Enhencement of Age of Superannuation
Enhencement of Age of Superannuation
Enhencement of Age of Superannuation
It has been brought to the notice of the Commissioner, Health & Family
welfare, Mangalagiri, Guntur that certain contract MPHA(F) employees have been
continuing beyond 60 years without any Government orders. Further, the
Government have clarified vide ref. 'lst cited that, orders were issued vide the
G.O.Ms.No.'15, Finance (HR IV-FR&LR) Department, dated .01.2022 rcad with the
Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of Superannuation)
(Amendment) Act, 2022 (Act 4 of 2022) are applicable in respect of no other
category of employee except the following:
ii) officers and other employees working in any local authority, whose salaries and
allowances are paid out of the consolidated fund of the State;
iii) persons appointed to the Secretariat Staff of the Houses of the State
Legislature and
- Administrative dfrcer zi
The District Medical & Health fficers in the State of Anclhra pradesh.
Copy to the fite.
8692692t 2024IESTB SEC-CH FW
Srrb:. llAtlillil\! I t(.ll l tlrr('nl l.,rtlr,rrrr r rl lii,. |,r' ,,1 '.r ll,l lilrtltt'll'
(;rtt"'t rll('lll l.ltttlrlttt,r'r':r lIr,r /rt., \'r'iri'. lr, r,.' .,.,r: !,'r ffcl '
Ref:. l) (i() i\ls.i'ir, lii, l.'itt.itrr',' iiill.lV i"i'.',f,l.l,rrlr. ')rt ri r';;l'()1" ''
lir,rttt l)itr'r'lrlt ,,1 I'rrlrli, llr',rltlr ri, 1.,, ,l ' \l'<:llirt''
\,'r1.,\';,,,t;rrl;r lt l1iii, li{.}i!,1 i', i,l rr;; 'i 1' :it )'b')l'l
1) ('trt ttl;rt 11,'1,11,r.frlrr. iv,i ',t ' r.' f ':l ' lt": ! '!l )i20?":
I )ir I (.,1 -):l (lt) .2tY),1 .
'l'hr: altt'ttti.!ll t)f llll lht' llr:irds ol tll(' (l|!'rrl t'ri'r:' rriitl"r irrlnlini":i;'
| ,\;:ll(tl rrf llcaltlt, ivlt'cli<;al &' tlalrlily Wr:lIrr'' l]r:lr 'r'irr'';:l
rs i''vit-ccl
,(.1(.r.r.rlCr'-1,,1 cit<-.rl {r:1;r-t, r.rrcl6scrl} ani ltt,-1' IrI,' Ii 'iIt?''''!I ' l"l!'rrv inst:'
SiECIAL CHIEIT SriCRI:T.fiIiY T0 $oVEnl iitlir]:'i'
I'll'l(l(:I' a(i'IlllliStl''rl:r''1' ( (
rlt ti "rt til rlt:alth, Mt
,ili ll.,rlS Of tlrt-' rJr:parlnl(j 'tr'
l:,.,rnrlt Wellarc I)cJ)arltrlcnl (\t''':)
ni.ll S r., Spccial ChicI'Sccrctary to Covcrtllrrcrrt, l'lh'il''rl"iV l)cpartment
Thr'' l).A ro Sccrc(arJ'ro Govcrn'ncnt, llM&f'V'/ D' 1:'rtt''r' '
sr (2 I ,i50l4l
//FORWARDED :: IJY olii)liii/ ,' (r
t (- r i.,
FTNANcE (HR.rv_FR&LR) oepariiilirr.
Cir.Memo,No.1813129 /Ff Ol-HR /212 r2O22-HR_IV pt.23.o9.2022
Sub: Finance Department- public
i:ir].:_r-. Enhancement of the age of
(60) vears to tozl irpjll"iii,i'-
#3;l'J,H:t|o1"[:m c;,t"in
Ref; G.O.Ms.No.l5, Finance (HR.tv-FR&LR)
Department datec, 3t.Oi.IOZ2
rpad with Andhra pradesh pubtrc-Em;toi;;;l
5uperannuation) (Amendment) Act
4of 2d22.
Age of
amendment to the Act are appticabte to
l;"r#ir'jl,",ji;l?ilof rhe foilowins
i) percons appointed to pubric se,ices and posts in connection
atrairs of the state; wtth the
ii) officers and other
_emptoyees y?rking t!1 any
salaries and allowances
locat authority, whose
are paid ouiof di fund of the
iii) pertans appointed to the Secretariat
Staff of the tlouses of the State
Legislature and
iv) every other officer. or emptoyee whose conditions
'under of service are
regulated by the -
rylel framed tne proiiio to Articte 3Og of the
Constitution of India betore tne commeic1iinl
the Village Olficers and Law Officers;
of this Act, other than
whether appolnted before or after the commencement
af this Act.
5. The G.O. and the amendment to the Act in the
explanatory and in respe(:t of the category oi ;;;i";;;r' reference clted are self
there is no scope for anv amuigu'ity' o. OoiOl -ilquiring ;"ntioned therein and
interpretation. ctarification or
. Notwithstanding
the above, it is brought to notice of the Government
Go_vernment pSUs / Corporations / -lnstitutao;; - that
including Educationar Institutions- I iron-teacninl-rii# /- Companies
-tn" / Societies
is_sued orders exrending the age of superanrratio,i
ir unrversities have
having the necessary competency.
r.oii ljol io tgzl years, without