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Submitted to the English Education Department of Suryakancana University in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Writing for Academic Purposes

Siti Fatimah Lubis




This chapter described and analyzed the implementation of character

education in English clasroom, and it will reveal a number of points, which are the

background of the research, research questios and its aims, the definition of key

terms, the aims that this research will provide to readers and the last is

organization of the research.

1.1 Background of the Research

Basically the most basic purpose of education is to make humans good and

intelligent. In line with that goal, Megawangi (2010) claims that educated people

should be wise; those who can apply their knowledge to noble purposes in every

aspect of life including family, environment, society, and nation. The main

character values that should be embodied in the attitudes and behaviors of

students as a result of the process of character education is to be honest,

intelligent, strong, and care. Integration of character education in the learning can

be done by loading the values in all the subjects taught in school and in the

implementation of learning activities. For that character education, the teacher

must prepare the learning activities from planning, implementation, until

evaluation. Implementation character education in schools needs to be supported

by exemplary teachers and parents as well as the school


culture. Character education is one of the most important aspects for students

before facing the real world.

The reason why character building should be integrated into education is

education has a purpose, to increase someone's intelligence and also change

human personality to have good attitudes and morals. Increase someone's

intelligence without pay attention to their character will certainly reduce the moral

quality of students. That is why building students' character is also the best way to

increase good moral values so they have a better personality. Also, knowledge and

character have become a unit that can increase the academic achievement of

students. Knowledge, skills, and character are some of the elements in character

building needed to improve student academic achievement (Aunurrahman et al.,


"National education functions to develop the ability and development of

character as well as the civilization of the nation's dignity in order to educate the

nation which aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings

who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, capable, creative,

independent, and become democratic and accountable citizens" (Depdiknas, 2003)

This Character education is an effort to create an environment where students can

develop ethics, responsibility through models, and learning character education

through universal values (Berkowitz & Bier, 2005). Character education is a

fundamental process for students in developing and improving attitudes, morals,

and actions received in society (Indartono, 2011). The government's policy

through the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia


regarding character education established the 2013 Curriculum to be a reference

for the implementation of character education in the Indonesian education system

(Indriani, 2017). Character education is not included as the main subject in the

school. However, students learn character education through how they act in

school based on school rules and how they interact with others, such as friends,

teachers, even their parents.

Coaching is a form of effort to build the character of students to be better

in the future. The Ministry of Education and Culture Curriculum Center states that

18 values of character education are implemented in each field of study such as;

1) Religious, 2) Honest, 3) Tolerance, 4) Discipline, 5) Hard Work, 6) Creative, 7)

Independent, 8) Democratic, 9) Curiosity, 10) National Spirit, 11) Love of the

Fatherland, 12 ) Appreci The 2013 curriculum aims to improve the education

system. The importance of applying character education is also mentioned in the

2013 curriculum. So, the main purpose of the curriculum is to improve the morale

and character of students. Therefore, planning, teaching and learning process, and

assessment process are one of the most important components of this curriculum.

Character building efforts are certainly not only carried out in schools through

teaching and learning activities but also habituation in everyday life outside of

classroom activities and also in the community. Therefore, planning, teaching and

learning process, and assessment process are one of the most important

components of this curriculum.

English Subjects are one of the subjects that must be taught in Indonesia at

all levels of education from SD/MI, SMP/MTS, SMA/MA to universities. Not all

schools are able to give an impression of the meaning of education included in

English lessons. English teachers in addition to teaching and guiding in learning

experiences, English teachers must provide knowledge, skills and other

experiences outside of school functions such as personal behavior, spiritual, social

responsibility for children. And Learning English at school for students also is not

only learning about values that are in accordance with the development of

students, from that result, teachers can maximize themselves to think strategies so

that students practice religious values. Teachers in transferring grades are not only

given in the form of lectures, but how teachers are creative in providing learning

strategies to students so that the learning atmosphere is not monotonous and

students feel fun and do not get bored with the learning atmosphere. English

teachers are expected to follow the development of the latest learning methods to

use information technology media in their learning in order to provide the best to

students in the future. In addition, in providing material to children, they must

understand the level of ability of each student because each child has a different

nature and ability to understand the lesson, so sometimes there are some students

who find it difficult to understand what is taught and conveyed by the teacher.

There are many factors that make student take actions that are very

contrary to the character of the nation. One of the contributing factors according

to Setyawati (2011) is education in schools, where schools pay less attention to

student character education. This makes us realize how important character

education is which instills noble values for children both at school and in society.

Instilling values in shaping character should be done as early as possible at school.


And in the educational process, teachers should not only carry out the function of

transfer of knowledge but also function to instill value and build character of

students in a sustainable and sustainable manner. Therefore, teachers should instill

good character values in students, especially in the teaching and learning process.

However, on the other hand, there are problems that still exist in students

who lack motivation to learn, think English is not important, difficult, takes a long

time, is not interested or easily bored, pays less attention to readiness, lack of self-

confidence, easy to despair, lack of discipline, and lack of honesty. Then there are

lazy learning factors, lack of absorption of students, individualistic nature,

dependence on others, lack of religion, lack of respect or caring attitude, lack of

understanding of teacher commands, lack of creativity, lack of responsibility, and

low student learning outcomes. "From some of the factors mentioned, students

finally cannot achieve learning goals, namely communicating using English

fluently, and accurately.

In this case, the character education inserted in English education is not

only to form character education but can also increase grades in English subjects.

"The character education model with a holistic-integrative approach with the

application of Content-Based Instruction (CBI) not only improves learning

achievement but also improves student attitudes/character. In addition, this CBI

also makes it easier for teachers to prepare learning plans and evaluate learning.

This model can build a superior young generation in leading the country in the

future. Because, teachers as the spearhead in instilling character values in students


to create a noble personality community and noble character in the school


There are some previous research which is interested in analyzing the

character of students in English learning. For the first one entitled " The

Implementation Of Character Building In English Language Teaching Activities "

(Aunurrahman et al., 2016). Where this qualitative research was carried out to

analyze the implementation and evaluation of character formation in English

teaching activities at one of the private Islamic schools in Pontianak. The results

of this study show from 18 character values based on curriculum, religious values,

independence, communicative, social care, discipline, curiosity, hard work, and

appreciation of the achievements taught by teachers through teaching English at

this school. Although there are some character scores in the RPP that are not

applied in the classroom, most of the character scores that are not in the RPP are

taught by the teacher.

The second research is a study ( Siti Aisyah, 2016 ) that entitled " A

Multiple Case Study That Looks At The Implementation Of Character Education

In English Classroom " this study found that the three schools have the same

supporting and inhibiting factors in carrying out character education, namely lack

of example in schools, families, and communities, lack of partnerships between

schools, parents, and community members, and lack of commitment And the

support system is that schools have developed extracurricular codes of ethics,

rules, and programs intended to develop student character. And the result of this

research is basically the most basic educational goal is to make humans good and

intelligent. In line with that goal, Megawangi (2010) claims that educated people

should be wise; those who can apply their knowledge to noble purposes in every

aspect of life including family, environment, society, and nation.

The similarities from those previous studies with this research is that it all

analyzed the character of students in English learning, understanding character

and researching in every school, but in the research I made there is a slight

difference, namely in my research I only focused on instilling what kind of

character the teacher should instill in students in the pursuit of English and not

directly researching in various schools.

1.2 Research Questions

Based on some of the reasons described in the research background above

and to make this research easier to solve, researchers study certain problems as

stated below :

1. What is character education? And why is it important?

2. What kind of character should be instilled in students in English learning?

3. How to foster students’ interest in English learning?

1.3 Aims of the Research

In line with the research question, the aim of this research are as the


1. To find a way to make English learning match with the character.

2. To find a way for teachers to change the character of their students.


1.4 Clarification of Key Terms

To avoid missunderstanding and ambiguity, the researcher thinks it is

necessary to explain the terms used in this research.

1. A Multiple Case Study

A multiple-case study includes two or more cases or replications across

the cases to investigate the same phenomena. The difference between the

single- and multiple-case study is the research design; however, they are

within the same methodological framework (Yin, 2017).

2. Character

Character is a quality, mental strength, moral or character that is a special

personality as a driver and distinguishing between one individual and

another. (Hidatatullah 2010:13)

3. Classrooms

Classrooms is a group of people who do learning activities together, who

get teaching from teachers. Oemar Hamalik (Djamarah 2010:175)

1.5 Significant of the Research

This research is significant for contibuting in practically, theoretically and


a. Practically

This study gives benefit for both the teacher as well as the students. The

benefit that The teacher can change a multiple case when teaching English

to the student, and the student gets a education character in himself.

b. Theoretically

This research hopefully provides new insight about handle the character of

student which we have not been able to understand completely before.

Further more, the result of this study can be used as a reference for further


c. Pedagogically

This investigation it meant to discover the student character which affects

students’ lack of interest in learning English. The result of this research

can be an evaluation for teacher, students, and parents to know the

character that students must have in English learning.




This chapter present a brief of theoretical foundation of this research. It

includes the definition of student character, kind character of student, student

character formation and multiple study case in english classroom. Then there is

also the explanation about the previous research studies that related to this

research. The last point is the conluding remaks which talks about the conclusion

of all the theories used.

2.1 Student Character

Human character is the most valuable treasure, character makes humans

become complete creature. Character influences the way of thinking, point of

view and behavior someone who is facing various problems. Characters deserve

to be the byword of existence someone in an environment. When a person's

character good then it has become the inevitability that he will always be

respected, valued, and made a role model.

Education is a golden field for forming the character of children who will

become the next generation of the nation. Through education, the stages of

character formation at each level will be structured. Education that is able to shape

children's character is not limited to formal educational institutions, but also to

non-formal education such as family and society. The process of character


education involves three educational institutions as educational tricenters namely

schools, communities, and families (Idrus, 2012; Sidiq & Fausiyah, 2015).

Character education can be likened to a complex system that has components

that are interrelated and combine to achieve a common goal, namely that children

become human beings with morals. The components of the system include goals,

teachers, students, materials, methods, programs, and evaluation. Character is a

characteristic of a person or group of people that contains values, abilities,

certainty, moral capacity, and toughness in facing difficulties and challenges.

Character education is the foundation of the nation's success in achieving success

in the globalization era, which requires change. Character that is firmly

entrenched in every human soul will form a superior personality in dealing with

the problems of the nation and state. Character education has a vital role in

forming quality human resources and superior competence in various fields (Lalo,


Schools as a forum for fostering students need to always support the

strengthening of this democratic character. Many activities can support the forging

of students' democratic character both in class and outside the classroom. In the

classroom, group discussion methods, directed debates, and two-way

presentations can be an option to hone and develop students' democratic character.

Meanwhile outside the classroom, almost all extracurricular activities such as

scouts, KTI, and sports and the arts really support the strengthening of democratic

character in students. Schools as educational institutions basically aim to prepare

students to be able to solve life's problems in the present and in the future, by

developing their potentials. Therefore, education has a function in shaping the

character of students.

In other words, that through a professional educational process it will be able

to shape the character of students (Raharjo, 2010: 231).

2.1.1 Kind Character Of Student

The characteristics of students are the totality of abilities and behaviors

that exist in their personality as a result of interactions between their nature and

their social environment, thus determining their activity patterns in realizing

hopes and achieving goals. Characteristics of students include: ethnicity, culture,

social status, interests, cognitive development, early abilities, learning styles,

motivation, emotional development, social development, moral and spiritual

development, and motor development.

Knowing the characteristics of students also means that it makes it easier

for teachers to identify the interests and potential of their students. There are

students who are active, shy, friendly, independent, creative, friendly, naughty,

disobedient, and so on. Everything must be addressed wisely by fellow teachers.

Some experts said that there are 3 kinds of characteristics that exist in students

that need to be considered by the teacher, namely:

1. Characteristics or conditions relating to students' initial abilities. For

example intellectual ability, thinking ability, and others.

2. Characteristics of students with regard to background and social status.

3. Characteristics of students related to personality differences such as

attitudes, feelings, interests, and others.


2.1.2 Student Character Formation

Character building in this case is very closely related to character

education, the definition of character education is "an effort to educate children to

be able to make wise decisions and practice them in everyday life, so that they can

make a positive contribution to their environment" ( Darma Kusuma, 2012).

From an early age students need to be introduced to a variety of positive

behaviors including behavior that can be trusted, responsible, caring, not like

prejudice, often do good, able to control themselves when angry and disappointed,

able to overcome disputes, able to work with friends, do not like bully, polite and

able to respect others, willing to hear other people's opinions, understand other

people's feelings, can respect himself, knows how to ask for help, fair, acts as a

good friend, can say "no" to requests that are not good, can resolve disputes and

so on. Of course, a series of these behaviors must be introduced gradually by the

teacher and practiced in daily life.

A teacher who will teach character education also must have a variety of

good character including: Has extensive religious knowledge and practice it in

everyday life active, Improving the quality of science in a sustainable manner,

Clean physically and spiritually, Forgiving and honest, Be fair to students and all

education stakeholders, Having divine character and nature, (robbaniyah) which is

reflected in the pattern of thought, speech and behavior in demand, Act decisively,

professionally and proportionally, Respond to various conditions that may be able

to affect the soul, belief and mindset of participants educate, and Growing self-

awareness as an advisor.

As the school's vision and mission is written, namely "The realization of

human resources who are pious, cultured in the nation, master science and

technology and care for the environment, give birth to students who are

knowledgeable about science and technology, improve the professional abilities of

teachers in each subject, excel in the arts, create a beautiful environment in

accordance with the guidelines of 10 K, discipline based on manners, we can see

that character values in the school are important to shape student character. And

through the following stages of implementation:

a. Formation of Religious Character

Religious character includes the value of obedience in understanding and

implementing one's own religious teachings and having a tolerant attitude to live

in harmony among adherents of other religions. Religious character is an aspect of

human personality that cannot stand alone, meaning that it is related to aspects of

personality and must be trained in children as early as possible so as not to hinder

the child's further developmental tasks (Jannah, 2019).

b. Formation of Discipline Character

The character of discipline is a habit or behavior that is in line with

applicable regulations. The potential for good disciplinary character actually

belongs to every human before they are born, but this potential must be

continuously fostered through socialization and education from an early age

(Hartati, 2017). Based on the results of interviews and observations that have been

carried out with teachers and students that these disciplinary values are

implemented through learning activities in the classroom and outside the


c. Formation of Environmental Care Character

Caring for the environment is an attitude and action that always tries to

protect and protect the environment. (Nuzulia et al., 2020) the character of caring

for the environment is a character that must be implemented for schools at every

level of education.

2.2 Multiple Case Study In English Classroom

Basically, the most fundamental objective of education is to make people

good and smart. In keeping with thatobjective, Megawangi (2010) claimed that

well-educated people are supposed to be wise; those who can apply knowledge

they have for noble purposes in every aspects of life including in family,

neighborhood, community, and nation. Therefore, she concluded that a successful

education system is supposed to be able to develop people who have good

character; the people that are needed in developing a highly respected nation in

the world.

In Indonesia, character education have been implemented for years and in

all schooling levels through two required courses such as religion and Pancasila.

However, looking at current condition of Indonesian people, there is an indication

that this nation has a very serious problem in moral and character. Every day,

mass media, both paper and electronic, are presenting bad news about bullying in

school, cheating on exam, and juvenile crime and sex conducted by young people

and corruption, violence, robbery, homicide, and other crimes conducted by


adults. Those phenomenon are indications that school have failed to develop

people with good character. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture

(MONE) issued a policy to implement character education in all subjects in 2010.

Since then, character education has become an important issue in Indonesia.

According to the policy, character education should be integrated in curriculum of

all subjects including English.

Foreign language learning has a very important role to support the

implementation of character education in school. Since language learning and

culture cannot be separated, students who study a foreign language learn the

culture of the language at the same time. And culture and character are

interrelated to one another. Therefore, it is very interesting yet important to

conduct a research intended to find out whether character education has

successfully implemented in English learning as a foreign language in Indonesia.

In general, the main problem to be investigate in this research is the

integration of character education in English classroom activities in school. This

research is interested in examining the way how English teachers build students’

character through English classroom activities.

2.3 Cultivation Of Good Character In Students

Attitudes are determined by individual beliefs about outcomes or internal

attributes perform the behavior, as measured by the evaluation of the outcome or

attribute. With thus, someone who has a strong belief that the results are valued

positively resulting from behavior that has a positive attitude. Rather, someone

who has a strong belief that a negatively assessed outcome will result from the

behavior have a negative attitude. The concept of attitude can be seen from these

three dimensions. Each these dimensions have different features to produce

language results. Therefore, The concept of attitude has three components, namely

behavior, cognitive and affective. The three aspects of attitude it is based on the

three theoretical approaches of behaviorism, cognitivism and humanism. In the

following, three aspects of the attitude concept are behavioral, cognitive, and

Emotions are briefly described.

a. Behavioral Attitude Aspect

The behavioral aspect of attitude relates to the way a person behaves

andreact in certain situations. In fact, successful language learning improve

learners to identify themselves with native speakers language and acquiring or

adapting various aspects of that behavior characteristic of the target language


b. Aspects of Cognitive Attitudes

This aspect of attitude involves students' beliefs about existing knowledge

they get and their understanding in the language learning process. Attitude

Cognitive processes can be grouped into four steps to relate knowledge previous

and new ones, creating new knowledge, examining new knowledge, and apply

new knowledge in many situations.

c.Emotional Aspects of Attitude


Feng and Chen (2009) state that the learning process is an emotional

process. It is influenced by different emotional factors. The teacher and students

are involved in the various emotional activities in it and the various emotional

fruits it produces. Attitudes can help students to express what they are likes or

dislikes objects or situations around them. Choy and Troudi (2006) mentioned that

it was agreed that the inner feelings and emotions of FL students influence their

perspective and attitude towards the target language (page 120). The emotional

domain becomes more detailed into five levels, namely accepting or attending,

responding, assessing, organizing, characterizing with values or values.

2.3.1 The Role Of Teachers When English Learning

The role/tasks of the teacher in the learning process include the teacher as:

Learning resource, Facilitator, learning manager, Demonstrators, advisor,

Motivator, and Appraiser. The teacher as a source of learning, the teacher is the

place where students explore or take lessons.

The Role of the Teacher in Language Learning More specifically

regarding the teacher's role in language learning, according to Harmer there are

eight roles, namely as follows controller, the teacher is responsible for the

ongoing learning process in the classroom, including if students study in teams

(groups); organizer, the teacher regulates the implementation of learning in class

such as providing information, explaining implementation procedures, placing

students in groups, and ending assessor learning, especially in language learning,

the teacher must be able to provide feedback, correction, and assessment


especially in the use of language teacher facilitator, teacher acts as a guide or

facilitator when students have difficulty speaking due to constraints in language

knowledge, especially in learning English as a participant's foreign language, the

teacher does not dominate the learning process resource person, teacher as a

source of knowledge for students; tutor, the teacher is not only a facilitator and

resource person, but also a tutor who provides an overview and instructions in

learning and observers, when the teacher becomes an observer, the teacher

controls and provides guidance to students in carrying out their duties

More specifically in language learning, there are nine characteristics of a

good language teacher, namely (1) having competence in preparing language

teaching based on its level, (2) loving English, (3) thinking critically especially in

achieving language learning goals, (4) being persistent in developing self-

potential, (5) self-subordination or not feeling the best so that it is possible to

continue learning, (6) ready to develop oneself better, (7) adapting to local culture,

(8) working professionally, (9) enthusiastic about every work given. Thus, the

teacher's understanding of his role, both in the learning process in general, as well

as his role in language learning, especially English, must be carried out properly.

With the aim that the objectives of learning can be achieved properly too.

2.3.2 How Students Can Take Learn English Well In Classroom

Motivation is the driving force/pusher to do something work, which can

come from within and also from outside, therefore growing motivation is a

challenge for teachers in guiding their students to achieve the expected learning

progress. Some things that English teachers need to pay attention to when

teaching English for novice students. Start from something easy from simple

sounds to more complex sounds to form a string of words or sentences. Because it

would be very good if learning a language starts from listening and then saying,

then followed by how to read then it ends with writing skills.

Create a fun atmosphere. A fun teacher is a teacher who can make difficult

material easy to learn. Words that are difficult to understand can be taught through

songs, complicated conversations can be lived through role-playing dramas, or

vocabulary that is difficult to find through games, puzle or pictures. Use tools or

media in delivering teaching materials. Media functions as a tool to simplify,

connect, or clarify objects.

Delivering the benefits of learning a foreign language to students will have

a big impact on fostering the spirit of learning. Often students are inactive,

embarrassed, reluctant and even avoid using foreign languages at school because

they do not understand what the benefits are for them if they want to

practice.Teachers who are good at socializing are idol teachers who are every

student's dream. Idol teachers for most students are teachers who want to hear

complaints, impartial teachers, teachers who know their students, teachers who are

patient, not irritable, forgiving, creative, firm, like to work hard, and have a high

commitment to advance their students.

2.4 Previous Research


There have been so many studies about the Multiple Case Study At The

Students’s Charater In English Classroom. The first study is conducted by Janawi

(2019) Understanding the Characteristics of Learners in the Process Learning

that aimed to understand to elaborating the ability of educators to understand

characteristics of students by optimizing the achievement of the process learning.

At the implementative level, the success of the learning process certainly related

to the ability of educators to understand students who have differences, both

physical and non-physical dimensions. Even in the learning process,

understanding the characteristics of children becomes barometer of the success of

the learning process. This is caused by educators are the spearhead of the

implementation of learning. For To understand children, educators need to use all

good information information that comes from internal and external sources. This

information can be related to the child's background factors such as socio-cultural

factors of children. These factors are important to understand optimizing the

pattern of relationships and interactions between educators and learners. In

addition, the characteristics of students related to several important elements such

as intellectual aspects, physical aspects, emotional, and moral. All of these aspects

are important to note that there are differences. Age will determine the difference

in treatment. Treatment differences increasingly demanded along with the changes

and developments in science technological knowledge.

The second study was conducted by Adinda Maharani (2017) Analysis Of

Student Attitude To Learning English As A Foreign Language At Smk

Muhammadiyah 3 Palembang and the aim of researh were to know if Education is


a powerful tool that helps modify student behavior accordingly with the needs and

expectations of society. Student attitudes are an integral part of learning and

therefore should be an important component of learning pedagogy second

language learning. This study entitled "Analysis of Student Attitudes towards

Learning English as a Foreign Language at Vocational High Schools

Muhammadiyah 3 Palembang". The purpose of this research is to find out feelings

and ideas of vocational high school students about learning English, who have

different backgrounds and knowledge of English and for knowing the attitude of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Palembang towards language learning English according

to their needs. The research results show that students of Muhammadiyah 3

Palembang Vocational School have a negative attitude towards behavior and

emotional aspects and have a positive attitude in the cognitive aspects of learning

English. It is not foreign to us when we witness deviant behavior such as brawls

between students, clashes between citizens, drug abuse, promiscuity, corruption,

crime, environmental damage, and various acts of social pathology. In other

words, this adds to the series of problems the nation is facing. according to para

experts, various acts of social pathology that occur in this country, show

indications there is an acute problem in the building of national character. Hence,

character buildingnation, becomes very meaningful and urgent to be done

immediately. In the process. In education, teachers not only carry out the function

of transferring knowledge (transfer of knowledge). But also serves to instill value

and build character (Character Building) students in a sustainable and continuous


This is where the teacher is required to be a model by providing the best

for our children and be an example as well as a motivator and inspiration so that

students will be more interested and enthusiastic in learning, so that the learning

outcomes obtained are empowered use and succeed. Many children are successful

because they see the figure of their teacher modest, firm, and authoritative.

English subject is one subjects at school that are also tested in the national exam.

Therefore, teacher must play an active role in learning not only provide subject

matter English and instill good behavior in class, school and society through a

character learning strategy. This article describes about character education in

learning English.

The third study that aimed by Fadilla Oktaviana (2020) Analysis Of The Teacher's

Role In Learning English Based On Information, Communication, And

Technology at the teacher's role in the learning process, especially in ICT

based English learning (Information, Communication, And Technology). The

research method used is a qualitative research method with an ethnographic

approach. The data from this study is in the form of information obtained through

events, informants, and documentation using ethnographic data analysis,

namely the data analysis technique includes four stages, namely domain

analysis, taxonomic analysis, component analysis, and analysis of cultural

themes. The results of this study are in general, the teacher's role in the ICT

based English learning process includes its role as a facilitator, motivator,

creator/programmer, mentor, evaluator, learning partner and role model for

students. While the special and main role that must be had in ICT based learning

is that the teacher acts as a creator or programmer. In this case, teachers are

required to have the ability or skills in making ICT based media and teaching


2.5 Concluding Remaks

This study concerns several cases in English language learning. This

chapter discusses theory of cases, character cultivation, roles of teachers and

students and some terms specifically related to it. The theories are discussed in

detail, as the Analysis Of Student Attitude by Adinda Maharani (2017), Analysis

Of The Teacher's Role by Fadilla Oktaviana (2020), and Understanding the

Characteristics of Learners by Janawi (2019) which is used in this research. These

theories are used to describe and answer problems that arise in the case of the

character of student learning in English lessons that are of concern to this



Aunurrahman et al.(2016), JELTE: Journal of English Language Teaching and

Education, The Implementation Of Character Building In English Language

Teaching Activities,Vol.3 No.1.

1. Syaripudin, U & Siti Aisyah (May, 2016), ELT Perspective, A

Multiple Case Study That Looks At The Implementation Of Character

Education In English Classroom, Vol.4 No.1.

2. D. A. E. Agustini, D. K. Tantra & N. K. Wedhanti (2014), Jurnal

Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, The Implementation of Character Values

in English Language Instruction, JurnalPendidikandanPengajaran,

Vol.47 ,No 2 -3,Oktober2014


3. Annisa Alawiyyah & Siti Apsoh (2019), EDUKASI : Jurnal Penelitian

dan Artikel Pendidikan, Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Karakter Terintegrasi

Self – Confidence pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Siswa Sekolah

Dasar, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2019

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