Lime Manufacturing - IP
Lime Manufacturing - IP
Lime Manufacturing - IP
Final Report
Prepared for
Eric L. Crump
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Air Quality Standards and Strategies Division
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Innovative Strategies and Economics Group
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Prepared by
September 2000
EPA Contract Number RTI Project Number
68-D-99-024 7647-001-020
Final Report
September 2000
Prepared for
Eric L. Crump
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Air Quality Standards and Strategies Division
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Innovative Strategies and Economics Group
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Prepared by
Robert H. Beach
A. Michelle Bullock
Katherine B. Heller
Jean L. Domanico
Mary K. Muth
Alan C. O’Connor
Richard B. Spooner
Research Triangle Institute
Center for Economics Research
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Section Page
1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Section Page
5 MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Section Page
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R-1
Number Page
2-1 Location and concentration of high-calcium limestone deposits in the U.S. . . . . . . 2-2
2-2 General process flow diagram for the manufacturing and processing of lime . . . . . 2-3
2-3 Preheater rotary kiln system for lime production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-4 Vertical kiln system for lime production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-5 Parallel flow kiln with left shaft calcining and right shaft preheating . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-6 Fluidized bed kiln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2-7 Rotary hearth kiln with cross sectional view of one firing zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Number Page
3-1 Quantities, Percentages, and Values for Lime by Use: 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-2 Lime Sold by Producers in the U.S., by Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA’s) Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards (OAQPS) is compiling information on lime manufacturing plants as part of its
responsibility to develop National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
(NESHAP) under Section 112 of the 1990 Clean Air Act. The NESHAP is scheduled to be
proposed in 2000, and the Innovative Strategies and Economics Group is responsible for
developing an economic impact analysis (EIA) in support of the evaluation of impacts
associated with the regulatory options considered for this NESHAP. This industry profile of
the lime manufacturing industry provides information to be used to support the regulation.
Lime manufacturing falls under the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
3274 (NAICS 32741). According to the 1997 Census of Manufactures, 85 establishments
owned by 47 companies manufactured lime in 1997 (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1999b).
In 1997, the lime manufacturing industry employed 4,206 people and shipped products
valued at $1.2 billion (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1997).
Section 5 contains market-level data on prices and quantities and discusses trends and
projections for the industry.
Estimating the economic impacts associated with the regulatory options requires
characterizing the lime manufacturing industry. This section describes all steps of the
production process, emission controls, and inputs into this process. In addition,
characterizing the supply side of the industry involves describing various types of lime
products, by-products of the production process, and input substitution possibilities. Finally,
this section explains costs of production and economies of scale.
The production of lime begins with the quarrying and crushing of limestone.
Limestone is a general term that covers numerous varieties of sedimentary rock. Limestone
can be composed of the following four minerals, plus impurities: calcite (CaCO3), aragonite
(also CaCO3 but with a different crystal structure from calcite), dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), and
magnesite (MgCO3) (Boynton, 1980).
Deposits of limestone occur in nearly every state of the U.S. and every country in the
world. Much of it is not available for commercial use, however, because it is either too deep
in the earth, too far from markets, not sufficiently concentrated in a particular area, or not
pure enough (Boynton, 1980). Figure 2-1 is a map of the U.S. showing the locations of most
high-calcium limestone operations.
Figure 2-1. Location and concentration of high-calcium limestone deposits in the U.S.
Source: Boynton, Robert S. Chemistry and Technology of Lime and Limestone. 2nd Ed. New York, John
Wiley & Sons. 1980.
Figure 2-2 illustrates the lime production process. Air pollutant emission points are
indicated in the diagram by Source Classification Code. Several steps are involved in the
production of lime.
Figure 2-2. General process flow diagram for the manufacturing and processing of lime.
Source: Midwest Research Institute. Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42, Section 11.15, Lime
Manufacturing. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards, Emission Inventory Branch. Cary, NC, Midwest Research Institute. April 28, 1994.
2.1.1 Crushing
The first step in the manufacturing of lime is to crush the pieces of limestone to make
them smaller. There are two basic types of primary crushers: compression and impact.
Compression crushers use slow, steady amounts of pressure to reduce the size of the rock,
whereas impact crushers rely on intense, repeated blows. Compression crushers are used
mainly for larger stones, impact crushers for smaller sizes. In some plants, stones undergo
secondary crushing as well. The crushed stone is screened to provide the desired stone size
and then conveyed to storage in conical stockpiles (Gutschick, 1994).
2.1.2 Calcination
Dolomitic Lime
CaCO3 & MgCO3 + heat 2CO2 + CaO & MgO
To complete the thermal decomposition of limestone into lime, the stone must be
heated to the dissociation temperature of the carbonates, and this temperature must be
maintained for a certain period of time. The dissociation temperature varies depending on
the type of limestone being burned. For example, calcite dissociates at 898°C (1,648°F)
while magnesium carbonate dissociates at 402 to 480°C (756 to 896°F).
Because this is a reversible chemical reaction, the carbon dioxide emitted as a result
of calcination must be removed to prevent recarbonation. Recarbonation occurs when
carbon dioxide is reabsorbed by the cooling lime, diminishing the quality of the finished
product (Boynton, 1980).
Lime kilns can be categorized into three groups: rotary kilns, vertical kilns, and
miscellaneous. About 90 percent of commercial lime capacity in the U.S. is calcined in
rotary kilns. Most of the remaining capacity is processed with vertical kilns (vertical kilns
are more common in captive supply facilities), and small quantities are processed in other
miscellaneous types of kilns (Gutschick, 1994).
Rotary Kilns. Figure 2-3 illustrates a rotary kiln system with a preheater. A rotary
kiln is a long cylinder, ranging in length from 75 to 500 feet, with a diameter between 4 and
11 feet. This cylinder is set at an incline of 3 to 5 degrees and rotates at a rate of 35 to
80 revolutions per hour. The inner surface of the cylinder is lined with refractory brick.
Surrounding the brick is a layer of insulation, then an outer casing of steel boiler plate.
Before entering the kiln, the limestone passes through the preheater, where it is
heated with hot exhaust gases from the kiln. Preheaters improve thermal efficiency by using
Lime must be cooled after exiting the rotary kiln. Various types of coolers are used,
including contact coolers, satellite coolers, rotary coolers, and grate coolers. These coolers
operate under different principles, but they serve the same two purposes: to cool the lime for
further handling and to recapture heat. The first two types listed are the most commonly
used because they are the most effective at heat recuperation (Boynton, 1980). Most rotary
kilns are fired by coal; however, with the correct adaptations, coke, oil, and natural gas can
also be used (Gutschick, 1994).
The refractory brick linings in all kilns must be replaced periodically, because heat,
abrasion, and temperature changes cause them to disintegrate. Plants try to avoid cooling
and reheating lime kilns as much as possible because this hastens disintegration. When
plants need to stop production, they will often slow-fire the kilns, or maintain their heat until
production resumes. It is generally less costly to keep the kilns hot than it is to replace the
linings or to restart the kilns (Boynton, 1980).
Vertical Kilns. The vertical kiln has many different variations, but all operate under
the same general premise. Figure 2-4 is a diagram of a vertical kiln. Vertical kilns are large
vertical cylinders that are completely filled from the top with large chunks of limestone.
These kilns have four zones, or sections: the preheating zone, the calcining zone, the
finishing zone, and the cooling zone. These zones are not physically separated from one
another. They are terms used to indicate areas within the kiln, which is a continuous
Figure 2-4. Vertical kiln system for lime production.
Burning fuel is injected into the cylinder just beneath the calcining zone, causing the
limestone in this zone to calcine. Hot gasses from the calcining zone migrate upward,
warming the stone in the preheating zone. Finished lime drops into the cooling zone, where
cool air is blown through it. Air blown into the cooling zone carries recovered heat upward
into the calcining zone, where it also provides air for combustion. Cooled lime is removed
from the bottom, making room for the limestone and lime in the upper levels to descend.
Some vertical kilns require an attendant to determine when calcining is complete. The
attendant must open “poke holes” in the kiln and dislodge the mass of hot lime with a long
iron bar, allowing it to drop down into the cooling zone (Boynton, 1980). The predominant
fuels for vertical kilns are natural gas and fuel oil (Boynton, 1980).
Vertical kilns require large stones (6 to 8 inches in diameter) to allow for the
circulation of combustion gases. Stones that are too small to be used are called “spalls.”
Large quantities of spalls can accumulate at plants with vertical kilns and can be difficult or
impossible to dispose of profitably. Depending on the source of limestone, spalls can
constitute from 30 to 70 percent of the limestone intended for use as kiln feed. Rotary kilns
can use small stones that calcine faster and lead to fewer spalls. To solve the problem of
spalls, some plants have installed rotary kilns in addition to vertical kilns. European
researchers have developed vertical kilns that can use small stones, but this technology has
not been implemented in the U.S. (Boynton, 1980).
For a number of reasons, rotary kilns have largely replaced vertical kilns in the U.S.
They dominate the industry because they can be fired with coal, require less labor, lead to
fewer spalls, and have the highest output and quality of all kilns (Boynton, 1980; Gutschick,
1994). In contrast, vertical kilns are preferred in many other parts of the world. They
require smaller capital investment and have greater fuel efficiency than rotary kilns.
flow from one shaft to the other. The shafts alternate functions: while one is acting as the
calcining shaft, the other serves as the preheating shaft. Limestone fills the shafts from the
top. Hot combustion gases are fired down the first shaft, calcining the lime. The exhaust
then flows across and up through the second shaft, preheating the lime. Every 12 to
14 minutes, the flow is reversed. The lime is cooled in the bottom section of each shaft with
a countercurrent flow of air. Finished lime exits from the bottom of each shaft. Parallel-
flow kilns can be fired with natural gas or oil. They are energy-efficient and produce high-
quality lime (Wood, 1996; Sauers, Beige, and Smith, 1993b).
The Fluo-Solids kiln, which is a fluidized-bed system, looks like a vertical kiln on the
outside but operates on a different principle (see Figure 2-6). It calcines tiny (0.23 to
2.38 m) particles of limestone. These tiny particles are “fluidized,” or suspended in air in
the preheating and calcining zones of the kiln. These kilns require external cooling
equipment, as described in the section on rotary kilns. Because small particles will burn at
lower temperatures, these kilns have relatively low fuel consumption. They also produce
consistently high-quality lime. However, the cost of providing such finely ground limestone
as kiln feed prohibits the use of these kilns in most areas (Boynton, 1980).
The calcimatic kiln (also called a rotary hearth kiln) consists of a circular hearth that
rotates through a kiln (see Figure 2-7). Preheated limestone is loaded onto the hearth. It
rotates through the kiln, and finished lime is removed from the hearth after one complete
rotation. External cooling equipment is also used. These kilns have not been widely
accepted because they can only operate with gas and oil and have poor fuel efficiency
(Boynton, 1980).
Figure 2-5. Parallel flow kiln with left shaft calcining and right shaft
Source: Memorandum from Wood, Joseph P., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
to Chappell, Linda M., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. November 6,
1996. Engineering industry profile for the economic analysis.
Figure 2-6. Fluidized bed kiln.
Source: Memorandum from Wood, Joseph P., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to
Chappell, Linda M., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. November 6,
1996. Engineering industry profile for the economic analysis.
Briefly described here, quicklime, hydrated lime, and dead-burned dolomite are the
three broad categories of lime produced. Section 2.2 contains a more detailed discussion of
the many types of lime and lime products.
Figure 2-7. Rotary hearth kiln with cross sectional view of one firing
Source: Memorandum from Wood, Joseph P., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to
Chappell, Linda M., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. November 6,
1996. Engineering industry profile for the economic analysis.
(Boynton, 1980).
Hydrated Lime. Large quantities of quicklime are converted into hydrated lime. The
process of hydration, also known as slaking, is one of the following chemical reactions
between lime and water (Boynton, 1980):
High-calcium hydrate
CaO (h.c. quicklime) + H2O : Ca(OH)2 (h.c. hydrate) + heat (2.1)
Ca(OH)2 (h.c. hydrate) + heat :
CaO (h.c. quicklime) + H2O(vapor)
Normal dolomitic hydrate
CaO & MgO (dol. quicklime) + H2O : (2.2)
Ca(OH)2 & MgO (dol. hydrate) + heat
These equations show that this process is used for both high-calcium and dolomitic
lime (first and second equations). Dolomitic lime does not fully hydrate, however, without
additional processing under pressure (third equation) (Gutschick, 1994). These are highly
exothermic reactions. The heat released by the hydration of one pound of pure quicklime can
heat 3.4 pounds of water from room temperature to boiling (Boynton, 1980). Because of the
powerful nature of this reaction, quicklime must be handled with extreme care to avoid
contact with water. When quicklime is exposed to high humidity, it slowly reacts with the
moisture in the air and becomes “air-slaked” (Boynton, 1980).
2.1.4 Emissions and Controls in Lime Manufacturing
Lime production leads to emissions of particulate matter (PM); metals; and gaseous
pollutants, including carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and
nitrogen oxides (NOx) (Midwest Research Institute, 1994; Wood, 1996). Emission points are
indicated by Source Classification Code in Figure 2-2.
PM and Metals Emissions. The kiln is the largest ducted source of PM and metals
emissions from lime production. PM and metals emissions can also occur from coolers, but
only in plants where exhaust gases are not recycled back through the kiln. Emissions from
ordinary hydrators are generally readily controlled, whereas emissions from pressure
hydrators are somewhat more difficult to control. In addition to these sources, PM and
metals emissions can also occur at primary and secondary crushers, mills, screens, transfer
points, storage piles, and roads. Drilling and blasting at the quarry also create PM and metals
Rotary lime kilns constructed or modified after May 3, 1977, are required by law to
limit their emissions of filterable PM to 0.30 kg/Mg (0.60 lb/ton) of stone feed. Devices
used to control PM emissions from kilns are fallout chambers and cyclone separators for
large particles and fabric or gravel bed filters, wet scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators
for smaller particles. Cyclones, fabric filters, and wet scrubbers are also used to control PM
emissions from coolers, crushers, and loaders (Midwest Research Institute, 1994).
Rotary kilns have high potential PM and metals emissions relative to other types of
kilns, because they calcine small pieces of stone using high air velocities and a rotating
chamber. Vertical kilns have very low PM and metals emissions because they process large
chunks of stone using low air velocities, and the material moves slowly through the kiln.
Fluidized bed kilns can potentially produce large amounts of PM and metals emissions,
because they process fine particles in large volumes of air. But emissions from these kilns
are generally well controlled. Calcimatic kilns have relatively low PM and metals emissions
(Midwest Research Institute, 1994). The characteristics of the kiln feed and, if coal is used,
the ash content of the coal can also influence PM and metals emissions (EPA, 1995).
In addition to the gaseous pollutants created by burning fossil fuels, the chemical
reaction that occurs during calcination produces a large volume of carbon dioxide.
Limestone is approximately 44 percent carbon dioxide by weight, and this carbon dioxide is
released during calcination (Miller, 1997d).
2.1.5 Inputs
The inputs in the production process for lime are general inputs such as labor, capital,
and water. The inputs that are specific to this industry are the type of fuel and the limestone
or other calcareous material used. These two specific inputs are discussed below.
coal, coke, natural gas, and fuel oil (Sauers, Beige, and Smith, 1993a). A brief discussion of
each fuel follows.
Coal. During the energy crisis of the 1970s, when fuel oil and natural gas prices
soared and supplies were limited, many lime producers switched from vertical kilns to rotary
kilns that operate with cheaper, more plentiful coal (Gutschick, 1994). To produce the
highest quality lime, coal must be of moderate to low reactivity. (Reactivity refers to how
freely the coal burns.) Coal used to fire lime kilns should also have a low ash content, since
ash provides no heat value, can damage kiln linings, and may contaminate the lime. A low
sulphur content is also desirable. Sulfur in the fuel volatilizes at calcining temperatures and
might contaminate the lime (Boynton, 1980).
Coke. Coke can be produced from either coal or petroleum. Coke is the solid
material that remains after coal has been heated in coke ovens until volatile components are
driven off and collected as coal tar. It is also the solid material remaining after the various
fractions of crude oil have been distilled off during the process of refining petroleum
(Caldwell, 1998).
Coke is lower in both ash and volatiles than coal. Fuels that are high in volatiles
create a stable flame, which is required by rotary kilns. Because coke is low in volatiles, it
cannot be used exclusively in rotary kilns but can be mixed with coal to reduce ash. Kilns
that do not require a stable flame formation, such as the parallel flow kiln, can burn
100 percent coke (Sauers, Beige, and Smith, 1993a).
Natural gas. Natural gas is relatively clean burning and is consistent in quality;
therefore, it produces the highest quality lime. Natural gas-fired kilns require about
10 percent more energy than coal-fired kilns, however, and the cost per million Btu is
generally much higher for natural gas than for coal. Kilns operating with natural gas also
require more combustion air and larger vent capacity (Sauers, Beige, and Smith, 1993a).
Fuel oil. Because fuel oil generally costs more per million Btu than coal or natural
gas, it is seldom used as the primary source of fuel in lime kilns, but it is sometimes
combined with other fuels. It is low in ash and produces high-quality lime (Sauers, Beige,
and Smith, 1993a).
Fuel oils, which are used mostly in nonrotary kilns, are usually Bunker C grade. Fuel
oil has a greater potential for heat generation than solid fuels. When fuel oil is used, the kiln
operation must be closely monitored to avoid excessive temperatures and overburning
(Boynton, 1980).
Source: Gutschick, K.A. Lime and Limestone. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th Ed.
Vol. 15. New York, John Wiley & Sons. 1994. p. 319-359.
Table 2-2 lists the different forms of lime and describes them briefly. As previously
mentioned, most types of lime are included under the three major categories: quicklime,
hydrated lime, and dead-burned dolomite.
This section describes by-products and substitution possibilities for lime production.
Source: Gutschick, K.A. Lime and Limestone. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th Ed.
Vol. 15. New York, John Wiley & Sons. 1994. p. 319-359.
A major by-product of the lime industry is stone spalls, or pieces of limestone that do
not meet the size requirements for kiln feed. Sometimes limestone spalls can be further
processed and sold as limestone pebbles, granules, and fines, but where no market exists,
spalls may accumulate into huge piles, creating a disposal problem (Boynton, 1980).
Another by-product is kiln dust. The composition of kiln dust varies depending on
the nature of the kiln feed and fuel used. In the past, lime producers generally disposed of
kiln dust in abandoned quarries or landfills. In the early 1970s, a shortage of lime caused by
a combination of high demand and labor strikes at lime plants forced consumers to try using
kiln dust to meet their needs. Since then, the use of kiln dust for agricultural and industrial
purposes has increased (Boynton, 1980).
Kiln Feed. Most commercial lime plants worldwide are integrated lime producers
and extract their own kiln feed from an adjoining limestone quarry or mine (Gutschick,
1994). Transportation costs make it generally infeasible for producers to substitute kiln feed
from alternate sources (Boynton, 1980).
Fuel. Because most kilns are able to accommodate several different fuel types,
producers can substitute fuels based on price and availability. As previously mentioned, the
most widely used fuels are coal, coke, natural gas, and fuel oil. Producers must consider
quality as well as price and availability when choosing a fuel (Sauers, Beige, and Smith,
The chemical properties and composition of the lime produced relate directly to the
characteristics of the limestone used as kiln feed (Gutschick, 1994). Most plants use kiln
feed from an adjacent quarry, so the type of lime the plants manufacture is limited.
However, commercial plants have substitution possibilities regarding the form of their final
product. Lime can be sold as quicklime in various particle sizes, or it can be further
processed into one of the forms of hydrated lime (see Table 2-2) (Boynton, 1980).
The costs incurred by lime manufacturers are labor, materials, and capital. This
section provides data on these costs and discusses economies of scale.
Table 2-3 provides expenditures for wages, materials, and new capital from 1977 to
1997 in both current and 1997 dollars. Costs of materials include all raw materials,
containers, scrap, and supplies used in production, repair, or maintenance during the year, as
well as the cost of all electricity and fuel consumed. Costs are included for materials
whether they are purchased from outside the company or transferred from within the
company. (Cost of materials includes the cost of quarrying limestone.) New capital
expenditures include permanent additions and alterations to facilities and machinery and
equipment used for expanding plant capacity or replacing existing machinery.
This table shows that the cost of materials (which includes quarrying of limestone) is
by far the greatest cost to lime producers. Lime producers spend as much as three to four
times more on materials than they do on labor. A large part of the materials cost is fuel
1991 103.4 111.5 299.8 323.3 66.4 71.6
1992 121.3 130.0 446.2 478.3 47.9 51.3
1993 125.2 132.3 480.0 507.1 35.5 37.5
1994 125.5 131.0 529.9 552.9 21.6 22.5
1995 120.1 121.0 365.3 368.0 21.2 21.3
1996 168.5 171.3 378.4 384.6 60.4 61.4
1997 203.5 203.5 558.0 558.0 61.9 61.9
Prices were deflated using the producer price index (PPI) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. <>. 2000.
Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997 Census of Manufactures, Industry Series—Concrete, Plaster, and Cut Stone Products.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1999c.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census. 1994 Annual Survey of Manufactures. M94(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census. 1995 Annual Survey of Manufactures. M95(AS)-1. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1996 Annual Survey of Manufactures. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1999a.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997 Census of Manufacturing, Manufacturing Industry Series—Lime Manufacturing. EC97M-
3274A. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1999b.
For 1996, the Annual Survey of Manufactures reported that the lime industry spent $138.2
million on energy, which is 31.4 percent of total materials costs for that year (U.S.
Department of Commerce, 1997). Table 2-4 contains a more detailed breakdown of the costs
of materials used in the production and manufacture of lime.
As a rule, unit costs decline as output increases so that larger lime plants have lower
unit costs than smaller plants. However, operating costs within this industry vary
significantly, and there may be exceptions to this rule (Boynton, 1980).
Capacity varies with kiln type. Rotary kilns can operate at a rate of 100 to 1,500 tons
per day, while shaft kilns (vertical and parallel flow) can produce 50 to 600 tons per day
(Sauers, Beige, and Smith, 1993b). To keep unit costs to a minimum, producers must
operate at nearly full capacity. Running kilns at less than full capacity is very inefficient,
because it requires the same amount of fuel as operating at full capacity (Miller, 1997d).
Operating at 90 to 95 percent capacity is optimal, but pushing a plant to 100 percent of its
capacity can damage equipment (Boynton, 1980).
MANUFACTURING: 1987, 1992, and 1997
Other stone, clay, glass, and concrete products 1.3 0.5 NA NA NA NA
Crushed and broken stone (including cement 145.8 57.4 67.2 32.2 48.9 27
rock, limestone)
All other materials and components, parts, 61.4 24.1 95.8 45.9 86.4 47.7
containers, and supplies
Materials, ingredients containers and supplies, 2.8 1.1 8.7 4.2 22.1 12.2
not specified by kind
NA = Not available.
Prices were deflated using the producer price index (PPI) from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. <>. 2000.
Note that 1987 figures are adjusted for 1997.
Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997 Census of Manufactures, Industry Series—Concrete, Plaster, and Cut Stone
Products. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1999c.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1997 Census of Manufacturing, Manufacturing Industry Series, Lime Manufacturing.
EC97M-3274A. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. 1999b.
In addition to the supply side, estimating the economic impacts of the regulation on
the lime manufacturing industry requires characterizing various aspects of the demand for
lime. This section describes the product characteristics desired by end users; the numerous
uses for lime, including agricultural, chemical and industrial, construction, and
environmental uses; and possible substitutes for lime.
Because the quality and characteristics of lime vary considerably, consumers often
use chemical and physical tests to ensure that the lime being purchased meets their
requirements. The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) provides
specifications and tests for various uses of lime. Many of these tests are too time consuming
and costly for use in routine quality control, so they are performed only occasionally. Less
involved tests of physical and chemical qualities can be done depending on the consumer’s
needs. Depending on the intended end use, consumers may test lime for impurities,
consistency, plasticity, particle size, compressive strength, settling rate, slaking rate, and
chemical composition (Boynton, 1980).
For most purposes, dolomitic and high-calcium lime can be used interchangeably.
For certain purposes, however, one or the other may be preferable. For example, dolomitic
lime is used for agricultural liming in areas where the soil is deficient in magnesium
(Boynton, 1980).
Quicklime and hydrated lime are also interchangeable for most purposes. The choice
between quicklime and hydrated lime depends on the quantity needed and the storage
facilities available. Quicklime is more concentrated than hydrated lime, and costs 50 to
60 percent less per ton. However, quicklime must be stored carefully and must be slaked, or
hydrated, prior to use. The consumer must weigh the cost of owning and operating slaking
equipment against the savings from buying less expensive quicklime. High-volume
consumers generally purchase quicklime, while smaller consumers usually buy hydrated lime
(Boynton, 1980).
Almost all quicklime is shipped in bulk in covered hopper rail cars. The small
quantities of quicklime that are packaged are placed in extra-heavy paper sacks. Hydrated
lime is available both in bulk and packaged in multiwall, 50-pound bags. Bulk hydrate is
loaded pneumatically onto tank trucks for shipment (Boynton, 1980).
Table 3-1 presents data on quantities, percentages, and dollar values of lime used by
various industries in 1999. Uses fall into one of the following general categories:
agriculture, chemical and industrial (which includes steel), construction, environmental, and
refractory. Agriculture consumed less than 1 percent of lime produced in the U.S. Chemical
and industrial uses accounted for 64 percent of the lime consumed, and the steel industry
alone consumed 30.5 percent. Within the chemical and industrial category, other significant
uses included pulp and paper production (5 percent), precipitation of calcium carbonate
(6.1 percent), and sugar refining (4 percent). Construction accounted for 10.6 percent of the
lime consumed, and most lime in this category is used for soil stabilization. Environmental
uses for lime accounted for 23.9 percent of the market. Within this category, the largest use
for lime was flue gas desulfurization (15.9 percent), followed by water purification
(7.1 percent).
USE: 1999a
Numbers include commercial sales and captive supply use. Regenerated lime is not included.
To convert to short tons, multiply metric tons by 1.10231.
Source: Miller, M.M. 1999b. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
Geological Survey. <>.
Table 3-2 contains information on lime use for 1998 and 1999; quantities and
percentages for quicklime and hydrated lime are presented separately. For both years, the
quantity of quicklime consumed was about six times greater than the quantity of hydrate
consumed. The construction industry used more hydrate than quicklime, but for
environmental, steel, and other purposes listed, quicklime use greatly exceeded hydrate use.
All lime sold for refractory purposes was quicklime. The following section discusses some
of the many uses of lime in more detail.
3.2.1 Agriculture
Lime is applied to fields to neutralize acid soils, offset acidity created by nitrogen
fertilizers, add nutrients to the soil (calcium and magnesium), and improve soil structure.
Agricultural use of lime in the U.S. takes place almost exclusively in the east, since western
states tend to have alkaline soils (Gutschick, 1994).
Lime serves many diverse and important functions in a broad range of industries. As
previously mentioned, more than 60 percent of the lime consumed per year is used in
chemical and industrial applications, including steel manufacturing, pulp and paper
manufacturing, and sugar refining. Industries can meet their demand for lime by either
purchasing lime from commercial producers or by manufacturing their own lime onsite
(captive production). For example, all beet sugar producers and alkali plants operate their
own lime plants to supply the large quantities of lime and carbon dioxide they require. Some
steel producers, as well as manufacturers of copper, alumina, and magnesium also operate
captive lime kilns (Boynton, 1980). The following section describes in more detail how a
number of industries use lime.
To convert metric tons to short tons, multiply metric tons by 1.10231.
Source: Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1999a. <>.
Iron and Steel Metallurgy. Lime is used as flux in the manufacture of steel. It reacts
with impurities such as phosphorus, silica, and sulfur to form slag, which is removed from
the metal. The types of steel furnaces that consume lime are the basic open-hearth furnace,
the basic Bessemer furnace, and the basic oxygen furnace (Boynton, 1980). The basic
oxygen furnace produces about two-thirds of the steel in the U.S. Electric furnaces that
purify steel scrap also use lime as flux. Dead-burned dolomite is used to protect the
refractory linings of open-hearth and electric furnaces and manufacture refractory brick
(Gutschick, 1994).
Sugar Refining. The beet sugar industry uses large quantities of both lime and carbon
dioxide in its refining process. (Small quantities are used in the refining of cane sugar.) To
meet their needs, all beet sugar manufacturers maintain their own captive lime kilns and
purchase limestone to use as kiln feed, but they generally do not operate their own limestone
quarries (Gutschick, 1994). Captive lime kilns only operate in the fall after the beet harvest.
Manufacturers use both the lime and the carbon dioxide that captive lime kilns produce
(Boynton, 1980).
Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC). PCC is a pure white powder with uniform
particle size, which is an important input in many production processes. It is used as a
pigment in paint; a coating and filler for paper; a filler in rubber products; and an ingredient
in putties, dentifrices, and pharmaceuticals. It is manufactured directly from lime and is also
a by-product of the production of soda ash at alkali plants (Boynton, 1980).
Pulp and Paper. Quicklime is used in sulfate-process pulp plants in combination with
“black liquor” (waste sodium carbonate solution), allowing sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
to be recovered. As part of this process, 92 to 98 percent of lime is also recovered. Sludge is
dewatered and pelletized then fed through captive rotary kilns where it is calcined back into
lime for reuse. Pulp plants also use lime to make calcium hypochlorite for bleaching paper
and for treating wastewater (Boynton, 1980). The pulp and paper industry has been moving
away from the sulfate process to an alkaline process, which produces higher quality paper at
lower cost. This process still requires lime, however, in the form of PCC. As previously
mentioned, PCC is used as a filler and coating material for high quality paper. Some pulp
and paper manufacturers have installed PCC plants on site (Gutschick, 1994).
Other Chemical and Industrial Uses. Lime is used in the production of a number of
chemicals, such as soda ash and sodium bicarbonate (alkalies), and calcium carbide. Various
forms of lime are also used to produce plastics and glass. Lime is also used as a carrier for
pesticides and in the production of bleaching agents. Calcium and magnesium salts such as
dicalcium phosphate, magnesium chloride, and lithium salts also come from lime. Lime is
used in refining food-grade salts and in producing numerous food additives (Gutschick,
3.2.3 Construction
The largest use of lime for construction is for soil stabilization. It is used in
constructing roads, parking lots, runways, building foundations, embankments, earthen dams,
railroad beds, and irrigation canal linings. When lime is added to clay soils, which contain
silica, and the soil is then compacted, the lime reacts with the silica, greatly increasing the
soil’s stability and strength. For soils low in silica, builders use lime together with fly ash,
which contains silica. Lime is also used to dry up saturated soils (Gutschick, 1994).
Lime is an important component of asphalt used for paving. It improves the asphalt’s
ability to adhere to the surface to which it is applied and adds to its durability (Gutschick,
1994). Lime is also used to produce building materials such as mortar, plaster, and stucco
(Boynton, 1980).
3.2.4 Environmental
Environmental protection is a large and growing market for lime, and lime is used in
various environmental applications.
Air Pollution Control. The Clean Air Act of 1970 created a new market for lime in
the area of flue gas desulfurization, which has now become the second largest domestic
market for lime (Miller, 1996c). Flue gas desulfurization uses lime to remove sulfur dioxide
from stack gases at utility and industrial plants that burn coal. They employ both wet and
dry scrubbers. Wet scrubbers, which use slurries of lime and produce a liquid waste product,
can remove up to 99 percent of sulfur dioxide from stack gases. Dry scrubbers, which
produce a dry waste, can remove sulfur with 70 to 90 percent efficiency. Lime can also be
used to neutralize wastes from sulfuric acid plants, as well as other wastes such as
hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, and nitrogen oxide. It can also be used to scrub stack
gases from incinerators and small industrial coal-fired boilers (Gutschick, 1994).
Water Treatment. Lime is used to treat potable water for softening (removing
minerals), purifying (killing bacteria), and clarifying. Lime is also effective at preventing
lead and copper from entering distribution systems. It does this by raising the pH of the
water so that these metals remain insoluble (Gutschick, 1994).
Sewage Treatment. Lime is used to treat wastewater at sewage treatment plants. The
addition of lime to wastewater causes phosphates and most heavy metals to precipitate. It
also causes solid and dissolved organic compounds to coagulate and ammonia to volatilize.
Lime also raises the pH to a point where bacteria, viruses, and odor are destroyed. Lime is
used heavily in the treatment of sewage sludge as well. It controls odors, kills germs, and
precipitates heavy metals, allowing sludge to be disposed of safely in landfills or to be used
as a soil amendment (Gutschick, 1994).
Industrial Wastewater Treatment. Many industries, including the electroplating,
chemical manufacturing, and textile industries, use lime to treat their wastewater. In
addition, lime is used to treat effluents that are high in sulfuric acid and iron oxides from
both abandoned and active coal mines (Gutschick, 1994).
As mentioned in Section 3.1, the various forms of lime can often be used
interchangeably. For some purposes, limestone can be used as a substitute for lime. For
example, in the flue gas desulfurization market, high purity limestone can be used instead of
lime for scrubbing, and it is considerably less costly than lime. However, lime is more
reactive than limestone, and the capital investment required for limestone scrubbers is higher
than that for lime scrubbers. In the steel industry, basic open-hearth furnaces can use
limestone instead of lime as flux. However, the basic oxygen furnace, which uses only lime
as flux, has almost entirely replaced the open-hearth furnace (Gutschick, 1994). Limestone
cannot replace lime for soil stabilization, but for agricultural purposes, ground limestone can
be used instead of lime (Boynton, 1980).
For industrial wastewater treatment, limestone can be used to a limited extent for acid
neutralization, raising pH to 6 to 6.5. However, to precipitate iron and other ferrous metals, a
pH of 9 to 10 is necessary, and for this range, only lime is effective (Gutschick, 1994).
Caustic soda also competes with lime in the acid neutralization market. Caustic soda is
highly effective, but its price tends to be volatile (Miller, 1997d).
Whiting, a type of limestone, can be used as a diluent and carrier of pesticides in lieu
of hydrated lime (Gutschick, 1994). Calcined gypsum is an alternative material used in
industrial plasters and mortars. Cement, lime kiln dust, and fly ash are also potential
substitutes for lime in some construction uses (Miller, 1996a).
This section examines the organization of the U.S. lime industry, including plant
location and production characteristics, commercial and captive producers, firm
characteristics, market structure, and degree of integration. The industry’s organization
helps determine how it will be affected by complying with the Lime Production NESHAP.
Lime manufacturing plants may be broadly divided into those that produce lime to be
sold (commercial lime plants) and those that produce lime as part of a vertically integrated
production process whose purpose is to produce another good, such as steel, paper, or beet
sugar (captive lime plant). This section provides plant-level data on both commercial and
captive lime plants.
Table 4-1A lists all of the commercial lime facilities in the 50 states and Puerto Rico
and provides location, capacity, and kiln information. Information on the number and
location of lime facilities was obtained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
within the Department of the Interior (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1999). Table 4-1B
presents the location and kiln-type information for the U.S. captive supply lime industry.
Number of Type of
Company Facility Location Capacity (tpya) Kilns Kilnb
Ash Grove Cement Co. Springfield Springfield, MO >66,000 2 V,O
Ash Grove Cement Co. Portland Portland, OR 128,400 3 O
Austin White Lime Co. McNeil McNeil, TX CBI CBI R
Blue Circle Inc. Roberta Calera, AL NS 4 R
Carmeuse North America (Eastern Region)/ Maple Grove Maple Grove, OH NS NS R
Ohio Lime, Inc
Carmeuse North America (Eastern Region)/ Millersville Millersville, OH NS NS R
Millersville Lime, Inc
Carmeuse North America (Eastern Region)/ Millard Annville, PA 415,425 5 R
Pennsylvania Lime, Inc.
Carmeuse North America (Eastern Region) Hannover Hanover, PA 196,800 3 O
Carmeuse North America (Northern Region)/ Detroit Detroit, MI NS NS R
Detroit Lime, Inc.
Carmeuse North America (Northern Region)/ River Rouge River Rouge, MI NS NS R
Marblehead Lime, Inc
Carmeuse North America (Southern Region)/ Longview Saginaw, AL NS NS R
Dravo Lime, Inc.
Carmeuse North America (Southern Region) Black River (UG) Carntown, KY NS NS R
Carmeuse North America (Southern Region) Maysville (UG) Maysville, KY NS NS R
Carmeuse North America (Southern Region) Pelican Baton Rouge, LA NS NS H
Carmeuse North America (Southern Region)/ Bexar San Antonio, TX NS NS R
San Antonio Lime, Inc.
Carmeuse North America (Western Region)/ South Chicago South Chicago, IL NS NS R
Marblehead Lime, Inc.
Carmeuse North America (Western Region) Buffinton Buffinton, IN NS NS R
Chemical Lime Co. Alabaster Alabaster, AL 162,400 2 R
Chemical Lime Co. O’Neal Calera, AL NS NS R
Chemical Lime Co. Montevallo Montevallo, AL 753,750 4 R
Chemical Lime Co. Douglas Douglas, AZ NS 3 R,V
Chemical Lime Co. Nelson Nelson, AZ >480,000 2 R
Number of Type of
Company Facility Location Capacity (tpya) Kilns Kilnb
Chemical Lime Co. Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve, MO NS NS R
Chemical Lime Co. City of Industry City of Industry, CA NS NS H
Chemical Lime Co. (managed by) Natividad Natividad, CA NS NS R
Chemical Lime Co. Stockton Stockton, CA NS NS H
Chemical Lime Co. Tensile Bancroft, ID 210,000 1 V,R
Chemical Lime Co. Belen Belen, NM NS NS H
Chemical Lime Co. Apex North Las Vegas, NV 391,000 3 R
Chemical Lime Co. Henderson Henderson, NV NS 3 R
Chemical Lime Co. Clifton Clifton, TX 388,200 3 R,V
Chemical Lime Co. Marble Falls Marble Falls, TX 219,000 1 V,R
Chemical Lime Co. New Braunfels New Braunfels, TX CBI CBI V,R
Chemical Lime Co. Grantsville Grantsville, UT 70,000 1 R
Chemical Lime Co. Plant #1 Kimbalton, VA CBI CBI R
Chemical Lime Co. Plant #2 Kimbalton, VA CBI CBI R
Cheney Lime & Cement Co. Allgood Allgood, AL NS NS H
Cheney Lime & Cement Co. Landmark Siluria, AL 148,750 1 R
Cutler-Magner Corp. Superior Superior, WI NS NS R
Con Lime Co. Bellefonte (UG) Bellefonte, PA NS NS R
Falco Lime, Inc. Vicksburg Vicksburg, MS NS NS H
Florida Crushed Stone Co. Brooksville Brooksville, FL NS NS H
Global Stone Co. (Global Stone Georgia Macon Macon, GA NS NS H
Hydrate, Inc.)
Global Stone Co. (Global Stone St. Clair, Inc.) Marble City Marble City, OK 210,000 2 R
Global Stone Co. (Global Stone Tenn Luttrell, Inc.) Luttrell (UG) Luttrell, TN 268,000 1 R,V
Global Stone Co. (Global Stone Chemstone, Inc.) Dominion Strasburg, VA CBI CBI V,R,O
Global Stone Co. Winchester Clear Brook, VA NS NS R
Graymont Ltd. (Continental Lime Inc.) Tacoma Tacoma, WA 102,000 1 R
Graymont Ltd. (Continental Lime Inc.) Pilot Peak Wendover, NV 365,000 2 R
Graymont Ltd. (Continental Lime Inc.) Cricket Mountain Delta, UT 1,095,000 4 R
Graymont Ltd. (Continental Lime Inc.) Indian Creek Townsend, MT 365,000 2 R
Number of Type of
Company Facility Location Capacity (tpya) Kilns Kilnb
Graymont Ltd. (Genlime) Genoa Genoa, OH 131,400 3 R
Graymont Ltd. (Graybec Lime Ltd.) Bellefonte Bellefonte, PA 328,000 2 R
Graymont Ltd. (Graybec Lime Ltd.) Pleasant Gap Pleasant Gap, PA 255,750 3 R
Greer Lime Co. Riverton Riverton, WV NS NS R
Huron Lime Huron Huron, OH 383,250 3 R
Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. Rapid City Rapid City, SD 119,340 1 R
Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. (Colorado Hydrate) Laporte Laporte, CO NS NS H
Linwood Mining & Minerals Corp. Linwood (UG) Linwood, IA 146,000 3 R
Mercer Lime and Stone Co. Branchton Branchton, PA NS NS R
National Lime & Stone Co. Carey Carey, OH NS NS O
Palmetto Lime LLC Palmetto Charleston, SC NS NS V
Puerto Rican Cement Co., Inc. Ponce Ponce, PR 37,200 1 R
Rockwell Lime Co. Manitowoc Manitowoc, WI 116,550 2 R
Shen-Valley Lime Corp. Stephens City Stephens City, VA NS NS H
Southdown Corp Lee Lee, MA NS NS R
U.S. Lime & Minerals, Inc. (Arkansas Lime Co.) Batesville Batesville, AR NS NS V
U.S. Lime & Minerals, Inc. (Texas Lime Co.) Plant #1 Cleburne, TX NS NS R
USG Corp New Orleans New Orleans, LA 48,635 1 R
Vulcan Materials Co. Manteno Manteno, IL NS NS R
Vulcan Materials Co. McCook McCook, IL NS NS R
Western Lime Corp. Green Bay Green Bay, WI 144,010 1 R
Western Lime Corp. Eden Eden, WI 73,360 1 R
Wyoming Lime Producers Frannie Frannie, WY NS NS R
R = rotary; V = vertical or shaft; O = other; NA = not available
Sources: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 2000. 1999 Directory of Lime Plants in the United
States. Mineral Industry Surveys. Reston, VA. <
U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Directory of Lime Plants in the United States. Reston,
VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 1999.
4.1.1 Lime Plant Location
Table 4-2 presents a list of the number of commercial and captive lime facilities by
state, based on the information provided in Tables 4-1A and 4-1B. Overall, Ohio has the
largest number of facilities (ten), followed by Michigan (eight). Alabama and Pennsylvania
each have seven plants, and Texas, California, and Virginia each have six plants.
Alabama has the largest number of commercial lime facilities (seven) in the country,
followed by Pennsylvania and Ohio with six each. Texas and Virginia each have five
commercial lime facilities.
Sales and employment ranges for the commercial lime facilities vary greatly. EPA
obtained data on plant-specific sales and employment ranges for approximately 61 of the
plants listed in Table 4-1A (ABI, 1997). Sales at these plants vary from a range of $1 to $2.5
million per year to as much as $500 million in annual sales. Similarly, facilities employing
ten workers contrast with those employing hundreds of workers. Generally, however, these
plants are characterized by relatively low employment and moderate plant-level sales. Of the
61 plants for which data were obtained, 21 have fewer than 10 employees, and another 12
have between 10 and 19. Sixteen have between 20 and 49 employees, while only 12 employ
over 50. Plant-level sales are also relatively low. Sixteen of the 61 plants have sales less
than $1 million per year, and another 22 plants have sales between $1 million and $5 million
per year. Eight plants have sales between $5 million and $10 million per year. Only 15
plants report sales exceeding $10 million per year.
Number of Facilities
Number of Number of Supplying Both
Commercial Captive Supply Commercial and
State Facilities Facilities Captive Users Total
Alabama 7 0 0 7
Alaska 0 0 0 0
Arizona 2 0 0 2
Arkansas 1 0 0 1
California 3 3 0 6
Colorado 1 2 0 3
Connecticut 0 0 0 0
Delaware 0 0 0 0
District of Columbia 0 0 0 0
Florida 1 0 0 1
Georgia 1 0 0 1
Hawaii 0 0 0 0
Idaho 1 3 0 4
Illinois 2 1 0 3
Indiana 1 1 0 2
Iowa 1 0 0 1
Kansas 0 0 0 0
Kentucky 2 0 0 2
Louisiana 2 0 0 2
Maine 0 0 0 0
Maryland 0 0 0 0
Massachusetts 1 0 1 2
Michigan 2 6 0 8
Minnesota 0 4 0 4
Mississippi 0 1 0 1
Missouri 2 0 1 3
Montana 1 2 0 3
Nebraska 0 3 0 3
Nevada 1 2 0 3
New Hampshire 0 0 0 0
New Jersey 0 0 0 0
New Mexico 1 0 0 1
New York 0 0 0 0
North Carolina 0 0 0 0
North Dakota 0 3 0 3
Ohio 6 2 2 10
Oklahoma 1 0 0 1
Oregon 1 1 0 2
Pennsylvania 6 0 1 7
Number of Facilities
Number of Number of Supplying Both
Commercial Captive Supply Commercial and
State Facilities Facilities Captive Users Total
Puerto Rico 1 0 0 1
Rhode Island 0 0 0 0
South Carolina 1 0 0 1
South Dakota 0 0 0 0
Tennessee 1 1 0 2
Texas 5 1 0 6
Utah 2 0 0 2
Vermont 0 0 0 0
Virginia 5 1 0 6
Washington 0 1 1 2
West Virginia 1 0 0 1
Wisconsin 4 0 0 4
Wyoming 1 3 0 4
Totals 68 41 6 115
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 2000. 1999 Directory of Lime Plants in the
United States. Mineral Industry Surveys. Reston, VA. <
Michigan has the largest number of captive supply lime facilities, with six.
Minnesota has four captive lime producers. California, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, and
Wyoming have three captive facilities each.
Table 4-1B shows the name, location, and kiln type for these plants. Captive supply
lime plants are part of vertically integrated production operations that use the lime they
produce as an input in the production of other goods, such as paper, steel, or beet sugar. The
lime plants are generally located at the same geographic site as the production facilities for
the goods the lime is used to produce. Thus, plant-level sales and employment would reflect
not only lime production levels, but also production of other goods made at those sites. For
this reason, we do not present graphical descriptions of plant level sales and employment for
captive producers.
A “facility” is a site of land with a plant and equipment that combine inputs
(limestone, fuel, and labor) to produce an output (lime). Companies that own these facilities
are legal business entities that conduct transactions, and make decisions that affect the
facility. The terms “facility,” “establishment,” and “plant” are synonymous in this study,
and refer to the physical location where products are manufactured. Likewise, the terms
“company” and “firm” are used interchangeably to refer to the legal business entity that
owns one or more facilities. This section presents information on the companies that own
both the captive and commercial manufacturing plants identified in the previous section.
4.2.1 Ownership
Using information obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the
Information Access Company (Information Access Corporation, 1997), and American
Business Information (ABI, 1997), 57 companies were identified that produce lime for either
commercial or captive supply purposes. Thirty-six of these companies produce lime solely
for the commercial market, while 21 engage in captive production, either entirely, or in
combination with some commercial production. Data on companies owning lime plants is
shown in Table 4-3. Table 4-3 lists information on organization type, number of facilities,
sales, employment and parent companies for the commercial producers and for captive
Years for
Organization Number of Financial Sales Parent Sales Parent
Company Type Facilities Data ($106) Employment Parent ($106) Employment
Commercial Lime Industry
Arkansas Lime Co. Private subsidiary 1 1999 $5–10 100 United States Lime & Minerals 31.5 205
Ash Grove Cement Co. Private 2 1998 365 1,800 None
Austin White Lime Co. Private 1 1997 12 150 None
Blue Circle Inc. Public subsidiary 1 1999 100–500 200 Blue Circle Industries PLC 3,295.4 18,637
Chemical Lime Co. Private subsidiary 19 1998 250 1,000 Lhoist NA NA
Cheney Lime & Cement Private 2 1999 15 50 None
Con Lime Co. Private 1 1994 7 65 None
Cutler-Magner Co. Private 1 1999 10–25 75 None
Detroit Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 1 1999 10–20 50 Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of Belgium)
Dravo Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 4 NA NA NA Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of Belgium)
Falco Lime, Inc. Private 1 1999 20–50 65 None
Florida Crushed Stone Private 1 1998 97 600 None
Genlime Inc. Private subsidiary 1 1999 NA NA Graymont Ltd.a 203.7 1,000
Global Stone Co. Private subsidiary 5 1999 20 109 Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
(Global Stone James Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of Belgium)
Graybec Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 1 1999 25.2 230 Graymont Ltd. 203.7 1,000
Greer Lime Co. Private subsidiary 1 1998 NA NA Greer Industries Inc. 150 650
Huron Lime Co. Private 1 1999 35 35 None
Linwood Mining & Private subsidiary 1 1999 20–50 100 McCarthy Bush Corp. 50.3 300
Minerals Corp.
Marblehead Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 3 1999 >500 NA Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of Belgium)
Mercer Lime and Stone Private susidiary 1 1999 14 62 Star Group, Inc. 22.2 80
Millersville Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 1 1999 NA 100 Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of Belgium)
Years for
Organization Number of Financial Sales Parent Sales Parent
Company Type Facilities Data ($106) Employment Parent ($106) Employment
Commercial Lime Industry (cont)
National Lime & Stone Co. Private 1 1999 50 400 None
Ohio Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 1 1999 5–10 50 Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of
Palmetto Lime LLC Subsidiary 1 NA NA NA SCANA Corporation 1,650 5,488
Pennsylvania Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 2 NA NA NA Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of
Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. Private 2 1999 65.8 350 None
Puerto Rican Cement Co., Public 1 1999 173.3 1,053 None
Rockwell Lime Co. Private 1 1999 8.2 48 None
San Antonio Lime, Inc. Private subsidiary 1 NA NA NA Carmeuse Lime Inc. (subsidiary of 240 1,200
Carmeuse Chimie Minerale of
Shen-Valley Lime Corp. Private 1 1999 1–2.5 2 None
Southdown Corp. Private subsidiary 1 1999 20–50 40 Southdown, Inc 203.2 4,100
Texas Lime Co. Private subsidiary 1 1999 20–50 80 United States Lime & Minerals 31.5 205
USG Corp. Public 1 1999 36,000 143,000 None
Vulcan Materials Co. Public 2 1999 2,355.8 9,245 None
Western Lime Corp. Private 2 1999 35.5 92 None
Wyoming Lime Producers Private subsidiary 1 1999 2.5–5 13 Basin Electric Power Cooperative 757.3 1,661
Captive Supply Lime Industry
The Amalgamated Sugar Cooperative 4 1999 250 3,000 None
American Crystal Sugar Cooperative 5 1999 844.4 1,292 None
Baker Refractories Co. Private 1 1999 10–20 110 None
Bowater Southern Paper Private 1 1999 NA 1,225 None
Continental Lime Inc. Private subsidiary 4b 1999 12 202 Graymont Ltd. 203.7 1,000
Years for
Number of Financial Sales Parent Sales Parent
Company Organization Type Facilities Data ($106) Employment Parent ($106) Employment
Captive Supply Lime Industry (cont)
The Dow Chemical Co. Public 1 1999 18,929 39,239 None
Elkem Metals Co. Subsidiary 1 1999 400 1,300 Elkem Holdings Inc. (subsidiary 420 1,300
of Elkem ASA, Noraway)
The Great Lakes Sugar Co. Private subsidiary 1 1999 NA 19 Imperial Sugar Company 1,888.6 3,800
Holly Sugar Corp. Private subsidiary 8 1999 460 1,200 Imperial Sugar Company 1,888.6 3,800
Ispat Inland, Inc. Private subsidiary 1 1999 1,075.4 8,200 Ispat International NV, NA NA
LTV Steel Private subsidiary 1 1999 4,280 14,000 LTV Corporation 4,270 14,800
Martin Marietta Mag. Private subsidiary 1 1999 NA NA Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. 6,100 1,258.8
Specialties, Inc.
Michigan Sugar Co. Private subsidiary 4 1999 200 1,200 Imperial Sugar Company 1,888.6 3,800
Minn-Dak Farmers Coop. Private 1 1999 136.5 480 None
Mississippi Lime Co. Private 1 1998 80–99 900 None
Monitor Sugar Co. Private subsidiary 1 1999 75 660 Sucre Holding Inc. 76 660
Northwest Alloys, Inc. Private subsidiary 1 1999 70 349 Alcoa Inc. 16,323 127,000
Riverton Corp. Private 1 1999 14 150 None
Southern Minnesota Sugar Private 1 1999 135 500 None
Specialty Minerals, Inc. Public subsidiary 1 1999 1,150 429 Minerals Technologies Inc. 637.5 2,236
Western Sugar Co. Private subsidiary 7 1999 400 2,500 Tate and Lyle Inc. 6,326 22,000
Sales and employment data for Graymont Ltd. are from 1993.
Continental Lime Inc. has one captive plant and three commercial plants. The sales and employment figures here are the totals for all four facilities.
Sources: National Register Publishing. 1999 Directory of Corporate Affiliations. Volume 4. U.S. Private Companies. “Who Owns Whom.” New Providence, NJ:
Reed Elsevier Inc. 1999.
Gale Group. Ward’s Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies. Volume 1. Detroit: Gale Group. 1999.
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. D&B Business Rankings 2000. Bethlehem, PA: Dun & Bradstreet. 2000.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Standard & Poor’s Register of Corporations. Volume 1. Charlottesville, VA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000.
Lycos Small Business. <>.
Hoover’s Online. <>.
Reference USA. 2000. InfoUSA Resource. <>.
operate a total of 72 facilities. Most of these companies (26) operate single facilities. Eleven
companies operate between two and five facilities. The Chemical Lime Company owns by
far the largest number of facilities devoted to commercial lime production. This company
owns 19 facilities, either directly or through their subsidiary, Chemical Lime Southwest Inc.
Of the commercial companies for which data are available, only four are owned by publicly
held corporations. Twenty-eight are either private companies or private subsidiaries.
Firms Owning Captive Lime Producers. According to the available data, 12 of the 21
companies owning captive producing lime facilities are owned by parent companies. The 21
captive lime producers operate a total of 47 facilities. Sixteen of these companies operate
single facilities. Ownership in the captive supply lime industry is somewhat more
complicated than for the commercial industry. The Holly Sugar Company, which is a
subsidiary of Imperial Holly, operates seven facilities. Imperial Holly also controls the
Spreckels Sugar Company, a one-facility company in Woodland, CA. Thus, Imperial Holly
is responsible for the operations of eight facilities. Savannah Foods and Industries (SFI)
exhibits a similar relationship between parent and subsidiaries. Great Lakes Sugar
Company, which operates one plant, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Michigan Sugar
Company. The Michigan Sugar Company, which operates four plants of its own, is a
subsidiary of Savannah Foods and Industries (SFI). SFI, therefore, operates a total of five
captive supply lime plants. The two other large captive supply lime companies are the
Amalgamated Sugar Company with four plants, and American Crystal Sugar with five
plants. Sixteen of the captive facilities for which data are available are operated by either
private companies or private subsidiaries. One is publicly held, and two are cooperatives.
This section examines the size of the companies owning lime producers, where size is
defined in terms of company sales and employment. Data are incomplete for many of these
companies, because they are subsidiaries and privately held. Thus, many of the traditional
financial databases do not provide data on them. The size characterizations provided below
are defined in terms of annual sales and employment, based on available data. According to
both measures, companies owning lime plants tend to be relatively small.
Companies that are vertically or horizontally integrated may have market power,
because they control supplies of critical inputs or because they provide a larger share of
market supply.
According to this definition, there is some evidence of horizontal integration among both the
commercial and captive lime producers. Among commercial producers, there are 11
companies that operate more than one facility. Five of the captive producers operate more
than a single facility.
To determine the possible impacts on small businesses, both captive and commercial
supply companies are categorized as small or large using the Small Business
Administration’s (SBA) general size standard definitions (SBA, 1998). For commercial lime
firms, a small company has 500 or fewer employees. For captive supply companies that are
beet sugar or pulp and paper producers, small is defined as having 750 or fewer employees.
For captive suppliers that are steel companies, small is defined as having 1,000 or fewer
Table 4-4 lists the employment and sales data for the small companies that are
owners of lime-producing facilities. Data on employment and sales for many of these
companies is
Number of
Company Organization Type Facilities Sales ($106) Employment
Commercial Suppliers
Austin White Lime Co. Private 1 12 150
Cheney Lime & Cement Co. Private 2 15 50
Con Lime Co. Private 1 7 65
Cutler Magner Co. Private 1 $17.5 75
Falco Lime, Inc. Private 1 35 65
Huron Lime Co. Private 1 35 35
McCarthy Bush Corp. Private 1 50.3 300
National Lime & Stone Co. Private 1 50 400
Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. Private 2 65.8 350
Rockwell Lime Co. Private 1 8.2 48
Shen-Valley Lime Corp. Private 1 1.8 2
Star Group Corp. Private 1 22.2 80
United States Lime & Minerals Private 2 31.5 205
Western Lime Corp. Private 2 35.5 92
Captive Suppliers
Baker Refractories Co. Private 1 15 110
Minn-Dak Farmers Coop. Private 1 136.5 480
Riverton Corp. Private 1 14 150
Southern Minnesota Sugar Corp. Private 1 135 500
Sucre Holding Inc. Private 1 76 660
Sources: National Register Publishing. 1999 Directory of Corporate Affiliations. Volume 4. U.S. Private Companies.
“Who Owns Whom.” New Providence, New Jersey: Reed Elsevier Inc. 1999.
Gale Group. Ward’s Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies. Volume 1. Detroit: Gale
Group. 1999.
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. D&B Business Rankings 2000. Bethlehem, PA: Dun & Bradstreet. 2000.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Standard & Poor’s Register of Corporations. Volume 1. Charlottesville,
VA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2000.
Lycos Small Business. <>.
Hoover’s Online. <>.
Reference USA. 2000. InfoUSA Resource. <>.
difficult to acquire, because they are privately held. However, the National Lime
Association and the Beet Sugar Development Foundation have provided EPA with lists of
their members that qualify as small businesses under the above criteria. Fourteen companies
owning commercial lime plants are small companies, while five companies owning captive
lime plants are small. These are shown in Table 4-4.
Market structure, which characterizes the level and type of competition among lime
producers, determines the behavior of producers and consumers in the industry, including
their power to influence market price. If an industry is perfectly competitive, then individual
producers have little market power; they are not able to influence the price of the outputs
they sell or the inputs they purchase. Perfectly competitive industries have a large number of
firms, the products sold are undifferentiated, and the entry and exit of firms is unrestricted.
When compared across industries, firms in industries with fewer firms, more product
differentiation, and restricted entry are more likely to have the power to influence the price
they receive for a product by reducing output below perfectly competitive levels. Having
this ability to influence price is referred to as exerting market power. At the extreme, a
single monopolistic firm may supply the entire market and hence set the price of the output.
On the input market side, firms may be able to influence the price they pay for an input if
few firms, both from within and outside the industry, use that input. At the extreme, a single
monopsonist firm may purchase the entire supply of the input and hence set the price of the
Measure Value
Number of companies 57
Number of facilities 88
Sources: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Concentration Ratios in Manufacturing.
Washington, DC, Government Printing Office. 1993a.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. 1992 Census of Manufactures. Washington,
DC, Government Printing Office. 1993b.
U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. Horizontal Merger Guidelines.
April 8, 1992. <>.
the Federal Trade Commission, 1992). According to these criteria, industries with HHIs
below 1,000 are considered unconcentrated (i.e., more competitive), those with HHIs
between 1,000 and 1,800 are considered moderately concentrated (i.e., moderately
competitive), and those with HHIs above 1,800 are considered highly concentrated (i.e., less
competitive). Firms in less-concentrated industries are more likely to be price takers, while
firms in more-concentrated industries are more likely to be able to influence market prices.
These measures of market concentration can be computed by four-digit SIC codes based on
U.S. Bureau of the Census data (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1993a). Based on the HHI
criteria, the lime industry is not concentrated. These indices are measures of concentration
of the industry at the national level. There is reason to believe, however, that the markets for
lime may be regional rather than national.
The structure of the commercial market for lime is affected by the physical
characteristics of lime. Because lime is heavy and bulky, it is difficult and costly to
transport. The heaviness and bulkiness of the limestone input has resulted in many lime
plants being located at or near limestone quarries, and the heaviness and bulkiness of lime
means that most customers for lime tend to buy from the lime manufacturer nearest to them.
Most lime is priced f.o.b. the lime plant, and the customer must pay to have the lime shipped
to his location. Because of lime is heavy and bulky, it is costly to transport. This restricts
the geographical extent of each plant’s market. Most customers of commercial lime plants
are located within a few hundred miles of the plant (Miller, 1997c).
Thus, the market for lime is not national or international; instead, it is regional or
local. In other words, a lime producer does not compete with all the other lime producers in
the country, but only with the ones located near his plant. While there are exceptions in the
case of particular lime customers or specialized types of lime products, most lime is sold in
regional markets to customers that are nearby.
Within a regional market, each lime producer has only a limited number of
competitors. This means that the individual regional markets for lime may be characterized
by imperfect competition (either monopoly or oligopoly), although this is not necessarily so.
For an undifferentiated product, there may be enough competition on price from just a few
producers that the markets are competitive. In addition, producers may keep prices below
monopoly levels to forestall new entry into the market.
In imperfectly competitive markets, producers have market power that enables them
to affect the price of their commodity. Monopolists set their production and price to
maximize their profits. Oligopolistic producers are aware of their competitors and determine
their price and quantity based on their expectations of how their competitors will behave. In
both market structures, the market price is higher and the quantity traded lower than would
be the case in a perfectly competitive market.
In 1999, the U.S. lime industry overall operated at 76 percent of capacity, down from
a rate of 79 percent the previous year (Miller, 1999c). Rates of capacity utilization ranged
between about 65 percent and 88 percent depending on region. Plants in the Western
Midwest (including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin) operated at the lowest
percent of capacity (about 65 percent), while plants in the Eastern Midwest (including
Michigan, northern Kentucky, Ohio and western Pennsylvania) operated at the highest
capacity (approximately 88 percent) (Miller, 1997a). Capacity utilization would be slightly
lower if the capacity of several idle or moth-balled plants were factored into the calculations.
Between 1995 and 1999 the lime industry increased capacity more than it increased
production, leading to the decline in the rate of capacity utilization during that period. In
1995, Chemical Lime Company constructed a new plant at St. Genevieve, MO, and both
Dravo Lime and Greer Lime increased their capacities. Together, these expansions created
an additional 1,510,000 tons (1,665,000 short tons) of capacity for the industry. Expansion
of existing facilities continued in 1996, adding another 1,000,000 tons (1,100,000 short tons)
of capacity. During this period, the expansion was only partially offset by the closing of two
Marblehead Lime Company plants in Illinois and Michigan. These plants had a combined
capacity of 557,000 tons (614,000 short tons) (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1997). There
has been rapid consolidation in the industry over the past few years with accompanying
renovations, closings, and expansion of several plants.
Lime producers may be subdivided into two broad categories: commercial producers
and captive producers. Commercial lime producers specialize in lime manufacturing. They
may be vertically integrated with limestone quarrying operations, and their outputs are quick
lime and hydrated lime, which they market to customers generally located within a few
hundred miles of their plant. Captive lime producers are parts of vertically integrated
manufacturing operations that use lime to produce paper, iron and steel, or beet sugar. The
lime they produce is not sold, but is used internally by the same firm.
Companies owning lime production plants are generally private and relatively small.
Thirteen companies owning commercial lime manufacturing plants are considered “small
entities,” based on the Small Business Administration company size definition for SIC 3274
(NAICS 327410), Lime Manufacturing. Three companies owning captive lime plants are
considered small, according to the criterion for beet sugar producers.
This section provides information on the markets for lime. Quicklime, hydrated lime,
and dead-burned dolomitic lime have different characteristics and uses and separate markets.
In addition, the markets for lime are believed to be regional as opposed to national or
international, because lime is heavy relative to its value and costly to transport. According to
M. Michael Miller (1997d), U.S. Geological Survey’s lime expert, most lime is consumed
within a few hundred miles of where it is produced.
This section provides data on historical quantities of each type of lime produced and
consumed in the U.S., the quantities imported and exported, and prices.
1,000 Metric Tons
Quicklime Hydrated lime Dead-burned dolomite
Sources: Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime Statistical Compendium. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of
the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. April 15, 1996.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1994a.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1995a.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1996b.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1999a. <http//>.
until after 1986. In 1996, quicklime production exceeded its 1974 level and continued to
grow to over 17 million metric tons in 1999.
In 1971, the quantity of hydrated lime produced was just over 3 million metric tons.
The following year, production fell to about 2.4 million metric tons and, through 1996, has
remained steady at almost 2 million metric tons per year. The U.S. produces extremely small
quantities of dead-burned dolomite, and the quantity has been declining. Like quicklime,
1974 was a year of peak production for dead-burned dolomite. In that year, production
1977 14,770 2,448 878 12,884 5,211 18,096 18,449
1978 15,282 2,342 922 13,664 4,882 18,546 19,058
1979 15,924 2,358 719 13,992 5,009 19,001 19,541
1980 14,490 2,308 448 12,527 4,718 17,246 17,643
1981 14,644 2,067 395 12,946 4,159 17,106 17,538
1982 10,615 1,848 306 9,848 2,920 12,769 13,063
1983 11,234 1,874 379 10,962 2,526 13,487 13,718
1984 11,915 2,088 442 11,851 2,593 14,444 14,646
1985 11,791 2,099 343 12,164 2,069 14,234 14,393
1986 10,750 1,995 385 10,974 2,156 13,131 13,298
1987 11,774 2,239 259 11,889 2,384 14,273 14,422
1995 15,800 2,390 308 16,400 2,180 18,500 18,700
1996 16,500 2,280 271 16,900 2,170 19,100 19,300
1997 17,300 2,170 300 17,300 2,400 19,700 19,894
1998 17,500 2,340 300 17,800 2,310 20,110 20,285
1999 17,100 2,210 300 17,300 2,310 19,610 19,703
Data do not include regenerated lime.
Data may not add to totals due to rounding.
Apparent consumption is calculated as sold or used plus imports minus exports.
Sources: Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime Statistical Compendium. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.
April 15, 1996.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 1994a.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 1995a.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 1996.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 1999a.
reached 1.2 million metric tons. In 1999, production of dead-burned dolomite was only
300,000 metric tons.
The last column of Table 5-1 contains data on domestic consumption of all kinds of
lime. Quantities in this column include the amount of lime sold, plus the amount of lime
used (captive supply use), plus imports, minus exports. Levels of domestic consumption
have followed levels of quicklime production. Before 1998, at nearly 20 million metric
tons, consumption was at its highest level in 1998. Consumption fell sharply in 1982 and did
not approach its 1974 level again until 1996. In 1998, consumption peaked above 20 million
metric tons. There are no government stockpiles of lime (Miller, 1996a).
Average lime prices between 1971 and 1999 are presented in both current and 1999
dollars in Table 5-2. Figure 5-2 presents this information graphically. Adjusted prices
(1999$) for lime range from a low of $54.88 per metric ton in 1973 to a high of $74.56 per
metric ton in 1978. Between 1975 and 1987, the adjusted price never fell below $66 per
metric ton. From 1988 to 1996, the price never went above $65 per metric ton.
Table 5-3 shows separate prices for quicklime, hydrated lime, and all lime for the
years 1991 through 1999 in both current and 1999 dollars. During this period the price of
hydrated lime averaged 26 percent higher than the price of quicklime. There was a
downward trend in real lime prices during this period.
Prices for lime used by various industries in 1999 are presented in Table 5-4.
Hydrated lime used in construction had the highest price—$83.33 per metric ton,
Values are selling values, f.o.b. plant, excluding costs of containers.
Sources: Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime Statistical Compendium. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of
the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. April 15, 1996.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA. U.S. Department of Interior. U.S.
Geological Survey. 1999a. <>.
$/MT (Current $s)
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Sources: Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1995a.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1996b.
Miller, M.M. Mineral Commodity Summaries: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey. January 1996a.
Miller, M.M. Mineral Commodity Summaries: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey. February 1997c.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1999a. <http//>.
and quicklime used in chemical and industry had the lowest price—$53.42 per metric ton.
The average price for all lime used in all industries was $60.20 per metric ton in 1999.
Because limestone is plentiful in the U.S., and transportation for such a heavy, bulky
commodity is expensive, imports make up only a small portion of the total consumption of
lime. Table 5-5 displays quantities of exports and imports, both in metric tons and as
1999 56.00 56.00 79.00 79.00 60.10 60.10
Sources: Miller, M.M. Mineral Commodity Summaries. Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 2000.
< minerals/pubs/mcs/>.
Miller, MM. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 1999a.
< pubs/commodity/lime/390499.pdf>
Values are f.o.b. plant basis.
Source: Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1999a. <>.
percentages of production and consumption from 1971 through 1999. During that period,
imports averaged only 1.63 percent of total consumption. In 1979, imports were at their
highest, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of consumption. That year, imports were
almost 3 percent of consumption.
Table 5-6 contains data on the dollar values of lime exports and imports from 1991
through 1999. During that period, imports had an average value of about 20 million dollars
per year (1999$). As Table 5-7 indicates, by far, the largest proportion of trade in lime
occurs with Canada. Seventy-six percent of all imported quicklime and more than 10 percent
of hydrated lime come from Canada. The balance comes almost entirely from Mexico.
Imports for
Exports Exports as a Percentage Consumption Imports as a Percentage
(103 metric tons) of Production (103 metric tons) of Consumption
1971 60 0.34 220 1.23
1972 34 0.18 225 1.21
1973 34 0.18 303 1.56
1974 29 0.15 377 1.89
1975 49 0.28 235 1.34
1976 51 0.28 331 1.78
1977 30 0.17 384 2.08
1978 41 0.22 553 2.90
1979 41 0.22 581 2.97
1980 38 0.22 435 2.47
1981 25 0.15 457 2.61
1982 21 0.16 316 2.42
1983 25 0.19 257 1.87
1984 23 0.16 224 1.53
1985 17 0.12 176 1.22
1986 15 0.11 182 1.37
1987 12 0.08 161 1.12
1988 14 0.09 191 1.22
1989 29 0.19 198 1.26
1990 40 0.25 157 0.98
1991 47 0.3 158 1.00
1992 59 0.36 193 1.18
1993 69 0.41 201 1.19
1994 74 0.43 204 1.17
1995 72 0.39 289 1.55
1996 50 0.26 262 1.36
1997 80 0.41 274 1.39
1998 56 0.28 231 1.15
1999 60 0.29 142 0.69
Sources: Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime Statistical Compendium. Reston, VA, U.S.
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. April 15, 1996.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1995a.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1996b. <
Sources: Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1999b. <>.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1998. <>.
Miller, M.M. 1996 Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1997a. <>.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1996d. <>.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1995b. <>.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1994b. <>
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime Statistical Compendium. Reston VA, U.S. Department of
Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. 1996c.
imports are of consumption, averaging only 0.23 percent from 1971 through 1999 (see
Table 5-5). Lime is generally used within a 300- to 400-mile radius of where it is produced
(Miller, 1997d).
The average dollar value of lime exports between 1991 and 1999 was slightly less
than $8 million dollars per year (1999$). Most exported lime goes to Canada, and small
amounts are exported to Jamaica and Mexico (see Table 5-7).
Importsa Exportsb
Value ($103) Share (%) Value ($103) Share (%)
Canada 11,770,000 76.5 3,140,000 55.7
Mexico 1,240,000 22
All others 143,760 0.9 180,380 3.2
Total 11,913,760 77.4 4,560,380 80.9
Hydrated lime
Canada 1,590,000 10.3 840,000 14.9
Mexico 1,490,000 9.7 7,400 0.13
All others 198,000 12.9 227,800 4
Total 3,278,000 21.3 1,075,200 19.1
Hydraulic lime
Canada 2,750 0.02
Mexico 189,000 1.2
All others
Total 191,750 1.2
Total all lime 15,383,510 5,635,580
Customs Value Base.
F.A.S. Value Base.
Source: Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1999b. <
This section summarizes trends in lime consumption for various uses and provides
information about projected production and consumption.
5.2.1 Environmental Uses
Demand for lime for the flue gas desulfurization (FDG) market is expected to show
strong growth in the future. On January 1, 2000, Phase II of the Clean Air Act went into
effect to regulate small utility generating units. This will further increase demand for lime,
since lime scrubbers are well suited for controlling emissions from these facilities. Demand
for lime to be used in scrubbers for small municipal incinerators and waste to energy
incinerators is also expected to increase. Some analysts predict FDG demand for lime may
reach 5 million tons by 2002 (Miller, 1997a).
5.2.2 Steel
In 1999, steel production decreased 4 to 5 percent. However, demand for lime from
the U.S. steel industry is expected to increase to 1998 levels. In the long run, however,
technological changes in steel production may lead to decreased demand for lime from this
industry (Miller, 1997a).
In 1999, the amount of lime used for soil stabilization maintained its 1998 levels.
The demand for lime in this market is determined by levels of highway and related
construction, as well as competition from alternative products such as cement. The use of
lime in asphalt paving has been decreasing, although this had previously been considered a
growth market (Miller, 1997a).
5.2.4 Pulp and Paper
In 2000, demand for lime from the pulp and paper industry is projected to grow 3
percent. Growth is the result of continued effort by pulp and paper manufacturers to reduce
pollution control costs.
The market for precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is growing. PCC is used in the
production of premium-quality coated and uncoated paper. This market for lime is projected
to grow 7 percent by 2003. Manufacturers of PCC are trying to expand into the groundwood
paper and paper coatings market (Miller, 1997a).
As a result of strong competition and small increases in production costs, the annual
rate of per ton quicklime at an f.o.b. plant has not kept up with the rate of inflation. The
larger lime companies have added more efficient kilns, financed new construction, and
acquired smaller companies. Phase II of the Clean Air Act is expected to increase demand
for lime for environmental purposes.
American Business Information, Inc. (ABI). 1997. Electronic database of selected plant
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Boynton, Robert S. Chemistry and Technology of Lime and Limestone. 2nd Ed. New
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Greenwald, Douglas. The Concise McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Modern Economics: A
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Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
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Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S.
Geological Survey. 1995b. <
Miller, M.M. Mineral Commodity Summaries: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the
Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. January 1996a.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey. 1996b.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime Statistical Compendium. Reston, VA, U.S.
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. April 15, 1996c.
Miller, M.M. 1996 Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey. 1997a.
Miller, M.M. Mineral Industry Surveys: Lime in December 1996. Reston, VA, U.S.
Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. March 6, 1997b.
Miller, M.M. Mineral Commodity Summaries: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the
Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. February 1997c.
Miller, Michael M., U.S. Geological Survey, teleconference with Muth, Mary, Research
Triangle Institute. September 18, 1997d. Discussion of lime industry.
Miller, M.M. Minerals Information: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey. 1999a. <http//
Miller, M.M. Minerals Yearbook: Lime. Reston, VA, U.S. Department of the Interior,
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National Register Publishing. 1999 Directory of Corporate Affiliations. Volume 4. U.S.
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Schwartz, Thomas K., Beet Sugar Development Foundation, letter to Wood, Joseph P., U.S.
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