D-PTC Code of Ethics
D-PTC Code of Ethics
D-PTC Code of Ethics
It is a solemn responsibility of a PTC member, after admission in the practice of a particular profession to adhere
to the fundamental principles of his profession guided by the norm of conduct consistent with this Code of
Rule 1. The practice of a particular allied Technological Profession is a privilege granted by the state. The
privilege requires high degree of knowledge, efficiency, responsibility, and morality. The dignity and honor of
the profession must at all times be kept unblemished.
Rule 2. The PTC Member shall, in the practice of his profession, be governed by the Golden Rule, and the
ideals of services to man and his environment.
Rule 3. The duly constituted authorities shall be recognized and obeyed in the practice of his profession.
Rule 1. The PTC member shall maintain allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines, support the
Constitution and obey all laws duly promulgated and approved by the duly constitute authorities.
Rule 2. He shall be well informed of the latest technological progress in his own line of work. He shall
encourage, and require the use or application of standard equipment, machinery, or process for safety, economy
and efficiency.
Rule 3. He shall update and enhance constantly his professional knowledge and skills through assiduous
research and study, and meaningful participation in continuing education programs and seminars conducted by
the different Technological Associations or Educational Institutions supervised by the state.
Rule 4. He shall avoid and discourage sensational, exaggerated and unwarranted statements that might induce
participation in unsound enterprises.
Rule 5. When he discovers faulty or unsafe devices, equipment, or machinery in any place, work or plant, he
shall without delay, give notice thereof to the proper authority, public or private, for its immediate and effective
Rule 1. The PTC Member must faithfully use his knowledge and skills on performing his tasks to his clients
or employer.
Rule 2. He shall protect with utmost professional attention the interests of his employer or client.
Rule 3. He shall not advance or promote any interest of his client or employer which is contrary to law, public
or professional obligations and ethics.
Rule 4. Whenever his obligations to his employer or clients are in conflict with his professional obligations or
ethics, he should endeavour to resolve the conflict in accordance with the law public policy, and the provision of
this code. When the conflict is beyond reconciliation, he should serve his professional engagement.
Rule 5. He shall not divulge any information given in confidence during his employment, neither shall be
attempt to profit therefrom nor shall he use, directly or indirectly, such information to the prejudice of his
employer and other contracting parties shall be faithfully determined and discharged
Rule 6. He shall not engage or offer to engage, his professional services to those with conflicting and adverse
Rule 7. He shall act as trustee of his client or employer in the preparation of contracts and similar documents.
He shall be impartial in the interpretation of such documents so that the rights and obligations of his clients or
employer and other contracting parties shall be faithfully determined and discharged.
Rule 8. He must refer his client or employer, whenever necessary, to serve the interests of the later, to experts
or consultants. He must not accept any favour or compensation whatsoever for the referral to such experts or
Rule 1. The PTC Member, as employer, shall at all times be concerned with the welfare of his employees
whose rights as workers are guaranteed under the Constitution and protected by laws.
Rule 2. He shall be willing to share the substantial profits from his enterprise with the employees responsible
Rule 3. He must observe and obey all laws, rules and regulations on labor, particularly those affecting labor
relations, hours of work, wages and terms and conditions of work.
Rule 4. He shall at all times strive to improve the knowledge and skills of his employees, provide safety
measures for his men, and maintain the operations efficiency of his machines or equipment.
Rule 1 “To thine oneself be true and thou cannot be false to any man “expresses the duty which a PTC
Member owes to himself and to others.
Rule 2. He shall use only fair means to gain professional advancement. In the pursuit thereof, he shall not
injure the work employment opportunities of others, or use any improper or questionable method of soliciting
employment of clientele.
Rule 4. He must duly acknowledge the professional work of his colleagues and subordinates and give full
recognition thereto.
Rule 5. He shall define clearly the line of authority and the scope of responsibility of his associates and
assistants, orders or the recall thereof, shall be issued through proper channels.
Rule 6. He must always encourage and promote the professional advancement of his colleagues, especially
when he occupies a position of authority. He shall exert efforts to assist in the development of the Knowledge
and skills of his colleagues.
Rule 7. He shall receptive to new ideas and suggestions from others, and ready to recognize, encourage, and
accredit the authors thereof.
Rule 8. He shall use tact and discretion in dealing with his colleagues and associates, but not at the sacrifice
firmness. He shall work out difficulty problems with courage and serenity.
Rule 9. He shall actively support the duly accredited association with the end in view of enhancing the
practice of the profession and discharging his public responsibilities as a professional.
Violation of any provision of this code shall constitute unethical or unprofessional conduct and shall be dealt
with under the provisions of the pertinent section of the particular Architecture, Engineering or Allied
Profession’s Law.
In addition to the PTC code of ethics, each of the professional disciplines has its own Code of Ethics, which the
professional is expected to observe and be bound with.
The Candidate’s Engineering Practice Report (PR) will be evaluated as to compliance with the required
Competency Units and Elements by an Accredited National Assessor, who is an Advanced Level Engineer duly
accredited by the PTC-IRC. When the EPR is assessed as having met the requirements in terms of structure and
the apparent quality of the content, the Candidate will be invited to a Professional Interview (PI). The PI is
essentially a peer review of the competencies claimed by the candidate in his EPR.
The PI is carried out by an assessment panel (the Panel of Experts) consisting of two (2) Professional
Interviewers and an Accredited National Assessor. The PI usually takes about an hour.
The final determination and choice of the Professional Interviews will be made by the PTC – IRC, who will be
responsible for arranging:
The selection of Professional Interviews representing the candidate’s area of practice and/or professional
The availability of the Professional Interviewers;
The date, time and place of the Interview.
The Professional Interviewers are likewise Advanced Level Engineers who are officially endorsed by the
Accredited Professional Organization of PTC council members and will be chosen such that they have had no
prior relationship with the candidate that could prejudice the interview and be able to treat the Engineering
Practice Report (EPR) as commercial-in-confidence and not be in competition professionally with the candidate
or his/her employer;
The main tasks and responsibilities of the Professional Interviewers are to:
A list of Accredited national Assessors and Professional Interviewers may be obtained from: