Physical Sciences Learner's Book
Physical Sciences Learner's Book
Physical Sciences Learner's Book
Physical Sciences
Grade 12
Learner’s Book
C McLaren F Gray
B Nozaic D du Plessis
Solutions for all Physical Sciences Grade 12 Learner’s Book
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Introduction........................................................................................ v
How to use the Solutions for all Physical Sciences Grade 12 Learner’s Book......................................v
Topic 0 Skills for practical investigations............................................................................................... 1
Knowledge area: Mechanics (Physics)
Topic 1 Momentum and impulse......................................................................................................... 13
Momentum................................................................................................................................. 15
Newton’s second law in terms of momentum....................................................................... 20
Conservation of momentum and elastic and inelastic collisions........................................ 28
Impulse........................................................................................................................................ 41
Extend yourself.......................................................................................................................... 50
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 52
Topic 2 Vertical projectile motion in one dimension (1D).............................................................. 53
Vertical projectile motion represented in words and equations.......................................... 55
Vertical projectile motion represented in graphs................................................................... 70
Extend yourself.......................................................................................................................... 81
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 84
Knowledge area: Matter and materials (Chemistry)
Topic 3 Organic chemistry..................................................................................................................... 85
Organic molecular structures................................................................................................... 86
Structure and physical property relationships.................................................................... 113
Applications of organic chemistry........................................................................................ 121
Types of reactions of organic compounds............................................................................ 128
Plastics and polymers.............................................................................................................. 143
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 156
Summary................................................................................................................................... 163
Knowledge area: Mechanics (Physics)
Topic 4 Work, energy and power........................................................................................................ 165
Work........................................................................................................................................... 168
The work-energy theorem...................................................................................................... 178
Conservation of energy........................................................................................................... 183
Power......................................................................................................................................... 192
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 204
Summary................................................................................................................................... 208
Knowledge area: Waves, sound and light (Physics)
Topic 5 Doppler effect.......................................................................................................................... 211
Doppler effect with sound and ultrasound.......................................................................... 213
The Doppler effect with light................................................................................................. 219
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 222
Summary................................................................................................................................... 224
Knowledge area: Chemical change (Chemistry)
Topic 6 Rate and extent of reaction.................................................................................................... 225
Rates of reaction and factors affecting rate.......................................................................... 227
Measuring rates of reaction.................................................................................................... 233
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 242
Summary................................................................................................................................... 247
Topic 7 Chemical equilibrium............................................................................................................ 248
Chemical equilibrium and factors affecting equilibrium................................................... 250
The equilibrium constant........................................................................................................ 267
Application of equilibrium principles – equilibrium graphs............................................ 274
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 278
Summary................................................................................................................................... 282
Topic 8 Acids and bases....................................................................................................................... 283
Acid-base reactions.................................................................................................................. 285
The application of acids and bases........................................................................................ 320
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 323
Summary................................................................................................................................... 325
Knowledge area: Electricity and magnetism (Physics)
Topic 9 Electric circuits......................................................................................................................... 326
Internal resistance.................................................................................................................... 332
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 346
Summary................................................................................................................................... 349
Topic 10 Electrodynamics...................................................................................................................... 352
Revision of electromagnetic induction................................................................................. 355
Electrical machines: generators and motors........................................................................ 356
Alternating current (AC)......................................................................................................... 380
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 389
Summary................................................................................................................................... 392
Knowledge area: Matter and materials (Physics)
Topic 11 Optical phenomena and properties of materials.............................................................. 395
The photoelectric effect........................................................................................................... 398
Atomic emission and absorption spectra............................................................................. 416
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 427
Summary................................................................................................................................... 431
Knowledge area: Chemical change (Chemistry)
Topic 12 Electrochemical reactions...................................................................................................... 432
Galvanic and electrolytic cells................................................................................................ 434
Understanding of the processes and redox reactions taking place in cells..................... 444
Standard electrode potentials................................................................................................. 453
Relation of current and potential to rate and equilibrium................................................. 458
Writing of equations representing oxidation and reduction half-reactions
and redox reactios.................................................................................................................... 460
Oxidation numbers and application of electrolytic processes........................................... 466
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 472
Summary................................................................................................................................... 478
Knowledge area: Chemical systems (Chemistry)
Topic 13 Chemical industry................................................................................................................... 479
Elements in fertilisers.............................................................................................................. 481
The industrial manufacture of fertilisers.............................................................................. 485
The impact of the use of inorganic fertilisers....................................................................... 494
Extend yourself........................................................................................................................ 498
Summary................................................................................................................................... 500
Introduction • v
What you know already: On the second page of a topic is What you know already and
Check myself. These two features tell you what you already know from previous grades
and then makes sure that you know what you need to know by giving you a question or
two to complete before continuing with the new work. It is revision of a previous
grade’s work.
Units and lessons: The content of each topic is divided into units and lessons. The lessons
break the work up in smaller chunks of information. This helps you to make sure you
know and understand a certain section of the work before moving on to the next new
section of work. A lesson consists of content and then an Exercise or a Practical task. The
Exercise might be done in class or given as homework. The Exercise and Practical tasks are
opportunities for formal and informal assessment. Your teacher will inform you which
activities would be assessed. One Practical task per term is a formal assessment task. The
Exercises and Practical tasks can be done alone, in pairs or in groups.
Extend yourself: The topic ends with a variety of additional questions and problems to
give you extra practice. Some of the problems will require that you extend yourself to get
to the solution.
Definitions box: The Definitions box at the end of the topic contains definitions of all
important terms within the topic. Always keep a dictionary handy to find the correct
meaning of new words. If you know what a word means you will understand the content
better and this will make your learning much easier.
Summary: Each topic ends with a Summary of the content covered in the topic. Use these
summaries to recap the content of the topic.
Other features include
Worked examples: Throughout the book there are examples that are explained step-by-
step and a full solution given. Work through them before attempting problems in the
Exercises. The worked examples explain the process of how to get to the correct solution
and answer.
Checkpoints: Checkpoints are included along the way during a topic. They are positioned
at regular intervals throughout a topic and are designed to consolidate your
understanding of a particular concept. You should attempt each Checkpoint before
continuing with the topic.
Science around us: This is some interesting information on how the science you are
learning relates to something in everyday life.
Diagrams and illustrations: Diagrams are included to help you understand the written
words. Make good use of the pictures when working through the text. When you see
something you will remember it a lot better.
Representation of vectors: The symbols for vectors are shown in bold and italics, for
example F (to represent a force) or p (to represent momentum). The symbol for the
magnitude of a vector is shown in italics only, for example F = 400 N or p = 2 kg.m.s–1.
The publisher and authors wish you the best in your study of Physical Sciences Grade 12.
Good luck!
vi • Introduction
Practical safety information
There are Practical activities throughout this book. Safety information for each Practical
activity is given at the start of the activity. Please take note of this safety information to
ensure your own the safety and that of the other learners. The symbols in the table are
used throughout the Solutions for all Physical Sciences Grade 12 Learner’s Book. Use this table
as a reference to find the meaning of each symbol. Follow these instructions carefully
when performing experiments.
Symbol Meaning
Irritant or harmful • This symbol with the word “harmful” should appear on
the label of a substance which, if it is inhaled or ingested
or if it penetrates the skin, may involve limited health risks.
• This symbol with the word “irritant” is meant for a
noncorrosive substance which, through contact with the
skin, can cause inflammation.
Poisonous • This symbol with the word “toxic” denotes a highly
hazardous substance.
• This symbol with the words “very toxic” is used to label
a substance which, if it is inhaled or ingested or if it
penetrates the skin, may involve extremely serious health
risks and even death.
Flammable or extremely • This symbol with the words “highly flammable” substance
flammable which may become hot and catch fire.
• This symbol with the words “extremely flammable”
denotes a liquid that would boil at body temperature and
would catch fire if exposed to a flame.
Oxidising chemical These substances provide oxygen which allows other materials
to burn more fiercely.
Corrosive This symbol with the word “corrosive” will be found on the
label of a substance which may destroy living tissues on
contact with it. Severe burns on the skin and flesh might result
from splashes of such substances on the body.
Environmental hazard Relatively rare with laboratory chemicals (most of which pose
some environmental hazard if not got rid of correctly), these
require particular care to be taken on disposal.
Introduction • vii
Explosive Noise and movement can also trigger explosion, not just
sparks/ flames.
Use of electrical To avoid electric shock, never use electrical equipment around
equipment water, or when the equipment is wet or your hands are wet.
Be sure cords are untangled and cannot trip anyone. Unplug
equipment not in use.
Bunsen burner usage • Ensure your clothes are safely tucked in. No loose clothing.
• Before starting, make sure Bunsen burner is off.
• Ensure gas tap is closed at the beginning and end of
• Be certain that whatever you are heating can be heated
safely and will not explode.
viii • Introduction
0 Skills for practical investigations
A famous scientist once said: “Teaching science without practical work is like
teaching English without books.” It is possible to teach Science without experiments
and to teach English without books, but the final result is bound to be poor. Practical
experiments and investigations allow you to apply the theoretical scientific concepts
in practical everyday life and makes Science exciting. Practical work must be
integrated with theory to strengthen the Physical Sciences concepts that have to be
The scientific process is a way of investigating things about the world. Scientists use this
process to find out about the world and to solve problems. The steps that make up the
scientific process include:
• Step 1: Identify a problem and develop a question. What is it that you want to find
• Step 2: Form a hypothesis. A hypothesis is your idea, answer, or prediction about
what will happen and why.
• Step 3: Design an activity or experiment. Do something (investigate) that will help
you test your idea or prediction to see if you are correct.
• Step 4: Observe/note changes/reactions (through measuring) and record your
observations. What are the results of the investigation or experiment? Write about
what happened.
• Step 5: Make inferences about the observations recorded in the tables, graphs,
drawings and photographs. Make some conclusions. What did you find out? Do your
results support your hypothesis? What did you learn from your investigation?
Put the steps of the scientific method in a logical order.
lf • Construct a hypothesis
• Draw conclusions
• Do background research
• Ask a question
• Analyse results
Name of Model Billiard Ball Model Plum Pudding Model Planetary Model
Scientist who John Dalton Joseph Thomson Ernest Rutherford
proposed it
Date +/– 1800 +/– 1890 +/– 1910
Diagram of model
Description of model Atoms are made of Discovered protons and electrons, but Discovered that the
small indestructible thought that they were evenly distributed protons are found in
spheres throughout the atom the centre of the atom
and that the electrons
spin around the nucleus
Laboratory procedures
The laboratory procedures include:
° Methods used to measure physical quantities, such as time, distance, etc on a small
° The masses of the two trolleys are determined to the nearest gram.
° Ensure that the trolley wheels run freely. If necessary, add a little oil to the axles.
° Pipette ° Burette
° The independent variable is recorded in the left hand column and the dependent
variable is recorded in the right hand column.
° There must be headings to each column, and the heading must include the units of
° The correct heading. A correct heading should be a statement that includes both
variables. For example,
A line graph to show the relationship between the potential difference across a conductor and the
current in the conductor
° Ensure that the scales that you choose result in you using more than half of the space
given on the graph paper, to ensure that the graph is not too small.
° That the line joining the dots is one of best fit. Use a ruler to draw a straight line of
best fit if the graph is clearly supposed to be a straight line. If the plotted points do
not form a straight line, use a smooth curve to represent the data. Do not join the dots
with short, straight lines.
A graph for the values give in Table A is shown in Figure 1. There is clearly one reading
that is an anomalous reading. An anomalous reading is a reading that falls very far out of
the trend that the other points are following. There must have been an error when
performing the experiment at that time, or else the results must have been recorded
incorrectly. This point on the graph can therefore be ignored.
Potential difference (V) vs current (A)
Fig 2a: A curved line graph Fig 2b: A straight line graph
° Time and rate are dependent variables and are drawn on the y-axis.
° The solid red line in Figure 2b does not pass through all the points. However, it is
clear that the graph should be a straight line. A ruler is used to draw the line that best
fits the plotted points. Do not join the plotted points (dots) as is illustrated by the
green line.
Calculating gradient
If asked to calculate the gradient of a graph, choose two points on the graph use them to
calculate the gradient. For example, if asked to calculate the gradient of the graph in
Figure 1, let us use the first and last points plotted (ensure that they fall on the line of best
fit) and calculate the gradient of that line:
Δy ____________
0,049 − 0,031
gradient = ___ = = 0,092
Δx 0,548 − 0,352
You may then be asked to interpret what is understood by the value that you
have calculated.
In this csae the gradient has the following unit:
gradient = __
= Ω–1
Therefore the gradient represents ‘the inverse of resistance’.
a) Precise and inaccurate b) Imprecise and inaccurate c) Precise and accurate d) Imprecise and accurate
Figure 3: The difference between accuracy and precision
° calculation errors.
Percent error: A measure of the accuracy is the percent error (% error), which is used
ONLY when the actual measured quantity is known or an accepted value such as
g = 9,8 m.s–2 or speed of light c = 3 × 108 m.s–1 etc.
(Experimental result) − (Accepted value)
% error = _____________________________________
× 100
(Accepted value)
° friction between the wheels and the plank, which is an external force acting on the
movement of the trolleys. This means that the system is not an isolated system as is
stated by the law of conservation of momentum
° calculation errors.
° inaccuracy of measurement
° difference of opinion between people about when a certain observation was made
° Set up the trolleys on a linear air track, rather than on a wooden lab bench. This will
drastically reduce friction.
° Perform the experiment with different apparatus, such as a Newton’s cradle, which
consists of 5 balls hanging on strings which hit against each other.
The following practical skills need to be acquired. Try wherever possible during the
course of the year to cover these skills in your practical tasks:
1. Analyse the components of a properly designed scientific investigation.
2. Choose an experiment and determine the appropriate tools to gather precise and
accurate data.
3. Defend a conclusion based on scientific evidence.
4. Determine why a conclusion is free from bias.
5. Compare conclusions that offer different but acceptable explanations for the
same set of experimental data.
6. Investigate methods of knowing by people who are not necessarily scientists.
Also, make sure that by the end of the year, you are able to correctly read a:
• Thermometer
• Mass balance
• Metric ruler
• Graduated cylinder
• Pipette
• Burette
• Momentum
• Newton’s second law in terms of momentum
• Conservation of momentum and elastic and inelastic collisions
• Impulse
The photo shows a crash test. In a crash test, a vehicle collides with another object,
such as a wall, or another vehicle. Engineers use the concepts of momentum and
impulse to interpret the results of crash test experiments. This helps them to design
vehicles which will be safer in a car crash. Car crashes are only one form of collision
in everyday life. For example, collisions are common in sports, such as hitting and
catching a cricket ball. In this topic you learn about momentum and impulse. You
also learn to apply these concepts to understand collisions.
• A scalar is a physical quantity that has magnitude only. Examples include mass and energy.
• A vector is a physical quantity which has both magnitude and direction. Examples
include velocity, force and acceleration.
• The mass (m) of a body is the quantity of matter in that body. Mass is a scalar
quantity, measured in kilograms (kg).
• Δx . Velocity is a
Velocity (v) is the rate of change of displacement. In symbols: v = ___
vector quantity, measured in meters per second (m.s–1).
vf− v i
Δv = _____
• Acceleration (a) is the rate of change of velocity. In symbols: a = ___ .
Δt Δt
Acceleration is a vector quantity, measured in m.s . –2
• Newton’s second law: When a net force, Fnet, is applied to an object of mass, m, the
object accelerates in the direction of the net force. The object’s acceleration, a, is
directly proportional to the net force applied to the object and inversely proportional
to the object’s mass. In symbols: Fnet
= ma
• Newton’s third law: When object A exerts a force on object B; object B simultaneously
exerts an oppositely directed force of equal magnitude on object A.
• The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system
remains constant.
1. Identify the action-reaction pairs of forces present in each of the
Chec following situations:
myse a) Swimming accross the pool
b) A book rests on the table.
c) A soccer player kicks a ball. Fig 1.1: A 45N force applied to a 5 kg block in contact
with a 10 kg block
d) A rocket accelerates through
2. A 5 kg and a 10 kg box are in contact with each other on a frictionless horizontal
surface, as shown in Figure 1.1. A 45 N horizontal force is applied to the 5 kg box in
order to accelerate both boxes across the frictionless surface.
a) Calculate the acceleration of the entire 15 kg mass.
b) Use your answer to a) to calculate the net force acting on the 5 kg box.
c) Why is the net force acting on the 5 kg box less than 45 N?
d) Draw a labelled free body diagram for the 5 kg block showing only the
horizontal forces acting on it.
e) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force that the 5 kg box exerts on the
10 kg box.
Worked example:
Calculate the momentum of a 1 300 kg rhino
galloping east at 15 m.s–1 toward a poacher.
Choice of direction: East is positive. The
direction of the momentum vector is the same
as the direction of the velocity vector.
m = 1 300 kg
v = +15 m.s–1 Fig 1.2: Skateboarder holding on to a
moving bus
p = mv
p = (1 300)(+15)
p = +19 500 = 19 500 kg.m.s–1 east
Checkpoint 1
Figure 1.3 shows some bumper cars. One of
the cars has a mass of 180 kg and is
carrying a 70 kg driver. It has a constant
velocity of 3 m.s–1 west.
a) Calculate the driver’s momentum.
b) Draw and label the driver’s velocity
and momentum vectors.
c) Calculate the momentum of the driver-
system – a Fig 1.3: Bumper cars
bumper-car system.
group of two or
more objects d) How would the momentum of the driver-car system change if its velocity remained
that interact
unchanged, but another person was also in the car? Explain your answer.
Change in momentum
If the velocity of an object changes, then the momentum of
the object will also change. In Figure 1.5, the barrier exerts
a force on the car opposite to its direction of motion. This
results in a sudden change in the car’s velocity and
therefore also a change in the car’s momentum.
If pi is the initial momentum of the object immediately
before the collision, and pf is the final momentum
immediately after the collision, then the change in
momentum (Δp )of an object is found by subtracting its Fig 1.5: During a collision, the vehicle’s
initial momentum (pi ) from its final momentum (pf ): momentum changes.
In symbols: Where:
Δ p = pf− pi vi = object’s initial velocity, measured in metres per second (m.s–1)
Δ p = mvf− mvi vf = object’s final velocity, measured in metres per second (m.s–1)
Worked example:
In Figure 1.6, a tennis ball with a mass of 57 g is travelling horizontally at 20 m.s–1. The
ball is struck by a racquet and moves horizontally at 30 m.s–1 in the opposite direction.
a) Calculate the change in momentum of the tennis ball.
b) Draw a vector diagram to illustrate the relationship between
the initial momentum, the final momentum and the change
in momentum of the tennis ball.
a) Since velocity and momentum are vectors, you need to make
a choice of direction. If we choose to the right to be the
positive direction, then:
Δ p = mvf− mvi
Fig 1.6: The initial and final velocties before
Δ p = (0,057)(− 30) − (0,057)(+ 20)
and after a collison with a racquet
Δ p = − 1,71 − 1,14 = − 2,85 = 2,85 kg.m.s–1to the left
Note the following:
The negative sign shows the direction of the ball’s momentum change. This is away from
the racquet (to the left).
b) The ball’s initial, final and change in momentum vectors
are shown in Figure 1.7. During the collision, the tennis
ball’s momentum decreases from 1,14 kg.m.s–1 to zero and
then increases from zero to 1,71 kg.m.s–1. This is a total
change of 2,85 kg.m.s–1 to the left.
Why does the ball’s momentum change? The racquet exerts a net
force, to the left, on the ball. This force changes the ball’s
momentum. The direction of the change in momentum of the
ball is the same as the direction of the net force acting on the ball.
Exercise 1.1
1. a) Define momentum.
b) State the SI unit of momentum.
2. Explain, in your own words, the difference between momentum and inertia.
3. Provide three examples of situations in which:
a) velocity is the main factor determining an object’s momentum
b) mass is the main factor determining an object’s momentum.
4. What is the momentum of a 6 kg bowling ball travelling at 2,2 m.s–1 east?
5. The momentum of a 75 g bullet is 9 kg.m.s–1 toward a target. What is the bullet’s
6. A 10 kg bicycle and a 54 kg rider both have a velocity of 4,2 m.s-1 east. Draw
momentum vectors for:
a) the bicycle
b) the rider
c) the bicycle-rider system.
7. At what velocity does a 0,046 kg golf ball leave the tee if the club has given the
ball a momentum of 3,45 kg.m.s–1 south?
8. The blue whale is the largest mammal on the Earth. A female blue whale swims
at a velocity of 57 km.h–1 west and has a momentum of 2,15 × 106 kg.m.s–1. What
is the whale’s mass?
9. A 38 000 kg loaded transport truck is travelling at 1,2 m.s–1 west. What does the
velocity of a 1 400 kg car need to be for the car to have the same momentum as
the truck?
10. Which of the following objects will experience the greater change in momentum:
a) a 14 000 kg bull-dozer decreases its speed by 1 m.s–1 or,
b) a 10 g rifle bullet, travelling at 1 500 m.s–1, becomes embedded in the truck
of a tree?
11. A 0,1 kg bouncy ball is dropped. It hits the ground at 8 m.s–1. The ball bounces
upward with a speed of 6 m.s–1.
a) Calculate the ball’s change in momentum.
b) Draw a labelled vector diagram to illustrate the initial, final and change in
momentum vectors.
12. An 8 g bullet is fired from a rifle. The bullet passes through a 10 cm plank. This
reduces the bullet’s velocity from 400 m.s–1 west to 300 m.s–1 west.
a) Calculate the bullet’s initial momentum.
b) Calculate the bullet’s final momentum.
c) Calculate the bullet’s change in momentum.
d) Draw a labelled vector diagram to illustrate the bullet’s initial, final and
change in momentum vectors.
13. Many modern rifles use bullets that have less mass and reach higher speeds than
bullets of older rifles. This makes the rifle more accurate over longer distances. The
momentum of an old bullet, fired from an old rifle, is 8,25 kg.m.s–1 north.
What is the momentum of a new bullet which has __ 34 the mass of the old bullet
32 of the speed of the old rifle?
and is fired at __
14. During one part of a model-rocket’s lift-off, its momentum increases by a factor
of 4 while its mass is halved. The rocket’s velocity is initially 8,5 m.s–1 upward.
What is the rocket’s final velocity?
15. In Figure 1.9 a 22 300 kg jet aircraft lands on the deck of an aircraft carrier
travelling at 252 km.h–1 (70 m.s–1) south. It catches one of the arresting cables
and is brought to rest over a distance of 100 m.
a) Give the direction of the net
force acting on the aircraft.
b) Calculate the aircraft’s
change in momentum.
The pilot of another aircraft, of the
same mass, tries to land with the
same initial velocity, but misses the
arresting cables. The pilot
immediately applies full thrust from
Fig 1.9: An arresting cable is used to catch a landing aircraft. the jet engine and takes off with a
speed of 350 km.h–1.
c) Give the direction of the net force acting on the aircraft.
d) Calculate the aircraft’s change in momentum.
16. During a crash test, car A, of mass m, travels at speed 2v, collides with a wall
and bounces off the wall at speed v. Car B, of mass 2m, travels at speed v,
collides with the wall and is brought to rest. Which car experiences the greater
change in momentum? Explain your answer.
This form of Newton’s second law is a more general form of Newton’s second law. The
equation Fnet
= ma only applies to situations in which the mass of an object is constant.
Fig 1.11: The second stage rocket engine is fired after the first
stage has been jettisoned.
Worked examples:
1. Suppose two cars of equal mass (800 kg) are
involved in separate crash tests. One of the crash
tests is shown in Figure 1.12. Both cars have an
initial velocity of 20 m.s–1 before colliding with the
wall. Car A collides with the wall and comes to rest
during the collision, whereas car B collides with the
wall and rebounds with a velocity of 5 m.s–1 away
from the wall. Both collisions last for 0,2 s.
a) What exerts the force on each car?
b) How will the change in momentum of the two
cars compare?
Fig 1.12: A crash test
c) How will the net force acting on each
car compare?
d) Why would car manufacturers design cars that will be brought to rest rather than
rebound during a collision?
a) The wall.
b) Let the direction toward the wall be positive.
Car A: Δ p = mvf – mvi
Δ p = (800)(0) − (800)(+ 20)
Δ p = − 16000 kg.m.s–1
= 16 000 kg.m.s–1away from the wall
Car B: Δ p = mvf – mvi
Δ p = (800)(− 5) − (800)(+ 20)
Δ p = − 4000 − 16000 = − 20 000 kg.m.s–1= 20 000 kgm.s–1away from the wall
Car B experiences the greater change in momentum.
= ___
c) Car A: Fnet
Fnet = − 16 000
= − 80 000 N = 80 000 N away from the wall
Car B: − 20 000
Fnet = ________ = − 100 000 N = 100 000 N away from the wall
Car B experiences the greater net force.
d) The net force experienced by the car is directly proportional to the change in
momentum of the car. Cars that rebound during a collision experience a greater
change in momentum and therefore experience a greater net force. This would
lead to more damage to the car and increase the chances of fatal injuries to the
passengers of the car.
2. In a strongman competition, a competitor pulls a 5 000 kg truck with an average net
horizontal force of 2 000 N. This increases the truck’s velocity from 1 m.s–1 to 3
m.s–1 down the road, as shown in Figure 1.13.
a) How long did it take the strongman to change the truck’s momentum?
b) Another competitor pulls the truck with a force of 3 200 N. This also
increases the truck’s velocity from 1 m.s–1 to 3 m.s–1 down the road. How
long does it take this competitor to change the truck’s momentum?
a) Let the forward direction be positive.
The truck’s change in momentum is:
Fig 1.13: A strongman pulls
a truck. Δ p = mvf – mvi
Δ p = (5 000)(+ 3) − (5 000)(+ 1) = 15 000 − 5 000 = 10 000 kg.m.s–1forwards
The time taken to change the truck’s momentum:
Δ p ________ + 10 000 = 5 s
Δt = ____
+ 2 000
The strongman takes 5 s to change the truck’s momentum.
The time taken to change the truck’s momentum :
Δp + 10 000
Δt = ____ = ________
= 3,1 s
+ 3 200
This strongman only takes 3,1 s to produce the same change in the truck’s
momentum, since he applies a greater force than the first strongman applied.
3. In Figure 1.14, a 65 kg Olympic springboard diver jumps into the air at the end of a
diving board. The diver lands on the springboard, travelling downward at 8 m.s–1
and leaves the springboard moving upward at 12 m.s–1.
a) Draw a free-body diagram of the forces acting on
the diver while in contact with the springboard.
b) Calculate the diver’s change in momentum while
she is in contact with the springboard?
c) The diver’s feet are in contact with the springboard
for 0,8 s. Calculate the force that the springboard
exerts on her.
Science around us a)
Checkpoint 3
A golfer is playing golf. The club head of mass
0,2 kg is travelling north at 45 m.s–1 before
striking the golf ball. The club head is in
contact with the ball for 0,5 milliseconds
(0,0005 s) and the velocity of the club head
after the collision with the ball is 40 m.s–1 north
as shown in Figure 1.16.
Fig 1.16: The club head’s velocity before and after the collision.
a) Draw a fully labelled force diagram for the collision between the club and the ball.
Only consider horizontal forces. Ignore friction.
b) Calculate the average net force acting on the club head during its contact with the
golf ball.
c) The mass of the ball is 45 g. Calculate the ball’s horizontal velocity when it leaves the
club head.
d) How would using a softer ball affect the contact time between the club and the ball,
as well as the ball’s final velocity? Assume the golfer applies the same net force in
each case. Explain your answers.
Exercise 1.2
b) Calculate the time that the pool ball was in contact with the cushion if the
cushion exerts an average net force of 80 N on the pool ball.
c) Suppose the pool ball was in contact with the side cushion for a shorter
period of time. How would this affect the ball’s change in momentum?
(Assume the ball experiences the same net force.) Explain your answer.
11. In Figure 1.18 an 80 kg bungee
jumper falls from a high bridge
with an elastic cord attached to his
ankles. The bungee jumper reaches
a speed of 30 m.s–1 before the cord
begins to stretch. The cord exerts an
average force of 2 300 N on the
jumper over a period of 2 s.
a) Draw a free-body diagram of
the forces acting on the bungee
Fig 1.18: An elastic cord is attached to a bungee jumper.
jumper while there is tension in
the cord.
b) Calculate the bungee jumper’s velocity after 2 s.
12. A 275 kg motor cycle and rider accelerate from rest and reach a velocity of 20 m.s–1
west. The motor cycle wheels exert an average force of 710 N east on the road.
a) Calculate the minimum time taken to reach a velocity of 20 m.s–1 west.
b) Explain how the force directed east causes the motorcycle to accelerate west.
c) Explain why it is necessary to specify a minimum time.
13. A Centaur rocket engine expels 520 kg of exhaust gas at 50 000 m.s–1 in 0,4 s.
What is the magnitude of the net force that will be generated on the rocket?
Ignore the gravitational force.
14. An elevator containing passengers has a total mass of 1 700 kg. The elevator
accelerates upward.
a) Draw a free-body diagram of the forces acting on the elevator.
b) What tension is needed in the cable to accelerate the elevator from rest to a
velocity of 4,5 m.s–1 upward in 8,8 s?
A system
A system is a collection of two or more objects that interact with each other. A system is a
small part of the universe that we are considering when solving a particular problem.
Everything outside the system is called the environment.
Some examples of a system include:
• colliding balls on a pool table
• two cars travelling in opposite directions collide on a tar road
• a rocket fires its engines in deep space and a hunter firing a bullet from his rifle.
An isolated system is free from the influence of a net external force that alters the
momentum of the system. A net external force is a force that
originates from a source other than the objects within the
system and which is not balanced by other forces. Friction is an
example of a net external force.
A system in which the only forces that contribute to the
momentum change of an individual object are the forces
acting between the objects themselves can be considered an
isolated system.
Consider the collision of two balls on a billiard table. The
collision occurs in an isolated system as long as friction is small
enough that its influence upon the momentum of the billiard
balls can be neglected. If so, then the only unbalanced forces
Fig 1.20: This can be considered an isolated
acting upon the two balls are the contact forces that they apply
to one another. These two forces are considered internal forces system if the friction is small enough to be
since they result from a source within the system - that source ignored.
being the contact of the two balls. For such a collision, total
momentum of the system is conserved.
In other words, if the external force of friction acting on a system is negligible, the
momentum of the system immediately before the collision is the same as the momentum
of the system immediately after the collision.
Worked examples:
1. Refer to Figure 1.22. An object with a mass of 1 kg is moving to the right with a
velocity of 2 m.s–1. It collides head-on with a second mass of 1,5 kg which is moving
with a velocity of 1,5 m.s–1 in the opposite
direction. The 1,5 kg mass bounces back
with a velocity of 1,2 m.s–1 to the right.
Calculate the velocity of the 1 kg mass after
the collision. Ignore the effects of friction.
When dealing with momentum questions
you should choose positive and negative
directions for velocities. In this example,
we choose right as positive and therefore
left as negative.
Fig 1.22
1f = ? v = 2,05 m.s–1left
a) To the right is positive.
Mass of trolley: mT= 4,2 kg Mass of bullet: mB= 0,167 kg
Initial velocity of trolley: vTi= 0 Initial velocity of bullet: vBi= 0
Final velocity of trolley: unknown Final velocity of bullet: vBf= + 500 m.s–1
Total momentum before = Total momentum after
mT vTi
+ mB
v Bi = mT v Tf
+ mB
0 + 0 = (4,2)vTf
+ (0,167)(+500)
0 = (4,2)vTf
+ 83,5
–83,5 =
= –19,88 m.s–1
= 19,88 m.s–1to the left
The rifle and trolley move to the left at 19,88 m.s–1 after the rifle is fired.
b) The total momentum after the collision is zero. Momentum is conserved during
the explosion. The total momentum before the collision is zero.
c) Both the bullet and the rifle experience the same change in momentum but in
opposite directions (momentum is conserved). However the rifle has a greater
mass and will therefore experience a smaller change in velocity in the opposite
Checkpoint 4
1. Refer to Figure 1.25. Cart B, of mass 350 g, moves on the frictionless linear air track at
2 m.s–1 to the left. Cart B strikes cart A, of mass 200 g, travelling in the opposite direction
at 1,2 m.s–1. After the collision, cart B continues in its original direction at 0,7 m.s–1.
a) Why is this considered an isolated system of colliding bodies?
b) Calculate the velocity of cart A after the collision.
c) How does the change in momentum of each cart compare? Check your answer
using calculations.
Trolley 1 Trolley 2
Momentum Momentum
Time Velocity m v Time Velocity m v
m1 (kg) m2 (kg)
Δt (s) v ( m.s–1) 1 1 Δt (s) v ( m.s–1) 2 2
1 (kg.m.s–1) 2 (kg.m.s–1)
3. You are supplied with two spring-loaded trolleys: 1 and 2. Use a scale to measure
the mass of each trolley (m1 and m2). Record these values in the table.
4. Each trolley is fitted with a spring-loaded
plunger, as shown in Figure 1.28. Push the
spring-loaded plunger in and use the lever on
the side of the trolley to hold the plunger in
position. When the lever on side of the trolley
is released, the spring-loaded plunger shoots
out at the front of the trolley. Fig 1.28: A trolley with a spring loaded plunger.
5. Place trolley 1 on a lab bench and reload the plunger. Position trolley 2 so that it
is in contact with trolley 1, as shown in Figure 1.29.
6. Release the lever on the side of the trolley. Observe how the trolleys are forced
apart and move in opposite directions. According to Newton’s third law, each
trolley experiences the same net force in opposite directions.
7. Practice “exploding” the trolleys apart until both trolleys move in a straight line
in opposite directions after the plunger is released.
8. Refer to Figure 1.31. Reload the plunger of trolley 1 and position trolley 2 so that
is in contact with the plunger of trolley 1. Mark the position of the front of each
trolley on the lab bench. You do this so that you can repeat the experiment from
the same position.
9. Use the metre-stick to measure 1 m along the lab bench from the back of each
trolley. Place a barrier at these points, as shown in Figure 1.32.
Exercise 1.3
Inelastic collisions
The collisions that we have considered so far have involved hard objects, such as a golf
club hitting the golf ball. Other collisions such as the dart and block, involved a dart that
became embedded in a softer material (a block of wood). In all these collisions it was
possible to choose an isolated system so that the total momentum of the system was
When objects collide, they sometimes deform (change
shape), make a sound, give off light, or heat up a little
during the collision. Any of these observations indicate that
the kinetic energy of the system before the collision is not
the same as after the collision. These collisions are known
as inelastic collisions. During an inelastic collision, kinetic
energy is not conserved.
Each impact of a bouncing ball is inelastic. The energy is
dissipated to the surroundings during each bounce. Look at
the bouncing ball in Figure 1.33. Each bounce is lower than
the previous bounce, showing that kinetic energy is not Fig 1.33: Each bounce of the ball is an inelastic
conserved. Most real-life collisions are inelastic. collision.
Elastic collisions
An elastic collision is defined as one in which kinetic energy is conserved. In other
words, the kinetic energy of the system does not change during the collision. The sum of
the kinetic energies of the objects before the collision would be exactly equal to the sum of
the kinetic energies of the objects after the collision.
Most real world collisions involve some of the initial kinetic energy of
the system being converted into sound, light, deformation and heat (due
to friction). These factors make it difficult to achieve an elastic collision.
Even when two colliding objects are hard and do not appear to
deform, some kinetic energy is still converted to other forms of energy.
Usually the measured speed of an object after the collision is a little
less than the predicted speed, which indicates that the collision is
inelastic. Completely inelastic collisions occur when the colliding
objects stick together upon impact.
Fig 1.34: The collisions between Momentum is conserved in both elastic and inelastic collisions.
billiard balls are almost elastic.
Worked example:
Refer to Figure 1.35. A 0,16 kg ball A, travelling at 1,2 m.s–1 east, strikes a stationary
0,18 kg ball B, and rebounds at 0,075 m.s–1 west. B moves off at 1,0 m.s–1 east. Is the
collision elastic?
Calculate the total kinetic energy of the system
before the collision:
Ball A: E = 1 mv2 = __
__ 12 (0,16)(1,2)2 = 0,115 J
K 2
Ball B: E = 0
The total kinetic energy is the sum of the kinetic
energies of each ball:
Fig 1.36
e) maximum momentum?
3. After releasing a ball, what happens to the other balls? Describe how many balls
move and how high they move compared to the original ball that was
4. Explain your observations in terms of the law of conservation of energy.
5. What forces are acting on a ball when it:
a) swings down
b) collides with another ball?
6. Explain your observations in terms of the law of conservation of momentum.
Exercise 1.4
Impulse-momentum theorem
During the filming of a movie, when a stunt person jumps off a building,
the fall can be very dangerous. To minimize injury, stunt people avoid a
sudden stop when landing by using different techniques to slow down
more gradually out of sight of the cameras. These techniques involve
reducing the peak force required to change their momentum. Sometimes
stunt people jump and land on a net. Other times, they may roll when
they land. For extreme jumps, such as from a roof of a tall building, a
huge oversized, but slightly under-inflated, air mattress may be used, as
shown in Figure 1.38. Designers of safety equipment know that a
cushioned surface can reduce the severity of the impact.
Fig 1.38: The thick mattress on
To understand the factors that affect the net force acting on objects during
the ground provides a protective a collision requires looking at Newton’s second law written in terms of
cushion for the stunt person momentum.
when he lands. Δp
Fnet = ___
If we multiply both sides of this equation by Δt, we get: FnetΔ t = Δp
Fnet t = m(vf− vi)
But (vf− vi) represents the change in velocity Δv of an object during a collision.
FnetΔt = mΔv
The unit for impulse is the N.s. If we substitute the definition of a Newton into the unit
N.s, we get:
( kg.m
1 N.s = 1 _____ ) kg.m
2 = 1 _____
s .s
s = 1 kg.m.s−1which is the unit for momentum.
From a practical point of view, it is much easier to measure the interaction time and the
overall change in momentum of an object rather than the net force.
Δt = Δ p
This is the advantage of using the impulse-momentum theorem: Fnet
m = 1200 kg Δ
Fnet t = m(vf – vi)
vi= +8 m.s–1
Fnet t = (1 200)[0 – (+8) ](the car’s final velocity is zero )
vf= 0 m.s–1
F t = (1 200)(–8) = –9 600 = 9 600 N.s away from the wall
b) FnetΔ
t = –9 600 N.s
Fnet − 9 600
= _______ − 9 600
= _______ = − 38 400 N = 38 400 N away from the wall
Δt 0,25
Notice that the impulse and the net force have the same direction.
c) mΔv
Fnet = ____
–9 600
Fnet= ______ = − 240 000 N = 240 000 N away from the wall
The magnitude of the average net force with the rigid frame is more than 6 times greater
than when the car crumples.
Checkpoint 6
A soccer player heads the ball with an average force of 21 N, for 0,12 s as shown
in Figure 1.42.
a) Calculate the impulse provided to the soccer ball.
b) The impulse changes the ball’s velocity from 4 m.s–1
to 2 m.s–1 in the opposite direction. Calculate the
soccer mass of the soccer ball.
c) Sketch a graph of the net force on the ball as a
function of time.
Fig 1.44
b) The area under the graph is given by the area of a triangle:
Area = __12 × base × ⊥ height
The quantity represented by the area under the graph has units of:
Area = __12 × (s) × (N) = N.s
The area under the graph therefore represents the impulse exerted on the ball (FnetΔt):
t = Area under graph = __(0,4)(22) = 4,4 N.s
c) Using the impulse-momentum theorem: FnetΔt = Δp
t = m(vf – vi)
d) If the same impulse, Fnet t, is provided to the ball, then according to the
impulse-momentum theorem, Fnet Δ
t = Δ p , the ball will experience the same change
in momentum, Δ p. However, the ball’s mass is less, so the ball’s change in velocity,
and therefore its final velocity, must be greater than for the more massive ball.
Checkpoint 7
Whiplash, shown in Figure 1.45, occurs when a car is hit from behind and the head of the
motorist is not properly protected by a head rest. The seat accelerates the upper part of the
body, but the head jerks backwards because it is not supported. This injures the joints and
soft tissue of the neck.
a) Use Newton’s first law to explain why
whiplash occurs.
b) Why are cars fitted with head rests?
c) What is the average net force on a
motorist’s neck if the torso is accelerated
from rest to 14 m.s–1 west in 0,135 s.
The mass of the motorist’s head is 5,4 kg.
Assume that the same magnitude force
Fig 1.45 Whiplash occurs when a car is rear-ended. acts on the neck as on the torso.
During a collision between two objects in an isolated system, both objects experience
equal and opposite forces, as shown in Figures 1.46 and 1.47.
According to Newton’s first
law, the action-reaction forces
are equal in magnitude but
opposite in direction. Also the
time of interaction is the same
for each object. It follows then
Fig 1.46: During a collision both objects Fig 1.47: During a collision both objects that the impulse provided to
experience equal and opposite forces. experience equal and opposite impulses. object A is equal and opposite
to the impulse provided to
Im pulse on A = FB on AΔ
t A on BΔ
Im pulse on B = F t
object B (Fig 1.47).
Check point 8
In Figure 1.48, an 800 kg car travels at 20 m.s–1 east. It collides with a 3 000 kg truck
travelling at 12 m.s–1 west. The collision lasts 0,5 s. After the collision, the truck moves
at 4 m.s–1 west.
a) Calculate the impulse provided to the truck.
b) What is the impulse provided to the car?
c) State the change in momentum of the car.
d) Calculate the velocity of the car after
the collision.
e) Calculate the net force acting on each vehicle
during the collision.
Fig 1.48: A car and truck collide
12. A 0,05 kg bullet is fired into a block of wood. The velocity of the bullet just
before impact is 350 m.s–1.
a) Calculate the change in momentum of the bullet.
b) What is the impulse provided to the bullet?
c) Calculate the time the bullet took to come to rest if it experienced a net force
of 2 000 N.
13. A 60 kg astronaut uses a jet of gas to provide a force of 10 N on himself. How
long must he do this to reach a speed of 1 m.s-1 from a stationary start?
14. A hunter claims to have shot a charging buffalo through the heart and “dropped
him in his tracks”.
a) How would the momentum of the bullet compare with the momentum of
the buffalo? Explain your answer.
Suppose the hunter was shooting one of the largest hunting rifles ever sold,
a 0,5 calibre Sharps rifle, which shoots a 22,7 g bullet at 376 m.s–1.
b) Evaluate the hunter’s claim by calculating the velocity of the 250 kg buffalo
after the impact if he was initially moving directly toward the hunter at a
slow 0,675 m.s–1 south.
c) Calculate the net force exerted on the buffalo if the collision lasted 0,01 s.
15. A 2,04 × 106 kg space shuttle is very far from the Earth. The rocket engines expel
3,7 × 103 kg of exhaust gas during the 1 second for which the rocket engines are
fired. This increases the shuttle’s velocity by 5,7 m.s–1 forward. At what velocity,
relative to the rocket, does the exhaust gas leave the rocket engines?
16. Some running shoe designs contain springs. Research these types of shoes and
the controversy surrounding them. How do momentum and impulse apply to
these shoes?
Science around us
More about how airbags are made
Statistics show that airbags reduce the risk of a fatal injury in a head-on collision
by about 30 percent. The function of an airbag is to slow the passenger’s forward
motion as evenly as possible in a fraction of a second.
There are three parts to an airbag, shown in Figure 1.50:
• The bag itself is made of nylon, which is
folded into the steering wheel, dashboard,
seat or door.
• The sensor is the device that tells the bag to
inflate. Inflation happens when there is a
collision force equal to running into a brick
wall at 16 to 24 km.h–1.
• The airbag's inflation system reacts sodium
azide (NaN3) with potassium nitrate
(KNO3) to produce nitrogen gas. A hot blast
of nitrogen inflates the airbag.
Fig 1.50: The internal structure
The airbag inflates at a speed of 322 km.h–1, of an airbag
faster than the blink of an eye! Almost just as
quickly, the gas quickly dissipates through tiny holes in the bag, thus deflating the
bag so you can move and are not suffocated by the bag.
Even though the whole process happens in only __ 25 th of a second, the additional
time is enough to help prevent serious injury. The powdery substance released
from the airbag is regular cornstarch or talcum powder, which is used by the
airbag manufacturers to keep the bags pliable while they are not in use.
Check point 9
A 70 kg driver of a car is not wearing a seatbelt. He is travelling at 54 km.h–1 (15 m.s–1)
when he is involved in an accident which brings the car to rest suddenly. The driver
continues moving forward until he hits the steering wheel and is brought to rest in 0,02 s.
a) Calculate the net force acting on the driver.
b) Comment on the magnitude of this force in terms of safety.
Suppose, instead, that the driver collides with an airbag which brings him to rest in 0,1 s:
c) Calculate the net force the airbag exerts on the driver during the collision.
d) Compare your answers to questions a) and c) and comment on the usefulness of an
Arrestor beds
The braking system of a large truck may overheat and fail. If this happens, the truck
driver may drive the truck into an arrestor bed, off the main road, to stop the truck. An
arrester bed is a sand or gravel pathway such as the one shown in Figure 1.51. An arrestor
bed decreases a truck’s momentum to zero over a fairly long time interval (Δt), and so the
force it exerts on the truck is small enough not to harm the truck or driver.
Exercise 1.6
1. Using the concept of impulse, explain how a karate expert can break a board.(4)
2. Why is it useful to express impulse in terms of momentum? (2)
3. A 0,25 kg arrow with a velocity of 12 m.s–1 west strikes and pierces the center of
a movable 6,8 kg target.
a) What is the final velocity of the combined mass? (4)
b) What is the decrease in the arrow’s kinetic energy during the collision? (3)
4. You are traveling in a bus when the momentum of an insect travelling in the
opposite direction is suddenly changed as it splatters onto the front window.
a) How does the force that the insect exerts on the bus compare to the force
exerted by the bus on the insect? (2)
b) How does the change in the momentum of the bus compare to the change
in the momentum of the insect? Explain your answer. (2)
c) Which of the bus or the insect experiences the greater acceleration?
Explain your answer. (2)
5. A 16 kg canoe moves to the left at 12 m.s–1. It is involved in an elastic head-on
collision with a 4 kg raft moving to the right at 6 m.s-1. After the collision, the
raft moves to the left at 22,8 m.s–1.
a) Find the velocity of the canoe after the collision, using the law of
conservation of momentum. (4)
b) Show that this collision is elastic. (3)
6. A loaded 10 000 kg train freight car (mass) rolls at 3 m.s-1 to the right toward a
2 000 kg freight train car travelling at 4 m.s–1 in the opposite direction. On
collision, the two cars couple (lock together).
a) What is the velocity of the two freight train cars after the collision? (4)
b) Calculate the impulse exerted on each freight train car. (4)
c) If the collision lasts 0,7 s, calculate the net force exerted on each freight
train car. (4)
d) Show that this is an inelastic collision. (3)
7. Identical twins Kate and Karen, each of mass 45 kg, are rowing their boat
when they decide to go for a swim. Kate jumps off the front of the boat at
a speed of 3 m.s–1. At the same time, Karen jumps off the back at a speed
of 4 m.s–1. If the 70 kg rowboat is moving at 1 m.s–1 east when the girls
jump off, what is the rowboat’s velocity after the girls jump off? (5)
8. A 5 000 kg truck enters an arrester bed travelling at 30 m.s–1 south. The speed of
the truck is decreased to 20 m.s–1 over 5 s. Calculate the net horizontal force
acting on the truck. (4)
change in momentum found by subtracting the initial momentum ( pi ) of an object immediately
before the collision from its final momentum ( pf ) immediately after the collision:
Δ p = p f – p i
elastic collision a collision in which kinetic energy is conserved
external force a force that does not originagte from an object within the system
inelastic collision a collision in which kinetic energy is not conserved
internal force a force which arises from objects within the system
impulse a change in momentum. The product of net force and the interaction time, F
isolated system a system with a constant mass and no external force acting on it
momentum (p) is a vector quantity the product of the mass (m) and velocity (v) of the object:
p = mv.
Newton’s second law (stated in terms of momentum) The net force acting on an object is equal to
its rate of change of momentum:
= ___
Newton’s third law when object A exerts a force on object B, object B simultaneously exerts an
oppositely directed force of equal magnitude on object A
system a group of two or more objects that interact
the law of conservation of momentum the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant
(is conserved). Momentum is conserved in both elastic and inelastic collisions in an isolated
The photograph shows a person throwing a ball straight upward into the air. While
this ball is in motion, the motion is described by quantities such as velocity,
acceleration, time and displacement. In Grade 10 you studied horizontal motion. In
this topic you will study the motion of objects moving vertically upward and
downward. You will calculate and graph some quantities of this kind of motion.
In Grade 10, in the topic ‘Instantaneous speed and velocity and the equations of motion’
you studied the following equations of motion. You then applied the equations to linear-
moving objects travelling with a uniform acceleration in a horizontal direction:
In symbols: Where:
vi = initial velocity (m.s–1)
vf = vi + a∆t vf = final velocity (m.s–1)
vf ² = vi² + 2a∆x
∆x = displacement (m)
∆x = vi∆t + __12 a∆t²
∆t = time (s)
( v +v
i f ∆t
∆x = ______
2 a = acceleration (m.s–2)
In this topic you will apply the same sets of equations to objects moving in a vertical
1. A car accelerates uniformly at 3 m.s–2 for 5 s, from moving at
Chec 4 m.s–1 East.
myse a) What distance will the car travel in 5 s?
Free fall
When an object is moving vertically, its motion can vary depending on whether it is
experiencing air friction or not. Free fall describes the motion of a body in which the only
force acting on it is gravity. Any object that is falling freely to the Earth’s surface in the
absence of friction is experiencing an acceleration of 9,8 m.s–2 downward. This is the
acceleration due to gravity on the Earth and is the same for all objects. Galileo Galilei
(1564-1642) climbed to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy and dropped two
spheres of different masses from the top (Figure 2.1). Both masses reached the ground at
the same time, leading Galileo to conclude that they both had the same acceleration.
Since quantities such as velocity, displacement and acceleration are vector quantities,
their direction needs to be taken into consideration when doing calculations involving
these quantities. When doing a vertical motion calculation, we will choose the upward
direction to be negative and the downward direction to be positive. That means that all
Fig 2.1: Galileo vector quantities in the positive direction will be allocated positive values and the vector
dropping two objects quantities in the negative direction will be allocated negative values. You could just as
easily choose the upward direction to be positive and the downward direction to be
from the top of the
negative, as long as you are consistent with this throughout a problem. Acceleration due
Leaning Tower of Pisa
to gravity on the Earth is always 9,8 m.s–2 downward if air resistance is negligible,
regardless of whether the object is moving upward or downward.
Also, when an object is thrown vertically upward, its velocity at its highest point is zero,
as it comes to rest momentarily before changing direction and falling back down to
the Earth. The time taken to reach the object’s highest point is the same as the time that
it takes to fall from its highest point back down to where it started. This is known as time
Checkpoint 1
1. What is freefall?
2. Draw a free body diagram for an object in freefall.
3. What is the acceleration due to gravity on or near the Earth’s surface?
4. What is terminal velocity?
5. Draw a free body diagram for an object travelling at terminal velocity.
Science around us
Can you survive if you jump from an aeroplane and the
parachute fails to open?
The answer is yes. There are many people who have fallen from such heights and
lived to tell the tale. While most of it comes down to luck, there are things that you
can do to improve your chances:
• Maximize your surface area by
spreading yourself out (Figure 2.3).
• Find the best landing spot. The
best possible surfaces on which to
fall are snow, deep water
(preferably water that is fast
moving or frothy), soft ground,
and trees or thick vegetation
(although these present a high risk
of impalement). Search for steep
slopes that gradually grow
gentler, since you will not lose all
of your momentum at once when
Figure 2.3: Spread yourself out to improve
you hit the ground, greatly
your chances of surviving a parachute
reducing the impact on your body.
jump if your parachute fails to open.
• Bend your knees. Possibly nothing
is more important to surviving a fall (or simpler to do) than bending your
knees. Research has shown that having one’s knees bent at impact can reduce
the magnitude of impact forces 36-fold.
• Relax. Relaxing during a long fall – especially as you near the ground–is easier
said than done, but try anyway. If your muscles are tense, your body will
transfer force more directly to your vital organs.
• Land feet-first. No matter what height you fall from, you should always try to
land on your feet. While landing feet-first concentrates the impact force on a
small area, it also allows your feet and legs to absorb the worst of the impact.
• Land on the balls of your feet. Point your toes slightly downward before
impact so that you will land on the balls of your feet. This will allow your
lower body to more effectively absorb the impact.
Science around us
(v +v
i f ∆t
∆x = ______
∆t = time (s)
a = acceleration (m.s–2)
Write a list of known values and then determine which equation needs to be used in
order to find out the unknown value.
In working with vertical projectile motion questions, you should be consistent about
which direction you take as positive. For example, you may choose to take the
downward direction as positive and the upward direction as negative. Therefore all negative
vector values, such as velocity and displacement in the downward direction will be
allocated a positive value and vector quantities in the upward direction will be allocated
a negative value. You should do this so that the vector nature of the velocities,
displacements and acceleration is taken into consideration. An object in freefall positive
accelerates at 9,8 m.s–2 downward both while it is moving upward and while it is
moving downward. Therefore, in freefall, acceleration will always have a value of
+9,8 m.s–2, whether the object is moving upward or downward, if the downward
Figure 2.5
direction is taken as positive.
Worked examples:
1. A ball is dropped from a building which is 50 m high as shown in Figure 2.6. Calculate
the ball’s velocity just before it hits the ground. Ignore the effects of air resistance.
vf 2= v i2+ 2aΔx
v = 0 m.s–1 vf 2= (0)2+ (2)(9,8)(50)
a = + 9,8 m.s–2 vf 2= 980
Δx = 50 m vf= 31,30 m.s–1
v = ?
Figure 2.6
2. A ball is projected vertically upward at 20 m.s–1 as shown in Figure 2.7. Calculate the
maximum height that the ball will reach. Ignore the effects of air resistance.
At maximum height the ball will be at rest. Therefore vf= 0.
vi= − 20 m.s–1 vf 2= vi 2+ 2aΔx
vf= 0 m.s–1 (0)2 = (−20)2+ (2)(9,8)(Δx)
a = + 9,8 m.s-2 – 400 = 19,6Δx
Δx = ? Δx = –20,41 m
Δx = 20,41 m upward
3. A stone is dropped off a bridge and strikes the water below 5 s later as shown in
Figure 2.8. Ignore the effects of air resistance.
a) the vertical distance that the stone fell.
b) the velocity with which the stone hits the water.
Exercise 2.1
Worked examples:
1. An object is projected vertically upward from ground level as shown in Figure 2.9.
An observer at a height of 135 m notes that exactly 3 s pass between the object
passing him on its way up and reaching its highest point. Ignore the effects of air
resistance. Calculate:
a) the velocity of the object at a height of 135 m.
b) the velocity at which the object was projected.
In calculating the velocity at a height of 135 m, we need to either
work in segment A to B, in which case we would be looking for vf,
or we need to work in segment B to C, in which case we would be
calculating vi. We do not have enough known values to work in
segment A to B, so we will work in segment B to C.
a) Work from B to C:
v = 0 m.s–1 v = v + aΔt
f f i
a = +9,8 m.s–2 (0) = v + (9,8)(3)
Δt = 3 s v = − 29,4 m.s−1
v = ? v = 29,4 m.s−1 upward
i i
b) Work from A to B:
The final velocity from A to B is equal to the initial velocity from
B to C.
Figure 2.9
Hence, vi for segment B to C (–29,4 m.s–1) is equal to vf for segment A to B.
vf = – 29,4 m.s–1 vf2 = vi2+ 2aΔx
a = 9,8 m.s–2 (− 29,4)2 = vi2+ 2(9,8)( − 135)
Δx = –135 m v i2 = 3510,36
vi = –59,25 m.s
vi = 59,25 ms–1 upward
Figure 2.10
3. A boy fires a pellet gun upwards from the top of a cliff. The pellet leaves the
gun at 20 m.s–1 and strikes the ground at 30 m.s–1, as shown in Figure 2.11.
Ignore the effects of air resistance. Calculate:
a) the height ‘h’ that the pellet was shot from.
b) the time that it takes for the pellet to reach the ground.
This object changes direction during the course of its motion. We need to take
this change in direction into account. Consistently use the upward direction as
negative and the downward direction as positive.
a) v = − 20 m.s–1 vf 2= v i2+ 2aΔx
v = 30 m.s-1 (30)2= (− 20)2+ 2(9,8)Δx
a = 9,8 m.s–2 Δx = 25,51 m downward
Δx = ? ∴height = 25,51 m Figure 2.11
b) v = − 20 m.s–1 v = v + aΔt
i f i
v = 30 m.s–1 (30) = ( − 20) + (9,8)Δt
a = 9,8 m.s–2 Δt = 5,10 s
Δx = 25,51 m
Δt = ?
Figure 2.12
62 • Topic 2: Vertical projectile motion in one dimension
Knowledge area: Mechanics (Physics)
a) v i= − 12 m.s–1
vf 2= v i2+ 2aΔx
a = 9,8 m.s–2
vf 2= (−12)2 + 2(9,8)(15)
Δx = 15 m
vf= 20,93 m.s–1 downward
vf= ?
b) v = − 12 m.s-1 vf = vi + aΔt
a = 9,8 m.s-2 (20,93) = (–12) + (9,8)Δt
Δx = 15 m Δt = 3,36 s
v = 20,93 m.s–1
Δt = ?
Checkpoint 3
1. A ball is thrown upward from the top of a 30 m high building. The ball takes 2,4 s
to reach its highest point. Ignore the effects of air resistance. Calculate:
a) the velocity with which the ball left the thrower’s hand.
b) the total time taken for the ball to reach the ground.
Exercise 2.2
Worked examples:
1. A hot air balloon is moving upward with a velocity of 5 m.s–1 as
shown in Figure 2.13. A person inside the balloon then throws a ball
upward with a velocity of 7 m.s–1 relative to the balloon. Ignore the
effects of air resistance. If the ball was 70 m above the ground when
thrown upward, calculate:
a) the time taken for the ball to reach its highest point.
b) the height of the ball above the ground at this point. Figure 2.13
vi= − 12m.s–1
a) vf= vi+ aΔt
a = 9,8 m.s (0) = (− 12) + (9,8)Δt
vf= 0 m.s–1
Δt = 1,22 s
Δt = ?
2. A hot air balloon is moving upward with a velocity of 7 m.s–1. Refer to Figure 2.14.
A person inside the balloon drops a ball. Ignore the effects of air resistance. If the ball
is 50 m above the ground when dropped, calculate:
a) the time taken for the ball to reach its highest point.
b) the height of the ball above the ground at this point.
a) vi= − 7 m.s–1 vf= vi+ aΔt
a = 9,8 m.s–2 (0) = (− 7) + (9,8)Δt
vf= 0 m.s
Δt = 0,71s
Δt = ?
Checkpoint 4
1. A hot air balloon is moving upward with a velocity of 3 m.s–1. A person inside the
balloon then throws a stone upward at 2 m.s–1. Ignore the effects of air resistance.
a) Calculate the time taken for the stone to reach its highest point.
b) If the stone hits the ground with a speed of 25 m.s–1, calculate how high the
balloon was above the ground when the stone was thrown.
Exercise 2.3
T = __
period – the time Fig 2.16: Diagram of
interval between
consecutive dots. experimental setup
Copy and complete the table below, for as many segments as you have.
1. Calculate the average velocity for each segment by measuring the displacement
Δ x . Insert the velocity values on the
of each segment and using the equation v = ___
y-axis. Mark the values on the y-axis in cm.s–1.
2. Draw a smooth, best fit line through the top point on each segment. Describe in
words what the graph tells us about the motion of the mass piece.
Calculate the gradient of the graph. What does the gradient of the graph represent?
4. Calculate your percentage error for your calculations in which you calculated
the acceleration due to gravity.
Give a conclusion based on the results.
Reflect on the practical procedure and suggest possible reasons for inaccuracy in
your results.
Worked examples:
1. An object is thrown upward and then drops back down to the same position from
where it was thrown, as shown in Figure 2.18. Sketch the graphs of velocity vs time,
position vs time and acceleration vs time for the motion. Fig 2.18
velocity vs time
(v vs t)
position vs time
(x vs t)
acceleration vs time
(a vs t)
2. An object is dropped to the ground and then it bounces back up to the same height.
Sketch the graphs of velocity vs time, position vs time and acceleration vs time for the
velocity vs time
(v vs t)
acceleration vs
(a vs t)
Worked example:
An object is projected vertically upwards from ground level at A at 25 m.s–1, as
shown in Figure 2.19. The object travels upwards to its highest point C, passing B
on the way up at a height of 22 m. Plot the following graphs for the motion, giving
values on the x- and y-axes for points A, B and C:
• velocity vs time
• displacement vs time
• acceleration vs time
Note: Take upwards as the negative direction.
Before the graphs can be drawn, there are values that we need to calculate, such as:
i) The velocity at point B.
ii) The time taken to travel from A to B.
Fig 2.19
iii) The height at point C.
iv) The total time of the motion from A to C.
i) To calculate the velocity at point B, let us work in the segment A to B:
vf² = vi² + 2aΔx
vf² = (− 25)2 + 2(9,8)(− 22)
vf ² = 193,8
vf = − 13,92 m.s–1
∴vf = 13,92m.s–1 upward
ii) To calculate the time taken to travel from A to B, let us work in the segment A to B:
vf = vi + aΔt
(–13,92) = (–25) + (9,8)Δt
Δt = 1,13 s
iii) To calculate the height at point C, let us work in the segment B to C:
vf² = vi² + 2aΔx
(0)2 = (−13,92)2 + 2(9,8)Δx
vi for B-C is equal to vf for A to B,
Δx = −9,89 m which is –13,92 m.s–1.
Total Δx = (−9,89) + (−22) = − 31,89 m
iv) To calculate the total time of the motion, calculate the time from B to C and then add
that to the time from A to B:
vf = vi + aΔt
(0) = (–13,92) + (9,8)Δt
Δt = 1,42 s
total time = 1,42 + 1,13 = 2,55 s
Using this information, the 3 graphs can now be plotted:
velocity vs time displacement vs time
acceleration vs time
Fig 2.20
Calculations from graphs of motion
When doing calculations from a velocity vs time graph:
• Area under the graph = displacement or distance
• Gradient of the graph = acceleration
When doing calculations from a displacement vs time graph:
• Gradient of the graph = velocity
Worked examples:
1. A ball is thrown upward from the top of a building at 14,7 m.s–1 and eventually
falls down onto the ground below at 34,3 m.s–1. The path of the ball is shown in the
sketch in Figure 2.21a. The graph of velocity vs time for the motion of the ball is given
in Figure 2.21b.
Exercise 2.4
1. A ball is dropped to the ground and when it bounces, it does not bounce all the
way to the point from which it was dropped. The path of the ball is shown in
the sketch in Figure 2.24a. The graph of velocity vs time for the motion of the ball
is given in Figure 2.24b.
4. A ball is dropped from rest at point A and bounces twice at B and D, as shown
in Figure 2.27a. The graph of velocity vs time is shown in Figure 2.27b.
Fig 2.28
c) Sketch the velocity vs time graph for the motion, including values on the
x and y axes.
d) Sketch the acceleration vs time graph for the motion, including values on the
x and y axes.
7. A ball is thrown upward from A to its highest point B. The path of the ball is
shown in the sketch in figure 2.30a. The graph of position vs time for the motion
of the ball is given in Figure 2.30b.
Without the use of equations of motion, calculate the velocity of the ball at 0,8 s.
Extend yourself
1. A group of hikers come to a krans (a sheer cliff). The first hiker uses a chain
ladder to climb from the soft dry river bed below to the top of the 20 m krans.
The hikers below ask him to send some oranges down to them before they
climb the ladder. The oranges strike the soft river bed below. Assume that air
resistance is negligible.
• He drops the first orange (A) from a height of 20 m.
• He sends the second orange (B) down to them, throwing it with a
velocity of 10 m.s–1 downward.
• He throws a third orange (C) upward into the air with velocity of
10 m.s–1.
a) Calculate the time taken for orange A to reach the river bed below. (3)
Fig 2.31
3. Neil and Susan are interested in the bouncing vertical motion of a ball. They set
up an experiment to do this. A ball of mass 250 g is dropped from a fixed height
of 2 m. Neil times the time taken from the moment the ball leaves Susan’s hand
until it touches the floor. He uses a stopwatch. They record the height reached
after the bounce by taking photographs of the ball bouncing back to maximum
height in front of a 2 m ruler. They repeat these measurements three times and
record the following results. The times taken to reach the floor are 0,61 s, 0,65 s
and 0,64 s respectively. The corresponding maximum heights of the bounces are
1,54 m, 1,60 m and 1,58 m respectively.
a) Draw up a table of the results of
this experiment and calculate the average values of time
taken and maximum height reached. Include these average
values in the table. Make sure that your columns have
appropriate headings and SI units.
b) What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the ball
while it falls to the floor? Ignore the effects of air
c) Use the values from the table to calculate the magnitude
of the ball’s velocity when it reaches the floor. (3)
d) Use results from the table to calculate the magnitude
of the ball’s velocity when it leaves the floor. (3)
Fig 2.33 [54]
free fall the motion of a body in which the only force acting on it is gravity
terminal velocity the constant speed a free falling object eventually reaches when the air resistance
prevents further acceleration
• An object is in freefall when the only force acting on it is the force of gravity.
• Air resistance causes the acceleration of an object falling vertically to decrease,
until eventually the acceleration is zero and the object has reached terminal
velocity. Terminal velocity is a constant velocity and acceleration is zero.
• These equations can be used to solve for unknown values regarding linear
motion with constant acceleration:
In symbols: Where:
vf = vi + a∆t vi = initial velocity (m.sˉ1)
vf ² = vi² + 2a∆x vf = final velocity (m.s–1)
∆x = vi∆t + __ 12 a∆t² ∆x = distance/displacement (m)
v+ v
i f ∆t
∆x = ______
2 ) ∆t = time (s)
a = acceleration (m.s–2)
• When doing calculations from a velocity vs time graph:
- Area under the graph = displacement or distance
- Gradient of the graph = acceleration
• When doing calculations from a displacement vs time graph:
- Gradient of the graph = velocity
The photo shows an oil drill. Oil is a vital resource in the world today. From it we are
able to produce fuels such as petrol, as well as other products such as road tar and
plastics. The world simply cannot function without oil and its derivatives. However,
it is believed that there is only enough oil reserves left in the world for another 35 to
40 years, if we continue consuming it at the current rate that we are. That is why
there is so much interest in alternative energy resources. Oil is an example of an
organic compound. You will learn more about organic compounds in this topic.
In Grade 11, in the topic ‘Exploiting the lithosphere’, you learnt about the use of coal and
oil as fossil fuels. When these fossil fuels burn, a chemical reaction occurs that produces
greenhouse gases that result in pollution and global warming. The combustion of fuels is
just one type of reaction that we will investigate in this topic.
1. What gases are formed when coal and oil are burned?
2. Are coal and oil renewable or non-renewable resources? Explain.
Fig 3.2: Carboon atoms can form chains, branches and rings
Carbon can also form double and triple bonds between carbon atoms, as shown in
Figure 3.3:
Some factors which make carbon – carbon bonds
unique include:
• The fact that the covalent bond between two
carbon atoms is quite strong.
a) A hydrocarbon b) A hydrocarbon
• Carbon compounds are not extremely reactive
compound compound under ordinary conditions.
containing a containing a triple
double bond bond • A wide variety of carbon compounds are possible
since carbon can form up to four single
Fig 3.3: Carbon atoms can form double and covalent bonds.
triple bonds.
• The ability of carbon to make bonds with itself – a
process known as catenation.
• The ability of carbon to make multiple bonds
with itself.
Organic compounds can be represented in different ways. You need to know the
following methods of representation:
• Molecular formula, e.g. C4H10
This is the simplest method of representing an organic substance. It only shows how
many atoms of each element there are within the molecule, but it gives us no
indication as to where the atoms are found in relation to one another.
• Structural formula, e.g.
This method shows us
exactly where each atom
within the molecule
is found.
• Condensed structural formula, e.g. CH3CH2CH2CH3
This method lists the carbon atoms in the molecule individually and shows how many
hydrogen atoms are connected to each carbon atom without showing the bonds.
Checkpoint 1
Write down whether the following examples are showing the molecular formula, the
condensed structural formula or the structural formula for the organic compound.
1. CH3CH2CH3
2. C3H8
Science around us
Rock paintings
Charcoal, which consists mostly of carbon,
was used by the San people to mix black
paints used in rock paintings, as shown
in Figure 3.4.
Fig 3.4: Rock paintings made using
Alkanes –C – C–
The alkanes are a homologous series of hydrocarbons where the molecules are
characterised by single bonds between their carbon atoms. Alkanes are said to be
saturated compounds. A saturated organic compound is one that only contains single
bonds attached to carbon atoms that make up the compound. The functional group of all
alkanes is – C – C – , as this indicates that all the carbon atoms within the molecule are
Checkpoint 2
1. Draw the structural formula for:
a) butane Fig 3.5: Octane
b) hexane.
2. Use the general formula for alkanes to determine the molecular formula for:
a) pentane
b) octane.
Branched alkanes
We already know that organic molecules may have a branched-chain structure. We will
now study branched alkanes.
To name the branches, we will need to indicate in the name the number of carbon atoms
in each branch. Table 3B indicates the name of a branch, determined by how many carbon
atoms the branch contains. These are known as alkyl groups, hence the name of the
branch will always end in –yl.
Worked examples:
Name the following branched alkanes:
• The longest carbon chain contains 4 carbon
atoms, therefore main chain is butane.
• The branch is closest to the right hand side of
the molecule, so number the carbon atoms from
right to left.
• The branch contains 1 carbon atom, so is
therefore a methyl branch.
• The methyl branch is found on carbon atom 2, therefore the branch will be
called 2-methyl.
• The name of this compound is 2-methylbutane.
• The longest carbon chain
contains 7 carbon atoms,
therefore main chain is heptane.
• The branch is in the middle of
the molecule, so it does not
matter which side of the
molecule we number from, so
we will number from left to
• The branch contains 2 carbon atoms, so is therefore an ethyl branch.
• The ethyl branch is found on carbon atom 4, therefore the branch will be called
• The name of this compound is 4-ethylheptane.
• The longest carbon chain contains 7 carbon atoms,
therefore main chain is heptane.
• The branches are found closest to the left hand side of
the molecule, so number the carbon atoms from left to
• There are two branches:
If there is more than one type of branch in the same molecule,
such as a methyl and an ethyl group, then you must put them
in alphabetical order in the name i.e. ethyl before methyl.
• The longest carbon chain contains 6 carbon atoms, therefore main chain is hexane.
• The branches are in the middle of the molecule, so it does not matter which side of
the molecule we number from, so we will number from left to right.
• There are two branches containing 1 carbon atom, so these are therefore methyl
branches. If there are two branches of the same type, we use the prefix di-. The
methyl branches are found on carbon atoms 3 and 4, therefore they will be named
• The name of this compound is 3,4-dimethylhexane.
• The longest carbon chain
contains 7 carbon atoms,
therefore main chain is heptane.
• The branches are found closest to
the right hand side of the
molecule, so number the carbon
atoms from right to left.
• There are two types of branches:
- The branches on carbon
atoms 2 and 3 contain
1 carbon atom, so are therefore methyl branches. These branches will be called
- The branch on carbon atom 4 contains 2 carbon atoms, so is therefore an ethyl
branch. This branch will be called 4-ethyl.
• The branches must be named alphabetically, so the ethyl branch will be placed
before the methyl branch in the name. The name of this compound is
Checkpoint 3
Name the following branched alkanes:
1. 2. 3.
c) d)
Alkenes C=C
Alkenes are a homologous series that are characterised by having at least one double
bond between the carbon atoms in the chain. Double bonds are not as stable as single
bonds, therefore alkenes are more reactive than the respective alkanes. Since there are
double bonds present, there is the potential for these bonds to be broken to form single
bonds. For this reason, alkenes are called unsaturated hydrocarbons. Unsaturated
hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons that have multiple bonds (double or triple covalent
bonds) between adjacent carbon atoms. The functional group of the alkenes is C = C , as
this indicates that there is a double bond between two of the carbon atoms within the
compound. Alkenes have the general formula CnH2n. Alkene molecules’ names will
always end with the suffix ‘-ene’, indicating that they are alkenes.
Worked example:
Name the organic compound shown in Figure 3.6.
There is a double bond present, so this is pentene. But we
have to indicate after which carbon atom the double bond
is found. Number the carbon atoms from the side of the Fig 3.6
atom closest to the double bond.
In this case, the double bond is found after the second
carbon atom. The position of the double bond is
mentioned in the middle of the name. So the name of this
compound is pent-2-ene.
Table 3D shows some alkenes.
Table 3D
Checkpoint 4
1. Give the structural formula for:
a) propene
b) pent-2-ene.
2. Use the general formula for alkenes to determine the molecular formula for:
a) propene
b) pentene.
Branched alkenes
When naming an alkene that contains a branch off the main chain, such
as that shown in Figure 3.7, number the carbon atoms from the side
closest to the double bond and not the side closest to the branch. So in
this case we would number from the left to the right.
The branch is off carbon atom 3, so the name of this compound
is 3-methylbut-1-ene.
It is important to note that the double bond is a functional group Fig 3.7
and therefore must be included in the longest continuous chain when
naming the compound.
Checkpoint 5
Name the following organic compounds.
1. 2.
Science around us
Butter or margarine?
Butter is made up of mainly saturated fat molecules,
which have relatively high melting points because of the
single bonds found between the atoms in the molecule.
As a result, butter is solid at room temperature.
However, unsaturated fats are normally liquids at
room temperature, as they have relatively low melting Fig 3.8: Butter is made
points and occur naturally as oils. Unsaturated oils can up of mainly saturated
be transformed into a more solid consistency by a fat molecules
process called hydrogenation which is covered later in
this topic. This process reacts hydrogen with some of the double bonds in
the oil producing a saturated substance. This results in a mixture that is
semi-solid margarine.
Dienes are alkenes with two or more double bonds in their structure. They do not follow
the same general formula as alkenes. Table 3E shows some examples of dienes. There is a
slight name change when dealing with dienes. For example, in Table 3E, instead of naming
the compound pent-1,3-diene, the name now becomes penta-1,3-diene, and so forth.
Table 3E
penta-1,3-diene C5H8
hexa-2,3-diene C6H10
buta-1,3-diene C4H6
Fig 3.9
Alkynes –C ≡ C–
Alkynes are a homologous series that are characterised by having at least one triple bond
between the carbon atoms in the chain or ring. Triple bonds are not as stable as single
bonds, therefore alkynes are more reactive than the respective alkanes. Since there are
triple bonds present, there is the potential for these bonds to be broken to form single
bonds. For this reason, alkynes are also called unsaturated hydrocarbons. The functional
group of the alkynes is –C≡C–, as this indicates that there is a triple bond between two of
the carbon atoms within the molecule. Alkynes have the general formula CnH2n-2. Alkyne
molecules’ names will always end with the suffix ‘-yne’, indicating that they are alkynes.
Worked example:
Name the organic compound in Figure 3.10.
There is a triple bond and 6 carbon atoms present in the
compound shown in Figure 3.10, so this is hexyne. But Fig 3.10
we have to indicate after which carbon atom the triple
bond is found. Number the carbon atoms from the side of the atom closest to the triple
bond. In this case, the triple bond is found after the third carbon atom. The position of
the triple bond is mentioned in the middle
of the name. So the name of this compound is hex-3-yne.
Table 3F shows some alkynes.
Table 3F
Condensed Molecular
Name Structural Formula Structural Formula
ethyne CHCH C2H2
Alkynes have the general formula CnH2n-2. The general formula can be used to determine
how many hydrogen atoms an alkyne molecule will contain, if the number of carbon
atoms within the molecule is known. For example, if the alkyne contains 3 carbon atoms,
then n=3. If n = 3, then the number of hydrogen atoms within the molecule will be
2(3) – 2 = 4. Therefore the molecular formula of the compound will be C3H4.
When drawing the structural formula of alkynes, remember that each carbon atom can
only form four bonds. This is the reason for the reduced number of hydrogen atoms on
the carbon atoms on either side of the triple bond, compared with the respective alkane.
Checkpoint 7
1. Give the structural formula for:
a) but-2-yne
b) hept-3-yne.
2. Use the general formula for alkynes to determine the molecular formula for:
c) pentyne
d) octyne.
c) d)
Alkyl halides
Alkyl halides, also known as haloalkanes, are a homologous series that have one or more
halogen atoms, such as fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br) or iodine (I), attached to
one or more carbon atoms in the main chain as a halide substituent. The functional group
The naming of the halide substituent will depend on which halogen we are dealing with.
Table 3G lists how halide substituents are named.
Table 3G
Five carbon atoms singularly bonded in the
main chain means that the name of the main
chain is pentane. On carbon atom 2, there is a
chloro substituent. Therefore the name of this
compound is 2-chloropentane.
Checkpoint 8
Name the following organic compounds:
1. 2. 3.
Exercise 3.3
1. 2. 3.
double bond – C = O as the functional group in the molecule. This is known as a carbonyl
functional group.
Science around us
Cinnamaldehyde is the organic compound that gives cinnamon its flavor and
odour. Cinnamaldehyde occurs naturally in the bark of cinnamon trees.
Vanillin is an aldehyde that is found in the vanilla bean and is used as a
flavouring agent in foods and beverages. However, the vanilla extract that we
often purchase in the shops is synthetic and is not natural at all.
Formaldehyde or methanal, commonly known as formalin, has a pungent,
irritating odour. It is used primarily as a disinfectant and also to preserve
biological specimens, such as that shown in Figure 3.12. Fig 3.12: A horse
fetus preserved in
Checkpoint 9
Draw the structural formula for:
1. butanal 2. hexanal.
Ketones R – C – R'
In ketone molecules, the carbonyl group is placed at a position within the carbon chain.
Some examples of ketones are shown in Figure 3.13. Notice that ketones never have a
hydrogen atom attached to the carbonyl group.
Exercise 3.4
Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols –C–O–H
Alcohols are a homologous series of organic compounds identified by a hydroxyl – O – H
functional group on the longest carbon chain in its structure. The general formula for
alcohols is CnH2n+1OH. Some examples of alcohols are shown in Figure 3.15.
Science around us
Too much alcohol = bad news!
When alcohol is consumed, ethanol is absorbed
through the walls of the stomach and small intestine
into the bloodstream. Some of the ethanol is eliminated
unchanged from the body in the urine and in the
breath. That is why a urine test or a breathalyzer test
can give an indication of the amount of alcohol present
in the bloodstream. The rest of the alcohol is broken
down by the liver. A person can eliminate about 10 cm3
of alcohol per hour, which is approximately the
amount of alcohol in half a pint of beer. Simple Fig 3.17: Beer
mathematics can help work out how long it would take contains ethanol.
to eliminate the alcohol from a person’s system.
Compounds that consist of two hydroxyl (-O-H) groups are known as diols. An example
of a diol that we encounter in everyday life is ethan-1,2-diol, which is used in the
production of antifreeze for cars’ engines. The structural formula for ethan-1,2-diol is:
Primary alcohols
In a primary alcohol molecule, the carbon atom which carries the -O-H group is on the
end of the longest carbon chain.
Some examples of primary alcohols are shown in Figure 3.18.
Tertiary alcohols
In a tertiary alcohol molecule, the carbon atom holding the -O-H
group is part of the carbon chain which is attached directly to three
carbon groups, which may be any combination of the same or
different carbon groups.
Some examples of tertiary alcohols are shown in Figure 3.20.
2. Name the following alcohols. Also state whether they are primary, secondary or
tertiary alcohols:
a) b) c)
Science around us
Percentage alcohol in drinks
The liquid formed by the fermentation of fruits has a
maximum ethanol concentration of 12 %, above which
the yeast begins to die and the fermentation process
stops. As a result, drinks such as wine, produced by
fermentation, do not have an alcohol concentration
above 12 %. In order to obtain beverages with a higher
alcohol concentration, the liquid needs to be distilled.
Distillation involves heating the liquid. The alcohol
boils at a lower temperature than water and is then
separated from the rest of the liquid by condensation. Fig 3.21: This alcohol
The bottle shown in Figure 3.21 contains 60 % ethanol drink contains 60% ABV.
ABV (alcohol by volume).
Research task
Exercise 3.5
7. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using ethanol as a source of fuel
in a household fireplace.
8. Build molecular models of the following alcohols using atomic model kits:
a) ethanol b) pentan-1-ol c) butan-2-ol
Carboxylic acids –C–C=
Carboxylic acids are compounds, the molecules of which
contain a –COOH group. This is known as the carboxyl
group. The general formula for carboxylic acids is
CnH2n+1COOH. Some examples of carboxylic acids are
shown in Figure 3.24.
To name a carboxylic acid from its structural formula
Fig 3.24: Examples of carboxylic acids
follow these rules:
• Identify the longest, continuous chain of carbon atoms that contains the carboxyl
group. The parent name for the compound comes from the alkane name for that
number of carbon atoms.
• Write the name of the longest chain as if it were an alkane and replace the -e ending
of the alkane name with the suffix “-oic” followed by the term ”acid.” Hence the
names ethanoic acid and propanoic acid as seen above.
Science around us
Everyday carboxylic acids
We encounter carboxylic acids on a daily basis.
Methanoic acid is found in the stings of bees and
ants. Ethanoic acid, sometime referred to as acetic
acid, is found in vinegar. Butanoic acid is found in
rancid butter and octanoic acid is found in
coconuts and breast milk.
Lactic acid is what gives sour milk its taste. Lactic Fig 3.25: Octanoic acid is
acid is also responsible for stiff, tired muscles.
found in coconuts.
Lactic acid promotes the formation of salts of uric
acid, which causes the painful condition known as gout.
Esters –C–O–C–
Esters are compounds derived from carboxylic acids and alcohols that have reacted
together. In an ester molecule, the hydrogen atom in the -COOH group from the acid is
replaced by the carbon group (alkyl group) from the alcohol. Esters are organic chemical
compounds whose molecular structure has the general form:
Exercise 3.6
Isomers are defined as being two or more compounds with the same molecular formula
but different structural formulae. As a result of the two molecules having different
structural formulae, they will also have different names.
There are three types of structural isomerism:
• Chain isomerism
• Position isomerism
• Functional group isomerism.
Chain isomerism
In chain isomerism, isomers arise because of the possibility of branching in carbon chains.
For example, there are two isomers of butane, C4H10. In one of them, the carbon atoms lie
in a “straight chain” whereas in the other the chain is branched, as shown in Figure 3.27.
Worked example:
Draw the structural formula and give the names of three isomers of molecular
formula C4H8.
Position isomerism
In position isomerism, the basic carbon
skeleton remains unchanged, but important
functional groups are moved around on
that skeleton. For example, there are two
structural isomers with the molecular
formula C3H7Br. In one of them the bromine Figure 3.28: Examples of position isomeres
atom is on the end of the chain, whereas in
the other it’s attached in the middle, as shown in Figure 3.28.
Another example of functional group isomerism is that carboxylic acids and esters can be
isomers of one another.
Exercise 3.7
Fig 3.33: Hydrogen bonds between Fig 3.34: Hydrogen bonds between
adjacent carboxylic acid molecules adjacent alcohol molecules
Worked example:
Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing strength of intermolecular
forces. Explain your reasoning.
chloroethane; ethanol; ethane; ethanoic acid
Ethane is an alkane, hence is non-polar and has weak Van der Waals’ forces (London
forces) between the molecules.
Chloroethane is an alkyl halide, hence is slightly polar and will have stronger Van der
Waals’ forces (dipole-dipole) between the molecules.
Ethanol and ethanoic acid both have much stronger hydrogen bonding forces between the
molecules. The intermolecular forces between ethanol molecules will be weaker than those
between ethanoic acid molecules, as only one hydrogen bond forms between the molecules
of ethanol, whilst two hydrogen bonds form between the molecules of ethanoic acid.
So the molecules listed in order of increasing strength of intermolecular forces are:
ethane; chloroethane; ethanol; ethanoic acid.
Checkpoint 13
Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing strength of intermolecular forces.
butanone; butanoic acid; butane
Checkpoint 14
Which of the following compounds has the higher vapour pressure when compared at
the same temperature – butane or butanoic acid? Explain.
Worked example:
In the old days, a substance known as diethyl ether, commonly known as ‘ether’, was
used as an anaesthetic for dental surgery, as shown in Figure 3.36. The structural formula
for ether is shown in Figure 3.37. Use your knowledge of intermolecular forces to explain
one reason why ether is so suitable for an anaesthetic.
Ether is a non-polar molecule, so will have weak Van der Waals’ forces (London forces)
between its molecules. The molecules will vapourise into the gaseous state very easily at
room temperature and will be easily breathed in by the patient.
Checkpoint 15
The structural formulae for tetrachloromethane
and methanoic acid are shown in Figure 3.38. If a
bottle of each of these substances are opened at the
back of the classroom, which one do you think will
be smelt first by learners at the front of the class?
Explain. Fig 3.38
Science around us
Aerosol cans use a liquified gas with
a high vapour pressure inside a can,
mixed with whatever product is
required, such as deodorant, shaving
cream or bug spray. The gas is called
a propellant, as it propels the product
out of the can. The propellant is
normally a gas at room temperature,
but is pressurized into the can and
becomes a liquid in the process and it
makes a liquid mixture with the
product. When the nozzle is pressed,
the pressure inside the can suddenly
decreases and some of the propellant
begins to boil, expanding as it does Fig 3.39: Aerosol cans use a liquified gas
so and in the process pushes some with a high vapour pressure.
propellant-product mixture up the
dip tube. As it travels up the dip tube, the propellant rapidly expands into a gas,
forming a fine spray with the product.
Checkpoint 16
In each pair of substances below, state which substance will be most flammable.
Explain your answer.
1. Octane (C8H18) or propane (C3H8).
2. Propene (C3H6) or propane (C3H8).
1. Which of the following compounds will have the highest melting point – methane or
pentane? Explain.
2. Which substance is more likely to be a gas at room temperature – propane or hexane?
Worked example:
Arrange the substances A, B and C in order of increasing boiling point.
C, A, B
C is the most branched hydrocarbon here, so will have the smallest surface area and the
weakest van der Waals’ forces between the molecules as a result. It will therefore have the
lowest boiling point, then A, then B.
Checkpoint 18
Which of the two substances in Figure 3.41, both with the molecular formula C8H18, will
have the higher boiling point? Explain.
Fig 3.41 A B
Research task
You are required to research and compare the physical properties of:
• propane • butane
• pentane • ethanol
• propanol • butanol
Research the following physical properties of the above organic compounds:
• Melting point • Boiling point • Vapour pressure
First make stick-and-ball models of one molecule of each of these compounds and
then research the physical properties of these substances. Explain the physical
properties by refering to the intermolecular forces that exist between the molecules
of these compounds. Write a report.
Exercise 3.8
1. Which substance will have the higher melting point, ethanol or ethane? Explain.
2. Which substance will have the higher boiling point, propanone or propanoic
acid? Explain.
3. Which substance is more likely to dissolve in water, butane or butanol? Explain.
Fig 3.42
Combustion reactions
Hydrocarbons are one of the Earth’s most important energy resources.
Hydrocarbons are currently the main source of the world’s electric energy and
heat sources, such as home heating, because of the energy produced when
burnt. Coal in power plants is burnt and the energy released is used to turn
water into steam, which is used to turn a turbine that generates electricity.
Combustion of short-chain hydrocarbon gases keep the air in hot air balloons
hot, such as that shown in Figure 3.43.
In an ideal reaction, the products of the combustion of coal and petrol would
be only water and carbon dioxide, but because the coal and petrol are not pure
or clean, there are often many toxic by-products such as mercury and arsenic,
as well as the combustion of sulphur found in these fuels which produces toxic
sulphur dioxide (SO2). Incomplete combustion also has a byproduct of carbon
in the form of soot, such as that shown in Figure 3.44.
Fig 3.43: Combustion of short-
chain hydrocarbon gases keep Short-chained alkanes have smaller molecules and are easier to burn and thus
the air in hot air balloons hot make the best fuels. The combustion of alkanes is highly exothermic and
carbon dioxide and water are produced. The general equation for the
combustion of alkanes is:
alkane + O2 → CO2 + H2O (ΔH<0)
Worked examples:
1. Methane is used cooking and heating. Methane can be found as a natural gas
in the earth’s crust, but is also formed by decomposing manure. There
are farms in the USA and Europe that produce methane gas from cow
manure. Write a balanced equation for the reaction when methane burns in
Fig 3.44: Incomplete combustion
excess oxygen.
also has a byproduct of carbon
in the form of soot Solution:
The general formula for alkanes is CnH2n+2. Methane contains one carbon
atom, therefore the molecular formula for methane is C1H2(1)+2 = CH4.
The equation for the reaction is:
CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
Follow these guidelines when balancing the combustion equation:
Step 1: Balance the carbon atoms.
Step 2: Balance the hydrogen atoms.
Fig 3.45: Cows are responsible Step 3: Balance the oxygen atoms.
for a lot of methane gas that is
Topic 3: Organic chemistry • 121
Step 1:
CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
There is 1 carbon atom on each side, therefore carbon atoms are balanced.
Step 2:
There are 4 hydrogen atoms on left hand side and 2 hydrogen atoms on the right hand side.
Place a “2” in front of the H2O on the right hand side which will balance the hydrogen
atoms in the equation. Now there are 4 hydrogen atoms on each side of the equation.
CH4 + O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
Step 3:
Now there are 2 oxygen atoms on the left hand side and 4 oxygen atoms on the right
hand side. Place a “2” front of the O2 on the left hand side which will balance the oxygen
atoms in the equation.
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
There are 4 oxygen atoms on each side, therefore oxygen atoms are balanced.
Therefore the balanced equation for the combustion reaction is:
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
2. A mixture of propane and butane gas are put under a very high pressure so that
they become a liquid. This is the liquid gas that is found in the cylinders of
laboratory gas as well as the bottled gas for camping stoves, such as the one
shown in Figure 3.46. Write a balanced equation for the reaction when butane
burns in excess oxygen.
The general formula for alkanes is CnH2n+2. Butane molecules contain four carbon
atoms, therefore the formula for butane is C4H2(4)+2 = C4H10.
The equation for the reaction is:
C4H10 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
Balancing the combustion equation:
Step 1: Fig 3.46: Gas cylinders
C4H10 + O2 → 4CO2 + H2O contain a mixture of
propane and butane gas
Step 2:
C4H10 + O2 → 4CO2 + 5H2O
Step 3:
C4H10 + 6 _12 O2 → 4CO2 + 5H2O
However, to ensure that there are no fractions in the final balanced equation, we multiply
the integers in front of each formula by 2. Therefore the balanced equation for the
combustion reaction is:
2C4H10 + 13O2 → 8CO2 + 10H2O
Checkpoint 19
1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction when propane burns in excess oxygen.
2. Write a balanced equation for the reaction when ethane burns in excess oxygen.
Exercise 3.9
1. Octane is present in petrol. Write a balanced equation for the reaction when
octane burns in excess oxygen.
2. Ethyne is the gas used in blowtorches for welding pieces of metal together.
Ethyne’s common name is acetylene. Write a balanced equation for the reaction
when ethyne burns in excess oxygen.
3. Calculate the percentage of carbon present in ethane, ethene and ethyne and
then conclude which substance will burn with the cleanest flame.
Esterification reactions
Esters are organic compounds which form as a
result of a reaction between a carboxylic acid and
an alcohol. Sulphuric acid is added which acts as a
catalyst. Esters have a pleasant, characteristic smell
and occur freely in nature in fruits and flowers.
The general equation for esterification reactions is:
Fig 3.47: Natural esters occur in fruit.
A condensation
reaction is one in
which water or
other small
molecule is
Worked examples:
1. Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the esterification reaction
that occurs between methanol and ethanoic acid in the presence of sulphuric acid.
Esters are named with the alcohol component of the name mentioned first, the
carboxylic acid component mentioned second.
Methylethanoate can also be drawn starting with the alcohol structure and followed
by the caboxylic acid:
2. Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the esterification reaction
that occurs between propan-1-ol and ethanoic acid in the presence of sulphuric acid.
Checkpoint 20
1. Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the esterification reaction
that occurs between ethanol and propanoic acid in the presence of sulphuric acid.
2. Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the esterification reaction
that occurs between butan-1-ol and ethanoic acid in the presence of sulphuric acid.
3. Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the production
of propylmethanoate.
4. Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the production
of ethylpentanoate.
Methanol 45
Ethanol 34
Pentanol 46
Salicylic acid -
1. Using the measuring cylinder, place approximately 2 ml of ethanol and 2 ml of
acetic acid (ethanoic acid) in a clean, dry test tube.
2. Stir the contents of the test tube continuously using the stirring rod and whilst
doing so, carefully add about 10 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid using the
medicine dropper.
3. Heat the test tube in a beaker of hot water for about 6 minutes. The water must
be at a temperature of approximately 75˚ C.
4. Hold the test tube with the test tube holder and cool the outside of the test tube
under running water for about 1 minute.
5. Pour the contents of the test tube into a beaker of cold water. Smell and identify
the ester that has been formed from the reactants used.
6. The experiment can be repeated using:
a) Pentan-1-ol and ethanoic acid
b) Methanol and salicylic acid
Record your results on a table with the following headings:
1. What is the purpose of adding concentrated sulphuric acid to the reaction
2. Using structural formulae, write a balanced equation for the reaction between
the following and name the ester that is formed:
a) Ethanol and ethanoic acid
b) Pentan-1-ol and ethanoic acid.
3. Copy and complete the table below:
Substitution reactions
A substitution reaction is a chemical reaction in which an atom or group of atoms
in a molecule is replaced by another atom or group of atoms. Substitution
reactions occur in saturated compounds, such as alkanes, haloalkanes and
alcohols. We will study different types of substitution reactions that occur.
Before we investigate substitution reactions in more detail, let us have a look at
some terminology that we will be using:
A primary carbon is a carbon atom that is bonded to one other carbon atom.
A secondary carbon is a carbon atom bonded to two other carbon atoms.
A tertiary carbon is a carbon atom bonded to three other carbon atoms.
Figure 3.48 shows the difference in the position of a primary, secondary and Fig 3.48: Primary,
tertiary carbon atom within an alkane. secondary and tertiary
carbon atoms.
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the reaction between methane and chlorine that occurs in the
presence of heat and light. Also show the reaction using structural formulae. Name
the reactants and products.
CH4 + Δ
Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl
Substitution reactions are difficult to stop and additional substitution reactions will occur,
substituting one atom at a time, until all of the hydrogen atoms have been substituted:
There would be a mixture of all of these products present at the end of the reaction.
2. Write an equation for the reaction between ethane and bromine that occurs in the
presence of heat and light. Also show the reaction using structural formulae. Name
the reactants and products.
C2H6 + Δ
Br2 C2H5Br + HBr
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the reaction between C(CH3)3OH and HBr at room
temperature. Also show the reaction using structural formulae.
C(CH3)3OH + HBr → C(CH3)3Br + H2O
2. Write an equation for the reaction between butan-2-ol and HCl at high temperature.
Also show the reaction using structural formula and name all reactants and products.
C4H9OH + Δ
HCl C4H9Cl + H2O
Checkpoint 22
Write an equation for the reaction between C2H5OH and HCl at room temperature. Also
show the reaction using structural formulae.
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the reaction between C(CH3)3Br and KOH. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae.
C(CH3)3Br + KOH
→ C(CH3)3OH + KBr
2. Write an equation to show the reaction between 2-chloropropane and NaOH. Also
show the reaction using structural formula and name all reactants and products.
Checkpoint 23
Write an equation for the reaction between C2H5I and NaOH at room temperature. Also
show the reaction using structural formulae.
Research task
Research some ways in which substitution reactions are used in industry. Find out
what products are formed and what are their uses. Write a report.
Exercise 3.10
Write an equation for the reaction between the following reactants. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae.
1. CH4 + Br2 2. C(CH3)3OH + HCl 3. C(CH3)3Cl + NaOH
Addition reactions
An addition reaction is a reaction where atoms are added to a molecule by the breaking
of a double bond between the carbon atoms without the removal of any atoms from the
molecule. The new atoms are added to the two carbon atoms on either side of the double
bond. Unsaturated compounds such as alkenes undergo addition reactions to form
saturated compounds.
Unsaturated organic compounds undergo different addition reactions, depending on
what the compound is being reacted with. We will study the different types of addition
reactions that can occur.
In a hydrogenation reaction, hydrogen (H2) is added to an alkene.
The reaction conditions for a hydrogenation reaction:
• An alkene must be dissolved in a non-polar solvent with a catalyst such as
platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) or nickel (Ni).
Worked example:
Write an equation for the reaction between C2H4 and H2. Also show the reaction using
structural formulae.
C2H4 + H2 Pt/Pd/Ni C2H6
Checkpoint 24
Write an equation for the reaction between but-2-ene and H2. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae. Name the product that forms.
In a halogenation reaction, a halogen molecule (Cl2, Br2) is added to an alkene molecule.
The reaction conditions for a halogenation reaction:
• The reaction proceeds easily at room temperature.
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the reaction between C2H4 and Cl2. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae.
C2H4 + Cl2 → CH2ClCH2Cl
2. Write an equation for the reaction between C3H6 and Br2. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae.
C3H6 + Br2 → CH2BrCHBrCH3
In a hydrohalogenation reaction, HX (X = Cl, Br, I) is added to an alkene.
The reaction conditions for a hydrohalogenation reaction:
• No water must be present if this reaction is to take place.
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the reaction between C2H4 and HBr. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae.
C2H4 + HBr → CH3CH2Br
2. Write an equation for the reaction between C3H6 and HCl. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae.
C3H6 + HCl → CH3CHClCH3
In this example, because we are adding two different atoms (H and Cl) to propene, an
unsymmetrical alkene, we need to decide which carbon atom will receive the H atom and unsymmetrical
which carbon atom will receive the Cl atom. In order to do this, we use Markovnikov’s rule: alkene - an
alkene in which
Markovnikov’s rule the two carbons
of the double
Markovnikov’s rule states that when an unsymmetrical alkene reacts with a substance bond are not
HX, the hydrogen atom adds to the carbon atom that has the greater number of equivalently
hydrogen atoms, and X adds to the carbon atom having fewer hydrogen atoms. substituted.
Checkpoint 26
Write an equation for the reaction between but-1-ene and HBr. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae. Name the product that forms.
In a hydration reaction, water is added to an alkene.
The reaction conditions for a hydration reaction:
• The reaction must take place in a dilute acid solution with the acid acting as a
catalyst. The acid used must be a strong acid, such as sulphuric acid (H2SO4) or
phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the reaction between ethene (C2H4) and water. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae.
C2H4 + H2O 50% H2SO4/H3PO4 CH3CH2OH
2. Write an equation for the reaction between C4H8 and H2O. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae.
50% H2SO4/H3PO4
Markovnikov’s rule is used to determine the final position of the H and OH in the
molecule. The first carbon atom has the greater number of hydrogen atoms, so the H adds
onto this carbon. The second carbon atom has only one hydrogen atom, so the OH adds
onto this carbon.
Checkpoint 27
Give an equation for the reaction between propene and H2O. Also show the reaction
using structural formulae. Name the product that forms.
Carbon tetrachloride 36
Cyclohexane; cyclohexene 37
Part 1:
Aim: To investigate the reactions of alkanes and alkenes with bromine water
You will need:
• 1 x 50 ml measuring cylinder • Cyclohexane
• 3 droppers • Cyclohexene
• 2 test tubes • Bromine water (see below for
• Test tube racks preparation)
Part 2:
Aim: To investigate the reactions of alkanes and alkenes with potassium
The structural permanganate
formulae for
cyclohexane and You will need:
cyclohexene are • 2 test tubes and stoppers • Potassium permanganate solution (0,5 %)
for enrichment
and will not be • Test tube rack • Cyclohexane
examined. • Propette • Cyclohexene
Exercise 3.11
Write an equation for the reaction between the following substances. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae.
1. C3H6 + H2 2. C3H6 + HBr 3. C2H4 + Br2
4. C3H6 + H2O 5. C3H6 + Cl2 6. C5H10 + HCl
Elimination reactions
An elimination reaction is a reaction where atoms or molecular fragments are removed
from adjacent atoms in a molecule leaving the molecule with a double bond in its
structure. An elimination reaction is exactly opposite to an addition reaction. Instead of
atoms being added across a double bond to form a saturated molecule, a saturated
molecule has atoms removed from it to form a double bond. In other words , saturated
organic compounds undergo elimination reactions to form unsaturated compounds. This
process is used during the cracking of petroleum, when large alkanes are broken into
smaller alkenes. We will study the different types of elimination reactions that can occur.
A dehydrohalogenation reaction involves the elimination of HX (X = Cl, Br, I) from
a haloalkane.
The reaction conditions for a dehydrohalogenation reaction:
• Heating of the haloalkane with a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
or potassium hydroxide (KOH) in pure ethanol as the solvent.
• Heat under reflux – the vapours condense and return to the reaction vessel during
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the dehydrohalogenation of CH2ClCH2Cl. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae.
The reaction needs to show the loss of a H atom bonded to one carbon atom and a Cl
atom bonded to another carbon atom.
CH2ClCH2Cl → CHClCH2 + HCl
Checkpoint 28
Write an equation for the dehydrohalogenation of 2-chloropropane. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae. Name the products that are formed.
A dehydration reaction involves the elimination of H2O from an alcohol.
The reaction conditions for a dehydration reaction:
• This is an acid catalysed dehydration reaction – it requires the heating of an alcohol
with an excess of concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4 )or phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
Worked examples:
1. Write an equation for the reaction of the dehydration of ethanol. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae.
2. Write an equation for the reaction of the dehydration of butan-2-ol. Also show the
reaction using structural formulae.
The reaction needs to show the loss of a H bonded to one carbon atom and the loss of OH
bonded to the adjacent carbon atom. If more than one elimination product is possible, as
is the case here, the major product is the one where the H atom is removed from the
adjacent carbon atom bonded with the least number of H atoms. In this case, that is the
second carbon atom from the right.
C4H9OH → C4H8 + H2O
Checkpoint 29
Write an equation for the dehydration of pentan-3-ol. Also show the reaction using
structural formulae. Name the products that are formed.
Step 1:
The C10H22 molecule is broken up into two free radicals.
Step 2:
One of the free radicals from step 1 breaks up into a
smaller free radical and a saturated hydrocarbon.
Various hydrocarbons can be formed as a result of thermal cracking. Some will have short
chains and some will have long chains. Some will be saturated and others will be
Catalytic cracking
The process of catalytic cracking produces petrol with a higher octane rating than thermal
cracking and is therefore the more favoured procedure of cracking nowadays. The raw
material used in catalytic cracking, shown in Figure 3.51, is usually the portion of crude
oil that has an initial boiling point of 340 °C or higher. The heated crude oil is passed into
a fractionating column and passed over a catalyst. The column is hot at the bottom and
cool at the top. Substances with longer chain molecules will have high boiling points and
condense at the bottom and substances with shorter chain molecules will have low
boiling points and condense at the top.
Catalytic cracking takes place at lower temperatures and pressures than thermal cracking
– around 450 °C and a pressure of 1 to 20 atmospheres. Modern cracking uses zeolites as
the catalyst. These are complex aluminosilicates, and are large lattices of aluminium,
silicon and oxygen atoms.
The heat and catalyst encourage the ‘cracking’ of the longer chained hydrocarbon
molecules into shorter-chained molecules, shown in Figure 3.52, resulting in more useful
products from crude oil, which is very useless on its own. The octane that is formed is
one of the substances found in petrol.
Science around us
The octane number of petrol
The octane rating of petrol tells you about how much the fuel can be
compressed before it ignites. When petrol ignites due to compression rather
than because of the spark from the spark plug, it causes knocking in the
engine. Knocking can damage an engine. Lower-octane petrol (the one with
the lowest number) can handle the least amount of compression before
igniting. So one would expect a smoother drive and better performance
from 97 octane petrol compared to 93 octane petrol.
Racing cars, such as Formula One, use a much higher octane petrol than what
is available at petrol stations. They may use petrols with octane ratings of up Fig 3.53: A petrol pump shows
to 112. These petrols are far more expensive. the octane rating of the petrol.
Research task
Investigate some ways in which elimination reactions are used in industry. What
products are formed and what are their uses?
Exercise 3.12
Write an equation for the following reactions. Also show the reaction using
structural formulae.
1. The dehydrohalogenation of CH3CH2Br.
2. The dehydration of propanol.
3. The dehydrohalogenation of CH3CHClCH2CH3.
4. The dehydration of pentan-2-ol.
Many plastics are recyclable. If they are, this will be represented by the symbol shown in
Figure 3.56 somewhere on the product. It is our responsibility as users of these products
group an atom to ensure that they are recycled if we wish to reduce the load on landfill sites and to do
or a group of what is best for the environment.
atoms in a
molecule that The type of polymerisation that occurs depends on the functional group of the monomers
form the centre that are reacting.
of chemical
activity in the
parent chain the
continuous chain
of connected
carbon atoms in
a hydrocarbon Fig 3.56: The
recycling symbol.
Science around us
Everyday polymer
Polytetrafluoroethene’s structural formula is shown in Figure 3.60a and is a
polymer that is formed by addition polymerization. Polytetrafluoroethene is
commonly known as Teflon. Teflon has numerous uses including as a non-stick
coating for frying pans (Figure 3.60b), beakers, bottles, medical implants and low
friction components in machinery.
Worked examples:
1. The structural formula for polyethene is
given in Figure 3.61. Identify the
monomer from which polyethene is
derived. Name the monomer. Fig 3.61
Step 1: Find a repeating unit and put a bracket
around it.
Step 2: Separate the repeating unit and insert a
double bond in the position in which it will
ensure that the carbon atoms within the
monomer have 4 bonds.
Step 3: Name the monomer.
Step 2: Separate the repeating unit and insert a double bond in the position in
which it will ensure that the carbon atoms within the monomer have 4 bonds.
Step 3: Name the monomer.
3. The structural formula for polystyrene is
given in Figure 3.63. Polystyrene is used for
disposable cups, CD and DVD cases and for
inside packaging boxes to protect televisions
and other appliances. Identify the monomer
from which polystyrene is derived.
Solution: Fig 3.63
Step 2: Separate the repeating unit and insert a double bond in the position in which it
will ensure that the carbon atoms within the monomer are bonded four times.
Fig 3.64
Step 1: Find a repeating unit and put a bracket around it.
Step 2: Separate the repeating unit and insert a double bond in the position in
which it will ensure that the carbon atoms within the monomer have 4 bonds.
Checkpoint 30
1. Give definitions for the following terms:
a) Macromolecule
b) Monomer
c) Addition polymerisation
2. Give the structural formula for polyethene.
3. Give the structural formula for the monomer used to make polyethene.
Carbon tetrachloride 36
Bromine solution 30
Cyclohexane; cyclohexene 37
Research task
Condensation polymerisation
Condensation polymerisation occurs when two molecules react with the elimination of a
water molecule. The three main differences between addition polymerisation and
condensation polymerisation are:
• Condensation polymers form more slowly than addition polymers.
• Water is formed in condensation polymerisation and no by-products are formed in
addition polymerisation.
• The monomers of addition polymers contain carbon-carbon double bonds, whilst the
monomers of condensation polymers contain functional groups, such as alcohols and
carboxylic acids.
Now imagine lining the diol and the dicarboxylic acid up alternately as shown in
Figure 3.68 and making esters with each acid group and each alcohol group, losing a
Fig 3.67: A molecule of water every time an ester linkage is made. That would produce the polymer
shown as the product. This is a condensation polymerisation reaction, as water has been
dicarboxylic acid
removed in the process and a polymer has been formed.
Checkpoint 31
1. What is condensation polymerisation?
Fig 3.72: The
2. What is required in order to make a polyester?
structural formula for
3. From what raw materials is polylactic acid (PLA) produced? polylactic acid
Worked examples:
Identify whether the following polymers are a result of addition or condensation
Step 1: Find a repeating unit and put a bracket around it.
Research task
Science around us
Protective helmets
Lexan is a polymer that has an unusually high
impact strength. It is used in making safety
helmets for motor cycle riding (Figure 3.73)
bicycle riding, cricket and horse riding. It is
also very light, making it especially useful
Fig 3.73: Lexan is a strong
for sportsmen.
polymer used in making riding
Preparing polymers
Safety first:
Sodium silicate -
Ethanol 34
Part 1:
Aim: To prepare silicone rubber by polymerization.
You will need:
• Stirring rod • Paper towels
• 100 ml measuring cylinder • 500 ml beaker
• 10 ml measuring cylinder • Latex gloves
• Food colouring • Sodium silicate solution (40%)
• Ethanol
1. Measure 20 ml of sodium silicate solution in the 100 ml measuring cylinder.
2. Pour the sodium silicate solution into the 500 ml beaker.
3. Add food coloring to the sodium silicate solution.
4. Measure 5 ml of ethanol in the 10 ml measuring cylinder.
5. Add the ethanol to the sodium silicate solution.
6. Stir the solutions quickly as the solid begins to form.
7. When mixture is solid, remove from beaker using latex gloves. If the mixture
still has not formed a solid, add 5 ml more of ethanol.
8. Start molding the mixture into a ball, using paper towels to dry it as you work.
Be careful not to mold it too hard as it will crumble.
Science aropund us
Rubber – a natural polymer
Rubber is the only true hydrocarbon polymer found
in nature. Rubber is able to stretch to 10 times its
length and a major advantage about it is that, once
released, it returns back to its original length.
Rubber is made up of a huge tangle of polymer
chains which, when pulled, pull past one another,
enabling it to stretch.
Rubber is formed inside the bark of the rubber tree.
Grooves are cut into the bark of the tree and
collection buckets are placed below the grooves
(Figure 3.75). The sap that drips out of the grooves Fig 3.75: Rubber being
is collected in the buckets. tapped from a rubber tree
Exercise 3.13
Part 1 Part 2
Name of Polymer Depth of indentation Depth of indentation
(mm) at 20 °C (mm) at 40 °C
Low density polyethylene
4 7,1
High density polyethylene
2,4 4,8
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) 2,3 2,5
Polypropylene (PP) 1,9 2,1
Extend yourself
a) Select one compound that contains a triple bond between two carbon
atoms. (1)
b) Select one compound that is an ester and draw its structural formula. (2)
c) Select an alkane with less than five carbon atoms in the molecules and write
down an equation for a substitution reaction of this alkane with HCl. (2)
2. Petrol with an octane rating of 98 is largely made up
of 2,2,4 – trimethylpentane. The structural formula of
2,2,4 – trimethylpentane is shown
in Figure 3.79.
a) Explain why 2,2,4 – trimethylpentane is called a
saturated hydrocarbon. (1)
b) It is given that 2,2,4 – trimethylpentane is an Fig 3.79
isomer of octane.
i) Explain what is meant by the term isomer. (1)
ii) Write down the condensed formula for another branched isomer of
octane and give its IUPAC name. (2)
Fig 3.81
Fig 3.83
“Some claim that bio-ethanol is the magic bullet that will help slow and
possibly reverse global warming; the renewable energy source that allows us
all to carry on driving our cars while at the same time protecting the
catenation the ability of an element to form long chains of its own atoms.
cracking the breaking up of large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful molecules
functional group an atom or a group of atoms that form the centre of chemical activity in the
homologous series a series of similar compounds which have the same functional group and
whose consecutive members differ by – CH2
hydrocarbon a compound made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms
isomers two or more compounds with the same molecular formula and different structural
macromolecule a molecule containing a very large number of atoms
monomer a substance with molecules that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a
polymer a substance that has a molecular structure built up from a large number of similar units
bonded together
saturated compound an organic compound is one in which all the carbon atoms are connected by
single bonds
unsaturated compound an organic compound that has double or triple covalent bonds between
adjacent carbon atoms
Functional group General Formula Naming
Alkanes –C – C– CnH2n+2 -ane
Alkenes C=C CnH2n -ene
Haloalkanes -C-X (X=Cl, Br etc) CnH2n+1X
Alcohols –C–O–H CnH2n+1OH -anol
• Work
• The work-energy theorem
• Conservation of energy
• Power
The photograph on this page shows a skier moving down a slope. Energy transfer
takes place as he moves down the slope. Energy is an important concept both in
physics and in everyday life. Energy takes various forms. A massive truck travelling
along the highway at high speed has a large amount of kinetic energy, a water
reservoir above a dam has a large amount of gravitational potential energy and a
tank of petrol contains a large amount of chemical energy. Energy can be transferred
from object to object within a system but it is never created or destroyed. The total
amount of energy in the Universe is always constant.
In grade 10 you learnt about the conservation of mechanical energy when dissipative
forces, such as friction, are absent. In this topic you will learn how mechanical
energy of a body changes when dissipative forces are present. In the picture, the
skier’s mechanical energy is decreased by dissipative forces, such as friction.
In symbols:
E =Ep + E
m k
Energy is a scalar quantity and is measured in joules (J). Fig 4.2: If an object is moving,
• Law of conservation of energy it possesses kinetic energy.
The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
It can only be transferred from one body to another.
In the absence of air resistance or friction,
the mechanical energy (Em) of an object moving
in the Earth’s gravitational field is
constant (conserved).
In symbols:
+ Epi
= Ekf
+ Epf
Refer to Figure 4.3. Eki represents the initial Fig 4.3: The mechanical energy of an object is conserved when
+ Epi
mechanical energy of the skier at one point in its no dissipative forces act on it.
motion down the slope, and
+ Epf represents the final mechanical energy of the skier at another point in its motion
in the Earth’s gravitational field.
The speed of the cyclist is 10 m.s–1 as she passes point A, which is 3 m above ground level.
The total mass of the cyclist and her bicycle is 80 kg. Calculate:
a) the mechanical energy of the cyclist and her bicycle at point A
b) the speed of the cyclist at point B (the bottom of the slope).
Defining work
The word ‘work’ is used to mean many things in everyday language, for example “I’m
going to work today”, “I’ve done some work in the garden” and “I’ve done my
homework. In physics, however, the word work has a definite meaning.
If a constant force F acts on a body while it undergoes a displacement Δx, then the work
done (W) by this force is defined as:
In symbols: Where:
Worked example:
Refer to Figure 4.6.
a) Calculate the work done by a 100 N force
which acts at 20° to the horizontal. The
force displaces the object 3 m along a
horizontal frictionless surface.
b) How much energy is transferred to the
object by the 100 N force?
Solution: Fig 4.6: A force is applied to an object at 20° to the horizontal
a) W = FΔxcosθ
= (100)(3)cos20°
= + 281,9 J
b) The work done by a force on an object is equal to the energy transferred to the object.
The object thus gains 281,9 J of energy.
What is the significance of the positive (+) sign? This will be explained next.
Worked example:
Suppose we increase the angle θ between the force and the
displacement to 90° as shown in Figure 4.10. Suppose a 100 N normal
force acts on the object, which is moving to the right. The 100 N
normal force (N) acts perpendicular to the direction of the
Fig 4.10: A normal force (N) acts at displacement.
90o to the motion of an object along How much work is done by the 100 N normal force on the object?
a horizontal surface.
cosθ = cos90° = 0
W = FΔxcosθ = NΔxcosθ = (100)(3)cos90° = 0
Zero work
Zero work is done on an object by a force that acts at 90° to the direction of its displacement.
Negative work
Negative work is done by a force which acts against the motion of that object.
To be more specific, negative work is done by a force when the angle θ is greater Fig 4.11: How much work is
than 90°. Whenever negative work is done by a force on an object, energy is done by the applied force on the
removed from that object and transferred to other forms of energy. The case?
following Worked example shows negative work being done.
Worked example:
Consider the situation when the angle θ between the
force and the displacement is greater than 90°. Suppose
the object in Figure 4.12 is moving to the right. A force of
100 N is applied at 30° to the horizontal against the
motion of the object. The angle θ between the force and
the displacement is now 150°.
a) Calculate the work done on the object by the 100 N
force. Fig 4.12: The force acts on an object at an angle of
30° to the horizontal against the motion of the object.
b) What is the meaning of the negative answer in
question (a)?
a) W = FΔxcosθ = (100)(3)cos150° = − 259,8 J
Negative work is done on the object by the
100 N force.
b) 259,8 J of energy is removed from the object as it
moves to the right. Whenever negative work is done Fig 4.13: A force is applied to an object in the opposite
on an object, energy is removed from the object. direction to its displacement.
If the 100 N force acts in the opposite direction to the displacement as shown in Figure
4.13, then θ = 180°
and cos180°= − 1
W = FΔxcosθ = (100)(3)cos180° = − 300 J
Checkpoint 3
In Figure 4.14, an athlete attaches a small parachute to
increase the force of air resistance acting on her during
training. The athlete experiences an air resistance force of
80 N while she runs a distance of 30 m.
a) What is the angle θ between the force of air resistance
and the direction of the displacement of the athlete?
Fig 4.14: An athlete uses a parachute to increase
the air resistance force acting on her.
170 • Topic 4: Work, energy and power
Knowledge area: Mechanics (Physics)
Checkpoint 4
A 100 g apple is thrown vertically upwards and reaches a
height of 4 m, as shown in Figure 4.15.
a) Calculate the work done by the gravitational force
on the apple.
b) Describe the energy conversion taking place.
Fig 4.16
Work done on the car by the 800 N frictional force (Figure 4.20):
W = fΔxcosθ = (800)(50)cos180° = − 40 000 J
Negative work is done on the car by the frictional force.
To calculate the net work done (Wnet) on the car, we add the work done
by each force algebraically, since work is a scalar quantity.
Fig 4.20: Friction force acts in the
opposite direction to the car’s Wnet= ( + 100 000 J) + ( − 40 000 J) = + 60 000 J
The net work done on the car is positive.
Whenever positive net work is done on an object, the energy of the object will increase.
In this example, the kinetic energy of the car has increased by 60 000 J. Energy has been
transferred to the car from the engine.
Worked example:
Suppose the driver of the car applies the brakes over a distance of 20 m as he approaches
a red traffic light. The brakes exert a force (fB) of 2 200 N on the car as shown in
Figure 4.21.
Worked example:
Refer to Figure 4.23. A boy drives his 3 kg remote-controlled car up a
4 m long plane which is inclined at 25° to the horizontal. The car’s motor
exerts an average forward force of 40 N. The car experiences a frictional Fig 4.22: Transfer of kinetic energy
force of 15 N as it moves up the inclined plane. Calculate the net work into heat energy during braking
done on the car.
Firstly you need to identify all the forces acting on the car as
shown in Figure 4.24. You must also identify the angle
between each force and the direction of the displacement of
the car.
Calculate the work done on the car by each force:
Work done by the force of the motor (F) on the car:
W = FΔxcosθ = (40)(4)cos0° = + 160 J Fig 4.23: A remote-controlled car drives up an
inclined plane
Work done by the normal force (N) on the car:
W = NΔxcos90° = 0 J
Work done by the gravitational force (Fg) on the car:
W = FgΔx cos θ = mgΔxcosθ = (3 × 9,8)(4)cos115° = − 49,7 J
Work done by the frictional force (f) on the car:
W = fΔxcosθ = (15)(4)cos180˚ = − 60 J
To calculate the net work done (W ) on the car, add the work
done by each force:
Wnet= (+ 160 J) + (0) + (− 49,7 J) + (− 60)
= + 50,3 J
Positive net work is done on the car. Fig 4.24: Forces acting on the car as it moves
up the inclined plane
Remember, whenever positive net work is done on an object,
the energy of the object will increase. The kinetic energy of the car
has increased by 50,3 J.
Checkpoint 5
In Figure 4.25, a truck of mass 2 000 kg free wheels down a 30 m
long inclined plane. The plane is inclined at 30° to the horizontal.
The truck experiences a constant frictional force of 5 500 N as it free
wheels down the inclined plane.
a) Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the forces acting on the
truck. Label any relevant angles.
Fig 4.25: A truck free-wheels down
b) Calculate the net work done on the truck. an inclined plane
Positive net work is done on the truck; therefore its kinetic energy will increase by 129 000 J.
Compare this answer to the answer you obtained in Checkpoint 5.
Exercise 4.2
1. a) Write down the equation for the work done on an object by a force.
b) Give the meaning of each symbol in the
2. Explain the difference between positive and
negative work.
3. A horizontal force of 60 N is applied to a 5 kg Fig 4.28: The 60 N force acts on a block in the
wooden block which moves 2,5 m along a direction of its displacement.
frictionless horizontal surface, as shown in
Figure 4.28.
a) Which two other forces act on the wooden
b) How much work is done by each of these
forces mentioned in (a)? Explain your
Fig 4.29: The 60 N force acts at 30° to the horizontal.
c) Calculate the work done by the 60 N force.
d) State the net work done on the wooden
The 60 N force is now applied at an angle of 30° to
the horizontal and the wooden block is again moved
through 2,5 m, as shown in Figure 4.29.
e) Calculate the work done by the applied
force. Fig 4.30: The block experiences a frictional force as it is
moved over a rough surface.
The 60 N force is now applied at an angle of 30° to the
horizontal along a rough surface and the wooden block is again moved through 2,5 m.
The block experiences a frictional force of 15 N,
as shown in Figure 4.30.
Fig 4.33: A car is driven up a plane d) Which of the forces will do negative work?
inclined at 20° to the horizontal. e) What is the net work done on the car? Explain your answer.
Suppose the car now accelerates 80 m up the inclined plane. The car engine exerts a
forward force of 7 000 N and the car experiences a frictional force of 2 500 N.
f) Draw a free-body diagram of the forces acting on the car. Label any relevant
g) Calculate the net work done on the car.
Follow the steps set out below which are used to derive the work-energy theorem:
Consider the following equation of motion: v f 2= v i 2+ 2aΔx
v f 2– v i 2= 2aΔx (1)
Multiply equation (1) by __12 m: __12 mv f 2 – __
12 mv i 2 = maΔx (2)
The left hand side of equation (2) represents the change in the kinetic energy of the car
Equation (2) becomes: ΔEk = maΔx (3)
According to Newton's second law: Fnet = ma
Equation (3) becomes: Ek= Fnet.Δx (4)
The right hand side of equation (4) represents the net work done (Wnet) on the car
ΔEk = Wnet
Worked example:
A Formula 1 racing car of mass 640 kg is travelling at 30 m.s–1. It then accelerates in a
straight line down the main straight, as shown in Figure 4.35. The engine exerts an
average forward force of 12 000 N and the racing car experiences an average frictional
force of 3 000 N. Using the work-energy theorem, calculate the speed of the racing car
after it has travelled 30 m.
First calculate the net work done on the car (Wnet):
Work done by 12 000 N force: W = FΔxcosθ = (12 000)(30)cos0° = + 360 000 J
Work done by 3 000 N friction force: W = FΔxcosθ = (3 000)(30)cos180° = − 90 000 J
Find the net work done on the car by adding the work done by each force:
Wnet = ( + 360 000) + ( − 90 000) = + 270 000 J
The initial kinetic energy of car is: Eki= __12 mv 2i = __12 (640)(30)2 = 288 000 J
Use the work-energy theorem to find the final kinetic energy of the racing car:
Wnet = ΔEk = Ekf – Eki
= Ekf
Wnet – Eki
270 000 = Ekf− 288 000
Ekf= 270 000 + 288 000
= 558 000 J
12 mv f 2
Now calculate the final speed of the car: Ekf = __
1 (640)v 2
558 000 = __
2 f
(2)(558 000)
v= ___________
= 41,76 m.s–1 √
Checkpoint 6
The same Formula 1 racing car travelling at 55 m.s–1 brakes before a corner and reduces
its speed to 20 m.s–1 over a distance of 60 m. Use the work-energy theorem to calculate the
net retarding force (friction and braking force) acting on the car.
Checkpoint 7
A 3 kg remote-controlled car is driven up a plane inclined at
25° to the horizontal, as shown in Figure 4.38. The car motor
exerts an average forward force of 60 N. The car experiences a
frictional force of 15 N as it moves up the inclined plane. The
speed of the car at the bottom of the inclined plane is 5 m.s–1.
Use the work-energy theorem to calculate the speed of the car
after it has travelled 4 m up the inclined plane.
Exercise 4.3
Fig 4.40: A person skis down a slope inclined at b) Use the work-energy theorem to calculate the
25° to the horizontal. maximum speed of the skier at the bottom of the
20 m long slope.
Conservation of energy
Conservative forces
The following discussion is used to help you
understand what is meant by a conservative force.
Consider a ball of mass 1 kg, thrown vertically
upwards. The ball reaches its maximum height of 2 m
and falls back down to the point from which it was
released as shown in Figure 4.45.
If we ignore the effect of air resistance, then the only
force acting on the ball during its path is the
gravitational force (Fg).
The ball moves through a closed path, beginning and
ending at the throwers hand. Once the ball has left the
thrower’s hand, work is done on the ball by the
gravitational force during the entire path of the ball.
The work done during the upward part of the motion of
the ball is given by:
W = FgΔx cos θ = mgΔxcosθ = (1)(9,8)(2)cos180° = − 19,6 J
Negative work is done on the ball by the gravitational
force (– 19,6 J). All of the kinetic energy of the ball at its
point of release is transferred into gravitational
Fig 4.45: A ball is thrown upwards, reaching it potential energy, when the ball reaches its maximum
maximum height (h) and returns to the point of height.
release. The gravitational force acts on the ball
throughout its motion. The work done during the downward part of the
motion of the ball is given by:
W = Fg Δxcosθ = mgΔxcosθ = (1)(9,8)(2)cos0° = + 19,6 J
Positive work is done on the ball by the gravitational force (+19,6 J). All of the
gravitational potential energy of the ball at it maximum height, is transferred into kinetic
energy, when the ball returns to its point of release.
The net work (Wnet) done by the gravitational force on the ball during its closed path is
zero: Wnet
= − 19,6 + 19,6 = 0
A force is a conservative force if the net work done by the force is zero, while moving an
object around a closed path, starting and ending at the same point.
The gravitational force is common example of a conservative force. Whenever work is
done by the gravitational force, one form of mechanical energy (e.g. Ek) is transferred into
another form of mechanical energy (e.g. Ep). In other words, the total mechanical energy
of the ball is conserved. This means that the ball neither gains nor loses mechanical
energy during its motion.
Non-conservative forces
Friction is the most common non-conservative force. The following discussion is used to
help you understand what is meant by a non-conservative force.
Consider a ball which is rolled up a rough inclined plane as shown in Figure 4.46. The
ball rolls from point A up the slope, reaching point B and then rolls back down to point A.
The ball completes a closed path, beginning and ending at point A. A frictional force (f)
acts on the ball throughout its closed path.
Suppose that ball experiences a frictional force of 30 N and the ball moves 5 m along the
inclined plane.
What is the net work done on the ball by friction as the ball moves through a closed path
starting and ending at point A?
At all times friction opposes the
motion of the ball (opposite to the
direction of the displacement).
Consider Figure 4.46.
The work done by friction as the ball
moves from A to B is:
W = fΔxcosθ = (30)(5)cos180°= − 150 J
The ball now rolls down the slope as Fig 4.46:The ball is rolled up the inclined plane.
shown in Figure 4.47. Friction now
acts up the slope, opposite to the
direction of the displacement of
the ball.
The work done by friction as the ball moves from B back to point A is:
W = fΔxcosθ = (30)(5)cos180° = − 150 N
The net work done by friction is then: Wnet
= (− 150) + (− 150) = − 300 J
Clearly, the net work done by friction is not zero as the ball moves through a closed path.
Friction is therefore a non-conservative force.
300 J of negative work is done by the frictional force as the ball moves through a closed
path. What does this mean?
The work done by the non-conservative force (friction) will transfer 300 J of the balls
mechanical energy to the surroundings.
The total energy of the system is still conserved. However, the mechanical energy of the
ball is not conserved. Friction is known as a dissipative force. Dissipative forces convert
mechanical energy into heat and other forms of energy.
The net work done by friction depends on the path taken by the ball. If the ball was made
to move further along the inclined plane before it returned to point A, the net negative
work done by friction would increase because the frictional force would act over a longer
distance. We say that the net work done by a non-conservative force is dependent on the
path over which the force acts.
Applied forces are also non-conservative. If an applied force acts in the direction of a
body’s motion, then it does positive work on the body, increasing its mechanical energy.
If an applied force acts in the direction opposite to a body’s motion, then it does negative
work on the body, decreasing its mechanical energy. In both these cases, the body’s
mechanical energy is not conserved, showing that an applied force is non-conservative.
For the same reasons, the tension in a rope or cable is also a non-conservative force.
Summary so far:
1. If a conservative force is the only force acting on an object during its motion, then the
mechanical energy of the object is conserved (remains constant).
2. The gravitational force is a conservative force.
3. If non-conservative forces act on an object, then the mechanical energy of that
object will not be conserved.
4. Friction will transfer some of the mechanical energy of the object into heat
(thermal) energy.
Worked example:
Figure 4.49 shows a 70 kg skateboarder who
skates down a slope while experiencing a
frictional force of 190 N. The slope forms an angle
of 30° with the horizontal. The skateboarder
covers a distance of 10 m between points A and B.
The speed of the skateboarder at point A is 6 m.s–1
a) Calculate the gravitational potential energy
of the skateboarder at point A.
b) Calculate the speed of the skateboarder at
point B, the bottom of the slope.
Fig 4.49: A skateboarder skates down an inclined plane.
a) We need to use a trigonometric function to calculate the vertical height h of A above B:
opposite h
sin30° = __________
= ___
hypotenuse 10
h = 10 sin30° = 5 m
EpA= mgh = (75)(9,8)(5) = 3430 J
b) The mechanical energy of the skateboarder will not be conserved! This is because
friction is a non-conservative force. The work done by the non-conservative force
(Wnc) will be equal to the change in the mechanical energy of the skateboarder.
= ΔEk + ΔEp
From point A to point B, work is done by the frictional force:
= FΔxcosθ = (190)(10)cos180°= − 1900 J
Calculate the change in gravitational potential energy (ΔEp):
At point A: EpA= 3 430 J
At point B: EpB= 0
ΔEp = Epf− Epi= 0 − 3 430 = − 3 430 J
Calculate the change in kinetic energy (ΔEk):
12 mv A2 = __12 (70)(6)2 = 1260 J
At point A: EkA = __
1 (70)v 2= 35v 2
12 mv 2= __
At point B: EkB = __
B 2 B B
ΔEk = Ekf – Eki = 35v 2 − 1 260
The work done by the non-conservative force (Wnc) will be equal to the change in the
mechanical energy of the skateboarder.
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
− 1900 = (35v 2 − 1260 )+ (− 3430 )
− 1900 = 35v 2 − 1260 − 3430
2790 = 35v 2
vB 2790
= _____ √
= 8,93 m.s–1
Checkpoint 8
Nthabiseng, a cyclist, is free-
wheeling (moving without
peddling) along a horizontal
surface at a constant speed of
10 m.s–1. She reaches the bottom
of a ramp (position A) that has a
Fig 4.50: A cyclist free-wheels up an inclined plane. height of 1,2 m and a length of
8 m, as shown in Figure 4.50.
In summary:
• The mechanical energy of an object is conserved when only conservative forces are
present in the system (e.g. the gravitational force): Ek i + Ep i = Ek f + Ep f
• The mechanical energy of a object is not conserved when non-conservative forces are
present in the system (e.g. friction, air resistance, applied forces and tension). The
work done by these non-conservative forces (Wnc) is equal to the change in the total
mechanical energy of the system: Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
Science around us
The bow and arrow
Early hunter gatherers used a bow and arrow to kill animals
for food. The bow stores elastic potential energy when the
arrow is pulled backwards. Work is done by the bow when
released. The positive work done by the bow is transferred
into kinetic energy of the arrow. Energy would be dissipated
to the surroundings when negative work is done by friction as
the arrow slides past the bow and while it moves through the Fig 4.51: Using a bow and arrow
air. The arrows surface had to be as smooth as possible to for hunting
minimise this frictional force.
Exercise 4.4
b) What is the net work done on the wheelchair on reaching the top of the ramp?
c) Calculate the magnitude of force F.
d) Calculate the work done on the wheelchair by force F.
10. In Figure 4.56, a dynamics trolley
of mass 1 kg moving at 3,5 m.s–1,
rolls from point X to Y along a
frictionless runway. The length of
the runway is 1,5 m. The vertical
height between points X and Y
is 0,5 m.
a) Is the mechanical energy of
the trolley conserved as it Fig 4.56
moves from X to Y?
Explain your answer.
b) Calculate the speed of the trolley at point Y.
c) Now suppose the surface XY is rough and the trolley experiences a constant
frictional force of 5 N as it moves from X to Y. Will the trolley reach point Y?
Justify your answer by means of a calculation.
11. A small brick of mass 700 g is projected vertically downwards at a velocity
of 1,25 m.s–1 from the top of a building of height 25 m. Ignore the effects of air
a) Calculate the magnitude of the velocity at which the brick hits the ground.
b) On reaching the ground, the brick penetrates 10 cm into the ground before
it comes to rest. Calculate the:
i) net work done on the brick whilst penetrating the ground.
ii) magnitude of the frictional force exerted by the ground on the brick.
Worked example:
Nanto and Simphiwe investigate the amount of work done in
running from rest up a 3 m high flight of stairs as shown in
Figure 4.59.
Nanto has a mass of 60 kg. She takes 10 seconds to reach the
top of the stairs. Her speed at the top of stairs is 3 m.s–1.
a) Calculate the work done by Nanto in climbing the stairs.
The work done by Nanto will be equal to her change in
mechanical energy:
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
Nanto’s change in kinetic energy is calculated using:
ΔEk = Ekf – Eki
1 (60)(3)2 = 270 J Fig 4.59: Anita runs from rest up a 3m high
ΔEk = __ 12 mv f 2− 0 = __ flight of stairs
Nanto’s change in gravitational potential energy is calculated using: ΔEp = Epf
– Epi
ΔEp = mgh − 0 = (60)(9,8)(3) = 1 764 J
The work done by Nanto in climbing the stairs is: Wnc
= ΔEk + ΔEp = 270 + 1 764 = 2 154 J
b) Nanto climbs the stairs in 10 s. Calculate her power output (the rate at which work is
2 154 J
Nonto does 2 154 J of work in 10 s: W
P = __ ______
t = 10 s = 215,4 W
c) Simphiwe has a mass of 80 kg. He takes 15 seconds to reach the top of the stairs. His
speed when reaching the top of the stairs is 2 m.s-1.
Calculate Simphiwe’s power output.
Simphiwe’s change in kinetic energy: ΔEk = _ 12 mv f 2− 0 = _12 (80)(2)2 = 160 J
Simphiwe’s change in gravitational potential energy: ΔEp = mgh − 0 = (80)(9,8)(3) = 2 352 J
The work done by Simphiwe in climbing the stairs: Wnc
= ΔEk + ΔEp = 160 + 2 352 = 2 512 J
2 512 J
Simphiwe does 2 512 J of work in 15 s: P = __ ______
t = 15 s = 167,5 W
Nanto does 215,4 J of work per second (215,4 W).
Simphiwe only does 167,5 J of work per second (167,5 W).
Nanto has the greater power output of the two leaners. In other words, she has the ability
to convert stored energy within the body into mechanical energy at a greater rate than
Worked example:
An Olympic sprinter of mass 75 kg is capable of reaching a speed of 10 m.s–1 from
rest in 3,5 s.
a) Calculate the gain in kinetic energy of the sprinter.
The change in kinetic energy of the sprinter is found using: ΔEk = Ekf – Eki
ΔE = _1 (75)(10)2 − 0 = 3 750 J
k 2
Checkpoint 9
In Figure 4.61, the engine of a 300 kg dragster exerts an average forward
force of 53 000 N over the first 20 m of its race. The dragster takes 0,8 s to
cover the first 20 m.
a) Calculate the work done by the engine.
Fig 4.61: A dragster has a
b) Calculate the power developed by the engine.
massive power output
Science around us
Wind power
A wind turbine such as the one shown in
Figure 4.63 converts kinetic energy from the
wind into electrical and thermal energy with Fig 4.62: A power lifter
very little harm to the environment. The Sere lifts a weight
Wind Farm is under construction in the Western
Cape province of South Africa. When completed
it will consist of 50 wind turbines which will
generate 100 MW of electrical power, which
will be one of the largest wind-farms in
Southern Africa.
The acronym KERS stands for Kinetic Energy
Recovery System. It is a device installed in
Formula 1 racing cars which recovers the kinetic Fig 4.63: Wind turbines
energy that is present in the waste heat created generate electrical power.
by the car’s braking system. It stores that energy
and converts it into power that can be called upon later to boost acceleration. The
mechanical systems capture the braking energy and use it to spin a small flywheel
which can spin at up to 80 000 revolutions per minute. When extra power is
required, the flywheel is connected to the rear wheels. The mechanical energy does
not change form and therefore
the system is very efficient.
Supersonic car
The Thrust supersonic car
shown in Figure 4.64 became
the first car to officially break
the sound barrier when it
achieved a speed of
1 228 km.h–1. Its twin engines
developed a net thrust of
223 kN and a power output of
82 MW.
Exercise 4.5
1. Define power.
2. Define the watt.
3. When an athlete is performing press-ups, the average force applied by each arm
is 200 N.
a) Calculate the work done by his arms during one press-up, which raises his
shoulders 0,50 m above the ground.
b) If the athlete can do 16 press-ups per minute, calculate the total power
output of his arms.
4. A builder of mass 75 kg is carrying bricks up a flight of stairs. There are
40 steps, each 25 cm high and he takes 10 s to climb the stairs, carrying 15 kg of
bricks at a time. Calculate the total power output of the builder during his
climb at constant speed.
5. A small tractor is rated at 9 kW. The tractor pulls a log across the ground at
constant speed with a horizontal force of 300 N.
a) How long will it take the tractor to tow the log a distance of 850 m?
b) How would the time calculated in (a) change if a tractor with a greater
power output was used? Explain your answer.
6. The first practical car to use a gasoline engine was built in London in 1826. The
power generated by the engine was just 2 984 W. How much work can be done
by this engine in 20 s?
7. A 60 kg sprinter can accelerate from a standing start to a speed of 10 m.s–1 in 3 s.
What average power is generated by the athlete?
8. A girl pushes a 30 kg box with a horizontal force of 120 N along a horizontal
floor a distance of 3 m in 5 s. The force of friction between the box and the floor
is 20 N.
a) Calculate the power of the girl.
b) Calculate the rate at which energy is dissipated as heat.
9. A ride at Disneyworld moves from rest and reaches a speed of 27 m.s–1 in 2,8 s.
The mass of the ride and the riders is 5 000 kg. Calculate the average power
required to achieve this.
10. A 1 500 W winch is used to raise a load of bricks up through a vertical height of
30 m. If the bricks need to reach this height in 2 minutes, what is the maximum
allowable mass of a load of bricks?
1. Work in pairs.
2. Use the metre stick to measure the vertical height of one step in the staircase.
Record this height.
3. Count the number of steps in the staircase and calculate the total vertical height
of the staircase (h). Record the total vertical height in m.
4. Measure and record the approximate length of the staircase (Δx) in m as shown
in Figure 4.66.
5. Using the bathroom scale, measure the mass of each volunteering learner in the
group. Record these masses.
6. Using the stopwatch, measure the time it takes for each volunteering learner in
the group to walk up to the top of the staircase from rest. Record these times.
7. Now measure the time it takes for each student to run up to the top of the
staircase from rest. Record these times.
1. State the energy conversions that took place during your movement up the
2. Is the mechanical energy of each learner conserved during their movement
up the stairs? Justify your answer. (2)
Average Change in
Change in
Time taken kinetic energy gravitational Work
Name Mass (kg) walking potential done (J)
to walk (s) (J)
(m.s–1) energy (J) W = ΔEk + ΔEp
1 mv 2
ΔE = __
Δ x
v = ___ k 2 av Δ
p = mgh
av Δt
Learner A
Learner B
Learner A
Learner B
Fig 4.67: The force of the engine (F) is required to keep the car moving at constant
speed. The force of the engine is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the
frictional force (f).
The average power required by the car’s engine to keep the car moving at constant speed
is given by:
In symbols: Where:
W = the work done by the forward force (F) of the car’s engine,
Pav = ___ measured in Joules (J).
t = the time for which the car maintains a constant speed,
measured in seconds (s).
The work done by the forward force (F) of the car’s engine is given by:
W = FΔxcosθ = FΔx (2)
Substituting equation (2) into equation (1), we get:
Pav = ____ FΔx
t (3)
But ___ Δx
Δx represents the average speed (vav) of the car: vav= ___
t t
Therefore, equation (3) becomes: Pav= Fvav
This means that the average power required to keep an object moving at constant speed is
found by multiplying the applied force (F) by the average speed (vav) of the object.
Worked example:
The motor cyclist in Figure 4.68 is travelling at a constant speed of
80 m.s–1 on a super bike. The engine produces a forward force of
1 800 N. Calculate the average power produced by the engine.
The average power required to maintain a constant speed is given by:
Pav= Fvav
Pav= (1 800)(80) = 144 000 W Fig 4.68: A powerful super bike.
Worked example:
A locomotive engine of mass 20 000 kg, which has an output power of 175 kW, pulls
carriages of total mass 40 000 kg at a maximum speed of 55 m.s–1 along a straight level track.
a) Calculate the magnitude of the forward force of the train’s engine.
The train is travelling at constant speed. The average power required by the engine to
maintain this constant speed is:
Pav = Fvav
175 000 W = F(55)
175 000
F = _______
= 3 181,8 N
b) Calculate the total resistive force opposing the motion.
Since the train is moving at constant speed, the magnitude of the forward force of the
engine is equal to the magnitude of the frictional force experienced by the train. Therefore
the total resistive force is 3 181,8 N
c) The engine is switched off and the brakes are now applied. Calculate the power of
the braking system if the train is brought to rest in 36,4 s over a distance of 1 000 m.
The only horizontal force acting on the train is the braking force (F), which acts in the
opposite direction to the displacement of the train. Calculate the work done by this
braking force, using the work-energy theorem:
Wnet = ΔEk
Wnet 12 mv i 2= − __12 (60 000)(55)2 = − 90 750 000 J
= Ekf− Eki= 0 − __
Negative work is done by the frictional force.
The power of the braking system is then found using:
P = __ W
90 750 000 J
P = ___________
= 2 493 131 W = 2,5 MW
36,4 s
Checkpoint 11
On a straight, level road a cyclist with a power output of 95 W can cycle at a maximum
constant speed of 5 m.s–1. Calculate the total resistive force exerted on the cyclist.
So far we have considered the average power required to maintain a constant speed along
a rough horizontal surface. We will now consider objects moving at constant speed along
a rough inclined plane.
Checkpoint 12
A vehicle of mass 2 000 kg travels up a plane inclined at 25° to the horizontal, at a
constant speed of 8 m.s–1. The vehicle experiences a frictional force of 1 500 N.
a) Draw a fully labelled force diagram showing only the horizontal forces acting
parallel to the inclined plane.
b) Calculate the force exerted by the vehicles engine.
c) Calculate the average power developed by the car engine.
Exercise 4.6
1. Write down an equation that is used to calculate the average power required to
maintain a constant velocity along a rough surface. Give the meaning of each
2. A car maintains a constant speed of 110 km.h–1 on a straight, level road. The
total resistive force acting on the car is 750N. Calculate:
a) the work done against friction over a distance of 10 km
b) the power output of the car.
3. Horses were once used to raise water from coal mines. Given that an average
horse can lift a load of 70 kg at a speed of 4 km.h–1. Calculate the power output
of such a horse.
Worked example:
Refer to Figure 4.73. Calculate the minimum power required of an electric motor to pump
water at a rate of 120 litres per minute from a depth of 12 m.
Firstly you need to calculate the work done by the pump to raise 120 litres the water
through a vertical height of 12 m:
The upward force exerted by the pump is a non-conservative force. You learnt in Unit 4.3
that the work done by a non-conservative force is equal to the change in mechanical
energy of the water:
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
The electric motor pumps water at a constant rate, therefore the water will move through
the pipe at a constant speed. If there is no change in the speed of the water then its change
in kinetic energy is zero (ΔEk = 0)
This means that the work done by the electric motor is equal to the change in
gravitational potential energy of the water only:
Wnc = ΔEp
1 litre of water has a mass of 1 kg.
Therefore 120 litres of water will have a mass of 120 kg.
= ΔEp= mgh = (120)(9,8)(12) = 14 112 J
14 112 J of work will be done to raise 120 kg of water in 60 s, therefore the minimum
power required by the electric motor is:
W _______
14 112 J
P = ____
= = 235,2 W
60 s
Science around us
Windmills (wind pumps)
Wind energy is an abundant resource in South Africa. Windmills
are used to pump underground water to the surface (wind
pumps) in arid regions (Figure 4.75). Many hundreds of
thousands of wind pumps have been installed throughout the
country which require very little maintenance and do not rely on
electric motors to perform their function. Fig 4.75: A windmill
Exercise 4.7
Extend yourself
b) Draw a free-body diagram to show all the forces acting on the box while it
slides down the slope. (3)
c) The box reaches the bottom of the slope.
i) the kinetic energy of the box, using equations of motion (4)
ii) the work done on the box by the gravitational force. (3)
iii) the work done on the box by the frictional force, using the
work-energy theorem. (3)
iv) the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the box. (3)
2. Figure 4.77 shows a toy car of mass 0.3 kg moving along a horizontal surface.
It is travelling at 4 m.s–1 when it reaches the foot of a ramp inclined at 20° to the
horizontal. The car does not generate its own driving force while moving up
the ramp.
a) Calculate the kinetic energy of
the car at the instant it reaches
the foot of the ramp. (2)
b) The car rolls up the ramp until
it stops. Ignoring resistive
forces, calculate the vertical
height (h) through which
Fig 4.77 the car will have risen when
it stops. (3)
c) Is the mechanical energy of the car conserved as it moves up the ramp?
Explain your answer. (2)
d) In practice the car only rises 75% of this theoretical value. Calculate the
energy dissipated by the resistive forces. (3)
e) Calculate the average resistive force acting on the car, parallel to the slope
of the ramp. (3)
f) On another occasion, the car travels up the ramp at a constant speed of
4 m.s–1. Calculate the average power of the car’s engine required to do this.
3. A car of mass 1 200 kg accelerates from rest along a straight, level road and
reaches a speed of 20 m.s–1 over a distance of 50 m. The car experiences an
average frictional force of 3 000 N.
a) Use the work-energy theorem to calculate the magnitude of the net force
acting on the car (4)
b) Calculate the power output of the car’s engine. (4)
c) Calculate the rate at which energy is dissipated through friction. (3)
average power required to keep a car moving at constant speed is given by:
= __
gravitational potential energy (Ep) the energy an object has because of its position in the
gravitational field relative to some reference level:
Ep = mgh
Kinetic energy (Ek) the energy an object possesses as a result of its motion:
Ek= __12 mv2
law of conservation of energy energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted
from one form to another.
mechanical enbergy the sum of the gravitational potential energy (Ep) and kinetic energy (Ek) of
an object:
m = E
p + E
net work (Wnet), is calculated by adding the positive and negative work done by each force.
conservative force the net work done by the force is zero, while moving an object around a closed
path, starting and ending at the same point.
non-conservative force the work done is equal to the change in the total mechanical energy of the
Wnc = ΔEk + ΔEp
Power the rate at which work is done:
P = ___
work-energy theorem the net work done on an object is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic
Wnet = E
kf – E
When a high speed motorbike like the one shown in this photograph passes a
stationary observer, a definite “EEEOOOOWWW” sound is heard. A similar sound
is heard when racecars, police cars and ambulances pass a stationary observer. The
reason for the distortion in sound is because of a phenomenon known as the
Doppler Effect. We will investigate the Doppler Effect in this topic.
In Grade 10, in the topics ‘Longitudinal waves’ and ‘Sound’, you learnt that sound is a
longitudinal wave. You also learnt that sound needs a material medium in order to be
propagated and that longitudinal waves occur as a result of the compression and
rarefaction of the particles of the medium.
1. Draw a diagram of a longitudinal wave. Include the following labels
Chec on your diagram:
myse • compression
• rarefaction
2. Explain how sound is propagated from one point to another.
Checkpoint 1
1. What is the Doppler effect?
2. How will the sound’s wavelength change and how will an observer hear the sound’s
frequency change when a sound’s source moves:
a) towards the observer? b) away from the observer?
Recommended demonstration
Using the plus (+) or minus (–) signs depends on the relative motions of the source and
observer. If the relative motion of the source and observer is towards one another,
use the equation:
fL = ______ )
v – vL fS
If the relative motion of the source and observer is away from one another,
use the equation:
( )
fL = _____
v + vL fS
Worked examples:
In all these worked examples, take the speed of sound in air to be 340 m.s–1.
1. The siren of an ambulance emits waves at a frequency of 250 Hz. Determine the
frequency of the sound heard by a stationary observer if the ambulance is moving:
a) towards the observer at 25 m.s–1
If the observer is stationary, vLis zero. Because the relative motion of the source and
observer is towards one another, we will use the equation:
( v+v
fL = ______
v − vL fS
f = ?
( )
fL = ______
v ± vL fS
= (______
v – v )f
f = 250 Hz v+v L
S fL
–1 S S
v = 340 m.s
v = 0 m.s
fL = ________
340 − 25 )
340 + 0 250
–1 fL= 269,84 Hz
v = 25 m.s
( )
fL = ______
v + vL fS
fL= ? ( )
fL = ______
v ± vL fS
= (______
v + v )f
fS= 250 Hz v−v L
fL S
–1 S
v = 340 m.s
vL= 0 m.s (
340 − 0 250
fL = ________
340 + 25 )
–1 fL = 232,88 Hz
vS= 25 m.s
= (______
v ± v )f
v±v L
fL = 384 Hz fL S
= (______
v – v )f
fS = ?
v+v L
v = 340 m.s–1
vL= 0 m.s–1
340 + 0 fS
384 = ________
340 − 30 )
vS = 30 m.s–1
fS = 384________(
340 −
fS = 350,12 Hz
( )
fL = ______
v – vL fS
= (______
v ± v ) f
fL = ? v±v L
fL S
fS= 280 Hz
= (______
v – v )f
v+v L
–1 fL
v = 340 m.s S S
v L= 27 m.s (
340 + 27 280
fL = ________
340 − 0 )
v S = 0 m.s fL = 302,24 Hz
4. A school bell rings with an unknown frequency. A car drives away from the school
and the frequency heard by a passenger in the car is 0,96 times that of the frequency
of the bell. What is the speed of the car as it drives away?
Since the relative motion of the source and observer is away from one another, use
the equation:
( )
fL = _____
v + vL fS
f = (______
v ± v )f
fL = 0,96x
v±v L
fS = x
f = (_____
v–v L
v + v )f
v = 340 m.s–1
0,96x = (________
340 + 0 )
340 − v L
vL= ? x
vS = 0 m.s–1
(0,96x)(340) = (340 − vL)(x)
326,4 = 340 − vL
v L= 13,6 m.s
216 • Topic 5: Doppler effect
Knowledge area: Waves, sound and light (Physics)
Checkpoint 2
1. A police car races towards an accident scene at 20 m.s–1. The siren emits a sound of
frequency 680 Hz. What is the frequency of the sound that people at the accident
scene will hear from the siren?
2. A factory siren emits a sound of frequency 350 Hz. While a car drives away from the
factory the driver hears the siren’s frequency as 334 Hz. What is the car’s speed?
Exercise 5.1
Figure 5.11 shows absorption spectra obtained from different galaxies or stars at different
distances from the Earth. The laboratory reference shows the absorption spectrum
obtained for a stationary light source. The absorption spectrum obtained from a nearby
star shows how the spectrum is shifted slightly towards the red end of the spectrum. The
absorption spectrum obtained from a nearby galaxy, which is further away than a nearby
star, shows an even greater degree of shift towards the red end of the spectrum. The
further away the light source is, in the form of a distant galaxy, the greater the degree of
shift towards the red end of the spectrum.
This phenomenon is
known as red shift.
Red shift is a shift in
the spectra of distant
galaxies toward
longer wavelengths,
toward the red end
of the spectrum.
Figure 5.11 can be
interpreted as
showing that the
further a galaxy is
from us, the faster it
is moving away from
us. This suggests that
the Universe is
Fig 5.11: Absorption spectra obtained from different galaxies or stars at different expanding. The
distances from the Earth finding that all
galaxies seem to be
moving away from the Earth might be seen as evidence that the Earth is the center of the
Universe, or might be seen as evidence that it is not actually the galaxies which are
moving, but rather the space between them which is expanding. A rising loaf of raisin
bread, as shown in Figure 5.12, is a good visual model
of this. Each raisin will ‘see’ all other raisins moving
away from it as the loaf expands.
Some scientists reason that if the Universe is
expanding it must have been smaller in the past and
so at some time in the past the entire universe may
have been a single point. According to the Big Bang
Theory, the Universe began as very hot, small and
dense, with no stars, planets or atoms. Then about
14 billion years ago, it expanded very quickly - thus
the name “Big Bang” - resulting in the formation of
Fig 5.12: A model of the expanding universe atoms which eventually led to the creation of stars
and galaxies.
Extend yourself
2. Figure 5.14 shows a moving source of sound waves. This phenomenon was
named the Doppler Effect after the German scientist, Christian Doppler.
a) In which direction is the source moving? (1)
b) What happens to the observed wavelength of the waves on the left
of the source? (1)
c) The sound source is moving towards you, a stationary observer.
How will the pitch of the sound you hear differ from its pitch when
the source is stationary? (1)
There are many applications of the Doppler effect. In the Navy,
Fig 5.14 submarines use the Doppler effect to detect the speed of ships.
A submarine is lying motionless under water in the sea. It detects a
sound coming from a moving ship. The frequency detected is 1,003 times
greater than the actual frequency of the sound emitted by the ship. The
speed of sound in salt water is 1 470 m.s–1.
d) Why does sound travel so much faster in water than it does in air? (1)
e) The actual frequency of the sound that the ship emits is fs. Write an
equation for the frequency detected by the submarine, fL , in terms of fs.(2)
f) Calculate the speed of the ship. (4)
g) Give one other application of the Doppler Effect which has a profound
effect on the quality of human life (or society). Explain how it works, and
explain why you consider its effect so important. (5)
3. Daniel’s Grade 4 class visited the fire station. They rode on a fire engine which
had a flashing red light on the roof and a hooter that emits a sound of frequency
250 Hz. After the ride, the fire engine went out on a call. It raced away from the
children at 20 m.s–1 with its hooter blaring and its red light flashing. Daniel
noticed that the sound of the hooter seemed to change when the fire engine
moved away from him.
(Take the speed of sound in air as 340 m.s–1.)
a) Name the effect that Daniel is observing. (1)
b) Calculate the apparent frequency of the sound from the hooter when the
fire engine is moving away from Daniel at a speed of 20 m.s-1.(5)
c) Draw a diagram to show the advancing wavefronts that are produced by
the hooter when the fire engine moves away from Daniel. In your diagram,
indicate Daniel’s position and the direction of the fire engine’s velocity. (2)
d) There is a noticeable change in the hooter’s frequency, but not a noticeable
change in the colour of the flashing red light as the fire engine changes
speed and direction. Explain these observations. (3)
Doppler effect the apparent change in the frequency of a wave when there is relative motion
between the source of the wave and an observer
electromagnetic radiation all the different kinds of energies released into space by stars
electromagnetic spectrum shows the range of wavelengths over which the electromagnetic
radiation extends
frequency (f) the number of wavefronts that pass a point in one second
red shift a shift in the spectra of distant galaxies toward longer wavelengths, toward the red end
of the spectrum
• The Doppler Effect is the apparent change in the frequency of a wave when
there is relative motion between the source of the wave and an observer.
• If the source and the observer are moving towards one another, the wavelength
of the sound wave will decrease and the frequency will increase, resulting in an
increase in the pitch.
• If the source and the observer are moving away from one another, the
wavelength of the sound wave will increase and the frequency will decrease,
resulting in a decrease in the pitch.
• The Doppler effect is used in medicine to determine the flow rate of blood. The
difference in frequency between sound waves incident to, and reflected from,
blood cells in the blood, can be used to calculate the velocity of the blood.
• The Doppler effect is observed in red shift. The observation that most stars and
galaxies show red shift suggests that most stars and galaxies are moving away
from us, suggesting that the universe is expanding.
The photograph on this page shows a sparkler burning. The reaction that occurs here
happens very quickly and the burning of the sparkler is quite vigorous. However,
the chemical reactions that occur to cause a child to grow into an adult are quite
slow. Different factors affect the speed at which a reaction occurs. We will investigate
the factors that affect the speed of reaction in this topic.
In Grade 10 and 11 you investigated chemical reactions. You learnt that in order for a
chemical reaction to occur, that the molecules of reactants must collide with one another.
It is these collisions and how quickly they occur that determines how quickly the reaction
takes place.
Will sugar dissolve more easily in hot water or cold water? Explain.
• Temperature
If the temperature of the reactants increases, then the
kinetic energy and therefore the speed at which the
molecules are travelling increases. As a result, the
low kinetic energy high kinetic energy molecules will collide with each other more frequently,
causing more effective collisions and so the reaction rate
will increase. Figure 6.1 shows the comparison between
molecules at a low temperature and molecules at a high
temperature. The speed at which the molecules are
travelling is indicated by the length of the arrows. At
low temperatures, the molecules are moving slowly and
Fig 6.1 Increasing temperature increases the rate will not collide frequently. Those molecules at a high
of a reaction. temperature are travelling faster and will collide more
• Surface Area
If a solid reactant was broken up into smaller pieces, as
shown in Figure 6.3, the total surface area of the reactants,
and thereby the total number of particles available for
reacting, would increase. Since the reaction takes place on
the surface of the solid, more particles are available to react.
As a result, more effective collisions per unit time can take
place and the reaction rate increases.
Fig 6.3: Increasing surface area increases
• Pressure the rate of a reaction
If the pressure of gaseous reactants is increased, as shown in
Figure 6.4, the rate of their reaction increases. If the pressure
is increased, the molecules are forced closer together and
more effective collisions will occur per unit time, thereby
increasing the reaction rate. It is only gases that are affected
by a change in pressure.
• Catalysts
Fig 6.4: Increasing the pressure of a gas increases
A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical
the rate of a reaction
reaction without being chemically changed in the reaction.
It lowers the activation energy needed for the reaction.
The mass of the catalyst present after the reaction is the same as the mass of the catalyst
before the reaction. activation
energy the
energy that a
• Nature of reactants system must
The type, strength and number of chemical bonds or attractions between atoms acquire before a
determine the speed that the particles have to collide with, to create an effective reaction. reaction can
For example, reactions involving simple ions are most often instantaneous. This is due to occur.
the fact that the positive and negative charges attract each other and no bonds have to be intramolecular
broken in creating the new substances. As a result, many effective collisions per unit time forces any force
take place with reactions between ions and the reaction rate will be fairly fast. that holds atoms
For example, a reaction with NaCl(aq), which dissociates into Na+(aq) and Cl–(aq) ions. together to
make up a
On the other hand, reactions between molecules are usually slower than ions. In molecule or
molecules, for example H2O or NH3 bonds have to be broken and new bonds reformed.
This slows down reaction rate and results in fewer effective collisions per unit time taking
place between the molecules, compared with the collisions that take place between ions.
Science around us
Epoxy glues – catalysts at work
Two-component epoxy glues, such as
the one shown in Figure 6.5, contain two
parts: a resin and a hardener. The resin
is the glue and the hardener consists of
chemicals and a catalyst that determine
how quickly the glue will harden. The Fig 6.5: Epoxy glues contain a catalyst
rate of the chemical reaction can be
altered by changing the temperature or
the catalyst used in the hardener.
Checkpoint 1
1. In the following chemical reaction, state four ways in which the rate of the reaction
can be increased.
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
2. In the following chemical reaction, state three ways in which the rate of the reaction
can be increased.
H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI(g)
Vinegar 5
Potassium iodate -
Sodium sulphite 11
Hydrogen peroxide 32
Manganese dioxide 23
Part 1:
Aim: To determine the effect of concentration on reaction rate
1. Make up 2 beakers of vinegar. In one beaker add 30 cm3 vinegar and in the
other beaker add 15 cm3 of vinegar and 15 cm3 of water.
2. Place one spatula full of baking soda into the two beakers at the same time.
Record and explain your observations using the collision theory.
Part 2:
Aim: To determine the effect of temperature on reaction rate
1. Place 50 cm3 of undiluted vinegar in two beakers.
2. Place one of the beakers on a tripod and gauze and using a Bunsen burner, heat
the vinegar in that beaker to 60 °C, measuring the temperature of the vinegar
with a thermometer. Remove the beaker from the Bunsen burner and place both
beakers side by side.
3. Place one spatula full of baking soda into the two beakers at the same time.
Record and explain your observations using the collision theory.
Note: Reactions to investigate the effect of temperature on reaction rate could be
performed by dissolving a Cal-C-Vita ® or an Alka Seltzer ® tablet in equal
quantities of cold and hot water.
Part 3:
Aim: To determine the effect of temperature and concentration on reaction rate.
Preparation of solutions:
Solution A
Dissolve 2 g of potassium iodate (KIO3) in water. Then top up with water to 1 dm3.
Solution B
Dissolve 1 g of sodium sulphite (Na2SO3) in about 700 cm3 of water. Dissolve 5 g of
starch in 75 cm3 of water and add these together. Add 4 cm3 of concentrated
sulphuric acid. Bring the volume of the solution up to 1 dm3 with water.
1. Temperature
a) Determine how the temperature affects the rate of reaction by using four
separate 100 cm3 samples of Solution A, heated to the following
temperatures: 30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C and 60 °C.
b) To each sample, add 100 cm3 of Solution B and measure how much time it
takes for the solution to change colour. Record and explain your
observations using the collision theory.
2. Concentration
a) Determine how the concentration affects the rate of reaction by combining
four sets of 50 cm3 samples of Solution A and Solution B. For example,
make up the following solutions – (50 cm3 solution + 0 cm3 water), (40 cm3
solution + 10 cm3 water), (30 cm3 solution + 20 cm3 water), (20 cm3 solution
+ 30 cm3 water).
b) In each case, add 50 cm3 of Solution A to 50 cm3 of Solution B of the same
concentration and measure how much time it takes for the solution to
change colour. Record and explain your observations using the collision
Exercise 6.1
1. Which of the reactions in each of the following pairs, (a) or (b) will have the
highest reaction rate? Give a reason for your answer.
1.1 a) Zn(s) + 2HCl(0,1–3) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
b) Zn(s) + 2HCl(0,2–3) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
1.2 a) Mg(s) + 2H2O(l) → Mg(OH)2(aq) + H2 at 50 °C
b) Mg(s) + 2H2O(l) → Mg(OH)2(aq) + H2 at 20 °C
1.3 a) Mg(s) + I2(s) → MgI2(g) (I2 is in a pellet form)
b) Mg(s) + I2(s) → MgI2(g) (I2 is in a crushed form)
1.4 a) Mg powder + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2
b) Mg ribbon + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2
1.5 a) H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI(g) (300 kPa)
b) H2(g) + I2(g) → 2HI(g) (150 kPa)
Fig 6.6: The change in concentration of A Fig 6.7: The change in concentration of C
The graph in Figure 6.6 shows the change in concentration of A during the course of the
reaction. Since A is a reactant, it will get used up during the reaction and its concentration
will decrease. The rate of a reaction can be measured by calculating the gradient of the
graph at a point. The gradient of the graph is constantly changing. It is steeper at the
beginning of the reaction, because the concentration of reactants is higher, so the reaction
will be more vigorous. As the reaction proceeds, the reactants will get used up and the
reaction will slow down, represented by a gentler gradient on the graph.
The graph in Figure 6.7 shows the change in concentration of C during the course of the
reaction. C is a product in the reaction, so there will initially be no C present in the
reaction vessel, which is why the graph starts off with the concentration of C at zero.
Science around us
Chernobyl – a reaction that caused a disaster
The Chernobyl disaster that occurred on
26 April 1986 in the Ukraine was a
catastrophic nuclear accident, resulting in
the loss of many lives. An explosion,
blamed on operator error, released large
quantities of radioactive gas into the
atmosphere, which spread over large
parts of Western Europe (Figure 6.9). The
disaster occurred during a routine test,
when a part inside the reactor was
exposed to air, causing it to ignite, Fig 6.9: The power plant at
resulting in a nuclear reaction that Chernobyl after the explosion.
occurred faster than anyone could have
anticipated. This resulted in 31 immediate deaths of people at or near the power
plant and Greenpeace estimates that the number of cancer-related deaths due to
the disaster to be at
200 000 or more. However, the entire city of Chernobyl was evacuated and an area
extending 31 km in all directions around the plant is still unoccupied to this day,
except for a few residents who refused to leave. Ukrainian officials estimate the
area will not be safe for human life again for another 20 000 years.
Design and perform an experiment that will demonstrate how the following factors
affect the rate of the chemical reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid:
• Concentration • Surface area
• Temperature • Catalyst (copper(II)sulphate)
Aim: To determine the quantitative reaction rate and to draw graphs for the reaction
between sodium thiosulphate and dilute hydrochloric acid
Safety first:
• Ensure your clothes are safely tucked in. No loose clothing.
• Before starting, make sure Bunsen burner is off.
• Ensure gas tap is closed at the beginning and end of experiment.
• Be certain that whatever you are heating can be heated safely and will not
Temperature (°C) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
1 (s−1
_____ )
Plot the following graphs:
• Temperature(°C) vs time(s)
1 (s−1)
• Temperature (°C) vs ____
1. In this experiment, what will be
a) the independent variable?
b) the dependant variable?
c) the fixed variables?
2. What conclusion can you draw from the temperature (°C) vs time(s) graph?
1 (s )?
What is represented by ____
1 (s ) graph?
What conclusion can you draw from the temperature (°C) vs ____
5. What can you conclude about the rate of reactions based on this experiment?
Explain using the kinetic molecular theory.
Exercise 6.2
1. Chlorine was prepared according to the following reaction. The acid was in
4HCl(aq) + MnO2(s) → MnCl2(aq) + 2H2O(l) + Cl2(g)
The volume of the gas produced at different times was
measured and the results plotted as the graph shown in
Figure 6.10.
Sketch the graph which would have been obtained if:
a) less concentrated hydrochloric acid had been used.
b) the reaction had taken place at a higher temperature.
c) the manganese(IV)oxide used had been ground into a
finer powder.
2. The reaction between zinc and excess hydrochloric
Fig 6.10 acid can be represented by the following equation:
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
a) Name four methods that can be applied to
increase the reaction rate.
b) How would the reaction rate be influenced if the
volume of the hydrochloric acid was doubled?
c) The volume of hydrogen gas released over a
period of time is represented in the graph in
Figure 6.11:
i) Explain why the gradient of the graph is
steeper at t1 than t2.
ii) What can be deduced about the reaction at t3?
Fig 6.11 Explain.
3. 1 g of zinc is added to 6 cm3 of HCl of concentration
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
The volume of the liberated hydrogen gas is collected
and a graph is plotted as a function of time as shown by
curve A in Figure 6.12.
A second experiment is performed using once again 1 g zinc
with 6 cm3 of 3–3 HCl. The results of the second
experiment are shown on curve B in Figure 6.12. Give four
possible reasons why curve B does not coincide with curve A.
Fig 6.12
The graph in Figure 6.16 shows the effect that a catalyst has on a chemical reaction. A
catalyst functions by reacting with the reactants in such a way that the reaction follows an
alternative path of lower activation energy. Figure 6.16 shows how the addition of a
catalyst lowers the activation energy, making successful collisions more frequent, as the
activation energy for the reaction is now lower.
The enthalpy of the reaction, or ∆H, can be found
using the following equation:
∆H = Eproducts – Ereactants
An endothermic reaction would have a positive ∆H
value, as more energy is absorbed than released,
resulting in the energy of the products, Eproducts,
being higher than the energy of the reactants,
Ereactants. An exothermic reaction would have a
negative ∆H value, as more energy is released than
absorbed, resulting in the energy of the products,
Eproducts, being lower than the energy of the
reactants, Ereactants.
Fig 6.16: An energy curve with and without a catalyst
Checkpoint 3
1. Define ‘activation energy’.
2. What effect does a catalyst have on the activation energy?
3. Do we obtain more product when using a catalyst than without? Explain.
Science around us
Catalytic converters
Many motor cars nowadays are fitted with
catalytic converters such as the one shown
in Figure 6.18 in their exhausts. The catalyst
inside speeds up the reactions in the car’s
exhaust pipe, removing the harmful
pollutants before they can be emitted into
the atmosphere. There are numerous
chemical reactions that occur in a catalytic
convertor, some of which include:
2CO + 2NO → 2CO2 + N2 Fig 6.18: A catalytic converter
Exercise 6.3
1. The graph in Figure 6.19 shows an energy graph for a chemical reaction.
a) Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic?
b) Copy the graph into your book. Fill in the
values of X, Y and Z on your graph if the
following information is given.
• The activation energy without a catalyst is 480 kJ.
• The activation energy with a catalyst is 350 kJ.
• he energy released in the formation of products in
the uncatalysed reaction is 1 030 kJ.
c) What is the value of ∆H for this reaction.
d) How is the value of ∆H affected by the use of
Fig 6.19 a catalyst?
2. The graph in Figure 6.20 shows an energy graph for a chemical reaction.
a) Is this reaction endothermic or exothermic?
b) Copy the graph into your book. Fill in the
values of X, Y and Z on your graph if the
following information is given.
• The activation energy without a catalyst is 800 kJ.
• The activation energy with a catalyst is 490 kJ.
• he energy released in the formation of products
in the uncatalysed reaction is 520 kJ.
c) Calculate ∆H for this reaction.
Fig 6.20
1. Propanone reacts with iodine in the presence of an acid catalyst according to the
following chemical equation:
CH3COCH3 (aq) + I2 (aq) → CH3COCH2I(aq) + HI(aq)
The rate at which this reaction takes place can be measured by finding the time
taken for the iodine colour to disappear. You can follow the rate of the reaction
using a colorimeter.
A colorimeter is an instrument which compares the amount of light passing
through a solution with the amount which can pass through a sample of pure
This amount will be recorded as: ‘% of light transmitted’ in this experiment. The
propanone and iodine are mixed with the acid catalyst in a small container
which is immediately placed in the colorimeter. Initially the solution is very
dark but as time passes the solution gradually clears and the % of light
transmitted increases and is displayed on the digital colorimeter and recorded
every 15 seconds.
This process is carried out four times with four different concentrations of
iodine solution in an effort to determine the effect of changing the concentration
of iodine on the reaction rate.
The results of this process have been recorded in the following four tables.
activation energy the minimum amount of energy needed for a chemical reaction to take place
catalyst a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being chemically
changed in the reaction
effective collision a collision between particles that results in a chemical reaction
rate of chemical reaction describes how quickly products are formed or reactants are used up
You know that in a reaction equation, that the reactants are written on the left hand side
of the arrow and that the products are written on the right hand side of the arrow.
Reactants are the substances that are present at the start of the reaction and the products
are produced during the reaction.
Methane gas (CH4) is reacted with oxygen and the products are carbon
Chec dioxide and water.
myse 1. Give a balanced reaction equation for the above reaction.
2. Give a list of the reactants in the reaction.
3. Give a list of the products of the reaction.
The change that is occurring in the terrarium is a reversible change. A reversible change is
a change that does not go to completion and occurs in both the forward and reverse
direction. The equation for the change occurring in the terrarium can be represented as
H2O (l) ⇄ H2O(g)
A reversible reaction is denoted by a double arrow pointing both directions in a chemical
equation. However, if a chemical reaction is in a state of dynamic equilibrium, in which
the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, then the double
arrow is represented in the following way:
H2O(l) ⇌ H2O(g)
In order for equilibrium to be reached, the change has to take place in a closed system. A
closed system is one in which the system is isolated from its surrounding environment in
such a way that there is no mass transferred into or out of the system. This means that the
container must be sealed and that no heat can enter or escape.
An open system is one in which mass or energy can be transferred into or out of the
system during a reaction. For example, if the reaction in Figure 7.1 above took place in a
container that was not sealed, then as soon as the water evaporated, the water vapour
would be lost into the air and condensation would be unlikely to occur. An open beaker is
an open system and equilibrium can never be reached if gases are involved.
Certain factors can affect a system that is in equilibrium. For example, in Figure 7.1c) the
system that was in equilibrium is now heated. The rate of evaporation suddenly increases
and this results in the system no longer being in equilibrium. However, the rate of
condensation will slowly increase, until the rate of evaporation equals the rate of
condensation again and the system returns to equilibrium.
Le Chatelier’s principle states that a change in any of the factors that determine
equilibrium conditions of a system will cause the system to change in such a manner
as to reduce or counteract the effect of the change.
Worked example:
Consider the following equilibrium situation:
A(g) + B(g) ⇌ C(g) + D(g)
Let’s upset the equilibrium by altering the concentrations of the substances.
a) What would happen if you changed the conditions by increasing the concentration of A?
According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the system will respond to counteract the effect
of the change. As a result, the system will use up some of the A that has been added.
The forward reaction will be favoured as this is the reaction that would cause the A to
be used up. As a result, the concentration of A and B will decrease and the
concentration of C and D will increase. Equilibrium will shift to the right.
b) What would happen if you changed the conditions by decreasing the concentration of B?
According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the system will respond to counteract this
change. As a result, the system will replace some of the B that has been removed. The
reverse reaction will be favoured as this reaction will produce more B. As a result, the
concentration of A and B will increase and the concentration of C and D will
decrease. Equilibrium will shift to the left.
c) What would happen if you changed the conditions by increasing the concentration
of C?
According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the system will respond to counteract this
change. As a result, the system will use up some of the C that has been added. The
reverse reaction will be favoured as this is the reaction that would cause the C to be
used up. As a result, the concentration of A and B will increase and the concentration
of C and D will decrease. Equilibrium will shift to the left.
d) What would happen if you changed the conditions by decreasing the concentration
of D?
According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the system will respond to counteract this
change. As a result, the system will replace some of the D that has been removed. The
forward reaction will be favoured as this reaction will produce more D. As a result,
the concentration of A and B will decrease and the concentration of C and D will
increase. Equilibrium will shift to the right.
Checkpoint 1
Consider the following equilibrium reaction:
CO2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ H2O(g) + CO(g)
What would the effect be on the equilibrium system be if:
a) CO2 is added to the system? Explain.
b) CO is added to the system? Explain.
c) H2 is removed from the system? Explain.
d) H2O is removed from the system? Explain.
Science around us
Hyperparathyroidism – a negative case of Le Chatelier’s
Bone is a complex material consisting of mostly
calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2. The solid calcium
phosphate in the bones is in equilibrium with the
constituent calcium and phosphate ions dissolved
in the blood, according to the following reaction:
Ca3(PO4)2(s) ⇌ 3Ca2+(aq) + 2PO43-(aq)
If our glands secrete too much of a substance
known as parathormone, this will result in the
kidneys removing phosphate ions (PO43-) ions from
the blood. According to Le Chatelier’s principle,
the body will replace some of the phosphate ions
that have been removed from the blood. As a result,
the forward reaction will be favoured. So the
calcium phosphate from the bones dissolves in
order to free the calcium and phosphate ions and in Fig 7.4: X-ray showing
the process the bone literally dissolves. Figure 7.4 bone degeneration
shows an X-ray in which areas of bone degeneration
as a result of hyperparathyroidism is shown. The bone is literally non-existent, as it
has dissolved away. A temporary solution is to prescribe tablets containing
phosphate ions, in order to try and reverse the process.
To understand the effects of temperature on chemical equilibrium, it is important to
remember the following facts about exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions:
• a +DH value means that the forward reaction is endothermic
• a -DH value means that the forward reaction is exothermic
Once you have determined whether the forward reaction is endothermic or exothermic,
you can conclude that the reverse reaction is the opposite.
a) What would the effect on the equilibrium position be if the temperature in the
container was decreased? Explain.
According to Le Chatelier, the position of equilibrium will move in such a way as to
counteract the change. That means that the position of equilibrium will move so that
the temperature is increased again, thus increasing the heat energy in the system.
Exothermic reactions release heat energy, so the exothermic reaction, which in this
case is the forward reaction, will be favoured. As a result, the concentration of N2 and
H2 will decrease and the concentration of NH3 will increase. Equilibrium position
will shift to the right.
b) What would the effect on the equilibrium position be if the temperature in the
container was increased? Explain.
According to Le Chatelier, the position of equilibrium will move in such a way as to
counteract the change. That means that the position of equilibrium will move so that the
temperature is reduced again, thus decreasing the heat energy in the system. Endothermic
reactions absorb heat, so the endothermic reaction, which in this case is the reverse
reaction, will be favoured. As a result, the concentration of N2 and H2 will increase and the
concentration of NH3 will decrease. Equilibrium position will shift to the left.
A guideline to follow is:
• An increase in temperature always favours the endothermic reaction in an
equilibrium reaction.
• A decrease in temperature always favours the exothermic reaction in an
equilibrium reaction.
Consider the following equilibrium situation:
2. CO2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ H2O(g) + CO(g) ∆H = +ve
∆H = +ve means that the forward reaction is endothermic while the reverse reaction will
be exothermic (always opposite), i.e.
a) What would the effect on the equilibrium position be if the temperature in the
container was decreased? Explain.
According to Le Chatelier, the position of equilibrium will move in such a way as to
counteract the change. That means that the position of equilibrium will move so that
the temperature is increased again, thus increasing the heat energy in the system.
Exothermic reactions release heat, so the exothermic reaction, which in this case is the
reverse reaction, will be favoured. As a result, the concentration of H2O and CO will
decrease and the concentration of CO2 and H2 will increase. Equilibrium position will
shift to the left.
b) What would the effect on the equilibrium position be if the temperature in the
container was increased? Explain.
According to Le Chatelier, the position of equilibrium will move in such a way as to
counteract the change. That means that the position of equilibrium will move so that
the temperature is reduced again thus decreasing the heat energy in the system.
Endothermic reactions absorb heat, so the endothermic reaction, which in this case is
the forward reaction will be favoured. As a result, the concentration of H2O and CO
will increase and the concentration of CO2 and H2 will decrease. Equilibrium position
will shift to the right.
Checkpoint 2
Consider the following equilibrium reaction:
2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g) (∆H < 0)
a) What would be the effect on the equilibrium position if the temperature in the
container was increased? Explain.
b) What would be the effect on the equilibrium position if the temperature in the
container was decreased? Explain.
When assessing how pressure affects equilibrium, we specifically look at the number of
moles of gas on each side of the equation. The reason is that a change in pressure does not
noticeably affect solids and liquids.
Worked examples:
Consider the following equilibrium situation:
1. N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
Start by comparing the total number of moles of gas on both sides of the equation:
a) What would happen if you changed the conditions by increasing the pressure in
the container?
The equilibrium position will shift in the direction that reduces the pressure. The
reaction shifts towards the side with the fewer number of moles of gas, thereby
decreasing the total pressure in the system. In this case, the forward reaction will be
favoured and equilibrium will shift to the right. As a result, the concentration of N2
and H2 will decrease and the concentration of NH3 will increase.
a) What would happen if you changed the conditions by increasing the pressure in the
The equilibrium position will shift in the direction that decreases the pressure. The
equilibrium position shifts towards the side with the fewer number of moles of gas,
thereby decreasing the total pressure in the system. In this case, the reverse reaction
will be favoured and equilibrium position will shift to the left. As a result, the
concentration of CO will decrease and the concentration of CO2 will increase. The
concentration of C will stay the same, as it is a solid and the concentration of solids
cannot change.
b) What would happen if you changed the conditions by decreasing the pressure in the
The equilibrium position will then shift in the direction that increases the pressure.
The equilibrium position shifts towards the side with the greater number of moles of
gas, thereby increasing the total pressure in the system. In this case, the forward
reaction will be favoured. Equilibrium position will shift to the right. As a result, the
concentration of CO will increase and the concentration of CO2 will decrease. The
concentration of C will stay the same, as it is a solid and the concentration of solids
cannot change.
If the number of moles of gas on the left hand side equals the number of moles of gas on
the right hand side, altering the pressure will have no effect on the equilibrium situation.
Checkpoint 3
Consider the following equilibrium reaction:
2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)
a) What would the effect be on the equilibrium system if the pressure on the system
was increased? Explain.
b) What would the effect be on the equilibrium system if the pressure on the system
was decreased? Explain.
Since catalysts increase the rate of both the forward and reverse reactions equally,
catalysts do not affect the equilibrium position.
Example: A(g) + B(g) ⇌ C(g) + D(g)
A catalyst is added to the above equilibrium situation. The resulting effect is that the
catalyst increases the rate of both the forward and reverse reactions equally, but the
equilibrium position is unaffected.
If a catalyst is added to a system that is not yet in equilibrium, then equilibrium would be
reached sooner with a catalyst compared to a system without one.
Checkpoint 4
Consider the following equilibrium reaction:
2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)
What would the effect be on the equilibrium system if a suitable catalyst was used? Explain.
Worked example:
The following system is in equilibrium:
CoCl42– + 6H2O ⇌ [Co(H2O)6]2+ + 4Cl–
blue pink
Some sodium chloride solution (NaCl(aq)) is now added to the equilibrium mixture. State
and explain what observations you would make.
The addition of NaCl involves the common ion Cl–, as the NaCl dissociates into Na+ and
Cl– ions. The system will use up some of the Cl– ions that have been added. As a result,
the reverse reaction will be favoured and the solution will turn blue.
Checkpoint 5
Consider the following equilibrium reaction:
PbCl2(s) ⇌ Pb2+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
What would the effect on the equilibrium system be if some lead nitrate solution
(Pb(NO3)2) is added to the system? Explain.
Exercise 7.1
1. In the equation:
2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g) (∆H > 0)
How would the following affect the equilibrium position and the concentration
of SO3?
Experiment 1
Aim: To investigate equilibrium and the factors influencing the equilibrium of
CoCl2 and H2O
You will need:
• 5 test tubes and test tube rack
• 1 x 100 ml measuring cylinder
• 1 x 125 ml beaker
• Hot water bath (over 90 oC)
• Ice water bath
• Cobalt chloride hexahydrate (CoCl2 · 6H2O)
• Concentrated hydrochloric acid
Preparation of solutions:
Step 1:
Prepare a 0,4 cobalt chloride solution by dissolving 4 g CoCl2 · 6H2O in
40 ml of water using the 100 ml measuring cylinder.
4. Now place the test tube that was in the hot water bath into the cold water bath.
Record and explain your observations.
5. Now place the test tube that was in the cold water bath into the hot water bath.
Record and explain your observations.
Experiment 2
Aim: To design and perform an experiment to investigate the effects of pH on an
equilibrium system
Pre-prac discussion:
In the following equilibrium system, the solution is slightly acidic due to the
presence of H+ ions. The pH of the solution cannot be determined using indicators
because the colours of the other ions interfere with the indicator’s colour.
Cr2O72–(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ 2CrO42–(aq) + 2H+(aq)
orange yellow
Investigate the effect of changing the concentration of H+ ions on the equilibrium
reaction. You can do this by:
1. Adding some sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH).
2. Adding nitric acid (HNO3).
1. Design an experiment to investigate the effects of pH on an equilibrium system.
You are required to supply an aim, list of apparatus, method and table of results.
2. Before performing the experiment, predict what results you expect to observe.
• Temperature
The forward reaction is exothermic and would be favoured by decreasing temperature.
However, there is a problem as too low a temperature will decrease the reaction rate
significantly. The lower the temperature you use, the slower the reaction becomes. A
manufacturer is trying to produce as much ammonia as possible per day thus it makes no
sense to try to achieve an equilibrium mixture which contains a very high proportion of
ammonia if it takes a very long time for the reaction to reach that equilibrium. As a result
of this, the reaction occurs at higher temperatures of around 550 oC. So although the
proportion of ammonia produced is not as high as if the temperature was lower, it is
produced quicker and that is what counts.
• Catalyst
Without a catalyst, the reaction proceeds so slowly that it is virtually non-existent. The
catalyst increases the rate at which the whole reaction proceeds and will ensure that
equilibrium is reached as soon as possible. An iron or iron oxide catalyst is used.
• Concentration
The constant removal of NH3 as it is produced ensures that the forward reaction is
permanently favoured, increasing the yield of NH3. Also, N2 and H2 will constantly be
added to the reaction vessel, also favouring the forward reaction.
Checkpoint 6
Consider the Haber process.
a) Write the equation for the reaction for the Haber process.
b) Name the product of the Haber process.
c) What conditions of temperature are used in the Haber process? Explain.
d) What conditions of pressure are used in the Haber process? Explain.
e) Name the catalyst used in the Haber process.
f) How is the effect of concentration used to increase the yield of products in the Haber
process? Explain.
Science around us
Fritz Haber
Fritz Haber (1868 – 1934), the man who developed the Haber
process, was born in Germany to Jewish parents. Haber played
a major role in the development of chemical warfare in World
War I. Part of this work included the development of gas masks
with absorbent filters (Figure 7.7). Gareth Morgan invented the
first gas mask and Haber improved on it. In addition to leading
the teams developing chlorine gas and other deadly gases for
use in trench warfare, Haber was on hand personally to aid in
its release. Ironically with Haber being Jewish, the gas that he
helped develop (Zyklon B) was the gas used in the Nazi
extermination camps.
In 1933, Haber had to leave Germany because of the Fig 7.7: Soldiers wearing gas masks to
persecution of the Jews. protect themselves from deadly gases
• Pressure
High pressures would increase the yield of SO3, but it is more economically viable for the
reaction to occur at atmospheric pressure, so the pressure is not increased.
• Temperature
The forward reaction is exothermic and would be favoured by decreasing temperature.
However, too low a temperature will decrease the reaction rate significantly. The lower
the temperature you use, the slower the reaction becomes. A manufacturer is trying to
• Catalyst
Without a catalyst, the reaction proceeds so slowly that it is virtually non-existent. The
catalyst increases the rate at which the whole reaction proceeds and will ensure that
equilibrium is reached as soon as possible. A vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) catalyst is used.
• Concentration
The constant removal of SO3 as it is produced ensures that the forward reaction is
permanently favoured, increasing the yield of SO3. In addition, SO2 and O2 will
constantly be added to the reaction vessel, so that the forward reaction is favoured.
Checkpoint 7
Consider the Contact process.
a) Write the equations for the reactions for the Contact process.
b) Name the product of the Contact process.
c) What conditions of temperature are used for the Contact process? Explain.
d) What conditions of pressure are used for the Contact process? Explain.
e) Name and write the chemical formula of the catalyst used in the Contact process.
f) How is the effect of concentration used to increase the yield of products in the
Contact process? Explain.
Science around us
Acid rain
The sulphur dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3) formed in
the Contact process are contributors to pollution and acid rain.
Sulphur dioxide that is emitted into the atmosphere reacts with
oxygen in the atmosphere to become sulphur trioxide. Sulphur
trioxide reacts with atmospheric water to form a weak solution of
sulphuric acid (H2SO4) – acid rain. The equation for the reaction is:
H2O + SO3 → H2SO4
Acid rain causes damage to crops, buildings and statues. Figure
7.8 shows photographs of a statue after being exposed to acid rain.
You can see the significant damage done to the statue as a result of
this exposure.
One beneficial use of sulphur dioxide (SO2) is that it is used as a Fig 7.8: Damage caused by
food preservative. acid rain
In symbols: Where:
[products] Kc = equilibrium constant (no unit)
Kc = __________
[reactants] [products] = concentration of products (–3)
[reactants] = concentration of reactants (–3)
A large Kc value means that there are more products than reactants present in the
container at equilibrium and a small Kc value means that there are more reactants than
products present in the container at equilibrium.
Worked examples:
Write down expressions for the equilibrium constant for the following equilibrium
1. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2SO3(g)
[SO ]
Kc= __________ 3
[SO ].[O ]
2 2
Checkpoint 8
Write down expressions for the equilibrium constant for the following equilibrium
1. CO2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ H2O(g) + CO(g)
2. C(s) + CO2(g) ⇌ 2CO(g)
Worked example:
Hydrogen and iodine are mixed in a closed vessel and kept at a temperature of 425 °C.
After reaching equilibrium, the reaction mixture was analysed and found to be:
[H2] = 1,14–3 [I2] = 2,61–3 [HI] = 8,41–3
Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant at this temperature.
H2(g) + I2(g) ⇌ 2HI(g)
The Kcvalue is unitless due to the fact that it is a ratio.
[HI]2 (8,41)2
Kc= _______ = __________
[H ][I ] (1,14)(2,61)
2 2
= 23,77
Checkpoint 9
Consider the following equilibrium reaction at 325 °C:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
After reaching equilibrium, the reaction was analysed and the concentrations of the
substances present was found to be:
[N2] = 2,34 [H2] = 1,43 [NH3] = 3,76
Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant at this temperature.
Exercise 7.2
Worked examples:
1. 1 mol of A and 2 mol of B react in a 2 dm3 container. If at equilibrium 0,75 mol of C
has formed, calculate value of Kc.
A (g) + 2B (g) ⇌ C (g)
A (g) + B (g) ⇌ 2C (g)
Start m = 4g m = 5g 0 mol
n = ___ m
n = ___
= ___ = ___5
12 25
= 0,33 mol = 0,2 mol
Mole ratio 1 1 2
Used/Formed n = 0,33 – 0,29 n = 0,04 mol n = 0,04 × 2
= 0,04 mol = 0,08 mol
Equilibrium m = 3,5g n = 0,2 – 0,04 n = 0,08mol
n = ___ = 0,16mol
= 0,29 mol
Concentration c = __n n
c = __ n
c = __
V = 0,5 dm3 0,29 0,16 0,08
= ____ = ____ = ____
0,5 0,5 0,5
= 0,58–3 = 0,32–3 = 0,16–3
[C]2 (0,16)2
Kc= ______ = __________ = 0,14
[A][B] (0,58)(0,32)
3. 0,5mol H2 and 0,5 mol O2 are placed in a container and allowed to react according to
the chemical reaction below. At equilibrium, 9,6 g O2 remains. Calculate value of Kc if
the volume of the container is 200 cm3.
2H2 (g) + O2 (g) ⇌ 2 H2O(g)
Worked examples
1. In the following equilibrium reaction, what would have to be done to temperature in
order to decrease Kc?
CO2(g) + H2(g) ⇌ H2O(g) + CO(g) ∆H = +150 kJ
You would need to favour the reverse reaction. This would decrease the
concentration of the products and increase the concentration of the reactants, and as a
result decrease Kc. The reverse reaction is exothermic and is favoured by a decrease
in temperature, therefore temperature must be decreased.
2. C(s) + CO2(g) ⇌ 2CO(g) ∆H > 0
In the above reaction at 300 K the equilibrium constant is 12. Explain what would
happen to the value of the equilibrium constant if the temperature is increased to 600 K.
Increasing temperature would favour the endothermic reaction. In this case it will be
the forward reaction that is favoured. The concentration of the products will increase
and the concentration of the reactants will decrease. As a result, Kc will increase.
If the change in temperature causes Kc to increase then the forward reaction was
favoured, as favouring the forward reaction would have caused the concentration
of the products to increase and the concentration of the reactants to decrease,
thereby causing Kc to increase.
If the change in temperature causes Kc to decrease then the reverse reaction was
favoured, as favouring the reverse reaction would have caused the concentration of the
products to decrease and the concentration of the reactants to increase, thereby causing
Kc to decrease.
Checkpoint 11
Consider the following equilibrium reaction: N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇌ 2NH3 (g) ∆H < 0
The equilibrium constant for this reaction at 250 oC is 0,8.
a) What is the significance of the value of the equilibrium constant?
b) What would have to be done to the temperature of the reaction vessel in order to
increase the value of the equilibrium constant? Explain.
Exercise 7.3
1. 9 mol H2 is placed in a 1,5 dm3 container with 9 mol I2 and the reaction proceeds
until equilibrium is reached. At equilibrium, 14 mol of HI are present. Calculate
value of Kc.
H2 (g) + I2 (g) ⇌ 2HI (g)
2. 3 mol N2 is placed in a 2 dm3 container with 8 mols H2 and the reaction
proceeds until equilibrium is reached. At equilibrium 4 mols of NH3 is present.
Calculate value of Kc.
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇌ 2NH3 (g)
3. 1 mol A2 and 1 mol B2 are allowed to react together in a 2 dm3 container.
At equilibrium, 0,8mol A2 are present. Calculate value of Kc.
A2 (g) + 3B2 (g) ⇌ 2AB3 (g)
4. 3,5 g H2 reacts with 317 g of I2 in a 2 dm3 container. At equilibrium, 2 g of H2
remains. Calculate value of Kc.
H2 (g) + I2 (g) ⇌ 2HI (g)
5. 42 g N2 reacts with 12 g of H2 in a 500 cm3 container. At equilibrium, 4g of H2
remains. Calculate value of Kc.
N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⇌ 2NH3 (g)
6. 12 g H2 reacts with 118 g O2 in a 1,5 dm3 container. At equilibrium 9 g of H2
remains. Calculate value of Kc.
2H2 (g) + O2 (g) ⇌ 2 H2O(g)
Worked example:
1. N2 and H2 are placed in a container and are allowed to
react until equilibrium is reached. The equation for the
equilibrium reaction is:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g)
A graph plotting the concentrations of the substances
present versus time is given in Figure 7.9.
a) Describe what happens at t = 10 s. Explain.
b) Give an explanation for the change that occurs
at t = 20 s.
c) Calculate Kc at t = 15 s.
d) Calculate Kc at t = 35 s.
Fig 7.9.
a) The system is in equilibrium as the concentration of the reactants and products
are constant.
b) The concentration of N2 was increased. According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the
system will change to decrease the concentration of N2. The forward reaction will
be favoured and the concentration of N2 and the concentration of H2 will
decrease and the concentration of NH3 will increase until 30 s when equilibrium
is re-established.
[NH ]2
c) Kc= _________3
[N ][H ]3
2 2
= _________3
= 22,4
[NH ]2
Kc= _________
d) 3
Kc value stays the same as ONLY
[N ][H ]3 temperature can change Kc.
2 2
(0,3) 2
= _________3
= 22,5
Fig 7.10
a) The system is in equilibrium as the concentration of the reactants and products are
b) The temperature was increased. The forward reaction is being favoured because [HI]
decreases and [H2] and [I2] increases. The forward reaction is endothermic and is
favoured by an increase in temperature.
c) Kc= _______
= ________
= 0,08
3. 0,1 mol COCl2 is placed in a gas syringe of volume 1 dm3. COCl2 decomposes
according to the following equation:
COCl2(g) ⇌ CO(g) + Cl2(g) ∆H = +109 kJ
Study the equation above and the graph in
Figure 7.11. Answer the questions that follow.
a) How much time was required for the system to
first reach equilibrium?
b) How do the rates of the forward and reverse
reactions compare at the following times?
i) 10 s ii) 45 s iii) 130 s
c) What change took place at t = 60 s to upset
equilibrium? How did the system respond to
this change?
d) What change took place at t = 120 s to upset
equilibrium? How did the system respond to
this change?
Fig 7.11
Topic 7: Chemical equilibrium • 275
e) Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant at:
i) 165 s
ii) 225 s
f) Using the values calculated in e) above, state what change to place at 180 s to upset
equilibrium. How did the system respond to the change?
a) 30 seconds
b) i) Rate of forward reaction > Rate of reverse reaction
ii) Rate of forward reaction = Rate of reverse reaction
iii) Rate of forward reaction < Rate of reverse reaction
c) [Cl2] was increased. The system uses up some of the Cl2 that has been added. The
reverse reaction will be favoured and [CO] and [Cl2] will decrease and [COCl2] will
increase until 90 s when equilibrium is re-established.
d) At 120 s, the concentration of all three gases increases. This occurred because the
volume of the reacting vessel was decreased. This will cause the pressure in the
vessel to increase. The reverse reaction will be favoured. [CO] and [Cl2] decrease and
[COCl2] increases until 150 s, when equilibrium is re-established.
[CO][Cl ] [CO][Cl ]
e) i) Kc= _________2
ii) Kc= ________
[COCl ] [COCl ]
2 2
(0,079)(0,104) (0,085)(0,110)
= = ___________
(0,042) (0,015)
= 0,20 = 0,62
f) Only a change in temperature has the ability to change the value of Kc. Therefore,
temperature was altered. The forward reaction is being favoured, as [CO] and [Cl2]
increase and [COCl2] decreases. The forward reaction is endothermic (positive ∆H)
and is favoured by an increase in temperature. Therefore, temperature was increased.
We could also have said that, as Kc increases from 0,20 to 0,62, that the forward
reaction is being favoured. The forward reaction is endothermic and is favoured by
an increase in temperature. Therefore, the temperature was increased.
Exercise 7.4
Fig 7.13
Reasearch task
1. The Haber process was developed near the beginning of the twentieth century
to produce ammonia gas. In this process
nitrogen and hydrogen gas react according to
the following equation:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) ΔH < 0
The graph in Figure 7.14 illustrates the change
in concentration of nitrogen, hydrogen and
ammonia over a period of time for the Haber
The initial equilibrium of the system was
disturbed after 5 minutes by adding ammonia
gas to the sealed container.
a) Explain why the concentration of nitrogen
and hydrogen started to
increase after 5 minutes. (2)
b) After what time was the final
equilibrium established? (1)
c) Write down an expression for the
equilibrium constant for this reaction. (2)
d) Calculate the value of the equilibrium
constant for the final equilibrium. (2)
e) Without doing any calculations, write
down the value of the equilibrium
constant during the first 5 minutes. Fig 7.14
Explain how you got to your answer. (2)
2. Fazul and Holly are enthusiastic members of their school Science Club and are
busy with a school project that is investigating artificial fertilisers and how
these are produced. Their research shows that the reaction between hydrogen
and nitrogen to produce ammonia is an example of a chemical reaction that is
able to reach dynamic chemical equilibrium within a closed system according to
the following chemical equation:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) ΔH = – 46 kJ.mol–1
a) In this process, the reactants and products are said to reach dynamic
chemical equilibrium. Explain what is meant by the term ‘dynamic’. (2)
In his research, Fazul finds that under certain conditions of temperature and
pressure, the following amounts of reactant and product were present when
equilibrium was reached inside the reaction vessel:
N2 = 6 mol H2 = 29 mol NH3 = 18 mol
The volume of the reaction vessel is 105 litres.
b) Using the data provided, calculate (in–3) the concentrations of
reactants and products present in the reaction vessel at equilibrium.
(Note: 1 litre = 1 dm3)(3)
c) Write down the expression for the equilibrium constant (Kc) for the
d) Calculate the value of Kc for this reaction. (2)
Holly observes that one of the conditions affecting the equilibrium is
changed and a new equilibrium is established. At the new equilibrium, the
concentration of NH3 is 0,24–3.
e) By how much, in, did the concentration of ammonia increase
from what it was originally in 2b)? (2)
f) If the value of Kc remains constant after the new equilibrium has been
reached, what TWO factors could have led to this change? (4)
A discussion between Fazul and Holly now takes place.
Fazul says:
This reaction is exothermic and therefore it should be performed at low
temperatures. This will make the forward reaction more favourable and you will get
a higher yield of ammonia.’
Holly disagrees and says:
‘If you want the forward reaction to be more favourable, then you need to make the
forward reaction faster and thus you need a higher temperature to get a higher
yield. I think you should perform the reaction at a much higher temperature.’
g) Who do you think is correct? With reference to both arguments, explain
why you have made this decision. (5)
Fazul then adds the following to the argument:
‘I think we should also use a catalyst because then we will get more
ammonia being produced.’
Fazul has made a crucial error in his understanding of how catalysts work
in chemical reactions.
h) Carefully analyse this statement by identifying and stating the error
he has made with reference to the workings of a catalyst. (2)
i) Correct the statement he has just made by writing a correct statement. (2)
3. The manufacture of sulphuric acid is a key industrial process. Sulphuric acid
is used to make a huge number of other chemicals, including fertiliser. The
process for manufacturing sulphuric acid is called the Contact Process.
The flow diagram in Figure 7.15 represents the Contact process.
Fig 7.15
closed system one in which the system is isolated from its surrounding environment in such a way
that there is no mass is transferred into or out of the system.
dynamic equilibrium a reaction in which the forward and reverse reactions continue to take place
simultaneously, at the same rate.
endothermic a reaction which absorbs more energy than is released.
equilibrium constant an expression of the concentration of the products over the concentration of
the reactants for a reaction that is in equilibrium.
exothermic a reaction which releases more energy than is absorbed.
Le Chatelier’s principle a change in any of the factors that determine equilibrium conditions of a
system will cause the system to change in such a manner as to reduce or counteract the effect of
the change.
open system one in which mass or energy can be transferred into or out of the system during a
reversible reaction a reaction that does not go to completion and occurs in both the forward and
reverse direction.
Le Chatelier’s principle states that a change in any of the factors that determine
equilibrium conditions of a system will cause the system to change in such a manner
as to reduce or counteract the effect of the change.
Factors affecting equilibrium position:
Factors that affect the equilibrium position include:
1. Concentration
The reaction that favours counteracting the change will be favoured.
2. Temperature
Remember that:
• a +DH value means that the forward reaction is endothermic and
• a -DH value means that the forward reaction is exothermic
A quick guideline to follow is:
• An increase in temperature always favours the endothermic reaction.
• A decrease in temperature always favours the exothermic reaction.
3. Pressure
• If pressure is increased, the reaction that proceeds towards the least number of
moles of gas will be favoured.
• If pressure is decreased, the reaction that proceeds towards the most number of
moles of gas will be favoured.
Equilibrium constant
The equilibrium constant can be defined as being an expression of the concentration
of the products over the concentration of the reactants for a reaction that is in
Kc = __________
• Acid-base reactions
• Applications of acids and bases
Antacids such as the one shown in the photograph on this page are taken for the
relief of heartburn and indigestion, which occurs as a result of an overproduction of
stomach acid. A neutralization reaction occurs to reduce the acidity in the stomach
and bringing the sufferer relief. The reaction between the stomach acid and the
antacid tablet is an example of an acid-base reaction. We will investigate acid-base
reactions in more detail in this topic.
When you studied acids and bases in Grade 10 and Grade 11, you learnt:
The properties of acids:
• Acids have a sharp, sour taste.
• Acids have a pH less than 7.
• Acids conduct electricity in solution.
The properties of bases:
• Bases have a soapy feel.
• Bases have a pH greater than 7.
• Bases taste bitter.
Figure 8.1 shows the colour range observed when using universal
Chec indicator.
Fig 8.1
1. Where on this scale would you find acids?
2. Where on the scale would you find bases?
Acid-base reactions
Acid-base models
Our bodily functions, ranging from the microscopic transport of ions across nerve cell
membranes to the macroscopic acidic digestion of food in the stomach, are all ruled by
the principles of acid-base chemistry. We will study acid-base reactions in more detail in
this topic.
An acid solution is defined as a solution that has an excess of H+ or H3O+ ions. A base
solution is defined as a solution that has an excess of OH– ions. A neutral solution has
equal concentrations of H+ and OH– ions present in solution. An alkali is a soluble base
that contains hydroxide (OH–) ions which can be released into solution.
Acid-base models are useful in describing the nature of acids and bases.
Arrhenius’ theory
The Swedish scientist, Svante Arrhenius, introduced a theory in 1887 that acids are
substances that produce hydrogen ions (H+) in solution and bases produce hydroxide
ions (OH–) in solution.
For example, hydrogen chloride ionises into its ions in water according to the following
ionise the equation:
process whereby
covalent HCl → H+ + Cl–
break up into It is now known that hydrogen ions cannot exist on their own in solution and that
ionic substances hydrogen ions quickly combine with a water molecule to produce the hydronium (or
for the first time
oxonium) ion (H3O+). The equation for the combining of the hydrogen ion with a water
molecule is:
We now speak about the presence of the hydronium ions that give solutions of acids their
dissociate the
process whereby acidic properties.
compounds A base, such as sodium hydroxide, dissociates into its ions in water according to the
break up into following equation:
their separate
ions in the NaOH → Na+ + OH–
presence of
water It is the presence of OH– ions that give solutions of bases their properties.
So according to Arrhenius’ theory:
• Acids are substances that produce hydrogen (H+) ions and ultimately hydronium
ions (H3O+) in solution.
• Bases are substances that produce hydroxide (OH–) ions in solution.
Checkpoint 1
1. Define an acid and a base according to Arrhenius’ theory.
2. Define an acid and a base according to the Lowry-Brønsted theory.
Science around us
Aspirin can cause stomach ulcers
Aspirin (Figure 8.2) is an acidic molecule, but not as
acidic as the hydrochloric acid that is found in the
stomach. When the aspirin arrives in the stomach, it is
not able to donate its proton because of the very acidic
environment. However, it is able to penetrate the
stomach lining and when it gets there, it donates its
proton. This lowers the pH in the stomach lining and
can cause tissue damage and even bleeding and Figure 8.1: An aspirin
ulcers. Some aspirin tablets have a special coating tablet dissolving.
which stops them dissolving at all until they have
passed through the stomach, to try and prevent this from happening.
Worked examples:
1. Indicate the conjugate acid-base pairs when HCl, an acid, is dissolved in water.
Checkpoint 2
1. Indicate the conjugate acid-base pairs in the following equations:
a) HCl + NH3 ⇋ NH4+ + Cl–
b) NH4+ + F– ⇋ HF + NH3
2. What is the conjugate acid of:
a) OCl–? b) H2O?
3. What is the conjugate base of:
a) HClO2? b) H2O?
Exercise 8.1
Science around us
Limestone sunscreen
Limestone is a naturally occurring rock
composed of mainly calcium carbonate. It has
been used as an alkali for centuries. This means
it is added to a mixture that is too acidic, to
reduce the acidity. In farming, limestone
mixtures can be added where nitrogen fertilizer
is used. The Zulu people use traditionally
prepared limestone, called umcako, as a Fig 8.2: Limestone used as sunscreen
sunscreen, as shown in Figure 8.3.
• A weak acid is one which ionises partially in solution to form H3O+ ions.
Ionisation of weak acids do reach equilibrium with the equilibrium lying far to the left for
weak acids, hence the double arrow with the reverse reaction favoured. Very few of the
CH3COOH molecules are ionised.
Any other acids other than the strong acids mentioned in Table 8A are weak acids.
dissociate the
• A strong base is a base that tends towards complete dissociation in solution to form process whereby
OH– ions. ionic
break up into
their separate
This reaction is technically reversible, but the strong base dissociates so well that we can ions in the
think of the reaction as almost being one way. Almost 100 % of the NaOH molecules presence of
dissociate, meaning that the forward reaction is very much favoured. As a result, there
are many OH– ions in solution.
• A weak base is a base that dissociates partially in solution to form OH- ions.
Dissocciation of weak bases do reach equilibrium with the equilibrium lying far to the left
for weak bases, hence the double arrow with the reverse reaction favoured. Very few of
the NH3 molecules dissociate.
Any other bases other than the strong bases mentioned in Table 8B are weak bases.
Science around us
Stomach acid – a strong acid
Stomach acid, sometimes referred to as gastric acid, is made up in part of
hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid. The pH of stomach acid
ranges from 1,5 to 3,5, depending on the contents of the stomach. Stomach acid
plays a key role in the digestion of foods. The concentration of the hydrochloric
acid in stomach acid rises to a maximum of 0,16
Checkpoint 4
1. Which sample in each of the following pairs will conduct electricity the easiest?
a) HCl(aq) or H2CO3(aq)?
b) Ca(OH)2 or NaOH?
2. Which sample in each of the following pairs will react the most vigorously in a
a) KOH or Mg(OH)2?
b) CH3COOH or H2SO4?
Research task
Classify the following samples of acids and bases as either weak or strong and
concentrated or dilute:
We know that the concentration of H3O+ ions can be used as a measure of the
concentration of the acid. The more the acid ionises, the greater the concentration of H3O+
ions there will be. The equilibrium constant expression for the ionization of HCl can be
represented as:
[H O+ ][Cl ]
Kc= 3
[HCl][H O]
When we are dealing with the equilibrium constant for pure acids, we can use the symbol
Ka instead of Kc:
[H O+ ][Cl]
Ka= ___________
[HCl][H O]
However, water is a pure liquid, thus the concentration of H2O remains constant and can
be replaced by a constant value of 1 in the equation:
− −
[H O+ ][Cl ] [H O+ ][Cl ]
Ka= 3 ___________
∴ Ka= 3
[HCl] × 1 [HCl]
Ka is called the ionisation constant of the acid. A strong acid will ionise completely and
will result in higher concentrations of the products that appear on the top line of the
equation. Thus, strong acids will have high Ka values, while weak acids will have low Ka
Let us consider the equilibrium equation for when a base, NH3, dissolves in water:
We know that the concentration of OH- ions can be used as a measure of the
concentration of the base. The more the base dissociates, the greater the concentration of
OH- ions there will be. The equilibrium constant for the dissociation of NH3 can be
represented by the following equation:
[NH + ][OH− ]
Kc= ____________
[NH ][H O]
3 2
When we are dealing with the equilibrium constant for pure bases, we can use the symbol
Kb instead of Kc:
[NH + ][OH− ]
[NH ][H O]
3 2
However, the concentration of H2O remains constant and can be replaced by a constant
value of 1 in the equation:
[NH + ][OH− ] [NH + ][OH− ]
Kb= ____________
b= ____________
∴K 4
[NH ] × 1 [NH ]
3 3
Kb is called the dissociation constant of the base. A strong base will dissociate completely
and will result in higher concentrations of the products that appear on the top line of the
equation. Thus, strong bases will have high Kb values, while weak bases will have low Kb
Checkpoint 5
Determine whether the following acids and bases are strong or weak. Then explain how
their ionisation/dissociation constants compare?
1. CH3COOH and HNO3. 2. NaOH and Ca(OH)2.
Acid-base reactions
We will investigate the reactions with a variety of acids and bases. However, before we
do, we need to be able to identify the common acids and bases by name. Consider the
following list of the common acids and bases that you will need to know, along with their
formulae (Table 8C):
Acids Bases
Nitric acid HNO3 Ammonia NH3
Sulphuric acid H2SO4 Sodium hydroxide NaOH
Hydrochloric acid HCl Potassium hydroxide KOH
Ethanoic acid/ CH3COOH Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2
Acetic acid
Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
Sodium carbonate Na2CO3
Sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO3
Acids can undergo a neutralisation reaction with a few different types of bases and each
reaction has its own general equation that we will work from. We will investigate these
reaction types one at a time.
Worked example:
Write a balanced equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and
sodium hydroxide.
Worked examples:
Write a balanced equation for the reaction between sulphuric acid and sodium oxide.
Worked example:
Write a balanced equation for the reaction between nitric acid and sodium carbonate.
Checkpoint 6
Give a balanced equation for the reaction between:
1. Acetic acid + potassium hydroxide 3. Sulphuric acid + calcium oxide
2. Hydrochloric acid + magnesium carbonate 4. Acetic acid + calcium hydroxide
Practical design
Exercise 8.3
The pH scale
The pH scale is used to measure how acidic or basic a liquid is. Although there may be
many types of ions in a solution, pH focuses on concentrations of hydronium ions (H3O+).
The scale goes from values very close to 0 through 14. Distilled water is neutral and has a
pH of 7. Acids have a pH range of less than 7. Bases have a pH range of greater than 7.
The most common method to get test the pH of a solution is to use an acid base indicator.
organic derived An indicator is usually a weak organic dye that changes colours at definite pH values. A
from living
matter such as
variety of indicators change colour at various pH levels. Below are some of the indicators
cabbage that are used in the lab, showing their colours and pH range.
• Bromothymol blue
• Phenolphthalein
• Universal indicator
Calculation of concentration
The concentration of a solution is measured in the units (M).
The equation used to calculate concentration is:
In symbols: Where:
c = concentration, measured in mol per decimetre3 (
c = __
V n = amount, measured in moles (mol)
V = volume, measured in decimetre3 (dm3)
It may be necessary to calculate the number of moles first, using this equation:
In symbols: Where:
n = amount, measured in moles (mol)
n =
M m = mass, measured in grams (g)
M = molar mass, measured in grams per mole (g.mol-1)
Worked examples:
1. If 25 g HCl is mixed with water so as to produce 375 cm3 of solution, what would the
concentration of the solution be?
m = 25 g
V = 375 cm3= 0,375 dm3
M = 1,01 + 35,45 = 36,46 g.mol–1
m n
c = __
n = ___ V
n = _____ 0,69
36,46 c = _____
∴ n = 0,69 mol ∴ c = 1,83– 3
2. Calculate the mass of K2CO3 in 425 cm3 of a solution of concentration 0,25 mol,dm–3.
V = 425 cm3= 0,425 dm3
c = 0,25
M = (2 × 39,1) + (12) + (3 × 16) = 138,2 g.mol-1
c = __ m
n = ___
n = c.V m = n.M
n = (0,25)(0,425) m = (0,11)(138,2)
∴ n = 0,11 mol ∴ m = 14,68 g
Checkpoint 8
1. If 57 g H2SO4 is mixed with water so as to produce 245 cm3 of solution, what is the
concentration of the solution?
2. Calculate the mass of KOH in 340 cm3 of a solution of concentration 3,4 mol,dm–3.
Exercise 8.4
pH calculations
pH of acids
The pH of a solution can be calculated using the following equation:
pH = –log[H3O+]
The concentration of H3O+ ions, represented by [H3O+] in the equation, can be determined
by the ionisation of the acid.
Thus we can approximate that 1 molecule of HNO3 will ionise to form 1 H3O+ ion.
Therefore, [HNO3] = [H3O+] = 1 × 10–2
[H3O+] = 1 × 10–2–3
pH = − log[H O+]
pH = − log(1 × 10−2
pH = 2
2. 0,18 g of HCl is dissolved in 5 dm3 of water. Calculate the pH of the solution.
n = __ m
n = _____
∴ n = 4,93 × 10−3 mol
c = __ n pH = − log[H O+ ]
V 3
H2SO4, when it ionises in water, causes the production of 2H3O+ ions for every one
molecule of H2SO4 according to the equation:
H2SO4(l) + 2H2O(l) → 2H3O+(aq) + SO42– (aq)
Therefore, it is necessary to multiply the concentration of H2SO4 by 2, in order to get
the concentration of the H3O+ ions, [H3O+].
Checkpoint 9
1. 4,5 g of HNO3 is dissolved in 500 cm3 of water. Calculate the pH of the solution.
2. Calculate the pH of H2SO4 of concentration 1,2 × 10– 4–3, assuming complete
ionisation of the acid occurs.
However, the concentration of H2O remains constant and can be replaced by a constant
value of 1 in the equation:
[H O+ ][OH− ]
Kc= 3
= [H3O+][OH–] ∴ Kw= [H3 O+ ][OH− ]
At room temperature, the Kw remains a constant 1 × 10–14. We call this the dissociation
constant for water and the following equation is derived:
[H3O+][OH–] = 1 × 10–14
The above equation will be useful in the calculation of the pH of bases below.
Worked example:
1. Calculate the pH of a solution of NaOH with a concentration of 1 × 10–4–3.
In a solution of NaOH, the molecules dissociate almost completely:
NaOH(s) ⇀ Na+(aq) + OH–(aq)
1 molecule of NaOH dissociates to form 1 OH– ion.
Therefore, [NaOH] = [OH–] = 1 × 10– 4–3
[H O+ ][OH− ] = 1 × 10−14
pH = − log[H O+ ]
3 3
1 × 10
[H3O+ ] = ________
pH = − log(5 × 10−12
[OH− ]
1 × 10−14 pH = 11,30
[H3 O+ ] = ________
2 × 10−3
[H3O+ ] = 5 × 10−12–3
Checkpoint 10
1. Calculate the pH of a solution of KOH with a concentration of 2,4 × 10–4–3.
2. 1,2 g KOH is dissolved in water and made up to a volume of 425 cm3. Calculate the
pH of the solution.
Exercise 8.5
A salt is formed by reaction between an acid and a base. Usually, a neutral salt with a
pH of 7, when in solution, is formed when a strong acid and a strong base are neutralized
in a reaction. However, if the acid and base used to make the salt are not of a comparable
strength, then the resulting salt solution is unlikely to be neutral.
Hydrolysis is the ability of the ions to react with the water molecules, thus altering the pH.
The ions in an acid-base reaction form a salt solution. Ions that originate from a strong
acid and a strong base have little tendency to react with water. Thus, salts consisting of
these ions are neutral salts.
Worked examples:
1. Determine the approximate pH when the following
salts are dissolved in water. NaCl is a salt that is
produced by the reaction of HCl, a strong acid, with
NaOH, a strong base, as shown in Figure 8.7 HCl
reacts with NaOH according to the following reaction: Fig 8.7
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O
The Na+ and Cl- ions in the resulting solution will not react with water and the
solution will be neutral. Hydrolysis has not occurred, as the pH has not changed.
The presence of OH– ions in the solution is the reason why K2S is said to be a basic salt.
Hydrolysis has occurred, as the pH has changed.
We can use the following rules to predict the acidic, basic or neutral properties of a salt:
• A salt derived from a strong acid and a strong base → hydrolysis does not occur,
pH = 7.
• A salt derived from a strong acid and a weak base → hydrolysis does occur, with a
resulting pH < 7 (acidic).
• A salt derived from a weak acid and a strong base → hydrolysis does occur, with a
resulting pH > 7 (basic).
Checkpoint 11
1. What will the resulting pH be when KCl is dissolved in water? Explain with the use
of equations.
2. What will the resulting pH be when Ca(NO3)2 is dissolved in water? Explain with the
use of equations.
Exercise 8.6
1. Identify from which acid and base are the following salts derived. Are the acids
and bases from which they are derived, weak or strong?
Example: NaCl
a) KNO3 b) LiCl
c) K2CO3 d) CaF2
2. Determine whether hydrolysis occurs in each of the following solutions with
water and say what kind of solution forms (acidic pH < 7, basic pH > H or
neutral). Use reactions to assist your answers.
a) CuSO4 b) NH4Cl
c) KNO3 d) KMnO4
A neutralization reaction is a reaction in which an acid reacts with a base to form a salt.
Water is frequently produced as well. The general equation for a neutralisation reaction is:
Acid + Base → Salt + Water
A very important thing to note is that a solution is considered to be neutral when the
concentration of H3O+ ions is equal to the concentration of the OH- ions.
Science around us
Antacids – an acid-base reaction
Antacid tablets are taken for the relief of
heartburn and indigestion, which occurs as a
result of an overproduction of stomach acid.
Antacids perform a neutralisation reaction,
increasing the pH to reduce the acidity in the
stomach. The stomach acid is neutralised by
the sodium hydrogencarbonate in the antacid
according to the following equation:
NaHCO3 + HCl → NaCl + H2O + CO2
The characteristic “burp” that one often
experiences after drinking a fizzy antacid
occurs as a result of the formation of
Fig 8.10: An antacid neutralises
CO2 gas (Figure 8.10).
stomach acid and gives relief
from heartburn
Checkpoint 12
Predict the approximate pH at the end of a neutralisation reaction between the following
acids and bases. Answer 7, greater than 7 or less than 7.
1. HNO3 and Mg(OH)2 2. CH3COOH and Mg(OH)2
3. CH3COOH and KOH 4. HNO3 and KOH
Science around us
Insect stings can be neutralized
A bee sting (Figure 8.11) is acidic and can be
neutralized by a household base, such as
bicarbonate of soda. On the other hand, a wasp
sting is alkaline and can be neutralized by a
household acid, such as vinegar. Fig 8.11: Bee stings are acidic
A titration is a technique where a solution of known concentration is used to determine
the concentration of an unknown solution. This process involves the gradual
neutralisation of an acid by a base, or a base by an acid. The point where enough acid has
been added to base (or base added to acid) to bring about a colour change in the indicator
is called the end point of neutralisation. An indicator is used to determine the end point
which becomes visible by means of a colour change. As we have already discovered, this
will not necessarily be at a pH of 7, so we must choose a suitable indicator for the titration
that we do. Table 8D shows three indicators, as well as their pH ranges, so that we can
then select a suitable indicator for the titration being performed.
Table 8D Common indicators and their pH ranges
If we are titrating a strong acid and a strong base or a weak acid and a weak base, the end
point would be at approximately a pH of 7, so we would use bromothymol blue as the
If we are titrating a strong acid with a weak base, the end point would be at a pH less
than 7, so we would use methyl orange as the indicator.
If we are titrating a weak acid with a strong base, the end point would be at a pH greater
than 7, so we would use phenolphthalein as the indicator.
Exercise 8.7
What would be a suitable indicator to use if solutions of the following acids and
bases were titrated against one another?
1. HNO3 and NaOH 2. CH3COOH and Ca(OH)2
3. H2SO4 and MgCO3 4. H2CO3 and KOH
Titration calculations
Titrations are carried out to determine the unknown concentration of an acid or a base.
If one solution, either acid or base of known concentration is added to a solution of
unknown concentration until it is exactly neutralised, the concentration of substance with
the unknown concentration can be calculated. This is known as volumetric analysis and
the titration is the technique used to perform this.
Note: A solution of known concentration which is used in the titration is called a
standard solution.
Worked examples:
1. 82 cm3 of hydrochloric acid of concentration 0,2–3 is required to neutralize
60 cm3 of Ba(OH)2, of unknown concentration. Calculate the concentration of Ba(OH)2.
HCl + Ba(OH)2→ BaCl2 + H2O
The number of moles of acid and base are the ratio of acid to base in the equation and are
the same as the number in front of the acid and base in the balanced equation. Therefore,
it is always necessary to be working from a balanced equation when doing titration
acid base
2HCl + 1Ba(OH)2→ BaCl2 + 2H2O
mole 2 : 1
ca = 0, ca = concentration of acid
Va = 82 cm3 Va = volume of acid
cb = ? cb = concentration of base
Vb = 60 cm3 Vb = volume of base
Step 1:
Determine the mole ratio between the two reactants, using a balanced equation.
Acid : Base
HCl : NaOH
Step 2:
Using the equation n = c.V, formulate an equation that equates the number of moles of
acid to the number of moles of base, using the mole ratio from step 1.
n 2 caVa __
na = __
___ We know that n = c.V, therefore: _____ = 2
b 1 cbVb 1
Step 3:
Solve for the unknown.
c aVa __
_____ = 2
cbVb 1
(0,2)(82) __
= 2
cb(60) 1
cb= 0,14
2. The concentration of a solution of sodium carbonate is 0,5–3. 20 cm3 of this
solution neutralises exactly 24,5 cm3 of sulphuric acid. Calculate the concentration of
the sulphuric acid.
Na2CO3 + H2SO4→ Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2
base acid
1Na2CO3 + 1H2SO4→ Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2
ratio 1 : 1
ca = ? cb = 0,5–3
Va = 24,5 cm3 Vb = 20 cm3
Step 1:
Determine the mole ratio between the two reactants, using a balanced equation.
Acid : Base
H2SO4 : Na2CO3
Step 2:
Using the equation n = c.V, formulate an equation that equates the number of moles of
acid to the number of moles of base, using the mole ratio from step 1.
a __
n 1 c aVa __ 1
___ _____
nb = 1 We know that n = c.V, therefore: c V = 1
b b
Checkpoint 14
45 cm3 of nitric acid of concentration 0,4–3 is required to neutralise 30 cm3 of
magnesium hydroxide, of unknown concentration. Calculate the concentration of
magnesium hydroxide. Balance the equation first.
HNO3 + Mg(OH)2→ Mg(NO3)2 + H2O
Sodium hydroxide 9
Part 1:
Aim: To prepare a standard solution of oxalic acid.
You will need:
• Watchglass
• Spatula
• 100 ml volumetric flask
• Oxalic acid dihydrate (H2C2O4.2H2O)
Part 2:
Aim: To determine the unknown concentration of a solution of sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) by titrating it against a standard solution of oxalic acid (H2C2O4)
You will need:
• 1 x 25 ml pipette
• 2 x 125 ml beakers
• 1 x 50 ml burette, burette stand and clamp
• Conical flask
• Funnel
• Wash bottle filled with water
• Standard solution of oxalic acid
• Sodium hydroxide solution
• Phenolphthalein indicator
1. Pour the standard solution of oxalic acid that was prepared in
part 1 into the 125 ml beaker.
2. Using the pipette, transfer 25 ml of the oxalic acid solution into
the conical flask.
3. Add 6-8 drops of phenolphthalein to the conical flask.
4. Rinse the burette with some of the sodium hydroxide solution.
Fill the burette with the sodium hydroxide solution. Using a
funnel makes this easier. Make sure that the burette is filled
exactly to the zero mark. Read off the bottom of the meniscus
when taking readings.
5. See Figure 8.12 for the
setup for this step. Add the Keep the remainder of the
sodium hydroxide to the sodium hydroxide solution for
conical flask, drop by the next experiment.
drop, until there is a colour
change. If some sodium hydroxide sticks to the inside of the
conical flask, it can be washed into the solution using a wash
bottle filled with water. Record the volume of sodium
hydroxide used.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 another two times.
Fig 8.12: Diagram of experimental setup
Exercise 8.8
Worked example:
3,68 g of washing soda crystals (Na2CO3.10H2O) are dissolved in water and made up to a
volume of 275 cm3. 25 cm3 of this sample is neutralised by 23,5 cm3 of HCl of
concentration 0,11–3. Calculate the percentage Na2CO3 in commercial
washing soda.
Na2CO3 + 2HCl → CO2 + 2NaCl + H2O
It is important to note that 3,68 g is not the mass of Na2CO3 – it is the mass of washing
soda crystals, which is comprised of some Na2CO3 as well as water of crystallization and
some impurities as well. The aim of our calculations is to determine how much of the
3,68 g of washing soda is actually Na2CO3. The HCl will only react with the Na2CO3 in
the washing soda, so we will use the titration information to determine the mass of
Na2CO3 in the washing soda.
Step 1:
Calculate the number of moles of the pure acid used in the titration.
c = __
n = c.V
n = (0,11)(0,0235)
n = 2,59 × 10−3 mol
Step 2:
Using the mole ratio, find the number of moles of Na2CO3 used in the titration.
We divide the number of moles of HCl by 2 to get the number of moles of Na2CO3
because the mole ration of HCl to Na2CO3 is 2:1 in the balanced equation.
n = (2,59 × 10−3) ÷ 2
∴n = 1,29 × 10−3 mol
Step 3:
Find the number of moles of Na2CO3 in the original 275 cm3 sample.
1,29 × 10–3 mol is the number of moles in 25 cm3 of the Na2CO3 solution and we need to
know the number of moles in the original 275 cm3 sample.
1,29 × 10−3
n = __________
× 275
∴n = 1,42 × 10−2 mol Na CO in 275 cm3 sample
2 3
Step 4:
Calculate the mass of Na2CO3 in the original 275 cm3 sample.
n = ___
m = n.M
m = (1,42 × 10−2)(106)
m = 1,51 g Na2CO3
Step 5:
Using the original mass used, calculate the percentage of Na2CO3 the original sample.
Only 1,51 g of the original sample is pure Na2CO3. Therefore, the percentage purity of the
Na2CO3 is:
% purity = ____ × 100 = 41 %
Checkpoint 15
Acetylcylic acid (C9H8O4) is found in aspirin
tablets, shown in Figure 8.13. 2,5 g aspirin tablets
are dissolved in propanol and together they have
a volume of 125 cm3. 25 cm3 of the aspirin
solution was neutralized by 30,4 cm3 of a 0,1 mol.
dm–3 solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
Calculate the percentage purity of the aspirin if
the equation for the titration reaction is:
C9H8O4 + NaOH → C9H7O4Na + H2O
The equation for this neutralisation reaction is:
CH3COOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) → CH3COONa(aq) + H2O(l)
Copy the table below and record the results:
Volume of Volume of
vinegar (cm3) sodium
1. The concentration of ethanoic acid (acetic acid) from the titration results.
2. The mass of CH3COOH in the 5 ml sample of vinegar used in the titration.
3. Calculate the percentage of CH3COOH in the vinegar sample.
Give a conclusion based on the results.
Exercise 8.9
Checkpoint 16
1. Chlorine gas is sproduced in industry.
a) Name the process by which chlorine gas is produced in industry. Briefly explain
this process.
b) Give the equation for the half-reaction that occurs at the anode.
c) Does oxidation or reduction occur at the anode?
d) Give the equation for the half-reaction that occurs at the cathode.
e) Does oxidation or reduction occur at the cathode?
f) List 5 uses of chlorine.
g) What other useful product is produced in this process? What is it used for?
Hair relaxers
Hair relaxers work to straighten the hair (Figure 8.16) using two chemicals, sodium
hydroxide and guanidine hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide is a very strong base.
Guanidine hydroxide is a slightly weaker base than than sodium hydroxide, but
can be just as damaging. The chemicals alter the structure of the protein in the hair,
causing the hair to straighten.
Hair relaxing involves three steps:
• A protective, petroleum-based cream is applied to the hair to prevent the scalp
from burning and to protect the hair from damage, as much as possible.
• The chemicals that straighten the hair, sodium hydroxide and guanidine
hydroxide, are applied and allowed to set for up to a few hours, depending on
the existing strength of the curl in the hair.
• The chemicals are washed off and a deep conditioner is applied to try and keep
the hair from breaking.
Fig 8.16: Hair relaxers A hair relaxer that contains sodium hydroxide and guanidine hydroxide is said to
straighten hair be a lye relaxer. Lye relaxers are known to work quickly on the hair, but as a result
they might also rinse out of your hair easily. No-lye relaxers are made up primarily
of calcium hydroxide. No-lye relaxers are better for people with sensitive scalps, but are
known to dry out the hair even more than lye relaxers. When using no-lye, it is
imperative that you use a “de-calcifying” shampoo to prevent calcium buildup.
Common complaints related to using a hair relaxer include hair brittleness, weakened
hair shaft, hair breakage and some hair loss. It is important after relaxing your hair to
apply deep conditioning treatments on a weekly basis in order to help restore the natural
oils that have been stripped off by the harsh chemicals in the relaxer.
Permanent waves
A permanent wave, commonly called a perm, involves the use of chemicals to break and
reform the bonds of the hair. The waving lotion is commonly made up of thioglycolic acid
plus ammonia. This solution creates a chemical reaction that softens the inner structure of
the hair by breaking some of the cross links within and between the protein chains of the
hair. The hair swells, stretches and softens, then moulds around the shape of the perm rod.
Hair colouring
Ingredients of hair dyes usually include chemicals such as ammonia, hydrogen peroxide
and other harsh chemicals. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are the main components
that keep the hair dye bonded to the hair. They are able to seep inside the hair follicles,
taking the dye with them. That is how the dye stays on the hair for longer periods of time.
Temporary dyes coat the outside of the hair and can be washed out easily because of this.
Temporary dyes contain ammonia and no hydrogen peroxide and are considered to be
the least damaging to the hair. Semi-permanent dyes, such as the ones bought over the
counter at supermarkets, also contain ammonia and no hydrogen peroxide, but sit under
the cuticle, the outside layer of the hair. These dyes last six to eight weeks. Permanent
dyes contain hydrogen peroxide, which makes the colour penetrate deep into the cortex.
Permanent dyes remove the natural colour from the hair and deposit the new colour into
the cortex. Permanent dyes do not wash out, so you have to wait for the colour to grow
out to see the natural hair colour again.
Checkpoint 17
1. What is/are the main chemical/s used in:
a) Hair relaxers? b) Permanent waves? c) Hair colouring?
2. What is one problem that results when using a no-lye relaxer? How is this problem
3. What are the common complaints associated with hair relaxers?
4. What are the common complaints associated with permanent waves?
Extend yourself
• Internal resistance
11. Calculate the unknown values in each of the following circuit diagrams:
a) Refer to Figure 9.1 and calculate the unknown values R2, R3, V1 and V3.
b) Refer to Figure 9.2 and calculate the unknown values I1, I2, I3, V1 and V2.
a) Plot a graph of potential difference on the y-axis against current on the x-axis.
b) Use the graph to determine the resistance of the resistor at
i) 5,0 V
ii) 10,0 V
c) Explain why the resistance changed as the potential difference was increased.
13. Sketch a graph of voltage versus current for 2 different resistors on the same set of axes.
Indicate which of the two resistors has the greatest resistance and explain your choice.
14. Refer to Figure 9.3. The reading on the voltmeter connected across the 3 Ω
resistor is 9 V.
a) If a voltmeter across the parallel connection of resistors reads 12 V, how many
joules of energy does the battery supply to each coulomb of charge that passes
through it?
b) What is the reading on the ammeter A?
c) Calculate the current in the 6 Ω resistor.
d) How would the reading on the voltmeter
connected across the 3 Ω resistor change if
resistor R2 was removed from the circuit?
Explain your answer.
Fig 9.3
Topic 9: Electric circuits • 329
15. Refer to Figure 9.4.The circuit consists of a network of resistors connected to a
12 V source.
a) Determine the potential difference across XY:
i) with switch S open.
ii) with switch S closed.
b) Calculate the current supplied by the source:
i) with switch S open.
ii) with switch S closed. Fig 9.4
c) In which case does the 12 V source supply maximum power to the circuit? With
switch S open, or S closed? Explain your answer.
16. Refer to Figure 9.5. The emf of the battery is 20 V and the reading on the ammeter is 2 A.
a) Calculate the unknown resistance R.
b) Calculate the voltmeter reading.
c) Calculate the current in the 6 Ω resistor.
d) Calculate the power supplied to the
3 Ω resistor.
e) Calculate the energy dissipated in the 4 Ω
resistor in 2 minutes.
f) How would the ammeter reading change if a
10 Ω resistor was connected in parallel with Fig 9.5
the 4 Ω resistor? Explain your answer.
17. Consider the circuit diagram in Figure 9.6.
a) Calculate the total resistance in the circuit.
b) Calculate the reading on the ammeter.
c) Calculate the reading on the voltmeter V.
d) A voltmeter is connected across points A and
B. Calculate the reading on this voltmeter.
e) Calculate the current in the 15 Ω resistor.
f) Calculate the power dissipated in the Fig 9.6
60 Ω bulb.
g) Switch S2 is now opened. How will this affect:
i) the brightness of the bulb? Explain your answer.
ii) the reading on the voltmeter V.
h) Calculate the new reading on the ammeter when switch S2 is open.
18. A 1,5 V, 0,25 A torch bulb is connected to a 1,5 V battery for exactly 10 minutes.
a) Calculate the charge passing through the bulb in this time.
b) Calculate the power supplied to the bulb.
c) Calculate the electrical energy delivered to the bulb in 10 minutes.
The battery is capable of lighting the bulb for 1 hour.
d) Calculate the charge passing through the bulb in 1 hour.
e) Calculate the total electrical energy that the battery can deliver.
V .
19. Two equations for power P dissipated in a resistor are P = I2R and P = ___
The first equation suggests that the greater the resistance (R) of the resistor, the more
power is dissipated. The second equation suggests the opposite: the greater the
resistance, the less the power dissipated. Explain this apparent inconsistency.
Worked example:
A battery of emf 4,5 V and internal resistance 0,5 Ω is connected to a 14,5 Ω resistor, as
shown in Figure 9.9.
a) The total resistance of the circuit.
b) The reading on the ammeter.
c) The reading on the voltmeter.
a) RT = Rext + r
= 14,5 + 0,5 = 15Ω
b) The circuit current (I) is found using the battery’s emf and
ε = ___
Fig 9.9 the total resistance in the circuit: I = ___ = 0,3A
RT 15
c) The voltmeter V will read the voltage across the external
V = IRext= (0,3)(14,5) = 4,35 V
The voltmeter V also reads the potential difference across the terminals of the battery.
Notice how the terminal potential difference (4,35 V) is less than the emf of the battery
(4,5 V). So where is the remaining 0,15 V?
The voltage across the internal resistance (0,5 Ω) will account for the remaining 0,15 V.
Let’s check: Vint ernal resistance= Ir = (0,3)(0,5) = 0,15 V
ε = Vload + Vinternal resistance = 4,35 + 0,15 = 4,5 V
Worked example:
In Figure 9.11, a voltmeter reads 13 V when it is connected
across the battery’s terminals only. The voltmeter reading drops
when the battery is connected to a lamp and the current in the
circuit is 3 A.
a) State the emf of the battery.
b) Calculate the potential difference across the internal
resistance (lost volts) when the battery is connected
to the lamp.
Fig 9.11
Checkpoint 2
A cell of emf 1,5 V has an internal resistance of 0,5 Ω.
a) Calculate the maximum current it can supply.
b) Under what circumstances will it supply this maximum current?
c) The cell is now connected to a load resistor of 10 Ω. Calculate the power delivered to
the load resistor.
d) Calculate the energy dissipated in the cell in 5 minutes.
Checkpoint 3
A lamp of resistance 15 Ω is connected to a battery of emf 6 V
and internal resistance of 1 Ω as shown in Figure 9.13.
a) Calculate the terminal potential difference.
b) How will the terminal potential difference change if a
second identical lamp is connected in parallel with the first
lamp? Explain your answer.
c) Calculate the new terminal potential difference when the
two lamps are connected in parallel.
d) How will the terminal potential difference change if the
second identical lamp is connected in series with the first
lamp? Explain your answer. Fig 9.13
e) Calculate the new terminal potential difference when the
two lamps are connected in series.
Worked example:
A learner wants to find the emf ε of a battery and internal
resistance (r). He sets up the circuit shown in Figure 9.14. He
connects an ammeter and 8 Ω resistor in series with the battery
and the ammeter reads 0,5 A. He then replaces the 8 Ω resistor
with a 4 Ω resistor and the ammeter now reads 0,9 A. Calculate
the emf and internal resistance of the battery.
Use ε = IRext + Ir
When Rext = 8 Ω then I = 0,5 A:
Fig 9.14
ε = IRext + Ir
ε = (0,5)(8) + (0,5)r
ε = 4 + 0,5 r (1)
When Rext = 4 Ω then I = 0,9 A:
ε = IRext + Ir
ε = (0,9)(4) + (0,9)r
ε = 3,6 + 0,9r (2)
Equations (1) and (2) are a pair of simultaneous equations and can be solved to find
ε and r as follows:
ε = 4 + 0,5r = 3,6 + 0,9r
Checkpoint 4
A cell of unknown emf and internal resistance is connected in series with a 16 Ω resistor
and a voltmeter connected across the resistor reads 1,2 V. When the 16 Ω resistor is
replaced with an 8 Ω resistor, the voltmeter reads 1 V.
a) Draw a circuit diagram.
b) Explain why the voltmeter reading decreases when the resistance is decreased.
c) Calculate the emf and internal resistance of the cell.
Worked example:
In the circuit shown in Figure 9.15, the switch S is open and the
voltmeter V1 reads 9 V.
When the switch, S, is closed the ammeter reads 600 mA. The
battery’s internal resistance cannot be ignored. The switch, S, is
now closed.
a) Calculate the total resistance in the external circuit.
b) Calculate the internal resistance of the battery.
c) Calculate the reading on the voltmeter V1.
d) Explain why the reading on voltmeter V1 changes when
Fig 9.15
the switch is closed.
e) The 4 Ω resistor is replaced with a 4 W light bulb. V2 now reads 2 V.
i) Calculate the new reading on the ammeter.
ii) Explain why the reading on the voltmeter V1 decreases when the 4 Ω resistor is
replaced with the 4 W bulb.
a) The equivalent resistance of two parallel resistors is:
product _____
Rp = _______
sum = 6 × 6 = ___
36 = 3 Ω
6 + 6 12
Since the resistors are connected in series, the total resistance in the external circuit is:
Rext = 3 + 4 = 7 Ω
b) When the switch is open, V1 reads the battery’s emf, so ε = 9 V
A current of 600 mA is found in each branch of the parallel network, since both
branches have equal resistance (6 Ω). Remember to convert mA to A: 600 mA = 0,6 A.
Science around us a)
Solar charging a 12 V dc car battery
Some African countries are faced with an energy crisis resulting in
frequent power cuts. In addition, access to mains electricity in rural areas
is limited. How do people keep their mobile phones and other electrical
devices charged?
For many rural communities with no access to mains power, car batteries
are the primary means of providing electricity to the home. A car battery
can keep a rural household powered for a while. The batteries power
electrical items such as radios, television and domestic lighting.
The donkey cart in Figure 9.16b) is fitted with a solar panel that charges a
12 V DC (Figure 9.16a)) battery under the driver’s seat, making it an
independent, sustainable source of energy that powers cell phones, front
and rear emergency lights, and a small neon tube at night.
Sourse: http:/ Fig 9.16
1. Connect the resistor in series with the battery, ammeter and switch, as shown in
Figure 9.25. Ensure that the circuit is open.
2. Connect the voltmeter across the battery’s terminals as shown in Figure 9.25.
3. Record the voltmeter reading when the switch S is open.
4. Now close switch S and record the ammeter and voltmeter readings.
5. Disconnect the entire circuit and repeat steps 1 to 4 with the same apparatus.
Record these values. Repeat steps 1–4 until you have three sets of
6. Calculate the average value of each of your measurements.
1. What is the aim of this experiment?
2. What quantity does the voltmeter measure when the switch is open?)
3. What quantity does the voltmeter measure when the switch is closed?
4. Draw up a table of the measurements that were made in this experiment.
5. Calculate the battery’s internal resistance (r). Show your working.
6. List two sources of error in this experiment.
Exercise 9.1
Fig 9.17
Fig 9.19 a): Apparatus used in the investigation Fig 9.19 b): Circuit diagram used
Thulo sets the sliding contact of the variable resistor (R) at a certain position and
records the potential difference (V) across the rheostat and the current (I) in it.
Thulo repeats the above step for different positions of the sliding contact.
Tatenda tabulates the readings as follows:
Reading Current (A)
Difference (V)
1 4,0 0,10
2 3,5 0,50
3 3,0 0,90
4 2,5 1,15
5 2,0 1,30
6 1,5 1,65
7 1,0 1,95
8 0,5 2,20
6. In the circuit in Figure 9.21, the current in the battery is 1,5 A. The 12 V battery
has an internal resistance of 1 Ω.
a) the combined resistance of the two resistors
connected in parallel
b) the total resistance in the circuit.
c) the resistance of resistor Y
d) the current in the 6 Ω resistor.
Fig 9.21
7. Refer to Figure 9.22. The headlamps of a car are connected in parallel with the
12 V battery of the car. A starter motor is also connected on parallel with
the 12 V battery. Switch S1 is used to turn the headlamps on. When the
car is started, the ignition switch, S2, is closed. The internal resistance of
the battery cannot be ignored.
a) Give two reasons why the headlamps and starter motor are
connected in parallel.
b) A motorist turns the headlamps of the car on by closing switch S1.
The headlamps shine brightly. She then decides to start the car by
closing the ignition switch S2. Explain why the headlamps dim
when she starts the car.
Fig 9.22
Fig 9.23
11. Refer to Figure 9.24. The current in the external circuit is 1,25 A. Calculate the
internal resistance of the battery.
Fig 9.24
A short-circuit
A short-circuit is a path of very low resistance. A battery is short-circuited when a wire of
very low resistance is connected across the battery’s terminals. This is shown in
figures 9.27 and 9.28. In such a case, Rext is almost zero and the current in the wire will be
Warning: When a
a maximum current.
battery is short-
circuited, the
wire and the
battery get very
hot; and the
battery will
quickly run flat
due to the
current in the
wire. Fig 9.27: The terminals of a Fig 9.28: A maximum current (I) is created in
battery are short-circuited the wire when the battery is short circuited
Aim: To investigate
short-circuits and open
You will need:
• Battery
• Connecting wires
• Three resistors of different
• Voltmeter
• Ammeter
• Switch
• Length of low resistance
Fig 9.29
Extend yourself
Fig 9.30
e) Draw a new table with two columns. The first column should have
temperature values in it. Complete the second column by calculating
each resistance value of the iron coil. (2)
f) Use the data to plot a graph of temperature versus resistance. (6)
g) Use your graph to formulate a conclusion for the investigation and
refer to the correctness of your hypothesis.(3)
6. The battery in Figure 9.32 has an emf of
12 V and an unknown internal
resistance r. Voltmeter V1 is connected
across the battery and voltmeter V2 is
connected across the switch, S. The
resistance of the connecting wires and
the ammeter is negligible.
a) Give the readings on voltmeters V1
and V2 when switch S is open. (2)
Switch S is now closed. The reading on
voltmeter V1 changes to 9 V.
b) What is the new reading on V2? (1)
Fig 9.32
c) Calculate the total external
resistance of the circuit. (4)
d) Calculate the battery’s internal resistance, r.(5)
e) How does removing the 6 Ω resistor affect the reading on voltmeter V1?
Explain your answer. (3)
emf (ε) the amount of electrical energy supplied by the battery per coulomb of charge moved
between the terminals:
ε = __
potential difference (V) the amount of work done per coulomb of charge moved between two
V =___
current (I) the rate of flow of charge.
Ohm’s Law the current (I) in a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (V)
across the ends of the conductor, provided the temperature of the conductor is kept constant:
V = R.I
resistance (R) the ratio of the potential difference (V) across a conductor to the current (I) in the
R = __
power (P) the rate at which electrical energy is converted to other forms of energy in an electric
terminal potential difference the potential difference between a battery’s terminals when there is a
current in the battery.
short-circuit a path of zero resistance
internal resistance (r) the resistance between the terminals of a battery.
The world’s largest coal-fired power station, Kusile, is being built in Mapumalanga.
South Africa is also currently developing wind farms which make use of renewable
wind energy to generate electric energy from mechanical energy. These generators
will help power South Africa’s growing economy. In this topic you learn how
electricity is generated and transmitted around the country. You also learn how
electric motors work and the advantages of using alternating current.
352 • Electrodymanics
Knowledge area: Electricity and magnetism
h) What is the significance of the negative sign (–) in the equation for
Faraday’s law?
Fig 10.2: A view of magnetic field lines Fig 10.3: A side view of magnetic field lines directed
directed into a closed conducting loop. into a closed conducting loop.
Magnetic flux (φ) is the product of the magnetic field (B) and the cross-sectional area (A)
the field lines pass through:
In symbols: Where:
φ = magnetic flux, measured in weber (Wb)
φ = BAcosθ
B = the magnetic field strength, measured in tesla (T)
A = the cross sectional area of the loop, measured in
square meters (m2)
θ = the angle between the magnetic field (B) and the normal to
the loop of area A as shown in Figure 10.3
Faraday’s law:
Faraday’s law: the magnitude of the emf induced in a coil is proportional to the rate of
change of magnetic flux.
In symbols: Where:
ε = emf induced in the coil, measured in volts (V)
ε = –N ___
Δt N = number of turns (loops) in the coil
= rate of change of magnetic flux
356 • Electrodymanics
Knowledge area: Electricity and magnetism
Fig 10.5: The coil is mechanically rotated clockwise through the magnetic field.
Figure 10.5 also shows the induced current in the coil and in the external circuit.
The bulb lights up.
An electric generator converts mechanical energy (rotation) into electrical energy
(an induced current).
Fleming’s Right Hand Dynamo Rule is used to determine the direction of
the induced current in the conductor.
Fleming’s right hand dynamo rule:
Using your right hand; hold your thumb, first finger and second finger at
right angles to each other as shown in Figure 10.6.
Your thumb must point in the direction of the motion (Force F)
Your first finger shows the direction of the magnet field (Field B).
Your second finger will then show the direction of the induced current
Fig 10.6: Applying Fleming’s right (Current I).
hand dynamo rule
Fig 10.7a
Fig 10.7b
Fig 10.7c
Fig 10.7d
The purpose of Figure 10.7 a) – d) is to show that the magnetic flux passing through the
surface area of the coil is changing as the coil is mechanically rotated through the
magnetic field. According to Faraday’s Law, the magnitude of the emf induced in the coil
will be proportional to the rate at which the magnetic flux is changing.
Figure 10.10 shows the coil rotating through the vertical position. Side zy is moved
downwards and the direction of the induced current is now wxyz (Fleming’s right hand
dynamo rule). The direction of the induced current is reversed as the coil rotated through
the vertical position. The current in the external circuit therefore has also reversed. The
direction of the induced current in the external circuit is now from B to A.
Fig 10.10: The direction of the induced current is reversed as the coil is rotated through
the vertical position
( )
rate of change of magnetic flux ___
is increasing as the
coil is rotated towards the horizontal position.
According to Faraday’s Law the induced emf and induced current in
the coil will also increase.
The graph in Figure 10.12 shows how the induced current varies over
one full revolution (cycle) of the coil.
Notice that the direction of the induced current is reversed whenever
the coil passes the vertical position. The induced current reaches its
Fig 10.11: The coil is rotated from the maximum value whenever the coil rotates through the horizontal
vertical position towards the horizontal position. This graph represents an alternating current (the magnitude
position. and the direction of the current are changing as the coil is rotated).
Fig 10.12: A graph of induced current in the coil versus the position of coil for one
complete revolution of the coil
Science around us
Wave energy
The Pelamis Wave Energy
Converter shown in Figure 10.14
uses the motion of waves on the
surface of the ocean to create
electricity. The machine is made up
of connections which flex and
Fig 10.14: Pelamis machines off the
bend as waves pass. This motion
coast of Scotland
drives electric generators to
produce electric energy. This
electric energy is fed to the main-land via seabed cables.
Checkpoint 1
State and explain five ways to increase the emf induced in an AC generator.
Checkpoint 2
Figure 10.15 shows the induced current produced by an AC generator over time.
Figure 10.16 shows the orientation of the coil within the magnetic field at different points
in its rotation.
Fig 10.16
a) Refer to the graph in Figure 10.15. Give one time that corresponds to each position: A, B
and C, in Figure 10.16. List the letters and write a corresponding time next to each one.
b) How long does it take for the coil to complete one full revolution?
c) Redraw the graph in Figure 10.15. On this graph draw a new line showing how the
induced current varies with time when the coil is rotated at half its original speed.
d) Explain why the new line differs from the original line.
Exercise 10.1
Fig 10.17
For each of the following positions of the coil, state whether the induced current
in the coil is zero or a maximum, and give its direction. In each case give a
reason for your answer.
cycle ii) __12 cycle
cycle iv) 1 cycle
g) Draw a graph of emf versus position of the coil, starting with the coil in the
horizontal position. Mark the positions of the coil under your graph.
h) Draw the corresponding graph of induced current versus position of the coil.
2. State three ways to increase the emf induced in an electric generator. Explain
why each factor increases the induced emf.
3. State three uses of AC generators in everyday life.
4. Figure 10.18 shows a section of a very simple generator. Generators are used at
electrical power stations to produce the electricity to be distributed across the
national grid.
a) Name the parts labelled X.
b) Give the function of the parts labelled X.
c) Name the law that relates the induced emf to
the rate of change of magnetic flux in the coil.
d) Name the rule that can be used to determine
the direction of the induced current in the coil.
e) The coil is rotated in a clockwise direction.
What is the direction of the induced current in
the coil when it is in the position shown in the
diagram? State either ABCD or DCBA.
f) It takes 0,01 ms to rotate the coil through 90˚.
The maximum induced emf is 50 V. Draw a
Fig 10.17
neat sketch graph of induced emf versus time
for 0,04 ms of this generator’s operation, beginning
with the position given in the diagram at time = 0.
5. Discuss, in point form, the impacts of the use of household generators in South
Africa. Your answer must contain both advantages and disadvantages of the use
of generators, as well as mentioning social, economic and environmental issues
related to their use.
Fig 10.19
The commutator
If the coil is rotated clockwise, as shown in Figure 10.20, the direction of the induced
current in the coil is zyxw (according to Fleming’s right hand dynamo rule).
Fig 10.20: The direction of the current in the external circuit is from A to B
The direction of the induced current in the coil is zyxw. The direction of the current is
from A to B in the external circuit.
When the coil passes the vertical position, there is no induced current in the coil.
The other half of the commutator is about to make contact with carbon brush A,
shown in Figure 10.21.
In Figure 10.22, the coil now moves past the vertical position and, as explained earlier, the
induced current reverses its direction in the coil (wxyz).
The induced current has reversed its direction in the coil (wxyz). However, the direction
of the current is towards the yellow half of the commutator which makes contact with
carbon brush A.
The direction of the current in the external circuit is still from
A to B. The function of the commutator in a DC generator is to ensure that the direction of
the current in the external circuit remains the same. This is known as direct current.
Fig 10.22: The direction of the current in the external circuit is still from A to B
Uses of a DC generator
Uses of DC generators include:
• bicycle dynamos, used to power the bicycle’s lights
(Figure 10.24a).
• t orches, such as the one in Figure 10.24b) use a DC
generator to produce light by winding or shaking the
torch on a regular basis.
• battery chargers.
a) A bicycle light b) A dynamo torch
Fig 10.24: Uses of DC generators
Summary of AC and DC generators
The following table summarizes AC and DC generators:
Table 10A
Induced Current in
Type of Important
current in the external
generator component
the coil circuit
Alternating Alternating
AC generator Slip-rings
current current
DC generator Commutator Direct current
Exercise 10.2
370 • Electrodymanics
Knowledge area: Electricity and magnetism
Checkpoint 3
Use Fleming’s left hand motor rule to find the direction of the force acting on each
current-carrying conductor below.
a) b)
c) d)
A DC motor
Figure 10.29 shows a simple DC motor. A coil is placed in a uniform magnetic field. The
ends of the coil are connected to a commutator. . Carbon brushes make contact with the
commutator. A DC source is connected to the carbon brushes.
The direction of conventional current in the coil is from w to z (wxyz) in Figure 10.29.
Fig 10.31: There is no current in the coil whenever the coil is in the
vertical position
An electric motor converts electrical energy (DC source) to mechanical energy (its spins
on its axis). It has the opposite function to a generator, which converts mechanical energy
to electrical energy.
The momentum of the rotating coil takes it past the vertical position as shown in
Figure 10.32. You should take note that the current in the coil has reversed its direction.
The direction of the current is now zyxw.
Fig 10.32: The direction of the current in the coil has reversed after passing through the vertical position
An AC motor
An AC motor is driven by an alternating current.
An AC source provides an alternating current in
the coil as shown in Figure 10.35.
In an AC motor, as in the DC motor, a current is
passed through the coil, generating a torque on
the coil. The current in the coil must reverse its
direction when the coil passes through the vertical
position. Alternating current changes direction
periodically. The coil will therefore rotate in the
same direction and its speed of rotation will
depend on the frequency of the alternating
current. The frequency of the alternating current
refers to how many times it changes direction per
Since the current in the coil is alternating, the Fig 10.35: The parts of an AC motor
motor will run smoothly in the same direction.
The AC motor uses two slip rings. The two slip rings rotate with the coil.
Science around us
Uses of an electric motor
Electric motors are used in devices such as food mixers, electric drills and electric
screwdrivers, vacuum cleaners, fans, toys, the starter motor in cars, CD players,
computers, hairdryers, washing machines and dryers.
Electric cars
The GreenGT (Figure 10.36) was
designed by students and is one
of the most powerful electric cars
ever built. The car is powered by
two 30 kW lithium ion batteries
charged by photovoltaic solar
panels. The car’s twin 100 kW
water-cooled electric motors
allow it to reach a maximum
speed of 274 km.h–1.
Fig 10.36: The GreenGT electric car
Electric ships
The 150 000 ton Queen Mary 2 is
driven by four 250 ton Rolls
Royce electric motors and is the
world’s largest electric ship
(Figure 10.37). Electric power is
generated by four on board diesel
generators and two gas turbines,
which together generate a power
plant capacity of 118 MW.
Fig 10.37: The Queen Mary 2, the world’s
largest electric ship
Exercise 10.3
1. Use Fleming’s left hand motor rule to find the direction of the force acting on
each current-carrying conductor in Figure 10.39:
a) b)
c) d)
Fig 10.39
Fig 10.40a
a) Which of the diagrams in Figure 10.40b gives the best representation of the
magnetic field pattern in the region between the poles of the magnet?
Fig 10.40b
b) In which direction does the current carrying wire experience a force?
c) Explain why the current carrying wire experiences a force in the direction
given in b). Consider the resultant magnetic field.
3. State the energy conversions that take place in an electric motor.
4. How does a DC motor differ from a DC generator?
5. Draw a simple DC motor and label its parts.
c) What two dangerous safety issues do you think would arise from a current
of this magnitude?
This electric motor is used to raise an 18 000 kg object through a vertical height of
8 m in 90 seconds.
d) Calculate the gain in gravitational potential energy of the object.
e) What power does the motor expend in lifting this object?
f) The motor’s stated power rating is 20 kW. Suggest why this may be
different to the power you calculated in e).
9. A large horseshoe magnet produces a
uniform magnetic field (B) between its poles.
Outside the region of the poles, the magnetic
field density is zero. The magnet is placed on
a top-pan balance and a stiff wire XY is
situated between its poles, as shown in the
Figure 10.43. The wire is fixed in place and it
not allowed to move.
The wire XY is horizontal and perpendicular
to the magnetic field. A direct current is
passed through the wire in the direction from
X to Y. The reading on the top-pan balance
Fig 10.43 a) Is P a north or a south pole? Explain
your answer.
A learner decided to investigate the relationship between the increase in mass and
the magnitude of the current in the wire. She collected the following data:
Fig 10.45: Graph of AC voltage versus time Fig 10.46: Graph of alternating current (AC) versus time
When you connect an appliance to the mains electricity supply at home, the appliance is
supplied with alternating current via two wires, the live wire and the neutral wire. The
current in the appliance reverses direction periodically. This means that the moving
electrons keep switching direction periodically in the circuit.
The electricity supplied to our homes in South Africa has a peak output voltage of
approximately 311 V. This means that the output voltage from the live wire alternates
repeatedly between a positive maximum value (+311 V) and a negative maximum value
(– 311 V). This changing voltage produces an alternating current. The frequency of the
alternating current is 50 Hz. This means that the direction of the current changes 50 times
every second.
380 • Electrodymanics
Knowledge area: Electricity and magnetism
= _____
Vrms max
Irms = ____
= Vrms
Worked example:
The South African mains supply is 220 V AC. Calculate the peak voltage (Vmax) of the
mains supply.
‘220 V AC’ is the rms voltage. The peak voltage is therefore found using:
Vrms = _____
V __
220 = _____
max__ Vmax = √2 .(220) = 311,13 V
Checkpoint 5
a) A voltage supply is stated as 6 V AC. Calculate the peak voltage output of this
b) If the peak AC voltage from a generator is 15 V, calculate the rms voltage.
c) A certain AC generator (alternator) produces a peak current (Imax) of 6,2 A when
connected to an electric heater. Calculate the rms current (Irms) produced by the
The average power delivered by an AC source can also be expressed in terms of the peak
voltage (Vmax) and peak current (Imax):
Average power: Pav = Vrms
V Imax
= _____
Pav m__ax . ____
2 √
√ 2
Vmax I max
Pav= _________
12 VmaxImax
Average power: Pav = __ (Shown in Figure 10.47)
The average power dissipated in a resistor (R) in an AC circuit can also be calculated
Pav = I rmsR
Pav = _____
Worked example:
A certain AC generator (alternator) produces a peak current (Imax) of 6,43 A when
connected to an electric heater of resistance 48,4 Ω.
a) Calculate the rms current (Irms) produced by the generator.
b) Calculate the peak voltage (Vmax) output of the generator.
c) Calculate the average power (Pav
) delivered to the electric heater.
Irms max
= _____ __
= ____
Irms __ = 4,55 A
Checkpoint 6
In Figure 10.48, the AC source
delivers alternating voltage at
audio frequency to the speaker.
Assume that only resistance
influences the performance of
the speaker.
a) Calculate the peak voltage Fig 10.48
that the source can deliver.
b) Calculate the rms current in this circuit.
c) Calculate the average power delivered to the speaker.
d) Draw a graph of AC voltage versus time. Label the peak AC voltage.
Exercise 10.4
Fig 10.51
Uses of transformers
Many household devices use step-
down transformers which also
convert AC to DC (Figure 10.53).
Examples of devices which need
such transformers include printers,
scanners, speakers, cordless
phones, cell phones, cameras and
cordless screwdrivers.
1. Why is AC used for the transmission of electrical power rather than DC?
2. Carefully explain how a step-up transformer works. You will need to do some
3. To meet energy demands in the country, the government plans to build nuclear
power stations. State one environmental advantage of the generation of
electricity by nuclear power stations rather than coal-fired power stations.
4. A step-down transformer in an electrical substation provides a factory with
380 V, 60 A, AC. The transmission wires to and from the factory shown in
Figure 10.54 each have a resistance of 2 Ω.
Fig 10.54
Extend yourself
1. A bar magnet was dropped through the centre of a solenoid connected to a data
logger, as shown in Figure 10.55a). The graph in Figure 10.55b shows that the
induced emf in the solenoid varies with time during which the bar magnet falls
through the solenoid.
e) On the same graph, sketch a second line to show how the induced emf
varies with time if the coil is rotated at half the original speed. (3)
f) Explain how an emf is induced in the coil. (3)
6. Figure 10.60 shows a simplified sketch of a generator.
a) Is the output voltage AC or DC?
Give a reason for your answer. (2)
The peak output of ESKOM voltage in
household plugs is 310 V.
b) State the position of the coil when a
peak voltage is produced in the coil. (1)
c) Calculate the rms voltage produced
in the coil. (2)
In South Africa, the major source of
electricity is coal-driven generators. Recently
society has become concerned about fossil
Fig 10.60 fuels (like coal) as the primary source of
electrical energy.
d) What is the cause of this concern about burning too many fossil fuels? (3)
e) If you were Minister of Energy Affairs, what two types of energy sources
would you promote in order to address this concern? Give reasons for your
7. An AC generator produces 25 A (rms) at 3 600 V. The energy is transmitted
through a long distance power line which has a total resistance of 100 ohms.
What percentage of the power delivered by the generator is dissipated as heat
in the long distance line if a step-up transformer is not used? (4)
8. What is the resistance of a light bulb that uses an average power of 75 W
when connected to an AC source with a peak voltage of 170 V? (3)
9. A 220 V AC source is connected to two load resistors and an electric motor, as
shown in Figure 10.61. The resistance of each component is shown.
a) Calculate the rms current in each
branch of the circuit. (4)
b) Calculate the peak voltage
supplied by the AC source. (3)
c) Calculate the average power
delivered to the circuit.
Fig 10.61
alternating current (AC) moving charges which keep switching direction repeatedly in the circuit.
The magnitude of the alternating current also changes repeatedly
AC voltage voltage that alternates repeatedly between a positive maximum value and a negative
maximum value
commutator a device which ensures that the direction of the current in a coil is reversed every half
revolution (180° of revolution)
conventional current the rate of flow of positive charge from the positive terminal to the negative
terminal of the cell
current the rate of flow of charge. The symbol for current is I and its unit is the Ampere (A)
direct current (DC) electrons flow in one direction in the circuit
DC voltage: A voltage which produces direct current
Electromagnetic induction occurs when a current is induced in a closed conducting loop when
there is a change in the magnetic flux passing through the surface area of the conducting loop
emf a source of energy which causes charge to flow in an electrical circuit. It is the electrical
energy supplied per unit charge delivered to the circuit. The symbol is ε and the unit is the
volt (V).
frequency the number of complete cycles per second. Unit = hertz (Hz).
Faraday’s Law states that the magnitude of the emf induced in a coil is proportional to the rate of
change of magnetic flux:
ε = – N ___
Fleming’s left hand motor rule place you thumb, first finger and second finger mutually at right
angles to each other. The first finger must point in the direction of the magnetic field (B)
(from north to south). The second finger must point in the direction of conventional current (I)
(from + to –). The thumb will then point in the direction of the force (F).
In Grades 10 and 11 you learnt about the properties of waves. You also learnt that
light exhibits these properties, and so is considered to be a wave. In this topic we
study phenomena, which during the last century have completely revolutionised
physics. A number of experiments around the 1900s showed that light also behaves
like a stream of particles. The photoelectric effect, the phenomenon that
demonstrated that light has a particle nature, was first explained by Einstein in 1905
for which he received the 1921 Nobel Prize.
Later atomic emission and absorption spectra were discovered and analysed to
provide evidence of the existence of electron energy levels within atoms. Today
astronomers analyse the light from distant stars using telescopes to further
understand the evolution of the universe. The Southern African Large Telescope
(situated in the Karoo in South Africa) is one such telescope which is used to analyse
the light from distant galaxies.
Transverse waves
Frequency (f) of a wave is defined as the number of complete waves that pass a point per
second. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).
Wavelength (λ) is defined as the distance between two consecutive points on a wave that
are in phase. Wavelength is measured in metres (m).
Wave speed (v) is defined as the product of the frequency (f) and wavelength (λ) of a wave.
The wave equation: v = f λ
Electromagnetic spectrum
In Grade 10 you learnt about the different types of electromagnetic radiation, shown
in Figure 11.1.
Radio waves have the longest wavelength and the lowest frequency.
Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.
All electromagnetic waves travel at a speed of 3 × 108 m.s–1 through a vacuum.
(c = 3 × 108 m.s–1)
Diffraction and interference
In Grade 11 you learnt that light can be
diffracted, as shown in Figure 11.2.
Diffraction is defined as the ability of a
wave to spread out as it passes through
a small aperture (hole) or around a
sharp edge.
i) lowest frequency
b) Write down the wave equation and explain the meaning of each term.
Some of the electrons in a metal are free to move around in it. We call these electrons,
delocalised electrons. They are the electrons that are found in the outermost energy
levels of the metal atoms. It is these free electrons that move within the metal when an
emf is applied across the ends of a metal wire. This gives rise to an electric current in the
metal wire.
Suppose you wanted to remove some of the free electrons from the surface of a metal.
The electrons are negatively charged and are held in the metal by the electrostatic force of
attraction of the positively charged nuclei of the atoms. Figure 11.4 shows the free
electrons amongst the positive ions within a metal.
If an electron is to escape from the surface
of a metal, the electron must be given
enough energy to escape. When this energy
is provided in the form of light energy, the
phenomenon is called photoelectric
emission. Photoelectric emission is the
release of electrons from the surface of a
metal when electromagnetic radiation is
incident (shone) onto its surface.
Fig 11.4: Free electrons are held within the metal by the electrostatic
The gold-leaf force of attraction of the positively charged nuclei
Before we can demonstrate the photoelectric effect,
we must remind ourselves of how a gold-leaf
electroscope works. A gold-leaf electroscope is a
device that is used to detect charge. Figure 11.5 shows
the parts of a gold-leaf electroscope.
When the leaf of the electroscope hangs vertically, the electroscope is neutral. In other
words it does not carry an overall charge since there are equal numbers of protons and
electrons distributed throughout the metal parts of the electroscope. Figure 11.6 shows a
neutral electroscope.
If electrons are allowed to move on to the electroscope, the electroscope now carries
excess electrons throughout its metal parts. A gold-leaf electroscope now carries an
overall negative charge.
Figure 11.7 shows a negatively charged electroscope in which the gold leaf is repelled from
the metal rod. Like charges on the metal rod and the leaf repel causing the leaf to rise.
A negatively charged gold-leaf electroscope can be used to demonstrate the photoelectric effect.
Why can UV radiation eject electrons from zinc plate but visible light cannot? What is the
difference between the two types of radiation?
Ultra-violet radiation has a higher frequency (f) than visible light. This suggests that
electromagnetic radiation only causes photoelectric emission if it has a frequency higher
than a certain value. This frequency is known as the cut-off frequency.
Cut-off frequency (fo) (threshold frequency) is defined as the a minimum frequency of
radiation at which electrons will be ejected from the surface of a metal. The cut-off
frequency of a metal is also referred to as the threshold frequency. The cut-off frequency
depends on the type of metal used. Figure 11.10 shows parts of the electromagnetic
spectrum in which the cut-off frequency (fo) of three different metals is shown.
Fig 11.10: Part of the electromagnetic spectrum showing the position of the cut-off
frequencies of three different metals
Notice how the cut-off frequency of zinc lies outside the range of frequencies of visible
light. This confirms that none of the frequencies of visible light will eject electrons from
the surface of zinc. Even if we increase the intensity of the visible light, electrons are not
ejected from the surface of zinc.
The electrodes in the vacuum tube are two metal plates. One electrode consists of a metal
(the cathode) that will emit electrons when exposed to light. The other electrode (the
anode) is given a positive electric charge compared to the cathode. When light shines on
the cathode, electrons are emitted from the cathode and then attracted to the anode.
Electrons move in the vacuum tube from cathode to anode. The microammeter measures
a very small electric current.
Fig 11.12: Light waves are diffracted Fig 11.13: Light waves form
(spread out) when passed through a interference fringes when they pass
diffraction grating through apertures (slits)
Practical demonstration
Fig 11.14
4. Place a red filter in front of the mercury discharge lamp and shine red light onto
the cathode (emitting electrode) as shown in Figure 11.15.
Electromagnetic radiation consists of
a stream of energy packets called
photons. A photon is the name given
to a quantum of energy when the
energy is in the form of
electromagnetic radiation.
Figure 11.16 shows a beam of
electromagnetic radiation (light)
directed at the surface of a metal.
Worked example:
Fig 11.17: A representation
Calculate the energy of a photon of red light. The of a photon
wavelength of the red light is 680 nm.
Firstly, convert nm to m: 1 nm = 10–9 m
The wavelength (λ) of the red light is: λ = 680 nm = 680 × 10–9 m
Checkpoint 1
a) Calculate the energy of a photon of
i) infrared light of frequency 2 × 1013 Hz
ii) visible light of wavelength 600 nm
iii) ultraviolet light of frequency 1,6 ×1016 Hz.
b) Which of these three forms of electromagnetic radiation in (a) consists of photons
with the greatest energy?
c) i) Calculate the energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation of frequency
7,0 × 1014 Hz.
ii) Calculate the wavelength of this light.
Checkpoint 2
a) What is meant by the work function of a metal?
b) Calculate the work function of potassium which has a cut-off frequency of 5,6 × 1014 Hz.
c) Suppose light of a longer wavelength was shone on to potassium.
Would photoelectric emission take place? Explain your answer.
You will notice that the calculated values for the work functions of metals are very small
numbers. Scientists use another unit for energy, namely the electron volt (eV) to represent
the work function of a metal. 1 eV = 1,6 × 10–19 J
Worked example:
a) The work function of zinc was calculated as is 6,9 × 10–19 J.
Convert this to an energy value in eV.
6,9 × 10–19 J
W = __________
= 4,3 eV
° 1,6 × 10–19 J
b) The work function for sodium is 2,28 eV. Convert this to an energy value in joules (J).
–19 –19
W = 2,28 eV × (1,6 × 10 ) = 3,6 × 10 J
Checkpoint 3
The work function of gold is 5,1 eV. Calculate the cut-off frequency for the emission of
photoelectrons from the surface of gold.
If a photon interacts with an electron below the surface of the metal, some energy will be
used to take the electron to the surface. This electron will be ejected with less than the
maximum kinetic energy. It follows then that electrons will be ejected with a range of
kinetic energies, but only electrons on the surface will be ejected with maximum kinetic
energy (KEmax).
If the frequency of the incident radiation is equal to the cut-off frequency (f ) then the
energy of the photon (E) is equal to the work function (W ) for the metal and the electron
will be set free from the surface of the metal with zero kinetic energy (it will be lifted off
the surface of the metal).
E = W + KEmax
E=W +0
Topic 11: Optical phenomena and properties of materials • 407
Worked example:
The work function of platinum is 9,0 × 10–19 J.
a) Calculate the cut-off frequency for the emission of photoelectrons from platinum,
b) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron when radiation of
frequency 2,0 × 1015 Hz is incident on a platinum surface.
a) W = hf
° °
9,0 × 10−19
f = ___° = __________ = 1,4 × 1015Hz
° h 6,63 × 10−34
b) Calculate the energy of a photon of this radiation: E = hf
E = (6,63 × 10−34
)(2 × 1015)
E = 1,3 × 10−18
Use the photoelectric equation: E = W + KEmax
KEmax = E – W
KEmax= 1,3 × 10−18
− 9,0 × 10−19
KEmax = 4,0 × 10−19
Checkpoint 4
a) The work function of silver is 7,5 × 10–19 J. Show that the cut-off frequency for silver is
about 1,1 × 1015 Hz.
b) Electromagnetic radiation of frequency 3,0 × 1015 Hz is incident on the surface of
sodium metal. The emitted photoelectrons have a maximum kinetic energy of
1,6 × 10–18 J. Calculate the cut-off frequency for photoelectric emission from sodium.
Fig 11.20: Low intensity light Fig 11.21: High intensity light means
means fewer electrons are ejected many more electrons are ejected per
per second second
Figure 11.21 shows high intensity radiation, in which many more photons are arriving at
the surface of the metal per second. This results in more electrons being ejected per
second. If the frequency of the incident radiation is below the cut-off frequency of the
metal, then increasing the intensity of the radiation will not cause electrons to be ejected.
Science around us
The photocell
When light shines on the cathode of a
photocell, electrons are emitted and then
attracted to the anode. The current can be used
to turn a motor, open a door, or ring a bell in
an alarm system. The system can be made to
respond to light, as described above, or it can
be sensitive to the removal of light.
Photocells are commonly used in factories. Fig 11.22: Photocells are used as
Items on a conveyer belt pass between a beam motion sensors to detect changes
of light and a photocell. As each item passes in light intensity
the beam, it blocks the light, the current
produced by the photocell stops, and a counter is turned on. The exact number of
items leaving a factory can be counted. Photocells are installed on light poles to turn
street lights on and off at dusk and dawn (Figure 11.22). In addition, photocells are
used as exposure meters in cameras. They measure the exact amount of light entering a
camera, allowing a photographer to adjust the camera lens to the correct setting.
Fig 11.23: Circuit used to measure the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
Practical demonstration
Aim: To use a photocell to demonstrate the stopping voltage required for various
frequencies of light.
You will need:
• Mercury discharge lamp
• Power supply for mercury discharge lamp
• Photosensitive vacuum tube (photocell)
• Blue light filter
• Variable DC power supply
• Sensitive ammeter
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure
11.24. The photocell is used in
reverse. Ensure that the negative
terminal of the variable DC power
supply is connected to anode
(collecting terminal) of the
photocell. The oscilloscope is used
as a voltmeter and connected in
parallel with the variable DC power
2. Set the variable DC voltage to zero.
3. Place the blue light filter in front of
the mercury discharge lamp and
shine the blue light onto the
Fig 11.24: Circuit used to find the stopping voltage photocell.
4. Gradually increase the variable DC voltage until the ammeter reading drops
to zero.
5. Adjust the oscilloscope to measure the stopping voltage. Record this stopping
6. Remove the blue filter and shine the UV light onto the photocell. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
7. Move the UV lamp closer to the photocell to increase the intensity of the UV
light incident on the emitting electrode. Repeat steps 4 and 5. Record this
stopping voltage.
1. Explain why the photocell is used in reverse.
2. Explain what is meant by a stopping voltage.
3. Which type of electromagnetic radiation (blue light or UV light) produced the
greater stopping voltage? Explain your answer.
4. In step 7 you increased the intensity of the UV light. How did this affect the
stopping voltage? Explain your answer.
1. Write down the equation that is used to calculate the energy of a photon of
electromagnetic radiation. Write down the meaning of each term in the equation
and its SI unit of measurement.
2. Calculate the energy of a photon of
red light with a wavelength of
7,5 × 10–7m.
3. Two zinc plates are placed on top
of negatively charged gold-leaf
electroscopes, as shown in
Figure 11.27. High intensity green
light is shone onto the zinc plate in
experiment (i) and low intensity
ultra-violet radiation is shone on
to the zinc plate in experiment (ii).
The leaf of the electroscope
collapses in experiment (ii) while
nothing happened to the
electroscope in experiment (i).
Fig 11.27
c) Extrapolate the graph back to cut the x-axis. What is the value of the
frequency when the graph intercepts the x-axis?
d) What is the minimum frequency of the radiation that would just be able to
lift an electron from the surface of sodium metal with zero kinetic energy?
e) What name is given to this frequency?
f) Use your graph to calculate the work function of sodium metal.
In a new experiment electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 9,8 × 1014 Hz
is shone onto a piece of sodium metal and the intensity of the radiation is
gradually increased.
g) How will increasing the intensity of the radiation effect:
i) The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted from the
sodium metal? Explain your answer.
ii) The number of photoelectrons emitted from the sodium metal? Explain
your answer.
9. In 1905 Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize for his explanation of the
photoelectric effect. He was able to explain the unexpected result whereby the
frequency of light, rather than its intensity, is the key determining factor in
photoelectric experiments.
a) State the main impact that the photoelectric effect had on scientific
knowledge and beliefs.
A solar calculator uses the photoelectric effect in order to produce an electric
current. The metal used in the solar cells of a particular calculator has a work
function of 3,97 × 10–19 J.
b) Calculate the wavelength of the light that will be just sufficient to make this
calculator work.
c) Explain what will happen if light of a longer wavelength than calculated in
b) is used.
10. A learner carries a photoelectric effect experiment using a photocell. The work
function of the metal of the photocell is 3,68 × 10–19 J.
a) Explain how a photocell works.
b) Explain what is meant by the work function of a metal.
c) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted when
the metal is illuminated with light of frequency 6,38 × 1014 Hz.
The intensity of the light is increased. Describe the effect that this would
have on:
d) The kinetic energy of the electrons
e) The number of photoelectrons emitted.
Fig 11.29: Dispersion of white light as it Fig 11.30: The continuous spectrum of visible light. The range of
passes through a prism wavelengths for each colour are shown in nm. (1 nm = 10-9m)
The continuous spectrum of white light shows all the colours (and wavelengths).The
colours and wavelengths range from violet (about 400 nm) to red (about 700 nm). Since
this spectrum has been produced by the emission of light from the tungsten filament, it is
referred to as an emission spectrum.
The continuous emission spectrum shows all the possible wavelengths of light in the
visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Fig 11.34: Light from a hydrogen gas discharge tube passes through a prism,
producing a spectrum of distinct lines
If we compare the line emission spectra of hydrogen and helium, we notice that each
element emits different wavelengths of light. In fact every single element emits its own
unique line emission spectrum.
Normally electrons occupy the lowest energy levels available. Under these conditions the
atom is said to be in the ground state. Figure 11.36 also represents a hydrogen atom in
which its single electron is in the lowest energy level. Remember, electrons in an atom can
only have certain specific energies. If this electron absorbs energy from a photon of light,
it may be promoted to a higher energy level. This is shown in Figure 11.37a).
a) An electron has absorbed b) An electron has jumped to a c) Electron makes a transition to a
energy higher energy level lower energy level and emits a
Fig 11.37 photon of light
The energy absorbed by the electron is exactly equal to the difference in energy between
the two energy levels. Under these conditions, the hydrogen atom is said to be in the
excited state. This is shown in Figure 11.37b). An excited atom is unstable. After a short
while, the excited electron will fall to a lower energy level. In order to do this, the electron
must lose energy. It does this by emitting a photon of light. Figure 11.37c) shows an
electron making a transition to a lower energy level and emitting a photon of violet light.
The movement of an electron between energy levels is known as an electron transition.
The electron transition between energy levels 6 and 2 results in the emission of a photon
of violet light. This explains why there is a violet line in the line emission spectrum of
hydrogen (Figure 11.35a).
b) The corresponding wavelength (λ) of the light that is emitted is found using:
E = ___ hc
(6,63 × 10−34
)(3 × 108)
hc =
λ = ___ ___________________
E 4,8 × 10−19
= 410 × 10– 9 = 410 nm
c) A wavelength of 410 nm corresponds to the violet line in the line emission spectrum
of hydrogen as shown in Figure 11.35a.
Checkpoint 5
1. The atomic line emission spectra for lithium (Li) and calcium (Ca) are shown in
Figure 11.39.
a) lithium (Li)
b) calcium (Ca)
Fig 11.39: Atomic line emission spectra
a) Calculate the frequency of the red spectral line which has a wavelength of
668 nm.
b) Calculate the energy of the photon of red light which corresponds to this
c) These spectral lines are produced by the transition of electrons from higher
energy levels to lower energy levels within the helium atoms. Which of
these three labelled spectral lines represents the greatest energy change of
an electron within a helium atom? Explain your answer.
4. Refer to Figure 11.36, which shows the possible energy levels that an electron
can occupy within the hydrogen atom.
a) Calculate the energy change for the n = 2 to n = 1 electron transition in a
hydrogen atom.
b) Calculate the wavelength of light that a hydrogen atom would emit if an
electron transition occurred from n = 2 to n = 1.
c) Why can we not see the light emitted by hydrogen atoms when the
electrons move from any upper energy level to the n = 1 energy level?
Fig 11.42: White light is passed through hydrogen gas at low pressure
Figure 11.43 shows the spectrum of white light that is produced. It is found that certain
wavelengths of light are missing. These missing wavelengths of light are shown as dark lines.
Fig 11.43: Absorption spectrum for hydrogen. Certain wavelengths of light are missing from
visible spectrum
Fig 11.45: Atomic absorption and line emission spectra for hydrogen
You will notice that the wavelengths of light that are absorbed by cold the hydrogen gas
correspond exactly to the wavelengths of light that are emitted by hot hydrogen gas. Line
absorption spectra are produced when specific photons of light are absorbed by electrons,
which then make transitions to higher energy levels within the atom. Figure 11.46 shows
the absorption and line emission spectra for helium.
The wavelengths missing in an absorption spectrum are those present in the line emission
spectrum of the same element.
Fig 11.46: A comparison between the absorption and line emission spectra for helium
Checkpoint 6
Consider the different spectra for neon (Ne) shown in Figure 11.47:
Fig 11.47
a) Which diagram shows the absorption spectrum for neon? Explain your choice.
b) Explain, in terms of the movement of electrons, how an absorption spectrum is
c) Which of the above spectra would you observe from a neon gas discharge tube with
a high voltage applied across its terminals? Explain your choice.
d) Explain why the missing wavelengths of light in the absorption spectrum of neon
correlate exactly with the wavelengths emitted in the line emission spectrum.
e) Why are these types of spectra significant? What do they provide evidence of?
Exercise 11.3
Fig 11.49
a) How does the light that astronomers see from distant stars and galaxies tell
them that the same atoms with the same properties exist throughout the
b) Which element is not found in the star which produced the “unknown
spectrum”? How can you tell?
c) Why are spectral lines often referred to as “element finger prints”?
Science around us
Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
The SKA (Figure 11.50) will be the
world’s largest radio telescope when
complete. The Southern African
portion of SKA (70 % of the Fig 11.50: The Square Kilometre Array
instrument) will be centred in the
Karoo while the remainder will be built in Australia. The SKA will investigate
galaxy evolution, cosmology and dark energy.
Extend yourself
1. The apparatus shown in Figure 1l.51 was used to investigate the photoelectric
effect. The apparatus allows for the investigation of
several variables. The frequency and intensity of the
incident radiation can be changed; the type of metal
used and the emf supplied across the electrodes can
be adjusted.
a) Early investigators of this effect found that a
zinc plate, when negatively charged, would
lose its charge when exposed to ultraviolet
light, while a positively charged zinc plate
showed no such effect. What could the
investigators conclude from these
A source of bright red light and a source of faint blue
light are shone in turn onto the metal surface for the
Fig 11.51 same length of time. In both cases, electrons are ejected
from the metal surface.
b) The wavelength of blue light is 440 nm. Calculate the energy of a photon
from this source. Convert your answer to a value in eV. (4)
c) Define cut-off frequency. (2)
d) The maximum kinetic energy of the electrons ejected by the faint blue
light is greater than the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons ejected
by the bright red light. With reference to one or more suitable formulae
explain why this happens? (3)
e) The faint blue light is replaced by a bright blue light. What effect will this
have on the number of photoelectrons emitted from the metal surface?
Explain your answer. (3)
2. The photoelectric effect has many practical applications. A photocell, such as the
one in Figure 11.52 was used in burglar alarm systems, is one such application.
Ultraviolet light of wavelength 100 nm is used to illuminate the photocell.
When a person interrupts the ultraviolet beam, the sudden drop in current
activates a switch, which sets off the alarm.
Fig 11.52
The work function of the metal used as a cathode in the photocell is 8,7 × 10–19 J.
b) Calculate the energy of a photon of ultraviolet light. (3)
c) Calculate the maximum velocity of the emitted photoelectrons. (4)
d) Will photoelectrons be emitted from the surface of this metal if it is
irradiated with X-rays? Give a reason for the answer. (2)
3. A light ray, with a wavelength of 200 nm, is directed at a piece of silver. The
beam of light causes the photoelectric effect to be observed in the metal.
a) Explain briefly what is meant by the term photoelectric effect. (3)
b) Calculate the energy of the incident photons of light, in joules. (3)
c) The work function of silver is 6,88 × 10–19 J. Calculate the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons. (3)
d) Calculate the speed of the ejected photoelectrons. (3)
e) Calculate the cut-off frequency of silver. (3)
f) The work function of nickel is 7,2 × 10–19 J. Which of the two metals,
(nickel or silver) will be best to use as a photoelectric material?
Explain your answer. (3)
4. When the visible spectrum emitted by the Sun is observed closely, it is noted
that light of certain wavelengths are missing and in their place are dark lines.
The absorption spectrum from the Sun is shown in Figure 11.53.
a) Explain how the
cool outer gaseous
atmosphere of the
Sun is responsible
for the absence of
these wavelengths
of light. (3)
Fig 11.53
b) Suggest how an
analysis of this spectrum could be used to determine which gases are
present in the Sun’s atmosphere. (3)
Fig 11.54
c) Explain how the line emission spectrum for hydrogen shown in Figure
11.54 is formed. (3)
d) The wavelengths of these four spectral lines correspond exactly to four of
the missing wavelengths in the absorption spectrum of the Sun. What does
this prove? (2)
e) Calculate the energy of a photon of violet light, which corresponds to the
spectral line of wavelength 438 nm. (3)
f) How do you account for the other missing wavelengths of light in the
visible spectrum of the Sun? Which other element is responsible for these
missing wavelengths? (2)
5. Light from a white hot filament of a lamp is focussed on a tube containing
sodium vapour. When the spectrum produced is analysed, two black lines
appear in the yellow part of the spectrum as shown in Figure 11.55.
Fig 11.55
Fig 11.56
continuous emission spectrum shows all the possible wavelengths of light in the visible part of the
electromagnetic spectrum
cut-off frequency (f o) the a minimum frequency of radiation at which electrons will be ejected
from the surface of a metal
diffraction the ability of a wave to spread out in wavefronts as they pass through a small aperture
or around a sharp edge
electron transition the movement of an electron between energy levels
frequency (f ) the number of complete waves that pass a point per second. Frequency is measured
in hertz (Hz)
line emission spectrum shows a number of separate lines of colour in a pattern unique to each
specific element
photoelectric effect the process that occurs when electromagnetic radiation (light) shines on a
metal surface and it ejects electrons from the metal.
photon the name given to a quantum of energy when the energy is in the form of
electromagnetic radiation.
wavelength (λ) the distance between two consecutive points on a wave that are in phase.
Wavelength is measured in metres (m).
wave speed (v) the product of the frequency (f) and wavelength (λ) of a wave.
work function of a metal (Wo) is the minimum energy needed for an electron to escape from the
surface of a metal.
Type of
Continuous spectrum Line emission spectrum Absorption spectrum
Produced by white hot dense Hot gases under low pressure. Produced when white light
Source substances. e.g. the Sun, the e.g. gas discharge tube. passes through a cold gas at
tungsten filament of a lamp. low pressure.
Many transitions between Electrons make transitions Electrons make transitions
Transition of energy levels are possible; from higher energy levels to from lower energy levels to
electrons all wavelengths of light are lower energy levels. higher energy levels.
Photons Photons of all energies are Photons of specific energies Photons of specific energies
emitted/ emitted. are emitted. are absorbed.
Many chemical systems involve reactions in which reduction and oxidation occurs.
The chemistry involving redox reactions helps us to understand such diverse
processes as rusting, the manufacture of chlorine, and the production of electricity
from batteries, as well as enabling us to monitor the progress of chemical reactions
using electrical measurements.
In this topic we will look more closely at electrochemistry - the chemistry that all
these electrochemical processes share.
In Grade 11 you learnt about different types of reactions, one of them being redox
reactions. Redox reactions are reactions in which electron transfer takes place from one
chemical substance to another.
• The chemical substance losing the electrons is the substance being oxidised. Since it
reduces the other chemical substance, we consider it to be the reducing agent.
• The chemical substance gaining the electrons is the substance being reduced. Since it
oxidises the other chemical substance, we consider it to be the oxidising agent.
Xylene 37
Dichloro methane 36
Part 1:
Aim: To investigate the reduction of metal ions.
You will need:
• Four beakers
• Four metal electrodes: Zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), aluminium (Al) and copper (Cu)
• Sandpaper and tissue paper.
• The following four solutions: Zinc(II)sulphate (ZnSO4); lead(II)nitrate
(Pb(NO3)2); copper(II)sulphate (CuSO4); sodium sulphate (Na2SO4)
1. Place the four beakers
containing the
solutions in the same
order as shown in
Figure 12.1.
2. Copy the following Fig 12.1: Various solutions containing metal ions
3. Use the sandpaper to clean the surface of the aluminium (Al) electrode. Dip the
aluminium electrode into the first solution (Na2SO4). Observe if any reaction is
taking place on the surface of the aluminium electrode. Refer to the table you
have drawn. Insert a cross (×) if there was no reaction or a tick (P) if a reaction
did take place.
4. Remove the Al electrode and rinse it with water, dry it with the tissue paper and
clean the surface with sandpaper. Now dip the clean Al electrode into the
second solution (ZnSO4).
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 by cleaning and dipping the Al electrode in the remaining
two solutions.
6. Repeat the investigation with Zn, Pb and Cu electrodes.
If a positive result (P) was recorded, it tells you that the electrode used was
oxidised in the presence of the metal ions. That is, it is a stronger reducing
agent and thus will undergo oxidation. The metal ions therefore must be acting
as oxidising agents, hence will undergo reduction.
1. What metal ions are present in each solution? Write their chemical formulae.
2. Which metal ion has a blue colour?
3. List which metal ions are reduced during these reactions.
4. Which of the metal ions most easily reduced?
5. Which of the metal ions is the most difficult to reduce?
6. Which of the metal ions is thus most reactive and which of the metal ions is the
least reactive?
7. Rank the metal ions from least reactive to most reactive.
Part 2:
Aim: To investigate the reduction of the halogens.
You will need:
• Three test tube racks
• 9 large test tubes
• Solutions of the three halogens, namely chlorine water (Cl2), bromine water
(Br2) and iodine water (I2)
• 0,2–3 solutions of the halides NaCl(aq), NaBr(aq) and NaI(aq).
• Non-polar solvent such as Xylene or dichloromethane
• Three droppers
• Glass stirring rod
1. Place three test tubes in each of three test tube racks. Label the three test tube
racks Cl2, Br2 and I2 respectively.
2. Add approximately 5cm3 of halides NaCl(aq), NaBr(aq) and NaI(aq) into each
respective test tube in each test tube rack.
Fig 12.2: Test tube rack containing halide solutions with dichloromethane
5. Stir the two layers in each test tube gently with the glass stirring rod. Ensure
that you wipe the rod clean with tissue paper before you stir the next test tube.
6 Copy the table. Record any colour observed in the dichloromethane layer
after stirring.
1. Write down the name and formula of each halogen used in this investigation.
2. Write down the name and formula of each halide ion used in this investigation.
3. Consider test tube rack 1.
a) In which test tubes 1, 2 and 3 did a reaction appear to take place? How did
you know this ?
b) Name the chemical substances that are causing the colour.
c) Is Cl2 acting as an oxidising or reducing agent in these reactions? Explain
your answer.
e) Write down the individual redox reactions taking place in each test tube.
Galvanic cells
All galvanic cells, such as the one shown in Figure 12.3 are similar in their design and
consist out of the same basic components. The two electrodes are connected to each other
via the external circuit which in turn is connected to a voltmeter or galvanometer. The
electrode at which oxidation takes place is called the anode and the electrode at which
reduction takes place is called the cathode.
This means that the anode becomes the negative electrode (–) in a galvanic cell as it is the
electrode where electrons are deposited due to the oxidation process while the cathode
becomes the positive electrode (+) as it is the electrode to where the electrons flow.
Current flow in a galvanic cell is always from anode to cathode (negative electrode to
positive electrode).
The two half cells are connected to each other with a device called the salt bridge.
The salt bridge, shown in Figure 12.3 consists of a tube filled with a saturated solution of
either potassium chloride (KCl), sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium nitrate (KNO3) or
sodium sulphate (Na2SO4). These electrolytes are commonly used because they are
generally unreactive towards the chemical substances in the individual beakers. To
prevent the electrolyte in the salt bridge from draining into the individual beakers the
tube ends are fitted with porous plugs such as cotton wool. The full function of the salt
bridge will be discussed in more detail later on in the topic.
It is important to note that galvanic cells use indirect redox reactions because the chemical
contents in each cell do not mix directly.
Checkpoint 1
1. What is a galvanic cell?
2. What energy conversion takes place in a galvanic cell?
3. Give another name for a galvanic cell.
4. Give the definition for:
a) Half-cell
b) Electrode
c) Electrolyte
5. How are the two electrodes in the external circuit of a galvanic cell connected?
6. How are the electrolytes in the internal circuit of a galvanic connected?
7. What is the name given to the half-cell in which oxidation takes place?
8. What is the name given to the half-cell in which reduction takes place?
Electrons always move through the external circuit in a galvanic cell from anode (–) to
cathode (+). At this stage, we will consider the zinc electrode to be the anode and the
copper electrode to be the cathode.
At the anode :
Zn metal in the anode will undergo oxidation according to the following equation:
Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e–
Zn2+ ions are introduced into the electrolyte from the Zn electrode and thus the Zn
electrode decreases in mass. The process is known as corrosion.
At the cathode :
Cu2+ ions in the electrolyte will undergo reduction at the cathode according to the
following equation:
Cu2+(aq) + 2e– → Cu(s)
Cu metal atoms form and coat the Cu electrode. Cu2+ ions are removed from the solution
and thus the Cu electrode increases in mass. This process is known as plating.
In the zinc-copper cell:
• Zinc is a stronger reducing agent than copper and will tend to undergo oxidation
much easier that copper.
• The copper ion (Cu2+) is a stronger oxidising agent than zinc ion (Zn2+) and therefore
the Cu2+ ion will tend to undergo reduction much easier than the Zn2+ ion.
We can conclude that zinc will undergo oxidation whilst copper ions will undergo
reduction. This means that the zinc half-cell contains the anode and the copper half-cell
contains the cathode, thus we can refer to each half cell reaction as the anode and cathode
half cell reaction
Anode half-reaction: Zn(s) → Zn2+(aq) + 2e- (oxidation)
The nett ionic or nett cell reaction can now be written as long as the balance of electrons
being transferred is maintained. In this cell, two electrons are lost as a result of oxidation
and two electrons are gained as a result of reduction. We now have electron balance and
thus the electrons can be cancelled (as seen above) and the nett ionic reaction can now be
written. Also note that the spectator ion (SO 2–
4 ) is not included in the nett ionic reaction as
it plays no part in the electrochemistry of the cell.
You will notice that the half-reactions on the Table of Standard Reduction Potentials
(page 549) contain double arrows which represent the reversibility of the half-reactions.
That is, they can be written to represent either an oxidation or reduction reaction.
If the half-reaction is written from left to right, it represent a reduction reaction. If the
half-reaction is written from right to left, it represents an oxidation reaction.
We must, however, always use single arrows in the redox chemical reactions. This is
because we have stated definite redox processes at each electrode - oxidation at the anode
and reduction at the cathode. It must be remembered that all chemical reactions,
including redox reactions, are by nature reversible reactions and can reach a state of
These redox processes are specific for each electrode, that is – oxidation will always occur
at the anode and reduction will always occur at the cathode. An easy way to remember
this is:
ANOX – ANode = OXidation
REDCAT – REDuction = CAThode
Checkpoint 2
Consider a magnesium – silver galvanic cell with the nett ionic reaction given below
Checkpoint 3
1. What energy conversions take place in an electrolytic cell?
2. What major difference is there in the structure of an electrolytic and galvanic cell?
3. Why does there have to be an energy source to enable an electrolytic cell to work?
The bromide anions (Br–) will be attracted to the positive electrode where they will donate
(lose) electrons and be oxidised to neutral bromine atoms which combine into bromine
molecules according to the following half-reaction:
Oxidation: 2Br– → Br2 + 2e–
The lead cations (Pb2+) will be attracted to the negative electrode where they will accept
(gain) electrons and are reduced to neutral lead atoms. Lead (Pb) is now seen to coat the
negative electrode as it forms. The reaction at the cathode will be as follows:
Reduction: Pb2+ + 2e– → Pb
In this electrolytic cell, the nett ionic reaction will be as follows:
Nett ionic reaction: 2Br– + Pb2+ → Br2 + Pb
The electrons that are deposited at the anode are attracted by the positive terminal of the
cell or battery in the external circuit, where they are pushed to the cathode.
Therefore electrons will, just like with the galvanic cell, travel from anode to cathode in
the external circuit. The flow of electrons in the external circuit and the flow of ions in the
electrolyte thus completes the circuit.
Checkpoint 4
A current supply is connected to two carbon electrodes and immersed in molten
copper(II) chloride.
a) Draw a diagram to show the set up of the electrolytic cell. Show which electrode is
the anode and the cathode.
b) Give an equation for the dissociation of copper(II) chloride upon melting.
c) Give half-reactions and a nett ionic reaction for this electrolytic cell. Indicate the
oxidation and reduction half-reactions.
d) What energy conversion takes place in this cell?
e) What observations would be made at the anode? Explain.
Completing the circuit: electrons that are transferred at the anode half cell due to
oxidation will travel through the external circuit to the cathode half-cell where reduction
takes place. Electrons are unable to pass through the electrolyte making up the half-cells
or the salt bridge. However, the ions present in the electrolyte, including those in the salt
bridge, are free to move through the electrolytic solution. The movement of these ions in
each half cell and through the salt bridge ensure the flow of charge between each half cell
and hence maintaining an electrical circuit.
Ionic neutrality: As the zinc metal undergoes oxidation at the anode, more and more zinc
ions (Zn2+) will be formed and thus dissolve in the electrolyte. This in turn will increase
the number of Zn2+ ions into the electrolyte. As a result, there will be more positive ions
than negative ions in the electrolyte. At the cathode (Figure 12.8), copper ions (Cu2+) in
the solution will be reduced to copper metal (Cu). This in turn will decrease the number
of Cu2+ ions in electrolyte. As a result, there will be more negative ions than positive ions
in the electrolyte.
Fig 12.8: The Zn–Cu galvanic cell showing movement of ions through the salt bridge
We can now see that there will be an imbalance of positive and negative ions in each half
cell. If the excess of positive and negative ions in each respective half cell is not balanced,
the electron flow in the external circuit will stop. The salt bridge now functions to
stabilise and maintain the half cell neutrality by acting as an ionic pump by allowing for
the free flow of cations and anions from, and through, the salt bridge into the respective
half cells to maintain the ionic balance and hence the neutrality. Anions (SO 2–4 ) from the
salt bridge will flow into the anode half cell to increase the numbers of anions present
and thus balance out the number of cations present. Cations (Na+) will flow from the salt
bridge into the cathode half-cell to increase the numbers of cations present and balance
out the numbers of anions present. In other words, the ions in salt bridge maintain half
cell electrical neutrality.
Checkpoint 6
1. Write cell notations to represent the following nett ionic reactions for different
galvanic cells:
a) Mg(s) + Fe2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Fe(s)
b) Ag+(aq) + Al(s) → Al3+(aq) + Ag(s)
c) Ni2+(aq) + Cu (s) → Cu2+(aq) + Ni (s)
Exercise 12.1
d) i) Write out the two half-reactions and use them to obtain a nett ionic
reaction for the electrochemical cell.
ii) Indicate the oxidation and reduction half-reactions.
e) Which electrode will disintegrate if the cell is allowed to deliver current for
a period of time?
f) Fill in the direction of flow of electrons and ions on your diagram.
g) Write the cell notation for this cell.
Science around us
Cells and batteries
Batteries are electrochemical cells that convert chemical energy into electrical
energy and most often play a daily role in our everyday lives. Have you ever
thought about the light that your torch is able to produce, how a car is able to start
in the morning or why you are able to talk on a cell phone? All of these have to do
with energy from tiny batteries that allow your watch to work to the large
batteries that are able to start a car.
What is a battery? A battery is a group of galvanic cells that are connected
together. We find two main types of batteries, namely primary batteries and
secondary batteries.
Investigating electrolysis
Part 1:
Aim: To investigate the electrolysis of water
You will need:
• Water bowl (or beaker)
• Two carbon (graphite) electrodes. (Two iron nails would work just as well.)
• Two test tubes
• Water
• Two conducting wires
• A 9 V battery (or a variable DC power supply)
• Rubber stoppers
Safety first:
1. Half fill the water bowl (or beaker) with water.
2. Take two test tubes labelled A and B and fill them with water as well.
3. Place the two test tubes filled with water into the bowl of water. Invert so that
they remain full of water as shown in Figure 12.12. Ensure that no air is trapped
in the test tubes.
4. Connect a conducting wire to each of the carbon electrodes and slide the
electrodes into the neck of each test tube
5. Secure the test tubes
vertically. Connect the
electrode in test tube A to the
positive terminal of the
battery. The electrode in test
tube B is connected to the
negative terminal of the
Part 2:
Aim: To investigate the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium iodide
You will need:
• Water bowl (or beaker)
• Two carbon (graphite) electrodes. (Two iron nails would work just as well.)
• Two test tubes
• 0,2 sodium iodide solution
• Two conducting wires
• A 9 V battery (or a variable DC power supply)
• Rubber stoppers
Using a solution of sodium iodide instead of water as electrolyte and exactly the
same apparatus, repeat the exact same method steps 1 – 6 in the previous
investigation, then follow the remaining steps below:
7. Using rubber stoppers, seal the test tubes and remove from sodium iodide
solution. Observe both test tubes.
8. Using the test tube that is filled with gas, remove the rubber stopper and place a
burning match at the mouth of the test tube. Observe what happens.
1. What do you observe taking place in each test tube when the current is flowing
through the circuit?
2. At which electrode, anode or cathode, did the gas form?
3. What did you observe when the burning match was placed near the mouth of
the test tube containing the gas.
4. Name the gas that is produced based on your observations.
5. Name the substance that is discolouring the electrolyte in the other test tube.
Electrolysis of water
Refer to the experiment in which the electrolysis of water was investigated. With the
understanding that water can act as both an oxidising and reducing agent, the production
of the two gases – oxygen at the anode and hydrogen at the cathode can be explained by
the oxidation and reduction of water at the respective electrodes.
At the anode:
Oxidation: 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e–
At the cathode:
Reduction: 2H2O + 2e– → H2 + 2OH– (× 2 for chemical balance)
Topic 12: Electrochemical reactions • 451
Nett ionic reaction: 6H2O(l) → 2H2(g) + O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4OH–(aq)
Adjust the H2O on both sides, thus nett cell reaction becomes :
2H2O(l) → 2H2(g) + O2
Checkpoint 7
1. Consider the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of potassium bromide (KBr).
a) Write out the dissociation equation for KBr.
b) Which ions will be attracted to the anode and which ions will be attracted to
the cathode?
c) If the anions present are stronger reducing agents than water, write the
half-reaction that will occur at that electrode.
d) If the cations present are weaker oxidising agents than water, write the half-
reactions that will occur at that electrode.
e) What will you observe happening at each electrode?
f) Write the nett ionic reaction for the reaction.
Science around us
Electroplating is an extremely useful
process. It is widely used in industry for
coating metal objects with a thin layer of a
different metal, especially to restore
metallic objects back to their former glory
as well as to decorate metallic objects
making them more attractive. For example
chromium plating is done on many objects
such as car parts, bath taps, kitchen gas
burners, wheel rims (Figure 12.13) and Fig 12.13: Examples of an object
many others. Electroplating is performed that is chrome electroplated
using an electrolytic cell.
Aim: To determine which galvanic cell has the highest potential difference (cell emf).
Lead nitrate 18
1. What energy conversions take place in each cell?
2. Which cell gave the highest voltmeter reading?
3. What happened to the voltmeter reading when the salt bridge was removed?
4. Give the oxidation, reduction and ionic cell reactions used in the investigation.
Also identify the oxidising and reducing agents in each case.
Fig 12.15: The standard hydrogen electrode Hydrogen gas is pumped into the hydrogen half cell and as the
hydrogen flows over the porous platinum electrode, an equilibrium
reaction is set up between the hydrogen gas molecules and the hydrogen ions in solution.
2H+(aq) + 2e– ⇋ H2(g)
The above equilibrium equation tells us that, the hydrogen gas can be oxidised to
hydrogen ions or the hydrogen ions can be reduced to hydrogen gas.
If, for example, a copper half-cell is now connected to the standard hydrogen electrode,
under standard conditions the reading on the voltmeter is
+0,34 V. This means that the electrode potential for copper
is +0,34 V. The fact that copper’s electrode potential is more
positive than that of hydrogen (0,00V) means that copper is
less likely to give up its electrons than hydrogen and that
oxidation will take place in the hydrogen half-cell and
reduction will take place in the copper half-cell.
The half-cell and nett ionic equation for the hydrogen-
copper cell will be:
Oxidation: H2(g) → 2H+ (aq) + 2e– (anode)
Checkpoint 8
1. Explain what is meant by the phrase
“electrode potential of a substance”?
2. What standard conditions must be
obeyed when setting up a cell to
measure cell potentials?
3. A learner sets up the apparatus in
Figure 12.17 under standard conditions in
order to determine the cell potential of
zinc. The reading on the voltmeter
is –0,76 V.
a) Which substance is the anode?
b) Which substance is the cathode?
Fig 12.17: The standard hydrogen electrode connected to
c) What can you determine from the fact a zinc half cell
that the reading on the voltmeter
is 0,76 V?
performing under standard conditions, the emf can be calculated by using the standard
electrode potentials (Eo values) as explained on page 454 and found on the Table of
Standard Reduction (Electrode) Potentials.
The overall cell emf is calculated by using the following equation:
In symbols:
E o = potential difference of the galvanic cell (V)
E o = the Eo value of the cathode half-reaction (V)
E o = the Eo value of the anode half-reaction (V)
Worked example:
Calculate the potential difference of the zinc-copper cell, if operated under standard
In the zinc-copper cell:
• Oxidation takes place in the zinc half-cell making zinc the anode.
• Reduction takes place in the copper half-cell making copper the cathode.
The electrode potential of zinc is –0,76 V, so E o = − 0,76 V
The electrode potential of copper is +0,35 V, so E o = + 0,34 V
E o = E o − E o
cell cathode anode
E o = (+ 0,34) − (− 0,76)
E o = + 1,10 V
Checkpoint 9
1. Calculate the cell potential difference (emf) for the following galvanic cells:
a) a iron-silver cell
b) a magnesium-copper cell
c) an aluminium-mercury cell.
2 Determine the emf of the following galvanic cells, when operating under standard
a) Ca(s) / Ca2+(aq) || Cu2+(aq) / Cu(s)
b) Mn(s) / Mn2+(aq) || Pb2+(aq) / Pb(s)
c) Fe(s) / Fe2+(aq) || Pt2+(aq) / Pt(s)
No current will flow through the cell as the cell will have a potential difference (Eo.cell)
of 0,00V.
Zn (s) + Cu2+ (aq) ⇋ Zn2+ (aq) + Cu (s)
Checkpoint 10
1. State Le Chatelier’s principle.
2. A zinc-silver cell has a cell potential difference of 1,56V under standard conditions.
The cell is allowed to run for 3 hours and the cell potential drops to 1,45V. Explain,
using Le Chatelier’s principle why this will happen.
3. Explain what will happen to the current flowing through the circuit as a result of
allowing the cell to run for that length of time.
4. After several days, the cell potential reads 0,00V. Explain using Le Chatelier’s
principle why the reading is obtained.
will take place in the copper half cell when connected to a zinc half cell making the
copper electrode the cathode.
NOTE: a single arrow Oxidation: Zn → Zn2+ + 2e- (anode)
replaces the double
arrow as the directions
of the electrochemical Reduction: Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu (cathode)
half-reactions has been
Nett ionic reaction: Zn + Cu2+ → Zn2+ + Cu
Checkpoint 11
1. Consider a silver-magnesium galvanic cell.
a) Predict the oxidation half-reaction for the cell.
b) Predict the reduction half-reaction for the cell.
c) Identify which electrode will be the anode.
d) Identify which electrode will be the cathode.
e) Write down the cell notation for the cell.
2. Calculate the emf of the following cells:
a) Zinc-copper
b) Copper-aluminium
c) Aluminium-lead.
3. Write down the cell notation for the cells in question 2 above.
Electroplating is an application of electrolysis which uses electrical current to deposit a
thin layer of metal onto a metal object to improve the object’s appearance or resistance to
corrosion, within an electrolytic cell.
At the cathode
Reduction will occur where Ag+ ions are attracted to the cathode (the spoon) and
are reduced to Ag metal which now coats the spoon with a thin layer of pure
silver according to the following half reaction: Fig 12.19: Electroplating of a
silver spoon by electrolysis
Reduction: Ag+ (aq) + e– → Ag (s)
At the anode
Oxidation will occur whereby Ag metal atoms that made up the metal electrode will be
oxidised to Ag+ according to the following half reaction :
Oxidation: Ag (s) → Ag+(aq) + e–
Nett ionic reaction: Ag (s) + Ag+ (aq) → Ag (s) + Ag+ (aq)
It is interesting to note as to why the anode must be made of the same metal that is being
electroplated on the object. The answer to that is simply that as Ag+ ions are being
removed from solution through reduction at the cathode, these same Ag+ ions must be
replaced into the electrolyte to keep a high concentration of Ag+ ions in solution.
If this was not happening, then the solution would lose concentration as well as
conductivity and the electroplating process will slow down and eventually cease. This is
known as auto replenishment of ions in the electrolyte.
Checkpoint 12
1. he diagram below represents a cell that can be used to
electroplate a tin medal with a thin layer of silver to
improve its appearance.
Which one of P or the MEDAL is the anode in
this cell?
b) Write down the following:
i) ame and symbol of the element of which
electrode P is composed
ii) N
ame or symbol of the electrolyte that has to be
used to achieve the desired results
c) witch S is now closed. Write down the visible
changes that will occur at the following:
i) Electrode P
Fig 12.20: Electroplating of a tin medal ii) The medal.
by electrolysis
d) W
rite down the half-reactions that occur at both
electrode P and the medal.
e) How will the concentration of the electrolyte change during the electroplating
process? Write down only INCREASES, DECREASES or REMAINS THE SAME.
f) You want to coat the medal with copper instead of silver. State TWO changes
that you will make to the above cell to obtain a medal coated with copper.
Exercise 12.2
Oxidation numbers
You learnt about oxidation numbers in Grade 11. Oxidation numbers, tell us the measure
of electron richness or deficiency that a particular atom has in a chemical compound.
Thus, in an electrochemical reaction, the change in oxidation number can very quickly
and easily tell you what substances have been oxidised or reduced.
Checkpoint 13
Determine the oxidation numbers of the elements underlined in the following compounds:
a) FeO b) SO3 c) NH3 d) H2SO4 e) Cr2O72- f) Fe O3
• Assign oxidation numbers to each atom for both the reactant and product
compounds using the ion-electron technique
• Identify the changes in oxidation number and label each change as either an
oxidation or reduction process
0 +2 -2 +1 -2 +1 0
Na + 2H+ O2– → Na+ O2– H+ + H2(g)
Checkpoint 14
1. Balance the following redox reactions:
a) HgO → Hg + O2
b) K + H2O → KOH + H2
Checkpoint 15
Aluminium is one of the most abundant metals on earth, yet it is expensive – largely
because of the amount of electricity needed to extract it. Aluminium ore is called bauxite.
The bauxite is purified to yield a white powder, aluminium oxide, from which aluminium
can be extracted. Figure 12.24 shows an electrolytic cell used for the extraction of
aluminium at temperatures as high as 1 000 °C.
a) State the energy conversion that takes place in
this cell.
b) At which electrode will aluminium be formed?
Write down the half-reaction for this formation.
c) Carbon dioxide forms at one of the electrodes
during this process. Identify at which electrode
this occurs and explain why this happens.
d) What is cryolite? Explain why cryolite is added to
the aluminium oxide inside the reaction container.
e) Identify TWO negative effects that the extraction
of aluminium will have on the environment.
Fig 12.24: Basic aluminium electrolytic cell
Checkpoint 16
Figure 12.26 is a simplified version of a membrane cell, which is one of the electrolytic
cells used in the chlor-alkali industry. The letters P and Q represent the two gases formed
during this process.
a) Write down the letters P and Q in your answer book. Next to each, write down
the half-reaction that shows how gas P and gas Q are formed.
b) Water (H2O) and sodium ions (Na+) are both present in the cathode compartment
of the membrane cell. Explain why hydrogen gas, and not sodium metal, is
formed in the membrane cell. Refer to the relative strengths of oxidising agents
to explain your answer.
c) State ONE function of the membrane.
d) State TWO uses of chlorine.
Extend yourself
1. A galvanic cell is set up under standard conditions between silver (Ag) and
cobalt (Co) as shown in Figure 12.28.
a) Describe a galvanic cell in terms of the energy transfers that take place
within it. (2)
b) Define oxidation. (1)
c) State the standard conditions that would be used for this cell. (2)
d) Suggest a suitable electrolyte to be used in the silver half-cell. (1)
e) Use your table of standard electrode potentials to give the equation for
i) the reaction occurring at the anode (2)
ii) the reaction occurring at the cathode (2)
iii) the net ionic reaction (2)
f) Give the symbol of the oxidising agent in this cell. (2)
g) State two essential uses of the salt bridge in the galvanic cell (2)
h) Write down the cell notation for the above cell ( include standard
conditions where necessary) (3)
i) Calculate the emf of this cell under standard conditions. (3)
j) What will happen to the emf of this cell as the cell reaction
approaches equilibrium? (1)
k) How will the current produced by the cell be affected if the temperature
of the electrolytes in the half cells is increased? Explain in terms of
reaction rate. (3)
2. A standard voltaic cell is constructed by connecting a copper half-cell and a
chlorine gas half- cell together. In the chlorine gas half-cell, a platinum electrode
is placed into the electrolyte. The diagram of the cell is illustrated in Figure 12.29.
Some relevant equations as written on the Table of Standard Reduction potentials are:
Na+ + e– → Na – 2,71V
2H2O + 2e– → H2 + 2OH– – 0,83V
• No external source of electricity i.e. no • Must have a cell or battery in the external
battery or cell in circuit. circuit to supply electrical energy.
• It consists of two half-cells containing • Consists of two electrodes in the SAME
different electrodes, each of which is in a solution.
solution of its salt.
• There must either be a salt bridge
or some sort of porous membrane
separating the two half-cells to allow for
the passage of ions between cells.
Spontaneous/ A SPONTANEOUS reaction produces A NON-SPONTANEOUS reaction is produced
Non- electrical energy. by electrical energy.
Chemical to Electrical Electrical to Chemical
Polarity of Anode = negative Anode = positive
Electrodes Cathode = positive Cathode = negative
Eocell Eocell = positive Eocell = negative
Uses Batteries • Extraction of aluminium
• Primary – not rechargeable e.g. zinc- • Purification of metals
carbon, lithium, mercury. • Electroplating
• Secondary – rechargeable e.g. lead-acid • Chlor-alkali process
The Galvanic and Electrolytic Cell are similar in the following ways:
• A redox reaction occurs.
• Oxidation takes place at the anode and reduction takes place at the cathode.
• Negative ions move towards the anode and positive ions move towards the cathode.
• Electrons flow through the wire from the anode to the cathode.
• Elements in fertilisers
• The industrial manufacture of fertilisers
• The impact of the use of inorganic fertilisers
Agriculture is a major industry in South Africa. We have many crops which grow
successfully in our country, including maize, sugar cane and oats. It is very
important, if these crops are to be grown successfully, that the conditions of the soil
be correct. That is where the correct usage of fertilisers is very important. We will
investigate fertilisers in more detail in this topic.
In Grade 11, in the topic ‘Exploiting the lithosphere’, you learnt that the lithosphere is a
source of many valuable minerals that have a variety of uses. In this topic, we will
investigate the use of these minerals in the fertiliser industry.
Also in Grade 11, you studied the topic ‘Types of reactions’ where you learnt about acid-
base reactions. An acid-base reaction can result in a change in the pH of the solution.
In Grade 12, you have also studied acids and bases in Topic 8.
If a sample of soil had a pH of 4 and you desired it to have a pH of 7,
Chec would you add an acid or a base to the soil? Explain.
Elements in fertilisers
Phosphorus (P)
Phosphorus is a very reactive non-metal and is not found as a free element in the soil, but
rather in minerals such as phosphates (PO43–). Plants will utilise the phosphorus found in
phosphates to help roots develop. Phosphorus is vital to the growth and health of plants.
It assists in converting the sun’s energy and other chemicals, such as nitrogen, into usable
food for plants. Phosphorus also helps crops ripen. Phosphorus is also essential to the
distribution and storage of energy in the form of sugars and starches. Without sufficient
Checkpoint 1
1. What are the three primary elements that are sourced from minerals in the soil for
healthy plant growth?
2. Why are fertilisers needed?
3. What is the primary source of each of the three elements mentioned in your answer
to question 1?
4. What is each element from question 1 used for in the growth of plants?
5. What is potash? What element is present in potash that is used for plant growth?
6. Why did Germany build so many more fertiliser factories during World War I?
Worked examples:
1. Figure 13.3 shows a fertiliser bag. Calculate the total percentages of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium in the bag.
Add up the total number of ‘parts’ for the three elements combined:
N: 2 parts in every 7 contain nitrogen
P: 3 parts in every 7 contain phosphorus
K: 2 parts in every 7 contain potassium
These 3 elements make up 22% (number in brackets) of the total mass of the
The percentages of N, P and K in the bag can be calculated as follows:
2 × 22 = 6,29%
N: __
Fig 13.3 7
3 × 22 = 9,43%
P: __
2 × 22 = 6,29%
K: __
2. Figure 13.4 shows a fertiliser bag. Calculate the percentages of each nutrient in the
Add up the total number of ‘parts’ for the three elements combined:
N: 3 parts in every 9 contain nitrogen
P: 1 part in every 9 contains phosphorus
K: 5 parts in every 9 contain potassium
These 3 elements make up 26% (number in brackets) of the total mass of
the fertiliser.
Fig 13.4
Checkpoint 2
A fertiliser bag has the following information printed on the front of it:
2:1:3 (35)
Calculate the percentages of each nutrient in the bag.
Exercise 13.1
1. What are the three major elements required for the healthy growth of plants?
What do the plants use each of these elements for? What are natural sources for
each of these elements?
2. A farmer has his soil tested and is told that his soil is lacking in potassium.
She is given the choice of two inorganic fertilisers. The two choices have the
following labels:
• 2:4:1(30)
• 1:2:4(30)
Which fertiliser is most likely to fulfill the soil’s nutrient requirements? Explain.
3. Calculate the total percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the
two bags of fertiliser in question 2.
Checkpoint 3
1. What is fractional distillation?
2. Name four substances that can be separated from air by fractional distillation.
Checkpoint 4
1. What chemical is produced by the Haber process?
2. What reactants are required for the Haber process? How are these reactants obtained?
3. Give two uses of the product of the Haber process.
4. Under what conditions of temperature and pressure is the Haber process performed?
5. What is the catalyst used in the Haber process?
Checkpoint 6
1. What chemical is produced in the Contact process?
2. Give five uses of the product of the Contact process.
3. Under what conditions of temperature is the second step of the Contact process
4. What is the catalyst used in the Contact process?
Superphosphate is a fertiliser produced by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on
powdered phosphate rock, according to the following equation:
Ca3(PO4)2 + 2H2SO4 → CaSO4 + Ca(H2PO4)2
Superphosphates are phosphorous-rich fertilisers that are used to stimulate root growth
in plants. Superphosphate is gradually decomposed in the soil, providing soluble
phosphorus which is absorbed by roots and distributed within the plant.
Triple superphosphates
Phosphoric acid is reacted with ground phosphate rock (3Ca3(PO4)2CaF2), which results
in the production of triple superphosphate. The equation for the reaction is shown below:
3Ca3(PO4)2CaF2 + 4H3PO4 + 9H2O → 9Ca(H2PO4)2 + CaF2
Checkpoint 8
1. What is a superphosphate?
2. Which element are superphosphates rich in?
3. What do plants use superphosphates for?
Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is produced by the acid-base reaction between ammonia,
produced in the Haber process and nitric acid, produced in the Ostwald process. The
equation for the reaction is:
HNO3 + NH3 → NH4NO3
This reaction is violent and very exothermic. The ammonium nitrate produced is used in
the manufacturing of fertilisers and explosives. Since it is used to make explosives, in
many countries its purchase and use is restricted to buyers who have obtained the
proper license.
Urea – (NH2)2CO
Urea was first discovered in urine in 1727 by the Dutch scientist Herman Boerhaave. Urea
is obtained by treating silver isocyanate with ammonium chloride, according to the
following equation:
AgNCO + NH4Cl → (NH2)2CO + AgCl
Urea is a nitrogen-based fertiliser. The advantage of using urea over other commercial
fertilisers is that involves little or no fire or explosion hazards and also releases few
pollutants into the environment.
Checkpoint 9
1. Give two uses of ammonium nitrate.
2. What reactants are required for the production of ammonium sulphate? Where are
these reactants obtained?
3. Give one use of ammonium sulphate.
4. Where is urea found naturally?
5. What two major products are Sasol famous for producing, other than petrol?
Exercise 13.2
Checkpoint 10
1. What is the difference between an organic and an inorganic fertiliser?
2. What impact does the use of inorganic fertilisers have on the environment?
3. How does the use of inorganic fertilisers affect humans?
Fertilisers have to be soluble in water to travel through the soil
and be available to plant roots. If too much fertiliser is applied
or fertiliser is applied just before heavy rains, nitrates and other
soluble nutrients are leached from the soil and enter rivers and
streams in run-off water, leading to eutrophication.
Eutrophication is a process whereby water bodies, such as
lakes, estuaries, or slow-moving streams receive excess
nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth, evident in the
algae formation on the surface of the water. This process uses so
much oxygen from the water that other living organisms, such
as fish, die of suffocation. Eventually there are few, if any, living
organisms left.
Humans are also affected by nutrient-rich run-off. Most of our
Fig 13.15: Eutrophication leads to excessive
drinking water comes from rivers and dams. Drinking water is
algae growth on the water surface
purified before it is distributed to households. Normal
purification processes do not remove nitrate salts. High concentrations of nitrates in
drinking water may reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood and cause ‘blue-baby
leach when a syndrome’ in small babies. Blue-baby syndrome is a condition in which babies in the
soluble chemical
or mineral is
uterus are deprived of oxygen as a result of high concentrations of nitrates in drinking
made to drain water. As a result of this oxygen deprivation, babies can be born with a bluish colour to
away from the the skin. In extreme cases, the child can be born brain damaged.
soil, especially
by rainwater. Fertilisers are not the only cause of eutrophication. Sewerage and detergents containing
phosphates can also provide sufficient nutrients for a population explosion of algae.
The quality of water sources in the country has been on the news a lot in South
Africa. Rivers used to be sources of clean water. Conduct some research as to the
causes of this high pollution of rivers near you. Read up in local newspapers and on
the internet.
Investigate how many people rely on fertilisers for their gardens in your area.
Investigate whether the use of inorganic fertilisers has increased in recent years.
Research whether this can be related to the quality of water in the rivers near where
you live.
Write a report explaining how you conducted the investigstion required by the
reasearch task. Include a conclusion in the report.
Work in groups. Each group chooses one of the following topics to discuss. Prepare
a two minute presentation. Each person in the group must get a chance to speak in
the presentation.
• Discuss advantages of inorganic fertilisers.
• Discuss alternatives to inorganic fertilisers.
• Discuss how the public can help to prevent eutrophication.
You can use pictures or diagrams to assist your presentation.
Checkpoint 11
1. What advantages are there to using organic fertilisers, as opposed to
inorganic fertilisers?
2. What disadvantages are there to using organic fertilisers, as opposed to
inorganic fertilisers?
Exercise 13.3
1. The ammonia produced in the Haber process is used to make ammonium nitrate.
a) Write down the chemical formula of ammonium nitrate. (1)
The ammonium nitrate is used to make fertilisers because it is readily soluble
in water and contains a high percentage of nitrogen.
b) Calculate the percentage of nitrogen by mass in ammonium nitrate. (2)
c) Evaluate the positive and negative environmental impacts of the use of
nitrogen fertiliser. (4)
d) Discuss briefly what can be done to prevent eutrophication. (2)
2. The fertiliser superphosphate is made by treating calcium phosphate from
rock with sulphuric acid. Calcium phosphate rock is found in North Africa
where it is cheap and freely available.
a) Write down the formula for calcium phosphate. (1)
b) Write down the formulae of the products of the reaction. (2)
c) Is calcium phosphate a mineral which is soluble in water? (1)
3. Farmers have been using increasing amounts of inorganic fertiliser
worldwide over the past 30 years.
a) Why do we need to use fertiliser for planting and growing crops? (2)
b) List two possible risks which farmers encounter when using inorganic
c) How should farmers manage these risks? (2)
4. Many waterways in South Africa are threatened by eutrophication.
Analyse some proposals to solve this problem. The key ideas are as follows:
Proposal 1: Ban inorganic fertiliser.
Proposal 2: Triple the cost of inorganic fertiliser by imposing a tax.
a) What is eutrophication? (4)
b) What is the cause of eutrophication? (2)
c) Consider how the banning of inorganic fertiliser would affect farmers’
ability to produce food on a large scale and critically analyse how
effective proposal 1 would be as a solution to the problem of
eutrophication. (4)
d) How might proposal 2 force farmers to reduce the impact of
eutrophication and hence, critically analyse proposal 2 as a solution
to the problem of eutrophication. (4)
eutrophication a process whereby water bodies, such as lakes, estuaries, or slow-moving streams
receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth.
organic fertilisers fertilisers derived from plant remains or animal excretions, such as plant compost
and animal manure.
inorganic fertilisers fertilisers manufactured in chemical processing plants.
potash any of several compounds containing potassium, especially soluble compounds such as
potassium oxide, potassium chloride, and various potassium sulphates, used chiefly in fertilisers.
organic fertilisers are derived plant remains or animal excretions, such as plant compost and
animal manure.
inorganic fertilisers are manufactured in chemical processing plants.
You now need to prepare for your final matric Physical Sciences Grade 12
examination. This topic is about revision of work covered in Grade 11 and 12 that
you will be examined on.
Grade 11 Revision
Newton’s laws
Types of forces
All objects are attracted towards the centre of the Earth. This gravitational force is
known as the weight (W) of an object and its unit is the Newton (N). The weight of an
object is calculated using the following equation: W = mg, where m is the mass of the
object, measured in kilograms (kg) and g is the acceleration due to gravity
(on Earth g = 9,8 m.s–2 towards the earth).
The normal force (N), is the force exerted by a surface on an object in contact with it.
The normal force acts perpendicular to the surface irrespective of whether the plane is
horizontal or inclined.
A frictional force (f ) is defined as the force that opposes the motion of an object and it
acts parallel to the surface the object is in contact with.
Newton’s second law: When a net force, Fnet is applied to an object of mass, m, it
accelerates in the direction of the net force. The acceleration a, is directly proportional
to the net force and inversely proportional to the mass. Fnet = ma
Fnet is the net force applied to the object. Force is measured in Newton’s (N). Force is
a vector quantity, m is the mass of the object, measured in kg, a is the acceleration of
the object and is measured in m.s-2.
Newton’s third law: When object A exerts a force on object B; object B simultaneously
exerts an oppositely directed force of equal magnitude on object A.
Properties of action-reaction pairs of forces:
1. They are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
2. They act on different bodies (they do not cancel each other).
3. They act simultaneously (at the same time).
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation: Every object in the Universe attracts every other
object in the Universe with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their
masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.
In symbols: Where:
Gm m2 F = the gravitational force of attraction, measured in newtons (N)
F = _______
m1 and m2 = the interacting masses, measured in kilograms (kg)
d = the distance between the centers of the masses, measured in
metres (m)
G = 6,67 × 10–11–2 (the Universal Gravitational Constant)
Force diagram: A force diagram is a picture of the object(s) of interest with all the
forces acting on it (them) drawn in as arrows.
Free-body diagram: In a free-body diagram, the object of interest is drawn as a dot
and all the forces acting on it are drawn as arrows pointing away from the dot.
An object is in equilibrium if the net force acting on it is zero. Objects that are in
equilibrium are either at rest or moving at constant velocity in a straight line. An
object is in equilibrium if it satisfies both of the following conditions:
Conditions for equilibrium:
1. All the forces acting parallel to plane of motion of an object must be balanced (i.e.
the vector sum of the forces acting parallel to the plane is zero) and
2. All the forces acting perpendicular to the plane of motion must be balanced (i.e.
the vector sum of the forces acting perpendicular to the plane is zero).
1. A passenger standing in a stationary bus is not holding onto the over head handles.
The bus suddenly pulls off to the left and the passenger falls backwards.
a) State Newton’s first law of motion.
b) Use Newton’s first law to explain why the passenger falls backwards.
c) How would holding onto the overhead handles prevent the passenger from
falling over?
2. Two trolleys of mass 2 kg and 1 kg are joined together by a light string as shown in
Figure 14.1. A force 25 N is applied to the 2 kg trolley at to the horizontal. The system
of trolleys accelerates to the left. The 2 kg trolley experiences a frictional force of 4 N
and the 1 kg trolley experiencees a frictional force of 2 N.
Fig 14.1
The unit of charge (Q) is the coulomb (C). 1 mC = 10–3 C; 1 µC = 10–6 C; 1 nC = 10–9 C
and 1 pC = 10–12 C. The charge on an electron (e–) = –1,6 × 10–19 C.
The charge on a proton (p+) = +1,6 × 10–19 C
Coulomb’s Law: The force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is
directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the
square of the distance between them.
In symbols: Where:
kQ Q Force (F) = a vector quantity, measured in newtons (N)
F = ______
12 2
r. Q1 and Q2 = the two point charges, measured in coulombs (C)
r = the distance between the two point charges, measured in
metres (m)
k = 9 × 109 N.m2.C–2
The two point charges exert forces of equal magnitude on each other in opposite
An electric field is a region of space in which an electric charge experiences a force.
The direction of the electric field at a point in the field is the direction that a positive
test charge (+1 C) would move if placed at that point. Electric field (E) is a vector
The electric field is represented by lines. Arrows on the lines indicate the direction of
the electric field as shown in the Figure 14.3 and Figure 14.4. Field lines are drawn
closer together where the field is stronger.
Fig 14.3 a): Electric field around Fig 14.3 b): Electric field around
a positive point charge a negative point charge
Fig 14.4 a): Field lines between Fig 14.4 b): Field lines between
opposing charged point charges positively charged point charges
1. a) What is meant by the term “electric field”?
b) What does an electric field line indicate?
c) Why is electric field regarded as a vector?
d) What is the defined direction of an electric field?
2. a) Draw a diagram to show the electric field around a positive point charge.
b) Where is the electric field strongest? Explain your answer.
c) Use your diagram to explain why the magnitude of the electric field decreases
with increasing distance from the charge.
3. a) Draw the electric field between two negative charges.
b) Use your diagram to explain why there is a place in this field where the
magnitude of the electric field is zero.
4. a) Calculate the electric field at a distance of 30 mm from a +8 nC charge.
b) Calculate the force experienced by an –4 nC charge placed 30 mm from the +8 nC
5. A -60 µC charge experiences a force of 3,6 N when placed at a point on an electric
field. Calculate the electric field at that point?
6. Two point charges Q1 = +4 nC and Q2 = –2 nC are placed 8 cm apart along a
horizontal line as shown in Figure 14.8. Point X is 5 cm from Q1 on the line between
the two charges.
+ –
Fig 14.5
a) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field at point X due to
charge Q1 alone.
b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field at point X due to
charge Q2 alone.
c) Calculate the resultant electric field at point X due to both Q1 and Q2.
d) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on an electron placed at point X.
7. Three point charges are placed at the corners of a right angled triangle ABC as shown
in Fig 14.6.
– +
Fig 14.6
a) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant electric field at point B
due to charges Q1 and Q3.
b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on charge Q2 using:
i) The resultant electric field at point B.
ii) Coulombs Law
Electric circuits
Emf (ε) is defined as the amount of electrical energy supplied by the battery per
coulomb of charge moved between its terminals.
Potential difference (V) between two points in a circuit is defined as the amount of
work done (W) per coulomb of charge moved between these two points.
In symbols: Where:
W = work done, measured in joules (J)
V = ___
Q Q = charge measured in coulombs (C)
V = potential difference, measured in volts (V)
Ohmic conductors:
A graph of voltage versus current for an ohmic conductor is shown
in Figure 14.7. The graph shows that current (I) in the conductor is
directly proportional to the voltage (V) across it.
The gradient of this graph represents the resistance (R) of
the conductor.
This graph shows that the resistance (R) of the conductor is
constant and does not vary with current, provided the
current is low.
If the resistance of a conductor does not vary with current, then
this conductor is said to be an ohmic conductor.
Non-ohmic conductors:
Higher currents will have a greater heating effect on the metal, Fig 14.7
increasing the resistance of the metal. This is when
the conductor becomes non-ohmic because its
resistance now varies with current.
The graph of voltage versus current for the filament
of a light bulb is shown in Figure 14.8.
The resistance of the metal is represented by the
gradient of the graph.
The resistance of the conductor is at first constant
(where the graph is a straight line), but then the
resistance increases with current (where the
graph curves).
Fig 14.8
The current in the metal is no longer directly proportional to the voltage across it i.e. the
conductor is no longer ohmic.
A summary of the rules for series and parallel networks of resistors:
1. In the circuit in Figure 14.9, the
reading on the voltmeter across
the 3 Ω resistor is 9V. Ignore the
internal resistance of the battery.
a) Define potential difference.
b) Calculate the potential
difference across the parallel
network of resistors.
c) What is the emf of the battery?
Fig 14.9
Grade 12 work
Topic 1 Momentum and impulse
1. a) Define momentum.
b) State the SI unit of momentum.
c) Is momentum a vector or a scalar quantity?
2. A 200 kg bumper car carrying a 60 kg driver has a constant velocity of 4 m.s–1 east.
a) Calculate the momentum of the driver.
b) Draw and label the momentum vector for the driver.
c) Calculate the momentum of the driver-bumper car system.
d) How would the momentum of the driver-car system change if another person of
equal mass was also in the car travelling at the same velocity? Explain your
3. A loaded transport truck with a mass of 20 000 kg is travelling at 2 m.s–1 east. What
will be the velocity of a 1 500 kg car if it has the same momentum as the truck?
4. How would the momentum of an object change if:
a) the mass is halved but the velocity remains the same?
b) 1 of its original magnitude?
the velocity is reduced to __
5. A 0,6 kg basketball is dropped and hits the ground with a speed of 4 m.s–1. The ball
bounces upwards with a speed of 3 m.s–1. Calculate:
a) The change in momentum of the ball.
b) Draw a labeled vector diagram to illustrate the initial, final and change in
momentum vectors.
6. State Newton’s second law in terms of momentum.
7. State the law of conservation of momentum.
8. a) In the context of momentum, what is an isolated system?
b) Why is it necessary to choose an isolated system when solving a momentum
9. A 0,3 kg volleyball is thrown horizontally at 4 m.s–1 west and it strikes a stationary
basketball of mass 0,6 kg. The volleyball rebounds east at 0,8 m.s–1. What is the
velocity of the basketball immediately after the collision?
10. A loaded train freight car (mass 12 000 kg) rolls at 3,5 m.s–1 (to the right) towards
another freight train car (mass 6 000 kg) which is travelling at 2 m.s–1 in the opposite
direction. Upon collision the two cars couple (lock together).
a) What is the velocity of the two freight train cars after the collision?
b) Calculate the impulse exerted on each freight train car.
c) If the collision lasts for 0,8 s, calculate the net force exerted on each freight train car.
d) Prove that this is an inelastic collision.
11. A girl of mass 55 kg jumps from the top of a 1,5 m high wall. She reaches the ground
with a velocity of 3 m.s–1.
a) Calculate her change in momentum as she comes to rest on the ground.
b) Calculate the net force acting on her to stop her if she bends her legs and stops
in 0,22 s.
c) How would the net force acting on her be affected if she keeps her legs rigid and
straight when landing on the ground? Explain your answer.
12. A 2000 kg truck enters an arrestor bed travelling at 35 m.s–1 north. The trucks speed
is decreased to 22 m.s–1 over 5 s. Calculate the net horizontal force acting on the truck.
Topic 10 Electrodynamics
1. Explain what is meant by the following terms:
a) magnetic flux
b) change in magnetic flux.
c) electromagnetic induction.
2. a) State the energy conversions that take place in an electric generator.
b) Describe how you would build a simple AC generator. Draw a neat diagram and
explain the function of each part.
c) Explain how an AC generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
d) What change would you make to the design of the AC generator so as to convert
it to a DC generator?
e) Which of Fleming’s rules do you use to describe the action a generator?
f) Draw sketch graphs to show how the output voltage varies during two full
cycles of the coil of
i) an AC generator
ii) the DC generator
g) Mark on your graphs where you would find Vrms for each generator.
h) State and explain five different ways of increasing the induced emf in an AC
i) State two everyday uses of an electric generator.
3. a) State the energy conversions that take place in an electric motor.
b) Draw a neat diagram of a simple DC electric motor, showing one armature coil
and the directions of the magnetic field, the current and the motion of the coil.
c) Explain with the aid of a diagram how the commutator reverses the current in
the coil every 180° in order to maintain the rotation of the coil.
d) Why will this single coil motor have little power?
e) What steps can be taken to increase the power of a practical motor?
f) Which of Fleming’s rules do you use to describe the action an electric motor?
g) How could you get the coil to spin in the opposite direction?
h) Explain how a torque is produced on the coil.
i) State two everyday uses of an electric motor.
4. When a certain AC supply is connected to a lamp it lights with the same brightness
as it does when connected to a 12 V battery.
a) What is the rms voltage of the AC supply?
b) What is the peak voltage of the AC supply?
c) If the power dissipated in the lamp is 24 W, calculate both the rms and peak
current values for the source.
d) Show that the resistance of the lamp can be calculated using either the rms
values or the peak values.
5. A current of 2 A is measured in a resistor of 75 Ω which is connected between the
output terminals of an AC supply.
a) Calculate the voltage across the resistor.
b) If the answer to (a) is a rms value, calculate the peak voltage.
c) Calculate the power dissipated in the load resistor.
6. State two advantages of using AC.
Fig 14.17
a) Calculate the frequency of the yellow spectral line which has a wavelength
of 588 nm.
b) Calculate the energy of the photon of yellow light which corresponds to
this wavelength.
c) Which of these three labelled spectral lines represents the lowest energy change
of an electron within a helium atom? Explain your answer.
Paper 2 - Chemistry
Grade 11 Revision
Representing chemical change and stoichiometry
Chemical change means that the chemical composition of a substance changes. For a
chemical reaction to take place, the bonds between atoms, ions or molecules that
make up the reactants must be broken apart. Once apart, they can combine with other
atoms, ions or molecules to form a new substance. Energy is needed to break these
bonds and energy is released when new bonds are formed. A chemical reaction can
therefore be described as an energy exchange process.
Representing chemical change: Two substances, 32 g sulphur powder and 56 g iron
filings are mixed are placed in a crucible and heated over a bunsen burner until the
two components start to react. During the reaction, which will continue without
further addition of heat, heat is given off. After completion of the reaction there is no
sign of the sulphur or iron filings but a new hard, grey-coloured substance has been
The chemical reaction that took place can be represented by the following reaction
S(s) + Fe(s) → FeS(s)
If we add the masses of the reactants and that of the product, we see that: 32 g S
reacted with 56 g Fe to form 88g FeS.
This shows two very important aspects of chemical change which is formulated in the
law of conservation of mass and atoms:
• The total mass of all the reactants is equal to the total mass of all the products.
• The total number of atoms of each substance that take part in the reaction does
not change.
The reaction equation also reflects the actual mole quantities of reactants used and
products formed by the coefficients, e.g for the reaction:
N2(g) + 3H2 (g) → 2NH3(g)
1 mol N2 gas reacted with 3 mol H2 gas to give 2 mol NH3 gas.
We know that a mole of any chemical substance contains the mass number of that
substance in grams. For this equation we have: 28 g N2 reacts with 6 g H2
to give 34 g NH3
Note that the law of conservation of mass and atoms is still valid
Balancing of reaction equations. A chemical equation can only show the correct
quantities reactants used and products formed if the equation is balanced, which
means that the law of conservation of mass and atoms has been obeyed.
1. Balance the following reaction equations:
a) CH4(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g) + H2O(ℓ)
b) NH3(g) + O2(g) → NO(g) + H2O(ℓ)
c) Fe2O3(s) + CO(g) → Fe(s) + CO2(g)
2. Prove your balancing of all three equations by calculating the actual masses of
reactants and products formed.
3. The reaction: N2(g) + H2(g) → NH3(g) is a very important commercial
reaction. Millions of tons NH3 are produced annually for fertilizers, explosives and
many other uses. Use this equation to predict what mass of NH3 will be produced if
2 kg N2(g) reacts completely with an unlimited amount of H2(g).
Intermolecular forces
Intermolecular forces are forces that hold atoms or ions together in a molecule or
ionic crystal.
Atoms or ions only combine to form molecules because they want to acquire a noble
gas structure. In a noble gas the atoms are at the lowest possible potential energy
state. In order to get a noble gas structure atoms share electrons in their valence
energy orbitals. For example, a hydrogen atom has one electron in its 1s energy level.
It requires two electrons to get a noble gas structure and will combine with another
hydrogen atom (or any other atom) to get the noble gas structure
When two atoms bond by sharing electrons, they lose potential energy (called bond
energy) and their combined potential energy is a negative value which ensures high
stability of the molecule. The same amount of energy must be added to the molecule
to break the bond.
Noble gases do not form molecules because they are already in very low potential
energy state because their outer energy levels are filled with electrons. The position of
the shared electrons between two bonded atoms depends on the electronegativity of
the two atoms.
• Two atoms with the same electronegativity will result in covalent bonding where
the shared electrons are more or less in the middle between the two atoms.
Typical non-polar covalent molecules are H2, N2, O2, C.
• Atoms with different electronegativity values will have the position of the shared
electrons more towards the atom with the highest electro negative value.
Molecules that consist of atoms with different electronegativities can exhibit shift
of electrical charge which gives rise to polar covalent molecules e.g. H2O, HCl
• If the difference between the electronegativity values is more than 0,9, the shared
electrons are considered to be completely attached to the atom with the higher
value and this gives rise to ionic bonding as in NaCl [Na+Cl-] or KMnO4
• Oxidation numbers is the most likely charge that an atom or ion has when
assuming that all the bonds between the atoms in a compound are ionic bonds.
• In metals the positive atoms are bonded by a “sea of delocalized electrons”.
The forces between molecules depend on the degree of polarity and on the molecular
shape of a molecule. non-polar covalent molecules such as N2 have very weak forces
(van der Waal forces) between them and they have low boiling points. Slightly polar
covalent molecules like HCl have stronger forces between them and they have higher
boiling points. Boiling point is a measure of the bond strength between molecules.
Water is a polar molecule and the intermolecular force (hydrogen bond) between
water molecules is very strong. The boiling point of water at 100oC is much higher
than most other molecules.
The force between ionic compounds is an electrostatic force – the negative ions attract
the positive ions around it and form a lattice crystal structure. These bonds are strong
and give rise to high boiling points
Chemical bonding
When two chemical substances react the following takes place:
• The bonds between the atoms of the reactants must be broken. This can only
happen if energy, equal to the bond energy, is added to the reactants. This is
called the activation energy.
Lewis structures
In a Lewis structure, the bonds in a chemical compound are represented by the
• The nucleus and inner electrons of each atom are represented by the atom’s
• The valence electrons, shown as dots or crosses are placed around the symbol.
1. Draw Lewis structures for the following molecules:
F2 ; H2O ; CCl4
2. a) What is the difference between a non-polar and a polar bond? Give an example
of each.
b) A water molecule (H2O) and a hydrogen sulphide molecule (H2S) are both
compounds of elements between group 1 and group 6 of the periodic table. The
boiling point of water is 100oC while that of hydrogen sulphide is −60oC. Explain
this difference in boiling points.
c) Use electronegativity values and molecular shape considerations to explain why
CO2 molecules are not polar.
3. a) What is the sum of the oxidation numbers in a
i) neutral compound and
ii) in an ion?
b) Determine the oxidation number of the underlined atoms in the following:
i) H2 SO4 ii) K MnO3 iii) Cr2O72–
4. Study the following reaction equation:
2H2 (g) + O2 (g) → H2O(l) ∆H < 0
a) Is this a balanced reaction equation?
b) Redox reactions are reactions where electron transfer takes place. If electrons are
transferred during a reaction, the oxidation number of the atoms involved in the
electron transfer will change. Use oxidation numbers to determine whether this
reaction is a redox reaction.
Fig 14.18
Grade 12 work
Topic 3 Organic chemistry
1. a) Give the IUPAC names for the following organic molecules A , B, C and D as
shown in Figure 14.19
Fig 14.19
Figure 14.20
Aspirin 226,8 mg
Paracetamol 162,0 mg
Caffeine 32,4 mg
Aspirin 453,6 mg
Paracetamol 324,0 mg
Caffeine 64,8 mg
a) Taking the information above into consideration, how many Eita Tablets would
have the same effect as one Eita Powder?
b) Use the molecular collision theory to explain why Eita powders provide faster
relief to headaches than the tablets.
Fig 14.21
Experiment 1:
100 cm3 of 0,5 (excess) hydrochloric acid was added to 0,35 g of powdered
calcium carbonate in the flask and the stopper was quickly replaced in the flask. The
stopwatch was then started and the volume of carbon dioxide was recorded every 15
Figure 14.22 shows the volumes of carbon dioxide produced after 15 and 30 seconds
for experiment 1.
a) Record these volumes as numbered in the table on the next page.
Experiment 2:
100 cm3 of a 1–3 hydrochloric acid was added to 0,35g of powdered
calcium carbonate.
Experiment 3:
25 cm3 of a 1 mol/dm3 solution was diluted with 75 cm3 of distilled water and then added
to 0,35 g of powdered calcium carbonate. (The acid is still in excess)
b) Write down a suitable aim for this experiment.
c) Why does the acid solution need to be saturated with CO2 before the start of the
d) Plot a graph of volume of carbon dioxide produced against time. For
Experiments 1 and 2, draw a smooth best fit curve using the points. Ignore any
anomalous (out of the ordinary) readings. Label the curves 1 (experiment 1) and
2 (experiment 2).
(Note: The best fit curve does not pass through the origin)
e) By considering the experimental method described, explain why the plotted
curve does not pass through 0,0.
f) Identify clearly on your graph for Experiment 1 any anomalous reading and
suggest a reason for it.
g) Why was the maximum volume of gas the same in each experiment?
h) Identify and state two variables which are kept constant in this experiment.
i) Consider the experimental method and suggest a change in the method which
could reduce the error referred to in f) above.
c) Draw the graph of the amount (mol) of each of the substances in the above table
versus time on the same set of axes.
d) Use the graph drawn in c) to answer the following questions:
i) How long does it take for the reaction to reach equilibrium? Explain.
ii) Do any reactions occur during the time interval t = 70 s and t = 80 s?
Explain your answer.
e) When t = 80 s, the sealed container is heated causing a rapid rise in temperature.
Equilibrium is re-established after an additional 20 s and maintained for a further 20 s.
i) Is the forward reaction endothermic or exothermic? Explain.
ii) Show the effect of an increase in temperature on the amounts of N2, H2 and
NH3 for the time 80 s to 120 s by completing the lines on the graph for this
Fig 14.23
a) State the standard conditions that are applicable to the chlorine gas half-cell.
b) Write down the formula of the compound that X could be.
c) Give two functions of the salt bridge.
d) Write down, for the reaction that takes place in this voltaic cell, the:
i) oxidation half-reaction
ii) reduction half-reaction
iii) complete nett ionic reaction
iv) reducing agent in the redox reaction taking place in this cell.
e) Calculate the emf of this cell.
f) Why does the platinum electrode not react?
2. A galvanic cell is constructed using a chromium electrode in a 1 mol. dm–3 solution of
Cr(NO3)3 and a copper electrode in a 1 mol. dm–3 solution of Cu(NO3)2. Both solutions
are at 25 °C.
a) Write a balanced net ionic equation for the spontaneous reaction that occurs as
the cell operates. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent.
b) A partial diagram of the cell is shown in Figure 14.24.
Fig 14.25
Fig 14.26
i) Use the data in the table to draw two graphs for percentage yield of
ammonia versus pressure for both sets of results on the same set of axes.
ii) Use your graph to find the conditions needed to give a yield of 30%
iii) On the graph, sketch the graph you would expect for a temperature
of 450 oC.
e) One property of inorganic fertilizers is that they are soluble in water.
i) Explain why this property is essential for the fertilizer to be effective.
ii) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of this property for the farmers
who use these fertilizers. Provide an explanation for each.
iii) This property can adversely affect humans, and plant and animal life,
located far away from the farms on which the fertilizers are used. Draw a
flow diagram to illustrate how these adverse effects come about. Ensure that
the adverse effect is described and/or named.
540 • Answers
Answers • 541
b) i) 31,89 m 5) b) 250,62 N down the slope
ii –71,79 m c) +9 022,32 J
7) 7,88 m.s –1
d) 3,92 m.s–1
6) a) 3 m.s–1
Extend yourself – Topic 2
c) 1,34 m
1) a) 2,02 s
7) c) i) +535,51 J
b) i) 19,80 m.s–1
ii) 4,39 m.s–1
ii) 22,18 m.s–1
iii) 22,18 m.s–1 Exercise 4.4
2) b) i) –9,8m.s –1
4) b) 744,8 J
ii) 4,77 s c) –573,8 J
3) c) 6,17 m.s–1 5) a) Case (i): +98 J
d) 5,55 m.s –1
Case (ii): +140 J
c) Case (i): 0 J
Exercise 3.9
Case (ii): +42 J
3) Ethane: 79,84 %
d) 4,1 m.s–1
Ethene: 85,59 %
6) a) 13,62 m
Ethyne: 92,24 %
b) 3 700 N down the slope
Exercise 4.1 c) 30 400 N up the slope
2) a) +2 500 J 7) a) 62,61 m.s–1
b) +42,14 J b) 2 250 J
c) +40 000 J c) –7 550 J
d) +20 000 J d) 37,75 N opposite to direction of motion
3) b) i) + 3 000 J 8) b) 15 680 J
5) a) +9 063,08 J c) 31,30 m.s–1
b) –7 600 J d) 339,5 m
9) a) 0N
Exercise 4.2 b) 0J
3) c) +150 J
c) 50 N parallel to and up slope
d) +150 J
d) +500 J
e) +129,90 J
10) b) 1,57 m.s–1
f) +37,5 J
11) a) 22,17 m.s–1
g) +92,40 J
b) i) –172,05 J
4) a) +3 200 J
ii) 1 713,64 N up
b) –2 822,4 J
12) 3,93 m.s–1
c) +377,6 J
13) a) 18 375 J
5) b) +19 850 J
b) –33 075 J
6) g) +118 671 J
c) 33 075 J
2) b) 3 528 N
Exercise 4.5
c) 28,26 m.s–1
3) a) +200 J
3) a) 147,08 N down the slope
b) 53,3 W
b) 11,13 m.s–1
4) 882 W
4) b) 8,52 m.s–1
5) a) 28,33 s
542 • Answers
6) 56 680 J f) 4,28 W
7) 1 000 W 3) a) 4 800 N
8) a) 72 W b) 78 000 W
b) 12 W c) 30 000 W
9) 650 893 W 4) 9,38 m.s–1
10) 612,24 kg 5) a) 188 517,6 J
b) 373,8 N
Exercise 4.6
6) a) 200 000 N
2) a) –7 500 000 J
b) 1 029 m
b) 22 920 W
c) 6 x 106 W
3) 762 W
7) 245 W
4) a) 18 N
b) 0,41 m.s–1 Exercise 5.1
5) a) 16 076 W 1) a) 334,43 Hz
b) 6 195 W b) 272 Hz
6) b) +20 145 J 2) a) 290,37 Hz
c) 14 245 J b) 261,17 Hz
d) 712,25 W 3) 8,72 m.s–1
7) a) 437 500 J 4) a) 432,5 Hz
b) 3 365,4 N forwards b) 415 Hz
ii) 6 865,4 N forwards 5) 891,67 Hz
iii) 85 817,5 W 6) b) 3 495,46 Hz
c) 134 561 W
Extend yourself – Topic 5
8) a) 49,74 m.s–1
1) a) 600 Hz
b) 23,49 m.s–1
b) 0,57 m
9) a) 80 N
e) 1,14 m.s–1
b) 80 N left
2) f) 4,40 m.s–1
c) 1,74 m.s–1
3) b) 236,1 Hz
10) 27 747 W
Exercise 6.3
Exercise 4.7
1) c) –550 kJ
1) 1 694,42 W
2) c) 280 kJ
2) 14,7 kW; unreasonable claim
3) 107,8 W Exercise 7.2
4) 2,72 W 1) 0,99
2) 0,8
Extend yourself – Topic 4
3) 2,78 × 10–2–3
1) c) i) 1 200 J
4) 30,98–3
ii) +2 485 J
iii) –1 285 J Exercise 7.3
iv) 128,5 N up the slope 1) 49,21
2) a) 2,4 J 2) 8
b) 0,816 m 3) 12,5
d) 0,6 J 4) 13,44
e) 0,06 N 5) 1,25
Answers • 543
6) 0,0564 c) 13,3
8) a) 0,25–3
Exercise 7.4
b) 0,21–3
1) c) 0,20
9) 0,82–3
2) b) 2,33
10) 0,088–3
Extend yourself – Topic 7
Exercise 8.9
1) d) 4,84 × 10–3
1) 90,02 %
2) b) N2: 5,71 × 10–2–3
2) 10,82 %
H2: 2,76 × 10–1–3
3) 46,02 %
NH3: 1,71 × 10–1–3
d) 0,24 Extend yourself – Topic 8
e) 6,90 x 10
–2 –3
7) a) 0,1–3
3) c) vi) 1,37 c) 0,25–3
4) h) 8,47 8) a) 0,04–3
b) 13
Exercise 8.4
9) d) 0,32–3
1) 0,89–3
e) 2,54 g
2) 2,50–3
10) a) 4g
3) 1,27 g
d) 0,03 mol
4) 4,91 g
f) 12,90
Exercise 8.5
Exercise 9.1
1) 2
1) b) 1,875 V
2) 3
c) 0,469 W
3) 1
d) 0,5 W
4) 1,70
2) a) 2,5 V
5) 1 × 10–12–3
b) 9Ω
6) 13,9
c) 1,25 W
7) a) 4
3) a) 10 Ω
b) 2,17
b) 0,4 Ω
c) 10,18
c) 1 555,2 J
8) a) 7 × 10–3–3
4) a) 1,92 Ω
b) 1,43 × 10–12–3
d) 1,76 Ω
Exercise 8.8 5) c) 1,5 Ω
1) c) 0,23–3 d) 2V
2) a) 1,03 –3 e) 6Ω
d) 1,96–3 6) a) 4Ω
3) 20 cm3 b) 8Ω
4) 0,48 –3 c) 4Ω
5) 0,24 –3 d) 1A
6) a) 0,1 mol 8) a) 11,68 V
b) 10,6 g b) 307,2 W
d) 0,3 –3 c) i) 4,38 s
7) b) 0,17–3 ii) 4,375 x 1021
544 • Answers
9) 0,2 Ω b) 125,03 W
10) 10 V 9) a) 170 V
11) 0,25 Ω b) 120,21 V
c) 0,017 s
Extend yourself – Topic 9
d) 58,82 Hz
1) a) 1,5 Ω
e) i) 8,5 A
b) 5Ω
ii) 6,01 A
c) 0,45 A
iii) 722,5 W
d) V1 = 5,4 V
10) a) 8A
V2 = 2,7 V
b) 5,66 A
V3 = 2,7 V
c) 961,07 W
3) b) 0,25 A
c) 2,5 V Exercise 10.5
d) 5,5 V 4) a) 240 V
e) 0,75 W b) 620 V
f) 0,125 W c) 37 200 W
6) a) V1 = 12 V d) 14 400 W
V2 = 12 V e) 61,3 %
b) V2 = 0 V f) 4,8 V
c) 6Ω g) 5,76 W
d) 2Ω 5) a) 28,8 W
b) 2 000 Ω
Exercise 10.3
8) b) 100 A Extend yourself – Topic 10
d) 1 411 200 J 2) f) 30 J
e) 15 680 W g) 15 W
9) d) 0,00087 kg.A –1
h) 75 %
e) 0,194 T 4) c) 55 200 W
6) c) 219,2 V
Exercise 10.4
7) 69,4 %
4) a) i) 3A
8) 192,6 Ω
ii) 4,24 A
9) a) 50 Ω: 4,4 A; 12 Ω: 18,3 A; 24 Ω: 9,16 A
iii) 36 W
b) 311,1 V
5) b) 4,1 A
c) 7 009,2 W
c) 311,46 V
12 Ω: 18,3 A
6) a) 9V
24 Ω: 9,16 A
b) 12,73 V
b) 311,1 V
c) i) 4A
c) 7 009,2 W
ii) 5,66 A
d) i) 2,25 Ω Exercise 11.1
ii) 2,25 Ω 2) 2,65 × 10–19 J
7) a) 180 V 3) b) UV shorter λ: f = 1,5 × 1015 Hz
b) 254,6 V c) Green light longer λ: f = 5,76 × 1014 Hz
c) 540 W d) 1,5 × 1015 Hz
8) a) 250 W e) i) 3,82 × 10–19 J
Answers • 545
ii) 9,95 x 10–19 J λC = 6,63 × 10–7 m
h) 5,83 × 10 –19
Exercise 11.3
5) a) 4,97 × 10 m –7
2) 4,74 x 1014 Hz
b) i) 3,96 x 10–19 J
4) b) i) 9,35 × 10–14 Hz
ii) 9,4 × 105 m.s–1
6) c) 3,59 × 10–19 J Extend yourself – Topic 11
7) a) 1,11 × 10 –18
J 1) b) 2,83 eV
b) 8,1 × 10–19 J 2) b) 1,99 × 10–18 J
8) f) 3,85 × 10 –19
J c) 1,57 × 106 m.s–1
9) b 5,02 × 10 m –7
3) b) 9,95 × 10–19 J
10) c) 5,5 × 10–20 J c) 3,07 × 10–19 J
d) 8,21 × 105 m.s–1
Exercise 11.2
e) 1,04 × 1015 Hz
2) d) 3,45 × 10–19 J
4) e) 4,54 × 10–19 J
3) a) 4,49 × 1014 Hz
5) h) 3,38 × 10–19 J
b) 2,98 × 10–19 J
4) a) 1,64 × 10–18 J Exercise 13.1
b) 1,21 × 10 m = 121 nm
3) N: 8,57 %; P: 17,14 % K: 4,29 %
5) λA = 4,85 × 10–7 m N: 4,29%; P: 8,57%; K: 17,14%
λB = 1,81 × 10–6 m
546 • Answers
• Periodic Table Answers • 547
p = mv W = FΔx cos θ vf= vi+ aΔt
Fnet= ma Wnet= Ekf− Eki vf2 = vi2 + 2aΔx
FnetΔt = Δp Ek= 2_ 1mv2 Δx = viΔt + 2_ 1aΔt2
Gm m
F = ______
12 2 (G = 6,7 × 10−11 N.m2 .kg−2
) Ep= mgh (
Δx = _____
2 )
v + v
i f Δ t
Pav= Fvav
g = ____ (G = 6,7 × 10−11 N.m2 .kg−2
fL = _____ )
v ± vL fS
Sn + 2e
2+ -
⇌ Sn -0.14
Pb2+ + 2e- ⇌ Pb -0.13
Fe + 3e
3+ -
⇌ Fe -0.04
2H + 2e
+ -
⇌ H2(g) 0.00
S + 2H+ + 2e- ⇌ H2S(g) +0.14
Sn4+ + 2e- ⇌ Sn2+ +0.15
SO42- + 4H+ + 2e- ⇌ SO2(g) + 2H2O +0.17
Cu + 2e
2+ -
⇌ Cu +0.34
2H2O + O2 + 4e -
⇌ 4OH -
SO2 + 4H+ + 4e- ⇌ S + 2H2O +0.45
I2 + 2e- ⇌ 2I- +0.54
O2(g) + 2H+ + 2e- ⇌ H2O2 +0.68
Fe + e
3+ -
⇌ Fe 2+
Hg + 2e
2+ -
⇌ Hg +0.79
NO3- + 2H+ + e- ⇌ NO2(g) + H2O +0.80
Ag + e
+ -
⇌ Ag +0.80
NO3- + 4H+ + 3e- ⇌ NO(g) + 2H2O +0.96
Br2 + 2e -
⇌ 2Br -
Pt + 2e
2+ -
⇌ Pt +1.20
MnO2 + 4H+ + 2e- ⇌ Mn2+ + 2H2O +1.21
O2 + 4H + 4e + -
⇌ 2H2O +1.23
Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e- ⇌ 2Cr3+ + 7H2O +1.33
Cl2 + 2e -
⇌ 2Cl -
Au + 3e
3+ -
⇌ Au +1.42
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- ⇌ Mn2+ + 4H2O +1.51
H2O2 + 2H + 2e + -
⇌ 2H2O +1.77
F2(g) + 2e- ⇌ 2F- +2.87