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BAACTGFF - BA (Hons) Acting

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BA(Hons) Acting

Award Document 2019/20

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Course Map - BA(Hons) Acting
Stage 1
Study Block 1 Study Block 2
ATP120 ATP150
Performance, Culture& Contexts Contemporary Performance and Concepts
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (20 credits)
ACT111 ACT114
The Actor's Instrument The Expressive Actor
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (20 credits)
ACT113 ACT116
Acting & Story Acting & Character
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (20 credits)
Stage 2
Study Block 1 Study Block 2
ACT213 ACT211
Performing in Recorded Media The Integrated Actor
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (20 credits)
ACT214 ACT212
Acting & Contemporary Performance Acting and Classical Performance
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (20 credits)
ACT216 ACT215
Acting and the Audience - Production 1 Screen Acting Skills
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (20 credits)
Stage 3
Study Block 1 Study Block 2
ATP330 ACT314
The Thinking Practitioner: student-led research Professional Preparation
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (20 credits)
ACT311 ACT315
Screen Acting Project Acting and the Audience - Production 2
Compulsory Compulsory
(20 credits) (40 credits)
Show in a Bag: Solo Performance Project
(20 credits)

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General Course Information
Status Approved

Qualification (course type) Undergraduate Course

Course Title BA(Hons) Acting

Intermediate Qualification(s) Cert HE, Dip HE, BA

Awarding Institution Falmouth University

Location of Delivery Penryn Campus

Duration of course 3 years

Professional, Statutory and

Regulatory Body Accreditation

Accreditation Renewal Date

UCAS Code W410

Relevant External Benchmarking Dance, drama and performance (2015) - QAA

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Course Aims
The Acting course aims to develop your ability to act, perform and make performance in and across a range of differing media
and contexts – from studio to site-related performance, from screen-based media to radio/voice-over. It also enables you to
develop physically, vocally and imaginatively through regular physical, embodied and vocal training, practical workshops, research
projects and theoretical study. You will concentrate on particular skills and techniques for live theatrical performance through vocal,
physical and textual skills; collaborative improvisation and devising skills; solo performance; collaborative production;
contemporary approaches to performance; acting for digital media and TV/film; and professional development strategies.

You will learn about working both individually and collaboratively through practical work, and ground this in the histories of theatre
and performance whilst engaging with these changing roles and forms in contemporary acting and performance. You will be given
the skills to identify and create opportunities to make inventive, innovative contributions to acting and performance making to become
an independently minded thinking-practitioner. You will make effective performance work; reflect on your own and others’ work,
making use of appropriate critical and performance vocabularies; engage in research and exploration about – and through –
performance practice; learn to communicate your work effectively to a range of audiences, in a variety of performed, written and oral
forms; learn to identify and articulate the textual and contextual considerations that are at play presenting performance work.

The course will foster the development of your synthesis and application of thinking, speaking, writing and researching. The course
will enable you to develop as entrepreneurial individual practitioners who can manage and administrate your own arts practice, and
as independent arts practitioners, fully contribute toward this this ever-evolving industry. In addition, graduates from this course are
characterised by their flexibility and ability to apply transferable skills – engaged as they are continually in the particular interaction
between the investigative, critical, analytical and expressive skills.

This unique and contemporary Acting course will deepen your understanding in the vital and transformative connection between
acting and performing, and the audiences, consumers, communities, industry and cultures they interact with. You will learn to
collaborate with a wide range of other practitioners in interdisciplinary projects. The course will foster the development of your
synthesis and application of thinking, speaking, writing and researching.

To maintain academic standards, the BA (Hons) Acting course aims and learning outcomes have been established in line with the
QAA Subject Benchmarks documentation on ‘Subject Knowledge and Understanding’ and ‘Subject-specific Skills’, sections 4 and 5
of the July 2015 publication.

The BA (Hons) Acting course aims to enable students to:

1. Develop and refine skills and abilities to perform effectively as an actor and performer with grounded knowledge of established
practitioners and processes.

2. Engage in practical, embodied and critical work that proposes, debates and articulates new models, languages and approaches
to acting and performance for the 21st century

3. Acquire practical experience and critical understanding of acting, performing, collaborative and ensemble skills and techniques
in relation to the genres and forms of past and present performance

4. Articulate and discuss contemporary artistic practices and critically position individual work and that of others in relation to
histories of art, culture and performance.

5. Prepare for professional longevity, flexibility and responsiveness in practice by supporting the development of creative actors,
reflective practitioners and engaged learners.

6. Document and write about performance practice using a range of formats, media and context.

7. Examine, through experiences of contextual enquiry, the interrelationships of practice and context, audience and performer.

8. Reflect on work as actors, makers and thinkers through the provision of oral and written feedback: diagnostic, formative and

Educational Aims

The Acting course aims to develop your ability to act, perform and make performance in and across a range of differing media and
contexts – from studio to site-related performance, from screen-based media to radio/voice-over. It also enables you to develop
physically, vocally and imaginatively through regular physical, embodied and vocal training, practical workshops, research projects
and theoretical study. You will concentrate on particular skills and techniques for live theatrical performance through vocal, physical
and textual skills; collaborative improvisation and devising skills; solo performance; collaborative production; contemporary
approaches to performance; acting for digital media and TV/film; and professional development strategies.

You will learn about working both individually and collaboratively through practical work, and ground this in the histories of theatre
and performance whilst engaging with these changing roles and forms in contemporary acting and performance. You will be given
the skills to identify and create opportunities to make inventive, innovative contributions to acting and performance making to become
an independently minded thinking-practitioner. You will make effective performance work; reflect on your own and others’ work,
making use of appropriate critical and performance vocabularies; engage in research and exploration about – and through –
performance practice; learn to communicate your work effectively to a range of audiences, in a variety of performed, written and oral
forms; learn to identify and articulate the textual and contextual considerations that are at play presenting performance work.

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The course will foster the development of your synthesis and application of thinking, speaking, writing and researching. The course
will enable you to develop as entrepreneurial individual practitioners who can manage and administrate your own arts practice, and
as independent arts practitioners, fully contribute toward this this ever-evolving industry. In addition, graduates from this course are
characterised by their flexibility and ability to apply transferable skills – engaged as they are continually in the particular interaction
between the investigative, critical, analytical and expressive skills.

This unique and contemporary Acting course will deepen your understanding in the vital and transformative connection between
acting and performing, and the audiences, consumers, communities, industry and cultures they interact with. You will learn to
collaborate with a wide range of other practitioners in interdisciplinary projects. The course will foster the development of your
synthesis and application of thinking, speaking, writing and researching.

To maintain academic standards, the BA (Hons) Acting course aims and learning outcomes have been established in line with the
QAA Subject Benchmarks documentation on ‘Subject Knowledge and Understanding’ and ‘Subject-specific Skills’, sections 4 and 5
of the July 2015 publication.

The BA (Hons) Acting course aims to enable students to:

1. Develop and refine skills and abilities to perform effectively as an actor and performer with grounded knowledge of established
practitioners and processes.

2. Engage in practical, embodied and critical work that proposes, debates and articulates new models, languages and approaches to
acting and performance for the 21st century

3. Acquire practical experience and critical understanding of acting, performing, collaborative and ensemble skills and techniques in
relation to the genres and forms of past and present performance

4. Articulate and discuss contemporary artistic practices and critically position individual work and that of others in relation to histories
of art, culture and performance.

5. Prepare for professional longevity, flexibility and responsiveness in practice by supporting the development of creative actors,
reflective practitioners and engaged learners.

6. Document and write about performance practice using a range of formats, media and context.

7. Examine, through experiences of contextual enquiry, the interrelationships of practice and context, audience and performer.

8. Reflect on work as actors, makers and thinkers through the provision of oral and written feedback: diagnostic, formative and

Course specific employability skills

Career/future study opportunities


Over three years, the aim of the course is to progressively develop creative, versatile and initiative-taking actors, who are fully literate
in locating where their creative practice can be situated in an ever-expanding contemporary arts industry. The course will prepare
students to work within a variety of professional contexts and media including theatre, film and radio, as well as for example schools,
community centres, museums and arts institutions.

Expected graduate destinations include:

• Work as actors in film, television and radio

• Work as actors in advertising, promotional films, voice-overs and digital media

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• Work as actors in touring, repertory and national theatre companies

• Work on diverse projects as a freelance actor/ performer

• Perform and make new work within a variety of other professional contexts including for example schools, community centres,
museums, arts institutions and the cultural industries. Increasingly Actors are being commissioned for events and promotional work
as well as tourist and educational sectors including the National Trust. Graduates who have been taught on our courses are regular
contributors across a range of major UK and European Performance Festivals including SPILL, In Between Time, Belluard Bolwerk

• Initiate or join small, mid or large scale performance companies, such as Cornwall-Based companies, Kneehigh, Wildworks, Rogue
Theatre. We also have strong links with international companies Living Structures and Lone Twin.

• Work for producing/ receiving houses such as Bristol Old Vic, Bikeworks, Exeter, Basement Commissions, Brighton.

• Use transferable skills to gain employment in a wide range of industries that value excellent communicators

Further study:

This course will also provide preparation for you to engage in further study at Masters level or to pursue further professional training
if desired. Previous graduates have used their skills to diversify into such fields as business, psychology, drama therapy, corporate
role-play, producing and agencies. Graduates are also well prepared to undertake a PGCE if a teaching career is desired.

Structure of Course Delivery

Course Assessment Strategy

The Acting course assessment approach reflects and enables an incremental, developmental learning experience for the student.
The assessment for the Award consists of 100% coursework, including:

• practical assessment (group, individual) – which includes in-class demonstrations/process showings, laboratory/studio-based
practice, productions, and final year performance showcase;

• written assessment – accommodating literature review, journals, essays, critical reviews, digital portfolios of process or professional

You are assessed through individual, small group and ensemble acting and performing projects. You will undertake and submit
historical and contextual research through literature review and essays. You will carry out practical demonstrations, performances
and productions individually and in groups. You will submit different modes of writing, for example: literature reviews, essays, critical
evaluations, and journals, all of which require appropriate formal, critical, analytical and referencing skills.

All assessment requires transferable skills to be applied – in particular through group and individual projects and student seminars,
critiques and final major projects. A regular practice in the giving and receiving of feedback on practical work enables effective
individual and group critiques. Practical work requires excellent time management, inter-personal communication skills, team skills in
working in groups, highly focused and disciplined delivery of craft within set time limits, and working to specific resource availabilities.
You will develop flexibility and adaptability in dealing with the changing nature of human interaction and production.

The writing requirements enable you to manage effectively a variety of writing practices in the industry, including creative and
administrative ones (like funding applications, websites, publicity and promotional materials).

A range of disciplined practical activities (workshops, demonstrations, seminars, lectures, tutorial supervision) is used to develop
skills and abilities and demonstrate outcomes including workshops and lectures with professional performers, companies and
directors. You will have the opportunity to develop skills in self-promotion knowledge and abilities through showreels, digital social
networking, CV’s, websites and proposal writing. You will also have access to the International exchange programme and work
placements, and opportunities to show your original performance work in a public festival showcase. There are also extended writing
opportunities for those interested in postgraduate study, alongside scope for developing appropriate Practice as Research
methodologies. These opportunities will garner the independently-minded practitioner, and are designed to help prepare you for the

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range of activities you will engage in as graduates: to be able to demonstrate an expertise in negotiation and pursuing goals with
others; handling creative, personal and interpersonal issues; and communication through a variety of media.

Formative and summative assessments are an integral part of the award modules where formative assessment enables you to
practice, both conceptual and physical skills and techniques through a variety of means including: involvement and engagement in
individual and small group practical tasks(s); and written journals which enable you to articulate practice through documentation,
analysis and description of your learning process in the module. The final summative assessment gauges your learning at a
particular point in time. An in-class practical demonstration (for example) gauges your ability to synthesise and apply your processes
of practical and conceptual learning.

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Legacy TPA table
Module Level Module Name Credits Study Compulsory Assessment Contributing towards the Learning Outcomes
Block (C) [Taught (T), Practised (P) and/or Assessed (A)]
Code Option methods*
1 or 2 (O) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The Actor’s
ATP120 4 20 1 C LR TPA TPA TPA
Culture & Contexts
ACT113 4 Acting & Story 20 1 C PF TPA TP TPA TPA
The Expressive
ATP150 4 20 2 C ES TPA TPA TPA
Practices &
ACT116 4 Acting & Character 20 2 C PF TPA TP TPA TPA
The Integrated
Acting & Classical
Performing in
Recorded Media
Acting &
ACT214 5 Contemporary 20 2 C PF TPA TPA TPA TPA TP
Screen Acting
Acting and the
ACT216 5 Audience: 20 2 C PF, CR TPA TP TPA TPA TPA TPA TPA
production 1
Screen Acting
Show in a Bag:
ACT312 6 Solo Performance 20 1 C PF TPA TP TPA TP TPA TP TP
The Thinking
Acting and the
ACT315 6 Audience: 40 2 C PF TPA TPA TPA TPA TPA TP TP
Production 2

*The following codes for assessment methods apply

(additional codes can be proposed through this process, if necessary):-

AR Artefact LR Literature Review
CB Computer-based OR Oral
CE Critical evaluation PC Practical
CS Case study PF Performance
DI Dissertation or project PL Placement
ES Essay PO Portfolio
EX Exam PR Presentation
CR Critical Review RE Individual report
JL Journal

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Assessment Criteria
BA (Hons) Acting: GENERAL ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (Describes the achievement level for each course learning outcome)

(1st) 70+ (2:1) 60-69% (2:2) 50-59% (3rd) 40-49% Fail Belo

Excellent working
knowledge, innovative use
Thorough working Proficient working Knowledge and application of Insufficie
and outstanding knowledge and strong knowledge, use and acting techniques, vocal and inadequa
application of a
01 creative use and application of a good interpretative skills are acting tec
comprehensive range of application of an effective range of acting displayed to a satisfactory physical,
Techniques acting techniques, range of acting techniques, physical, level. interpreta
physical, vocal and techniques, vocal and vocal and interpretative
interpretative skills. interpretative skills. skills.

Practical and written work Practical and written work Practical and written work
is highly developed and is well developed and is developed and informed Practical
informed by insightful informed by thorough by proficient evaluation Practical and written work is is insuffic
evaluation and excellent evaluation and effective and application of developed and informed by and poor
application of research application of research research materials, adequate evaluation and limited ev
materials, utilising materials, utilising utilising appropriate application of research material, applicatio
Research appropriate subject- appropriate subject- subject-specific utilising subject-specific material,
specific vocabularies and specific vocabularies and vocabularies and vocabularies. subject-s
executed to an executed to a very good executed to a good vocabula
outstanding quality. standard. standard.

Practical and/or discursive Practical and/or discursive

Practical and/or discursive
work demonstrates an work demonstrates a high
work demonstrates a good
extremely high level of level of innovation, Practical and/or discursive work Practical
level of originality and
innovation, originality and originality and creativity in demonstrates a satisfactory
creativity in the work dem
creativity in the the development and level of engagement with the unsatisfa
development and analysis
03 development and analysis analysis of acting and development and analysis of
of acting and performance engagem
of acting and performance performance possibilities. acting and performance developm
Development possibilities. Proficient
possibilities. Excellent Effective independent possibilities. Adequate
independent critical of acting
independent critical critical judgment and independent critical judgment possibilit
judgment and decision-
judgment and decision- decision-making is applied and decision-making is applied
making is applied to the no indep
making is applied to a to a selection of to creative solutions. judgment
selection of appropriate
selection of insightful appropriate creative
creative solutions. making.
creative solutions. solutions.

The work evidences an

The work evidences well-
outstanding, The work evidences The work
developed, thorough and
comprehensive and appropriate and proficient The work evidences a unsatisfa
effective apprehension of
04 insightful apprehension of apprehension of the satisfactory apprehension of the apprehen
the historical,
the historical, historical, professional, historical, professional, cultural historical
Contexts professional, cultural and
professional, cultural and cultural and theoretical and theoretical contexts within cultural a
theoretical contexts within
theoretical contexts within contexts within which the which the discipline operates. contexts
which the discipline
which the discipline discipline operates. discipline

Accomplished knowledge
Good knowledge of
of production processes, Effective knowledge of
production processes, Knowledge of production Inadequa
highly developed production processes, well
developed production processes and production skills productio
05 production skills, developed production
skills, appropriate is satisfactory, as is the productio
innovative and original skills, original application
Production application and application of a range of insufficie
application, and and exploration of a range
exploration of a range of methods, technologies and methods
exploration of a range of of methods, technologies
methods, technologies techniques. and tech
methods, technologies and techniques.
and techniques.
and techniques.

06 Performance processes Performance processes Performance processes Performance processes and Performa
and possibilities are and possibilities are and possibilities are possibilities are satisfactory and poss
Performance comprehensively identified thoroughly identified and identified and explored through the application inadequa
and extensively explored through explored through of a range of acting techniques, unsatisfa
explored through the effective and the effective and technologies, acting tec
the outstanding and original application of a appropriate application of performance vocabularies, technolog
original application of a range of acting a range of acting structures, working methods performa
range of acting techniques, technologies, techniques, technologies, and research activities. structure

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techniques, technologies, performance vocabularies, performance vocabularies, working m
performance vocabularies, structures, structures, research
structures, working methods and working methods and
working methods and research activities. research activities.
research activities.

Engagement with the

Engagement with the
course is consistently
course is consistently Engagem
professional and Engagement with the
professional and Engagement with the course is course is
proactive. Appointment course is professional and
proactive. Appointment professional and appointm
and attendance proactive. Appointment
and attendance proactive. Appointment and attendan
information is and attendance
information is attendance information is commun
communicated highly information is well
communicated effectively communicated satisfactory and unsatisfa
07 effectively and an communicated and a good
and a thorough and well- an understanding of group insufficie
advanced and insightful understanding of group
Professionalism developed understanding dynamics supports the pursuit of group
understanding of group dynamics supports the
of group dynamics of shared goals. comprom
dynamics excellently pursuit of shared goals.
supports the pursuit of of shared
supports the pursuit of
shared goals.
shared goals.

Strong critical, reflective

Outstanding critical, Good evidence of critical, Insufficie
and contextual thinking
reflective and contextual reflective and contextual Critical, reflective and reflective
supports the work,
thinking supports the thinking supports the contextual thinking is evident in thinking i
creating a developed
08 work, creating a highly work, creating a proficient the work, creating a satisfactory work, cre
argument and/or insight
argument and/or insight argument and/or insight, unsatisfa
developed argument via a successfully
Textworks via a well articulated text, presented using academic and/or in
and/or insight via an articulated text, presented
presented using academic protocols common to Higher does not
excellently articulated text, using academic protocols
presented using academic protocols common to Education. protocols
common to Higher
Higher Education. Higher E
protocols common to Education.
Higher Education.

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