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Amendments in CRPC

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I. Ch;rirman ol the Slanding Comlnirtee on Inle or and Nar:corics Conhol. havc the honor
to prcscnt dris rcport on thc tsill lurLhcr tL' urncnJ t1te Curle.,i Crirnrnal Prurcdurc. 1898 (Act V
ol 1ll98) [he (]ode ol(.riminal Procedure (Amendmen| Bill.20111 (Private \,fember's Bill)
rclc.rccl 1.) thc Committcc on l0r' l)cccmbcr. 2013.

2. l hc Conlmitrcc consists of thc lollo*iDg nrcmbers: -

1) l{rra Shamim Ahmad Khan Chairman

2) Syed Javcd Ali Shah Nlcnlber
3) Nlr. Ghalib Khan Nlember
4) Dr. Ibadullah Member
il Sheikh \{uhammad r\kram Menrber
6i Slc(l Jliikhar-u]-Hassan \.lembcr
7l \lakhdoonzada Basit Bokharl N.{ember
8) \rian Shahid Ilussrin Khan llhatti \4crnbcr
9) Nlakhdoon1 S-yed Ali l{assan Giilani Mehlber
l0) \.Is. Ilrhrira DarLluna Membcr
1l) \Iir Dostain Khan I)omki N4embcr
Il) IIr. Naurnan Islam Shaikh l\,lenrber
ll) Mr. Ilhsan ur-Rehmirn Nlazui \'lcmbcr
1 l) \rwab \4uhanunacl Yousuf falpur Vcmbcr
l-<l \4r. Khial Zaman Orakzai Member
l6) l)r. Aril-Al!i Mcmber
l7) Kan*ar Naveed Jameel Memhcr
lll) \,1r. Salrnan Khan Baloch Menlbcr
l9) \1s. \accma Kishrver k'han Menbcr
2(lJ \1r Shcr Akhcr Khan \.{cmber
2l) Ch. \isar Ali Khan. Ilx officio llemher
\dinistcr 1or lnterior and \rrcotics Control

l. Tlre Conmiltcc considcrcd thc Bill on l1-12-201:1. 27-01-20)6 and 14-02-2017. lhe
Commi(cc rccomrncnds tlul the Bill place(l at Anncx-"A" may not hc pasred hy rhc r\sscnthll.

(.IA\\'^D ntr\l'IQUE ]IALIK) Chairrran
Secretar,' Standing Cornmirree on
ll1tcrior and Narcotics Conlrol
lslamabad, the 23'd \Ia)', 2017


i!rthe. tc;rnerd .he Code o Crimrnal Procedure, 1898

.r,/hr e3r it l1 expedient further to amend the Code of Cflminal Proaedure, 189Ei{Act V of 18S8) ior
il'!.) r-posrjs hereinafterappeaflng,

Ir is hrrelly enacted a5lollows:

SirS!!_!!]e -a!g-!etrEe!!!E!!!- - (l)
nLre lArne'rd.nentl Act, 2013.
This Act mey be called the Code of Ciiminal

(rl rr shaii L:a!ne into fcrce aI once

' ,\mendment in s€ctlon 3 .l!!l!1L1!9!.- ln lhe Code of Cri.nrna I Procedure, 1898 (A.t V of 1898),
.erei,,df.er reierred to as the saj(i Code, rn sectron 3, in sub-sectlon (2), afler the words'1he MaEistrate of
rre r,.ird cass", tre cohmas anj wordr ', the expresslon MaEistrate of a divrsiofi of a district shall be
{:fe..rrlio mcan "5ub-DivrsionalMaSittrate," the expression "Magistrate of the district" shallbe deemed
ro n:,ra 0,srirct i!'!atistrate ", sh;llbe ilr5erted

: Anrgl$ErnI!ES!9!JJ!LL9Ll!lg.- ln th€ said CodE, in section 4, iLr suir-section (11, cl.use

(ial i i,6ll be cnitteri.

-. Arnendment in section f,4gl_V of 1898.' (1) li the said Code, in se.tron {i, ior rubsection {2} the
{Dllov i g 5hdil irr subetitutedl

'l2l rirere ehall be th r followlng classes of MeSistrates:

1:) ludicialMagEtra"es:

(i ) Magrstralesofthe FkslClassi
(2) MaSistrates of the Second Class,
(3) Magistrates of the Thlrd Class; and
l4l SpeclalJudic al Magistrates.

i,l) ludicialMaBistrates

i1) Di5trict MaBlnrate5;

l2) additional D strict MaBht.ates j

{3) Su h-D rvision ,l M aE lstrates;

i4) Special Exec rtive tulagistrates,
{lil Magistrates .f the Filst Class;
r5J Magistrates of the Second Class; and
i;') MaEistrat€s dthe Thlrd Class "

i Amerdment in sectlon LAd&[_1199 - ln the said Code, in section 8, ifter sub-s€clion (1), the
lcilu,r'lrig sub'sectron (2) shall b€ inserted
"ll) EristrnE subdtvlstonr matntatned.- Att existing subirvrsrons whr.h itre nov, usualy pur
r/drler the charBe of a I\,4agisirate sha be deemed to have been mede und€r th
s Code.,,

6 hsertlon of sectlqr 10. Act V of 1a9a.- h the sad Cod€, tsfter section 9, the followinB seEiroi 10
shallbe rnse.t€d

"10. Dlstrtct Ma8tsirate.. (1) tn every dtstrict, the provtnciat Governmenr appornt an Erecuttve
[,1a6isvare of rhe First Ctass ro be the Distrtct Migistrate

(i) The Provincial Government may atso appotnt an Executive Megrsrrate of the First Class to
be an Additional Distrirt Magistrate and such additional Disrrict Magistrate shal have such powers of a
oisrnct Magistrale roder thrs Code or und€r any other law lor the time being in force as the provrnoat
Governmenl ntay dired.

{31 For purposes of section 192 and 4O7, subsection {2) such Additional Diskict Magistrate
shall be deemed to be subordtnate to the Drstrict Magisrrate."

7 lnsertion of section 11. Act V of 1898. tn rhe sard Code, after section lO, rhe fo owin8 se€tron 1l
shalibe rnserted

'11. Offlcers temporarlly rucceedlnt to vacancies in olfic€ of District Matistrate - ln case the
DffLCe of the Dhtrict Magistrate is vacant, the Addltional DEtrict Ma8istrate of the district and ir) case rhere
s no ACdrtional D15tnct M.B,strate, such other Executive MaEistrate as the Provincial Government may
determrne shall perform the functions of the District Magkt.ate."

8 lnsertlon of sectlon 13, Acl V o11898.- ln the said Code, after section 12, the followin8 section 13
ehall be rnserted;

'13 Power to put Executlye Matirt6t€ in charSe ol a sub-divislon ' (1) The Provinciil
Government may placc any execulive Meg6trEte of the FiIst or S€aond Class in charBe of a !ub-diviglon

{2) Surh Magistrate shallbe called the Sub-divisional Magistrate

il) creletatlon of powers to Districl M.tittnte.- The Provincial Government may dele8ate its
powpr! urder this sectTon to the District N4agistrate."

9 Amendment ln section 14. Act V of 1898.- ln th€ said Code, in sedion 14

(a) The mzrB'nal heading shall be substrtuted bythe tollolvrng

"special Judicial and Executivc M.Slstrates '"j

(b) ln sub section (1), after the words "any person", the commas and lhe words", in(ludinS a
former Executive Matistrate," shail be omitted; and
{cl , after sub-section (2), the following sub.seclions (3), (4) and {5i shall be in5,-'' .'

"(3) The Provinclal Government maY also aPpoint Executive Maglstrates {or particrilar
nreas or for performance of particular functions and confer upon them a1l or any ol the
powers conferred o, conferrable bY or under this Code on an Executive Magrstrate'

(4) Such Magistrales shall be called Ex€cutive Magistrates, eod shall be appointed for tu.h
term as the Proviocial 6ovehment maY, by Seneralor speclalorder, direct

piovrdirC tlrat no powers shall b€ conferred onder this srx-scc1,oo on any police
i'r(r-,iielo4tlera,t;ofArsrstantSuperintendentind'iooowerslaLl be.onferedona
rral cc oili(er e),cept
far as may be necessary for preserving the peace, p.eventing crirne
.n.' detectrn8, aDprehendlng and detaining of{enderu in order ro th€lr heing brouSht
beiore . magistftte and fcr performance by the officer cf aoy other duties rmposed upon
frrn by .ny lrw ror the trme bein8 ln force.

il) .rhe pro /inclal Governrnent may deleSate, si/bjecr ro such limitations as Lhinks frt,
n1 ;r.y o,{rcer urder hs controlthe powers confe(ed by subsec',ion (3)-' 't

.(, aIqi$la!j:t-"jgq-01L1. Act V of 1898.- h the said Code, section 14.a shu ll be omrrteo

{msnCrtg4.l!l!$i!!-!,4evgll!9!.- ln the said Code, in sect,on 16:

renricoloF appei r'ng el the end of entry at 5erial {d) shall be suhstirur€d !.vith J full srop;

ib) .ni y ir seilal ie rhal,be omitted

7, Act V ol1896.' ln the said Code, in sectio| l7

ir) rx ,rb-|er:tjor i1.

li) rr) the rn: rginal headinB, after the words 'Subordinanon of" the word 'JudicieI'
shali be llsenedj

iii) afterthe word "All", the word "ludiElal" shallbe inserted;

lriil after the fiBUr€ '12" a comma and the fiBUre and word "13 al1d' ehall be inserted,

rvj aiterthe iig!re "14", the word and tigure "and l4A' shall be omitted

l)) il1e. soiJsac'iion {l). the following sub-sections (2) and (2A) JhaU be rnsefted

"i2) Subordlnntion of Execltive MagistEtar to Oistlict Magisnate.- All Executive

Mag;trates io a drsirict appointed under sections 12, 13 end 14 shall be sdbordinate to the
irstrict Magislrdtr and he may, trom trme to time/ inai(e rules or trven speaiai orders
.D,1!ir1.ri wlth tnis Cod€ and eny rule5 framed by the Provinciai Governmerrl under
sccli-,n 16, a3 to the diilrlbution of business amonSst such MaglstratEs.

(;l'Al Subordlnation of Cxccutlye Mrtistrrtes to Sub-dlvlilonal Magisbato - SubjeEt to

tri,-. general conirol of the Disrricr Magist.ate, all Executive Ma8istrate5 in a Slrb-civision
sh.rl! be subordinate to the Sub-divlsional MaSistrate."

I -S-b$llAhlcf section 2sJlrlLytLUEA.- ln rhe ,aid Code,Ior sechon 25, the iollowin8 rna I be

'5 fx-oili.io Jurtl.e c f the Peaae.- By virue of their rcspe.tive offrces, the Judges of rhe High
arL t';rr lustircs of the Peace within anc for the whole of Paklstan, Sess;ons ludges and District

l,4agistratEs rre J!stic€s of the Peace wrthin dnd for the whote of the territones adrntnistered by rhe
Provincial Govcrnment under whrch they are serving.,,

14. Ahendm€nt in section 2a. Acr V of 169t.-in the said Code, in section 28, the fult stop at the end
sha il oe substituted by a colon and thereafter, the fottowing proviso shall be insenedi

"Provided that the offences falling under Chapters Vtlt, X, X t and XtV of the pakistan penal
Code (Act XLV of 1860), except offences spectfied rn section 153A and section 281 of the said Code
shall be rried by the Executive Magisrrates and the expression "Magistrate" used in !he said eighr
colunrn shal' mean Executive MaBistrate of the respective class."

15 Amendment in section 29. Act V o{ 1898 - tn the said Code, in section 29, the fuii stop ar the end
s hall be substltuted by a colon and thereafter, the following proviso shelt be inserted:

"Provlded that the oJf€nces punishab e with imprisonment for a term not exceedinB three
yEars, $,rrh or wrthout any other punishment. shall be t.ied by the Executive Magrstrates./'

16. Am€ndment ir section 30. Act V of 1898.- In the said Code, in section 30, after the words "Lnvest
any", the v/ord "luiircial" shall be insened

1? Amendment ln redlon 32. Act V of 1898-- ln the raid Code, tn sectlon 32, in sub-section (1), after
thc vrords 'The Coun of", the word '!udicialMagistrate" shall be irsened.

18 Amendment in section 34, Act V of 1898.- ln the sard Code, rn section 14, in the Jnarginal heading,
dfter the word "certain", the word 'JudicialMaBistrates" shallbe inserted.

19 Atr!-lCled j!-!e4!g-ElE 4g_V_91:gU.- ln the sald cod, in s€ction 36, afterthe words "all", rhe
wordr" Judicral and Executlve" shall be insened.

20. Substltution of sectlon 37. Act V oI 1898.- ln the sald Code, for section 37, the followinS shall be

"31. Additional powers conferrable on Maristrates,- ln additron to his ordinary powers, any
I\,lagistrate maV be invested by the Provincial Government w th Eny powers speclfied in the Fourth

Provrded that, in case of a ludrcral Magistrate, such powers shall be conferred on the
recommendation ofthe HiSh Court;

t,rovided further that the Provrn.ial Gov€rnmenl may authorize a Oistrict MaEistrare to
nvest any Magstrate rubordrnate to him with any powers specrfred in Part ll of the fourth
schedule "

21. lnsertlon of sectlon 38. Ad V oI 1898.- ln the said Code, afte. sectron 37, th€ rcrlowiig sect on 38

'13. Control over Distrlct Ma str.tes lnvestlnE Dow€r . Th e powers co fefied on the District
Magistrare by section 37 shall be exercised subject to the control of the Provincial Government "

22 Sub5titution of sectlon 41- Act v of 1898.'ln the said Code, for session 41, the following shall be
Lr. WillllI3t^lgl-9i-pglcc. (1) the Provrncial Governnrent may withdraw 3ll or any oI the
rMp15 .orrfe ed under thil Code on any person by lt or by any offi.er !ubordrnate io it

Provided that, in thr' case of a ludic,al Magistrate, the withdrawal of such power5 5h.,1 not
r? made ercepi on th€ recommendatton ol the High Court

'r) a Oistrict MaBistrat€ may withdraw any powers contelled by him on a l,4a8istrate."

!r,gd!IClt!])leejg!.]l5-l\ct V ot 1898.- ln the sard Code, rn sectrcn 45

.r) ,n \ub-sectron l1), i clause if), for the worrjs "any offrcer aurhonzed by the Pro! ncral
covernment", the $rords "the Oistrict MaBrstrat€" shallbe sub!trtuted,

lD) in sub-sechon (3)

in rhe ntaralnal heading, afler the words "headmen", the words "by District
Megistr.te or Sub Divisional Magistrare" shallbe rn5erted; and

1j) tor the wcrds and brackets "DistricL Officer (Revcnue)" the words "Drstri.t
i\4aglstlare or sub Divisional Ma8istrate" shall be subslitureil.

')' . 4rC!CgE!!.!!19!!j9!_!Lr\ct V of 18s8.- ln the said code, rn sect,oo 52

ri) fo. rhe words, ccrnrnas, brackets and fiBirres "Zila Naz,nr, orstr ct Superinrendenr of Polce
r;d orstflct Public s.1fet\ CommissioD ser up,rnder the Polce Ac1, 1851 (v of 1a61),
'.lr,ukaneoLr5ly". the wordr and commas "Di5tlct Magistrate, or rt he so direct5, to the 5ub-
,]lv srofa I Magrsr.ate," rha ll be 5ubstituledj and

ll,) ihe prov soi !herl b( omitted

)4 se.lioh 78. - ln the said Code, in sectron 78, rn !ub-eectron il), fnr tIe
u orcis '1./a,Jigtrarc of the first clars ', the words "District Magistrate or S!lb-drvis!onal f\4aErstratc" thJll h-"

2 r. 4!le!CI!r!!bleB|9!_q!.I\!t V of 1898 - n rhe sard Code, jn sirction 83

(.) rn \riLr-se.tron (2), f,)r the wo.ds 'Ses5'ons ludge", the words 'oistrict l'.4agistrate' shirllbe

ih) In sub-5ection (4) or the words and brackets "Distrl(l O1{icer IRelenue)", lhe rvcrd!
acllector of thc Dirtncr" sha,l b€ sL.rbsttruted;

(cr ln sub sectiof (5-Bl for the word5 "Sessrons ludge", the words "Distnct L'laglstrate" shall
be !ubstituted, and

ld) ln slb+ection (6 C)

(r) th€ words " )r Maghtrare" shall be omitted, and

for the tull-stop at the end, a colon shall be substitut€d aDd thc i.,llowing
oroviso shali be insert€d:
"Provided rhat if rt rs preferrcd or made in lhe Court ol a Distrrct
[,1a8;strate, such Magistrar€ may make n over for disposat to any Magistrate
subordrnate to him. '

4!r_€Jfhq! in section 94. Act V of 1898 - tn the sa d Code, io secrion 94, rn sub-secrion (31

li) ior the word5, commas and flgures 'Evidence Acr, 1872, section 123 and 124". the words.
commar the flgures "qanun-e.Shahadat Order, 1984, Artrcle 6 and 7', shaltbe subslluted;

(b) for the words "the Poital or Telegraph aurhorities", the words and co,,rmar "any authoriry
cngaited rn the delivery of mail, or provision of telecolnmunication or simitar. other
scruice!" !hall be substituted

28 Am.trdh.nt i. r..tl on 95. Act v of 1a9a - ln the said Code, n se(tlon 95

(al !n the rnarglnal headrng, for the words "and telegrams", the word ',etc." shaltbe inserted,

tb) ,n 5ub section (1),6fter the words "in the opinion of any", rhe word "Oistrict" shatl bc

lc) ,n sub section (i.), for the words "Poslal or TeleSraph aulhorities", the u/ordr and commrs
"any a(thonty en8a8ed in the delivery of mail, or provision of 1( Ircommuni.ation or
srmilar other services" shall be substitutedi and

1d) rn sub-sectron {2), after the words 'the orders of any such"/ the word "District MaBisirate"
shallbe insened.

29 Ahendment in sectlon 96, Act V of 1898.- ln the said Code, ln section 96, after sub'section 11), the
i.rllovring sub-sectron (2) shall be inserted'

(1) uothrng herein contained shallauthorire any M.Bttrate otherthan a District MaSistrate to
erirrl ; warrart to s€arch tor a document, parcel, record or any other thing in the custody ot any authonty
ensa8ed ,n the dehver\, of mail, or provts'on of telecommunicEtaon or rimrlar other rervices "

J0 Ars-q-or-dj-!_reg!!9!_9!.39!J_9i!!99.' ln rhE said Code, in section 98, in suFsection {L), arter

rhe words "lf 6' the words and comma ''DBtrict Ma8rstrate, Sub-divisional Maginrate, o!'' shall be

31 4.Ec!!trS!.t-l!legjs!.1qq-AgJ_9!-1!99.. ln the said Code, in 1m, afterthe words'f,rsi

cla5s", the woids "o Sub-drvrsifi,alMigistrate" shallbe inse(€d.

-r2 Amendment irr section 107, Act V of 1898.- n the said Code, ia 5ectron 107

(a) ir 5ub section (1), for the words "Magistrateof the firsr class", the words and cornma
'orstrlct Magisrrate, Sub-divisional M.gisrrate, or an Executive MaSlstrate specially
pmFowered in this behalfbythe P rovincli I Govern ment orthe Distric' MaBistrate" shallbe
rubstitutedi and

(h) rn subsecrron (2), for the words "except with the approval of the Sessionr Jud8e", lhe
words "othe. than a Distnct MaSistrate" rhall be substituted.

l-i Anendment in sectlon 1 @-Act V of 1898'ln the said Cod€, rn secrion 108 tor rhe worde
't!!atsr, i;re of Ihe llr5t cla5s" the ,vords and commar 'Disrncl Mdgrsrrate, 5ub-dL!EroDal \1aB,sr.rate cr rn
r!.u , M;8 <tr6re rpecia ly e.npcwered by lh€ Provincral Covernn€nt rn rhB tr€halt" shrll .e

14 A.lltrlljtgl!]ls€ction 109. Act v of 1898. ln the sard Code, in section 109. for the words
'l!,iaB15rratc of the fks! (lass", the words "Distriit Magisrate or 5ub-Divisional MaSi5tirre or an [recuiive
\4aBr\r,,rt- ipr( rally cmpo!!ared b / the Provincial Gcvernmenr rn this behalf" sha I be subslrtuted

It Amendmeflt in sedion X10, Act V of 1898.- 16 the said Code, in secron 110, for the word!
'r,la8,srrate of the {il1t .la.jr", the words ''D,strict MaSrsr.ate or S'rb-Drvisiorlal MaSkrrate or a. r. iecutive
14.B15t,ate !pe.ially cDpov,,ered b,r the ProvincialGovernment rn this behaff'shall be subrTituted.

r"r' Aa'sEhoel!-i!-$d!,on:!24. Act v of 1898' rithe said Code, rn sectron 124 for the word!
5.rs 'r rs Judfl.", ,\,herEvei oc.ur, the u,ords "Oistrict Maei5trare' sh6ll be sub5tituted

17 Amendment in sectiD 125. Act V oI 1898- ln the said Code. ix secrio'r 125, for rhe words
Sess,ors ludge', the rvords ''Distr ct Magistrale" shdllbe substhuted

18 AOeldntent in sectbn 126. Act V of 1t9t.. ln th€ sard Code. rn qe.tron 126 rn lub-\errroD 11), for
ihe v;crd5'i.orcerned l,,lagistrat! of the first class", the words "0lstrrci lvlaEEtrate or Sub-di/rsional
r,1nBr\rr:te" shall be substrtuted.

Amendment in section U7. Act v of 1898.'ln the said Code, in section 127, befo,e the wordr
'ofirceln .har8o of a police-stallo1", the words "Exe.utive MaSlstrrtc or" shall be inserteri

10. ArngC!Ae$j!.Eql9!_1214!!lLQ!!!l9g - In lhe said Code, in section 128

before the wods "offrcer in charge of a police-station" the words "E,(ecutiv(i M!grttrale
or" shallbe insen€d; rnd

bl for tne colon at th : end Jull-stop sh.ll be substituted and the Provrso shall be ornrtted

,lr A!-e!COC!! 1!,le.g!j.9!--1t9. act ot 1Et)8.' ln the '3id Code, rn sect,on 129, ioi the words and
LLrmrndr'rhe Police Offrcer of lhe highest rank nol below an Assistant Superintendent, o'DeputY
;ripcnr lerdent of Pcir.e", lhe wc,ds "Ex€cutive MaBistrate ol the highest rcnk' shall be sub5trtuted

r 2 Atr9!C!!e$i.!-*g!e!-!!q.A6J-9lll9g - ln the sald code, ln secllon 130, in su b secrion (11

ra) for the words "a folice officer of the highesl ranft not below an Assistant Superintendent
or Oeputy Supeflntendent of Police", ihe words "an Executive Magistrate' shall b€

it') rhc,!ords"orsucl policeo{fice/'shallbeomrtted

AE!!!_[E!! UlEgipn_lgt. at v of 1898.- lfl rhe sard Code, in sectio 131

fo' the words anC comma "police.offi(cr of the highest rank not beioq/ an asii,t.nl
Supenntendent, )r oeputy 5up€rintendent of the Police", the words 'Execuuve
lr'laErdrEte" 5t,all t e substitutedl

1!) lor rlre words ".r police off.er not below the rank ot As5istant Superintendenr cr 0epury
5upcr ntendcnr of PoIce", the u/ords jan Executive Magistrate" sha tl be substituted; and

ic) tor ihc lvcrds'iuch police offrcer", rhe words "the Magistrare" shalle substitoted

132. Act V ol 1898. ln the said Cod€, in section 132, in .l.!se (a), befor€
tne woirls "police offrLer". thc word! "Magrstrate orr'5hallbe rnserted

A!!!!drI!!!u€Et9!_13_3.AE.lC_Sl!Il9I}. rn the said Code, in s€ction 133, io sub-sectic,tr (1)

l.) in the frrst t)aragraph, for the words "Magistrate of the first class Migigtrate", the wordj
and comma "Distnct Matiltrate, a Sub'divisional Magistrate or an Executiv€ Magistrate"
shEll bs substituted; alrd

(bi in the eighteenth paragraph lor the lvords "Magjsnrte of the first class", ihe words
"ExErur vc Ma8 stra!e" shallbe substituted; and

.i6. Amendme t in sedion 143. Act V of 1898.- ln thc aeid Code, in seciion 143, for the words
''MaJjrstmte of t!refirlt class', the words and comm. "Di!trict Magistrate or Sub-d'vision.l MaBistrcte, or
,iy other Execu(ive I{ag stratc specially ernpowereC by the Provincial Government or the D strict
rlaEtnr/te in iho behalt" shallhe substtuted

1/ Ame dment rn sectio! 1.14. act v of 1898 - In thc said CoCe, rn tection 144

(;r ) in sub-seflron (1)

(,1 ii. the frst

paragraph. for the words "Zila Nazirfl upon the wratten recommendation
oi the Oistrict Superintendent of Police or Executive Distrlct Officer", ihe words
irnd comrnas "a Oistrlct MaS,strate, a Sub.divislonal Magistrate, or any orhel
Erecutrve luaeistrat€ specially empowered by the Provincial Government oi the
Distri.t M€gBtrate to act trnder this section," sha I be substituted, and

(,1 belor€ the words "or bV his predecessor-in-office", the words and tomma "or a4v
Magr)trate sLrbcrdinate to hlm," shall be inserted;

(c) in iub-s€.tion {5), for the words "Ztla Na:irn". whelever occur, the word "Magislrate'
5ha1! be Eubstitutedt and

td) I for the words "co secutive days rnd not more than seven days rn
sub se.tron (6), a

rronth', the word monthi'shallbe substituted.

.18 Ame]llIagrlli! section 14s. Act v of 1898 - ln thc satd Code, io section 145,:!b-,ection (1), for the
rro,il! Migrstturte of the first class'/, the words and commas "Dr5trict i.4agist'.f" ' 5 iir_Drvis onal
Magr5lrate, .rr an Ere.utive Megistrate speciatly empowered by the Provitrcial Gc't':,.rrl'shal Le

1! Amend!'led !!EOi.qO--14EJg!-\LqL1g98. ln the 5ard Code, in sectlon 145, rn iJb-ect on (1i, n

thp pr.rvilo, before the word "MaEistrate", lhe oords "the Distnct Magistrate or" shall be inserted.

50. Amendment in V of 1a9a.' rn the sald Code, in section 147, ' sub section (1), for
thc \!crd! l\,,taertrrate'of the tirst clast', the words and comma "Dittrict Magistrate, or 5ub'divisional
lnd:.r;!ir(J..,ni'..-Lrnirr'e,,,r'isLaresL.(iall,/Parno\^€.edhy1fel,ro.i.ri,rt c.,,.rn,r.r :,) . j i.ihrl,
r .all .,: iuhsntilr;rfl

,A4icg!LqjI-Lse!AoL14g.A.!_Y_!i_1!l& . in the (a 4.JJc, rn 5eLiion Ji1/rnrL!-!E.rio,ir1r.i.ii

ord5 '';5ess:ors luoJ3r". the words 'Dern.t VsBist,rte or Sub-,jivitor;l N4agi\t.rte" EL all D!

A,l-r.'!: 1]1.ir q E1-re$.L,i V of 1898 In ihe \ad CoCe. ln iecrion 157 ir sLl, !ectLorr rl), tlr!
r!lio r llg erp rr ai rrr \|la!lb. .s€rted

'Srrplanari.:,i F.r rhe irurpose cf ttrj serlion, in the ca!e t able nt, an ixe.!trre !'rag,si13te,,rhf
:rpr( ir'o,, neare!r N agrstrate' nreiln. tne Executrv. tuldgisri.6tc:,ir(l lil 3ilo.1le. (ises._he rudrc l
l\'1agr.tl ale."

! I {ml!jue-&t^!l-5e!li9.!.U-4, Act V of 1835 - ln the sa rd Ccde, rn se.t on I ;,1

lr) irr!!b!uclrcrr r 1), afler the word: 'any ruie5 prescribed L'y the ?revri.ral Go\ erriiler,t , ihe
ujl)rd! and Lornmas ", or by r anLt g€neralo. spe(ial oioer of the D nrict or Sun-drlEro iil
Nl;Brsrrrte-' i rall b. in!e(edl

i5t ril subiection l2), for the wor.i "Eoncerned", the lror.is "Drrt.,.i MaEstraie or i.rb
C vr5ionnl" shzil be nrb!tIuted;.]ncl

i! 1 ia, !,iir!e.i cn (5), lhe io!lo{ing 5hall be suosituled

, 'i''j A DLstrict I!4agrstrate, 5ub.divitiolla, MagEtrate or any othr:r [r..r]lNe Magrstrrre

spr.iirliy empovvcred in th15 beh, I iry the Pro,/in(ial Governrlrent.i tr. Oi:tr'ct Meg nrate fiay
hLrl.l r r ifquest r nder thk je.noll

l/i AmsndEl!!in seEtioLlg63g!!-91-39.99 - in thesaid Code, in sect,o 12l6.rn5 bsectrnIi.I),,her

irrroiC'\,iherr"th.rw!.rd5:rdcornmas'irDistri.tfllaZietraie,oraSubdirisioral'Vl:gi3ir::e,or, f he i!
!fo( illr.iDi,tlr.,, rd r! ,h,s L,rhalf by the Pn)!,nclal Go,/ernment." shali be ,n!c;ial

!! !gb)!!r!-l!!)]1!i_!e!!iqrl9:0a-/Lc!V_ql.1g9g - ln rh€ 5a d a.de, ior sect o. 190, ihe f(r]low fq rh. I bi

'190 oi offences bv Maeistrelg!.- (1) lxrrpt ai irerern:tter P1'vdr.i, ny DEtirci

lrdgi:lrilr,,rl'r -q,rb-0iv:sion.ll M,iglstrate ahd eny other lrJgislraie tpeciillly empo!.r'er.o rn hjJ 5el.:lI
rr\ ;rk. .nrlri:iri., .r.nl olftince
L;) i!Dl re.r,Lvir g a ( ompi;rir of fa.ts lviri.n constitute 5uch olfencel
lbr irD,r r reDorr rn ,/ itrnf of ru.h I acrc rnrde by any potr.€ offl.er; o.
l.) \lpo,, rrfo,matror received trorn any person other thrn a poI.e cffc-i cr up(;n nrj c,!o
lJovrh.iZe ,rr r!s irciori, that sL'ch cffe|rce has been commilled

llt Thq Pr(l\,iilci; Governmer,t may cmpovrer dnv MagisrrltE to tirke L(.gni;-rn[e trder sub-
n.i or ir l, , laui€ \.) or (l.rUr e (bl of offence for which he may iry or scnd io rhe Coun oi S,.ssbn fDr l irl

Provided that rn the .rse of d judrcral Maeis(iate the Pro!rnoal Go!,errment shail E^erL[c
un rhc rc, cnlnt€ndatio; ol ihe lligh Corrrt
'l,r!! ircr,€r

,3rA \'laCrgtate tJkrnts [og tzance und€r sub-sectron (1] ot an offenc€ tflabl€ er.tusivety bt a
Cou i Ji Se!i on sh3ll. wirhout recordrng any evidence, sent the case to the Court of Sessior for rflat.,,

5. Amendment in rc4is!!9jLltsl!!ll!!9!.- rn rhe said Code, tr sectron 191:

irl after rhe ,,rord 'senr', lhe words and conrma ',in lhe case or ludlciat Megisrrare,, shalt b€
rn5e4ed, and

ilr) aflcr rhe word 'Sessions ludge", th€ words and comma "n the case of Executive
Magrr..atp, to the Dasrract Magigtrate" shaltbc inserted.

5/ Substitutioj of eection 192. Ad V of 1898.- tn the said Code, for sedion 192, the fo|owing shal be

fransfer of cas€, by Masistl.tes-- {1) Any Maglsrrate o, rh€ frrsr ctas5 especra y
e,lpolvered rn ttrs behalF by thc Provincrai Government may, subiect to rhe provisionr of sub secrion (3) of
settron 190. transler any case, of which he has taken cogflizance. for trjal to such: .jiciat MaSrstrate as
maY be (pecilied b,,/ the Sessrons Judgc'

Provrded rhar rf rhe off€nce is rnable by a Judicial Msgistrate, thc case shatl be 5eat ro the Coun of
Sessroo for t.anrfer to ,.rch Magistrale.

(:) Any Drslflct Magisrrdte rnay empower ary txecutive I!'lagistrare subcrdinate to hrm, who
has t.krn cogfirjnac cf any transier such (ese lor inqulry or tnal to any othet Fxecutive
€ase, to
Magrstrare in hrs dr\t4.t who 15 competent under this Code to try the accused; and such MaSistrate mat
drspose of the ca5e accordingly.

il) A 5e!srons judge lhay empo\.Jer any Judrci6l Magistrate who ha5 raken cotnirance of any
.rse, to tranrfar such caso for trial !o Jny other Judicial MaSistrate rn h,s distnct, rndr<,,,ch Magistraie may
dr!pose oi the case ,ccordinSly "

58 Amendment in secti 193, Act V of LEgE.- ln the said Code, rn sect on 193. in srb-seclion (i), far
the br..lets and fi(ure (2)", lhe brackets and frgure '{3)" rhallbe substituted

lhe wcidr "oflicer-1n-(ha16? ot the prosec,.rtion in the district'', the words "a DEtrict MaErstrate" 5haii be

6Lr Anendment i!!-!cgDI]-Uleg!A6-y-9t-tr!9.g ln the said code, in sectron 196-8, fcr the words
o4,.er rn charge .f rhi: investreatron in the district", the words "a District MaBisrrate" shall bc sub5irlirted.

61 amendmenl]!-:gc!9rl?49.-Ag-y-9ilE!.- ln the s.id code, in rection 249, after the worc!

"ses..ion\ lirdEe' rhe lvords "in the case of ludiciel Magistrate and oistri.l MaB5t,ate n the case of
{ ie, rt ve I\4adi!trate" !,hall be inserted.

62 Ase!.9.!lS!Lh-re!!lS!_33ZrAdJ-9I-189! - rn d,e taid code, ,. 5ect,on 317 in 5ub+ection (1), ,or

rl,e .y-r,rj 'oifrc?r-in-.h3rge of the prosecution in rhe districf', the wo.ds Orstnct Mrgrstate, o. Sub.
div q orr i\,l.rSrsirntt" shall be ingerted

63. amendmenr iLscction 338.I!Lv oi 1!98.- ln the said Code, in rection 338, for the word5
'.flr.cr-,n-.harge .J the prosecution in the district', the words "oistrict Magistrate" shall be inserted

:,.1,r_Lt"!ar, -,l.rgjlttllfil,4q\l ci -r89ti -r.lrre!a,daode rc.r:jrk.--r_1 !,r€ f:rir;,.ir ii,,.r.ri_

'' r. --c,r1_A1]E!.iq!9-Lo- scnd c!ov_6tllnjli!IG_islir!!e!-!g rr::sesrne.jbyrLi.a!u,!-,

(.. uri,'hc Crr,.' r'r,rll fo.tard. lopv ot i:t findingsand se[ten[etrrhe Dlrir;ai rla8]siia!e. j
ll /rJ .ii ,r ,llrrJlI prosscutronr.'hedtsrrlct"

t\rr.pnr'ja-r!.]l r!g,tj!!, 386. Act V of 1A98 r, rhe s,rid (.de rn se.8o. 136

i,,:b'e!l!,nilj,rn.laure(b),{orrhewordrd dDriickelsrDirt .t,:lfir.-(f.vcnre)"

, .rl(. 'Collecrof ot the Uis1ri.r" sl,all be substilutedt xnJ

t!) .ib ic.i;on i3), for the wor,is and bra(late "Drstri.i Cfflcer {Revenref', th. \,!,!
' l rl,,' rui' \h. il be !ub!tituted.

'' a ,1j,-i!.li9j1i-li!q!!! n 347. A.t v of 1896 - ln lhe 5rrC Code rn !ertr(.i 187. t,er.r, the r,'ori
'. . rr.ir.i.r '_i.! .,r.rr "0r5lr.:r' ihali be rnserred

!!oa!lle4ig!r 4O8. Art V oi 1E98 - ln tne laid Codr. for 5e.t Dn.,lCJ the fclio,! :8 s\ail bF

Apreai from sentEnce of Assislent Sarsions lodtc or Maglstrate cf Fi6t Class. An,l
1,,-:of :ofr , L. C r)n a trial lre!l by an As5istant Sessione lrdge, E District l\4agistrate or,)lher tutagislfate ,)r'
tr,,rTtt'. !'.,.,r.jnvE€rtsr!rntenLedundr'r 5e(ton349rnrVappEaltotheCouitofSessron

I r,', r, ,l rs f.ii(.\rs

(ri il,, ', r! .,ny r.si: an Aisistant 5€r\rons ludte o. a MaBistr.te specraiv e..npow.re,l uioe,
\,r,io'r Ji) passe5 iny senteflcc of impri5onmerrl for a term erceedirg four yea'\, lh(, ap!eal of
ir .r fixr il ihe a(cused convi(ted et.uch trial shall Ie tothe HiBh Court; and

(iJ) ,hcn .'nl !ersorr rr con!icrei by a MaEistrate of an offence !rder seciioi, I?l-A of rla
: r,, i. : \ i'p,i;l ac(:c, (A.r XLV oi r 86C1, the ippea shall Iie to the llrgh Cruil.'

Ui,:l!r 9t!9qlrs!'li4:A,4c!_9$99! .to the saLd Code, sert on 414 a shalibc rrnrtt.d

fuiqAli?lELqrq4l9lltf,lE -Agg_ol_LEgg.- l the sEid Codc. in tectior i36

r ' ,'i irar e raj ri:r the words any", Ihe wordr "any rudicial" 5hall be substituted, and

i,) in s beeclion (b), lor the words 'any Magis!.ale", the ,,,'ord! th! Distrxt [,a.i]rsirdlr ir '
hriyrrelf or by; ny of the Ex€.utrve Maeretrates subordinate to hinr sha ll be 5ubsriruted

i .!JCjUlue!LiI-!9S!L{in 503, Act V of 1898 ' ln the said Code, irr se.tion 503, in sub.s€.lran (1)

beiore words 'a Ccuir ol Session' the,6,ords and com a'aDrstrictMaE15ftare,'shal,be

li,, l:(.fornihewo'Cs''Courtmaydtspensc',thevroids"l,'lagtstr;teoi"!i.,,ibcrn\c.ted drrn

rlrci u-. wor( ! "may issue a cornmrssr.n to a1y", the ,|]ords "C:.,t Ct MJgritrare or" 9h;ll
ll 4trrad!tdJr-j!!jj!:rr:qo-4!!-y-Sf-1!.9g - n tl,e sard code, r. ieLt on s06

1a) ifler 1f,- wcra, 'belore aIy Mat srrate', the words and conrma ,orher than a Distlrt
UaBr5trale," shatl be rnse(ed,

ib) ,rfter the words "such Magi!rrat,_r", the v,/ords and comntas ".rf he is a judiciat MaEi\trate,,,

afler the word5 "to the Sesrion! ludg€', the words and commas ,,and if he is an Execut,v€
MrgFrrate. shalldpply to the District Magrstrate" shall tre inserted; and

id) iiter lir! wor.l5 "dnd the Sessrons ludge", the words aod commas or the Disrfl.t
N,laEjrtrat!, d! the r:se trray be," shall be inserted.

7?. Amendmentj!!ttglig!-5!LAct V of 1898. InthesaidCocre, rn secrion 514, in sub-!edron (3),to,

the wor'ds and br;rckels "Or;rricr Offi€er (Revenue)", the words "Distract Magistrate" shell be 5ubetrtuted

7i. 5ubstitutron of sectton 515, Act V of 1898 - rn the said Code, for section 515, the followinS shal he

"s15. 4-pea"Ellos-_ fu99!9!-9L9rdel:s!qqle!!jgr_5f4.'AIl orders passed Lrnder se.tror

!14 h! .i Lr !1..t lvlag \trate ir a iudrcial tulagrstrate shall be appezlabl( to the Se5srons ludge and a I such
ordEts pa5r€d b.r an exe:utrv€ MaBrttrate, c,ther tharl d Drstrict Nlagittrate, shall be appealsble to the
Distrin lvlagislrale. or, il
no .ppeal is made aga nst such order, may be revised, in lhe care of an crder
pissed by a Dlsrr Lt Magistrate or a Judicial MaSistrate by the Sesrions ludge, anC ir) r))e case of an order
oa!s.d b\r 3i Ere.ui yr iyegrslrate, other th:n a Distn.t Magrstrate, by the Distr ct Magistr.te '

l( Am€ndment in section 517 , Act V of 1898 .- In the sEid Code, in section 517, in sub-rection 12). for
ihe words and bracket3 "District officer (Revcnue)' the words 'District M38istrate" shall be substil,Jted

/5 am€ndment in sectloh 51a. Act V of 1898 lnth€saidCode inse.tlon518

i"l r. the nar8ini! heading, after word "rcference", the words "to District MaBrstrate or Sub
di/rsroNalMagistrate" sha I be insertedjand

(b) for the words i'z Ma8,strate of the flrst cldss' the wcrds and Lomnra
a District Magrstrate or to a Sub-divisionil Magrstrrte," shall be subst tuted.

76. Aoe-!Cqlc.di!le3j.sD_9?!.-A.d_!LaI-L89!.- rn the said code, rn sect on s24, in sub'section (1)fol

th,: words "tulagretrarc oI the frst cldsr" the words and commas Oistfi.t lvlaEistrate or 5l]b Dr,/isrofri
lrla,r rirare. .r of a'lv otl,er exr.utrve MaHlstrate," shali be substituted.

lnrertion of section 528-A, Act V ot 1898 - ln the sard Code, ,rIt.r 5e.rion ir,
528 A !hallbe inserted

''528-4. Power of Dlstrict Magistrate for transf€r of cares. (1) A Distncl Maglstrate may v/rthdra,v
or rec.ll alry case u/hich he has rnade over to a Magistrate subordarate to him.

{2) Where a Distri.t Magrstrate withdra'xs or recalls a case 'rndar lub-section (1), he may
eirher r! the r:a!c hrnrself or make it oler rn accorJance wth dre provrsron5 o{ thrs Code for trial to anY
ctlrir i\.l.erst,irE r!bor;rnate to hr4r "

Amendment in seEt ron 552. v of 1899.' ln the s?rd Code, rn sectron 552, ior the worCs
"S..sronc J!dge", the words' District Magistrate" shalr be subsrituted

. ! Arnendment in sectjS!_559-&-]Let_49!. ln the said code rr1 sectron ss9, rn \ub{ecrion 12),
df ?r the woldt "s€ssions lLd8c", the words and comma "in the case ol a ludicial Ma8rstrate, anrl tle
Dr'r.ict Magistrate in the casr of an txecutive Magistrate" shall be ins€rred.

!t A.tn!!!!!e!!jq!lhgiul€ lll. Act V of 1898.' ln the said Code, in schedule lll

ir) rn Part lll, de.rling with ordinary powers of the Magrstrate of the frrst class

I'l rh€ enrrie5 (ra), 11ab), (3a), (3ab) (3ac), l3ad). {3ae), (3af), l6ab), ioacr, (8.]). t8abt ,rid
i12;b). shall r omrtted: and


Sub-sect,on (6) was added in section 22-A of Cr. P.C. by the Federal Government through Third
Ari,lrdnrenl Ordrnance No. (XXXI of 2002 on 2 r'L day of November, 20U2 \A/hrch reads a5 under:
"22-A{6) An er-offr.io lusti.e o{ the Peace may issue appropriate drre.t,ons to the poiice
auLhorities conccrned on a complaiot regarding -
Non.regrstration of a Criminal casel
' ransfer of investiggtion froh one police officer to aooth€r;
Neglect, fail!re or ex ess aommitted by a police authority in relatron to its functions and duties, '.

l. lt 15 a natter of rccord that refer rntroduEtion of the above provieon, false FlRs are being
ge.tral publi. a! w€ll a! the publrc office13 partrcularly the police Officers, with the result lhe respectable
peJJle ol rhc Coufltfy are be nB harassed and rhe personnel of law Enforcernellt Agencies demora ized

:j Pro. to the abov€ provision o{ the Cr. P.C., such FlRt could only be registered o r the direction ol
th(, liSh [ourt and there wa1 no chance ror lodgrng the false FlRs through Hrgh Cou .

4 l. the pubhc intercst, lt is Iequested thatsubsection {6)ofsection 22-AofCr. P.C maykndlybE

o'rir'1ed hy lhe Fede.al Gover nment as soon as possible, so that the people are saved fronr hera(snrpit end
th(, Law Entor(€ment Agen:les are able to rnarntain the law rnd crder in the Countn/ lvithout any

5 A0rrt lrom Ihe above, in the year 2001 the provisions of District Magistrdte! and Erecutive
t\,laiistratet were onriued fr)m the Code of Cnmrnal Procedure, 1898 and at present there are no DEtfl.r
lJ.sistrale, a d rhe ixecunv? Magistrates in the Provinces, with the rcs!lt the Provrncial Governments 6re
fa.ing seriol s chrllenge\ r nraintarnrng the lalv a6d order situat on.

6 Allthe Provirl€r.lGo\elnments have alreedy requested the Federal6overnment to reintroduae the

p orisron5 of Executrve Magrstracy in the Code ot Crimlnal Procedure, 1898 Therelore, necessary action
nrry kindly be taken ;n the m rtter ar soon as possrble

'd.l- Ayir Soomro,

Mr. Muhimmad
Melrlber, Natlo.al Assembly.

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