English 5 Week 7
English 5 Week 7
English 5 Week 7
D. Presenting A feature article is a creative A feature article is a creative A feature article is a creative A feature article is a
examples/insta article that deals with real article that deals with real article that deals with real creative article that deals
nces of the events, issues, and trends. It events, issues, and trends. It events, issues, and trends. It with real events, issues,
new offers insights about people, offers insights about people, offers insights about people,and trends. It offers
lesson/Motiva places, things, or events that places, things, or events that places, things, or events that
insights about people,
tion we encounter daily but to we encounter daily but to we encounter daily but to places, things, or events
which we pay little attention. which we pay little attention. which we pay little attention.
that we encounter daily
It often exposes human It often exposes human It often exposes human but to which we pay little
emotions or feelings and emotions or feelings and emotions or feelings and attention. It often exposes
while focusing on the most while focusing on the most while focusing on the most human emotions or
interesting, not necessarily interesting, not necessarily interesting, not necessarily feelings and while
the most important, part of the most important, part of the most important, part of focusing on the most
the story. the story. the story. interesting, not
necessarily the most
important, part of the
E. Discussing One useful writing material One useful writing material is One useful writing material is One useful writing
new concepts is a feature article. Features a feature article. Features are a feature article. Features are material is a feature
and practicing are more in-depth than more in-depth than more in-depth than article. Features are more
new skills No. 1 traditional news stories and traditional news stories and traditional news stories and in-depth than traditional
go beyond providing the go beyond providing the most go beyond providing the most news stories and go
most important facts. The important facts. The purpose important facts. The purpose beyond providing the
purpose of these stories is to of these stories is to provide a of these stories is to provide a most important facts. The
provide a detailed detailed description of a detailed description of a purpose of these stories
description of a place, place, person, idea, or place, person, idea, or is to provide a detailed
person, idea, or organization. organization. description of a place,
organization. person, idea, or
F. Discussing Writing A Feature Article Writing A Feature Article Writing A Feature Article Writing A Feature Article
new concepts
and practicing A Feature Article is a special- A Feature Article is a special- A Feature Article is a special- A Feature Article is a
new skills No. 2 interest article abounding with interest article abounding with interest article abounding with special-interest article
details that makes for details that makes for details that makes for abounding with details that
pleasurable reading. While a pleasurable reading. While a pleasurable reading. While a makes for pleasurable
hard news article focuses on hard news article focuses on hard news article focuses on reading. While a hard news
exactly what happened, when exactly what happened, when exactly what happened, when article focuses on exactly
and to whom, a feature article and to whom, a feature article and to whom, a feature article what happened, when and
typically adds a dimension of typically adds a dimension of typically adds a dimension of to whom, a feature article
human interest. (Karen Farnen, human interest. (Karen Farnen, human interest. (Karen Farnen, typically adds a dimension
2017) 2017) 2017) of human interest. (Karen
Farnen, 2017)
Basic Elements of a Feature Basic Elements of a Feature Basic Elements of a Feature
Article Article Article Basic Elements of a Feature
1. Title – covers the whole idea 1. Title – covers the whole idea 1. Title – covers the whole idea Article
of your feature article and of your feature article and of your feature article and 1. Title – covers the whole
catches your target readers’ catches your target readers’ catches your target readers’ idea of your feature article
attention. This is also known as attention. This is also known as attention. This is also known as and catches your target
the headline or the head of the the headline or the head of the the headline or the head of the readers’ attention. This is
article. How do we write catchy article. How do we write catchy article. How do we write catchy also known as the headline
title/ headlines? Here are the title/ headlines? Here are the title/ headlines? Here are the or the head of the article.
ways: ways: ways: How do we write catchy
a. use emotive language a. use emotive language a. use emotive language title/ headlines? Here are
b. make it short and snappy b. make it short and snappy b. make it short and snappy the ways:
c. directly addresses the reader c. directly addresses the reader c. directly addresses the reader a. use emotive language
d. use adjectives/ adverbs d. use adjectives/ adverbs d. use adjectives/ adverbs b. make it short and snappy
e. tell readers what your e. tell readers what your content e. tell readers what your content c. directly addresses the
content is about f. ask a is about f. ask a question is about f. ask a question reader
question g. give an imperative g. give an imperative d. use adjectives/ adverbs
g. give an imperative e. tell readers what your
Examples: The Heroic Front Examples: The Heroic Front content is about f. ask a
Examples: The Heroic Front liner, A Blood that Save Lives, liner, A Blood that Save Lives, question
liner, A Blood that Save Lives, My Tekki Mommy My Tekki Mommy g. give an imperative
My Tekki Mommy
2. Byline – This shows the 2. Byline – This shows the Examples: The Heroic Front
2. Byline – This shows the author’s name and sometimes author’s name and sometimes liner, A Blood that Save
author’s name and sometimes his/her affiliation. The byline can his/her affiliation. The byline can Lives, My Tekki Mommy
his/her affiliation. The byline appear below the headline or at appear below the headline or at
can appear below the headline the end of the article. the end of the article. 2. Byline – This shows the
or at the end of the article. 3. Introduction - It is the 3. Introduction - It is the author’s name and
3. Introduction - It is the opening statement that sets the opening statement that sets the sometimes his/her
opening statement that sets scene and captivates the scene and captivates the affiliation. The byline can
the scene and captivates the reader’s attention. How do we reader’s attention. How do we appear below the headline
reader’s attention. How do we write an effective introduction write an effective introduction or at the end of the article.
write an effective introduction to feature articles? to feature articles? 3. Introduction - It is the
to feature articles? a. Make an interesting and a. Make an interesting and opening statement that sets
a. Make an interesting and provocative opening statement provocative opening statement the scene and captivates the
provocative opening statement to draw the reader’s attention. to draw the reader’s attention. reader’s attention. How do
to draw the reader’s attention. b. briefly introduces the topic b. briefly introduces the topic we write an effective
b. briefly introduces the topic and purpose and purpose introduction to feature
and purpose c. establishes a relationship with c. establishes a relationship with articles?
c. establishes a relationship your reader through your your reader through your a. Make an interesting and
with your reader through your language language provocative opening
language d. create interest by d. create interest by statement to draw the
d. create interest by foreshadowing your points or foreshadowing your points or reader’s attention.
foreshadowing your points or challenging your audience e. challenging your audience e. b. briefly introduces the
challenging your audience e. provides background provides background topic and purpose
provides background information about your topic. information about your topic. c. establishes a relationship
information about your topic. with your reader through
4. Body or Nub Head – This is 4. Body or Nub Head – This is your language
4. Body or Nub Head – This is the presentation of details. This the presentation of details. This d. create interest by
the presentation of details. This is the part where your target is the part where your target foreshadowing your points
is the part where your target readers get what they want to readers get what they want to or challenging your
readers get what they want to read in your article. What to read in your article. What to audience e. provides
read in your article. What to write in your feature article write in your feature article background information
write in your feature article body paragraphs? body paragraphs? about your topic.
body paragraphs?
a. show don’t tell a. show don’t tell 4. Body or Nub Head – This
a. show don’t tell Example: Example: is the presentation of
Example: • Tell. Jack was tired after he ran • Tell. Jack was tired after he ran details. This is the part
• Tell. Jack was tired after he up the hill. up the hill. where your target readers
ran up the hill. • Show. Jack’s legs were aching • Show. Jack’s legs were aching get what they want to read
• Show. Jack’s legs were aching as he forces himself up the hill. as he forces himself up the hill. in your article. What to
as he forces himself up the hill. He was struggling to catch his He was struggling to catch his write in your feature article
He was struggling to catch his breath and his cheeks were red breath and his cheeks were red body paragraphs?
breath and his cheeks were red and puffed. and puffed.
and puffed. a. show don’t tell
b. be creative b. be creative Example:
b. be creative • Use emotive language and • Use emotive language and • Tell. Jack was tired after
• Use emotive language and hyperbole hyperbole he ran up the hill.
hyperbole • Use high modality voice and • Use high modality voice and • Show. Jack’s legs were
• Use high modality voice and an imperative voice: “The time an imperative voice: “The time aching as he forces himself
an imperative voice: “The time to take action is now! Get your to take action is now! Get your up the hill. He was
to take action is now! Get your phones and fill out the survey phones and fill out the survey struggling to catch his
phones and fill out the survey now” now” breath and his cheeks were
now” red and puffed.
c. support your opinions set a c. support your opinions set a
c. support your opinions set a strong evidence to support what strong evidence to support what b. be creative
strong evidence to support you are saying such as statistics, you are saying such as statistics, • Use emotive language and
what you are saying such as case studies, quotes from case studies, quotes from hyperbole
statistics, case studies, quotes experts or critics, interviews experts or critics, interviews • Use high modality voice
from experts or critics, and an imperative voice:
interviews 5. Conclusion – This summarizes 5. Conclusion – This summarizes “The time to take action is
your article. Make sure that you your article. Make sure that you now! Get your phones and
5. Conclusion – This end your article the way you end your article the way you fill out the survey now”
summarizes your article. Make started and not just as if you just started and not just as if you just
sure that you end your article quickly stopped writing. quickly stopped writing. c. support your opinions set
the way you started and not a strong evidence to support
just as if you just quickly Analyze the sample below. This Analyze the sample below. This what you are saying such as
stopped writing. will serve as your guide in will serve as your guide in statistics, case studies,
writing your feature article. writing your feature article. quotes from experts or
Analyze the sample below. This critics, interviews
will serve as your guide in
writing your feature article. 5. Conclusion – This
summarizes your article.
Make sure that you end
your article the way you
started and not just as if you
just quickly stopped writing.
K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet of
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of the the purpose and instruction
the lesson because the lesson because the learners lesson because the learners objectives of the lesson and
learners because the learners expectation
s meet the
purpose and
of the
because the
VI. Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in Learners are
REFLECTIONS teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process the teaching-learning engaged in
when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating process when the
incorporating teaching-
A. No. of
learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of
learner who
scored below
80% ( needs
C. No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No of learner
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why?
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share w/other