Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing: Hapter
Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing: Hapter
Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing: Hapter
Magnetic flux leakage testing is part of the user’s quality assurance department. Oil
widely used family of electromagnetic field tubular goods are often tested at this
nondestructive techniques. Magnetic stage.
particle testing is a variation of flux
leakage testing that uses particles to show Inservice Testing
indications. When used with other
methods, magnetic tests can provide a Good examples of inservice applications
quick and relatively inexpensive are the testing of used wire rope, installed
assessment of the integrity of tubing, or retrieved oil field tubular goods
ferromagnetic materials. by independent facilities. Many
The theory and practice of laboratories also use magnetic techniques
electromagnetic techniques are discussed (along with metallurgical sectioning and
elsewhere in this volume. The origins of other techniques) for the assessment of
magnetic particle testing are described in steel products and prediction of failure
the literature1 and information that the modes.
practicing magnetic test engineer might
require is available from a variety of
manuals and journal articles.
The magnetic circuit and the means for Discontinuities2
producing the magnetizing force that Discontinuities can be divided into two
causes magnetic flux leakage are described general categories: those caused during
below. Theories developed for surface and manufacture in new materials and those
subsurface discontinuities are outlined caused after manufacture in used
along with some results that can be materials.
expected. Discontinuities caused during
manufacture include cracks, seams,
forging laps, laminations and inclusions.
Successful testing requires the test object test object. The total magnetic flux φ
to be magnetized properly. The (weber) is given by:
magnetization can be accomplished using
one of several approaches: (1) permanent NI
magnets, (2) electromagnets and (1) φ =
(3) electric currents used to induce the
required magnetic field.
Excitation systems that use permanent where I is the current (ampere) in the coil,
magnets offer the least flexibility. Such N is the number of turns in the coil and
systems use high energy product S is the reluctance (ampere per weber) of
permanent magnet materials such as the magnetic circuit.
neodymium iron boron, samarium cobalt Reluctance S is the sum of the
and aluminum nickel. The major reluctance Sg of air gaps (between the test
disadvantage with such systems lies in the object and the yoke), test object
fact that the excitation cannot be reluctance Ss and yoke reluctance Sy. The
switched off. Because the magnetization is reluctance values of the air gaps, test
always turned on, it is difficult to insert object and yoke are given by Eqs. 2 to 4:
and remove the test object from the test
rig. Although the magnetization level can (2) Sg =
be adjusted using appropriate magnetic ag µ 0
shunts, it is awkward to do so.
Consequently, permanent magnets are
very rarely used for magnetization. Ls
(3) Ss =
Electromagnets, as well as electric as µ 0 (µ r )
currents, are used extensively to s
magnetize the test object. Figure 1 shows
an excitation system where the test object Ly
is part of a magnetic circuit energized by (4) Sy =
current passing through an excitation ay µ 0 ( µ r )
coil. The magnetic circuit passes through
a yoke made of a soft magnetic material where ax is the cross sectional area (square
and through a test object placed between meter) of the air gaps, test object or yoke;
the poles of the yoke. When the coil Lx is the length (meter) of the air gaps,
wound on the yoke carries current, the test object or yoke; µ0 is the permeability
resulting magnetomotive force drives of free space (µ0 = 4π × 10–7 H·m–1); µr is
magnetic flux through the yoke and the relative permeability; and subscripts g, s
and y denote the air gaps, test object and
yoke, respectively. Note that the magnetic
FIGURE 1. Electromagnetic yoke for circuit consists of two air gaps, one at
magnetizing of test object. each end of the test object. Both air gaps
need to be taken into account in
Coil calculating the total reluctance of the
magnetic circuit.
To obtain maximum sensitivity, it is
necessary to ensure that the magnetic flux
is perpendicular to the discontinuity. This
direction is in contrast to the orientation
in techniques that use an electric current
for inspection of a test object, where it
may be more advantageous to orient the
direction of current so that a
discontinuity would impede the current
as much as possible.
Because the orientation of the
discontinuity is unknown, it is necessary
Air gap where test to test twice with the yoke, in two
object is inserted directions perpendicular to each other. A
(b) I
(c) I
H Current source
Legend Legend
H = magnetic field intensity H = magnetic field intensity
I = electric current I = electric current
r = tube radius
Magnitudes of Magnetic
FIGURE 6. Capacitor discharge configurations
causing magnetization perpendicular to
Flux Leakage Fields
current direction: (a) conductor internal to The magnitude of the magnetic flux
test object creates circular field; (b) flexible leakage field under active direct current
cable around test object creates longitudinal excitation naturally depends on the
field. applied field. An applied field of 3.2 to
4.0 kA·m–1 (40 to 50 Oe) inside the
(a) material can cause leakage fields with
Capacitor discharge unit peak values of tens of millitesla (hundreds
of gauss). However, in the case of residual
induction, the magnetic flux leakage
C SCR lc fields may be only a few hundred
microtesla (a few gauss). Furthermore,
with residual field excitation, an
interesting field reversal may occur,
depending on the value of the initial
le active field excitation and the dimensions
le of the discontinuity.
Circular field
Flux leakage
0.1 (1) 10
FIGURE 10. Resistance versus applied field for
2 µm (8 × 10–5 in.) wide strip of
antiferromagnetically coupled, multilayer
0 0 test object composed of 14 percent giant
magnetoresistive material.9
Discontinuity 4.2
Resistance (kΩ)
–30 3.6
0 2 4 6 8 10
(8) (16) (24) (32) (40) –32 –16 0 16 32
(–0.4) (–0.2) (0.2) (0.4)
Coil position mm (10–2 in.)
Applied magnetic field, kA·m–1 (kOe)
Application Techniques FIGURE 11. Flying spot scanner for automated magnetic
Magnetic particles are applied to the particle testing.10,11
surface by two different techniques in
industry. Pattern recognition
Scanning mirror electronics
Dry Testing. Dry techniques use particles
applied in the form of a fine stream or an Laser
aerosol. They consist of high permeability Light collecting mirror
ferromagnetic particles coated with either
reflective or fluorescent pigments. The Amplifier
particle size is chosen according to the
dimensions of the discontinuity sought. Photocell gate
Particle diameters range from ≤50 to
180 µm (≤0.002 to 0.007 in.). Finer Stationary mirror
Fluorescent indication
particles are used for detecting smaller
discontinuities where the leakage
intensity is low. Dry techniques are used
extensively for testing welds and castings Signal output
where heterogeneities of interest are
relatively large.
Magnetic flux leakage testing is a suited for pumping well sucker rods and
commonly used technique. Signals from other elongated oil field test objects.
probes are processed electronically and After a well is drilled, the sides of the
presented in a manner that indicates the well are lined with a relatively thin steel
presence of discontinuities. Although casing material, which is then cemented
some techniques of magnetic flux leakage in. This casing can be tested only from
testing may not be as sophisticated as the inside surface. The cylindrical
others, it is probable that more geometry of the casing permits the flux
ferromagnetic material is tested with loop to be easily calculated so that
magnetic flux leakage than with any other magnetic saturation of the well casing is
technique. achieved.
Magnetizing techniques have evolved As with inservice well casing, buried
to suit the geometry of the test objects. pipelines are accessible only from the
The techniques include yokes, coils, the inside surface. The magnetic flux loop is
application of current to the test object the same as for the well casing test
and conductors that carry current through system. In this case, a drive mechanism
hollow test objects. Many situations exist must be provided to propel the test
in which current cannot be applied system through the pipeline.
directly to the test object because of the
possibility of arc burns. Design Threaded Regions of Pipe
considerations for magnetization of test
objects often require minimizing the An area that requires special attention
reluctance of the magnetic circuit, during the inservice testing of drill pipe is
consisting of (1) the test object, (2) the the threaded region of the pin and box
magnetizing system and (3) any air gaps connections. Common problems that
that might be present. occur in these regions include fatigue
cracking at the roots of the threads and
stretching of the thread metal. Automated
systems that use both active and residual
Test Object Configurations magnetic flux techniques can be used for
detecting such discontinuities.
flowing fluid. Such loss mechanisms are
(9) dl = I
common in subterranean pipelines,
installed petroleum well casing and in
refinery and chemical plant tubing. where dl is an element of length (meter),
The stretching and cracking of threads H is the magnetic field intensity (ampere
is a common problem. For example, when per meter) and I is the current (ampere) in
tubing, casing and drill pipe are the test object.
overtorqued at the coupling, the threads If the test object is a cylindrical bar, the
exist in their plastic region. This causes symmetry of the situation allows H to be
metallurgical changes in the metal and constant around the circumference, so the
can create regions where stress corrosion closed integral reduces:
cracking takes place in highly stressed
areas at a faster rate than in areas of less
stress. Couplings between tubes are a (10) 2π R H = I
good example of places where material
may be highly stressed. Drill pipe threads or:
are a good example of places where such
stress causes plastic deformation and I
(11) H =
thread root cracking. 2π R