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Master of Nightmares, Keeper of the Celestial Flame

The warmage of Fife, last

defender of Fort Dundee
There is nothing special about the childhood of the most powerful
man in Fife, as then Zarix lived a normal early life like any
other child, losing his father to war at the start of a monstrous
invasion, and was pressed into service in the army at only 14.
This became the norm for most kids, now men and women fighting
twisted abominations summoned from what may as well be the very
pits of the underworld, but Zarix was lucky to survive through
the first 2 years of the invasion, and learn how to fight under a
talented young captain that pulled his squadron out of many

Zarix killed at a young age, saw death at a young age, but

persevered through his bonds with those fighting alongside him.
He was not ready for the day his squad was used to buy time for
the rest of the army, and they were sent into melee with the
cause of the invasion, the wizard Anthrax. That day, by grace of
god and cowardice, he was the only survivor, the day Zarix bowed
to destroy Anthrax and the invasion. This was the day Zarix was
picked for a warmage squad, and changed his name to Zargothrax.
Blessed by god, Celestial Flame in his heart…

19 year old Zargothrax studied and quickly picked up magic, a

natural talent unlocked after his meeting with Anthrax and
enhanced by the Celestial Flame, and he began work on
understanding the monster invasion as he trained and fought. This
study paid off as he and the mages uncovered ancient knowledge
about how Anthrax caused the monster invasion. They found that
there is an upside down world of nightmares paralel the real
world and attempted to enter it, sending an expendable Zargothrax
through a portal and exploring the home of the monsters, now
aptly named nightmares.
Anthrax had opened a rift between the worlds and summoned the
nightmare creatures as his army, through the Terrorvortex. This
knowledge did allow the warmages to create a new spell for
traversing between worlds, and for years Zargothrax was put to
work fighting the nightmares in their own home, searching for
something to permanently halt the invasion. But there was nothing
there, no single magic crystal controlling the nightmares, no way
to close the Terrorvortex, and nothing to take back that would
make fighting the war or killing Anthrax easier.

Anger and frustration led Zargothrax to involve himself more in

the war, and for 30 more years, he learned the grandest magic and
trained his body for physical combat, becoming a true warmage of
the kingdom, his skills honed to perfection. This is when he
mastered the ability to pass between worlds, and learned how to
use it to traverse the real world without detection, and even
interact with the world from the nightmare. And with these
powers, Zargothrax intercepted Anthrax at every major battle to
come, he and his new squad made the evil wizard’s life hell and
became his very own nightmare, and cornered the army of monsters
to Grailknight Pass, a bottleneck passage between the
Terrorvortex and the rest of the world.

With his help, Fort Dundee was raised at the end of the pass, and
armies placed to hold the nightmares there, and it held. The fort
was strong and so were its protectors, who Zargothrax emboldened
with his knowledge and spells against the creatures, and for
years Anthrax was powerless to break through the fort, which not
even flying beasts could go past, while the kingdoms of Fife
trained new heroes to fight Anthrax himself…

The heroes failed, year after year, decade after decade, and a
hundred years passed after Fife had given up on fighting, only
defending itself at the pass, tossing more soldiers into the meat
grinder. But Zargothrax, forgotten as a hero, stood forever
stalwart against Anthrax’s army of nightmares, and one final day
came to face him again, just like he wished as a young man. His
old and scarred body, alive through magic, faced the largest army
Anthrax had ever amassed, and was forced back into the fort,
where the defending soldiers were cut down one by one.
Both sides lost countless fighters, but the nightmares just kept
coming, and Zargothrax was soon pinned in the fort’s main hall,
where surrounded by nightmares held back by his soldiers, he and
Anthrax faced each other, sword in hand… The battle was swift,
both fell to their knees.

The soldiers were dead, the nightmares approached, and Zargothrax

was defeated. But he had one last resort.
A remnant from his research into closing the Terrorvortex was the
dangerous theory of forcefully collapsing it, something he took
and weaved into a last resort spell, and something he now used.
With all of his magic and that of his fallen allies, Zargothrax
called upon the Celestial Flame’s innate power given by god, and
began to shatter the very barrier between worlds in hopes of
destroying the nightmare world itself…

This magic instead cut the control Anthrax had over the nightmare
creatures and fused the worlds, bringing nightmare into the real
world, but now Zargothrax had created what he searched so far
for. His body crystallized and with his last thoughts, he became
the one thing that gives life to the nightmares, and so another
hero would one day destroy it and rid the world of fear…

Proletius, Zargothrax II
Terror Shifter, Hero of Nightmare

Disgraced Warmage of the

Celestial Academy
Reborn, Zarix II was a quiet baby, his tiny mind still processing
the fleeting knowledge of another life longer than one could even
really fathom, before it all faded away by the time a year had
passed. His past life had been blurred to protect his child self
as he grew and would reveal itself slowly, but it slipped through
fully at times, making for an odd childhood that soon had him
scoped out by the Celestial Academy, a magic school that took
Zarix II from his family and began to train him in the arts of
the warmage. But more than 90% of students in the warmage wing
fail, or even sometimes die, as any that fully finish the course
and graduate would have to be among the absolute strongest
students of magic and combat both.

Zarix II was great in talent, but they found something extra

within him. His glowing eyes had the ability to see monsters that
weren't there, and he sometimes disappeared, which they learned
was him falling into the nightmare world, which followed through
rebirth. Zarix had the latent ability of passing between the two
worlds, the real and the upside down nightmare world, where
twisted things and monsters live. So with this newfound ability
and being a boy in a society ruled by women, Zarix II was pushed
too hard for him to overcome, and for 10 years he was forced
through grueling tests and training he would not succeed in,
meaning in the last year, with at least a greater understanding
of magic and war, and a stronger body, Zarix II was expelled as a
failure. Not even his connection to the nightmare world would
save him, they couldn't teach him anymore…

Disgraced and homeless, he looked back on the years. He was 18

now, a young man trained in magic and toned by routine, yet his
unmarred skin hid any talent. He had toiled at the barrier
between worlds until he could enter the nightmare at will, and
lightly interact with real things while in it, but he learned the
nightmare world had little breathable air, forcing him to wear an
enchanted mask to stay in it, a mask that would change his voice
when worn, by the dark power it filtered from the nightmare.

But he is 18 now…

That means it is time to go, and the memory of his birth returns
to him, the call of God is strong again. He set out for the
Grand Cathedral in the remnants of a dead empire, he could not
refuse God's summons…
It is also time for a new name, one he chooses from his past
life. He is Zargothrax II, but normally goes by Proletius, the
name of his best friend as the first Zargothrax. He will honor
the name.
Character Sheet
Proletius, Zargothrax II
Human Warmage, Terror Shifter, Hero of Nightmares

Health: 10

Physicality: 2 (+1)
➢ Strike: 2
➢ Dodge: 1
➢ Lift: 1

Mentality: 2 (+1)
➢ Think: 1
➢ Understand: 1
➢ Search: 1

Mysticality: 2 (+1)
➢ Destroy: 1
➢ Protect: 1
➢ Restore: 1

Personality: 2 (+1)
➢ Threaten: 0
➢ Seduce: 1
➢ Suggest: 1

➢ An old and battered sword, handmade as part of academy
lessons in smithing, and decorated lightly.
➢ Thin leather and cloth armor for use under clothing,
extremities in metal, custom tailored by hand.
➢ A small amulet on a necklace, made of gold and splashed
in dry blood, an anchor to the world.
➢ A comfortable cloth mask, enchanted to give oxygen to
the wearer when activated by magic.


Dark Kindling: Light an item, weapon, or spot in magical
hellfire, adding or dealing fire damage.
S: 0
M: 2 (4)
U: 3

Upside-down Slash: Slice at the weak point on the ethereal

form of the target in the Nightmare world.
S: 3 (6)
M: 3 (6)
U: 1

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