Siti Fatimah Lubis
education in English clasroom, and it will reveal a number of points, which are the
background of the research, research questios and its aims, the definition of key
terms, the aims that this research will provide to readers and the last is
Basically the most basic purpose of education is to make humans good and
intelligent. In line with that goal, Megawangi (2010) claims that educated people
should be wise; those who can apply their knowledge to noble purposes in every
aspect of life including family, environment, society, and nation. The main
intelligent, strong, and care. Integration of character education in the learning can
be done by loading the values in all the subjects taught in school and in the
culture. Character education is one of the most important aspects for students
intelligence without pay attention to their character will certainly reduce the moral
quality of students. That is why building students' character is also the best way to
increase good moral values so they have a better personality. Also, knowledge and
character have become a unit that can increase the academic achievement of
students. Knowledge, skills, and character are some of the elements in character
character as well as the civilization of the nation's dignity in order to educate the
nation which aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings
who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, capable, creative,
(Indriani, 2017). Character education is not included as the main subject in the
school. However, students learn character education through how they act in
school based on school rules and how they interact with others, such as friends,
in the future. The Ministry of Education and Culture Curriculum Center states that
18 values of character education are implemented in each field of study such as;
2013 curriculum. So, the main purpose of the curriculum is to improve the morale
and character of students. Therefore, planning, teaching and learning process, and
assessment process are one of the most important components of this curriculum.
Character building efforts are certainly not only carried out in schools through
teaching and learning activities but also habituation in everyday life outside of
classroom activities and also in the community. Therefore, planning, teaching and
learning process, and assessment process are one of the most important
English Subjects are one of the subjects that must be taught in Indonesia at
all levels of education from SD/MI, SMP/MTS, SMA/MA to universities. Not all
responsibility for children. And Learning English at school for students also is not
only learning about values that are in accordance with the development of
students, from that result, teachers can maximize themselves to think strategies so
that students practice religious values. Teachers in transferring grades are not only
given in the form of lectures, but how teachers are creative in providing learning
students feel fun and do not get bored with the learning atmosphere. English
teachers are expected to follow the development of the latest learning methods to
use information technology media in their learning in order to provide the best to
understand the level of ability of each student because each child has a different
nature and ability to understand the lesson, so sometimes there are some students
who find it difficult to understand what is taught and conveyed by the teacher.
There are many factors that make student take actions that are very
contrary to the character of the nation. One of the contributing factors according
education is which instills noble values for children both at school and in society.
And in the educational process, teachers should not only carry out the function of
transfer of knowledge but also function to instill value and build character of
good character values in students, especially in the teaching and learning process.
However, on the other hand, there are problems that still exist in students
who lack motivation to learn, think English is not important, difficult, takes a long
time, is not interested or easily bored, pays less attention to readiness, lack of self-
confidence, easy to despair, lack of discipline, and lack of honesty. Then there are
low student learning outcomes. "From some of the factors mentioned, students
only to form character education but can also increase grades in English subjects.
also makes it easier for teachers to prepare learning plans and evaluate learning.
This model can build a superior young generation in leading the country in the
character of students in English learning. For the first one entitled " The
(Aunurrahman et al., 2016). Where this qualitative research was carried out to
teaching activities at one of the private Islamic schools in Pontianak. The results
of this study show from 18 character values based on curriculum, religious values,
this school. Although there are some character scores in the RPP that are not
applied in the classroom, most of the character scores that are not in the RPP are
The second research is a study ( Siti Aisyah, 2016 ) that entitled " A
In English Classroom " this study found that the three schools have the same
supporting and inhibiting factors in carrying out character education, namely lack
schools, parents, and community members, and lack of commitment And the
rules, and programs intended to develop student character. And the result of this
research is basically the most basic educational goal is to make humans good and
intelligent. In line with that goal, Megawangi (2010) claims that educated people
should be wise; those who can apply their knowledge to noble purposes in every
The similarities from those previous studies with this research is that it all
and researching in every school, but in the research I made there is a slight
character the teacher should instill in students in the pursuit of English and not
and to make this research easier to solve, researchers study certain problems as
stated below :
In line with the research question, the aim of this research are as the
the cases to investigate the same phenomena. The difference between the
single- and multiple-case study is the research design; however, they are
2. Character
3. Classrooms
a. Practically
This study gives benefit for both the teacher as well as the students. The
benefit that The teacher can change a multiple case when teaching English
b. Theoretically
This research hopefully provides new insight about handle the character of
Further more, the result of this study can be used as a reference for further
c. Pedagogically
character formation and multiple study case in english classroom. Then there is
also the explanation about the previous research studies that related to this
research. The last point is the conluding remaks which talks about the conclusion
view and behavior someone who is facing various problems. Characters deserve
character good then it has become the inevitability that he will always be
Education is a golden field for forming the character of children who will
become the next generation of the nation. Through education, the stages of
character formation at each level will be structured. Education that is able to shape
schools, communities, and families (Idrus, 2012; Sidiq & Fausiyah, 2015).
that are interrelated and combine to achieve a common goal, namely that children
become human beings with morals. The components of the system include goals,
entrenched in every human soul will form a superior personality in dealing with
the problems of the nation and state. Character education has a vital role in
forming quality human resources and superior competence in various fields (Lalo,
strengthening of this democratic character. Many activities can support the forging
of students' democratic character both in class and outside the classroom. In the
scouts, KTI, and sports and the arts really support the strengthening of democratic
students to be able to solve life's problems in the present and in the future, by
character of students.
that exist in their personality as a result of interactions between their nature and
for teachers to identify the interests and potential of their students. There are
students who are active, shy, friendly, independent, creative, friendly, naughty,
Some experts said that there are 3 kinds of characteristics that exist in students
be able to make wise decisions and practice them in everyday life, so that they can
behaviors including behavior that can be trusted, responsible, caring, not like
prejudice, often do good, able to control themselves when angry and disappointed,
able to overcome disputes, able to work with friends, do not like bully, polite and
able to respect others, willing to hear other people's opinions, understand other
people's feelings, can respect himself, knows how to ask for help, fair, acts as a
good friend, can say "no" to requests that are not good, can resolve disputes and
A teacher who will teach character education also must have a variety of
Clean physically and spiritually, Forgiving and honest, Be fair to students and all
reflected in the pattern of thought, speech and behavior in demand, Act decisively,
to affect the soul, belief and mindset of participants educate, and Growing self-
awareness as an advisor.
human resources who are pious, cultured in the nation, master science and
technology and care for the environment, give birth to students who are
that character values in the school are important to shape student character. And
implementing one's own religious teachings and having a tolerant attitude to live
human personality that cannot stand alone, meaning that it is related to aspects of
belongs to every human before they are born, but this potential must be
(Hartati, 2017). Based on the results of interviews and observations that have been
carried out with teachers and students that these disciplinary values are
Caring for the environment is an attitude and action that always tries to
protect and protect the environment. (Nuzulia et al., 2020) the character of caring
for the environment is a character that must be implemented for schools at every
level of education.
good and smart. In keeping with thatobjective, Megawangi (2010) claimed that
well-educated people are supposed to be wise; those who can apply knowledge
they have for noble purposes in every aspects of life including in family,
character; the people that are needed in developing a highly respected nation in
the world.
all schooling levels through two required courses such as religion and Pancasila.
that this nation has a very serious problem in moral and character. Every day,
mass media, both paper and electronic, are presenting bad news about bullying in
school, cheating on exam, and juvenile crime and sex conducted by young people
adults. Those phenomenon are indications that school have failed to develop
people with good character. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture
culture cannot be separated, students who study a foreign language learn the
culture of the language at the same time. And culture and character are
research is interested in examining the way how English teachers build students’
attribute. With thus, someone who has a strong belief that the results are valued
positively resulting from behavior that has a positive attitude. Rather, someone
who has a strong belief that a negatively assessed outcome will result from the
behavior have a negative attitude. The concept of attitude can be seen from these
language results. Therefore, The concept of attitude has three components, namely
behavior, cognitive and affective. The three aspects of attitude it is based on the
following, three aspects of the attitude concept are behavioral, cognitive, and
they get and their understanding in the language learning process. Attitude
Cognitive processes can be grouped into four steps to relate knowledge previous
and new ones, creating new knowledge, examining new knowledge, and apply
Feng and Chen (2009) state that the learning process is an emotional
are involved in the various emotional activities in it and the various emotional
fruits it produces. Attitudes can help students to express what they are likes or
dislikes objects or situations around them. Choy and Troudi (2006) mentioned that
it was agreed that the inner feelings and emotions of FL students influence their
perspective and attitude towards the target language (page 120). The emotional
domain becomes more detailed into five levels, namely accepting or attending,
The role/tasks of the teacher in the learning process include the teacher as:
Motivator, and Appraiser. The teacher as a source of learning, the teacher is the
regarding the teacher's role in language learning, according to Harmer there are
eight roles, namely as follows controller, the teacher is responsible for the
teacher does not dominate the learning process resource person, teacher as a
source of knowledge for students; tutor, the teacher is not only a facilitator and
resource person, but also a tutor who provides an overview and instructions in
learning and observers, when the teacher becomes an observer, the teacher
teaching based on its level, (2) loving English, (3) thinking critically especially in
continue learning, (6) ready to develop oneself better, (7) adapting to local culture,
(8) working professionally, (9) enthusiastic about every work given. Thus, the
teacher's understanding of his role, both in the learning process in general, as well
as his role in language learning, especially English, must be carried out properly.
With the aim that the objectives of learning can be achieved properly too.
come from within and also from outside, therefore growing motivation is a
challenge for teachers in guiding their students to achieve the expected learning
progress. Some things that English teachers need to pay attention to when
teaching English for novice students. Start from something easy from simple
would be very good if learning a language starts from listening and then saying,
Create a fun atmosphere. A fun teacher is a teacher who can make difficult
material easy to learn. Words that are difficult to understand can be taught through
vocabulary that is difficult to find through games, puzle or pictures. Use tools or
a big impact on fostering the spirit of learning. Often students are inactive,
embarrassed, reluctant and even avoid using foreign languages at school because
they do not understand what the benefits are for them if they want to
practice.Teachers who are good at socializing are idol teachers who are every
student's dream. Idol teachers for most students are teachers who want to hear
complaints, impartial teachers, teachers who know their students, teachers who are
patient, not irritable, forgiving, creative, firm, like to work hard, and have a high
There have been so many studies about the Multiple Case Study At The
At the implementative level, the success of the learning process certainly related
the learning process. This is caused by educators are the spearhead of the
good information information that comes from internal and external sources. This
as intellectual aspects, physical aspects, emotional, and moral. All of these aspects
are important to note that there are differences. Age will determine the difference
a powerful tool that helps modify student behavior accordingly with the needs and
and ideas of vocational high school students about learning English, who have
different backgrounds and knowledge of English and for knowing the attitude of
emotional aspects and have a positive attitude in the cognitive aspects of learning
words, this adds to the series of problems the nation is facing. according to para
experts, various acts of social pathology that occur in this country, show
immediately. In the process. In education, teachers not only carry out the function
for our children and be an example as well as a motivator and inspiration so that
students will be more interested and enthusiastic in learning, so that the learning
outcomes obtained are empowered use and succeed. Many children are successful
because they see the figure of their teacher modest, firm, and authoritative.
English subject is one subjects at school that are also tested in the national exam.
Therefore, teacher must play an active role in learning not only provide subject
matter English and instill good behavior in class, school and society through a
learning English.
The third study that aimed by Fadilla Oktaviana (2020) Analysis Of The Teacher's
approach. The data from this study is in the form of information obtained through
namely the data analysis technique includes four stages, namely domain
themes. The results of this study are in general, the teacher's role in the ICT
students. While the special and main role that must be had in ICT based learning
is that the teacher acts as a creator or programmer. In this case, teachers are
required to have the ability or skills in making ICT based media and teaching
students and some terms specifically related to it. The theories are discussed in
theories are used to describe and answer problems that arise in the case of the