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Rococo Style Religious Music from 1750 to 1820 was

Relies mainly on the ornamentation for its considered subordinate to instrumental music
impression or impact. and opera.
Also known as style galant Oratorio
PRE CLASSICAL STYLE Oratorio, a large-scale musical composition on a
This style is characterized by changes in sacred or semi sacred subject, for solo voices,
concepts of form, style, and medium used in the chorus, and orchestra.
previous period. Church Music
CLASSICAL MUSIC Church Music in this period was composed by
The opposite of Romantic Period almost all opera composers. The influence of
The same as Art Music opera could be observed in sacred music.
The period lasted from 1750 to 1820.
Instrumental Music of the Classical Period ARTS
Sonata was derived from the Latin word The birth of “secular art”(worldly things).
“sonare” which means an extended instrumental Focus on realistic and humanistic art.
work for a solo instrument with piano Medici
accompaniment. A rich and politically influential dynasty who
THREE MOVEMENTS OF SONATA commissioned hundreds of paintings and
ALLEGRO- FAST MOVEMENT sponsored many Renaissance Artists
ADAGIO- SLOW MOVEMENT Characteristics of the Renaissance
RONDO- main theme which is heard several Classicism
times between other themes. Classicism is an art movement which is guided
SONATA ALLEGRO FORM by the principles of the ancient civilizations of
First movement is in the sonata allegro form. Greece and Rome. It is characterized by
SYMPHONY harmony, restraint, elegance, rationality, and
Came from the word “sinfonia “. respect for proportions.
Is a composition for orchestra with four Contrapposto
It is an instrumental work for a solo instrumental
work for a solo instrument like the piano, violin,
trumpet, or any other instrument, with the
orchestra for the accompaniment.
Chamber Music is a classical composition for
small ensembles or small groups of instruments
that could fit in a palace chamber. Counterpose in English
It is the positioning of a human figure where the
Opera and Religious Music of the weight is placed on one foot while the shoulders
Classical Period and arms twist from the hips and legs.
Opera is a drama set to music where singers and Humanism
musicians perform in a theatrical setting. An emphasis on the individual and their moral
OPERA SERIA is a drama set to music where autonomy
singers and musicians perform in a theatrical A belief in the importance of observation,
setting and serious type of opera. critical analysis, and creativity
Opéra-Comique in France Individualism
Instead of recitative, it uses spoken dialogue. Its This period gave significance to individual
themes always use political and social issues. It personality, uniqueness, and genius.
has also very emotional characteristics Realism
OPERA BUFFA Realist or naturalist works of art may, as well or
Everyday characters and situations, and typically instead of illusionist realism, be "realist" in their
employed spoken dialogues, lengthy arias and subject-matter, and emphasize the mundane,
was spiced with sight gags, naughty humor, and ugly, or sordid. Realism depicts the world as it
social satire. is.
An opera based on a serious plot that usually
revolves around mythological beings such as
Gods and Goddesses
Paintings Modes of the Renaissance ARTIST OF RENAISSANCE PERIOD
Sfumato Donatello was born Donato di Niccolo di Betto
Sfumato also comes from Italian origins, with Bardi in Florence, Italy, sometime in 1386. His
meanings related to the word smoky, soft, or friends and family gave him the nickname
blurry. ‘Donatello’.
Leonardo da Vinci It is a bronze sculpture of the biblical David who
Mona Lisa is shown standing triumphant with a sword and
(1503-1507 CE) one foot stepping on Goliath’s decapitated head.

Michelangelo was considered the greatest living
artist in his lifetime, and ever since then he has
Unione been held to be one of the greatest artists of all
When Sfumato focuses on smoothing colors by time.
light or dark pigment which makes the painting PIETA
lose the intense colors in it, Unione technique The scene of the Pieta shows the Virgin Mary
takes care about the intensity. holding the dead body of Christ after his
crucifixion, death, and removal from the cross,
St. Catherine of but before he was placed in the tomb.
Composed of 9 different parts.
Each section tells a different bible story; the
most popular of which is the creation of Man,
Chiaroscuro where God gives life to Adam with a touch.
Chiaroscuro is another Italian word, meaning
“light-dark”. LEONARDO DA VINCI
It involves the play between color contrasts of Born on April 25, 1452. Leonardo da Vinci was
light and dark, which creates a a Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect,
three-dimensional effect as well as a heightened inventor, military engineer, and draftsman — the
emotional intensity. epitome of a true Renaissance man.

Virgin of the Rock JAN VAN EYCK

Leonardo de Vinci Part artist, part alchemist and some might claim
(1483-1486 CE) part magician, the legacy of artist Jan van Eyck
is shrouded in both mystery and legend. In his
work, he achieved an astonishingly sophisticated
level of realism, heretofore unknown in the art
Cangiante of painting.
Cangiante also focuses on transformation of The Arnolfini Wedding
colors from one to another. The Arnolfini, It is known as different titles such
as The Arnolfini and The Arnolfini double
The Virgin Mary with the Apostles and Other portrait.
Saints by Fra Angelico.
The Chess Game

The painting gives off a light mood with the

girls smiling and interacting as they play. The
painting is currently displayed at the National
Museum in Warsaw, Poland.

Water is used to make a pigment combined with
plaster, and when it sets, it creates a painting that
is integrated on the wall.
Factors Influencing Substance or Drug Use HALLUCINOGENS
and Abuse Hallucinogens, also called psychedelics, affect
SUBSTANCE USE the sensation, thinking, self- awareness, and
MEDICATION/ PRESCRIBED OF DOCTORS emotion of a person. Changes in time and space,
SUBSTANCE MISUSE false beliefs or delusions, and hallucinations
ILLEGAL DRUGS. may be mild or overwhelming.
CAN CHANGE/ ABLE TO QUIT Most abused drugs
SUBSTANCE DEPENDANCE Used for relaxation.
WITHDRAWAL/ THE BODY IS DEPENDENT Triggers talkativeness, a dreamy sensation of
TO THE DRUGS time seeming to stretch out.
Factors Influencing Substance Use and Abuse Creates delusions.
● Lack of parental supervision and Causes muscle incoordination and perception
support/ FAMILY PROBLEMS with a sensation of a slowed motion.
● Strong peer pressure and curiosity
● Intense feeling of pleasure PHYSICAL EDUCATION
● Relief from stress, anxiety, and
● Increased physical and cognitive IN THE CLE. THANK YOU.


Stimulants, also known as uppers, produce
increased mental alertness, wakefulness, and
loss of appetite; and provide a feeling of well-
Gives euphoria or an intense feeling of being
Taken orally, injected or sniffed.
Act as a powerful stimulant of the central
nervous system; active component in tobacco

Depressants, also known as downers, suppress

or depress the functions of the body, particularly
the central nervous system, thereby promoting
relaxation and sleep.
Narcotics are drugs that relieve pain and often
induce sleep. Opiates is a type of narcotics,
including opium and drugs derived from it, such
as heroin, codeine, and morphine.
Derived from the Greek God of dreams,
Used to relieve severe pain and nervous tension.
Known as the’ king of drugs.

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