Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
13 903
2 authors, including:
Andrew Wilby
Lancaster University
All content following this page was uploaded by Andrew Wilby on 27 April 2016.
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Year: 2009
Hector, A; Wilby, A
Hector, A; Wilby, A (2009). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In: Levin, S A. The Princeton guide to
ecology. Princeton, NJ, US, 367-375.
Postprint available at:
6 Outline
9 • Mechanisms
10 • Multitrophic systems
11 • Ecosystem multifunctionality
15 Forecasts of ongoing biodiversity loss prompted ecologists in the early 1990s to question
16 whether this loss of species could have a negative impact on the functioning of
18 ecosystem, that is the biogeochemical flows of energy and matter within and between
19 ecosystems (e.g. primary production and nutrient cycling). This first general phase of
21 varying diversity to measure the effects on ecosystem processes. The results of the meta-
22 analyses of this first wave of studies show that biodiversity generally has a positive but
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27 significantly better than the best single species, at least in the short term. In the longer
28 term biodiversity can provide an insurance value similar to the risk spreading benefits
30 functioning may have been under-estimated by the first phase of research due to the
31 short duration of many studies and due to the focus on single ecosystem processes in
32 isolation rather than considering all important ecosystem functions simultaneously. The
33 next phase of research will in part focus on whether the benefits of biodiversity seen in
36 Glossary
38 variation from the level of genes, through populations, species and functional groups (and
41 • Ecosystem processes: The biogeochemical flows of energy and matter within and between
43 • Ecosystem service: An ecosystem process or property that is beneficial for human beings,
45 • Selection effects: The influence that species have on ecosystem functioning simply due to
48 dominate communities).
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54 Darwin, in the Origin of Species, initially proposed that changes in biodiversity could affect
55 ecosystem functioning if niche space is more fully occupied in more diverse communities
56 than depauperate ones. We use ecosystem functioning as an umbrella term to embrace all the
57 bio-geo-chemical processes that operate within ecosystems, primary production for example.
58 This early work was apparently forgotten until the early 1990s, but the same reasoning was
59 around in the mid-twentieth century where it was proposed that more diverse mixtures of fish
60 species should lead to greater productivity: “Presumably fish production will increase as the
62 the number of species of fishes increases”. Indeed, both of these early studies even presented
64 In the early 1990s, general concern about the impact of anthropogenic biodiversity
65 was voiced at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. At this the Convention on Biological Diversity
66 (CBD) was launched with the signatures of 150 heads of government. This international treaty
67 designed to promote sustainable development and the protection of biodiversity was evidence
68 of political acceptance that anthropogenic biodiversity loss may have serious detrimental
69 effects on humankind. Concerns highlighted at Rio and in the Convention also led to renewed
70 scientific interest and a concerted effort by ecologists to understand the effects of changes in
71 biodiversity on ecosystem functioning and the likely significance of such changes for
72 humankind. More than a decade’s worth of research has now been published, accompanied by
73 a debate which focused in large part on the mechanisms underlying the relationship between
74 biodiversity and functioning. Synthesis of the first decade of results through meta-analysis is
77 The main approach that has been used to investigate the relationship between biodiversity and
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80 remove species from natural communities. A third non-manipulative approach is to infer the
81 relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning by seeing how they are
82 correlated across habitats. All three approaches have strengths and weaknesses. In this piece
85 between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (e.g. Figure 2); a pattern which is remarkably
86 consistent across trophic groups (producers, herbivores, detrivores and predators) and present
87 in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. However, the relationship between biodiversity and
90 The first phase of research on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning was focused on
91 identifying general patterns (whether biodiversity change can affect ecosystem functioning or
92 not) and species were therefore removed at random to generate experimental diversity
93 gradients. Another key result of these studies is that there is considerable variation among
94 species or species assemblages in their impact on functioning. This suggests that the actual
95 effect of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning seen in real-world situations will depend
96 strongly on which species are lost. Moving from random to more realistic real-world
98 Mechanisms
99 The early studies mentioned in the introductory background section only identify one way in
100 which biodiversity changes can affect ecosystem functioning, namely by affecting the degree
102 niches). That is, more diverse communities utilise a greater proportion of available niche
103 space. However, as mentioned above, biodiversity changes can also affect ecosystem
104 functioning by the simple presence or loss of particular species with strong intrinsic effects on
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105 ecosystem processes (so-called sampling or selection effects); more diverse communities are
106 more likely to contain those species or assemblages which strongly affect functioning. There
107 has been widespread debate over the last decade about whether the positive relationships
109 Additive partitioning methods are one approach which allows separation of the overall
110 net effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning into complementarity effects that arise
111 from species interactions and selection effects that are species-specific. Meta-analysis reveals
112 that almost all studies are driven by a combination of these effects but that overall
113 complementarity effects were nearly twice as strong as selection effects (Figure 2). However,
114 even though complementarity effects have a greater effect than selection effects they are not
115 strong enough to cause mixtures to do significantly better than monocultures in most cases
116 (Figure 3). In summary, while the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem
117 functioning is positive, and complementarity effects contribute approximately twice as much
118 as selection effects in generating these relationships, diverse communities do not generally
119 perform better than the best individual species. However, this result is influenced by the short
120 duration of many of the experiments performed to date since the relationship between
121 biodiversity and ecosystem functioning grows stronger over time (Figure 3) due to increasing
122 complementarity. Nevertheless, it appears that diverse communities are rarely able to do
123 substantially better than a monoculture of the best-performing species that they contain. This
124 appears to be due in part to the fact that communities are often not dominated by the most
125 productive species but by species with a lower performance. In fact, in over 40% of the
127 monoculture biomass leading to a negative selection effect with a negative influence on the
128 performance of the ecosystem as a whole. An important implication of this meta-analysis for
129 future research is that studies must be longer-term if they are to reveal the full effects of
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133 Alongside the work on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning there has also been significant
135 interactions. Here the focus has been more on the impact of diversity at one trophic level on
136 the population density at the trophic level below. Most commonly this has involved studies of
137 predator species diversity and impact on prey populations. Recently, attempts have been made
138 to link the considerable bodies of work on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and
142 among target species. Interactions among species are not explicitly considered in biodiversity-
143 ecosystem functioning studies, whereas predator–prey theory has a long history of
144 investigating direct and indirect interactions among predator species and how these affect the
145 population size of the prey species. For example, intra-guild predation where one predatory
146 species preys on another is a common interaction in nature which has the capacity to reduce
147 the joint impact of the predator species on the original prey species. The opposite outcome
148 can occur when facilitative interactions occur among predator species. One commonly
149 reported example of this is when the avoidance behaviour of the prey to one predator makes
150 them more susceptible to predation by a second. Aphids for example commonly drop from the
151 plant when approached by a foliar predator, but this can leave them susceptible to ground
152 foraging predators so that the functioning of ground and foliar predators together is greater
154 Facilitative and negative interactions among constituent species can occur in basal
155 trophic levels, such as primary producers or detritivores. Plants are known to take part in
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156 allelopathic interactions in which they impact each other negatively via the production of
157 toxic chemicals. There is also strong evidence that plant species may facilitate each other by
158 enriching the soil by nitrogen fixation or by moderating harsh abiotic environments for
160 functioning theory would be improved by the incorporation of such species interactions.
162 effects of diversity on functioning, but results from terrestrial predator–prey systems are more
163 equivocal, with almost half of the studies reporting negative or neutral effects of increasing
164 species diversity on prey suppression. Where significant species interactions occur, it may be
165 useful to think of observed relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning as
166 the net effect of co-occurring positive mechanisms (resource-use differentiation and
168 evidence from predator–prey systems suggests that at least in some cases negative interactions
169 among species outweigh the positive mechanisms causing reduced functionality in more
172 Ecological stability refers commonly to one of three general properties of ecosystems: the
173 temporal variation in a property of the ecosystem (e.g. primary production) or the response
174 (resistance) or recovery (resilience) of these properties following perturbation. One possible
175 value of biodiversity to humans is its potential to increase stability by buffering ecosystem
176 processes like production against environmental variation and in making them more resistant
177 and resilient to perturbations. This insurance value of biodiversity has most often been
178 considered in the context of fluctuations over time, where it has been likened to the risk-
179 spreading benefits of diverse portfolios of investments in financial markets, but could also
180 apply to spatial environmental variation. For this insurance effect to occur requires only that
181 fluctuations in the abundances of a guild of species are not perfectly synchronised, because
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182 under perfect synchrony an entire guild or trophic level would effectively behave as one
183 species. When species responses are not perfectly positively correlated changes in some
184 species can be compensated by others and the averaging of their asynchronous fluctuations
185 smoothes the collective productivity of the whole community (Figure 4).
187 that diversity has a stabilizing effect on aggregate community or ecosystem properties (like
188 primary productivity) at the same time as the fluctuations of the constituent species may be
189 destabilized due to interactions with greater numbers of species (although destabilization is
190 not inevitable). The key thing to understand is that it is the lack of perfect synchrony of
191 individual species fluctuations that leads to the stabilizing effect of diversity on ecosystem
192 processes. This asynchrony through independent or compensatory species responses can be
194 A recent review of the diversity-stability literature emphasizes its breadth and
195 complexity due to the many different types of stability and the range of different variables
196 that stability measures can be calculated for (e.g. stability of population abundance vs total
197 community biomass as introduced above). For experiments where diversity was directly
198 manipulated there are reports of two positive effects of plant species diversity on the stability
199 of biomass production and three positive effects of microbial diversity on the stability of
200 biomass or carbon dioxide production. There are no reports of negative or neutral effects of
201 diversity on temporal stability of ecosystem processes from grassland experiments, but one
202 negative effect of increased multitrophic diversity on the temporal stability of biomass
203 production in seagrass beds, and one neutral and one negative effect of microbial diversity on
204 the stability of microbial biomass production. Observational studies have also looked at
205 stabilising effects of biodiversity on ecosystem processes producing five positive effects of
206 plant diversity on temporal stability and one neutral effect. In summary, evidence from both
207 natural and experimental systems of plants and microbes suggests that insurance effects of
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210 As summarised above, meta-analysis of the results of the first generation of experimental
211 research on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has revealed that individual ecosystem
212 processes generally show a positive but saturating relationship with increasing diversity. The
213 saturating relationship suggests that some species are redundant with respect to a single
214 function. However, nearly all studies to date have been short-term and only address the effect
215 of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning at a given point in time and under a relatively
216 narrow set of conditions. Much of the other work reviewed above suggests that biodiversity
217 can sometimes have an insurance value by buffering ecosystem-level processes in a way
218 analogous to that in which diverse investment portfolios spread financial risk and improve
219 average performance in the longer term. Nevertheless, all of the research to date considers
220 ecosystem processes examined individually, despite the fact that most ecosystems are
221 managed or valued for several ecosystem services or processes: so-called ecosystem
222 multifunctionality. If it is the case that a single species, or group of species, controls
223 ecosystem functioning, then the remaining species are functionally redundant. Although it
224 seems unlikely that a single species could control all ecosystem processes, it is possible that a
225 single group of species may. However, if there is appreciable lack of overlap in the groups of
226 species that influence different ecosystem processes, then higher levels of biodiversity will be
227 required to maintain overall ecosystem functioning than indicated by analyses focusing on
228 individual ecosystem processes in isolation. Only one study of ecosystem multifunctionality
229 exists to date, but this analysis of seven ecosystem processes measured in a network of
230 grassland biodiversity experiments supports the ecosystem multifunctionality hypothesis: the
231 greater the number of ecosystem processes included in the analysis the greater the number of
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234 The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment defines ecosystem services as the benefits provided
235 by ecosystems to humans. Ecosystem services include the provision of materials (food,
236 genetic resources, water etc.), cultural and psycho-spiritual well-being, supporting services
237 (nutrient cycling, soil formation etc) and regulating services (pest and disease control,
238 pollination, erosion control, climate regulation etc.). The ecosystem processes that we have
239 covered in this chapter are closely aligned with both supporting and regulating services. The
240 evidence from the meta-analyses discussed above suggests that, in general, we expect the
242 Direct evidence of impacts of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning is accumulating. For
243 example, increased diversity of wild host species has been shown to lead to dilution effects
244 that reduce the probability of human infection by zoonotic diseases. Loss of biodiversity is
245 also implicated in causing reduced carbon sequestration and therefore a net release of carbon
246 into the atmosphere where it contributes to global climate change. However, just as in
247 experimental studies of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, effects will depend strongly
248 on which species are lost. The provision of ecosystem services has been of particular concern
249 in agricultural systems both because of their spatial extent (they are estimated to cover a
250 quarter of the terrestrial earth surface, rising to almost three-quarters in some developed
251 regions) and the severe losses of biodiversity they endure. Intensification of production in
252 many parts of the globe has resulted in extreme declines in biodiversity in agricultural
253 systems, both in terms of homogenisation of production systems (simplified landscapes and
254 fewer breeds/varieties grown) and declines in the wild species inhabiting agricultural
255 ecosystems. Such simplification requires that compromised services such as pest regulation
256 and maintenance of soil fertility and condition are replaced by synthetic pesticides and
257 fertilisers, which are inherently unsustainable due to their reliance on externally derived
258 energy and materials, and their negative impacts on non-target taxa, including humans.
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259 Enhancement and utilisation of ecosystem services in agriculture is seen as one route to
262 The first phase of research on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning primarily used
263 experimental communities to investigate the effects of random species loss. Recent meta-
264 analysis suggests that there generally are effects of species loss on ecosystem functioning in
265 these experiments and that these effects are generally positive but saturating. Both
266 complementarity and selection effects play a role in generating these relationships with the
267 effects of complementarity being nearly twice as strong as selection. Nevertheless, diverse
268 mixtures rarely perform better than the best-performing species, at least in the short term
270 A key goal for the next phase of research is a move away from artificial experimental
271 systems towards more realistic settings and to see if the biodiversity effects seen in the
272 experiments translate to real-world situations. This will also necessitate a move away from the
273 random loss of species used in the first phase of research towards more realistic scenarios of
274 species loss and the incorporation of multiple trophic levels. The move from experimental to
275 real-world settings will also require a move to larger field-scale study systems and, as
276 suggested by the recent meta-analyses, to longer-term research. The first phase of research
277 reviewed here has demonstrated the potential for biodiversity to have positive effects on
278 ecosystem functioning. The question now is whether these experimental results will translate
279 into positive effects of biodiversity on the provision of ecosystem services in the real world.
280 The value of ecosystem services to humans is enormous [cross reference?] and it is now
281 critical to find out what role biodiversity plays in the provision of these services to human
282 societies.
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284 Balvanera, P., Pfisterer, A.B., Buchmann, N., He, J.-S., Nakashizuka, T., Raffaelli, D., &
285 Schmid, B. (2006) Quantifying the evidence for biodiversity effects on ecosystem
287 Cardinale, B.J., Srivastava, D.S., Emmett Duffy, J., Wright, J.P., Downing, A.L., Sankaran,
288 M., & Jouseau, C. (2006) Effects of biodiversity on the functioning of trophic groups and
290 Cardinale, B.J., Wright, J.P., Cadotte, M.W., Carroll, I.T., Hector, A., Srivastava, D.S.,
291 Loreau, M., & Weis, J.J. (2007) Impacts of plant diversity on biomass production increase
294 Hector, A. & Bagchi, R. (2007) Biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality. Nature, 448,
295 188-190.
296 Ives & Carpenter (2007) Stability and Diversity of Ecosystems Science 317, 58-#.
297 Kinzig, A., Tilman, D., & Pacala, S., eds. (2002) The Functional Consequences of
298 Biodiversity: empirical progress and theoretical extensions. Princeton University Press,
299 Princeton.
300 Loreau, M. & Hector, A. (2001) Partitioning selection and complementarity in biodiversity
302 Loreau, M., Naeem, S., Inchausti, P., Bengtsson, J., Grime, J.P., Hector, A., Hooper, D.U.,
303 Huston, M.A., Raffaelli, D., Schmid, B., Tilman, D., & Wardle, D.A. (2001) Biodiversity
304 and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and future challenges. Science, 294, 804-
305 809.
306 Loreau, M., Naeem, S., & Inchausti, P., eds. (2002) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning:
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308 Worm, B., Barbier, E.B., Nicola Beaumont, Duffy, J.E., Folke, C., Halpern, B.S., Jackson,
309 J.B.C., Lotze, H.K., Micheli, F., Palumbi, S.R., Sala, E., Selkoe, K.A., Stachowicz, J.J., &
310 Watson, R. (2006) Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services. Science,
313 Legends
315 Figure 1 Early evidence for a link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning from (top
316 panel) an early nineteenth century large-scale experimental garden at Woburn Abbey, U.K.
317 mentioned by Darwin in The Origin (after Hector & Hooper 2002), and, (lower panel)
318 “Relation between standing crops and numbers of species of fish present in Midwestern
321 Figure 2 Effects of plant species richness on the production of above-ground plant biomass
322 for 11 plant biodiversity experiments. Lines are linear regression slopes as a function of the
323 number of plant species (log2 scale) for the eight BIODEPTH project experiments (black
324 lines; see Hector et al. 1999) the Cedar Creek biodiversity experiment (dashed line; see
325 Tilman et al. 2001) the Jena biodiversity experiment (dotted line; Roscher et al. 2005) and
328 Figure 3 Meta-analysis results (Cardinale et al. 2007) for (top left) overyielding, (top right)
329 transgressive overyielding, (lower left) complementarity effects and, (lower right) selection
330 effects. The data for the upper and lower panels are for different (but overlapping) sets of
331 studies. Note the different y axis scales in the two upper panels. Tukey box and whisker plots
332 to the right of each scatter plot summarize the variation averaged over time (notches provide
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335 Figure 4 Asynchronous population fluctuations buffer total community biomass. In this
336 hypothetical example the total biomass of the three-species community (d) is less variable
337 than the two-species community (b) due to the asynchrony of individual species biomasses (a
340 Figure 5 Diversity increases stability (S) of ecosystem primary production (μ = mean and σ =
341 standard deviation of biomass through time; reproduced from van Ruijven & Berendse 2007).
343 Figure 6 Positive relationship between the range of ecosystem processes considered and the
344 number of species that affect one or more aspect of ecosystem functioning. The points
345 (jittered for clarity) show numbers of species required for all possible combinations of
346 ecosystem processes. Lines are average predictions based on the mean number of species
347 required for a single process and the average overlap in the sets of species required for each
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Grassland plots
High diversity Low diversity
Hay yield
Midwest Reservoirs
Pounds per acre (ln)
1 2 5 10 20
Figure 1
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Aboveground biomass production (g)
Figure 2
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Overyielding Transgression
Transgressive overyielding, LRtrans
Net diversity effect, LRnet
4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8
Complementarity Selection
Compelemntarity effect, CE
Selection effect, SE
4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 3
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Species abundance (a) (b)
Total biomass
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
(c) (d)
Species abundance
Total biomass
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time Time
Figure 4
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Species richness
Figure 5
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Figure 6