RT 11
RT 11
RT 11
Sources of Attenuation History
Pre se nt State
Future Dire ction
The attenuation that results due to the interaction between penetrating radiation and matter is not
a simple process. A single interaction event between a primary x-ray photon and a particle of Physics of Radiography
Nature of Pe ne trating
matter does not usually result in the photon changing to some other form of energy and R adiation
effectively disappearing. Several interaction events are usually involved and the total attenuation X-rays
Gam m a R ays
is the sum of the attenuation due to different types of interactions. These interactions include the Activity
De cay R ate
photoelectric effect, scattering, and pair production. The figure below shows an approximation -C arbon 14 Dating
of the total absorption coefficient, (µ), in red, for iron plotted as a function of radiation energy. Ionization
Inve rse Square Law
The four radiation-matter interactions that contribute to the total absorption are shown in black. Inte raction of R T/Matte r
Atte nuation C oe fficie nt
The four types of interactions are: photoelectric (PE), Compton scattering (C), pair production Half-Value Laye r
(PP), and Thomson or Rayleigh scattering (R). Since most industrial radiography is done in the Source s of Atte nuation
-C om pton Scatte ring
0.1 to 1.5 MeV range, it can be seen from the plot that photoelectric and Compton scattering Ge om e tric Unsharpne ss
Filte rs in R adiography
account for the majority of attenuation encountered. Scatte r/R adiation C ontrol
R adiation Safe ty
A dvanced Techniques
R e al-tim e R adiography
C om pute d Tom ography
Summary of different mechanisms that cause attenuation of an incident x-ray beam R e fe re nce s
Below are other interaction phenomenon that can occur. Under special circumstances these
may need to be considered, but are generally negligible.
involved, this process may be neglected for the energies of x-rays used in radiography.
The applet below can be used to investigate the effect that photon energy has on the type of
interaction that the photon is likely to have with a particle of the material (shown in gray).
Various materials and material thicknesses may be selected and the x-ray energy can be set to
produce a range from 1 to 199 KeV. Notice as various experiments are run with the applets
that low energy radiation produces predominately photoelectric events and higher energy x-rays
produce predominately Compton scattering events. Also notice that if the energy is too low,
none of the radiation penetrates the material.
This second applet is similar to the one above except that the voltage (KVp) for a typical
generic x-ray tube source can be selected. The applet displays the spectrum of photon energies
(without any filtering) that the x-ray source produces at the selected voltage. Pressing the "Emit
X-ray" button will show the interaction that will occur from one photon with an energy within the
spectrum. Pressing the "Auto" button will show the interactions from a large number of photos
with energies within the spectrum.
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