Lec 1
Lec 1
Lec 1
0.1. Plan
This is a course on graphs – a rather elementary concept (actually a cluster of
closely related concepts) that can be seen all over mathematics. We will discuss
several kinds of graphs (simple graphs, multigraphs, directed graphs, etc.) and
study their features and properties. In particular, we will encounter walks on
graphs, matchings of graphs, flows on networks (networks are graphs with
extra data), and take a closer look at certain types of graphs such as trees and
The theory of graphs goes back at least to Leonhard Euler, who in a 1736
paper [Euler36] (see [Euler53] for an English translation) solved a puzzle about
an optimal tour of the town of Königsberg. It saw some more developments in
the 19th century and straight-up exploded in the 20th; now it is one of the most
active fields of mathematics.
We won’t follow any book. But we will follow (to an extent) my lecture notes
from Spring 2017: https://www.cip.ifi.lmu.de/~grinberg/t/17s (but keep
in mind that they were written for a semester, not a quarter). The first few
lectures will occasionally follow a stub of a text [17s] that I started writing back
then. A long list of books appears on the course website; you don’t strictly
need any of them, but it’s worth skimming them to get a feel for the topic (far
beyond what we can do in this course) and learn more about directions you
care about.
A few administrativa:
0.2. Notations
• If S is a set, then the powerset of S means the set of all subsets of S. This
powerset will be denoted by P (S).
Moreover, if S is a set, and k is an integer, then Pk (S) will mean the set of
all k-element subsets of S. For instance,
P2 ({1, 2, 3}) = {{1, 2} , {1, 3} , {2, 3}} .
1. Simple graphs
1.1. Definitions
The first type of graphs that we will consider are the “simple graphs”, named
so because of their very simple definition:
Definition 1.1.1. A simple graph is a pair (V, E), where V is a finite set, and
where E is a subset of P2 (V ).
To remind, P2 (V ) is the set of all 2-element subsets of V. Thus, a simple
graph is a pair (V, E), where V is a finite set, and E is a set consisting of 2-
element subsets of V. We will abbreviate the word “simple graph” as “graph”
in the next few lectures, but afterwards we will learn some more advanced and
general notions of “graphs”.
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Example 1.1.3. For any n ∈ N, we can define a simple graph Copn to be the
pair (V, E), where V = {1, 2, . . . , n} and
(b) The set E is called the edge set of G; it is denoted by E ( G ). (Again, the
letter “E” in “E ( G )” is upright, and stands for a different thing than
the “E”.)
1 The more standard example for a social graph would be a “friendship graph”; here, V is
again a set of people, but E is now the set of {u, v} ∈ P2 (V ) such that u and v are friends.
Of course, this only works if you think of friendship as being automatically mutual (true
for facebook friendship, questionable for the actual thing).
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The elements of E are called the edges of G. When u and v are two
elements of V, we shall often use the notation uv for {u, v}; thus, each
edge of G has the form uv for two distinct elements u and v of V. Of
course, we always have uv = vu.
Notice that each simple graph G satisfies G = (V ( G ) , E ( G )).
(c) Two vertices u and v of G are said to be adjacent (to each other) if
uv ∈ E (that is, if uv is an edge of G). In this case, the edge uv is said
to join u with v (or connect u and v); the vertices u and v are called
the endpoints of this edge. When the graph G is not obvious from the
context, we shall often say “adjacent in G” instead of just “adjacent”.
Two vertices u and v of G are said to be non-adjacent (to each other) if
they are not adjacent (i.e., if uv ∈
/ E).
(d) Let v be a vertex of G (that is, v ∈ V). Then, the neighbors of v (in
G) are the vertices u of G that satisfy vu ∈ E. In other words, the
neighbors of v are the vertices of G that are adjacent to v.
from Example 1.1.2. Then, its vertex set and its edge set are
(using our notation uv for {u, v}). The vertices 1 and 3 are adjacent (since
13 ∈ E ( G )), but the vertices 1 and 2 are not (since 12 ∈
/ E ( G )). The neighbors
of 1 are 3 and 4. The endpoints of the edge 34 are 3 and 4.
from the picture. (Thus, for example, the curves should not pass through
any points other than the ones they mean to connect.)
1 2 3
This is (in a sense) the simplest way to draw this graph: The edges are
represented by straight lines. But we can draw it in several other ways as
well – e.g., as follows:
1 3 2
2 2
1 3 2 .
1 3 1 3
(b) Consider the 5-th coprimality graph Cop5 defined in Example 1.1.3.
Here is one way to draw it:
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Here is another way to draw the same graph Cop5 , with fewer intersections
between edges:
This drawing is useful for many purposes; for example, it makes the ab-
stract symmetry of this graph (i.e., the fact that, roughly speaking, its vertices
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are “equal in rights”) obvious. But sometimes, you might want to
draw it differently, to minimize the number of intersecting curves. Here is a
Lecture 1, version April 6, 2023 page 7
In this drawing, we have only one intersection between two curves left. Can
we get rid of all intersections?
This is a question of topology, not of combinatorics, since it really is about
curves in the plane rather than about finite sets and graphs. The answer is
“no”. (That is, no matter how you draw this graph in the plane, you will
always have at least one pair of curves intersect.) This is a classical result
(one of the first theorems in the theory of planar graphs), and proofs of it
can be found in various textbooks (e.g., [FriFri98, Theorem 4.1.2], which is
generally a good introduction to planar graph theory even if it uses termi-
nology somewhat different from ours). Note that any proof must use some
analysis or topology, since the result relies on the notion of a (continuous)
curve in the plane (if curves were allowed to be non-continuous, then they
could “jump over” one another, so they could easily avoid intersecting!).
In other words, Proposition 1.3.1 says that if a graph G has at least 6 vertices,
then we can either find three distinct vertices that are mutually adjacent2 or find
2 bywhich we mean (of course) that any two distinct ones among these three vertices are
Lecture 1, version April 6, 2023 page 8
three distinct vertices that are mutually non-adjacent (i.e., no two of them are
adjacent), or both. Often, this is restated as follows: “In any group of at least
six people, you can always find three that are (pairwise) friends to each other,
or three no two of whom are friends” (provided that friendship is a symmetric
We will give some examples in a moment, but first let us introduce some
convenient terminology:
Thus, Proposition 1.3.1 says that every simple graph with at least 6 vertices
contains a triangle or an anti-triangle (or both).
V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and
E = {{1, 2} , {2, 3} , {3, 4} , {4, 5} , {5, 6} , {6, 1}} .
3 2
4 1
5 6
V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and
E = {{1, 2} , {2, 3} , {3, 4} , {4, 5} , {5, 6} , {6, 1} , {1, 3} , {4, 6}} .
(This graph can be drawn in such a way as to look like a hexagon with
two extra diagonals:
3 2
4 1
5 6
V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and
E = {{1, 2} , {2, 3} , {3, 4} , {4, 5} , {5, 1}} .
) Proposition 1.3.1 says nothing about this graph, since this graph does
not satisfy the assumption of Proposition 1.3.1 (in fact, its number of
vertices |V ( G )| fails to be ≥ 6). By itself, this does not yield that the
claim of Proposition 1.3.1 is false for this graph. However, it is easy
to check that the claim actually is false for this graph: It has neither a
triangle nor an anti-triangle.
Remark 1.3.4. Proposition 1.3.1 could also be proved by brute force as well
(using a computer). Indeed, it clearly suffices to prove it for all simple graphs
with 6 vertices (as opposed to ≥ 6 vertices), because if a graph has more than
6 vertices, then we can just throw away some of them until we have only 6
left. However, there are only finitely many simple graphs with 6 vertices (up
to relabeling of their vertices), and the validity of Proposition 1.3.1 can be
checked for each of them. This is, of course, cumbersome (even a computer
would take a moment checking all the 215 possible graphs for triangles and
anti-triangles) and unenlightening.
Proposition 1.3.1 is the first result in a field of graph theory known as Ramsey
theory. I shall not dwell on this field in this course, but let me make a few more
remarks. The first step beyond Proposition 1.3.1 is the following generalization:
(We are only considering the cases r ≤ s, since it is easy to see that R (r, s) =
R (s, r ) for all r and s. Also, the trivial values R (1, s) = 1 and R (2, s) = s + 1
for s ≥ 2 are omitted.) The Ramsey number R (5, 5) is still unknown (although
it is known that 43 ≤ R (5, 5) ≤ 48).
Proposition 1.3.5 can be further generalized to a result called Ramsey’s the-
orem. The idea behind the generalization is to slightly change the point of
view, and replace the simple graph G by a complete graph (i.e., a simple graph
in which every two distinct vertices are adjacent) whose edges are colored in
two colors (say, blue and red). This is a completely equivalent concept, be-
cause the concepts of “adjacent” and “non-adjacent” in G can be identified
with the concepts of “adjacent through a blue edge” (i.e., the edge connecting
them is colored blue) and “adjacent through a red edge”, respectively. State-
ments 1 and 2 then turn into “there exist r distinct vertices that are mutu-
ally adjacent through blue edges” and “there exist s distinct vertices that are
mutually adjacent through red edges”, respectively. From this point of view,
4 Indeed, we saw in Example 1.3.3 (c) that 5 vertices would not suffice.
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it is only logical to generalize Proposition 1.3.5 further to the case when the
edges of a complete graph are colored in k (rather than two) colors. The corre-
sponding generalization is known as Ramsey’s theorem. We refer to the well-
written Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramsey’s_theorem
for a treatment of this generalization with proof, as well as a table of known
Ramsey numbers R (r, s) and a self-contained (if somewhat terse) proof of
Proposition 1.3.5. Ramsey’s theorem can be generalized and varied further;
this usually goes under the name “Ramsey theory”. For elementary introduc-
tions, see the Cut-the-knot page http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/
Combinatorics/ThreeOrThree.shtml , the above-mentioned Wikipedia article,
as well as the texts by Harju [Harju14], Bollobas [Bollob98] and West [West01].
There is one more direction in which Proposition 1.3.1 can be improved a bit:
A graph G with at least 6 vertices has not only one triangle or anti-triangle, but
at least two of them (this can include having one triangle and one anti-triangle).
I posed this as a homework exercise (homework set #1, Exercise 1 (a)) in my
Spring 2017 course; see the course page for solutions.
[17s] Darij Grinberg, Notes on graph theory, draft of two chapters, 4th April
[Euler53] Leonhard Euler, James R. Newman, Leonhard Euler and the Koenigs-
berg bridges (English translation of “Solutio problematis ad geometriam
situs pertinentis”), Scientific American 1953.