
profiles of the state’s general population and housing characteristics, by the
state’s cities and towns (https://demography.dola.colorado.gov/census-
acs/2010-census-data/#census-data-for-colorado-2010). These data are based
on 2010 U.S. Census data and can be downloaded from the American Fact
Finder website, but if a researcher is interested in these data specifically, then
it may be faster to go directly to Colorado’s Division of Local Government
for data (https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dola/division-local-government).
A particularly useful source of local data can be found at police agencies’
websites. For example, Kansas City, Missouri, homicide and monthly crime
data and statistics can be found on the police department’s website located at
http://kcmo.gov/police/homicide-3/crime-stats/#.WUR212jys2w. Similarly,
UCR data for San Bernardino, California, are available on their police
department’s website at https://www.ci.san-
bernardino.ca.us/cityhall/police_department/crime_statistics/default.asp. It’s
important to remember that local agencies sometimes offer more data online
than they submit to the FBI, so it is worthwhile looking at your local police
department’s webpage. Although the amount and quality of data available
differ by agency, this is a great place for students and researchers to find data
on crime-related topics in their community.
This book cannot possibly cover all local sources of crime and criminal
justice data available online. We encourage you to use an online search
engine to get a better sense of what’s out there that is related to your area of
interest to your particular areas of interest. For example, if you are interesting
in researching courts, then search on “courts” and “data” and “<your state’s
name here>.” If you are interested in conducting research on corrections, do
the same. With minimal effort, you can find an amazing amount of data
available for you to use.
Disadvantages of Using Secondary Data
Secondary data offer an amazing opportunity to conduct research quickly,
efficiently, and inexpensively. Although they offer so many benefits, like all
things research, analysis involving secondary data has some disadvantages.
When you use secondary data, you must be aware of these issues to avoid
making a mistake that could jeopardize the quality of your research. One
major disadvantage to using secondary data is that the available existing data
may not be able to address your specific research question. For example, if
your research question focuses on how a person’s immigration status is
related to their victimization risk, you may be thinking the NCVS would be
an ideal data set to use. Although the NCVS is huge and has thousands of
variables, it does not gather data on people’s immigration status. Imagine
your research question focuses on whether students enrolled in a college or
university part time have victimization rates that differ compared with their
full-time counterparts. Where might you go for these data? Again, the NCVS
seems like a good source, but it does not differentiate between full- and part-
time students. These data are not collected during NCVS interviews. If these
were your research questions, you would have to keep searching for other
possible existing data, or devise a plan to collect your own data.
Imagine your research question focuses on whether students enrolled in a
college or university part-time have victimization rates that differ compared
to their full-time counterparts. Where might you go for these data?

© tzahiV/iStockphoto.com
A second issue to be aware of when conducting secondary data analysis is
that existing data may not code variables or have the response categories you
need for your research project. The example about full- and part-time
students in the NCVS is a good example of this problem. Although the
NCVS gathers data on whether a person is a college student, it does not code
the responses in more than a nominal (i.e., “Yes” or “No”) way. Another
example of this possible shortcoming in existing data concerns age. Perhaps
your research question focuses on how each year of age is related to
recidivism risk. Perhaps you have found a source of data on recidivism that
codes respondents’ age in an ordinal fashion (e.g., in categories of 0–10
years, 11–20 years, 21–30 years, etc.). Because these data are coded this way,
your research question cannot be answered with these data. If a study wanted
to use existing data to conduct secondary data analysis, the way in which
variables are originally coded may limit (or even prohibit) its utility. In
conducting secondary data analysis, you must ensure that the variables you
need to answer your research question are coded in a way that is appropriate
for your project.
In conducting secondary data analysis, you must ensure that the variables you
need to answer your research question are coded in a way that is appropriate
for your project.

© Mark Anderson/Andertoons
A third limitation to be aware of when considering using secondary data is
that a researcher must understand (as best as possible) how the original data
were gathered. Just downloading a codebook and using a variable are not
enough. Because a researcher conducting secondary data analysis did not
participate in the planning and execution of the primary data collection
process, they may not be able to know exactly how or why it was collected
the way it was originally collected, which is another disadvantage. If you are
using secondary data, you must look for literature that describes how the data
were collected and some history about it. This may indicate that you can use
it, but we need to issue a caveat about it. For example, when we discussed
some of the FBI data collections, we noted that the purpose of these data
collection efforts was to inform law enforcement. It was not intended that
they be used in ways that many researchers use them. That is okay in some
circumstances but not in others.
For instance, some researchers use the SRS to estimate criminal victimization
it the United States. This is okay as long as it is acknowledged that those data
only represent what is reported to the police. We know that a lot of crime is
never reported to the police. This issue illustrates that a researcher conducting
secondary data analysis needs to try to understand all he or she can about the
quality of the existing data used, including how seriously the data might be
affected by problems such as low response rates or respondents’
misunderstanding of specific survey questions. In other words, if the
researcher conducting secondary data analysis was not present during the
data collection process, he or she has to determine independently the overall
quality of the data to be used and must decide, based on this information,
whether it is suitable for his or her investigation. Much of this
methodological information should be available, but it may not always be. If
you cannot find information in writing, contact the agency collecting it and
ask to talk to an expert on the data there. If you share what you are
considering doing with the data, the agency can offer advice as to the
feasibility of your project.
Finally, it is often that secondary data do not provide nuance about topics.
Dodge finds this to be true in much of her research. Dodge has worked with
others on projects that include secondary data. Nevertheless, she finds that
using secondary data to supplement what is learned through qualitative data
leads to the richest research. In addition, Dodge finds that looking at studies
using secondary data highlights gaps in the literature she can fill conducting
research using qualitative data. Brunson reiterated this point by noting to us,
“I may be able to use secondary data to learn about the frequency of police
stops, but generally I cannot find any information about the nature of the
stop.” In studies of procedural justice, like Brunson conducts, the key is what
happened during the stop, not that a stop happened necessarily.

Reporting Findings From Secondary Data Analysis

When reporting results from studies based on the use of secondary data, you
should always include some basic information about the data used in your
analysis. This includes reporting how the data were obtained, and how they
are capable of answering your study’s research question(s). This is exactly
the kind of information Zaykowski (2014) included when she reported her
findings about the use of victim services by crime victims, using data from
the NCVS. Here is a direct passage from her journal article to illustrate:
Data for this study came from the National Crime Victimization Survey
(NCVS; 2008–2011) incident files (U.S. Department of Justice, 2013),
which were de-identified datasets available through the Interuniversity
Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). The data are
available to researchers by creating a free account and agreeing to the
ICPSR’s terms of use. The Institutional Review Board of the University
of Massachusetts-Boston approved this research. The survey years 2008
through 2011 contained information about mental and physical health
and related consequences of victimization that were not available for
earlier surveys. The surveys were stratified multistate cluster samples of
approximately 50,000 households each survey year that included non-
institutionalized persons age 12 years and older living in households
across the United States. Because the design was not a simple random
sample, there is some variation in the probability of selection in addition
to non-sampling error. The response rate for the NCVS averaged over
95%. Surveys from 2008 through 2011 were combined into one dataset.
(pp. 365–366)

There are several things this first paragraph contains worth noting that you
should emulate should you use secondary data. First, Zaykowski (2014)
identified that the primary data were collected as part of the NCVS program.
Second, she stated that these data were obtained directly from ICPSR. Third,
Zaykowski explained that she received IRB approval for using the NCVS for
this research. Fourth, she included specific information about characteristics
of the NCVS data that conveys to the reader some of the reasons it is
appropriate to use to answer her specific research question. Information about
the NCVS data presented in the article continued with the following passage.
Keep in mind that Zaykowski did not gather these data, yet she reports about
how the data were originally collected. This information is only available by
reading documentation associated with the NCVS, as well as information on
variables included in the codebook:
Trained researchers conducted in-person interviews with all members in
each sampled household using a screening questionnaire. This screening
questionnaire asked subjects about demographic information and about
events that may have happened to them in the past 6 months. For
example, subjects were asked “has anyone attacked or threatened you in
any of these ways: With any weapon, for instance, a gun or knife . . . ?
With anything like a baseball bat, frying pan, scissors, or stick . . . ?” If
subjects had experienced any of the situations, they were then asked to
complete an additional questionnaire for every incident. The incident
questionnaire asked subjects where the incident occurred, how well they
knew the perpetrator, how the perpetrator attacked the victim and if any
weapons were used, what injuries the victim received, how the crime
affected the victim’s mental and physical health, what type of help the
victim sought including if the incident was reported to the police, if
there was anyone else present at the scene of the incident, and the
victim’s relationship to the offender. The trained interviewer
determined, based on this information, into which crime category the
incident fit. (p. 366)
This next paragraph conveys additional information about the quality of the
NCVS data and how some of the variables used in the study were measured.
When findings from secondary data analysis are reported, this level of detail
about the data being used helps the reader contextualize results from the
secondary analysis. In other words, details about data quality help convince
the reader that their use is justified. Zaykowski (2014) also includes
information specific to the number of cases used in her analysis and the
criteria used for selecting them. This is valuable information about the NCVS
sample. Recall in our earlier chapter on sampling, we discussed the value of
representativeness; Zaykowski has noted that her study uses both a
representative sample of persons age 12 years and older in households and
that her research is based on a large sample. In part, this information is
presented so that someone else can replicate her study:
The dataset of 27,795 cases contained both property and violent crime
victims. Only victims of violent crime, however, were asked if they
sought assistance from a victim service agency. Therefore, the sample
was limited to victimization by violence (sexual assault/rape, physical
assault, and robbery). Included cases significantly different from
excluded cases (i.e., property crime victims) in that a greater proportion
of violent crime victims were black/African American, male, not
married, had lower household incomes, and were younger in age (p <
.10). Subjects whose household income was unknown were retained in
the sample through a dummy variable (compare with Kaukinen, Meyer,
& Akers, 2013). Subjects with missing data were excluded from the
analysis using listwise deletion (n = 330). The final sample included N =
4,746 cases of whom few sought services (7.8%). (p. 366)

Although this paragraph has some more advanced technical information in it,
notice that it demonstrates the need for researchers—whether a student, a
professor, or an analyst working outside a university setting—to include
specific information about the data he or she used to conduct secondary data
analysis. When you are conducting research using secondary data, you should
include important information such as the:
1. Identify the project or program undertaken to collect the primary data.
2. Explain how the primary data were obtained from those who collected
3. Include a statement about whether they have received IRB approval to
use the primary data.
4. Provide a justification for why the primary data are being used instead
of other existing data.
5. Identify the unit of analysis.
6. Discuss which variables from the primary data are focal variables and
how they were measured.
7. If the entire primary data set is not used, explain why and how the subset
of data was extracted, including details of the final sample size and how
missing data were handled.
By providing these details, readers can more easily draw conclusions about
whether it is appropriate for a researcher to conduct secondary data analysis
on a particular existing data set.
Common Pitfalls in Secondary Data Analysis
Not unlike the other research methodologies discussed in previous chapters,
researchers must think carefully before engaging in secondary data analysis.
Secondary data analysis is subject to many pitfalls. Some challenges
associated with using this particular research methodology can threaten the
overall quality of a research project, which threatens the overall quality of
your research. This section addresses the most common pitfall associated
with secondary data: forcing the data to be what they aren’t.

In discussing secondary data analysis, many researchers will express concern

over the fact that not being part of the original research team can pose serious
problems when working with existing data. Santos says it is the biggest pitfall
associated with working with secondary data. She explained during a video
interview conducted for this textbook that “[i]t boils down to trying to change
the data to adapt to your research question, or changing your research
question to adapt to the data. In other words, sometimes researchers can’t
truly test what they think they are testing when they use secondary data;
when researchers try to adapt existing data to their own research question, it
simply makes the existing data too watered down.” As Santos stated, it can
get “ugly.” Brunson shared similar concerns during a phone interview. He
said that when researchers and students use secondary data, they are not
intimately knowledgeable about the data, compared with the researcher who
collects his or her own original data. The users of secondary data do not
always understand the way the data were gathered, why certain questions
were asked, and why other questions were omitted. Brunson noted that users
of secondary data often “don’t understand how decisions about how
questions were asked and the data gathered were made; and how these
decisions impact the overall quality of the existing data.” In short, he noted,
“Users of secondary data inherit the short comings of the decisions made by
the original research team. Without knowing everything there is to know
about the data and how it was collected, chances are that it will not be used in
the way it’s should be.”

In discussing secondary data analysis, many researchers will express concern

over the fact that not being part of the original research team can pose serious
problems when working with existing data.

© Tom Fishburne/Marketoonist.com
Not surprisingly, Cuevas echoed this concern about secondary data. He
believes that too often researchers think that “just because they can read a
data codebook up and down, look at every variable, and look at the data
documentation, researchers have a good sense of the data; but they don’t.”
During his video interview, he noted, “It’s one thing to know how the
sausage was made, but it’s another thing to actually make the sausage. The
process of making the sausage is what matters.” Cuevas also thinks there is a
bit of a “round-hole-square-peg” problem with secondary data analysis. He
believes that researchers often try to make variables in existing data reflect
the concepts they are interested in studying, when often they do not, and
suggests that when this occurs, secondary data analysis becomes a potentially
misleading and poor methodology. Dodge dealt with these data issues most
recently on an internal project using police use-of-force data. She was
provided data from a law enforcement agency that she felt looked wrong. She
did not feel the data she had been provided really constituted police use-of-
force data regardless of how it was labeled. A second request was made for
additional data, and those data still looked wrong. Somehow, in the course of
Dodge’s research and trying to understand exactly what data the agency had,
the media got ahold of the same data and reported about them as police use-
of-force data. They were wrong. Unfortunately, the questions surrounding
these secondary data stemmed from issues about what the data actually
referred to. Cuevas offers a good strategy for researchers to avoid the
common pitfalls associated with secondary data analysis: Research must
“stay in their lane” and not use a variable for purposes far removed from its
original purpose. Santos and Dodge both have been called in on projects
where an organization needed its data analyzed, yet the organization did not
even have a codebook describing its data. Both researchers were faced with a
puzzle about what the variables were, what the data and variables were
supposed to represent or measure, what the data actually represented, and
even what the codes for the response categories were. To say these projects
are challenging is an understatement.
Dodge identifies a final pitfall associated with secondary data: that it can
often be rife with missing data. Missing data refer to when there are no data
recorded for a particular variable. Missing data come in two broad forms.
First, it can refer to when a person was supposed to include information and
did not do so. These are nonresponses. For example, you may be asked on a
survey to provide your annual household income but opt to leave that answer
blank. That is missing data. It can also refer to not applicable responses. For
example, a survey asks how many children live in your home. Assuming you
have none, the survey then skips you to a question focused on something
unrelated. For those who noted they had children living in the home, the
survey then asks how many males and female children live in the home.
When we look at the resulting data, the person with no children in the home
would not have a value recorded for the sex of children in the home. This
would appear as not applicable missing data. A problem with some secondary
data is that they include a large amount of missing data raising challenges
with analyzing the data. Understanding if what is missing is truly missing,
versus not applicable missing, is important to know and often not clear with
some secondary data.
Missing data: When no data are recorded for a particular
Ethics Associated With Secondary Data Analysis
Many universities and institutions acknowledge that some research projects
involving secondary data analysis may not meet the definition of “human
subjects” research; and therefore, they may not require IRB review.
Nevertheless, some secondary data analysis projects do require IRB approval.
This section of the chapter is designed to provide guidance on IRB policies
and procedures that could be applied to projects using existing data. Despite
this information, researchers conducting secondary data analysis on existing
data must always have their host university or institution make the final
assessment on whether IRB review is necessary. In other words, researchers
should not assume that just because they are using secondary data that they
are always exempt from the IRB review process.

Although projects that involve secondary data analysis do not involve

interactions or interventions with humans, they may still require IRB review.
Typically, IRB review is required for secondary data analysis when the data
being used meet the definition of human subject data, as defined by 45 CFR
46.102(f): living individuals about whom an investigator obtains identifiable
private information for research purposes (Health and Human Services,
2009). When the analysis of existing data does not meet this definition,
however, IRB review usually is unnecessary.
In general, secondary data analysis research is exempted from IRB review
most often because the definition of human subject data is not met. This is
typically the case with most public use data. Public use data are data that are
prepared with the intent of making them available to anyone (i.e., the public).
These data are not individually identifiable, and therefore, analysis would not
involve human subjects. As a result, most IRB committees would recognize
that the analysis of these de-identified, publicly available data would not
constitute human subjects research and would not require their review. If a
public use data set is manipulated in some way, however, say by merging it
with another public use data set, and the creation of this new data set could
identify individuals, then IRB review of the study would likely be required.
Public use data: Data that are prepared with the intent of making
them available to anyone (i.e., the public).
If subjects’ private information were contained in an existing data set that
was being used in a secondary data analysis study, then an IRB committee
would likely deem it as research involving human subjects and require a
review. In this situation, private information is information provided by
research subjects during the original study for specific purpose of
participating in that research and that the subject reasonably expects will not
be made public (e.g., a medical or a school record). On the other hand,
private information does not include data that may have been made available
(or could be made available) publicly (i.e., university faculty members’
salaries). If an existing data set does not contain “private information,” then
secondary data analysis using it would not likely require IRB review.
Even if primary data sets contain private information that could identify
specific research subjects, the identifiable information is often stripped from
the file when the data are archived. For example, many of the data sets
archived at ICPSR have been de-identified, or stripped of all identifiable
information so that there is no way it could be linked back to the subjects
from whom it was originally collected. In this scenario, “identifiable
information” means the identity of the subject is known or may be readily
ascertained by the investigator. When researchers conducting secondary data
analysis on existing data, and the existing data contain identifiable
information about the original research subjects, then the secondary data
analysis project will likely require IRB approval prior to commencing.
De-identified data: Data that have been stripped of all
identifiable data so that there is no way they could be linked back
to the subjects from whom it was originally collected.
In summary, federal regulations on human subjects research protections (45
CFR part 46) specify six categories of research that may be exempted from
IRB review, one of which applies specifically to existing data (i.e., Category
4). Research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents,
and records can be exempted under Category 4 of the federal regulations if
(a) the sources of such data are publicly available or (b) the information is
recorded by the investigator in such a manner that subjects cannot be
identified, directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects. Typically,
however, researchers must still apply to their university/institution’s IRB
committee for them to make the final determination regarding whether their
proposed secondary data analysis project is, in fact, exempt from IRB review.
In other words, it is not the researcher who makes the final determination as
to whether his or her secondary data analysis project is exempt from IRB
Finally, at times, research agencies and organizations provide primary data
files to researchers to conduct secondary data analysis and these files are
provided with specific restrictions regarding their use and storage. It is
common for those data to contain identifiable information or several variables
that if combined with one another could enable the researcher to identify the
original research subjects, even though this is not the researcher’s intent. In
these scenarios, researchers will generally not be exempt from IRB review
and will be required to receive IRB approval before conducting secondary
data analysis on the existing data.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office for
Human Research Protection, offers a series of flowcharts to help researchers
determine whether their research falls under the umbrella of “human subject”
research and, as such, requires ethics approval to undertake. Figure 9.6 shows
the decision chart for researchers wanting to use existing data for secondary
data analysis. All of HHS’s Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts are
located at https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/decision-charts/.
Courtesy of Jennifer Truman
Secondary Data Expert—Jenna Truman, PhD
Jenna Truman, PhD, is a statistician at the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
She is in the Victimization Statistics Unit at BJS and works primarily on the
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Her current research and
work focuses on victimization patterns and trends, stalking victimization,
domestic violence, firearm violence, and the measurement of demographic
characteristics using the NCVS. As a statistician at BJS, she is tasked with a
number of responsibilities including survey design, data collection, data
analysis, writing reports, presenting analysis, overseeing the Office of
Management and Budget clearance process for data collections (think IRB
clearance), and project management. Most recently, she has been involved in
the redesign and data collection of the Supplemental Victimization Survey on
stalking victimization, implementing the addition of new demographic items
to the NCVS, and the redesign of the NCVS instruments.
Figure 9.6 Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research
Projection’s Decision Chart for Research Involving Existing Data
Truman never thought she would end up making a living working with
secondary data. Initially, she wanted to be an archeologist (like Indiana
Jones!). As she got a bit older, she decided she wanted to be a lawyer, but an
internship in high school demonstrated to her that it was not the career for
her. She then fell in love with sociology as an undergrad, which led her to
pursue her graduate degree. After receiving her MA in applied sociology, she
made the decision to pursue her PhD in sociology. As a PhD student, she had
the opportunity to be the project manager for the department’s research lab
(Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences). There, she gained experience
in survey research. Between this experience, learning about all of the applied
research that was being done outside of academia, and learning that she did
not love teaching, she decided that she wanted to pursue an applied research
job after finishing graduate school rather than an academic position at a
university. She was aware of BJS’s work throughout graduate school as she
had read BJS reports and had even used the stalking supplement data for her
dissertation. Therefore, she knew BJS as a place that she would look at to
apply when she went on the job market. She was fortunate enough that BJS
had an opening when she was finishing school. She applied, interviewed, and
got the job! She feels fortunate that everything worked out as it did and
recognizes having research methods skills was a part of her success.
Truman knows that many times in research it is not possible for researchers
to collect their own data, and this is where secondary data analysis can be
helpful. Depending on the research question, there may be existing data that
could be used to examine it. There is a plethora of data out there for
researchers and students to use, including many national data collections
from the federal government. Secondary data analysis is also beneficial from
a cost perspective because a researcher is saving from spending any data
collection costs. In addition, many of the large-scale data collections that
exist have a variety of variables and were collected with varying
Truman notes that when students or researchers consider using secondary
data analysis, it is vital that they seek to understand how the data are
collected, what variables and response categories are included in the data, and
if and how the data should be weighted. In her capacity at BJS, she speaks to
many data users about the NCVS to answer questions and provide necessary
documentation. For federal data sources, like the NCVS, there are typically
data codebooks and user’s guides or other documentation publicly available.
Truman states that it is essential that users use those resources to be sure that
they are analyzing the data appropriately. It is also important to understand
the population of study so that you are making appropriate conclusions.
Although the available resources for secondary data analysis may be
numerous, one challenge is finding the right data to answer your research
question. It is possible that the data may not have the exact measure that you
need or that the variables are coded differently than you would like.
Truman has some words of advice for students. First, they should focus on
understanding both the benefits and challenges of secondary data analysis.
Students should be aware of how to find possible data sources for their
research, and once data are found, they should make the effort to understand
the data file, the collection process, variables, and appropriate methodologies.
Students must understand that each data set might require a different level of
statistical skill to analyze it. For example, working with a longitudinal
compared with a cross-sectional data file may require more advanced
statistical skills. Another important skill for students is to be able to be
critical of and evaluate the secondary data they are using. Overall, a broad
understanding of secondary data analysis is an important skill to have and
would be a valuable asset for various research organizations, academia, and
the federal statistical system.
Longitudinal data: Data collected from the same sample at
different points in time.
Cross-sectional data: Data collected at the same point of time or
without regard to differences in time.
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter introduces and describes research using secondary data. We
began the chapter by defining why a researcher would use secondary data,
and what it is. The chapter provided insight into how secondary data differ
from primary or original data. We introduced you to several sources of
criminal justice and related secondary data that can be used to answer your
research questions, including the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and
Social Research (ICPSR). We also described several data sets available for
secondary data analysis from the FBI, BJS, and other organizations. In
addition, we described how to access those data. We concluded the chapter
by identifying key strategies for reporting findings from secondary data
analysis, the most common pitfall associated with using secondary data, and
we highlighted some ethical concerns related to secondary data analysis.
Research using secondary data is a popular and efficient way to conduct
research assuming the data available suit your research question. In our case
studies, Santos (Santos & Santos, 2016) and Zaykowski (2014) benefited
from existing data. Cuevas was on the original team that gathered the
DAVILA data, and it remains available for others to use. Being on the
original team collecting DAVILA offers some advantages to Cuevas who
understands the details of the data and how they were collected. Melde also
worked with the team that collected the data he used for his highlighted
research (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009), which came from an evaluation
of the Teens Crime, and the Community and Community Works Program. He
too has a richer understanding of these data, which benefits his research. Still,
when using these data, Cuevas and Melde, like everyone else, must be sure
not to stretch the data too far from its original intention. Today, each of these
data sets is available for researchers like you to use. Santos benefited from
using data available at a law enforcement agency. Many may not consider the
local police or sheriff’s office as a source of data, but they are. Furthermore,
much of their data are available online. And Zaykowski used the NCVS data,
which have been available for decades. Table 9.2 highlights some of the
features of each of our case studies in which secondary data was used to
conduct the research. In this table, we again see the diverse ways in which
one can conduct research, even when all are using secondary data.

In the next chapter, we introduced geographic information systems (GIS) and

crime mapping and analysis. In that chapter, we will explain why researchers
and practitioners use these types of data to study crime and other crime-
related problems. We provide a detailed description of GIS and present
several techniques and methods commonly used in crime analysis and
mapping. We also provide an overview of how results from GIS and crime
mapping and analysis should be presented cartographically, as well as
identify common pitfalls and ethical considerations associated with this type
of methodology.
Applied Assignments
Materials presented in this chapter can be used in applied ways.
This box presents several assignments to help in demonstrating
the value of this material by engaging in assignments related to it.
1. Homework Applied Assignment: Value of
Go to the ICPSR website and open an account. Find the 2010–
2013 DAVILA data archived by Cuevas and Sabina. Based on the
documentation available there, write a paper that provides the
following information about these data:
Explain, in detail, how these original data were obtained.
Describe and assess the sample. Is it representative? Is it
large? Small? How would you feel about using these data in
your own work?
Provide a section identifying why these data are important—
what they offer that other data do not.
Identify the unit of analysis in these data. Is it offenders,
states, victims, victimizations, incidents, etc.?
With the codebook, select four substantive variables that are
of interest to you. Describe what each variable is and how it
is coded. Describe what level of measurement the coding of
these variables represents. Identify advantages or
disadvantages of these coding schemes.
Conclude your paper with a section describing ways you see these
data could be useful in terms of potential future research that
could be conducted using these data. Be prepared to share your
paper and findings with the class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Using Secondary Data
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides extensive
economic indicator data on the Internet for regions, states, and
cities. Go to the BLS webpage, which offers statistics by location:
http://stats.bls.gov/eag/. Click on four states and find the
unemployment data for the most recent year available for each
one. Your goal as a group is to identify how the four states
compare. In making these comparisons, you need to identify the
What is your unit of analysis?
Describe the data set you are using, including how it was
gathered, its advantages, and disadvantages.
Identify the unemployment rate for each state.
Draw a figure that shows the differences in unemployment
rates across the four states.
Describe what these findings suggest to you. Provide some
hypotheses about what may account for any similarities or
differences in unemployment rates by state.
Did these findings surprise you? How? If not, why?
What further research is suggested, given your findings?
Be prepared to report your findings to the class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Accessing
Secondary Data Research on the Internet
You have been hired as a researcher to conduct research on
murder in the state where you were born (if you were not born in
a state in the United States, chose a state of your liking). In
particular, your client wants you to answer whether the murder
rate in that state has increased, decreased, or stayed stable the last
five years for which there are data. Your client is paying you big
bucks for this information, so you want to get it right. Because
you are a junior researcher, you ask a colleague with more
experience what to do. She suggests you access the FBI’s violent
crime data tables (of which murder is a part) and the CDC
WONDER online. Based on the data available at each of these
locations, write a report for your client. In your report to your
client (needed for payment), you need to state the purpose of your
task. You then need to describe the data you used to address this
client’s need. Include a description about how the data were
collected and the advantages and disadvantages of the data. Next,
provide the rates (per 100,000 people) for the last five years for
your state. Provide a figure in your paper to illustrate the trend in
murder for the state that you are focused on. Note the
discrepancies in the FBI and the CDC data. You need to share
your thoughts about what might be behind these discrepancies
(thinking back to Chapter 1 when we discussed some reasons
good data collection systems can differ). Finally, clearly articulate
your conclusions based on these data. Be sure to thank your client
for the work, and express your hope that the client will send
additional consulting jobs your way. Be prepared to share your
findings with the class.
Key Words and Concepts
Block groups 291
Codebook 283
Cross-sectional data 305
De-identified data 302
Geospatial data 291
Longitudinal data 305
Missing data 301
Primary data collection 276
Public use data 301
Secondary data analysis 276
Key Points
Use of secondary data is a popular approach to conducting research that
involves reanalyzing existing data, collected by other researchers, to
answer new research questions.
The biggest advantage to conducting research using secondary data is
that it saves time, money, and other resources.
Researchers conducting secondary data analysis are constrained by the
questions that were asked during the primary data collection, how key
concepts were measured, and the collected data were categorized within
these measures.
Established in 1962, the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and
Social Research (ICPSR) maintains and provides access to a vast
archive of social science data for research and instruction. ICPSR is
located at the University of Michigan.
ICPSR maintains the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
(NACJS), which is a specialized data archive sponsored by the Bureau
of Justice Statistics (BJS), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and the
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP).
FedStats was launched in 1997 and offers open access to a wide range of
statistical data generated by the federal government.
Under the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, the FBI provides
access to many data collection efforts that can be used in secondary data
analysis, including the Summary Reporting System (SRS), the National
Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), the Supplementary
Homicide Reports (SHR), Law Enforcement Officers Killed and
Assaulted (LEOKA), and Hate Crime Statistics.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) collects, analyzes, publishes, and
disseminates data on crime, courts, prisons, jails, law enforcement
officers, criminal offenders, victims of crime, the operation of justice
systems at all levels, and other topics related to criminal justice. These
data are useful for research using secondary data.
The Census Bureau is a part of the U.S. Department of Commerce
responsible for conducting the decennial census and other government
surveys that are of use for those conducting secondary data analysis.
Data used in secondary data analysis projects can be obtained from state
and local agencies as well as from the federal government. Those
agencies include SACs, police departments, court administrators, and
other agencies.
Projects that use secondary data analysis often are exempt from IRB
review because no new data are being collected from human subjects
and data are publicly available. You must verify with your IRB to see
whether your secondary data analysis project requires review.
Review Questions
1. What is secondary data analysis, and how does it differ from
research involving primary data collection?
2. What are some advantages to conducting secondary data analysis?
3. What are some disadvantages to conducting secondary data
4. How can researchers obtain secondary data files through ICPSR?
5. What kinds of data useful for secondary data analysis can be
obtained from the Bureau of Justice Statistics/National Archive of
Criminal Justice Data?
6. Where can researchers access geospatial data that can be used in
secondary data analysis projects?
7. What are some state and local agencies that provide secondary
data to the public?
8. What is the name of your state’s Statistical Analysis Center
(SAC), and where is it located? If your state does not have a SAC,
what is the nearest SAC to your location? What type of data and
reports does that SAC offer?
9. Why is it important to for a researcher to justify why a particular
data set was used in his or her secondary data analysis study?
10. Why are most studies involving secondary data analysis exempt
from IRB review?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Develop a research question that you think could be investigated
using existing data, and then go to ICPSR’s website. What is your
research question, what data set(s) archived at ICPSR do you
believe can be used in a secondary data analysis project to answer
it, and what problems do you think you might encounter using
these existing data?
2. Go to the Census Bureau’s American Fact Finder website located
Enter your zip code in the search box to retrieve data about your
area. What sort of information about your area that was produced
from this search is available for you to use, what are the sources
of these data, and how could these data be incorporated into a
research project using secondary data analysis?
3. Compare and contrast the data available from three different state
Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs). Why do you think that the
kinds of data available from the SACs are less consistent?
4. Identify any existing data set that you think could be used to
answer a research question that was going to be based on
secondary data analysis. Explain how you would access these data
for the project, justify their use, identify the unit of analysis and
the specific variables that you would use to answer your question,
and explain why you think these data may/may not be exempt
from IRB review.
5. Suppose you are given access to an existing data set for a
proposed secondary data analysis project. The existing data come
from your faculty advisor’s inmate survey research project
conducted last year. The data consist of coded survey responses,
and the advisor will retain a key that can link the data to
individually identifiable data. You will extract only the data you
need for your project, however, without including any identifying
data and without retaining your advisor’s linking codes. Do you
think that the use of these data constitutes human subjects
research, or do you feel that your project would qualify for IRB
exempt status?

SAGE edge offers a robust online environment featuring an

impressive array of free tools and resources for review, study, and
further exploration, keeping you on the cutting edge of teaching
and learning. Learn more at edge.sagepub.com/rennisonrm.
Chapter 10 GIS and Crime Mapping
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
10.1 Describe how GIS and crime mapping techniques are used in
contemporary criminal justice research in both the academic and
nonacademic settings.
10.2 Assess examples of the different types of crime analysis
conducted in law enforcement agencies and the specific problems
and methods commonly used with each approach.
10.3 Explain the role of GIS and crime mapping techniques in
academic research, including how crime analysis is used to
forecast crime and victimization risk and to identify temporal
patterns in crime data.
10.4 Compare the three most common metrics for assessment of
the predictive accuracy of prospective crime hot spot maps.
10.5 Identify the five required elements that must be included on a
map when crime analysis information is presented
10.6 Evaluate some of the ethical challenges researchers face
when conducting research using GIS or crime mapping, as well as
the common pitfalls that must be avoided when conducting crime
Not everyone enjoys looking at a wall of data or a table full of statistics. For
some, examining data in tables does not offer clear answers to research
questions. Given the choice, would you rather look at a big table of numbers
or a figure or map that represents the same data? It is always the best policy
to present your data in a way that makes it easy to understand. This is the idea
behind geographic information systems (GIS) and crime mapping. With
geospatial data, you as a researcher can illustrate data on a map in ways that
allow you to answer your research questions. Introducing and describing GIS
and crime mapping techniques used in criminal justice and criminology
research is the purpose of this chapter.
To introduce GIS and crime mapping, the chapter is structured as follows.
First, we address the question of why anyone would use GIS and crime
mapping techniques to conduct criminological research. Understanding why
these methods are used and why they are important helps to place the rest of
the information shared here into context. We then offer an in-depth
discussion of what GIS is, which includes the role of data, technology,
application, and people. We then turn to articulating what crime mapping and
analysis is. This discussion includes several different types of analysis that
can be done within this particular area of research; we then provide insight
into the use of these techniques in academics research, that is, the use of
crime analysis to create empirical knowledge. Next, we move to describing
common pitfalls when using these methods and the ethical considerations that
you should be aware of. Finally, we conclude the chapter with an interview of
a crime-mapping expert Henri Buccine, research coordinator at Rutgers
University’s Center on Public Safety. At the end of this chapter, you should
have a sufficient introduction to GIS and crime mapping that will hopefully
encourage you to seek additional courses in the subject. Like all of the
material in the text, having GIS and mapping skills is useful when looking for
a career. These skills are in demand, and the need for them in governmental,
public-sector, and private-sector organizations is only growing.
Figure 10.1 Simple Weather Map That Conveys Information About Weather
Conditions Across the United States Visually

Why Conduct Research Using GIS and Crime

Mapping Techniques?
Presenting data in a way that is easy to understand is important. For example,
the weather map shown in Figure 10.1 is something that most everyone
reading this text can understand without much explanation. Most of you will
look at this map of geographic data in the United States and recognize that
the dark gray areas represent places experiencing high temperatures, and the
light gray areas are experiencing lower temperatures. Differences in
temperatures are illustrated through the use of tones and intensity of color on
a map. The notion of crime mapping in criminal justice and criminology is
the same: presenting geographic data that clearly and easily demonstrate
crime and justice information in space. GIS and crime mapping allows
researchers to present their data and findings in an easy-to-understand way.
Although many view this use of maps to illustrate crime and justice
information as new and revolutionary, in fact, it began more than a century
ago. The origins of contemporary crime mapping and analysis techniques can
be traced back to the early 1800s and the works of Belgian mathematician
Adolphe Quetelet and French lawyer André-Michel Guerry. Guerry, who
spent much of his career focusing on the relationship between “moral
statistics” and crime, demonstrated the effectiveness of crime mapping and
analysis in a presentation to the French Academy of Science in 1832. By
using frequency data (how often something has happened), also known as
count data, and a series of choropleth maps, Guerry illustrated spatio-
temporal changes in the levels of crime and suicide across French districts. In
this context, spatio-temporal refers to space and time. A choropleth map is a
thematic map that uses shaded or patterned areas in proportion to the
measurement of a variable being displayed on the map. The variables
displayed on a map can represent any number of different variables, such as
crime rates, population density, or per-capita income.
Choropleth map: Type of thematic map that uses shaded or
patterned areas in proportion to the measurement of the statistical
variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or
per-capita income.
André-Michel Guerry. Guerry, who spent much of his career focusing on the
relationship between “moral statistics” and crime, demonstrated the
effectiveness of crime mapping and analysis in a presentation to the French
Academy of Science in 1832.
Interest in mapping variations in sociodemographic characteristics of
communities continued in Europe through the 19th century and is reflected in
the publications of Joseph Fletcher and Charles Booth (see Figure 10.2).
Much of this work laid the foundations upon which many students,
researchers, and practitioners develop their ideas about the geographic
distribution of crime and delinquency.
Even though GIS and crime mapping has a long history, it continues to be
used only by a few criminal justice and criminology researchers, although
those ranks are growing. Consider our featured researchers, for example.
Mary Dodge, Rod Brunson, Chris Melde, Carlos Cuevas, and Heather
Zaykowski have not personally used GIS or crime mapping in their research.
Yet, each noted to us that as the application of this approach grows, it may be
a valuable approach for use in their areas of interest.
Along with André-Michel Guerry, Adolphe Quetelet is credited with the
origins of crime mapping.

Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC

Today, law enforcement agencies throughout the country routinely rely on
geographic information systems (GIS), using various crime analysis and
mapping techniques to examine the locations of, and to combat, crime. The
results from a recent Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) survey show that more
than 87% of the nation’s largest law enforcement agencies have personnel—
crime analysts—designated specifically to crime analysis duties and that
more than a third of large agencies provide direct access to crime maps
produced by crime analysts via the Web. Other uses of GIS among law
enforcement analysts include monitoring and tracking sex offenders,
geographic profiling, and identifying crime hot spots. In short, law
enforcement agencies all over the world have identified GIS as a valuable
tool for addressing the multiple facets of fighting crime. This widespread use
of personnel focused on GIS and the advances in modern computing
technology means that possessing GIS and mapping research skills can make
you a desirable candidate for many excellent career opportunities.
In conjunction with the increased use of crime mapping and analysis among
law enforcement agencies, a growing number of applied and scientific
publications examining the use and role of GIS and mapping within the field
of criminal justice and criminology have been published. For example, some
of the leading journals in the field of criminology such as the Journal of
Quantitative Criminology, Criminology, Justice Quarterly, the Journal of
Research in Crime and Delinquency, and the British Journal of Criminology
have released several articles on crime mapping and analysis over the past
several years. Similarly, the publication of prominent reports and recently
published books also suggests strongly that crime mapping and analysis have
come of age. In fact, one of our featured researchers, Rachel Boba Santos,
has written a text focused specifically on crime analysis with crime mapping
(Santos, 2017). That text is in its fourth edition, indicating its usefulness and
popularity. In short, crime mapping and analysis is here to stay.
Crime mapping and analysis has strong theoretical grounding, well-
developed techniques used to analyze these data and increasingly widespread
implementation both in and out of academia. For these reasons, it is common
for researchers to use GIS and mapping techniques as a research
methodology, especially when their research question or questions focus on
spatial or temporal patterns. Not surprisingly, given her expertise, an example
of this is Santos and colleague’s research (Santos & Santos, 2016), which
directly addresses spatial and temporal issues of crime. In her featured
research, Santos and her colleague tested whether an offender-focused police
intervention in residential burglary and residential theft from vehicle hot
spots was effective at reducing crime, arrests, and offender recidivism. When
you read that article, you should have noticed their use of a map to depict the
different experimental and control hot spots used in the study.

What Is GIS?
Although we briefly defined GIS earlier in the text, it warrants further
discussion. GIS means different things to different people. For example,
Rhind (1989, p. 322) defines GIS as
a system of hardware, software, and procedures designed to support the
capture, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, and display of
spatially referenced data for solving complex planning and management
A slightly different definition of GIS is offered by the U.S. Geological
Survey. The USGS (2007) defines GIS as
Figure 10.2 Section of Charles Booth’s “Poverty Map” in 1889

Note: The map shows an area of East End, London, where streets are
colored to represent the economic class of residents.
a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and
displaying geographically referenced information (that is data identified
according to their locations). (para. 1)
In this text, we define geographic information systems (GIS) as a branch of
information technology that involves collecting, storing, manipulating,
analyzing, managing, and presenting geospatially referenced data. To better
understand what GIS is and how it is used to study criminal justice and
criminology topics, it can be best thought of as an approach to processing
data that consists of four interrelated parts: (1) data, (2) technology, (3)
application, and (4) people. Each of these components is discussed next.
Data comprise one of the four parts of GIS. GIS data differ from other types
of data gathered and used in criminal justice and criminology research in that
GIS data contain or can be linked to spatial or geographical data. Spatial
data include data that have geographic coordinates associated with a
corresponding physical location. The coordinates associated with spatial data
are important. For example, if we administered an online survey to a sample
of university students and we asked them to provide us with their home
address as part of the data we collected, we would have collected data about
where the students live. Nevertheless, simply providing an address lacks the
spatial coordinates, or reference of the latitude and longitude coordinates, that
correspond to the addresses. If we assigned spatial information (i.e., latitude
and longitude coordinates) to the students’ home addresses that were
collected from our survey, then we would have converted the original
(nonspatial) survey data (i.e., home address) into geospatially referenced or
geographic data. This allows us to illustrate where on a map our respondents
live. Now imagine we gathered geospatial data (with coordinates) about
where a criminal victimization occurred. With these geospatial data, we now
have where the victimization occurred on a map.
Spatial data: Data that have geographic coordinates associated
with a corresponding physical location. The coordinates
associated with spatial data are the key.
In general, two types of spatial data are used in GIS: vector and raster data.
Most people are familiar with vector data; nonetheless, many may not be
aware of vector data by name.
Vector data are geospatial data that represent characteristics of the real
world on a map. Vector data do this in one of three ways: points, polygons, or
lines. Figure 10.3 is an example of vector data used to produce a map that
represents geographic information about the location of registered sex
offender homes in Pinellas County, Florida. The sex offenders’ homes are
shown on this map using georeferenced points (i.e., pins labeled “O”). In
addition, this map illustrates a georeferenced point representing the location
of a home near a school (i.e., the pin labeled “H”). Point vector data are
illustrated using a pin because these locations represent a single point or
discrete location on a map. These point data are overlaid on a map image
showing an area of Pinellas County, Florida, that also includes surrounding
waterways. These waterways are symbolized as the solid gray areas in the
bottom left corner and are georeferenced as polygons. Finally, major street
networks are also symbolized on the map using vector data; in this case, they
are georeferenced lines. Streets run across the area of the county that is
visible on the map and look exactly as you would expect—as lines on a map.
Combined, points, lines, and polygons are three types of vector data used in
GIS to depict characteristics of the real world.
Vector data: Type of geospatial data used to represent the
characteristics of the real world in one of three ways: as points,
lines, or polygons.
Figure 10.3 Map of Sex Offenders’ Residential Locations, and the Location
of an Elementary School, in an Area of Pinellas County, Florida

Raster data represent a second type of geographic data used in GIS. In

general, a raster is a matrix of cells (i.e., pixels) that are organized into rows
and columns, like a grid. This grid is overlaid on a study area. Unlike vector
data, each raster cell contains a value that represents some aspect or
characteristic of the data being depicted on a map. For example, each raster
cell may have the number of crimes that occurred in that cell area. Or it may
offer the number of sex offenders living in that area. Although each cell
contains a value, those data are not shown in the grid. Instead, the values of
the data in the cells are illustrated using colors and shade intensity.
Raster data: Type of geospatial data represented as a matrix of
cells (i.e., pixels) that is organized into rows and columns, like a
Raster: Matrix of cells (i.e., pixels) that are organized into rows
and columns, like a grid. This grid is overlaid on a study area.
Unlike vector data, each raster cell contains a value that represents
some aspect or characteristic of the data being depicted on a map.
Figure 10.4 shows a crime hot spot map, based on the known incident
locations of motor vehicle thefts in Austin, Texas, occurring in 2007. In
addition, the locations of motor vehicle thefts recorded in 2008 are depicted
on the raster map as points (i.e., vector data). On this hot spot map, the raster
cells are visible as little squares (i.e., grid cells). Some raster cells are shaded
dark gray to show the most highly concentrated clusters of motor vehicle
thefts in 2007. Conversely, the light gray raster cells on the map show the
areas in Austin that correspond with significantly less auto theft clustering.
These particular raster data were used to determine or forecast where similar
crimes were likely to occur the next year.
Figure 10.4 Raster Hot Spot Map Shows the Concentration of Known
Automobile Thefts in Austin, Texas, During 2007, and the Point Locations of
the Same Types of Crime That Occurred One Year Later
Data stored and depicted in a raster grid can represent a multitude of real-
world phenomena such as temperature, elevation, crime rates, traffic stops,
homicides, poverty, or spectral data such as satellite images and aerial
photographs. Raster data are commonly used in criminal justice and
criminology research to depict a continuous crime risk surface or hot spot
map, where each raster cell corresponds with the relative intensity (i.e., heat)
of crime concentration or risk elevation, just like the weather map shown in
the beginning of this chapter.
Technology is one of four primary components of GIS, and it is at the heart
of GIS. Technology in the GIS context consists of both hardware and
software. Hardware is the physical equipment that makes up a geographic
information system, and it includes servers, client workstations, back-up hard
drives, and a local area network connecting them all. It is all of the equipment
that someone can see, touch, move, and feel. In contrast, software is the
technology that is not visible, and it includes the programs used in crime
analysis. For example, Microsoft® WordTM is the software you might use on
your laptop (which is the hardware). Esri® ArcGISTM and Pitney Bowes®
MapInfoTM are two of the most notable commercial GIS software
applications. Some open-source geographic information system (GIS)
programs also exist, including QGIS, MapWindow GIS, and GRASS GIS.
Most GIS software applications are processor intensive, meaning that the
hardware used has to have sufficient computing power to support the required
Figure 10.5 Heat Map Shows the Concentration of Starbucks® Coffee Shops
in the Washington, D.C., Area, Using a Commercial Online GIS Software
Company Called Mango®

Increasingly, companies and organizations are leveraging the power of the

Internet and integrating traditional GIS software applications with Web
hosting capabilities. What this means is that the processor-intensive
requirement is being shifted from a researcher’s personal hardware to the
Cloud. By making this shift, the researchers’ hardware resources are freed up,
but they can still develop maps, produce maps, and analyze the data. For
example, Esri’s ArcGIS Online is a complete, cloud-based mapping platform
that allows users to make and share maps. These maps can be presented
online and viewed through Internet browsers, including smartphone or tablet
browsers. Similarly, a company called Mango allows users to create Web
map applications quickly and easily, without the need for expensive
programmers, servers, software licenses, or support personnel. Figure 10.5
illustrates a sample hot spot map produced on the Mango online platform.
This particular example illustrates the concentration of Starbucks locations in
the Washington, D.C., area.
Application is the third of four primary components of GIS. The application
component of GIS refers to the way in which it is used. Lo and Yeung (2002)
suggest that the application of GIS is best understood when viewed from
three perspectives: areas of applications, nature of applications, and
approaches to implementation. For example, local and municipal
governments (area of application) use GIS to support public safety and law
enforcement (nature of application) by conducting spatio-temporal analysis of
crime, to deploy personnel, and for agency management and administration
(approach to implementation). This is just one of many applications of GIS in
contemporary society, but it provides an excellent example of its
“application” in criminal justice and criminology.
Like the application component of GIS, the people component—the fourth
and final component of GIS—can be best understood from three
perspectives: the specialists, the users, and the consumers. In geographic
information systems, the specialist takes on many roles and responsibilities.
The specialist can be responsible for developing applications for GIS users
and consumers. Specialists can take on the role as project manager or as
systems designer. Alternatively, the GIS specialist can oversee database
administration or computer programming jobs that support GIS projects.
Depending on the specialist’s level of expertise, a crime analyst working in a
law enforcement agency can be thought of as a GIS specialist. These are just
some of the many careers available to people with GIS skills.
The GIS user takes on slightly different roles and responsibilities in a
geographic information system. The GIS user is the person or organization
that requests support from GIS specialists to provide services to the GIS
consumer. GIS users can be public planners, engineers, scientists, or lawyers,
for example. This might be someone from the Mayor’s office that requests a
crime map from an agency’s GIS specialist. In short, the GIS user is someone
who relies on GIS for conducting business, providing goods or services, or
supporting decision-making processes. Santos, during her video interview for
this book, pointed to the GIS specialist as playing an important role in
preparing grant proposals, for example. In this capacity, the specialist can
help create maps used to demonstrate that the research team knows where the
issues are and how bad the problem is, as well as indicate that the research
team knows what it is talking about. Combined, this information can be
depicted clearly and concisely using maps, which helps get funding.
Finally, GIS consumers represent another type of GIS people. Consumers use
information produced from GIS users in their everyday lives to check the
weather, property values, traffic conditions, or crime in their community.
They may use GIS information to plan a trip, to find a good place in the city
to be entertained, or to identify a good plumber closer to their home. As a
GIS consumer, you may have even relied on geographic information systems
to find a good place to live, near campus, while studying at your university.
The GIS consumer is the end user of geographic information systems. The
skills of the GIS specialist and GIS user directly determine how useful and
easy to understand a GIS product is for the consumer.
To summarize, GIS is a field of information technology that deals specifically
with the collection, storage, manipulation, analysis, management, and
presentation of geographical data. GIS consists of four distinct parts,
including data, technology, application, and people. The “people” part of GIS
can be the specialists who develop applications, administer databases, or
manage a GIS project. GIS users, on the other hand, use GIS as a way to
provide goods or services to consumers of GIS information. GIS consumers
use geographical information in their everyday lives, including when they
query the weather forecast, plan a trip, or check for crime hot spots or sex
offenders living in their neighborhoods. GIS plays an important role in
criminal justice and criminology research, and the remainder of this chapter
focuses on how GIS is used in our field, from both a practitioner and an
academic perspective. We begin by providing a thorough discussion of crime
mapping and analysis.
What Is Crime Mapping and Analysis?
Crime mapping is a research methodology used to identify spatio-temporal
patterns in crime data. In the context of GIS, spatio-temporal refers to space
and time. Practitioners, students, and academic researchers often want to map
crime problems, and they do this with GIS. For most law enforcement
practitioners, crime analysis involves conducting spatial analysis on crime
data to understand where and when crime occurred. Knowing these patterns
assists in identifying crime problems that can help facilitate solutions for
reducing or preventing crime in the future. Agencies can also use crime
analysis to evaluate the success of these crime-fighting programs and
strategies. Crime analysts engage in many activities including reviewing all
police reports to identify patterns as they emerge. By analyzing data, crime
analysts can assist the agency in answering the who, what, when, where, how,
and why of crimes. Crime analysts in law enforcement agencies conduct
crime analysis that is administrative, tactical, or strategic in nature. In
contrast to academics using crime mapping, crime analysts are supporting the
needs of law enforcement agencies. Administrative, tactical, and strategic
crime analysis is described as follows.
Crime mapping: Research methodology used to identify spatio-
temporal patterns in crime data.
Crime analysis: When used in geographic information systems
(GIS), it refers to spatial analysis methods used on crime data to
understand where and when events occur so that patterns can be
systematically identified and reduction and prevention strategies
Administrative Crime Analysis
Administrative crime analysis is one of three types of crime analysis
performed by law enforcement personnel, and it typically involves long-
range projects. The work of administrative crime analysist tends to be internal
to the agency. Common practices associated with administrative crime
analysis include providing economic, geographic, and law enforcement
information to police management, city hall, city council, and neighborhoods,
citizen groups, or the media. Administrative crime analysis involves specific
analytic techniques that can include the following:
Districting and redistricting analysis
Patrol staffing analysis
Cost–benefit analysis
Resource deployment for special events
Administrative crime analysis: One of three types of crime
analysis performed by law enforcement personnel, typically
involving long-range projects that are internal to the agency.
Administrative crime analysis does not include typical administrative tasks
that are not analytic in nature. For example, administrative crime analysis
does not include tasks such as preparing leaflets for police events or
performing basic technology support. Although results produced from
administrative crime analysis are often the same results that are produced
from the other analytic approaches, Santos suggests that information chosen
for presentation in this type of crime analysis “represents only the tip of the
iceberg of the complete analysis. The purpose of the presentation and the
audience largely determine what analysis is presented.”
Law enforcement agencies routinely post information produced from
administrative crime analysis on their websites in the form of community
bulletins, interactive Web-based maps, or agency reports. For example,
Figure 10.6 shows the Denver Police Department’s online crime map, where
users can query the locations and times of many types of crimes in the
agency’s jurisdiction.
Figure 10.6 Interactive Online Crime Map for the Denver Police Department
That Allows Users to Identify Where and When Crimes Occurred in the
Agency’s Jurisdiction

Source: https://www.denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/police-
Tactical Crime Analysis
In addition to administrative crime analysis, law enforcement personnel
including crime analysts conduct tactical crime analysis. Tactical crime
analysis emphasize collecting data, identifying patterns, and developing
possible leads so that criminal cases can be cleared quickly. Tactical crime
analysis usually involves analysis of individual, incident-level data associated
with specific events (e.g., robberies, motor vehicle thefts, residential
burglaries, etc.) that are believed to be part of a crime series, committed by a
single individual, or group of individuals.
Tactical crime analysis: Type of crime analysis used in law
enforcement that emphasizes collecting data, identifying patterns,
and developing possible leads so that criminal cases can be
cleared quickly.
Crime analysts engaged in tactical crime analysis often produce reports
containing time series (i.e., analysis of data that are linked by time) or point-
pattern analysis (i.e., analysis of discrete points) depicted in charts, graphs,
maps, or a combination of each. This information can then be used tactically
to address known crime problems within an agency’s jurisdiction and is often
incorporated into a broader, agency-wide policing strategy such as CompStat
(COMPuter STATistics). CompStat is an organizational management
approach used by police departments to proactively address crime problems.
It does so by using data and statistics—with a heavy emphasis on crime
analysis and mapping—to identify surges in crime that are then targeted with
enforcement. CompStat began in the New York City Police Department, but
it has since been adopted by law enforcement agencies throughout the world.
CompStat: Organizational management approach used by police
departments to proactively address crime problems, which relies
heavily on crime analysis and mapping.
© KLH49/iStockphoto.com
Most of the data used in tactical crime analysis are produced from the law
enforcement agency’s records management system, which includes crime
incident report data. That is, when someone calls into the police department
about a crime, or an officer makes a stop or witnesses a crime, data from that
incident are collected. By using data representing all incidents known to the
police, the following types of tactical crime analysis are common:
Repeat incident analysis
Crime pattern analysis
Linking known offenders to past crimes
Since tactical crime analysis almost always involves examining crimes that
are a part of a series of criminal events, criminal profiling or criminal
investigative analysis is often considered to be part of tactical crime analysis.
In summary, tactical crime analysis is a crime analysis technique that
describes and conveys information about crime patterns efficiently and
accurately so that criminal cases can be cleared quickly. This may involve the
reviews of available crime data gathered from arrest reports, field interview
reports, calls for service, trespass warnings, and other available sources of
data. This approach allows the tactical crime analyst to identify how, when,
and where criminal activity has occurred on a daily basis.
Strategic Crime Analysis
Unlike the other two approaches, strategic crime analysis is a crime analysis
technique that focuses on operational strategies of a law enforcement
organization in an attempt to develop solutions to chronic crime-related
problems. Chronic means that something—in this case, crime-related issues
—is ongoing and persistent. Furthermore, spatial analytic techniques used in
strategic crime analysis differ somewhat because they usually focus on
analysis of geographic units such as an agency’s jurisdiction, census tracts,
patrol districts, or beats, instead of on individuals or crime series. Often, the
aim of strategic crime analysis is to focus on cluster analysis to produce
information that can be used for resource allocation, beat configuration,
identification of nonrandom patterns in criminal activity, and unusual
community conditions. Cluster analysis is a technique that involves the
identification of similar types of crime that clump together in space or time.
Strategic crime analysis: Crime analysis technique used in law
enforcement that is focused on operational strategies of the
organization in an attempt to develop solutions to chronic crime-
related problems.
Cluster analysis: Crime analysis technique that involves the
identification of similar types of crime that “cluster” in space or
The process of strategic crime analysis often begins with data pulled from an
agency’s records management system. In addition, this type of analysis also
incorporates other data sources derived from a variety of quantitative and
qualitative methods. Some specific types of strategic crime analysis
techniques can include the following:
Trend analysis
Hot spot analysis
Problem analysis
In summary, strategic crime analysis provides law enforcement agencies with
the ability to offer more effective and efficient service to the community.
Figure 10.7 is an example of a crime hot spot map for Henderson, Nevada,
used in strategic crime analysis showing the concentration of propane gas
tank thefts. Hot spot analysis for this particular type of theft was conducted
because it was believed that gas tank bottles could be used in terrorist
activities and the agency wanted to develop a better strategy for addressing
the particular problem. Crime hot spot mapping is one of the most common
forms of strategic crime analysis used in law enforcement today.
Figure 10.7 Hot Spot Map Depicts Concentrations of Propane Tank Bottle
Thefts in Henderson, Nevada
Crime Analysis in Academic Research
Academics, and in turn students, may think of crime analysis in ways that are
slightly different from how practitioners and crime analysts in agencies such
as police departments think of crime analysis. To academics, crime analysis
is often viewed as a research methodology that can be used to answer
research questions, as well as to test criminological theories, specifically,
those theories that attempt to explain when and why crime occurs (e.g., crime
pattern theory, routine activities theory, social disorganization theory, etc.).
Academics also use crime analysis to develop new techniques used to
identify crime patterns, as well as to improve existing methods, which allows
them to advance new ways of thinking about where and when crime occurs,
and the victims and offenders involved in criminal activity. Academics may
also apply crime analysis techniques as a research methodology to assess the
efficacy of various crime prevention or reduction policies and programs,
including the case study research discussed in this text conducted by Santos.
Recall that Santos and her colleague used this approach to test the efficacy of
an offender-focused intervention strategy, implemented using a randomized
control trial, based on crime hot spot analysis (Santos & Santos, 2016).

Crime Hot Spot Mapping

Just like there are different ways in which crime analysts investigate crime,
academics also use numerous crime analysis techniques. One of the most
popular crime methods used by academics and their students involves crime
hot spot mapping. Hot spot mapping uses advanced spatial-analytic methods
and techniques to map the known locations of recorded crime incidents. In
doing this, hot spot maps illustrate nonrandom, high concentrations of crime
events within a study area. Even researchers like Cuevas, who has not done
crime hot spot mapping, find this kind of analysis cool and interesting.
Cuevas, in his video interview for this book, also said he sees ways in which
using hot spot mapping in the future could inform his research on youth and
Latinos, specifically.
Hot spot mapping: Various, advanced, spatial-statistical methods
and techniques that use the known locations of recorded crime
incidents to identify nonrandom, high concentrations of crime
events within a study area.
A wide range of different methods and techniques has emerged to
characterize crime hot spots. Although we do not provide an in-depth
discussion of each one in this textbook, interested readers should consider the
comprehensive review conducted by Eck, Chainey, Cameron, and Wilson
(2005). In general, existing approaches to retrospective (i.e., looking
backward in time) crime hot spot identification fall into one of three
1. Global statistical tests. These tests focus on the spatial clustering of
crimes across an entire (i.e., global) study area. This approach often
involves the calculation of statistics such as mean center, standard
deviation distance and ellipse, and global tests for clustering such as the
Nearest Neighbor Index, Moran’s I, and Geary’s C statistic.
2. Hot spot mapping techniques. These techniques focus on the analysis
of point pattern data and include the use of K-means clustering, thematic
mapping using enumeration areas, quadrat mapping, and kernel density
estimation techniques.
3. Local indicators of spatial association statistics. These indicators are
used to assess the existence of clusters within an entire study area (i.e.,
locally) and include the Gi and Gi* statistics.
Although these three categories are not discussed in detail in this text, you
should know that even though these techniques serve a somewhat different
purpose, they all can be used to characterize crime hot spots in an effort to
develop a better understanding of where criminal or other criminological
incidents cluster in space.
As noted in the previous section, crime hot spot mapping is also a popular
crime analysis approach among practitioners, and crime analysts commonly
use many of these hot spot methods. Nevertheless, research undertaken by
academics has resulted in significant advances in these techniques and
methods, which in turn has improved the way crime analysts apply them.
Perhaps the most noteworthy of these advancements has resulted in a method
designed to aid law enforcement agencies to proactively administer crime
prevention strategies by using crime hot spot maps. This approach to crime
analysis is commonly referred to as predictive policing.
Predictive Policing
The Rand Corporation defines predictive policing as “the application of
analytic techniques–particularly quantitative techniques–to identify likely
targets for police intervention and prevent crime or solve past crimes by
making statistical predictions” (Perry, McInnis, Price, Smith, & Hollywood,
2013, p. xiii), The idea that crime can be “predicted” is based on two related
assumptions: (1) Crime is not randomly distributed in space and time, and (2)
the nonrandom distribution of crime is a reflection of systematic behavior
patterns of potential offenders and victims, both of whom are influenced by
the physical environment in which they live and interact. Academic
researchers studying crime patterns have developed two of the most well-
known predictive policing algorithms used by law enforcement agencies
today: PredPol® and HunchLabTM.
Predictive policing: Application of analytic techniques to identify
likely targets for police intervention and prevent crime or solve
past crimes by making statistical predictions.
PredPol bills itself as “The Predictive Policing Company” and claims its
software is more than just a hot spot tool. Created by academics from UCLA
and Santa Clara University, PredPol develops crime forecasts based on the
1. Location of historical crime data
2. When the crimes occurred
3. Type of crime that was committed
Algorithms developed by PredPol researchers are applied using a method
originally developed form the field of seismology called self-exciting point
process modeling. Self-exciting point process modeling is analogous to the
aftershocks of an earthquake. In the context of crime, think of an increase in
likelihood of a second crime following an initial crime within a particular
area. Every six months, PredPol models are updated with new crime data to
allow the model to produce a more accurate forecast. Law enforcement
agencies in Los Angeles, California; Hagerstown, Maryland; and Orange
County, Florida, have used PredPol reportedly to reduce crime in their
jurisdictions. They reduce crime by allocating resources in areas they believe
will likely experience more crime in the future.
Self-exciting point process modeling: Analogous to the
aftershocks of an earthquake. In the context of crime, think of an
increase in likelihood of a second crime after an initial crime
within a particular area.
Working with academics from Rutgers University and Temple University,
software development company Azavea® created another popular software
product used in predictive policing: HunchLab. Law enforcement agencies
feed the HunchLab algorithm cartographic data, including data that define an
agency’s jurisdiction, divisions, and beats. They also provide data such as
calls for service or crime location information. HunchLab then processes that
information to produce prospective (i.e., future) crime hot spot maps, like the
one shown in Figure 10.8. This information can then be used in targeted
crime prevention efforts. HunchLab is used in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
and Miami, Florida, and it is being tested by the New York City Police
Recently, Jerry Ratcliffe and other researchers from Temple University
developed a free predictive policing software application called PROVE.
Similar to commercial products like PredPol and HunchLab, PROVE uses
past crime event data, combined with long-term crime indicators, to model
the likelihood of future crime, and it maps these data as a prospective crime
hot spot map. According to the developers, PROVE “enables police
departments and other agencies across the country to use geocoded crime
data in combination with freely available census data to create micro-spatial
estimates of future criminal activity at the local level. The output of the utility
is a simple map of statistically significant areas of high risk” (see
https://www.hunchlab.com/tools/prove/). Figure 10.9 shows a prospective hot
spot map produced from the PROVE algorithm. Areas shaded the darkest
gray on the map indicate locations that are significantly more likely to
experience crime in the future, based on the PROVE predictions.
So, how well do these types of forecasting approaches work? At this point in
our discussion of predictive policing, it should be noted that there are many
ways that practitioners and researchers assess the quality of crime forecasts.
The three most common approaches to evaluating prospective crime hot spot
maps include the hit rate, predictive accuracy index, and recapture rate index.
Most often, these three metrics are used in combination to provide a robust
picture of the predictive accuracy and reliability of a prospective crime hot
spot map.
Figure 10.8 Screenshot of a Crime Forecast Produced by Azavea’s Hunchlab
A hit rate is a measure of predictive accuracy of prospective crime hot spot
maps. Hit rate is defined by the number of crime incidents that actually fall
within a predicted crime hot spot, based on past crime events. The hit rate is
expressed as a simple percentage that ranges from 0% to 100%. A higher hit
rate corresponds to greater predictive accuracy of the forecast. The main
limitation of the hit rate is that it can be artificially increased simply by
making hot spots cover more of the study area. Nevertheless, increasing the
hot spot coverage and the subsequent increase in hit rate would come at the
expense of an agency’s ability to patrol a larger hot spots.
Hit rate: Measure of predictive accuracy used in predictive
policing, which is defined by the number of crime incidents that
actually fall within a predicted crime hot spot, based on past crime
events. The hit rate is expressed as a simple percentage that ranges
from 0% to 100%.
In addition to the hit rate, a predictive accuracy index (PAI) can be used to
assess the predictive accuracy of a prospective hot spot map. The PAI is
calculated as the ratio of the hit rate to the proportion of the study area that is
a hot spot in the past. For example, you may have 580 of 1,531 crimes fall in
forecasted hot spot areas, which yields a hit rate of 0.3788 (i.e., 580 / 1,531 =
0.3788 or about 38%). If the total area of the forecasted hot spots was 68 km2
and the total study area was 1,035 km2, then the PAI would be 5.77 (i.e.,
0.3788 / [68 / 1,035]). Like the hit rate, a higher PAI value reflects greater
predictive accuracy. The PAI controls for the size of the hot spots, which
overcomes the primary limitation of a hit rate.
Predictive accuracy index (PAI): Used to assess the quality of
prospective hot spot maps that is calculated as the ratio of the hit
rate to the proportion of the study area that has been in a hot spot
in the past. A higher PAI value reflects greater predictive
Finally, the recapture rate index (RRI) is another metric used to determine
the quality of crime hot spot predictions. The RRI is based on the ratio of hot
spot density for the present period and the previous period, standardized for
changes in the total number of crimes in each year. By building on the
previous example used to calculate the PAI, if the PAI at Time 1 was 5.77
and the PAI at Time 2 was 4.87, the RRI would be 1.18 (i.e., 5.77 / 4.87). An
important difference between the PAI and the RRI is that the RRI considers
time to be an important factor in predicting crime hot spots because it relies
on two PAIs in its calculation: a historical PAI (Time1) and a current PAI
Recapture rate index (RRI): Metric used to determine the
quality of crime hot spot predictions. The RRI is based on the
ratio of hot spot density for the present time and the previous time,
standardized for changes in the total number of crimes in each
Figure 10.9 Example of a Prospective Crime Hot Spot Map That Was
Produced From PROVE, a Free Software Application That Can Be Used for
Predictive Policing

Risk Terrain Modeling

Academics have also developed forecasting techniques similar to, but distinct
from, those associated with predictive policing. Perhaps most noteworthy of
these methods is called risk terrain modeling (RTM). RTM was developed
by Joel Caplan and Les Kennedy at Rutgers University, in collaboration with
Eric Piza at SUNY. RTM takes a slightly different approach to predictive
crime analysis. Instead of simply using past locations of crime events to
inform decisions about where crime will occur in the future, RTM uses a
more holistic strategy that is strongly guided by criminological theory.
Risk terrain modeling (RTM): Crime analysis technique used to
identify risks that come from features of a landscape. RTM
models how these risk factors are co-located to result in unique
behavior settings for crime.
RTM is a forecasting process that identifies the spatial influence of multiple
factors found in the environment that are associated with elevated risk of
criminal victimization. Existing criminological theory (e.g., routine activities
theory, opportunity theory, and crime pattern theory) is used to inform
decisions about factors that are used to model an area’s risk patterns. For
example, Paul and Patricia Brantinghams’ (1999) crime pattern theory
suggests a high concentration of crime will cluster within small geographic
areas (i.e., crime hot spots), and that these areas of elevated risk of
victimization are best characterized as one of three different kinds of places:
crime generators, crime attractors, or crime enablers.
Crime generators are places that attract large numbers of both offenders and
victims, such as shopping malls, sporting events, parades, and other
festivities. Some areas, such as bus/subway interchanges or huge “park and
ride” parking lots, may become crime generators as a result of the large
number of people that come and go. These locations have a high number of
criminal incidents simply because of the sheer volume of people interacting
in one area. Large numbers of potentially unprotected targets mingle with
motivated offenders, creating many opportunities for crimes to occur.
Crime generators: Places that attract large numbers of both
offenders and victims, such as shopping malls, sporting events,
parades, and other festivities.
A bus stop in Henderson, Nevada that is near a shopping plaza but designed
within materials that allow for increased visibility.
© Jeremy Waller. Reprinted with permission.
One possible solution to curbing crime at this type of hot spot is to increase
the level of protection, possibly through increased police or security presence
or through environmental design strategies. For example, the photo (left)
shows a bus stop location in Henderson, Nevada. The stop is located in close
proximity to a shopping plaza. The bus stop seating area is enclosed in metal
mesh to increase visibility and reduce risk of victimization for those waiting
for public transportation.
Crime attractors are a bit different than crime generators. Crime attractors
are places that are attractive to offenders simply because of the nature of the
activity that occurs at that location—offenders are looking to have a good
time and not actively searching out a potential target to victimize.
Conversely, a crime attractor location is known to provide many criminal
opportunities and motivated offenders are drawn to these locations to commit
crimes. Areas with open-market drug sales, bar districts, large unsecured
parking areas, or known prostitution strolls would be examples of crime
attractors. To reduce crime at these locations, offenders must somehow be
discouraged from coming to the location.
Crime attractors: Places that are attractive to offenders simply
due to the nature of the activity that occurs at that particular
Crime enablers are locations that have little or no regulation of behavior.
The lack of control increases the likelihood for crime to occur. According to
Clarke and Eck (2005), changes in the level of guardianship may be abrupt
(such as when the services of a bouncer at a bar are eliminated) or may be
gradual over time, as the level of monitoring slowly erodes. Because of the
unsavory reputation, many victims tend to avoid going to these locations.
Unknowing or unwitting attendees tend to put themselves at high risk
because there are fewer targets for the motivated offenders to prey on. Crime
may be reduced at these locations by reinforcing the level of guardianship—
one of the three core concepts related to routine activities theory.
Crime enablers: Locations that have little or no regulation of
behavior. The lack of control increases the likelihood for crime to
Ideas about elevated victimization risk that are found in crime pattern theory
are applied to prospective crime hot spot mapping produced by RTM.
Specifically, researchers combine separate risk map layers, made up of
various crime generators and attractors, using kernel density estimation
(KDE) to produce a composite risk terrain map. The RTM map shows the
presence, absence, or intensity of all risk factors at every location throughout
the landscape, simultaneously. Clustering of illegal activity in particular areas
is explained in RTM by the unique combination of risk factors that make
these areas opportune locations for crime. Clustering occurs when the
potential for or risk of crime results from all the factors found at these places.
Figure 10.10 is an example of an RTM map showing areas of elevated risk of
assaults against police, involving firearms, throughout Chicago.
One feature of RTM that makes it especially appealing is the Risk Terrain
Modeling Diagnostics Utility (RTMDx). This software allows researchers or
practitioners to enter geolocated crime data and location data for selected
features (i.e., risk factors) that are found in the community (e.g., bars, bus
stops, schools, etc.). Once the user specifies outcome variables (e.g., street
robbery locations), the utility then measures the spatial correlation between
where the crimes have occurred and where they are in relation to different
features of the environment. The educational version of RTMDx can be
downloaded for free at www.rutgerscps.org/software.html. RTM and the
research team from Rutgers have received a growing number of awards and
accolades in recent years, demonstrating RTM’s utility and popularity within
the academic and practitioner communities.
Figure 10.10 RTM Map Showing Areas of Elevated Risk of Assaults
Involving Firearms Against Chicago Police Officers
Aoristic Analysis
Aoristic analysis is another crime analysis technique developed by the
academic community and used by academics and practitioners to study crime
patterns. Unlike the methods discussed previously in this chapter, aoristic
analysis is focused on identifying temporal, or time-dependent, patterns in
crime data. Specifically, aoristic analysis is a statistical method used for
determining the 24-hour rhythm of crimes when the exact time of crime event
is unknown. Jerry Ratcliffe of Temple University developed aoristic analysis
and first characterized it as a way to estimate “the probability that an event
occurred at a location within given temporal parameters” (2000, p. 670). The
following illustration provides a better explanation of this particular crime
analysis technique.
Aoristic analysis: Crime analysis method used for determining
the 24-hour rhythm of crimes when the exact time of crime event
is unknown.
Suppose you had data on ten burglary incidents and wanted to identify
temporal patterns in the data by using aoristic analysis. To begin with, you
realize that one of the distinct characteristics of burglaries is that it is a type
of crime where the victim often does not know exactly when it occurred.
Instead, a victim has an idea of approximately when the crime was
committed, based on a time span or time interval. This time span is derived
from the time that someone was last at his or her residence before it was
burglarized to the time someone arrived back at the home after the criminals
stuck—these times could also be established by a neighbor or someone else
not residing at the property (i.e., a witness). Therefore, each of the ten
hypothetical burglaries used in this example has a “start” time and an “end”
time, instead of an exact time the crime occurred.
Next, imagine that the “start” and “end” times for each of the ten hypothetical
burglaries were plotted along a number line, which depicts every hour of the
day, at one-hour intervals. If the ten burglaries used in this example were
timed as in Table 10.1, then we would start our aoristic analysis by
determining the proportion of each of the ten events that falls within each
hour interval, according to the entire event time span.
This approach is fairly obvious for an incident like Burglary 3 or Burglary 4
in Table 10.1 since these events span only one one-hour interval. For
example, we are 100% certain that Burglary 4 occurred between 9:00 am and
10:00 am; and therefore, the proportion of the event allocated to this one-hour
time interval would be “1.” Similarly, Burglary 2 spans two intervals (i.e., the
11:00 am and 12:00 pm interval); thus, each interval would be allocated a
value of 0.5, which represents a 50% chance that the incident occurred during
each hour.
When this approach to proportioning burglary events across one-hour
intervals is completed for each of the ten hypothetical incidents presented in
Table 10.1, the information in Table 10.2 is derived.
Finally, the next step in aoristic analysis it to sum the proportions of burglary
events that were allocated to each one-hour interval in Table 10.2. From this
information, one would then produce a chart that depicts the “intensity” of
burglaries over time. For example, Figure 10.11 shows a bar chart with the
hypothetical burglary data used in this example to depict the temporal
patterns derived from our aoristic analysis. The hours of the day are plotted
along the x-axis and the “temporal weight” of the ten burglaries on the y-axis.
This example of aoristic analysis is very simplistic and does not go into some
of the details that must be followed to produce more accurate results. For
example, incident time spans often begin on one day and carry over into the
next. Furthermore, the use of whole-hour intervals is also uncommon (i.e., it
is more common to use 15-minute intervals). Nevertheless, it provides a
simple explanation of how this technique is performed.
Although producing an accurate aoristic crime pattern can be tricky, there are
many websites that can assist. For example, a Microsoft ExcelTM spreadsheet
that allows data to be entered into cells that will conduct the analysis
automatically is available for free download at PoliceAnalyst.com
(http://policeanalyst.com/revisiting-aoristic-analysis/). Similarly, Michael
Townsley of Griffith University in Australia has developed a ShinyApp
website that will conduct aoristic analysis automatically from crime data
contained in a simple Excel spreadsheet. The data need to contain (a) Start
Date (in dd/mm/yy format), (b) Start Time (in HH:MM:SS format), (c) End
Date (in dd/mm/yy format), and (d) End Time (in HH:MM:SS format). Once
the analysis is complete, a bar chart like the one in Figure 10.11 is produced.
The website is located at https://crime-analysis-
Figure 10.11 Temporal Patterns of 10 Burglaries Identified Using Ratcliffe’s
(2000) Aoristic Analysis
Repeat Victimization and Near Repeats
Repeat victimization (RV) and near repeat victimization (NRV) are patterns
commonly identified in crime data. RV and NRV are phenomena whereby
the likelihood of victims (i.e., people) or targets (i.e., places) of crime to be
victimized more than once is greater than the likelihood of someone/place
being victimized for the first time. Two explanations have been offered to
better understand RV/NRV patterns. First, the boost account suggests that
RV/NRV is a result of the same offender returning to where he or she
succeeded at committing the initial offense. The boost account explanation is
based on optimal foraging theory, which suggests a simple risk–reward
assessment of the situation: Time and effort (and risk of apprehension) should
be diminished, while benefit and reward should be maximized. An alternative
explanation of RV/NRV is the flag account. The flag account suggests the
characteristics of the person/target entice potential offenders. Note that these
characteristics remain constant over time. Simply put, the boost account
explains the RV/NRV phenomena in terms of the behavior of the offender,
whereas the flag account explains it in terms of the characteristics of the
target or victim.
Boost account: One of two explanations of the repeat
victimization phenomenon. It suggests that repeat/near repeat
victimization is a result of the same offender returning to where he
or she succeeded at committing the initial offense because the
initial offense increased the offender’s perception of reward and
decreased the risk (i.e., “boosted” his or her confidence).
Flag account: One of two explanations of the repeat victimization
phenomenon. The flag account suggests it is the characteristics of
the person/target that entice potential offenders but that these
characteristics remain constant over time.
The most common approach to identifying RV/NRV patterns in crime data is
through the application of the Near Repeat Calculator. Developed by Jerry
Ratcliffe at Temple University, the Near Repeat Calculator can be
downloaded for free at www.cla.temple.edu/cj/center-for-security-and-crime-
science/projects/nearrepeatcalculator and can be distributed for educational
purposes at no cost. Figure 10.12 is an image of the Near Repeat Calculator
interface, where the user provides a crime data file (in .csv format—available
in ExcelTM) that contains three simple characteristics for each crime event:
the latitude coordinate, the longitude coordinate, and the date of the incident.
Next, the user sets four parameters that guide the analysis: the spatial
bandwidth (e.g., 400 ft), number of spatial bands (e.g., 4), temporal
bandwidth (e.g., 14 days), and number of temporal bands (e.g., 13). The
researcher can also set the significance level for statistical testing, choosing
between p = .05, p = .10, and p = .01. Levels of significance for statistical
testing are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 12.
Figure 10.12 Near Repeat Calculator Interface
The first two parameters, spatial bandwidth and spatial bands, are used to
determine whether spatial patterns exist in the data. To make observed spatial
patterns in the data easier to interpret, they are disaggregated into distance
bands (i.e., spatial bands). For example, if each block in a study area is about
400 feet, then a spatial bandwidth of 400 ft might be appropriate. This will
allow the user to understand the output in terms a certain number of blocks,
which would be a reflection of a feature (i.e., city blocks) found in the urban
landscape. In addition, the number of spatial bands is used to quantify how
far RV/NRV patterns in the data are expected to extend. If, for example,
RV/NRV patterns are believed to extend 1,600 ft and a distance band is set at
400 ft, then the number of spatial bands would be set at 4 (4 bands × 400 ft
bandwidth = 1,600 ft distance). In short, the spatial distance, divided by the
spatial bandwidth, produced the number of spatial bands used in the analysis.
The temporal bands and bandwidths use a similar logic, but they are applied
to identify temporal patterns in the data. The temporal bandwidth refers to the
length of time after a crime occurs that the program will “search” for repeat
incidents. This parameter can be set at number of days (i.e., 7 days, 14 days,
21 days, etc.). Bandwidths commonly used in previous research included one
week, two weeks, and one month. Finally, you must determine how long to
continue to search for patterns (i.e., how many days) and divide this temporal
distance by the number of temporal bandwidths to establish the number of
temporal bands to use in your analysis. This is comparable to how the
number of spatial bands is determined (e.g., 13 bands × 14-day bandwidth =
6-month period).
When output from the Near Repeat Calculator is produced, distances are
reported as either straight-line distance (i.e., Euclidean distance or as the
crow flies) or grid-based distance (i.e., Manhattan distance and imagine
walking blocks in Manhattan), which is used to reflect street networks. These
distances are reported in a simple RV/NRV table, where the columns of the
table are associated with time (i.e., temporal bandwidths) and the rows of the
table are associated with distance (i.e., spatial bandwidths). Each cell of the
table indicates the likelihood of another victimization occurring at that
time/distance, following an initial incident, and those that are significantly
higher than expected likelihoods of repeat victimization (or near repeat
victimizations) are color coded for easy identification.
Research in Action: Using Risk Terrain Modeling to Predict Child
Most predictive policing efforts aim to proactively forecast crime,
but the study by Daley et al. (2016) offers a unique twist to this
process. This study involved an innovative application of RTM,
testing whether it can be used to develop a prediction model of
child maltreatment. Specifically, the researchers wanted to
examine the, “cumulative effect of environmental factors thought
to be conducive for child maltreatment” in the City of Fort Worth,
Texas, by using RTM.
Researchers began their study only after a hospital IRB conducted
a full review of the study proposal. The IRB approved the entire
research study, including the collection and analysis of all data.
Then, existing data from (a) the Fort Worth Police Department,
(b) the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, and (c) the
Department of Family and Protective Services were obtained and
entered into the Risk Terrain Modeling Diagnostics (RTMDx)
professional utility for analysis.
Factors believed to increase the risk of child maltreatment,
including the commission of aggravated assaults, robberies,
murders, domestic violence, narcotics crimes, the presence of
gangs and street prostitution, along with runaways, households
living under the federal poverty line, and the presence of bars and
nightclubs with a license to serve alcoholic beverages past
midnight were included in the analysis. Analysis of these data in
the RTMDx utility involved a regression process to determine the
best-fitting risk terrain model, which was based on a Negative
Binomial type II model that retained six of the initial ten risk
Specifically, the RTMDx utility examined the geographical
distributions of all entered risk factors and created risk maps (i.e.,
a choropleth map) for each factor. All locations that were either
within a certain distance of points or exhibited a significant
density of points were coded as one for having elevated risk, and
all other locations were coded as zero. The RTMDx algorithm
then identified the best-fit prediction model through a series of
regression analyses using the statistical software R. The best-
fitting model was displayed on a rasterized cell map that showed
the aggregate risk score for each raster cell dependent on how
many of the included risk factors exhibited elevated risk levels
within it, using ArcGIS 10.3.
To test model fit, the resulting 2013 RTM model was overlaid
with the actual locations of substantiated occurrences of child
maltreatment A total of 52% of all future cases were accurately
predicted in the 10% of highest risk cells, and almost all observed
incidents were located in cells that were predicted to have an
elevated risk. To examine the performance of RTM against a
traditional hot spot (HS) model, a corresponding hot spot analysis
was conducted based on 2013 data from just the Department of
Family and Protective Services (i.e., child maltreatment cases).
The results showed that the RTM model outperformed the
traditional hot spot prediction model using kernel density
estimation (KDE) by more than 10% (i.e., the percentage of cases
accurately predicted by RTM was greater than the percentage of
cases accurately predicted by KDE). These findings will enable
future interventions designed to reduce cases of child
maltreatment to optimize the allocation of scarce prevention and
treatment resources in narrowly confined, highest need locations.
Daley, D., Bachmann, M., Bachmann, B. A., Pedigo, C., Bui, M.,
& Coffman, J. (2016). Risk terrain modeling predicts child
maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 62, 29–38.
Geographic Profiling
Another popular crime analysis technique that involves identifying patterns
of offending is geographic profiling. Geographic profiling is a method for
identifying the most probable area in which a serial offender lives. This
information is gathered using known locations of crimes that are believed to
be committed as part of a series of the offender’s linked events. Developed
by Kim Rossmo at Simon Frasier University’s School of Criminology in
Canada, geographic profiling was originally intended for use in identifying
serial rapists and murderers:
Geographic profiling focuses on the probable spatial behaviour of the
offender within the context of the locations of, and the spatial
relationships between, the various crime sites. A psychological profile
provides insights into an offender’s likely motivation, behaviour and
lifestyle, and is therefore directly connected to his/her spatial activity.
Psychological and geographic profiles thus act in tandem to help
investigators develop a picture of the person responsible for the crimes
in question. (1997, p. 161)
Geographic profiling: Crime analysis method used for
identifying the most probable area in which a serial offender lives,
based on the known locations of crimes that are believed to be
committed as part of a series of linked events.
At the heart of geographic profiling is the idea that serial offenders are less
likely to commit offenses very near to their homes and that offenders will not
travel too far to commit additional crimes.

© St Petersburg Times/ZUMAPRESS/Newscom
At the heart of geographic profiling is the idea that serial offenders are less
likely to commit offenses close to their homes, and that offenders will not
travel too far to commit additional crimes. These journey-to-crime
assumptions were used to create the original geographical profiling formula,
developed by Rossmo (1997): the distance decay function. Hot spots
identified by Santos and her colleague (Santos & Santos, 2016) in their
evaluation of offender-focused intervention strategies implemented in Port St.
Lucie, Florida, were constructed, in part, based on the distance decay
function (i.e., offenders were more likely to reoffend close, but not too close,
to their home residence).

Commercial geographic profiling software can be purchased from ECRI, a

company co-founded by Rossmo. Free software is also available that can
conduct geographic profiling, such as CrimeStatIV
(https://nij.gov/topics/technology/maps/pages/crimestat.aspx). When used to
analyze crime data, geographic profiling results in output that is similar in
appearance to a hot spot map (i.e., the output is a raster surface data layer).
Unlike a hot spot map, however, the geographic profiling map associates the
“hottest” part of the map with the locations of where a serial offender is most
likely to live, visualized in three dimensions.
Reporting Findings From GIS and Crime Mapping
Many researchers have long careers without ever having used crime mapping.
Nevertheless, that may be changing. Brunson acknowledges that he has seen
an increased interest in GIS and crime mapping among students. In his phone
interview conducted for this book, Brunson noted that students really want to
“strengthen their technical skill set; a growing and beneficial skill set for
students to make sure they’re as masterful as they can be.” Knowing how to
report findings from GIS and crime mapping studies is an important skill in
studying crime for them to master. Again, skills like these make students
The ways in which researchers and analysts report findings from GIS and
crime-mapping studies will vary, depending on the topics investigated and
the methodologies used. Typically, results are reported in graphical (i.e.,
charts and graphs) or in tabular form. Most often, however, findings are
conveyed cartographically as maps. When findings are produced as maps, the
map is the center of attention. When presenting findings using a map, there
are map elements or parts of a map that should always be included.
First, all maps used to convey research findings need a title. A good map title
conveys the general theme of the map or findings to the reader. A title should
be clear, concise, and include information about the area represented and a
date range if applicable. The title should also be the first place that a reader
looks on the map, so it should not be hiding or tucked away in a corner of the
page. A title can have a subtitle but only if it adds additional, relevant
information that will help the reader better understand what is being
presented on the map.
Second, all maps used to convey research findings must also contain a map
legend or key. Map legends explain what symbols on the map represent. The
different types of vector data, for example, contained on a sex offender map
presented previously in this chapter (see Figure 10.3) should all be included
in a map legend, if this map were being used to present findings about sex
offenders’ proximity to schools. Without a map legend containing all the
symbols reflected on the map, the map reader could make erroneous
conclusions about the research findings presented or fail to understand the
findings altogether.
Map legend: Required element of a map used to explain what
symbols on a map represent.
It is important to note here that raster maps, like those used to convey results
of hot spot maps (see, for example, Figure 10.4), should also contain a
legend. Typically, raster data layers are symbolized using color ramps. On a
crime hot spot map, a color ramp that goes from green to red to reflect low to
high crime densities across the entire study area, respectively. One of the
more common ways to break apart the different categories of a color ramp is
to base the categories on standard deviation units, that is, the average
distance something is from the mean value. When this approach is taken in
crime hot spot mapping, the “hottest” of hot spots can by symbolized as the
red areas that are more than two standard deviations above the average crime
cluster (i.e., significantly high clustering). Using standard deviations (which
are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 12) to break the color ramp into
different sections will also keep the number of categories to a minimum. A
good rule of thumb to follow is to have no more than seven color categories
in a color ramp.
Standard deviation: Measure of dispersion used as a summary
statistic. It is the square root of the variance.
Third, all maps should have a north arrow. North arrows should be included
with maps that convey crime analysis results displayed cartographically
because they orient the map for the reader. In addition to orienting the reader
directionally, all maps should include a scale bar—the fourth required
element of a map—which orients the map reader with respect to distance.
Scales indicate how much a distance on a map (e.g., 1”) represents in the real
world (e.g., 10 kilometers). Like north arrows, most mapping software will
give the map creator several different scale-bar templates to choose from, and
it is up to the researcher to choose the one that works “best” with the map he
or she has created. Just be sure that the map scale bar is in the metric that
most map readers are familiar with. In other words, if most of the map
readers who will see your results are American, use feet or miles as the scale
bar metric. On the other hand, if most users are European, it is best to use
meters or kilometers.
North arrow: Required element of a map that is used to orient the
map for the reader.
Scale bar: Required element of a map that is used to orient the
map reader with respect to distance.
Finally, maps containing the results of crime analysis or GIS studies must
contain a citation or credit. The citation or credit identifies who created the
map, when it was created, and acknowledges the assistance of those who
supported the project, including agencies that may have provided the analyst
or researcher with data needed to produce the map.
Common Pitfalls in GIS and Crime Mapping
Like any part of research, there are particular pitfalls to be avoided. GIS
studies and crime mapping and analysis research is no different. In terms of
GIS and crime mapping, there are two hazards that one must focus on
geocoding nonspatial data and the modifiable areal unit (MAUP) problem.

Addresses are the most common way that location is conceptualized in
geographic information systems. To use data containing address locations
(e.g., crime data), the address must be converted to a feature on a map (i.e., a
point location). That is, the addresses must be given spatial reference. The
process of assigning spatial reference to nonspatial data is called geocoding.
Geocoding involves assigning an XY coordinate pair to the description of a
place (i.e., an address) by comparing the descriptive location-specific
elements to those in reference data that have existing spatial information
associated with it.
Geocoding: In GIS and crime analysis, it is the process of
assigning an XY coordinate pair to the description of a place (i.e.,
an address) by comparing the descriptive location-specific
elements of nonspatial data to those in reference data that have
existing spatial information associated with it.
The geocoding process can be thought of as a process that can be broken into
three steps. Step 1 involves translating an address entry for a nonspatially
referenced location. Step 2 involves searching for that address in a separate,
spatially referenced data set. The third and final step involves returning the
best candidate or candidates (i.e., match or matches) as a point feature on the
map that reflects the spatial location of the address.
One of the main challenges to accurate geocoding is the availability of good
reference data, and the most widely employed address data model used in the
geocoding process is street networks. Geocoding an address using street
network reference data is referred to as street geocoding. Street geocoding is
commonly used in criminal justice and criminology studies, but other types
of geocoding exist, including geocoding to parcel reference data and address
point reference data. Nearly all commercial GIS products (e.g., ArcGIS)
provide geocoding services capabilities. Figure 10.13 provides a conceptual
diagram of the geocoding process when addresses are street geocoded.
Certain quality expectations must be met for the results of a geocoding
process to be considered good. That is, the overall quality of any geocoding
result can be characterized in three distinct ways: completeness, positional
accuracy, and repeatability. Completeness refers to the percentage of records
that can reliably be geocoded and is commonly referred to as the match rate.
Positional accuracy refers to how close each geocoded point is to the actual
location of the address it is intended to represent (see, for example, Figure
10.14). Finally, repeatability indicates how sensitive geocoding results are to
variations in the input address, reference data, matching algorithms of the
geocoding software, and the skills and interpretation of the analyst.
Geocoding results are considered to be of high quality if they are complete,
spatially accurate (i.e., valid), and repeatable (i.e., reliable). Collectively,
geocoding quality research clearly demonstrates that errors in geocoding can
be substantial, and when they are, they can adversely impact findings and
conclusions based on spatial analytic results.
Figure 10.13 Conceptual Diagram of the Algorithm Behind Street

Note: The location of an address is placed on a street segment based on

linear interpolation along the street segment within the street number
range for the segment.
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)
In many of the crime mapping and analysis examples discussed in this
chapter, the locations of points of interest (e.g., crime events) are symbolized
as a single point on a map. Often, however, spatial analysis requires that
discrete point locations be aggregated to larger units of analysis. For
example, crime incident points are often aggregated to census blocks, block
groups, patrol beats, or some other meaningful unit of analysis so that the
number (or rate) of crimes per that area can be studied. Geographers have
long warned of the problems that arise when point-based measures of spatial
phenomena, like crime, are aggregated to larger areal units. This phenomenon
has become known as the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP).
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP): In geographic
information systems (GIS), it is a problem arising from the
imposition of artificial units of spatial reporting on continuous
geographical phenomenon, which results in the generation of
artificial spatial patterns.
Figure 10.14 Positional Accuracy Illustrated
Note: Pairs of dots correspond to the address point location and street
geocoded location of a crime incident. The line connecting each pair of
dots represents the positional error measured in Euclidean distance
between the two locations.
MAUP is formally defined as “a problem arising from the imposition of
artificial units of spatial reporting on continuous geographical phenomenon
resulting in the generation of artificial spatial patterns” (Heywood, Cornelius,
& Carver, 2002, p. 8). For example, by definition, an administrative boundary
represented as a census block, block group, or tract can contain several
households. Each household represents a discrete location and can be
associated with demographic information collected from residents during a
particular data collection project (e.g., the decennial U.S. Census or the
American Community Survey). When these point-based data are aggregated
to blocks, block groups, or tracts so that the effects of some social process on
a particular outcome can be estimated, models may produce biased estimates
because of the arbitrary scale of the spatial unit. This means that findings
produced from crime analysis and mapping may be influenced by the
mapmaker’s decision about how best to represent discrete point data when
using larger units of analysis.
Ethical Considerations in GIS and Crime Mapping
When GIS and crime mapping research is undertaken, many ethical issues
must be considered. These considerations often relate to the balance between
personal privacy and the integrity of results. Based on information already
presented in this text, you should know that a researcher wanting to conduct
spatial analysis on crime event locations would need to get his or her research
approved by the university’s institutional review board (IRB). The IRB
would likely require that any results produced by the researcher’s project not
expose the location of where an individual victim lives (or any other personal
identifying information such as his or her name). We have also discussed in
this chapter how different methods of geocoding data can affect data quality,
such as positional accuracy. Similarly, we have described how aggregating
point data to larger units of analysis may introduce additional problems (e.g.,
MAUP) and how a single approach to understanding a problem (e.g., crime
hot spots) can be studied using a variety of techniques and methods that could
produce inconsistent results. As you can see, this is quickly becoming a
tricky balancing act.

The ethical tightrope between protecting crime victims’ privacy and

producing results that are accurate and unbiased is not limited to just
academics. Crime analysts must also consider these ethical issues. For
example, many law enforcement agencies make their crime incident data
available to the public on the Internet in an effort to provide greater
transparency. Often this is accomplished through the publication of
interactive crime maps that are available on the Internet (see, for example,
Figure 10.6). To protect the privacy of crime victims, discrete point data
representing the locations of where incidents occur are often “masked.” One
way to do this is to round address house numbers to the 100-block (i.e., a
crime that occurred at 123 Main St. would be reported and shown on the
Web-based map as 100 Main St.). Although this approach helps protect
victims’ identities, it could undermine the integrity of the data by falsely
portraying an area of the city in terms of crime concentration. In other words,
when crime data are masked by agencies, it can be good because it helps
protect victims’ identities, but it can be bad because it may result in
information indicating areas of the city have more or less crime than they
actually do.
GIS and Crime Mapping Expert—Henri Buccine-
Schraeder, MA
Henri Buccine-Schraeder is a research coordinator at Rutgers Center on
Public Security at the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University,
Newark, New Jersey. She studied psychology, sociology, criminal justice,
and criminology for her undergraduate degree and criminal justice for her
master’s degree. Buccine-Schraeder is now studying for her Doctorate in
criminal justice. She became interested in working in criminal justice during
an undergraduate internship with the New Jersey Department of Corrections,
where she was studying sex offenders.

Courtesy of Henri Buccine-Schraeder

When Buccine-Schraeder started her studies in her master’s program, she
began working with GIS and RTM as a research assistant for Rutgers Center
on Public Security. While in this role, she geocoded and analyzed spatial
data, created reports using density mapping, Getis Ord GI*, and RTM. These
reports are used to inform interventions with police departments around the
As a project manager for Rutgers Center on Public Security, Buccine-
Schraeder is in charge of coordinating with grant stakeholders and managing
the research assistants who are assigned to the project. For most of these
projects, it is important to meet with the police departments and other
community partners to bolster the knowledge that is informed from the maps
and analysis. In addition to these tasks, she continues the analyses and duties
of a research assistant.
Within the role of research coordinator for Rutgers Center on Public Security,
it is Buccine-Schraeder’s duty to continue to perform the responsibilities of
project manager, as well as completing administrative duties, being a liaison
between departments, schools, and organizations, project coordination, and
overseeing daily operations. Projects while in the role of research coordinator
have been within the School of Criminal Justice as well as other projects that
have been completed in conjunction with the Psychology Department.
For some of the projects completed by Rutgers Center on Public Security, it
has been Buccine-Schraeder’s role to conduct literature reviews and meet
with stakeholders and project partners. This is an important first step to
inform the project that is being undertaken. Next, it is important to collect all
data and keep it well organized. Analyses can then begin, including pin
mapping, kernel density mapping, and RTM. The results of all analyses are
then discussed with all stakeholders and project partners to better understand
the story that the maps and analyses are telling. This approach is one that best
informs policy and interventions.
Buccine-Schraeder has also worked as a research assistant for Department of
Sociology at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. For this
project, she worked on acquiring data on cities around the country. She then
would take crime data, clean it, and both manually geocode it and use an
online geocoder. With all the data and shapefiles that were created, it was
important to make sure that everything was well organized.
While tutoring GIS, Buccine-Schraeder shares her spatial expertise with
doctoral students needing to use the skill for their dissertation or for work
they expect to be doing after graduation. She teaches them how to use
ArcGIS from the bottom up. It is important to teach the different options that
are available through the use of the software and the different levels of
analysis that ArcGIS is able to complete. The most important lesson that is
taught through tutoring is how to effectively communicate through maps and
how to get their point across to their audience.
Henri has presented at many conferences in cities around the country,
including San Diego, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. These conferences
include the American Society for Criminology (ASC) conference, the
International Association of Chiefs of Police conference, the International
Association of Crime Analysts conference (IACA), and the Mensa Annual
Gathering. Her presentations have included the examination of environmental
risk factors and the use of spatial risk assessments to understand residential
locations of registered sex offenders, looking at the spatial influence of
ATMs on street crimes, and comparing the environmental risk differences
between violent crime incidents that result in arrest and violent crime
incidents that do not.
In the future, Buccine-Schraeder hopes to continue to use her mapping skills
and knowledge of RTM to help police departments and municipalities to
improve their allocation of resources. Furthermore, she hopes to continue to
disseminate her knowledge through presentations and publications.
Chapter Wrap-Up
In this chapter, we introduced readers to GIS and crime mapping and analysis
as a distinct research methodology by using specific types of data. We
explained why researchers and practitioners use GIS and crime mapping
techniques to study crime and other crime-related problems. We provided a
detailed description of GIS by identifying its four primary components: data,
technology, application, and people. Crime analysis conducted by law
enforcement agencies was detailed, in the context of administrative, tactical,
and strategic rime analysis roles. On the academic side, we presented several
techniques and methods commonly used in research. In particular, our
discussion focused on spatial crime analysis methods (e.g., crime hot spot
mapping, predictive policing, and risk terrain modeling), as well as temporal
analysis (e.g., aoristic analysis). We also discussed the repeat and near repeat
victimization phenomena as well as geographic profiling. We concluded the
chapter with an overview of how results from GIS and crime mapping and
analysis should be presented cartographically, identified two of the most
common pitfalls, and discussed some of the ethical considerations associated
with this approach.

Only one of our featured researchers used crime mapping in her case study:
Santos (Santos & Santos, 2016). In her research, she used many of the
concepts described here. Her research included an experimental element and
hot spots were the units that were assigned to either an experimental or a
control group. She was guided in part by the notion that offenders commit
crime near, but not too near, their own homes. Santos and colleague’s
research is a great example of how GIS and crime mapping techniques can
both inform our greater understanding of policing and provide findings that
inform the way police do their jobs. Table 10.3 offers some information
about her work as it relates to GIS and crime mapping.

In the next chapter, we introduce readers to evaluation research. We explain

how it differs from other research methodologies, why it is important, and the
ways in which it can be conducted. We also explain what the common
challenges, pitfalls, and ethical considerations confronted by research
conducting evaluation research.
Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment: Crime
Mapping and Analysis in Academic
Find a map used in a peer-reviewed published academic journal
article in criminal justice or criminology. In your thought paper,
describe the purpose of this map. What is your overall assessment
of it? Identify two aspects or characteristics of the map that you
feel could have been done better, given the material presented in
this chapter. Describe how you would improve these
shortcomings, and explain why your way would be better than the
original way in which the data were presented. Conclude your
paper by explaining what value you place on data presented
cartographically, like the data presented in the map you
identified? Turn in the map and your thought paper. Be prepared
to discuss your findings in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Geocoding Campus Crime
As a group, go online and obtain a copy of a university’s crime
log (e.g., UNLV Police Service’s Crime Log, located at
https://www.unlv.edu/police/crime-log). Whether it’s the log from
UNLV or from another university, make sure the crime log you
obtain contains the reported location of each crime incident. From
the same university’s website, obtain a copy of a campus map
(e.g., the campus map of UNLV, located at
Taking turns, have each member of the group identify the location
of a few incidents recorded by the police and that occurred on or
around campus. Plot those locations on the campus map as
discrete points. In your group’s view, how positionally accurate
are the incident locations you’ve placed on the campus map?
What challenges have you identified with respect to geocoding
campus crime data and the lack of detailed reference data that
could be used for geocoding campus crime? How might these
challenges affect the spatial analysis of campus crime and the
subsequent strategies designed to address spatio-temporal patterns
of campus crime? Be able to report your group’s findings to the
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Online
Crime Mapping and Analysis
Find a law enforcement agency’s website that presents its crime
data using an interactive online mapping interface, like the one
described earlier in this chapter for the Denver Police Department.
Once a website is located, and if the interface allows it, define (a)
the area within the agency’s jurisdiction you’re interested in
displaying, (b) the crime type(s) you’re interested in investigating,
and (c) a date range.
After these parameters are defined and the map is produced,
identify the elements on your map that are based on vector data.
Can the map be manipulated to also display raster data? If so,
how? Also, does the map that you produced from the agency’s
website incorporate all five map elements that should always been
included on a map? If not, which elements are not present, and
how do you think the map would be improved if the missing
element or elements were included?
Does the interactive map allow the user to conduct any type of
analysis based on the information displayed (e.g., hot spot
analysis)? If so, can the data be analyzed? if not, how might they
be analyzed in ways that would benefit the user? Explain.
Finally, does the interactive map do a good job at balancing the
privacy of victims/offenders with public interest? If so, how; if
not, why? Explain. Present the answers to these questions in a
one-page summary narrative describing the agency’s interactive
crime mapping system.
Be prepared to discuss your findings in class.
Key Words and Concepts
Administrative crime analysis 320
Aoristic analysis 329
Boost account 332
Choropleth map 313
Cluster analysis 322
CompStat 321
Crime analysis 320
Crime attractors 328
Crime enablers 328
Crime generators 328
Crime mapping 320
Flag account 332
Geocoding 337
Geographic profiling 335
Hit rate 326
Hot spot mapping 324
Map legend 336
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) 338
North arrow 336
Predictive accuracy index (PAI) 326
Predictive policing 325
Raster 317
Raster data 316
Recapture rate index (RRI) 326
Risk terrain modeling (RTM) 327
Scale bar 336
Self-exciting point process modeling 325
Spatial data 315
Standard deviation 336
Strategic crime analysis 322
Tactical crime analysis 321
Vector data 316
Key Points
Geographic information systems (GIS) is a field of information
technology that deals specifically with the collection, storage,
manipulation, analysis, management, and presentation of geographical
data; it consists of four distinct parts: data, technology, application, and
GIS allows researchers and practitioners to use complex crime analysis
techniques and methods to more easily and quickly identify spatio-
temporal patterns of crime, which, in turn, has allowed us to advance our
theoretical understanding of when, where, and why crime occurs. GIS
has also enabled researchers and practitioners to develop, implement,
and test programs and strategies designed to prevent and reduce crime.
Crime analysts who work in law enforcement agencies generally
conduct one of three types of crime analysis: administrative, tactical, or
strategic crime analysis.
Crime hot spot mapping is one of the most popular crime analysis
techniques. It involves the use of known locations of recorded crime
incidents to identify non-random, relatively high concentrations of crime
events within a study area, using advanced spatial-analytic methods.
Crime forecasting, or predictive policing, involves prospective crime hot
spot mapping and can enable law enforcement agencies to identify areas
within their jurisdiction that are more likely to experience crime. Risk
terrain modeling is similar to predictive policing, but it corporates a
broader array of risk factors associated with crime than most predictive
policing applications.
Three of the most commonly used metrics to assess prospective crime
hot spot maps include the hit rate, predictive accuracy index (PAI), and
recapture rate index (RRI).
Aoristic analysis is a crime analysis technique used to identify the
temporal patterns in crime data.
Repeat and near repeat patterns of crime are explained by two
completing ideas: the boost and flag accounts.
Geographic profiling is a method for identifying the most probable area
in which a serial offender lives, based on the known locations of crimes
that are believed to be committed as part of a series of linked events.
Whenever results of crime analysis are presented cartographically, the
map should always contain a title, north arrow, scale bar, legend, and
Accurately geocoding crime data, the modifiable areal unit (MAUP)
problem, and the ethics involved in striking a balance between
protecting the privacy of crime victims and accurately reporting crime-
pattern results represent some of the common challenges facing
researchers involved in crime analysis.
Review Questions
1. Why are GIS and crime analysis/mapping a popular research
method among academics and practitioners alike?
2. What are the two types of spatial data used in GIS?
3. How can strategic crime analysis be used by a law enforcement
agency to study crime patterns? Explain.
4. How can tactical crime analysis be used by a law enforcement
agency to study crime patterns? Explain.
5. How does risk terrain modeling differ from other predictive
policing methods? Explain.
6. How is aoristic crime analysis used in crime analysis? Explain.
7. Compare and contrast the three commonly used metrics to assess
prospective crime hot spot maps.
8. What are the five elements that all maps containing results of
crime analysis contain?
9. What are the three ways in which vector data are characterized on
a map?
10. How can positional accuracy of geocoded crime incidents affect
crime analysis?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Imagine you were in charge of a law enforcement agency and
wanted to evaluate a crime reduction program that you were about
to implement. How could you go about assessing the program
using crime mapping and analysis methods? What type of data
could you need to collect, including spatial data, and how would
you define success. How would you present the results of the
evaluation study? Why?
2. Do you think different types of crime might have different types
of spatial or temporal patterns? Explain.
3. Suppose you were responsible for creating your city’s interactive
online crime map. What sort of information would you include on
the map? How much detail would you provide in terms of the
locations of crime incidents? And how would you balance
presenting accurate information about where crime is occurring
with keeping the information about crime victims private?
4. In your opinion, are there ways that data used in crime analysis
and mapping projects can be collected that avoids the need for
geocoding? Are there any data where geocoding would always be
a required part of the analysis? Explain.
5. Which of the two explanations of repeat/near repeat victimization
(i.e., flag or boost account) provides a better understanding of this
phenomenon, in your opinion? Why?

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Chapter 11 Evaluation Research
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
11.1 Identify why someone would use evaluation research, and
compare how applied research such as evaluation research differs
from basic research.
11.2 Define, describe, and compare the major types of evaluation
research and why one would use each.
11.3 Summarize the role of stakeholders, the challenges and
benefits they bring, and how they are an important part of any
evaluation research.
11.4 Describe what a logic model is, the basic steps associated
with logic models, and the ways they can assist in evaluation
11.5 Summarize the four major standards of effective evaluations,
and offer criteria associated with each.
11.6 Evaluate some of the additional ethical concerns associated
with evaluation research. Why are these more significant when
conducting this type of research?
This chapter switches gears a bit. We are not looking at specific types of
ways to gather data, or at specific approaches to analyzing data, but instead
we focus on how all of the ways one can gather data can be used to conduct
an evaluation. Evaluation is one of the four purposes of research introduced
in Chapter 2. Not only does it differ in terms of purpose, but it also differs in
several other ways, as we will describe in this chapter. Featured researcher
Carlos Cuevas and colleagues’ highlighted study (Sabina, Cuevas, &
Cotignola-Pickens, 2016) does not include an evaluation component, yet he
still finds that evaluation research is particularly attractive because it
represents a practical aspect of research. Another one of our featured
researchers, Mary Dodge, reiterated the attractiveness of evaluation research
by stating in her video interview conducted for this book that it is designed to
determine the effectiveness, strengths, and weaknesses of programs. Rod
Brunson, yet another featured researcher, agrees with Cuevas and Dodge that
conducting evaluation research requires a good understanding of the nuts and
bolts of research generally. In conducting evaluations, researchers or
evaluators can identify the actual effectiveness of whether something is
working. It allows for them to find a way to deal with problems.
To introduce you to evaluation research, this chapter offers a variety of
foundational information. First, we discuss why one would use evaluation
research. Understanding why evaluation research is important is imperative to
grasping the rest of the material in this chapter. Next, we discuss what exactly
evaluation research is and how it differs from the research approaches we
have described in the text so far. Several specific types of evaluation research
as well as the standards of effective evaluation are described. The chapter
concludes with a discussion of ethical considerations that must be addressed
when conducting an evaluation, as well as of the pitfalls commonly
encountered. Finally, we hear from Michael Shively, PhD, an evaluation
research expert at Abt Associates. He is focused on conducting evaluations
especially related to human trafficking topics. As Shively’s work
demonstrates, evaluation research is applied, it matters, and it offers a
meaningful career path. Perhaps you can see yourself becoming an evaluation
research expert where you can make a difference.
Why Use Evaluation Research?
Social programs are all around us. Consider those designed to assist victims
of violence. Or a social program to help those coming out of prison integrate
back into society. Social programs are designed to help others and ameliorate
a social program. It stands to reason that the implementation of a social
program should result in beneficial outcomes. Nevertheless, how do we know
whether that social program is effective or not? How do we know a program
actually helps crime victims or those trying to reintegrate into society? How
do we know whether a program is resulting in outcomes and benefits
intended? How do we know whether a program is working as it was
designed? How can we be sure a program is not resulting in negative
unintended consequences or harm to others? You can answer questions like
these using evaluation research. With evaluation research (also known as
“program evaluation”), you gather systematic, empirical evidence that can be
used to find out whether a program leads to the desired beneficial outcomes,
is effective, is doing what it is designed to do, or even whether the program
leads to negative, unintended consequences (to name a few). At the most
extreme, you can use evaluation research to ascertain whether a particular
program should be terminated.
The alternative to gathering systematic, empirical data using well-executed
research methods is relying on hunches, assumptions, and other nonscientific
means. As we saw in the early chapters of this book, using these sources is
problematic because they are frequently incorrect and misleading. Because
implementing programs cost money, and programs directly affect individuals
(both recipients and funders), it stands to reason that quality evaluation
research should be an important part of any social program. This can ensure
that costs are reasonable and that those who are supposed to be helped by the
program are being helped and are not being harmed.
Imagine your university has started a new program requiring all students to
attend an orientation. The new orientation program was started with four
outcomes or goals in mind:
1. Educate students about the various resources available on campus (e.g.,
health club, mental health offices, writing centers, computer labs, etc.).
2. Educate students about important policies (e.g., anti-discrimination
policies, anti-violence policy, animals on campus policies, etc.).
3. Educate students about the value of a college education (e.g., statistics
on earning power, health and victimization risk among those with and
without degrees).
4. Build attachment and loyalty to the university for continued support
even after graduation.
Each year after the implementation of the required student orientation
program, students are surveyed to measure their knowledge of campus
resources, important policies, retention in the university, and
attachment/loyalty to their university. Included in the survey are questions
asking students about their understanding of these resources and policies and
whether loyalty has increased, decreased, or remained the same during the
last year. In addition, the university gathers data on retention—that is, the
number of students who remain in college versus those who have dropped
out. By using the survey data and institutional data, administrators can
identify whether the orientation is leading to its intended outcomes: increased
knowledge of resources and policies, higher retention rates, and increased
loyalty to the university. If findings from the analysis of these data show that
knowledge, loyalty, and retention are increasing, leadership would conclude
that the orientation program is a success because it is providing the benefits
intended. If, on the other hand, measurement of these four goals indicates that
knowledge of resources and polices, retention, and loyalty are decreasing or
even unchanged, leadership may conclude that the new orientation program is
not providing the benefits intended. This finding may lead to some
modification of the program or to the termination of the program. This
fictional (but realistic) example illustrates why someone would use
evaluation research.
As a student in the university, you are likely asked to fill out many surveys
about your university experience. What do you know about resources at your

© princigalli/iStockphoto.com
Evaluation research is useful for many reasons or purposes. As the
orientation example indicates, program evaluation can be used to assess a
program’s performance. Relatedly, program evaluation is useful when a
researcher wants to identify whether the program is accomplishing its
intended goals. Third, someone can use evaluation research to identify
whether the program is effective. In addition, as shown in the “Five Reasons
to Use Evaluation Research” box, one reason evaluation research is useful is
that can gather data used to provide accountability to those funding the
program (e.g., tax- payers, board of directors, university leadership, etc.),
those managing the program, or other related administrators. Finally,
evaluation research can be used to gather evidence that can be used to
educate those in the community about beneficial programs. Those eligible to
receive the benefits of a program need to know about it, and those in the
community who are indirectly benefiting from a program need to understand
its importance as well.
Five Reasons to Use Evaluation Research
1. Assess the performance of a program.
2. Investigate whether a program is achieving its goals.
3. Improve the effectiveness of an existing program.
4. Provide accountability to program funders, program
managers, and other administrators.
5. Gather information to educate the public about beneficial
programs in the community.
Given the reasons outlined, it should not be a surprise that a great deal of
funded social programs now have a required evaluation component. Those
providing money for research want to know whether the policies or programs
implemented are working as intended. Those providing the money for
programs want evidence as to whether the program and its associated costs is
worth it. This again points to an opportunity to use these skills in a career.
Evaluation research is important, and the demands for those with these skills
continue to increase.
What Is Evaluation Research?
We have identified why someone would use evaluation research. This section
addresses the equally important question: What exactly is evaluation
research? Evaluation research is the systematic assessment of the need for,
implementation of, or output of a program based on objective criteria. As
Cuevas describes it, evaluation research is one of the nicer more practical
aspects of research—it is where the rubber meets the road. By using the data
gathered in evaluation research, a researcher like you can improve, enhance,
expand, or terminate a program. The assessment of a program can be
conducted with any and all of the research approaches to research described
in this text, including observation, interviews, content analysis, survey
research, and secondary data analysis.
Guiding Principles of Evaluation Research
In 2004, the American Evaluation Association published a set of five guiding
principles of evaluation research. Before learning more about evaluation
research, it is important to understand these foundational elements that guide
evaluators. The clear statement of these principles is useful to clients, or
stakeholders, who know what to expect. The five principles are taken directly
from the American Evaluation Association’s statement on the matter (see
1. Systematic Inquiry: Evaluators conduct systematic, data-based
inquiries about whatever is being evaluated.
2. Competence: Evaluators provide competent performance to
3. Integrity/Honesty: Evaluators ensure the honesty and integrity of the
entire evaluation process.
4. Respect for People: Evaluators respect the security, dignity, and self-
worth of the respondents, program participants, clients, and other
stakeholders with whom they interact.
5. Responsibilities for General and Public Welfare: Evaluators
articulate and take into account the diversity of interests and values that
may be related to the general and public welfare.
You should recognize many of these principles already because they are the
same principles used in conducting ethical research. With this foundational
understanding of what evaluation research is, and what guides it, we can
address the major steps taken when conducting this type of research.
Seven Steps of Evaluation Research
Regardless of the specific question guiding evaluation research, several basic
steps are used in the evaluation. First, a researcher must identify and engage
stakeholders. Stakeholders are individuals or organizations who have a
direct interest in the program being evaluated and can include funders,
program administrators, the community in which the program is
administered, and clients of the program. Knowing who the stakeholders are,
and developing and maintaining a good relationship with stakeholders, is
critical during the planning stages, the gathering of data, and the presentation
and buy-in of findings. Without the support of stakeholders, evaluation
research cannot be successful.
Identify and Engage Stakeholders: First step of the evaluation
research process in which the evaluator scans the environments to
identify those who are affiliated with and affected by the program
of interest. Once identified, those stakeholders must be engaged in
the process to maximize buy-in and, ultimately, the success of the
Stakeholders: Individuals or organizations who have a direct
interest in the program being evaluated.
The second basic step in evaluation research is to develop the research
question. Unlike basic research, in evaluation research, the stakeholder
generally provides the research question to the evaluator. For instance, a
board of directors may engage a researcher with the express purpose of
understanding whether a program is achieving its goals. In this example, the
research question is as follows: “Is the program achieving its goals?”
Establishing a research question is just the beginning as earlier chapters in
this book demonstrated. It may also be the case that the evaluator works with
the client to develop one or more research questions.
Develop the research question: Step in the evaluation research
process in which the evaluator shares the results of the research
with stakeholders.
Figure 11.1 Seven Basic Steps Used to Conduct Evaluation Research

The third step in evaluation research is the design of the methodology. In

using the program goals and research question as a guide, evaluators identify
ways to best answer the research question(s). In other words, the evaluator
must identify what type or types of data are required to address the research
question. The evaluator must also decide how to best collect those data. The
data needed may come via observation, content analysis, interviews, surveys,
or participation in the program. Dodge argues that good evaluations use
multiple methodologies and include both qualitative and quantitative data.
Although Dodge’s highlighted article in this text does not include evaluation
research (Dodge, Starr-Gimeno, & Williams, 2005), Dodge engages in many
evaluations. Much of Dodge’s evaluation research centers on police agencies.
To ascertain how to gather the data needed to conduct those evaluations
depends on exactly what the agency needs evaluated. Dodge noted in her
video interview that she finds that in some cases, surveys and focus groups
are best at gathering the needed data. But, if she is dealing with an agency
with sexual harassment issues, face-to-face interviews can be a better
approach. Regardless of the issue at hand, Dodge does find that the use of
multiple methods is always necessary to gain a better understanding of the

Design of the methodology: Step in the evaluation research

process that includes outlining the needed research methodology
to answer the research question.
The fourth step in evaluation research is to gather data/evidence that will be
used to answer the research question. As noted, having stakeholder buy-in for
the evaluation research is critical, especially here. A researcher must work
with stakeholders, and they often rely on stakeholders to provide access to
data. Having excellent data is an important element in conducting excellent
research. Working with stakeholders can be the key to, or hurdle to, gathering
the data needed. Once the data are gathered, a researcher can begin the fifth
stage of evaluation research: analyzing the data. Depending on the research
approach used, and the type of data gathered, multiple approaches to
analyzing data will be required. The next chapter offers additional insight into
analyzing data.
Gather data/evidence: Step in the process of evaluation research
in which the evaluator accumulates data and information used to
answer the research question.
Analyzing the data: Step of evaluation research in which the
evaluator uses the data and information gathered to answer the
research question.
A part of evaluation research is to use the data gathered to ultimately offer
recommendations to the client.

© dizanna/Canstockphoto
Once the data are analyzed, the researcher develops findings and
conclusions that answer the guiding research question. Based on these
findings, the researcher must then offer recommendations such as
modifications to a program, expansion of the program to other places,
expansion of the program to additional populations, or termination of the
program. In some cases, the researcher works with some client/stakeholders
to develop the recommendations. The evaluator must be able to justify these
recommendations based on the research methodology used and data
gathered. Finally, it is not enough to sit in an office, reach a conclusion, and
offer recommendations. The researcher must communicate the findings and
recommendations to the party that requested the evaluation research, as well
as to the other stakeholders. Ultimately, someone other than the researcher
makes the determination as to whether the recommendations are
implemented. With good stakeholder buy-in throughout the process,
however, the probability of the recommendations being implemented is
Develop findings and conclusions: Step of evaluation research in
which the evaluator uses the data and information gathered to
generate findings that address the research question. This includes
conclusions about the issue and recommendations for ways to deal
with the issue at hand.
Justify these recommendations: Step of the evaluation research
process in which the evaluator offers a basis for the
recommendations made.
Communicate the findings and recommendations: Final step of
evaluation research in which the evaluator shares the results and
suggestions arising from the research with stakeholders.
This section described the basic steps taken in evaluation research generally.
As discussed in previous chapters, a simple statement such as “gather data”
entails many steps and consideration. Having a full understanding of research
methods is required for conducting excellent evaluation research. Without
that, the evaluation will be poorly done, and the resulting findings will be
without value. The next section identifies several specific types of evaluation
research. For any one project, the evaluator may use multiple types of
evaluation research to address multiple questions.
The Policy Process and Evaluation Research
Understanding program evaluation or evaluation research is easier if you
understand basic policy process. Before addressing this, we must first discuss
the terms policy and program. Policies are the principles, rules, and laws
that guide a government, organization, or people. Policies are implemented to
ameliorate a problem. Programs are developed to respond to policies. A
difference between policies and programs is scale. Policies tend to be larger
and programs smaller. In some cases, policies involve multiple programs to
address an issue. Think of a university that has a policy of “retention
maximization.” This policy would include many programs, including one that
requires attendance at orientation like that discussed earlier. It may also
include other programs such as intramural sports, wellness centers, and
student clubs. Importantly, both policies and programs can be evaluated.
Given their similarity, and that both can be evaluated, we, like many others,
will use the terms policies and programs synonymously in this chapter.
Policy: Principles, rules, and laws that guide a government, an
organization, or people.
Program: Developed to respond to policies.
Now that you have an understanding of what a policy and a program is, we
move on to the policy process. The policy process, also known as the policy
cycle, is a simplified representation of the stages of policy making and
implementation (see Chapter 13 for an in-depth discussion about the policy
process and associated stages). This process includes the implementation and
evaluation of programs. In its simplest form, the policy process has five
major stages. The first stage in the policy process is problem
identification/agenda setting. Problem identification/agenda setting involves
the identification of the problem to be solved and the advocating that it be
placed on the policy makers’ agenda for further consideration. Should a
policy issue be taken up by a policy maker and placed on an agenda for
further consideration, the next stage in the policy process is policy formation.
Policy formation includes the design of multiple approaches, policies,
programs, or formal ways to address the problem of interest. After several
formal policy options are designed, the policy makers identify and select
what they see as the best policy solution, as well as programs of the group.
Once the best policy option has been identified, adoption by the appropriate
governing body is required. Policy adoption is the third stage in the policy
process and refers to the formal adoption, or passage of the policy, which
legitimizes the policy. Policy implementation is the fourth stage of the policy
process in which agencies operationalize the adopted policy. This includes
the drafting of specific programs, procedures, regulations, rules, and guidance
to be used by those tasked with carrying out the adopted policy. Finally, the
fifth stage in the policy process is policy evaluation. Policy evaluation is used
to evaluate the policy and associated programs in ways discussed earlier.
Although this illustration suggests that evaluation occurs only at stage five,
the truth is that evaluation can occur anywhere during the policy process.
Policy process: Simplified model of the stages of policy making
and implementation that includes five major stages: problem
identification/agenda setting, policy formation, policy adoption,
policy implementation, and policy evaluation. Also called the
“policy cycle.”
Figure 11.2 Basic Stages of the Policy Process

Types of Evaluation Research

That program evaluations can occur anywhere along the stages of the policy
process indicates the fact that there is no single type of evaluation but many
types. Even though it is agreed that there are multiple types of evaluation
research, however, no universally agreed-upon number of types of evaluation
research exists. Some contend there are two types of evaluation research,
whereas others identify dozens. Our goal here is to offer an understanding of
the types of evaluation research that are frequently used in criminal justice
and criminology. Given that purpose, we follow the lead of Scriven (1977)
and focus on two principal types of evaluation research, each of which has
multiple subtypes (see Table 11.1): formative and summative evaluation
research. Formative evaluation is evaluation research that occurs in the
formative or earlier stages of the development of or modification of a policy
or program. It is designed to offer insight about the implementation of a
program. The second major type of program evaluation described is
summative evaluation that occurs after the implementation of the policy or
program. Summative evaluations are used to make a comprehensive
assessment of a program after program implementation. These primary types
of evaluation research, as well as some subtypes, are described next.
Formative evaluations: Conducted in the earliest stages of the
policy process while a program is being developed with the
purpose of ensuring the program is feasible prior to full
implementation. Two types of formative evaluations are
considered in this text: needs assessments and process evaluations.
Summative evaluation: One of two major types of program
evaluation used to make a comprehensive assessment of a
program after the implementation of the policy or program. A
summative evaluation is used to ascertain whether a program
should be funded and continued or terminated. Two types of
summative evaluations are considered in this text: outcome
evaluations and impact evaluations.
Formative Evaluation
Formative evaluations are conducted in the earliest stages of the policy
process while a program is being developed. The purpose of a formative
evaluation is to ensure the program is feasible prior to full implementation.
The idea of a formative evaluation is to gather data that will inform ways to
identify whether a program is needed, and to improve the program as it is
being implemented before its full-scale implementation. In addition,
formative evaluations can occur on an existing program that needs
modification, is being used in a new environment, or one being implemented
for a different target population. Formative evaluations can be thought of as
“trouble-shooting” evaluations in that what is discovered from the evaluation
is “fed back” into the program to strengthen or enhance it. Not surprisingly,
formative evaluations take place primarily during the early stages of the
policy process. Two frequently used subtypes of formative evaluation are
considered in this chapter: needs assessments and process evaluations. Each
is discussed next.
Note: Adapted from Scriven (1977).
Needs Assessment
Needs assessments are a type of formative evaluation that are used when the
goal of the evaluation is to find out whether there is a problem and how the
target population might be better served. A needs assessment provides
guidance about whether a program is needed, exactly who may need a
program, and the type of program that may be useful for the target
population. The findings of a needs assessment allows someone to identify
how to effectively target a program to best address a social problem of
interest. Engaging in a needs assessment requires deep immersion by the
researcher into the environment in which a program may be needed. It
requires the researcher to explore and describe the environment, the problem,
and the target population comprehensively. A needs assessment follows
several steps. First, the evaluator identifies the needs in the target population
by working with all involved including the population of interest, funders,
administrators, and so on (i.e., stakeholders). Second, the evaluator must
identify the size or extent of the problem needing attention.
Needs assessments: Type of formative assessments with the goal
of understanding the needs of a target population.
Needs Assessment Steps
1. Identify the needs in the target population.
2. Estimate the size or extent of the problem leading to the
needs: gap analysis to understand difference between what is
and what should be.
3. Identify an intervention or program that will best serve the
needs of the target population.
This identification of the desired situation versus the actual situation is
referred to as a gap analysis. The third step in a needs assessment is to
identify the sort of intervention or program that will best serve the needs of
the target population. This requires consideration of costs and feasibility of
addressing the gap between what is and what should be. Many different
research approaches including interviews, observations, content analysis, and
survey research can be used when doing a needs assessment. This deep dive
understanding of the issue allows the researcher to answer whether there is a
need, what the needs are, and whose needs are greatest. A needs assessment
also allows the researcher to identify the shape and scope of a needed
program. Not surprisingly, the needs assessment occurs during the earlier
stages of the policy process—during the identification of a needed policy or
Gap analysis: Part of a needs assessment in which the evaluator
identifies the size or extent of the problem needing attention, as
well as the desired situation. Identifying what is and what is
desired is the gap analysis.
Understanding if a need exists, who is affected by that need, and what
program can best ameliorate that need are some purposes of a needs
assessment. The answers to these and other questions will depend on that
needs of the particular target population. How might the needs of these two
men differ? How might they be the same?

© halfpoint/Canstockphoto
Process Evaluation
A process evaluation is conducted when a program is in operation, and it
focuses specifically on whether a program has been implemented and is being
delivered as it was designed. A process evaluation can also be used to
understand why an existing program has changed over time. Engaging in a
process evaluation requires immersion in the program to understand exactly
how the program is being delivered. Process evaluation requires full
understanding that allows the researcher to identify exactly how the program
is being delivered compared with how the process is supposed to be
delivered. For these reasons, process evaluations are heavily reliant on
methods of gathering qualitative data (e.g., interviews, focus groups, and
participant observation). A way to view this is as a trouble-shooting
evaluation. The research can identify whether the program is working the best
way to meet its full potential. It can identify whether the program is working
well and doing what it is supposed to be doing. A process evaluation can also
identify where problems are occurring. This comprehensive understanding of
the program allows an understanding of what it is compared with what it
should be. The findings from a process evaluation can identify inefficiencies
in the program delivery that can be addressed.
Process evaluation: Type of formative evaluation that is
conducted when a program is in operation. Process evaluations
focus on whether a program has been implemented and is being
delivered as it was designed, or why an existing program has
changed over time.
Logic models play an important role in all evaluation research, but especially
so in a process evaluation. Logic models are used to illustrate the ideal about
how a program is intended to work. These models depict how the program is
supposed to be implemented. Logic models provide an easy-to-understand
means to see the causal relationships among program components. Featured
researcher Heather Zaykowski has conducted many evaluations and finds that
logic models streamline the research. She noted in her video interview that
logic models help the client or partner articulate their goals and focus on the
important issues. Zaykowski finds working with the clients to develop or
clarify their logic model helps them identify their tangible goals and issues.
There are multiple benefits of logic models. First, they point to key
performance measurement points useful for conducting an evaluation.
Second, logic models assist with program design, and make improving
existing programs easier, by highlighting problematic program activities.
Third, logic models help identify the program expectations. Another featured
researcher, Chris Melde, who has conducted numerous evaluations, is a
particular fan of logic models and always uses them. If the client doesn’t
have one (and this is common), Melde spends the time in collaboration with
the client to create a logic model. This is often the first part of an evaluation
according to Melde.
Logic models: Graphic depictions that illustrate the ideal about
how a program is intended to work.
Logic models in their most basic form include inputs, outputs, short-term
outcomes, and long-term outcomes. Inputs include things like training or
education. The idea is that these inputs should lead to the outputs depicted in
the logic model. Outputs resulting from the inputs include things like
increased knowledge, changed attitudes or values, and new skills. The notion
is that these outcomes will then lead to identified short-term outcomes.
Short-term outcomes or goals stem from the outputs and include
improvements or changes expected to see in a short period. Short-term
outcomes or goals include things like improved stability, higher retention
rates, reduced recidivism, or fewer arrests. Long-term outcomes are the final
causal effect of the program. These outcomes are the intended positive
benefits resulting from a program that occur further out in time. Long-term
outcomes may include safer communities, stable housing, greater educational
attainment, lack of arrests, increased justice, and greater satisfaction with life.
You should be able to see how a logic model can be useful in trying to
understand how a program should be implemented that can guide the
evaluator when assessing whether the program is evaluated as intended.
Inputs: One of four steps in a basic logic model. Inputs include
things like training or education. The idea is that these inputs
should lead to the outputs depicted in the logic model.
Outputs: One of four steps in a basic logic model. Outputs are
those intended consequences resulting from inputs.
Short-term outcomes: One of four causal steps in a logic model,
referring to the intended positive benefits resulting from a
program that are expected to occur quickly. Short-term outcomes
stem from the outputs.
Long-term outcomes: One of four causal steps in a logic model,
referring to the intended positive benefits resulting from a
program that are expected to occur further in the future.
Figure 11.3 Proposed Logic Model for Relationship Education Programs for
Youth in Foster Care
Source: Exhibit 1, p. 21, from “Putting Youth Relationship Education on
the Child Welfare Agenda: Findings from a Research and Evaluation
Review.” Child Trends December 2012. Reprinted with permission from
Note: Logic model example found here:
Summative Evaluation
The second major type of evaluation research considered is the summative
evaluation. Summative evaluations provide an overall or summary judgment
about program results. This type of evaluation can be used to determine
whether a program should be funded and continued or terminated. Unlike
formative evaluations that provide information on how to implement or
improve a program, the goal of a summative evaluation is to answer
questions about the feasibility of continuing, expanding, or discontinuing a
program. Summative evaluations occur at the end of the policy process and
are concerned with the output and impact of programs. There is no agreement
in the literature about the types of summative evaluations. For our purposes,
we discuss two types of summative evaluations: outcome evaluations and
impact evaluations. Some authors do not distinguish between the two, noting
they both focus on results. The differences to focus on here is that outcome
evaluations focus on whether the program was effective in terms of the target
population in the short and long term, and occur after program completion. In
contrast, impact evaluations focus on whether the program met its long-term
ultimate goals (which are broader than how they affected the target
population) and tend to be conducted years after the program was
Summative evaluations are used to make a summary judgement about a
program–keep, terminate, or expand?

© PixelsAway/Canstockphoto
Outcome Evaluation
Outcome evaluations measure the effectiveness of a program on the target
population. This type of evaluation is focused on the impacts on the target
population specifically versus a summary look at the program. Outcome
evaluations focus on the short-term and long-term outcomes among the target
population depicted in the logic model. Engaging in an outcome evaluation
does not require the deep immersion in the program required in a needs
assessment. Rather, an outcome evaluation is more often conducted using
quantitative data away from the actual program delivery to measure whether
the program is doing what it was intended to do. These data gathering
methods include analysis of existing data, surveys, and experiments. Does it
show lower rates of recidivism after engaging in the program? Does it
increase literacy after going through a program designed to improve literacy?
Does the program lead to higher student retention and greater loyalty after
attending a mandatory student orientation? Is the program approaching the
desired outcomes? If the answer to these types of questions is “no,” then the
program may be reassessed or even terminated.
Outcome evaluations: Type of summative evaluation that
measures the effectiveness of a program on the target population.
This type of evaluation is focused on the impacts on the target
population specifically versus the program.
Evaluation research skills are used broadly for countless issues.
Impact Evaluation
The second type of summative evaluation considered is the impact
evaluation. Impact evaluations are global evaluations that assess whether a
program is achieving its designated goals. Unlike the outcome evaluation, the
focus is not on the target population but on the broad goals of the program.
An impact evaluation is focused on big-picture questions such as whether the
program is achieving its intended results and advancing the social policy it
stems from. It identifies the outcomes of the program in terms of intended
outcomes and unintended outcomes. Like the outcome evaluation, an impact
evaluation is conducted using primarily quantitative data (e.g., focus groups,
interviews, and content analysis) without the need for immersion in the
program. Rather, an evaluator uses quantitative measurements to answer the
question as to whether the program is achieving its goals or not. If not, then
the program may be terminated.
Impact evaluations: One of two summative evaluations
considered in this text. Impact evaluations are global examinations
that assess whether a program is achieving its designated goals.
As noted earlier, there are additional types of evaluation research that you can
conduct including evaluability assessments, implementation evaluations,
structured conceptualizations, and cost-effectiveness and cost–benefit
analyses. Nevertheless, the formative and summative approaches presented
offer a basic understanding of several widely used approaches. When
thinking about types of evaluation research, it is important to recognize that
no single type is better than another is. In contrast, each type of evaluation
research is different and serves a different important purpose. Table 11.2
offers some big picture elements of each of these types of program evaluation
Distinctive Purposes of Evaluation and Basic
Evaluation research is different from the other research purposes described
here in many ways. As Stufflebeam (1983) wrote, “[t]he purpose of
evaluation is to improve, not prove.” Or even more succinctly, Dodge and
Zaykowski both highlight the fact that evaluation research differs from basic
research because it is applied in nature. Indeed, evaluation research has the
purpose or objective of evaluating and improving, but evaluation research is
different from other types of research objectives described in this text.
Although evaluation research uses the same procedures for gathering,
analyzing, and interpreting evidence that other research approaches in this
book do, evaluation research is not the same as basic research like the
descriptive, exploratory, and explanatory research described in this book. In
contrast, evaluation research is applied research. This section identifies
some of the ways this applied versus basic research distinction makes
evaluation research stand apart from other research.
Basic research: Research that generates knowledge motivated by
intellectual curiosity to better understand the world.
Applied research: Conducted to develop knowledge for
immediate use for a specific decision-making purpose.
Knowledge for Decision Making
Basic research approaches generate knowledge to understand the world
better. A researcher engaged in basic research is not conducting research
because he or she is answering to a boss. Instead, the basic researcher is
answering to no one except his or her own intellectual curiosity that leads to
general knowledge. This knowledge created may or may never be used.
Alternatively, that knowledge may be used in ways that are wholly
disconnected from the researcher who created the knowledge. In contrast,
evaluation research is applied research that is used to develop knowledge for
immediate use for a specific decision-making purpose. In addition, evaluation
research is generally conducted because the evaluator is answering to a boss,
a client, a funder, or some sort. Evaluation research is not engaged in creating
knowledge generally but is engaged in answering a specific question about a
program that a stakeholder has posed. It would be incorrect to conclude that
basic or applied research is better than the other. They are simply different
approaches and serve different purposes. The next sections present many of
these differences.
Origination of Research Questions
When conducting basic research, the researcher develops the research
question and refines it during the literature review. Research questions can
come from myriad places, as described in Chapter 2 and elsewhere.
Regardless of the source of the inspiration, the researcher is the one who
crafts the research question. In contrast, when conducting evaluation
research, the research question is developed by, or in consultation with, the
client/stakeholders. The research question is focused on some element of a
particular program that the researcher answers on behalf of a stakeholder. In
this way, evaluation research and other types of research differ greatly.
Comparative and Judgmental Nature
Basic research is interested in describing the world as it currently exists. It
seeks to explore that world or to provide a description or explanation about
the world. These findings about “what is” are intended to be used to make
improvements in our world in a general sense. Nevertheless, often basic
research publishes the research to ultimately make the world a better place. In
contrast, evaluation research is more focused. It is focused on “what should
be” in comparison with “what is” when examining a specific program or
policy. For example, evaluation research may describe how a program is
being administered as well as how the program should be administered. Such
a comparative approach is inherently judgmental, and this aspect of
evaluation research sets it apart from basic research.
Working With Stakeholders
A fundamental way that evaluation research differs from basic research is the
need to work with a variety of stakeholders. As noted earlier, basic research
is undertaken by a researcher desiring to build knowledge and understanding
about our world. In general, there is little stakeholder interaction as the
researcher conducts his or her investigation. The major exception to this is in
the time and effort it can take to get access to data that agencies have. In
contrast, evaluation researchers work with stakeholders throughout the
process. In fact, conducting evaluation research means the researcher is
working collaboratively with, and is dependent on, several stakeholders,
some of whom may or may not be cooperative. Knowing who the
stakeholders are, and developing and maintaining a good relationship with
them, is critical when conducting evaluation research. The researcher needs
his or her trust and support to be able to gather the needed data. In addition,
the researcher needs the stakeholders’ support and trust so that they will be
willing to accept and implement the findings from the evaluation conducted.
Dodge has found that the failure to establish rapport with stakeholders in the
beginning of the evaluation process can kill any evaluation. This rapport must
be maintained throughout the process as well, which includes providing a
report at the end of the process that is written for the stakeholder audience.
An evaluator must always be aware of the relationship with all stakeholders
to ensure it remains positive.
Challenging Environment
Basic research takes place in a variety of settings including an office, a
laboratory, or the field. In general, those who are being studied or examined
in the process of basic research are voluntarily engaging in the research. In
general, the relationship between the basic researcher and the research subject
is harmonious and cooperative. Evaluation research can differ from this
harmonious and cooperative environment. Evaluation research is inevitably
about observing or assessing a process or program. The priority of those
involved in the program is the program itself, not the evaluation of the
program. If gathering data interferes (or is perceived to interfere) with the
program, challenges ensue. The evaluator must understand that those
involved in the evaluation are aware that what they do in the program is
going to be scrutinized, possibly criticized, and conceivably changed because
of the evaluation. They understand that the evaluator may identify
shortcomings of a program they are dedicated to, and loyal about. In fact,
they may fail to see the need for the evaluation. As a result, the environment
that some evaluators work in can be hostile, uncooperative, and at times
incredibly challenging. Recall the judgmental nature of evaluation research,
and the fact that findings may not put the program in the best of lights. At
worst, findings may be used to terminate a program some stakeholders
believe is useful. This type of environment indicates that an evaluator must
not only navigate the challenges of conducting good evaluation research but
also must work with others who may not understand or even trust the
evaluation or the evaluators. Being mindful of the social implications of the
findings from the study is important.
Findings and Dissemination
In general, the way findings are disseminated differs between basic and
applied research. Once basic research is completed, researchers tend to draft
journal articles to be peer reviewed for consideration of publication in a
journal. The manuscripts describe the purpose of the research, relevant
literature, methodology, findings, and conclusions. A part of that includes
recommendations about future research to continue research on the topic of
interest. Once submitted to a journal, the manuscript is sent to three other
researchers who assess and comment on the research. Peer review is
generally conducted using a blind review, meaning those reviewing the
research manuscript generally do not know who conducted the research, and
those conducting the research generally do not know who is conducting the
review. Once the reviews are completed, the reviews are sent to the
researcher with a decision by the journal editor as to whether the research
will be published (rare without revisions), requires revisions and
resubmission to the journal (an R&R), or rejected outright. Should the
research manuscript be accepted and published in the journal, the knowledge
in the article is available to anyone accessing the journal. Publication in
journals can take many months, but more often it takes a one or more years to
Blind review: Method of reviewing journal manuscripts in which
neither the reviewers nor the manuscript writer knows the identity
of the other.
Evaluation research differs greatly from basic research in that the research
report describing the evaluation, findings, and recommendations is submitted
to the stakeholders for consideration. As a result, it is important that
evaluation reports be written for impact. They must convince the stakeholders
that the study just completed made a difference and that positive changes will
result from this research. Recommendations in evaluation reports are focused
on the program (and not on future research about the findings). Peer review is
not used, and broad dissemination is not the goal. This is not to say that
evaluation research is never published in journals; it is. In fact, several
journals focus specifically on program evaluation. It is just generally not the
primary goal of the evaluator to publish for a broader audience.
Characteristics of Effective Evaluations
Four Standards of an Effective Evaluation
1. Utility
2. Feasibility
3. Propriety
4. Accuracy
When conducting any research, the researcher strives for effectiveness.
Nevertheless, how do you know whether your research is useful or effective?
Peer reviewers can assist with this. Following accepted practices in research
methodology when conducting research can assist with this. Unlike basic
research, evaluation research is associated with specifically stated and
accepted standards to assess the quality, effectiveness, accuracy, ethical, and
usefulness of an evaluation. In 1994, the Joint Committee on Standards for
Education Evaluation published four standards of effectiveness: utility,
feasibility, propriety, and accuracy. Utility focuses on the need that
evaluations address significant research questions, provide clearly articulated
findings, and make recommendations. Feasibility addresses the need that
evaluation research be practical, reasonable, and affordable. Propriety
requires evaluations be ethical and legal. Finally, accuracy indicates the need
that evaluations be conducted using best research practices, free of biases,
and accurate. The Joint Committee on Standards for Education Evaluation
also provided multiple criteria for each standard that reflects several of the
guiding principles put forth by the American Evaluators Association
discussed earlier in this chapter. The specific criteria of effective evaluation,
based on the Joint Committee on Standards for Education Evaluation (1994)
are discussed next.
Utility is the first standard of an effective evaluation. Utility addresses
whether an evaluation responded to the needs of the client and was
satisfactory to those using it. Utility can be assessed by focusing on seven
specific standards. The first utility criterion is stakeholder identification,
which requires that an effective evaluation identify and engage all individuals
involved in or affected by the evaluation. Identification of all stakeholders is
vital to ensure their needs can be, and are, addressed during the course of and
after the evaluation. Evaluator credibility is a utility standard that indicates
that evaluators must be both competent and trustworthy. The presence of
competence and trust in the evaluator benefits the evaluation in that findings
can be fully credible and accepted. A third utility standard is information
scope and selection, which requires that the data collected for use in the
evaluation must be directly related to the specific purpose of the evaluation.
Values identification is a utility standard that requires the evaluator to
carefully describe the perspectives, procedures, and rationale used to interpret
the findings. The foundation for making the value judgments inherent in an
evaluation must be clearly articulated. An important utility standard is report
clarity, which indicates that evaluation reports must clearly articulate
multiple elements of the program being evaluated. First, the program itself
must be described. In addition, the context and purposes of the program must
be articulated. Third, the procedures of the program must be made clear.
Finally, the findings of the evaluation must be clearly presented in the report.
This detail and clarity ensures all audiences easily understand the evaluation.
Report timeliness and dissemination is a utility standard that requires that
interim and final reports stemming from an evaluation be shared with in a
timely fashion to facilitate their use. And the final utility criterion is
evaluation impact, which is evident when the findings and recommendations
are accepted and implemented. The impact goal should guide all elements of
the evaluation including evaluation planning, implementation, and reporting.
With attention to evaluation impact throughout the process, stakeholders will
be more likely to value and use the findings, as well as to implement the
recommendations made in the report.
Utility: One of four standards of an effective evaluation. Refers to
whether the evaluation conducted met the needs of and was
satisfactory to the people using it.
Stakeholder identification: One of the utility criteria of an
effective evaluation. Requires that the evaluator identify all
individuals or organizations involved in or affected by the
Evaluator credibility: One of the utility criteria of an effective
evaluation. Requires that evaluators must be both competent and
Information scope and selection information: One of the utility
criteria of an effective evaluation. Requires that the data and
information collected for use in the evaluation must speak directly
to the specific research questions guiding the program evaluation.
Values identification: One of the utility criteria of an effective
evaluation. This criterion requires that an evaluator carefully
describe the perspectives, procedures, and rationale used to
interpret the findings.
Report clarity: One of the utility criteria of an effective
evaluation. This criterion requires that evaluation reports clearly
articulate multiple elements of the program being evaluated.
Report timeliness and dissemination: One of the utility criteria
of an effective evaluation. Calls for all interim and final reports
resulting from the evaluation to be shared with stakeholders in a
timely fashion to facilitate their use.
Evaluation impact: One of the utility criteria of an effective
evaluation. Present when the findings and recommendations of an
evaluation are accepted and implemented by key stakeholders.
The second major standard of effective evaluation research is feasibility. In
other words, is the evaluation research requested possible? The feasibility
standard focuses on whether an evaluation is both viable and pragmatic.
Three specific feasibility standards are considered when assessing an
evaluation. These specific standards consider whether the evaluation was
practical, realistic, and diplomatic and involved the prudent use of resources.
These characteristics are evident based on three criteria. Practical
procedures is a feasibility standard that indicates that evaluation research
should be practical, and it should result in minimal disruption to the program
under investigation. For instance, is it practical to get the records of juvenile
delinquents given the increased confidentiality under which they are kept?
Similarly, political viability is a feasibility standard that calls attention to the
need to consider the affected stakeholders to gain and maintain their
cooperation during all stages of the evaluation. In addition, this standard
requires the evaluator to be alert to any stakeholder attempts to thwart, bias,
or disrupt the evaluation. The final feasibility standard is cost-effectiveness,
which requires evaluators to consider the efficient and effective use of
resources. In particular, this standard guards against engaging in unneeded
data gathering and analysis. There is no need to conduct a Ferrari® evaluation
(e.g., randomized experimental research) when a less resource-intensive one
(e.g., quasi-experimental research) is adequate. Any costs incurred during the
evaluation should be directly related to the needs of conducting a useful
Feasibility: One of four major standards of effective evaluations
that focuses on whether an evaluation is viable, pragmatic,
realistic, diplomatic, and involves the prudent use of resources..
Political viability: One of the feasibility criteria of an effective
evaluation. Requires the evaluators to consider the affected
stakeholders to gain and maintain their cooperation during every
stage of the evaluation.
Practical procedures: One of the feasibility criteria of an
effective evaluation. Requires that evaluation research be
practical, and it should result in minimal disruption to the program
under investigation.
Cost-effectiveness: Criterion of feasibility that indicates an
effective evaluation. Requires evaluators to consider the efficient
and effective use of resources.
The third major standard of an effective evaluation is propriety. Propriety
standards offer evidence that the evaluator has conducted an ethical
evaluation. Eight specific standards are used to assess propriety, all of which
ensure evaluations are legal, ethical, and conducted with regard for the
welfare of those involved, as well as anyone else affected by the evaluation.
The first of eight propriety standards that provide evidence of an ethical
evaluation is service orientation, which emphasizes the service nature of
evaluation research. Evaluation research should be used to assist
organizations, as well as to address and serve the needs of the targeted
population affected by the program of interest. A second propriety standard
requires the use of formal agreements. This standard requires the use of a
formal, and written, agreement involving all major parties involved in an
evaluation. This written agreement should identify each individual’s
obligations, how associated tasks will be accomplished, who will conduct
required tasks, and when tasks should be completed. Formal agreements are
binding unless all parties choose to renegotiate their terms. The next two
standards speak to human decency when conducting evaluation research. The
rights of human subjects focuses on the requirement that evaluation
research be planned and conducted using ethical research practices.
Evaluation research must be conducted in a way that the rights and welfare of
human subjects are respected. The human interactions standard dictates the
evaluation research be conducted with respect to all individuals associated
with the program of interest. No individual should be threatened or harmed,
and all engaged must be respected. An important propriety standard calls for
complete and fair assessment. This standard requires the comprehensive
and objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the program.
With a comprehensive and fair assessment, the evaluation is useful. Without
it, the value of the evaluation is poor. As noted throughout the text, research
is only as strong as its weakest part, and in the case of an evaluation, that
means that incomplete and biased evaluation would lead to limited, and
possibly damaging, outcomes. The disclosure of findings is a propriety
standard that speaks to the need to ensure all stakeholders—who have put
time and effort into the study—deserve to see the findings. In addition, the
findings from the evaluation must be made available to those with a legal
right to them. During the course of evaluation research, conflict may arise. A
propriety standard referred to as conflict of interest emphasizes that any
conflict of interest that arises must be dealt with transparently and honestly to
ensure the evaluation and results are not compromised. And finally, the fiscal
responsibility propriety standard indicates that funding used during engaging
in a program evaluation must be justifiable, ethical, and prudent.
Evaluation research, like all research, must be conducted legally, ethically,
and with regard for all involved in the process.

© PlusONE/Shutterstock
Propriety: One of four standards of an effective evaluation.
Based on eight criteria that demonstrate that an evaluation was
conducted ethically, legally, and with regard for the welfare of
those involved, as well as of anyone else affected by the
Service orientation: One of the propriety standards of an
effective evaluation. Evaluation research should be used to assist
organizations and to address and serve the needs of the targeted
population affected by the program of interest.
Formal agreements: One of the propriety standards of an
effective evaluation that requires the presence of a formal, written
agreement involving all principal parties involved in an
Rights of human subjects: One of the propriety standards of an
effective evaluation. Requires that evaluation research, be planned
and conducted using ethical research practices.
Human interactions: One of the propriety standards of an
effective evaluation. Requires that evaluation research be
conducted with respect to all individuals associated with the
program of interest.
Complete and fair assessment: One of the propriety standards of
an effective evaluation. Indicates that an evaluation must offer a
complete and fair assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of
the program.
Disclosure of findings: One of the propriety standards of an
effective evaluation. Indicates that evaluation findings must be
made available to those with a legal right to the findings or to
those affected by the evaluation.
Conflict of interest: One of the propriety standards of an
effective evaluation. Requires that any conflict of interest that
occurs must be dealt with transparently and honestly to ensure the
evaluation and results are not compromised.
Fiscal responsibility: One of the propriety standards of an
effective evaluation. Requires that the use of resources during the
course of the evaluation be sound, ethical, and prudent.
The fourth major evaluation research standard is accuracy. Accuracy refers
to idea that an effective evaluation should produce correct findings. Twelve
standards of accuracy are used, including presenting the program in context,
using systematic procedures, using the appropriate methods, and producing
impartial reports with justified conclusions. Each is described next. The
accuracy standard focuses largely on the quality of the data used. This should
seem logical to you since this book has focused on the need to gather quality
data. Without quality data, a piece of research is of limited value. The first
accuracy criterion is program documentation that requires the program
evaluation to include clear, complete, and accurate documentation used in the
work. This is documentation about how the evaluation was done as well as
about how the documentation was used in the evaluation. In addition, the
accuracy standard requires the evaluation to include a context analysis. This
means that the program must be fully understood in the context in which it
exists. The context must be examined in detail by the evaluator so that likely
influences affecting the program are known. Third, accuracy standards
require the evaluation to describe purposes and procedures. An accurate
evaluation is one that clearly articulates and outlines the purposes and
research methods (aka procedures) of the evaluation. In addition, the stated
purposes and research methods of the evaluation should be described in a
comprehensive fashion allowing for continual monitoring and assessment.
The accuracy standard requires defensible information sources that are used
in the evaluation be identified and described in detail. Information shared
about sources should allow others to assess these data sources. A part of
being accurate is that the information used in the evaluation be valid
information. This accuracy standard requires that the research methods used
to gather information and data should ensure a valid interpretation for use in
the evaluation. Similarly, reliable information is almost a must for effective
evaluations. Reliable information requires that the research methods used to
gather data and information be designed to provide reliable information for
the evaluation. A part of science is the systematic collection of data and
information. It is no surprise then that an accuracy standard is the inclusion of
systematic information and data collection, analysis, and reporting during
an evaluation. As with all research, any issues encountered during the
information and data gathering should be addressed. The appropriate use of
quantitative and qualitative data is required to demonstrate accuracy. As
noted in the standards, analysis of quantitative information requires the use
of appropriate scientific analysis of quantitative data used to address the
research question being investigated. Similarly, the analysis of qualitative
information requires the use of appropriate scientific analysis of qualitative
data used to address the research question being considered. An additional
accuracy criterion is the presentation of justified conclusions. This accuracy
standard points to the need that all conclusions and findings be clearly and
comprehensively justified based on the data and information analyzed.
Justification must allow stakeholders to assess how the justifications were
reached. Impartial reporting is an accuracy standard that requires care be
taken to avoid distortion or bias in findings. The evaluator must strive to
report on the evaluation regardless of personal feelings. And finally,
metaevaluation is an accuracy standard that indicates that evaluation
research should be judged on these standards as a means of examining its
strengths and weaknesses by stakeholders. Melde summed up these
characteristics of an effective evaluation during his video interview
conducted for this book by noting that effective evaluations stay true to the
principles of good science.
Accuracy: One of four evaluation research standards that refers to
the notion that an effective evaluation will offer correct findings.
Accuracy is evident by presenting the program in context by using
systematic procedures, using the appropriate methods, and
producing impartial reports with justified conclusions.
Program documentation: Accuracy standard of an effective
evaluation that requires that an evaluation be documented clearly,
completely, and accurately.
Describe purposes and procedures: Standard of accuracy that
requires the evaluator to clearly articulate and outline the purposes
and procedures of the evaluation.
Context analysis: Accuracy standard of an effective evaluation
that requires a program to be examined in context as to allow
deeper understanding of the program.
Analysis of quantitative information: Accuracy standard
requiring the use of appropriate scientific analysis of quantitative
data used to address the research question being investigated.
Analysis of qualitative information: Accuracy standard that
requires the use of appropriate scientific analysis of qualitative
data used to address the research question being considered
Justified conclusions: Accuracy standard that indicates the need
for all conclusions and findings be clearly and comprehensively
justified allowing stakeholder assessment.
Defensible information sources: Standard of accuracy requiring
the sources of information used to conduct a program evaluation.
Valid information: Accuracy standard that requires that the
procedures used to gather information and data used in the
evaluation must ensure a valid interpretation.
Reliable information: Accuracy standard that requires that
procedures used to gather data and information must be designed
and used to provide reliable information for the evaluation.
Systematic information: Accuracy standard that focuses on the
need for systematic data and information collection, analysis, and
reporting during an evaluation.
Impartial reporting: Accuracy standard that calls for care to be
taken to avoid distortion or bias in findings.
Metaevaluation: Accuracy standard that refers to the need that
the evaluation be judged on these standards to allow an
examination of its strengths and weaknesses by stakeholders.
Research in Action: Evaluating Faculty Teaching
Most university professors are reviewed annually with regard to
teaching. Teaching evaluations can include things such as in-class
student evaluations, external reviewer observations, and reviews
of syllabi. Students may be more familiar with evaluations found
on rate myprofessor.com (RMP). This website rates the easiness,
helpfulness, clarity, overall quality, and hotness of professors. A
valid question about all of these approaches is whether they
measure teaching effectiveness or something else. Johnson and
Crews (2013) conducted research on RMP to determine what
faculty characteristics determined ratings on the website. This
research was guided by several research questions:
1. What faculty characteristics are correlated with RMP scores?
2. What faculty characteristics influence RMP scores after
accounting for the easiness and hotness of the faculty?
3. Does the number of raters influence RMP scores given the
small sample of self-selected individuals who post
evaluations on RMP?
To address these research questions, Johnson and Crews
randomly selected 10 states from which to draw the faculty
sample. All four-year colleges and universities were included.
Next all full-time criminology and criminal justice faculty in these
institutions who had been rated on RMP were included in the
sample (N = 466). Personal characteristic information about
faculty was taken from university websites and the Internet.
Information on 59 faculty members could not be found, and they
were excluded, leaving 407 criminal justice and criminology
faculty members in the sample.
Analyses included univariate descriptives, and ultimately many
regressions that could isolate the effect of the independent
variables (e.g., race, sex, terminal degree, number of publications,
practitioner experience, years of teaching, and employment at an
RI university) on the dependent variables. Five regressions were
run, one for each dependent variable: easiness, helpfulness,
clarity, overall quality, and hotness.
The findings showed that a faculty RMP easiness score was
predicted by practitioner experience, employment at a Research I
(RI) university, and teaching experience. Specifically,
practitioners and those at RI universities were more likely to be
rated easy. In contrast, more teaching experience predicted lower
ratings in easiness. The regression findings indicated that
publication rates and practitioner experience predicted higher
helpfulness ratings. In contrast, a doctorate and years of teaching
predicted lower scores on helpfulness. A third regression model
examined predictors of clarity and found that being White, male, a
practitioner, publication count, and number of raters predicted
clarity. A doctorate and teaching experience was related to lower
clarity scores. Higher ratings for overall quality were associated
with Whites, publication count, and practitioner experience.
Lower overall quality scores were associated with a doctorate,
years teaching, and being at an RI university. Finally, what
influences hotness scores? According to this research, none of the
independent variables did.
Nevertheless, the researchers continued their examination and
found that when they controlled for easiness and hotness ratings,
“faculty ascribed characteristics (such as race and sex) explained
the greatest proportion of variance in clarity, helpfulness, and
overall quality scores. Professional characteristics, such as years
of experience, publication rate, and possession of a doctorate were
less influential on Ratemyprofessors.com scores.”
What sort of policy implications come from this work? First,
teaching evaluations are heavily influenced by the easiness of the
instructor. Second, faculty ascribed characteristics matter. Third,
professional characteristics have only a small influence on RMP
ratings. And finally, the number of raters has very little influence
on RMP scores. From a policy perspective, these findings point to
the need to have teaching evaluated in a variety of ways given that
RMP reflects things other than teaching competence and places
some groups of faculty at a disadvantage.
Johnson, R. R., & Crews, A. D. (2013). My professor is hot!
Correlates of RateMyProfessors.com ratings for criminal justice
and criminology faculty members. American Journal of Criminal
Justice, 38, 639–656.
Common Pitfalls in Evaluation Research
Because evaluation research is conducted using any of the research
methodologies discussed in this text, the pitfalls associated with each
methodology are also relevant here. For example, if interviewing others, you
the researcher must establish rapport and ask clear questions. If you are using
survey research, care must be taken to avoid double-barreled or leading
questions. If you are using a focus group, the moderator must ensure all
participants are sharing views and no single attendee is shutting the process

Evaluations as an Afterthought
One pitfall associated with evaluation research must be discussed: the
afterthought nature of evaluation. That is, evaluation research is too often
considered as an afterthought. Although this is not the fault of the researcher,
it is something with which many researchers are confronted. Often well-
meaning individuals implement a program and only later wonder whether the
program is working as they want it to or whether the program is providing the
benefits hoped for. At times, no logic model was developed, making the
identification of inputs, outputs, and outcomes challenging to discern. In fact,
a program may have been launched with no explicit consideration about what
success would look like or how the plan was to be delivered.
Dodge finds that waiting until after data are collected to involve a researcher
is a common error made by organizations. Dodge shared with us that not
including a researcher in the collection of the data (and framing of the
evaluation before getting started) often means the quality of the data are
problematic. And this means the evaluation is much more challenging than it
should be. Alternatively, Dodge finds that many organizations articulate
unclear and often unmeasurable goals for the evaluation. Other times,
organizations have individuals with clashing ideas about what the goals are.
By working with a researcher from the beginning, Dodge noted, feasible,
measurable, and useful goals can be agreed to before gathering data.
Dodge also finds that it is too often the case that those implementing a
program have collected no data or other information about it. They may not
know how many individuals were served. They may not know whether those
being served are benefiting. All of these issues point to the value of bringing
in a researcher from the beginning.
Zaykowski was brought onto an evaluation at the last minute. The client
knew this evaluation was required but failed to act on the evaluation until
time was a problem. When she arrived on the project, she found that needed
data were not gathered. The grant was supposed to gather data on 80
respondents, but the client had only gathered information on 20. There was
no person clearly acting as the leader of the project. The project investigator
(PI) of the grant and evaluation was running the program of interest, although
she only worked 10 hours a week. This created a perfect storm of evaluation
disaster. The problems continued once Zaykowski began working with them
as getting access to additional subjects proved difficult. In the end,
Zaykowski noted to us that the project was completed but that this episode
represents the all-too-common issue that everyone does not know how to
conduct an evaluation. Bring in an expert, and bring him or her in early.
Waiting until a program has been launched to consider an evaluation presents
several obstacles. For example, it may preclude the use of experimental
methods for testing program effects, forcing evaluators to use other less-
informative approaches. In addition, early planning for an evaluation tends to
make any evaluation that is ultimately conducted take far more time, and this
reduces the chances the findings will be used. When a program is being
planned is the time to consider evaluation of the program. Failure to do so
increases the odds that stakeholders do not buy-in to the work done by the
evaluator. This in turn increases the risk that the report, findings, and
recommendations of the evaluator are disregarded.
Political Context
A second and related pitfall results from the fact that “evaluation is a rational
enterprise that takes place in a political context” (Weiss, 1993, p. 94). Failure
to navigate the intersection of the worlds of politics and evaluation will result
in major challenges for evaluators. Consider that programs and policies are
the result of political decisions. As you are likely aware from your everyday
life, few political decisions are arrived at without great and often heated
debate, arguments, and challenges. Thus, before a program or policy is
launched, it has built-in stakeholders who can be at odds. Recognizing this
built-in tension is imperative for successful evaluation. Recognizing the
tangled worlds of evaluation and politics, and that an evaluator must work
with all stakeholders, is imperative if you want to be successful in this role.
A third pitfall is to fail to develop a solid and trusting relationship with
stakeholders. Without the buy-in of stakeholders, the evaluation research will
be far more difficult to accomplish. Dodge, who has engaged in a great deal
of evaluation research, has seen firsthand the challenges that a lack of trust
brings, and why it is so important to develop trust early. Dodge finds this
especially the case in law enforcement agencies. She noted that “when
dealing with law enforcement many of the officers are skeptical that an
evaluation can be the impetus for change.” Similarly, Dodge finds that trust
can be an issue between parties beyond the researcher. She has dealt with
situations in which a “city manager or police chief requests an evaluation but
then decides not to release the report. Obviously, this happens most when the
evaluation shows weakness in the leadership. I always encourage the
leadership to make the report available either internally and/or externally.
This helps encourage transparency for the department and city.” As noted
earlier in the chapter, Melde views trust as an essential requirement to have
between the researcher and those in the organization. Those in the
organization must have trust about the importance of the research design or
things can go sideways. Similarly, Zaykowski finds that “the key challenge to
evaluation research is that it always involves people outside of academia who
don’t understand academics. As researchers we want to follow the text book
method about how to execute our research and be objective, but from a
program’s standpoint, they want their program to look good.” Zaykowski
believes it is good practice to require an MOU (memorandum of
understanding) that outlines expectations and states up front that the results
may not look like what the client wants them too. Although an MOU doesn’t
solve all problems, Zaykowski finds it makes these interactions easier.

Overselling Your Skills as an Evaluator

A fourth pitfall associated with evaluation research occurs when the evaluator
knows nothing about the topic he or she is evaluating. Yes, evaluation
research requires the same methodology skills described in this book;
nevertheless, as featured researcher Rachel Boba Santos along with Cuevas
state, the biggest failures they have witnessed have been when an evaluator is
hired to evaluate a program he or she knows nothing about. Santos notes one
simply has to know the topic. In these instances, Cuevas has seen these
evaluators go into a situation, screw it up due to the lack of substantive
understanding, and make a big mess in the end. Santos has seen cases in
which a completely incompetent evaluator was hired. The incompetence
ended up meaning the evaluation was rushed and poorly done. Both Santos’s
and Cuevas’s advice is not to oversell your skills if you want to conduct an
evaluation, to have a realistic plan to avoid rushing, and to be well versed in
the topic you are hired to evaluate. To do otherwise is not to provide clients
with the service they deserve.

Ethics Associated With Evaluation Research

All research requires continual attention to ethics. Evaluation research is no
exception. The many elements of ethics discussed in the book so far apply
here. For example, minimizing harm to others, informed consent,
confidentiality, fair treatment, and respecting others are all important
considerations when conducting evaluation research. Nevertheless, some
things should be mentioned to avoid ethical problems when conducting
evaluation research. First, even though evaluation research focuses on
programs, the evaluator must recognize that people, individuals and groups
involved with funding, directing, administering, and receiving benefits from a
program—are affected by this activity. Especially vulnerable are those
receiving benefits from programs. Consider that according to the Australian
Council for International Development (2013, p. 4), failure to consider ethics
“can lead to the opposite results intended . . . they can actually worsen the
situation for participants in the research and evaluation process, their wider
communities and even the evaluators and researchers themselves.”
Significant consequences that may occur when disregarding ethics are the
A strengthening of discriminatory or unjust social relationships
The exclusion of key stakeholders
An increase in participant recriminations
Unintentional participant identification
Incorrect findings and recommendations that result in negative
programming decisions

Failure to consider ethics can lead to unintended consequences, and all

individuals engaged in a program can experience negative outcomes.
Consider a summative evaluation that results in the termination of a program.
The consequences of this are that people lose jobs and income, and clients of
the program lose the benefits they had been receiving. For this reason, we
discuss a few ethical issues frequently associated with evaluation research.
Failure to Be Nimble
Melde noted to us that evaluation research takes place in the real world where
we often have little control over our environment. Given this, Melde went on
to say that “text book evaluation designs rarely work in the real world. You
have to be nimble. A researcher has to have a plan b in anticipation of real
life.” Failure to be nimble and ready to adjust to the real world can lead to an
evaluation disaster. A great example of the unexpected was experienced by
Santos, who was in the midst of implementing a program, and in the midst of
this, the police chief was replaced. The interim chief stopped all research
immediately. With an uncooperative interim chief, no plan B could save the
research. In the end, the interim chief killed the entire project. Although the
implementation and planned evaluation never happened, Santos notes the
incident provided great information about working with police chiefs.

Even though maintaining confidentiality when promised is an ethical
consideration for all types of research, it can be a bit trickier in evaluation
research. Imagine you are conducting interviews of key stakeholders. They
are providing excellent, although negative, information about the program
that will be useful in conducting a fair and comprehensive evaluation. There
are not many key stakeholders, however, so including this information in the
evaluation report without revealing the source of the information may be
difficult if not impossible. Alternatively, imagine that as an evaluator you are
unable to access certain information due to a challenging gatekeeper. As a
result, the evaluator may not be able to assess that information. If there is
only one gatekeeper, then maintaining the confidentiality of this individual
may be impossible. Dodge echoed this sentiment noting that at times,
maintaining confidentiality is nearly impossible. Regardless of the individual
involved, if promised confidentiality, the evaluator must strive to honor it.
Politics and evaluation research are members of an uneasy marriage. In the
middle of this is the evaluator who must act ethically. This can be
challenging when the evaluator must work with multiple stakeholders who
are at odds. To do so, the evaluator must be guided by the more general
ethical requirements associated with research but also by the standards of
effective evaluation. In particular, standards of propriety must be maintained.
First, the evaluator must be cognizant that his or her role is to serve
stakeholders and the targeted population affected by the program. In addition,
regardless of any political pressures the evaluator might face, he or she must
act with respect to all individuals associated with the program of interest. No
individual should be threatened or harmed. Third, regardless of the political
pressures faced, the evaluator must provide a comprehensive and fair
assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the program that is
disseminated to individuals affected by the evaluation. As Zaykowski stated
to us during her video interview, a stakeholder may “want to push back on
certain types of findings. It is your role as a researcher to provide fair and
objective findings including strengths and weaknesses of the topic of
interest.” Finally, any conflict of interest that arises must be dealt with
transparently and honestly to ensure the evaluation and results are not
Recognizing this built-in tension between politics and evaluation is
imperative to maximize success. The evaluator must remember that
evaluation research findings inform political decision makers. In addition,
findings about the program are assessed in a larger context of many programs
and policies competing for scarce resources and attention. What the
evaluation concludes matters. It matters to the program, to recipients of the
program, and to those administering the program. Nevertheless, the larger
context also matters. Ten years after Weiss’s (1993) work was published,
Rossi, Lipsey, and Freeman (2003, p. 15) summed up the current and future
of the worlds of evaluation and politics: “First, restraints on resources will
continue to require funders to choose the social problem areas on which to
concentrate resources and the programs that should be given priority. Second,
intensive scrutiny of existing programs will continue because of the pressure
to curtail or dismantle those that do not demonstrate that they are effective
and efficient.”
Losing Objectivity and Failure to Pull the Plug
Researchers must be open to the notion that the program they are evaluating
is not working or, even worse, is causing unintentional harm. Cuevas offers
the example of colleagues who have conducted evaluation research around
violence prevention interventions with youth. He has seen situations where
some evaluators have not had an open mind, believing that this program—the
interventions—was failing and making things worse. People, including
researchers, can lose sight of the fact that the program they are evaluating is
not effective or beneficial. Still, people have a hard time letting go as they are
invested in particular programs. Researchers must be attentive to the ethics
around effectiveness of programs, and they must be willing to pull the plug
on programs that are doing harm. Recognizing all of these pitfalls in the
tangled worlds of evaluation and politics is critical if you want to be
Evaluation Research Expert—Michael Shively, PhD
Michael Shively, PhD, is a senior associate with Abt Associates where he
conducts criminal justice, criminology, and victimology program and policy
evaluations. In other words, Shively uses the skills you are reading about in
this chapter to study policies and programs dealing with human trafficking
and prostitution, hate crime, law enforcement, drug trafficking, intimate
partner violence, and contextual influences on crime. Shively never thought
he would be a researcher, instead, he believed he would work on a boat.
Growing up in the Seattle area, he spent a lot of time with his uncle, who was
a captain of a tugboat, and on the water in general. When Shively graduated
from high school, the economy was in shambles and he could not get a job on
any boat. Instead, he went to college. He didn’t do well until he found
something that really interested him: the social sciences, especially when they
focused on crime and justice issues. In those classes, he was drawn to
research methods because it allowed an exploration about what was true. He
acknowledges that he annoyed some professors when he asked for evidence
supporting what they were saying. This is the essence of what research
methods offer.
Shively ultimately earned a BA and an MA from Western Washington
University in psychology and sociology, respectively. His sociology PhD was
awarded from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. After graduating,
he served as deputy director of research for the Massachusetts Department of
Correction and as an assistant professor at Northeastern University’s College
of Criminal Justice. In addition, he served on the Massachusetts Governor’s
Commission on Criminal Justice Innovation and on the Massachusetts
Criminal History Systems Board; facilitated the Cambridge Neighborhood
Safety Task Force; was a founding member of the Regional Human
Trafficking Workgroup at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
University; and was a member of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s
Human Trafficking Task Force, Subcommittee on Demand.
Courtesy of Michael Shively
At Abt, Shively has worked on many interesting projects including research
on human trafficking. This is an area that Shively notes where “the ratio of
interest, mass media ink, and celebrity advocacy to actual factual information
is out of whack.” Much remains to be learned about trafficking. One topic in
which very little is known is about the actual traffickers. That was the focus
on Shively’s recent work where he used the presentence reports of people
convicted and serving time in federal prison for trafficking. Presentence
reports (PSRs) are full of valuable data including (but not limited to) arrest
records, aggravated circumstances (e.g., use of weapons), mitigating
circumstances (e.g., unknowingly assisted in trafficking), police reports, trial
transcripts, interviews with offenders, and interviews with family. In total,
500 PSRs were coded and analyzed. Shively and his team provided
understanding about the reasons people traffic, if it is organized or haphazard,
what ties an organization together, and whether trafficking represents
organizations diversifying or introducing new activities. An example of one
enterprise represented the diversification of an existing organized drug
smuggling organization. This group recognized that it could add women to
cargo on ships headed to the United States to increase profitability. If for
some reason the traffickers have to ditch the drugs, they can still recoup costs
by forcing these women to work in brothels and strip clubs.
Of the 500 cases reviewed, Shively then randomly selected 50 face-to-face
interviews of the incarcerated traffickers. Shively asked the convicts things
like, “How did you get started in this? Were you pressured? Did someone
suggest it to you? Did you develop this scheme yourself? Who were the
people who got you in? How did you perceive risk from law enforcement?
What did you worry about? What were the effective and ineffective things
police did?” The results of this research are incredibly useful. For law
enforcement, they now have an improved understanding about what they do
that is effective as well as ineffective. They better understand how criminals
evade justice.
Shively offers both general and specific advice to students. First, learn as
much as you can because you have no idea what is in your future. Do not turn
down any training. Never say that does not apply to you. You never know
when you will need that material or skill. Second, learn as much about the
career you think you are interested in, and don’t believe what you see about it
on TV or the media. Some very exciting TV careers comprise crushing
boredom in reality. Keep your eyes and options open, and investigate a bit
before you commit to a single career path. Third, if you are really passionate
about a career, do not let others dissuade you. Investigate it and what it takes
to be successful. Shively is a firm believer that “that there is always room for
the best in any career.”
In terms of specific skills, Shively finds several characteristics and skills that
serve students well when they apply for a position like his. The
characteristics needed in a successful candidate are those who are personable,
organized, deadline oriented, flexible, and smart. In addition, a researcher or
evaluator must have foundational understanding of research methods. Shively
finds these skills cluster together in their best project managers. The skills he
finds critical are research methods skills and quantitative analysis skills.
Evaluators and researchers must understand about sampling, validity,
reliability, and basic statistics to do well in several roles. Someone looking
for work must be able to communicate the basis of research to all types of
audiences. What does not work Shively finds are individuals who are content
experts—they may know everything about trafficking, but without underlying
research methods skills, the content is not useful.
Chapter Wrap-Up
This chapter presents foundational information on evaluation research.
Although all of our case study authors do not engage in evaluation research,
you should be able to see how their research expertise would be useful in an
evaluation. A great example is Brunson, who, to date, has not conducted
evaluation research. Yet, Brunson’s strong skill set in gathering qualitative
data would make him a valuable evaluation research team member. In this
chapter, we described why anyone would want to conduct evaluation
research. The book began by describing four major purposes for research:
exploration, description, explanation, and evaluation. This chapter focuses on
the last of those purposes. Evaluation research is useful to understand if a
program is needed, if a program is working, if the program has intended or
unintended consequences, if the process is efficient or cost effective, and
even if the program should be terminated. We also described what evaluation
research is, several guiding principles of evaluation research, the seven steps
of evaluation research, and how this type of research is connected with the
policy process.
A key point in this chapter is that there is no single type of evaluation
research but many. Two primary types of evaluation covered in this chapter
are formative evaluations and summative evaluations. Formative evaluations,
including needs assessments and process evaluations, occur during the
formative period of programs and serve as a means to improve programs. In
contrast, summative evaluations, including impact evaluations and outcomes
evaluations, tend to occur after a program has been implemented. Summative
evaluations offer a broader assessment focused on the target population of the
program and the success at reaching the goals of the program. Furthermore,
no single type of evaluation research is better than another. Each type serves
a different, but equally important, purpose.
An overarching theme of this chapter is that evaluation research uses the
research approaches focused on in this text such as observations, content
analysis, secondary data analysis, and experimental research. Yet, it differs
from the material presented in earlier chapters in that it is applied versus
basic research. The difference in applied versus basic research is clear when
you consider the type of knowledge created, the origination of the research
questions, the comparative and judgmental nature of the work, the challenges
in working with stakeholders in what can be a noncooperative environment,
and how findings are disseminated.
The four standards of effective evaluations were described: utility, feasibility,
propriety, and accuracy. In addition, the multiple criteria associated with each
of these standards were offered. Evaluation research can be challenging for
reasons that other research purposes do not encounter. First, in many cases,
an evaluator is called in after the fact. In other words, a program has been
launched with little consideration of the purpose of the program and how to
assess whether the purpose is being met. In addition, evaluation research
must navigate the tricky political context in which it exists. You cannot
separate program evaluation from politics, which means you are often dealing
with multiple stakeholders who are at odds with each other. Understanding
the political nature of this work and that it can present challenges is
necessary. Because evaluation research uses all methodologies, it is subject to
the ethical concerns that all other research is. There are two ways additional
focus on ethics is required. First, confidentiality can be challenging in
evaluation research. It may be difficult or impossible to disguise the source of
information. In addition, the political pressures that can exert themselves on
evaluators must be constantly checked. The evaluator must focus on his or
her service-oriented goal and on the standards of propriety.
An evaluation research expert, Michael Shively, PhD, described how he uses
research methods skills to conduct real, meaningful evaluation research on
topics such as human trafficking. Shively feels that some of the most
important questions anyone can ask in any career or role are “Do it make
sense to do this?” “Is this designed in a defensible way?” “Is this working as
it was intended?” “Does this help?” and “Is it producing results?” These
questions fuel evaluation research. People hope that what they do matters. If
you are addressing these types of questions, you are making a difference. As
the human trafficking case indicates, this type of work is real and not esoteric
stuff. It matters.
Several of our case studies included evaluation research. Melde and
colleagues’ research used data that were collected as a result of a process and
outcome evaluation (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009). Although his
specific research on gang members’ fear of crime and perceived risk of being
violently victimized did not involve an evaluation, the data came from an
evaluative project. Santos and colleague’s work was in part a process
evaluation designed to ascertain whether intensive policing focused on
targeted offenders would influence crime rates in hot spots (Santos & Santos,
2016). Their research involved a mixed-methods practice that is highly
desirable according to Zaykowski and the larger literature. Santos and
Santos’s work is extremely applied, and the outcome of this research directly
informs the way the Port St. Lucie, Florida, Police Department approaches
policing. Table 11.3 presents some characteristics of each case study with
information about their evaluation ties.

The next chapter in this text focuses on analysis. At this point, you have
learned about the four purposes of research (explore, describe, explain, and
evaluation), and the book has covered many methodology approaches
(qualitative research, secondary data analysis, survey research, experimental
research, etc.) used to gather data to accomplish those purposes. Next, you
need to understand how to analyze the data gathered using those
methodological approaches. How do you use the data and information
gathered to arrive at findings and conclusions? These are some questions
addressed in Chapter 12.

Applied Assignments
The materials presented in this chapter can be used in applied
ways. This box presents several assignments to help in
demonstrating the value of this material by engaging in
assignments related to it.
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Designing an Evaluation of a Program You
Are Engaged In
Think of a program you are engaged in. It could be the academic
program you are majoring in, a social program (e.g., fraternity,
sorority, extramural club, or academic club) or a somewhat formal
social club. Whichever group you focus on should have a mission
statement associated with it. Now, using that mission statement,
design a summative evaluation to see whether the group is
meeting its stated goals. Be sure to clearly articulate your research
question (given the mission statement and goals). Next identify
your research methodology. What data will you gather? How will
you gather it? How will you know based on those data the group
is achieving its goals and mission? You are welcome to use
multiple research approaches in your evaluation. Finally, offer a
conclusion that comes from those data about how well your group
is doing in meeting its goals. Are there negative consequences
from the group? Should the group continue or be terminated? Be
prepared to share your paper and findings with the class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Using Secondary Data
The university has hired your group to assess your class. Using
the syllabus (where you should have an objective of the class
statement), work with your team to devise a plan to assess your
class. Keep in mind that you are only offering an evaluation
proposal because all data will not be available until the end of the
semester. For now, using the objectives outlined on your syllabus,
design a summative evaluation to see whether the class is
achieving its stated objectives. Be sure to clearly articulate your
research question (given the objectives listed). Next identify your
proposed research methodology. What data will you gather? How
will you gather it? How will you know based on those data the
class objectives are being met? You are welcome—and
encouraged—to use multiple research approaches in your
evaluation. What findings would you expect to see if the class is
being successful? What findings would you expect if the class
were not meeting its objectives? Be prepared to share your paper
and findings with the class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Reviewing
an Evaluation—No-Drop Policies
Using the Internet, access Smith and Davis’s (2004) An
Evaluation of Efforts to Implement No-Drop Policies: Two
Central Values in Conflict found at
https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/199719.pdf. In a paper,
describe the purpose of this evaluation and the background that
justifies doing this research. Next, identify the types of evaluation
the researchers conducted. Describe the methodology used to
conduct this evaluation, including where it happened, types of
data gathered, and types of research done. Note the advantages
and disadvantages of each approach. Next, describe the findings
presented by the researchers. Do you agree or disagree with their
conclusions? Should no-drop policies be implemented
nationwide, be dropped nationwide, or some combination. Why or
why not? What next steps for research do you see are needed? Be
prepared to share your findings with the class.
Key Words and Concepts
Accuracy 362
Analysis of qualitative Information 364
Analysis of quantitative information 364
Analyzing the data 349
Applied research 356
Basic research 356
Blind review 360
Communicate the findings and recommendations 350
Complete and fair assessment 362
Conflict of interest 362
Context analysis 364
Cost-effectiveness 361
Defensible information sources 364
Describe purposes and procedures 364
Design of the methodology 349
Develop findings and conclusions 349
Develop the research question 348
Disclosure of findings 362
Evaluation impact 361
Evaluator credibility 361
Feasibility 361
Fiscal responsibility 362
Formal agreements 362
Formative evaluations 351
Gap analysis 353
Gather data/evidence 349
Human interactions 362
Identify and Engage Stakeholders 348
Impact evaluations 356
Impartial reporting 364
Information scope and selection 361
Inputs 353
Justified conclusions 364
Justify these recommendations 350
Logic models 353
Long-term outcomes 355
Metaevaluation 364
Needs assessments 352
Outcome evaluations 355
Outputs 353
Policy 350
Policy process 350
Political viability 361
Practical procedures 361
Process evaluation 353
Program 350
Program documentation 364
Propriety 362
Reliable information 364
Report clarity 361
Report timeliness and dissemination 361
Rights of human subjects 362
Service orientation 362
Short-term outcomes 355
Stakeholder identification 361
Stakeholders 348
Summative evaluation 351
Systematic information 364
Utility 361
Valid information 364
Values identification 361
Key Points
Evaluation research is an applied approach to research involving the
systematic assessment of the need for, implementation of, or output of a
program based on objective criteria. When using the data gathered in an
evaluation research, you can recommend improvements, enhancements,
expansions, or the termination of a program. The assessment of a
program can be conducted by using any of the research approaches
described in this text, including observations, interviews, content
analysis, survey research, secondary data analysis, and so on.
Evaluation research involves seven steps: identifying and engaging
stakeholders, developing the research question, designing the
methodology, gathering data/evidence, analyzing the data, developing
findings and conclusions, justifying the recommendations, and
communicating findings and recommendations.
Evaluation research differs from basic research in many ways including
the purpose of the research, origination of the research questions,
comparative and judgmental nature of the work, working with
stakeholders, a challenging environment, and the ways findings are
Stakeholders play an important role in evaluation research and can be
the key to success or the key to failure. Stakeholders are any person or
organization who has a direct interest in the program being evaluated
and can include funders, program administrators, the community in
which the program is administered, and clients of the program. Knowing
who the stakeholders are, and developing and maintaining a good
relationship with stakeholders, is critical during the planning stages, the
gathering of data, and presentation and buy-in of findings. Without the
support of stakeholders, evaluation research cannot be successful.
There are two primary types of evaluations: formative and summative.
Formative evaluations are conducted in the earliest stages of the policy
process while a program is being developed with the purpose of
ensuring the program is feasible prior to full implementation. Formative
evaluations can be thought of as “trouble-shooting” evaluations in that
what is discovered from the evaluation is “fed back” into the program to
strengthen or enhance it. Two types of formative evaluations considered
in this text are needs assessments and process evaluations. Summative
evaluations are used to ascertain whether a program should be funded,
continued, or terminated. Two types of summative evaluations are
discussed in this text: outcome evaluations and impact evaluations.
Logic models are graphic depictions that illustrate the ideal about how a
program is intended to work. There are three benefits of logic models,
including that (1) they point to key performance measurement points
useful for conducting an evaluation, (2) that they assist with program
design and they make improving existing programs easier by
highlighting program activities that are problematic, and (3) that they
help identify the program expectations.
An evaluation is effective when it meets four standards: utility,
feasibility, propriety, and accuracy.
When conducting evaluation research, you must be cognizant of the
real-life consequences of their work. Should a program be changed or
terminated, individuals lose access to programs, and others may lose
Review Questions
1. What distinguishes evaluation research from other types of
2. What types of evaluations are there? When are each best used?
3. Who are stakeholders, and why are they important during
evaluation research?
4. What value is a logic model? What can it tell someone?
5. What is a gap analysis? How does a gap analysis relate to
evaluation research?
6. What does a formative evaluation do? What types of formative
evaluations were covered here, and how do they differ from the
7. What does a summative evaluation do? What types of summative
evaluations were covered here, and how do they differ from the
8. What are the four standards of an effective evaluation? What are
the standards of each? Why are these important to have?
9. What ethical considerations are important to focus on when
conducting evaluation research? Why?
10. What types are common pitfalls are found when conducting
evaluation research?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. You are working with your professor on research projects. She
invites you into her office to discuss a new project: a process
evaluation of a local program designed to increase literacy. What
are some questions you might ask of your professor as you think
about what needs to be done? What are some of the first steps you
should take for this evaluation? What sorts of materials or
documents from the client might be useful in planning your
evaluation? Why is that?
2. As you discuss this new process evaluation with your professor,
you come to learn that the client did not use a logic model. What
sorts of difficulties might this mean for the process evaluation?
Why would it have been different had a logic model been
provided? What additional questions might you ask your client
during the planning stages of the evaluation then? Why those
3. You are interning with a local agency that provides résumé
assistance for former prisoners. This program is hyped as one that
teaches former prisoners how to write their own résumé, develop
excellent interviewing skills, and engage in positive employee
behavior. A goal of this program is to increase self-sufficiency
and, ultimately, the reduction of recidivism. The funder of this
project is a family who strongly believes in these goals.
Furthermore, the funder is using its few financial resources to
fund this important work. You enjoy working on a meaningful
project with this giving family. In the course of your work, you
discover that the program is not keeping good records on
measures of self-sufficiency or recidivism. In fact, it seems that
the information is simply being made up to make the program
look successful and to keep the funds flowing. What sorts of
measures do you think it should be keeping? What might you do
when faced with this dilemma? Who would you tell about this?
What guidelines of evaluation research are being violated? What
standards of effective evaluations are being compromised? Why?
4. You have spent the last year working on a summative evaluation
of a local popular program that assists single teen mothers. You
have been working diligently to follow all guidelines and
standards of evaluation research, and you have made your
findings. Unfortunately, the findings point to the outcome that the
program is not providing any benefit, and it actually seems to be
worsening outcomes. You know that if you recommend the
termination of the program, several program administrators will
lose their jobs. You recognize that this recommendation will also
result in some hardship for the clients. How do these things affect
your recommendation? Why? What standards or guidelines of
evaluation research assist you in making your recommendations?
5. Another person in your class is stating that evaluation research is
no different than any other type of research. She notes that the
evaluator develops a research question, gathers data, generates
findings and conclusions, and then is done. You disagree. What
points would you make to demonstrate that she is incorrect? In
what ways is evaluation research different than research guided by
other purposes? Why do these differences matter?

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Part 5 Analysis, Findings, and Where to Go
From There
At this point, you have the data you need to answer your research question or
questions. Part 5 of this text addresses the final steps that you as a researcher
need to take to complete your research. You must now take your carefully
collected data and analyze them to answer your research question(s). Then
you need to present your findings in such a way that they are easy to
comprehend to all readers of your work. Offering findings and conclusions
about your research question requires you to make the findings of your
research relevant to more general audiences. Not everyone who consumes
your research will be a researcher, so care must be taken to ensure your
findings are presented in a way that everyone can understand. To do this, we
present three more chapters. Chapter 12 describes an overview of the
different ways researchers analyze data. First, the chapter discusses why data
must be analyzed. Next the chapter discusses the importance of describing
the data you will be analyzing. We then turn to the analysis of quantitative
data, followed by a discussion of the analysis of qualitative data (to couple
with analysis already discussed in Chapter 6). Chapter 13 focuses on the
importance of making your research policy relevant. As we have stressed
throughout the text, research matters, and a major way it makes a difference
in our lives is by producing research that is policy relevant. Historically,
researchers have done a great job of conducting solid research and publishing
those results, however, researchers have not focused on making their research
relevant to policy. Chapter 13 offers tips to help you make your research and
the findings from it shape policy. Finally, the text concludes with Chapter 14,
which discusses how you can take your new research skills and use them to
begin a meaningful career. Chapter 14 begins with reiterating why research
methods skills are beneficial to you. We offer tips on where to look for jobs
using these skills, how to create an effective résumé and cover letter, as well
as ways you can leverage social media to increase the chances of being
invited to an interview. We also discuss the pitfalls associated with job
hunting, as well as ethical considerations. Many students don’t feel they need
this information, but our experience as professors suggests differently.
Having all the skills in the world will not matter if you do not have a solid
résumé, aren’t called in for an interview, and crash-and-burn during an
interview. It is true that people hire based on skills. But there are other skills
they are looking for when hiring, and this chapter presents them.
Chapter 12 Analysis and Findings
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
12.1 Explain the role of data analysis in the scientific process.
12.2 Identify different types of data analysis commonly used in
criminal justice research, and provide examples of when each is
12.3 Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative analytic
techniques and the software applications that can be used to
analyze these data.
12.4 Explain the difference between a case-oriented approach to
data analysis, like conjunctive analysis of case configurations
(CACC), and traditional, variable-oriented approaches.
12.5 Identify common methods for analyzing geographic data and
the software applications commonly used in geographic data
12.6 Describe some of the ethical challenges researchers face
when conducting data analysis.
In Chapter 2, we introduced Wallace’s (1971) “wheel of science” to illustrate
the recursive process of research. Throughout the book, we have presented
information about theory, research questions and purposes, research design,
and gathering data using a variety of approaches. At this point in the book,
you have data. The next question for you is what to do with these data.
Luckily for you, this is the topic of this chapter on data analysis and on the
part of the wheel of science called deduction.
Deduction: Process of making inferences about a particular
instance through the reference to a general principle or law.
To this end, we offer an overview of the different ways researchers analyze
data. First, we address why you analyze data. Understanding why we analyze
our data is the key in understanding the nuts and bolts associated with it.
Next, we turn to how data are analyzed focusing on both describing your data
and answering more complex research questions. We next turn to the analysis
of quantitative data, followed by a brief discussion of the analysis of
qualitative data that was provided in Chapter 6. We describe commonly used
software applications used in data analysis (i.e., ExcelTM, SPSSTM,
STATATM, and SAS). We distinguish between descriptive statistics,
correlation analysis, and contingencies. We also discuss configural analysis
and geographic analytic approaches and geographic information systems
software, not already presented in Chapter 10. As is custom, we then discuss
the common pitfalls associated with data analysis and highlight the ethical
considerations during the analysis. Finally, we hear from Susan Burton, a
senior management analyst supervisor at the Florida Department of Law
Enforcement (FDLE). In her role, she uses data analysis to assist law
enforcement in her organization.
At the conclusion of this chapter, you will have all of the skills you need to
begin conducting your own research. These skills are valuable for many
reasons, including making you a critical consumer of information, making
you an excellent producer of knowledge, and providing you with real-world
skills that will help you begin a rewarding career in research. The next
chapter offers more information about finding that career. For now, we begin
our discussion of data analysis in the next section by answering the simple
question, “Why analysis?”
Why Analysis?
Why analysis? Why analyze our data? Well, our featured researchers shared
their thoughts on this question during their video or phone interviews
conducted for this book. Chris Melde, for example, suggests that analyzing
data enables us to think systematically and to understand the way we come to
the conclusions we reached in our study. It is a key tenant to science,
according to Carlos Cuevas. In addition, Rachel Boba Santos notes that it
“enables us to avoid relying on anecdotal evidence.” Furthermore, Mary
Dodge suggests that we analyze our data so that we can make logical
conclusions and further our knowledge base, which is a view shared by Rod
Brunson, who said that data analysis is needed because it is “a necessary
component of evidence gathering, fact finding.” Finally, Heather Zaykowski
said we analyze data to gain insight into, and answer, our research questions.
As the earlier part of the book indicated, coming to a conclusion on
something other than systematically gathered data or evidence would lead to
erroneous conclusions. As careful researchers, anything less is not good
The simple answer is that all researchers analyze data to answer their research
questions. The entire purpose of conducting research is to answer a research
question. By analyzing our data, we answer that question. By using data
analysis, we can develop findings and make conclusions based on patterns in
our data. By using data analysis, we can find support, or fail to find support,
for any stated hypothesis. In some types of studies, data analysis and the
findings it leads to allow us to generalize our conclusions about patterns in
the larger population. By conducting data analysis, we know more about the
phenomenon we are investigating. We can then use this scientifically
produced knowledge to develop new, or refine existing, theories about why
these data patterns were observed. In other words, we conduct data analysis
because if we didn’t, the scientific process would be incomplete, and the
knowledge we hold would be questionable.
Measures of central tendency are a group of descriptive statistics that
numerically describe the “typical” case in data, and include the mean, the
median, and the mode.

© fbatista72/Canstockphoto
How Should Data Be Analyzed?
In the previous section, we said that we conduct data analysis so that we can
identify patterns in our data, make claims about research hypotheses, and
answer our research questions. Although this explanation addresses the
“why” question about data analysis, it does not address the “how” question.
There are many ways to conduct data analysis, and this section of the chapter
delves deeper into these approaches. The first thing to keep in mind, and it is
worth repeating, is that the purpose of the data analysis is to answer the
research question. For example, if your research goal was to describe or
explore something, then you need to describe the data you gathered.
Describing data allows you to offer findings such as “The average age of my
sample is 33 years”; “A theme emerging in the data was abuse of power. This
theme was identified by 80% of the sample”; or “The median number of
years served in prison was eight.” The goal with descriptive analysis is to
make statements about the something typical in your data.
The next characteristic of your data that drives the type of analysis performed
is the nature of the data. Are your data numeric—quantitative? Are they non-
numeric—qualitative? Do your data include geospatial information? These
are important considerations when selecting the specific approach to data
analysis taken. In the next section, we address data analytic techniques
specific to quantitative data. After that, we turn to a very brief discussion of
approaches used for qualitative data given the treatment of this topic in
Chapter 6. Next we offer information on analysis suitable for other types of
data. Keep in mind that the purpose of this chapter is to provide your first
look at data analytic techniques. To fully answer any research question, you
will need to take a statistics course (for quantitative data) or a qualitative
research methods course (for qualitative data). Do not be intimidated by the
prospect of either of those classes. Once you understand the purpose of these
courses—to provide you with tools to answer research questions—you have
the framework to be successful.
Analysis of Quantitative Data
All quantitative analysis and findings should begin with a description of the
data, regardless of the purpose of the research. This allows you and readers of
your research to assess the nature of your sample. For instance, Cuevas and
colleagues’ research on teen dating violence among Latinos provided this
information about the parents of youth taking the survey (Sabina, Cuevas, &
Cotignola-Pickens, 2016; see Table 12.1).

Describing your data is an important first step in quantitative data analysis,

and there are several ways to do that.
Describing Your Data
Descriptive statistics are one way data can be analyzed. Descriptive
statistics, or descriptives, are used to describe your data. Descriptive statistics
can be presented using numbers (e.g., an arithmetic average) and visually
(e.g., a bar chart). The most basic form of descriptive statistics involves the
analysis of a single variable. This type of analysis is univariate analysis. The
example of parent relationship percentages in Cuevas and colleagues’ study
is an example of this (Sabina et al., 2016). Univariate analysis can be done in
three ways: (1) show how observations are distributed across a range of
categories for a single variable, (2) show the “typical” case in a variable’s
distribution, and (3) show what all the other cases in a variable’s distributions
look like, relative to the “typical” case.
Descriptive statistics: Branch of statistics that involves the use of
numbers to summarize the characteristics of data.
Univariate analysis: Most basic form of descriptive statistics
involves the analysis of a single variable.

One of the simplest ways to summarize data for a single variable is using a
frequency distribution, which is a table that displays the number of times a
particular value or category is observed in the data. An example includes
asking 15 university students whether they had ever received a speeding
ticket while driving. Response categories provided include “Never,” “Once,”
or “More than once.” Findings from these data may be presented using a
frequency distribution like the one in Table 12.2.
Frequency distribution: Used in descriptive statistics, it is a
table that displays the number of times a particular value or
category is observed in the data for a particular variable.
As a reminder, “n” refers to sample size and % refers to percentage. In this
example, about half (47%) of students have received more than one speeding
ticket, and only one in five (20%) have never received a speeding ticket. This
summary makes understanding the data easy. In addition to frequency
distributions, researchers often describe other aspects of their data, including
what the typical case in a variable’s distribution looks like and what all the
other cases in a variable’s distributions look like, relative to that “typical”
Measures of Central Tendency
This is not a statistics textbook, so we do not delve deeply into a conversation
about statistics. Nevertheless, data analysis is a key part of the scientific
process making it worthwhile to cover some basics. Measures of central
tendency are a great place to start. Measures of central tendency are a group
of descriptive statistics that numerically describe the “typical” case in data
and include the mean, the median, and the mode.
Measures of central tendency: Group of summary statistics used
to numerically describe the “typical” case in a group of
The arithmetic mean (or “mean”) is the most commonly used measure of
central tendency. The mean is a number that describes the typical case in your
data. The symbol for a mean is an x with a line or bar over it, and many refer
to it as an x-bar. To calculate a mean, you simply add all the observed scores
(scores are identified using the symbol x) in a data distribution (i.e., ∑x
indicates the need to add the scores) and divide this value by the total number
of observations (n). The formula used to calculate a mean is

Mean: Measure of central tendency used as a summary statistic. It

represents the arithmetic average value of all observations in a
data distribution.

Note: It contains summary information that describes the observations

across a variable’s categories.
Means should only be calculated on interval- or ratio-level data.1 For
example, if you conducted a study of university students’ driving behavior
and recorded the number of speeding tickets that 15 different students
received since getting their license, the data may look like the following:
Number of tickets = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6
1. There are cases when calculating a mean on two-category nominal data is
appropriate. This discussion is beyond this textbook and will be discussed in
a statistics course.
The mean number of speeding tickets in this sample is of university students
is ∑x = 27 and n = 15. The average number of speeding tickets ( ) for your
sample of 15 university students is 1.8 tickets.
An advantage of the mean is that it uses information from all scores in the
distribution. Ironically, it is common for the mean to be a value that is never
actually observed in the data. This is ironic because the mean is supposed to
be a descriptor of the “typical” case. Another advantage to using a mean is
that it tends to be similar when repeated samples are drawn from the same
population. This stability is important, especially for when researchers want
to use sample statistics like the mean to estimate population parameters. A
disadvantage of the mean is that it is sensitive to extreme scores or outliers.
Outliers are extreme values in a data distribution that are either much lower
than or much higher than the other scores in the distribution. This results in
pulling the mean down in value lower than normal when there are low
extreme scores in a distribution, and inflating the mean when high extreme
scores are present. When outliers pull the average in one direction or the
other (i.e., higher or lower), we say that distribution of scores is skewed.
Another shortcoming of the mean is that it should not be used on all data. For
example, when we have nominal-level data (i.e., Race/Hispanic origin
[African American, Asian, White, Latino (any race), or Other]) instead of
interval-ratio-level data, we should not calculate a mean.
Outliers: Extreme values within a data distribution.
The median represents the numeric center or midpoint of a data distribution.
Half of all scores in a data distribution are greater than the median, and half
are less than the median. Although many simply use the word median to
describe a median, some also use the symbol Mdn. To calculate a
distribution’s median, you must first rank the scores from lowest to highest.
A common error among students is to fail to rank scores, so don’t forget to do
this. Next, find the center position (sometimes referred to as the median
position [Mp]) in the ranked data by adding one to the total number of
observations and dividing the total by two:
Mp = (n + 1) / 2
Median: Measure of central tendency used as a summary statistic.
It represents the numeric “center” of a data distribution or the
value that represents the score that half of all other scores in a data
distribution are greater than and half are less than.
Another advantage to using a mean is that means tend to be similar when
repeated samples are drawn from the same population.

© PixelsAway/Canstockphoto
The final step is to determine which value in the data distribution corresponds
to the median position. Returning to our hypothetical university student
speeding ticket example:
Number of tickets = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6
This distribution has already been rank-ordered from the fewest to the largest
number of speeding tickets. Next, find the median position—Mp = 8 (i.e., [15
+ 1] / 2 = 8). Count from the left 8 scores until we see that the 8th score
equals 1. The value that corresponds to the median position for this
distribution is one. When the distribution has an even number of
observations, the median position (Mp) will not be a whole number. For
example, if we had 16 instead of 15 students in our speeding ticket study, the
median position would have been 8.5 instead of 8. In these situations, the
median is determined by averaging the values above and below the median
position. If the median position was 8.5, we would average the values in the
8th and 9th position in the distribution and use this value to represent the
distribution’s median (Mdn). If we have one more observation in our
speeding example (6 tickets), the new distribution would look like this:
Number of tickets = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6
In this case, the median position (Mp) = 8.5 (i.e., [16 + 1] / 2 = 8.5), and the
values in the 8th and 9th position of the distribution are 1 and 2, respectively.
The median is the average the two values = 1.5 (i.e., [1 + 2] / 2 = 1.5). An
advantage of a median is that it is easily computed and comprehended.
Medians are often used instead of means to describe the “typical” case in a
data distribution when the data have outliers because medians are not
impacted by them like means are. Medians can be used with ratio, interval, or
ordinal data, but they are not appropriate for nominal-level data. The biggest
shortcoming of medians, however, is that they are more difficult to use in
more advanced mathematical calculations.
The third measure of central tendency is the mode, which describes the value
that appears most in the data. Some distributions may not have a mode
because each value occurs only once, whereas other distributions may have
multiple modes. Going back to the original speeding tickets example, the
mode of the data is 1 because 1 is observed five times and no other value is
observed that often:
Number of tickets = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6
Mode: Measure of central tendency used as a summary statistic. It
represents the numeric value observed more than any other in a
data distribution.
Many simply use the word mode when describing the modal category, yet
others symbolize it as Mo. In our speeding ticket example, Mo = 1. An
advantage of mode is that it can be used to describe nominal data. Another
advantage to using the mode is that it is easiest measure of central tendency
to calculate. The primary disadvantage, however, is that the mode of a data
distribution does little more than offer a description of data. It cannot be used
in statistical analysis because it is not algebraically defined (i.e., it is difficult
to use basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, division, etc. on
modal values). Not surprisingly, the mode is the least often used measure of
central tendency.
Which measure of central tendency should you use when? Here are some
general rules for selecting the most appropriate measure of central tendency
to describe a data distribution:
Use the mode to describe data gathered at any level of measurement.
Use the median to describe ordinal-, interval-, or ratio-level data that
have a skewed data distribution (i.e., distributions with extreme
Use the mean to describe interval- and ratio-level data that have a
relatively symmetrical distribution.
Measures of Dispersion
Measures of dispersion describe where the other cases in a data distribution
are relative to the “typical” case. Measures of dispersion represent how much
variation in observed scores is found in the data. Measures of dispersion are
important because two distributions of data can have identical means but
wildly different degrees of variation. Four common measures of dispersion
are the range, interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation. Each of
these is described as follows.
Measures of dispersion: Group of summary statistics used to
numerically describe the variability in observed scores among a
group of observations.
Figure 12.1 Boxplots Show the Spread of Observations for Three Groups

The range is the most basic measure of dispersion for ordinal-, interval-, and
ratio-level variables, and it describes the difference between the largest and
the smallest values in a data. The range is calculated by subtracting the
largest value from the smallest (Figure 12.1):
Range = xmax – xmin,
where xmax is the largest score in the distribution and xmin is the smallest.
Going back to our speeding tickets example, if the distribution of speeding
tickets for our 15 students was as follows:
Number of tickets = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6
then the range is 6 (i.e., 6 – 0 = 6). Although the primary advantage to using
the range to report the variability of a data distribution is that it is easy to
calculate, the biggest disadvantage to using it is that it is extremely sensitive
to outliers and it does not use all the observations in a distribution to derive
its value.
Range: Measure of dispersion used as a summary statistic. It
reflects the difference between the largest and smallest values in a
data distribution.
Interquartile Range
A second measure of dispersion is the interquartile range (IQR), which
indicates the degree of variability based on the difference between the two
halves (i.e., the two middle quartiles) of the distribution. The IQR can be used
with interval- or ratio-level data and is calculated by first determining the
median of a data distribution. Next, the medians of both the lower half and
the upper half of scores are identified. By identifying these three values in a
distribution, the distribution has been split into four groups (i.e., quartiles).
The final step in determining the IQR is to subtract the upper quartile’s (i.e.,
3rd quartile) median value from the lower quartile’s (i.e., 1st quartile) median
value. The results indicate how many scores are found between the 25th
percentile and the 75th percentile of scores. The advantage of an interquartile
range is that it is not sensitive to outliers. The IQR’s primary disadvantage is
that it’s difficult to use in mathematical equations, so it’s utility is limited.
Interquartile range (IQR): Measure of dispersion used as a
summary statistic. It indicates how much variability there is in a
data distribution based on the difference between the two halves
(i.e., two middle quartiles) of the distribution.
A commonly used measure of dispersion is the variance, which indicates
how much each score differs, or deviates, from the average score in a data
distribution. The variance, which is symbolized as s2, is used when data are
measured at the interval or the ratio level. The variance is calculated by
1. Determining the mean ( ) of the data distribution
2. Subtracting each individual score in the distribution (xi) from the
distribution’s mean ( ), which is called a deviation score
3. Squaring each deviation score

4. Adding all the squared deviation scores together ( )

5. Dividing the summed squared deviations scores by n – 1, or one less
than the total number of observations that make up the sample data
Variance: Measure of dispersion used as a summary statistic. It
represents the degree to which each observation differs from the
average value in a data distribution.
Deviation score: Difference between an individual score in a data
distribution and the average of all scores in the same distribution.
The actual formula for calculating the sample variance is as follows:

The variance for our distribution of speeding tickets could easily be

determined using the formula in Table 12.3.
The variance for our distribution of speeding tickets is 2.74.
The advantages of using a variance to report the variability in a data
distribution is that it considers every observation in the distribution and is not
too sensitive to extreme scores or outliers. The primary disadvantage of the
variance is that it is difficult to interpret because each deviation score is
Standard Deviation
The standard deviation, as introduced in Chapter 10, is the most common
measure of dispersion and is the square root of the variance. It’s a
standardized measure of variability:

Revisiting our speeding ticket example where the variance was 2.74, the
standard deviation of the distribution (s) is or 1.66. The main
disadvantage of the standard distribution is that it is not a good measure to
use with skewed data.

Standard deviations are useful. Zaykowski’s (2014) descriptives on victim

service use showed that the average age of those using services is 35 years,
with a standard deviation of 14.2 years. In contrast, those not using services
have an average age of 34.6, with a standard deviation (a measure of
dispersion) of 16.2 years. Zaykowski also found much more variation in
physical distress among those seeking services compared with those who did
not. This indicates there is more variation in the age of those not using
services than in those who do. Similarly, Santos and her colleague used
means and standard deviations to ensure their control and experimental hot
spots were equivalent (Santos & Santos, 2016). Table 12.4 shows that.
Santos and Santos’s (2016) work shows that the crimes per offender in the
treatment groups are 1.63 compared with 1.40. It also shows that housing
density is 2,304 in treatment areas compared to 2,350 in control groups.
Although these numbers appear different, statistical tests (beyond the scope
of this book) show them to be equivalent.
Beyond Descriptives
For you to answer your research question(s), you will probably need to do
more than describe your data. Typically, answering research questions
requires analysis determining whether differences or associations exist
between variables. Once differences or associations are identified, you can
make broader inferences or empirical generalizations about the larger
population. To do this, you need to calculate inferential statistics.
Figure 12.2 Mean and Standard Deviation Can Be Calculated as Part of
Univariate Analysis

It is common for researchers to want to know whether variables they have
measured are associated with one another. Variables are associated with one
another when the values of one variable changes in a systematic (i.e.,
nonrandom) way with another. Recall this was the topic of association and
causation discussed in Chapter 8 focused on experimental research.
Associations or relationships can be identified in other ways; for example, if
you are working with categorical variables (i.e., nominal- or ordinal-level
measures), you can identify an association using cross tabulations and a chi-
square test of independence (see Figure 12.3). We could, for example, gather
data from 100 university students, record their sex and information about
whether they ever received a speeding ticket (coded “Never,” “Once,” and
“More than once”) and test, using a chi-square test of independence, and
identify whether a college student’s sex was associated or related to receiving
a speeding ticket(s).

Chi-square test: Statistical test used to determine whether two

categorical variables are independent of one another.

As noted, Zaykowski (2014) presented a descriptive statistics table that

included information about her study’s key variables. In addition, she
presented descriptives by whether individuals who experienced crime
reportedly used any type of victim services (Yes/No). She wanted to know
whether there is an association between accessing victim services and
demographics (i.e., gender, race, income, urban area, etc.). The results of her
chi-square test of independent indicated associations between victim services
and family problems, sex, type of victimization and whether it was reported
to the police. These tests for association were not used to directly answer
Zaykowski’s research questions but to provide a more in-depth understanding
of the data.
Figure 12.3 Results of a One-Sample Chi-Square Test Produced in SPSS

Associations that can also be identified between continuous measures using a

different analytic approach are necessary. Correlation analysis is used to
determine whether associations exist between interval- and ratio-level data
(see Figure 12.4). As described in Chapter 8, correlations can be either
positive (as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other variable
also increases) or negative (as the value of one variable changes, the value of
the other variable changes in the opposite direction). In addition to the
direction of a correlation (i.e., positive or negative), the strength of
correlations can be established through statistical analysis. Associations
measured by correlation analysis range between 1 and –1, and variables that
are more strongly correlated to one another are those that are closer to these
two extremes. It’s important to note, however, that even if a researcher
establishes a very strong correlation between two variables, the association
between them does not prove a causal relationship (see Chapter 8).

Correlation analysis: Statistical technique used to determine

whether two continuous variables are associated with one another.
Perhaps the most common way researchers aim to establish associations
between variables is by conducting regression analysis. Regression analysis
allows researchers to make predictions about a particular outcome or
dependent variable using information from all independent variables.
Zaykowski (2014), Santos (Santos & Santos, 2016), Cuevas (Sabina et al.,
2016), and Melde (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009) each used regression
analysis to answer at least one of their research questions. The findings from
Zaykowski’s (2014, p. 367) regression indicated, among other things, that
“predictors of service usage included female victim, sexual assault victim,
reported to the police, and several categories of victim offender relationship:
intimate, family, acquaintance, unknown relationship, and more than one
offender. Victims who had job problems and physical distress were more
likely to contact victim services.” In addition, Zaykowski’s findings point to
the need for additional research to understand the mechanism of police
involvement in connecting victims with services. Zaykowski’s findings
indicate a need to better understand whether the police understand what
services are available, and why they seem to point only some types of victims
toward services.

Regression analysis: Statistical analysis technique whereby an

equation is developed that defines associations between
independent and dependent variables. The equation can be used to
make predictions about the dependent variable.
Figure 12.4 Scatterplot Shows the Linear Association Between Two
Continuous Measures
The findings from Cuevas and colleagues’ indicated psychological dating
violence was the predominate type of violence found among Latino youth, as
15% reported it (Sabina et al., 2016). These findings also showed that 72% of
Latinos reported no dating violence at either wave of data collection: 11%
reported no violence at Wave 1 but did at Wave 2, 9% of Latino teens
reported victimization at Wave 1 but not at Wave 2, and, finally, 8% reported
victimization at both waves. Regression analyses indicated that older youth
were more likely to be in the group that had no violence at Wave 1 but did at
Wave 2, as well as those who experienced violence at both waves. In
addition, one finding was that “cultural variables largely did not distinguish
between the four groups except for immigrant status being associated with
diminished risk of being in the group” that began experiencing violence at
wave 2 (Sabina et al., 2016, p. 12).
Melde et al.’s (2009) research involved two types of regression to answer
their research questions. Analysis of their data shows that “after controlling
for the prevalence of prior victimization, males report a significantly higher
increase in victimization than females” after joining a gang (pp. 581–583).
Regression output also show that “[c]ompared with those students who
reporting being non-Hispanic/white, only Hispanic respondents reported less
overall victimization at time 2” (p. 583). And finally, the results suggest that
gang membership at Time 2 is associated with a significant increase in
victimization. In sum, “gang members repot higher levels of actual
victimization and perceptions of victimization risk than non-gang-involved
youth. Gang membership is associated with reduced level of fear however”
(p. 565).
Santos and her colleague (2016) used several types of regression to address
her multiple research questions. Contrary to her expectations, the findings did
not offer strong evidence of the effects of high-intensity policing in hot spots.
Although these findings were not as anticipated, they do point to the promise
of additional research on the topic. Even though there are various types of
regression analysis, which are beyond the scope of this book, each of these
researchers established answers to his or her respective research questions
using regression analysis as an analytic method to identify associations and
potential causality in their data.

In addition to discovering answers to research question through the
identification of associations, researchers often find answers to their research
questions by determining whether group differences exist in their data. Group
differences can be tested when one variable is measured at the nominal or
interval level (i.e., using different categories to group observations) and
another variable is measured at the ratio or interval level (i.e., using discrete
values [e.g., number of tickets] or continuous values [e.g., temperature]).
When two groups are being compared, researchers often use t tests, whereas
analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to compare groups when there are
more than two groups.
As with regression analysis, there are several different types of t tests used to
detect group differences, and a discussion of each is well beyond the scope of
this text. Suffice it to say that despite the type of t tests used, they are all
fundamentally doing the same thing: testing whether one group is different
from a second group. Typically, group comparisons are based on a
comparison between the two groups’ means. For example, in going back to
our speeding ticket example, we could test whether the average number of
speeding tickets (measured as whole numbers) for female students was
significantly less than the average number of tickets for male students using a
t test. For the continuous variables used in her study, Zaykowski (2014)
presented group (mean) differences for those who reportedly used victim
services (Yes/No) as part of her descriptive statistics table. This was similar
to what she did for the chi-squared analysis, but she used a t test for the
independent variables that were not categorical (i.e., Age, Household size,
Mental distress, and Physical distress).
When more than two groups are being tested for differences, t tests cannot be
used. Instead, researchers use a type of statistical test called analysis of
variance (ANOVA). ANOVA can be thought of as a test similar to the t test,
but it is used when making comparisons between three or more groups. For
example, if we want to know whether class status (i.e., Freshmen,
Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors) is related to driving ability, we could
conduct an ANOVA test to see whether the mean number of speeding tickets
for each group of students differed significantly.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA): Statistical analysis technique
used to compare the group averages among three or more groups
or across three or more points in time.
Qualitative Data Analysis
The methods used to organize and analyze qualitative data were described in
Chapter 6. Because qualitative data analysis does not use statistics and related
analyses, it does not require the space in that chapter to discuss them. There
are some things to note about qualitative analysis, however. First, providing a
separate chapter for collecting qualitative data, and analyzing qualitative data,
creates a false dichotomy. Why? Because qualitative data analysis cannot be
separated from quantitative data collection. As we noted in Chapter 6,
analyzing qualitative data begins as soon as the first data are collected
because even then the researcher is watching for patterns or relationships.
Once data collection has ended, the researcher continues with the analysis.
The first step is to organize the data. Next is a focused analysis that requires
the researcher to engage in the iterative process of reducing, condensing, and
coding the data into broader categories or themes.
This was the approach used by Dodge and colleagues (Dodge, Starr-Gimeno,
& Williams, 2005). They gathered data from their policewomen about
working as decoys. As they began gathering the data, they adjusted later
interviews to incorporate their findings. At some point, Dodge and her
colleagues reached saturation and were not gathering new data. For Dodge et
al.’s research, saturation occurred after 25 women were interviewed. From
the data gathered, they identified several themes that framed their findings:
“The decoys,” which considered how officers viewed this work
“Cops: too pretty to prostitute,” which described how decoys should
look at behave
“Negotiating the deal,” which described the need for decoys to “dirty
talk” and be familiar with jargon
“Johns of all types,” which described the huge variety of men arrested
for soliciting a prostitute and how the officers viewed them
“Safety concerns,” which dealt with the real danger this work entails
“Who’s the victim?” which described the widespread impact of
prostitution on people, neighborhoods, homeowners, and businesses
“Effectiveness from a decoy’s perspective,” which described the decoys’
views of deterrent effect of this type of police activity

Brunson and colleague’s work was conducted similarly (Brunson & Weitzer,
2009). After gathering data from the 45 young men in the three
neighborhoods, Brunson and his colleague organized, sorted, and identified
themes. In addition, they came up with two primary findings: first, that
“white youth had a less troubled relationship with and more positive views of
the police than Black youth” (p. 864) and, second, that “[p]olice treatment of
residents appeared to be less problematic in the White neighborhood
(Mayfield) and more problematic in the Black neighborhood (Barksdale),
with the mixed neighborhood (Hazelcrest) falling in between” (p. 864).
Major themes were identified and included unwarranted stops, verbal abuse,
physical abuse, police corruption, racially biased policing, and police
accountability. These themes are especially interesting when you consider
this research was done a few years before the August 2014 shooting of
Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri (which is situated less than 5 miles
from these neighborhoods).
Although neither Dodge nor Brunson and their respective colleagues
analyzed their data with the assistance of software programs (Brunson &
Weitzer, 2009; Dodge et al., 2005), others do. As noted in Chapter 6,
qualitative software programs cannot take the place of the researcher, yet they
may provide some time-saving approaches to data analysis. Some of those
programs are described in the sections that follow.
Data Analysis Software
Collectively, the different statistical methods described thus far in this
chapter are part of a broader group of analytic methods used in research.
Many of these statistical methods can be applied to data through the use of
statistical analysis software applications. Some software applications are
designed to be more useful for data analysis associated with quantitative
research, whereas other software applications are specifically designed for
analysis of data produced from qualitative studies. A description of these
applications, starting with quantitative analytic software applications,
including a description of some of their unique features and benefits, is
provided first.
Software Applications Used in Quantitative
Software applications give researchers the ability to analyze large numerical
data sets used in quantitative research. Although there are many quantitative
statistical software applications on the market, the particular program that
researchers choose to use to analyze their data often depends on the aim of
the research project, the research questions that must be answered, and the
researcher’s familiarity with the software. The following subsections provide
an overview of some of the more commonly used applications used in
quantitative criminological research.
Most people have heard of Microsoft® ExcelTM and know it as a useful
electronic spreadsheet for keeping track of the family budget, stock
investments, and small business income and expenses or for creating charts
and graphs used in class presentations. Technically, a spreadsheet is a type of
document used to arrange data in rows and columns within a grid. Electronic
spreadsheets, like those contained in Excel, can be manipulated and used to
make myriad calculations (e.g., averages, standard deviations, chi-square
tests, etc.) based on formulas created by the user. Data contained in Excel can
also be used to create visual displays such as bar charts, line graphs, and
pivot tables. More detailed information about visually displaying data is
provided later in this chapter (see the section titled “Reporting Findings From
Your Research”). The Excel interface resembles the image provided in Figure
Spreadsheet: A type of document used to arrange data in rows
and columns within a grid.

© PixieMe/Shutterstock
Figure 12.5 Blank Spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel

An Excel spreadsheet comprises columns (i.e., the vertical boxes in Figure

12.5 that are labeled A, B, C, etc.), and rows (i.e., the horizontal boxes in
Figure 12.5 that are labeled 1, 2, 3, etc.). At the intersections of each row and
column are cells, and together the cells comprise a single spreadsheet. Users
can enter numbers, texts, dates, or formulas into the spreadsheet’s cells to
keep track of data, analyze data, or display data visually.
For example, in Figure 12.6, the hypothetical speeding ticket data has been
entered into an Excel spreadsheet in cells D3 through D17 (the highlighted
cells). At the top of the list, the title “Tickets” has been entered into cell D2.
Cell E6 is titled, Mean, and underneath it, in cell E7 is a formula that has
been entered: (=AVERAGE(D3: D17)). This particular formula will
automatically calculate the average number of tickets entered into cells D3
through D17. One advantage of using Excel to calculate the average number
of tickets automatically in cell E7 is that if the researcher changes the data
entered into cells D3 through D17, or adds more data to the list of existing
observations, the average can be recalculated quickly and easily (i.e., on the
Just like any new software application, the more time spent using Excel, the
more familiar it will become, and the easier it is to use. Fortunately, Excel is
so popular that thousands of recourses are available online to help those
interested in learning more about how to use it to analyze quantitative data. A
great place to start is YouTube®. There are all sorts of “how-to” videos for all
levels of Excel users, from the novice to the more advanced.
SPSS is a widely used data analysis software application that was first
released in 1968 as the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
Acquired by IBM in 2009, SPSS is now officially named IBM® SPSS
StatisticsTM, and it remains a popular and powerful data analysis tool. Unlike
simple electronic spreadsheets, SPSS is designed specifically for conducting
analysis of data produced from quantitative research. Melde, Santos, and
Cuevas use SPSS as their primary software application for data analysis
associated with their research.

IBM Analytics
Figure 12.6 Excel Spreadsheet Calculated the Mean Number of Students’
Speeding Tickets
Figure 12.7 Data View Window in SPSS Shows the Sample Speeding
Tickets Data
SPSS is designed around three primary interfaces: a Data Editor, a Syntax
Editor, and an Output Viewer. The Data Editor is the most commonly used
interface of the three, and it consists of two components: a data viewer and a
variable viewer. The data viewer looks very much like an Excel spreadsheet
and is where you can see your data. In the SPSS data viewer, columns
represent variables and rows represent each observation from the unit of
analysis. For example, Figure 12.7 is a SPSS data view window that shows
the data collected for one variable (Tickets) from 15 students (one
observation for each of the 15 students surveyed). The variable viewer allows
the researchers to view the structure of each variable contained in his or her
data set. For example, information about the type of variable (i.e., numeric or
text), the variable’s name, and its level of measurement can all be accessed in
the variable viewer.
Researchers use the SPSS Syntax Editor to create SPSS syntax (i.e., code)
that can be run within the SPSS environment. SPSS syntax is a programming
language that allows researchers to manipulate and analyze data in SPSS, as
well as to document how their data are analyzed, without having to rely on
using the built-in drop-down menus. Researchers can save their SPSS syntax
files for future use or even share them with colleagues with whom they might
collaborate on research projects. For example, Figure 12.8 show the SPSS
syntax that could be run on the Hypothetical Study data file to produce the
average number of speeding tickets (along with the standard deviation,
minimum value, and maximum value) for our 15 university students surveyed
in our study.
The third SPSS interface is the Output Viewer. As the name suggests, this is
where the results of procedures run, either through the use of SPSS menu
items or in the Syntax Editor, and are presented as output. When the syntax
shown in Figure 12.8 is run on the Hypothetical Study data on university
students’ driving, the output shown in Figure 12.9 is produced.
From a series of intuitively designed drop-down menus, researchers can
conduct hundreds of analytic procedures in SPSS, including univariate
analysis (i.e., frequency distributions, descriptive statistics, or cross
tabulations), bivariate analysis (i.e., correlations, t tests, and ANOVA), and
multivariate analysis (i.e., linear regression). The SPSS learning curve is
steeper compared with Excel, but the quantitative analytic tools available in
SPSS are more powerful.
Figure 12.8 SPSS Syntax That Could Be Run on the Hypothetical Study
Data File to Produce the Average Number of Speeding Tickets

Figure 12.9 SPSS Output Shows Descriptive Statistics for Hypothetical

Study Data File

Other Commercial Packages

In addition to SPSS, many other commercial software applications are
commonly used in quantitative data analysis. Two of the most prominent are
STATATM and SAS®. Like SPSS and Excel, STATA (statistics + data =
STATA) is a commercial software application from StataCorp® that has been
around for several decades and can be run on both the Microsoft®
WindowsTM and Apple® MacTM operating systems. Although STATA uses a
different graphical interface, like SPSS, researchers can analyze data in
STATA using either the built-in menu items or by typing in commands on the
STATA command line (similar to the Syntax Editor in SPSS). Another
similarity between STATA and SPSS is that both can import myriad data file
formats, including Excel-formatted spreadsheets (i.e., .xlxs or .csv files) and
other commonly used data file types (i.e., .asc, .dbf., and .txt).

Stata Press
SAS, which stands for Statistical Analysis Systems, is another commercial
statistical analysis software package distributed by the company “SAS”
commonly used in the field of criminology and criminal justice to analyze
quantitative data. SAS was first developed in 1966 at North Carolina State
University and since then has become one of the biggest advanced analytics
products on the market. In 2005, Alan Acock compared SAS with SPSS and
STATA to answer the following question: “Which software analysis package
is the best?” Based on his findings, Acock (2005, p. 1093) explained, “SAS
programs provide extraordinary range of data analysis and data management
tasks,” but they were difficult to use and learn. In contrast, SPSS and STATA
were both easier to learn in part because of their better documentation, but
they had fewer analytic abilities. Acock further noted that these limitations
could be expanded with paid (in the case of SPSS) or free (in the case of
STATA) add-ons. So which product was considered the best? Acock
concluded that of the three, SAS was best for “power users,” while
occasional users would benefit most from SPSS and STATA.

© 360b/Shutterstock
Software Applications Used in Qualitative Research
The assumptions that the world we live in operates according to general laws
and that these laws have properties and relationships that can be observed and
measured are at the heart of quantitative research. Through rigorous
observation and measurement, and the application of reason and logic,
quantitative research aims to produce an empirical understanding of the world
in which we live. In contrast to this positivist, quantitative-oriented approach
to knowledge discovery, qualitative researchers believe that our focus should
be on understanding the totality of a phenomenon, based on an interpretive
philosophy. This understanding is derived from careful, detailed analysis of
structured and unstructured text founded in writings, news articles, books,
conversations, interview transcripts, audio or video recordings, social media
posts, and electronic news feeds.
Qualitative data analysis (QDA) often starts with a broad, open-ended
question(s) compared with the explicit questions associated with quantitative
research. From this starting point, researchers move toward greater precision
or greater refinement of the original question, based on information that
emerges during QDA, in what typically is a four-step process. The first step
in QDA usually involves organizing the data that the researcher have
collected from texts, conversations, recordings, posts, and so on. This process
may involve transcription, translation, or cleaning data.
Qualitative data analysis (QDA): Approach to data analysis that
emphasized open-ended research questions and moves from these
toward greater precision, based on information that emerges
during data analysis.
Next, the researcher will identify a QDA framework that he or she will use to
analyze the data. The framework may be an explanatory framework (i.e.,
guided by the research question), or it may be an exploratory framework (i.e.,
guided by the data). Part of this framework will involve the researcher
identifying a coding plan for his or her data. In other words, the researcher
will determine how he or she will structure, label, and define the data.
Step 3 of QDA involves coding the data and sorting it into the researcher’s
framework, which is typically done through the use of a QDA software
application. In this context, coding refers to the process of attaching labels to
lines of text so that the researcher can group and compare similar or related
pieces of information; coding sorts are compilations of similarly coded
blocks of text from different sources that are converted into a single file or
Coding sorts: In qualitative data analysis, they represent
compilations of similarly coded blocks of text from different
sources that are converted into a single file or report.
Step 4 involves a researcher using the framework developed in Step 2 for
descriptive analysis of his or her data, based on themes that are identified in
the analytic process. In qualitative data analysis, a theme refers to an idea
category that emerges from grouping lower level data points together as part
of the analysis, which is often developed around specific characteristics that
are identified in qualitative data. Characteristics represent a single item or
event in a text, which is similar to an individual response to variables used in
quantitative data analysis.
Theme: In qualitative data analysis, it refers to an idea category
that emerges from grouping lower level data points together as
part of the analytic process.
Characteristics: In qualitative data analysis, they represent a
single item or event in a text, similar to an individual response to
variables used in quantitative data analysis.
If the QDA is not exploratory in nature, step 4 can also involve the researcher
conducting second-order analysis as part of the final step. Second-order
analysis involves identifying recurrent themes, patterns in the data, and
respondent clusters. It also can be used to build event sequences and to
develop new hypotheses.
Second-order analysis: In qualitative data analysis, it is the
process that involves identifying recurrent themes and respondent
clusters. It also can be used to build event sequences and to
develop new hypotheses.
Just like there are many different software applications commonly used in
quantitative data analysis, several qualitative data analysis software packages
are available to researchers. Because we discuss quantitative and qualitative
research in greater detail in Part 4, we provide details of some of the most
popular applications used in criminology and criminal justice research that
are qualitative in nature in the following subsections, including QDA
MinerTM, NVivoTM, ATLAS.tiTM, and HyperRESEARCHTM. In doing so,
we highlight some of their more noteworthy features and the benefits of each.
QDA Miner
QDA Miner is a qualitative data analysis software application developed by
Provalis Research®. This commercial software was first made available in
2004 and is available for the Windows operating system. In 2012, a “Lite”
version of QDA Miner was released for free but with reduced functionality.
QDA Miner is used in the field of criminology and criminal justice by those
who conduct qualitative studies and who typically study data produced from
journal articles, radio or television scripts, social media or RSS feeds, images,
or interview transcripts derived from focus groups or in-depth interviews.

QDA Miner/Provalis Research

Research in Action: Reducing Bullying in Schools
Bullying continues to be a problem for many in the educational
system. The purpose of this research by Hart, Hart, and Miethe
(2013) was to better understand the situational contexts of
bullying so that focused policies could be implemented to reduce
this violence. This study was guided by the following three
research questions:
1. Is school bullying characterized by situational clustering, or
is it uniformly distributed across contexts?
2. How much contextual variability is associated with the
dominant situational profiles of school bullying?
3. What are the particular individual and contextual factors
most commonly found within these dominant situational
To address these research questions, situational contexts of school
bullying were constructed using National Crime Victimization
Survey (NCVS) School Crime Supplement (SCS) data. The
NCVS’s SCS collects data about school-related victimizations so
that policy makers, academic researchers, and practitioners can
make informed decisions concerning policies and programs. The
data come from SCS interviews completed by 6th through 12th
graders during the 2005, 2007, and 2009 school years (N =
16,244). Predictors of bullying included individual predictors (i.e.,
gender, grade level, and race), behavioral characteristics (i.e.,
externalizing and internalizing behavior and academic
performance), school climate, and peer influence. Analysis of
these data was accomplished using conjunctive analysis of case
configurations (CACC).
Combining each of the response categories for these predictors
leads to a possible 512 situational contexts of bullying (e.g., one
context is a female victim, freshman, White, etc.). The analysis
offered support for situational clustering of bullying (research
question 1). The findings showed that school bullying occurs in,
or clusters among, 156 situational contexts out of the possible
512. In other words, all bullying incidents in the data were found
in 30% of all possible situational profiles. The findings also
indicated that there is extreme contextual variability ranging from
a low of 7% to a high of 100% associated with the dominant
situational profiles of school bullying (research question 2).
Finally, risk factors such as gender, grade,
externalizing/internalizing behaviors, and academic achievement,
as well as other contextual factors such as fairness in the
application of school rules and a student’s involvement in
extracurricular activities—when considered in conjunction with
all factors simultaneously—are not consistent determinants of
higher than average bullying victimization. The researchers
concluded that the context within which the risk factors appear are
more important to understanding bullying victimization risk than
the individual risk factors themselves.
These findings led to important school policy recommendations
regarding bullying. Specifically, the researchers suggest that
“results of our conjunctive analysis illustrate the wide variability
in the prevalence of student bullying victimization across
contexts. In particular, these findings suggest that the likelihood
of these incidents depend on complex social situations that are not
easily summarized in terms of a single variable(s) that holds
across all contexts. Instead, to understand when bullying occurs
policy analysts must explore the nature of the different situational
contexts that underlie them” (Hart et al., 2013, p. 66).
Hart, T. C., Hart, J. L., & Miethe, T. D. (2013). Situational
context of student bullying victimization and reporting behavior:
A conjunctive analysis of case configurations. Justice Research
and Policy, 15(2), 43–73.
The features in QDA Miner allow researchers to graphically view the codings
of a document, providing them with an easy-to-understand glimpse of the
spatial distribution of their coding. Link analysis is also available in QDA
Miner. In qualitative data analysis, link analysis refers to a technique used to
evaluate relationships (i.e., connections) between various types of nodes (i.e.,
objects), including organizations, people, and transactions; it is used
primarily to (a) find matches in data for known patterns of interest, (b) find
anomalies where known patterns are violated, and (c) find new patterns of
Link analysis: In qualitative research, it refers to a technique used
to evaluate relationships (i.e., connections) between various types
of nodes (i.e., objects). It is used primarily to (a) find matches in
data for known patterns of interest, (b) find anomalies where
known patterns are violated, and (c) find new patterns of interest.
QDA Miner allows researchers to import files with different formats such as
PDF, Microsoft WordTM, Excel, HTML, RTF, SPSS, and JPEG. It offers text
retrieval tools such as keyword retrieval and cluster extraction. It even
permits basic analytic functions such as coding frequencies and sequences,
cluster analysis, coding by variables, and visualization tools such as
multidimensional scaling, choropleth and hot spot maps, correspondence
analysis graphics, and proximity plots. QDA Miner also allows researchers to
extract meta data from image files for analysis. Meta data refers to data that
describe data. For example, when a picture is taken with a smartphone, the
image often has the geographic coordinates of where the phone was located
when the picture was taken and is included as part of the image file’s meta
Meta data: Data used to describe other data.

NVIVO/© QSR International Pty Ltd

NVivo is a qualitative data analysis software package produced by QSR
International®. Originally developed in 1999 as NUD*USTTM, NVivo is
available for both the Windows and Mac operating systems. NVivo is
designed for qualitative researchers who work with very rich text-based data
or data derived from multimedia information. Dodge says NVivo is the
software she uses most often in her research, when she uses software. Dodge
finds that it assists in classifying, sorting, and arranging qualitative
information quickly and easily. As useful as it is though, Dodge reveals that
she prefers to analyze her qualitative data without the use of software
programs. Instead, Dodge prefers doing it the old-fashioned way by
organizing, sorting, and thinking about the themes that her data reveal
themselves. Qualitative researchers can also use the software to examine
relationships in data and combine analysis with linking, shaping, searching,
and modeling techniques commonly used in qualitative data analysis. A
researcher or an analyst can also test theories, identify trends, and cross-
examine information in myriad ways using NVivo’s search engine and query
functions. Like QDA Miner, NVivo supports several data formats such as
audio files, videos, digital photos, Word, PDF, spreadsheets, rich text, plain
text, and Web and social media data. NVivo users can also interchange data
with applications like Excel, Word, SPSS, and SurveyMonkeyTM.
ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH
ATLAS.ti is a qualitative data analysis software application developed by
Scientific Software Development GmbH®. It is available on both the
Windows and Mac operating systems. The software has even been designed
for Apple® iOSTM and Google® AndroidTM mobile devices. ATLAS.ti allows
researchers to analyze large amounts of textual, graphical, audio, and video
data across a wide range of media types, including Word documents (i.e.,
.doc and .docx files), plain text files (i.e., .txt file), and PDF files (i.e., .pdf
files). The software allows researchers to conduct automated searches across
one or multiple documents to auto-code and extract meaning from the
existing content. The software also allows researchers to work with dozens of
graphic and audio formats (e.g., .wav, ,mp3, .wma, etc.) as well as with most
common video types (e.g., .avi, .mp4, .wmv, etc.). Researchers can even
import data from EvernoteTM or Twitter® for analysis in ATLAS.ti. The
software also provides researchers with several different ways to visualize
findings, for example, through the use of mind maps. A mind map is a
graphical way to represent ideas and concepts by structuring information
visually so that analysis, comprehension, synthesis, and recall are improved.
Files created in ATLAS.ti can be exported in SPSS, HTML, CSV, and Excel
Mind maps: Graphical representation of ideas and concepts by
structuring information visually so that analysis, comprehension,
synthesis, and recall are improved.
HyperRESEARCH is a QDA software application designed by
ResearchWare® in 1991. It can be run on both the Windows and Mac
operating systems and is designed to help conduct qualitative data analysis.
HyperRESEARCH enables researchers to examine and organize textual,
audio, video, and image data through multiple user interfaces. For example,
the Study Window is the main HyperRESEARCH window; it is where you
can view your cases and code references. It also shows you how many cases
are currently in your study, how cases are filtered, and how many cases are
filtered when a filter is applied, as well as how many code references have
been coded to the current case. Figure 12.10 shows HyperRESEARCH’s
Report builder interface, which allows you to create and test theoretical
models, identify patterns, and summarize results of their qualitative data
analysis quickly and easily. Similarly, the Code Map window in
HyperRESEARCH provides you with a tool to explore the graphical
representations of relationships between codes in your data. Alternatively,
information about the data can be displayed through other windows, like
information relating to the frequency with which specific words appear in
content. Figure 12.11 shows an example of HyperRESEARCH’s Word
Counter Cloud Viewer and depicts the most common words that appear more
than 150 times in the six text files being analyzed.

HyperRESEARCH™ / ResearchWare, Inc.

The software is flexible, supporting both case-base and source-based
qualitative methodologies or combinations, which according to the company
makes its product well suited for mix-method approaches to qualitative
research. As with the qualitative data analysis software applications
previously discussed, HyperRESEARCH supports myriad file types and
formats, including text files, image files (e.g., .jpg, .gif, and .png), audio files,
and video files. And like many of the other applications previously discussed,
HyerRESEARCH offers those interested in the software a free trial version
that can be downloaded from the Internet.
Figure 12.10 HyperRESEARCH’s Report Builder Interface, Used to Create
and Test, for Example, Theoretical Models

Figure 12.11 HyperRESEARCH’s Word Counter Cloud Viewer Shows the

Most Common Words in a File of Text That Is Being Analyzed
Alternative Analytic Approaches
A newer approach to data analysis is conjunctive analysis of case
configurations (CACC). CACC can be used to analyze both small and large
data sets, focus on reducing data into meaningful statistical information (e.g.,
frequency distributions and percentages), and assess empirical observations
with formal statistical tests (e.g., chi-square test of independence). In terms of
qualitative analysis, CACC focuses on the complex causal recipes or causal
pathways that define particular outcomes. In other words, instead of focusing
on people (i.e., victims, offenders, and police), places (i.e., crime hot spots,
crime attractors, and crime generators), or events (i.e., homicides, robberies,
and executions) and variables that explain the variance in these observations,
CACC builds situational contexts of particular outcomes, from an existing
data file, defined by the combinations of variable attributes believed to
influence that outcome. An overview of this process follows, along with
information that can be used in popular software applications to conduct
Conjunctive analysis of case configurations (CACC): Used to
analyze both small and large data sets, focuses on reducing data
into meaningful statistical information (e.g., frequency
distributions and percentages), and assesses empirical
observations with formal statistical tests (e.g., chi-square test of
Situational contexts: Used in conjunctive analysis of case
configurations as the unit of analysis that is defined by the
combinations of variable attributes believed to influence that
outcome. Also referred to as “case configurations.”
Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations
Miethe, Hart, and Regoeczi (2008) introduced CACC as a new way to
explore criminal justice data to find patterns that more traditional,
quantitative techniques can struggle to identify. Since its introduction, CACC
has been developed into a versatile data analytic tool that has been used to
study myriad topics within criminology and criminal justice. Recently, Hart,
Rennison, and Miethe (2017) described CACC as an “easy-to-follow” three-
step process involving (1) the construction of a CACC “truth table” from an
existing data file, (2) the identification of unique situational profiles among
these data, and (3) the labeling of the sources of contextual variability within
these profiles (i.e., situational contexts).
When researchers want to use CACC to analyze data, they begin by
constructing a data matrix—also referred to as a “truth table.” This matrix
contains all the possible combinations of the data, measured at the nominal or
ordinal level contained in an existing data file. For example, Table 12.5
provides an illustration of a hypothetical data matrix containing information
about a particular outcome variable (Y) and predictor variables (X1, X2, and
X3), all of which are dichotomized as “0” or “1” in this example. Each row of
the matrix—identified by its Profile #—reflects all the possible combinations
(i.e., case configurations) of predictor-variable attributes that the researcher
could observe in the existing data file. For example, if three independent
variables are included in a CACC and each has two attributes (i.e., “0” or
“1”), then a total of eight profiles could be observed in the data matrix (i.e.,
23) that is constructed.
Although eight possible profiles could be observed in the existing data file,
once the data matrix is generated, it will only contain case configurations that
are actually observed in the existing data file. This is important because it
gives the researcher some indication of the extent to which the phenomenon
he or she is studying (i.e., the outcome) demonstrates patterns of situational
clustering. By examining the patterns of observed case configurations and
their relative prevalence, CACC builds complex causal pathways from
existing data, which reflect empirically observed patterns of causality.
Step 2 of CACC involves examining the distribution of case configurations
contained in the data matrix. For example, the frequency of unique case
configurations (i.e., nc1, nc2, nc3, etc. in Table 12.5) can be evaluated to
determine the percentage of all observations in the existing data file cluster
within dominant case configurations (i.e., configurations observed at least 10
times), and whether the distribution of observed profiles among the dominant
profiles differs significantly from what is expected. This can be assessed
using a chi-square test.
Step 3 of CACC involves researchers assessing the relative influence of
individual factors contained within dominant case configurations. To do this,
boxplots are commonly used to visually display the differences in the
likelihoods of outcomes between matched pairs of case profiles. For
example, in Table 12.5, Profile #s 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and 7 and 8 are
all identical profiles, except for the values associated with one predictor
variable (i.e., X3). The impact that a change in X3’s value has across matched
profiles can be calculated by calculating the difference in the likelihood of
outcome Y associated with the matched profiles (i.e., [y1/nc1] – [y2/nc2];
[y3/nc3] – [y4/nc4]; [y5/nc5] – [y6/nc6]; and [y7/nc7] – [y8/nc8]) can be
illustrated visually, for example, as a boxplot.
CACC is a data analytic technique that can be performed using many of the
software applications discussed previously in this chapter. For example, in
SPSS, a CACC truth table can be created on an existing data file by using the
Sort Cases and Aggregate functions. The following syntax illustrates this
process that involves three hypothetical independent variables (X1, X2, and
X3) and a dependent variable (Y):
/OUTFILE = ’cacc_file’
/BREAK = X1 X2 X3
/Y_mean = MEAN(Y)
/N_Cases = N.
In STATA, the same procedure could be executed using the following code,
once the existing data file is sorted by the three independent variables:
egen N_Cases = count(Y), by (A B C D)
collapse (count) N_Cases (mean) Y_MEAN = Y, by (A B C D)
list A B C D Y_MEAN N_Cases
In SAS, the code would look like this:
proc means data = yourdata nway;
class a b c d;
var y;
output out = cdmatrix(drop=_type_ _freq_) mean = n= / autoname;
proc print data = cdmatrix;
And in R, the code would look like this:
n <- 100
file_name <- data.frame(X1 = sample(LETTERS[1:3],n, replace =
X2 = sample(LETTERS[1:3],n, replace = TRUE),
X3 = sample(LETTERS[1:2],n, replace = TRUE),
Y = sample(c(“yes,””no”),n, replace = TRUE))
Once a CACC truth table has been created from an existing data file,
statistical tests of the distributions of case configurations (i.e., chi-square
tests) can be conducted in the software application. Once completed, tables
and figures can be created that provide visual descriptions of important
aspects of the configural patterns (i.e., situational clustering or isolated
effects of a single independent variable).
We consider geostatistical analysis to be any mathematical technique that
uses the geographical properties of data as part of a statistical or analytic

© iStock.com/JacqieDickens
Geostatistical Approaches
Chapter 10 focuses specifically on GIS and crime mapping. Although we’ve
already introduced some of the common crime analysis techniques (e.g., hot
spot mapping, predictive policing, risk terrain modeling, and repeat/near
repeat victimization), our discussion of geostatistical analysis was limited.
We consider geostatistical analysis to be any mathematical technique that
uses the geographical properties of data as part of a statistical or analytic
method. Unlike many of the well-established statistical methods used with
nongeographic data, and discussed previously in this chapter, some of the
spatial statistical methods presented in the following subsections, and used by
researchers in the field of criminal justice and criminology, are still being
developed and improved. Some of the more common geostatistical
techniques, and the software available to apply these methods, are discussed.
Geostatistical analysis: Any mathematical technique that uses the
geographical properties of data as part of a statistical or an
analytic method.
Introduction to Spatial Statistics
Many of the spatial statistics used in geostatistical analysis are extensions of
traditional statistical methods discussed earlier in this chapter. For example,
we have already outlined how descriptive statistics can help you summarize
your data in a succinct and meaningful way. We also explained that you
could describe your data using univariate analyses to produce measures of
central tendency (i.e., mean, median, and mode) and measures of dispersion
(i.e., variance and standard deviation). These statistics are intended to
describe the “typical” case, and all the other cases relative to the “typical”
case in a data set, respectively. Similar descriptive statistics are used in
spatial statistics.
Figure 12.12 Illustration of How the Mean Center of a Spatial Distribution Is

Spatial Description
In geostatistical analysis, spatial descriptions refer to a group of spatial
statistics that describe the overall spatial distribution of geographic data (i.e.,
how data in a data set are distributed throughout a study area). Mean center
and standard distance, the standard deviational ellipse, and the convex hull
are three examples of spatial descriptive statistics.
Spatial descriptions: Group of spatial statistics that describes the
overall spatial distribution of geographic data.
Mean Center
Imagine that the locations of four crime incidents in a given area were
depicted by the four dots shown in the box to the left in Figure 12.12. You
could find the “average location” of these four crimes by calculating their
mean center. In the box on the right of Figure 12.12, the mean center
location of the four purple dots is represented by the black dot and is
determined by computing the average of the four X-coordinates and the
average of the four Y-coordinates for all four incidents’ X–Y-coordinate
pairs. Finding the average location for a set of geogrphic data can be very
useful for tracking changes of locations of things over time or between
different things in the same area. For example, crime analysts can determine
whether the mean center for burglaries in their jurisdiction is different for
those that occur during the daytime compared with where nighttime
burglaries occur.
Mean center: Average x- and y-coordinates of all the features in
the study area.
Standard Distance
Standard distance is a spatial description method that is reported along with
the mean center. The standard distance is used to describe the compactness
of geographic data, and it is used in a similar way to how the standard
deviation is used with nongeographic data. Standard distance is often
represented as a single radius (measured in units of feet, miles, meters,
kilometers, etc.) that surrounds the mean center location of a distribution of
geographic data. Concentric radii can also be used to display 1, 2, and 3
standard distances from the mean center location. The standard distance is
calculated using the X- and Y-coordinates for all the geographic data in a
distribution, using the following equation:
Standard distance: Summary measure of the distribution of
features around any given point.

where xi and yi are the X- and Y-coordinates for each individual data point (i)
and and ȳ represents the mean center location for each data point. The
symbol n denotes the total number of data points in a file.
Convex Hull
A convex hull is third common way to describe the distribution of geographic
data. A convex hull or convex envelope can be thought of as the smallest
polygon that can be drawn around the outer points of all the data in a data
distribution of geographic locations. The convex hull is commonly known as
the minimum convex polygon and can be used by researchers to define a
particular study area, one that encompasses all the phenomena that were
studied and represented in a geographic data set. Convex hull is the least
common of the three types of spatial description methods used in
Convex hull: Smallest polygon that can be drawn around the
outer points of all the data in a data distribution of geographic
Spatial Dependency and Autocorrelation
In 1970, Waldo Tobler famously said, “Everything is related to everything
else, but near things are more related than distant things” (p. 236). Tobler’s
statement about how things are related to each other in space has since
become known as Tobler’s Law or the First Law of Geography; it is the
foundation for understanding patterns of spatial dependency and spatial
autocorrelation that may be present in spatial data.
First Law of Geography: Also known as “Tobler’s Law,” it
states that everything is related to everything else, but near things
are more related than distant things.
In spatial statistics, spatial dependency is a measure used to define the
spatial relationship between values of geographical data. Most statistical tests
used in spatial data analysis assume that the data being analyzed do not have
spatial dependence. In other words, they assume spatial independence. The
assumption of spatial independence is assessed through the various tests of
spatial autocorrelation, including the Moran’s “I” statistic, Geary’s “C”
statistic, and the Get-Ord “G” statistic. All of these spatial statistics are used
on count data (e.g., number of burglaries) that have been aggregated to a
larger unit of analysis (e.g., census blocks) to determine whether the
assumption that observations are spatially independent of one another has
been violated. Assessing the underlying assumptions of statistical tests is an
important part of data analysis, and the concept of spatial autocorrelation is
one of the most important in spatial statistics.
Spatial dependency: Measure used in geostatistical analysis to
define the spatial relationship between values of geographical
Spatial autocorrelation: Degree to which geographic features are
similarly arranged in space.
Spatial Interpolation and Regression
Two other types of spatial statistical analysis include methods involving
spatial interpolation and regression. Spatial interpolation techniques refer to
a group of geostatistical techniques that rely on the known recorded values of
phenomena at specific locations to estimate the unobserved values of the
same phenomenon at other locations.
Spatial interpolation: Group of geostatistical techniques that
relies on the known recorded values of phenomena at specific
locations to estimate the unobserved values of the same
phenomenon at other locations.
Kernel density estimation (KDE), used in crime hot spot analysis, is an
example of a spatial interpolation method. In crime hot spot mapping, for
example, KDE is used to estimate the density of crime across an entire study
area, based on the known locations of discrete events. KDE begins by
overlaying a grid over the entire study area and calculating a density estimate
based on the center points of each grid cell. Each distance between an
incident and the center of a grid cell is then weighted based on a specific
method of interpolation and bandwidth (i.e., search radius). Figure 12.13
illustrates the KDE process and shows several parameters that must be
considered before a density estimate can be produced. These parameters
include the grid cell size, the method of interpolation (i.e., the kernel
function), and the bandwidth.
When the kernel function is placed over a grid cell centerpoint, the number of
crime incidents within the function’s bandwidth is used to determine the
density estimate assigned to each cell. Although KDE is the most common
spatial interpolation method used in criminology and criminal justice
research, other methods of spatial interpolation used in geostatistical analysis
include inverse distance weighting and kriging.
Earlier in this chapter, we described regression analysis as a popular method
for predicting a particular outcome based on variables believed to be
associated with the outcome, using a linear equation. This approach to
quantitative data analysis can be extended and applied to spatial data in
geostatistical analysis. One of the most common approaches to applying
regression analysis to spatial data is through a technique called
geographically weighted regression (GWR).
Geographically weighted regression (GWR): Spatial analysis
technique similar to linear regression analysis involving the use of
predictor variables to estimate their relationship to an outcome
variable or dependent variable.
Figure 12.13 Visual Illustration of the Parameters That Define the Process of
Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)

GWR is similar to linear regression analysis in that the technique involves

using a set of predictor variables to estimate their relationship to an outcome
variable or dependent variable. GWR is unique in that the regression analysis
in GWR also considers the spatial relationships among predictor variables
and estimates the relationships of predictor variables to an outcome variable
for every feature on a map. For example, in Figure 12.14, GWR was used to
estimate the likelihood of crime in each census tract within Clark County,
Nevada, based on indicators of neighborhood characteristics, including the
rate of foreclosure. The map in Figure 12.14 shows areas of the county where
the GWR model does a very good job in explaining crime rates (i.e., dark
gray areas located on the western side of the map), compared with areas of
the county where the GWR model doesn’t perform as well (i.e., dark gray
areas located on the eastern side of the map). GWR is a powerful and popular
geostatistical analysis tool, useful for developing prediction models that rely
on spatial data.
Reporting Findings From Your Research
You have data. You have the analysis. What do they tell you? How do you
answer the research questions with this? How will you share those findings
with others? It is not enough to conduct analysis and be done. You must share
those findings in ways that non-research-oriented people can understand.
When it comes time to disseminating findings from your research, several
options should be considered. Which option you choose will depend, in large
part, on what the original aim of your study was. If, for example, you
conducted an evaluation of a program or a project, you may be required to
report your findings to the funding agency or organization that sponsored the
evaluation. Often when findings of an evaluation project are provided to the
stakeholders that sponsored the project, the report is written in a way that is
appropriate for that audience. It may include an executive summary,
highlighting the key findings of the project. It may also avoid including a lot
of technical content such as mathematical equations or discussions of esoteric
theoretical concepts. It may also rely on several charts, graphs, or maps to
quickly and easily convey important findings to the reader. The key to
disseminating research findings effectively, according to Santos and Cuevas,
is to “know your audience.”
Figure 12.14 Results of a Geographic Weighted Regression (GWR) Analysis

The aim of many research projects is simply to advance our empirical

understanding of something. When the aim of research is to contribute to the
existing body of scientific knowledge, the approach to disseminating findings
is somewhat different than when sponsored evaluations are conducted. The
findings from empirical studies are often disseminated as peer-reviewed
academic journal articles, which have a much more formal and rigid structure
(see, for example, the structure of a Literature Review section of journal
articles presented in Chapter 3). Although sometimes tables, graphs, charts,
and maps are incorporated in peer-reviewed articles, they consist mostly of
text organized by a specific structure that often includes a justification for
why the study was conducted, the data and methods used to conduct the
research, a formal presentation of findings, and conclusions the authors
reached based on their results.
Another popular method used to disseminating research findings is a
conference presentation. Professional conferences are organized meetings of
professionals within a specific industry or with a shared interest. The
American Society of Criminology (ASC), American Criminal Justice Society
(ACJS), the Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis (ECCA), and
the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA) conferences are
annual professional meetings attended by criminology and criminal justices
professionals. Conferences tend to be convened over several days. Each day
usually consists of several sessions that focus on a particular topic or area of
Depending on how large a conference is, several sessions can run
simultaneously each day. Most conference sessions consist of 3 to 4 short,
concise presentations that last about 20 to 30 minutes. The presentations are
overviews of research or projects that have been undertaken and that are
specific to the topic of the session. Presenters typically use a Microsoft
PowerPointTM presentation to deliver their material to the audience. When all
the presenters have delivered their work, the session usually concludes with a
question-and-answer period or a general discussion of how all the research
relates to the session topic.
Poster sessions—where a researcher displays a summary of his or her project
or research findings as a single poster, along with several other researchers
and their posters, simultaneously—are workshops that are also common
features of most professional conferences. Regardless of whether researchers
disseminate their work through technical reports, peer-reviewed articles, or
conference presentations, important messages may get lost if their work is not
presented in a clear, organized, and concise manner. Tables can be used to
help to convey effectively research findings to a large audience. The next
section provides some general guidelines and tips to displaying research
Poster session: Method of disseminating research findings at a
professional conference, where the information being
disseminated is summarized on a single poster.
A table is an effective way to display data. Tables can be used to display
summary statistics, results of formal statistical tests, or myriad other
information. Tables should be used to support the text they accompany and
not to offer redundant information or to provide additional information not
found in text. If a table doesn’t make a unique contribution to the paper and
doesn’t effectively communicate the information it contains, it shouldn’t be
included. Tables are usually used to present numerical information that is
arranged in columns and rows. Figure 12.15 is an example of a well-designed
table, and it is used as an example to discuss some of the important table
Table Number: Every table should be numbered, and if more than one
table appears in your work, each table should be numbered in the order
in which it is presented.
Title: A brief title that conveys to the reader what information is
presented in the table should always be included as part of your tabular
Headings, Stubs, and Spanners: Headings, stubs, and spanners are used
together to organize how tabular data are presented. Column heads, stub
heads, and column spanners define, often with a single word or symbol,
the information that is presented underneath them. For example, in
Figure 12.15, “Statistics” is used as a column spanner, and the specific
statistics presented in the table are denoted using statistical symbols as
column headings (i.e., n, %, Min, Max, Mdn, and SD).
Dividers and Notes. Table dividers are solid lines used to separate the
body of a table from the reset of the tabular information contained in it.
Notations are also common information included in a table and should
come below a table’s bottom most divider. Notes should be clear,
concise, and necessary information that helps the reader better
understand information presented in Figure 12.15.
Figures are another useful methods for visually displaying data to the reader.
Many different types of figures can be used this way, including graphs (e.g.,
line graphs), charts (e.g., bar charts), maps (e.g., crime hot spot map), or
photographs. Because so many different figures can be used to present data or
information, there aren’t “one size fits all” rules for creating and presenting
figures. Instead, authors should follow these general guidelines:
Like tables, figures should be used to support text. Avoid creating
figures that are essentially redundant information.
Avoid subjective visuals; instead, use figures to present objective,
factual information.
Only include information that is necessary in a figure. A good example
of this is not to include a legend on a line graph and also label each line
in the graph. Both the legend and the labels aren’t needed. Pick one.
Be sure that all elements of a figure are easy to read and symbolized
clearly and logically. For example, it’s a good idea not to give a
choropleth hot spot map more than seven color-coded categories (see,
for example, Figure 12.14) as too many categories can make it difficult
for the reader to differentiate between groups.
Whenever possible, make sure that a figure contains words that are
written in the same type font as the rest of the document.
Make sure that units of measurement are clearly defined and that graph
axes are clearly labeled.
When these guidelines are followed, charts, graphs, maps, and photographs
can be used as efficient and effective ways to display data.
Figure 12.15 Example of Tabular Data
Note: Key elements that should be included in tables are noted in ALL
CAPS. Values under the percentage columns reflect the percentage of
valid responses.
aCurrently married includes de facto marriage.
Common Pitfalls in Data Analysis and Developing
Let’s face it; mistakes happen. But we can do our best to avoid making
mistakes, including common mistakes made during data analysis, if we
understand the common pitfalls made during this important phase of
scientific discovery. Many mistakes made during data analysis are made
because of problems related to either data quality or other limitations to the
data that a researcher fails to recognize. Remember, at the heart of much
research is our ability to accurately and reliability measure concepts that are
directly unobservable (i.e., guardianship, social disorganization, fear of
crime, etc.). Proper measurement and data collection are essential, and if the
measures we use in research are bad, or if we collect data using poor
methods, then any statistic we produce will be meaningless. Data that are
nonsensical, incomplete, or imprecise will lead to faulty statistics and
conclusions based on bad analysis: Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO).
Major sources of inaccurate data in criminological research include poor
measures of concepts and bad sampling designs.
Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO): Notion in research that
findings produced from data analysis are only as good as the data
being analyzed.
Most researchers understand the GIGO problem and do their best to avoid it
by constructing good measures and implementing good sampling protocols.
Even when valid and reliable data are collected, using appropriate sampling
methods, mistakes can be made. Here is a list of what we think are the four
most common, and easily avoidable, mistakes made in data analysis:
1. Correlation does not imply causation: As noted previously in this
chapter, researchers often analyze data to determine (or refute) whether
two variables are associated, or correlated, to each other. Nevertheless,
just because two variables are correlated does not mean a causal
relationship exists. For example, each of the following relationships is
strongly correlated, but it would be silly to think that these relationships
are causally related:
U.S. spending on science, space, and technology is strongly correlated
with suicides by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation (r = .998).
The number of people who drowned by falling into a pool is strongly
correlated with films in which Nicolas Cage has appeared (r = .667).
The number of people who die by becoming entangled in their bed
sheets is strongly correlated with the per capita consumption of cheese (r
= .947).
Marriage rates in Kentucky are strongly correlated with the number of
people who drown after falling out of fishing boats (r = .952).
Source: Tylervigen.com (n.d).
Granted, it’s obvious that these correlations do not represent causal
relationships. Nevertheless, it’s not uncommon for researchers to think that
when a correlational relationship is found in data that it somehow represents
a causal relationship, but this is incorrect and is a mistake in logic that can be
easily avoided.
2. Knowing a technique, but not knowing the data: Too often researchers
know how to analyze data, but they lack a firm grasp or understanding
of the data they’re analyzing. This can especially be true when
secondary data analysis is being conducted. The “Datasaurus” presented
in Figure 12.16 provides an excellent example of this common pitfall.
Datasaurus was created by Alberto Cairo (2016) as a lesson he uses to
illustrate the importance of data visualization techniques (e.g., box plots,
scatterplots, histograms, etc.), which are tools that you can use to “get to
know” your data. Albert gives his students a data file containing two
variables. The first variable has a mean of 54.26 (SD = 16.77); variable
two has a mean of 47.83 (SD = 26.94). If the students want to use these
variables and test whether the two means are significantly different, they
should visualize the data before running analysis to identify any
problems or anomalies. When this is done, using a scatterplot, the two
variables produce an image like the one shown in Figure 12.16.
Figure 12.16 Alberto Cairo’s Datasaurus

Note: Reprinted from Cairo (2016).

Obviously, there’s a problem with these two variables, and a researcher who
wants to use them to conduct a t test of mean differences, for example, should
think twice. This is a lighthearted example of problems associated with
knowing a technique but not knowing your data. Even so, the bottom line is
this: Without “getting to know” your data, you’re likely to make a mistake
either during the data analysis process or in presenting findings. This can
occur even if you know how to properly conduct the analysis you want to
3. Not applying the appropriate analytic method: Researchers much pay
careful attention to (a) how a study is designed and (b) whether the
analytic methods being used fit with the design that was implemented. If
not, mistakes will likely be made. For example, suppose you collected
data from our group of students mentioned previously in this chapter
about their driving patterns. You collected information on two variables:
how many tickets they’ve ever received and their sex. Suppose you
entered their responses into a data set and coded all the students who
identified as male with a value of “0” and all the students who identified
as female with a value of “1.” Technically, you could compute a mean
for the variable sex (i.e., add up all the 1s and 0s and divide by 15 or the
number of students in the study). But what would that mean . . . mean?
The answer is “Nothing!” Computing an average on a nominal- (e.g.,
gender) or interval-level measure is a mistake. The results are
meaningless and an example of not applying the appropriate analytic
method to the data.
4. Thinking statistical significance means substantive significance:
When studies are conducted to test specific research hypotheses,
investigators make a determination about patterns observed in their data
and the likelihood similar patterns would be observed in the broader
population from which the research sample was drawn. Statistical
significance is a term often used in these types of studies and refers to
when the outcome of a research hypothesis test indicates a true
difference between the observed and hypothesized values; in other
words, that the differences or relationships in the data are not likely to
occur based on chance alone.
Statistical significance: When the outcome of a research
hypothesis test indicates a true difference (or association) between
the observed and hypothesized values that are not likely to occur
based on chance alone.
In contrast, substantive significance refers to the importance of observed
differences or associations. It indicates whether differences (or associations)
between observed sample values and hypothesized values are large enough to
be meaningful to criminologists or the public. Researchers may lose sight of
whether significant findings are also substantive findings when reporting
results of their investigations. Nevertheless, the difference between statistical
and substantive significance must be considered. Large differences in small
samples may be substantively important but statistically insignificant.
Conversely, small differences in large samples may be statistically significant
but substantively trivial. The best practice is to balance these two concerns.
Do not use statistical significance as the only indicator of substantive
differences, especially when you have very small or very large samples.
Substantive significance: Whether statistically significant
findings are substantively meaningful.
Ethics Associated With Analyzing Your Data and
Developing Your Findings
You may have heard of the old saying “There are three kinds of lies: lies,
damned lies, and statistics.” Many believe former British prime minister
Benjamin Disraeli (1874–1880) was the first to utter this phrase; others
attribute it Mark Twain. Regardless of who said it first, the statement rings
true with many, especially in today’s world of “big data.” The problem with
the statement, however, is that it fails to acknowledge the fact that statistics
are just numbers and that they can neither lie nor tell the truth. It is the
researcher’s responsibility to not only engage in research that is of the highest
ethical standards but also to produce results from data analysis that is not

Many ethical guidelines exist for conducting data analysis, but few are as
clear and concise as those developed by Rachel Wasserman (2013). Those
most relevant to the field of criminology and criminal justice include the
1. Researchers must be competent and sufficiently trained in the techniques
they use and/or only delegate analysis responsibilities to other members
of the research team that are competent. If an analyst doesn’t know how
to properly conduct data analysis, then he or she risks producing and
reporting inaccurate or misleading information.
2. Analysis should only be conducted with software designed to conduct
the specific analysis required to answer the researcher’s research
3. Researchers should choose a minimally sufficient analysis based on the
research question and assumptions of the statistical technique.
4. Researchers must “know their data” (i.e., how the data were collected,
and how the data were prepared for analysis, including proper
exploratory analyses).
5. Changes made to raw data should always be documented, along with the
reasons that the changes were made.
6. Don’t cherry-pick findings. In other words, researchers should avoid
“mining the data” for answers that support their personal views.
7. Researchers should make it clear to the research team that high ethical
standards are valued and that it is everyone’s responsibility to apply this
standard to all aspects of the research project—including data analysis.
Cuevas provides an excellent summary of the importance of maintaining high
ethical standards when conducting data analysis. He put it this way during his
video interview conducted for this book: “We can do analysis quickly and
easily now because of computers, but that can give you a false sense of
security. Everything has to be done well and to a high ethical standard before,
during, and after the data analysis . . . if the results of the analysis are good.”

Analysis and Findings Expert—Sue Burton

Sue Burton has been the director of Florida’s Statistical Analysis Center
(FSAC) at the Department of Law Enforcement since 1995. She holds a
degree in business management from Florida State University, yet her 20+
years of experience working with administrative criminal justice data across
the criminal justice system has fueled her career in criminal justice statistical
analysis. She currently serves on the U.S. Department of Justice’s Science
Advisory Board, appointed by former U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder.
She’s serving a five-year term. Burton’s many years of collaboration with the
Bureau of Justice Statistics, specifically to illustrate the value of using
existing operational or administrative criminal justice data sources to answer
research questions, put her in the “spotlight” for this appointment.
As the director of FSAC, her goal is to document, analyze, and explain
criminal justice data (i.e., criminal histories, uniform crime reports [UCR],
corrections, officer employment, etc.) for policy and operational purposes.
The most common type of research performed by the Center involves
descriptive statistics. As mentioned in this chapter, the exploration of data
sources requires data analysis, which can serve to prepare data for in-depth
research projects or to answer a policy question, by simply creating a
frequency or distribution of the certain data elements.
Courtesy of Susan Burton
The Statistical Analysis Center supports policy decision making by providing
information about the state’s crime picture to federal agencies, the state
legislature, operational agencies like law enforcement, corrections, juvenile
justice and the judicial offices, as well as local law enforcement agencies. To
be a valuable partner, the center has to maintain an intimate knowledge of the
available data and cultivate a skill set to make use of analytical tools such as
SAS, STATA, and even Excel.
SAS is the primary tool for the Center staff. Data that the Center “mines” are
often large and complex (e.g., the entire state criminal history files that go
back to the 1920s). Before any research question is broached, a statistical
description of the relevant data elements is created to scope the project and to
identify any data limitations. Statistical procedures to identify the amount of
missing data are performed, along with the more basic frequencies and cross-
tabulations of relevant variables.
An equally important element of any analysis conducted at FSAC is
consulting with data experts and those familiar with the processes that
generate data. The center often meets with internal operational staff or
research staff of the departments of corrections, juvenile justice, and the
courts to make sure staff members understand the data source and their
Over the years, the center has established data-sharing agreements with the
departments that maintain data, which includes additional information about
the individuals in the state’s criminal justice system that are not found in
criminal history files. Information sharing between departments is crucial.
Burton says, “Data sharing helps us complete the picture of what happens in
the criminal justice system. Our Center uses the state’s criminal history files
to gain an overall understanding of crime in Florida, with a focus on arrest
events. Sometimes it helps to fill some gaps from other criminal justice data
sources.“ Her group has integrated data from various criminal justice data
systems to create a research-friendly information source about crime and
punishment in the state of Florida.
The center’s integrated database contains criminal history records for the last
100 years, including monthly updates of about 100,000 new arrest and
judicial records. The information has been used for various research projects,
including a project that combined data from the Department of Correction’s
Sentencing Guidelines database to create severity scores to quantify offender
seriousness. The center’s ability to place criminal history data into research
formats makes it a valuable resource that is used by the state’s research units
to measure the success of programs that seek to decrease recidivism rates
among other measures important to the state’s policy maker.
Chapter Wrap-Up
In this chapter, our focus was on ways to analyze data produced from
qualitative and quantitative studies. We explained why data analysis is
important and the role data analysis plays in the creation of new, empirically
based knowledge. Data description methods, including measures of central
tendency (e.g., mean, median, and mode) and measures of dispersion (e.g.,
range, variance, and standard deviation), were introduced. We also presented
information about quantitative approaches to data analysis and some of the
common software applications you can use to conduct statistical analysis. We
also provided an overview of qualitative methods and applications used in
criminology and criminal justice research. Conjunctive analysis of case
configurations (CACC) was also discussed as an alternative approach to
traditional analytic methods, providing specific details of how to run CACC
in SPSS, STATA and SAS. Approaches to analyzing geospatial data were
also presented in this chapter, along with a discussion of some of the most
common spatial statistical methods used in our field. Guidance to students on
how to effectively and efficiently display findings from their research with
tables and in figures was also offered. This chapter concluded with an
overview of some of the most common errors made in data analysis, along
with strategies that can be used to overcome these pitfalls. We also discussed
some of the important ethical considerations associated with data analysis.
Regardless of the purpose of their research, our case studies analyzed their
data and developed findings to answer their research questions. Table 12.6
offers that information in one place to show that even though research
purposes, questions, and approaches vary, the overall purpose is to answer a
research question. In the next chapter, we focus on making your research
relevant by explaining how to translate research into language that is
nontechnical so that non-research-oriented people can understand it. We
place particular emphasis on the importance of relationships and networking.
We also introduce readers to evaluation research, explaining how it differs
from other research methodologies. We discuss why this particular research
method is important and the ways in which it can be conducted. Finally, we
explain the common challenges, pitfalls, and ethical considerations
confronted by research conducting evaluation research.
Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Descriptive Statistics
Find three different papers published in three different peer-
reviewed academic journals in criminal justice or criminology.
Each paper must include a table of descriptive statistics. Begin
your thought paper by comparing and contrasting the measures of
central tendency and measures of dispersions used to describe the
researchers’ data. Next, identify the primary research question
associated with each study and the particular analytic technique
used to answer them. If identified, also report the software
application used to analyze the researchers’ data. Finally, express
in your own opinion whether the final results of the researchers’
analysis were presented efficiently and effectively (i.e., did the
authors use tables, charts, figures, maps, etc. to present their
findings), and explain why or why not. Be prepared to discuss
your thought paper in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Conjunctive Analysis of Case
Form a group with four other students in your class. With your
professor’s permission, walk around campus and have each
member of your group, including yourself, ask five different
students (a) their class (i.e., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior,
or other), (b) whether they’re currently in a fraternity/sorority, and
(c) whether they’ve ever received a speeding ticket. Once data
have been collected from 25 students, construct a CACC truth
table of all possible student profiles that could be observed. There
are 20 possible combinations (i.e., 5 class ranks, 2 affiliations
[Yes or No], and 2 speeding responses [Yes or No]; or 5 × 2 × 2 =
20). Next, identify the specific profile each of the 25 students
interviewed is associated with. Continue this process until your
entire sample of interviewed students has been allocated to a
single profile. Once this process is complete, tally the count and
compute the percentage for each observed profile that is actually
observed in your data.
Of the 20 possible profiles that could have been observed, what
percentage was actually observed in your data? Which profile was
the profile observed most often? What percentage of all profiles
did the dominant profile comprise? What other patterns did your
group observe in your data? Be able to report your group’s
findings to the class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Bad Stats
Go online and find a website that presents, what you believe to be,
“bad statistics” related to some crime or justice-related issue or
problem. Explain why you feel the statistical information
presented on the website is “bad.” Is it a matter of GIGO, a
suggestion of causality based on correlations, an apparent
misunderstanding of the data upon which the report is based,
using the wrong analytic method, or some other reason? Explain.
Are the findings or information discussed on the website based on
data analysis results that are both statistically and substantively
significant? Finally, are there any ethical issues you think that the
presenters of this information failed to consider or overlook?
Discuss. Be prepared to discuss your findings in class.
Key Words and Concepts
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 390
Characteristics 396
Chi-square test 387
Coding sorts 396
Conjunctive analysis of case configurations (CACC) 400
Convex hull 404
Correlation analysis 388
Deduction 378
Descriptive statistics 380
Deviation score 385
First Law of Geography 404
Frequency Distribution 381
Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) 409
Geographically weighted regression (GWR) 406
Geostatistical analysis 403
Interquartile range (IQR) 384
Link analysis 398
Mean 381
Mean center 404
Measures of central tendency 381
Measures of dispersion 384
Median 382
Meta data 398
Mind maps 398
Mode 383
Outliers 382
Poster session 407
Qualitative data analysis (QDA) 396
Range 384
Regression analysis 388
Second-order analysis 396
Situational contexts 400
Spatial autocorrelation 404
Spatial dependency 404
Spatial descriptions 403
Spatial interpolation 405
Spreadsheet 392
Standard distance 404
Statistical significance 411
Substantive significance 411
Theme 396
Univariate Analysis 380
Variance 385
Key Points
Data analysis is generally classified into two groups: descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics involve
analyzing data so that numerical descriptors of the typical case, or all the
other cases relative to the typical case, are produced. Inferential statistics
involve data analysis designed to test research hypotheses.
Many quantitative statistical methods can be applied to data using
myriad statistical analysis software applications. Popular applications
include Microsoft Excel, SPSS, STATA and SAS.
Qualitative data analysis (QDA) often begins with a broad, open-ended
question(s). Next, data are collected from texts, conversations,
recordings, and posts around a well-defined framework. QDA
frameworks typically include, among other things, a data-coding plan,
which is used to sort data and report findings from descriptive analysis
based on themes identified by the researcher. If the QDA is not
exploratory in nature, researchers conduct second-order analysis.
Conjunctive analysis of case configures (CACC) is an approach to data
analysis that focuses on reducing data into meaningful statistical
information (e.g., frequency distributions and percentages) and that
assesses empirical observations with formal statistical tests (e.g., chi-
square test of independence). CACC builds situational contexts of
particular outcomes, from an existing data file, defined by the
combinations of variable attributes believed to influence that outcome.
Geostatistical analyses are mathematical techniques that use the
geographical properties of data as part of a statistical or analytic method
and include spatial descriptions, spatial dependency and autocorrelation,
and spatial interpolation and regression methods.
Research findings are disseminated in myriad ways, including in reports
to sponsors of research, academic journals, and conference presentations
and workshops. Tables and figures are used to visually display data in
ways that effectively and efficiently support text.
Proper measurement and data collection are essential to good data
analysis. If the measures we use in research are bad, or if we collect data
using poor methods, then any statistic we produce will be meaningless.
Data that are nonsensical, incomplete, or imprecise will lead to faulty
statistics and conclusions based on bad analysis: Garbage In, Garbage
Out (GIGO).
Statistical significance does not always mean findings have substantive
It is the researcher’s responsibility to not only engage in research that is
of the highest ethical standards but also to produce results from data
analysis that adhere to high ethical standards. One way to achieve this
goal is to make it clear to the research team that high ethical standards
are valued and that it is everyone’s responsibility to apply this standard
to all aspects of the research project—including data analysis.
Review Questions
1. Why do researchers conducted data analysis, and how does it fit
within the process of generating empirical knowledge?
2. Describe some of the common measures of central tendency and
measures of dispersion used in data analysis.
3. Provide examples of research questions that would require
correlational analysis, and contrast them with research questions
that would require analytic approaches that assess group
differences. Do you think one approach to statistical analysis is
better than the other? Explain.
4. Describe some of the common statistical software applications
used to analyze quantitative data. Provide an example of when one
application may be more or less appropriate to use than another.
5. Describe the four general steps in conducting qualitative data
6. Describe some of the common statistical software applications
used to analyze qualitative data. Provide an example of when one
application may be more or less appropriate to use than another.
7. Describe some of the spatial descriptions, spatial dependency and
autocorrelation, and spatial interpolation and regression
techniques commonly used in geostatistical analysis.
8. Identify a key part of a table, and explain how it is used in a table
to help organize and visually display data.
9. Explain what the phrase “Garbage In, Garbage Out” means, and
apply it to the analysis of criminal justice data.
10. Describe some of the steps researchers can take to ensure results
produced from data analysis are of a high ethical standard.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. The following information was obtained online from the FBI’s
UCR website. It represents the frequency distribution of violent
crimes recorded by law enforcement agencies that occurred on
Florida’s college and university campuses in 2015 (see Table
Choose three measures of central tendency and three measures of
dispersion, and report the values of each and explain why you
chose them. You may use Excel or another software application
(i.e., SPSS, SAS, STATA, etc.) to help analyze the data if needed.
2. Explain how conjunctivxse analysis of case configurations
(CACC) is similar to quantitative data analysis. Also provide
examples of how CACC is similar to qualitative data analysis.
Finally, create a research question that you think would be an
interesting topic to examine using the CACC method, and explain
3. Many of the standard statistical methods used to analyze
nonspatial data can be used to analyze geospatial data. Identify
three methods discussed in this chapter, and explain how they are
similar and how they are different.
4. Convert the tabular data presented in Question 1 into a bar chart
by hand or using Excel (or any other software application) for any
of the five colleges or universities. Exchange your figure with
someone else’s in your class. Critique each other’s work.
5. Rachel Wasserman (2013) argued that researchers must avoid
cherry-picking findings as part of their data analysis. Explain how
the distribution of violent crime presented in Question 1 could be
“cherry-picked” to produce evidence in support of or again a
specific research question.

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impressive array of free tools and resources for review, study, and
further exploration, keeping you on the cutting edge of teaching
and learning. Learn more at edge.sagepub.com/rennisonrm.
Chapter 13 Making Your Research
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
13.1 Define policy-relevant research, and contrast it with research
that is not policy relevant.
13.2 Summarize the policy process, and describe each stage.
Identify which stages enable researchers to influence policy
13.3 Identify who policy makers are and why they are important
in conducting policy-relevant research.
13.4 Evaluate the parts of a policy brief, and compare and contrast
a journal article and a policy brief.
13.5 Identify and summarize the competing sources of influence
on policy makers, and describe why researchers need to
understand this.
13.6 Describe and explain the activities a researcher wishing to
conduct policy-relevant research should engage in.
Featured researchers Rod Brunson, Rachel Boba Santos, Chris Melde,
Heather Zaykowski, Mary Dodge, and Carlos Cuevas conduct research
because their findings will matter and will be used to build knowledge, as
well as to make the world a better place. Research can matter in many ways
that have been described in this book. First, research can make a difference
by adding to our general knowledge and our understanding of the world.
Santos and colleague’s research increased our understanding about the effect
of intensive policing (Santos & Santos, 2016). Brunson and colleague’s work
offers insight into how police interactions differ for White and Black youth
living in similar communities (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009). Dodge and
colleagues’ work provides a greater understanding about how female officers
deal with being an undercover prostitute, their views of the works, the
participants, danger, and even the effectiveness of these stings (Dodge, Starr-
Gimeno, & Williams, 2005). As this book has shown, the findings from
exploratory and descriptive research provide understanding about crime,
incarceration, reentry, victimization, police discretion, use of force by police,
and an infinite number of criminal justice topics.
Explanatory research makes a difference as well in that it allows for us to
better understand connections between those topics as well as the role that
gender, years in prison, age, times victimized, race, and education play on
some criminal justice outcome. Zaykowski’s (2014) research provides insight
into the important role that reporting victimization to the police plays in
whether the victim seeks assistance. This work shows that reporting to the
police increases the odds of accessing victim services by three times. In
addition, given Zaykowski’s research, we know that police reporting
increases the odds of accessing victim services by more than four times for
those attacked by an intimate partner compared with a stranger.

A second important way research matters is that it provides valuable

information about programs. As Chapter 11 showed, evaluation research
allows for researchers to ascertain whether policies and their associated
programs are operating as intended, policies or programs should be expanded
or discontinued, and policies and programs are cost effective (to name a few
goals of evaluation research). A third way research can matter or make a
difference is by producing research that is policy relevant. That is, our
research can be used to shape policy. Historically, researchers have done a
great job of conducting solid research and publishing those results;
nevertheless, researchers have not conducted as much research that is policy
relevant. Santos, in a video interview conducted for this book, stated that she
believes this is in large part because making your research relevant is
challenging. It is not enough to say, “My research is relevant”; we must offer
clear reasons how it is relevant. Therefore, this chapter discusses ways to
make your research relevant. It defines policy, policy makers, and describes
the policy process. In addition, it presents the challenges with getting your
research findings to policy makers, and it offers tips as to how you as a
researcher can maximize the chances that your research will be policy
Congress is one body in the United States that establishes policy. We elect
policy makers to go to Washington, D.C., to produce policy to improve our
lives. If you want to produce policy relevant research, would it benefit you to
know who in congress is dealing with certain policies? How do you propose
they learn about your research if you don’t even know who they are?

© zrfphoto/iStockphoto.com
Why Conduct Policy-Relevant Research?
Policies directly influence all of our lives in many ways on a daily basis. For
example, policies reflected in speed limits affect how fast we each drive (at
least when we do not think a police officer is around). Policies determine at
what age we can drink alcohol, serve in the military, and marry. Policies
dictate not only when we can marry but who we can and cannot marry.
Policies affect student loan availability and repayment schedules.
The late 1960s saw an alarming increase in crime. In response, the Law
Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA; the precursor to the Office
of Justice Programs; see Chapter 9) was established in part to advance the
criminal justice discipline. A part of this included funding research to
influence criminal justice policy. Today, as a result of this work, you are
likely familiar with many criminal justice policies. Some controversial
policies include the three-strikes policies in effect in 28 states that require a
person who is found guilty of committing a violent felony after having been
convicted of two previous crimes to be imprisoned for life. Also widely
known are sex offender registry policies. Although the specific policy differs
by jurisdiction, sex offender policies require convicted sex offenders to
register with their local law enforcement agencies. The amount of
information they must provide differs, but the purpose of the registries is to
allow law enforcement to better monitor these individuals, as well as to allow
the public to be aware of potential risks who may live near them.
Another widely known criminal justice policy concerns mandatory arrest
resulting from a domestic violence incident. Mandatory arrest policies require
the arrest of a person when the law enforcement officer has probable cause
that an individual committed a violent act against a domestic partner. In these
instances, the officer does not need a warrant, and the officer did not need to
witness the violence.
It seems reasonable to expect that policies we all live with such as three-
strikes, sex offender registries, and mandatory arrest were designed and
implemented based on findings from a body of well-conducted research.
Although that is reasonable, it does not always happen. Not many of us
would be comfortable to learn that our lives are affected by policies crafted
based on a single piece of research (no research is perfect, so using a body of
research findings is important), a policy maker’s whims, political or other
ideology, or random chance. Most of us hope or assume that decisions about
what policies to implement, and the shape of those policies, were based on
our understanding about what is best for the public and those involved given
a body of research findings.
It almost seems silly to state clearly that we want our policy to be based on a
body of good research. Nevertheless, it has to be stated because in reality,
policy design and implementation is guided by more than good research. In
the past, it has been guided by a single imperfect piece of research, political
or religious ideology, and other seemingly random factors. This means that
policies that affect your life are not always influenced by the best research
available. This can lead to unnecessary suffering, expensive approaches to
social issues that do not work, and a failure to ameliorate a problem of
interest. In sum, we want research to be policy relevant because we want to
solve problems and make the world a better place. We want to live under
policies that improve the world and not worsen it for anyone.
Mandatory arrest policies adopted widely mandate officers to make an arrest
with probable cause, but no warrant in domestic violence cases, even if the
violence was not witnessed. Are these policies based on well-conducted
research? What might explain the adoption of the consequential policies?

© wh1600/iStockphoto.com
What Is Policy-Relevant Research?
Policy-relevant research is research that directly influences policy makers
or agency personnel who are developing and implementing policy. Policy-
relevant research can be used to provide an understanding about what societal
problems exist and why those problems are important to solve, what policies
are needed, how policies should be shaped, how policies should be
implemented, how existing policies should be adjusted, and what policies are
not beneficial to the group they are designed to assist (to name a few
purposes). Policy-relevant research can be used by policy makers to inform
and address policy needs in two ways. First, policy-relevant research can be
used by policy makers to identify and develop needed policies focused on
important issues. Second, policy-relevant research can be used by policy
makers to improve and enhance existing policies. Policy-relevant research is
not research on a policy but research that directly affects or influences policy.
To be clear, no single piece of research can (or should) change the direction
of policy. Rather, a body of research should inform policy design and
implementation. Producing policy-relevant research means generating
research that adds to a body of literature that influences policy makers and
that influences small policy changes on the margin.
Policy-relevant research: Research that directly influences the
development of and implementation of the principles, rules, and
laws that guide a government, an organization, or people by
informing and influencing policy makers.
What Is Policy?
Before further discussing policy-relevant research, it is useful to clearly
identify what we mean by policy. As is the case with complex topics, there is
no one widely agreed upon definition of policy. Policy is multifaceted,
making it difficult to define. Here are several common definitions:
“A definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives
and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and
future decisions.” (Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, n.d.)
“A definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility,
etc.” (Dictionary.com, n.d.)
An “action or procedure conforming to or considered with reference to
prudence or expediency.” (Dictionary.com, n.d.)
“Prudence or wisdom in the management of affairs.” (Merriam Webster
Dictionary Online, n.d.)
“Management or procedure based primarily on material interest.”
(Merriam Webster Dictionary Online, n.d.)
“A high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable
procedures especially of a governmental body.” (Merriam Webster
Dictionary Online, n.d.)
“The basic principles by which a government is guided.” (Business
Dictionary Online, n.d.)
“The declared objectives that a government or party seeks to achieve
and preserve in the interest of national community.” (Business
Dictionary Online, n.d.)
“A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization
or individual.” (Oxford Dictionary Online, n.d.)
What do you want influencing policy? Would you be okay to learn that
horoscopes influenced the design and implementation of policy? Would you
prefer policy be based on well-conducted research? What can you do to
ensure the later happens more than the former?

© Svetlana_Smirnova/iStockphoto.com
By blending elements of these commonly available definitions, we offer a
simple definition of policy as the principles, rules, and laws that guide a
government, an organization, or people. Examples of criminal justice
policies, as described earlier, include three-strikes policies, sex-offender
policies, and mandatory arrest policies. Policy is broad and includes actions
or the adoption of principles, rules and laws in governments, nonprofits,
quasi-governmental agencies, and the private sector. A more specific type of
policy is public policy. Public policy refers to policy designed and
implemented by governmental agencies specifically. Policy expert Paul
Cairney (n.d.) defines public policy as the “the sum total of government
actions, from signals of intent, to the final outcomes.” It too is broad, but it is
limited to policy actions in a government. Given this information about
policy, we can expand our earlier definition of policy-relevant research to be
research that influences the design and implementation of principles, rules,
and laws that guide a government, an organization, or people.
Policy: Principles, rules, and laws that guide a government, an
organization, or people.
Public policy: Policy designed and implemented by governmental
agencies specifically.
When thinking about policy, you may hear a variety of terms such as policies,
procedures, and guidelines. This section offers some insight into what each of
these terms means, although they bleed together. In some ways, they all refer
to policies but with different levels of specificity. As noted, policies are the
principles, rules, and laws that guide a government, an organization, or
people. In general, we think of policies as being broad statements containing
little detail that are formally adopted by the appropriate board or authorizing
group. At times, however, a policy is produced that is very detailed that gives
almost no discretion to the regulatory agency in promulgating regulations. On
the other hand, policy makers have also at other times written legislation and
policies that are very brief (e.g., a page long) that leave nearly all of the
nuance and discretion to the agency responsible for the policy. In general,
procedures are more detailed protocols, standard operating procedures, or
the step-by-step processes that should be followed to accomplish the spirit of
the policy. Although policies are formally adopted by a body given the power
to do so, procedures are generally crafted by a different group of individuals.
Finally, a regulation, rule, or guideline offers recommendations about how
to accomplish the step-by-step procedures. Regulations, rules, and guidelines
outline the expected behavior and actions one should take in following the
procedures. Regulations, rules, and guidelines frequently provide examples of
how to deal with specific instances an individual may encounter. Unlike
policies and procedures, rules, regulations, and guidelines are not
compulsory, but they are suggestions or best practices.
Figure 13.1 Relationship Between Policy, Procedures, and Guidelines
Procedures: Step-by-step or standard operating procedures, that
should be followed to accomplish the policy.
Regulations: Recommendations about the expected behavior
during the course of following procedures, with examples of how
to deal with specific instances one may encounter.
Rules: Recommendations about the expected behavior during the
course of following procedures, with examples of how to deal
with specific instances one may encounter.
Guidelines: Recommendations about the expected behavior
during the course of following procedures, with examples of how
to deal with specific instances one may encounter.
Who Are Policy Makers?
For your research to influence policy makers, you know who the policy
makers are. Most broadly, policy makers are individuals in a position with
the authority to decide the principles, rules, and laws that guide a
government, organization, or people. For much of Santos’s (Santos & Santos,
2016), Brunson’s (Brunson & Weitzer, 2009), and Dodge’s (Dodge et al.
2005) research, police chiefs are the policy makers. For much of Melde’s
research (Melde, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009), policy makers are school
superintendents. And is Cuevas’s (Sabina, Cuevas, & Cotignola-Pickens,
2016) and Zaykowski’s (2014), policy makers are generally those at the state
and the federal level who can change policies related to victimization. For
example, Cuevas and colleagues’ published research (Sabina et al., 2016)
focused on sexual violence assault against Latina women was used in
congressional briefing documents. Zaykowski’s continued relationship with
those in the Department of Justice who focus on victimization means her
work (Zaykowski, 2014) will be influential in policy going forward. Many of
our featured authors engage in evaluation research, which by definition is
relevant. By using the findings from this work, programs or policies are
influenced. Policy is so complex that it cannot be managed by only a handful
of people. This means that policy makers can be found in a multitude of
places. Policy makers exist at the local, state, and federal levels. Policy
makers can be elected officials, bureaucrats, civil servants, or individuals
appointed to important roles in the community. Policy makers are found at
the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the U.S. Senate,
county commissioner offices, and university presidential suites. Policy
makers may also be individuals who work closely with those just named.
Policy makers can lead agencies in the executive, legislative, and court
branches of government, and they can be found in think tanks, lobbying
groups, professional organizations, or other organizations. Brunson argues
that we all have the potential to be policy makers. Are you a community
leader? Do you work in a place that has influence over others? Are you a
member of a social club or religious organization? A policy maker, Brunson
notes, is just a person who is positioned politically, or socially, to have his or
her directives and recommendations put into practice. That may be you.

Policy makers: Individuals in a position who create the

principles, rules, and laws that guide a government, an
organization, or people that are carried out by a government or
business groups.
Who a policy maker is depends on the particular issue or research of interest.
Consider the research conducted by Santos and Santos (2016) that focuses on
intensive policing. Who would the appropriate policy maker be in this case?
It would not be someone in the courts. And it would not be someone working
at a think tank who focuses on energy issues. Rather, for Santos and
colleague’s work on intensive policing, local police chiefs are the policy
makers they would want to work with, educate, and influence. Think of the
work by Melde and his colleagues (2009) on the protective function of gang
membership among adolescents. Consider a body of research that finds that
one program minimizes risk of violence to students. Which policy maker
would need to learn about this? Obvious policy makers would be school
district superintendents and members of school boards. For others, policy
makers may be city council members, mayors, Homeland Security directors,
U.S. senators, influential think tanks, or governors. At the federal level,
policy makers include members of the House, Senate, and many individuals
leading departments and bureaus in the executive, legislative, and judicial
branches. In regard to criminal justice policy, the attorney general is one
policy maker. In addition, there are other policy makers leading bureaus in
the Office of Justice Programs. Those crafting prison and jail policy would
also be of interest for some research. Policy makers and those who support
them are critical in making policy-relevant research in that they can support
your research throughout the policy process.

Policy makers can be found everywhere. In this image, environmental policy

maker Ivonne A-Baki, secretary of state for Yasuni-ITT Initiative, Republic
of Ecuador, gives a lecture at the The Issam Fares Institute’s Climate Change
and Environment in the Arab World Program in 2016.


The Policy Process
Earlier in the chapter we noted that researchers have not been as successful at
using their research to influence policy as they have been at generating
general knowledge and at evaluating existing programs. There are many
reasons for this lack of success. Understanding the reasons, and avoiding
them, is important to maximize the chances that your research will be policy
relevant. A reason for some lack of success is the failure of many researchers
to understand the stages of the policy process and where in that process
researchers can exert some influence. For example, during the agenda setting
stage, a researcher can conduct a needs assessment. During the policy
formulation stage, a literature review or meta-analysis is valuable. During the
policy implementation stage, a formative evaluation is influential. And finally
during the policy evaluation stage, a summative evaluation provides essential
evaluative information. The policy process was introduced in Chapter 11
given its connection with evaluation research. In this chapter, we revisit it and
provide greater detail.
The policy process, also known as the policy cycle, is a simplified
representation of the stages of policy making and implementation. An
illustrated version of the policy cycle is useful as a learning tool, but it is
important to recognize that policy is not created in the real world in this way
(see Figure 13.2). Nonetheless, a consideration of this tidy representation of
the policy process is instructive. As Cairney (n.d.) notes, the policy process is
unrealistic and useful at once. This presentation of the policy process is based
on five major stages: problem identification/agenda setting, policy formation,
policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. Although
Figure 13.2 illustrates the five discrete stages, in fact, these stages overlap
and influence one another. In addition, the policy process is a continuous
loop in which each stage informs the others, but it also goes backward and
forward among all the stages. As we learn more about a particular policy at
one stage, we can make adjustments at other stages of the policy process to
improve attention to the issue of interest.
Figure 13.2 Policy Making and Implementation
Source: Reprinted with permission from Texas Politics Project at the
University of Texas at Austin.
Problem Identification/Agenda Setting
The first stage in the policy process is problem identification/agenda setting.
Problem identification/agenda setting occurs when an issue is brought to
the attention of policy makers with demands, or evidence (e.g., 9/11 terrorist
attack) that something be done to address the issue. In plain language, this
stage involves the identification of the problem to be solved and the
advocating that it be placed on the policy makers’ agenda for further
consideration. Many individuals or groups can bring something to the
attention of a policy maker including members of the researchers, public,
elites, the media, advocacy groups, interest groups, think tanks, university
groups, or a focusing event among others. A focusing event is an event that
captures policy makers, public attention, and media attention simultaneously
like a major disaster or other crises. The Patriot Act and 9/11 is an example of
a focusing event.
Problem identification/agenda setting: First stage of the policy
process that occurs when the public brings an issue to the attention
of policy makers and demands something be done to address this
Focusing event: Event that captures the attention of policy
makers, the public, and the media simultaneously like a major
disaster or other crises.
Think of the many criminal justice issues that you believe demand policy
attention but are not getting adequate attention. Perhaps you are thinking
about intensive policing. Or maybe you are focused on policing strategies
especially as they relate to the role that race may play in that. Rather, your
issue of great interest may center on youth joining gangs and how that affects
their risk of being violently victimized. You may want to see policies that
implement programs in schools to help adolescents. Maybe you are most
concerned about victims failing to get the assistance they needed, or maybe
you are most concerned about college student victimization and campus
safety. If these are important issues, then bringing them to the attention of a
policy maker, and emphasizing the importance of adding the issue to the
agenda for more consideration, is the first stage.
This initial stage of policy identification and agenda setting is one in which
researchers and their research can be influential if heard among other voices
bringing issues to the attention of policy makers. It is at this stage that policy
makers can be informed and educated about what research findings and
recommendations indicate about an issue. Nevertheless, bringing an issue to
the attention of a policy maker is only one part of the problem identification
and agenda setting stage. The policy maker must sift through all the
competing issues to decide which ones to move forward in the policy process.
Think back to the issues just described. If you were a policy maker, which of
these issues would you focus on given your limited time, expertise, and space
on an agenda. Which would you pay less (or no) attention to? What would
lead you to focus on one issue over another? Researchers and their research
are only one of a competing sea of voices trying to get the attention of policy
makers about a myriad of issues.
Policy Formulation
Should a policy issue be taken up by a policy maker and placed on an agenda
for further consideration, the next stage in the policy process is policy
formation. Policy formation is the second stage in the policy process, and it
includes the design of multiple approaches, policies, programs, or formal
ways to address the problem of interest. After several formal policy options
are designed, the policy makers then identify and select what they see as the
best policy solution of the group. This stage in the policy process requires
compromise among policy makers and other parties to select the final policy
that will be either adopted or rejected by the appropriate governing body.
Policy formulation has a tangible goal of a bill or policy that goes before the
policy making authority for formal adoption.
Policy formation: Second step in the policy process that includes
the design of one or multiple approaches to solve the problem of
Let’s imagine that policy makers in the state in which you live have decided
to develop a policy to deal with the increasing opioid crisis. The opioid crisis
affects the criminal justice system as law enforcement officers respond to
calls about overdoses, robberies, violence, and burglaries caused by the drug.
Judges deal with the opioid crisis in that they face those who have been
arrested for using or dealing this drug. The correctional system then faces an
onslaught of those convicted of these crimes, as well as those who are in jail
because they cannot post bail (or were not offered bail). Finally, victims of
crimes committed as a result of those seeking resources for more drugs are
clearly affected by this crisis. What types of policies would you recommend
be considered to address this issue? Given this issue goes beyond the criminal
justice system (e.g., child maltreatment, foster care, public health, etc.), what
sorts of policies would you design if you were a policy maker? How would
you choose which one to ultimately consider for adoption?
Researchers and their research can be influential during the policy formation
stage. Researchers can offer substantive expertise about what research
indicates will and will not be effective as a policy. Researchers can educate
policy makers about the various policies before them for consideration.
Policy Adoption
Once the best policy option has been identified, adoption by the appropriate
governing body is required. Policy adoption is the third stage in the policy
process, and it refers to the formal adoption or passage of the policy, which
legitimizes the policy. Policies are often adopted in the form of a law. Even if
one bill manages to be adopted by one policy-making body, it may need to be
passed or adopted by another. It may be that any policy will have to be
successfully adopted by multiple groups before it is formally adopted.
Researchers who have a dialogue with policy makers could influence and
educate policy maker’s votes on policy adoption. These researchers can also
find themselves at the table of stakeholders who work toward policy
adoption. Their dialogue, based on research, can include what benefits and
limitations the policy offers.
Policy adoption: Third stage in the policy process that refers to
the formal adoption of the policy often in the form of a law.
In January 2015, the state of South Dakota adopted policies that improved the
Juvenile Justice System. This adoption was the end of a process that included
stakeholders and used data and best practices to reach this ultimate policy.

© Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Policy Implementation
Policy implementation is the fourth stage of the policy process in which
agencies (generally not the bodies that formulated or adopted the policies)
operationalize the adopted policy. Adopted policies are not detailed about
how the policy is to be implemented. Thus, policy implementation includes
the drafting of specific procedures, regulations, rules, and guidance to be
used by those tasked with carrying out the adopted policy. The policy
implementation stage is yet another place that researchers and their research
can be influential. Policy-relevant research can provide guidance about
specific procedures, regulations, and guidelines considered to lead toward the
best way to implement the policy. Policy implementation often involves
research that analyzes the cause-and-effect relationships between the problem
(i.e., prison riots) and the solution (i.e., solitary confinement) to understand
what works and what does not work to solve problems.
Policy implementation: Fourth stage in the policy process that
includes the drafting of specific procedures, regulations, rules, and
guidance to be used by those tasked with carrying out the adopted
Policy Evaluation
The fifth stage in the policy process is policy evaluation. Policy evaluation
includes activities designed to determine whether a policy and its associated
programs are addressing the problems they were intended to address, if the
policy as implemented is cost effective, the presence of any negative
unintended consequences, and whether the implementation occurred as it was
designed. The findings from policy evaluation are useful for adjusting all
stages of the policy process. The evaluation may identify problems such as
parts of the problem that are not being addressed. The evaluation may
provide feedback by identifying a new problem and altering the policy
agenda. Policy evaluation may highlight issues with policy formation as
noted by negative unintended consequences. And policy evaluation can
identify whether the policy implementation needs adjustment as well. The
findings from a policy evaluation provide the feedback needed that results in
policy improvement over time. As demonstrated in Chapter 11, policy
evaluation is a place in which researchers can be influential.
Policy evaluation: Fifth stage in the policy process that addresses
whether the policy and its associated programs are addressing the
problems it was intended to address, if the policy as implemented
is cost effective, the presence of any negative unintended
consequences, and whether the implementation occurred as it was
Challenges of Getting Research to Policy Makers
The policy process reveals many places that a researcher can introduce
policy-relevant research findings to influence policy design and
implementation. Simply understanding the stages of the policy process, and
the stages where influence by research is an option, however, is not enough.
A researcher must also understand the additional challenges that make getting
policy-relevant research—research that actually influences policy—to the
policy makers. This section identifies many of those challenges.
Relationship and Communication Barriers
A common error that researchers make with regard to getting policy-relevant
research to policy makers is that researchers frequently have no
communication or relationship with policy makers. For many reasons,
communication between researchers and policy makers is frequently
lacking. First, researchers and policy makers exist in different, too frequently
disconnected, worlds, and both researchers and policy makers have failed to
bridge that gap. If you as a researcher want your work to be policy relevant,
you must develop and maintain relationships with policy makers. Of course,
this requires that the researcher know who the policy makers are, and many
researchers do not know them. A researcher must know the individuals and
groups who are policy makers on the topic of interest in order to share their
research and expertise.
Communication: Reporting of findings to policy makers.
A good way to start a relationship with a policy maker is to pick up the phone
and schedule a meeting to meet with him or her. Share your research and how
that information can benefit the policy maker. In any meeting with a policy
maker, you must be concise and clear, and you must verbally convey your
information in plain English in a condensed document. A policy brief is a
great example of this and will be discussed later in the chapter.
Another related way to develop and nurture relationships with policy makers
is through networking. Networking is linking with, interacting with, and
developing relationships with others to exchange information to achieve a
goal. Networking may lead you to individuals you did not realize were
influential, but they are. A great way to network is to attend policy-related
events. Attend legislative functions that governmental agencies host. Attend
events by think tanks and other interest groups. Attend or host university
events that bring individuals interested in the topic as well as policy makers.
Plus, networking is great for future career opportunities. Offer to present your
research at these events.
Networking: Linking with, or interacting with, others to
exchange information to achieve a goal.
The failure to communicate between researchers and policy makers goes both
ways. If policy makers want to develop and implement policies informed by a
body of well-conducted research, they must reach out to those who can share
what the research says as well. That is usually people who have conducted
that research. Nevertheless, policy makers may not even know that there is
relevant research or researchers studying the topic of interest. Most
researchers are more than happy to share their expertise about a topic if
asked. Make knowing who is researching the policy-relevant topics easy for
them to find. Most university websites have faculty and student pages that
highlight research being conducted and research expertise. Calls to the deans
of relevant schools and departments can identify students and faculty
working on particular topics. Policy makers can also gain insight about
subject matter experts by reading university communications (websites,
newsletters, etc.) that highlight relevant ongoing research and areas of
interest. One limitation to the idea that policy makers will reach out is simply
that it rarely happens. As a result, it is your responsibility as a researcher to
let the policy makers know you exist. Make sure you have a page
highlighting your research. Make sure the university is sharing your research
in its communications. Send an e-mail with a brief description of your
research to policy makers. You can include your résumé with that e-mail, but
don’t only send your vita or résumé. Provide a brief description about why
the policy maker needs you, and then follow up with a request for a meeting.
This relationship, if nurtured, will be valuable in your quest for making your
research policy relevant.
Nonaccessible Presentation of Research
Another common communication-related error that prevents research from
being policy relevant is the failure to present your research findings in an
accessible way for policy makers and others. Handing over a research paper
or a journal article for policy makers to read all but guarantees it will be
tossed out as soon as you leave. Research must be translated and formatted in
easy-to-access and understandable ways for nonacademic audiences.
Three characteristics of effective communication are useful to keep in mind.
First, make the message of your policy brief clear. State it early, state it often,
and state it clearly. If the reader remembers one thing about your research,
make sure it is this message. Second, think about the audience. Write the
research for that audience. Avoid jargon and overly technical details. Many
refer to the “mom test.” That is, if your mom can read and understand it, then
you have accomplished your goal.* Clearly, many moms can read technical,
complex documents, but the point is that the writing must be easily
accessible. Write it with the intended audience in mind. Finally, ensure that
the document is attractive and inviting. Make a reader want to pick it up and
begin reading. Make the reader want to continue reading once they begin.
* While many refer to the “mom test” this is not to suggest that moms are
dumb. It refers to the possibility that your mom will not be an expert in the
substantive area of your research only. She is however an expert in many
other ways and must explain that information to you using the “kid test.”
As a researcher, you cannot sit back and passively hope that policy makers
will find your amazing research and findings and understand how it can
benefit them. That is not going to happen. Why? Because as a new
researcher, your research is likely seen by no one aside from your professor.
Of if you are working with a professor, your research might be published in a
peer-reviewed journal. Policy makers most likely won’t find your research in
a journal. Journal access requires costly subscriptions. While you are in
college you may have access, but once you have graduated and moved on,
that access to journals is usually severed because of the high cost. This is the
case for the general population as well who generally does not have access to
journals or who is unwilling to pay for them.
This is problematic, but as noted, even if journals were widely available to
policy makers and the public, it is unlikely they will wade through the 1,000s
of journals available to find your nuggets of wisdom. How often do you as a
student do this for your classes? Do you really expect a busy policy maker to
do it? If you want to produce policy-relevant research, you must package that
information for easy consumption by others. This does not include providing
copies of your papers or articles to the policy maker. More must be done to
translate the work for their consumption.
An excellent way to follow the three characteristics of effective
communication and make your research easily accessible and easily
understandable to policy makers and others is by writing a policy brief. A
policy brief is an attractive, two- to four-page document of about 1,500
words. In this space, a researcher presents, in plain English, his or her
research to a nonacademic audience. Policy briefs must be free of jargon, and
they must simplify, clarify, and make understanding the research, findings,
and policy implications easy. The policy brief must clearly state what the
problem you addressed is, what current knowledge exists, and what gap you
addressed. Findings and policy recommendations must be stated prominently
and clearly so the policy maker can easily find them. Providing useful photos
and graphs to make your point is a plus and encourages further reading.
Figures are especially useful as the adage notes, “A picture is worth a
thousand words.” If technical information must be included, it should be
included in an appendix. Policy briefs are critical. They must be written. The
other voices competing for the attention of policy makers are writing them, so
you must do the same to hope to be heard.
Policy brief: Short two-to-four page document of about 1,500
words that in plain English presents research findings and policy
recommendations to a nonacademic audience. Policy briefs
include five sections: executive summary, introduction, approach
and results, conclusion, and implications and recommendations.
Remember, policy makers are busy people, and as the policy process
highlights, you and your research are competing with other issues and voices.
No one, including policy makers, wants to read walls of text filled with
jargon to figure out what your research offers them. The key is to
communicate with policy makers in a way that accessing and understanding
your research is easy, uncomplicated, and has clear policy implications
spelled out. Sharing policy briefs at meetings and networking events will
maximize the chances that your work as a researcher will be read. The
“Making a Policy Brief” box provided later in this chapter offers additional
information about constructing a policy brief.
Competing Sources of Influence
Another challenge making it difficult to get policy-relevant research to policy
makers mentioned in this chapter is that researchers are only one voice in a
sea of competing voices faced by a policy maker. Therefore, research is often
kept from influencing policy because it is not heard by a policy maker who is
bombarded with other powerful, overlapping sources of influence, including
the media, fear, ill-informed perceptions, advocacy groups, ideology, and
budgets that influence personal opinions. This section addresses each of these
topics in greater detail.
In the case of producing policy relevant research, avoid jargon. The goal
when sharing research findings is for the public to be able to understand you.
© Ed Fisher The New Yorker Collection/The Cartoon Bank
The media is a major voice being heard by policy makers. The influence of
the media can keep policy-relevant research from affecting policy. In the
United States, we made a policy decision to not have publicly supported
media (with a few exceptions such as NPR or PBS), so our media must make
profits to remain in business. This means advertising is important to them. As
a result, the purpose of the media is to deliver viewers to its advertisers
(contrary to what any media outlet tells you). This is most effectively done by
showing viewers things that keep them coming back to watch more. Crime,
violence, and mayhem are extremely effective at getting viewers to return to
a media source repeatedly. For this reason, media outlets, including news
outlets and non-news shows, are dominated by stories of crime and violence.
Unfortunately, this immersion in crime, gore, and violence in the media leads
to a gross misunderstanding of the actual nature of crime, victimization, and
the criminal justice system. As a result, the public develops misperceptions
about and a warped sense of important criminal justice issues. The public
then takes these issues to policy makers (who themselves are influenced by
the media) and demands policies to address them. Unfortunately, these
demands are often based on poor information, raw emotion, and little fact.
Media: Competing voice heard by policy makers that has the goal
of delivering viewers to their advertisers.
Related to the media’s portrayal of crime and violence is fear. Fear is
something that can keep policy-relevant research from affecting policy.
Research shows that the criminal justice information portrayed in the media
is associated with heightened fear among the public. Melde reminds us that a
certain amount of fear of violence and crime is healthy. He noted in his video
interview for this book, “Would we find it problematic if people were not
afraid of secondhand smoke? No. Being fearful of that is important.” What is
unhealthy is that many parts of the public have a disproportionate amount of
fear of crime in relation to their risk of victimization. When the public
consults the media and sees violence committed all over the world, and sees
the same violent incidents played over and over again (looping), members of
the public come to believe that crime is worse than it really is. In this way,
fear often drives what the public thinks policy makers should be focused on.
Looping: Tactic used by the media where a particular crime or
violent event is repeated over and over again.
Furthermore, this saturation in viewing violence also tends to make the public
feel that violence and crime are worse than they have ever been. This is the
source of demands for policies that will return us to the “good old days.”
Ironically, the good old days had substantially higher rates of violence and
property crime than we experience today. By using FBI Uniform Crime
Reporting System data, as well as the National Crime Victimization Survey
data, we can see that there is no question that rates of property and violent
crime have declined drastically since the early 1990s. Regardless, the public
seems to believe that crime is out of control and our society less safe than it
has ever been. The public fails to recognize that given technology, they are
now immersed in violent media portrayals of the world that was not
accessible so easily in the good old days. Policy makers are themselves often
unclear about the current and former rates of violence and property, and
many of them fall prey to this same fear. In addition, some willingly take
advantage of this fear and promise “tough-on-crime” policies should they be
elected to an official position. The result is that both the public and policy
makers clamor for tough-on-crime policies even when the available body of
research shows the many of the demanded policies are unneeded, ineffective,
or, worse, destructive and costly.
Advocacy and Interest Groups
A third important influence that can keep policy-relevant research from
affecting policy are advocacy groups, also known as interest groups, that
operate with the goal of affecting policy makers and ultimately policy. An
advocacy or interest group is an organization of individuals who seek to
influence public opinion, policy makers, and policy. Advocacy and interest
groups lobby policy makers and the public to persuade them that particular
criminal justice issues require immediate attention and policy solutions. An
example of an innovative nonprofit advocacy group is Breaking Silence.
With offices in Colorado and California (see www.breakingsilenceco.org),
Breaking Silence has a mission that “engages and inspires communities to
take action and recognize their responsibility for the impact interpersonal
violence (IPV) has on our culture. The organization is committed to
promoting empathy, healing and open dialogue through a traveling
interactive exhibit in which the stories of survivors are brought to life with
chilling realism.”
Advocacy group: Collection of individuals who operate to
influence public opinion, policy makers, regarding particular
criminal justice issues that require immediate attention and policy.
Also known as an “interest group.”
Figure 13.3 U.S. Violent Crime Rate vs. Americans’ Perception of Crime
Rate vs. a Year Ago

Source: Adapted from “Most Americans Still See Crime Up Over Last
Year,” Justin McCarthy, Gallup News, November 21, 2014.
A well-known advocacy group affecting criminal justice policy is the
National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA was founded in 1871 to
“promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis” (NRA, n.d., para.
1). Even though the NRA continues to be a force dedicated to firearm
education, it has expanded its influence to include other activities including
lobbying. The NRA began direct lobbying in 1975 with the formation of the
Institute for Legislative Action (ILA). The ILA lobbies policy makers to
implement assorted policies in response to what it perceives as ongoing
attacks on the Second Amendment. Today, the NRA views itself as the oldest
operational civil rights organization, and it is a major political force when it
comes to firearm policy in the United States. For example, the NRA
successfully lobbied policy makers in Congress who then required that “none
of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun
control” (Luo, 2011, para. 11; NRA-ILA, 2001). This example shows how
some advocacy and interest groups can influence policy by drowning out the
voices of some researchers, and can even prevent research from being
conducted although it might inform important criminal justice policies.
The NRA successfully lobbied policy makers in Congress who enacted
policies requiring “none of the funds made available for injury prevention
and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to
advocate or promote gun control.” How might this affect policy on gun
violence in the United States?

© DmyTo/iStockphoto.com
Researchers compete with advocacy and interest groups to influence policy
makers and, ultimately, policy. Although there is competition with these
groups for the attention of policy makers, it is not necessarily the case that
researchers and advocacy and interest groups are at odds with one another. In
fact, many researchers and advocacy groups have interests that align, which
could suggest a collaborative opportunity.
Ideology, whether religious, economic or political, is another powerful
influence on policy makers that can keep policy-relevant research from
affecting policy. Ideology is a set of ideas that creates one’s economic,
political, or social view of the world. Ideology is powerful and can blind
someone to contrary evidence found in research. It can prompt members of
the public and other groups to lobby policy makers for wanted policy.
Ideology can cause a policy maker to even doubt whether research is valuable
at all. It is challenging to make your research policy relevant when policy
makers themselves do not believe in research and research findings or that it
can offer valuable policy implications. Consider the role of political ideology
on incarceration policy. Most liberals believe that the criminal justice system
should focus on rehabilitation, which means policies promoting less
incarceration. Conservatives generally opt for a punitive approach requiring
longer, and tougher, prison terms be given to those convicted of crimes. What
is your viewpoint? Should we focus on rehabilitation, or should we focus on
a harsher imprisonment? Why do you think that? Is it your ideology, or are
you aware of what research has to say about this topic? When ideology
guides your decision making, it may do so in a way that is contrary to the
findings of a large, rich body of research on the same topic. As a result,
ideology can influence policy in ways that may worsen versus ameliorate an
important social issue.
Ideology: Set of ideas and ideals that form one’s economic,
political, or social views of the world.
Budget Constraints
Budget constraints are something that can keep policy-relevant research from
affecting policy. We live in a world with finite financial resources. This
means that even when the best body of research points to a particular policy
that would produce excellent outcomes, it may be too expensive to
implement. Budgets provide information about how much money and other
resources can be spent in any given period. Budgets are important
considerations when it comes to policy design and implementation. Consider
a policy that offers free housing, education, and job training to those
convicted of a crime after the are released from prison in order to greatly
reduce recidivism. Although research may show that this type of intensive
intervention leads to far better outcomes, funding such an approach may be
prohibitive. This is just one example of budgets and limited funds getting in
the way of research findings influencing policy.
Budgets: Provide information about how much money and other
resources can be spent on an items. Policies are subject to budget
Research in Action: Type of Attorney and Bail Decisions
Although defendants are entitled to effective assistance of
counsel, research by Williams (2017) suggests appointed counsel
in particular often fail to provide effective assistance, and
negative case outcomes (e.g., conviction, longer sentences) result.
The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the types of
counsel—public defender versus retained—influences bail
decisions. The following three hypotheses were addressed in this
1. There is no relationship between type of counsel and whether
or not defendants are denied bail.
2. Defendants with public defenders are less likely to be
released prior to case outcome than are defendants with
retained counsel.
3. Defendants with public defenders will be assigned higher
bail amounts than will defendants with retained counsel.
To conduct this research, Williams (2017) used the 1990 to 2004
State Court Processing Statistics data set collected by the U.S.
Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. These
secondary data were downloaded from ICPSR and include felony
defendant data from the nation’s 75 most populated counties. For
the purposes of this study, the researchers focused on counties in
Florida because it allows for indigent defendants who may be
facing incarceration the right to appointed counsel at bail
Analytic techniques include first describing the data (using
descriptives) followed by a series of regressions to address the
hypotheses. An examination of whether the type of attorney
influences whether bailed was denied showed that the odds of bail
being denied was 1.8 times higher for defendants with public
defenders compared with those with retained counsel. This
finding does not offer support for Hypothesis 1. The second
regression investigated whether attorney type influences whether
a defendant was released. The findings show that defendants with
public defenders were less likely to be released prior to case
outcome than were defendants with retained counsel. This finding
supports the second hypothesis. And finally, regression output
indicated that defendants with public defenders had lower bail
amounts than had defendants with retained counsel, which does
not support Hypothesis 3.
This research has important policy implications. First, the
difference between appointed and retained counsel is vital in the
earlier stages of a case when decisions are made regarding a
defendant’s fate. Although most attention considers case outcome,
this research highlights the need to be alert to disadvantages
throughout the process. Yet, the news reported here is not all bad.
Even though defendants with public defenders were more likely
to be denied bail and less likely to be released, they also benefited
from lower bail amounts and from nonfinancial release options.
All defendants deserve equal representation regardless of the
stage of the process and the type of attorney representing them.
Williams, M. R. (2017). The effect of attorney type on bail
decisions, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 28(1), 3–17.
Maximizing Chances of Producing Policy-Relevant
So far, we have identified all those things that make getting policy-relevant
research to policy makers challenging. This section take a more positive view
and offers actions that you as a researcher can do to maximize the chance that
your research will gain the attention of the policy maker and ultimately
influence policy.
Plan to Be Policy Relevant From the Start
One way you can maximize the probability that your research will be policy
relevant is by thinking of policy relevance early when the research project is
being designed. A common error that researchers make in regard to
producing policy-relevant research is not considering policy relevance until
the research is complete. A researcher must think about the policy relevance
of their research at the earliest stages of planning the research. Waiting until
research is complete may be too late, or at best, it will minimize the chances
that the research will be policy relevant. You as a researcher must understand
existing policy and policy gaps that require research attention to produce
policy-relevant research. You as a researcher must formulate research
questions that are useful to policy makers. You as a researcher must have a
relationship with policy makers before research has begun. In some cases,
including a policy maker on the research team is beneficial for all parties. The
researchers gain a great deal of understanding of what is important to policy
makers. And policy makers as research partners feel some ownership of the
research. This relationship means the researcher and the research has the
assistance in getting the attention needed to influence the policy process. By
thinking about policy relevance in the planning stages of research, you can
maximize the chances that your work will be useful in the design and
implementation of policy.
Another “must do” to maximize the chance of producing policy-relevant
research is to develop and maintain a relationship with policy makers relevant
to your research interests. First, you must learn who the policy makers
relevant to your area of research are. You must learn where they are. Then
you must reach out and make contact with those policy makers. This may
happen on a one-on-one basis or at a networking event. Should you get some
one-on-one time with the policy maker, be prepared to share, in plain
English, what your research is about, how it relates to the policy of interest,
and how your research can guide the policy maker. Offer the policy maker
policy briefs of your work. And make clear that you are available to the
policy maker for her future needs. Access to a policy maker can also be made
through his or her associates. Find out who they are as well. Reach out to
them and develop a relationship with them. Include them on research
projects. Be respectful of the policy maker and his or her staff’s time as they
are busy and have many competing issues and voices making demands of
them. Your goal is to let them know how you can help them and make their
lives easier.
Translating Your Research
And third, translate your research and findings to policy makers to maximize
the chances it will be policy relevant. Do not expect policy makers to find
you and your research. It is up to you as a researcher to find them and let
them know you and your work is available and important to them. One option
is for researchers to submit their research that bridges the academic and
policy/general audience population at the following website:
https://theconversation.com. This website is also used by the media when it is
looking for an expert to speak with on a specific topics. A good example of
an accessible piece of research is found at https://theconversation.com/what-
do-special-educators-need-to-succeed-55559, regarding an education topic.
As a researcher, you must present your results in a way that allows policy
makers to use them to make their own arguments convincing to others.
Writing in an accessible way and providing an accurate, but compelling,
statistic are some ways to accomplish this.
Ideally, you will have an ongoing relationship with policy makers and their
associates. You need to provide them information in an easy-to-use format
that is jargon free to help policy makers and other audiences see how your
research can inform policy. As noted, using policy briefs is ideal. Additional
means to communicate policy-relevant research to policy makers exist. One
is to attend or host a policy forum or, ideally, a series of forums where policy
makers are invited to both attend and to participate on a panel dedicated to a
particular topic. Additional, you can produce a regularly published
newsletter, or blog, focused on policy issues and related policy findings that
is disseminated to policy makers. For example, the Alaska Justice Forum
offers a large assortment of policy publications that make connecting with
policy makers (and the public) easy (see
center/alaska-justice-forum/). Providing clear and concise information about
the issue and clear policy recommendations that they can take back and
implement maximizes the chances that your research is valuable to policy
makers who are busy and thrive on easy to access to, and easily digestible,
policy information.
Common Pitfalls in Producing Policy-Relevant
Several common pitfalls associated with attempts at producing policy-
relevant research have been emphasized in this chapter but bear repeating
here. These include believing all research is policy relevant (it is not), failing
to address policy-relevant questions, and waiting too long to consider the
policy relevance of your research.
Producing Research That Is Not Policy Relevant
Researchers often mistakenly believe that all research they conduct is policy
relevant. It is not. Every piece of research conducted and published is not
useful to policy makers. Cuevas has witnessed some researchers who try to
shoehorn everything they do into policy work when it simply does not fit the
bill. If you as a researcher have that relationship with relevant policy makers,
then they can help in developing research questions that will allow
researchers to address policy questions.
To know whether your research is policy relevant, consider these questions.
Does your research address a policy need? Which policy? How does it
address the need? Have you as a researcher educated yourself about existing
policies related to your research topic? What policy gaps exist? How does
your research fill those gaps? What new information does your research
offer? If you as a researcher cannot answer these questions, and you cannot
identify the policies your work is related to, then you have work to do before
you can produce policy-relevant research. Although it may be true that your
research may be picked up and used to influence policy, your chances are
better if you design your work with an eye toward existing policies and
whether your research addresses policy gaps.
Failing to Recognize How Your Research Is
Policy-relevant research focuses on specific research questions that produce
findings of interest to policy makers. Recall earlier chapters where we
discussed several types of research guided by different questions. We
described exploratory research as useful when little or nothing is known
about a topic. The purpose or goal of exploratory research is to answer
questions such as “What is it?” “How is it done?” or “Where is it?”
Descriptive research is similar to explanatory research, although it is much
more narrowly focused on a topic given knowledge gained from earlier
exploratory research. Descriptive research addresses questions such as “What
is it?” “What are the characteristics of it?” or “What does it look like?” In
contrast, explanatory research provides explanations about a topic to answer
questions such as “Why is it?” “How is it?” “What is the effect of it?” “What
causes it?” or “What predicts it?” Exploratory and descriptive research offers
some insight into what social problems exist. In this way, they can inform the
agenda setting part of the policy cycle. Nevertheless, all the rich descriptive
and exploratory research in the world cannot inform policy implementation
or implications. If your goal is to bring attention to a social problem,
descriptive and explanatory research questions are useful, yet this work
cannot offer insight into implementation and implications.
In earlier chapters, we described explanatory research as useful for
identifying what characteristics are related to a topic, as well as what impacts,
causes, or influences a particular outcome or topic of interest. In addition,
through explanatory research, you can gain understanding about how to
predict outcomes or topics of interest. Explanatory research is ideal for
policy-relevant research because it focuses on more or improved
understanding of complex causation associated with an issue. For example,
explanatory research can provide new ideas about what works and what
doesn’t work regarding a policy. Explanatory research can offer new
information about what works for different people in different circumstances
regarding a policy. Research that influences the design implementation and
implications is based on more complex research questions, making
explanatory approaches ideal. Explanatory research can provide an
understanding as to why something is the way it is (which requires an
understanding of what causes it) or what predicts something. This type of
information is useful in the creation of and implementation of a policy.
Failure to Know Relevant Policy Makers
Another common pitfall is to not have a relationship with policy makers. If
you don’t know who policy makers are, you can’t take your findings to them.
To think that policy makers will find your research is fantasy. You must take
the findings to them. This pitfall is related to the fourth pitfall, which is to fail
to produce information about the research for more general audiences.
Handing someone your journal article to read means it won’t be read (try this
at a party and see how it goes). Handing a policy maker a journal article ends
the same way. One must create policy briefs or develop other means of
communication of the research that is easy to access and easy to understand.
Going Beyond Your Data and Findings
And finally, a pitfall of producing policy-relevant research is to go beyond
your data and findings. This is true of all research as well. A researcher must
base his or her findings and policy recommendations on the data gathered.
And a researcher must base his or her policy recommendation on the findings
from those data. A good researcher does not go beyond the evidence and
information he or she has systematically gathered and analyzed to develop
the conclusions and policy recommendations presented. Other influences
such as ideology, intuition, or personal beliefs have no place in a policy
discussion. As a researcher, the policy maker relies on you to provide
information based on evidence and data. Your expertise is valuable—your
unrelated opinions are not.
Another pitfall is that researchers too often assume that science and evidence
should and can trump politics. Policy decisions are inherently political
decisions, and therefore, the policy makers must consider trade-offs between
values, evidence, economics, and so on. Although this may seem frustrating
and disappointing, it is a part of the process. It should not mean that you as a
researcher should not interface with policy makers, even if it doesn’t always
translate to the outcomes our research points to.
Ethics and Conducting Policy-Relevant Research
Being guided by ethics is a constant in all research we conduct. When one is
producing and sharing policy-relevant research that does not change. This
section offers some ethical considerations to keep in mind when conducting
policy-relevant research. First, whether in writing or verbally, you as a
researchers must always be clear about the limitations of your research. No
research is perfect, including yours. Policy makers may hope that your
research offers some important information regarding a policy, and it is up to
you to ensure that the policy maker understands exactly what your research
can and cannot be used to support. Never go beyond your data and findings
regardless of the temptation to do so.

Research, including policy-relevant research, requires replication. A policy

should never be established or altered based on a single study. Again, no
research is perfect. Only through replication can we gain more confidence in
our outcomes. A classic error in establishing policy based on a single study
(against the advice of the researcher) is the Minneapolis Domestic Violence
Experiment conducted in 1981–1982. This single study was used to support
the adoption of mandatory arrest policies throughout the United States. Later
replication of this study in five additional locations with the policy in practice
demonstrated that mandatory arrest policies are extremely problematic. The
findings from the five replications showed some evidence of the benefits of
mandatory arrest, yet others found that mandatory arrest is associated with
more repeat offending. Yet, most policies that are adopted are difficult to end.
The mandatory arrest policy is no different. The point is that replication is the
key, and no one research study should be used to implement a policy. Maybe
policy makers do not know this. It is up to you as the researcher to make it
Santos points out another ethical issue that one must consider when
producing policy-relevant research. That is, researchers must guard against
whether the policy advice they are providing is biased by their personal
opinions. Or it may be that a researcher feels pressure to produce research
that supports a particular group’s point of view. Both of these issues indicate
a lack of objectivity and straying from the principles of scientific research.
This risk means that researchers must continually question whether what they
are finding is based on the evidence or on an opinion. As Brunson stated in
his phone interview conducted for this book, if you as a researcher “are
helping guide policy, you have to be more diligent and committed to adhering
to the rules and expectations of conducting good science.” All our case study
researchers made this point during their interviews. For example, Dodge
stated that “a researcher must make conclusions based on their data and
analysis only.”

At times, working with nonresearchers such as policy makers can present

challenges. Nonresearchers may not understand the process or the importance
of research methodology and want you to find the finding they want versus
the finding that comes from the data. As a researcher, you must remain
ethical and maintain your objectivity. You do not want to become known as a
“hired gun” type of researchers who gives policy makers what they want.
Nothing is worth your integrity.
Policy Expert—Katie TePas
Katie TePas never knew what she would do when she grew up, but she was
certain it would be working with people in a social justice capacity. She has
always been certain that every person has a right to have a life full of joy,
happiness, and health like she has had, and she has always wanted to be a part
of making that happen. She was raised with the expectation that she would
work with people and make the world a better place for others. Little did she
know that her path would take her to working with state troopers in Alaska,
helping survivors of violence against women across Alaska, and even
advising the governor of Alaska on policy-relevant research.
Currently, TePas is consulting and taking time off to travel the world. Before
this, however, her path was varied. She graduated from college and worked in
Fairbanks at a sexual assault and domestic violence center. After spending
time there, she knew she wanted to pursue a master’s degree. After
completing that, she returned to Alaska and got a job with the state troopers
where she managed a Violence Against Women grant and operated as the
Alaska state trainer for 11 years. This eventually put her in Governor Sean
Parnell’s circle where she advised on policy. When Governor Parnell was not
reelected, TePas returned to the State Trooper’s Association for several years.
She now works as a consultant when she isn’t traveling to Mongolia or other
amazing destinations to develop programs designed to reduce violence
against women and offer services to those who have experienced it.
The nexus between policy and research is a critical influence in her work. For
example, while working with the State Trooper’s Association, TePas
recognized she needed concrete data to get the troopers to where she wanted
them to be in terms of sexual assault response and investigations. To get the
needed data, she turned to Andre Rosay, PhD, a professor and the director of
the Justice Center at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Designing the
methodology to collect the needed data was easy, but it took years to develop
the necessary relationship and trust among all stakeholders to support the
collection of these data. Finally, a leader in the State Trooper’s Association
was confident enough to know the data could show how well they were
doing, as well as to point to areas for improvement. With this relationship,
the project launched.

Courtesy of Katie Tepas

The first project included an evaluation of domestic violence and sexual
assault cases. This research then spun off onto a study on prosecution rates.
In the end, this work provided the evidence to hire village public safety
officers, which was especially beneficial in rural areas. People began
reporting victimization early and using services more frequently, which led to
even more public safety officers being funded. Another part of this
partnership was the launching of the first Alaska Victimization Survey. This
statewide victimization survey provided the baseline data of violence that
resulted in additional funding and in more useful policies, procedures, and
practices. The national study led to regional victimization surveys that
allowed policy changes at the community level. All of this work, and other
research not mentioned, resulted from meaningful dialogue and research that
pulled back the curtain of violence in Alaska. With this problem in the open,
TePas and her colleagues were able to reduce the amount of violence.
Although the domestic violence rates in Alaska continue to be the highest in
the nation, she knows that by using policy-relevant research, people’s lives
have been improved. Some have even been saved.
Today, the Justice Center and TePas continue to have a great relationship
with the Alaska legislative body. They testify frequently to help policy
makers understand the best policies to serve the population. The researchers
are well respected because of their relationship with policy makers and
because they can be counted on as an objective third party. Their research
continues to be translated into attainable policy implications.
TePas has advice for students today. First, she encourages all students to ask
the hard questions when you see a research finding. Where did the data come
from? How were concepts measured? What methods were used? She notes
the importance of finding and reading the original study because you cannot
trust anyone else’s depiction of that research. See it for yourself, and make an
assessment of the original.
Second, TePas strongly encourages all students to intern and work in the
field. It is only through this experience that you can see whether you belong
there or whether your skills and passions are better suited elsewhere. For
instance, she is now in social work but once thought she’d do clinical work.
While working at the domestic violence shelter, however, she found she was
frustrated with existing policy. She knew that had to change to make these
survivors’ lives better. Without that internship and employment at the shelter,
she would have never taken the path she is on. Her passion remains the same,
but how she used it changed.
Third, TePas implores students to learn early the importance of relationship
building. A constant in her success is relationships. She notes that the
relationships she built along the way have always proved valuable. Not only
have they allowed her to be effective in all of her roles, but they have also led
to other great opportunities. She has come to recognize the power of
relationships and social networking. It is the key.
Finally, TePas encourages people to embrace the open doors that their
relationships offer. Go through that door and see what is on the other side. It
may be a chance to work with the governor (or become governor!) and to use
research to make policy that matters.
Chapter Wrap-Up
This text has described many skills associated with research methodology.
Something they all have in common are that they are important skills that are
demand in the job market. This chapter focuses on yet another very important
but frequently overlooked skill—making research relevant. To do so, you
must understand research methods and you must be able to translate that
information into language that nontechnical and non-research-oriented people
can understand. This key skill can get you a job. Not only that, it is a skill
that helps to make the world a better place. If research is informing policy,
then we all win. Another key theme in this chapter is the importance of
relationships and networking. These too are skills that will benefit you
greatly. Don’t wait until you are done with your research, start now. Engage
policy makers and develop relationships with them so you can partner in your
Making a Policy Brief
In this chapter, we discussed the importance of preparing policy
briefs to give to and educate policy makers. In this box, we offer
more detailed instructions on how to construct a policy brief
based largely on the toolbox provided by the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC).
An overarching goal of the policy brief is to educate the busy
policy maker in a way that is easy. This is accomplished by using
plain English, making it pleasing to the eye, using subtitles so
finding information is fast and easy, and including interesting
elements that compels the reader to keep reading. The policy brief
must do more than convey information. It must make the reader
want to keep reading. This is accomplished by using titles with
verbs and attractive graphs and photos, as well as by enhancing
particularly important points in sidebars or boxes. The Internet
has a plethora of policy brief templates that offer ideas on how to
make an attractive brief.
In terms of the substance, a policy brief should include five
primary sections:
Executive Summary
Approach and Results
Implications and Recommendations
The executive summary should tell busy policy makers the
overall purpose and findings of the policy brief. An executive
summary should hook the reader and compel them to keep
reading. The executive summary should have a front-and-center
place in the policy brief such as on the cover or on the top of the
first page. The fact of the matter is, many people will read no
more than the executive summary, so it needs to be compelling
and easy to find and offer the reader a clear, but basic,
understanding about the research, findings, and conclusions. Like
most summary sections in a paper, the executive summary is
written last.
Executive summary: First section in a policy brief
that is generally written last. This section should tell
busy policy makers the overall purpose and findings of
the policy brief.
The introduction section of a policy brief accomplishes several
important tasks including why the reader should care about this
topic. This is accomplished by first addressing clearly why this
research is important. It is not enough to assume the reader will
see why this topic is important. It must be stated clearly in the
policy brief. The introduction section of the policy brief must
explain the significance or urgency of the issue. This part of the
brief should tell the policy maker what will happen if this issue is
ignored. It should also identify in plain English the objectives of
the research that was conducted. This information must be clear,
yet it is ideal if the researcher create a sense of curiosity in the
reader to compel him or her to keep reading.
Introduction section of a policy brief: Second
section of a policy brief that tells the reader why he or
she should care about the topic of the brief.
The approach subsection and the results subsection often fall
under one section called “Approach and Results.” The subsections
are set off using subtitles for ease of reading. In the “approach”
subsection, the policy brief needs to describe how the study was
conducted. It should describe relevant background information,
including the context of the study. By using nontechnical terms,
the approach subsection should identify the research methods
used to collect the data. In contrast, the results subsection should
convey what was learned from the research. When presenting
findings, it is best practice to begin with the broadest statements
about the findings and then to move to more specifics. Ideally, the
first statement in a paragraph will offer the broadest summary of
the details in the paragraph. The use of figures and photos is
helpful in conveying results (plus they are attractive to the
reader). Both the results and conclusions subsections must be
derived from the data gathered. Policy briefs should never offer
results or conclusions that go beyond the data from which they
Approach subsection: Subsection in a policy brief
that describes relevant background information
including the context of the study. Through the use of
nontechnical terms, the approach subsection should
identify the research methods used to collect the data.
Results subsection: Part of a policy brief usually
presented with the approach subsection. The results
subsection conveys what was learned from the
research and is best accomplished beginning with the
broadest statements about the findings, before moving
on to more specifics.
The conclusions section of a journal article in a policy brief
should answer the general question, “What does it all mean?” In
the conclusions section, the researcher must interpret the data and
offer concrete conclusions. Ideas must be balanced and
defensible, as well as expressed strongly.
Conclusions sections in a journal article: Found at
the end of journal articles and are generally short
sections that briefly summarize the overall conclusions
of the research, and why the findings are important.
The final section in a policy brief comprises the implications
subsection and the recommendations subsection that fall under
one subsection called “Implications and Recommendations.”
Information in each subsection must flow from the conclusions,
and the statements in each of these subsections must be supported
by the data or evidence gathered. The implications subsection
should identify what could happen. As a result, the implications
subsection frequently uses “if–then” statements. The implications
subsection is also where the researcher describes what the
consequences of this issue are. The recommendations subsection
should be more concrete in that it should describe what should
happen given the findings of the research. The recommendations
subsection is best described using precise steps that are relevant,
credible, and feasible. Remember that the steps described here are
those that should be useful to the policy maker.
Implications subsection: Subsection of a policy brief
that identifies what could happen and frequently
includes “if, then” statements.
Recommendations subsection: Part of a policy brief
that describes in concrete fashion what should happen
given the findings of the research.
This chapter also spent time covering the policy process or the policy cycle.
This is important for you to understand because it demonstrates the many
times during the process when research can be informative. Keep in mind,
however, that the tidy illustration of the policy process is an
oversimplification of the policy process. In reality, there are feedback loops
as all stages inform others. It is similar to research. We can offer all the pretty
illustrations of research with neat stages, but engaging in research requires
nimbleness, creativity, and the ability to solve the real issues that pop up—
and they always pop up—when actually engaging in research.
Some of the bumps in the road you should expect when making your research
policy relevant are the competing voices. There are interest groups, the
media, and even personal opinion that are fighting for the attention of policy
makers. Knowing this can better prepare you for this challenge. One way we
discussed to be “heard” is using policy briefs. These short, succinct, and clear
documents describe research and how it can be useful to policy makers. If
done well, policy makers will read them, and your research is more likely to
be influential.
We also heard from Katie TePas who works with researchers to produce
findings that are useful to policy makers in Alaska. Her work, and her
relationships with researchers and policy makers, has allowed her to make
real changes in policies affecting people’s lives in Alaska for the better. You
can do the same in your community.
All of our case study researchers are involved in policy-relevant research.
Brunson and Weitzer’s (2009) research findings have direct implications for
training police officers about how the public perceives and experiences them.
Furthermore, by sharing that the perceptions and experiences differ by the
race of the civilian, officers can be trained to focus on any unconscious (or
conscious) biases they hold and act upon. Santos and Santos’s (2016)
research has direct implications on how to police high-risk offenders. Guided
by theory and experience, Santos and her colleague were able to test whether
this approach influenced four different outcomes focused on offenders and
hot spots. Although the findings were not what was expected, the research
points to the need to continue investigating high-intensity policing
capitalizing on what was learned in this research.

Dodge et al.’s (2005) exploratory work provided an almost immediate policy

outcome. By better understanding what women officers posing as prostitutes
deal with, both as a decoy but also as a female officer, upper management
acted. One finding noted that for women officers, working as a prostitution
decoy is one of the few ways to gain undercover work to be promoted.
Recognizing the imbalance in opportunities, management promoted a
detective with this undercover experience to be the first female SWAT
commander in the nation.
Melde et al.’s (2009) work on gang members and fear identified the crux of
the seemingly contradiction of gang members joining gangs for safety when
it is clear that gang members are far more likely to be violently victimized.
The research confirms findings that gang membership is associated with
higher risk of violent victimization, but it also shows that membership in a
gang is associated with a reduced fear of victimization, which appears to
serve as an emotional protection of sorts. These findings are useful in
designing training and prevention programs, and they indicate an intervention
point by focusing on the fear of victimization. Zaykowski’s (2014) work is
contributing to a body of literature to better understand those things
associated with accessing victim services. Her research points to the role of
reporting to the police and raises questions about police discretion in sharing
these services. Zaykowski’s work also indicates the need to ensure that police
understand what services are available, and that all victims are deserving of
available services. More research is needed to ultimately design training and
education around accessing services, as well as to treat victims evenly.
Cuevas and colleagues’ work (Sabina et al., 2016) contributes to our
understanding about Latino teen dating violence. The findings mirror other
work focused on other populations, but they still indicate many ways in
which training and prevention programs can be adjusted to reflect this work.
Among those findings are that the different types of violence can be covered
in the same trainings, as well as the need for male and female youth to be
involved in trainings as they are both victims of dating violence. Table 13.1
presents some characteristics of each case study related to their policy
implications. As you look at these, do you see additional implications that are
not mentioned here?
The next chapter—the final chapter—in this text focuses on taking all of
these skills and using them to begin your career. You can be as skilled as the
best person out there, but if you don’t understand what jobs to look for,
where to look for jobs, and how to look for jobs, you will not be employable.
So although Chapter 14 is not research methods specific, it is invaluable in
helping you take your new research skills to the real world.
Applied Assignments
The materials presented in this chapter can be used in applied
ways. This box presents several assignments to help in
demonstrating the value of this material by engaging in
assignments related to it.
1. Homework Applied Assignment: Making
a Policy Brief
Select an article from one of our case studies. By using the guide
in this chapter, design and write a policy brief that would share
these findings with policy makers. Be sure to include all of the
sections described, and be sure to use language that is jargon free
and easy for the general public to use. In addition, remember that
a policy brief should be attractive. Many online policy brief
templates can assist with this assignment. On a cover sheet,
identify who you believe the local policy makers in your
community are that would benefit from this research. Be prepared
to discuss your findings in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Field Observation as a Group
You are a member of a policy group at your university. Each of
you was appointed to sit on this committee by the provost given
your research methods skills. The committee’s mission is to
identify policies that are not working well and to identify the data
and research needed to inform how the policy can be improved.
Your task today is to as a group identify a policy that is not
working well at the university. Next, identify issues with that
policy you believe need to be changed. As a group, you need to
identify the methodology used to gather data needed to inform
ways to improve the policy. How do you think those data will
help? What if the data do not suggest change is needed? Are there
other data you should gather then? How will you share your
findings and conclusions with your provost who doesn’t know
anything about research methods or policy? Be prepared to share
you findings with the class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Gathering
and Analyzing Online Qualitative Data
Search the Internet for a policy being considered at the state level.
Once you find that policy, write a paper summarizing it and
noting whether any data were used (that you can find) to influence
the policy. Next, identify the type of methodology you think is
needed to gather data you think would be useful for this policy
and why. Describe the steps you would take to alert the state-level
policy makers about the data you’d like to gather. Be prepared to
share your findings with the class.
Key Words and Concepts
Advocacy groups 432
Approach subsection 441
Budgets 434
Communication 429
Conclusions section of a journal article 442
Executive summary 441
Focusing event 426
Guidelines 423
Ideology 433
Implications subsection 442
Introduction section of a policy brief 441
Looping 431
Media 431
Networking 429
Policy 423
Policy adoption 427
Policy brief 430
Policy evaluation 428
Policy formation 427
Policy implementation 428
Policy makers 424
Policy-relevant research 422
Problem identification/agenda setting 426
Procedures 423
Public policy 423
Recommendations subsection 442
Regulations 423
Results subsection 441
Rules 423
Key Points
Research used to influence policy makers when they design and
implement policy is policy-relevant research. Historically, researchers
have done a great job of conducting solid traditional research and of
publishing those results; nevertheless, researchers have not been as
successful at producing policy-relevant research.
Policy comprises the principles, rules, and laws that guide a government,
an organization, or people. Public policy refers to policy in the
government arena. Policies differ from procedures, regulations, and
Policy affects all aspects of our lives on a daily basis. As someone living
under many policies, it reasonable to want policy to be based on well-
conducted research. That is, it is reasonable to hope for criminal justice
research to be policy-relevant research.
The policy process, also known as the policy cycle, is a simplified
representation of the stages of policy making and implementation.
Although many descriptions of the policy process are available, we
focus on a policy process based on five major stages, including problem
identification/agenda setting, policy formation, policy adoption, policy
implementation, and policy evaluation.
Researchers must develop and maintain relationships with policy makers
to get their research seen by them.
Researchers must translate their research to make it accessible to policy
makers and others. An excellent way to do that is by writing policy
A policy brief is a short two- to four-page document of about 1,500
words. In this space, a researcher presents, in plain English, the purpose,
findings, and policy implications (among other things) to a nonacademic
audience. Policy briefs must be free of jargon, and they must simplify,
clarify, and make understanding the research easy.
A researcher can maximize the probability that his or her research will
be policy relevant by thinking about it at the beginning of a research
project. This means the researcher can use a suitable research question,
be versed in the policy of interest, be aware of policy gaps, and perhaps
even include a policy maker on the research team.
Not all research produced is policy relevant, and policy makers will not
find your work. As a researcher, you must reach out and bring your
research to policy makers.
Review Questions
1. What is policy, and how does it differ from public policy? What
are examples of policies you like? What are examples of policies
you do not like?
2. Who are policy makers you would want to influence with your
criminal justice and criminology research?
3. How does policy-relevant research differ from other types of
research? Why isn’t all research policy relevant?
4. Which research questions are best for policy-relevant research?
Why is that?
5. Why is a depiction of the policy process useful but at the same
time unrealistic?
6. What are the stages of the policy process, and how can researchers
influence policy makers at each stage?
7. What common mistakes do researchers make when it comes to
making policy-relevant research? How might they maximize the
chances that their research is influential?
8. What is a policy brief, and how does it differ from an academic
journal article or even a research paper? What are the
characteristics of a well-constructed policy brief?
9. What are ways that researchers can connect with policy makers?
Why is this so important?
10. What are common pitfalls that occur when one is trying to
conduct policy-relevant research? How might these be avoided?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. A professor shares her most recent journal publication with the
class as an assigned reading. She also mentions that she sent it to a
local lawmaker since it is related to a policy under consideration.
You hear students commenting that the article is full of jargon and
that they are not sure how the research describing a proposed
policy is policy relevant. If the professor asks, what suggestions
would you give her to make it more policy relevant and
2. You are working as a research assistant with a professor who
studies the three-strikes policy in your state. He writes many
journal articles on this topic but is frustrated that his excellent
research is not being used in policy making. What five specific
suggestions would you offer him to help him make his work more
policy relevant?
3. You are working on your Honor’s thesis that focuses on
mandatory arrest policy in your city. You are passionate about
producing research that will be policy relevant so you have
developed a relationship with a local council member who is also
passionate about this topic. You have invited him to be a
collaborator on this research. Your research shows that in your
city, mandatory arrest has actually reduced repeat arrest by
offenders. In other words, it appears to be a beneficial policy in
place. The council member does not believe it and pressures you
to make changes in your findings. What do you do in a situation
like this? How might you change your research?
4. Santos and Santos’s (2016) research indicated that intensive
policing did not statistically affect their outcome measures. In
other words, it did not appear to have much an effect, although the
authors noted that the direction of the findings was positive. You
have developed a relationship with the local police chief who is
aware of your familiarity with this research. She is asking what
sort of policy implications come from this work. What
suggestions would you provide the chief? Why?
5. Meanwhile, in your hometown, the police chief finds Brunson and
Weitzer’s (2009) work. The chief is very interested in the topic
but is disappointed that he cannot understand some of the research
jargon. He pays you to consult with him about this so he can make
any needed policy changes. As a consultant, what would you
produce and share with this police chief? Why?

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Chapter 14 Research Methods as a Career
Learning Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you should be able to:
14.1 Explain why research methods skills are valuable and
beneficial to your career.
14.2 Describe some of the key differences between public- and
private-sector jobs.
14.3 Identify where to look for jobs online and how to use social
media to increase the likelihood of getting an interview or a job
14.4 Create a professional looking résumé and cover letter that
can be used when applying for jobs.
14.5 Understand what defines a good job interview and how to
prepare yourself for one every time.
14.6 Describe the common pitfalls associated with career searches
and the ethical dilemmas that you may confront when job hunting.
This book has introduced you to the various research methods used in
criminal justice and criminology. A question many students have when they
show up for this class is, “Why do I have to take this class?” We have tried to
make clear the many reasons you should take the course and, even more
importantly, the many reasons you should want to take this course. The
material in this course makes you a better consumer of information, and it
makes you a better producer of information. Finally, the material in the class
provides access to the technical and critical thinking skills that will make you
employable. We have covered the elements focused on technical and critical
thinking skills so far. This last chapter does not present material on research
methods. Rather, in this last chapter, we offer information and strategies on
how you can use the knowledge learned in this book and your class to find
and secure a job using these skills. To that end, this chapter begins with why
these skills are beneficial to you. Next, we turn to where to look for jobs.
Tips on how to create an effective résumé and job cover letter are also
presented, as well as ways you can leverage social media to increase the
chances of being invited to an interview and, ultimately, of being offered a
job. We also discuss the pitfalls to watch out for when job hunting and some
of the ethical considerations to be aware of when searching for the career that
is right for you. To begin, we examine many of the tools you will need to find
your dream job.
Why Research Methods as a Career?
Throughout this book, we have emphasized the fact that research methods
skills are important, highly desired, and can lead to a career in the “real
world.” Skill is defined as having the ability to do something well. A
professional skill set represents a particular group of skills that employers
desire in their employees, which a person usually develops through training
and education. Possessing professional skills that employers want—and are
willing to pay for—is the key to landing your dream job. This book offers
those professional skills to you. Will you take them?
Skill: Defined as having the ability to do something well.
Professional skill set: Particular group of skills that employers
desire in their employees, which a person usually develops
through training and education.
Consider Major League Baseball, for example. In 2016, the league’s players
had an overall batting average of .284. This means that for every 100 times at
bat, on average, league players managed to get a hit less than 29 times.
Nevertheless, the ability to get a hit fewer than 29 out of 100 times at the
plate represents a remarkable skill, a professional skill that earned Major
League Baseball players an average salary of over $4 million that year.
Possessing professional skills that employers want–and are willing to pay
for–is the key to landing your dream job. This book offers those professional
skills to you. Will you take them?

© Stacy Revere/Getty Images

The ability to conduct research in the field of criminology and criminal
justice will not earn you anything close to what professional baseball players
make, but the professional skill set associated with being able to conduct
criminological research is extremely marketable. In fact, as featured
researcher Carlos Cuevas told us in his video interview conducted for this
book, research method skills are “the most transferrable skill you can
develop.” He knows they can be applied and are desirable in any industry, not
just in academics, and not just in the criminal justice or criminology fields.
Think back to the experts we have heard from at the end of each chapter
throughout this book. They include Sharon Devine, Chris Keating, Carol
Peeples, Sean McCandless, Brenidy Rice, Sam Gallaher, Jenna Truman,
Michael Shively, Bridget Kelly, Henri Buccine-Schraeder, Sue Burton, Katie
TePas, and Nora Scanlon. They all started out just where you are: in a class
focused on research methods. Maybe they all started that class wondering
why they had to take that class too. Since then, they have each continued
gaining a variety of educational training and experiences. Some have PhDs,
while others do not. Not one of our experts works as a professor, although
some work in a university setting. In fact, several of these individuals thought
they wanted to become a professor only to learn it was not as appealing as
they once thought. Today, all of these experts work outside of academia
where they use research methods skills daily in a rewarding career that makes
a difference in our world. Some are self-employed, and others work for
agencies. Seeing these experts, what they do, and the skills they use should
help, in part, demonstrate why you should focus on excelling at the research
methods skills presented in this text.
Even if you do not go on to work in a capacity to create new knowledge, you
will likely find yourself in a position where you have to understand research
findings. In this role, you will need to understand the research methodology
that goes into the research findings to properly assess that work. Having
research methods skills makes you a more adept manager or leader in the role
you find yourself in. We know that, and using learning research methods
skills can change the trajectory of your life, leading you to a meaningful
career using them.
Where Do I Get Started?
The best time to get started thinking about a career is long before you earn
your degree. If you wait until the degree is awarded to think about your
career, you may have made things a little more difficult for yourself. Why?
Because part of getting a job is developing networks, relationships, and as
many skills as possible. Both networking and relationships take time to
develop and nurture, meaning you should start on this early. The relationships
you develop in college will be useful to you because professors and those you
interact with as a student will know that you, a qualified and professional
soon-to-be minted graduate, will soon be looking for a career. These people
will call you when they know a job is coming available. They will share with
their colleagues that there is a great potential employee in you. If these
leaders in the field know you, and if they know you are skilled, professional,
and someone they would want in their organization, you have just made
finding a job that much easier. There is nothing easier than having a job come
looking for you.
An often overlooked advantage of thinking about your career early is that you
will view your professors differently. You need to view your professors as
mentors who cannot just help you while you are in college but also help you
even after you graduate. Professors can help you decide on good locations to
intern. They can help guide you through challenging situations you may be
unfamiliar with while attending college. Also, you may not believe it, but
your professors are strongly connected to the real world. They may very well
have come from the real world just like both authors of this text. They know
who is in the field across the nation, and those working in the real world
know them too. You need your professors for other reasons too. Will you
need a committee for a thesis or dissertation? Which professors will sit on
that committee? Professors are not required to sit on your committee, but they
do so because they want to see you succeed. Sitting on a committee does not
bring a professor more money or prestige—just more work. Professors do
this to help you succeed.
Conversely, if you are a student who has proven to be difficult, failed to work
in their classes, and created general discord, you may very well struggle
putting together a committee. You may also struggle when it is time to go on
the job market. Remember, you will need letters of recommendation from
your professors, and you want them to be able to write strongly positive
letters on your behalf. It would be wrong to think that any letter a professor
writes is a positive one. We write honest letters. It is important also that you
recognize that even if you do not ask your professor for a letter of
recommendation, people in the field will call them to ask their thoughts about
applicants anyway. This happens all the time. Be the student that everyone is
eager to assist in your goals. Remember that throughout your career, you
want to develop good relationships with them all.
Another advantage of thinking about your career very early in your college
years is that it allows you to take advantage of opportunities that can benefit
you when it is time to look for a job. For example, internships are invaluable
and put you in the presence of potential employers and their clients (who are
also potential employers). Many students hate interning, and they grumble at
the fact that interning is a requirement for many degrees. It is common for
students to complain that they already have experience or that they have
hardships (we all have hardships) that make getting to an internship
challenging. Nonetheless, the most common expression of gratitude coming
from students is often a result of their internship. The internship is designed
to allow you to network and meet and work with people in the field—people
who hire students like you. Interning allows you to show people outside of
academia what skills you have to offer. Internships allow you to develop new
methodological skills and professional skills that were not covered in your
Internships also provide students with professional skills. If you have not
been in a professional work setting, you may not be familiar with the culture,
and you may not know exactly how to conduct yourself around other working
professionals. Many students scoff at this advice only to learn that they really
did not understand the culture. One student showed up at her internships at a
police agency trying to sell personal pleasure devices (her side business). She
was escorted from the building, and her internship was halted immediately. In
discussions with her, she continued to be baffled and resisted the notion that
her behavior was not professional. Knowing how to dress properly can also
be a mystery for some. Ask your professor or other professional contacts
what you should wear to your internship. Making repeated errors in this way
can also lead to the loss of an internship and all it has to offer. Another
student continued showing up to her internships in revealing blouses and flip-
flops. Her internship was in a state court building. She lost this opportunity as
a result as well. As an intern, you can learn about these sorts of things, with
minimal consequences should things go wrong, as long as you heed the
advice of those trying to help you.
A final overlooked, but massive, benefit of internships is that students can
add experience on their résumé that they may not be able to get otherwise.
This is critical. Many students get frustrated when looking for jobs because
most job advertisements require experience. Students lament that they cannot
get experience because they can’t get a job, but they can’t get a job because
they don’t have relevant experience. Internships provide that needed
experience. Although some degree programs require internships to graduate,
you do not have to depend on that to intern. Do it yourself. Find an agency or
organization that interests you, call it, and ask if the agency accepts interns.
Do not wait for others to make you do this; do it for yourself. This shows
excellent initiative.
While you are still in college, attend functions on topics you care about. Go
to discussion panels on topics that you are interested in.

© Wavebreak/iStockphoto.com
Also, while you are still in college, attend functions on topics you care about.
Go to discussion panels on topics that you are interested in. Do not just attend
these events, but introduce yourself to the speakers and thank them for their
time and expertise. Introduce yourself as a student who hopes to get a job in
the field you care about when you graduate. You can even buy your own
business cards to hand out so these experts and leaders in the field can
contact you again. People attending these talks, or sitting on the panels of
these talks, are connected. It is true, and no exaggeration, that it is a small
world, so becoming known as an eager, energetic, and absolutely qualified
person can pay off hugely when it comes to starting your career.
Finally, recall the advice that Michael Shivley, offered earlier in the book:
“Get all the training you can, and learn everything you can.” Attend
workshops on Microsoft® ExcelTM. Attend workshops on interviewing.
Attend workshops on résumé writing. Become more of an expert on
programs like IBM® SPSSTM by watching YouTube® videos. You cannot
attend too many workshops, and you cannot be overtrained or overprepared.
You never know when this information and these skills will come in handy.
Anything you learn is guaranteed to come in handy. If you take advantage of
the opportunities the university offers you, and you view your professors as
allies, you will be well situated and have given yourself many advantages
when it is time to look for the first job in your rewarding career.
Career Search Documents
Almost every position you apply for will require you to produce a variety of
documents as part of your job application. It is advisable that you have these
documents complete and polished prior to starting your job search in earnest.
Although they may be ready to go, each application will require tweaks to
those documents. Keep in mind it is easier to tweak a document than it is to
develop a new document when you might be up against a deadline for
submission of an application. Three of the most important job-related
documents you’ll need to provide at some point during the application
process are (1) a cover letter, (2) a professional résumé, and (3) letters of
Cover Letters
When it is time to start looking for a job, and a potential employment
opportunity is identified, one of the first things that an applicant should do is
prepare a job cover letter. A cover letter is formal correspondence, written to
the hiring official, explaining your interest in an employment opportunity
with his or her organization. There are several reasons why job applications
are accompanied by cover letters. Cover letters do the following:
Cover letter: Formal correspondence, written to a hiring official,
explaining a candidate’s interest in an employment opportunity
with his or her organization.
1. Introduce you to the organization and the hiring official
2. Present a clear, concise, and compelling case for why you are the best
person for the advertised job
3. Fill in gaps and elaborate on aspects of your résumé that would
strengthen your application
Although each cover letter is a unique chance to “sell” yourself to the
employer, they all share similar characteristics. A strong cover letters begin
by clearly conveying the job applicant’s contact information followed by the
current date. The hiring official’s contact information, including his or her
title, name of organization/company, and the organization’s address should
also be available. The letter itself begins with a salutation, which should be
personalized and respectful—avoid the all-too-common “To Whom It May
Concern” as most job advertisements show the name and title of the person
the application should be submitted to. You must take the time to ensure the
salutation is correct in terms of both the title and the preferred gender
pronoun: Dr. Hart, Dr. Rennison, Ms. Smith, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Schwartz, and
so on.
Because a cover letter “supports” or “clarifies” other information in your
application, it should be clear and concise. Keep in mind the person hiring (or
committee hiring) has many applications to go through. In some cases, there
are hundreds of applications to go through. To be one of the applications
considered, the body of your cover letter should consist of only two or three
paragraphs. The opening paragraph should be designed to grab the hiring
official’s attention. It should state why you are applying, the position to
which you are applying, and the advertised job announcement number (if
applicable). The second paragraph should promote you as the applicant,
emphasizing your knowledge, skills, and abilities. The final paragraph should
reinforce your “fit” for the job, restating your interest in the position and
referencing your résumé. Each paragraph must be able to stand on its own,
each supporting an application in a unique way.
A cover letter always ends with a complimentary close. In this context, a
complimentary close is a polite ending to the cover letter. In job cover
letters, common closes include Warmest Regards, Regards, Sincerely, and
Best Wishes (for some examples). A quick search of the Internet will produce
numerous examples of high-quality examples of cover letters that you can use
when applying for your next job.
Complimentary close: Polite ending to a letter.
Figure 14.1 shows an example of an excellent cover letter.
What Makes a Great Résumé?
A great résumé
Answers the question, “What do I have to offer the
Provides personal contact information
Contains a clear and concise goal statement
Lists current and past employment, demonstrating
Contains details of formal educational achievements,
including the names and addresses of the institutions
awarding the degree(s) and time spent at that institution
Presents key skills that an employer desires
It is no exaggeration to state that cover letters can make or break a job
candidate’s application. The authors of this text have sat on countless job
search committees and have more stories about botched cover letters than you
can imagine. A surprisingly frequent error we see is addressing the letter to
the wrong place—to the wrong city even! It is never useful to say in your
cover letter how you have always dreamed of working in Boulder, Colorado,
when the job is located in Denver, Colorado. They are very different places!
Another common fatal error is addressing the hiring authority using the
wrong pronoun. Is the hiring authority a doctor? Is so, address him or her
accordingly. Do not assume all hiring authorities are male either. Do not
assume all women use the title of Mrs. This error is common and a reason to
throw away an application when attention to detail is part of the job
requirements. If these basic things are botched, the hiring committee wonders
else about the applicant’s ability to do the job he or she will foul up when he
or she can’t get these simple things correct. Seemingly small errors like this
will get your application a one-way trip to the trash. That is no exaggeration.
Figure 14.1 Cover Letter Example

In preparing to go on the job market, one must also craft a résumé. The
following sections explain what a résumé is, why you need one, and what it
should (and shouldn’t) contain. This section concludes with a sample résumé
that can be used as a guide when crafting your own.
What is a résumé? A résumé is a written summary of your educational
record, work history, certifications, memberships, and accomplishments that
often accompanies a job application. Potential employers can use applicants’
résumés to filter out those not meeting the criteria of the job so they can
develop a “short list” of those people who will be interviewed for the
opening. Therefore, it is vital to develop a very good résumé, one that
presents a strong and convincing argument that you are the right person for
that job you are applying for.
Résumé: Written summary of your educational record, work
history, certifications, memberships, and accomplishments that
often accompanies a job application.
Given the gravitas of a résumé, and how it can stand between getting an
interview or not, you should make sure your résumé is designed with a few
important objectives in mind. First, your résumé should provide clear,
straightforward, and easy-to-find answers to a very important question:
“What are the main things that I have to offer which will benefit this
employer and that are relevant for this job?” In short, the résumé should tell
prospective employers everything that might interest them but nothing that
will waste their time. Know your audience!
Second, your résumé should provide your personal details, including your
name and, most important, your contact information (e.g., your home
address, mobile phone number, and e-mail address). It is shocking the
number of résumés that are submitted with no contact information!1 Make
sure that if you include an e-mail address, that the e-mail address is
appropriate. You wouldn’t want to risk missing an interview opportunity
because your e-mail address suggested you might not be the right person for
the job (e.g., allnightpartymonster@gmail.com; qqqq@yahoo.com;
lazybarfly@hotmail.com; reefermania@ganga.com; xxxxlips@aol.com). In
terms of personal information, be aware that there are some things that you
are legally not required to include on your résumé (or in an interview) such as
your gender, date of birth, nationality, ethnicity, or marital status.
1. There is one caveat regarding contact information, however: Because most
résumés are being uploaded onto public spaces now, contact information,
such as mailing address and phone number, are often being left off in those
cases, and only an e-mail address and/or LinkedIn profile URL is provided.
Therefore, consider having a version that can be sent directly to employers
with your full contact information and another that can be placed online with
just the e-mail and LinkedIn URL.
Third, a résumé should contain a clear and concise objective statement. This
is usually a single sentence that describes the role and field in which you
wish to work. For instance, you may want to indicate that you wish to be a
crime analyst in the Lincoln, Nebraska, Police Department (assuming you are
applying to the Lincoln, Nebraska, Police Department). Be careful that this
objective statement isn’t too broad or too vague. The more focused it is on a
specific job, the stronger it will be. If you just tell prospective employers that
you are hardworking and want to work in their field, it doesn’t really add
much value to your résumé. Instead, use this space to give them a specific
understanding of what you are looking to achieve and why you are the best
person to do so.
Fourth, your résumé should include a section presenting your current and past
employment. Documenting all of your paid work, including part-time,
temporary, and internship work, demonstrates your experience and
employability. If you have completed volunteer work or an internship,
include that information as long as it is relevant to your employer’s interests.
In addition, note that it was voluntary or an internship. To pass this off as a
paid position would be unethical. When presenting your employment history,
it is a good idea to present it in reverse chronological order. This means your
employment history should start at the top of the résumé with your present or
most recent employment, going back in time down the page.

In addition to stating where you worked or for whom, the employment

history section of your résumé should include the following:
1. Year and the month you started and stopped working there (if
2. Job position or title
3. Employer’s name and location
4. Duties and responsibilities of your position
When describing your job duties, it is a good idea to present the information
in succinct sentences that begin with past-tense action verbs (e.g.,
“developed, “administered,” and “organized”). A good example is something
like this:
Developed an automated daily reporting system using Microsoft Word,
Excel, and Outlook, saving the company time and money. (To make this
statement even stronger, add specific quantitative information, if you
can, such as just how much time and money you saved; e.g., “saving the
company $5K/year and 2 days/week spent on reporting.”)
Entered survey data from a survey distributed to a sample of 5,000
students at the University of Minnesota. (If the survey led to some
significant findings or policy changes, don’t leave that out!)
Created a PowerPoint presentation of evaluation research findings
focused on a program designed to increase quality of life. (You could
enhance this by also stating how the presentation was used and to whom
it was presented.)
Keep in mind when crafting these statements that the main focus should be
on things that are relevant to the job you are applying for and would be of
upmost interest to the prospective employer. This means that you should not
be writing a “one size fits all” résumé. You want to be tailoring it to each
position and each organization as much as you can or when you can. Again,
the more you know your audience, the more you can speak directly to them!
Fifth, a good résumé should also include information about your formal
education. In this section, the degree earned (i.e., High School Diploma,
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, etc.), the name and address of the
institution awarding the degree, and the time spent at that institution should
be included as part of the educational history reported on your résumé.
(Please note that as you get further along in your career, however, you will
want to remove your high school information unless it is useful for the job
you are applying for, for example, you are applying to a job at your high
school or you want to show you were locally born and raised in the area.)
Sixth, it is vital that your résumé include information about what computer
skills you possess. In this section, include those computer programs you are
proficient in that will be essential to know for that job. Also, be sure to
include specific examples of how you have used particular applications in the
past and your level of expertise. Do not “oversell” or lie about your skills
here. It is okay if your skills are basic. Many jobs require no more than basic
skills in SPSS, Excel, or other software. The following two examples
illustrate a “good” and “bad” way to present information about computer
skills on your résumé:
Highly proficient in Microsoft Excel, with the ability to create complex
formulas, pivot tables, charts, and graphs.
Know Excel.
Finally, your résumé should include information for a list of referees or
references that include the name, professional position, and contact
information of people who can vouch for your employability.2 A referee
might be a current or former professor, co-worker or supervisor, or the head
of an organization, club, or society to which you belong. Potential employers
will contact your referees to verify employability usually after they have
decided they want to hire you but prior to making you the job offer. It is
imperative that you ask the referees you put on your résumé if they are
willing to serve in this capacity. Do not let them get a surprise call about a
reference ever. You do not want that reference to spend time on that call
trying to figure out who you are. This doesn’t look good to the person
gathering references.
2. As noted earlier in Footnote 1, however, if you are placing your résumé
online, you will want to leave off your referee information so that their names
and phone numbers are not shown publicly. As suggested, you can have one
version of your résumé that you send directly (and privately) to an employer
with your referee information and another you post online without it.
Referee: Person who can write a letter of recommendation on a
candidate’s behalf to a potential employer.
Research in Action: Unexpected Career Choices for Criminal
Justice Graduates
Most students studying criminal justice are interested in
traditional career pathways associated with their degree, choosing
to work in law enforcement, corrections, courts, or victim services
organizations. The study by Tripp and Cobkit (2013)
demonstrates alternative career pathways that criminal justice
graduates may not have considered. And although there might not
be direct policy implications, the findings and the authors’
conclusions upon which they are based offer helpful guidance to
those who will be hitting the job market after graduation.
The researchers conducting the current study were guided by two
primary research questions:
1. What jobs are available for criminal justice students outside
of the criminal justice system?
2. What are the requirements for obtaining a position outside of
the criminal justice system?
Keep in mind that you and your friends could probably come up
with your own answers to these questions, and you may be correct
in your response to them, but the current study sought to answer
these questions by applying a systematic, scientific approach
using the methods and techniques already discussed in this text.
Data used to answer Tripp and Cobkit’s (2013) questions were
obtained from analyzing the content of job postings listed on
popular job recruiting websites (i.e., CareerBuilder, Monster,
Juju, Indeed, SimplyHired, and the job portions of the
International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence
Analysts and the Department of Labor websites) from May
through August 2012. Specifically, keyword searchers on “private
investigator,” “private security,” “intelligence analyst,” “criminal
justice,” and ““criminology” were entered into the websites’
search engines. “Corporate investigator,” “law office
investigator,” and “victim advocate” were also used. Next, as the
researchers explained, “a Google search for private law firms,
private investigation companies, and private securities
corporations was conducted. This search for the specified private
corporations was used as a supplement to the career search
engines due to their lack of presence.” Information about the
specific job opportunity, including degree requirements, was
culled from announcements for analysis.
Once the private firms were identified, information on current job
opportunities was obtained from the individual sites. To
complement this information, additional specialized searches for a
variety of corporations were conducted, including job searchers
with the top 60 companies of the Fortune 500, the top 25 U.S.
defense contractors, nongovernmental organizations, nonprofits
related to criminal justice, and criminal justice research institutes
and professional organizations. Possible jobs with the United
Nations and intelligence analyst jobs with the federal government
were included. In total, the researchers analyzed data collected
from 63 different companies, offering 89 separate jobs that
criminal justice students could be qualified for.
The findings from the current study by Tripp and Cobkit (2013)
revealed several types of job opportunities for criminal justice
graduates, including jobs in investigations with Amazon.com,
Target, Citigroup, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman; legal
assistance jobs with Google, IBM, and the YWCS; intelligence
analysts jobs with the CIA, NSA, and BAE Systems; and research
positions with RAND Corp, LexisNexis, and CAN Analysis and
Solutions. Job prospects for large, top-tier Fortune 500 companies
even looked bright: 21% of the first 60 companies of the Fortune
500 had job opportunities for criminal justice students.
The take-away message from this study is simple: When it comes
to careers for criminal justice students graduates, many will
choose traditional pathways (i.e., law enforcement, corrections,
courts, or victim services organizations). Students should be
aware, however, that myriad opportunities await them with
companies that they may not have even thought would be looking
for graduates like them. Their knowledge, skills, and abilities are
in high demand!
Tripp, T., & Cobkit, S. (2013). Unexpected pathways: Criminal
justice career options in the private sector. Journal of Criminal
Justice Education, 24(4), 478–494.
Other information can be included in a résumé if it is relevant to the job you
are pursuing. For example, if you are proficient in a foreign language or you
have a particular hobby or interest that sets you apart from other applicants, it
is worthwhile including this information on your résumé.
Sample Résumé
One of the best ways to develop a strong résumé is to use others as a guide.
Figure 14.2 shows an example of a professional résumé you can use as a
model for creating your own.
It is imperative that you proofread your résumé. This means to check, double-
check, and triple-check your résumé for accuracy. Are the phone numbers
current? Are the addresses correct? Have you spelled everything correctly?
Are there sneaky typos such as “asses” instead of “assess” or “pubic” versus
“public”? These happen and are job application killers.
One good proofreading tip is to read your résumé backward. You’ve likely
read through the document so many times your eyes now just glance over the
words. So it’s a good idea to change the way you look at it. Start at the
bottom and move up the page, right to left. It will help you see things like
missing periods or odd spacing. You just might be surprised by the glaring
typos you find even though you have looked at the document a 100 times and
have run spell-check!
Like the cover letter, an error on your résumé will likely be a death sentence
for your chance at getting an interview. Hiring officials typically have so
many applications for a single position that they can afford to remove your
application from the pool even for what you might think are minor issues.
Think back to Chapter 4 when we discussed how variables are used to
measure abstract concepts. In a job search scenario, the résumé and cover
letter are tangible measures of the underlying concept of “accurate, careful,
detailed, and thoughtful.” Have you had multiple people proofread your
résumé after you think it is perfect? They should. The consequences of
having easy-to-correct errors on your job search documents are too
Letters of Recommendation
In addition to a cover letter and professional résumé, letters of
recommendation are important job-related documents that you will need to
provide (or at least request from the letter writer) during the application
process. We next turn to a description of recommendation letters, why
applicants need them, what they should include, and how to ask for them.
A letter of recommendation, which is also a letter of reference, is a
document in which a person known to the applicant assesses the qualities,
characteristics, and capabilities of the applicant. Letters of recommendation
should speak directly to the applicant’s abilities to perform the tasks and to
his or her level of professionalism associated with the job for which he or she
is applying. Just like some of the other documents already discussed in this
chapter, a letter of recommendation can make or break your job application.
Good letters of recommendation can mean the difference between getting
your foot in the door and being granted an interview and receiving the
dreaded rejection letter (if you are lucky enough to apply to a place that still
sends rejection letters). Therefore, it is important to know who to contact to
be a referee, or the person writing the recommendation letter, and what he or
she will include in the letter.
Letter of recommendation: Also referred to as a “letter of
reference.” It is a document in which the writer assesses the
qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person being
Identifying a good referee is one of the first things you should do when you
have identified a job you wish to apply for. The best types of people to
approach to author letters on your behalf are those that have both the time
and the skills to write an effective correspondence to a hiring official. It is
also necessary to contact those whom you would like to write letters on your
behalf to make sure they are willing to do so. Finally, it is a good idea to
provide your references or referees with a sample of what it is you would
have them focus on when they write their letters. It allows them to focus on
the things that you feel will benefit your application the most. You should
consider the following:
Figure 14.2 Résumé Example
1. Former relevant employers
2. Former or current university professors
3. Leaders in the community (e.g., your pastor, head of the organization for
which you volunteers, etc.)
It is a good practice to ask the letter writer if he or she would offer a letter of
recommendation. It is also good practice to share with the letter writer your
résumé and a clear statement as to why you think you are qualified for the
position. You must give the letter writer adequate time to write the letter.
This means weeks if possible. A day or two is not enough time for a solid
letter (or any letter) to be written. In many cases, the letters of
recommendation go directly to the hiring authority and the applicant never
sees them. If this is the case, you must provide the letter writer the name,
address, title, and deadline for the letter. In short, make writing the letter as
easy as possible for the reference. If you put together a strong employment
application for the position you want, and it includes a well-crafted résumé, a
clear and concise cover letter, and letters of recommendation that provide
testimony to your knowledge, skills, and abilities, there is a good chance you
will be invited to be interviewed for a job you are qualified for. Now that you
have your documentation in order, it is time to discuss where to look for good
Public- Versus Private-Sector Jobs
If you are ready to start a career in criminology and criminal justice, and you
are looking for a job opportunity that allows you to apply your knowledge of
research methodology and the related skills you have developed through
education and training, one of the first things you’ll need to consider is where
you want to work, not only in terms of a particular city or particular company
but also in terms of the company or agency you would like to be a part of.
Both public- and private-sector jobs that require research skills are available,
and both present unique opportunities and challenges. One of the first things
you should consider in terms of “where” you want to work is whether you
want to work in the public or the private sector.
Working in the Public Sector
Public-sector employees in the federal, state, and local governments are
responsible for keeping the public safe among other things. Maintaining
public safety is a challenging task, one that requires a diverse, well-trained,
and professional workforce. As a result, many public-sector employers are
looking for individuals with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct
criminological research. This, of course, includes expertise and experience in
research methods. Public-sector jobs can be found at the local, state, and
federal level. Happily, though, most advertise for open positions in the same
places. We discuss the places public-sector jobs are commonly advertised,
and we provide examples of jobs that require research methods skills posted
on these sites.
Public-sector employees: Individuals who work for some sort of
government agency either at the federal, state, or municipal level.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U.S. federal
government employs more than 20 million people. If you are interested in
working for the federal government, then you will want to visit
USAJOBS.gov, where all federal employment opportunities are posted.
There are two types of federal government jobs: permanent positions and
temporary positions. When an applicant is first hired in a permanent position,
he or she is generally classified as career-conditional. Under this
classification, employees typically must complete a one-year probationary
period and a total of three years continuous service to attain “permanent”
employee status. The federal government also hires people to fill temporary
roles. In this type of position, employees are appointed for a specified period,
not to exceed one year, or a specified period that is at least more than one
year but no more than four years. In either case, the temporary position does
not give the employee permanent status.
Applying for a job with the federal government is relatively easy. First,
applicants must create a profile on the USAJOBS.gov website. Once you
create an account, you can search for job openings and review job
announcements. Next, you can prepare a job application in the
USAJOBS.gov website. Applications are submitted directly to an agency’s
human resources department, through the USAJOBS.gov website. It is
important to note, however, that at some point, you could be asked to submit
a “federal” résumé. For details on what to include on a federal résumé, check
out https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/faq/application/documents/resume/what-
to-include/. Federal positions might also require you to respond to
knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA), otherwise known as “general
employee competencies” questions at some point during the
application/interview process. For more information on KSAs, check out
Figure 14.3 is an example of a position advertised on the USAJOBS.com
There are a few details of the example position worth mentioning. For
example, every position with the U.S. federal government has the following:
1. A position title (e.g., Statistician)
2. A job series (e.g., GS-1530) and grade (e.g., 09/11)
3. Where the position is located (e.g., Office of the Inspector General)
4. Eligibility requirements
Figure 14.3 Job Advertisement Found on USAJOBS.gov

Applicants should use all of this information to determine whether they are
interested in and qualified for the job.
Furthermore, all jobs within the U.S. federal government are classified by the
General Schedule (GS), which determines the pay scale for most federal
employees, especially those in professional, technical, administrative, or
clerical positions. The GS pay scale consists of 15 grades, from GS-1, the
lowest level, to GS-15, the highest level (see Table 14.1). Within each scale,
there are 10 steps. The table shows the 2017 GS pay scale for federal
employees (in $1,000 increments). For the Statistician’s position presented
earlier in Figure 14.3, the salary range would be between $43,300 (GS-9,
Step 1) and $68,000 (GS-11, Step 10).
General Schedule (GS): Determines the pay scale for most
federal employees especially those in professional, technical,
administrative, or clerical positions.
Pay close attention to the job qualifications listed in the job advertisement.
Use those same words in your application. If they note that you need
proficiency with SPSS, then you need to put in your application that you are
proficient in SPSS (if this is true). Key words are important and a quick and
easy way to find applicants who are qualified.
Applying to State and Local Positions
Many state and local governments hire employees who are competent in
conducting research or who possess strong research methods and data
analysis skills. State and local agency positions are also posted online.
Applicants can go directly to the state or municipal website to peruse
announcements, or they can use a website like Governmentjobs.com, which
searches government job websites and compiles government job listings in
one place.
Figure 14.4 is an example of a municipal job you can find on the
Governmentjobs.com website. This particular announcement is for a Crime
Analyst position with the City of Round Rock, Texas. Notice that the some of
the skills, experience, and training the city is looking for relate specifically to
several of the topics covered in this text as they pertain to criminological
research. The ideal candidate will have the ability to do the following:
Evaluate data
Analyze findings
Write comprehensive reports
Think critically with respect to sources, research methods, and document
Develop a variety of analytical products
Facilitate the transfer of information between local, state, and federal
Use a variety of software applications and resources—most at an
intermediate level
Working in the Private Sector
As described in the previous section, public-sector employees are individuals
who work for some sort of government agency, at either the federal, the state,
or the municipal level. Private-sector employees, in contrast, are individuals
who work primarily for private-sector businesses or companies. Although
jobs in both the private and public sectors may sometimes require similar
professional skills, there are important distinctions.
Private-sector employees: Individuals who work primarily for
businesses or nonprofit agencies.
Public-sector employers are government agencies; therefore, certain
constitutional rights are afforded to public-sector employees. Often private-
sector employees do not enjoy similar legal protections. On the other hand,
because public employees often hold positions of trust in the society (e.g.,
law enforcement), some constitutional rights (e.g., union activity and speech)
may be limited so that the government agencies may perform their day-to-day
functions. One of the biggest distinctions between private-sector and public-
sector employment, however, relates to job security. Most private-sector
workers are considered to be “at-will” employees. This means that they can
be fired from a business or organization for almost any reason. It is currently
unconstitutional to be fired because of your race or gender or for exercising
rights provided by statutes (e.g., workers’ compensation or truthfully
testifying in court). This is not the case in the public sector, however.
Government agencies are not allowed to discipline, demote, or fire an
employee unless there is “cause” (e.g., violating rules governing the
workplace, dishonesty, misconduct, or poor performance).
Despite the differences between public- and private-sector jobs, both provide
excellent career opportunities for job seekers. Jobs in both arenas offer job
seekers like you the chance to apply your knowledge, skills, and abilities
related to conducting research in a professional position. Figure 14.5 shows
excerpts from a job advertisement for a Fraud Detection Specialist at Square,
Inc., a mobile payment company based in San Francisco. This particular
position seeks an employee to help identify and protect clients against
financial loss.
Understanding the difference between public and private employment is
important. It is also good to understand what kind of jobs might be available
in each sector that gives employees the opportunity to apply their research
skills. Knowing the best way to find and apply for these positions is equally
important. The next section focuses specifically on where to begin looking
for that dream job, one that will start you down your chosen career path.
Figure 14.4 Crime Analyst Position Advertised on Governmentjobs.com
Figure 14.5 Fraud Detection Specialist Job Announcement
Where to Look for a Career
Before you start looking for a career, there are a few things worth
considering. For example, Featured researcher Chris Melde suggests students
think through why they want a job and be prepared to understand what their
limits are. Understanding what you are (and are not) qualified to do is
important to know before looking for a job. Rachel Boba Santos shares
similar thoughts. She suggests that students make sure that the job they’re
after is one they are qualified to have; students should read job
announcements carefully. But the bottom line is this: To find the perfect job
to start your career, you need to know who is hiring and what jobs they are
looking to fill. As some of the information presented in this chapter has
already implied, a great place to look for answers to these questions is the
Internet. There are myriad ways to search the Web to find jobs, and some
approaches are more effective than others. In this section, we provide some
suggestions for finding the right job for you, quickly and easily.
Online Job Searches
Long gone are the times when we looked for jobs in the classified section of
the newspaper. Most jobs these days are found online. Online job advertising
allows employers to reach a much broader applicant pool than classified
newspaper ads. Employers can use Web-based analytics to determine the
effectiveness of their online ads, and they can develop strategies based on this
information to target specific pools of applicants in more effective ways.
For those looking to be hired, online ads offer real-time information about
who’s hiring and for what kinds of jobs. In addition, online ads often are
linked to application sites that allow people to submit their résumés to the
hiring company’s human resources department immediately (e.g.,
USAJOBS.gov). In short, online job advertising has changed the way
potential employees look for work, and how employers recruit the best
Three of the most common job search sites are (1) Indeed.com, (2)
Careebuilder.com, and (3) Monster.com. The trick to finding your dream job
on these, or on any of the other online job listing sites, according to Alison
Doyle (2016), founder and CEO of CareerToolBelt.com, is to understand and
effectively use keyword searches.
Keyword: In the context of an online job hunt, it is a word or
phrase that is particular to the job sought after and that will
narrow a search to include only those that a candidate is interested
in applying for.
A keyword, in the context of an online job hunt, is a word or phrase that is
particular to the job you’re looking for and that will narrow your search to
include only those that you’re interested in applying for. For example, in the
federal government position provided in Figure 14.3, “1530” is a keyword.
Using keywords can enable you to search online job sites more efficiently
and effectively; here are six tips for using keywords while scouring job
search sites:
Field or industry: Begin by putting in the field or industry you would
like to work in, such as “criminology” or “research” or “GIS” or
Location: It is up to you how precise you would like to be. You can put
in a state, city, town, or even a zip code.
Desired job title: You can try putting in your desired title (e.g., crime
analyst), but keep in mind that not all companies use the same title, so it
is good practice to search on related or alternative titles a company
might use.
Industry-specific skills, tools, and jargon: As well as searching by job
titles, you can search by the functionality required by a job (e.g., SPSS).
Company names: If you happen to have a dream company that you
would like to work for—or a giant multinational company that you
know has a lot of job openings at any one time—you can search directly
by the company name.
Job type: Narrow search results by putting in full time, part time,
contract, and so on.
Online job advertising allows employers to reach a much broader applicant
pool than classified newspaper ads.

© Boogich/iStockphoto.com
In addition to websites specifically designed to disseminate information about
available jobs, social media represents a fantastic way to learn about who’s
hiring. Facebook®, LinkedIn®, and Twitter® are the biggest names in social
media platforms, and they can be used to help identify and land that perfect
When using social media to find and apply for jobs, there are several general
guidelines that you should follow.

© Blackzheep/iStockphoto.com
Social Media
When using social media to find and apply for jobs, there are several general
guidelines that you should follow. One of the first things you will want to do
is to “clean” your Internet image. For example, if you “Google” your name
right now, what sort of information would be returned? If you’ve used
various social media sites to rate former professors or employers, posted less-
than-flattering images of you and your friends, or hosted a website that not
everyone would appreciate, you may want to consider removing anything that
a potential employer might find and use to disqualify you from employment
A wide variety of applications are available for searching, finding, and
cleaning/removing unwanted content from the Internet. It is worthwhile
checking for content that may create problems for you as a job applicant and
removing unwanted content before applying for a job. Nevertheless, be aware
that things on the Web really are forever. For example, if you check out the
Wayback Machine (https://archive.org/web/), you can see that pages are
archived forever. Still, cleaning up what you can is better than leaving
everything you are not proud of today posted for your prospective employer
to see. And don’t doubt it, your prospective employer will “Google” you.
That is guaranteed.
It is also a good idea to limit your social media exposure to the platforms that
are important. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are the platforms most likely
to be checked by a potential employer. Having a social media presence on
other platforms is going to cost you precious time to maintain and will not
likely return a substantial contribution of your time on that investment.
Relatedly, all your social media accounts and e-mails associated with them
should reflect your real name, not a nickname that only your friends know
you by, especially if it is less than flattering or may be offensive to a potential
Finally, it is a good idea to use your social media accounts to steer potential
employers back to one place—a place where your full story can be told. A
great way to do this is to develop your own professional webpage that
includes content that will help potential employers learn more about what you
can offer their company or organization as an employee. Linking all your
social media accounts to a single website—your professional webpage—
could potentially help get your job application moved to the top of the stack.
In addition to these general ideas about leveraging social media to improve
your chances of getting an interview and landing the job you’re after, there
are there other things that you can do that are specific to particular social
media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter that can benefit
you in your employment search.
According to a recent survey by Jobvite, an IT software and services
company, 83% of people looking for a job and 65% of employment recruiters
said that they use Facebook in their job searches and announcements. Susan
Adams (2012, 2014), a writer for Forbes magazine, suggests four ways to use
Facebook to maximize your chances of finding a great job. The following are
excerpts of her recommendations:
1. Fill out your profile with your professional history. Facebook has an
easy way to add your work credentials to your profile. First, go to your
own page (not the newsfeed page). Then, click on the “about” page and
select “edit profile.” Here you can include information about your work
history and education history. If you want to make yourself known to the
65% of recruiters who troll for job candidates on Facebook, fill out this
information accurately and without typographic errors.
2. Classify your friends. If you go to your list of friends, you will see a
“friends” box next to each friend. Click on that box, and you should see
a roster of lists—the default of which has “close friends,”
“acquaintances,” and “start a new list.” Click on “start a new list,” and
title it “Professional” or “Work.” After that list is created, you should
find all of your friends who you would consider professional contacts
and add them to that list. This way, you can target your work-related
status updates.
3. Post content and respond to other people’s professional postings.
There is value in online contact, so pay attention to your professional
friends’ postings. “Like” their posts and make insightful comments
about the things they share. Users can now access five additional
animated emoji with which to express themselves. Each emotive icon is
named for the reaction it’s meant to convey. “Like” you already know—
say hello to “love,” “haha,” “wow,” “sad,” and “angry.”
4. Find networking connections. Type the company name you are
interested in into the Facebook search bar. Then choose the “People” tab
located under the search bar. Next, from the menu on the left of the
screen, click “+ Choose a Company. . .” from the Filter Results by Work
option. Enter the name of the company in the search window that
appears and click Enter/Return. Results that are produced are a list of
people who work at the company whose name you entered. This is a
networking goldmine.
There is a good chance that you are already using Facebook in some manner
as a job search tool. If you incorporate these tips into your job-hunting
routines, you will better leverage Facebook’s potential.
LinkedIn was launched in 2003 as a business- and employment-oriented
social networking service. Its parent company is Microsoft, and it currently
has over 100 million active users. Because of its popularity, specifically
among those looking for jobs and among those looking to hire, LinkedIn
should definitely be used when it comes time to look for perfect place to
work. The popular Women’s magazine, Marie Claire (2017), recently
provided readers with advice on how to best use LinkedIn to land their dream
jobs. Here is a list of our five favorite recommendations:

© hocus-focus/iStockphoto.com
1. Treat LinkedIn like more than a paper CV. Be sure to include
previous work, videos, or presentations that demonstrate the versatility
of your knowledge, skills, and abilities on your LinkedIn profile.
2. Make it easy for them to find you. Put yourself in an employer’s shoes
and think about how someone is likely to come across your profile.
Consider what recruiters are likely to search, and incorporate this
information into your profile headline.
3. Hand-pick the right skills. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile
reflects the specific skills you possess. If you have “connections” on
LinkedIn, they can endorse these skills. Previous employers can also
reference them in recommendations that they give on your profile.
4. Follow your dream companies. There are over 3 million Company
Pages on LinkedIn, so follow the ones you may want to work for some
day. You will get updates when people leave or join the company, and
you will get notified when that company posts jobs. LinkedIn Company
Pages also show you if any of your contacts know people who work at
those companies.
5. Build your network. It is an unwritten rule that 50 is the minimum
number of contacts needed for a successful LinkedIn profile, but the
more connections you are able to build, the more you will start to show
up in sidebars and searches. Family, friends, colleagues and peers are all
valuable connections. When requesting to connect, keep it personal
instead of the standard message LinkedIn can send—the personal touch
helps forge a relationship.
If you are just starting to look for jobs that will get you started on your career,
you may not have set up a LinkedIn profile, but like Facebook, LinkedIn’s
reach makes it a powerful tool for finding that perfect job! Get your LinkedIn
page up today.
Twitter is another popular social media platform that you’re probably familiar
with and likely use. But have you ever thought about using Twitter to find
that dream job, networking with industry insiders, or building your personal
brand so that potential employers will want to hire you? If not, here are some
tips, offered by Pamela Skillings (2017), co-founder of Big Interview, on
how you might use Twitter to accomplish these goals. Skillings suggests four
easy-to-follow steps for finding “hidden jobs” on Twitter: (1) Start following
people in your field and organizations you would like to work for and their
employees, (2) join the conversation when it is relevant to your industry, (3)
take advantage of hashtags (#), and (4) get help. When it comes to looking
for job leads on Twitter, you do not have to go it alone. There are plenty of
apps available that will help you identify potential employment opportunities.
And there are plenty of websites that will help assist you in finding jobs on

© franckreporter/iStockphoto.com
Skillings (2017) also suggests that one of the keys to using Twitter
effectively to find a job is to become someone worth following. This may
seem easier said than done, but she suggests that your number of followers
will likely start to grow if you routinely share tips and industry-related
questions quickly but thoughtfully. You should also be actively sharing
valuable links and ideas. Whenever possible, engage Twitter peers at industry
events, conventions, or during other networking opportunities in person.
Finally, Skillings says that “spammers” who fill up your feed with
unnecessary links for their services or goods should be avoided as this can
have adverse effects on your followers.
Twitter should also be used to build your personal brand if you’re using it as
a social media platform to find that dream job. Skillings (2017) suggests
using Twitter to get more proactive in your networking efforts. For some, it
could mean creating a blog on a niche area of interest and tweeting about it
directly to users of that blog. This might help to build your credibility within
the industry and solidify your brand with potential employers. Alternatively,
you may want to consider using hashtags to announce that you are available
for work. Some consider it a little self-righteous but not if you have presented
yourself as a professional, made the appropriate contacts, and established
your credibility. If that is the case, it could be the perfect time to use a little
self-promoting hash-tagging to let potential employers know you’re available
(e.g., #HireMe #MBA #Candidate #JobSearching #Hire [insert college
nickname or mascot]). Regardless of whether or not you feel comfortable
promoting yourself on Twitter to build your name brand, it is a powerful
social media platform that should not be ignored. It can enhance your efforts
to find that dream job and should be used to position yourself as a promising
candidate to potential employers.
We introduced internships earlier in the chapter, but they are worth revisiting.
Internships offer one of the best ways to land a full-time job; they benefit
companies and organizations too. One of our featured researchers, Mary
Dodge, recommends students pursue as many internships opportunities as
possible, whenever the chance arises. Whether paid or unpaid, an internship
provides a company with an opportunity to “test drive” potential employees
at a low cost. If the organization also creates an enjoyable environment and
experience for interns, it may also benefit from a positive word-of-mouth
effect. When this occurs, it may result in a greater number of highly qualified
and motivate pool of applicants for jobs the organization advertises in the
Top Twitter Job Search Hashtags
#Hiring or #NowHiring
#Graduate Jobs
Tips on Turning an Internship Into a Full-time Job
Choose an internship that allows you to make a meaningful
contribution to the organization.
Act professionally at all times during your internship.
Establish networks while at the organization.
Ask questions that demonstrate your interest in your job and
the organization.
Set goals that let you to demonstrate your skills during your
Volunteer without overextending yourself.
Follow up after your internship is completed.
Source: Smith (2012).
Interviewing Well
Why do employers conduct interviews? The answer is simple: They need to
make sure that the applicant has the skills they’re looking for and because
they are assessing whether the applicant is “fit” to be successful in their
company or organization. Interviewing is a two-way street. Applicants should
see interviews as an opportunity to determine whether the company or
organization is a good “fit” for them. During the interviewing process, the
applicant must confirm to the employer that they have the knowledge, skill
set, and ability to do the job. This only can be accomplished if the applicant
quickly establishes a good rapport with the interviewer(s). Therefore, going
into a job interview with a clear profile of what the employer is looking for in
a successful candidate is essential for landing the job.
Before the Interview
The job market is changing quickly, and the way in which interviews are
conducted has also changed considerably in recent years. When applying for
a job, applicants should consider what types of interview will be conducted.
The traditional one-on-one, face-to-face interview is popular, but other types
of interviews are also common. Group interviews, interviews conducted over
the telephone or via Skype®, or even interviews that involve large assessment
centers are not uncommon. One of the keys to a successful job interview is
being prepared for any type of interview the employer uses.
Succeeding in a job interview requires considerable preplanning and
preparation. If you got on an elevator with someone, could you quickly and
accurately describe yourself to him or her before reaching your floor? If not,
then you need to develop your “elevator pitch” before going on an interview.
Knowing what skills you possess, what makes that skill set unique, and how a
potential employee views that skill set is a necessary part of preparing for an
interview. But how are you supposed to know whether an employer will think
your skills are attractive to an interviewee? The answer is simple: by
researching the company.
Researching the company that you’ve applied to is an integral part of any
preinterview preparation process. Going online and visit the company’s
website. Find its Mission Statement, Strategic Statement, Forward-thinking
Objectives, and similar “About Us” information. Figuring out a way to link
your skill sets with a company’s strategic vision during an interview can pay
big dividends! It demonstrates that you are not just looking for a job but that
you are looking to make a contribution to the company or organization.
Succeeding in a job interview requires considerably preplanning and

© Antonio_Diaz/iStockphoto.com
Preparing Questions by (and for) the Interviewer
Preparing for a job interview should also involve (a) identifying questions
you will likely be asked and (b) developing a memorable question to ask the
interviewer. There are questions that an interviewer will almost always ask an
interviewee. They might be open questions (e.g., tell me a bit about yourself),
behavioral questions (e.g., tell me about a time when you . . . ), or
hypothetical-based questions (e.g., what would you do in the following
situation . . . ). Some of the other most common ones are
Where do you see yourself in five years?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
Why should we hire you?
What are your salary expectations?
Why are you leaving or have left your job?
Why do you want this job?
How do you handle stress and pressure?
If you cannot answer these questions quickly and confidently, then you need
more practice.
During the Interview
Most job interviews begin as soon as the applicant and the employer meet,
before either side says a single word to one another. Therefore, it’s vital to be
on time for a job interview and to be dressed appropriately. A confident
introduction and handshake is also important for a successful interview.
Finally, assuring you are engaged with the interviewer by maintaining
constant eye contact and confident body language is also a must.
These are some of the little things that an interviewee can do to set
themselves apart (in a good way) from other applicants during the interview
process. If you really want to set yourself apart, however, think of a good
question to ask the interviewer when he or she turns the tables on you and
says, “Is there anything you would like to ask us about this job opportunity?”
Asking the Right Questions
A memorable question could be something like “If I asked the person I’d be
working closest with at my job, what are three things he or she likes most
about working for your company and three things he or she likes least? What
do you think he or she would say?”
This is a good way to turn the typical “What’s your greatest
strength/weakness” question back on the interviewer, and his or her answer to
this sort of question could be eye opening. The bottom line is this: When
given a chance to ask an interviewer questions about the company or the job
for which you’re applying, don’t pass up the opportunity. In fact, ask a
memorable question—one that shows a genuine interest in the job!
On the flip side, certain questions are best not asked during a job interview.
For example, during the job interview, it’s not a good idea to ask what your
salary would be, how many days off you will get, and if you sign a contract
and get a better job offer, if you can renegotiate your offer. It’s also not a
good idea to ask a question that can be answered by spending a little time
doing some basic research on the Internet. Doing this will make you appear
lazy and a high maintenance employee.
Your Professional Portfolio
Putting together a professional portfolio to present during a job interview is
something all job candidates should consider doing. A professional portfolio
is a carefully crafted set of documents and material that showcases the work
of a professional and is used, for example, during job interviews to provide
evidence of employability and fit with an organization or company.
Obviously, certain documents should always be part of a professional
portfolio, including a résumé and copies of your reference letters. The
following items are also worth considering incorporating into a professional
Introductory Statement: A one-page summary statement providing an
overview of the contents in your portfolio
Statement of Professional Preparation: A brief description of your
preparedness to work in the field
Professional Commitment Essay: A two- to three-page essay focused
on the relevance of your education to the job that you’re applying for
Reflections on Documents: A summary of your major
accomplishments and outcomes that is relevant to the job that you’re
applying for
Appendix: Contains full documents referenced or discussed in other
sections of the portfolio
Professional portfolio: Carefully crafted set of documents and
material that showcases the work of a professional and is used, for
example, during job interviews to provide evidence of
employability and fit with an organization or company.
Whatever you decide to include in your professional portfolio, make sure it is
well organized and presented cleanly and concisely. Both physical portfolios
(i.e., documents contained in a three-ring binder) and electronic portfolios are
acceptable formats.
Remember, it’s also important to get feedback on your portfolio once it’s
created. This means you may want to have an academic advisor or mentor
review your portfolio before heading out to an interview. Also, be prepared to
give your portfolio to a potential employer during an interview, so it’s a good
idea to make multiple copies.
After the Interview
A successful job application may hinge as much on what an applicant does
after a job interview as on what he or she does before or during it. Each
postinterview situation is different, but there are certain things an interviewee
should always consider doing after their interview is over—even if he or she
doesn’t follow through on each one. For example, as the interview ends, the
applicant should get the card of the interviewer before leaving. This will
make sure the applicant has the necessary information to follow up directly
with the hiring agent.
Once the interviewer is back at home, it is a good idea to reflect on his or her
performance. Reflecting on an interview can involve asking questions like
“What did I say or do, specifically, that impressed the hiring official?” “Is
there anything that I could have said or done better in response to any of the
questions I was asked?” and “How will I respond to similar questions during
my next interview?” Writing down the answers to these questions can help
improve future job interviews.
In most situations, it is appropriate to follow up the job interview by writing a
thank-you e-mail and sending it to the hiring official that conducted the
interview. It is important to make sure the e-mail conveys more than the
generic “thank you for your time” message. Including information that
reminds the hiring official of who you are is the kind of information that
should go into a follow-up thank-you e-mail. In other words, make it
personal. (If you really want to go a step further, consider sending a
handwritten note in a thank-you card. So few candidates do this, and it can
add to the personal touch.)
Finally, if it’s appropriate, try leveraging social media to reinforce your
interview. For example, you can use LinkedIn to send a connection request to
the hiring manager. (Note, however, that not all hiring managers will accept
your request to connect as a matter of policy, but there is no harm in trying!)
Keep in mind, however, that you should not be too quick to follow up after
your interview. If you do, you could come across as too impatient. Also keep
in mind that following up with a hiring official after a job interview may not
always be appropriate. If you have any doubt, check in with a mentor to get
his or her advice.
Professional Interviewing Tips

Each of our featured researchers has his or her own thoughts about what
makes a good interview, and they were willing to share their top three
interviewing tips with us. Here is what they had to say:
Chris Melde: (1) Be prepared and understand the organization you want
to work for (e.g., their history). (2) Have questions ready to ask them (do
your homework). (3) Clean up your social media accounts.
Rachel Boba Santos: (1) Dress appropriately. (2) Look people in the
eye. (3) Bring a portfolio. One other thing: Read and study the job
description. Understand what the job is that you are applying for. Read
news articles. Read an organization’s website. Do research on that
organization and that job!
Carlos Cuevas: (1) Be genuine, and do not try to pass yourself off as
someone or something you’re not. This means being honest about what
you can and cannot do. (2) Be aware of how well you “fit” the
organization; it goes both ways. (3) Learn how to shake hands.
Mary Dodge: (1) Dress appropriately. (2) Remove any unusual jewelry.
(3) Avoid using the word like.
Rod Brunson: If you are looking for a job in academics: (1) Be
informed about the institution and department. (2) Know about what
people do (i.e., the topics they specialize in). (3) Understand where
faculty place their work (i.e., where they are published).
Heather Zaykowski: (1) Do not lie on a résumé. (2) Dress nicely. (3)
Behave appropriately (e.g., have good posture and pretend you want a
Pitfalls and Career Searches
Like any task, there are specific pitfalls to avoid. When it comes to job
searching, avoiding pitfalls means the difference between getting a job and
being rejected for a dream position. A common pitfall when it comes to job
searches is believing you will leave the university with a bachelor’s degree—
or even a master’s degree—and land a position as a six-digit salaried
manager in an organization. This does not happen. All people, regardless of
their educational attainment, must work their way up through the ranks. An
education can speed that process, but it is unrealistic to believe that a BA in
criminal justice will make you a manager of all crime analysts at an agency.
In any role, you have to pay your dues.

A second and related pitfall is to enter any job and believe you have nothing
left to learn. The university provides a solid foundation of information that
provides an advantage to you. Nevertheless, you will find in any role you
take, there is much to be learned. Be open to learning it. By being open and
eager to learn even more, you will position yourself for future opportunities.
A pitfall that happens too often has to do with honesty. When filling out
application materials, writing your résumé, or in an interview, you must be
truthful. Do not claim your internship was full-time employment. Do not
claim to have experience that you do not. Do not claim you have a master’s
degree if you do not. Especially in the field of criminal justice and
criminology, dishonesty is absolutely unacceptable. If you are viewed as
dishonest, you will not be considered a viable candidate.
It was discussed in the text of this chapter but deserves repeating: Clean up
your social media. Those considering hiring you will look at your social
media. What will they see? A foul-mouthed party animal? Someone with
bigoted views? A misogynist? Make sure that when people look at all of your
social media, they see a professional, respectful, and mature person. Finally,
a pitfall we wish we did not have to highlight relates to being a jerk. Do not
be a jerk. No one wants to hire a jerk. No one wants to work with a jerk. Be a
kind and respectful person—the sort of person you want to work with.
Ethics and Career Searches

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) is a national

professional organization that aims to facilitate the hiring of college
graduates. One area upon which NACE focuses its efforts is the principles
and practices of the hiring process. To this end, NACE has developed three
career planning and recruitment principals that it hopes its members will
follow during the hiring process:
1. Maintain an open and free selection of employment and experiential
learning opportunities in an atmosphere conducive to objective thought,
where job candidates can choose to optimize their talents and meet their
personal objectives.
2. Maintain a recruitment process that is fair and equitable.
3. Support informed and responsible decision making by candidates.
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE):
National professional organization that aims to facilitate the hiring
of college graduates.
NACE also recognized the importance of supporting professional
development programs and of conducting salary and demographic trend
surveys as part of assuring that these principals are upheld, as they are
intended to provide employers and members with a framework to promote
professionalism. An important component of promoting professionalism is
the adherence to certain ethical standards related to recruiting, hiring, and
employment. Students entering the job market should also follow a set of
ethical standards. The Center for Career Exploration and Success at Miami
University outlines clear ethical guidelines that they encourage their students
to follow during the job search process:
Interview only if you are sincerely interested in the position.
Do not use interviews as “practice.”
Be certain to provide accurate information on your background,
including work experience, GPA, major, etc.
Respond promptly to invitations for on-site or second interviews.
Never interview just to get a free trip to the job location.
Follow established procedures if you must cancel an interview.
Exercise prudence in your interview expenditures and be sure to keep
receipts for travel and lodging expenses.
Carefully discuss offers with employers to verify terms and reach
mutually acceptable response deadlines.
Acceptance of an employment offer should be made in good faith and
honored as a contractual agreement with the employer.
Do not continue to interview after accepting an offer, and be certain to
notify other employers with offers pending.
Notify our office when you accept an offer so we may better assist
students still seeking positions. (Miami University’s Career Services,
2017, para. 4)
Failing to follow these standards when job hunting may adversely impact
your employment opportunities. The result could range from slight
embarrassment to being disqualified from consideration, or even to having
your employment terminated if a breach of ethics is discovered after you’ve
been hired and it is severe (e.g., purposefully providing inaccurate
background information).
Research Methods as a Career Expert—Nora
Scanlon, MA
Nora Scanlon is an academic advisor and program coordinator and instructor
at the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver), School of Public Affairs.
Scanlon studied criminology for her undergraduate degree from the
University of Denver and Criminal Justice and Public Administration for her
dual master’s degrees from the CU Denver. Currently she advises
approximately 300 undergraduate criminal justice students from the point
they begin their academic careers through graduation at CU Denver. In
addition, she teaches the Criminal Justice Internship course, which is focused
on professional development and preparation for entering the job search
process and workplace.
Scanlon is an expert when it comes to helping students convert their
academic skills into a career. She begins with basics such getting involved on
campus. She shares events, internship opportunities, and chances to meeting
with faculty during lunch with students. As advising continues, she works
with students on résumé writing. Scanlon notes that there are numerous ways
to apply research methods skills to a successful job search. For example,
when writing your résumé, consider including a section in the middle of your
résumé titled “Special Projects/ Research” where you highlight and briefly
explain a research project in which you took part. Include the title of your
research project, the purpose, and the required skills needed to make the
project successful. Your explanation of the project should be no longer than
two sentences.

Courtesy of Nora Scanlon

An example of the professional development Scanlon offers is holding mock
interviews. She recommends answering interview questions by drawing from
your research experience. Scanlon points to the 2014 Job Outlook from the
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) that rated the
following 10 characteristics as somewhere between very important and
extremely important during an interview:
1. Ability to work in a team structure
2. Ability to make decisions and solve problems
3. Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work
4. Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the
5. Ability to retain and process information
6. Ability to analyze quantitative data
7. Technical knowledge related to the job
8. Proficiency with computer software programs
9. Ability to create and edit written reports
10. Ability to sell or influence others
Scanlon encourages students to challenge themselves to think of a way they
have engaged in each of these skills throughout the course of a research
project, course, or internship. For example, she asks whether you worked in a
team structure (#1)? Yes! Another example, do you have experience
analyzing quantitative data (#6) and creating and editing written reports (#9)?
Yes! Next, how do you explain your experience in a clear and concise way
during an interview? Being prepared to make these statements about yourself
before the interview is the key. Practice interviewing is a great way to be
An excellent piece of advice Scanlon shares with all students is a framework
to structure interview answers using the STAR approach (Table 14.2). STAR
works especially well for behavioral-based interview questions, which focus
on experiences, skills, and knowledge that are related to the job in which one
is applying. Employers ask these questions because they may believe that
past behaviors predict future behaviors. STAR stands for, Situation, Task,
Action, and Result. The University of Colorado Denver’s Career Center has
created Table 14.2 explaining STAR.
Scanlon asks, “Do you remember the NACE characteristics that employers
ranked as very important and extremely important? In Table 14.3, pick three
of the characteristics on the left and using STAR explain, through your
research project, how you’ve obtained, or improved these skills.” For
example, with team structure, an interviewer may ask, “Tell me about a time
you’ve solved a problem with a team.” Applying STAR, you would describe
the research project and a problem you faced, the skills it took to overcome
that problem and what the end result was, as well as what you learned. Even
when discussing a group or team structure, you should continue to focus on
your efforts versus the group as a whole. Not only does this framework
provide concise and relevant answers; it also keeps you as an applicant from
rambling on and appearing scattered.
Using the STAR framework in conjunction with the top skills listed earlier
will help the employer more clearly understand your skills and, hopefully,
will help him or her to visualize you as part of the team. By focusing on your
research project or internship, you are providing information about a specific
experience versus speaking in generalities. This approach, states Scanlon,
leads to a stronger answer, and the employer will have a more solid
connection with you. When it comes time for the employer to review the
various applicants interviewed, it is easy to forget someone who fails to bring
themselves, as an individual, to the table. Employers will rarely spend
excessive amounts of time trying to piece together an applicant’s background,
skills, and experience. Instead, they will move on to the applicant who best
pieces it all together for them. Scanlon states, “What’s the good news? You,
as the applicant, have a lot of control over this process!” Use it to your
Scanlon recommends that students be familiar with the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) and its information about jobs. For example, the average
2016 median pay for Statisticians was $80,500/year or $38.70 per hour. BLS
projects the employment of statisticians to grow 34% from 2014 to 2024,
which is “much faster than the average for all occupations”
(https://www.bls.gov/ooh/math/statisticians.htm). The average starting salary
for a crime analyst is $40,620, and the growth in this field is also double-
digit. Maybe you are not interested in becoming a crime analyst or a
statistician. Remember that the NACE survey does not just survey employers
regarding statistical or analytical positions; it surveys all kinds of employers,
organizations, and positions. This means the skills you are learning and
developing during the course of your research methods course can be applied
to other positions, organizations, and employers (even outside of the criminal
justice field). Research methods skills are transferrable skills. The ability to
work in a team structure is not a skill just limited to those interested in
pursuing a criminal justice career. This skill set is desired across fields and
sectors. Interviewing as a probation officer or as a victim advocate? Be
prepared to address your abilities to work in a team structure, and remember
you can draw on your research methods experiences to answer many kinds of
interview questions.
Source: Used with permission from The Career Center, The University
of Colorado, Denver.
Chapter Wrap-Up
In this chapter, our focus was on pursuing careers in the field of criminology
and criminal justice research. We explained why professional skills related to
conducting research are important and why they are desirable to potential
employers. We differentiated public- versus private-sector jobs. We also
identified specific places job seekers can look for a career, focusing
specifically on online job search sites, social media platforms, and
internships. We’ve provided readers with detailed information about
preparing key documents applicants need to prepare when going onto the job
market: a cover letter, a résumé, and letters of recommendation. Guidance on
how to interview well, including what to do before the interview, during the
interview, and after the interview, is offered. We concluded this chapter with
an overview of some of the most common errors made during job searches,
including common ethical issues and pitfalls applicants may face.

Applied Assignments
1. Homework Applied Assignment:
Creating a Job Résumé
Create a job résumé, or update your existing résumé, based on the
guidance we’ve provided you within this text. Pay particular
attention to the information we presented about “What Makes a
Great Résumé?” in the Résumés section. Be sure your new
résumé answers the question, “What do I have to offer the
employer?”; provides personal contact information; contains a
clear and concise goal statement; lists current and past
employment, demonstrating employability; contains details of
formal educational achievements, including the names and
addresses of the institutions awarding the degree(s) and time spent
at that institution; and presents key skills that an employer desires.
Be prepared to discuss your résumé in class.
2. Group Work in Class Applied
Assignment: Interviewing for a Job
Form a group with other students in the class so that your group
has an even number of students. Then divide the group in half.
Half of the group will act as a job-hiring official, and the other
half of the group will act as job applicants. Both the applicants
and the officials should prepare three questions for a mock job.
The questions can be open questions (e.g., tell me a bit about
yourself), behavioral questions (e.g., tell me about a time when
you . . . ), or hypothetical-based questions (e.g., what would you
do in the following situation . . . ).
Have the hiring official ask the job hunters their questions and
then vice versa. Then, switch roles. Each of you develop three
NEW questions, and repeat the Q&A process. After all students
have had an opportunity to ask (and answer) questions as both a
hiring official and a job candidate, discuss with your partner what
you liked/didn’t like about your responses and how this exercise
could help you prepare for your next job interview. Prepare to
share your experiences with the class.
3. Internet Applied Assignment: Locating a
Job Using an Online Search Tool
Visit any online job search website and search for a type of job
that you may be interested in perusing after you graduate. Go to
two other job search websites and find two other (different) jobs.
In a reflective narrative, compare and contrast the knowledge,
skills, and abilities that all three jobs have in common and that are
unique, respectively. Next, identify the professional skills that
these jobs desire and that you currently possess or are developing
as part of your degree program. Also identify those professional
skills that these jobs desire but that you lack. Finally, explain
ways that you could overcome these deficiencies so that they are
skills you have developed when it comes time to enter the job
market. Be prepared to discuss your paper in class.
Key Words and Concepts
Complimentary close 453
Cover letter 452
General Schedule (GS) 463
Keyword 467
Letter of recommendation 458
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) 475
Private-sector employees 464
Professional portfolio 473
Professional skill set 449
Public-sector employees 461
Referee 456
Résumé 454
Skill 449
Key Points
The professional set of skills associated with the ability to conduct
research in criminology and criminal justice is attractive to employers.
Jobs in both the public and private sectors need employees who are able
to think logically about social problems, apply scientifically rigorous
approaches to knowledge discovery, and can communicate empirically
based evidence to a broad array of stakeholders.
Online job search tools are a quick and easy way to find out who’s
hiring, and what jobs they’re looking to fill. Three of the most common
job search sites are (1) Indeed.com, (2) Careebuilder.com, and (3)
Social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, can
be leveraged to help you find your dream job.
Internships often lead to full-time employment; they offer both the
intern and the organization the opportunity to “test drive” each other
before making a more permanent commitment.
Three of the most important job-related documents you’ll need to
provide at some point during the application process are (1) a cover
letter, (2) a professional résumé, and (3) letters of recommendation.
A job interview is a crucial part of landing a good job. Interviews give
employers an opportunity make sure that applicants have the skills their
looking for and whether applicants are “fit” to be successful in their
organizations. Applicants should see interviews as an opportunity to
determine whether the company or organization is a good “fit” for them
as well.
Review Questions
1. Why are research methods skills beneficial to you?
2. What are the similarities and differences between public- and
private-sector jobs?
3. What are some types of public-sector jobs that would require an
employee to use some of the professional skills associated with
conducting research?
4. What are some types of private-sector jobs that would require an
employee to use some of the professional skills associated with
conducting research?
5. What are the names of some of the most common job search sites?
6. How can some of the most common social media platforms (e.g.,
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter) be used to identify and apply
for jobs?
7. Why do internships offer a great opportunity to gain full-time
employment with the company an intern works for?
8. What is a job résumé, and what are some of the things it should
(and shouldn’t) include?
9. What is a letter of recommendation, and who are some of the
people you should ask to be your referee?
10. What are some of the “things to remember” before, during, and
after a job interview?
11. What are some of the common pitfalls that should be avoided
when searching for your dream job?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What are some of the professional skills that could be associated
with each of the different stages depicted in Wallace’s Wheel of
Science (see Figure 2.1 in Chapter 2) and that employers would
want in any job candidate?
2. Log onto USAJobs.com and type “Justice + Research” into the
search box. Click on a few results that are returned, and
investigate the kinds of skills that are listed under the section titled
“Preferred Qualifications.” What are some of the common skills
desired for these positions, and how do they relate to skills related
to research?
3. Compare and contrast Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter in terms
of their abilities to identify and apply for jobs. In your opinion, is
one social media platform better than the others? Is there a
platform you would avoid using? If so, why or why not?
4. Go online and find a job posting using an online job search site
(e.g., Monster.com). Create a cover letter for the advertised
position. What were the important points stressed in the letter you
wrote? What did you decide to leave out? For this position, whom
would you ask to write a letter of recommendation on your
behalf? Why?
5. With a partner from class, go online and find a job posting using
an online job search site (e.g., Monster.com). One of you choose
to be the hiring agent for this position and the other choose to be
the job applicant. Spend a few minutes preparing questions for
each other that you would ask during an interview. Then have the
interviewer conduct an interview. After the interview is over, both
the hiring agent and the job seeker should evaluate the interview.
What went well, and what went horribly wrong? What lessons
have you learned that will better prepare you for your next job

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Appendix Random Numbers Table
1-in-k method:
Most commonly used systematic sampling approach that is based on the
formula k = N / n.
First section of a journal article that provides, in a concise paragraph of
approximately 150 to 250 words, the purpose, method, findings, and
conclusions of the research.
Accidental sampling:
Nonprobability sampling approach where a sample is gathered simply
based on convenience and ease of finding it. Also known as
“convenience sampling” and as “haphazard sampling.”
One of four evaluation research standards that refers to the notion that
an effective evaluation will offer correct findings. Accuracy is evident
by presenting the program in context by using systematic procedures,
using the appropriate methods, and producing impartial reports with
justified conclusions.
Administrative crime analysis:
One of three types of crime analysis performed by law enforcement
personnel, typically involving long-range projects that are internal to the
Advocacy group:
Collection of individuals who operate to influence public opinion, policy
makers, regarding particular criminal justice issues that require
immediate attention and policy. Also known as an “interest group.”
American Community Survey (ACS):
Second largest survey administered by the Census Bureau that involves
more than 3 million people living in America every year. Data on
income and education levels as well as on employment status and
housing characteristics are gathered during the ACS.
Analysis of qualitative information:
Accuracy standard that requires the use of appropriate scientific analysis
of qualitative data used to address the research question being
Analysis of quantitative information:
Accuracy standard requiring the use of appropriate scientific analysis of
quantitative data used to address the research question being
Analysis of variance (ANOVA):
Statistical analysis technique used to compare the group averages among
three or more groups or across three or more points in time.
Analyzing the data:
Step of evaluation research in which the evaluator uses the data and
information gathered to answer the research question. The specific type
of analysis is contingent on the research methodology used to gather the
Refers to situations where the researcher cannot link the data gathered to
the respondent or does not gather identifying information about the
Aoristic analysis:
Crime analysis method used for determining the 24-hour rhythm of
crimes when the exact time of crime event is unknown.
American Psychological Association’s publication style. This style was
created almost a century ago to standardize scientific writing. APA
guidelines dictate every element of a scientific paper, including how
citations are handled both in text and in the references, the required
sections in a paper, heading formats, and punctuation.
Applied research:
Conducted to develop knowledge for immediate use for a specific
decision-making purpose. Evaluation research is a type of applied
research. In contrast, basic research generates knowledge for the sake of
Approach subsection:
Subsection in a policy brief that describes relevant background
information including the context of the study. Through the use of
nontechnical terms, the approach subsection should identify the research
methods used to collect the data. It is usually presented with the results
Agreement by a child to participate in research that will likely benefit
him or her. To gain assent, the child must be able to comprehend and
understand what it means to be a participant in research.
Assessment of risk and benefits:
Second requirement of ethical research stated in the Belmont Report. It
is required that all parties engaged in research examine whether the
benefits of the study outweigh the risks. It is the researcher’s
responsibility to properly design a study and to ensure that the selection
of subjects is fair and just. It is a review committee’s responsibility to
identify whether any risks to the participants are justified. Participants
must assess whether they will or will not participate.
One of three criteria needed to establish causation, which is found when
the values in the independent variable and the values in the dependent
variable move together in a pattern.
Categories or grouping of the data collected for a particular measure.
Authoritative sources:
Knowledge based on information accepted from people or sources that
are trusted such as parents, clergy, news sources, bloggers, social media,
or professors.
Availability sampling:
Nonprobability sampling approach where a sample is gathered simply
based on convenience and ease of finding sampling elements. It is also
known as “convenience sampling,” “accidental sampling,” and
“haphazard sampling.”
Axial coding:
In this step, the researcher focuses on these preliminary analytic
categories or labels to identify relationships between the categories. The
attention during this stage is not on the raw data but on the summarized
labels of the data.
Basic research:
Research that generates knowledge motivated by intellectual curiosity to
better understand the world. In contrast, applied research, such as
evaluation research, is used to develop knowledge for immediate use for
a specific decision-making purpose.
Before-and-after design:
Quasi-experimental design that has no random assignment and no
comparison group. It does, however, include a pretest and a posttest.
This design has marginal internal validity given the inability to control
for confounding factors making claims of causality challenging. In
addition, external validity is also poor.
Behaviorally specific question:
In research, a question that tends to be more graphic in nature, which
leaves little doubt in the mind of the respondent about the type of
information the research is after.
Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of
Human Subjects and Research:
Report that outlined the principles of human subjects research including
respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.
Second principle of ethical research outlined in the Belmont Report. It
states that researchers are obligated to do no harm, to maximize possible
benefits, and to minimize possible harms to all participants in a study.
Study participants include respondents, researchers, and bystanders.
Describes a sample that fails to include a particular type of individual or
particular groups found in the population.
Biased sample:
Indicates that the sample fails to include a particular type of individual
or some groups found in the population.
Blind review:
Method of reviewing journal manuscripts in which neither the reviewers
nor the manuscript writer knows the identity of the other.
Block groups:
Geographic area used by the Census Bureau for aggregating population
data that is typically defined by a population of 600 to 3,000 people.
Block matching:
Type of matching used in some true experiments that includes the
creation of subgroups of the subjects or units of interest based on a block
variable. The experiment is then conducted separately on each block. By
conducting the experiment on two groups or blocks, the researcher has
controlled for the effect of the characteristic making up the block.
Block variables:
Those variables the researcher believes will affect response to the
treatment. Block variables are used to create blocks used in block
Boolean operators:
Connect or exclude particular search terms or phrases used in an
electronic search. Use of Boolean operators enables the searcher to
narrow or broaden a search for material.
Boost account:
One of two explanations of the repeat victimization phenomenon. It
suggests that repeat/near repeat victimization is a result of the same
offender returning to where he or she succeeded at committing the initial
offense because the initial offense increased the offender’s perception of
reward and decreased the risk (i.e., “boosted” his or her confidence).
Provide information about how much money and other resources can be
spent on an items. Policies are subject to budget constraints.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS):
Part of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), it is responsible for
collecting, analyzing, and publishing data related to crime in the United
States, which is gathered from the 50,000 agencies that comprise the
U.S. justice system.
Cargo theft:
According to the FBI (2015, “What is cargo theft?,” para. 1), “[t]he
criminal taking of any cargo including, but not limited to, goods,
chattels, money, or baggage that constitutes, in whole or in part, a
commercial shipment of freight moving in commerce, from any pipeline
system, railroad car, motor truck, or other vehicle, or from any tank or
storage facility, station house, platform, or depot, or from any vessel or
wharf, or from any aircraft, air terminal, airport, aircraft terminal or air
navigation facility, or from any intermodal container, intermodal
chassis, trailer, container freight station, warehouse, freight distribution
facility, or freight consolidation facility.”
Categorical variable:
Variables characterized by a nominal level of measurement.
Causal relationship:
Purpose of experimental research because it can provide evidence of if
and how one variable affects, causes, influences, or predicts another
Exists when the variation in one variable causes variation in another
variable. Three criteria must be present to establish a causal relationship:
temporal ordering, association, and no spurious relationships.
Census Bureau:
Federal agency in the United States responsible for administering the
decennial census, which is used to allocate seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives based on states’ populations.
Gathering of data from a collective that includes every element of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Part of the Department of Health and Human Services, located just
outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The CDC gathers data valuable to criminal
justice researchers.
Chain referral sampling:
Specific type of purposive sampling approach in which sample subjects
are selected based on referrals from prior subjects. Also called
“networks,” “snowball sampling,” or “reputational sampling.”
In qualitative data analysis, they represent a single item or event in a
text, similar to an individual response to variables used in quantitative
data analysis.
Chi-square test:
Statistical test used to determine whether two categorical variables are
independent of one another.
Choropleth map:
Type of thematic map that uses shaded or patterned areas in proportion
to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the
map, such as population density or per-capita income.
Chronologically based literature reviews:
Organized to describe changes and growth in our understanding of a
topic over time. The changes described may be based on relevant
substantive themes, focused on change in methodology, change in
theory, or any other relevant theme.
Type of plagiarism involving the direct copying and pasting of others’
words without citing the original author.
Closed-ended question:
Type of survey question that requires respondents to select an answer
from a list of response categories.
Part of cluster sampling that refers to a sampling element where a
researcher or more of the desired units of observation are found or
associated. Clusters take on many forms such as states, cities,
universities, schools, housing units, census blocks, counties, etc.
Cluster analysis:
Crime analysis technique that involves the identification of similar types
of crime that “cluster” in space or time.
Cluster sampling:
Probability sampling approach where groups or clusters (where a
researcher will find the units of observation needed for the research) are
first sampled, and then each unit within each cluster is used to gather
Documentation for a data set that explains how the data files are
structured, how the variables are contained in the data set, and the type
of coding of specific variables is also available for each data set.
Coding can refer to converting a respondent’s answers into a numerical
value that can be entered into a database. In qualitative data analysis, it
is the process of attaching labels to lines of text so that the researcher
can group and compare similar or related pieces of information.
Coding sorts:
In qualitative data analysis, they represent compilations of similarly
coded blocks of text from different sources that are converted into a
single file or report.
Common Rule:
Common name of Subpart A of the HHS regulations of 1991.
Communicate the findings and recommendations:
One of seven evaluation research steps in which the evaluator shares the
results and suggestions arising from the research with stakeholders. The
sharing includes a comprehensive accounting of the research process.
Reporting of findings to policy makers. Communication must be done
on their terms. Sharing information in the form of journal articles is not
appropriate. Rather, the use of a policy brief or other type of
communication is necessary.
Complete and fair assessment:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation. Indicates that
an evaluation must offer a complete and fair assessment of the strengths
and weaknesses of the program. Without a complete and fair
assessment, the usefulness of the evaluation is limited.
Complete observer:
Role conception in which the researcher only observes, and does not
participate, or conduct interviews at all. The role of the observer is to
observe and to take meaning from what is seen. Those being watched
are unaware of the presence of the researcher.
Complete participant:
Role conception in which the researcher keeps hidden his or her true
identity and purpose from those being observed. The researchers’ goal is
to interact in this natural setting as naturally as possible to gather data
and meaning.
Complimentary close:
Polite ending to a letter. In job cover letters, common closes include
“Regards,” “Sincerely,” and “Best Wishes.”
Requirement from the Belmont Report of the information given possible
study participants. That the information be comprehensible is required
before the participant can offer informed consent.
Organizational management approach used by police departments to
proactively address crime problems, which relies heavily on crime
analysis and mapping.
Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS):
Tool available to qualitative researchers for assistance in analyzing
qualitative data. It cannot replace the role of the researcher.
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI):
Computerized system that guides the interviewer through the survey on
a computer. The system prompts the interviewer about exactly what to
Abstract, mental pictures of things that exist only in our minds.
Examples include gender, victim, injury, recidivism, and rehabilitation.
Conceptual definition:
Precise, accurate, comprehensive, and clear definitions resulting from
Process of precisely, accurately, comprehensively, and clearly defining
what is meant by a particular concept. The resulting definition from this
process is a conceptual definition.
Found at the end of journal articles and are generally short sections that
briefly summarize the overall conclusions of the research, and why the
findings are important. In many cases, the discussion and conclusion
sections are combined.
Conclusions section in a policy brief:
Acts to answer the general question, “What does it all mean?” In the
conclusions section, the researcher must interpret the data and offer
concrete conclusions.
When the researcher knows and can identify individual respondents but
promises to keep that information private.
Conflict of interest:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation. Requires that
any conflict of interest that occurs must be dealt with transparently and
honestly to ensure the evaluation and results are not compromised.
Variables that the researcher seeks to control or eliminate in
experimental research. Control of confounders can be accomplished via
random assignment of subjects or units to control and experimental
Confounding factor:
Third variable at work in a spurious relationship that is causing what
appears to be a relationship between two other variables.
Conjunctive analysis of case configurations (CACC):
Used to analyze both small and large data sets, focuses on reducing data
into meaningful statistical information (e.g., frequency distributions and
percentages), and assesses empirical observations with formal statistical
tests (e.g., chi-square test of independence). In terms of qualitative
analysis, CACC focuses on the complex causal recipes or causal
pathways that define particular outcomes. In other words, instead of
focusing on people (i.e., victims, offenders, police), places (i.e., crime
hot spots, crime attractors, crime generators), or events (i.e., homicides,
robberies, executions) and variables that explain the variance in these
observations, CACC builds situational contexts of particular outcomes,
from an existing data file, defined by the combinations of variable
attributes believed to influence that outcome.
Content analysis:
Type of document analysis that does not have a widely agreed upon
definition. Most do agree that it is both quantitative and qualitative in
nature. The most widely acknowledged definition is posited by
Neuendorf as “a summarizing, quantitative analysis of messages that
relies on the scientific method, including attention to
objectivity/intersubjectivity, a priori design, reliability, validity,
generalizability, replicability, and hypothesis testing” (2002, p. 10).
Content validity:
Type of validity established when a measure captures the meaning of the
abstract concept based on the conceptual definition.
Context analysis:
Accuracy standard of an effective evaluation that requires a program to
be examined in context as to allow deeper understanding of the program.
With this knowledge, a researcher is more likely to provide findings that
influences the program.
Continuous variable:
Additional way to describe a ratio or interval level of measurement.
Continuous variables use numerical measurement and are not restricted
to whole numbers. That is, they can be expressed using decimals (e.g.,
1.3, 27.85, 1,079.453).
Control group:
Group of subjects or other units of interest that does not receive any
treatment during experimental research.
Control variable:
Type of independent variable included in research to better isolate the
role of an independent variable of interest (frequently referred to as
Convenience sampling:
Nonprobability sampling approach where a sample is gathered simply
based on convenience and ease of finding. Also known as “accidental
sampling” and as “haphazard sampling.”
Convex hull:
Smallest polygon that can be drawn around the outer points of all the
data in a data distribution of geographic locations.
Correlation analysis:
Statistical technique used to determine whether two continuous variables
are associated with one another.
Criterion of feasibility that indicates an effective evaluation. Requires
evaluators to consider the efficient and effective use of resources. Any
costs incurred should be directly toward producing information needed
to conduct a useful evaluation.
County Business Patterns (CBP):
Data that contain annual economic information by industry and that can
be used to support studies that consider economic activity of small areas
as part of their research question.
Cover letter:
Formal correspondence, written to a hiring official, explaining a
candidate’s interest in an employment opportunity with his or her
Crime analysis:
When used in geographic information systems (GIS), it refers to spatial
analysis methods used on crime data to understand where and when
events occur so that patterns can be systematically identified and
reduction and prevention strategies implemented.
Crime attractors:
Places that are attractive to offenders simply due to the nature of the
activity that occurs at that particular location.
Crime enablers:
Locations that have little or no regulation of behavior. The lack of
control increases the likelihood for crime to occur.
Crime generators:
Places that attract large numbers of both offenders and victims, such as
shopping malls, sporting events, parades, and other festivities.
Crime mapping:
Research methodology used to identify spatio-temporal patterns in crime
Criterion validity:
Type of validity established when one’s measures correspond to existing
measures (aka criteria).
Cross-sectional data:
Data collected at the same point of time or without regard to differences
in time.
Current Population Survey (CPS):
Monthly survey of about 60,000 U.S. households sponsored by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Its primary aim is to gauge the monthly
unemployment rate in the United States, providing one of many
indicators of economic health of the nation.
Information that takes a variety of forms, such as words, observations,
measurements, descriptions, and numbers. The individual pieces of
information or evidence gathered, analyzed, and used to answer the
research question. Data can be numeric and non-numeric in nature.
Data codebooks:
Collection of all data gathered by a particular data set. Many criminal
justice and criminology data codebooks are available online at no
Process of making inferences about a particular instance through the
reference to a general principle or law.
Deductive reasoning:
Approach in which the researcher begins with broad or general
statements that are used to derive more specific statements. Used in
research that begins more generally and works to more specificity.
Commonly used in research using quantitative data.
Defensible information sources:
Standard of accuracy requiring the sources of information used to
conduct a program evaluation. Information shared about sources used in
the evaluation should be detailed enough to allow others to assess these
Clarifying the precise meaning of a particular concept when used in
research. For example, in one piece of research, injury may be defined
as physical harms perpetrated to another person against his or her will.
In some other piece of research, injury may be defined as physical,
emotional, psychological, and financial harms perpetrated against
another person against his or her will.
De-identified data:
Data that have been stripped of all identifiable data so that there is no
way they could be linked back to the subjects from whom it was
originally collected.
Demographic questions:
Questions that ask about basic characteristics of the person such as
gender, age, race, ethnicity, income, and so on.
Dependent variable:
Type of variable that is the outcome of interest and focus of the
Describe purposes and procedures:
Standard of accuracy that requires the evaluator to clearly articulate and
outline the purposes and procedures of the evaluation. In addition, the
stated purposes and procedures of the evaluation should be described
comprehensively to allow continual monitoring and assessment of the
Descriptive literature review:
Organization format for a literature review that identifies the major
elements of contemporary understanding about a particular topic.
Descriptive research:
Focused description of a topic that answers questions such as “What is
it?” “What are the characteristics of it?” and “What does it look like?” It
is similar to exploratory research, but it is narrower given knowledge
gained by exploratory research.
Descriptive statistics:
Branch of statistics that involves the use of numbers to summarize the
characteristics of data.
Design of the methodology:
Step in the evaluation research process that includes outlining the
needed research methodology to answer the research question. This
includes items such as identifying the program goals, identifying ways
to best measure if those goals are being met, and identifying what type
or types of data are required to address the research question. Those data
may come via observation, content analysis, interviews, surveys, or
participation in the program.
Develop findings and conclusions:
Step of evaluation research in which the evaluator uses the data and
information gathered to generate findings that address the research
question. In addition, this includes conclusions about the issue and
recommendations for ways to deal with the issue at hand.
Develop the research question:
Final step of seven steps in the evaluation research process in which the
evaluator shares the results of the research with stakeholders. The other
steps include identifying and engaging stakeholders, developing the
research question, designing the methodology, gathering data/evidence,
analyzing the data, developing findings and conclusions, justifying the
recommendations, and finally, communicating findings and
Deviation score:
Difference between an individual score in a data distribution and the
average of all scores in the same distribution.
Disclosure of findings:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation. Indicates that
evaluation findings must be made available to those with a legal right to
the findings or to those affected by the evaluation.
Discrete variable:
Additional way to describe interval- and ratio-level variables. These
variables use numeric measurement and are restricted to only whole
Section found near the end of a journal article that follows the findings
section. Discussion sections are used to discuss the findings and to place
them into the context of the existing literature.
Document analysis:
Systematic collection, review, evaluation, synthesizing, and
interpretation of documents to gain meaning and understanding,
regardless of whether the document is printed or available in electronic
form. Documents include numerous sources of text and images
including cartoons, advertisements, books, letters, maps, public records,
scripts, meeting minutes, and so on.
Don A. Dillman:
Expert in survey methodology at Washington State University who has
written extensively on survey design and ways to minimize survey
Double-barreled questions:
Questions that ask about more than one issue in a single question. This
makes it unclear which part of the question the response refers to.
Ecological fallacy:
Error in logic where a researcher applies conclusions based on a group
or an organization to an individual. This fallacy assumes all individuals
in a collective are characterized by the larger collective’s average
Ecological momentary assessments (EMA):
Research that comprises a unique type of methodology, designed for real
time/real place data collection. That is, when taking a survey, the data
gathered extends beyond the answers to the questions.
Ecological validity:
Extent to which data reflect the “real world.”
Individual parts that when aggregated form a population.
Type of research based on systematic observations, experimentations, or
Empirical peer-reviewed journal articles:
Type of original or primary source that is useful in constructing a
literature review. This research is based on systematic observation and
has undergone rigorous peer review prior to publication.
Process in which data and information are encoded making unauthorized
access impossible.
Norms for behavior that distinguish between what is and is not
acceptable. Ethics are not necessarily what our feelings or laws direct us
to do but what the common norms of moral behavior in society dictate.
Ethnographic interviews:
Also called “unstructured interviews.” They are conducted
conversationally and are based on very few broad, guiding questions that
provide a basic framework to the interview. An unstructured
interviewing approach allows a researcher to gather data about the topic
based on the respondent’s experiences and perceptions. Respondents can
share with the researcher what is important versus the researcher asking
the respondent about what the researcher believes is important.
A type of systematic qualitative research in which the researcher’s goal
is to gather a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the culture,
environment, and social phenomenon associated with a group or with
individuals in a group. Ethnography involves a researcher immersing
him- or herself into a culture for a prolonged period.
Evaluation impact:
One of the utility criteria of an effective evaluation. Is present when the
findings and recommendations of an evaluation are accepted and
implemented by key stakeholders.
Evaluation research:
Applied systematic assessment of the need for, implementation of, or
output of a program based on objective criteria. By using the data
gathered in evaluation research, the researcher can improve, enhance,
expand, or terminate a program. Evaluation research involves seven
basic steps: identifying and engaging stakeholders, developing the
research question, designing the methodology, gathering data/evidence,
analyzing the data, developing findings and conclusions, justifying the
recommendations, and communicating findings and recommendations.
Evaluator credibility:
One of the utility criteria of an effective evaluation. Requires that
evaluators must be both competent and trustworthy. The presence of
competence and trust in the evaluator benefits the evaluation in that
findings can be fully credible and accepted.
Executive summary:
First section in a policy brief that is generally written last. This section
should tell busy policy makers the overall purpose and findings of the
policy brief. An executive summary should hook the reader and compel
them to keep reading.
Exempt research:
That which does not have information about respondents, is publicly
available, and has no more than minimal risk.
Desirable characteristic in response categories meaning every possible
response option is offered.
Measurement requirement that there be an attribute available for every
possible response.
Expedited review:
Review by the institutional review board (IRB) committee chair (and
perhaps one or two other members). This is not necessarily a fast review
but one that does not require the full board.
Experimental group:
Group of subjects or other units of interest that receives the treatment in
experimental research.
Experimental mortality:
Threat to internal validity of experimental research that occurs when
subjects from either the control or the experimental group drop out of
the research at differential rates for reasons related to features of the
Explanatory research:
Research that provides explanations about a topic by addressing
question such as “Why is it?” “How is it?” “What is the effect of it?”
“What causes it?” and “What predicts it?”
Exploratory research:
Research that addresses questions such as “What is it?” How is it?” and
“Where is it?” This approach is used when little or nothing is known
about a topic.
External validity:
Related to the generalizability of experimental findings to other people
in other situations. External validity is often at odds with internal
Face validity:
Type of validity that indicates a measure appears to measure the concept
it is designed to measure.
Face-to-face interviews:
Also referred to as “in-person interviews.” They represent another
popular survey modality in which the interviewer asks the respondent
questions and records the respondent’s answer.
Farfel and Chisolm:
Researchers at John Hopkins University in the 1990s who conducted
experiments on lead paint abatement techniques. This experiment
exposed young children, who are most vulnerable to the pernicious
effects of lead contamination. Although some children in the experiment
experienced a decline in lead toxicity, others experienced an increase.
One of four major standards of effective evaluations that focuses on
whether an evaluation is viable, pragmatic, realistic, diplomatic, and
involves the prudent use of resources.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
Domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, which
serves as the nation’s prime federal law enforcement agency.
Federal Policy for the Protections of Human Subjects:
Set of regulations developed by the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) in 1991 that guides most contemporary research today.
These regulations build on foundational documents such as the
Nuremberg Code and the Belmont Report. When developed, this policy
contained four Subparts: A (aka Common Rule), B, C, and D. In 2009, a
fifth subpart (Subpart E) was added.
Data repository that offers open access to a wide range of statistical data
generated by the federal government.
Field notes:
Most basic and most important data recording technique used in
qualitative research. They should be used regardless of the approach
used, and they can be supplemented by other data recording approaches
such as audio or video recordings. Field notes should include everything
a researcher observes. The researcher uses words to describe the
environment, time, weather, sounds, smells, and sights in as much detail
as possible. No detail is too small, or occurrence too unimportant, to be
Term used to mean that a survey has been distributed or administered
and data are being collected.
Used in electronic searches to place restrictions on or refine a search.
Common filters used are on the type of source needed (e.g., journal
articles) and date range of publication (e.g., last five years).
Section that reports the findings of a piece of research. In this section,
the research questions are answered.
First Law of Geography:
Also known as “Tobler’s Law,” it states that everything is related to
everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.
Fiscal responsibility:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation. Requires that
the use of resources during the course of the evaluation be sound,
ethical, and prudent.
Flag account:
One of two explanations of the repeat victimization phenomenon. The
flag account suggests it is the characteristics of the person/target that
entice potential offenders but that these characteristics remain constant
over time.
Focus group:
Collections of people involved in the discussion of a predetermined set
of short, clear, and nonbiased questions. Led by a moderator, a focus
group generally lasts from 45 minutes to 2 hours.
Focusing event:
Event that captures the attention of policy makers, the public, and the
media simultaneously like a major disaster or other crises.
Formal agreements:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation that requires
the presence of a formal, written agreement involving all principal
parties involved in an evaluation. This written agreement should identify
clearly each individual’s obligations, how associated tasks are to be
done, who is to conduct required tasks, and when tasks will be
completed. Formal agreement is binding unless all parties choose to
renegotiate the terms of it.
Formative evaluation:
Conducted in the earliest stages of the policy process while a program is
being developed with the purpose of ensuring the program is feasible
prior to full implementation. Formative evaluations can be thought of as
“trouble-shooting” evaluations in that what is discovered from the
evaluation is “fed back” into the program to strengthen or enhance it.
Two types of formative evaluations are considered in this text: needs
assessments and process evaluations.
Frequency distribution:
Used in descriptive statistics, it is a table that displays the number of
times a particular value or category is observed in the data for a
particular variable.
Full board review:
All research that is not exempt or expedited and requires the review of
the full institutional review board (IRB).
Full enumeration:
Another term used for a census because all members of the population
were used to gather data.
Gap analysis:
Part of a needs assessment in which the evaluator identifies the size or
extent of the problem needing attention, as well as the desired situation.
Identifying what is and what is desired is the gap analysis.
Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO):
Notion in research that findings produced from data analysis are only as
good as the data being analyzed.
Gather data/evidence:
Step in the process of evaluation research in which the evaluator
accumulates data and information used to answer the research question.
Data can come from multiples sources, including observations,
interviews, surveys, and content analysis.
Desirable characteristic of findings from research indicating that the
results from a sample can be applied to the larger population from which
the sample was taken.
General Schedule (GS):
Determines the pay scale for most federal employees especially those in
professional, technical, administrative, or clerical positions. The GS pay
scale consists of 15 grades, from GS-1, the lowest level, to GS-15, the
highest level.
In GIS and crime analysis, it is the process of assigning an XY
coordinate pair to the description of a place (i.e., an address) by
comparing the descriptive location-specific elements of nonspatial data
to those in reference data that have existing spatial information
associated with it.
Geographic information systems (GIS):
Branch of information technology that involves collecting, storing,
manipulating, analyzing, managing, and presenting geospatially
referenced data.
Geographic profiling:
Crime analysis method used for identifying the most probable area in
which a serial offender lives, based on the known locations of crimes
that are believed to be committed as part of a series of linked events.
Geographic regions:
Units of analyses and the who or what being studied. These may include
city blocks, census tracks, cities, counties, states, or countries.
Geographically weighted regression (GWR):
Spatial analysis technique similar to linear regression analysis involving
the use of predictor variables to estimate their relationship to an outcome
variable or dependent variable.
Geospatial data:
Data containing spatially referenced information (e.g., the latitude and
longitude coordinates) included as part of all the data contained in a data
Geostatistical analysis:
Any mathematical technique that uses the geographical properties of
data as part of a statistical or an analytic method.
Going native:
Phrase devised by Gold (1958), occurs when the field researcher
actually becomes the role he or she is playing and is no longer able to
observe the situation with any objectivity.
Gold standard:
Phrase used to describe true experimental research designs given their
ability to establish causality.
Grounded theory:
Systematic methodology that leads to the construction of theory through
the coding and analysis of qualitative data.
Unit of analysis used to indicate that the who or what being studied is a
group. For example, a Boy Scout troop is a group that may be the who
or what being studied. Treated the same as organizations.
Recommendations about the expected behavior during the course of
following procedures, with examples of how to deal with specific
instances one may encounter.
Haphazard sampling:
Nonprobability sampling approach where a sample is gathered simply
based on convenience and ease of finding. Also known as “accidental
Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990:
Out of this act, the FBI publishes an annual hate crime statistics report
that is congressionally mandated.
Hawthorne Effect:
Identified in 1953, refers to possible impact on behavior of those who
are aware they are being observed and studied. It is a type of reactivity
meaning that individual will hide or exaggerate behaviors when he or
she is aware of being observed.
Threat to the internal validity of an experiment that refers to the
occurrence of an external event during the course of an experiment that
affects subjects’ response to the treatment and as a result the findings of
the research.
Hit rate:
Measure of predictive accuracy used in predictive policing, which is
defined by the number of crime incidents that actually fall within a
predicted crime hot spot, based on past crime events. The hit rate is
expressed as a simple percentage that ranges from 0% to 100%.
Holmesberg Prison:
Pennsylvania prison where Dr. Albert Kligman performed unethical skin
experiments on prisoners from 1951 to 1974.
Hot spot mapping:
Various, advanced, spatial-statistical methods and techniques that use
the known locations of recorded crime incidents to identify nonrandom,
high concentrations of crime events within a study area.
Human interactions:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation. Requires that
evaluation research be conducted with respect to all individuals
associated with the program of interest. No individual should be
threatened or harmed, and all engaged must be respected.
Human subject:
According to the Common Rule refers to a living individual.
Testable statement about the relationship between variables.
Identify and Engage Stakeholders:
First step of the evaluation research process in which the evaluator scans
the environments to identify those who are affiliated with and affected
by the program of interest. Once identified, those stakeholders must be
engaged in the process to maximize buy-in and, ultimately, the success
of the project.
Set of ideas and ideals that form one’s economic, political, or social
views of the world.
Impact evaluations:
One of two summative evaluations considered in this text. Impact
evaluations are global examinations that assess whether a program is
achieving its designated goals. These evaluations identify the output of
the program in terms of intended outputs, as well as in terms of
unintended outputs.
Impact factors:
Scores assigned to journals theoretically indicating the journal’s quality.
The higher the score, the higher the quality.
Impartial reporting:
Accuracy standard that calls for care to be taken to avoid distortion or
bias in findings. The evaluator must strive to report on the evaluation
regardless of personal feelings.
Implications subsection:
Subsection of a policy brief that identifies what could happen and
frequently includes “if, then” statements.
Used in survey research when eligible participants are given something
of value in return for their participation.
Independent variable:
Type of variable that is believed or hypothesized to influence, be
associated with, or cause the variation in an outcome or dependent
Most common unit of analysis used in criminology and criminal justice
research that indicates that the who or what being studied is an
individual. This could be any person in the population or specific
individuals such as students, offender, or law enforcement officers.
Individualist fallacy:
Also known as “reductionism” or as “reductionist fallacy.” It is a
reasoning error that occurs when a researcher applies conclusions based
on research using an individual unit of analysis to a group or an
Inductive reasoning:
Used in research that begins more specific and works to greater
generality. Commonly used in research using qualitative data.
Conclusions about the population based on evidence and reasoning
about sample data.
Information scope and selection information:
One of the utility criteria of an effective evaluation. Requires that the
data and information collected for use in the evaluation must speak
directly to the specific research questions guiding the program
evaluation. This criterion mandates that the data and information must
be responsive to the interests of the stakeholders.
Required by the Belmont Report for ethical research. Those considering
participating in research must be provided information about the study
they are considering.
Informed consent:
First requirement of ethical research stated in the Belmont Report.
Informed consent indicates participants can choose what shall or shall
not be done to them. To obtain informed consent, the research
participant must be given comprehensible information about the study,
from which he or she can volunteer to participate.
One of four steps in a basic logic model. Inputs include things like
training or education. The idea is that these inputs should lead to the
outputs depicted in the logic model.
Institutional review boards (IRBs):
Committee convened and tasked with reviewing, approving, and
monitoring health and social science research involving humans in the
United States. With few exceptions, all research that is supported in any
fashion by the U.S. federal government requires IRB oversight; other
funding sources may also require IRB approval for human subjects
Threat to the internal validity of an experiment that refers to how
instruments used in an experiment may be unreliable and affect the
findings of an experiment.
Interaction effect of testing and experimental variables:
Also known as the “reactive effect of testing.” It is a threat to the
external validity of experiments that results from subjects responding
differentially to the treatment, or being sensitized to the treatment, in
unnatural ways affecting the findings.
Interaction of experimental arrangements and experimental variables:
Threats to the external validity of experimental research that refers to
how the artificially controlled situations in which experiments are
conducted may jeopardize one’s ability to generalize findings to a
nonexperimental setting.
Interaction of selection biases and experimental variables:
Threats to the external validity of experimental research resulting from
the sample used in experimental research. If the sample differs from the
population in ways such as willingness to volunteer for research,
aptitude, intelligence, or other characteristics, the ability to generalize
findings from the research is jeopardized.
Interaction of testing and experimental variables:
Also known as the reactive effects of testing, it is a threat to the external
validity of an experiment that results from subjects responding
differentially to the treatment or being sensitized to the treatment in
ways that affect the findings.
Interest group:
Collection of individuals who operate to influence public opinion and
policy makers on particular criminal justice issues that require
immediate attention and policy. Also known as an “advocacy group.”
Internal validity:
Related to the degree to which a researcher can conclude a causal
relationship among variables in an experiment. Internal validity is often
at odds with external validity.
Interquartile range (IQR):
Measure of dispersion used as a summary statistic. It indicates how
much variability there is in a data distribution based on the difference
between the two halves (i.e., two middle quartiles) of the distribution.
Inter-rater reliability:
Way to establish the presence or absence of reliability by measuring the
degree to which different raters or observers offer consistent
assessments of the same phenomenon.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR):
Association of universities and institutions that maintains and provides
access to social science data for research and instruction. There are over
8,000 discrete studies/surveys and more than 65,000 data sets in the
ICPSR archives.
Level of measurement that indicates that attributes of a measure can be
rank-ordered and have known and equal differences between categories.
Interval-level measures do not have a meaningful zero.
Intervening variable:
Variable that is situated between the two other variables in time, creating
a type of a spurious relationship.
Interviewer bias:
When the survey participant is influenced by the presence or actions of
an interviewer.
Conversations between the researcher and an individual or a group of
individuals. Interviews also represent a type of survey mode that
involves the researcher (i.e., the interviewer) directly engaging with the
survey participant during the data collection process.
Introduction section of a journal article:
First section of the text (after the abstract) that identifies the purpose of
the research and why it is important.
Introduction section of a policy brief:
Second section of a policy brief that tells the reader why he or she
should care about the topic of the brief.
Knowledge developed based on a feeling or gut instinct.
Questions contained on a survey instrument.
Third principle of ethical research outlined in the Belmont Report. This
principle indicates that research subjects must be treated reasonably,
justly, and fairly. Selection of participants should not be conducted in
which some, due to their easy availability, their compromised position,
or their manipulability are taken advantage of or shoulder the bulk of the
costs of the research. Selection of subjects in research should be related
directly to the problem being studied, and the costs and benefits of the
research should be shouldered fairly.
Justified conclusions:
Accuracy standard that indicates the need for all conclusions and
findings be clearly and comprehensively justified allowing stakeholder
Justify these recommendations:
Step of the evaluation research process in which the evaluator offers a
basis for the recommendations made. The evaluator must indicate that
the recommendations were based on appropriate well-gathered data and
that biases did not influence the recommendations.
Key words:
Major concepts of greatest importance found in a journal article. They
are generally found on the first page of the article.
In the context of an online job hunt, it is a word or phrase that is
particular to the job sought after and that will narrow a search to include
only those that a candidate is interested in applying for.
Dr. Albert Kligman:
Researcher who performed unethical skin experiments on prisoners
confined at the Holmesburg Prison in Pennsylvania from 1951 to 1974.
Without the prisoners’ understanding, they were exposed to chemicals
including toothpaste, shampoos, eye drops, hair dye, detergents, mind-
altering drugs, radioactive isotopes, dioxin (an exceedingly toxic
compound), herpes, staphylococcus, and athlete’s foot, among other
things. The subjects were paid in such a way as to raise doubt that they
were not coerced.
In this context, it is defined as information believed to be true and
reliable. Knowledge can come from a variety of sources both scientific
and nonscientific. This text is focused on assessing and creating
scientific knowledge.
Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS):
National survey sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) that
gathers data from state and local law enforcement agencies that employ
100 or more sworn officers (i.e., “large” law enforcement agencies).
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA):
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) Program that includes information on
incidents resulting in the assault and killing of on-duty officers.
Leading questions:
Questions that contain a controversial or unjustified assumption that
leads a respondent to answer in a particular way that may not reflect his
or her true feelings. Also known as a “loaded question.”
Letter of recommendation:
Also referred to as a “letter of reference.” It is a document in which the
writer assesses the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the
person being recommended.
Level of measurement:
Nature of the data gathered for a particular variable.
Likert-type scale:
Commonly used measurement approach in which the response format
includes ordered attributes such as “very unsatisfied,” “unsatisfied,”
“satisfied,” and “very satisfied.”
Online survey software program that is a free and open-source online
survey application. It is written in a scripting language called “PHP.”
Link analysis:
In qualitative research, it refers to a technique used to evaluate
relationships (i.e., connections) between various types of nodes (i.e.,
objects). It is used primarily to (a) find matches in data for known
patterns of interest, (b) find anomalies where known patterns are
violated, and (c) find new patterns of interest.
Literature review journal articles:
Type of original or primary source valuable for constructing a literature
review. A published literature reviews, presents, organizes, and
synthesizes existing understanding on a topic.
Literature review:
Review, summary, and synthesis of extant knowledge on a topic.
Literature review sections in journal articles review, present, organize,
and synthesize existing understanding on a topic at the time the research
was conducted. They are used to place the published research into
context and to demonstrate how it adds to our understanding of a topic.
Loaded questions:
Questions that contain a controversial or unjustified assumption that
leads a respondent to answer in a particular way that may not reflect his
or her true feelings. Also known as a “leading question.”
Logic models:
Graphic depictions that illustrate the ideal about how a program is
intended to work. Logic models provide an easy-to-understand means to
see the causal relationships among program components. There are four
benefits of logic models: They point to key performance measurement
points useful for conducting an evaluation, they assist with program
design, they make improvement of existing programs easier by
highlighting program activities that are problematic, and they help
identify program expectations.
Long-term outcomes:
One of four causal steps in a logic model, referring to the intended
positive benefits resulting from a program that are expected to occur
further in the future. Long-term outcomes may include reduced
victimization, stable housing, greater educational attainment, a lack of
arrests, and greater satisfaction with life.
Longitudinal data:
Data collected from the same sample at different points in time.
Tactic used by the media where a particular crime or violent event is
repeated over and over again. This leads the public to believe that crime
and violence is worse than it is, which affects what the public views as
important criminal justice issues.
Mail and written surveys:
Mode of surveying that involves providing a written survey to an
individual. This survey can be sent via the mail or handed out in person.
Manipulation of an independent variable:
One of three characteristics of true experimental research. The control or
manipulation of the independent variable must be done by the
Map legend:
Required element of a map used to explain what symbols on a map
Margin of error:
Maximum expected deviation expected between a sample statistic and a
population parameter.
Matched pairs design:
Also called “paired-matching.” It is a matching approach used in true
experiments in which the researcher create pairs of subjects or units of
interest based on relevant characteristics that are identified prior to the
experiment. Once pairs are established, one unit in the pair is randomly
assigned to the experimental group, and the other is assigned to the
control group.
Randomization technique that eliminates the possibility that differences
between subjects based on the matching variables can affect results.
Matching can be accomplished via block matching or pair matching.
Matrix question:
Question that includes multiple closed-ended questions sharing the same
response categories.
Threat to the internal validity of an experiment that refers to the natural
changes that happen to subjects participating in experimental research,
including hunger, boredom, or aging.
Maximum variation sampling:
Purposeful sampling approach in that subjects are selected to maximize
or increase the variation or heterogeneity of relevant characteristics in
the sample. Rather than seeking some sort of representativeness of the
sample, the goal is to seek maximum variation in the sample to provide
insight into how a topic is viewed and processed by subjects in a variety
of settings under a variety of conditions.
Writing strategy in which one begins with a main point, offers evidence,
analyzes the evidence, and then links that material to the main point.
Measure of central tendency used as a summary statistic. It represents
the arithmetic average value of all observations in a data distribution.
Mean center:
Average x- and y-coordinates of all the features in the study area.
Tools used to gather data that represent an abstract underlying concept.
Data are gathered in the same way some tools in a garage are used.
Process of quantifying a concept. Measurement can be conducted in a
variety of ways such as through survey questions (e.g., on a scale from 1
to 10, how happy are you today? How many cigarettes have you smoked
this week? and What is your current GPA?), counting behaviors during
observation, taking blood pressure measurements, or recording one’s
Measures of central tendency:
Group of summary statistics used to numerically describe the “typical”
case in a group of observations.
Measures of dispersion:
Group of summary statistics used to numerically describe the variability
in observed scores among a group of observations.
Competing voice heard by policy makers that has the goal of delivering
viewers to their advertisers. Media is most effective at achieving its goal
by showing viewers things that keep them coming back to watch more,
including misrepresentations of crime and violence. This drives what the
public believes are important criminal justice issues.
Measure of central tendency used as a summary statistics. It represents
the numeric “center” of a data distribution or the value that represents
the score that half of all other scores in a data distribution are greater
than and half are less than.
Meta data:
Data used to describe other data.
Accuracy standard that refers to the need that the evaluation be judged
on these standards to allow an examination of its strengths and
weaknesses by stakeholders.
Sections in journal articles that outline in detail the approach taken to
answer the research question. Information shared includes the source of
the data used (e.g., sample), the approach taken to gather the data (e.g.,
survey, observations, interviews), and the analytic techniques used to
analyze these data (e.g., descriptives, regression).
Mind maps:
Graphical representation of ideas and concepts by structuring
information visually so that analysis, comprehension, synthesis, and
recall are improved.
Missing data:
When no data are recorded for a particular variable. Missing data come
in two broad forms. First, it can refer to when a person was supposed to
include information and did not do so.
Mobile survey:
Mode of survey research whereby a questionnaire is delivered to an
eligible participant via the Internet and completed on a smartphone or
tablet, usually through a Web browser or a mobile application (i.e., app).
Measure of central tendency used as a summary statistic. It represents
the numeric value observed more than any other in a data distribution.
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP):
In geographic information systems (GIS), it is a problem arising from
the imposition of artificial units of spatial reporting on continuous
geographical phenomenon, which results in the generation of artificial
spatial patterns.
Mosaic plagiarism:
Form of plagiarism in which one takes another person’s text and
replaces some words with synonyms without citing the originator of the
idea. In addition, mosaic plagiarism also occurs when one strings
together verbatim fragments from multiple authors or sources without
citing the original authors.
Multistage sampling:
Not really a probability sampling approach, but instead it is the use of
multiple probability sampling techniques to draw a sample. For
example, a researcher may first randomly sample housing units (first
stage; sampling a cluster of housing) and then randomly select people to
interview in each of the selected clusters.
Mutually exclusive:
Measurement requirement that the attributes offered must not overlap in
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD):
Specialized data archive sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and the Office of Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The purpose of the
archive is to preserve and distribute crime and justice data for secondary
data analysis.
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE):
National professional organization that aims to facilitate the hiring of
college graduates.
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of
Biomedical and Behavioral Research:
Also known as “The Commission.” The purpose of The Commission
was to develop policies related to human subject research guidelines.
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS):
Nationally representative survey sponsored by the Bureau of Justice
Statistics (BJS) that gathers data about property and violence
victimization occurring in the United States to persons age 12 or older
living in housing units. NCVS data are one of the nation’s sources of
crime data, which includes both crime that is and is not reported to the
police. NCVS data demonstrate a drop in violent and property crime
since the early 1990s.
National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service (NCJISS):
Became the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in 1979, with the passage
of the Justice System Improvement Act. The mission of NCJISS, and
later of BJS, is to gather and analyze crime data, publish crime reports,
and make available this information to the public, policy makers, media,
government officials, and researchers.
National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS):
Incident-based crime that includes the nature and types of crime
committed during each incident, victim(s) and offender(s)
characteristics, type and value of stolen and recovered property, and
characteristics of arrested individuals.
National Institutes of Health (NIH):
Federal collection of 27 institutes and centers engaged in biomedical
research. NIH offers free online training in human subjects research.
National Research Act of 1974:
Created by the National Commission for the Protection of Human
Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. The purpose of this
act was to develop human subjects research guidelines.
National Vital Statistics System (NVSS):
Program that provides data on vital events including deaths (but also
births, marriage, divorces and fetal deaths). Mortality data, including
that on homicide, from the NVSS are a widely used source of cause-of-
death information. It offers advantages of being available for small
geographic places over decades, allowing comparisons with other
Natural experiments:
Occur outside of laboratories or other artificial locations and in the
natural world. Natural experiments have a control and an experimental
group, but they do not include randomization or researcher control of the
Near Repeat Calculator (NRC):
Developed by Jerry Ratcliffe at Temple University, and funded by the
U.S. Department of Justice, the NRC is a free software tool that can be
used to identify repeat/near repeat patterns in crime data.
Needs assessments:
Type of formative assessments with the goal of understanding the needs
of a target population. Needs assessments provide guidance about
whether a program is needed, exactly who may need a program, and the
type of program that may be useful for the target population. The
findings of a needs assessment allow someone to identify how to
effectively target a program to best address a social problem of interest.
Engaging in a needs assessment requires deep immersion by the
researcher into the environment in which a program may be needed.
Network sampling:
Specific type of purposive sampling approach in which sample subjects
are selected based on referrals from prior subjects. Also called
“snowball sampling,” “chain referral,” or “reputational sampling.”
Linking with, or interacting with, others to exchange information to
achieve a goal. Networking with policy makers is necessary to maximize
the chances your research will be policy relevant.
Level of measurement that indicates attributes or categories differ in
name only. Nominal levels of measurement have inherent ordering
between named categories or attributes, and the categories cannot be
placed on a continuum with a meaningful zero. Variables with nominal
levels of measurement are frequently called “categorical variables.”
Nonequivalent control groups design:
Most commonly used quasi-experimental design that uses nonrandomly
generated control and experimental groups.
Nonprobability sampling:
Process of selecting a subset of elements in the population without the
presence of a comprehensive list of population members. By using
nonprobability sampling, some members of the population have a zero
chance of being selected into the sample, and the probability of being
selected into a nonprobability sample is frequently unknown. This is
most widely used in qualitative research.
Nonrandomized designs:
Also known as “quasi-experimental research designs.” They are used
when random assignment to a control or an experimental group is not
possible, impractical, or unethical. Referred to by Campbell as “queasy
North arrow:
Required element of a map that is used to orient the map for the reader.
Notification letters:
Letters mailed to those in the sample to alert them that they will be
receiving a survey. Notification letters are effective tools for increasing
response rates.
Nuremberg Code:
After the research atrocities perpetrated in Nazi Germany, the
Nuremberg Code was enacted in 1947 to outline 10 ethical principles to
guide research.
Observation and fieldwork:
One of three primary forms of qualitative research that involved the
researcher going into the field to observe, and possibly participate in, the
topic of interest.
Observer as participant:
One of four role conceptions available for field research. The
researcher’s presence and purpose is known by those being observed.
While all know the purpose of the researcher, the duration of the
observation is brief, and any interaction between the observer and the
topic is minimal.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP):
Agency in the U.S. Department of Justice that focuses on crime
prevention through research and development, assistance to state, local,
and tribal criminal justice agencies.
One-group pretest–posttest design:
Pre-experimental design that includes only one group (no comparison
group), no randomization, and no researcher control of the treatment.
One-shot case design:
Pre-experimental design in which one investigates only one group that
experienced some type of treatment (not administered by the researcher)
believed to have been related to some outcome. The researcher
compares the findings of the posttest to personal expectations of the
measurement had the treatment not been administered.
Online survey:
Mode of survey research whereby a questionnaire is delivered to an
eligible participant via the Internet and completed on a personal
computer, usually through a Web browser.
Open coding:
Refers to a researcher reading the complete set of raw data multiple
times to organize and summarize the data (whether it be words,
sentences, paragraphs, or illustrations) into preliminary groupings of
analytic categories.
Open-source geographic information systems (GIS):
Free GIS software that can be used in crime analysis and mapping.
Open-source projects include QGIS, MapWindow GIS, and GRASS
Open-ended questions:
Designed to give the respondent the opportunity to answer in his or her
own words. These are similar to essay questions on exams. Open-ended
questions are ideal for gathering qualitative data.
Process in which a researcher identifies how each concept will be
measured based on the conceptual definition.
Level of measurement that indicates that attributes of a measure have an
inherent order to them. A level of measurement in which attributes can
be rank-ordered.
Unit of analysis used to indicate that the who or what being studied is an
organization. For example, fraternities and sororities are organizations
that may be the who or what being studied. Treated the same as groups.
Original sources:
Also known as “primary sources.” They are primarily peer-reviewed
journal articles. There are three basic forms of original source journal
articles: peer-reviewed empirical journal articles, theoretical journal
articles, and literature review journal articles.
Outcome evaluations:
Type of summative evaluation that measures the effectiveness of a
program on the target population. This type of evaluation is focused on
the impacts on the target population specifically versus the program.
Outcome evaluations focus on the short-term and long-term outcomes
among the target population depicted in the logic model.
Extreme values within a data distribution.
One of four steps in a basic logic model. Outputs are those intended
consequences resulting from inputs and include things like increased
knowledge, changed attitudes or values, and new skills.
Also called “matched pairs design.” It is a matching approach used in
true experiments in which the researcher creates pairs of subjects or
units of interest based on relevant characteristics that are identified prior
to the experiment. Once pairs are established, one unit in the pair is
randomly assigned to the experimental group, and the unit other is
assigned to the control group.
Partial enumeration:
Another term used for “sample”: not all members of the population are
Participant as observer:
One of four role conceptions in which the researcher and his or her
primary contact(s) in the field are the only ones aware of the
researcher’s actual role and purpose for the observation. While the
researcher’s role is known to a select few, the researcher engages with
the group as a member or a colleague.
Participant observation:
Combination of observation with some degree of participation by the
researcher. It is characterized by four types of participant observation
described on a continuum of role conceptions.
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Published articles that were rigorously peer-reviewed before being
published in an academic journal. These are an excellent source of
information used in a literature review.
Potential issue when using systematic sampling approaches that refers to
a pattern hidden in the sampling frame. Periodicity occurs when a
characteristic relevant to the study being conducted is found in the
sampling frame and when that characteristic appears on a cyclical basis
that matches the interval used in systematic sampling. Failure to account
for periodicity will lead to bias in the sample drawn.
Frequently, but not always, required by at least one parent when a child
participates in research.
Personal experience:
Knowledge accepted based on one’s own observations and experiences.
Peter Buxtun:
Person responsible for leaking information regarding the Tuskegee
Syphilis Experiment to journalists after the sponsoring agency refused to
act on it.
Particular series of terms or words. Phrases used in electronic searches
are identified using quotation marks.
Pilot study:
Used to identify problems with a survey questionnaire before it is
fielded to the sample of respondents. To conduct a pretest, the researcher
asks a small group of people to complete the survey instrument so errors
and issues can be rectified. Also called a “pretest.”
Fraud and theft of another person’s words, thoughts, ideas, or other
creations (e.g., songs, artwork), and the presentation of that material as
one’s own.
Principles, rules, and laws that guide a government, an organization, or
Policy adoption:
Third stage in the policy process that refers to the formal adoption of the
policy often in the form of a law.
Policy brief:
Short two- to four-page document of about 1,500 words that in plain
English presents research findings and policy recommendations to a
nonacademic audience. Policy briefs include five sections: executive
summary, introduction, approach and results, conclusion, and
implications and recommendations.
Policy cycle:
Simplified model of the stages of policy making and implementation
that includes five major stages: problem identification/agenda setting,
policy formation, policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy
evaluation. Also called the “policy process.”
Policy evaluation:
Fifth stage in the policy process that addresses whether the policy and its
associated programs are addressing the problems it was intended to
address, if the policy as implemented is cost effective, the presence of
any negative unintended consequences, and whether the implementation
occurred as it was designed.
Policy formation:
Second step in the policy process that includes the design of one or
multiple approaches to solve the problem of interest.
Policy implementation:
Fourth stage in the policy process that includes the drafting of specific
procedures, regulations, rules, and guidance to be used by those tasked
with carrying out the adopted policy.
Policy makers:
Individuals in a position who create the principles, rules, and laws that
guide a government, an organization, or people that are carried out by a
government or business groups.
Policy process:
Simplified model of the stages of policy making and implementation
that includes five major stages: problem identification/agenda setting,
policy formation, policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy
evaluation. Also called the “policy cycle.”
Policy-relevant research:
Research that directly influences the development of and
implementation of the principles, rules, and laws that guide a
government, an organization, or people by informing and influencing
policy makers.
Political viability:
One of the feasibility criteria of an effective evaluation. Requires the
evaluators to consider the affected stakeholders to gain and maintain
their cooperation during every stage of the evaluation. In addition, the
evaluator must be alert to stakeholder attempts to thwart, bias, or disrupt
the evaluation.
Collection of all elements that, when aggregated, make up that
Population parameter:
Summary of something in the greater population.
Poster session:
Method of disseminating research findings at a professional conference,
where the information being disseminated is summarized on a single
Potentially vulnerable populations:
Any population that may be more vulnerable to coercion or undue
influence. For example, the Veteran’s Administration views veterans as
a potentially vulnerable population. Depending on the research, a
potentially vulnerable population may include students, employees,
educationally disadvantaged people, minorities, or older persons.
Practical procedures:
One of the feasibility criteria of an effective evaluation. Requires that
evaluation research be practical, and it should result in minimal
disruption to the program under investigation.
Predatory journals:
Illegitimate journals that are in business to take fees from unsuspecting
authors. In general, elements of the journal are fabricated (e.g., impact
factor scores, editorial boards, peer review, location of offices and office
holders). Information taken from predatory journals should not be used
in academic literature reviews.
Predatory publishers:
Illegitimate publishers of predatory journals. In general, elements of the
publisher are fabricated (e.g., impact factor scores, editorial boards,
journal holdings, peer-review, location of offices and office holders).
Predatory publishers are not a source of quality academic information.
Predictive accuracy index (PAI):
Used to assess the quality of prospective hot spot maps that is calculated
as the ratio of the hit rate to the proportion of the study area that has
been in a hot spot in the past. A higher PAI value reflects greater
predictive accuracy.
Predictive policing:
Application of analytic techniques to identify likely targets for police
intervention and prevent crime or solve past crimes by making statistical
Predictor variables:
Also known as “independent variables” in experimental research.
Experiments that fail to include most elements of a true experiment. In
general, pre-experiments lack both control and experimental groups,
lack random assignment, and frequently lack researcher control of the
treatment. While useful as preliminary steps to see whether additional
research is warranted, pre-experiments represent poor designs.
Used to identify problems with a survey questionnaire before it is
fielded to the sample of respondents. To conduct a pretest, the researcher
asks a small group of people to complete the survey instrument so errors
and issues can be rectified. Also called a “pilot.”
Primary data collection:
Also known as “original data collection.” When research methodologies
are used in the collection of original data.
Primary sources:
Also known as “original sources.” They are primarily peer-reviewed
journal articles. There are three basic forms of primary source journal
articles: peer-reviewed empirical journal articles, theoretical journal
articles, and literature review journal articles.
Private-sector employees:
Individuals who work primarily for businesses or nonprofit agencies.
Probability sampling:
Process of selecting a subset of elements from a comprehensive list of
the population. This approach requires that every population element
have a known, nonzero chance of being selected.
Subtle phrase or follow-up question that interviewers use to encourage
survey participants to elaborate on previous responses.
Problem identification/agenda setting:
First stage of the policy process that occurs when the public brings an
issue to the attention of policy makers and demands something be done
to address this issue.
Step-by-step or standard operating procedures, that should be followed
to accomplish the policy.
Process evaluation:
Type of formative evaluation that is conducted when a program is in
operation. Process evaluations focus on whether a program has been
implemented and is being delivered as it was designed, or why an
existing program has changed over time. A way to view this is as a
trouble-shooting evaluation that can identify whether the program is
working the best way to meet its full potential, or where problems or
inefficiencies in the process are occurring.
Professional portfolio:
Carefully crafted set of documents and material that showcases the work
of a professional and is used, for example, during job interviews to
provide evidence of employability and fit with an organization or
Professional skill set:
Particular group of skills that employers desire in their employees,
which a person usually develops through training and education.
Developed to respond to policies.
Program documentation:
Accuracy standard of an effective evaluation that requires that an
evaluation be documented clearly, completely, and accurately.
One of four standards of an effective evaluation. Based on eight criteria
that demonstrate that an evaluation was conducted ethically, legally, and
with regard for the welfare of those involved, as well as of anyone else
affected by the evaluation.
Public policy:
Policy designed and implemented by governmental agencies
specifically. It is defined by policy expert Paul Cairney (n.d.) as the “the
sum total of government actions, from signals of intent, to the final
Public-sector employees:
Individuals who work for some sort of government agency either at the
federal, state, or municipal level.
Public use data:
Data that are prepared with the intent of making them available to
anyone (i.e., the public).
Purpose of the research:
Overarching goal of the research. Broadly, there are four categories of
purposes of research: exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and
Purposive sampling:
Nonprobability sampling approach in which the sample is selected based
solely on a particular characteristic of the case. Samples gathered using
this approach are selected because the respondents have particular
information needed to conduct the research.
Qualitative data:
Non-numerical data. Researchers using qualitative data generally use
inductive reasoning. Qualitative data are available in numerous formats,
including texts, narratives, published documents, videos, music, photos,
recordings, observations, participating, body language, and so on.
Qualitative data analysis (QDA):
Approach to data analysis that emphasized open-ended research
questions and moves from these toward greater precision, based on
information that emerges during data analysis.
Qualitative research:
Uses non-numeric data to answer what are frequently exploratory
research questions designed to provide detailed and nuanced
understanding of a topic. Qualitative research is not focused on
counting, quantifying, or measuring anything about a topic.
Paid software program (i.e., it is not free although your university may
have a contract with it making it free for you to use) that is easy to use,
offering a “drag-and-drop” interface that lets researchers quickly add
advanced online survey options and analysis features to questionnaires.
Quantitative data:
Numerical data. Research using quantitative data generally uses
deductive reasoning.
Quasi-experimental research:
Also known as “nonrandomized designs.” They are used when random
assignment to a control or an experimental group is not possible,
impractical, or unethical. Referred to by Campbell as “queasy
Written, printed, or electronic survey instruments that a respondent fills
out on his or her own.
Question-order effect:
When the ordering of questions on a survey influences responses given
to later questions.
Quota sampling:
Nonprobability sampling approach in which a researcher gathers cases
for the sample that have specific characteristics such as urban, suburban,
and rural households. This is roughly the nonprobability sampling
equivalent to stratified sampling.
Random assignment:
Characteristic of a true experiment in which subjects or units of interest
are randomly placed in an experimental or a control group. The random
nature of the assignment maximizes the chances that the experimental
and control groups are equivalent.
Random digit dialing (RDD):
Method for selecting people for involvement in telephone surveys by
generating telephone numbers at random, which has the potential for
including unlisted numbers.
Measure of dispersion used as a summary statistic. It reflects the
difference between the largest and smallest values in a data distribution.
Matrix of cells (i.e., pixels) that are organized into rows and columns,
like a grid. This grid is overlaid on a study area. Unlike vector data, each
raster cell contains a value that represents some aspect or characteristic
of the data being depicted on a map.
Raster data:
Type of geospatial data represented as a matrix of cells (i.e., pixels) that
is organized into rows and columns, like a grid.
Level of measurement that indicates that attributes of a measure can be
rank-ordered, have known and equal differences between categories, and
be nonarbitrary and meaningful zero. Any measure gathering count data
is ratio in nature.
Reactive effect of testing:
Also known as the “interaction effect of testing.” It is a threat to the
external validity of experiments that result from subjects responding
differentially to the treatment, or being sensitized to the treatment, in
unnatural ways affecting the findings.
Reactivity threats:
Threats to external validity that refer to how the novelty of participating
in research, and being aware that one is being observed during the
experiment, influences one’s behaviors and views.
Recall bias:
When the survey participant’s responses to questions lack accuracy or
completeness because they are unwilling or unable to “recall” events or
information from the past.
Recapture rate index (RRI):
Metric used to determine the quality of crime hot spot predictions. The
RRI is based on the ratio of hot spot density for the present time and the
previous time, standardized for changes in the total number of crimes in
each year.
Recency effects:
Stems from question ordering on a survey. This question-order effect
occurs when the ordering of questions on a survey influences responses
given to later questions.
Recommendations subsection:
Part of a policy brief that describes in concrete fashion what should
happen given the findings of the research. The recommendations
subsection is best described using precise steps that are relevant,
credible, and feasible.
Person who can write a letter of recommendation on a candidate’s behalf
to a potential employer. He or she can vouch for employability and
might be a former professor, co-worker or supervisor, or the head of an
organization, club, or society to which the candidate belongs.
Section in journal article offers the full citation information for every
source cited in the body of a journal article.
Regression analysis:
Statistical analysis technique whereby an equation is developed that
defines associations between independent and dependent variables. The
equation can be used to make predictions about the dependent variable.
Recommendations about the expected behavior during the course of
following procedures, with examples of how to deal with specific
instances one may encounter.
Refers to consistency of measurement. This includes the quality of
measurement taken across a group of subjects over repeated
administrations (assuming no real change has occurred), as well as
consistency of findings from an experiment conducted repeatedly under
the same conditions. In this case, reliability helps establish validity.
Reliable information:
Accuracy standard that requires that procedures used to gather data and
information must be designed and used to provide reliable information
for the evaluation.
Repeating of a piece of research.
Report clarity:
One of the utility criteria of an effective evaluation. This criterion
requires that evaluation reports clearly articulate multiple elements of
the program being evaluated. First, the program itself must be described.
In addition, the context and purposes of the program must be articulated.
Third, the procedures of the program must be made clear. And finally,
the findings of the evaluation must be clearly presented in the report.
This detail and clarity ensure the evaluation is easily understood by all
Report timeliness and dissemination:
One of the utility criteria of an effective evaluation. This criterion calls
for all interim and final reports resulting from the evaluation to be
shared with stakeholders in a timely fashion to facilitate their use.
Desirable characteristic of a sample that indicates it accurately
represents or reflects the population from which it came.
Reputational sampling:
Specific type of purposive sampling approach in which sample subjects
are selected based on referrals from prior subjects. Also called
“networks,” “snowball sampling,” or “chain referral sampling.”
Request for proposals (RFP):
Formal statement asking for research proposals on a particular topic.
According to the Common Rule refers to a systematic investigation or
examination that will contribute to generalizable knowledge.
Research methods:
Methods, processes, or steps used to conduct social science research.
Research question:
Question that guides research designed to generate knowledge. This
question guides the research endeavor.
Research topic:
Subject about which one is intellectually curious and wishes to
investigate to develop additional knowledge.
Respect for persons:
First principle of ethical research outlined in the Belmont Report. It
states that individuals should be treated as autonomous agents and that
autonomy must be acknowledged. Persons with diminished autonomy
are entitled to protection, and protection is required of those with
diminished autonomy.
Respondent burden:
Effort needed in terms of time and energy required by a respondent to
complete a survey. As a researcher, you must minimize respondent
burden in all ways possible.
Individuals participating in a survey.
Response categories:
List of options available from which a respondent selects an answer.
Response rate:
Way to measure the success of a survey and, subsequently, how well the
participants represent the larger population they are intended to reflect.
Rates are typically reported as the percentage of all eligible subjects
asked to complete a survey and are computed by dividing the number of
participants by the total number of eligible participants and by
multiplying that proportion by 100.
Results subsection:
Part of a policy brief usually presented with the approach subsection.
The results subsection conveys what was learned from the research and
is best accomplished beginning with the broadest statements about the
findings, before moving on to more specifics.
Written summary of your educational record, work history,
certifications, memberships, and accomplishments that often
accompanies a job application.
Right to service:
Instances in which a subject is denied potentially beneficial treatment in
an experiment. This may be violating the ethical principle of minimizing
harm to subjects. For example, consider the subjects in the Tuskegee
Syphilis Experiment and their shielding from penicillin.
Rights of human subjects:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation. Requires that
evaluation research, like all research, be planned and conducted using
ethical research practices. Evaluation research must be conducted such
that the rights and welfare of human subjects are respected.
Risk terrain modeling (RTM):
Crime analysis technique used to identify risks that come from features
of a landscape. RTM models how these risk factors are co-located to
result in unique behavior settings for crime.
Role conceptions:
Four roles a researcher can take while engaging in field research and
observation. They include (1) complete observer, (2) observer as
participant, (3) participant as observer, and (4) complete participant.
Recommendations about the expected behavior during the course of
following procedures, with examples of how to deal with specific
instances one may encounter.
Subset of a population of interest from which information or data is
gathered. Samples are often composed of people, but they can also be
other things including geographic areas (e.g., cities or organizations) or
documents (e.g., newspaper reports).
Sample statistics:
Summaries of data gathered from a sample.
Selecting a subset of elements from the larger population.
Sampling elements:
Individual items found on sampling frames. Specific sampling elements
are selected for samples.
Sampling error:
Error between sample statistics and population parameters.
Sampling frame:
Comprehensive list that includes all elements of the population. It is
from the sampling frame that probability sampling selects the sampling
Sampling interval:
Number, or the distance between, each sampling elements selected to be
in a systematically drawn sample. Stated differently, a researcher picks
every nth element from a sampling frame for inclusion in the sample.
Sampling without replacement:
Any sampling element can appear in a sample only once. Should, during
the selection of a sample, an element be selected a second (or more)
time, a researcher should simply move on with the sample selection.
Has several related meanings, one of which involves searching for
sources for a literature review. In particular, it indicates the search for
sources is complete because one finds no new information on a topic
and the same studies and authors repeatedly are discussed.
Point in which gathering data from additional respondents or cases does
not lead to additional data.
Scale bar:
Required element of a map that is used to orient the map-reader with
respect to distance.
Challenging and much debated definition that is defined here as a branch
of knowledge derived from observable and falsifiable information, data,
or evidence gathered in a systematic fashion.
Secondary data analysis:
Research methodology that involves the reanalysis of data collected by
someone else, for some other purpose, to answer a new research
question or to test a new research hypothesis.
Second-order analysis:
In qualitative data analysis, it is the process that involves identifying
recurrent themes and respondent clusters. It also can be used to build
event sequences and to develop new hypotheses.
Selection bias:
Potential threat to the internal validity of experimental research that
refers to differences that may exist between the control and experimental
group unbeknownst to the researcher.
Selection of subjects:
Third requirement in the Belmont Report that requires that subjects in
research should be fairly selected and that the benefits and risks of the
research should be fairly distributed.
Selective coding:
In this coding step, the research reviews all raw data and the previous
codes or labels for several purposes. First, the researcher makes
contrasts and comparisons among themes or labels. Second, during this
secondary stage, the researcher identifies overarching and broad
variables that describe connections and relationships among some of the
labels or themes.
Self-administered questionnaire:
Type of survey, administered either in paper or in electronic form, which
a survey participant completes on his or her own.
Self-exciting point process modeling:
Analogous to the aftershocks of an earthquake. In the context of crime,
think of an increase in likelihood of a second crime after an initial crime
within a particular area.
Semistructured interviews:
Interviews in which all respondents are asked the same set of questions.
By asking the same questions across respondents, the research can
compare responses. Although a set of questions is posed to every
respondent, a semistructured interview still allows and requires follow-
up questions and probing on interesting responses given.
Service orientation:
One of the propriety standards of an effective evaluation. Evaluation
research should be used to assist organizations and to address and serve
the needs of the targeted population affected by the program of interest.
Sheridan and King (1972):
Study designed to ascertain whether Milgram’s (1963) finding regarding
obedience to authority would extend to administering actual painful
shocks to a “cute, fluffy, puppy.” Milgram’s initial findings were
supported as the puppy was repeatedly shocked by 26 “teachers.”
Short-term outcomes:
One of four causal steps in a logic model, referring to the intended
positive benefits resulting from a program that are expected to occur
quickly. Short-term outcomes stem from the outputs and include
improvements or changes expected to see in a short period such as
improved stability, higher retention rates, reduced recidivism, or fewer
Simple random sampling:
Type of probability sampling in which each element in the population
has a known, and equal, probability of being drawn or selected into the
Situational contexts:
Used in conjunctive analysis of case configurations as the unit of
analysis that is defined by the combinations of variable attributes
believed to influence that outcome. Also referred to as “case
Defined as having the ability to do something well.
Skip-and-fill patterns:
Also known as “conditional logic statements.” A type of survey in
which the questions asked are contingent on answers to previous
Snowball sampling:
Nonprobability sampling approach in which current respondents are
asked for contact information of others having the needed characteristics
to participate in the study. Also called “networks,” “chain referral
sampling,” or “reputational sampling.”
Social artifacts:
Units of analyses and the who or what being studied. These include
social products such as opinion pieces in newspapers, books, movies,
commercials, social media posts, songs, vehicles, mug shots, and other
such items.
Social interactions:
Type of unit of analysis—or the who or what being studied—that
includes interactions such as victimization, marriages, and aggression.
Social science research:
Area of science focused on society and human relationships in society.
Criminal justice, criminology, and sociology are a few disciplines within
the social sciences.
Solomon Four Group:
True experimental design that includes four randomly generated groups
of subjects. It has all the benefits of a two-group pretest–treatment–
posttest design; plus it offers information about whether the results were
affected by the presence of a pretest.
Spatial autocorrelation:
Degree to which geographic features are similarly arranged in space.
Spatial data:
Data that have geographic coordinates associated with a corresponding
physical location. The coordinates associated with spatial data are the
Spatial dependency:
Measure used in geostatistical analysis to define the spatial relationship
between values of geographical data.
Spatial descriptions:
Group of spatial statistics that describes the overall spatial distribution
of geographic data.
Spatial interpolation:
Group of geostatistical techniques that relies on the known recorded
values of phenomena at specific locations to estimate the unobserved
values of the same phenomenon at other locations.
A type of document used to arrange data in rows and columns within a
Spurious relationship:
Relationship among variables in which it appears that two variables are
related to one another, but instead a third variable is the causal factor.
Stakeholder identification:
One of the utility criteria of an effective evaluation. Requires that the
evaluator identify all individuals or organizations involved in or affected
by the evaluation. Identification of all stakeholders is vital to ensure
their needs can be, and are, addressed during the evaluation.
Individuals or organizations who have a direct interest in the program
being evaluated and can include funders, program administrators, the
community in which the program is administered, and clients of the
program. Knowing who the stakeholders are, and developing and
maintaining a good relationship with stakeholders, is critical during the
planning stages, the gathering of data, and presentation and buy-in of
findings. Without the support of stakeholders, evaluation research
cannot be successful.
Standard deviation:
Measure of dispersion used as a summary statistic. It is the square root
of the variance.
Standard distance:
Summary measure of the distribution of features around any given point
(similar to the way a standard deviation measures the distribution of data
values around the statistical mean).
Stanford Prison Experiment:
Haney, Banks, and Zimbardo’s (1973) classic example of unethical
research in which participants took on the roles of guards or prisoners in
a makeshift jail. Guards quickly became abusive, and prisoners quickly
exhibited clear signs of trauma. Although they were told they could
leave the experiment at any time, participants were prevented from
doing so.
Stanley Milgram (1963):
Responsible for a series of studies, the first of which was conducted in
1961. This research focused on obedience to authority and illustrated the
willingness of people to obey authority figures even when that behavior
conflicted with a person’s conscience.
State Administering Agency (SAA):
State agency responsible for distributing formula grant funds from the
U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) to
agencies within the SAA’s state.
Static-group comparison design:
Pre-experimental design that includes a nonrandomly assigned control
and experimental group, no researcher control of the treatment, and a
Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs):
State agencies created by legislation or executive order that collect,
analyze, and disseminate criminal justice data at the state level.
Statistical regression:
Threat to internal validity of some experimental research where groups
have been selected for participation in an experiment based on extreme
scores that refers to tendency for extreme scores to move toward the
mean over repeated measures.
Statistical significance:
When the outcome of a research hypothesis test indicates a true
difference (or association) between the observed and hypothesized
values that are not likely to occur based on chance alone.
Subdivisions or subgroups of the sampling frame created in stratified
Strategic crime analysis:
Crime analysis technique used in law enforcement that is focused on
operational strategies of the organization in an attempt to develop
solutions to chronic crime-related problems.
Stratified sampling:
Probability sampling approach that requires the sampling frame to be
first divided into mutually exclusive and exhaustive subgroups
meaningful to the research. The second step is to independently and
randomly sample from each stratum.
Subpart A:
One subpart of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
regulations that outlines the fundamental procedures for conducting
human subject research including the framework for institutional review
boards (IRBs) and informed consent. It is colloquially referred to as the
Common Rule.
Subpart B:
One subpart of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
regulations that outlines additional protections for pregnant women,
neonates, and fetuses proposed to participate in research.
Subpart C:
One subpart of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
regulations that outlines additional protections for prisoners proposed to
participate in research.
Subpart D:
One subpart of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
regulations that outlines additional protections for children proposed to
participate in research.
Subpart E:
Most recently added subpart of Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) regulations that outlines registration requirements of
institutional review board (IRB) committees. This subpart was added in
Substantive significance:
Whether statistically significant findings are substantively meaningful.
Summary Reporting System (SRS):
Formerly called Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data, it offers counts of
murder and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated
assault, burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
Summative evaluation:
One of two major types of program evaluation used to make a
comprehensive assessment of a program after the implementation of the
policy or program. A summative evaluation is used to ascertain whether
a program should be funded and continued or terminated. Two types of
summative evaluations are considered in this text: outcome evaluations
and impact evaluations.
Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR):
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data that provide detailed
information on murder (both justifiable and not), including the victim’s
age, sex, and race; the offender’s age, sex, and race; weapon type (if
any); victim–offender relationship; and the circumstances that led to the
Instrument, or tool, used to gather data. The survey includes questions
that are either open-ended or closed-ended and can be administered in
multiple ways such as self-administration, telephone, face-to-face
interviews, and online.
Survey fraud:
When participants, during online and mobile surveys, sign up to be part
of a survey panel just for the incentives offered.
Survey modes:
Ways in which surveys can be administered. There are four primary
types of survey modes or means of distribution: mail/written, phone,
face-to-face, and the Internet.
Survey nonresponse:
When sample respondents who choose to complete and return surveys
differ in meaningful ways from those who are chosen but do not
participate in the survey.
Survey panels:
Existing samples that a researcher can pay to get access to.
Survey processing:
Process of converting survey responses into useful data via coding so
they can be analyzed.
Survey research:
Research methodology that involves gathering qualitative and
quantitative data from a sample of survey participants, known as
“respondents,” using a survey instrument.
Systematic information:
Accuracy standard that focuses on the need for systematic data and
information collection, analysis, and reporting during an evaluation. As
with all research, any issues encountered during the information and
data gathering should be addressed.
Systematic sampling:
Probability sampling approach in which the sample is constructed by
selecting sampling elements from a sampling frame using a sampling
Tactical crime analysis:
Type of crime analysis used in law enforcement that emphasizes
collecting data, identifying patterns, and developing possible leads so
that criminal cases can be cleared quickly.
Telephone surveys:
Common interview modality used to collect original survey data over
the telephone. Telephone surveys are inexpensive to administer, and
they collect data quickly.
Temporal ordering:
One of three requirements of causation that refers to the requirement that
the variation in the independent variable occur prior to the variation in
the dependent variable.
Single word used in an electronic search.
Threat to the internal validity of an experiment that refers to the effect
that taking one test can have on another; the results of a later test. In
terms of experimental research, this means the researcher must be aware
that the act of taking the pretest may affect one’s performance on the
Testing threat:
Threats to the external validity of experimental research due to the use
of pre- or posttests that may lead subjects to respond differently or to be
sensitized in unnatural ways to the treatment during the course of the
Test–retest reliability:
Way to establish the presence or absence of reliability by using the same
measure repeatedly over time.
Thematically constructed literature review:
Review focused on the ideas found in the literature, not on the particular
articles or authors.
In qualitative data analysis, it refers to an idea category that emerges
from grouping lower level data points together as part of the analytic
process. They are often developed around specific characteristics that
are identified in qualitative data.
Theoretical journal article:
Type of primary or original source that is of great value in constructing
an academic literature review. A theoretical journal article evaluates an
existing theory, proposes revisions to an existing theory, or proposes a
new theory.
Theoretical sampling:
Theoretical sampling is accomplished using an iterative approach where
the researcher simultaneously collects, codes, and analyzes data and then
by using that information decides what data to collect next.
Explanation about how things work. A set of interrelated propositions,
assumptions, and definitions about how the world is expected to work or
about how the people living in it are supposed to behave.
Tradition, customs, and norms:
Knowledge or beliefs passed on from person to person over time. This
knowledge is thought to be true and valuable because people have
always believed it to be true and valuable.
Researcher’s manipulation of the independent variable.
Use of multiple methods, researchers, theory, or data—different “lines
of action” to conduct a study. This goal is not just to use multiple lines
of action but also to use the multiple lines of action together to remove
threats to validity associated with any single line of action. By using
triangulation, a researcher can offer evidence to strengthen support for
True experiment:
Research design that has three defining characteristics: (1) at least one
experimental and one control group, (2) assignment to the experimental
and control groups via randomization, and (3) treatment administered to
the experimental group via manipulation of an independent variable (aka
the predictor variable) by the researcher.
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment:
Unethical research sponsored by the U.S. government in which
impoverished Black males infected with syphilis were prevented from
obtaining penicillin as a cure. Many participants died but not before
infecting spouses and children with syphilis.
Two-group posttest-only design:
True experimental design including randomly assigned experimental and
control groups and manipulation of the independent variable by the
researcher. Posttests are used to compare groups after the treatment.
Two-group pretest–treatment–posttest design:
True experimental design including randomly assigned experimental and
control groups, and manipulation of the independent variable by the
researcher. Pretests and posttests are used to compare groups after the
treatment enabling a more precise assessment of the treatment.
USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005:
This act mandated the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to collect
data on cargo theft.
U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC):
Federal executive department of the U.S. government responsible for
creating jobs, promoting economic growth, encouraging sustainable
development, and improving standards of living for all Americans.
U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ):
Federal executive department of the U.S. government responsible for the
enforcement of the law and administration of justice.
Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program:
Local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement program that provides
one of the two national measures of crime in the United States.
Unit of analysis:
What or who that is being studied and analyzed in a particular piece of
research. It is the unit being studied and the level of social life that the
research question is focused on. These sometimes differ from the unit of
Unit of observation:
Unit from which data are collected to answer a research question
focused on the unit of analysis. Units of observation can be, but are not
always, the same as the units of analysis.
Univariate analysis:
Most basic form of descriptive statistics involves the analysis of a single
Unstructured interviews:
Also called “ethnographic interviews.” They are conducted
conversationally and are based on very few broad, guiding questions that
provide a basic framework to the interview. An unstructured
interviewing approach allows a researcher to gather data about the topic
based on the respondent’s experiences and perceptions. Respondents can
share with the researcher what is important versus the researcher asking
the respondent about what the researcher believes is important.
One of four standards of an effective evaluation. Refers to whether the
evaluation conducted met the needs of and was satisfactory to the people
using it. Utility in evaluation research is based on the presence of seven
utility criteria including a focus on those affected by the evaluation, the
quality and quantity of data collected to perform the evaluation, the
values used to assess the findings, and the clarity and timeliness of the
completed evaluation report.
Valid information:
Accuracy standard that requires that the procedures used to gather
information and data used in the evaluation must ensure a valid
Sought-after characteristics in research that indicate that one’s measures
and variables correspond as accurately as possible to the underlying
concepts they represent.
Values identification:
One of the utility criteria of an effective evaluation. This criterion
requires that an evaluator carefully describe the perspectives,
procedures, and rationale used to interpret the findings. By articulating
the foundation for making the value judgments inherent in an evaluation,
someone can identify the values used to reach conclusions.
Labels applied to measures used to represent the concepts of interest.
Variables act as proxies for the abstract concepts they represent.
Measure of dispersion used as a summary statistic. It represents the
degree to which each observation differs from the average value in a
data distribution.
Vector data:
Type of geospatial data used to represent the characteristics of the real
world in one of three ways: as points, lines, or polygons.
Voluntary participation:
Required in ethical research. A participant’s engagement in a study must
be grounded in having received comprehensible information about the
study. Only after receiving this can a participant voluntarily agree to
engage in the study.
Vulnerable populations:
Those that receive an additional layer of review when proposed to
participate in research. According to Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) regulations, pregnant women, human fetuses and
neonates, prisoners, and children are vulnerable populations. These
populations are considered vulnerable in that they may be more
vulnerable to coercion or undue influence.
Wheel of science:
Diagram developed by Walter Wallace (1971) that illustrates the
recursive nature of the scientific process of developing empirical
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acceptable source of information for academic literature reviews.
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A-Baki, Ivonne, 425
defined, 74
examples, 75, 93
research articles and, 74–75
Accessibility, of research findings, 430–431
Accidental sampling, 148, 154–155, 160
Accuracy standard, evaluation research, 362, 364, 368
Acock, Alan, 395
ACSII, 283
Adams, Susan, 468
Administrative crime analysis, 320
Advocacy groups, policy makers and, 432–433
Agenda setting, problem identification, 426–427
Aggression and Violent Behavior (journal website), 66
American Community Survey (ACS), 291
American Criminal Justice Society (ACJS), 407
American Evaluation Association, 348, 361
American Fact Finder (website), 291
American Journal of Criminal Justice, 65
American Psychological Association (APA) style, 77, 79
American Society of Criminology (ASC), 65 (website), 407
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Regulations, 284
Analysis of qualitative information, 364, 370
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 390
Annual Parole Survey, 284, 289
Annual Probation Survey, 289
Anonymity, 230
ANOVA (analysis of variance), 390
Aoristic analysis, 329–332
APA. See American Psychological Association
Apple®, 217
Apple® iOS™, 398
Apple® Mac™, 395
Applied research, 356, 360
Approach subsection, policy brief, 441–442
ArcGIS™ software, 318, 334
Assent, child participation and, 52, 53
Assessment of risk and benefits, 21
causation is not, 245–247
defined, 245
variables, correlated examples, 246
Association of American Universities (AAU), 5
correlation analysis and, 388
quantitative data analysis and, 387–390
regression analysis and, 388–390
ATLAS.ti, Scientific Software Development GmbH®, software,
defined, 118
ethics and, 127–128
levels of measurement, 121–123
mutually exclusive/exhaustiveness, 120–121
response categories, 118–120
Attrition, subject loss and, 268
Audio recorders, field notes and, 195
Australian Council for International Development, 367
Authoritative sources, knowledge and, 9
Availability sampling, 148, 154–155, 160
Axial coding, 197
Azavea®, 325, 326
Bachmann, B. A., 334
Bachmann, M., 334
Bail decisions, attorney type and, 434
Banks, C., 17–18
Basic research, 356, 360
Beall, Jeffrey, 67
Before-and-after design, 266, 271
Behaviorally specific questions, 5
Belmont Report, 48
principles of, 19
requirements for human subjects, 19
Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of
Human Subjects and Research (the Commission), 19, 48
Beneficence, 19, 48
interviewer, survey research and, 214
nonresponse, 215
recall, 216
sampling and, 142–143
Biased sample, 142–143
Big Interview, 470
Blind review, 360
Block groups, 291
Block matching, 250–251
Block variables, 250–251
Blogs, as source, 68
Body language, interviews and, 189
Boolean operators, 71–73
Boost account, 332
Booth, Charles, 313, 315
Boxplot, 384
Bradford, B., 228
Brantingham, Patricia, 327
Brantingham, Paul, 327
Breaking Silence (advocacy group), 432
British Crime Survey (BCS), 228
British Journal of Criminology, 314
Brunson, Rod, 22
abstract example, 93
conceptualization, 106
controlled experiments, 257
data analysis/coding, 196
data analysis/techniques/findings, 414
data collection, 101–102
ethics, policy-relevant research, 439
example abstract, 75
exploratory research, 40
featured research, 25, 57, 203
geographic information systems (GIS), 314
gold standard, 253
grounded theory, theme identification and, 198–199
hypotheses/concepts/variables, 131
inductive reasoning, 182
interviews, 188
job interview tips, 475
policy makers and, 424
policy-relevant research, 444
population/sample, 139, 168
qualitative data, 177–179, 183
qualitative data analysis, 391
research questions, 46
sample size, research type and, 163
secondary data analysis, 276, 300
source saturation, 73–74
survey, descriptive research, 211–212
survey research types/modes, 239
topic development method, 33
variables, research questions and, 110, 111
Buccine-Schraeder, Henri, 339–340
Budget constraints, policy maker influence, 433–435
Bui, M., 334
Bullying, reducing school, 397
Bureau of Justice Statistics. See U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Bureau of Labor Statistics. See U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
Burglars in Blue (Winstanley), 37
Burston, Sue, 412–413
Butler, H. D., 11
Buxton, Peter, 15
CACC. See Conjunctive analysis of case configurations (CACC)
Cairney, P, 425
Cairney, Paul, 423
Cairo, Alberto, 410
Cameron, J, 324
Campbell, D. T., 257, 260, 263, 265
Campus law enforcement agencies, survey, 290
Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study (Krebs et al), 4–6, 164
Cantor, D., 5–6, 164
Cao, L., 35
Capital punishment, data on, 289
Caplan, Joel, 327
CAQDAS. See Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis
Career, research methods as, 467–468
criminal justice graduates, 457
ethics and, 475–476
expert (Nora Scanlon), 476–479
internships and, 451–452, 471
interviews and, 471–475
job search, documents needed for, 452–461. See also Documents,
job searches and
networking/relationships, getting started, 450–452
online job searches, 467–468
private sector, 464–466
public sector, 461–464
skills/professional skills and, 449–450
social media job searches, 468–471
Careerbuilder.com, 467
CareerToolBelt.com, 467
Cargo theft, 288
Cartographic boundary shapefiles, 292
Case studies:
qualitative data and, 177
researchers and, 21
Categorical variable, 121
CATI. See Computer-assisted telephone interviewing
Causality, criteria for claiming, 267
Causal relationships, 243
association is not, 245–247
correlation and, 410
defining criteria for, 244–245
importance of establishing, 247
advantages/disadvantages, 140
defined, 140
sample, 139–140
Census Bureau. See U.S. Bureau of the Census
Center for Career Exploration and Success at Miami University, 476
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 293–294, 433
National Health Interview Survey, 219
Chainey, S., 324
Chain referral sampling, 148, 156, 157, 161
Characteristics, QDA and, 396
Chicago Manual of Style, 77
Chicago Tribune, 191
Children, use in research, 52–53
Chisolm, J. J., 52–53
Chi-squared test:
of independence, 387
one-sample, 388
Choropleth map, 313, 314, 334
Christian, L. M., 224
Chronologically based literature reviews, 84
cloning and, 90
in-text, 79
plagiary and, 90
summarizing original source, 78
Clarke, R., 328
Cloning (copy & pasting words of others), 90
Closed-ended questions:
qualitative data and, 178–179
survey research, 222–223
Cluster analysis, 322
Clustering, 328
Cluster sampling (probability), 148, 151–153, 159
Cobbina, J., 191
Cobkit, S., 457
Codebook, 283
Coding data:
axial, 197
grounded theory and, 196–197
mail or written surveys and, 215
open coding, 197
qualitative, grounded theory and, 196–197
qualitative data and, 180
selective coding, 197
Coding sorts, 396
Coffman, J., 334
Cohen, L. E., 36
Coming Out from Behind the Badge (Miraglia), 37
Common Rule, HHS research ethics regulations, 48–50
Communicate findings/recommendations, evaluation research, 350
Communication, policy makers and:
barriers, policy makers and, 429
effective, characteristics of, 430
nonaccessible presentation, 430–431
policy brief, 430–431
translating findings, 436
Competence, evaluation research and, 348
Complete and fair assessment, propriety standard, 362, 367
Completeness, geocoding, 337
Complete observer, 193
Complete participant role, 192
Complimentary close, cover letter, 453
Comprehensible, Belmont Report, 19, 21
CompStat tactical crime analysis, 321–322
Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS), 199
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), 219–220
case study examples, 104
defined, 103–105
ethics and, 127–128
examples, 103–105
expert (Brenidy Rice), 128–129
featured research examples, 131–133
measurable elements of, 104
non-varying, as pitfall, 127
stages from concept to variables, 102, 126
Conceptual definition, 106
concept to variables stage, 102
defined, 106
ethics and, 127–128
example, 106–107
empirical research journal articles, 77
policy brief and, 442
report, 14
Conditional logic statements, 217
Conference Series, LLC, 68
field notes and, 195
survey research and, 230
Conflict of interest, propriety standard, 362, 367
Confounders, 250
Confounding factor, causality, 245
Conjunctive analysis of case configurations (CACC), 400–401
Consent, observation and, 192
Content analysis, 194–195
accuracy standard, 364
evaluation research, 368
Content validity, 124
Context, qualitative data and, 177, 180
Context analysis, accuracy standard, 364, 368
Continuous variables, 123
Control group:
defined, 249
example, 269
nonequivalent, 265–266
pre-experiments and, 263–264
See also True experiment
Control variables, 113–115
Convenience sampling, 148, 154–155, 160
Convex envelope, 404
Convex hull, 404
Corbin, J., 185
Correlation, causation and, 410
Correlation analysis, 388
data entry/processing, 232
qualitative data collection, 180
Cost-effectiveness, evaluation research, 362, 365
Count data, 313
County Business Patterns (CBP), 292
Cover letters, job searches, 452–454 (example)
Craig, J. M., 144
Crews, A. D., 363
Crime analysis:
administrative, 320
aoristic, 329–332
defining, 320
geographic profiling, 335
hot spot mapping, 324
predictive policing, 325–327
repeat victimization/near repeat victimization, 332–334
research and, 323–324
risk terrain modeling (RTM), 327–329
strategic, 322–323
tactical, 321–322
See also Crime mapping; Geographic information systems (GIS)
Crime attractors, 328
Crime & Delinquency, 65
Crime enablers, 328
Crime generators, 328
Crime mapping:
administrative crime analysis, 320
defining, 13, 320
ethics and, 338–339
expert (Buccine-Schraeder), 339–340
geocoding process, 337
history of GIS and, 313–314
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP), 337–338
report findings, 335–336
strategic analysis, 322–323
tactical crime analysis and, 321–322
See also Geographic information systems (GIS)
Crime pattern analysis, 322
Crime pattern theory, 327
CrimeStatIV, 335
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 65
Criminal justice graduates, 457
Criminal justice policies, 423
Criminal Justice Review, 65
Criminology, 65
Criminology, Justice Quarterly, 314
Criminology & Public Policy, 65
Criterion validity, 124
Cross-sectional data, 305
Cuevas, Carlos, 22–23
abstract example, 93
associations, regression analysis, 389
causation, 244
concept examples, 103
data analysis/techniques/findings, 414
data characteristics/sources, 306
ethics, reporting findings and, 412
evaluation research, 366
example abstract, 75
explanatory research, 41, 268
featured research, 25, 57
geographic information systems (GIS), 314
gold standard, 253
hot spot mapping, 324
hypotheses/concepts/variables, 132
IBM® SPSS Statistics™, 394
job interview tips, 474
literature review, 63
operationalization example, 107, 109
policy makers and, 424
policy-relevant research, 444
population/sample, 139
population/sampling considerations, 168
qualitative data, 175–176, 178
questions, data and, 224
randomization, 252
requests for proposals, 36
research method skills, 450
research questions, 47, 100–101
sampling approach, 148
sampling importance, 137
secondary data, 277, 300, 301
source saturation, 74
survey, explanatory research, 213
survey research types/modes, 239
unit of analysis, 143
variable, research question, 110
Current Population Survey (CPS), 291
Customs, as knowledge source, 9
CV. See Control variable
Daigle, L. E., 38
Daley, D., 334
Daly, J. M., 215
accurate portrayal of, 91
attributes and, 118–121
census bureau collection, 290–292
collect at highest measurement, 123
collecting/types of, 13
concepts and, 103–105
conceptualization and, 105–107
crime statistics, 6–9
deductive reasoning and, 100
defined, 2, 3
differences in construction of violent crime rates, 8
discrete/continuous variables, 123
encryption, 237
everyday life, 4
expert (Brenidy Rice), 128–129
FBI sources of, 288–290
inductive reasoning and, 101
levels of measurement and, 121–123
measures, 115–118
operationalization and, 107, 109
qualitative, 101
quantitative, 100–101
research question and, 101–102
secondary, research using. See Secondary data research
sources of, 34–35
spatial/geographical, GIS and, 315–317
understanding research using quantitative/qualitative, 105
U.S. Department of Commerce collection, 290–292
validity and, 123–124
variables and, 109–115
See also Data analysis; Statistics; and entries for specific types of
Data analysis:
conjunctive analysis of case configurations (CACC), 400–401
ethics, reporting findings and, 411–412
evaluation research, 349, 350
expert (Sue Burton), 412–413
findings, reporting. See Findings, reporting
geostatistical, 403
qualitative data, 390–391
quantitative data, 380–390
spatial statistics, 403–406
Data analysis software:
qualitative research, 395–400
quantitative research, 392–395
See also Software
Data codebooks, 34–35
Data collection, summarize method, 78
Data entry, survey processing, 231–232
Data Sharing for Demographic Research (DSDR), 282
Datasuarus, Alberto Cairo, 410
Dating Violence among Latino Adolescents (DAVILA) survey, 213
Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP), 289
Decision-making, evaluation research and, 356, 358
Deduction, 378
Deductive reasoning:
data collection and, 100
illustrated, 182
inductive v., 101, 181
Defensible information source, accuracy standard, 364, 368
concepts and, 106
defined, 5
De-identified data, 302
Demographic questions, 227
Denzin, N. K., 186, 187
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 48
lead paint study, 52–53
research regulations, 49–50
Department of Justice (DOJ), See U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
Dependent variable, 111–112, 115
Describe purposes/procedures, accuracy standard, 364, 368
Descriptive literature review, 81
Descriptive research, 41, 42, 211–212
Descriptive statistics, 380
Design of the methodology, evaluation research, 349
Design research. See Research design
Develop findings/conclusions, evaluation research, 349–350
Develop research question, evaluation research, 348
Deviation score, 385
Devine, Sharon, 55–56
Dillman, Don A., 215, 224–226, 231, 232
Dillman et al.’s 19 principles for writing survey questions, 225–226
Disclosure of findings, propriety standard, 362, 367
Discrete variables, 123
Discussion section, empirical journal article, 77
Disraeli, Benjamin, 411
Distribution, mail and written survey, 214–215
Dividers, in tables, 408
Document analysis, 193–194
Documents, job searches and:
cover letter, 452–454 (example)
letter of recommendation, 458, 460–461
professional portfolio, 473–474
résumé, 453–460
STAR Method Matrix, demonstrating professional skills, 479
Dodge, Mary, 23, 39
abstract example, 93
concept examples, 103–105
convenience sampling, 155
data analysis approach, 196
data analysis/techniques/findings, 415
data collection, 101–102
ethics, policy-relevant research, 439
evaluation research, 349, 356, 365, 366, 368
example abstract, 75
experimental research, 268
exploratory research, 40
featured research, 25, 57
geographic information systems (GIS), 314
gold standard, 253
hypotheses/concepts/variables, 132
internships, 471
interviews, 188
job interview tips, 475
NVio, QSR International® software, 398
objectivity/going native, 200
policy makers and, 424
policy-relevant research, 444
population/sampling considerations, 169
purpose/research questions/sampling/analysis, 203
qualitative data, 176–179, 183
qualitative data analysis, 391
qualitative inquiry, 181
research example, 69–70, 73
sampling approach, 148
secondary data, 300, 301
snowball sampling, 157
source saturation, 73
survey, exploratory research, 211
survey research types/modes, 239
topic research method of, 37
type of research, 162
unit of analysis, 143, 146
Double-barreled questions, 223
Doyle, Alison, 467
DV. See Dependent variable
Early relevance, policy-relevant research, 435
Eck, J., 324, 328
Ecological fallacy:
sample size and, 164
units of analysis and, 146–147
Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), 218
Ecological validity, 218
Edit, literature review writing, 87
Effectiveness, research, 261
Elements, 139
EMA. See Ecological Momentary Assessment
Emergency room statistics, 289
Empirical, 65
Empirical generalizations, wheel of science, 31
Empirical peer-reviewed journal articles, 65
Empirical research journal articles:
abstracts and, 74–75
conclusions section, 77
discussion section, 77
findings section, 77
introduction section, 76
keywords, 76
literature review of, 76–77
method section, 77
references section, 77
style guides, 77
Employment interviews, 471–475
Encryption, data, 237
Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis (ECCA), 407
Equivalence analysis, random assignment, 387
findings, reporting, 409–410
online/mobile data entry, 217
surveys, mail and written self-administered, 216
Errors, writing literature review:
examples, 88–89
failure to focus on themes, 88
not allowing enough time, 87–88
organization/structure, lack of, 88
proposed research, failure to justify need for, 89
purpose, not knowing, 92
quoting problems, 88
Esbensen, Finn-Aage, 34, 80
Esri® software, 318
Belmont Report principles of, 19
career searches and, 475–476
children, use in research, 52–53
Common Rule, IRB role and, 49–50
confidentiality and, 367
defined, 3, 14
evaluation research and, 366–367
experimental research and, 268–269
expert (Sharon Devine), 55–56
fieldwork and, 192
findings, reporting and, 411–412
GIS/crime mapping and, 338–339
HHS regulations, 49
human participation, Belmont Report, 19
human subjects, protecting, 54–55
informed consent, 19
Internal Review Board, role, 20–21
IRB role and, 49–50
legislation, 19
Milgram teacher/learner study and, 48–49
plagiary and, 89–90
policy-relevant research and, 438–439
predatory journals/publishers and, 68
pregnant women/human fetuses, neonates, 51
prisoners use in research, 51–52
qualitative data research and, 200–201
research principles/requirements, 18–20
respect for persons, benefice, and justice, 48
sampling and, 164
secondary data analysis and, 301–302
survey research and, 236–237
unethical research examples, 14–18
veterans in research, 53–54
vulnerable populations and, 50
Ethnographic interviews, 188, 189
Ethnography, data collection, 190
Evaluation impact, 361, 364
Evaluation research, 41, 42
accuracy standard, 362, 364
afterthought nature of, 365
comparative/judgmental nature, 359
confidentiality, 367
decision-making, knowledge for, 356, 358
defining, 347–348
effective, four standards of, 360–361
environmental challenges, 359–360
ethics and, 366–367
expert (Michael Shively), 368–370, 452
feasibility standard of, 361–362
featured researchers, 371
findings/dissemination, 360
flexibility, importance, 367
formative, 351–355
guiding principles of, 348
objectivity, losing/failure to end study, 368
policy process and, 350–351
political context, 365–366
politics and, 368
professional knowledge of subject matter, 366
propriety standard of, 362
reasons to use, 346–347
research questions, origination of, 358
seven basic steps used to conduct, 349
stakeholders, working with, 359
steps of, 348–350
summative, 355–356
survey, 213
trust/ethics, 366
types of, 351
utility standard of, 361
Evaluator credibility, 361
Evernote™, 398
Evidence, MEAL strategy and, 83–87
Excel™, 283, 392–393
Executive summary, policy brief, 441
Exempt research, 54
Exhaustive, 120
Exhaustiveness, attributes and, 120–121
Expedited review, 54
Experimental group, 249, 269. See also True experiment
Experimental mortality, 257
Experimental research:
association, not causation, 245–247
causality pitfall, 267
causation, defining criteria for, 244–245
defining, 248
design characteristics, 271
design effectiveness, 261
ethics and, 268–269
experimental/control group use in, 269
expert (Chris Keating), 269–270
external validity threats, 260–262
featured researchers, 272
internal validity, threats to, 257–260
natural experiments, 266–267
pre-experiments, 263–265
reliability, 262
threats to external validity, 260, 262
threats to internal validity, 257–260
true experiments, 248–256
validity types, 256–257
why conduct?, 244
See also entries for individual categories
Experimental variables, interaction of testing and, 262
Buccine-Schraeder, Henri (crime mapping), 339–340
Burton, Sue (data analysis/findings), 412–413
Devine, Sharon (IRB), 55–56
Gallaher, Sam (sampling), 165–166
Keating, Chris (experimental research), 269–270
Kelly, Bridget (survey research), 237–238
McCandless, Sean (literature review), 91–92
Peeples, Carol (qualitative data research), 201–202
Rice, Brenidy (data concepts), 128–130
Scanlon, Nora (research methods career), 476–479
Shively, Michael (evaluation research), 368–370, 452
TePas, Katie (policy-relevant research), 439–440
Truman, Jenna (secondary data), 302–305
Explanatory research, 41, 42, 212–213
Exploratory research, 40–41, 42, 211
External validity:
defining, 256–257
threats to, 252 (cartoon), 260, 262
Facebook®, 282, 468–469
Face-to-face (in-person) interviews:
advantages, 221
defined, 221
disadvantages, 221–222
Face validity, 123–124
Farfel, M. R., 52–53
Farfel and Chisolm, 52–53
FBI’s Interstate Identification Index (III), 289
Fear, looping and, 431–432
Feasibility standard, evaluation research, 361–362, 364
Featured research:
abstracts, 93–94
data analysis techniques/findings, 414–415
evaluation research, 371
experimental designs, characteristics, 272
GIS techniques/concepts/outcomes, 341
hypothesis/concepts/variables, 131–133
policy-relevant research, 444–445
population and sampling considerations, 168–169
purpose/research questions, sampling and analysis, 203
qualitative research, 185–187
sources of, generalizability of data used, 306–307
survey types and modes used, 239
topic/purpose/research questions/IRB approval, 57
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
cargo theft statistics, 288
data compilation/secondary source, 288–290
hate crime statistics, 286, 288
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA), 286
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), 285–286
Summary Reporting System (SRS/UCR), 285
Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR), 285
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), 8
USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, 288
violent crime statistics, 6–9
website, crime statistics, 66
Federal Coordination and Compliance Section of the Department of
Justice’s Civil Rights Division, 284
Federal Policy for the Protections of Human Subjects (HHS):
children and, 52–53
departments/agencies and, 50
IRB role, 49–50
pregnant women/human fetuses/neonates, 51
prisoners, 51–52
subparts/common rule of, 49
veterans, 53–54
vulnerable populations, 50
Federal Statistical System (FedStats), 283–284
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 68
Felson, M., 36
Feminist Criminology, 65
Feminist Theory (journal website), 66
Fetuses (human) research ethics and, 51
Fielded, 212
Fielding the survey, 231
Field notes, recording qualitative data, 195–196
Field research, Junker’s role conceptions of, 190
Field work:
data collection and, 184, 187
ethics and, 192
observation, data collection, 190, 192
Figures, research findings using, 408–409
Filters, search, 71, 72
develop, 13
report, 14
secondary data, reporting, 298–299
section, empirical research journal articles, 77
summarizing sources, 79
Findings, reporting:
accessibility of, policy makers and, 430–431
data, knowledge of, 410–411
errors/pitfalls, 409–410
ethics and, 411–412
expert (Sue Burton), 412–413
figures, 408–409
garbage in/garbage out, 409–410
methods of, 406–407
policy makers and. See Policy makers, getting research to
poster sessions, 407
presentations, 407
statistical significance, 411
substantive significance, 411
tables, 407–408
translating, 436
First draft, 87
First Law of Geography, 404–405
First rough draft, organizing, 81–84
Fiscal responsibility, propriety standard, 362, 367
Fisher, B., 4–6, 164
Flag account, 332
Fletcher, Joseph, 313
Flow, of survey, 227
Fly, The (film), 248, 263
Focus groups, 189
Focusing event, policy-making process, 426–427
Foreign languages spoken, résumé and, 458
Formal agreements, propriety standard, 362, 365
Formative evaluation, 357, 364, 368
defined, 351–352
needs assessment, 352–353
process evaluation, 353–355
Frankenstein (film), 248
Freeman, H. E., 368
Frequency data, 313
Frequency distributions, 380–381
Frequency distribution table, 381
Full board review, 54
Full enumeration, 140
Gallaher, Sam, 165–166
Gap analysis, 353
Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO), 409–410
Gather data/evidence, evaluation research, 349
Geary’s C statistic, 324, 404
Gedela, Srinubabu, 68
qualitative data, 180
sample size and, 164
units of analysis and, 141
General Schedule (GS), public sector employment, 463
Geocoding process, 337
Geographically weighted regression (GWR), 405
Geographic information systems (GIS):
application component, 319
defining, 292, 314–315
ethics and, 338–339
expert (Henri Buccine-Schraeder), 339–340
featured researchers, 341
geocoding process and, 337
hardware/software technology of, 317–318
history of crime mapping and, 313–314
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP), 337–338
people component, 319–320
report findings, 335–336
spatial/geographical data, 315–317
See also Crime mapping
Geographic profiling, 335
Geographic regions (unit of analysis), 145
Geospatial data, 291–292
Geostatistical data analysis, 403
mean center, 403–404
spatial descriptions, 403
spatial interpolation/regression and, 405–406
standard distance, 404
Gereau, P. L., 215
Get-Ord statistic, 404
GIS. See Geographic information systems (GIS)
Github (website), 235
Global statistical test, 324
Going native, researchers and, 190, 200
Gold, R. L., 190, 192
Gold standard, experimental research, 252–253
Google®, 282
Google® Android™, 398
Government departments/agencies, common rule adoption and, 50
G-Power Software, 267
Graphics, data visualization and, 198
GRASS GIS software, 318
Grounded theory analysis:
coding qualitative data using, 196–197
defined, 196
Group (unit of analysis), 145
experimental/control, 249
randomly assigned experimental/control, 253–254
two-group pretest-treatment-posttest design, 254–255
Guerry, André-Michel, 313
Guidelines, 423–424
GWR (geographically weighted regression), 406
Haney, C., 17–18
Haphazard sampling, 148, 154–155, 160
Hardware technology, GIS and, 317–318
Hart, J. L., 397
Hart, T. C., 397, 400
Hash-tagging, Twitter® job searches and, 470–471
Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990, 286
Hawthorne Effect, 192–193, 262
Headings, in tables, 408
Heat Map questions, 234
HHS. See Department of Health and Human Services
History, 257–258
Hit rate, 326
Holder, Eric, 412
Holmesberg Prison skin experiments, 51, 52
Homicide Studies, 65
Honesty, evaluation research and, 348
Hot spot analysis, 322, 323
Hot spot mapping, 324
Hot spot mapping techniques, 324
Huberman, M., 186
Human interactions, propriety standard, 362, 366
Human subjects:
defined, 49, 50
ethics and, 46–54
secondary data analysis, ethics and, 301–303
training in protection of, 46–55
See also Ethics; Respect for persons; Vulnerable populations
Human trafficking reporting system, 289
HunchLab™, 325, 326
HyperRESEARCH, ResearchWare®, software, 399–400
defined, 31
testing, with qualitative data, 178
wheel of science, 31
IBM® SPSS Statistics™, 393–395, 452
ICPSR. See Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research
ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research,
Identifiable information, 302
Identify/engage stakeholders, evaluation research, 348
Ideology, policy makers and, 433
iMedPub, LLC, predatory journal, 68
Impact evaluation, summative, 356, 358, 359
Impact factors, 67, 68
Impartial reporting, accuracy standard, 364, 370
Implications subsection, policy brief, 442
Inappropriate sources, 68
Incentives, survey research, 230
Indeed.com, 467
Independence, Chi-squared test of, 387
Independent variables, 112–113, 115, 252
Individualist fallacy:
sample size and, 164
units of analysis and, 147
Individual (unit of analysis), 143, 144
Inductive reasoning:
deductive v., 101, 181
defined, 101
illustrate, 182
qualitative, 182
Inferences, 136–137
Information, Belmont Report, 19, 20
Information scope and selection information, evaluation research, 361
Informed consent:
Belmont Report, ethics, 19
defined, 20
Initial primary source, 73–74
In-person interviews, 188–189
advantages, 221
defined, 221
disadvantages, 221–222
Inputs, 353
Inquiry, qualitative data and, 181
Institute for Legislative Action (ILA), 433
Institutional review board (IRB):
defining, 20, 22
exempt/expedited/full panel review, 54
expert (Sharon Devine), 55–56
HHS research ethics regulations and, 49–50
human subjects, protecting, 54–55
role of, 20–21
Instrumentation, threat to internal validity, 258
Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (PUSM) (website), 291
Integrity, evaluation research and, 348
Intentional violence statistics, 289
Interaction effect of testing, 262
Interaction of experimental arrangements and experimental variables,
260, 262
Interaction of selection biases and experimental variables, validity
testing, 260
Interaction of testing and experimental variables, 262, 280–283
Interest groups, policy makers and, 432–433
Internal validity:
defining, 256–257
maturation, threat to, 258–259
selection bias, 259
threats to, 252. See also Threats to internal validity
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), 424
International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA), 407
International Development Research Center (IDRC), 441
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT), 67
identify research topics on, 40
online surveys, 216–218
Qualtrics, 233–235
SurveyMonkey®, 233
survey research and, 210
See also Websites entries
Internships, research careers and, 451–452, 471
Interpersonal violence (IPV) impact, 432
Interquartile range (IQR), measure of dispersion, 384–385
Inter-rater reliability, 124–125
Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR),
website, 278, 279, 282, 302
Interval level of measurement, 122, 383
Intervening variable, causation and, 245, 247
Interviewer bias, survey research and, 214
defined, 187
employment, 471–475
ethnographic, 188, 189
face-to-face (in-person), 221–222
focus groups, 189
individual, 188–189
qualitative data and, 180
qualitative data collection, 187–188
semistructured, 188, 189
survey research and, 210
unconstructed, 188
In-text citation, 79
Introduction section:
empirical research journal articles, 76
policy brief, 441
Intuition, as knowledge source, 10
iPad™, 217
IRB. See Institutional review board (IRB)
Items, defined, 209
Iterative process, use in search, 71
IV. See Independent variable
Jackson, J., 228
Jacob, E., 185
Jail inmate census, 289
Job interviews:
asking right questions, 473
confidence, eye contact/body language, 472–473
post interview reflection, 474
preparing/research for, 471–472
professional portfolio, 473–474
questions, preparing for interviewer, 472
STAR interviewing technique, 478
tips from professionals, 474–475
Job search:
documents for. See Documents, job searches and
ethics and, 475–476
hash-tagging, 470–471
internships, turning into full-time jobs, 471
interviews and, 471–475
mistakes to avoid, 474
online, 467–468
social media, 468–471
Jobvite, 468
Johnson, R. R., 363
Johnson, S. D., 287
Joint Committee on Standards for Education Evaluation, 360, 361
Jones, J. K., 215
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 65
Journal of Crime and Justice, 65
Journal of Experimental Criminology (website), 273
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 65
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 65, 314
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 65, 314
assessing, 67–68
predatory, avoid, 67–68
restricting searches in, 73
topic source, 33
See also Empirical research journal articles
Journey-to-crime assumptions, 335
Judgmental sampling, 148, 156, 162
Junker, B. H., 190
Junker’s Role Conceptions of a Field Research Continuum, 190
Justice, Belmont Report, 19, 20, 48
Justice Quarterly, 65
Justified conclusions, accuracy standard, 364, 370
Justify recommendations, evaluation research, 350
Keating, Chris, 269–270
Kelly, Bridget, 237–238
Kennedy, Les, 327
Kernel density estimation (KDE), 328, 334, 405
Key words, empirical research journal articles, 76
Keywords, online job searches, 467–468
King, R. G., 17
Kligman, Albert, 52
authoritative sources, 9
create/assess, 3–4
creators/consumers of, 3
defined, 2
evaluation research generates, 41
intuition as source of, 10
personal experience as, 9
tradition/customs/norms as, 9
See also Research methods
Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 461–462
Kohler, E., 67
Koss, M. P., 154
Krebs, C., 4–6, 164
pitfalls of, 127
selective coding and, 197
Lancy, D. F., 185
Law enforcement agencies, state/federal census, 289
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), 288, 421
Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS)
survey, 212
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA), 286
Layers, 328
Layout, survey research, 227, 229
LEAA. See Law Enforcement Assistance Administration
Leading question, survey research, 223
Lead paint experiment, 52–53
Legislation, ethical research and, 19
LEMAS. See Law Enforcement Management and Administrative
LEMAS survey, U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 212
Letters of recommendation, 458, 460–461
Levels of measurement:
defined, 121
interval, 122
nominal, 121
ordinal, 121–122
ratio, 122–123
Levy, B. T., 215
Likert-type scale, 122, 128
LimeSurvey, 235
Lincoln, Y. S., 186, 187
Lindquist, C. H., 4–6, 164
Linear association, 389
Link analysis, QDA Miner, Provalis Research® software, 398
Linking, MEAL strategy and, 83–87
Linking known offenders to past crimes, 322
Lipsey, M. W., 368
Listening, topic identification and, 39
Literature review:
abstracts, reading, 74–75
chronologically organized, 84
conduct, 12–13
descriptive, 81
descriptive literature review, 81
edit/proof/polish, 87
empirical research journal articles, 76–77
errors, common, 87–89
existing research, accurate portrayal of, 90–91
expert (Sean McCandless), 91–92
first draft, 87
first rough draft, organize/prepare for, 83–84
identify initial primary sources, 73–77
inappropriate sources, 68
main point, constructing, 81
MEAL strategy, 83–87
plagiary and, 89–90
predatory publishers/journals, avoid, 67–68
primary sources and
reasons for, 63
roadmap for, 64
search terms, develop, 71–73
sources, types of, 64–65
steps in, 64–65
style guides, 77
summarize original sources, 78–90
thematically constructed literature review, 81–82
topic, previous focus on, 81
See also Primary Sources; Sources
Literature review journal article, 66
Loaded questions, survey research, 223
Lobbying activities, policy makers and, 433
Local indicators of spatial association statistics, 324
Local statistical agencies, websites, 295–296
Logic models, 353, 354, 356
Longitudinal data, 305
Longitudinal Perspective on Physical and Sexual Intimate Partner
Violence Against Women, 284
Longitudinal study, 213
Long-term outcomes, 355, 359
Looping, media tactic, 431
Low self-control/desire for control, crime and, 144
Magazines, as source, 68
Mail and written surveys (postal surveys):
advantages, 214
defined, 214
disadvantages, 215–216
reasons not received/completed, 216
self-administered, 216
Main point:
constructing, 81
MEAL strategy and, 83–87
Major periods of understanding, 82
Major themes, open coding and, 197
Makarious, M. D., 11
Manipulation of an independent variable (treatment), 252
MapInfo™, 318
Map legend, 336
MapWindow GIS software, 318
Margin of error, 157, 162
Marie Claire magazine, 469
Marshall, C., 186
Martin, S. L., 4–6, 164
Matched pairs design, 250–251
Matching, 250–252
Matrix question, 224
Maturation, threat to internal validity, 258–259
MAUP. See Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)
Maximum variation sampling, 183
Mazières, D., 67
McCall, 250
McCandless, Sean, 63, 91–92
McCarthy, Justin, 432
MEAL strategy, writing literature review, 83–87
calculating with standard deviation, 387
quantitative data analysis and, 381–382
Mean center, of spatial distribution, 403–404
defined, 115
examples, 115, 117
how many to use, 117–118
data collection at highest, 123
defined, 5
discrete/continuous variables, 123
ethics and, 127–128
levels of, 121–123
Likert-type scale, 122, 128
operationalize using low level of, 127
relationship of reliability/validity, 125
reliability and, 124–125
validity and, 123–124
See also Levels of measurement
Measures of central tendency, 379, 381
Measures of dispersion:
interquartile range, 384–385
quantitative data analysis and, 384
range, 384
standard deviation, 385–386
variance, 385
competing source of policy influence, 431
viewing, topic identification and, 39
Median, 382–383
Melde, Chris, 24
abstract example, 93
administration of treatment, randomization, 263
associations, regression analysis, 389–390
causation, 247
concept examples, 103
control group, 268
data analysis/techniques/findings, 415
data characteristics/sources, 306
evaluation research, 367, 371
experimental design, 272
featured research, 25, 57
geographic information systems (GIS), 314
history, validity and, 258
hypotheses/concepts/variables, 132
IBM® SPSS Statistics™, 394
inductive reasoning, 181
job interview tips, 474
logic models, 353
policy makers and, 424, 425
policy-relevant research, 445
population/sampling considerations, 169
research questions, 46, 100
sampling, 138–139
sampling approach, 147–148
summarization example, 80
survey, explanatory research, 213
survey research types/modes, 239
topic identification method, 33–34
two-group posttest-only, 253
variables, research questions and, 110, 111
video interviews, randomization, 267–268
Memorandum of understanding (MOU), 366
Mental illness, revictimization and, 38
Mentors, 193
Meta data, QDA Miner, Provalis Research® software, 398
Metaevaluation, accuracy standard, 364, 370
Method section, empirical research journal articles, 77
Metropolitan Police’s Public Attitude Survey (PAS), 228
Microsoft® Excel™, 330, 392–393
Microsoft® PowerPoint™, 407
Microsoft® Windows™, 395
Microsoft® Word™, 318
Miethe, T. D., 397, 400
Miles, M. B., 186
Milgram, Stanley, 15–17, 48–49
Milgram’s Obedience to Authority, 15–17, 48–49
Mind maps, ATLAS.ti, Scientific Software Development GmbH® and,
Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment, 438
Miraglia, Greg, 37
Missing data, 301
Mobile phones, telephone surveys and, 219
Mobile surveys:
advantages, 217–218
defined, 216–217
disadvantages, 218
Mode, 383–384
Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP), 328, 337–338
Monster.com, 467
Moral panic, 191
Moran’s I statistic, 324, 404
Morse, M., 185
Mosaic plagiarism, 90
Moustakas, C., 185
Multistage sampling, 148, 153–154, 159
Munhall, P. L., 185
Mutually exclusive attributes, 120–121
Narrow research questions, 45–46
National Addiction & HIV/AIDS Digital Archive Program (NAHDAP),
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD), 280
National Archive of Data on Arts & Culture (NADAC), 282
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), 475–476
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 293
National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of
Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 19
National corrections reporting program, 289
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS):
data of, 7, 8, 34, 91, 109, 212, 277–280, 288, 289, 397, 432
potentially vulnerable populations and, 53–54
National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service (NCJISS),
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) (research
website), 66
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), 285–286
National Institute of Justice (NIJ), 280
National Institutes of Health (NIH):
protecting human subjects, training, 55
website, 53, 59
National judicial reporting program, 290
National prisoner statistics program, 290
National Research Act of 1974, 19, 20
National Rifle Association (NRA), 433
National survey of DNA crime laboratories, 290
National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), 293
National White-Collar Crime Center, 144
Natural experiments, 266–267, 271
Nazi research, concentration camp prisoners, 14
NCAA Student-Athlete Experiences Data Archive, 282
NCVS. See National Crime Victimization Survey
Nearest Neighbor Index, 324
Near Repeat Calculator (NRC), 332, 333
Near repeat victimization (NRV), 332–334
Needs assessment, formative evaluation, 352–353, 357
Neonates, research ethics and, 51
careers in research and, 450–452
policy makers, getting research to, 429
Network sampling, 148, 156, 157, 161
Neuendorf, K. A., 194
Newspapers, as source, 68
New York Times, 5, 191
NIH. See National Institutes of Health
NOIR (levels of measurement), 121, 122
Nominal level of measurement, 121
Nonequivalent control groups design, 265–266, 271
Non-numerical data (qualitative), 101
Nonprobability sampling, 148, 151, 156, 161
convenience/accidental/availability/haphazard, 148, 154–155, 160
defining, 148, 151
probability v., 148
purposive/judgmental, 148, 156, 161
quota sampling, 148, 155–156, 160
snowball, 148, 156, 157, 161
Nonrandomized designs, 265
Nonrelevent research, 436–437
Nonresponders, follow-up, 231
Nonresponse bias, 215
Nonverbal responses, interviews and, 189
Norms, as knowledge source, 9
North arrows, 336
Notes, in tables, 408
Notification letters, survey research, 230–231
NUD*UST™ (NVio, QSR International®), 398
Nunez, N., 108
Nuremberg Code, 18–19, 48
NVio, QSR International®, software, 398
Objectivity, researcher loss of, 200, 368
complete observer, 193
consent, ethics and, 192
data collection and, 184, 187
ethnography and, 190
fieldwork, data collection and, 190, 192
observer as participant, 193
participant, 190
participant as observer, 192–193
theory and, 35
wheel of science, 31
Observation and fieldwork, 190
Observer as participant, 193
Office of Justice Programs (OJP), 288
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), 280
Oiler, C., 185
OMICS Groups, Inc., predatory journal, 68
One-group pretest-posttest design, 264
One-group pretest-treatment-posttest, 271
1-in-k method (systematic sampling), 150
One-sample Chi-square test, 388
One-shot case design, 264, 271
Online job searches, 467–468
Online surveys:
advantages, 217–218
defined, 216–217
disadvantages, 218
Open coding, 197
Open-ended nature, qualitative data, 178
Open-ended questions:
qualitative data, 178–179
survey research and, 215, 222
Open-source geographic information systems (GIS) software, 318
Operating systems, software applications and, 395
concept to variables stage, 102
defined, 107
example, 107, 109
low levels of measurement and, 127
measures and, 116–117
multiple measures, 118
Ordinal level of measurement, 121–122
Organization, first rough draft, 81–84
chronologically organized, 84
descriptive literature review, 81
lack of, 88
Organization (unit of analysis), 145
Organizing data, coding and, 196–198
Original sources, 64
Outcome evaluations, summative, 355–359
Outliers, 382
Outputs, 353–354, 358
Page numbers, in-text citations, 79
Pair-matching, 250–251
Paragraph numbers, in-text citations, 79
Parameters (population), 138
Parental permission, child participation and, 52, 53
Partial enumeration, 138–139
Participant as observer, 192–193
Participant observation, 190
Participant safety, qualitative data research and, 200–201
Patton, M. Q., 176, 178, 194
Pay scale, federal employees, 463
Pease, K., 287
Pedigo, C., 334
Peeples, Carol, 201–202
Peer-reviewed research:
empirical research journal articles, 65
journal articles, 64–65
literature review journal article, 66
predatory publishers/journals, avoid, 67–68
theoretical journal articles, 66
See also Literature review
Percentages table, 380
Periodicity (sampling), 150
Permission, parental, child participation and, 52, 53
Personal experience:
knowledge source, 9
topic identification and, 36–37
Pew Research Center, 219
Phone interviews, 188–189
PHPSurveyor, 234
Phrase (search), 71, 72
Pilot study, 154
Piquero, N. L., 144
Pitney Bowes®, 318
Piza, Eric, 327
Plagiarism, 89–90
Policastro, C., 38
PoliceAnalyst software, 330–331
Police impersonation, in United States, 69–70
Police-public contact survey, 290
Policy, defining, 350, 422–424
Policy adoption, 426, 427–428
Policy brief, 430–431, 441–442
Policy cycle, evaluation research, 350–351, 425–426
Policy evaluation/revisions, 426, 428
Policy formation, 426, 427
Policy implementation, 426, 428
Policy implications, 14
Policy makers, getting research to:
failure to know relevant, 437
nonaccessible presentation of research, 430–431
policy brief, 430–431, 441–442
relationship/communication barriers and, 429
relationships with, 435
stages/challenges of, 428–429
translate findings for, 436
Policy makers, influences on:
advocacy/interest groups and, 432–433
budget constraints, 433–435
fear of crime, 431–432
ideology, 433
lobbying activities, 433
media as, 431
Policy makers, policy-relevant research and, 424–425
Policy-making process:
adoption, 427–428
defining, 425–426
evaluation, 428
focusing event, 426–427
formation, 427
implementation, 428
problem identification/agenda setting, 426–427
Policy process, evaluation research, 350–351
Policy-relevant research:
criminal justice policy, 423
defining, 422
early relevance, 435
ethics and, 438–439
expert (Katie TePas), 439–440
failure to know relevant policy makers, 437
failure to recognize relevance, 437
going beyond data/findings, error of, 438
nonrelevance, 436–437
policy definitions, 422–424
policy makers and, 424–425
policy process, 425–428
public policy, 423
regulation, rule, guidelines and procedures, 423–424
relationships with policy makers and, 435
translating research, 436
why conduct, 421–422
See also Policy makers, getting research to; Policy-making process
Political context, evaluation research, 365–366
Political viability, evaluation research, 361–362, 364
Politics, evaluation research and, 368
census/sample or, 139–140
defined, 139
full enumeration/census, 140
generalizability, 141
margin of error and, 162
nature of, sample size and, 163
samples and, 139
Population parameter, 137, 138
Positional accuracy, 337
Poster sessions, reporting research findings, 407
Postrelease behavior, supermax confinement and, 11
Potentially vulnerable populations, 53–54
Practical procedures, evaluation research, 361, 364
Predatory journals, 67–68
Predatory publishers, 67–68
Predictive accuracy index (PAI), 326
Predictive policing, 325–327
Predictor variable, 248
PredPol® predictive policing, 325
Pre-experimental design, 271
defining, 263–264
one-group pretest-posttest, 264
one-shot case, 264
static-group comparisons, 265
Pre-experiments, 263–265
Pregnant women, research ethics and, 51
Presentations, research findings and, 407
Presentence reports (PRs), 369
Pretest, 154, 229–230
Primary data collection, 276
Primary sources:
abstracts, read, 74
Boolean operators, 71–73
defined, 64
empirical research journal articles, 74–77
identify initial/saturation and, 73–74
sample abstracts, 75
sample introduction, 76
search terms, develop, 70–71
summarizing, 78–90
thematically constructed literature review, 81–82
topic, previous focus on chosen, 81
See also Sources
Prisoners, use in research ethics, 51–52
Privacy, GIS/crime mapping and, 338–339
Private-sector employees
Private sector employment, 464–466
Probability sampling:
cluster, 148, 151–153, 159
defined, 148
multistage, 148, 153–154, 159
nonprobability v., 148
simple random, 148–150, 158
stratified, 148, 151, 152, 158
systematic, 148, 150–151, 158
Probing, 181
Problem analysis, 322
Problem identification, agenda setting, 426–427, 426
Procedures, 423–424
Process evaluation, formative evaluation, 353–355, 357
Process Tracing in Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research, 282
Professional portfolio, 473–474
Professional skills, 449–450, 479
Professors, working/researching with, 39–40
Program, defined, 350
Program documentation, accuracy standard, 364, 368
Project investigator (PI), 365
Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN),
Proof, literature review writing, 87
Propriety standard, evaluation research, 362, 365
Provalis Research® QDA Miner, 396, 398
PROVE predictive policing software, 325–327
Psychology of Violence, 65
Public policy, 423
Public sector employees
Public sector employment, 461–464
advertisement example, 462
federal employee pay scale, 463
General Schedule (GS), 463
governmentjobs.com sample, 465
knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs), 461–462
private v., 464
state/local positions, 463–464
USAJOBS.gov, 461–463
Public use data, ethics and, 301
Public welfare, evaluation research and, 348
Published research, topic identification and, 32–34
Publishers, predatory, avoid, 67–68
Punishment & Society, 65
Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) (website), 77
Pure theory testing approach, 35
Purpose of research:
descriptive, 41
evaluation, 41
example, 69
explanatory, 41
exploratory research, 40–41
featured researchers, examples, 203
identify, 32
not knowing, as common error, 92
sample size/margin of error and, 157, 162
summarize source, 78
surveys and, 211–213
type of and, 162–163
Purposive sampling, 148, 156, 161
QDA. See Qualitative data analysis
QDA Miner, Provalis Research®, software, 396, 398
QGIS software, 318
QSR International®, NVio software, 398
Qualitative data:
abstract topic using, 176
benefits/limitations of, 180–181
coding process, grounded theory and, 197–198. See also Coding
collection tools, 175
complete observer, 193
complete participant, 192
computer-assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDAS), 199
content analysis, 194–195
defining, 101
defining research using, 178–179
document analysis, 193–194
ethics and, 200–201
expert (Carol Peeples), 201–202
focus groups, 189
how things work, 176–177
individual interviewing, 188–189
inductive reasoning and, 182
inquiry, 181
interviews and, 187–188
methods of gathering, 184–187
objectivity, loss of/going native pitfalls, 200
observation and fieldwork, 190, 192
observer as participant, 193
organizing/analyzing, 196–198
participant as observer, 192–193
recording, field notes, 195–196
sample size and, 183–184
sampling considerations, 182–183
stages of research using, 179
terminology of, 175
understanding research using, 105
why research using, 175–178
See also Data; Qualitative data analysis (QDA)
Qualitative data analysis (QDA):
characteristics and, 396
defining, 390–391
second-order analysis, 396
steps in, 395–396
theme and, 396
Qualitative data analysis (QDA), software applications:
ATLAS.ti, Scientific Software Development GmbH®, 398–399
defining QDA, steps in, 395–396
HyperRESEARCH, ResearchWare®, 399–400
NVio, QSR International®, 398
QDA Miner, 396, 398
Qualitative inquiry. See Qualitative data
Qualitative research, 100–101, 105, 174. See also Qualitative data
analysis (QDA)
Qualtrics®, online survey, 209, 213, 224, 233–235
Quantitative data, 100
Quantitative data analysis:
associations and, 387–390
describing your data, 380
differences, 390
distributions, 380–381
interquartile range and, 384–385
mean, 381–382
measures of central tendency, 381
median, 382–383
mode, 383–384
range, 384
regression analysis, 388–390
software applications for, 392–395
standard deviation, 385–386
variance, 385
Quantitative data analysis software applications:
Excel™, 392–393
IBM® SPSS Statistics™, 393–395
SAS®, 395, 402
STATA™ StataCorp®, 283, 395, 402
Quasi-experimental research design:
before-and-after, 266
defining, 265
example, 271
nonequivalent groups, 265–266
defined, 209–210
design/layout, 227, 229
Question-order effect, surveys, 216
behaviorally specific, 5
closed-ended, 179
construct research, 43–44
demographic, 227
descriptive research and, 41
double-barreled, 223
evaluate research, 44–46
explanatory research, 41
exploratory research, 40
featured researchers, examples, 203
Heat Map, 234
identify research, 32
items, survey research and, 209
job interview, 472, 473
leading, 223
loaded/leading surveys and, 223
matrix, survey, 224
open/closed ended, qualitative data and, 178–179
open/closed ended, surveys and, 222–223
opened-ended, 178
principles for writing (Dillman), 225–226
Qualtrics survey, 233–235
research, develop, 10, 12
skip-and-fill, 217
types/purposes/answered in research, 42
why create research, 44
Quetelet, Adolphe, 313, 314
Quota sampling, 148, 155–156, 160
Quotation marks, in-text citations, 79
R, in CACC code, 402–403
Holmesberg Prison experiments and, 51, 52
mental illness, revictimization and, 38
moral panic, drug use and, 191
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, 15
Rand Corporation, 325
Random assignment, 250
equivalence analysis of, 387
quasi-experimental research and, 265–266
Solomon Four Group research design, 256
Random digit dialing (RDD), 148, 219–220
defined, 250
matching and, 250–252
true experiments and. See True experiment
Randomized designs, 265. See also Quasi-experimental research design
Randomly assigned control group (RC), 253–254
Randomly assigned experimental group (RE), 253–254
Random number generator (website), 149
Random number table, 483
Range, measure of dispersion, 384
Raster, 316
Raster data (spatial), 316–317
Ratcliffe, Jerry, 325, 329, 332
Ratemyprofessor.com, 363
Ratio level of measurement, 122–123, 383
Reactive effects of testing, 262
Reactivity threats, 262
Reading, topic research and, 37
Recall bias, 216
Recapture rate index (RRI), 326
Recency effects, surveys, 216
Recommendations subsection, policy brief, 442
Recording qualitative data, field notes, 195–196
Reductionism, 147
Reductionist fallacy, 147
Referees, résumé and, 456, 458, 460–461
References, résumé and, 456, 458, 460–461
References section, journal articles, 77
Refine topic, 43
Regoeczi, W. C., 400
Regression, spatial interpolation and, 405–406
Regression analysis, 388–390
Regression output, associations and, 389–390
Regulations, 423–424
Relationships, policy makers and, 429, 435
Relevance, policy and, 436–437
experimental research and, 262
inter-rater, 124–125
measurement and, 124–125
test-retest, 125
validity relationship, 125
Reliable information, accuracy standard, 364, 369
Repeatability, geocoding, 337
Repeat incident analysis, 322
Repeat victimization (RV), 332–334
Replication of research, 162–163
Report clarity, propriety standard, 361, 362
Reporting findings. See Findings, reporting
Report timeliness and dissemination, evaluation research, 361, 364
Representative sample, 141
Reputational sampling, 148, 156, 157, 161
Requests for proposals (RFPs), 36
common rule definition, 49, 50
crime analysis in, 323–324. See also Crime analysis
defined, 2
ethical requirements, 18–20
existing, accurate portrayal of, 90–91
experimental. See Experimental research
IRB submission problems, 56
legislation for ethical, 19
policy makers and. See Policy makers entries
policy-relevant. See Policy-relevant research
purpose of. See Purpose of research
qualitative, 174–175
summarize importance of, 78
types/purposes/questions answered in, 42
unethical. See Unethical research examples
victim impact statements, 108
Research design:
effectiveness, 261
experimental, 271
pre-experiments, 263–266. See also Pre-experimental design
survey, 227, 229
true experimental research, 252–256
wheel of science, 31
See also Pre-experimental design
Researcher control of administration of treatment. See True experiment
applicant skills/hiring good, 128–130
Carlos Cuevas, 22–23
case studies and, 21
Chris Melde, 24
complete participant role, 192
going native, 190, 192
Heather Zaykowski, 24
loss of objectivity/going native, 200
Mary Dodge, 23
observer as participant, 193
participant as observer, 192–193
Rachel Boba Santos, 21–22
research of, 25
Rod Brunson, 22
See also entries for individual researchers
Research methods:
Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study, 4–6
careers. See Career, research methods as
defining, 2–3
everyday life data, 4
knowledge/ways of knowing, 3–4
sources of knowledge, 9–10
violent crime, in United States, 6–9
Research question:
answering, example, 69
construct, 43–44
control variables, 113–115
data collection and, 100–101
data type decisions and, 101–102
dependent variable, 111–112
develop, 10, 12, 32
evaluate feasibility, 44–46
examples, case studies, 46–47
illustrated, 112
independent variables, 112–113
measures and, 115–118
origination of, 358
research statement and, example, 43
variables and, 109–110
what is really being asked?, 110–111
why create?, 44
See also Question(s)
Research stages:
data collection, 13
design, 13
literature review, conduct, 12–13
report findings/conclusions/policy implications, 14
research question, develop, 10, 12
select analytical approach /develop findings, 13
Research topic:
abstract, 176
avoid pitfalls, 47
comprehensive understanding of, 180
data codebook and, 34–35
ethics and, 48–49
Internet, 40
listening, 39
personal experiences, 36–37
previous work on, 81
professors, working/researching with, 39–40
published research, 32–34
reading, 37
refine, 43
requests for proposals (RFPs), 36
theory, 35
viewing, 39
ResearchWare®, HyperRESEARCH software, 399–400
Resources, sample size and, 163
Respect for persons:
Belmont Report, 19, 48
evaluation research and, 348
See also Ethics; Human subjects
Respondent burden, survey research, 222
Respondents, survey, 209
Response categories:
attributes, 118–120
survey research, 223
Response rates:
notification letters and, 230–231
survey, 215
Results subsection, policy brief, 441–442
computer skills, 456
defining, 454
education, 456
foreign languages spoken, 458
personal information to include, 455–456
professional portfolio and, 473–474
references/referees, 456
sample, 458, 459–460
what makes a great, 453
Review, IRB, 54
Revisions, policy evaluation and, 426
Rhind, D., 314
Rice, Brenidy, 128–130
Rights of human subjects, propriety standard, 362, 366
Right to service, 268
Risk/benefits assessment, Belmont Report, 19, 21
Risk terrain modeling (RTM), 327–329, 334
Risk Terrain Modeling Diagnostics Utility (RTMDx), 328–329, 334
Robinson, J., 261
Role conceptions, Junker’s, 190
Rolin, Bernard, 19n3
Rossi, P. H., 368
Rossman, G, 186
Rossmo, Kim, 335
Rough draft, 81–84
Routine Activity Theory, 36
Rules, 423–424
Sabrina, Chiara, 277
Saldaña, J., 186–187
advantages/disadvantages, 140–141
bias and, 142–143
census or, 139–140
defined, 5
population and, 139
relationships with populations/parameters/statistics, 138
representative, 141
summarize size/how attained, 78
See also other Sample and Sampling entries
Sample size:
ethics and, 164
generalizing ungeneralizable findings, 164
margin of error and, 157, 162
nature of population and, 163
purpose of research and, 157, 162
qualitative data and, 181
qualitative data/inquiry and, 183–184
resources available and, 163
sampling error and, 142
type of research, 162–163
Sample statistic, 137
Sample variance, calculating, 386
approach, choosing, 147–149
defining, 138–139
expert (Sam Gallaher), 165–166
fallacies, ecological/individualistic, 164
featured researchers, examples, 203
importance of, 136–138
maximum consideration, 183
probability, 148–149
qualitative data and, 182–183
random-digit dialing, 148
relationships among populations, 138
sample size and. See Sample size
theoretical, 183
units of analysis, 184
Sampling elements, 148–149
Sampling error:
defined, 141
examples, 141–142
sample size and, 142
Sampling frame, 148–149
Sampling interval, 150
Sampling without replacement, 149
Sampson, R. J., 253
Santos, Rachel Boba, 21–22
abstract example, 94
concept examples
conceptualization example, 109
confidentiality, survey notification letter, 231
data analysis/techniques/findings, 415
data characteristics/sources, 307
data collection, 102
ethics, policy-relevant research, 438
evaluation research, 41, 366, 371
experimental research, 244, 268, 272
featured research, 25
geographic information systems (GIS), 314, 341
hypotheses/concepts/variables, 132
IBM® SPSS Statistics™, 394
job interview tips, 474
level of measurement, 123
manipulation of treatment, 252
means/standard deviations, 386
participant safety, ethics and, 201
policy makers and, 424–425
policy-relevant research, 445
population/sample, 139
population/sampling considerations, 170
qualitative data, 178
randomization, 250–252
regression analysis, 390
research questions, 47
sample introduction, 76
sampling importance, 137
secondary data, 277–279
topic research method of, 34, 37
true experiments, 248–249
two-group pretest-treatment-posttest design, 255
unit of analysis, 146
SAS® software, 283, 395, 402
research type/replication, 162–163
source, 73–74
Scale bar, 336
Scanlon, Nora, 476–479
Scatterplot, 389, 410
School Crime Supplement (SCS) data, 397
Schweitzer, K., 108
Science, defined, 2
Scientific process, as recursive process, 31
Scientific Software Development GmbH®, ATLAS.ti, 398–399
Search engines, Boolean operators and, 71–73
Search terms, finding primary sources, 70–71
Secondary data analysis:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 293–294
defining, 276, 277
disadvantages/limitations of using, 296–297
ethics and, 301–302
expert (Jenna Truman), 302–305
featured researchers, 306–307
Federal Statistical System (FedStats), 283–284
geographic data, 291–293
local statistical agencies (Websites), 295–296
missing data, 301
pitfalls/problems, 300–301
public use data, 301
reporting findings, 298–299
Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs), 294–295
U.S. Department of Commerce collection, 290–292
Secondary data research:
analysis, 276
defining, 277–280
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 284–286, 288
ISPSR, 280–283
U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ), 284
why conduct, 277–278
Second-order analysis, 396
Selection bias, threat to internal validity, 259, 260
Selection of subjects, Belmont Report, 19, 22
Selective coding, 197
Selective stage, coding, 197
Self-administered mail surveys, 216, 232
Self-administered questionnaire, 214
Self-exciting point process modeling, 325
Semistructured interviews, 188, 189, 210
Service orientation, propriety standard, 362, 365
Setting, observation and, 190
Sexual Abuse, 65
Sheridan, C. L., 17
Sheridan and King (1972), 17
ShinyApp, 331–332
Shiveley, Michael, 368–370, 452
Short-term outcomes, 355, 358
Similarities/differences, qualitative data and, 178
Simple random sampling, (probability), 148–150, 158
Situational contexts, CACC and, 400–401
Skillings, Pamela, 470
Skills, 449–450
Skip-and-fill patterns, 217
Skype®, 188, 471
Slife, B. D., 186
Smartphones, mobile and online surveys, 217
Smyth, 224
Snowballing sample, 148, 156, 157, 161
Social artifacts (unit of analysis), 145–146
Social interactions (unit of analysis), 145–146
Social media, job searches and, 468–471
Facebook®, 468–469
LinkedIn, 469–470
Twitter®, 470–471
Social science research, 2
ArcGIS™, 318
ATLAS.ti, Scientific Software Development GmbH®, 398–399
Excel™, 392–393
geocoding, 337
geographic profiling, 335
G-Power Software, 267
GIS technology and, 317–318
HyperRESEARCH, ResearchWare®, 399–400
IBM® SPSS Statistics™, 393–395
LimeSurvey, 235
NVio, QSR International®, 398
MapWindow GIS, 318
operating systems, 395
PoliceAnalyst, 330–331
predictive policing, 325–327
professional skills with, résumé and, 456
PROVE predictive policing, 327
QDA Miner, Provalis Research®, 396, 398
QGIS, 318
qualitative research analysis, 395–400
quantitative data analysis, 392–395
Qualtrics, 233–235
Risk Terrain Modeling Diagnostics Utility, 328–329, 334
SAS®, 395, 402
ShinyApp, 331–332
STATA™ StataCorp®, 283, 395, 402
SurveyMonkey®, 233
Software, survey:
G-Power, 267
LimeSurvey, 235
Qualtrics, 233–235
SurveyMonkey®, 233
Solomon Four Group research design, 255–256, 271
abstracts and, 74
empirical peer-reviewed journal articles, 65
government research/reports/policy briefs, 66
inappropriate, 68
literature review journal article, 66
predatory standalone journals, danger of, 67–68
primary. See Primary sources
saturation, 73–74
summarizing original, 78–90
theoretical journal articles, 66
types of, 64–65
Spanners, in tables, 408
Spatial autocorrelation, 404–405
Spatial data, 315–317
Spatial dependency, 404–405
Spatial descriptions
convex hull, 404–405
defined, 403
mean center, 403–404
standard distance, 404
Spatial independence, 404–405
Spatial interpolation, 405
Spatial statistics, spatial description, 403
Spreadsheet, 392
SPSS™ software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), 283,
393–395, 401–402
Spurious relationship, 245, 247
Spurlock, Morgan, 248
Stakeholder identification, evaluation research, 361
Stakeholders, 348
Standalone predatory journals, 67–68
Standard deviation, 336, 385–387
Standard distance, geographical data, 404
Stanford Prison Experiment, 17–18, 248
Stanford University, 15–17
Stanko, E. A., 228
Stanley, J. C., 257, 260, 263
STAR interviewing technique, 477–479
STAR Method Matrix, 479
StataCorp®, STATA™ software, 283, 395, 402
STATA™ StataCorp® software, 283, 395
State Administering Agency (SAA), 294, 295
Static-group comparison pre-experimental design, 265, 271
Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs), 294–295
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS):
CACC and, 401–402
data analysis software, 283, 393–395
Statistical regression, 259
Statistical significance, 411
crime websites, 66
relationships among parameters/populations/samples and, 138
violent crime in United States, 6–9
See also Data
Steiner, B., 11
Stevens, S. S., 121
Strata, 151
Strategic crime analysis, 322–323
Stratified sampling (probability), 148, 151, 152, 158
Strauss, A., 185, 196
Street geocoding, 337
Stubs, in tables, 408
Stufflebeam, D. L., 356
Style guides:
criminal justice, 77
in-text citations, 79
Subject loss, 268
Subject selection, Belmont Report, 19, 22
Subpart A, HHS research ethics regulations, 48–50
Subpart B, HHS research ethics regulations, 49
Subpart C, HHS research ethics regulations, 49
Subpart D, HHS research ethics regulations, 49
Subpart E, HHS research ethics regulations, 49
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA), 282
Substantive significance, 411
Subthemes, data analysis and, 196–197
Summarize original sources, 78–90
Summary Reporting System (SRS/UCR), 285
Summary table, thematically constructed literature review, 81–82
Summative evaluation, evaluation research:
defined, 355
impact, 356, 359
outcome, 355–356
subtypes of, 357–358
Summers, L., 287
Supermax confinement, postrelease behavior and, 11
Supersize Me (film), 248
Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR), 285
Survey, defining, 209
Survey administration:
fielding, 231
follow-up to nonresponders, 231
notification letters, 230–231
processing/data entry, 231–232
timing of survey correspondence, 232
Survey fraud, online/mobile surveys and, 218
Survey modes, distribution, 214
SurveyMonkey®, 209, 233
Survey nonresponse, 215
Survey panels, 217
Survey processing, data entry, 231–232
Survey research:
defined, 209
descriptive, 211–212
design/layout, 227, 229
distribution, survey modes, 214
Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), 218
ethics and, 236–237
evaluation, 213
expert (Bridget Kelly), 237–238
explanatory, 212–213
exploratory research and, 211
face-to-face (in-person), 221–222
featured researchers, types/modes used, 239
interviewer bias and, 214
interviews, 210
LEMAS, 212
LimeSurvey, 235
longitundinal study, 213
mail and written (postal surveys), 214–216
online/mobile, 216–218
pitfalls in, 236
pretesting instruments, 229–230
Qualtrics software, 233–235
questions, types for, 222–224
response rates, 215
skip-and-fill example, 217
software for, 232–235
steps in, 210–211
SurveyMonkey®, 233
telephone, 218–220
tools for, 209
why conduct?, 209
writing questions for (Dillman), 225–226
Systematic information, accuracy standard, 364, 369
Systematic inquiry, evaluation research and, 348
Systematic sampling (probability), 148, 150–151, 158
Systems function, qualitative data and, 177
Table number, 408
Tables, reporting research findings, 407–408
Tabular data, example, 409
Tactical crime analysis, 321–322
Tailored Design Method, The (Dillman), 215
Target populations, 355
Taylor, Terrance, 34, 80
Teasdale, B., 38
Technology, geographic information systems (GIS) and, 317–318
Telephone surveys:
advantages, 220
computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), 219–220
defined, 218–219
disadvantages, 220
landline/cell phone use, 219
random digit dialing, 219–220
Temporal ordering, causation and, 244–245
TePas, Katie, 439–440
Term, search, 71, 72
Testing, internal validity threat, 259–260
interaction of, experimental variables and, 262
reactive (interaction) effect of, 262
Testing threat, external validity, 260
Test-retest reliability, 125
Textbooks, as source, 68
Thematically constructed literature review, 81
data analysis and, 196–197
QDA and, 396
qualitatively derived, examples of, 198–199
Theoretical journal articles, 66
Theoretical sampling, 183
criminological, 31
research topic identification and, 35
routine activity, 36
wheel of science, 31
Threats to external validity:
interaction of experimental arrangements/variables, 260, 262
interaction of selection biases, experimental variables and, 260
interaction of testing and experimental variables, 262
reactivity, 262
Threats to internal validity:
experimental mortality, 257
history, 257–258
instrumentation, 258
maturation, 258–259
selection bias, 259
statistical regression, 259
testing, 259–260
TIGER Geodatabases, 292
TIGER/Line Shapefiles, 292
TIGER/Line with Selected Demographic and Economic Data, 292
TIGERweb, 292
Title examination, in topic identification, 33
Titles, in tables, 408
Tobler, Waldo, 404–405
Tobler’s Law, 404–405
Topic. See Research topic
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing
(TIGER) program, 292
Townsley, Michael, 331
Tradition, as knowledge source, 9
Training, protecting human subjects, 55
Trauma, Violence & Abuse (journal website), 66
Travis, I. F., 11
Treatment (manipulation of an independent variable), 252, 268
Treatment group, 268–269
Trend analysis, 322
Triangulation, 184, 187
Tripp, T., 457
True experiment, 271
block matching, example, 251
defining, 248–249
designs, 252–253
experimental/control group, 249
manipulation of independent variable (treatment), 252
matched pair example, 250
matching in, 250–252
random assignment, 250
reliability, 262
Solomon Four Group design, 255–256
two-group posttest-only design, 253–254
two-group pretest-treatment-posttest design, 254–255
See also Threats to external validity; Threats to internal validity
Truman, Jenna, 302–305
Trust, evaluation research and, 366
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, 15, 293
Twain, Mark, 411
Twitter®, 398, 470–471
Two-group posttest-only research design, 253–254, 271
Two-group pretest-treatment-post-test, 254–255, 271
Understanding, in field, 82
Unethical research, examples:
Holmsberg prison, 51, 52
lead paint research, 52–53
Milgram’s Obedience to Authority, 15–17, 48–49
Nazi research, concentration camp prisoners, 14
Stanford Prison Experiment, 17–18
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, 15
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) (FBI), 8, 281, 295, 432
United States:
incarceration rates in, 11
police impersonation in, 69–70
violent crime in, 6–9
Unit of analysis:
defined, 143
ecological fallacy and, 146–147
geographic regions, 145
groups/organizations, 145
identifying individuals when sampling, 184
individual, 143, 145
individualist fallacy, 147
social artifacts/interactions, 145–146
unit of observation v., 146
Unit of observation, unit of analysis v., 146
Univariate analysis, 380, 387
University of Colorado Denver, Career Center, 478
Unstructured interviews, 188, 210
U.S. Bureau of the Census:
data collection, 290–291
2010 Census, 227, 230
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS):
data collection, 280, 288–290, 314, 434
LEMAS survey, 212
website, 66
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 478
U.S. Congress, 421
U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC):
Census Bureau data, 290–292
data collection, 290–292
geographic data, 291–293
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 293, 302
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), 6–9, 36, 412–413, 424, 434
literature review source, 66
Office of Justice Programs (OJP), 294
website, 284
U.S. Federal Register, 19
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 315
U.S. Office of Naval Research, 17–18
U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), 20
U.S. Senate, 424
U.S. Statistical Program, 283
USAJOBS.gov, public sector employment, 461–463
USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, 288
Utility standard, evaluation research, 361
Valid information, accuracy standard, 364, 369
content, 124
criterion, 124
defined, 123
face, 123–124
internal/external threats to, 252
relationship reliability, 125
threats to external, 260, 262
threats to internal, 257–260
types of, 256–257
Values identification:
evaluation research, 361
propriety standard, 362
associated/correlated examples, 246
association and, 245
block, 250–251
categorical, 121
causal relationships and, 243
concept, stages from to, 102, 126
confounders, 250
continuous, 123
control, 113–115
defined, 109
dependent, 111–112
discrete, 123
ethics and, 127–128
featured research examples, 131–133
independent, 112–113
intervening, 245
manipulation of independent, 252
memorizing types of, ineffective, 115
research questions and, 109–110
research questions using same, 116
spurious relationship and, 245
analysis of (ANOVA), 390
defined, 382
measure of dispersion, 385
standard deviation and, 385–386
Vector data (spatial), 316
Verbatim text, cloning, 90
Veterans, potentially vulnerable population, 53–54
Veterans Administration, 54
Victim impact statements, research, 108
Victimization risk, 328
Video conference interviews, 188–189
Video recorders, field notes and, 195
Viewing media, topic identification and, 39
Violence Against Women, 65
Violence and Victims, 65
Violent crime:
differences in construction of rates of, 8
in United States, 6–9
Violent victimizations, 7
Voluntary participation, Belmont Report, 19, 20
Vulnerable populations, 50
children, 52–53
potentially vulnerable, 53–54
pregnant women/human fetuses/neonates, 51
prisoners, 51–52
Wallace, Walter, 30–32, 378
Wallace’s wheel of science, 30–32
Warner, T. D., 4–6, 164
Washington Post, 191
Wasserman, Rachel, 412
Websites, 66. See also Internet entries
Weiss, C. H., 368
Weitzer, R, 75. See also Brunson
What is really being asked? (variable), 110–111
Wheel of science, 30–32
Wheel of science (Wallace), 378
White, M. Goldkamp, 261
Wikipedia, 68
Williams, M. R., 434
Williams, R. N., 186
Wilson, R., 324
Winstanley, Art, 37
YouTube®, 393, 452
Zaykowski, Heather, 24, 25
abstract example, 94
associations, regression analysis and, 388–389
causation, 247
concept examples, 103
conceptualization example, 109
data analysis/techniques/findings, 415
data characteristics/sources, 307
dependent variable, 111–112
descriptive analysis, 387–388
differences, analysis of variance, 390
empirical research article, 74
evaluation research, 356, 365, 366, 368
explanatory research, 41
geographic information systems (GIS), 314
hypotheses/concepts/variables, 133
independent variables, 113
job interview tips, 475
logic models, 353
plagiary, 90
policy makers and, 424
policy-relevant research, 445
population/sample, 139
population/sampling considerations, 170
qualitative data, 178
quotations, 88
reliability, 262
reporting findings, secondary data, 298–299
research questions, 46
sampling importance, 137
secondary data, 277, 278, 279–280
source saturation, 74
standard deviation, 385–386
summarization example, 80
survey, explanatory research, 212–213
survey research types/modes, 239
topic research method of, 34, 40
unit of analysis, 143, 146
variables, research questions and, 110
Zimbardo, P., 17–18
Zoom®, 188

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