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Cahpter Six

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Chapter 6

AC Power Analysis
AC Power Analysis
Chapter 6

6.1 Instantaneous and Average Power

6.2 Maximum Average Power Transfer
6.3 Effective or RMS Value
6.4 Apparent Power and Power Factor
6.5 Complex Power
6.6 Conservation of AC Power
6.7 Power Factor Correction
6.8 Power Measurement

6.1 Instantaneous and Average Power (1)
• The instantaneously power, p(t)
p(t )  v(t ) i (t )  Vm I m cos (w t   v ) cos (w t   i )
1 1
 Vm I m cos ( v   i )  Vm I m cos (2w t   v   i )
2 2
Constant power Sinusoidal power at 2wt

p(t) > 0: power is absorbed by the circuit; p(t) < 0: power is absorbed by the source.
6.1 Instantaneous and Average Power (2)
• The average power, P, is the average of the instantaneous power over one

1 T 1
P   p(t ) dt  Vm I m cos ( v   i )
T 0 2
1. P is not time dependent.
2. When θv = θi , it is a purely
resistive load case.
3. When θv– θi = ±90o, it is a
purely reactive load case.
4. P = 0 means that the circuit
absorbs no average power.

6.1 Instantaneous and Average Power (3)
Example 1

Calculate the instantaneous power and average power absorbed

by a passive linear network if:

v(t )  80 cos (10 t  20)

i (t )  15 sin (10 t  60)

Answer: 385.7  600cos(20t  10)W, 387.5W

6.1 Instantaneous and Average Power (4)
Example 2

A current I  10  30 flows through an impedance Z  20  22Ω

. Find the average power delivered to the impedance.

Answer: 927.2W

6.2 Maximum Average Power Transfer (1)
ZTH  R TH  j X TH

ZL  R L  j X L

The maximum average power can be

transferred to the load if

XL = –XTH and RL = RTH

Pmax 
8 R TH

If the load is purely real, then RL  2

6.2 Maximum Average Power Transfer (2)
Example 3

For the circuit shown below, find the load impedance ZL that
absorbs the maximum average power. Calculate that maximum
average power.

Answer: 3.415 – j0.7317W, 1.429W

6.3 Effective or RMS Value (1)

The total power dissipated by R is given by:

1 T 2 R T 2
P   i Rdt   i dt  I rms
T 0 T 0

Hence, Ieff is equal to: I eff 
T 0
i 2 dt  I rms

The rms value is a constant itself which

depending on the shape of the function i(t).

The effective of a periodic current is the dc current that delivers the same
average power to a resistor as the periodic current.
6.3 Effective or RMS Value (2)

The rms value of a sinusoid i(t) = Imcos(wt)

is given by:
I rms 

The average power can be written in terms of the

rms values:

P  Vm I m cos (θ v  θ i )  Vrms I rms cos (θ v  θ i )

Note: If you express amplitude of a phasor source(s) in rms, then all the answer
as a result of this phasor source(s) must also be in rms value.
6.4 Apparent Power and Power Factor (1)
• Apparent Power, S, is the product of the r.m.s. values of voltage and
• It is measured in volt-amperes or VA to distinguish it from the average or
real power which is measured in watts.

P  Vrms I rms cos (θ v  θ i )  S cos (θ v  θ i )

Apparent Power, S Power Factor, pf

• Power factor is the cosine of the phase difference between the voltage
and current. It is also the cosine of the angle of the load impedance.

6.4 Apparent Power and Power Factor (2)

Purely resistive θ – θ = 0, Pf = 1 P/S = 1, all power are

v i
load (R) consumed
Purely reactive θv– θi = ±90o, P = 0, no real power
load (L or C) pf = 0 consumption
Resistive and θv– θi > 0 • Lagging - inductive
reactive load θv– θi < 0 load
(R and L/C) • Leading - capacitive

6.5 Complex Power (1)
Complex power S is the product of the voltage and the complex
conjugate of the current:

V  Vm θ v I  I m θ i

1 
V I  Vrms I rms  θ v  θ i

6.5 Complex Power (2)
S  V I  Vrms I rms  θ v  θ i
 S  Vrms I rms cos (θ v  θ i )  j Vrms I rms sin (θ v  θ i )

S = P + j Q

P: is the average power in watts delivered to a load and it is

the only useful power.
Q: is the reactive power exchange between the source and
the reactive part of the load. It is measured in VAR.
• Q = 0 for resistive loads (unity pf).
• Q < 0 for capacitive loads (leading pf).
• Q > 0 for inductive loads (lagging pf).
6.5 Complex Power (3)
 S  Vrms I rms cos (θ v  θ i )  j Vrms I rms sin (θ v  θ i )

S = P + j Q

Apparent Power, S = |S| = Vrms*Irms = P 2  Q 2

Real power, P = Re(S) = S cos(θv – θi)
Reactive Power, Q = Im(S) = S sin(θv – θi)
Power factor, pf = P/S = cos(θv – θi)

6.5 Complex Power (4)

 S  Vrms I rms cos (θ v  θ i )  j Vrms I rms sin (θ v  θ i )

S = P + j Q

Power Triangle Impedance Triangle Power Factor 16

6.6 Conservation of AC Power (1)
The complex real, and reactive powers of the sources
equal the respective sums of the complex, real, and
reactive powers of the individual loads.

For parallel connection:

1 1 1 1
S V I*  V (I1  I*2 )  V I1*  V I*2  S1  S2

2 2 2 2
The same results can be obtained for a series connection. 17
6.7 Power Factor Correction (1)
Power factor correction is the process of increasing the
power factor without altering the voltage or current to
the original load.

Power factor correction is necessary for economic reason.

6.7 Power Factor Correction (2)

Qc = Q 1 – Q2
= P (tan θ1 - tan θ2)
= ωCV2rms

Q1 = S1 sin θ1 Qc P (tan θ1  tan θ 2 )

C  
= P tan θ1 ωVrms
ω Vrms

P = S1 cos θ1 Q2 = P tan θ2

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