Ehlers Short CV Jan 2024
Ehlers Short CV Jan 2024
Ehlers Short CV Jan 2024
Director of Learning & Engagement, Idea51/One Stone. Aug. 2023-Jan. 24.
Designed and created competency-based learning modules, facilitated our Wayfinding Mentorship Program with
educators across the globe, and collaborated with six partner schools throughout the U.S. to progress on their goals of
competency-based and project-based teaching, learning, and authentic assessment using our Growth Framework (Bold
Learning Objectives, Growth Transcript, and SmartCoach).
Director of Project-Based Learning (PBL) & STEAM, Alberton School District. Aug. 2021-May 23.
Facilitated admin/staff professional development through student-driven projects and a PBL design process that
emphasizes student agency, competency-based assessments, pathways to meaningful products, and adult project partners.
Example projects include: documentaries Out on a Ledge and Fatal Attractants, a podcast Unpacking Injustice, a FIRST
Tech Challenge (FTC) Robotics Team, and a mountain lion necropsy to skeletal articulation exhibit.
Science Teacher, Missoula Online Academy (MOA). Sept. 2020-July 21.
Founding teacher of MOA. Designed and facilitated 9th-12th grade AP Biology, Physics and Earth Science classes. Using
Google Suite, Apex Learning and additional online tools (Zoom, Mentimeter, Kahoot, FlipGrid) to engage, challenge and
create an accessible, safe, fun learning environment for students and their families. In addition, guiding students in their
RISE Challenge Youth Climate Action Committee project that took first place in MT ($1000 award).
Athena Mentor Project Training Program Developer, Project Pangea LLC, May 2020-Aug. 20
Developed and facilitated an online Project-Based Learning (PBL) training program for six adults from China, Africa, and
the United States (US). The goal was to provide useful, easily applicable guidance to mentors who would then work with
students, Host School Educators (in Australia, Italy, Colombia & US), and Local School Educators (in Beijing) in their
process to build and implement BADASS Projects.
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Youth Program Manager, Montana Conservation Corps (MCC). Oct. 2017-Apr. 20.
Collaborated with land managers (e.g. USFS, FWP) to create youth service projects to protect and conserve Montana’s
public lands. My duties included recruiting/hiring/training staff, AmeriCorps members and youth participants, managing
all field logistics, creating our Middle School Program (Beaver Habitat Assessment), developing program evaluations, and
co-leading MCC’s Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion (JEDI) committee.
Research Associate, University of Montana, College of Forestry & Conservation. Aug. 2018-Sept. 18.
Co-designed and implemented a field season into the remote backcountry of interior Alaska to collect data on vegetation
cover, biomass, and forage quality for caribou. Via fixed-wing and helicopter fly-in trips, we sampled a total of eight sites
across the large summer range of the Fortymile Caribou Herd to assess summer habitat conditions. Data on veg biomass
was also collected using a Phantom 4 drone and MicaSense Red Edge sensor for image collection.
Biology and Environmental Science Teacher, High Tech High Chula Vista (HTHCV). Aug. 2012-July 17.
Project development and implementation using a combination of The National Equity Project and Stanford d.School
design processes to facilitate 11th grade student research through Project-Based Learning (PBL). Our 2017 yearlong
project was ROADS (Roadkill Observations And Deadly Strandings), including 12 terrestrial and two marine mammal
necropsies to assist UC Davis/NOAA in investigating cause and frequency of roadkill and marine mammal strandings.
Teaching Assistant, University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). Sept. 2010-June 12.
Prepared, taught, and graded labs for Biology 101 (Sept. 2010 and 2011 semesters), Biology 102 (Jan. 2011 and 2012
semesters), and Natural Resources and Environmental Management Forestry Field Camp 333 (summer 2011).
Field Technician & Data Manager, BC Ministry of Forests. Nov. 2009-Sept. 10.
Collected data to gather accurate snow depth, hardness, and sinking depths, by performing snowshoe transects.
Tracked threatened mountain ecotype woodland caribou to obtain terrestrial and arboreal feeding habits.
Biological Field Technician, Yellowstone Wolf Project. Oct. 2007-Aug. 09.
Conducted wild wolf capture, ground/air radio telemetry tracking, fixed-wing and helicopter experience, field necropsies,
and large data base management. Lead investigator on a ten year data set on Wolf Daily Activities to obtain kilometers
traveled per kill, inter-pack comparisons, annual comparisons, and early versus late winter activity and predation.
Science Coordinator, Ocean Institute. Sept. 2005-Nov. 07.
Employed as a Science Coordinator (curriculum development and delivery), Floating Lab Specialist (70 ft Research
Vessel), and Science Instructor. Trained over 100 college graduates as science instructors and taught over sixty different
programs to kindergarten through college level students on marine science, earth science, terrestrial ecology, and
California maritime history.
Program Director, Oregon State University Big Brother Big Sister Program. Sept. 2001-June 05.
Recruited and interviewed 100+ volunteers, matched mentors with mentees, and organized monthly events.
Acted as the liaison between parents, volunteers, staff, and Oregon State University faculty.
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