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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

CourseCode: BCA 102 L TC

CourseName: Applied Mathematics 3 1 4


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. There should be 10 questions of
short answer type of 2.5 marks each, having at least 2 questions from each unit.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit
should have two questions to evaluate analytical/technical skills of candidate. However, student may
be asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks, including
its subparts, if any.
3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes (CO) of this course and prepare the
question paper accordingly, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), in such a way that every question be
mapped to some or other CO and all the questions, put together, must be able to achieve the mapping
to all the CO(s), in balanced way.

The objectives of this course are to provide the learners with the following:
1. The Knowledge of mathematical probability
2. Understanding of various numerical techniques
3. Familiarity with the Linear Programming and it’s applications

PRE-REQUISITES: Basic Concepts of Mathematics

Aftercompletionofthiscourse,thelearners willbe ableto:-
CO Detailed Statement of the CO BT
Mapping to PO #
# Level

CO1 Understand the various approaches dealing the data using theory of PO1, PO2, PO3,
Probability PO4

CO2 Understand various numerical techniques and apply them to solve

real life problems

CO3 Analyse and evaluate the accuracy of common Numerical Methods PO1, PO2, PO3,

CO4 Develop a mathematical model for real life situation and solving it PO1, PO2, PO3,
Using Linear programming technique PO4, PO5

No. of Hrs. 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB2 [chapters 3, 4], TB3 [chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
PROBABILITY: Introduction, Axiomatic definition of Probability, Addition Theorem, Multiplication
theorem, Conditional Probability, Baye’s Theorem and its applications
PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Random Variable, Probability Mass function, Probability density
function, Mathematical Expectations of a Random Variable, Binomial Distribution, Poisson distribution,
Normal Distribution.
No. of Hrs. 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [chapters 2, 3], TB3 [chapters 7, 8, 9]
INTERPOLATION: Operators: Shift; Forward Difference, Backward Difference Operators and their Inter-
relation, Interpolation Formulae-Newton’s Forward, Backward and Divided Difference Formulae: Lagrange’s
SOLUTIONS OF NON LINEAR EQUATIONS: Bisection Method, False Position Method, Newton –
Method for Solving Equation Involving One Variable only.

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

No. of Hrs. 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [chapters 5, 6], TB3 [chapters 10, 11]
without Row Interchange: LU Decomposition: Gauss - Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel Method; Gauss – Jordan
Method and to find Inverse of a Matrix by this Method.
NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION: First and Second Order Derivatives at Tabular and Non-Tabular
NUMERICAL INTEGRATION: Trapezoidal Rule, Simpsons 1/3 Rule: Error in Each Formula (without

No. of Hrs. 12 Chapter/Book Reference: TB4 [Chapters 2, 3, 4, 9, 10]

LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Formulation of linear Programming model, Graphical method of solving linear
Programming problem, Simplex Method (Maximization and Minimization)
TRANSPORTATION & ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM: General structure of transportation problem, solution
procedure for transportation problem, methods for finding initial solution, test for optimality. Maximization of
transportation problem, unbalanced transportation problem, Assignment problem approach of the assignment
model, solution methods of assignment problem, maximization in an assignment, unbalanced assignment
problem, restriction on assignment

TB1. S.S. Sastry, “Numerical Analysis”; Prentice Hall of India, 1998.

TB2. Johnson, R., Miller, I. and Freunds, J., Miller and Freund’s “Probability and Statistics for Engineers,
Pearson Education (2005) 7th Ed.
TB3. Singh J P “Probability and Numerical Methods” ANE Books, 4 th Edition 2019
TB4. Sharma, J.K.; Operations Research: problems & solutions; Macmillan India


RB1. Grewal B S “Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science” Khanna Publishers, 2012
RB2. Walpole, Ronald E., Myers, Raymond H., Myers, Sharon L. and, Keying Ye, Probability and
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Pearson Education (2007) 8th Ed.
RB3. Gupta S C, Kapoor V K “Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics” Sultan Chand and Sons 11th
edition 2002
RB4. Manmohan, Gupta, P K, Kanti Swarup “Introduction to Management science operations research”
Sultan Chand and Sons

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

Course Code: BCA 104 LTC

Course Name: Web Based Programming 3 1 4


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. There should be 10 questions of short answer
type of 2.5 marks each, having at least 2 questions from each unit.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have
two questions to evaluate analytical/technical skills of candidate. However, student may be asked to attempt only
1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks, including its subparts, if any.
3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes (CO) of this course and prepare the question paper
accordingly, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), in such a way that every question be mapped to some or other CO
and all the questions, put together, must be able to achieve the mapping to all the CO(s), in balanced way.

The objectives of this course are to provide the learners expertise in the following:-
1. Understanding of the syntax and semantics of PHP language
2. Ability to design and develop web applications using PHP as a server side language.
3. Performing CRUD operations in the database
1. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript.
2. Skills to Design static Webpage.
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:-
CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT
Mapping to PO #
CO1 Design and develop dynamic web pages with good aesthetic BTL3,
sense of designing and latest technical know-how's. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO7
CO2 Have a good understanding of Web Application BTL1, PO1, PO2, PO3, PO7,
Terminologies BTL2 PO10
CO3 Learn how to link and publish web sites BTL1,
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4

No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters 1-3, 5]
Introduction to web applications, Client Side Scripting Vs Server Side Scripting, Web Servers : Local Servers
and Remote Servers, Installation Process - WAMP, LAMP, XAMPP & MAMP Server, Static website vs
Dynamic website development.
Introduction to PHP: Data types, Variables, Super Global Variables, Constants, Comments, Operators and
Expressions, Regular Expression, Advantages of PHP
Control statements: Conditional Statement -if else, if elseif else, nested if, switch case, PHP Loops – for, while,
do while and foreach loop
Arrays: Indexed Array, Associate Array, Multi-dimensional Array, Array pre-defined Functions

No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 7]
Functions: Defining and Calling Functions, Passing by Value and passing by references, Inbuilt Functions,
variable scope, Mail function, PHP Errors
Working with Forms: Get and Post Methods, HTML form controls and PHP, State Management: Cookies,
Session, Query String, Hidden Field.

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No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 6]
Working With Files: Opening and Closing Files, creating directories and files, Reading and Writing to Files,
file inclusion, file uploading and downloading, Getting Information on Files.
Object Oriented Features: Classes and Objects, Building Classes, Access Modifiers, Reusability,
Constructors, Destructor.

No. of Hours: 11 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 8]
PHP Database Connectivity: Using PHP to Access a Database, Relational Databases and SQL, PHP Data
Objects, MySQLi Object Interface, SQLite, MongoDB
Introduction to MYSQL, Creating database and other operations on database, Querying a MySQL database
with PHP database, connecting to a database, Parsing of the query results, Checking data errors.


TB1. Programming PHP: Creating Dynamic Web Pages, Kevin Tatroe. Peter Macintyre, Rasmus Lerdorf,
O'Reilly, Third Edition


RB1. Professional PHP Programming,Jesus Castagnetto,Harish Rawat, Sascha Schumann,Chris

Scollo,Deepak Veliath - Wrox Publications
RB2. PHP 5 Advanced, Larry Ullman, Peachpit Press
RB3. Core PHP Programming. Leon Atkinson (Prentice Hall, ISBN 0130463469).
RB4. Beginning PHP5 and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, W. Jason Gilmore, 2004,Apress, ISBN: 1-

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

Course Code: BCA 106 LTC

Course Name: Data Structure and Algorithm Using C 3 1 4


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. There should be 10 questions of short answer
type of 2.5 marks each, having at least 2 questions from each unit.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have
two questions to evaluate analytical/technical skills of candidate. However, student may be asked to attempt only 1
question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks, including its subparts, if any.
3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes (CO) of this course and prepare the question paper
accordingly, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), in such a way that every question be mapped to some or other CO
and all the questions, put together, must be able to achieve the mapping to all the CO(s), in balanced way.

In this course, the learners will be provided expertise in
1. Understanding of the basic concepts of data structures and their operations like, insertion, deletion,
searching and sorting
2. Design algorithms and pseudo codes of various linear and non-linear data structures
1. C Programming Skills
2. Discrete Mathematics
After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level Mapping to PO #

CO1 Familiarize the basics of data structures and algorithms. BTL2 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4

Understand and apply linear and nonlinear data structures and PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4,
their operations. PO5

Compare and implement searching, sorting and hashing

CO3 BTL5 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4,PO5

Appraise and determine the correct data structure for any PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4,
given real world problem. PO5

No. of Hours: 14 Chapter / Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters 1, 4, 9], TB2 [Chapters 1, 6, 7], TB3
[Chapters 1, 2,6,10]
Linear Data Structures- Static: Introduction to Algorithms- Attributes, Design Techniques, Time Space Trade
Off, Data Structures, Classification and Operations of Data Structures.
Arrays: Single Dimension, Two-Dimension and Introduction to Multi Dimensions, Memory Representation,
Address Calculation, Sparse Matrices- Types, Representation.
Searching and Sorting: Linear and Binary Search, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort,
Elementary Comparison of Searching and Sorting Algorithms.
Hashing: Hash Table, Hash Functions, and Collision Resolution.

No. of Hours: 10 Chapter / Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 5], TB2 [Chapter 4], TB3 [Chapter 3]
Linear Data Structures- Dynamic
Introduction: Dynamic Memory Allocation, Dynamic Memory versus Static Memory Allocation.
Linked List Types: Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Header Linked List, Circular Linked List.
Operations: Creation, Insertion, Deletion, Modification, Searching,Sorting, Reversing, and Merging.

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

No. of Hours: 09 Chapter / Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 6], TB2 [Chapters 2, 4], TB3 [Chapters 4, 5]
Abstract Data Types:
Stacks: Introduction, Static and Dynamic Implementation, Operations, Applications- Evaluation and
Conversion between Polish and Reverse Polish Notations.

Queues: Introduction, Static and Dynamic Implementation, Operations, Types- Linear Queue, Circular Queue,
Doubly Ended Queue, Priority Queue.

No. of Hours: 11 Chapter / Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters 7, 8], TB2 [Chapters 5, 8], TB3 [Chapters 7,
Non Linear Data Structures:
Introduction to Graphs: Notations & Terminologies, Representation of Graphs- Adjacency Matrix, Incidence
Matrix and Linked Representation.
Trees: Notations & Terminologies, Memory Representation, Binary Trees Types- Complete, Full, Strict,
Expression Binary Tree, Tree Traversals (Recursive), Binary Search Tree and Basic Operations
Introduction and Creation (Excluding Implementation): AVL Tree, Heap Tree, M- Way Tree, and B Tree.


TB1. Schaum’s Outline Series, “Data Structures”, TMH, Special Indian Ed., Seventeenth Reprint, 2014.
TB2. Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein and A.M. Tanenebaum, “Data Structures using C and C++”, Pearson
Education India, Second Edition, 2015.
TB3. D. Samanta, “Classic Data Structures”, PHI, Second Edition, 2009.

RB1. Ashok N kamthane “Introduction to Data Structures in C”, Pearson, Third Edition, 2009.
RB2. E. Horowitz and S. Sahni, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”. Universities Press, Second edition,
RB3. D. Malhotra and N. Malhotra, “Data Structures and Program Design using C“, Laxmi Publications,
Indian adapted edition from Mercury Learning and Information-USA, First edition, 2018.
RB4. Y. Kanetkar “ Data Structures through C”, BPB Publication, Third Edition, 2019.
RB5. R.F Gilberg, and B A Frouzan- “Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C”, Thomson
Learning, Second Edition, 2004.
RB6. A. K. Rath, and A.K. Jagadev, “Data Structures and Program Design Using C”, Scitech Publications,
Second Edition, 2011.

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

Course Code: BCA 108 LTC

Course Name: Database Management System 3 1 4


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. There should be 10 questions of short answer
type of 2.5 marks each, having at least 2 questions from each unit.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit should have
two questions to evaluate analytical/technical skills of candidate. However, student may be asked to attempt only 1
question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks, including its subparts, if any.
3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes (CO) of this course and prepare the question paper
accordingly, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), in such a way that every question be mapped to some or other CO
and all the questions, put together, must be able to achieve the mapping to all the CO(s), in balanced way.

The paper aims to introduce the concept of Back end, data storage in computers, design of a DBMS, Queries to
construct database, store and retrieve data from the database.The objective of this course is to provide the
learners expertise in the following:
1. Understanding of the requirement of database management System for storing data and its advantages over
file management system.
2. Designing the database conceptually, physically and finally implementing the creation of database for any
3. Learning of queries in SQL for creating database and performing various operations for manipulating data
in the database.
4. Knowledge of database utilities i.e. backup, recovery, transaction processing.

PREREQUISITE: Basic knowledge of data storage and file management system


After completion of this course, the learners will be able to: -

CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level Mapping to PO #

CO1 Understand the DBMS concepts with detailed architecture,

characteristics.Describe different database languages and PO1, PO2, PO3,
environment and learn various data models, along with the related PO7

CO2 Explore Structure Query Language, a brief on NOSQL, Query By

Example.Also understand the overview of SQL, and try to
PO1, PO2, PO3,
implement DDL, DML and DCL along with operators, use of joins, BTL3
nested query, use of views and Indexes
Discuss Integrity Constraints

CO3 Describe Relational Data Model, explain Codd’s Rules, Relational

PO1, PO2, PO3,
Algebra, Set theory operations and the concept of functional BTL4
dependencies and normalization

CO4 Acquire Knowledge about Transaction Processing, concurrency

problems, and its controlling techniques, Database backup and PO2, PO3, PO4,
recovery and security. PO7, PO8

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

[No. of Hrs.: 10] Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 2]; TB2 [Chapter 1]
Introduction: An overview of database management system, Characteristics of database approach, DBMS
architecture, client/server, data Models, Introduction to Distributed Data processing, schema and instances, data
Data Modelling using Entity Relationship Model: Basic introduction about the terminologies like Entity,
Entity types, entity set, notation for ER diagram, attributes and keys, Types of attributes (composite, derived and
multivalued attributes) and keys (Super Key, candidate key, primary key), relationships, relation types, weak
entities, enhanced E-R, specialization and generalization.

[No. of Hrs.: 13] Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 8]; TB2 [Chapter 2];
Introduction to SQL: Overview, Characteristics of SQL. Advantage of SQL, SQL data types and literals.
Types of SQL commands: DDL, DML, DCL. Basic SQL Queries.
Logical operators: BETWEEN, IN, AND, OR and NOT
Null Values: Disallowing Null Values, Comparisons Using Null Values
Integrity constraints: Primary Key, Not NULL, Unique, Check, Referential key
Introduction to Nested Queries, Correlated Nested Queries, Set-Comparison Operators, Aggregate Operators:
The GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses,
Joins: Inner joins, Outer Joins, Left outer, Right outer, full outer joins.
Overview of other SQL Objects: Views, Sequences, Indexes, Triggers and stored procedure.

[No. of Hrs.: 12] Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 7 & 15]; TB2 [Chapter 3];
Relational Data Models: Relational model terminology domains, Attributes, Tuples, Relations, characteristics
of relations, relational constraints domain constraints, key constraints and constraints on null, relational DB
schema. Codd’s Rules
Relational algebra: Basic operations selection and projection,
Set Theoretic operations: Union, Intersection, set difference and division (Order, Relational calculus: Domain,
Tuple, Well Formed Formula, specification, quantifiers)
Join operations: Inner, Outer, Left outer, Right outer, and full outer join
ER to relational mapping: Steps to map ER diagram to relational schema
Data Normalization: Functional dependencies, Armstrong’s inference rule, & Normalization (Upto BCNF)

[No. of Hrs.: 9] Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 19 & 20]; TB2 [Chapter 5];
Transaction Processing: Definition of Transaction, Desirable ACID properties
Database recovery and Database Security: System failure, Backup & recovery Techniques, Authentication,
Overview of Query by Language, NoSql databses


TB1. R. Elmarsi and SB Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson, 5th Ed.
TB2. Singh S.K., “Database System Concepts, design and application”, Pearson Education [TB3] TB3.
Ramakrishnan and Gherke, “Database Management Systems”, TMH.
TB4. Bipin Desai, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publications, 1991.

RB1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan, “Database Systems Concepts”, 6 th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
RB2. Jim Melton, Alan Simon, “Understanding the new SQL: A complete Guide”, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1993.
RB3. A. K. Majumdar, P. Battacharya, “Database Management Systems’, TMH, 2017.

Course Code: BCA 110 LTC

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

Course Name: Environmental Studies 2 0 2


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. There should be 10 questions of short
answer type of 2.5 marks each, having at least 2 questions from each unit.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit
should have two questions to evaluate analytical/technical skills of candidate. However, student may be
asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks, including its
subparts, if any.
3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes (CO) of this course and prepare the question
paper accordingly, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), in such a way that every question be mapped to some
or other CO and all the questions, put together, must be able to achieve the mapping to all the CO(s), in
balanced way.

In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to the following:
1. Development of critical thinking for shaping strategies (scientific, social, economic,
administrative, and legal) for environmental protection, conservation of biodiversity,
environmental equity, and sustainable development.
2. Acquisition of values and attitudes towards understanding complex environmental economic-
social challenges, and active participation in solving current environmental problems and
preventing the future ones.
3. Encouraging adoption of sustainability as a practice in life, society, and industry.

PRE-REQUISITES: Basic awareness about the natural environment.

COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:
Mapping to
CO# Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level
PO #
Gain in-depth knowledge on natural processes and resources that
CO1 BTL1,2 PO10
sustain life and govern economy.
Understand the consequences of human actions on the web of life,
CO2 global economy, and quality of human life. BTL3 PO10

Develop critical thinking for shaping strategies (scientific, social,

economic, administrative, and legal) for environmental protection,
conservation of biodiversity, environmental equity, and sustainable
Acquire values and attitudes towards understanding complex
environmental economic-social challenges, and active participation in
solving current environmental problems and preventing the future
CO5 Adopt sustainability as a practice in life, society, and industry. BTL5 PO10

No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters 1, 6]; TB2 [Chapters 8, 11, 25]; TB3
[Chapters 1, 35]
Introduction to Environmental Studies
 Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies; components of environment: atmosphere, hydrosphere,
lithosphere, and biosphere.
 Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and sustainable development
 Emergence of environmental issues: Climate change, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, Acid rain etc.
 International agreements and programmer: Earth Summit, UNFCCC, Montreal and Kyoto protocols,
Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD), Ramsar convention, The Chemical Weapons Convention

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No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters 2, 3]; TB2 [Chapters 2, 15, 16, 17]; TB3
[Chapters 2, 7, 11, 12]
Ecosystems and Natural Resources
 Definition and concept of Ecosystem
 Structure of ecosystem (biotic and abiotic components); Functions of Ecosystem: Physical (energy flow),
Biological (food chains, food web, ecological succession), ecological pyramids and homeostasis.
 Types of Ecosystems: Tundra, Forest, Grassland, Desert, Aquatic (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans,
estuaries); importance and threats with relevant examples from India
 Ecosystem services (Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural, and Supporting); Ecosystem preservation and
conservation strategies; Basics of Ecosystem restoration
 Energy resources: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources; Use of alternate energy sources; Growing
energy needs; Energy contents of coal, petroleum, natural gas and bio gas; Agro-residues as a biomass
energy source

No. of Hours: 10 Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 4]; TB2 [Chapters 4, 5, 6]; TB3 [Chapters
22, 23, 24]
Biodiversity and Conservation
 Definition of Biodiversity; Levels of biological diversity: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity
 India as a mega-biodiversity nation; Biogeographic zones of India; Biodiversity hotspots; Endemic and
endangered species of India; IUCN Red list criteria and categories
 Value of biodiversity: Ecological, economic, social, ethical, aesthetic, and informational values of
biodiversity with examples.
 Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation; Poaching of wildlife; Man-wildlife
conflicts; Biological invasion with emphasis on Indian biodiversity; Current mass extinction crisis
 Biodiversity conservation strategies: in-situ and ex-situ methods of conservation (National Parks, Wildlife
Sanctuaries, and Biosphere reserves.
 Case studies: Contemporary Indian wildlife and biodiversity issues, movements, and projects (e.g., Project
Tiger, Project Elephant, Vulture breeding program, Project Great Indian Bustard, Crocodile conservation
project, Silent Valley movement, Save Western Ghats movement, etc)

No. of Hours: 9 + 5 for field visit Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter5]; TB2 [Chapters7, 20, 21, 23];
TB3 [Chapters25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31]

Environmental Pollution and Control Measures

 Environmental pollution (Air, water, soil, thermal, and noise): causes, effects, and controls; Primary and
secondary air pollutants; Air and water quality standards
 Nuclear hazards and human health risks
 Solid waste management: Control measures for various types of urban, industrial waste, Hazardous waste,
E-waste, etc.; Waste segregation and disposal
 Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System
 Field work/ Practical’s (any one)
 Field visit to any of the ecosystems found in Delhi like Delhi Ridge/ Sanjay lake/Yamuna river and its
floodplains etc., or any nearby lake or pond, explaining the theoretical aspects taught in the class room
 Visit to any biodiversity park/ reserve forest/ protected area/ zoo/ nursery/ natural history museum in and
around Delhi, such as Okhla bird sanctuary/ Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary/ Yamuna Biodiversity Park/
Sultanpur National Park, explaining the theoretical aspects taught in the classroom
 Visit to a local polluted site (urban/rural/industrial/agricultural), wastewater treatment plants, or landfill
sites, etc


TB1. Sanjay Kumar Batra , Kanchan Batra ,Harpreet Kaur; Environmental Studies; Taxmann’s, Fifth
TB2. M.M. Sulphey; Introduction to Environment Management; PHI Learning, 2019

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TB3. S.P. Mishra, S.N. Pandey; Essential Environmental Studies; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. ; Sixth Edition.


RB1. Asthana, D. K. (2006).Text Book of Environmental Studies. S. Chand Publishing.

RB2. Basu, M., Xavier, S. (2016). Fundamentals of Environmental Studies, Cambridge University Press,
RB3. Bharucha, E. (2013). Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses. Universities
RB4. Mahapatra, R., Jeevan, S.S., Das, S. (Eds) (2017). Environment Reader for Universities, Centre for
Science and Environment, New Delhi.
RB5. Masters, G. M., & Ela, W. P. (1991).Introduction to environmental engineering and science.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
RB6. Odum, E. P., Odum, H. T., & Andrews, J. (1971).Fundamentals of ecology. Philadelphia: Saunders.
RB7. Sharma, P. D., & Sharma, P. D. (2005).Ecology and environment. Rastogi Publications

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Handbook of BCA programme offered by USICT at Affiliated Institution of the University.

Course Code: BCA 134 L T/P C

Course Name: Front End Design Tools VB.NET 0 4 2


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. There should be 10 questions of short
answer type of 2.5 marks each, having at least 2 questions from each unit.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit
should have two questions to evaluate analytical/technical skills of candidate. However, student may be
asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks, including its
subparts, if any.
3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes (CO) of this course and prepare the question
paper accordingly, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), in such a way that every question be mapped to some or
other CO and all the questions, put together, must be able to achieve the mapping to all the CO(s), in
balanced way.

PRE-REQUISITES: Prior knowledge of programming language is beneficial but not mandatory.

After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level Mapping to

PO #
CO1 Design Console application using basic programming concepts. BT3 PO3, PO5
CO2 Design Windows application using control. BT3 PO3,PO5
CO3 Understand and use of different Data Structures, Exception Handling BT2 PO3,PO5
CO4 Learn basic concepts of OOPS. Design classes and interfaces. BT2 PO3, PO5
Introduction to Visual Basic .Net Framework - .Net Architecture, Features of .Net, Advantages of .Net, .Net
Framework, CLR, CTS, CLS, Assemblies, Memory management issues – Garbage Collector and collection
Introduction to Visual Basic.Net IDE: Creating a project, Types of project in .Net, Exploring and coding a
project, Solution explorer, toolbox, properties window, Output window, Object Browser.
Programming Basics: Variable, Data Types, Conditional Constructs, Loop Statements, Creating Console
Introduction to GUI Environment and understand the working of commonly used controls - their properties,
methods and events.
Introduction to Data Structures: Array, ArrayList, Structure and Enumeration.
Introduction of Exception handling - structured and unstructured.
Procedure and function. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming : OOPS Concepts, Creation of Class,
Interface and Namespace.

List of Practicals

S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to

CO #
Core Practicals (Implement minimum 10 out of 15 practicals)
1. Create console application showing the use of conditional constructs - if, if-else, if- CO1
elseif-else, nested if, select case.
2. Create console application showing the use of loops –Do While..Loop, Do Until … CO1
Loop, While... Wend, For … Next, For Each … Next.
3. Create a simple windows application showing the use of TextBox, Button, Label CO2
Controls, Radio Button, Check Box, Combo Box and List Box Controls.
4. Create a windows application showing the use of Image, Timer, Panel, Scroll bar, CO2
Status Bar Controls.
5. Create an MDI application showing the use of multiple forms, toolbar, menu, status CO2

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bar, RichText Box, Dialog Controls.

6. Create console/windows application to showing the use of Structured Exception CO3
handling- try..end try, catch, finally.
7. Create console/windows application to showing the use of Unstructured Exception CO3
handling- On Error, Resume Next etc.
8. Create console/windows application showing the use of Array class - its methods and CO3
9. Create console/windows application showing the use of Array List - its methods and CO3
10. Create console/windows application showing the use of Enumeration, Constants and CO3
11. Create console/windows application showing the declaration and use of user defined CO3
12. Create console/windows application showing the use of different argument passing CO3
mechanism – ByVal, ByRef, Optional and Paramarray.
13. Create console/windows application showing the declaration and use of Class with CO4
Data members, Function Member, Constructor Member, Destructor Member, Event
Member, Property Member, Shared Member, Type Member.
14. Create console/windows application showing the implementation of Inheritance. CO4
15. Create console/windows application showing the use of Polymorphism. CO4
Application Based Practicals (Implement minimum 5 out of 10 practicals)
16. Write a Program to find diameter, circumference and area of circle using CO1
17. Write a Program to find maximum between three numbers using select case and if- CO1

18. Create Basic calculator with all the functionalities. CO2

19. Create a basic Digital or Analog Clock using Timer, Image, Button, ComboBox and CO2
other relevant controls.
20. Write a Program to find second largest element and second smallest element in an CO3
21. Write a program to create an arraylist of 10 elements. Create a procedure to add CO3
new element at the specific location in the arraylist and display the updated
22. Write a program to validate the username and password entered by user and create CO3
userdefined exception to prompt message on three consecutive wrong password
23. Create a Class Box with following private data members length, breadth, height CO4
and function getVolume, and public member functions input and output. Create an
object of class and call appropriate functions.
24. Create a class Rectangle, with protected members width and height, public CO4
procedure setWidth and setHeight, getArea. Inherit it in another Class
ShrinkRectangle with a data member shrink factor. Create object of the class and
call appropriate member functions. Create appropriate class to demonstrate
overloading of function ‘area’ for finding area of a circle, square, rectangle and a
25. Create a class Book with data members: BookId, BookName, Cost, Pages. Member CO4
property to add data to all its data members, function to find cost per page. Create five
objects of 5 books and find total cost.
1. In total 15 practical’s to be implemented.
2. Two additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
3. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the
requirement of the course.

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Course Code: BCA 136 L TC

CourseName: Statistical Analysis using Excel 0 4 2


1. Question No. 1 should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. There should be 10 questions of short
answer type of 2.5 marks each, having at least 2 questions from each unit.
2. Apart from Question No. 1, rest of the paper shall consist of four units as per the syllabus. Every unit
should have two questions to evaluate analytical/technical skills of candidate. However, student may be
asked to attempt only 1 question from each unit. Each question should be of 12.5 marks, including its
subparts, if any.
3. Examiners are requested to go through the Course Outcomes (CO) of this course and prepare the question
paper accordingly, using Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT), in such a way that every question be mapped to some
or other CO and all the questions, put together, must be able to achieve the mapping to all the CO(s), in
balanced way.

In thiscourse,thelearnerswill beableto apply the concepts pertaining to thefollowing:-
1. The understanding of the basic concepts of statistics
2. Using Excel for applying the Statistical concepts in day to day operations

1. The student must be adequate knowledge of working in MS Excel
2. The student must be well versed in the basic concepts of Statistics

Aftercompletionofthiscourse,thelearners willbe ableto:-

CO# DetailedStatementoftheCO *BTLevel MappingtoPO #

Understand the basic concepts of statistics and its application in the
CO1 BTL2 PO1, PO2, PO3
real life scenarios

Understand the means and mechanisms for applying the various skills
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5,
CO2 used in the process of generating various statistical concepts by using BTL3
MS Excel software

Developing the skills needed for understand the various features of MS

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4,
CO3 Excel software which assist the user in the process of deriving BTL3
PO5, PO7
statistical measures

Understand the skill needed to draw various forms of graphical

CO4 BTL4 PO2, PO3, PO4, PO6
representation based on statistical data
Understand the various features of MS Excel involved in the process
PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5,
CO5 of compilation and summarizing of Statistical data and the skills BTL5
PO6, PO7, PO8
needed to interpret the statistical data

Understand the skills needed to ensure the process of integrating data PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6,
from multiple in MS Excel PO7, PO8

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Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters 1, 2]; TB2 [Chapters 1, 3];
Introduction to Statistics: Defining statistics, Importance of Statistics, application of statistics in real life
scenarios. The skills and characteristics needed to deal with the data. The importance of IT tools in the
usage of statistical data. MS Excel as the IT tool for dealing with statistical data. Features of MS Excel

Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 6]; TB2 [Chapter 7]
Introduction to MS Excel. Basic structure of MS Excel. Cells, range, Tabs and the importance of formulae
in MS Excel for dealing with statistical data. Introduction to Data analysis tab and the various statistical
features available in data analysis tab. Installing Data analysis tab. using statistical functions of MS Excel
for data analysis

Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 7]; TB2 [Chapter 9]
The application of Measures of central tendency by using MS Excel. Frequency distribution, Graphical
representation of data along with formatting features of various graphs. Measures of Central Tendency with
its illustration in MS Excel

Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter 8]; TB2 [Chapter 11]
The measures of Dispersion by using MS Excel. The consolidation of data by using Pivot table, The Data table,
Scenarios and Goal seek functions by using data to predict future scenarios. The illustration of cro-relation and
regression in predicting


TB1. Understanding Educational Statistics Using Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Edition No. 1, Martin Lee
Abbott, John Wiley and Sons. Ltd, 2011
TB2. Statistics For Management Using Microsoft Excel, Ash Narain Sah, John Wiley, 2018

RB1. Statistics with Microsoft Excel by Dretzke, Beverly Jean, Prentice Hall, 2019
RB2. Applied Statistics with Microsoft Excel, Gral Keller, Cengage, 2015

List of Practical
S. Detailed Statement Mapping
No. to CO #
1. Enter the marks of 20 students in the given order CO1
 Serial number
 Name of the student
 Name of the college
 Class
 Subject-1
 Subject -2
 Subject -3
 Subject -4

In a separate columns, perform the following operations

Calculate the following
a. Total marks of all the subjects
b. Percentage of marks for each of the students
c. Allotment of grades based on the criterion.
 If the marks are more than 75% then the result is “Pass” else “Fail”
d. Now in other column allot the grades based on the following criterion
 If the marks are more than 90% then grade is “A”
 If the marks are more than or equal to 75 and less than 90% then the grade is “B” else
the grade if “C” provided that the result is “Pass”

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2. From the following table, calculate the following CO2

City Number of Schools Number of candidates
New Delhi 300 30000
Mumbai 450 45000
Bengaluru 500 48000
Chennai 480 67000
Trivandrum 459 77000

 The average number of students in the entire distribution

 The standard deviation of the distribution
 The correlation coefficient between the number of schools and the number of candidates
 The regression equation between number of students and number of candidates

3. From the following data calculate the CO4, CO5

Base City Department Client Location Nationality
New Delhi Marketing Adidas New York American
Mumbai Advertising Hilfiger London English
Bengaluru Human Resource Woodland Paris Spanish
Chennai Human Resource Nike Sydney Dutch
Trivandrum Advertising Allen Solley Frankfurt Japanese
New Delhi Quality Control Adidas New York American
Mumbai Advertising Hilfiger Seoul Korean
Bengaluru Human Resource Woodland Paris Spanish
Chennai Human Resource Nike Sydney Dutch
Trivandrum Advertising Armani Frankfurt Russian
New Delhi Marketing Adidas New York American
Mumbai Production Hilfiger Copenhagen English
Bengaluru Human Resource Woodland Paris Spanish
Chennai Human Resource Nike Sydney Russian
Trivandrum Advertising Gucci Frankfurt Japanese
New Delhi Quality Control Adidas New York American
Mumbai Advertising Hilfiger London Korean
Bengaluru Human Resource Woodland Paris Spanish
Chennai Human Resource Nike Sydney Dutch
Trivandrum Advertising Allen Solley Frankfurt Japanese

Using Pivot table, determine

 The number of Nationality per Location
 The number of Department / location / client
 The number of client / location / nationality

4. A finance company wants to publish the following table CO5

Qty ↓ / Price → 10 20 30 40
25 250 500 750 1000
35 350 700 1050 1400
45 450 900 1350 1800
55 550 1100 1650 2200
65 650 1300 1950 2600

Using Data table, prepare the above tabular distribution

5 Using the Goal seek function of Excel, prepare the following table for calculating the amount based CO1
on the simple interest formula.

Principle Amount 1000

Rate 0.02

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Time 2
Amount 1040

Simulate the amount by differing values of

 Principle amount
 Rate
 Time

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Course Code: BCA 138 L T/P C

Course Name: Designing Lab Photoshop 0 4 2

In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to:
1. Knowledge of Tools in Photoshop.
2. Exporting images & pdf.
3. Uses of gif & digital enhancement in images.



After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level Mapping to PO #

CO1 Explain the basics of graphics designing & Adobe suite BTL1 PO6, PO11, PO14, PO20
CO2 Exploring the Raster designing tools in Adobe Photoshop. BTL3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4,
BTL5 PO5, PO8, PO11-PO20
CO3 Exploring the Vector designing tools in Adobe Photoshop. BTL3 PO6, PO7, PO9, PO13,
BTL5 PO11-PO20
CO4 Exploring the image filters & adjustments in Adobe BTL3 PO10, PO11-PO20
Photoshop. BTL5
No. of Hours: 11
Introduction to graphic designing, Input/Output Technologies, Color Coding: RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Bitmap, Color
Channel, Resolution, Printing Templates, Raster Images, Vector Images, Measurement Units & Conversion, Introduction to
Adobe suite & Photoshop.
No. of Hours: 11
Introduction to Layers, Groups & Smart Objects, Color Picker, Selection Tools & Marquee Tool, Crop Tool, Brush Tool,
Clone & Patch Tools, Eraser Tools, Coloring Tools, Text Tools, Hand & Zoom Tools, Background & Foreground Colors,
Image Mask, Alignment Controls, Transform Controls, Importing Images in Photoshop.
No. of Hours: 11
Introduction to Shapes & Shape Tools, Path & Direct Selection Tools, Pen Tool, Image Editing Tools, Layers Style, Filters,
Blend Modes, Image Adjustment Options, Window Menu Options, Layer Mask.

No. of Hours: 11
Introduction to Photoshop Filter: Blur, Distort, Noise, Render, Sharpen, Stylize, Exporting Images & PDF, Introduction to
GIF & Timeline Window, Importing/Exporting CorelDraw Files from Photoshop.
TB1. Faulkner Andrew (Author), Chavez Conrad (Author), “Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book” Adobe Press.
TB2. DT Editorial Services, “Photoshop CC in Simple Steps” Dream Tech. Press.
RB1. Lisa DaNae Dayley, Brad Dayley, “Photoshop Bible”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
RB2. Glyn Dewis, “The Photoshop Workbook: Professional Retouching and Compositing Tips, Tricks, and Techniques”,
Peachpit Press.
RB3. Peter Bauer, “Adobe Photoshop CC For Dummies”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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List of Practicals

S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to CO #

Core Practicals (Implement minimum 8 out of 10 practicals)
1. Create a file to demonstrate the use of layers, groups & smart objects. CO2
2. Create a photo frame in Photoshop. CO2
3. Take an image of basic shape (square, triangle, circle, rectangle and parallelogram) in CO2
Photoshop & extract these shapes from the image to different layers using marquee
4. Create a custom brush preset in Photoshop. CO2
5. Create a custom pattern preset in Photoshop. CO2
6. Create a visiting card for yourself in Photoshop. (size=3.5 x 2 inch., color coding: CO1, CO3,
7. Create a file having two images (rename the layer as foreground & background image) CO3,
in two different layers. Blur the background image & place the foreground image over
the background image in a way both layers are visible.

8. Create a border design using a brush tool. CO2

9. Create basic shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle and parallelogram) in Photoshop CO3,
on a single layer using the shape tools.
10. Create a simple GIF in Photoshop. CO4
Application Based Practicals (Implement minimum 5 out of 10 practicals)
11. Create a digital invitation card in Photoshop and export it in PDF Format. Use the CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4
Photograph (Practical 7) or GIF (Practical 10) and border (Practical 8) along with other
features of Photoshop as per your requirements. (size=A8 or A4, color coding: RGB)
12. Create a custom Desktop background in Photoshop. CO2, CO3, CO4
13. Create a water drop and heart shape in Photoshop using the shapes tools or Pen Tool. CO3
14. Create a “Save Water” Poster from the shapes created in Practical 13. (size=A8 or A4, CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4
color coding: CMYK)
15. Perform Digital Makeup on the Photograph of some celebrity in Photoshop. CO2, CO3, CO4
16. Create a cartoon character in Photoshop using the Shape and Pen Tools. CO2, CO3, CO4
17. Create a chocolate bar with the brand name in Photoshop. The individual cube of the CO2, CO3, CO4
chocolate must have a 3D Visual Effect.
18. Create your company logo in Photoshop. CO2, CO3, CO4
19. Create a magazine Cover in Photoshop. CO2, CO3, CO4
20. Create a Thanks Giving card & export it in Pdf (size=A8 or A4, color coding: RGB) CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4
1. In total 15 practicals to be implemented. 2 additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
2. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the requirement of the

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Course Code: BCA 172 L T/P C

Course Name: Practical-IV WBP Lab 0 4 2

In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to:
1. Understand the syntax and semantics of PHP language
2. Design and develop web applications using PHP as a server side language
3. Perform database connectivity using MYSQL as database server.
1. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, bootstrap and XML.
2. Able to Design Static Website.


After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level Mapping to PO #

CO1 Design and develop dynamic web pages with good aesthetic
BTL3 PO1, PO2, PO3,PO7
sense of designing and latest technical know-how's.
CO2 Have a good understanding of Web Application PO1, PO2, PO3,PO7,
Terminologies PO10
CO3 Learn how to link and publish web sites BTL1, BTL2 PO1, PO2, PO3,PO4
List of Practicals
S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to CO #
Core Practicals
1. Write regular expressions including modifiers, operators, and metacharacters. CO1, CO2
2. Write a program to show the usage of nested if statement. CO1, CO2
3. Write a Program in PHP for type Casting Of a Variables CO1, CO2
4. Write a program to create a menu driven program and show the usage of switch-case. CO1, CO2
5. Write a program to show the usage of for/while/do while loop CO1, CO2
6. Write a program to perform all four types of sorting CO1, CO2
Write a program to implement Array-pad(),aaray_slice(),array_splice(),list()
7. CO1, CO2
functions.(use foreach wherever applicable)
8. Write a program to show the application of user defined functions. CO1, CO2
Write a program that Passes control to another page (include, require, exit and die
9. functions) CO1, CO2

10. Write a program to validate the form data using Filter_var() function. CO1, CO2
11. Write a program to show the usage of Cookie. CO1, CO2
12. Write a program to show the usage of Session CO1, CO2
13. Write a program to implement oops concepts. CO1, CO2
Do Form handling In PHP Design a personal Information form , then Submit &
14. CO1, CO2
Retrieve the Form Data Using $_GET(), $_POST() and $_REQUEST() Variables
15. Design A Login Form and Validate that Form using PHP Programming CO1, CO2
16. Create Admin Login ,Logout form using session variables CO1, CO2
17. Write a program to create a file. CO1, CO2
Write a program that use various PHP library functions, and that manipulate files and
18. CO1, CO2
19. Write a program to read and display the content of previously created file. CO1, CO2
20. Write a program to modify the content of an existing file. CO1, CO2
21. Create a web page and which provides File uploading and downloading a file. CO1, CO2
22. Design a from which upload And Display Image in PHP CO1, CO2
Use phpMyAdmin and perform the following:
23. CO1, CO2
import, review data and structure, run SQL statements, create users and privileges
24. Write a program to create a mysql database. CO1, CO2
25. Write a program to create a table and insert few records into it using form. CO1, CO2
26. Write a program to select all the records and display it in table. CO1, CO2
27. Write a program to modify (delete/modify/add) a table. CO1, CO2
28. Write a PHP script, to check whether the page is called from 'https' or 'http'. CO1, CO2

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Application Based Practical

29. Write a program to verify text data as per the pattern. CO3
30. Create a dynamic website by incorporating the following functionalities: CO3
 Implement a basic registration and login system, with styling,
 Make the database connection
 Make a connection to a MySQL database, and log in with valid credentials.
 Create Dynamic, interactive and database - Driven web application using php
& mysql
 Perform some validation check. If any of these operations cause an error, stop
execution and print the error message. The script should respond differently
depending on the situation.
Add a “Log Out” button to logout from the system
1. In total 15 practical’s to be implemented. 2 additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
2. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the requirement of the

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Course Code: BCA 174 L T/P C

Course Name: Practical-V DS Lab 0 4 2

In this course, the learners will be able to develop expertise related to:
1. Implement various types of data structures using C
2. Implement different operations on linear and non-linear data structures

C Programming Skills


After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Mapping to PO #

CO1 Implement basic operations on static linear data structures. BTL3 PO1, PO2,PO3, PO4
Implement various operations on dynamic linear data BTL6
CO2 PO1, PO2,PO3, PO4,PO5
CO3 Implement basic operations on non-linear data structures BTL3 PO1, PO2,PO3, PO4, PO5
Implement searching techniques on linear and non- linear BTL4
CO4 PO1, PO2,PO3, PO4
data structures.
CO5 Implement sorting techniques on one dimensional array. BTL4 PO1, PO2,PO3, PO4
List of Practical
S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to CO #
Core Practicals (Implement minimum 8 out of 10 practicals)
1. WAP to implement following operation on one dimensional array (i) CO1
Insertion (ii) Deletion (iii) Traversal (iv) Reverse (v) Merge
2. WAP to Sort an array using menu driven: CO1, CO5
3. WAP to implement a Singly Linked List. CO2
4. WAP to implement a Circular Linked Lists CO2
5. WAP to implement Doubly Linked Lists CO2
6. Write a menu driven program to implement (i) Static Stack (ii) Dynamic CO1, CO2
7. WAP to implement a (i) Static (ii) Dynamic Circular Queue CO1, CO2

8. WAP to implement a (i) Static (ii) Dynamic De-Queue. CO1, CO2

9. Implement recursive algorithms for the following operations on Binary CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4
Search Tree
a) Insertion
b) Searching
10. Implement recursive algorithms for BST traversal- Inorder, Preorder, CO2, CO3
Application Based Practical (Implement minimum 5 out of 10 practical)

11. WAP to search & display the location of an element specified by the user, CO1, CO4
in an array using (i) Linear Search (ii) Binary Search technique.
12. WAP to accept a matrix from user, find out matrix is sparse or not and CO1
convert into triplex matrix.
13. WAP to implement Polynomial addition operation using linked list. CO2
14. Write a C program to create two linked lists from a given list in following CO2
INPUT List:- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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First List:- 1 3 5 7 9
Second List:- 2 4 6 8 10
15. WAP to implement Student Database using Linked List with the following CO2
 Name
 Rollno
 Marks of 5 subjects
 Average
 Result, If the average < 50, then print ‘Fail’, otherwise ‘Pass’
16. Write a program to convert Infix to equivalent (i) Prefix expression (ii) CO1
Postfix expression
17. Write a program to evaluate (i) Prefix Expression (ii) Postfix Expression CO1
using stack.
18. Let us assume a Patient's coupon generator for the Doctors’ clinic. The CO1, CO2
patients are given the coupons on first-come-first-serve basis. After the
visit of a patient, patient-ID is kept stack-wise. At the end of the day, the
count is generated from the stack. Construct a menu-based program for
patients’ coupons generator using an appropriate data structure.
19. WAP to implement an expression tree. (For example: (a + b / (c * d) – e) ) CO3
20. Sometimes a program requires two stacks containing the same type of CO1
items. Suppose two stacks are stored in separate arrays, then one stack
might overflow while there is considerable unused space in the other. A
neat way to avoid this problem is to put all spaces in one stack and let this
stack grow from one end of the array, and the other stack starts from the
other end and grows in the opposite direction, i.e., toward the first stack. In
this way, if one stack turns out to be large and the other small, then they
will still both fit, and there will be no overflow until all space is used.
Declare a new structure that includes these two stacks and perform various
stack operations.
1. In total 15 practicals to be implemented. 2 additional practical may be given by the course instructor.
2. This is a suggestive list of programs. However, the instructor may add programs as per the
requirement of the course.

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Course Code: BCA 176 L T/PC

Course Name: Practical-VI DBMS Lab 0 4 2


The course is to provide the basics of SQL. To understand RDBMS and construct queries using SQL to design a
database and manipulate data in it.


After completion of this course, the learners will be able to:

CO # Detailed Statement of the CO BT Level Mapping to PO #

CO1 Understand the structure and design of relational databases. BT2 PO3

CO2 Write DDL statements in SQL to create, Modify and remove BTL1, BTL3,
PO3, PO5
database objects BTL4

CO3 Use constraints for the database BTL1, BTL2,


CO4 Write DML statements in SQL to insert, Modify and remove data PO3,PO5
from database

CO5 Write SQL statements to retrieve data based on the conditions BTL1, BTL2, PO3,PO5
provided by the user BTL3

CO6 Use index and Views in database BTL2 PO3,PO5

CO7 Use structured query language (SQL) to an intermediate/advanced


List of Practicals
S. No. Detailed Statement Mapping to
CO #
Core Practicals (Implement All the mentioned practicals )

The following are two suggestive databases. The students may use any one or both databases for their core
practicals. However, the instructor may provide any other databases for executing these practical.

STUDENT (USN, SName, Address, Phone, Gender)

SUBJECT (Subcode, Title, Sem, Credits)
IAMARKS (USN, Subcode, SSID, Test1, Test2, Test3, FinalIA)


EMPLOYEE (SSN, Name, Address, Sex, Salary, SuperSSN, DNo)

DEPARTMENT (DNo, DName, MgrSSN, MgrStartDate)
PROJECT (PNo, PName, PLocation, DNo)
WORKS_ON (SSN, PNo, Hours)
Draw an E-R diagram from given entities and their attributes
1 CO1
2 Convert the E-R diagram into a Relational model with proper constraints. CO1

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Write queries to execute following DDL commands : CO2

CREATE :Create the structure of a table with at least five columns
ALTER:Changethesizeofa particular column.
Add a new column to the existing table.
Remove a column from the table.
DROP: Destroythetablealongwithitsdata.
Write queries to execute following DML commands : CO4
4 INSERT: Insertfiverecordsineachtable.
UPDATE: Modify data in single and multiple columns in a table
DELETE: Delete selective and all records from a table
Write queries to execute following DML command : CO5
SELECT: Retrievetheentirecontentsofthetable.
Retrievetheselective contents (based on provided conditions) from a table.
Retrieve contents from a table based on various operators i.e. string operators, logical operators
and conditional operators,Boolean operators.
Sort the data in ascending and descending order in a table on the basis of one column or more
than one column.
Create table using following integrity constraints: CO3
Primary Key
Unique Key
6 Not Null
Foreign Key
Write queries to execute following Aggregate functions CO7
7 Sum,Avg,Count,Minimum and Maximum value of a numeric column of a table using aggregate
8 Retrieve data from a table using alias names . CO5
9 Retrieve data of a table using nested queries. CO5
Retrieve data from more than one table using inner join, left outer, right outer and full outer CO5
11 Create view from one table and more than one table. CO6
12 Create index on a column of a table. CO6

Application Based Practicals

Consider the Insurance company’s Database given below. The primary keys are underlined and CO7
the data typesare specified.
PERSON(driver_id# : string, name : string, address : string)
CAR(regno : string, model : string, year : int)
ACCIDENT(report_number : int, acc_date : date, location : string)
OWNS(driver_id# : string, regno : string)
PARTICIPATED(driver_id# : string, regno : string, report_number : int, damage_amount
:number(10,2) )
(i) Create the above tables by properly specified the primary key and the foreign key
13 (ii) Enter at least five tuples for each relation
(iii) Demonstrate how you can
a. Update the damage amount for the car with a specific regno, the accident with
report number 12 to 25000.
b. Add a new accident to the database.
(iv) Find the total number of people who owned cars that were involved in accident
(iv) Find the number of accident in which cars belonging to a specific models were

Consider the following schema of a library management system.Write the SQL queries for the CO7
questions given below;
14 Student(Stud_no : integer, Stud_name: string)
Membership(Mem_no: integer, Stud_no: integer)
Book_(book_no: integer, book_name:string, author: string)

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lss_rec_(iss_no:integer, iss_date: date, Mem_no: integer, book_no: integer)

(i) Create the tables with the appropriate integrity constraints
(ii) Insert around 10 records in each of the tables
(iii) Display all records for all tables
(iv) List all the student names with their membership numbers
(v) List all the issues for the current date with student and Book names
(vi) List the details of students who borrowed book whose author is Elmarsi & Navathe
(vii) Give a count of how many books have been bought by each student
(viii) Give a list of books taken by student with stud_no as 1005
(ix) Delete the List of books details which are issued as of today
(x) Create a view which lists out the iss_no, iss _date, stud_name, book name
Use the relations below to write SQL queries to solve the business problems specified. CO7
CLIENT (clientno#,name, client_referred_by#)
ORDER (orderno#, clientno#, order_date, empid#)
ORDER_LINE (orderno#, order line number#, item_number#, no_of_items, item_
ITEM (item_number#, item_type, cost)
EMPLOYEE (empid#, emp_type#, deptno, salary, firstname, lastname)
a. Column followed by # is the primary key of the table.
b. Each client may be referred by another client. If so, the client number of the referring
client is stored in referred_by.
c. The total cost for a particular order line = no_of_items * item_cost.c.

Write queries for the following

(i) Create all the above tables.
(ii) Insert at least five records.
(iii) Display all the rows and columns in the CLIENT table. Sort by client name
in reverse alphabetical order.
(iv) Display the item number and total cost for each order line (total cost = no of items X
15 item cost). Name the calculated column TOTAL COST.
(v) Display all the client numbers in the ORDER table. Remove duplicates.
(vi) Display the order number and client number from the ORDER table. Output the
result in the format. Client <clientno> ordered <orderno>
(vii) Display full details from the ORDER_LINE table where the item number is (first
condition) between 1 and 200 (no > or < operators) OR the item number is greater
than1000 AND (second condition) the item cost is not in the list 1000, 2000, 3000 OR
the order number is not equal to 1000.
(viii) Display the client name and order date for all orders.
(ix) Repeat query (6) but also display all clients who have never ordered anything.
(x) Display the client name and order date for all orders using the join keywords.
(xi) Display the client name and order date for all orders using the JOIN method.
(xii) Display the client number, order date and shipping date for all orders where the
shipping date is between three and six months after the order date.
(xiii) Display the client number and name and the client number and name of the person
who referred that client.
(xiv) Display the client name in upper case only and in lower case only.
(xv) Display the second to fifth characters in each client name.

1. In total 15 practicals to be implemented.
2. This is a suggestive list of practicals. However, the instructor may add or change any other database for executing
queries as per the requirement.

RB1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan, “Database Systems Concepts”, 6 th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
RB2. Jim Melton, Alan Simon, “Understanding the new SQL: A complete Guide”, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1993.

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RB3. A. K. Majumdar, P. Battacharya, “Database Management Systems’, TMH, 2017.

RB4. Bipin Desai, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Galgotia Publications, 1991.

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