Pre-Heater:: Propane Gas Behaves Like An Ideal Gas, Thus Its Change in Enthalpy Associated With Pressure
Pre-Heater:: Propane Gas Behaves Like An Ideal Gas, Thus Its Change in Enthalpy Associated With Pressure
Pre-Heater:: Propane Gas Behaves Like An Ideal Gas, Thus Its Change in Enthalpy Associated With Pressure
Reference states: C3H8 (Gas, 21 degrees, 1 atm); H2O (Liquid, 0.01 degrees, 0.00611 bar)
Propane gas behaves like an ideal gas, thus its change in enthalpy associated with pressure
change is zero.
˙ = 500 kg C3H8/h
To calculate specific change in enthalpy in the preheater.
1. Take C3H8 (Gas, 21 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Liquid, 21 degrees, 8.39 atm [850 kPa])
C3H8 (Gas, 21 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Gas, -42.07 degrees, 1 atm). Temperature
C3H8(Gas, -42.07 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Liquid, -42.07 degrees, 1 atm). After the
temperature change, propane will condense since its temperature is low. Phase
C3H8 (Liquid, -42.07 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Liquid, 21 degrees, 1 atm). Temperature
change. Heat capacity of liquid propane?
C3H8 (Liquid, -42.07 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Liquid, -42.07 degrees, 8.39 [850 kPa]).
Pressure change
2. Take C3H8 (Gas, 21 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Gas, -42.07 degrees, 83.89 atm [8500
kPa]) {Hb}
C3H8 (Gas, 21 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Gas, -42.07 degrees, 1 atm). Temperature
C3H8 (Gas, -42.07 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Gas, -42.07 degrees, 83.89 atm [8500 kPa]).
Pressure change
Heat exchanger:
Steam calculations:
˙ = 250 kg/h; H2O (Gas, 550 degrees, 20 bar) (inlet)
˙ = 250 kg/h; H2O (Saturated Liquid, 20 bar) (outlet)
To calculate specific change in enthalpy in the heat exchanger.
1. Take H2O (Liquid, 0.01 degrees, 0.00611 bar) to H2O (Gas, 550 degrees, 20 bar). The
steam tables are used.{Hc}E
2. Take H2O (Liquid, 0.01 degrees, 0.00611 bar) to H2O (Saturated Liquid, 20 bar). The
steam tables are used.{Hd}
Propane calculations:
˙ = 500 kg/h; C3H8 (Gas, -42.07 degrees, 83.89 atm [8500 kPa]) (inlet)
𝑚˙ = 500 kg/h; C3H8 (Gas, 300 degrees, Pressure??) (outlet)
1. Propane at these conditions (Gas, -42.07 degrees, 83.89 atm [8500 kPa]) (inlet)
its specific change in enthalpy from the reference state is a ready known. {Hb}
2. Take C3H8 (Gas, 21 degrees, 1 atm) to C3H8 (Gas, 300 degrees, Pressure??).
Temperature change {He}
Propane gas calculations:
Air calculations: