O, Ffim, MMR"W
O, Ffim, MMR"W
O, Ffim, MMR"W
r r rui\AL LL,UA[, sERvlcES AuruclRi,fv
(C'onstiluled undcr (hc Lcgal Scn,iecs
Authoritics Act. 1987)
( IDZ;-
.AZAdl 63
Amnt Mahotsav
2' It
has bcen the practicc to conduct 4
National l.ok Adalals in a ycar.. outcomc
National Lok Adalats organisccl during of thc
thc ycars 202r, iozz ana 2023 itasbeen
with rcspect to pending anci pr9-litigatiin cascs. encouraging
l-he statistical figures otth..ur", disposcd
in thc National Lok Rdalats held in iast ol.
three ycars i, as una.,.,
i l'llt_\1!iqnal
1.:- Lok Atlatar
_,_'rr|v._t.j::.-.'Yrt ./rualal i
Elltatislal_l.e_LA a ; i ; t
4. T'he lrarnework t'conduct thc National t.ok Adarat wiil bc
as undcr:
pcr. thc p*;ccdurc prcscribcd in ttrc saici Acr
,i*,:::::"::il:.[]:lcrrcd 11 a,d
i:i-i['ff ";1. il;
]l :.'-:I ll ;1^1' :,:r
:, prc-conciriaiion
; ;
: ^ |b.ft,r.
:, ; il ; urncoj'i:,
to :H.rffJ
con ;J::
*"ll,I,:r riuintr th. s.hcaul"J au,. ol,Nati
:H :1. *;ffi
arrlve at a compromise
ffi xffi ffi :: ilff i::1iil: :: [ff#l*::
parties to
or settlcmcnt;
'14te6'site: 'iltu.'u;'tta[sa.gor:.itt,,E-maiI
nafso-dra@rtic.irt, i]>{t: ,,,*ffi, 230714-i0, q:(7:..; 2.J.i,g2
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