Communication Management Strategy: Project Name: Date: Release: Author: Owner: Client: Document Number
Communication Management Strategy: Project Name: Date: Release: Author: Owner: Client: Document Number
Communication Management Strategy: Project Name: Date: Release: Author: Owner: Client: Document Number
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Communication Management Strategy Created/updated 23/01/16
<Insert Project Name>
Purpose A Communication Management Strategy contains a description of the
means and frequency of communication to parties both internal and
external to the project. It facilitates engagement with stakeholders
through the establishment of a controlled and bi-directional flow of
Contents The Communication Management Strategy should cover the following topics.
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3
Communications Procedure .................................................................................... 3
Tools and Techniques ............................................................................................. 3
Records ................................................................................................................... 3
Reporting ................................................................................................................. 3
Timing of Communication Activities ...................................................................... 4
Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 4
Stakeholder Analysis ............................................................................................... 5
Information Needs ................................................................................................... 6
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Communication Management Strategy Created/updated 23/01/16
<Insert Project Name>
(States the purpose, objectives and scope, and identifies who is responsible for the
Communications Procedure
(A description of (or reference to) any communication methods to be used. Any variance
from corporate or programme management standards should be highlighted, together with
a justification for the variance)
(Definition of what communication records will be required and where they will be
stored (for example, logging of external correspondence))
(Describes any reports on the communication process that are to be produced, including
their purpose, timing and recipients (for example, performance indicators))
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Communication Management Strategy Created/updated 23/01/16
<Insert Project Name>
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Communication Management Strategy <Insert Project Name> Created/updated 23/01/16
Stakeholder Analysis
Interested Party1 Current Desired Interfaces Key Messages
Relationship Relationship
This may include accounts staff, user forum, internal audit, corporate or programme quality assurance, competitors etc.
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Communication Management Strategy <Insert Project Name> Created/updated 23/01/16
Information Needs
Interested Party Information for Information Information Frequency of Means of Format of
Distribution for Collection Provider and Communication Communication Communication
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