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Amerigear Gear Couplings: Standard and Modified Designs

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Regal Rexnord

Amerigear Gear Couplings


Standard and Modified Designs

Table of Contents Page
Amerigear Design Advantages .............................................................................................4-5
Amerigear Ordering Information ...........................................................................................6-7
Amerigear Flanged Sleeve Series F Couplings
Series F, FS - Standard ......................................................................................................8-11
Series FM, FMS - Mill Motor (Taper Shaft) .......................................................................12-13
Series FA, FAS - Axial Travel ............................................................................................14-18
Series FE - Extended (Spacer) .............................................................................................. 19
Series FV, FVS - Vertical ...................................................................................................20-21
Series FPH, FSPH - Shear Pin .............................................................................................. 22
Amerigear Modifications and Variations – Series F
Reverse Mounted Hubs ......................................................................................................... 23
Tandems, FSM - Mill Motor Rigid, Universal Hubs ............................................................... 24
Limited End Float, FD & FDC Disconnect Couplings ............................................................ 25
FB - Brake Drum, Fl - Insulated, Adjustable Axial Position (Jordan) Couplings .................... 26
FR - Rigid & Differential Tooth Couplings, Adaptors ............................................................. 27
FL - Continuous Lubricated & Double Flex Couplings .......................................................... 28
Amerigear Continuous Sleeve Series C Couplings
Series C, CS - Standard ...................................................................................................29-30
Amerigear Modifications and Variations – Series C
CB - Brake Drum, Limited End Float, CL - Continuous Lubricated Couplings ..................... 31
Blind Assembly, CM & CMS Mill Motor Couplings ............................................................... 32
CA & CAS - Axial Travel, CV & CVS - Vertical Shaft Couplings ............................................. 33
Amerigear Engineering Data
Speeds, Classes and Balance ..........................................................................................34-35
Maximum Speeds - Series FE and FEL ................................................................................ 36
Maximum Speeds - Series FS Tandems ............................................................................... 37
Weights, WR2, Torsional Stiffness and Engineering Calculations......................................38-39
Maximum Bore, Keyway and Puller Hole Data ..................................................................... 40
Dimensional Data Flange Details Series F............................................................................. 41
Additional Dimensional Data - F and C ............................................................................42-43
Alignment, Installation, Lubrication and Maintenance Instructions..................................44-46
Amerigear Metal Seal
Flexible Couplings ................................................................................................................. 47
Full-Flex Couplings - Series F Size 1 1⁄2 - 7 .......................................................................... 48
Flex-Rigid Couplings - Series FS Size 1 1⁄2 - 7...................................................................... 49
Modifications & Variations...................................................................................................... 50
Application Data Form ............................................................................................................... 51
F ........................................................................................................................Flanged Sleeve
C .................................................................................................................. Continuous Sleeve
FS and CS .................................................................................................. Single Engagement
FM and CM ...........................................................................................Mill Motor (Taper Shaft)
FMS and CMS ...........................................................................Mill Motor Single Engagement
FV and CV ..................................................................................................................... Vertical
FVS and CVS ................................................................................. Vertical Single Engagement
FA and CA ............................................................................................................... Axial Travel
FAS and CAS ...........................................................................Axial Travel Single Engagement
FE .................................................................................................................Extended (Spacer)
FL and CL ........................................................................................... Continuously Lubricated
FEL ....................................................................................Extended, Continuously Lubricated
FR ...................................................................................................................................... Rigid
FD and FDC ..............................................................................................Disconnect (Cut-out)
FB and CB .............................................................................................................. Brake Drum
Fl ..................................................................................................................................Insulated
FPH .............................................................................................................................Shear Pin
FSPH ......................................................................................... Shear Pin Single Engagement
Amerigear Flexible Couplings
Fully-Crowned Teeth
The Basis For Gear Tooth Design

Advantages and Features

Amerigear . . . the first, the finest . . .
flexible coupling with Fully-Crowned
Gear Teeth.
In contrast with ordinary gear tooth
forms, the Amerigear Fully-Crowned
Tooth represents the ultimate achievement .....
in the art of gear tooth design, wherein
all three working portions of the tooth are
crowned. As a result, the teeth act much like
a rocking chair, capable of sliding freely in the
axial direction without digging or gouging the
internal mating teeth. Because of this design
advantage, Amerigear Flexible Couplings with
Fully-Crowned Gear Teeth offer operational
benefits of maximum load-carrying capacity
with minimum size, maximum reliability and
long life.
Amerigear . . . often copied, but never

Crowned Flanks Flanks of the teeth Crowned Tips Tips of teeth are crowned Crowned Chamfers Faces of the teeth
are crowned so that tooth thickness with a radius equal to the outside of the adjacent to the tips are chamfered to
is greatest at the center of the tooth. gear element. The crowned tip contacts eliminate interference with the sleeve
This assures larger contact area per the root of internal gear teeth in the tooth fillets. This allows the true involute
tooth for higher torque requirements external sleeve, accurately piloting the flanks of the gear teeth to be in contact
and puts more teeth in contact for a sleeve with true concentric ball-and- with the sleeve teeth and assures
given angle. Actual tooth loading takes socket action. This permits minimum freedom to misalign.
place near the center of the tooth face diametral sleeve clearance and centers
where tooth thickness is greatest. the sleeve physically to assure good
Crowned flanks also eliminate end-of- dynamic balance characteristics under
tooth loading, provide optimum load various loading and misalignment
distribution, and accommodate all types conditions.
of misalignment with minimum backlash,
while transmitting constant velocity.
This design provides good oil film In accordance with our established policy
characteristics for efficient lubrication. to constantly improve our products, the
specifications contained herein are subject
to change without notice.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 3

Design Advantages
The Flexible Coupling method of connecting A flexible coupling must provide three basic
rotating shafts is a vital and necessary functions:
technique. Large massive shafting, loosely
1. Physically couple together two
mounted in sleeve bearings and merely
rotating shafts for efficient transmission
joined together by rigidly bolted flanges,
of mechanical power, transferring the
cannot provide efficient mechanical
torque of one shaft to the other,
power transmission. Especially today, as
directly and with constant velocity.
machine designers and builders demand
2. Compensate for all types of
higher speeds, higher torques, and higher
misalignment between rotating,
misalignment capacities, the need for
connected shafts without inducing
“flexibly connecting” this equipment
abnormal stresses and loads on
becomes apparent.
connected equipment, and without
A flexible coupling is necessary since it is tangible loss of power.
practically impossible to achieve and
3. Compensate for end or axial movement
maintain perfect alignment of coupled
of the coupled shafts, preventing either
rotating shafts. During initial assembly and
shaft from exerting excessive thrust on
installation, precise alignment of the shaft
the other and allowing each to rotate in
axes is not only difficult to achieve but in
its normal position.
many cases it is economically unfeasible.
During operation, alignment is even more Three types of misalignment must be
difficult to maintain. Shaft misalignment – effectively accommodated by a flexible
caused by uneven bearing wear, flexure of coupling.
structural members, settling of foundations, 1. Parallel Offset – axes of connected
thermal expansion, shaft deflection and shafts are parallel, but not in the same
other factors – is an operating certainty. straight line.
Because these factors are extremely difficult
2. Angular – axes of shafts intersect at
to control, a flexible coupling serves as an
center point of coupling, but not in the
ideal answer to compensate or minimize the
same straight line.
effects of unavoidable misalignment and end
movement of coupled shafts. 3. Combined Angular-Offset – axes of
shafts do not intersect at point of
coupling and are not parallel.

Functions Misalignment

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Design Advantages
Amerigear Fully-Crowned Teeth (Fig. 1)
Crowned Flanks, Crowned Tips, Crowned Chamfers —
Fig 1
recognized as the ultimate in gear tooth design and the secret
of superior mechanical power transmission! Increased tooth
contact area improves the load-carrying capacity of the
teeth regardless of operating conditions and provides “ball-
and-socket” piloting action at all misalignments. As a result,
connected equipment is able to operate at higher torques,
speeds, and misalignments with resultant longer life.

Rigid, strong, “floating” sleeve (Fig. 2)

A floating sleeve, containing internally-cut gear teeth at Fig 2
opposite ends, is made from medium carbon steel. In effect, it
provides a “bridge” between driving and driven gear meshes. It
can be furnished as a continuous, one-piece sleeve ... or made
in two halves and bolted together.

Precision-machined identical hubs (Fig. 3) Two identical hubs,

machined to close tolerances, contain external Fully-Crowned
Gear Teeth which totally engage internal teeth of the sleeve.
Fully-Crowned Teeth enable coupling to operate longer, with
minimum backlash while assuring free axial movement of
connected shafts.

Positive dust-tight seals (Fig. 4) Fig 3

Buna-N O-ring seals keep contamination out... vital lubricant
in. They are designed to accommodate temperatures up to
250°F. For temperatures of 400°F continuous and 550°F for
short periods, Viton O-ring seals are available. These are easily
installed without removing coupling hub and sleeve from

American® Fig 4
Operating advantages The American Flexible Coupling is a
simplified and efficient unit. It performs all of the required
functions of a flexible coupling and compensates for angular
misalignment up to ±1° in standard applications. But it will
compensate for many times this amount without strain to the
connected equipment or loss of power for short periods,
should an unforeseen alignment condition arise. It is ideal for
blind assembly or vertical applications.

The Coupling functions basically on the well-known “Oldham”

principle, modified and improved to accommodate maximum
shaft misalignment with greater efficiency, easy installation,
inspection and servicing. It transmits torque through an
intermediate square floating member, and compensates for
all three types of misalignments by the combined sliding
actions between the closely fitting center member and the
adjacent driving and driven jaw flanges.
American Flexible Coupling with
Self Lubricating Center Member.
Contact Ameridrives for details.

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Ordering Information

1. Obtain Shaft Sizes Compare shaft Both Series F and Series C, Size 202 equipment. The service factors shown
sizes of driving and driven equipment have capacities of 50 HP/100 RPM. in the table below provide a basis for
with listed maximum bores of desired estimating this allowance for specific
Note: Series F and Series C, Size 202 will
Series or Type coupling to determine combination of connected equipment.
accommodate a 23/4” shaft with standard
“tentative” coupling size.
square key. In this example, the rating of These factors are derived from lengthy
NOTE: Maximum bores are listed on 50 HP/100 RPM provides a large margin service experience with average ................
pages 8 and 9 for F Type couplings of safety. applications — and they are to be
and on page 29 for C Type couplings. considered as a general guide. For
Recommended Service Factors (S.F.)
conditions not covered by the table,
2. Compute effective HP/100 RPM or torque to
In order to provide for the dynamic
good judgment must be exercised and a
be transmitted Select a service factor from
torque which must be transmitted, it may
factor selected by referring to the type of
adjacent table. Determine HP/100 RPM be necessary to increase the horsepower
equipment most closely approximating the
as follows: to be transmitted by a factor which will
type of application being considered, or
allow for momentary increases in torque
HP/100 RPM = HP transmitted x 100 x S.F. by detailed analysis of the dynamics of
(effective) due to the characteristics of the
RPM the equipment.

or determine Torque (in.-lbs.) as


Torque = HP/100 x 630 TYPE DRIVER

(effective) (effective) LOAD DRIVEN EQUIPMENT Motor or Hydraulic Reciprocating
Turbine Drive Engine
or Centrifugal Pumps • Conveyors — Even
Torque = HP transmitted x 63,000 x S.F. UNIFORM Loaded • Exciters • Fans and Blowers —
Light Duty • Generators — Even Loaded • 1.0 1.25 1.50
(effective) RPM Mixers — Liquid

Centrifugal Pumps • Generators — .................

Confirm “Tentative” Coupling size or LIGHT Pulsating Load • Grinders • Hydraulic
Pumps • Kilns • Line Shafting • Machine
increase to a size which has a HP/100 SHOCK Tools • Oscillating Pumps • Textile
1.5 1.75 2.0
RPM or torque rating equal to or Machinery • Woodworking Machinery
greater than value computed above. Air Compressors — Multi-Cylinder • Ball
3. Check Maximum Speed of Application MEDIUM and Rod Mills • Cranes • Elevators •
Hoists • Punch Presses • Reciprocating 2.0 2.25 2.5
Refer to page 34 for maximum speed Pumps • Shears • Ship Drives • Welding
ratings. These speeds are given only
as a guide, since the maximum speed Air Compressors — Single Cylinder •
HEAVY Dredges • Drilling Rigs • Mine Machinery •
2.5 2.75 3.0
depends on the system characteristics. SHOCK Rolling Mill Drives • Rubber Mixers

4. Check Space Limitations Dimensions of the EXTREME Ore Crushers • Barstock Shears • Vibrating 3.0 3.5 4.0
SHOCK Conveyors
selected coupling should be compared
with space provided in the application For operating speeds less than 100 RPM, service factors may be reduced depending upon
to assure proper clearances. Shaft application. Refer to Ameridrives for appropriate recommendations.
extensions, separation, and clearances
to align coupling should be checked.
Example A 250-HP electric motor is to
drive a centrifugal pump at 1750 RPM.
Motor shaft size is 21/2”. Pump shaft size
is 2”. Bore size for Series F and Series C,
Size 202 will accommodate the 21/2” shaft.

250 x 100 x 1.5 =

HP/100 RPM = 21.4

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Ordering Information

When Ordering, Specify Following Information Recommended Bore Tolerances Clearance Fits If shaft sizes are listed as
1. Quantity and delivery requirements. fractional or decimal dimensions without
• Recommended standard bore
tolerance, the bore will be sized in ...............
2. Shaft or bore sizes and keyway tolerances for interference and clearance
accordance with Table B. If exact shaft size
dimensions. Give exact dimensions fits are shown in Tables A and B
and tolerance are given, but tolerance
with tolerances. respectively.
does not agree with Table B, the largest
3. Load — horsepower and/or torque • Bore tolerances conform to AGMA shaft dimension will be considered as
at a specific RPM. State normal and 9002-A86 standards. “basic” and the standard bore tolerance
maximum conditions. Interference Fits Unless specified, bores will will be applied.
4. Speed — minimum, normal and be furnished with an interference fit. Table B conforms to AGMA 9002-A86
maximum. Class I.
When shaft sizes only are stated on order
5. Application — type of driver and and they consist of fractional or decimal
driven equipment. dimensions without tolerance, the bore
Table B
will be sized for an interference fit in CLEARANCE FIT — INCHES
6. Coupling Series, Type and Size.
accordance with Table A. If exact shaft Nominal Shaft Bore Clearance
7. Space limitations — envelope Bore Range Tolerance Tolerance Range
size and tolerance do not agree with
dimensions, shaft extensions and Thru 1.5000 +.0000 +.0010 +.0015
tables, the largest shaft dimension will be -.0005 -.0000 -.0000
shaft spacing.
considered “basic” and the standard Over 1.5000 +.0010 +.0020
8. Unusual misalignment conditions. Thru 2.0000 +.0000 -.0000 -.0000
negative bore tolerance will be applied. -.0010
Over 2 0000 +.0015 +.0025
9. Modifications — setscrews, tapered Thru 6.5000 -.0000 -.0000
bores, special keys, hub cut-off, Example
counterbores or others.
Table A
Shaft Size — 2.000 (Basic Size)
10. Unusual operating conditions — 1.999 (With Tolerance)
Bore Size Shaft Bore Interference Interference Fit
ambient temperatures and Over Thru Tolerance Tolerance Range Coupling Bore 1.999
atmospheres. 0.0000 / 1.5000 +.0000 -.0005/-.0010 -.0000/-.0010 1.998
Specify Following Information for Specific Clearance Fit
1.5000 / 3,0000 -.0010/-.0020 -.0000/-.0020
Couplings 3.0000 / 4.0000 -.0015/-.0030 -.0005/-.0030 Coupling Bore 2.001
4.0000 / 5,0000 -.0020/-.0035 -.0010/-.0035 2.000
Series FM and CM — Mill-motor Type:
5.0000 / 7.0000 -.0025/-.0040 -.0015/-.0040
Motor frame number plus drawing detail 7.0000 / 8.0000 -.0030/-.0050 -.0020/-.0050 STANDARD RECOMMENDED KEYWAYS
of shaft if possible. 8.0000 / 9.0000 -.0035/-.0055 -.0025/-.0055 Nominal Bore Range Keyway (Inches)
9.0000 / 10,0000 +.0000 -.0040/-.0060 -.0030/-.0060 Depth Depth
Series FE — Spacer Type: Shaft separation: 10.0000 / 11.0000 -.0010 -.0045/-.0065 -.0035/-.0065 Over Thru Width Sq.Key Red. Key
Specify shrouded or exposed bolt. 11.0000 / 12.0000 -.0050/-.0070 -.0040/-.0070
.312 / .438 .094 .047 -
12.0000 / 13.0000 -.0055/-.0075 -.0045/-.0075
.438 / .562 .125 .063 .047
Series FS and CS — Tandem Type: 13.0000 / 14.0000 -.0060/-.0080 -.0050/-.0080
.562 / .875 .188 .094 .062
14.0000 / 15.0000 -.0065/-.0085 -.0055/-.0085
State if floating shaft to be supplied. 15.0000 / 16.0000 -.0065/-.0090 -.0055/-.0090
.875 / 1.250 .250 .125 .094
1.250 / 1.375 .312 .156 .125
Specify mounting arrangement and 16.0000 / 17.0000 -.0070/-.0095 -.0060/-.0095
1.375 / 1.750 .375 .188 .125
17.0000 / 18.0000 -.0075/-.0100 -.0065/-.0100
shaft spacing. 1.750 / 2.250 .500 .250 .188
18.0000 / 19.0000 -.0080/-.0105 -.0070/-.0105
2.250 / 2.750 .625 .313 .219
Series FA and CA — Axial Travel Type: 19.0000 / 20.0000 -.0085/-.0110 -.0075/-.0110
2.750 / 3.250 .750 .375 .250
20.0000 / 22.0000 -.0100/-.0130 -.0080/-.0130
Amount of travel. Shaft extension and +.0000 3.250 / 3.750 .875 .438 .313
22.0000 / 24.0000 -.0110/-.0140 -.0090/-.0140
separation. 24.0000 / 26.0000
-.0120/-.0150 -.0100/-.0150
3.750 / 4.500 1.000 .500 .375
4.500 / 5.500 1.250 .625 .438
Series FD, FDC — Disconnect Type: 5.500 / 6.500 1.500 .750 .500
6.500 / 7.500 1.750 .875 .750
Specify which bore is to be in the .................
7.500 / 9.000 2.000 1.000 .750
disengaging hub. Describe shifting 9.000 / 11.000 2.500 1.250 .875
mechanism. 11.000 / 13.000 3.000 1.500 1.000
13.000 / 15.000 3.500 1.750 1.250
Series FPH, FSPH — Shear Pin: State shear 15.000 / 18.000 4.000 - 1.500
torque and quantity of spare shear pins. 18.000 / 22.000 5.000 - 1.750
22.000 / 26.000 6.000 - 2.000
Limited End Float Variation: Specify allowable
end float.

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Series F Flexible Couplings
Sizes 200-207

Flanged Sleeve —
Double-Engagement Type
Application: Meets requirements of all
standard applications for shaft sizes up
to 10.25 diameter. Compensates for all A
three types of misalignment. DIA.

Description: Amerigear 200 Series F ...........
Flexible Coupling is designed with
bolted center flanges to facilitate
installation and alignment. Optimum F

separation of gear meshes permits high DIA.

parallel offset capacity. Flanged-sleeve

design makes possible minimum
Lube Plug
distances between bearing housings to 2 @ 180˚
Each Flange
facilitate shaft alignment. In addition,
200 Series hubs are designed with a E
greater bore capacity. G

SIZE 200 THRU 207

Maximum Bore Load Capacity DIMENSIONS

Parallel HP Per Torque
F Square Reduced Offset 100 in.-Lbs
Size Key Key Capacity R.P.M. x 103 A B C D E F G**
* 200 .81 .88 .023 3 1.9 2.94 1.25 1.06 .12 2.25 1.94 2.88
* 201 1.25 1.31 .042 5 3.2 3.56 1.75 1.38 .12 2.88 2.56 3.50
* 2011/4 1.63 1.75 .057 12 7.6 4.00 2.25 1.69 .12 3.50 3.00 4.12
2011/2 2.25 2.38 .058 27 17.0 6.00 3.12 1.94 .12 4.00 3.92 4.75
202 2.75 2.88 .079 50 31.5 7.00 4.00 2.44 .12 5.00 4.86 6.00
2021/2 3.50 3.75 .102 85 53.6 8.38 4.88 3.03 .19 6.25 5.86 7.25
203 4.00 4.25 .119 150 94.5 9.44 5.75 3.59 .19 7.38 6.86 8.50
2031/2 4.50 4.75 .142 225 142.0 11.00 6.50 4.19 .25 8.62 7.88 10.00
204 5.50 5.88 .164 340 214.0 12.50 7.75 4.75 .25 9.75 9.22 11.00
2041/2 6.25 6.75 .187 515 324.0 13.62 9.00 5.31 .31 10.94 10.35 12.25
205 6.62 6.75 .218 660 416.0 15.31 9.50 6.03 .31 12.38 11.44 13.75
2051/2 7.50 7.62 .245 875 551.0 16.56 10.50 6.62 .31 13.56 12.69 15.25
206 8.25 8.62 .275 1,190 750.0 18.00 11.75 7.41 .31 15.12 13.75 16.50
207 9.62 10.25 .314 1,640 1,033.0 20.75 13.50 8.69 .38 17.75 16.00 19.25

* Sizes 200, 201 and 2011/4 flange fasteners are self-locking socket head cap screws - one flange tapped.
Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
**Clearance for aligning coupling.
Sizes 206 AND 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts.
Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Center flange details, page 41. Additional details, page 42.
Weights and WR2, page 38. Modifications and variations, pages 23-28. Maximum speeds, page 34.
Combined angular and parallel offset should not exceed ± 11/2° per gear mesh.

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series F Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• ±11/2° angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh. • Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and sleeves.
• Torque ratings at full misalignment - in excess of normal • Positive-type 0-ring seals keep lubricant in ...
requirements for average applications. contaminants out. Seals enshrouded to prevent damage.

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Series F Flexible Couplings
Sizes 208-230

Flanged Sleeve —
Double-Engagement Type
Application: Meets requirements of severe
service conditions and larger shaft sizes
up to 46” diameter. Compensates for all F
three types of misalignment. DIA. B
C C F’
Description: Heavy-duty Amerigear A

Series F Flexible Coupling (Sizes 208- Optional Bolt Thru

DIA. Seal Retainer
230) contains the same basic design
features as Series F (Sizes 200-207),
described on page 8 . . . however,
misalignment capacity is ± 3/4°. Major Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚
components are fully-machined from Each Flange
medium carbon steel.
SIZE 208 THRU 230


HP Per Torque Offset Opt. Bolt Through Seal Retainer
F 100 In.-Lbs. Capacity Parallel
Size RPM x106 In. A B C D E F G Offset F’ G’
208 2,380 1.50 .164 23.25 15.62 9.75 .38 19.88 18.38 8.38 .164 20.62 8.38
209 2,700 1.70 .181 26.00 17.50 10.75 .50 22.00 20.50 9.19 .181 22.75 9.19
210 3,300 2.08 .200 28.00 19.00 12.00 .50 24.50 22.38 10.00 .200 25.12 10.00
211 5,800 3.65 .216 30.50 21.00 13.00 .50 26.50 24.75 10.91 .216 26.75 10.91
212 7,700 4.86 .228 33.00 23.00 14.00 .50 28.50 26.75 11.59 .228 28.75 11.59
213 10,000 6.31 .249 35.75 25.00 15.00 .75 30.75 28.75 12.47 .249 30.75 12.47
214 12,700 8.02 .262 38.00 27.00 16.00 .75 32.75 30.75 13.09 .262 32.75 13.09
215 15,300 9.65 .275 40.50 29.00 17.00 .75 34.75 32.75 13.72 .275 35.50 13.72
216 17,400 10.96 .203 44.50 30.50 18.00 1.00 37.00 35.50 11.34 .294 39.50 14.84
218 23,200 14.62 .203 48.50 34.50 20.00 1.00 41.00 39.50 11.47 .347 43.50 16.97
220 30,000 18.95 .203 52.50 38.50 22.00 1.00 45.00 43.50 11.59 .399 48.00 19.09
222 38,000 23.98 .203 58.00 42.50 24.00 1.00 49.00 48.00 11.75 .451 52.00 21.50
224 48,800 30.72 .203 62.88 46.50 26.00 1.00 53.00 52.00 11.91 .504 56.00 23.41
226 63,000 39.70 .203 69.00 50.00 28.00 1.00 57.00 57.00 12.22 .556 61.00 25.72
228 81,900 51.61 .203 73.00 54.00 30.00 1.00 61.00 61.00 12.69 .609 65.00 28.13
230 94,800 59.70 .203 77.00 58.00 32.00 1.00 65.00 65.00 12.69 .609 69.00 28.13

*If higher torque capacity is required and size is restricted, consult Ameridrives.
Center flange details, page 41. Additional details, page 43. Weights and WR2, page 39. Modifications and variations, pages 23-28. Larger sizes
available. Maximum speeds, page 34.
Sizes 208-230 have exposed bolts (EB).


1 SQUARE KEY 1 REDUCED KEY 2 SQUARE KEYS 2 REDUCED KEYS Note: Single keys not recommended for sizes
Keyway Keyway Keyways Keyways
F Bore W. - H. -
Max. Max. Max.
Bore W. - H. - K* Bore W. - H. - Bore W. - H. - K*
214 and larger. Consult Ameridrives if double
Size lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches keys not practical.
208 11.250 2.500 1.250 12.250 2.500 .812 6.823 12.000 1.750 .875 12.750 1.750 .625 6.953
209 12.250 3.000 1.500 13.375 3.000 1.000 7.531 13.500 2.000 1.000 14.500 2.000 .688 7.875
210 13.750 3.000 1.500 15.000 3.000 1.000 8.360 14.875 2.000 1.000 15.750 2.000 .688 8.500
211 14.250 3.500 1.750 15.250 3.500 1.250 8.703 15.500 2.750 1.375 16.500 2.750 .875 9.000
212 15.250 3.750 1.875 16.250 3.750 1.375 9.281 17.000 3.000 1.500 18.000 3.000 1.000 9.937
213 16.250 4.000 2.000 17.250 4.000 1.500 9.875 18.500 3.250 1.625 19.500 3.250 1.125 10.750
214 20.000 3.500 1.750 21.000 3.500 1.250 11.625
215 21.500 3.500 1.750 22.500 3.500 1.250 12.375
216 23.000 3.750 1.875 24.000 3.750 1.375 13.250
218 26.000 4.000 2.000 27.000 4.000 1.500 14.875
220 29.000 4.500 2.250 30.000 4.500 1.750 16.562
222 31.750 5.000 2.500 33.000 5.000 1.875 18.187
*Maximum distance from bottom of keyway to
224 34.500 6.000 3.000 36.000 6.000 2.250 20.000 bore axis.
226 37.000 6.000 3.000 39.000 6.000 2.250 21.562
228 40.000 6.000 3.000 42.000 6.000 2.250 23.062 Maximum bores and puller hole data, page 40.
230 44.000 6.000 3.000 46.000 6.000 2.250 25.062

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 9

Series FS Flexible Couplings
Sizes 200-207
Flanged Sleeve —
Single-Engagement Type
Application: Used primarily in tandem pairs,
connected by intermediate floating shaft
or as individual unit in conjunction with a A
driver or driven shaft having a self-aligning DIA. C C B
support bearing. When used singly, DIA.
compensates for angular misalignment
Description: Amerigear Series FS DIA.
Flexible Coupling consists of one
standard flexible half coupling and one
Lube Plug
rigid half. The bolted center flanges 2 @ 180˚
facilitate installation and alignment.

If used in tandem assemblies, see SIZE 200 THRU 207

page 24 for shaft sizes and page 37
for speed limits.

Max. Bore Flex Half Max. Bore Rigid Half Load Capacity DIMENSIONS
HP Per Torque
F Square Reduced Square Reduced 100 In.-Lbs
Size Key Key Key Key R.P.M. x 103 A B C C´ D E F G*
* 200 .81 .88 1.31 1.38 3 1.9 2.94 1.25 1.06 1.05 .08 2.19 1.94 1.94
* 201 1.25 1.31 1.75 1.88 5 3.2 3.56 1.75 1.38 1.23 .08 2.69 2.56 2.56
* 2011/4 1.63 1.75 2.00 2.13 12 7.6 4.00 2.25 1.69 1.48 .08 3.25 3.00 3.00
2011/2 2.25 2.38 2.69 2.88 27 17.0 6.00 3.12 1.94 1.78 .16 3.88 3.92 3.92
202 2.75 2.88 3.25 3.50 50 31.5 7.00 4.00 2.44 2.28 .16 4.88 4.86 4.86
2021/2 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 85 53.6 8.38 4.88 3.03 2.91 .19 6.12 5.86 5.86
203 4.00 4.25 4.62 5.00 150 94.5 9.44 5.75 3.59 3.41 .19 7.19 6.86 6.86
2031/2 4.50 4.75 5.38 5.75 225 142.0 11.00 6.50 4.19 3.97 .22 8.38 7.88 7.88
204 5.50 5.88 6.25 6.75 340 214.0 12.50 7.75 4.75 4.44 .31 9.50 9.22 9.22
2041/2 6.25 6.75 6.88 7.38 515 324.0 13.62 9.00 5.31 5.00 .34 10.66 10.35 10.18
205 6.62 6.75 7.88 8.38 660 416.0 15.31 9.50 6.03 5.75 .34 12.12 11.44 11.44
2051/2 7.50 7.62 8.75 9.25 875 551.0 16.56 10.50 6.62 6.12 .34 13.09 12.69 12.69
206 8.25 8.62 9.38 9.88 1,190 750.0 18.00 11.75 7.41 7.16 .41 14.97 13.75 13.75
207 9.62 10.25 10.75 11.50 1,640 1,033.0 20.75 13.50 8.69 8.44 .50 17.62 16.00 15.75

* Sizes 200, 201 and 2011/4 flange fasteners are self-locking socket head cap screws - rigid flange tapped.
Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts.
Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Center flange details, page 41. Additional details, page 42.
Weights and WR2, page 38. Modifications and variations, pages 23-28. Maximum speeds, page 34.
Combined angular and parallel offset should not exceed ± 11/2° per gear mesh.
Pilot rings available see page 41 for dimensions of pilot rings.

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series FS Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• ±11/2° angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh. Used • Positive-type O-ring seals keep lubricant in ...
singly, can only accommodate angular misalignment. contaminants out. Seals enshrouded to prevent damage.
• Torque ratings at full misalignment - in excess of normal
requirements for average applications.
• Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and sleeves.

10 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series FS Flexible Couplings
Sizes 208-230
Flanged Sleeve —
Single-Engagement Type
Application: Meets requirements of
severe service conditions and larger shaft
sizes up to 49” diameter. Used primarily
in tandem pairs, connected by ........................ H
intermediate floating shaft... or as individual D Optional Bolt Thru
unit in conjunction with a driver or driven A Seal Retainer
shaft having a self-aligning bearing. When DIA.
used singly, compensates for angular
misalignment only.
Description: Amerigear Series FS Flexible ........ Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚
Coupling (Sizes 208-230) contains the
same basic design features as Series FS
(Sizes 200-207), described on page 10 ... SIZE 208 THRU 230
however, angular misalignment capacity is
± 3/4°. Major components are fully-
machined from medium carbon steel.

Optional Bolt Through

HP Per Torque
FS 100 In.-Lbs.
Size RPM x106 A B C C´ D E F G H F´ G´
208 2,380 1.50 23.25 15.62 9.75 9.62 .50 19.88 18.38 8.38 18.00 20.62 8.38
209 2,700 1.70 26.00 17.50 10.75 10.69 .56 22.00 20.50 9.19 20.00 22.75 9.19
210 3,300 2.08 28.00 19.00 12.00 11.88 .62 24.50 22.38 10.00 22.00 25.12 10.00
211 5,800 3.65 30.50 21.00 13.00 12.88 .62 26.50 24.75 10.91 24.75 26.75 10.91
212 7,700 4.86 33.00 23.00 14.00 13.88 .62 28.50 26.75 11.59 26.75 28.75 11.59
213 10,000 6.31 35.75 25.00 15.00 15.00 .75 30.75 28.75 12.47 28.75 30.75 12.47
214 12,700 8.02 38.00 27.00 16.00 16.00 .75 32.75 30.75 13.09 30.75 32.75 13.09
215 15,300 9.65 40.50 29.00 17.00 17.00 .75 34.75 32.75 13.72 32.75 35.50 13.72
216 17,400 10.96 44.50 30.50 18.00 18.00 1.00 37.00 35.50 11.34 35.50 39.50 14.84
218 23,200 14.62 48.50 34.50 20.00 20.00 1.00 41.00 39.50 11.47 39.50 43.50 16.97
220 30,000 18.95 52.50 38.50 22.00 22.00 1.00 45.00 43.50 11.59 43.50 48.00 19.09
222 38,000 23.98 58.00 42.50 24.00 23.88 1.12 49.00 48.00 11.75 48.00 52.00 21.50
224 48,800 30.72 62.88 46.50 26.00 25.88 1.12 53.00 52.00 11.91 52.00 56.00 23.41
226 63,000 39.70 69.00 50.00 28.00 27.88 1.12 57.00 57.00 12.22 57.00 61.00 25.72
228 81,900 51.61 73.00 54.00 30.00 29.88 1.12 61.00 61.00 12.69 61.00 65.00 28.13
230 94,800 59.70 77.00 58.00 32.00 31.88 1.12 65.00 65.00 12.69 65.00 69.00 28.13

*If higher torque capacity is required and size is restricted, consult Ameridrives. Larger sizes available.
Sizes 208-230 have exposed bolts (EB). Center flange details, page 41. Additional details, page 43. Maximum speeds, page 34.
Weights and WR2, page 39. Modifications and variations, pages 23-28.


1 SQUARE KEY 1 REDUCED KEY 2 SQUARE KEYS 2 REDUCED KEYS For flexible hub bore capacity (page 9)
Max. Keyway Keyway
Max. Max. Max. Keyways Keyways
and puller hole data (page 40) use infor-
F Bore W. - H. - Bore W. - H. - K* Bore W. - H. - Bore W. - H. - K*
Size lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches lnches mation for series F.
208 11.500 3.000 1.500 12.500 3.000 1.000 7.062 12.375 2.000 1.000 13.000 2.000 .688 7.109
209 12.750 3.250 1.625 13.750 3.250 1.125 7.812 14.000 2.250 1.125 14.750 2.250 .750 8.031
210 14.500 3.500 1.750 15.250 3.500 1.250 8.796 15.500 2.750 1.375 16.250 2.750 .875 8.984
211 15.250 3.750 1.875 16.250 3.750 1.375 9.281 16.750 3.000 1.500 17.750 3.000 1.000 9.750
212 16.250 4.000 2.000 17.250 4.000 1.500 9.828 18.250 3.250 1.625 19.250 3.250 1.125 10.609
If used in tandem assemblies,
213 19.750 3.500 1.750 20.750 3.500 1.250 11.468 consult Ameridrives for shaft size
214 21.500 3.750 1.875 22.500 3.750 .375 12.468 and speed limits
215 23.000 3.750 1.875 24.000 3.750 .375 13.234
216 24.500 4.000 2.000 25.500 4.000 .500 14.093
218 27.750 4.500 2.250 28.750 4.500 .750 15.953
220 30.500 5.000 2.500 31.750 5.000 .875 17.546
*Maximum distance from bottom of
222 34.000 5.500 2.750 35.000 5.500 2.250 19.531
224 37.000 6.000 3.000 38.000 6.000 2.500 21.265 keyway to bore axis. Reference drawing
226 40.000 6.500 3.250 41.000 6.500 2.750 23.000 on page 40.
228 44.000 6.500 3.250 45.000 6.500 2.750 25.062
230 48.000 7.000 3.500 49.000 7.000 3.000 27.250

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 11

Series FM, FS Flexible Couplings
Sizes 201 1/2 - 206

Flanged Sleeve —
*BORE TAPER 1 1/4” E’
Double- and Single-Engagement Mill PER FT. ON DIA.
Motor Type
Application: Designed for modern mill
motor applications and standards O” D
demanding quick change-out of
equipment for continuous and SERIES FM C DIA. DIA.
H* “K”
uninterrupted operation.

Description: Amerigear Series FM and FMS F

Flexible Couplings are designed
with bolted center flanges to facilitate
installation and alignment. Optimum Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚
separation of gear meshes permits *BORE TAPER 1 1/4” Each Flange
relatively high parallel offset capacity. E2
Flanged-sleeve design makes possible
minimum distances between bearing “G” KEYWAY

housings to facilitate shaft alignment.

O” D2
J C2

Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚

Load Capacity DIMENSIONS

FM, HP Per Torque Offset FM FMS
FMS 100 In.-Lbs Capacity
Size R.P.M. x 103 In. A B F F´ ` C D C2 D
2011/2 27 17.0 .058 6.00 3.12 3.92 3.92 1.94 .12 1.78 .16
202 50 31.5 .079 7.00 4.00 4.86 4.86 2.44 .12 2.28 .16
2021/2 85 53.6 .102 8.38 4.88 5.86 5.86 3.03 .19 2.91 .19
203 150 94.5 .119 9.44 5.75 6.86 6.86 3.59 .19 3.41 .19
2031/2 225 142.0 .142 11.00 6.50 7.88 7.88 4.19 .25 3.97 .22
204 340 214.0 .164 12.50 7.75 9.22 9.22 4.75 .25 4.44 .31
2041/2 515 324.0 .187 13.62 9.00 10.35 10.18 5.31 .31 5.00 .34
205 660 416.0 .218 15.31 9.50 11.44 11.44 6.03 .31 5.75 .34
2051/2 875 551.0 .245 16.56 10.50 12.69 12.69 6.62 .31 6.12 .34
206 1,190 750.0 .275 18.00 11.75 13.75 13.75 7.41 .31 7.16 .41

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series FM-FMS Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• Series FM compensates for all three types of misalignment. • Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and sleeves.
Series FMS compensates for angular misalignment.
• Positive-type O-ring seals keep lubricant in ...
• ±11/2° angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh. contaminants out. Seals enshrouded to prevent damage.
• Torque ratings at full 11/2° misalignment.

12 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series FM, FS Flexible Couplings
Sizes 201 1/2 - 206


Size Frame No. C´ O K J Keyway @Large End D´ E´ D2 E2
2011/2 602 802 3.16 — .16 2.81 .500 x .250 1.7485/1.7495 .91 6.00 .94 5.88
603,604 803,804 3.72 — .22 2.81 .500 x .250 1.998/1.999 .91 6.56 .94 6.44
602 802 3.00 .19 .500 x .250 1.7485/1.7495 1.06 6.50 1.09 6.38
202 603,604 803,804 3.50 .12 .500 x .250 1.998/1.999 1.12 7.06 1.16 6.94
606 806 4.00 — .500 x .250 2.498/2.499 1.25 7.69 1.28 7.56
602 802 3.00 .55 .500 x .250 1.7485/1.7495 1.12 7.16 1.12 7.03
603,604 803,804 3.50 .48 .500 x .250 1.998/1.999 1.19 7.72 1.19 7.59
2021/2 606 806 4.00 .36 .500 x .250 2.498/2.499 1.31 8.34 1.31 8.22
608 808 4.50 .23 .750 x .250 2.998/2.999 1.44 8.97 1.44 8.84
610 810 4.50 .11 .750 x .250 3.248/3.249 1.56 9.09 1.56 8.97
612 812 5.02 — .015 4.25 .750 x .250 3.623/3.624 1.67 9.72 1.67 9.59
604 804 3.50 .75 .500 x .250 1.998/1.999 1.19 8.28 1.19 8.09
606 806 4.00 .62 .500 x .250 2.498/2.499 1.31 8.91 1.31 8.72
203 608 808 4.50 .50 .750 x .250 2.998/2.999 1.44 9.53 1.44 9.34
610 810 4.50 .38 .750 x .250 3.248/3.249 1.56 9.66 1.56 9.47
612 812 5.00 .25 .750 x .250 3.623/3.624 1.69 10.28 1.69 10.09
614 814 5.00 .12 1.000 x .375 4.2470/4.2485 1.81 10.41 1.81 10.22
606 806 4,00 .97 .500 x .250 2.498/2.499 1.38 9.50 1.34 9.31
608 808 4.50 .84 .750 x .250 2.998/2.999 1.50 10.19 1.47 9.94
2031/2 610 810 4.50 .72 .750 x .250 3.248/3.249 1.62 10.31 1.59 10.06
612 812 5.00 .59 .750 x .250 3.623/3.624 1.75 10.94 1.72 10.69
614 814 5.00 .47 1.000 x .375 4.2470/4.2485 1.88 11.06 1.84 10.81
616 816 5.50 .34 1.250 x .375 4.6220/4.6235 2.00 11.69 1.97 11.44
610 810 4.50 1.06 .750 x .250 3.248/3.249 1:62 10.88 1.69 10.62
612 812 5.00 .94 .750 x .250 3.623/3.624 1.75 11.50 1.81 11.25
204 614 814 5.00 .81 1.000 x .375 4.2470/4.2485 1.88 11.62 1.94 11.38
616 816 5.50 .69 1.250 x .375 4.6220/4.6235 2.00 12.25 2.06 12.00
618 818 6.00 1.12 1.250 x .500 4.9970/4.9985 1.56 12.31 1.62 12.06
612 812 5.00 1.30 .750 x .250 3.623/3.624 1.81 12.12 1.84 11.84
614 814 5.00 1.17 1.000 x. 375 4.2470/4.2485 1.94 12.25 1.97 11.97
2041/2 616 816 5.50 1.05 1.250 x. 375 4.6220/4.6235 2.06 12.88 2.09 12.59
618 818 6.00 1.48 1.250 x. 500 4.9970/4.9985 1.62 12.94 1.66 12.66
620 — 6.75 1.05 1.500 x .750 5.8720/5.8735 2.06 14.12 2.09 13.84
614 814 5.00 1.70 1.000 x .375 4.2470/4.2485 1.94 12.97 1.97 12.72
616 816 5.50 1.58 1.250 x .375 4.6220/4.6235 2.06 13.59 2.09 13.34
205 618 818 6.00 2.02 1.250 x .500 4.9970/4.9985 1.62 13.66 1.66 13.41
620 — 6.75 1.58 1.500 x .750 5.8720/5.8735 2.06 14.84 2.09 14.59
622 — 7.25 .95 1.500 x .750 6.2470/6.2485 2.69 15.97 2.72 15.72
616 816 5.50 2.03 1.250 x .375 4.6220/4.6235 2.06 14.19 2.09 13.72
618 818 6.00 2.47 1.250 x .500 4.9970/4.9985 1.62 14.25 1.66 13.78
2051/2 620 — 6.75 2.03 1.500 x .750 5.8720/5.8735 2.06 15.44 2.09 14.97
622 — 7.25 1.41 1.500 x .750 6.2470/6.2485 2.69 16.56 2.72 16.09
624 — 9.25 1.41 1.500 x .750 6.9970/6.9985 2.69 18.56 2.72 18.09
616 816 5.50 2.53 1.250 x .375 4.6220/4.6235 2.06 14.97 2.16 14.81
618 818 6.00 2.97 1.250 x .500 4.9970/4.9985 1.62 15.03 1.72 14.88
206 620 — 6.75 2.53 1.500 x .750 5.8720/5.8735 2.06 16.22 2.16 16.06
622 — 7.25 1.91 1.500 x .750 6.2470/6.2485 2.69 17.34 2.78 17.19
624 — 9.25 1.91 1.500 x .750 6.9970/6.9985 2.69 19.34 2.78 19.19
All mill motor flanges have exposed bolts (EB). Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40.
For frame sizes not shown in AISE column and for other taper bore applications, size coupling using load capacities on
page 12 and service factors on page 6.
Modifications and variations, pages 23-28.
Maximum speeds, page 34.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 13

Series FA, FAS Flexible Couplings

A multitude of applications exist for axial

travel or “slide” couplings. All gear-type
couplings permit a minimal amount of
travel to accommodate for bearing wear,
shaft or rotor float, or thermal
expansions. But many drive systems
require a greater amount of travel. To fill
these requirements Ameridrives has
developed a series of axial travel
couplings to accommodate most travel
requirements. The FA Series includes
three coupling styles. The FAS Series
includes two styles. The chart below
shows the make up of each. If further
assistance is required in selecting or
designing a coupling with axial travel FA STYLE Ill ILLUSTRATED FAS STYLE I ILLUSTRATED
capacity other than what is shown,
consult Ameridrives or your local sales of-


Coupling Style
Type No. Hub Type Sleeve Type Hub Type Sleeve Type

FA I Standard Hub Modified Modified Standard Universal Hub Modified Modified Standard

FA Ill Universal Hub Modified Modified Standard Universal Hub Modified Modified Standard

FA X Standard Modified Standard Special Long -w/Lip Seal

FAS I Rigid – Universal Hub Modified Standard

FAS v Rigid – Special Long -w/Lip Seal

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series FA and FAS Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• Fully-Crowned Gear Teeth–assures smooth action • Positive-type O-ring seals keep lubricant in…
when adjusting for axial displacement with minimum contaminants out. Seals enshrouded to prevent damage.
resistance to slide. • Many Series FA hubs are modified standard stock
• ± 1⁄2˚ angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh. If components.
greater capacity is required, consult Ameridrives. • Many designs available to accommodate most travel
• Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and requirements.

14 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series FA, Style I, III Flexible Couplings
Sizes 201 1/2 - 207


End A
Standard Hub Modified
Standard Sleeve Modified
End B
Universal Hub Modified D D
Standard Sleeve Modified C D C
Style III F F
End A
Universal Hub Modified
Standard Sleeve Modified
End B
Universal Hub Modified
Standard Sleeve Modified
Lube Plug Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚ 2 @ 180˚
FA STYLE I Each Flange FA STYLE III Flange

FA Parallel
Style I Offset Max.
Size Capacity A B C C´ D D´ E F Travel
2011⁄2 .016 6.00 3.12 1.94 1.84 .31 .64 4.42 3.92 .33
202 .020 7.00 4.00 2.44 2.34 .31 .98 5.76 4.86 .67
2021⁄2 .026 8.38 4.88 3.03 2.94 .38 1.30 7.26 5.86 .92
203 .029 9.44 5.75 3.59 3.50 .38 1.61 8.70 6.86 1.23
2031⁄2 .035 11.00 6.50 4.19 4.09 .44 1.91 10.19 7.88 1.47
204 .039 12.50 7.75 4.75 4.56 .62 2.42 11.73 9.22 1.80
2041⁄2 .046 13.62 9.00 5.31 5.12 .69 2.52 12.95 10.35 1.83
205 .053 15.31 9.50 6.03 5.84 .69 2.98 14.86 11.44 2.30
2051⁄2 .058 16.56 10.50 6.62 6.44 .69 3.47 16.53 12.69 2.78
206 .069 18.00 11.75 7.41 7.16 .81 3.34 17.91 13.75 2.53
207 .084 20.75 13.50 8.69 8.38 1.00 3.62 20.69 16.00 2.62

FA Parallel
Style III Offset Max
Size Capacity A B C D D´ E F Travel

2011⁄2 .013 6.00 3.12 1.94 .31 .97 4.84 3.93 .66
202 .014 7.00 4.00 2.44 .31 1.66 6.53 4.86 1.34
2021⁄2 .018 8.38 4.88 3.03 .38 2.22 8.28 5.88 1.84
203 .018 9.44 5.75 3.59 .38 2.84 10.03 6.88 2.46
2031⁄2 .022 11.00 6.50 4.19 .44 3.38 11.75 7.91 2.94
204 .023 12.50 7.75 4.75 .62 4.22 13.72 9.24 3.60
2041⁄2 .030 13.62 9.00 5.31 .69 4.34 14.97 10.37 3.66
205 .032 15.31 9.50 6.03 .69 5.28 17.34 11.44 4.60
2051⁄2 .033 16.56 10.50 6.62 .69 6.25 19.50 12.69 5.56
206 .047 18.00 11.75 7.41 .81 5.88 20.69 13.75 5.06
207 .061 20.75 13.50 8.69 1.00 6.25 23.62 16.00 5.25

***Combined angular and parallel offset should not exceed ± 1⁄2˚ per gear mesh.
Sizes 2011⁄2-2051⁄2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) available upon request - no additional cost.
For maximum bores and load capacity, use Series F information, page 8.
Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Center flange details, page 41.
Travel and dimension "E" may be decreased by varying D and D´ (consult Ameridrives). Max speeds, page 34.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 15

Series FA, Style X Flexible Couplings
Sizes 204 - 207

Style X
END A S 3/16 END B
End A
Standard Hub
Standard Sleeve
End B Q
Special Hub
Long Sleeve with Lip Seal
R L M B’

Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚
Each Flange



Coupling Flex Half
Size End “B”
Style X Square Key A E G F S B B´ C, M H L
204 4.50 12.50 17.89 4.46 9.22 4.87 7.75 7.00 4.75 12.83 8.75
2041⁄2 5.50 13.62 19.28 4.98 10.35 5.47 9.00 8.38 5.31 13.62 8.44
205 6.31 15.31 20.41 5.67 11.44 6.19 9.50 9.00 6.03 14.03 8.22
2051⁄2 6.88 16.56 21.06 6.25 12.69 6.78 10.50 10.00 6.62 14.09 7.69
206 7.50 18.00 21.62 6.89 13.75 7.56 11.75 11.00 7.41 14.01 6.91
207 9.00 20.75 23.37 7.81 16.00 8.87 13.50 13.00 8.69 14.31 6.06

Hub-To-Hub Shaft-To-Shaft
Coupling O
Size Maximum
Style X N U V Travel Min. Max. Q R Min. Max.
204 13.50 1.06 .87 10.62 .44 11.06 .14 .12 8.81 19.44
2041⁄2 13.75 1.06 .87 11.00 .50 11.50 .16 .16 8.94 19.94
205 14.25 1.50 1.31 11.00 .50 11.50 .19 .16 8.72 19.72
2051⁄2 14.31 1.50 1.31 11.00 .50 11.50 .19 .16 8.19 19.19
206 14.31 1.00 .81 10.50 .50 11.00 .22 .16 7.41 17.91
207 14.75 1.12 .94 10.50 .56 11.06 .31 .19 6.56 17.12

For dimensions "B" and "C", see page 8.

Furnished with exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request - at additional cost.
For load capacity, use series "F" information, page 8.
Parallel offest capacity should be calculated with hub spacing at "P" (min), see page 39. Combined angular and parallel
offset should not exceed ± 1⁄2° per gear mesh.
For "A" end hub, maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40.
Travel (dimension "O") may be decreased by varying "P" (consult Ameridrives).
Maximum speeds, page 34.

16 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series FA Style I Flexible Couplings
Sizes 201 1/2 - 207

Flanged Sleeve —
Single-Engagement Axial Type
Style I
End A
Rigid Half A
End B E
Universal Hub Modified B
Standard Sleeve C’ D’ C

Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚


Size A B C C’ D D´ E F G Axial Travel
2011⁄2 6.00 3.12 1.94 1.78 .16 .48 3.92 3.92 4.20 .33
202 7.00 4.00 2.44 2.28 .16 .83 4.86 4.86 5.55 .67
2021⁄2 8.38 4.88 3.03 2.91 .19 1.11 5.86 5.86 7.05 .92
203 9.44 5.75 3.59 3.41 .19 1.42 6.86 6.86 8.42 1.23
2031⁄2 11.00 6.50 4.19 3.97 .22 1.69 7.88 7.88 9.84 1.47
204 12.50 7.75 4.75 4.44 .31 2.11 9.22 9.22 11.30 1.80
2041⁄2 13.62 9.00 5.31 5.00 .34 2.17 10.18 10.35 12.48 1.83
205 15.31 9.50 6.03 5.75 .34 2.64 11.44 11.44 14.42 2.30
2051⁄2 16.56 10.50 6.62 6.12 .34 3.12 12.69 12.69 15.88 2.78
206 18.00 11.75 7.41 7.16 .41 3.19 13.75 13.75 17.75 2.78
207 20.75 13.50 8.69 8.44 .50 3.44 15.75 16.00 20.56 2.94

Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts.
Angularity should not exceed ± 1⁄2° per gear mesh at shaft spacing of "D".
Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Center flange details, page 41
For maximum bores and load capacity, use series FS information, page 10. Maximum speeds, page 34.

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series FAS Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• Fully-Crowned Gear Teeth ­— assures smooth action when • Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and
adjusting for axial displacement with minimum resistance sleeves.
to slide. • Positive-type O-ring seals keep lubricant in ...
• ± 1⁄2° angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh at contaminants out. Seals enshrouded to prevent damage.
minimum separation of hub and rigid half. When used in tandem • Many designs available to accommodate most travel
pairs and connected by an intermediate floating shaft, amount requirements.
of offset misalignment capacity is determined by the distance
between gear meshes. By mounting flexible halves on
floating shaft, advantage may be taken of larger bore capacity of
rigid half. By mounting rigid halves on floating shaft, more
parallel offset is available. See page 39 for calculations.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 17

Series FAS, Style V Flexible Couplings
Sizes 204 - 207

Style V
End A
Rigid Half END A U V END B
End B
Special Hub
Long Sleeve with Lip Seal

F’ C’ D’ C² B A


Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚

* See page 10 for "D" dimension and add .188 for plate thickness.


Style V Max. Bore Max. Bore
Size Square Key Square Key A B C´ C2 D’ E
204 4.50 6.25 12.50 7.00 4.44 13.50 10.75 29.06
2041⁄2 5.50 6.88 13.62 8.38 5.00 13.75 11.16 30.28
205 6.31 6.88 15.31 9.00 5.75 14.25 11.16 31.53
2051⁄2 6.88 8.75 16.56 10.00 6.12 14.31 11.16 31.97
206 7.50 9.38 18.00 11.00 7.16 14.31 10.66 32.56
207 9.00 10.75 20.75 13.00 8.44 14.75 10.69 34.38

Style V
Size F F´ G H S U V Axial Travel
204 9.22 9.22 8.75 4.75 19.88 1.06 .88 10.62
2041⁄2 10.35 10.18 8.44 5.31 19.97 1.06 .88 11.00
205 11.44 11.44 8.22 6.03 19.75 1.50 1.31 11.00
2051⁄2 12.69 12.69 7.69 6.62 19.22 1.50 1.31 11.00
206 13.75 13.75 6.91 7.41 18.00 1.00 .81 10.50
207 16.00 15.75 6.06 8.69 17.25 1.12 .94 10.50

Sizes 204 - 2051⁄2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request - no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts.
Angularity should not exceed ± 1⁄2° per gear mesh at shaft spacing of "D".
For load capacity, use series FS information, page 10.
Maximum speeds, page 34.

18 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series FE Flexible Couplings

Flanged Sleeve — Spacer Type

Application:Description: LENGTH



2 2


Spacer Length Spacer
FE Removal
Size A C G H SB EB Clearance “J”
200 2.94 1.06 1.50 1.75 1.00 — .125
201 3.56 1.38 2.12 2.38 1.00 — .125
201¼ 4.00 1.69 2.38 2.75 1.00 — .125
2011⁄2 6.00 1.94 3.23 3.75 2.75 2.75 .125
202 7.00 2.44 4.19 4.81 2.75 3.25 .125
202 ⁄
8.38 3.03 5.06 5.66 3.25 4.00 .188
203 9.44 3.59 5.97 6.64 3.25 4.00 .188
2031⁄2 11.00 4.19 6.78 7.38 4.12 4.66 .250
204 12.50 4.75 8.06 8.62 4.12 4.66 .250
2041⁄2 13.62 5.31 9.36 9.94 4.12 4.66 .313
205 15.31 6.03 9.92 10.75 5.62 5.25 .313
2051⁄2 16.56 6.62 10.98 11.75 5.62 5.25 .313
206 18.00 7.41 11.31 12.19 — 4.88 .313
207 20.75 8.69 13.00 13.88 — 5.12 .375

* Refer to series "F" coupling for additional dimensions, page 8.

** Minimum flanged spacer lengths determined by required bolt removal clearance.
Sizes 200, 201, and 2011⁄4 flange fasteners are self-locking socket head cap screws - spacer flange tapped.
Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts. See price guide for stock spacers.
See modifications section for variations including limited end float, pages 23-28.
Maximum speeds, page 34.
Pilot rings available at extra cost. See page 41 for pilot ring dimensions.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 19

Series FV Flexible Couplings
Sizes 200 - 207
Flanged Sleeve —
Double-Engagement Vertical Type F

Application: Meets requirements of

vertical shaft applications for shaft sizes
up to 10.25” diameter. Compensates for
all three types of misalignment. Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚
Each Flange
Description: Amerigear Series FV C
Flexible Coupling is designed with
bolted center flanges to facilitate
installation and alignment. The floating
sleeve assembly is supported by a plate
and thrust button inserted between the
coupling sleeves. Optimum separation C
of gear meshes permits relatively high
parallel offset capacity. Flanged sleeve
design makes possible minimum
distances between bearing housings
to facilitate shaft alignment. SERIES FV

Maximum Bore - Inches

Load Capacity DIMENSIONS
Flexible Shaft
HP Per Torque Parallel
FV Square Reduced 100 In.-Lbs. Offset
Size Key Key R.P.M. x103 Capacity A B C D E F
* 200 .81 .88 3 1.9 .023 2.94 1.25 1.06 .31 2.44 1.94
* 201 1.25 1.31 5 3.2 .042 3.56 1.75 1.38 .31 3.06 2.56
* 2011⁄4 1.63 1.75 12 7.6 .057 4.00 2.25 1.69 .31 3.69 3.00
2011⁄2 2.25 2.38 27 17.0 .058 6.00 3.12 1.94 .44 4.31 3.93
202 2.75 2.88 50 31.5 .079 7.00 4.00 2.28 .44 5.00 4.86
2021⁄2 3.50 3.75 85 53.6 .102 8.38 4.88 2.84 .56 6.25 5.88
203 4.00 4.25 150 94.5 .119 9.44 5.75 3.41 .56 7.38 6.88
2031⁄2 4.50 4.75 225 142.0 .142 11.00 6.50 3.97 .69 8.62 7.90
204 5.50 5.88 340 214.0 .164 12.50 7.75 4.44 .88 9.75 9.24
2041⁄2 6.25 6.75 515 324.0 .187 13.62 9.00 4.97 1.00 10.94 10.37
205 6.62 6.75 660 416.0 .218 15.31 9.50 5.69 1.00 12.38 11.44
2051⁄2 7.50 7.62 875 551.0 .245 16.56 10.50 6.28 1.00 13.56 12.69
206 8.25 8.62 1,190 750.0 .275 18.00 11.75 7.00 1.12 15.12 13.75
207 9.62 10.25 1,640 1,033.0 .314 20.75 13.50 8.12 1.50 17.75 16.00

* Sizes 200, 201 and 2011⁄4 flange fasteners are self-locking socket head cap screws - one flange tapped.
Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts.

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series FV and FVS Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• ± 11⁄2˚ angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh. • Positive-type O-ring seals keep lubricant in ... contaminants
out. Seals enshrouded to prevent damage.
• Torque ratings at full 1 ⁄2˚ misalignment.
• Advanced seal design (Series FV) configuration affords
• Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and sleeves. large bore capacity ... permits use of relatively small coupling.

Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Center flange details, page 41. Weights and WR2, page 38.
Additional details, page 42. Modifications and variations, pages 23-28. Maximum speeds, page 34
Thrust button bearing plate not normally required in lower hub. For shaft with large lathe centers, specify bearing plate when ordering.

20 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series FVS Flexible Couplings

Flanged Sleeve —
Single-Engagement Vertical Type B
Application: Used primarily in tandem pairs
for vertical installation, connected
Lube Plug
by intermediate floating shaft... or as 2 @ 180˚
individual unit in conjunction with a C
driver or driven shaft having a self-
aligning support bearing. When used
singly, compensates for angular
misalignment only.
Description: Amerigear Series FVS
Flexible Coupling consists of one
standard rigid half and one standard
flexible half coupling modified to
accept the thrust button plate. The
bolted center flanges facilitate
installation and alignment.

Maximum Bore Maximum Bore Load

Inches Inches DIMENSIONS
Flexible Half Rigid Half
HP Per Torque
FVS Square Reduced Square Reduced 100 In.-Lbs.
Size Key Key Key Key R.P.M. x103 A B C C´ D E F G
* 200 .81 .88 1.31 1.38 3 1.9 2.94 1.25 1.06 1.05 .25 2.36 1.94 1.94
* 201 1.25 1.31 1.75 1.88 5 3.2 3.56 1.75 1.38 1.23 .25 2.86 2.56 2.56
* 2011⁄4 1.63 1.75 2.00 2.13 12 7.6 4.00 2.25 1.69 1.48 .25 3.42 3.00 3.00
2011⁄2 2.25 2.38 2.69 2.88 27 17.0 6.00 3.12 1.94 1.78 .31 4.03 3.92 3.92
202 2.75 2.88 3.25 3.50 50 31.5 7.00 4.00 2.28 2.28 .31 4.88 4.86 4.86
2021⁄2 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 85 53.6 8.38 4.88 2.84 2.91 .38 6.12 5.86 5.86
203 4.00 4.25 4.62 5.00 150 94.5 9.44 5.75 3.41 3.41 .38 7.19 6.86 6.86
2031⁄2 4.50 4.75 5.38 5.75 225 142.0 11.00 6.50 3.97 3.97 .44 8.38 7.88 7.88
204 5.50 5.88 6.25 6.75 340 214.0 12.50 7.75 4.44 4.44 .62 9.50 9.22 9.22
2041⁄2 6.25 6.75 6.88 7.38 515 324.0 13.62 9.00 4.97 5.00 .68 10.66 10.35 10.18
205 6.62 6.75 7.88 8.38 660 416.0 15.31 9.50 5.69 5.75 .68 12.12 11.44 11.44
2051⁄2 7.50 7.62 8.75 9.25 875 551.0 16.56 10.50 6.28 6.12 .68 13.09 12.69 12.69
206 8.25 8.62 9.38 9.88 1,190 750.0 18.00 11.75 7.00 7.16 .84 15.00 13.75 13.75
207 9.62 10.25 10.75 11.50 1,640 1,033.0 20.75 13.50 8.12 8.44 1.06 17.62 16.00 15.75

* Sizes 200, 201 and 2011⁄4 flange fasteners are self-locking socket head cap screws - rigid flange tapped.
Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts.
Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Center flange details, page 41. Weights and WR2, page 38.
Thrust button bearing plate not normally required in flexible hub. For shaft with large lathe centers, specify bearing plate when ordering.
Additional details, page 42. Modifications and variations, pages 23-28. Maximum speeds, page 34.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 21

Series FPH, FSPH Flexible Couplings
Sizes 200 1/2 - 207

Flanged Sleeve — Double- and Single-..................

Engagement Shear Pin Type
Application: Used for applications where
peak torque or high shock load .................... H H

conditions exist and are greater than ...........

normal maximum starting torques. ...............
Coupling halves are assembled to both or J J
either side of a shear element assembly to F
C C’
accommodate all types of angular ............... B D D DIA. SUPPORT B D D’ DIA.
misalignment and axial float. Shear pins are K
designed to fail at a pre-determined OPTIONAL ARRANGEMENT
Lube Plug
value to protect connected equipment 2 @ 180˚
Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚
from damage. Each Flange
G L G G L G’
E E’
Description: Amerigear Series FPH and
FSPH Shear Pin Couplings have a shear
element bolted between the flanges.
The shear element consists of two fully SERIES FPH SERIES FSPH
machined plates, two lubricated sealed
radial thrust ball bearings, retaining ring,
retaining bolt and pin, shear pins and

Maximum Bore Maximum Bore Load Capacity Shear Section

FPH, Parallel
FSPH Square Reduced Square Reduced Offset HP Per Torque Weight WR2
Size Key Key Key Key Capacity 100 RPM In.Lbs. x 103 Lbs. Lb.-ln.2
2011⁄2 2.25 2.38 2.69 2.88 .097 27 17.0 18 119
202 2.75 2.88 3.25 3.50 .118 50 31.5 20 192
2021⁄2 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 .142 85 53.6 27 354
203 4.00 4.25 4.62 5.00 .182 150 94.5 68 1,302
2031⁄2 4.50 4.75 5.38 5.75 .205 225 142.0 88 2,113
204 5.50 5.88 6.25 6.75 .226 340 214.0 109 3,220
2041⁄2 6.25 6.75 6.88 7.38 .250 515 324.0 116 3,904
205 6.62 6.75 7.88 8.38 .298 660 416.0 205 9,402
2051⁄2 7.50 7.62 8.75 9.25 .326 875 551.0 232 12,190
206 8.25 8.62 9.38 9.88 .355 1,190 750.0 271 16,126
207 9.62 10.25 10.75 11.50 .394 1,640 1,033.0 — —

Size A B C C´ D D´ E E´ F F´ G G´ H J K L
2011⁄2 6.00 3.12 1.94 1.78 .06 .09 5.50 5.38 3.92 3.92 1.77 1.88 1.50 7.38 6.625 1.59
202 7.00 4.00 2.44 2.28 .06 .09 6.50 6.38 4.86 4.86 2.27 2.38 1.50 8.38 7.625 1.59
2021⁄2 8.38 4.88 3.03 2.91 .09 .09 7.75 7.62 5.86 5.86 2.81 3.00 1.50 9.75 9.000 1.59
203 9.44 5.75 3.59 3.41 .09 .09 9.75 9.56 6.86 6.86 3.39 3.50 2.38 11.94 10.438 2.50
2031⁄2 11.00 6.50 4.19 3.97 .12 .09 11.00 10.75 7.88 7.88 3.91 4.06 2.38 13.50 12.000 2.50
204 12.50 7.75 4.75 4.44 .12 .19 12.12 11.88 9.22 9.22 4.46 4.62 2.38 15.00 13.500 2.50
2041⁄2 13.62 9.00 5.31 5.00 .16 .19 13.31 13.03 10.35 10.18 4.98 5.19 2.38 16.12 14.625 2.50
205 15.31 9.50 6.03 5.75 .16 .19 15.44 15.19 11.44 11.44 5.67 5.94 3.06 18.31 16.562 3.31
2051⁄2 16.56 10.50 6.62 6.12 .16 .19 16.62 16.16 12.69 12.69 6.25 6.31 3.06 19.56 17.812 3.31
206 18.00 11.75 7.41 7.16 .16 .25 18.19 18.03 13.75 13.75 6.89 7.41 3.06 21.00 19.250 3.31
207 20.75 13.50 8.69 8.44 .19 .31 20.81 20.69 16.00 15.75 7.81 8.75 3.06 23.75 22.000 3.66

Exposed bolts are furnished as standard.

Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Center flange details, page 41. Maximum speeds, page 34.

22 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series F Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations
An extensive stock of standard coupling components and inventory of bar and tube, allows for the design and manufacture of
couplings to a variety of specific customer requirements. On this and the next few pages is data referring to some of the coupling
modifications and/or alterations that are available in the Series F design, and on pages 31-33 for the Series C design.

Reverse Mounted Hubs — Series F

Application: Used where greater-than-............
standard shaft separation is required to
allow insertion of pulleys and similar
components through shaft separation A A
without moving connected equipment.
Accomplished without spacer or adaptor
D D’
Description: All standard components used.
Hubs (or hub) simply mounted on shafts in
reverse position. If hub puller holes desired,
specify when ordering.

E E’
This configuration is not intended
for use in applications requiring SERIES F SERIES F
axial travel. Dimension D in Series F BOTH HUBS REVERSED ONE HUB REVERSED
Couplings must be maintained.


Bore - Inches Load Capacity DIMENSIONS

HP Per Torque
Square Reduced 100 In.-Lbs.
Size Key Key R.P.M. x103 A C D D´ E E´
200 .81 .88 3 1.9 2.94 1.06 — — — —
201 1.25 1.31 5 3.2 3.56 1.38 .31 .22 3.06 2.98
2011⁄4 1.62 1.75 12 7.6 4.00 1.69 .88 .50 4.25 3.88
2011⁄2 2.25 2.38 27 17.0 6.00 1.94 .44 .28 4.31 4.16
202 2.75 2.88 50 31.5 7.00 2.44 1.00 .56 5.88 5.44
2021⁄2 3.50 3.75 85 53.6 8.38 3.03 1.56 .88 7.62 6.94
203 4.00 4.25 150 94.5 9.44 3.59 1.75 .97 8.94 8.16
2031⁄2 4.50 4.75 225 142.0 11.00 4.19 2.25 1.25 10.62 9.62
204 5.50 5.88 340 214.0 12.50 4.75 2.75 1.50 12.25 11.00
2041⁄2 6.25 6.75 515 324.0 13.62 5.31 3.38 1.84 14.00 12.47
205 6.62 6.75 660 416.0 15.31 6.03 4.31 2.31 16.38 14.38
2051⁄2 7.50 7.62 875 551.0 16.56 6.62 5.19 2.75 18.44 16.00
206 8.25 8.62 1,190 750.0 18.00 7.41 5.88 3.09 20.69 17.91
207 9.62 10.25 1,640 1,033.0 20.75 8.69 6.25 3.31 23.62 20.69
Refer to series F coupling, pages 8 and 42 for additional dimensions. Flange details, page 41. Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 23

Series F Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations

Tandem Assemblies Two FS Series

Couplings connected by an intermediate
floating shaft comprise a tandem
assembly. The amount of offset capacity
is determined by the distance between
gear meshes. By mounting flexible halves
on floating shaft, advantage may be
taken of larger bore capacity of rigid half
(Fig. A). By mounting rigid halves on
floating shaft, more parallel offset FIG. A TANDEM - FLEXIBLE HALVES ON FLOATING SHAFT
capacity is available (Fig. B). Tandems
may also be used in vertical applications
(Fig. C) with additional modifications.
See Page 37 for maximum operating
speeds of tandem couplings.

Shaft Shaft
Size Dia. Size Dia.
200 .88 2031⁄2 4.00
201 1.25 204 5.00
2011⁄2 2.00 205 6.00
202 2.50 2051⁄2 6.50
2021⁄2 3.00 206 8.00
203 3.50 207 8.00

Single Engagement Mill Motor Type With Taper

Bore In Rigid Half
Specially-designed Series FSM with
Taper Bore in rigid half are used to
accommodate larger shaft sizes with a
minimum-sized flexible coupling.
Stock Universal Hubs Ameridrives
Couplings, provides a wide variety of
Universal Hubs to minimize lead time
and reduce order and delivery costs on
nonstandard specifications requiring
longer-than-standard hub lengths.

Universal Stock
Hub Bore
Size A B C D E
2011⁄2 3.31 3.12 4.34 .50 .750 E
202 4.00 4.00 5.38 .75 1.000
2021⁄2 4.38 488 6.38 1.25 1.000
203 4.50 5.75 6.88 1.50 1.500
2031⁄2 5.00 6.50 7.50 1.50 1.500
204 5.81 7.75 8.31 1.38 2.375
2041⁄2 5.50 9.00 8.75 2.00 2.375 STOCK UNIVERSAL HUB FIG. C TANDEM - VERTICAL
205 5.50 9.50 9.25 2.38 3.375
2051⁄2 6.50 10.50 10.88 2.88 3.375
206 8.50 11.75 13.12 3.00 3.375

24 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series F Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations

Limited End-Float Variation

Application: Recommended for
installations where axial travel must be limited
to a lesser degree than inherent in standard
flexible couplings, such as in a sleeve
bearing motor to prevent the rotor from
“wiping” the bearing shoulders.
Description: A standard coupling is
designed with clearances to
accommodate misalignment and
manufacturing tolerances. When an
application requires that the end float be
restrained, a plastic disc is positioned
between the faces of coupling hubs.
In the case of spacer arrangements, steel
plates with steel thrust buttons are fitted to
the spacer.
As shown, the tandem design can be
modified for limited end float.

It should be noted that as the coupling is

extended or compressed for LEF, the
misalignment capacity of the coupling is
reduced accordingly.

Flanged Sleeve –
Double Engagement Disconnect Type
Application: Meets requirements for
quick connection or disconnection of FS TANDEM
shafts up to 9” diameter, as in stand-by LIMITED END-FLOAT
or emergency mechanical power
transmission service. Compensates for all
three types of misalignment.
Description: Amerigear Series FD and
FDC Flexible Couplings are designed
with bolted center flanges to facilitate
installation and alignment. Flanged-
sleeve design makes possible minimum
distances between bearing housings to
facilitate shaft alignment.
Note: The right-hand hub or disengaging
hub is to be mounted on the driving shaft.
Chamfered entry teeth provided on
disengaging hub and sleeve only when
specified – at additional cost.
Without Shifting Collar With Shifting Collar

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 25

Series F Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations

Brake Drum Series FB Coupling

Application: The FB coupling is designed
for use in applications that require a brake
drum but have insufficient space between
the driver and the driven components for
a separate brake drum mounting.
Description: The FB coupling consists of
standard Amerigear Series F sleeves and
hubs with a flange type brake drum bolted
securely between the sleeve flanges.
Depending on the diameter of the drum,
the drum may be machined as one piece
or fabricated. When ordering, specify
drum diameter and face width.


Insulated Type Series Fl Coupling

Application: The Fl coupling is designed
for use when driver and driven equipment
must be electrically insulated from each
other to prevent the flow of stray electrical
currents. The Fl protects against the
pitting of precision bearings and shafts
that may occur in equipment such as
generator excitor drives.
Description: The Amerigear Series Fl
coupling incorporates an insulator
washer, insulated bolts and an insulator
disc to isolate the two halves of the
Compared to the Amerigear Series F
coupling, the Fl coupling shaft-to-shaft is
increased and misalignment capacity is
Adjustable Axial Position Coupling Description: The coupling design is
limited to ± 3⁄4° per gear mesh.
similar to that of the axial travel FA or FAS
Application: In certain types of equipment
Series. The exception is that the hub of
drives, shaft-to-shaft distance varies
the travel half of the coupling is fitted with
during equipment operation requiring an
a clamp bolt design. The clamp bolt holds
axial travel type of coupling. In addition,
the coupling hub in position. When
adjustment to maintain the maximum axial
adjustment is necessary, after the drive
travel for various initial shaft-to-shaft
has stopped rotating, the clamp bolt is
conditions is also required. The design of
loosened and the hub is slid along the
the adjustable axial positioning coupling
equipment shaft to the new position. The
suits this purpose.
clamp bolt is then retightened. This is
performed without having to move either
the driver or the driven components of the

26 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series F Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations



Full Rigid Type Coupling Half Coupling Adaptors Adaptors are used Rigid Half Slug Adaptor For tandem
Application: For mechanical power where one of the connected machines is arrangements where one shaft is
transmission applications where no disconnected, leaving the other machine considerably larger than the other. Utilizes
misalignment or axial displacement in service; or where individual equipment standard Series F – flexible half mounted
exists between connected shafts. testing is required. to a special slug adaptor. Bore length
Description: Accurately-machined Adaptor ring is secured to sleeve and and O.D. same as dimensions C and A
medium carbon steel. pilots the hub, holding sleeve concentric listed to the left for full rigid type
and rigid with the hub. couplings.
On close-coupled installations,
Differential Tooth Coupling
adaptors are usually segmented or split
(Modification) Series F Only
Full for ease of installation. On spacer
Rigid couplings, the adaptor is a solid, one- Application: For accurate adjustment
Size A C D E F and control of angular shaft relationships as
piece construction.
200 2.94 1.05 – 2.09 1.94
required on press drives, feed mechanisms,
201 3.56 1.23 – 2.47 2.56
2011⁄4 4.00 1.48 – 2.97 3.00 timing devices and similar applications.
2011⁄2 6.00 1.78 .19 3.75 3.88
202 7.00 2.28 .19 4.75 4.88 Description: One half of Amerigear
2021⁄2 8.38 2.91 .19 6.00 5.75 Series F (Modified) Flexible Coupling is
203 9.44 3.41 .19 7.00 6.81 a standard half Series F Coupling. Other
2031⁄2 11.00 3.97 .19 8.12 7.75
204 12.50 4.44 .38 9.25 9.06 half contains a special hub and sleeve
2041⁄2 13.62 5.00 .38 10.38 10.19 designed with one tooth more or less
205 15.31 5.75 .38 11.88 11.38 than standard mating half. This permits
2051⁄2 16.56 6.12 .38 12.62 12.50
206 18.00 7.16 .50 14.81 13.50 vernier adjustment of shaft-to-shaft or
207 20.75 8.44 .62 17.50 15.75 sleeve-to-sleeve relationship for desired
shaft synchronization.
Sizes 200, 201 and 2011⁄4 flange fasteners are
self-locking socket head cap screws - one
flange tapped.
Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB)
with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB)
upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206 and 207 have exposed bolts (EB)
with self-locking nuts.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 27

Series F Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations


Continuously-Lubricated Type Coupling Description: Amerigear Series FL Double Flex Coupling

Application: Continuous oil lubrication is Flexible Couplings utilize standard
Application: The double flex coupling is
desirable under certain conditions of components with sleeves modified for oil
designed for applications that are limited
high ambient operating temperatures. inlet and discharge. Differential level of
in space between driver and driven
Since this design does not utilize the location of inlet and discharge openings
equipment. The double flex design
contaminant-proof features of standard assure positive lubricant flow. Design
accommodates both angular and offset
couplings, the installation should be provides for retention of oil in event of
misalignment in a compact design.
enclosed to prevent the entrance of pump failure, or for intermittent type
excessive dust or moisture, and should lubrication. Angled discharge holes Description: Similar to the Amerigear
be provided with an adequate flow of assure scavenging action to minimize standard coupling, the double flex
clear oil. Lubricating oil should be filtered sludge accumulation. coupling has a sleeve and a hub. The
to at least 5 microns and the location of main difference is that a gear ring is
the oil nozzles should be positioned as positioned between the hub and sleeve.
close as possible to the coupling in order The gear ring has an external gear to
to minimize oil jet deflection due to mate with the sleeve internal gear and an
windage. Type of lubricant should be internal gear to fit the hub external gear.
chosen carefully, with consideration given
to load carrying characteristics. Quantity
of flow depends on horsepower
transmitted, and this flow requirement will
be specified by Ameridrives.

28 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series C Flexible Couplings
Sizes 200 - 210

Continuous Sleeve —
Double-Engagement Type
Application: Amerigear Series C offers
the advantages of lower initial cost,
higher speeds, greater safety, more Optional Bolt Thru
Seal Retainer
compactness and extremely low weight
and WR2. Compensates for all three types G E G E
of misalignment. Meets requirements of
all standard applications for shaft sizes up
to 15” diameter. A A

Description: Amerigear Series C Flexible B

Coupling is designed with a smooth, D D

cylindrical one-piece sleeve for smoother,

faster, quieter and safer operation.
Positive-engagement steel snap rings
Lube Plug
keep coupling constrained during operation F
Lube Plug
F 2 @ 180˚
2 @ 180˚
under the most adverse conditions of axial
SIZES 200-207 SIZES 208-210
end loading ... permits quicker assembly
and disassembly. Lower cost over
comparably rated flange-and-boltypes.

Maximum Load
Bore - Inches
HP Torque Offset
C Square Reduced Per 100 In.-Lbs. Capacity
Size Key Key R.P.M. x 103
In. A B C D E F G**
*200 .81 .88 3 1.9 .023 2.12 1.25 1.06 .12 2.25 2.25 1.31
*201 1.25 1.31 5 3.2 .037 2.69 1.75 1.38 .12 2.88 2.88 1.62
2011⁄4 1.63 1.75 12 7.6 .038 3.19 2.25 1.69 .12 3.50 2.94 1.38
2011⁄2 2.25 2.38 27 17.0 .050 4.38 3.12 1.94 .12 4.00 3.56 1.90
202 2.75 2.88 50 31.5 .056 5.38 4.00 2.44 .12 5.00 4.06 1.90
2021⁄2 3.50 3.75 85 53.6 .056 6.50 4.88 3.03 .19 6.25 4.63 1.90
203 4.00 4.25 150 94.5 .078 7.44 5.75 3.59 .19 7.37 5.59 2.30
2031⁄2 4.50 4.75 225 142.0 .090 8.32 6.50 4.19 .25 8.63 6.43 2.50
204 5.50 5.88 340 214.0 .098 9.86 7.75 4.75 .25 9.75 7.06 2.67
2041⁄2 6.25 6.75 515 324.0 .107 10.88 9.00 5.31 .31 10.93 7.58 2.63
205 6.62 6.75 660 416.0 .114 11.75 9.50 6.03 .31 12.37 8.01 2.34
2051⁄2 7.50 7.62 875 551.0 .117 12.75 10.50 6.62 .31 13.55 8.28 2.01
206 8.25 8.62 1,190 750.0 .129 14.00 11.75 7.41 .31 15.13 8.91 1.86
207 9.62 10.25 1,640 1,033.0 .160 16.38 13.50 8.69 .38 17.76 10.44 2.11
208 11.25 12.25 2,380 1,500.0 .101 18.38 15.62 9.75 .38 19.88 11.88 1.77
209 12.25 13.38 2,700 1,700.0 .114 20.50 17.50 10.75 .50 22.00 13.25 2.15
210 13.75 15.00 3,300 2,080.0 .127 22.38 19.00 12.00 .50 24.50 14.38 2.01

For larger sizes, contact Ameridrives.

*Sizes 200 and 201 furnished without lube plugs. **Clearance for aligning coupling.
Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, pages 9 and 40. Additional details, page 42-43.
Modifications and variations, pages 31-33.
Maximum speeds, page 34. Weights and WR2, pages 38-39.

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series C Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• Sizes 200-207, ± 11⁄2° angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh. • Positive-type O-ring seals keep lubricant in
• Sizes 208-210, ± 3⁄4° angular misalignment capacity per gear mesh. contaminants out. Seals enshrouded to prevent
• Torque ratings at full angular misalignment, damage.
• Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and sleeves.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 29

Series CS Flexible Couplings
Sizes 200 - 210

Continuous Sleeve —
Single-Engagement Type
Application: Meets the application G E

requirements described for Amerigear

Series FS Couplings (page 10), but in
addition offers the advantages of greater A
safety, more compactness and extremely C
low weight and WR2. B B’

Description: Amerigear Series CS B

Flexible Coupling is designed with a

smooth, cylindrical one-piece sleeve for
smoother, faster, quieter and safer Lube Plug
operation. Rigid half is splined. Positive- 2 @ 180˚
Lube Plug
F 2 @ 180˚
engagement steel snap rings keep the CS 200 - 207
flexible half and rigid half constrained
during operation under the most adverse CS 200-207 CS 208-210
conditions of axial end loadings permits
quicker assembly and disassembly.

Maximum Bore Maximum Bore

Inches Inches DIMENSIONS
Flexible Half Rigid Half
HP Per Torque
CS Square Reduced Square Reduced 100 In.-Lbs.
Size Key Key Key Key R.P.M. x 103 A B B´ C D E F G**
*200 .81 .88 .88 1.00 3 1.9 2.12 1.25 1.25 1.06 .12 2.25 2.25 1.31
*201 1.25 1.31 1.31 1.38 5 3.2 2.69 1.75 1.75 1.38 .12 2.88 2.88 1.62
2011⁄4 1.62 1.75 1.62 1.75 12 7.6 3.19 2.25 2.25 1.69 .12 3.50 2.94 1.38
2011⁄2 2.25 2.38 2.25 2.38 27 17.0 4.38 3.12 3.50 1.94 .12 4.00 3.56 1.90
202 2.75 2.88 2.75 3.00 50 31.5 5.38 4.00 4.25 2.44 .12 5.00 4.06 1.90
2021⁄2 3.50 3.75 3.50 3.75 85 53.6 6.50 4.88 5.25 3.03 .19 6.25 4.63 1.90
203 4.00 4.25 4.00 4.25 150 94.5 7.44 5.75 6.12 3.59 .19 7.37 5.59 2.30
2031⁄2 4.50 4.75 4.50 4.88 225 142.0 8.32 6.50 6.81 4.19 .25 8.63 6.43 2.50
204 5.50 5.88 5.50 5.88 340 214.0 9.86 7.75 8.00 4.75 .25 9.75 7.06 2.67
2041⁄2 6.25 6.75 6.25 6.75 515 324.0 10.88 9.00 9.25 5.31 .31 10.93 7.58 2.63
205 6.62 6.75 7.00 7.12 660 416.0 11.75 9.50 10.00 6.03 .31 12.37 8.28 2.34
2051⁄2 7.50 7.62 7.50 8.00 875 551.0 12.75 10.50 11.00 6.62 .31 13.55 8.91 2.01
206 8.25 8.62 8.25 8.62 1,190 750.0 14.00 11.75 12.00 7.41 .31 15.13 10.44 1.86
207 9.62 10.25 9.62 10.25 1,640 1,033.0 16.38 13.50 13.75 8.69 .38 17.76 16.00 2.11
208 11.25 12.25 11.25 12.25 2,380 1,500.0 18.38 15.62 15.62 9.75 .38 19.88 11.88 1.77
209 12.25 13.38 12.25 13.38 2,700 1,700.0 20.50 17.50 17.50 10.75 .50 22.00 13.25 2.15
210 13.75 15.00 13.75 15.00 3,300 2,080.0 22.38 19.00 19.00 12.00 .50 24.50 14.38 2.00

For larger sizes contact Ameridrives.

*Sizes 200 and 201 furnished without lube plugs. **Clearance for aligning coupling.
Maximum bore, keyway and puller hole data, page 40. Additional dimensions, page 42-43.
Modifications and variations, pages 31-33. Maximum speeds, page 34.
Maximum speeds, page 34. Weights and WR2, pages 38-39.

Amerigear Flexible Couplings - Fully-Crowned Teeth For Higher Torque, Higher Speed, Higher Misalignment Capacity
All Amerigear Series CS Couplings incorporate the following engineered features:
• Sizes 200-207, ±11⁄2° angular misalignment capacity. • Positive-type O-ring seals keep lubricant in
• Sizes 208-210, ± 3⁄4° angular misalignment capacity. contaminants out. Seals enshrouded to prevent damage.
• Torque ratings at full misalignment.
• Accurately machined medium carbon steel hubs and sleeves.

30 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series C Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations


Brake Drum Type Coupling Limited End Float Coupling Continuously Lubricated Coupling
Application: The Series CB Brake Application: The standard Series C Application: The C Series coupling can
Drum Coupling is used where the shaft coupling is designed with clearances be modified for continuous oil lubrication.
space prevents a separate drum to accommodate misalignment and The same oil supply qualifications listed
mounting and the drum diameter manufacturing tolerances. When the under the FL Amerigear also apply to the
prevents a bolted design to be used. application requires that the end float be CL Series couplings.
restrained, a plastic disc is positioned Description: Standard stock hubs and
Description: The Series CB Brake
between the faces of the coupling hubs. sleeves are used in the CL construction.
Drum is integral with the coupling sleeve.
It may be fabricated or totally machined. It should be noted that as the coupling The CL Series has the advantage of
When ordering, specify the drum outer is extended or compressed for LEF, the reduced weight, compact design and
diameter and the face width. misalignment capacity of the coupling is lower WR2.
reduced accordingly. Dam rings are designed with inlet ring
and outlet ring openings at different
levels to assure positive oil flow, controlled
oil level and oil level retention in the
event the oil supply is interrupted. The
outlet ring has angled discharge holes to
minimize sludge accumulation.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 31

Series C Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations

To Engage


Blind Assembly Modification — Series C Mill Motor CM Coupling Description: The CM and the CSM couplings
Application: The CM and CSM couplings use standard stock sleeves. The couplings
Application: Recommended for plug-in .........
are designed for applications which utilize can be made with any combination of hub
type installations, as with flange or................
shafts having tapered shaft ends, i.e., AISE bores. For example, one or both hubs
frame-mounted equipment. Also used
mill motors. These couplings offer the with tapered bores; one tapered and one
where short shaft extensions of bell .............
advantage of lower weight, minimum outer straight bore.
housings restrict installation of standard ......
diameter and low WR2.
Series C Coupling. May be used in ..............
horizontal or vertical positions.
Description: Amerigear Series C (Modified),
Blind Assembly type Flexible Coupling ........
retains all the features and overall ................
dimensions of standard Series C Coupling.
Snap-ring groove is machined into hub
allowing preassembly of seal assembly to
hub before shafts are connected.

32 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series C Flexible Couplings
Modifications and Variations

Continuous Sleeve Axial Travel

Application: The CA and CAS type
couplings are designed to provide axial
travel between driver and driven shafts
such as with certain crane and fan
equipment. Compared to the Series F, the
CA and CAS advantages are lower weight
and WR, higher speeds and a more
compact design.
Description: The Amerigear CA .......................
couplings have a one piece sleeve that
engages both shaft hubs. The coupling is
sealed with seal retainers and O-rings.
The coupling is assembled with spiral
type retaining rings.
The CAS coupling differs from the CA
using a rigid hub in place of one flex hub
and has one less seal retainer and O-ring.
Depending on the dimensions required,
the coupling usually can be made from
stock sleeves and modified stock hubs, or
a made-to-order may be possible.
The couplings are limited to ± 1⁄2° angular
misalignment per flex half.
Continuous Sleeve Vertical Coupling
Application: The CV and CVS couplings are
used to connect driver and driven ................
equipment having vertical shafts. While
the CV compensates for all three types of
misalignment, the CVS compensates only
for angular.
Description: The CV coupling is ......................
constructed from a stock sleeve, seals, seal
retainers and retainer rings and from
modified stock hubs. The CVS coupling
uses a stock rigid hub in place of one flex
hub and one less seal.


P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 33

Engineering Data Flexible Couplings
Speeds, Classes and Balance

Speeds The speed limits at right are

recommendations based on experience F F F FPH *
Size F Balanced Class Ill Class I C FPH Class Ill FD, FDC
and are intended as a guide only. The
200 8,500 11,000
actual limits are determined by the 201 7,700 32,000 9,800
characteristics of the system in which 2011⁄4 7,100 32,000 8,900
the coupling is to be installed. 2011⁄2 5,400 9,000 12,600 25,000 7,700 4,200 8,200
Consult Ameridrives for speed limits 202 4,800 8,100 11,400 20,000 6,200 3,800 7,400 1,800
2021⁄2 4,300 6,900 9,500 18,000 6,000 3,400 6,150 1,600
of series not listed at right.
203 4,000 6,100 8,200 15,000 5,200 3,200 5,300 1,200
Classes Four classes of Amerigear 2031⁄2 3,600 5,400 7,200 13,000 4,400 2,800 4,700 1,000
204 3,200 4,750 6,300 11,500 3,550 2,500 4,100 900
couplings are available.
2041⁄2 3,000 4,450 5,900 10,500 3,000 2,400 3,800 850
1. Standard AMERIGEAR Couplings 205 2,600 4,000 5,400 9,600 2,600 2,000 3,500 750
2. Balanced Standard AMERIGEAR 2051⁄2 2,400 3,500 4,600 9,000 2,400 1,900 3,000 650
206 2,200 3,250 8,400 2,200 2,200 2,800 600
207 1,800 2,750 6,800 1,800 1,800 2,400 550
3. Class Ill AMERIGEAR Couplings 208 1,500 1,800
4. Class I AMERIGEAR Couplings 209 1,275 1,650
210 1,100 1,400
I. Standard Couplings.
*These are maximum speeds for FD when disengaged and for FDC when engaged or
These couplings offer fully-crowned
disengaged. For FD when engaged, follow standard F speeds.
teeth. Sizes 200 - 207 have ± 11⁄2˚
angular misalignment capacity per
mesh. Sizes 208 - 210 have ± 3⁄4˚.
Parts are fully-machined from
The hubs and sleeves of the Class Ill IV. Class I Couplings.
medium carbon steel. These
couplings minimize gear tooth tip These are high-performance alloy
couplings also feature self-locking
clearance, and the sleeves incorporate couplings with nitrided gear teeth
nuts and positive type O-ring seals.
integral pilots, both providing accurate which are rated at ± 1⁄4˚ Information
II. Balanced Standard Couplings. centering of mating sleeves, spacer or on this class of gear coupling is not
This class is offered in Series F and tandem shafts. These couplings are covered in this catalog. Contact
FE for sizes 2011⁄2 - 207. These dynamically balanced as components Ameridrives and request Amerigear
couplings are Standard Couplings and will meet AGMA classifications as Class I catalog, P-1824-AC (462-ADV).
which have been dynamically designated below. Sleeves and spacers are
balanced as components. They offer serialized for ease of identification.
all the features as Standard Couplings Because of the increased speed rating
but, because of the increased speed of the Class Ill Coupling, the rated angular
rating of the Balanced Standard Class misalignment is limited to ± 3⁄4˚.
of couplings, the rated angular mis-
alignment is limited to ± 1˚. These The Class Ill Coupling is available in the
couplings will meet an AGMA following series:
Balance Classification (see page 35).
F Page 8, AGMA Class 10
Series F meet AGMA Class 9. Series
FE meet AGMA Class 8. FL Page 28, AGMA Class 10
FE Page 19, AGMA Class 9
NOTE: Series FE are supplied with
pilot rings and are only available up to FS, ES Page 10 and 24, AGMA
a 10” length of spacer. Tandem Class 8 and 9

Ill. Class Ill Couplings. FPH Page 22, AGMA Class 8 and 9
These couplings offer all the features
of our standard line, plus additional NOTE: Class depends on length and
modifications which permit higher size of coupling.
operating speeds. They are made of
medium carbon steel and conform to
dimensions of standard couplings,
and are available through size 2051⁄2.

34 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Engineering Data Flexible Couplings
Speeds, Classes and Balance

Balance Procedure All components of

Balanced Standards are dynamically
balanced within .00015 inches peak-to-
peak, which is equivalent to a mass shift
of 75 micro-inches. All components of
Class III couplings are dynamically
balanced within .0001 inches peak-to-
peak, which is equivalent to a mass shift
of 50 micro-inches.
All hubs, sleeves, rigids and other short
parts other than unbalanced standard
parts, are single plane balanced on
Ameridrives designed vertical balance
Spacers, tandem shaft assemblies and
other long parts, other than unbalanced
standard parts, are two plane balanced
on an IRD horizontal balance machine. All
balancing operations are performed using
state-of-the-art IRD Analyzers.
Class III coupling components balance
records are retained in the Quality Control
Department. Copies of balance records
are available on customer request.
Contact Ameridrives for balancing Balancing minimizes damaging vibrations for applications in the higher speed ranges
needs. and where supporting structures and housings become lighter.


Table 1: Table 2:
Standard AGMA Balance Classification Amerigear Balance Classification
CLASS (RMS Micro-Inches)
Standard 8 7
6 16,000
Balanced Standard 9 8
7 8,000 Class III 10 9
8 4,000 Class I 11 10
9 2,000
10 1,000 The approximate unbalance “U” of a
11 500 coupling, per plane, expressed in Oz.-ln.,
may be found by:
Ref.: ANSl/AGMA 9000-C90.
U = 16 x W x D

where W = Half coupling weight in Lbs.

D = RMS displacement in micro-
inches from Table 1.
RMS = Root Mean Squared average.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 35

Engineering Data Flexible Couplings
Maximum Speeds, Series FE and FEL


Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Rigid Mounted

Flex Mounted CL

Flex Mounted AS


FE Rigid Mounted

Length Length
Length Length





Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Flex Mounted
Rigid Mounted

Length Length


NOTE: The maximum speeds on this page are only a guide. The actual limits are determined by the
characteristics of the system in which the coupling is installed.
For lengths greater than shown, contact Ameridrives.

36 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Engineering Data Flexible Couplings
SHAFT-SHAFT LENGTH - INCHES Maximum Speeds, Series


Rigid Mounted
RigidRigid Mounted

Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Flex Mounted
Flex Mounted Mounted
Flex Flex Mounted
Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Mounted Rigid Mounted

Length Length
Length Length
Length Length





Flex Mounted
Flex Flex Mounted
Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Maximum Operating Speed -RPM

Rigid Mounted
RigidRigid Mounted

Length Length


NOTE: The maximum speeds on this page are only a guide. The actual limits are determined by the
characteristics of the system in which the coupling is installed. See page 24 for shaft sizes used in these charts.
If intermediate shaft is not supplied by Ameridrives, a critical speed check should be made by customer.
For lengths greater than shown, contact Ameridrives.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 37

Weights WR2 Flexible Couplings
Torsional Stiffness and Engineering Calculations
Coupling with FS FE
Spacer Solid Hubs Coupling Coupling
Solid Hub Solid Less Tube Shaft Solid Hub Less Tube w/
Size F&C Rigid F C Tube Wt/In. Wt/In. F C & Rigid Solid Hubs
200 .42 1.35 .74 .85 1.06 .18 .19 2.3 1.8 2.5 3.36
201 1.04 2.36 1.20 1.32 1.36 .25 .28 4.5 3.6 4.6 5.86
2011⁄4 1.88 3.46 1.63 1.96 2.62 .29 .36 7.0 6.0 7.0 9.62
2011⁄2 4.50 10.00 3.90 4.60 7.32 .91 .84 17.0 14.0 18.6 24.32
202 9.06 17.00 5.70 7.60 11.00 1.46 1.39 30.0 27.0 32.2 41.00
2021⁄2 16.80 29.50 9.00 12.00 18.30 1.58 2.00 53.0 47.0 56.7 71.30
203 27.50 44.00 12.80 18.00 21.80 2.04 2.73 82.0 75.0 85.7 103.80
2031⁄2 40.80 69.00 21.60 25.00 36.40 2.36 3.56 127.0 109.0 134.0 163.40
204 65.40 103.00 29.70 38.80 45.40 3.16 5.56 193.0 174.0 200.0 238.40
2041⁄2 98.20 140.00 33.60 42.00 53.50 3.50 5.56 266.0 242.0 275.0 319.50
205 126.00 206.00 55.60 51.00 95.40 3.63 8.01 368.0 308.0 392.0 463.40
2051⁄2 168.00 260.00 73.10 57.50 108.00 4.30 8.01 488.0 400.0 507.0 596.00
206 232.00 360.00 83.60 80.00 87.20 4.60 10.50 640.0 550.0 685.0 727.20
207 363.00 553.00 117.20 128.00 131.00 5.23 14.20 973.0 862.0 1,045.0 1,104.00

SIZES 200-207 SERIES F AND SIZES 200-207 SERIES C - WR2 (LB.-IN.2)

Coupling With FS FE
Sleeves Spacer Solid Hubs Coupling Coupling
Solid Hub Solid Less Tube Shaft Solid Hub Less Tube w/
Size F&C Rigid F C Tube WR2/ln. WR2/ln. F C & Rigid Solid Hubs
200 .10 1.13 1.00 1.6 .72 .12 .02 2.2 1.8 2.46 2.92
201 .51 2.94 2.39 2.0 1.46 .32 .07 5.8 3.0 6.84 7.26
2011⁄4 1.41 5.47 4.14 3.8 2.26 .50 .19 11.1 6.6 13.58 13.40
2011⁄2 5.90 34.00 22.00 19.0 49.80 2.72 .39 58.0 33.0 64.10 107.80
202 19.10 75.70 43.60 46.0 89.40 7.03 1.09 129.0 89.0 142.00 218.40
2021⁄2 52.80 185.00 119.00 109.0 215.00 10.60 2.25 319.0 224.0 332.00 534.00
203 118.00 350.00 180.00 212.0 335.00 19.20 4.17 617.0 471.0 669.00 952.00
2031⁄2 225.00 732.00 400.00 374.0 750.00 29.10 7.11 1,304.0 855.0 1,411.00 2,054.00
204 508.00 1,386.00 719.00 813.0 1,225.00 53.20 17.40 2,536.0 1,920.0 2,695.00 3,761.00
2041⁄2 1,023.00 2,250.00 1,014.00 1,100.0 1,720.00 70.10 17.40 4,174.0 3,239.0 4,387.00 5,894.00
205 1,489.00 4,360.00 2,090.00 1,562.0 3,880.00 90.50 36.00 7,373.0 4,688.0 8,154.00 11,253.00
2051⁄2 2,419.00 6,400.00 3,184.00 2,098.0 5,230.00 130.00 36.00 11,496.0 7,134.0 12,293.00 16,726.00
206 4,107.00 8,800.00 4,217.00 3,486.0 4,920.00 159.00 66.70 17,130.0 11,904.0 17,606.00 22,050.00
207 8,552.00 18,800.00 8,044.00 7,638.0 9,760.00 238.00 114.00 34,287.0 25,188.0 36,491.00 44,047.00


RAD. I. To find Wt. and WR2 of a coupling not
Nominal KE shown on chart, add Wt. and WR2 of
Bore KS KS KS FE Coupling components and subtract Wt. and WR2 of
of Hub KA/Inch KN/Inch C Coupling F Coupling FS Coupling Less Tube w/ required bores. See page 39.
Size & Rigid Shaft Tube Nom. Bore Nom. Bore Nom. Bore Nom. Bore
II. To find Torsional Stiffness (Kt) of FS
200 .75 .68 4.87 .34 .35 .41 .35
Tandem Coupling:
201 1.00 2.75 12.90 .86 .86 1.02 .86
2011⁄4 1.25 7.78 28.34 1.60 1.58 1.92 1.58 KT= 1
2011⁄2 1.50 15.99 100.38 3.63 3.43 3.88 3.31
2 + N
202 2.00 44.10 256.36 8.68 7.84 9.08 7.49 KS KA
2021⁄2 2.50 91.00 418.56 16.87 14.61 17.02 13.94
N = Length of shaft between Mtd. hubs or rigids.
203 3.00 169.00 760.52 28.66 25.16 29.53 23.88
For rigid Mtd. — N = Shaft-to-shaft - 2xD - 2xC’
2031⁄2 3.50 289.00 963.36 44.32 40.09 46.93 38.42
For flex Mtd. — N = Shaft-to-shaft - 2xD - 2xC
204 4.00 705.00 1,469.00 69.09 61.25 71.87 58.06
Find D, C, C’ on page 10.
2041⁄2 4.50 705.00 2,356.00 99.76 85.79 101.12 80.57
To find Torsional Stiffness (Kt) of FE Tandem
205 5.00 1,460.00 4,144.00 126.94 111.40 132.36 105.72
Coupling: KT= 1
2051⁄2 5.50 1,460.00 5,110.00 169.56 152.78 181.63 144.67
206 6.00 2,710.00 6,455.00 222.07 189.96 220.81 176.71
1 + N
207 7.00 4,620.00 9,660.00 335.94 287.14 340.09 268.09 KE KN
N = Length of spacer tube between flanges.
N = Shaft-to-shaft - D-2Q (Find Q on page 41.)

38 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Weights WR2 Flexible Couplings
Torsional Stiffness and Engineering Calculations
Large Coupling with Solid Hubs coupling made up of two meshes
I. Solid Disc (Fig. 1)
Size F F - Opt. C having ±α° capacity each. Together,
208 1,440 1,496 1,237 A. Weights-Lbs. they will provide a total angular
209 1,989 2,051 1,707 W = .223 L D2 capacity of ±2α°.
210 2,543 2,543 2,141 B. WR2 - Lb.-ln.2
211 3,370 3,441 —
212 4,240 4,320 — WR2 = W D2 FIG. 5
213 5,350 5,440 — 8
214 6,550 6,640 — C. Torsional Stiffness - In.-Lb./Radian
215 7,880 8,020 — K = 1.13 x 106 (D4)
216 9,490 9,960 — L
2. Parallel offset misalignment
218 12,900 13,600 — II. Disc With Hole (Fig. 2) A double engagment coupling with
220 17,100 18,100 — parallel shaft axis having ±α° angle
A. Weights-Lbs.
222 22,700 24,100 — capacity (Fig 6). If the distance between
224 29,100 30,800 — W = .223 L (D2 - d2) meshes is “d” then the maximum parallel
226 36,900 39,500 — offset “Y” is equal to:
B. WR2 - Lb.-ln.2
228 45,000 45,300 —
WR2 = W (D2 + d2) Y = d tan α° α° = rated misalignment
230 54,500 55,100 — 8
α° TAN α°
C. Torsional Stiffness - In.-Lb./Radian ⁄
K = 1.13 x 106 (D4 - d4)
SERIES F AND C — WR2 - LB./IN.2 x 103 L

Large Coupling with Solid Hubs ⁄
Size F F - Opt. C
1 .0174
208 65.8 71.1 45.7
209 114.0 121.3 107.3 11⁄2 .0262
210 166.7 178.6 124.2
211 267.4 279.8 —
212 390.2 405.6 —
213 581.3 600.3 — FIG. 1 FIG. 2
214 806.9 829.9 — III. Misalignment FIG. 6
215 1,095.0 1,136.0 —
216 1,550.0 1,696.0 — 1. Angular Misalignment
3. The third type of misalignment is
218 2,513.0 2,784.0 — A gear coupling accommodates
when we have a combination of
220 4,263.0 4,459.0 — for various types of misalignment
angular and parallel offset.
222 6,394.0 7,273.0 — by angular displacement of its
224 9,649.0 10,824.0 — gear teeth (Fig. 3). To find the amount of angular
226 14,543.0 16,647.0 — capacity allowed, when we know
228 20,126.0 20,389.0 — the amount of offset:
α Y
230 27,460.0 28,271.0 — allow = αrated- Tan-1 ( d )
To find the amount of parallel
allowed, if angular misalignment
SERIES FS — (α1) is known:
Larger Coupling Y = d Tan (α rated - α1)
With Solid Hub and Rigid
Weight (Lbs.) WR2 - Lb./ln.2 x l03
Size FS FS - Opt. FS FS - Opt. IV. Axial Thrust Transmitted To Thrust
208 1,482 1,526 68.2 72.5 Bearings
209 2,044 2,093 117.6 123.4
FIG. 3
210 2,659 2,725 177.9 187.3
F = (T x µ)/R
211 3,630 3,670 298.0 304.2 µ = .03 to .3 (depending on
212 4,550 4,590 444.5 452.2 lubrication). Generally, use .15.
213 5,730 5,780 641.7 651.3 A single gear mesh can only
accommodate angular misalignment R= Pitch Radius
214 6,980 7,020 877.0 898.5
(Fig. 4). The last two digits of a coupling
215 8,380 8,450 1,202.0 1,222.0
size is approximately equal to the
216 10,380 10,530 1,771.0 1,814.0
pitch radius.
218 14,100 14,200 2,882.0 3,522.0
220 18,600 18,700 4,559.0 4,649.0 Ex. 2031⁄2 R = 31⁄2
222 24,700 24,900 7,328.0 7,430.0 211 R = 11
224 31,400 31,600 11,006.0 11,135.0 FIG. 4
T= Operating Torque - In.-Lbs.
226 41,400 41,600 16,902.0 17,093.0
228 48,600 48,800 23,093.0 23,356.0
230 57,500 58,100 29,914.0 30,725.0

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 39

Series F, FS, C, CS Flexible Couplings
Maximum Bore, Keyway and Puller Hole Data

F,C Max. Bore Puller Holes

and CS With Puller
Size Holes DBC Size
200 — ­— — Keyway
201 1.00 1.375 14
⁄ -28
2011⁄4 1.44 1.812 14
⁄ -28 Puller Holes
2011⁄2 2.00 2.625 5/16-18 (Furnished Only On Request)
Fillet Radius
202 2.75 3.375 5/16-18
2021⁄2 3.25 4.187 38
⁄ -16
203 4.00 4.875 12
⁄ -13 D.B.C
2031⁄2 4.38 5.437 ⁄ -11

204 5.50 6.625 58

⁄ -11
2041⁄2 6.50 7.875 58
⁄ -11 Bore
205 6.62 8.250 34
⁄ -10 Keyway Fillet
Width Radius
2051⁄2 7.00 8.750 1-8
(W) Inches
206 8.25 10.000 1-8
.19-.25 .016
207 9.00 11.375 11⁄4-7
.31-.38 .031
208 11.25 13.500 11⁄4-7
Second Keyway .50-.62 .047
209 12.25 15.250 13⁄8-6 On Request .75-1.25 .062
210 13.75 16.500 11⁄2-6
1.50-2.25 .125
211 15.00 18.000 11⁄2-6
212 17.00 20.000 11⁄2-6
213 19.00 22.000 11⁄2-6
214 20.00 23.500 13⁄4-5
215 22.00 25.500 13⁄4-5
216 23.50 27.000 13⁄4-5 Stock Reduced Key Square Key Hub
218 26.50 30.500 2-41⁄2 F and C Rough Dia.
220 30.00 34.500 2-41⁄2 Size Bore* Bore W H Bore W H B
222 33.00 38.500 2-41⁄2 200 — .875 .19 .06 .812 .19 .09 1.25
224 36.00 42.500 2-41⁄2 201 — 1.312 .25 .09 1.250 .25 .12 1.75
226 39.00 46.000 2-41⁄2 2011⁄4 — 1.750 .38 .12 1.625 .38 .19 2.25
228 42.00 50.000 2-41⁄2 2011⁄2 — 2.375 .50 .19 2.250 .50 .25 3.12
230 46.00 54.000 2-41⁄2 202 — 2.875 .62 .22 2.750 .62 .31 4.00
2021⁄2 — 3.750 .88 .31 3.500 .88 .44 4.88
203 — 4.250 1.00 .38 4.000 1.00 .50 5.75
2031⁄2 1.500 4.750 1.00 .38 4.500 1.00 .50 6.50
NOTE: These tables are exclusive. If both puller holes and 204 1.500 5.875 1.25 .44 5.500 1.25 .62 7.75
keyways are required, then the maximum bore will be the 2041⁄2 2.375 6.750 1.50 .50 6.250 1.50 .75 9.00
smaller bore size listed in any table. 205 3.375 6.750 1.75 .75 6.625 1.75 .88 9.50
2051⁄2 3.375 7.625 1.75 .75 7.500 1.75 .88 10.50
206 4.500 8.625 2.00 .75 8.250 2.00 1.00 11.75
207 5.000 10.250 2.50 .88 9.625 2.50 1.25 13.50
*Minimum bore is .060 inches greater than rough bore size.

Rigid Half — Series FS Rigid Half — Series CS

Reduced Key Square Key Rigid Half Reduced Key Square Key Rigid Half
FS Dia. Dia.
Size Bore W H Bore W H B Bore W H Bore W H B
200 1.375 .31 .12 1.312 .31 .16 1.94 1.000 .19 .06 .875 .19 .09 1.25
201 1.875 .38 .12 1.750 .38 .19 2.56 1.375 .31 .12 1.312 .31 .16 1.75
2011⁄4 2.125 .50 .19 2.000 .50 .25 3.00 1.750 .38 .12 1.625 .38 .19 2.25
2011⁄2 2.875 .62 .22 2.688 .62 .31 3.92 2.375 .62 .22 2.250 .50 .25 3.50
202 3.500 .88 .31 3.250 .88 .44 4.86 3.000 .75 .25 2.750 .62 .31 4.25
2021⁄2 4.250 1.00 .38 4.000 1.00 .50 5.86 3.750 .88 .31 3.500 .88 .44 5.25
203 5.000 1.25 .44 4.625 1.25 .62 6.86 4.250 1.00 .38 4.000 1.00 .50 6.12
2031⁄2 5.750 1.25 .44 5.375 1.25 .62 7.88 4.875 1.25 .44 4.500 1.00 .50 6.81
204 6.750 1.50 .50 6.250 1.50 .75 9.22 5.875 1.25 .44 5.500 1.25 .62 8.00
2041⁄2 7.375 1.75 .62 6.875 1.75 .88 10.18 6.750 1.50 .50 6.250 1.50 .75 9.25
205 8.375 1.75 .62 7.87 1.75 .88 11.44 7.000 1.75 .62 6.625 1.75 .88 10.00
2051⁄2 9.250 2.00 .75 8.750 2.00 1.00 12.69 8.000 2.00 .75 7.500 1.75 .88 11.00
206 9.875 2.00 .75 9.375 2.00 1.00 13.75 8.625 2.00 .75 8.250 2.00 1.00 12.00
207 11.500 2.50 .88 10.750 2.50 1.25 15.75 10.250 2.50 .88 9.625 2.50 1.25 13.75
Contact Ameridrives regarding bores for hubs or rigid halves where counterbores, reduced lengths,
overbores or special keyways are involved.

40 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series F Flexible Couplings
Dimensional Data, Flange Details

X (No. And
size Bolt) Q
P X (No. And
size Bolt)

Exposed Bolt J L
N’ L J
Shrouded Bolt

SIZES 200-2011⁄4 SIZES 2011⁄2-207 SIZES 2011⁄2-207 SIZES 208 AND LARGER
Note: Fasteners are self-locking Female sleeves furnished as shown
socket head capscrews. above when pilot rings are supplied.

Size A N D.B.C. P Q Bolt No. Bolt Size

200 2.937 2.38 .12 .44 4 1/4-28
201 3.562 3.00 .12 .44 4 1/4-28
2011⁄4 4.000 3.44 .12 .44 4 1/4-28


N X (Bolts) N´ X (Bolts)
Size A B J K L M Q D.B.C. No. Size D.B.C. P No. Size
2011⁄2 6.00 3.69 3.844/3.842 .16 3.844/3.846 .09 .75 4.81 8 ⁄
4.81 .22 8 ⁄

202 7.00 4.56 4.750/4.748 .16 4.750/4.752 .09 .75 5.88 6 ⁄

5.81 .22 10 ⁄

2021⁄2 8.38 5.56 5.750/5.748 .16 5.750/5.752 .09 .88 7.12 6 ⁄

7.00 .28 10 ⁄

203 9.44 6.47 6.750/6.748 .16 6.750/6.752 .09 .88 8.12 8 ⁄

8.00 .28 12 ⁄

2031⁄2 11.00 7.26 7.516/7.514 .16 7.516/7.518 .09 1.06 9.50 8 ⁄

9.28 .33 12 ⁄

204 12.50 8.56 9.000/8.998 .31 9.000/9.002 .19 1.06 11.00 8 ⁄

10.62 .33 14 ⁄

2041⁄2 13.62 9.81 10.125/10.123 .31 10.125/10.127 .19 1.06 12.00 10 ⁄

11.75 .33 14 ⁄

205 15.31 10.73 11.125/11.123 .31 11.125/11.127 .19 1.50 13.50 8 ⁄

13.19 .52 14 ⁄

2051⁄2 16.56 11.73 12.500/12.498 .31 12.500/12.502 .19 1.50 14.50 14 ⁄

14.44 .52 16 ⁄

206 18.00 12.73 13.500/13.498 .44 13.500/13.502 .25 1.00 15.75 14 ⁄

– – – –
207 20.75 15.06 15.500/15.498 .56 15.500/15.502 .31 1.12 18.25 16 1 – – – –
208 23.25 17.06 17.809/17.806 .25 17.812/17.815 .31 1.31 20.75 16 11⁄8 – – – –
209 26.00 19.06 19.809/19.806 .25 19.812/19.815 .31 1.50 23.25 18 11⁄4 – – – –
210 28.00 20.56 21.557/21.554 .31 21.562/21.565 .38 1.50 25.25 18 13⁄8 – – – –
211 30.50 23.00 23.997/23.994 .31 24.000/24.003 .38 1.62 27.50 18 11⁄2 – – – –
212 33.00 25.00 25.997/25.994 .31 26.000/26.003 .38 1.62 30.00 18 11⁄2 – – – –
213 35.75 27.00 27.997/27.994 .31 28.000/28.003 .38 1.75 32.25 18 15⁄8 – – – –
214 38.00 29.00 29.997/29.994 .31 30.000/30.003 .38 1.88 34.50 18 13⁄4 – – – –
215 40.50 31.00 31.997/31.994 .31 32.000/32.003 .38 1.88 36.75 20 13⁄4 – – – –
216 44.50 33.25 34.246/34.242 .38 34.250/34.254 .50 2.25 40.50 20 2 – – – –
218 48.50 37.25 38.246/38.242 .38 38.250/38.254 .50 2.25 44.50 22 2 – – – –
220 52.50 41.25 42.246/42.242 .38 42.250/42.254 .50 2.25 48.50 24 2 – – – –
222 58.00 45.25 46.496/46.492 .50 46.500/46.504 .62 2.50 53.50 24 21⁄4 – – – –
224 62.88 49.25 50.496/50.492 .50 50.500/50.504 .62 2.75 58.12 24 21⁄2 – – – –
226 69.00 53.62 54.496/54.492 .50 54.500/54.504 .62 3.00 63.75 24 23⁄4 – – – –
228 73.00 57.62 58.496/58.492 .50 58.500/58.504 .62 3.00 67.75 24 23⁄4 – – – –
230 77.00 61.62 62.496/62.492 .50 62.500/62.504 .62 3.00 71.75 24 23⁄4 – – – –
Sizes 2011/2-2051/2 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts; shrouded bolts (SB) upon request — no additional cost.
Sizes 206-207 have exposed bolts (EB) with self-locking nuts as standard.
Sizes 208-230 have exposed bolts (EB) with nuts and lockwashers.
Non-Standard bolt circles can be made.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 41

Series F and C Flexible Couplings
Additional Dimensions

R S Lube Plug R1 V
2 @ 180˚
Lube Plug
Each Flange
2 @ 180˚



SIZE 200-207 SIZES 200-207


Lube Plug Lube Plug
Size and Size and
Size C D M N O P Q R S T U Thread NPTF R1 T1 V Thread NPTF
F200 1.06 .12 .53 .31 .22 .31 .03 .19 .92 .88 .44 1
/16-27 — — — —
C200 1.06 .12 .22 .31 .53 .31 .03 — — — — — — .88 2.25 —
201 1.38 .12 .45 .38 .55 .31 .05 .09 1.36 1.59 .24 1
/16-27 — 1.41 2.88 —
2011/4 1.69 .12 .47 .38 .84 .31 .06 .09 1.64 2.19 .50 1
/16-27 .28 1.44 2.94 1
2011/2 1.94 .12 .62 .53 .78 .31 .08 .23 1.77 2.22 .28 1
/8-27 .22 1.89 3.56 1
202 2.44 .12 .69 .62 1.12 .38 .08 .23 2.27 3.00 .62 1
/8 -27 .47 2.12 4.06 1
2021/2 3.03 .19 .80 .75 1.48 .38 .09 .31 2.81 3.91 .89 1
/4-18 .81 2.54 4.62 1
203 3.59 .19 .97 .88 1.75 .56 .11 .30 3.39 4.56 1.16 1
/4-18 .89 3.01 5.59 1
/8- 27
2031/2 4.19 .25 1.09 1.00 2.09 .56 .12 .41 3.91 5.44 1.41 1
/4-18 1.10 3.43 6.43 1
204 4.75 .25 1.19 1.12 2.44 .62 .14 .41 4.46 6.25 1.75 1
/4-18 1.35 3.75 7.06 1
2041/2 5.31 .31 1.27 1.25 2.80 .62 .16 .48 4.98 7.16 1.80 1
/4-18 1.68 4.10 7.58 1
205 6.03 .31 1.33 1.38 3.33 .62 .19 .52 5.67 8.34 2.23 1
/4-18 2.18 4.35 8.01 1
2051/2 6.62 .31 1.34 1.50 3.78 .62 .19 .53 6.25 9.38 2.72 1
/4-18 2.64 4.49 8.28 1
206 7.41 .31 1.50 1.62 4.28 .62 .22 .67 6.89 10.50 2.94 1
/4-18 3.11 4.93 8.91 1
207 8.69 .38 2.00 1.75 4.94 .62 .31 1.06 7.81 12.00 3.09 1
/4-18 3.66 6.13 10.44 1

42 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series F and C Flexible Couplings
Additional Dimensions

R1 F
Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚
Each Flange GASKET Lube Plug
2 @ 180˚




SIZE 211-230 SIZES 208-210


Q SIZE 208-210 ONLY



Size C D M N O P Q U D.B.C. No. Size G R T F R1 T1
208 9.75 .38 2.78 1.75 5.22 .88 .34 2.81 17.72 20 3
/8-16 8.38 1.56 12.56 11.88 4.00 7.69
209 10.75 .50 3.09 2.00 5.66 .88 .41 3.06 19.81 24 3
/8-16 9.19 1.81 13.81 13.25 4.38 8.68
210 12.00 .50 3.53 2.12 6.34 .88 .41 3.25 21.50 16 1
/2-13 10.00 2.25 15.31 14.38 5.06 9.68
211 13.00 .50 3.81 2.38 6.81 1.00 .44 .75 23.75 16 1
/2-13 10.88 2.38 16.50 — — —
212 14.00 .50 4.19 2.62 7.19 1.00 .50 .94 25.75 18 1
/2-13 11.56 2.69 17.50 — — —
213 15.00 .75 4.44 2.88 7.69 1.00 .50 1.19 27.75 18 1
/2-13 12.44 2.94 19.00 — — —
214 16.00 .75 4.81 3.12 8.06 1.00 .50 1.19 29.75 18 1
/2-13 13.06 3.31 20.00 — — —
215 17.00 .75 5.25 3.25 8.50 1.00 .57 1.25 31.75 20 1
/2-13 13.69 3.69 21.00 — — —
216 18.00 1.00 9.06 3.38 5.56 1.31 .59 1.38 34.25 20 3
/4-10 11.31 7.19 15.50 — — —
218 20.00 1.00 11.00 3.50 5.50 1.31 .66 1.50 38.25 24 3
/4-10 11.44 9.06 15.50 — — —
220 22.00 1.00 12.94 3.62 5.44 1.31 .72 1.50 42.25 24 3
/4-10 11.56 10.94 15.50 — — —
222 24.00 1.00 14.88 3.75 5.38 1.38 .75 1.56 46.50 30 3
/4-10 11.72 12.78 15.50 — — —
224 26.00 1.00 16.75 4.00 5.25 1.38 .78 1.56 50.50 30 3
/4-10 11.88 14.62 15.50 — — —
226 28.00 1.00 18.50 4.50 5.00 1.38 .84 1.75 55.50 36 3
/4-10 12.19 16.31 15.50 — — —
228 30.00 1.00 20.25 5.00 4.75 1.38 1.06 2.00 59.50 36 3
/4-10 12.69 17.81 15.50 — — —
230 32.00 1.00 22.25 5.00 4.75 1.38 1.06 2.00 63.50 36 3
/4-10 12.69 19.81 15.50 — — —

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 43

200 Series Flexible Couplings
Alignment and Installation Instructions

Purpose: The purpose of aligning Shaft “B”

Shaft “B”
equipment is to avoid transmission of Shaft “B” Shaft “B”
unwanted stresses to bearings, shafts,
couplings, etc.
Shaft “A”
How: By providing minimum angularity Angularity
Shaft “A”
and offset of shaft axis at normal Shaft “A” End View X = Horizontal Offset
Shaft “A” End View Y
X = Vertical Offset
Horizontal Offset
operating conditions (Figs. 1 and 2).
Y = Vertical Offset
Why: To increase life of bearings,
couplings, shafts and seals. To get at the Figure 1 — Angularity is the acute angle Figure 2 — Concentric alignment (also
root of serious malfunctions involving formed at the intersection of the axes of called offset alignment or parallel offset)
the driving and the driven machine is the relationship between the shaft axes
shutdowns and costly repairs.
shafts. When shafts are exactly parallel, in terms of vertical and horizontal dis-
When: angular misalignment is zero; but vertical placements of the axis of one shaft from
1. During installation, before grouting. or horizontal displacement of axes may the axis of the other shaft.
be present (See Fig. 2).
2. Immediately after initial operation.
3. When final operating conditions and
Shaft “B”
final temperature are attained. Shaft “B”
4. Seasonally.
5. Whenever first symptoms of trouble
occur — vibration, undue noise,
sudden overheating of bearings.
Practical Considerations: Shaft “A”
Surface to
1. Verify shaft separation. Shaft “A”
be indicated
Surface to
2. Locate rotor in running position (for be indicated
example, on sleeve bearing motors).
3. Anticipate thermal changes.
Figure 3 — To determine relative angular Figure 4 — To measure offsets with a dial
4. Read instructions and review drawings. shaft-positions of driving and driven indicator, attach the indicator to shaft
Tools: machines, measure at four points the “A,” rotate shaft, and indicate to the
space between the shaft ends. Choose periphery of shaft “B.” To obtain actual
1. Dial indicator with attaching device.
the largest (a) and smallest dimension (b). displacements of shafts, divide dial ..........
2. Feeler gauges. indicator readings by 2.
3. Inside micrometer.
4. Outside micrometer.
5. Snap gauges. Straightedge
6. Straightedge. Straightedge

Angular Misalignment Measurement:

1. Measure at 4 points the space between
the shaft ends (Fig. 3).
2. Rotate both shafts 180° and repeat.
3. Perform calculations for angle.
Offset Misalignment Measurement: Tapered or
1. Rotate shaft A (with dial indicator Feeler
Feeler Gauge
mounted) and note readings of shaft B
offset (Fig. 4).
2. Or use straightedge and feeler gauge Figure 5 — Lay straightedge on one hub and measure gap between straightedge and
(Fig. 5). other hub with feeler gauge. Measure at top, bottom, and both sides. Feeler gauge
readings indicate actual displacements of shafts.
CAUTION: Misalignment at installation should
not exceed 1/3 of rated catalog
misalignment. CAUTION: Rotating equipment is potentially dangerous and could cause injury or
damage if not properly protected. Follow applicable codes and regulations.

44 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

The Amerigear Fully Crowned Tooth™ 200 Series Flexible Couplings
Installation and Lubrication Instructions

Flange Bolt Gasket Flange Nut Lube Plug
Seal Retainer
Sleeve Sleeve
Retaining Ring
Hub Hub
Seal Retainer

“O” Ring Shaft

Lube Plug Hub “O” Ring Sleeve “O” Ring

SIZES 2011/2-207 SIZES 200-207

Installation hubs, carefully engaging teeth (do not Step 5. Pack hub and sleeve teeth with
Disassemble coupling and clean all parts. damage seal surface). Place sleeve gasket grease. Force grease into shaft gap.
Follow the appropriate 6 steps below and between sleeves and align bolt holes. Lightly coat grease on “O” rings. Slide
you are ready to go! Installed and lubricated sleeve over hubs to center position.
Step 5. Secure sleeves, using care to tighten
in accordance with the instructions, your Remove Dryseal lube plugs and add
fasteners uniformly. See tabulation
Amerigear 200 Series coupling is prepared grease in the amount given in the
“Flange Bolt Tightening Torque.” For sizes
for a life of dependable, trouble-free service. Lubricant Quantity Table.
208 and larger, bolt seal retainers to
Series F Installation sleeves. Step 6. For sizes 200-207, install sleeve
Step 1. Lightly coat grease on “O” rings and “O” rings in sleeve counterbores — then
Step 6. Remove both Dryseal lube plugs
insert “O” rings into grooves of sleeve (into press seal retainer assembly in place. Use
and add grease in the amount given in the
grooves of seal retainer for sizes 208 and fingertips or blunt tool. Seat retaining
Lubricant Quantity Table. Install lube plugs
larger). Place sleeves for sizes 200-207 rings in grooves using a winding motion.
using Permatex No. 2 for sealing and seat
over shaft ends. For sizes 208 and larger, Recheck to assure retaining rings are
place only the seal retainers with “O” rings positively seated. For sizes 208 and larger,
inserted, on shaft. Care should be taken not Series C Installation bolt seal end plates to sleeves.
to damage seal on shaft key seat. Step 1. For sizes 200-207 place retainer ring,
seal retainer with “O” ring seated in
Step 2. Check key fits and coat keys and
retainer groove, and sleeve “O” ring on each FLANGE BOLT TIGHTENING
keyways with oil resistant sealing compound HUB
shaft. For sizes 208 and larger, place seal TORQUE
(Permatex No. 2) to prevent leakage. Install SEPARATION
retainer with “O” ring inserted, and gasket FT. LBS.*
size 201 to 207 hubs on shafts with long
over shaft. For CS Series, place retainer
ends flush with shaft ends. Install size 200 F F
ring on shaft on which CS rigid hub will be
hub on shaft with short end flush with shaft SIZE F & C FS CS Exposed Shrouded
end. For shrink fits, apply heat to hubs 200 .125 .078 .125 10 10
uniformly, preferably submerged in oil not Step 2. Check key fits and coat keys and 201 .125 .078 .125 10 10
exceeding 350° F. Do not allow “O” ring keyways with oil resistant compound to 2011⁄4 .125 .078 .125 10 10
seals to contact heated hubs. prevent leakage. Install hubs on shafts with 2011⁄2 .125 .156 .125 29 32
202 .125 .156 .125 63 32
short ends flush with shaft ends. For shrink
CAUTION: Care must be taken to avoid 2021⁄2 .188 .188 .188 125 69
fits, apply heat to hubs uniformly, preferably 203 .188 .188 .188 125 69
personal injury in the heating and handling
submerged in oil not exceeding 350°F. Do 2031⁄2 .250 .219 .250 210 133
of coupling hubs that are shrink fit shaft
not allow “O” rings to contact heated hubs. 204 .250 .312 .250 210 133
mounted. 2041⁄2 .312 .344 .312 210 133
CAUTION: Care must be taken to avoid 205 .312 .344 .312 313 232
For sizes 208 and larger, place retainer
personal injury in the heating and handling 2051⁄2 .312 .344 .312 313 232
gaskets and sleeves over hubs and onto
of coupling hubs that are shrink fit shaft 206 .312 .406 .312 313 340
mounted. 207 .375 .500 .375 440 476
Step 3. Align shafts allowing clearance as per 208 .375 .500 — 600
Step 3. Slip sleeve over hub mounted on
tabulation or in accordance with Dimension 209 .500 .562 — 800
longest shaft. 210 .500 .625 — 1,200
“D” from Engineering Data. Check gap with
taper or feeler gauge at 90° points and align Step 4. Align shafts allowing clearance as per *Tightening torque based on unlubricated
hubs with straightedge at 90° points. tabulation or from Engineering Data, threads; if threads are lubricated derate
Dimension “D.” Check gap with taper or torque to 75% of above values.
Step 4. After thoroughly coating hub and
feeler gauge at 90° intervals. Also align
sleeve teeth with lubricant, slip sleeves onto
hubs with straightedge at 90° points.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 45

200 Series Flexible Couplings The Amerigear Fully Crowned Tooth™

Maintenance and Lubrication



"Superplex EP #1 or "Superplex EP #1 or "Superplex EP #1 or "Superplex EP #1 or

Fuchs Lubricants Co. –
Renolit Benalene 350" Renolit Benalene 350" Renolit Benalene 350" Renolit Benalene 350"

"Coupling Grease or "Coupling Grease or "Coupling Grease or Coupling Grease

Chevron Lubricants Black Pearl EP2
Multifak EP2" Multifak EP2" Multifak EP2" or Meropa 460

Citgo Petroleum Corp. Premium Lithium EP2 Premium Lithium EP2 Premium Lithium EP2 – EP Compound 460

Mobilgrease 28
"Mobiltemp 78 or
Exxon / Mobil Corp. Mobilux EP 111 Mobilux EP 111 Mobilux EP 111 or Mobilgrease XTC
Unirex N2"
or Teresstic 460

Lubriplate #8 (Gear Oil)

Lubriplate Lubricants Co. Lubriplate 630AA Lubriplate 630AA Lubriplate 630AA Lubriplate 1200-2
ISO 460

Nye Lubricants Inc. AND-786 AND-786 AND-786 AND-786 AND-786

"Maryn International /
Power Up Lubricants Thixogrease EP #2 Thixogrease EP #2 Thixogrease EP #2 Thixogrease EP #2 Thixogrease EP #2
(Calgary, Canada)"

Shell Gadus S2 High Shell Gadus S2 High Shell Gadus S2 High

Shell Lubricants – –
Speed Coupling Grease Speed Coupling Grease Speed Coupling Grease

Syn-Tech Ltd.
NS-3913-G1 NS-3913-G1 NS-3913-G1 NS-3913-G1 NS-3913-G1
(Addison, IL)

For low temp. (-65°), Aeroshell #22 by Shell Oil Co., AND-793 by Nye Lubricants, Inc. For low speeds, lubricant manufacturer should be consulted.

LUBRICANT QUANTITIES Ameridrives suggests that the maximum

The lubricants listed above are recom-
LUBRICATION interval between checks and relube be one
mended by the lubricant manufacturers for
SERIES F* SERIES C year. This is only a guide, and the actual
the indicated conditions. Those shaded are
interval should be in accordance with
Coupling Wt. Vol. Wt. Vol. reported by lubricant manufacturers to
Size Lbs. Qts. Lbs. Qts. good operating practices for application.
comply with the intent of AGMA 9001. This
200 .020 .010 .015 .008 To disassemble Series F, remove flange list is solely for our customers’ convenience
201 .045 .025 .036 .020 fasteners, separate sleeves, slide sleeves and does not constitute an endorsement.
2011⁄4 .069 .033 .045 .025 over hubs, clean out old lubricant, and The listing is not intended to be complete
2011⁄2 .140 .070 .080 .040 inspect seals and gear teeth. Reassemble, nor necessarily current due to continuous
202 .200 .110 .080 .040 starting with Step 3 under Series F installation research and improvement by the various
2021⁄2 .380 .200 .160 .090 instructions on the previous page. manufacturers.
203 .540 .290 .240 .120
2031⁄2 .820 .430 .240 .120 To disassemble Series C, remove one
snap ring, slide sleeves off hubs, clean out Series F, FM, FA, FE use quantities
204 1.080 .580 .440 .240
old lubricant and inspect seals and gear recommended. For FE, apply one-half
2041⁄2 1.540 .820 .540 .290
205 2.580 1.380 1.000 .530 teeth. Reassemble, starting at Step No. 4 in one end and one-half in other end.
2051⁄2 3.120 1.660 1.120 .590 under Series C installation instructions on Series FS, FMS, FAS use one-half the
206 3.480 1.860 1.020 .540 the previous page. quantities recommended.
207 7.040 3.760 2.700 1.440 If proper alignment of shafts is assured Series C, CM, CA use quantities as shown.
208 9.160 4.840 5.580 2.970 and it is not practical to disassemble Series CS, CMS, CAS use one-half the
209 11.700 6.240 7.620 4.060
coupling, remove both lube plugs and add quantities recommended.
210 14.140 7.540 9.500 5.050
grease in sufficient amount to overflow *Series F, Class Ill use quantities as
Maintenance – The Amerigear Coupling requires with lubricant holes in horizontal position. recommended for Series F but limited to
a minimum of maintenance. Recommended lubricants and quantities the greases shown in Class Ill column above
Nevertheless, to ensure a trouble-free life are listed on this page. or the following oils:
a few checks and proper lubrication
should be performed at regular intervals. NOTE: Sizes 200 and 201 Series C are supplied Citgo EP Compound 460 by Citgo Corp.;
without lube plugs – lubricate per Series C, Teresstic 460 by Exxon; Lubriplate No. 8 by
Step No. 5. Fiske Bros.

46 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Metal Seal Flexible Couplings

Ameridrives began manufacturing in 1928 as the Me-

chanical Drives Division of Zurn Industries. Through the
years, Ameridrives has pioneered many improvements for
changing technologies of
power transmission equipment:

• Ameridrives patented
Amerigear® fully-crowned
gear tooth

• Amerigear® mill spindles and

advanced gear technology

• Americardan® high capacity

universal joints

• Ameriflex® non-lubricated
diaphragm couplings

As a leader in power transmission equipment for over

“Drop-In” Replacement for FAST® Coupling
70 years, Ameridrives is the single source
for all drive applications. Let us solve your Driveline FAST® Amerigear® FAST® Amerigear®
Connections. A flexible coupling must provide three 1 ⁄2
1 ⁄2
4 ⁄2
4 1⁄2
basic functions: 2 2 5 5
2 1⁄2 2 1⁄2 5 1⁄2 5 1⁄2
1. Physically couple together two rotating shafts. 3 3 6 6
2. Compensate for all types of misalignment.
3 1⁄2 3 1⁄2 7 7
3. Compensate for end or axial movement.
4 4
The FAST® Coupling was the standard in the metals
industry for decades. Ameridrives now offers the
labyrinth/steel ring seal option for your coupling.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 47

Series F Metal Seal Full-Flex Couplings
Size 1 1/2 - 7
Series F Full-Flex gear coupling with Steel Labyrinth Seal is applicable for harsh environments.­


Load Capacity Dimensions

F Max Bore j HP/100 Torque Maximum Weight
Size with Standard RPM In-Lbs. k Speed l with Solid A B C D E
Key x 103 RPM Hubs m

1 1⁄2 1.63 27 17.0 12,000 16.5 6.00 2.19 1.94 .13 4.00
2 2.13 50 31.5 9,300 27.4 7.00 2.88 2.44 .13 4.94
2 1⁄2 2.75 90 56.7 7,900 48.0 8.38 3.63 3.03 .19 6.19
3 3.13 160 101.0 6,800 70.8 9.44 4.25 3.59 .19 7.31
3 1⁄2 3.75 235 148.0 6,000 113.0 11.00 5.00 4.19 .25 8.50
4 4.25 375 236.0 5,260 177.0 12.50 5.75 4.75 .25 9.75
4 ⁄2
4.75 505 318.0 4,770 231.0 13.63 6.50 5.31 .31 10.94
5 5.50 700 441.0 4,300 351.0 15.31 7.31 6.03 .31 12.06
5 1⁄2 5.88 920 580.0 3,880 435.0 16.75 8.00 6.91 .31 13.81
6 6.50 1,205 759.0 3,600 538.0 18.00 8.81 7.41 .31 14.81
7 8.00 1,840 1,160.0 3,000 860.0 20.75 10.31 8.69 .38 17.31

j Bore sizes above maximum, contact Ameridrives.

k Occasional peak torques should not exceed 2X the torque capacity shown.
l Maximum speed without balancing 60% of values shown. Consult Ameridrives for higher speeds.
m Weights are approximate.
n Outer end of hub extends beyond sleeve in sizes 5 1/2, 6 and 7.
n All dimensions in inches
± 1⁄2° Static misalignment per coupling half.

48 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Series FS Metal Seal Flex-Rigid Couplings
Size 1 1/2 - 7
Series FS Flex-Rigid coupling with Steel Labyrinth Seal is applicable for harsh environments.

C C’

Max Bore with Load Capacity Dimensions

Standard Keyway
FS j j HP/100 Torque Maximum Weight
Size Flex Half Rigid Half RPM In-Lbs. k Speed l with
x 10 3
RPM Solid A C C´ D E G
Hubs m n
1 1⁄2 1.63 2.69 27 17.0 12,000 17.7 6.00 1.94 1.84 .16 3.94 3.81
2 2.13 3.38 50 31.5 9,300 30.0 7.00 2.44 2.28 .16 4.84 4.81
2 1⁄2 2.75 4.00 90 56.7 7,900 52.6 8.38 3.03 2.91 .19 6.28 5.75
3 3.13 4.75 160 101.0 6,800 78.8 9.44 3.59 3.46 .19 7.22 6.75
3 1⁄2 3.75 5.50 235 148.0 6,000 124.0 11.00 4.19 4.03 .22 8.38 7.75
4 4.25 6.38 375 236.0 5,260 187.0 12.50 4.75 4.44 .31 9.50 9.00
4 1⁄2 4.75 7.25 505 318.0 4,770 250.0 13.63 5.31 5.06 .34 10.72 10.12
5 5.50 8.50 700 441.0 4,300 377.0 15.31 6.03 5.69 .34 11.91 11.38
5 1⁄2 5.88 8.00 920 580.0 3,800 470.0 16.75 6.91 6.97 .34 14.06 10.75
6 6.50 8.75 1,205 759.0 3,600 606.0 18.00 7.41 7.46 .34 15.06 11.50
7 8.00 10.00 1,840 1,160.0 3,000 957.0 20.75 8.69 8.75 .44 17.66 13.38

j Bore sizes above maximum, contact Ameridrives.

k Occasional peak torques should not exceed 2X the torque capacity shown.
l Maximum speed without balancing 60% of values shown. Consult Ameridrives for maximum speeds of floating
shaft couplings and lateral critical speed considerations. Users must verify that the design of the shaft to
coupling hub connection is acceptable for the duty intended.
m Weights are approximate.
⑤ Floating shaft length is equal to the shaft separation minus 2 times the "D" dimension.
n Outer end of hub extends beyond sleeve in sizes 5 1/2, 6 and 7.

n All dimensions in inches

n ± 1⁄2° Static misalignment per coupling half.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 49

Jaw Flange American Flexible Couplings
Size 3 - 13

Application: Meets requirements of ................

standard medium duty applications for D
shaft sizes up to 33⁄8”. Compensates for G
all three types of misalignments and is
particularly suitable for vertical or blind ........
assembly installation.
Description: The American coupling ...............
consists of three basic parts - two ............... B
identical jaw flanges and a floating center
member. The jaw flanges are positioned
at right angles to each other and engage
opposite parallel surfaces of the center
member as shown by the cutaway view F J

on page 5. American flexible couplings are C C

normally furnished bored for a clearance E

or push fit on the shafts as specified, and JAW FLANGE COUPLlNG

with a standard keyway (when specified) in
each bore and two setscrews for each hub.
(Sizes 3, 4, and 6 have one setscrew.)

Nominal Absolute Bottom of Load Parallel Weights
Max. Max. Keyway to Max. Capacity Onset (Lbs.)
Cplg. Bore Bore* Bore Axis* Speed HP Per Capacity Solid
Size In. In. In. RPM 100 RPM In. A B C D E F G H** J Cplg.
3 .50 .50 .34 3,600 .05 .031 1.62 1.00 .75 1.25 2.03 .56 .37 — .03 .48
4 .75 .75 .50 3,600 .09 .062 1.87 1.37 .75 1.25 2.03 .53 .37 — .03 .70
6 1.00 1.00 .62 3,600 .16 .062 2.62 1.87 1.12 1.75 2.91 .78 .50 — .03 1.80
8 1.25 1.37 .87 6,300 2.20 .094 3.00 2.37 1.37 2.12 3.56 .87 .50 1.25 .06 6.00
8 ⁄2
1.37 1.62 1.00 5,300 4.20 .094 3.75 2.62 1.50 2.37 3.94 .87 .50 1.50 .06 9.80
9 1.75 2.00 1.25 5,000 6.00 .094 4.12 3.12 1.75 2.75 4.56 1.00 .62 1.56 .06 14.20
10 2.00 2.25 1.37 4,160 10.80 .156 5.25 3.62 2.25 3.37 5.69 1.37 1.00 2.12 .06 15.50
11 2.25 2.50 1.56 3,670 14.00 .156 6.00 4.12 2.50 3.75 6.31 1.50 1.00 1.94 .06 37.00
12 2.62 3.00 1.75 2,770 21.00 .281 7.50 4.87 2.75 4.25 7.06 1.62 1.00 2.75 .06 64.00
13 3.12 3.62 2.12 2,250 30.00 .281 9.00 5.75 3.00 4.75 7.81 1.75 1.25 3.50 .06 115.00

* Absolute maximum bore may be used providing the maximum distance, bottom of keyway to bore axis, is not exceeded.
** Diameter of shaft clearance hole in floating center member.

50 www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

Application Data Form
1802 Pittsburgh Avenue
Erie, PA. 16502-1943
Phone: 814-480-5000
Fax: 814-453-5891

General Machinery Application Data for Selection and Design

Customer: ______________________________________________ No. of Units: ________________________________________________

Contact Name: __________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________

Applications: ___________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________________

Inquiry No.: _________________________________________________

Complete the following information for your application:

1. Motor Horsepower______________________________________ 10. No Load Angle________________________________________
2. Motor RPM (Min. and Max.)______________________________ 10a. No Load Offset_________________________________________
3. Required Service Factor_________________________________ 11. Horizontal Application___________________________________
4. Operating RPM__________________________________________ 11a. Vertical Application_____________________________________
5. Reducer Ratio__________________________________________ 12. Drive End Bore & Keyway________________________________
6. Normal Operating Torque ________________________________ 13. Driven End Bore & Keyway_______________________________
7. Shaft Separation (Min. and Max.)__________________________ 14. Diameter Limitations______________________________________
8. Required Shaft Axial Slide _________________________________ 15. Desired B-10 Life Hours___________________________________
9. Operating Angle________________________________________
9a. Operating Offset_______________________________________
Comments or special conditions such as: Ambient temperature, atmospheric, etc.: _________________________________________
Note: If bolting to existing drive and driven flanges, please specify flange diameter, pilot diameter, bolt circle, number of bolts and
bolt size: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Space provided below for sketch.

This product will be selected based on the information supplied to Ameridrives by the Purchaser. Complete and accurate information will help to
minimize errors and misapplications. Further, it is the responsibility of the Purchaser to assure the interface connection between couplings and
connected equipment (flanges, bolting, keys, hydraulic fits, etc.), are capable of handling anticipated loads. Ameridrives will not be responsible for
errors due to inaccurate or incomplete information supplied to Ameridrives.

P-1819-AC 5/23 www.ameridrives.com 51

Regal Rexnord

Ameridrives Facilities

North America
1802 Pittsburgh Avenue
Erie, PA 16502 - USA
Mill Spindles, Ameriflex, Ameridisc,
Universal Joints, Driveshafts,
Mill Gear Couplings

2000 Clovis Barker Road

San Marcos, TX 78666 - USA
Gear Couplings, Small Industrial

300 Indiana Highway 212

Michigan City, IN 46360
Irrigation Universal Driveshafts

Scan to see all

the brands of
Regal Rexnord

Neither the accuracy nor completeness of the information contained in this publication is guaranteed by the company and may be subject to change in its sole discretion. The operating
and performance characteristics of these products may vary depending on the application, installation, operating conditions and environmental factors. The company’s terms and
conditions of sale can be viewed at http://www.altramotion.com/terms-and-conditions/sales-terms-and-conditions. These terms and conditions apply to any person who may buy,
acquire or use a product referred to herein, including any person who buys from a licensed distributor of these branded products.

©2023 by Ameridrives LLC. All rights reserved. All trademarks in this publication are the sole and exclusive property of Ameridrives LLC or one of its affiliated companies.

www.ameridrives.com P-1819-AC 5/23

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