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Eddy Current Measurement of Case Hardened Depth of Steel Components

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17th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, 25-28 Oct 2008, Shanghai, China

Eddy Current Measurement of Case Hardened Depth of Steel


John CUFFE 1, Haiyan SUN 2, Yuri PLOTNIKOV 2, Shridhar NATH 2,

GE Inspection Technologies, Lewistown, PA, USA, john.cuffe@ge.com
GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, USA, sun@research.ge.com,
More info about this article: https://www.ndt.net/?id=6594

plotnikov@crd.ge.com, nath@crd.ge.com
GE John F Welch Technology Centre, Bangalore, India, aparna.vadde@ge.com


Steel components are often subjected to a hardening process in which the surface
gets hardened in order to improve resistance to wear. This introduces a casehardened
layer. Various steel components have different requirements for the case depth. It is
necessary to develop a nondestructive tool to monitor case depth for quality control. The
case hardening process produces changes in the microstructure. As a result, the electrical
conductivity and magnetic permeability in the casehardened region are different from
those in the substrate. This makes it possible to determine case depth using eddy current
method. In this paper, multi-frequency eddy current and pulsed eddy current methods will
be investigated to measure case hardened steel components. Results and
recommendations will be provided showing comparison between measured and actual
case depths.

Keywords: case hardened steel, case depth, multi-frequency eddy current, pulsed eddy

1. Introduction
Induction hardening of steel components improves the resistance to wear by
changing and microstructure of the surface region. The required depth of the
casehardened layer varies depending on the purpose for which the component is needed.
Monitoring case depth in steel components is critical for quality control of both new and
remanufactured products. Usually, case depth is determined by measuring micro hardness
profile in randomly selected samples. Sample preparation includes cutting and polishing
in the areas of measurements. This method is time consuming and expensive. As a result
it can be used on a small fraction of samples. A reliable non-destructive method is desired
to improve efficiency of the measurements and monitor all the parts ran through the case
hardening process. Different nondestructive methods have been investigated to measure
hardness and case depth, such as ultrasonic wave [1], Barkhausen noise measurement [2]
and eddy current [3].
The case hardening procedure produces changes in the electrical conductivity and
magnetic permeability of the steel in the case hardened region [4]. As the eddy current
method is sensitive to these material properties, it is an expected candidate for the case
depth estimation. An encircling coil was used to obtain the case depth of induction-
hardened cylindrical rods using model-based approach, with case depths varying from
0.5mm – 2mm [2]. In this work, eddy current systems using pencil probe were developed
to conduct measurements on induction hardened cylindrical samples with case depth
varying from 1mm to 6mm. Localized measurement at different locations of the sample
will be shown. Comparison between estimated and actual case depths will be provided.

2. Samples and Systems

2.1 Cylindrical induction hardened samples
To investigate applicability of the eddy current technique, a set of samples with
different case hardening depths was fabricated. All the samples are cylindrical rods,
which are 100 mm long and 30 mm in diameter. There are 3 sets of samples (A, B and
C), which are induction hardened with nominal case depth from 1 mm to 6 mm.

2.2 Eddy current systems

A multi-frequency eddy current (MFEC) system and pulsed eddy current (PEC)
system were developed for the experimental study. The MFEC system includes a
function generator to generate the drive current in the eddy current probe, a lock-in
amplifier to measure the probe response and a preamplifier to amplify probe signal. The
lock-in amplifier has a frequency range from 1 mHz – 102.4 kHz. The function generator
has a maximum output voltage of 10V. Gain of the signal preamplifier is adjustable with
a single resistor. Fig.1 shows the diagram and picture for the MFEC system.

Function Lock-in
generator amplifier

Reference Signal in

Drive signal

(a) (b)

Fig. 1 Multi-frequency eddy current system for case depth measurement (a) diagram (b)

Pulse Com puter


Probe Converter

Specim en

Fig. 2. Block diagram of the PEC system for case depth

experimental setup
The PEC includes a pulse generator that can produce drive pulses of variable width
and amplitude, a 14-bit resolution analog-to-digital converter with a sampling rate up to
100 MS/s connected to an industrial computer and display (Fig. 2). A special program
was developed to control data acquisition and process data in digital form. The pulse
generator produces 5 ms long pulses of 40 V in magnitude with a repetition rate of 10 Hz.
Transient responses 20 ms in length are received and digitized with a sampling rate of
100 kS/s.

3. Probe Designs
Various eddy current probes were designed and fabricated. Simulations were
conducted by FEM software to optimize design and testing parameters. Parameters that
were simulated include different probe types, number of turns, ferrite core, probe
orientation and excitation frequency. As an example, Fig. 3 (a) below shows the FEM
model for a circumferential probe. Fig. 3 (b) and (c) show the simulated eddy current
A number of probes were fabricated by GE Inspection Technologies. Different
probes were tested and compared. Results to-date shows that a 16mm reflection probe

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. FEM simulation for the circumferential probe. (a) FEM model (b) 3D view of
eddy current field. (c) Cross section view of eddy current field in the sample.
and a 20mm circumferential probe provide the best results.

4. Experimental Measurement
A sample holder with curved slots on the top was made to hold the cylindrical
samples. The probe was attached to the sample holder and maintained rigidly during the
measurement. LabView software routines were developed to allow automatic control of
the MFEC or PEC system for data acquisition and analysis. These algorithms were
developed and embedded in the LabView program to enable real time display of the case
depth. Calibration data were first taken on a set of standard samples. Case depths were
then obtained based on calibration data. Results by MFEC and PEC are shown below

4.1 Results obtained by the MFEC system

Different probes were tested by MFEC system and a 16mm reflection probe was
found to be the most sensitive to case depths. Multiple excitation frequencies were used
and 120Hz was found to be the best. Thus for all the following results by MFEC system,
Group A, 4 repetition, same position
run 1
Pr run 2
ob 0.0205
Probe output (V)
run 3
e run 4
out 0.02
(V) 0.0195


0 2Case depth
4 (mm) 6 8

Fig. 4. Repeatability measurements of MFEC system on the same location of

sample set A.
the 16mm reflection probe was used at 120Hz.

Fig. 4 shows the repeatability of MEFC system. Data was obtained on the same spot
of sample set A1 – A6. Four repeatable measurements were taken and results in Fig. 4
shows that the system is very repeatable. The variation at every case depth is much
smaller than the signal generated by different case depth, implying that the system can
differentiate all of the samples.
Fig. 5 shows the results on 4 different spots, 90 degree apart along the
circumferential direction on sample A1 – A6. More variations are observed in Fig. 5
compared with Fig. 4. Micro hardness testing shows that the effective case depth varies
up to 20% within the same sample. The variation shown in the Fig. 5 agrees with the
micro hardness test results.
Fig. 6 shows the results by MFEC system on all the 3 sets of samples. Case depths
measured by MEFC system are plotted against the nominal case depths. For each sample,
four different locations were measured along the circumferential direction, 90 degree
apart. Results in Fig. 4 – Fig. 6 show that case depth measured by MFEC system agrees
well with the nominal case depths.

Group A, 4 locations
Location 1
Location 2 Location 3
Location 3
Probe output

Location 4

0.0195 Location 2 Location 1


0.0185 Location 4
0 2 4 6 8
Case Depth (mm)

(a) (b)
Fig. 5 (a) MFEC results on one set of samples at four locations along
circumferential direction (b) illustration of four locations.
Sample sets A, B, C. Calibrated on A

Case depth by MFEC (mm)

6 B

1 2 3 4 5 6
Nominal case depth (mm)

Fig. 6. Case depths measured with MFEC system for all the three sample sets.

4.2 Results obtained by the PEC system

Several different implementations of the PEC technique have been previously
reported as applied for measuring the resistivity of metals [5] and the case depth [6]. For the
purpose of this work, a recently developed transient processing technique [7] was used to
convert the pulsed response into a conventional representation of the eddy current signal
on the complex plane. To obtain the real and imaginary components of the transient
response for a desired frequency, two orthogonal transforms are applied to the digitized
response. The starting point of the transforms coincides with the leading edge of the drive
pulse and the length for the transforms is in inverse proportion to the frequency
component extracted for the analysis.
It must be pointed out, that the frequency components of the transient response
extracted using integral transforms might not be exactly compatible to the harmonic-
based eddy current analysis. However, the sensitivity level and reliability of the
measurements are similar.
Experimental results obtained with the PEC system from the sample set A1 – A6
and processed for 95 Hz are shown in Fig. 7 (a). Figure 7 (b) contains variations of the
pulsed eddy current measurements, which correspond to the results presented in Fig. 5 &
Fig. 6 for the MFEC system.

5. Conclusions and Future Work

Eddy current probes and systems were developed to measure case depth of
induction hardened steel rods with case depth varying from 1mm to 6mm. Various probes
were designed and evaluated. Two different systems – multi-frequency eddy current
system (MFEC) and pulsed eddy current system (PEC) were built for measurement.
Calibration data were taken on a set of samples with known case depths. A transfer
function was generated from the calibration data. Test pieces were then measured and
case depth could be obtained in real time. Case depths measured by MFEC & PEC
system agree well with nominal case depths. Both system shows good repeatability. A
Group A, PEC 95Hz, 4 positions
Sets A, B, C (calibrated on set B)

Magn. of PEC signal, arb.units

16 5
14 A3

C.D. as measured
Pos 1 4
12 A4
Pos 2
10 B1
Pos 3 B2
Pos 4 B3
4 1 C1
2 C2
0 C3
1 2 3 4 5 6 C4
1 2 3 4 5 6
Case depth, mm
Case de pth, m m

(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Results obtained with the PEC system from one group of specimens (a) and
three groups of specimens (b).

16mm reflection probe was found to be the best for MFEC system while a 20mm
circumferentially drive-pick up probe was most suitable for PEC system.
There are a lot of noise parameters that affect the sensitivity of the eddy current
measurement. The noise may come from sample surface condition, curvature, alloy
difference, residual stress, residual magnetic field, probe lift-off and tilt angle,
temperature drift, etc. Future work will focus on controlling these noise factors to allow
robust measurement in the production environment.

6. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to thank Jeff Draper at GE Inspection Technologies for his
probe manufacturing abilities and Changting Wang at GE Global Research for
developing the LabView software routine to automate the MFEC data acquisition system.


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